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Exiting teams only
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My Steelers :)
Tua pooped
Why is it so difficult to find a competent QB that just does enough?
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God yes
Holy mother yes
Holy spirirt yes
Christ Jesus yes
Joseph Smith yes
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Bo Nix will win this Sunday right?
too many darks in the qb game.
blacks objectively fucking suck at QB and they are a huge reason why QB play has taken such a step back in recent years.
they're bending and breaking rules just like the NBA because they suck ass at the fundamentals.
>Hello fellow black men
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Who is spee picking in his 'vivor pool?
your Kenny Picketts your Mason Rudolphs your Joe Flaccos
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Not a Lions fan, but the smell of male ass is undeniably exquisite
You're gonna lose by 50 and Boswell will have a 70 yarder for fun
>"I will never know what it is like to be tyreek hill"
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TJ Watt is comin' for MUH FUGEN BIX NOOD!
>this fuckin dumbass
Looks gay
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Reminder that Temujin is a latina living in California and she is my Raiders fan tradwife!
Me on the left at 0:55
Giants/Panthers is my Owl. If the Giants lose that, maybe we can finally exhile Jones.
i think you mean bix nood is coming for tj watt
now that he got the first game jitters out the way, he will torch the steelies seconday.
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ritual sacrifice in front of goodell convince me otherwise
he hit the clone of damar hamlin right in the upgraded ribs.
Should I go running or go to long john silvers
this will always be my fav type of posts
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Run to long john silvers
Can confirm. I encountered him a lot in the Bay Area club scene. He's a very selfless lover.
actually unreal how fragile this coconut bum is lmao
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He's speaking from experience
>competing with a cartoon pubescent robot
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imagine being tua, all retarded n shiet, running head first and concussing yourself like a complete dumbass
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queefs will not 3peat and haitians will eat all the bengos, deal with it.
The life of a male lion seems pretty based
>sleep for over 20 hours a day
>have your "wives" hunt for you
>only do fighting when another male appears
>get to have a loads of cubs
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Why’d he steal the pills?

>still getting worked by ABs twatter
he hasn't posted on his twitter in months if not years at this point
barring some random shitposts you can instantly tell is him
I've had to watch this guy kill himself for 4 seasons. I fucking hate him kek
King shit
Thread theme
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Miss me yet?
So sweaty
Clean hit
Umm, sorry sweety. 9ers gang is winning it all this year. It's Purdy's time!
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I loved him at the time. Dude pissed blood for the phins. They never gave him ANY defense. He shined when he could. He legitimately shortened his life playing for that phins team. I get annoyed when I hear people shit talk him. He wasn't some Dan Marino tier qb but he never got a real chance.
It's been 11 years since Aaron Rodgers proclaimed he “really, really like[s] women” when asked if he was gay — but the New York Jets quarterback is still frustrated about the question in the first place.

“I think I was upset with the framing [of the rumor] because it was meant to shame the idea of being gay, and I have so many friends that are gay in the community,” Rodgers, 40, recently told author Ian O’Connor for his new biography, Out of the Darkness: The Mystery of Aaron Rodgers.
“I’m like, say anything you want about me, but do you understand these people are using this to shame the idea of being gay?” the former Green Bay Packers legend elaborated. “That’s just disrespectful to all my friends who are in the community who don’t believe that it’s a choice. They were making it seem like you’re shaming people for being gay, when a lot of them, if you ask them, they didn’t ask for this life. ‘This is who I am.’”

Rodgers explained that he “want[ed] to go after … the people [with homophobic views] … not in relation to me, because I could give a s*** what they thought about me, but that they’re using this to shame, like it’s a bad thing to be gay. Like it’s a negative.”

Radio host Jason Wilde, however, encouraged Rodgers to “‘let it go and just say no [I’m not gay],’” Rodgers claimed about the 2013 interview. He also noted that he and Wilde have since “talked it out.”
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>seethes about it for a decade
Holy fuck this dude LOVES women.
9ers are going to develop a complex with the Chiefs like the Bengals have for the 9ers
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KWAB based wilde
>Radio host Jason Wilde, however, encouraged Rodgers to “‘let it go and just say no [I’m not gay],’”
Why not just say that at the time? That seems like a post hoc explanation.
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>bomb GRE
>fly to Miami to watch my first ever home Dolphins game for what was supposed to be the celebration
>me and gf are only dolphins fans in our section
>at half time dog sitter tells me my dog (who also likely has cancer) is limping
>15 minutes later the starting quarterback of my team (who has 2 children under 3) gets lobotomized
>get an email today from our wedding venue is only allowing a single very expensive caterer going forward, which pushes us out of budget
genuinely may fucking kill myself guys
>Hart house
>yo man imma go to the fart house want a burger
nah man shit name no wonder they all cvlosed
In 10 years /nfl/ will be saying, "Darrel Armstrong is NEVER going to get as many rings as the GOAT Patrick Mahomes"
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its worse than I thought when I made that post anon... its plant based burgers and chicken
Well I’m now convinced he really really likes women since he was seething over this for a decade
Do a flip
just guilt your family for more budget or tell some of them they won't be eating
why are the Giants favorites against the Commanders?
>not getting married in your family church
ayo this dumbass tryna to spend money on grad school and marriage just to have his future ex wife take half his shit lmao
hey the guy who posted his gun is back
I just realized that the gang sign hand thing is actually rare and due to severe brain damage.

If that's the case from a smaller hit than usual then he is so done. If he plays again he'll probably die
That's shrinkflation
If Mahomes surpasses Brady that number of rings will never be surpassed again
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They hated Brian Flores because he told the truth
And why is some anon picking it as his survivor pick
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I thought Flores was the first sign the dolphins did something right in years. Him and fitzpatrick were enjoyable even when losing.
If he dies he dies.
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ask tua for the caterer money, you can tell him you're his son and he wont know the difference. he'll probably buy you a new dog too.
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kek it do be like that
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He won.
That's what they said about Montana... and then Brady...
How does Taylor show her face at Chiefs games without getting booed out of the stadium? Aren't MIssouri hicks all about MAGA?
>when a bunch of rookies on defense running back and forth would scare playoff caliber teams into fucking up presnap
God that shit was hilarious. Flores had those rookies ready to legitimately stab people. Most exciting season in 3 decades for me and they went 5-11?
Taylor Swift is upper class. At no point is she ever around the "poors".
80% of males that'd be young enough that grew up in this area spent the last 10 years worshipping and modelling their personality around Kelce, their looks around Kelce etc.
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>his team doesn't have it's own swingers group

Big cities are never representative of the state at large. KC is very different from the rest of Missouri/Kansas
jokes on you, he liked it.
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How long is Hollywood Brown out for? Rams got WRs on tap and we might consider shelling out Tutu Atwell for a day 3 pick if you want him.
>between Kyler in 2019 and Stroud in 2023, there was not a single good non-fraudulent QB drafted
What went wrong?
hes out at least 4 weeks
Meant to say first round QB
Herbert and Purdy aren't frauds
Its the 2nd or 3rd time he did it from hits on the field. He's not cut out for this game
>the mininips around her nip
4 weeks minimum maybe longer. We kind of went overboard on WR in the offseason as a reaction to last year and Hollywood is pretty much superfluous anyway. WR1 is Rice, WR2 is Worthy (until he's inevitably 1), then we have Smith-Shuster, Watson, Hardman and other guys to fill in at WR3. I doubt we'll be in the market
How many playoff games has Herbert the Pervert won?
The won the super bowl with terrible wrs including kadarius toney, why would they trade for another receiver?
The worst part was the fact that it wasn't even a really big hit. The guy can not get tackled without getting heemed.
heem this bussy
He's gonna win three this season
is it wrong for me to say Pacheco isnt that good and the Chiefs should look to upgrade the position?

hes a great dude but i feel like every other team has a better RB
He made first contact with his coconut head like a retard.
no sneed means they wont be a historic alltime defense like they were last year
>inb4 not historic
>[Winks] The Chiefs defense just held the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th best regular season EPA offenses to 15.75 points per game in the playoffs

that said they already covered the WR fully this offseason to the point Hollywood maybe being out for the year isn't the hit it might've once been.
It was ritual sacrifice
He should try to win the West first, mmkay?
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>it's another Tua gets concussed episode
He's probably top 10 and more than serviceable but you're right that he's not necessarily The Guy in the longterm.
no but this one was the season finale
McDuffie is better than Sneed
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Try to get Lamar on a vet min deal, we all know he isn't a QB.
>titled: climate change
they work in pairs tho and you had McDuffie and Sneed together, on the field at the same time locking people down prior.
The guy who replaced him isn't near as good as Sneed, so it'll be a weakness that will get exploited eventually in playoffs.
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pooah bros, how we feeling?
Why doesn't Rodgers just come out and admit it at this point? Dude's clearly gay, he's at the end of his career and "acceptance" is very common now. Just admit it, dude. You literally had a scorned male lover on social media.
hes very good at gaining a few yards but not going all the way

also feel like hes terrible and predictable at 4th and inches
I legitimately hope that retard retires for the sake of his family.
LOB only had Sherman. Usually you can only afford one elite corner. As long as the other guy is decent it can be a shut down defense. The guy who's flashing for us right now is Williams, he covered Flowers very well week 1 and will probably earn the role.
(It's my dream to build a KC LOB under Spags, if it were up to me we'd draft mainly defense for the next few years)
Because if he admitted it people would stop talking about it. Erin's true love is attention.
Yes but nfl tickets are $400 a piece
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I forgot the Bills signed Curtis Samuel this off-season. Their notable weapons are:
James Cook
Dalton Kincaid
Dawson Knox
Curtis Samuel
Keon Coleman
Khalil Shakira

That's solid.
was all that really necessary o.O
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good vs evil
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He'd get way more attention and adoration from the twatter folks if he came out as gay though.
don't give it if you can't take it
the price you pay for being winners
Why does anyone talk about this game when my chiefies are going to 3peat easily.
How was your day at work today?
reminder both of these men support Trump.
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So now that the baby boomer/silent generation owners of NFL teams are dying off and NFL is becoming a wall street product and teams are just publicly traded companies what teams are going to be deleted from NFL? Because lets be real here, there isn't enough to go around to pay for dying teams and 32 teams is too much overhead in the era of taylor swift ice spice and gambling money. Jaguars? Bills? Browns? You can't tell me cleveland or jacksonville can keep investors happy they are broke ass cities.
He really hates the kind of people who go on Twitter. Even though he's gay, Rodgers is still a Chud.
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Fins up for Tua. Hope he comes back strong
Not a Lions fan, but my boyfriend is always saying this
He is that good. The problem is he runs so angry he gets injured. Reid the chiefs coach will rest him and claim he has an injury.
Running backs tend to have 4-6;really good years and they fall off. He will get his big contract and then be good 2 years then burn out. He has 3- 4 good years left. He'll end with contract and other money pulling in around 30 million then retiring by 30. Running backs break down when they have 2000 touches(catches and rushes including playoffs). This have around 600 catches before they break down. Tes around 400.
The game is do vicious by 30 most players even the good ones are done
>only people that live in the city proper can go to games
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I'm literally a reffie irl
100% justified
he'll be back. Deep down, nobody really cares
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>comes back
>LOB only had Sherman
LOB had Earl Thomas who was one of the bets coverage corners in his prime, Cam, Sherm, and a bunch of good to great DBs supporting them. Sherm got all the public attention but Brandon Browner, Byron Maxwell, and Jeremy Lane were all good in their own right.
Do you guys do coke and bang hookers after games?
>>144391955 #
Just last week someone was telling me that firing Vrabel was a good thing, which begs the question, just how retarded are Titans fans?
I will cross the state and fight him if he tries to play again.
im a little league reffie we just go to bars and talk about how shitty the parents are
I don't believe they'll 3peat but at the same time, I wouldn't pick anyone over them in the playoffs. It will be fun when their playoff winning streak finally ends.
his run so angry meme is what makes him predictable at times in my opinion, specially 4th downs
Every thread on here titans fans posted "fire vrabel"
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Tom Brady and the Pats never needed outside nonsense to be the most hated
please fuck my wife
What? No they didn't.
You can do coke at bars, that's literally why bathrooms were invented.
>LOB only had Sherman.
Lies? On the internet?
upset incoming
Extremely. Titans fans (all twelve of them) have an even lower IQ than Cowgirl fans.
Took the day off because fuck 'em. Slept in bed until about noon instead of waking up at 5. No idea where the whole 8 hours thing came from, I need at least 11 or I feel like shit all day.
good pass-catching but closer to a mid rusher. you can’t just pick to upgrade everywhere and he fits the offense
Bengals will kill Mahomes in honor of tua's ritual sacrifice.
Context. I was saying only had Sherman at corner. I would love a Kam or Earl Thomas
i wouldn't even know where to get cocaine
He stood up to Haitians in Springfield for eating cats at a presidential debate randomly and that makes him a hero! He's not senile fuck you bradysknees. I know that's you!
I love you, Temujin!
understandable, titans fans are retarded
>not senile
now this is the best joke in the thread
lucky you. i know way too many losers
I think the perception of Vrabel in Tennessee was drastically different from the national perspective. We all remember their playoff upset against the Pats, Tannehil's career resurrections, and Henry's angry runs, but it seems like Titans fans were getting tired of not taking the next step and pointed at coaching (even though the FO played a significant role) >>144392421
Work in a bar or a kitchen
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looks familiar
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what did they mean by this?
Fucking fitz kek
how? the got dogged by the patriots who are about to go 3 - 15
Where do I find a dommy mommy muscle mommy goth tonboy gf
Sherm couldn't turn his back on his CTE brother.
Why the fuck is Cooper Dejean a DB? His ass should be a slot receiver. Blankenship too.
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>three busts
>Bryce is even worse
>Bama QBs
if they lose this game im never ever betting on the NFL ever again
Damar should be banned. He is a dirty player
I’ll massage your feet later, ok babe?
brb you guys car chase going on
what if we have a real job?
People at the bar, literally the reason bars were invented.
one of these qbs was a tacky call and a drive away from winning the superbowl. watch your mouth.
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Purdy will be the face of the league by the end of next year.
That's not even a picture of the twin towers, it's their stadium kek
and apparently no friends?
You can't convince me it isn't his destiny to join Detroit and fulfill his destiny of being reddit incarnate
go phins
thats not a good thing for the nfl..he needs a personality or at least grow a beard
who trades for him?
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>Goedeke is out
We're going to get blown out now. I thought we'd win in a shootout before but without one of our starting tackles there is no way we even come close to winning this week.
That holding call was so anticlimactic and infuriating. I wanted to see the Eagles' final drive in what had been an amazing Super Bowl to that point.
Jewelry ain't changing the facts. Just would've been a bust with a ring.
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It's so annoying to read all the quasi intellectuals on twitter and reddit today saying how Tua should retired. Fuck off, it's his life. Let the man do what he wants.
Ironically, Hamlin died and still came back. Nobody cares
fitz really using that ivy league education
jfc you ethered that retard
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This guy? LOL
Its funny you mention hamlin as he was a third string nobody and they CALLED THE GAME but Tua has died on field more than once and the nfl is like nah fuck off play the game phins
People hanging out at divey bars, guys hanging out outside check cashing places if you can't find drugs you aren't looking too hard.
Wait it's about his health? I thought people were just sick of watching him throw picks desu
I was fist Charissa in the ass if you know what I mean
Bucs have the pieces to win the owl. Most of the division is made out glassware or midgets
lions look pretty banged up, too.
Is Brian Daboll actually a good coach? I can't tell anymore, it seems like the Giants have only gotten worse each season. Maybe DJ is just that shit.
>People hanging out at divey bars
i dont go to bars
>guys hanging out outside check cashing places
what do those kind of people look like? i want you to say it
Bars were actually invented because drunks kept stealing alcohol from public houses whenever the owner turned his back.
its so funny how you fags can only post two plays from this game
Daniel Jones is a terrorist not even Trannyhan can make him work.
Last year was just a down year. They'll be fine. Daniel Jones is somewhere around league-average.
learn to enjoy it, the bills play with half of their defense picked up at the nearest bus stop each week and still put it together half the time
I don't think so. I thought he was decent his first year when they overachieved, but ever since then they basically keep getting worse and worse and he's done nothing to develop Jones (who is admittedly shit)
sure but this week there's too many injuries
Hunter Biden.
IMO, his ceiling is a really good OC. Can't manage a team and didn't deserve coach of the year when they had a piss easy schedule.
Danny's contract killed the team. Danny is middle tier
They are built deep like Lisa ann
What’s the other play?
worse for wear. old for their age
ive noticed that last year the general had way more Eagles fans than this year
40m/yr does not kill a team
Daniel Jones' contract doesn't even seem that bad though
when he stepped on kelce's foot and couldn't put it all into the hail mary
And the year before was worse. 2022 was an unbearable season with all of the cocky Eagles fans, I'm glad they lost in the Superbowl.
No player in the league is worth the kind of money these retards are getting paid, case in point: Tua.
brian johnson and matt patricia made most of us kill ourselves
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honestly, how did this get so bad? What is so off w/ the Jets and him?
what is fatty p doing now?
Yeah but the Giants aren't crippled because of his contract.
I wasn't debating that part.
Classic noodle armed Gaylen Squirts lmao.
A salary cap does exist. He took up a huge chunk of it. He's not bad. He has talent. If he was like 20 million Hed be good. You could build around him. But he's 40 and can't make up for the shit team
im going to be ten times more unbearable when we start undefeated AGAIN just because you said that
Give it to me straight, is there any way Deshaun Watson can be dumped due to these new allegations of peanut-oil-assisted anal penetration?
>Tyreek clapping his hands knowing their season is done.
my packers will be okay
i hope they return i like eagles fans
podcast with belishit
there he is
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>his team's logo can't easily be made into food

couldn't be me
>Packers list Jordan Love as questionable for Week 2 vs. Colts
this will go just swimmingly
Just go to the chimp exhibit at the zoo. It's the same experience.
Nobody flirt with Temujin while I take a nap, ok? She’s mine.
>Schefter: Tua has been given the medical option to retire after further examination. If he does decide to medically retire, he will receive the remainder of the guaranteed money on his contract, approximately 120 million USD, and the dolphins will incur a 157.5 million cap hit in 2025
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>Daniel Jones
No refunds :^)
No refunds :^)
No refunds :^)
No refunds :^)
No. Deshaun would take them to arbitration and they would lose.
That looks like a literal turd. Fitting I guess
He shouldn't qualify for the full guarantee he killed himself. He can't possibly play in any of the other years. Its not like a broke ankle or something.
Eagles are worthless without Kelce
Cucksins aint an awful contract since it's just 2 years of no refunds
kirk coupons redemption against the niggles?
Have you ever set foot in Colorado? Anything outside of some very specific Denver suburbs is an extension of Mexico and has been for decades.
>Front Range?
>Western slope?
>ultra-wealthy ski resort towns?
Occupied by jews, workers are all beans that commute
Now imagine if he was good enough to make reads past his first progression
why is CMC dead
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when did Andy become a stadium chef?
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cute robot
Who cares? He's a replaceable cog in the machine.
Not wasting his limited tread as a RB on bum teams at this point in his career
its for the greater good. all the gambling degens that bet all their money will rope
hands off bub
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he'll never go to another trump rally again :(
rip tua 2ua 0 2ua 4
>Tua shouldn't qualify for his guaranteed money because... WELL HE JUST SHOULDN'T OKAY?
The Dolphins should have thought about this before they gave an inury prone player a big contract, they could have made him play on his fifth year option.
Launching Jenny into the Sun!
I'm not making excuses for retarded grier and ross and mcdaniel, fuck them. I'm talking in general. The reason its a guarantee is to keep you there. If you get hurt and come back next year or w/e no big deal. Shit happens. Tua WILL NOT PLAY FOOTBALL AGAIN. What would the guarantee be for?
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based NFL
CMC is on his last legs and Shanny doesn't want to waste him.
McDermott is a really good defensive coach though. He can make guys play better than they are and outsmart most offensive coaches like McDaniel.
burying jenny at the landfill
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>bryce young will start 17 games this year
When's the last time anyone saw Patrick Mahomes and his family in a church?
>the establishment hates trump
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>No refunds :^)
don't need one :^)
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church of zest maybe
>white RBs
Mason took his job
Dude no one cares just watch the Tar Heels or something
burying jenny with kisses
worthless eagles just btfo out the championship contender packers
he does this, but you don't watch eagles games.
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Damn Trump has been anti establishment since the 80s? That's pretty based
running jenny over with my car
if roger goddell is smart hes cooking a chiefs eagles SB
>people who prefer their assets not be bankrupted
you mean
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need an nfl related name for this webm ASAP
>Launching Jenny into the Sun!
At some point they'll switch to Andy Dalton. It won't help the team long-term, but it'll be less unpleasant to watch.
>arbitrarily take away guaranteed money the team has already agreed to
>players riot, instant strike
>season over
>NFL gets fucked in court for violating the contract
You are a real genius
Church is boring as shit and it's because the Bible is boring as shit. Try writing a more action packed religious text next time.
this is what baffles me. they think they are the rebellious group yet every lifelong career politician hates blumpf, all the media outlets smear him, like you'd think they'd at least use a little critical thinking here and think maybe this isn't a bad thing for Trump?

the best is seeing libcucks support Dick fucking Cheney and the Bushs of all people. just insanity.
stop it
Sounds great when you put it like that but good job being obtuse.
alot of people just want to be happy
>cops being professional and efficient
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Using an Electro Magnetic Pulse on Jenny.
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If you replaced Jimmy G and Brock Purdy with Mathew Stafford, would the 49ers be superbowl champions? Me and my brother started talking about McVay vs Shanahan last night after Tua's brain got scrambled and I came to the conclusion that McVay is carried by a hall of fame veteran.
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shes hardened against emp peabrain
Dick Cheney is a national hero you BIGOT.
He wanted to invade Iraq to stop them from using weapons of mass destruction to destroy America and DRUMPF was against invading Iraq!
Without a doubt. Niners are undefeated in the owl when they have a blue-eyed quarterback.
Probably but then again Stafford might do something retarded and cost them the game.
Sean mcgay got carried by goof and then was gifted a mickey mouse ring by goodell
hes a bum
Purdy barely lost. Mahomes also didn't have a great game against the 49ers the first time, even purdy would have beaten them then.
Purdy has brown eyes? He looks white to me.
Cheney is one of the most evil people in the US's history, him not supporting Trump is reason alone to like him. And I stopped liking Trump back in 2020.
Probably. Stafford is still the best QB in the NFCW and I'd put him at (or near the top) of the conference.
Whites can afford to be so exclusionary anymore. Purdy is definely white.
they’re hazel
Niners lost because Goodell injected Greenlaw with retard juice and Moody choked.
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Stafford is 100% past his prime, they would have won it all against the Bengals because Jimmy wouldn't have cucked the game away against the Rams but they would not have beaten the Chiefs.
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>guys name is dick
>he's a dick
Stafford is a hall of famer he had a 500yds game once
Stafford is arguably the best QB in the league. So yes, without a doubt.
shooting jenny’s face with a shotgun
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His Raiders :)
Why was Miami so highly favored? The Bills were far from bad last season and the Dolphins didn't have much to inspire confidence.
Shooting Jenny into an black hole
Vontaze Burfict has a history of being dirty, so yeah
rumor has it he attacked a 90 lb blonde girl with a mallet, but due to angle you cant tell whether he threw it at her or the wall behind her. he also claims she raised the mallet at him first.
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In the Jimmy G super bowl, yes. All the fucker had to do was hit an open man

In the Purdy Super bowl, no. Dude had to scramble like crazy the entire game because everyone on the o-line besides Williams couldn't pass block for shit. Stafford gets sacked like seven fucking times if he's in that game
narrative crafting
>multiple coaches, ex players and media outlets commenting that tua “needs to retire”

Yeah, its over
the 2021 season sure was a good year for UGA
Not even top 10
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shooting off into jennys black hole
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This thread is being very robophobic
Le heckin evil cops were mean to the wife beater so the Dolphins were supposed to win the game.
You don't know ball and/or you're dark
i fucking hate computers
i wasnt expecting this much "jenny" autism
>libcucks support Dick fucking Cheney and the Bushs of all people
Nobody's doing that
2. Allen
3. Purdy
4. Burrow
5. Stroud
6. Hurts
7. Lameme
8. Love
9. Dak
10. Herbert
its disgusting
Not even close. He’s past his prime
I’m sorry you had a bad week at work, baby. I’ll make you feel good tonight :)
Right thanks for proving my point
Stop that!
Temujin I just wanted you to know that I'm not like the other guys in this thread. I respect your opinions and if anything I'm more likely to go to the kitchen to male you a sandwich.
lets all take turns saying something nice and sweet about jenny
Not really, his tape is still elite and his physical attributes aren't in sharp decline.
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Look at this hot piece of ass
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>4. Burrow
cute robot
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Based Fitzy
You think he should be higher or lower?
Jenny lost my number
i would rape that little bitch, sexy fucking robot
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Only salty bitches hated NE.
id switch Burrow and Lamar
This but with my lovely Raiders fan wife, Temujin, instead!
Elite tape such as being unable to convert critical first downs as soon as he doesn't have two top 5 receivers working in tandem?
Imagine them fucking
Per Adam Schefter, quarterback targets if Tua’s injury is long term:
>Tyrod Taylor
>Gardner Minshew (w/Trade Considerations)
>Tom Brady
>Max Duggan

who should they go for?
One solid rookie year and you dopes are anointing him top 5?
lol, not even worth a fucking (you)
Stafford made all of his receivers besides CJ. Get the fuck outta here, retard.
Solid? You mean literally greatest of all time?
Be honest, their season was over when they started Tua. Depending on the QB they pick up they may now have a chance to win a playoff game.
they should sign cam for my personal entertainment
imagine the plaps
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First round pick, take it or leave it
i only have one word. Joe flacco
>Trump denied
>but Irsay confirmed
So we just believe the pill head moron because... blumpf?
That was Big Ben
Bradley chubb for minshew
Who says no?
I remember watching Stafford at Georgia and then completely BTFOing Hawaii in the Sugar Bowl. I also vividly remember Obama getting BTFO by Utah in the same bowl the very next year.
>dies immediately because of his vegan diet
would be kino
Peanuts for Pickett from Philly!
There’s no way Raiders are trading Minshew since they don’t have a qb, although they should since AOC is clearly the better starter.
Just sign Tannehil for one year and be done with it
Like I said, proving my point. Only way you think Lamar, Dak, Love, Hurts, or Stroud are better than Stafford is if you're dark. Of if you are absolutely ignorant of ball. That's where the Purdy ranking comes in. Only players with an actual argument over Stafford are Mahomes and Allen. Burrow can't stay healthy and consistently plays like shit early on in the season, and plays significantly worse without top tier receiver play. Herbert is nowhere near as clutch as Stafford and never will be.
Then why couldn't he get first downs anymore once Puka went down?
I told everyone the Falcons would be shot this year. My fellow countrymen don't believe me, but do you?
Tyrod: 8-8, at best a wildcard appearance
Minshew: 7-9, also no way he leaves unless miami offers some heavy trades
Brady: 11-5, AFCCG appearance for sure
Duggan: 5-11, this guy sucks
where's your sauce
>Bradley chubb
Raiders run a 4-2-5, not much need for another LB
But he did, you fucking retard?
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brady signing with the phins would be like dark vadum joining the redbulls
No, he didn't. That's why you lost. You punted on a game winning drive.
I always expect the worst out of the Failcunts. It's funny that media hyped them and the Bucs up but the Saints will be the team winning the division.
Trade AOC, "the next Tom Brady"
watch your children, they might get eaten by dingoes
i would be fucking pissed
>Mahomes with an "argument" to be better than Stafford
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the balls on this guy
He isn't good. You're fucking delusional if you think he's better than Minshew.
Steelers are a top 2 defense, I wouldn't put too much weight into it
He has dementia, obvious for cheating on Melania with that ratchet bitch.
not to get political but i feel this endorsement backfiring already. really fired up the trumpies lately.

hell i was at the phins game and saw some trumpers rallying out in the parking lot and there was a GIANT merch line. bigger than inside the stadium.
>Love STILL in top 10 lists
What are some good nfl podcasts I'm so sick of listening to commercials
>dude Trust me
Ok, we believe you.
Puka went down way earlier than that, you no ball knowing dumb faggot
People desperate to think that the guy who sucks 50% of the time and will never ever win 3 straight playoff games let alone 4 can be considered a top 10 guy.
He's just black kirk cousins with slightly more mobility
It just adds to the idea that Democrats are the party of nagging bitches, wine aunts, and homosexuals. But all those people were going to vote for Kamala whether or not TS endorsed her.
Call in a hit on the jenny avatarfag, janny.
Honestly, Felger and Mazz. You may think "oh, a Boston show?", they hate the Patriots more than you faggots.
is it true that shannon sharpe is actually a gay and the insta sex audio was a misdirection?
im not a fan of her endorsing Kamala but she really had no choice
??... Ok? What do you think that means?
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Why are Raiders fans so obsessed with AOC? He's not even that good.
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>davenport questionable for sunday
lions speedran the davenport experience
i want you to go live on instagram right now just to see how many steps there are and then tell me what you think.
Let me stop responding to you retard
Good plan.
What is the evidence he is zesty?
the allure of AOC is in his potential to do well.

also my coomer trait is i would forego my values and vote for this bitch if she runs in 28
Mahomes has the advantage of being in Reid's system and sitting for his first year, Stafford was thrust into the shit that is the Lions organization immediately and forced to be the guy. Stafford with the Chiefs foundation in the greatest modern offensive scheme? I'd love to see it. Mahomes wouldn't have lasted on those Lions teams.
Speedrun this bussy
>staffy needs two elite WR1s apparently
>goof made do with a meme speedster and le cut inside man who didn't even show up
the lions spiritually lost
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McVay is a better coach than Shanahan. Shanahan keeps picking shit QBs, and the media gives him a pass. Shanahan tried to go all in last year and choked another 10 point lead. Goof was a bust before McVay got there, and he turned his career around. McVay dumped Goff because he's not a super bowl caliber QB, and Sean's still not been proven wrong about that assessment. The Rams were left for dead last year and doubled their expected win total, sneaking into the playoffs with the second youngest team in the league. I don't get why people dickride Shanahan.
>brady 11-5 behind that o line
I'm sure he's a great guy but if you're throwing gang signs with every concussion you get, which is a sign of brain damage and loss of consciousness then maybe your body is telling you that you can't do it.

He needs to retire
just look at him
Brady gets the ball out so fast his line barely matters
I respect Davenport, he's gamed the system.
Collects his guaranteed money while sitting on the sidelines.
You can play with hypotheticals all day. What if Brady went to the Browns, wow and then if Stafford played with BB? Maybe he would have even been the GOAT and retired with eleventy rings. But living in reality, Mahomes is already top 3 all time just now entering his prime. Stafford is not on his level at all.
>also my coomer trait is i would forego my values and vote for this bitch if she runs in 28
She’s dumb as shit and Tulsi Gabbard is far hotter.
Mahomes has been trending downward every year statistically.
Why would an accomplished hall of fame football player with a top rated podcast listen to some N
I mean, Aaron Rodgers had a homosexual relationship with another man for years who was his 'roommate'. Does Shannon have that type of situation in his past?
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If you don't see your team on here, you aren't making the playoffs
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>yfw Tua is cleared to play the Seahawks
Yeah, with me.
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Clearly not true. Tulsi's face is more jagged than Edward James Olmos.
the pats are a shitshow without brady lmao he was the fucking system
most of the dolphins problem come from Tua being a noodle armed bitch that shits his pants
Yes for SB54, no for SB58.
Remember when Mahomes lost his shit because the refs didn't blow a play dead and tell Toney that he was lined up a full yard offsides? He would've been elected from the league for assaulting a ref if he had to deal with the shit Stafford did.
Shut the fuck up, you circumcised janitor.
He has kids, I think he is just a sigma who doesn’t want to be surrounded by some nagging woman.
Oh boy is this where Not a Lions Fan tells us all about how the Lions get specially refballed
Based neet does it again
Was getting a concussion a smart move to stop people talking about the three interceptions?
i prefer milfs anyway so therefore tulsi is hotter
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>Game was setup for a feel good win
>Ended as a funeral
He’s so asshurt over the ravaging Kamala gave him
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post yfw if mahomes breaks his fucking leg on sunday
She had kids? I thought her cunt was too polluted from military shit.
I noticed you didn't bother refuting the accusation that Mahomes is weakminded.
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Actually, it's gonna be a fivepeat.
He did it to himself. She pulled off a Belichick gameplan - wait for your opponent to fuck up and ride the momentum.
you don't get it uhh andy reid coached 20,000 games or something where it was never called
You guys like vtubers?
Simple as.
>he thinks Haitians aren’t sacrificing cats and dogs to their demon gods and eating them and drinking their blood
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Depends desu senpai
I only like the clips of the girls screaming in terror at horror games.
Reminds me of Super Nintendo
I’m not a 49ers fan
>Donny Reddit
mahomes = laenor
brittany = rhaenyra

translation: mahomes' is a cucked faggot, his wife fucks other men, her children are bastards, and SHE is a whore.
man that Houston logo is terrible
Based latina Raiders fan hatin’ on the queefs.
I just use a podcast app like pocketcasts to bookmark a few of the local stations (KC) and they upload in labeled 40m chunks ad free w good guests. Play that bitch 2x on my daily dog walk and it's perfect.
Other than that there's the Vietnamese youtube account uploads of the monday ESPN talking heads
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They're eating the animals because they are brown, hungry, Turd worlders. Now fuck with your off topic slopposting. You shit up the general everyday with this nonsense. Your ugly whore is going to lose btw
What the fuck is that H doing there for the Texans
I’m just waiting for some 2-day contract scrub D-lineman to sacrifice his career and save the NFL by giving Mahomes a career-ending injury
*gets an int called back*
>Saw a Trump merch line in Florida
Big surprise, I'm sure you saw a gator too.
The H stands for Hitler.
suh could do it, but he's retired now.
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>30 years old
>tits that saggy
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>parroting Nazi conspiracy theories on a sports board
He had the flu ok?!
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>brittany = rhaenyra
Let me stop you right there.
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Kamabla is such a joke. Trump hit her with the OT victory.
they could be twins
Patty bros...
Shanahan have been to 4 consecutive NFC championship games with the niners. Probably the hate comes from the Rams being in LA and most people hate LA teams. I love McVay and I’m glad he has two owl appearances and won one. Hope he wins more owl.
Is he on stilts?
trips say yes, chekt
>early thread
That show's kind of stupid
How so?
Thanks for stopping by
Mike Mcdaniel is 1-11 against teams with a winning record
U are so mad I could cook an egg in ur butt
>le get away with everything couple
The dialog is nice but it's just fanservice. May as well be fanfiction
im the anon making laenor comparisons, and he's right. this show sucks now.
KSU is going to kick the shit out of Arizona. Bet on it while you can.
Over or Under?
is tua black?
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