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Fins to add QB while Tua deals with concussion
WR Higgins confused by talk he's 'faking' injury
Watson plaintiff to meet NFL; lawyer teases video
Chase: Cincy 'team to beat' in AFC as K.C. looms
NFL, NFLPA at odds on Van Noy treatment in K.C.
Steelers QB Wilson 'closer and closer' to return
Cousins says Achilles 'good,' not limiting mobility
Retirement can wait: McGovern re-signs with Jets
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My Steelers :)
Reminder that bitchknees is a janny.
Reminder that Temujin is a woman.
Temujin is my lovely latina Raiders tradwife!
Tua is finished. They will force him out. His neck is too weak and they know he will die on the field if he keeps throwing gang signs and get the NFL cancelled. O Line is absolute shit. LoLphins are back. All you had to do was roll down your fucking window Reek.
bitchknees is definitely not beating the janitor allegations.
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Well anon? Have you admitted that Black Quarterbacks are no longer a meme?
The only good black quarterback is Josh Allen
Is he really black though?
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>Meanwhile at the Bears training facility
>Pooa Bringdacartova
Another reason why you should have a QB with a baseball background, they already know how to slide.
Good job fucking it up again.
Sorry satan, josh allen sucks.
>coincidentally, almost all QBs in the NFL suck or are overrated frauds
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Is this guy some kind of faggot
what is like having a concussion? O.o
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This guy will get a raise.
They aren't counting Mahomes as black are they? WHITE MAN MARCHES ON
Gayleb knows all about sliding(his cock into male buttholes)
NFL contracts should all be FULLY guaranteed like MLB contracts are.
Can't wait for the Josh Allen episode
Who else's season is already over?
So for me it would be like being you. Quite undesirable. For you? Imagine being indian.
He's hoping he can kiss the concussion away. The season depends on it.
All black guys are secretly on the down low. They act very masculine towards each other to attract potential secret male lovers.
1 min feels like 1 hour, 1 hour feels like 1 min. Where am i?
Chiefs they just don't know it yet.
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my stinky winky cum filled motor shitty kitties :3
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Bags of sand
>The season depends on it.
Other than having to see tua die on the field I'd say the team's season just improved DRASTICALLY. It is funny seeing anons switch from "he's the worst in the world" to "the phins season is over" instantly. They aren't going to do shit I just find the fake bullshit amusing.
This is Tua's future
The Titans are BY FAR the most forgettable team in the NFL. They should be relocated immediately.
>who are the commanders
no really, who the fuck are the commanders?
to where?
The irony is you forgot the actual most forgettable team.
I find myself forgetting that the Cardinals exist way more than the Titans
>you are now made aware that the washington commanders are not from washington state and are actually representing DC
>yes I know I hadn't ever really thought about it either because who the fuck cares about them
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>Tua in 2035
San Antonio or Mexico City
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Should be but the play is so much better when guys get replaced for all the injuries
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>*blocks your path*
>*tackles your ball carrier*
>*intercepts your pass*
Arizona Cardinals
Atlanta Falcons
Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Dallas Cowboys
Denver Broncos
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars
Las Vegas Raiders
Los Angeles Chargers
Los Angeles Rams
Miami Dolphins
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints
New York Giants
New York Jets
Philadelphia Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
San Francisco 49ers
Seattle Seahawks
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tennessee Titans
Washington Commanders
I was less than impressed with their backup yesterday but hopefully you're right. It's always a shame when a team gets knocked out of contention by an injury.
I think if he just goes home now he'll be pretty much ok. Just needs to invest all that money from this year RIGHT NOW.
The only question left this season is Niners or Lions for the NFC.
Who you got?
I always knew it wasn't Washington state because there are way too many black people at their games.
Why would a team from Washington state be in the NFC East?
Dolphins probably shouldn't have tried to make ook ook tyreek eek into George Floyd for acting like a fucking nigger.
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Chargers relocate again when?
it’s gonna be the saints
Wrong link. This is the right one.
Guarantee should only exist if you are capable of actually playing I'm sorry. You hurt yourself start of the year and have to sit the year out thats one thing but Tua for example is never playing again. Should he get SOMETHING? yes. Should he get most of it even? Fuck no. He wasn't worth the guaranteed money he signed for healthy, let alone broken.
I'll add that part to the list next time, didn't know they were nfc east, because who the fuck cares about the nfc, let alone the nfc east?
kek seattle is very diverse now
they just built a 100 quintillion dollar facility they’re stating in LA
You now remember Miami Dolphins legend Michael Caucasian
Once they cucked on Redskins they are dead to us all
This, but unironically
If Carr could actually lead this team to an owl it would be an undeniable sign that we all need to start going to church.
I thought they share everything with the Rasm
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Hawk Tua, concuss on that thang
what do you think i pray for? world peace?
It is kinda weird in retrospect that the washington dc team was the redskins instead of like the "israeli diplomats" or "military industrial complex" or something. Guess it doesn't have as good of a ring to it.

This bussy
Did the boy shit his pants?
yeah redskins was a cool ass name

i watched that south park episode
I wish it was the hawk tuah "woman" who got hit like that instead of tua.
Has anyone considered Friday Night Football?
My favrit book as a boy :P
Go Lion!! Team Lion!!!!
rebels or something else from the revolutionary period could be kino
Friday Night Football is illegal outside the very beginning and end of the season to prevent the NFL from overshadowing high school games.
Literally who?
>>josh allen wearing full hand cast with two fingers fused together
why make things up
Just doesn't remotely fit DC at all. They sold their soul in 1775.
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>2 out of 32 starting qbs have major injuries
>we're through game 1 out of 16 into week 2
who's next?
Literally had that last week. It sucked. Won't happen when any potentially meaningful college games are on.
> Just doesn't remotely fit DC at all
no but they could at least pretend. let me suspend my disbelief
keep dreaming faggot
Watson, Lameme, Dak, Herbert in that order.
kek fair enough.
>Washington Domestic Terrorists
Put George on the helmet.
>It's amazing that Allen wasn't highly rated out of high school, but somehow Bryce Young was. How the fuck does that happen?
he played multiple sports in a rural area, so he didn't work on just being a QB year round, didn't go to all the QB camps and didn't have access to QB coaches in middle school like bryce young and CJ Stroud types have

and recruiting services just hate white QBs now, Herbert was also a 2-3 star recruit
what if mahomes gets injured and the chiefs still win
Leroy is due for a season ending turf toe here shortly
Carson Wentz is unironically better than about half the starting QBs in the NFL
Untaken NFL team names that would objectively go hard





The revolutionary period doesn't really fit Northern Virginia. The capital was in Philly and the most die hard revolutionaries were from the northeast. The south was a hotbed of loyalists (although Virginia wasn't nearly as bad as the Carolinas).
Allen played sports so he didn't have to work on dad's farm. He wasn't trying to "get out da hood" or anything.
bro all of those are terrible
>he didn't work on just being a QB year round
That's their problem as much as anything. Imagine learning all your throwing ability from meathead football retards. The shit they teach is wildly autistic and ineffective at the pro level. Just throw the fucking ball until you throw dots from every angle and position possible. It's not a golf swing lol
Miller high life
The reddit spacing is perfect
Maybe you missed where I said "objectively", smart guy. This isn't up for debate
>nobody wants to be associated with the irish
>already an mlb team
>wolves are so lame they nearly went extinct in NA
>what the fuck even is this? were just naming trees now?
>already multiple minor league hockey teams with this meme name
Nah, for some reason the Chargers got to build their facility right across the way from the Stadium. Rams just built their facility in Woodland Hills, all the way in the valley. Kroenke is trying to build it into a whole mall thing, which for me is just fine. I notice there are more Rams fans in San Fernando then there are downtown anyhow.
g washington was born there at least. maybe they're trying to invoke something like that with commanders but they haven’t committed the branding
The colors don't fit "commander" and invokes communist more
The Washington Botes
guardians or commanders?
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Ryan Tannehil to the lolphins
>The only good black quarterback
Is a dead one
Gotta have Allen in your top 10 QBs, or you simply don't know ball
commanders, guardians is so bad
Jalen Hurts is very well
>whitlock pulling up a clip from 2 years ago where he called Tua a frail bitch whose body wasn't built for football
>calling all the former players crying about concussions and Tua beta males
>implies Tua's concussion was karma for supporting Tyreek and trying to get cops fired
kek, Whitlock is based
If I'm Tannehill I go on the phins for 5m easy money with tua money next year for bailing them out. Skylar can keep the team together while he learns the schemes.
Unironically a better QB than Tua. He took the fucking Titans of all teams to the 1 seed in the AFC when they had AJ Brown. Imagine what he'll do with Tyreek and Waddle. He is injury prone tho.
Titans were never the #1 seed. The most they ever did was play in Arrowhead in the AFCCG
Those cops should be deported not fired. They can't even fucking speak english.
The saviors of football
I know what's wrong with Deshaun Watson, he needs to get his nut off. He needs that thang oiled down
why is the raiders' coach take on tua headline news?
Washington should have changed their name to the Algonquians, kept the logo and showed respect towards the natives.
His "injury prone" nature came from DYING behind a line even worse than Tuas for a coach that didn't give a fuck about him unlike flores and mcdaniel who at least wanted tua to do well. Tannehill pissed blood for the phins and was spit on by "fans" for it. Dude never got a chance to fucking throw. I sat through his career with the phins. Guy never got a fucking chance.
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reminder that "retard" was originally a politically correct term from leftists meant to be a scientific term for people called morons or dunces. They always move the target because dumb people are always going to be subject of mockery no matter what term you use, same for midgets and other defective humans
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they were, newfag
Tua Takeahitanditsova
Because it is poor form to comment on other teams' situations like that. The other owners are pissed at Mark Davis.
Based retard
id like to see a different team than the Ravens
Bills offense is genuinely better without Diggs and Davis
>three OT games
lol how
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For me, I'd buy the Panthers and move them to St Louis. Change their mascot to a Raccoon and call them the St. Louis Bandits.
>>nobody wants to be associated with the irish
We have an entire international holiday where everyone wants to be Irish.
>>already an mlb team
Dead sport
>>wolves are so lame
Stopped reading
>>what the fuck even is this? were just naming trees now?
Oaks are analogies of strength and hardiness.
>>already multiple minor league hockey teams with this meme name
Nobody cares
Belichick's whole reason for wearing shitty hoodies was because the NFL wouldn't allow him to wear a suit. He wanted to dress properly like the old school coaches but reebok/nike require everybody to wear shit with their logo on it, so he rebelled by looking as awful as possible
thats pretty cool
san antonio shamrocks
I like that
I don't watch college football, but it seems like it's mostly based on hype and backroom agreements between schools, scouts, and agents. No way someone looks at some of these busts and doesn't see tons of red flags. How can you not see that Bryce is just too small, outside sucking.
But Satan, the overall play at the QB position has been dreadful for the most part. Surely these two things are mutually exclusive, right?
>Broncos allowed 76% completion on play-action plays last year
Fields is gonna have 7 touchdowns Sunday
>We have an entire international holiday where everyone wants to be Irish.
they dont want to be irish, they want to get drunk. the real irish experience would be starving to death or getting bayonetted by an englishman.
I still don't see how you couldn't just have a nike/reebok "suit" where its a nice suit with their logo on the tie or handkerchief or something. Or the shoes even?
McDaniel despite being a fucking nerd at least wears nice watches and sunglasses.
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Based if true
Then why didn't he wear the Reebok suit like Mike Nolan and Jack Del Rio?
Yeah but when you dig into the specifics you see that it's not a common factor. See: Daniel Jones, Bo Nix, Josh Allen, Kirk Cousins, etc.
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>kelce only got 4 targets last week
is based Mahomes going to phase this cuck out of the offense?
realistically speaking the Panthers are the coolest name and animal plus they have that cool sad Pepe that Anon posts here
For me it's the San Diego Chargers
I could not care any less
>Can't focus on anything
>have the feeling of wanting to constantly throw up
>extremely sleepy, but actually falling asleep is really bad for you
2/10 overall would not recommend
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>that's it, Damar. stay right there
>in a moment, nobody will remember those three interceptions that i threw
>not even me
You just know if a team moves back to STL, their first home opponent will be the Rams.
Kelce would just beat mahomes up
He has no choice. His wife is withholding sex until Patrick cuts ties with Travis and the succubus.
generally speaking, panthers and jaguars are the same animal. the exception is the "florida panther", an actual big cat species native to south florida and the namesake of the NHL team.
>suicide by football
Well it's a lot cooler than waiting until you Seau yourself
Well she's withholding videos
Anon, this is your father. It's time for you to get a job.
>wearing some garbage quality reebok suit
he only wears 5K custom italian suits
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make the next part of the Tua journey be permanent guardian cap usage
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Can they really justify broadcasting a murder live on television?
but dad the VA pays us to take online classes and listen to kpop all day
This moron's a concussion machine. Unbelievable they're paying him 53 million a year.
thats the definition of a trap game
Of her and Shannon Sharpe
Justin Fields last time out against Denver:
28/35 335yds 4 TD 1 INT
i thought jaguars were tigers
kek not anymore they aren't.
his career is OVER
[Beasley] What McDaniel told Tua coming off the field? "I told him he's the starting quarterback of his family. And to go in the locker room, take a deep breath, and I'll see you soon."

[Beasley] What McDaniel told Tua coming off the field? "I told him he's the starting quarterback of his family. And to go in the locker room, take a deep breath, and I'll see you soon."

[Beasley] What McDaniel told Tua coming off the field? "I told him he's the starting quarterback of his family. And to go in the locker room, take a deep breath, and I'll see you soon."

[Beasley] What McDaniel told Tua coming off the field? "I told him he's the starting quarterback of his family. And to go in the locker room, take a deep breath, and I'll see you soon."
No it isn't
Vince was ahead of his time when he tried to turn football into a soap opera for men.
>Edelman corrects Brady on the playbook
Based department?
He knew tua wouldn't remember that shit
God damn he's losing it kek
>Kroenke just entered the stadium and OH MY GOD THE ROCK JUST HIT HIM WITH A STEEL CHAIR
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you think Tyreek lets coach kiss him like that?
nah dude, tigers are native to asia and jags are native to south america
Finbros, what could we possibly do in the next three years to win a playoffs game? Tua isn't retiring any time soon
Kelce is in decline and on a pitch count until the end of the season and playoffs.
i thought it was just like a bad headache damn
Fucking hell Mike
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>I told him he's the starting quarterback of his family
Do you think Kroenke has enough self-awareness and self-esteem to play a heel?
Nah Tyreek kisses HIM like that. McDaniel has to move away because tyreek always goes for the lips. Zesty ahhh motherfucker wanted to submit to the cops not submit to the cops if you know what I'm sayin.
Here I was thinking he's just fat and off the roids
Read up on the lawsuit with St. Louis and you have your answer.
Colorado Shamrocks
Salt Lake City Angels
Kansas City Wolves
Sacremento Oaks
Birmingham Americans
seaus mom finding out her son an heroed always makes me kek
travis kelce is a very busy man

backup dancer
Signed a deal with Amazon to present a tv show
Featured in a new FX series
Beer company
Owns a horse named Swift Delivery
Tight end
>ahead of his time
>Patriots win super bowl after 9/11
>Jerome Bettis wins super bowl in final season hosted in his home town
>ray lewis wins in final season
>peyton manning wins in final season
>mahomes reffed to multiple rings
NFL has been scripted a long time, I'm probably missing some other blatant ones but these are just off the top of my head
Not before he dies. I think he'd be happy to do so if the Rams were solidified in the LA market. Right now the team is still reestablishing itself.
this except I'd call them the Coons
This might genuinely be the biggest mismatch in history
he has a cameo in happy gilmore 2
Brady winning the chinkb owl in 2020
at least its not a live murder on thanksgiving
he really likes the flashing lights
All of that happened after the XFL folded in 2001.
ctespn followed her to go id the body. she was not a happy camper lol
if you meme'd this into reality Chiefs Kingdom's broship with UAE Swiftie is officially over
It's going to be the that 59-0 ethering of the Titans all over again
Ya'll watching this? Tua called a press conference and he's only answering in Samoan
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Queefs are finished
Ah man what the fuck! I heard somebody somewhere mention once that underwear constricts the ballsack, so I decided to go commando in a pair of sweatpants when what to my surprise, a little dribble of piss leaked out of my cock which my underwear would normally catch, but now it dribbles in freefall all down my leg and dampens the inside of my pants! Never making that mistake again.
Go Lion! ROAR
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We need to protect him.
This stuff is funny from a meme perspective but I don't think people realize just how loathed brady and the patriots are by actual dolphins fans. When the talk about brady coming to the phins was going around you really saw who the real fans were kek
>Dolphins fans hate winners and success
Checks out
That's the linemen and coach's job lmao
Yeah thats what it is, no other reasons there could be at all. Can't think of anything. Nope.
Nah, that's Zoroastrian, nigga
I'm so sorry Bahamanigger.
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Well grier certainly isn't drafting those and mcdaniel clearly doesn't give a fuck about the retard so I guess its time to hang him from a palm tree outside the stadium like the coconut he is.
is he blind now?
We wears the sunglasses to hide the fact that his eyes are permanently crossed now
Tell me about the Eagles offense. Will Hurts get me a lot of points or does he hand off to RBs often?
Avg UFC fan
Yes, hitting the reinforced ribcage of the upgraded damar hamlin clone rendered him the modern Ray Charles.
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This fucker just needed to not throw picks and get 225 passing yards. Professional Quarterback my ass.
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wont happen bro
this guy's career is done before tua's holy shit.
What color is his chastity cage?
shit mcfarty
More like Jalen Hots
You can put 500 dollars down right now on Baker Mayfield to win MVP on draft kings with +8000 odds and it'd pay out 40,500.

Even if all you got is a cheeky 5 dollars, trust me when I'm telling you that Baker Mayfield is winning the 2024 NFL MVP award.
loan me a fiver big dog
Thats not how you spell Skylar Thompson
We wears the sunglasses to hide the fact that his eyes are permanently crossed now >>144390468
lmao at mid at best Jalen Hurts being the best of these clowns
I'm kinda feeling it's Purdy's year tbqh
>herbstreit shitting on sloppy zoomer QBs and basically saying >black QBs can't run an NFL offense and all the coaches are trying to dumb things down but it's still not working
kek, even the company men can no longer deny what is happening
everyone knows the secret to a happy marriage is to do whatever you lady commands
von miller likes fried chicken
It'll be Allen or Jefferson
he already shouldve won last year
Is this why McDaniel's playcalling is so awful? He actually has top tier schemes but he had to dumb them down for a concussed coconut?
>Even if all you got is a cheeky 5 dollars
I don't I'm about to load a dolly of mountain dew from the side door of a Sheetz so I have something to drink because cuck water
While Allen is easily a top 15 QB he's almost certainly never winning MVP
Jefferson doesn't have the QB to be in MVP talks
Jefferson with Darnold then rookie GayGay McSharty is just wrong
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Mike McDaniel needs to make the call
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now Ithat the dust has settled
i feel bad for tua
The MVP is about
>the narrative
as much, if not more, than the ability of the player and Tampa doesn't have enough guys in the media gushing over them
I consider both Allen and Mahomes to be top 20 QBs.
He ain't the guy. If he was he would've did it in OT.
cute robot
listen to Sean Paytons autism plays to Drew Brees they should be on yourube somewhere
disassembling jenny for parts
The MVP is literally about whatever QB wins the 1st seed with the most wins.
If the two conferences 1st seeds are tied in wins, then it defaults to head to head record, and then which QB had the best stats

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So then Skylar will be a HUGE upgrade then. White and not concussed. Doesn't die instantly.
leaving jenny in the rain so she rusts and corroded
>New Hope for the retarded child
Is this book about The Force Awakens?
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Why are Raider fans such magachuds? Is it because the chiefs have Taylor Swift?
Binding and gagging Jenny just to forget about her LOL
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My super bowl Barbie arrived bros. Thoughts?
shut up
infecting jenny’s cpu with a virus
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leaving jenny on deprecated firmware
next chiefs raiders game will be very lit
buying the updated jenny model because all my friends are doing it
kissing jenny on the robot lips
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Barry Jackson
Dolphins quarterbacks have a passer rating of 0.00 when throwing to any WR other than Tyreek and Waddle this season --- 2 for 10 for 18 yards and 2 interceptions.
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What would you say to ross (owner) and grier (gm) today, /sp/?
realizing jenny is a computer
>those fat goblin fingers
Casting Jenny into the Laurentian Abyss!
more than a computer
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What vpn should I get for downloading torrents like nfl games?
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Stop giving the pedo attention or it won’t leave
Beans, tecate and sopaipillas, ese.
growing up and moving on from my fictionalized girlfriend
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"comforting" temujin after her raiders get booty blasted.
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Does a kiss from a black man cure a concussion?
jenny is real she talks to me through my guitar amp
Yeah diva receivers that quit on the team when they aren't being fed are cancer that kill teams.
She's my wife. That's my job, dude.
Who's Jenny
Pulling his head like that probably gave him a micro concussion
I hope every Cuban committee mass suicide after yesterday
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>cnn covers the tua story
not enough to get over a certain mountain on the playoffs :^)
tua has monkeypox now
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This shit is somehow weirder than Brady making out with his son
>cowgoyim fan deleted his pic
shes 20 but looks 50
Sounds gay as fuck, do you have Mesa or a Line 6 or something? Boss Katana?
Lil zoom zooms won't get this.
I thought that was Kamala from the thumbnail. Bitch looks old for her age
Its actually a Line 6 Spider
no, Patria y Vida
>belishart is a fraud coach, GM, and degenerate coomer
how many Owls does Brady win if he was coached by Andy Reid? I'm thinking at least 10
at least
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>With the first overall pick of the 2025 NFL draft, the Miami Dolphins select: Shadeur Sanders. Quarterback. Colorado.
Cam ward
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play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
Nope. They're too big a group of cowards to blow it up.
tua's brain died for israel last night
This general is gonna seethe when my Phinnies booty blast the Seacucks next week
They made a big deal interviewing tyreek so they basically had to cover tua when it was within the same day as the interview
Shedeur isn't really going to be the first pick, right?
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fucking dumbass coconut chud
fuck off chiefs fan
No, and phins won't have it anyhow, panthers will kek
>guy is a vegetable and it still makes this retard seethe
my dick is like 5.5” soft after trying this shit it makes the gym kinda awkward
coach primate and his nepobaby are going first overall to the panthers
Go Lions btw
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How washed is Kelce? All the off field stuff has distracted from him falling off.
Quinn ewers from Texas
he's fully transitioned to media tranny just like his boyfriend
Going to be hilarious when he leaves kelce.
A big part of the Patriots' success was that Belichick's elite defenses perfectly complemented Brady's patient dink and dunk offense. He wasn't capable of keeping up offensively if it became a shootout, he needed a defense to smother the opponent's offense while his own scored at leisure.
The reason Andy complements Mahomes so well is because Mahomes is the most gifted QB of all time and thrives in offensive showdowns. Brady with Reid would not be able to do what Mahomes does.
If Brady and Reid had Spagnuolo too that becomes another conversation, but still they'd probably win less than Brady did with Belichick.
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ohnonono indeed
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I've been in Miami all my life, it's fucking shit, way too expensive, full of awful drivers, but hey... it's home
Geno was once a Jest, so he'll always be a Jest
If tua is cleared to play, will you guys be happy or upset?
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>steals pain pills from team doctor
>gets caught and reported to fbi
>goodell asks fbi to look other way
>instead of stealing pills, they get accused of trying to injure players

Interesting, I wonder if that non call pass interference against the rams was a part of all this: https://youtu.be/ldEn8K_un94?si=J__SU6RI4A15Kp2a
>I'll have a number nine, a number nine large, a number six with extra sauce, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one wit' cheese, and a large soda
You're not fooling anyone, no one says "phinnies"
Not really. I trap game would be more like vs the Broncos, Jags, or Commanders. The Panthers have no life in them.
que onda ese
The Tua story has hit mainstream. The league is going to try and make him retire on his own "free" will.
imo he shouldve been Finals Mvp
Lofi + chill
he'll be cleared after a month or something. i dont care either way, i hate the phins and they will suck with or without tua.
>mid at best
Hurts is a top 10 QB
What Happens When You Take 1 Shot Of Peanut Oil Before Your Massage?
maybe 10 games ago he was
No one is actually buying this faggot's story right? I believe Payton stealing shit but the NFL didn't do bountygate to cover it up. Also these medical teams don't just have pain pills lying the fuck around at the stadium kek
You all laughed at him. Now he's out for revenge.

You fucked up.
Happy because his brain will look like the right after he fucked over my parlay.
Brain damage can make you really sensitive to light.
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i need an NFL related file name for this ASAP
I'm positive he was told to retire last night via a "kind request" from the nfl if not the owner of the phins for the nfl or something similar.
>Brittany Mahomes.webm
spiderman ass helmet
>dink and dunk
>led league in deep throws in his 40s with Tampa
>led league in deep balls when he had Moss
the dink and dunk meme was because Belichick sucked at drafting and used 80% of the cap space on his defense, so Brady had to work with a bunch of shitters off the street at WR and still produced top 5 offenses
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yjk dot webm
alt post giwtwm dot webm
Anybody got that webm of the chargers and rams fans fighting
[DePaul] Jim Harbaugh on Justin Herbert: “If you don’t love Justin Herbert, there’s something wrong with you.”
[DePaul] Jim Harbaugh on Justin Herbert: “If you don’t love Justin Herbert, there’s something wrong with you.”
[DePaul] Jim Harbaugh on Justin Herbert: “If you don’t love Justin Herbert, there’s something wrong with you.”
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I say whatever I want gringo
>im gonna fumble the ball alot harder
Rapist aquatic mammal get iPad.
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what the FUCK did he mean by this?
White girls are so disgusting
No, no you don't.
ayo I think he gay bro
probably heard someone on the dline calling herbie a dork
he could probably be decent if he rides the bench for a small market team to mentally recover. Certain guys will never work in NY or Philly type areas due to the scumbag fans and pressure. Zach Wilson, Daniel Jones, and Wentz were obviously shit picks for that reason alone
He's saying he sits in that one chair in hotel rooms.
Jim's CTE is starting to kick in
hes in love with Herbert. Hard not to he looks like the guy from Sons of Anarchy
he watches Herbie and Mina have sex
non-dolphins fans will be happy.
>[Pelissero] The #Steelers officially listed QB Russell Wilson (calf) as questionable for Sunday's game vs. the #Broncos. Mike Tomlin has said Justin Fields is in line to start for a second straight week.
>[Pelissero] The #Steelers officially listed QB Russell Wilson (calf) as questionable for Sunday's game vs. the #Broncos. Mike Tomlin has said Justin Fields is in line to start for a second straight week.
>[Pelissero] The #Steelers officially listed QB Russell Wilson (calf) as questionable for Sunday's game vs. the #Broncos. Mike Tomlin has said Justin Fields is in line to start for a second straight week.


wheres my revenge narrative reeeeeeeeeee
>Hard not to he looks like the guy from Sons of Anarchy
Damn nigga, you autistic. He looks nothing like Charlie Hunnam.
No. It’ll be funny watching Tua throw 3 more interceptions and get a concussion
He had plenty of weapons lol. Moss era, GOAT TE era + Edelman, any offensive mercenaries that would join for a ring. He was capable of deep balls but his main way of playing was dissecting defenses with quick scalpel dink and dunk passes. Unstoppable 5 to 7 yard chunks. He wasn't the most talented QB and knew it and played to his strengths. And that's ok.
>if I post something from twitter 3 times it makes it more important

>if I post something from twitter 3 times it makes it more important

>if I post something from twitter 3 times it makes it more important
Russell Wilson has his bag and has no reason to play if he's not feeling 100%


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jcm 800
New Yorkers would basically love a guy like Odell Beckham as their QB.
According to the story, the team doctor placed a hidden camera in the safe and the coaching staff was caught red handed stealing narcotics, thus why the fbi was involved, the doctor was trying to protect his license.

This also could be a complete fabrication by the man who told him this, which also happened to be the equipment manager of the XFL.
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They look like the are brothers
Its almost like it was a faggot trying to impress his future beard like he had insider knowledge. Randomly bringing up the phins equipment guy as the source made it funnier.
The cuck chair?
Bro, go get medically diagnosed and grab dem 'tism bux.
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The nfl coaching and personnel staff are a revolving door and close knit community. These dudes network like crazy and go from one job to the next.
>gronk injured for majority of playoff runs, missed at least 50% of all games for a few years
>edelman a converted QB and 7th round draft pick with 0 pro bowls
>plenty of weapons
other than Moss and Gronk the only elite skill position player Brady had was corey dillion
/pol/ zoomies don't know that one of the reasons the Pats were so hated was because of how boring they were. Brady dinking and dunking like you mentioned and the defense shutting down their opponents. it was always 3 hours of Brady barely beating you. and they just wouldn't go away
>that mamacita who walked away
*eyes bulge*
*steam comes out of my ears*
Yes but the story is 100% nonsense. The nfl didn't "go with bountygate instead" to "cover up the pill stealing" they would've told the guy to shut the fuck up if he wanted a job in the league ever again and told payton to source his own drugs, here's 3 dealer's numbers.
Yet nobody else in the league could do it…
>all wypipo look same
And there it is.
Sean peyton is a degenerate pill popper. Sorry, I shan't be convinced otherwise.
Thank you
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Based saar working the denver donkeys into a seething shoot
Problem is, the fbi was already involved because narcotic abuse by doctors was being heavily scrutinized in the late 00’s during the opioid crisis. Numerous doctors were accused of being pill mills.
What's he been up to lately?
They were hated because they were white.
Elite defense and great coach. Brady was the Purdy of the 2000's (except he actually won owls lol)
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This is zoomer cope
Miami should try to get Mac Jones
First of all Edelman was elite, don't downplay that. You're also disengenuously making Gronk sound irrelevant, be real. Brady played with him longer than Mahomes did Tyreek Hill. He was a very relevant weapon. Brady also had Deion Branch, Wes Welker, Amendola, Hernandez before he went crazy, and plenty of good runningbacks. I'm not saying he was Joe Burrow but he had weapons
The main reason they are hated by phins fans is being insufferable northerners who come down here and never shut the fuck up. So the brady years were nonstop boston accents who strangely would never go back to boston but would never shut the fuck up about it.
Losing games? Phins fans are used to that shit. No problem.
Is there any proof of that though? The shit going on with pills was in jacksonville and is still going on and still being investigated.
The NFL didn't use bountygate instead. Its nonsense. The guy is making himself look important for his future beard. It is VERY clear.
No way the Jags let Mac go, especially with Lawrence's injury history.
No, they should get Pickett for peanuts.
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yeah okay and this looks like Justin herbert too
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he will play Sons of Anarchy reboot
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Said it before but if I'm Tannehill I'm telling them look I need a 2 year deal I know you got cap problems, pay me 5 this year and tua money next year.
Hurts isn't top 5 but he's top 10. Like 8 to 10.
I hate this cackling whore, but I fucking would.
he looks like Uhtred son of Uhtred
Whatever happened with that Bears assistant coach that got raided by the FBI? I don't remember hearing about that getting resolved
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Shitturd Sanders isn't going in the first round the moment Jerry Jones signed Dak.
>1488 saying this
kek hh indeed but no, no you wouldn't anon. Once you smelled her, or worse, once she opened her legs? You realize a jew has been there for years now right? They spin webs and shit...
Shut up polfag
I would sooner fuck Drumpf than that whore
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draft king bros wtf is happening to le nfl sports bet man kevin hartlingtons?
It honestly depends on what color toenail polish she would wear desu senpai.
They'll probably give Thompson a week with Boyle as backup. If he's awful against Seattle then they'll look at Jones, Pickett, Stidham, Tannehill, etc.
Whopper remains supreme
Increased Cali minimum wage fucked him over iirc.
Landed on my head on a basketball floor. Felt dizzy and was wobbling and i said i was sleepy and they said i couldn't sleep and i said sleep is good.
>bringing back Ryan Tannehill just in time to get his revenge on the Titans
This whole league is scripted.
I hope they don't just give up on Thompson he legit has never actually started, he has never been given proper time and energy. Its always covering for concussed coconut or backing up retards for the coconut. The guy isn't garbage he needs TIME and energy spent on him.
That said I'd grab tannehill and start getting him ready while using Skylar regardless.
>Pats were so hated was because of how boring they were
Patriots ranking in total points from 2014-2019
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Ya don't say.
What are you, foreign? You only have access to McDonald's and Burger King?? America has crazy tasty fast food chains like Cook Out that have way better burgers than the big chains. Educate yourself.
What’s interesting to me is that he’s repeating what someone else told him and that means that the poor equipment manager who probably bragged about this blackmail that he had possibly as a means of one day getting a huge payout or being unfirable. I can see where this might be a lie or possibly accurate. Only time will tell.
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Apparently its plant based chicken and burger so... yeah. Critics called it "greasy" and "cardboard" kek
I never heard of it.
Doesn't this make you want to eat food?
But at BK you can have it your way. Like what that black guys sings
oh boy
>plant based chicken and burger
Nevermind fuck that. I'd rather eat a head of lettuce.
I will give Californians one thing and that's In-N-Out, Kevin Shart never stood a chance
You stat nerds that don't anything about the game are the most annoying people alive. This isn't something that anyone who knows ball would try to debate. Everyone knows the Patriots had a reputation for being boring. You're so fucking stupid.
Visit r/nfl_noobs, a quick google brought me here. https://www.reddit.com/r/NFLNoobs/comments/18ogzqt/was_tom_brady_considered_boringly_great/
You can probably scan through that and see how I'm not making it up. Not wasting my time to verify, personally. Dumbass
I'm not doubting it happened. And it was probably their leverage. (The people involved, not the gay guy in the video)
I just don't think there is a reality in which the NFL would find that some bigger scandal than:
yeah I don't see that being bigger somehow.
Yeah its downright gross. And looks unappealing on top of it.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
He's also been with the same playbook for 3 seasons now so it's an easier transition than getting a whole new QB
>I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce
Dipping them in the Tangy BBQ sauce is better
I wish this board had moderation more often than once per day
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Who will it be?
Bradysknees is a total bro
I wish this board had bussy more often than once per day
>he cites asshurt retards on reddit
Totally, fuck the data. Guisepe from da Bronx fawkin hates tom brady man. Always fakin dinkin an dunkin don't come at me with no stats
Jimmy G
Yeah he just never has really gotten a fair shot out of preseason and even then not fully. The guy lacks Tua's problems for his lack of overall performance so I'm willing to give him a shot.
Then again I'm not chris grier so the guy is fucked probably.
Why did you edit this? kek
I wish this board had 0 moderation.
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Its gonna be tanehl
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I gave a friend a quick hug once and he drunk called saying he wanted to be with me. I don't hug no more.
Panda express fucking sucks
plant based chicken is pretty good. plant based meat is just weird. the texture and most of the taste is okay except it's too strangely sweet and that sweetness lingers
I just cropped it
He actually said they ARENT going for a veteran qb right now. Skylar will start. That said I hope it is.
>Panda Express opens by my house
>Decide to go one day
>It's all Chinese people working there
>It's delicious
>Go back a few months later
>It's all blacks
>They're rude and the food sucks

What the fuck
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Roger Goodell at the next NFL Draft
Based Iowa and New Mexico. Anybody who eats at W*ndy's is a subhuman.
>The New England Patriots have had a mixed reputation over the years. While they were incredibly successful, especially during the Tom Brady and Bill Belichick era, some fans and critics did find their style of play to be less exciting compared to other teams. This perception was partly due to their methodical and disciplined approach, which focused on efficiency and minimizing mistakes rather than flashy, high-risk plays.
Not a debate. You're just clueless, and I'm not getting into a SOURCE? SOURCE? war with you like we're equally clueless nerds. Fucking retard.
It's ok for the Patriots to not be the greatest thing to ever happen in all ways. Anytime you see someone correctly criticize some aspect of the Patriots one of you /pol/tardswho don't know ball have to google around and be like UMMMM ACKSHUALLY ACCORDING TO MY CALCULATIONS, like no shut the fuck up nerd, you don't know ball, didn't watch most of his career and have nothing to contribute.
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If Kevin Hart is involved in something I will avoid it like the plague. I unironically hate that man. Every time I hear his squeaky chihuahua voice I want to crush the life out of him
I will not tolerate any slander of Taco Bell. The Baja Blast is God's water.
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say it to me and my bourbon chicken's face
Then they were kind of leaving a lot out

Will the Dolphins bring in a QB to compete with Skylar Thompson?

"We will bring in someone. We're just evaluating the pros and cons of the situation. ... As it stands today, I'm expecting Skylar is the next man up."
short version. If Tua is out (he is) they will if they need him. Skylar is the qb right now.
Florida has it 100% correct. Probably because Pub subs mogs all but Subway is gutter trash and easily the worst on that entire list.
I'm agreeing wit you, capice? Every fawkin time my J E T S JETS JETS JETS would play the pats it was the worst ting in da fawkin world. Not caws we'd get our assholes raped, but caws brady was so boring man. I don need no numbers to tell me DAT
i like their cheese fries ;-;
Youre eating the pets
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There's a Pizza Hut in Alaska?!? Who are they delivering too?
>be straight
>hate women
Why do people do this?
taco bell is flavorless trash. that's why they give out all those free hot sauce packets
He was actually pretty good in the Borderlands movie
This. Those ads with him and the basketball guy are repulsive. 2 of the worst in one "ad"
He sounds old as fuck when he talks bidentier
kek you actually watched it?
My favorite restaurant is the local animal shelter
I can get Baja Blast without going to Taco Bell
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>eating fast "food"
Baja Blast in the can or bottle from the store is not the same formula as the one at Taco Bell retard.
i will try it next
>go on 4chan
>post annoying shit tier bait
explain yourself first
What kind of animals do you like?
1. Raising Cane's
2. Cook Out
3. Chic Fil A
4. Popeyes
5. Wendy's
I never had a Baja Blast. But I rarely consume sodas with sugar. Just diet. I should treat myself to one sometime
Yeah, Roland, Tina, Marcus and Bobby Lee were the only good parts of the movie. Jack Black and Cate Blanchett might go down as the worst casting decisions of all time.
Reader's Digest ultimate fast food guide:
If the employees are white, it's usually all right!
If the employees are black, you probably won't go back!
I've never seen a thin person drinking diet soda
Besides the fact that that movie was doomed by definition, I still cannot understand why they cast Hart as Roland. Makes no sense.
and dy-lan
I spit hot fire
>1. Raising Cane's
Fucking NEETs and muh tendies.
Shut up polfag
>people are saying they'll be mad if Tua plays again
Wtf? Why is it Tua that people are so adamant of protecting like a puppy? He's got 5 concussions and I'm sure other players have had way more
i love the fact that i love zero/diet soda, specially pepsi

i really believe they taste better
It's why I kind of like Panera, it's pretty neat as a restaurant
Do you like him in old stuff before he really became a marketing face? I feel like those are the times I’ve enjoyed him. Like Scary Movie 3. You go back and watch it and remember the character but didn’t remember it was him.
>Make a PG-13 Borderlands movie
Eli Roth and Sony are fucking retarded.
The sauce is so good
Secondhand embarrassment
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haitans would eat tua
I'm adamant about him not playing because he should have *never* been the starter for the phins. He should never have been DRAFTED by the phins let alone paid 53m a fucking year. At least he sure isn't getting that but holy fuck what a cap hit for an absolute retard.
They were protecting their coaches and the team doctor simultaneously. Sean committed a felony that could have put him in prison. The bountygate scandal was a civil matter and not a criminal one. The cover up was to keep the embarrassment to a minimum which also might explain the rigging of games that Sean’s teams are involved in.
Diego Sanchez has received that many in a single fight.
Fighters are not people
Eli roth is a retard but he was planning a rated r movie.
You're misunderstanding. There is no reality in which a team doctor doesn't trip down some fucking stairs if he doesn't play right in that situation. Bountygate is 100x worse because its felony assault and premeditated at that.
Every time I make the mistake of watching Tua play I get mad, so it's understandable
He's had 3 in 1 season didn't he?
And willnever see his 50th cumpleanos
he's gotten heemed like 4 times in the past 2 years and he's as delicate as a flower at this point. he gotta give it up.
I like Raising Cane's, but screw the double toasters, the coleslaw is good
Somebody make an actual new, there is no way that stays up
ive watched this dude 3 times he was a disgrace in every game. he looks so fucking fragile and hes not even fast

Plus hes kinda ugly
>the coleslaw is good
I can only eat that while drunk.
> Plus hes kinda ugly
OOKayyy zesty guy
We’re not even sure if that team doctor is still in the league or not. He probably has copies of that tape and this mystery meat intellectual on the redskins just ruined it because some attractive white girl finally gave him some attention.
is this really the thread?
oh boy
Dude has had 4 concussions in 2 years. His body is quitting him. He's not built for it
Thats the thing I think its even worse I think he was courting a beard dude is zesty as caleb
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>be the Titans from a few years ago
>surprising fringe contender
>Have a legit #1 receiver, all-pro RB, competent qb on a reasonable contract, head coach that seems to get the most out of the team
>trade the WR instead of signing him to what would have been a pretty fair deal for everyone
>he goes to the super bowl with his new team while your team gets worse because it turns out #1 receivers don't grow on trees
>blame the coach and qb because it's clearly their fault for not overachieving any more than they already are while you pinch pennies
>don't re-sign the qb
>fire the coach
>don't re-sign the rb
>draft a raw prospect and give him marginal weapons to work with
>wait why does our team suck now
Just last week someone was telling me that firing Vrabel was a good thing, which begs the question, just how retarded are Titans fans?
Probably. Beards do need to look good. Kek
they're in a red state, what do you think?

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