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no faggotry allowed
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My Steelers :)
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Reminder that Temujin is a latina living in California.
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Go Raiders!
Both own the bungles.
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W-we're gonna bounce back against the Raiders!!

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This female tripcode user.
>kickoff rules change every season
I don't think it's a concussion. It looks like a back issue to me.
If they want DYNAMIC kickoffs they should punish touchbacks by backing them up 10 yards and re-kicking.
They're still ragtag
>fencing response
>I don't think it's a concussion
It's a neck thing. Kaplan on ESPN was saying Sidney Crosby had a shit load of concussions but it was a neck thing he needed to fix and he's been fine for years now
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tripfag rating based on how tolerable they are

1: sean
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Fencing respone is a meme. I have a list of thirty-two doctors who will back me up and say that Tua is going to be fine.
I find Chiefs fans the most likeable itg
Of course it's the dogfaced roastie that escalates it
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Sean pops in the end of the game to talk shit only for the pats to choke. Then he disappears. Then he disappears like a coward
I don't like the middle eastern newfag
Dog faced pony soldier
Why are all the women so fat
he's been at it for over a decade lol
Shhh he's sleeping
Raiders fans mog them desu.
Sir, this is an NFL game
you don't know of him because he doesn't post anime or lewd pictures of busted nigger women
They're in KC. They have nothing else to do but post
watching mac get stiff armed will never get old
Surprised that shameless Swiftie bandwagoner isn't shunned more from these threads.
I think people see him as a novelty because of the rare flag.
>uh oh
>They're in KC. They h--ACK!
Omg... RIP in piece... But such is the price of metropolitan life...
>boomer literal who gamethread fag
>doesnt post in general
Literally,unequivocally , WHO
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remember when all those KC fags got poisoned by their jew friend at that barbeque and dieded
Remember when those Raiders fans
Oh wait that was Prison Break. Nvm.
Rams in a must win this weekend
Nigga ITT talking about some tripfag like a long lost love kek look at these clowns
Remember when we all got together a turned Jenny into scrap metal?
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Maybe if you guys didn’t give any attention to the tripfag and the avapedo, they would post a lot less. Have you ever considered that?
they're genuinely the worst
most bandwagon cocksuckers i've ever seen. they'll jump at any opportunity to suck a mutt cock.
wittle attention span can't keep up, squirt?
uh oh attention whore schizo is mad all the attention isnt on him lol
Bakey vs Goof will be a great game this weekend
I can literally show you a picture of me as a toddler in my Chiefs gear
Statistically, every 0-1 team has a must win game this weekend.
post it then
dont say that
I haven’t watched much nfl in a long time. What happened to linebackers being the key to the defense? It seems like it’s all edger rushers and corners that actually get paid now. Is the Tampa 2 not the thing anymore?
Not gonna spoonfeed you faggot
Your the one reminiscing about some apparition who nobody but terminally online retards care about
You have to admit that most fans in these threads are bandwagoners. I'm in the same boat with muh nanners.
welcome to 4chan
So you can't post it? Why even say you could? That's what I thought.
Fuck me Jenny
Get a life loser
>passing became le thing
>QBs and WRs valued over linemen and RBs
>defenses adjust by prioritizing small LBs, edge rushers, and corners
>offenses now adjusting back to ground and pound
>small LBs get run over by RBs
Pegged by jenny
Does she got a nice bunda though?
I’m so fucking horny
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This is supposed to be proof he ain't a fag?
Yeah, but she’s got them Mexican genetics so keep her away from carbs.
We know Deshaun
It's been 11 years since Aaron Rodgers proclaimed he “really, really like[s] women” when asked if he was gay — but the New York Jets quarterback is still frustrated about the question in the first place.

“I think I was upset with the framing [of the rumor] because it was meant to shame the idea of being gay, and I have so many friends that are gay in the community,” Rodgers, 40, recently told author Ian O’Connor for his new biography, Out of the Darkness: The Mystery of Aaron Rodgers.“I’m like, say anything you want about me, but do you understand these people are using this to shame the idea of being gay?” the former Green Bay Packers legend elaborated. “That’s just disrespectful to all my friends who are in the community who don’t believe that it’s a choice. They were making it seem like you’re shaming people for being gay, when a lot of them, if you ask them, they didn’t ask for this life. ‘This is who I am.’”

Rodgers explained that he “want[ed] to go after … the people [with homophobic views] … not in relation to me, because I could give a s*** what they thought about me, but that they’re using this to shame, like it’s a bad thing to be gay. Like it’s a negative.”

Radio host Jason Wilde, however, encouraged Rodgers to “‘let it go and just say no [I’m not gay],’” Rodgers claimed about the 2013 interview. He also noted that he and Wilde have since “talked it out.”
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I thought I had it with me but I apparently don't. Here's a picture of me at William B. Howard Station (google it for proof) in Lee's Summit instead.
literally who wants to listen a fucking colored woman talk sports
im so glad espn and all these cancer ass media shows are dying
>i only like tripniggers that post in generals
yucky stinky take
Bandwagon confirmed thanks for playing
>liking tripniggers
Damn that sucks. Hopefully it’ll swing back and I can start watching again
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>I have many friends who are
>not me tho
>I don’t care what they think about me
>but it hurts my friends
>not me tho
Just be honest with yourself Aaron. No one cares that you find men attractive, we care that you’re lying to everyone, including yourself, about it.
>lose game to lelphins by putting crippled gronk as a deep safety
>that webm
this is the power of the GOAT coach? I'm thinking maybe Brady gets all credit for the dynasty and belishart is a fraud
It will soon. The new wave of "urban" qbs can't throw so the NFL is going to transition back to power run offenses.
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bahamas status? Did he rope last night?
It was the sacrifice needed for the owls
No point in having large linebackers when you're barely allowed to tackle anymore.
He already told us he won't post here for a couple of weeks if the Dolphins lost to the Bills. Considering Pooa's injury it will probably be even longer until he comes back.
>3 died
>3 owls
if the shoe fits, take a hike faggot
I think more people resort to coping and seething about the Chiefs than bandwagoning. Saying you're a Chiefs fan here is like wearing a yellow star.
>belishart is a fraud
He had LT too when he was the Giants DC
I used to work in a bank by the old price chopper in Lee's Summit. The one by the high school
i live near there too
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>The new wave of "urban" qbs can't throw
The NFL will just make a new rule that defenders aren't allowed to guard within 5 yards of the receiver. This game is for the Swifties now and old man Kelcey needs his touches.
Remember the Hy-Vee at that intersection that always had festive decorations on its roof like a big blowup Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween?
I'm also from Lee's Summit haha go Chiefs
>no faggotry allowed
posts faggot
what did op mean by this?
Fair enough, but I think it's schedule dependent. Rams have already lost a conference game, losing in division right after would lock them into wild card sweepstakes. Even if you think that's their ceiling, I think the Cards are a wild card frisky team as well. Getting the tiebreak over them would be huge.
fugg :DDDD
No the part where he seethed for OVER A DECADE About being a faggot is the proof duh
I still can't believe he is this dumb >>144396707
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I think your team is pretty cool. I hope they have a good season.
BB hired Patricia to sabotage Mac Jones. He never had a fair chance
gayron needs to take that lil nigga gayleb under his wing
boys too zesty
>dates a hot 20 year old in your path
heh, nothin personal seether
My El Paso Chihuahuas are the coolest!
they're not responding because they're scared it isn't real and you'll call them out on it KEK
your Steelers suck pedo
tfw jamiroquai comes up on the playlist
Bro I like the phins don't do this.
No it's real and some of my fondest memories being enamored by what new blow-up monstrosity they had on the roof.
>he thinks its a gf instead of a beard
oh anon...
le silly hat man
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wtf did you call me
Maybe, I remember one hy vee on one of the main drags. One of the banks I worked at was by it, I think. I lived in midtown but commuted every day to LS. I do remember a pizza place called poppies or pappi's or something like that we'd get lunch from a lot
But enough about Pharrell Williams
Who's next for the three peat? Maybe that's what the three represented...the three peat
I nominate Jenny for next sacrifice.
Yeah because we're the SHERIFFS AROUND HERE
If Darnold comes out of sunday with a win or a close loss the kangs will be on the map.
Only a blowout loss ends the Darnold hype train.
The coping comes soon when mahomes makes tua look like an intelligent thoughtful human after kwab'ing himself on the field.
>If Darnold comes out
Not a Lions fan, but talk about making my day!
Minnesomalia is finishing 3rd in the NFCN
Nah 2nd at minimum
Bears will obviously be last and Green Gay isn't escaping the 0-5 deficit they'll slide into to have a positive win loss record by season's end.
The big question heading in week 2 is will Brady be less boring?
Bears are 1-0 with a stud rookie qb
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>Sam Darnold will go undefeated and win the Superb Owl
you heard it here first
No. Brady has football autism, but not the fun to listen to kind like Peyton or Belichick.
no he's never cut an interesting promo in his life and he's hamstrung further by doing national games where they want you to clown it up more for the casuals
if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it
Peyton was the better QB and the better commentator. In due time, you will all agree.
>93 yards 0 TDs
It's going to be funny each week as the "average yards per game for Caleb to hit 4k this season" continues to skyrocket
Currently it's 244 (was 235.3 before week 1)
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There is only 1 true QB GOD
Stop avatarfagging
Panther bros... what are we expecting this Sunday? That's the day prior to Mexico's independence day and I was going to make barbacoa de borrego tomorrow so that on Sunday it's ready, but I just know I'm going to be in a bad mood if we get btfo again.
I never doubted him
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It was his first ever game and he did no worse than Joe Burrow (muh top 3 QB!) did the same week. He will ony improve, while continuing to find ways to win
Uh what?
Joe Burrow's first NFL start he had 193 yards, a 64% completion rate, and a 66.1 passer rating
Caleb with a better receiver core and much better oline had 93 yards, 48.3% completion rate and a 55.7 passer rating
I'm comparing their performances last week
What difference how many yards he gets if he does nothing with it.
Threadly reminder the phins were the "top offense in the league" based on stats last year according to the nfl. How'd that fucking work out?
So Caleb is worse than Derek Carr and Sam Darnold, got it.
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>Booking a wrestling match during the game
Isn't it funny that all the NFCN quarterbacks are spiritually good?
The joke is that the bears have never in their entire history had a 4000 yard passer or a QB with more than 30TDs in a season
okay see
>spiritually good
where is flex field
The Chiefs are now more hated than the Cowboys kek
This conversation is over your head. Just keep coping while Caleb Winniams keeps winning.
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>Joe Burrow
limp wristed faggot
Fair, just saying it didn't do fucking anything for the phins kek
It takes place an hour before the game, will probably be shit, maybe someone will land on their head trying to take a frankensteiner.
cowgoyim cope
kek was a shoe-in nominee
Brock goaty though
>Cock Throaty
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>winning the award for being the zestiest ass nigga
is that a crime?
rock mankind had a championship match at halftime in the rams/titties one
>Fraud Turdy
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>maybe someone will land on their head trying to take a frankensteiner.
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>be away from /nfl/ for a few days
>come back to an alleged wamen tripfag
Is there proof of this?
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Tim Walz put Tampons in /sp/ there isn't an actual woman here, nice try
hogwarts ahhh motherfucker
Not a cowcuck
>And it's Brock with the rock! Oh, what a block! Brock the jock keeps an eye on the clock as he hurries not walks! It's over! Brock rocks!
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ate too much brisket now i feel like i have a fever
does it burn when you urinate?
yeah but that isn't new
Teams that will be 0-2 next week (season effectively over)
>Bengals (will still make the playoffs somehow)
The Panthers will beat the Chargers because it's funny.
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you have a concussion
I think it's really nice of Sadiq Khan to give his retarded son a wrestling league to play with and keep him occupied. Probably would've been cheaper to just buy him a bunch of wrestling dolls, but when you're a billionaire you can buy real life wrestlers instead.
oy vey Temujin ain’t gonna like this
I forgot to add
>daddy owns a team in the two biggest leagues in the world
>fantasy booking mandrama instead
kek what a /pw/eenie
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WWF had 10 million average viewers back then and that Rock-Mankind match had 11 million viewers.
AEW barely draws 500k. Wrestling is dead and the nerd smarks like Tony Khan killed it.
I don't like the comical tone so much of this general enjoys. Personally I come here to make pithy serious statements with all the gravitas of a corporate legend or stockbroker, for instance
>Chiefs and Bengals this sunday. Should be a tough outing for the visiting team.
And then I lean back and sip my chai tea with an eminently serious mien, anticipating good discussion and perhaps even a (you) or two. Instead what do I see? Memes and half-baked troll attempts, flooding the thread without a single intelligent intermission. Where is the place for serious football discussion?
It's funny considering how hard Vince McMahon tried (and failed) to expand beyond the wrestling business.
Yeah but he won where it mattered most:watching women get BLACKED nonstop
They are wasting Black Taurus in that shitter company.
Sleep tight sweet prince.
>Wrestling is dead and the nerd smarks like Tony Khan killed it.
What did they do?
RIP TUA, pour a 40 out for his legacy
Why’s he throwing up his set at Jesus?
Why don't you try being a woman in a man's world and you'll see just how serious things can get, you mansplaining neanderthal
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Dear Lord in Heaven, please make Mahomes experience a Joe Theismann/Alex Smith injury where he is double-tackled by Trey Hendrickson and Vonn Bell.
It's a long story, but basically the nerds just wanted to pop a Meltzer 5 star match, so instead of having cool characters like Stone Cold, Rock, Taker, etc, they have bland midgets doing ballerina flips.
You couldn't even get the quads, you embarrassment.
yeah was just showing you how far the Sacred Sport™ has fallen in case you were a zoomfriend. im beseeching someone to grow a chin in that fed
I miss Olde E in glass bottles.
what about jenny doe
You tell ‘em Temujin!
Seriously though I can't think of any Brady highlight plays. Only plays I associate him with are the Tuck Rule, Malcolm butler interception, and deflated balls. He never made highlight plays which shows he was a system baby
trip on, temujin
I will not until he goes back to his homeland of island coconutistan.
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>U need Ur panties ripped off and 3 BIG BLACK DICKS in ALL 3 holes at the same time!!! Way up ur pussey and Way up Ur ass as far as they will go but even farther. And the thickest cock goes down Ur throat so it makes U gag and convulse as those big black cocks pound away it feels like from the start Ur being assaulted but it's made U cum nonstop. Just one continuous constant orgasm and just before U pass out those big black dicks squirt their loads of cum inside U ! As U lay on ur stomach the cum is coming out of all Ur holes, i'll turn U over and jack off all over
Roger never said this
Check this out:
You will never
and I mean NEVER
be a woman
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>TFW the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio are performing voodoo rituals towards Patrick Mahomes
Edelman super bowl
Reads like he posts on >>>/hc/ lmao
He tries really hard to be Vince
You gotta give these bitches what they want.
Vinnie Mac did nothing wrong.
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>Tom Brady did his job so efficiently he didn't need to pull any magic out of his ass to win
>this makes him inferior because fantasy football and social media
Chiefs and Bengals this sunday. Should be a tough outing for the visiting team.
reminder this bitch was almost 40 when vince shit on her. not the 20 something shown in stories.
She was a freak and she liked it.
Goodell would never.
Yeah. Poor Chiefs don't play well in Burrowhead.
>defecating on her head
>underage kids talking about wresting
grow up ffs
Career ending bussy injury for joeybaumsworld soon!
im 38
I'm 56
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>implying NFL isn't predetermined
grow up, indeed
Wrassling was good back in the day. Shame you weren’t around to see it.
And it’s any different than what we’re watching with Goodell being Vince and Mahomes being Triple or The Rock
older than you muhammad
Kids don't like wrestling, millennials were the last generation to care.
Say you were raped in the summer of 92 without saying you were
>And it’s any different than what we’re watching with Goodell being Vince and Mahomes being Triple or The Rock
It's not like they even try to hide it
I pretend I know how to play fantasy football
Pls don't tell them i want to see if it works and I can be one of the BOYS
jennys a HoganCHAD
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Ties that bond
Just took a fat steaming reffies lads
Why did you put Ryan Tannehill in all caps every time
The NFL is nothing like wrasslin because the heels keep winning.
This but Jenny instead
I hate fantasy trannies so much. They are worse than stattybois.
How do you feel about guttyboys?
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It seemed like something the boys might do
>hate fantasy trannies so much.
This. Real men attack the bookies with an aggressive edge betting system.
Why can't Chiefs haters into AI?
It cracks me up how serious they all are, with the same abbreviated tones. That's what I was trying to mock in my post.
Stop making fun of asians.
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Nights don't come any longer
Days seem to last forever
Nothing you can do could bring her back to you
Forever blue...
nah, betfags can get skinned alive too
Pretty :)
You need a balance between logic and instinct. This is what the "eye test" means.
This makes the bungles fan seethe
do not talk to me or my /nfl/ ever again, triptranny
Should I go out tonight at the clubs to talk to women?
you should go out but dont try and hook up with a woman
ngl I bet u have pretty eyes :)
What's your BMI?
I’m 260 but I’m a weightlifter of 7 years
There’s a latina tripcode user ITT, talk to her.
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jenny loves fat people
>prop bets
Not a single profitable professional bettor would lay a single unit on this. That's not what ATS edge betting is, you goof.

Gain test.
>there are adults in this very thread under 6' tall
Real men only bet moneyline
I’m 5’8
I'm gay
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6'4 gigagod here
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>I'm 5'8
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I don't care
>most major inventors under 6ft
Why aren’t you at the club, Aaron?
And? They were manlets then. Manlets never learn.
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>I'm not like those other gambling degenerates
Damn I forgot to check earlier if any channels were doing a F13 marathon. I would’ve recorded them on my dvr
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Moneylines are terrible bets unless you're betting the dog in baseball, which is the only way you can profit longterm in baseball. If you haven't been betting the Rockies at home all year, then you're doing it wrong.

In football, you always want to bet ATS. But over/unders have good value occasionally as well.
>reddit spacing betfag
checks out
Go to bed, Mohammad. Staying up this late is haram.
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Spreads are massively unpredictable in my experience. All it takes is some meaningless desperation play to fuck everything up.
If you know ball, you can pick the winners with moneyline, simple as.
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>Ok look skylar, you have to keep pretending to be shit
>"Why coach, it doesn't make sense?"
>We don't want Tua knowing you were secretly really good this whole time yet, it might make him feel bad, wait until he's comfortably at home in his wheelchair
>"Ok if you say so coach..."
>thinks that reddit spacing is when you just make a space
Newfag election tourist also hates betting. What a surprise.
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the election youre seething over was almost a decade ago, tranny
time to get over it
This is what everyone in this thread thinks they look like
Based latina tripfriend who knows her shit.
I've got a way better beard.
I look like this
you poor stupid child
I don’t have fucked up teeth
he jus liek me frfr
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>couldn't even get the quads

but I shall
Moneyline has no value. Oh wow, you layed $350 to win $100. Congratulations. Too bad you also laid $400 to win $100 and lost on your next bet. Now you're down $300. Moneylines are for suckers. Bookies consider you a VIP customer.
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anon do you know what quads are
youre both degenerate retards who have no fucking idea whats good
If he's fencing where is his pointy sword?
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>can’t even get trips
why would i lie about something like that
That's not even trips, you fucking asshole
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his pants duh
>betting on the overwhelming favorite
You don't NEED to bet on every game. Bet close ones, bet trap games. You can get huge amounts of money on an upset for little investment IF you know ball.
Because you avatarfag. Now post proofs or Jenny will be sacrificed slowly for the queefs 3peat.
i mean i'll check em but I'm not happy about it
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Tell ‘em, sister!
my bookie pays out if team goes up by 17 pts
i dont have my physical or ID near me
and there it is
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>jennyfag is the /nfl/ glowie
Not surprising
way to ruin it
ruin this bussy
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It always amazes me that women can't admit they are soulless when 72 year old Bill Belichick is smashing some 26 year old whore but not granny in history ever convinced a 20 year old stud to be her plaything with a paycheck
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>tfw i watched every condensed game from week 1
the superior way to watch football.
let's unpack this
discord fat fuck
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>not watching the 7 hour recording of redzone
unpack the back of my nuts you cum slurping turbofaggot
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I miss the old soulful memes. No one says Dragon anymore on big plays.

Nowadays it's nothing but KWAB this or Bussy that.
Favorites always win straight up in week 1. That's how they sucker you in. If betting favorites on the moneyline was profitable, then Vegas wouldn't exist. Instead it's filled with giant golden buildings with crystal chandeliers everywhere. The only way to crack the books is high volume edge betting ATS.
Red zone is the worst way to watch. You aren’t even watching the game
bryce young, you look like you suck
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>not granny in history ever convinced a 20 year old stud to be her plaything with a paycheck
>bengals -9.5
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Cause these bones have turned my blood black on the inside/
Just like oil slick on my mind
Shot these veins up with this liquid liquor darkside/
Just like oil slick on my mind...
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blame nufags and discord rhetoric
I'll be dragon this bussy across your dick
Favorites went 13-1 last Sunday. That was the one 1. And yes, I guarantee people lost their pants on that game. There will be many more of those over the course of the season, which is exactly why betting moneylines is unprofitable in the long run. Thanks for accentuating my point, anon.
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I never bet on anything but the pick-em double-downs. Won me an easy 10k just last week with a triple fiver. Moneyline double or nothing. Freeroll. Talk about a gimme.
The Falcons were favourites to best Pittsburgh and lost. I agree with you for the most part, but try to be more accurate with the facts. A lot of people won money on that game too.
Best quarterback to never win a superbowl ring?
I dont bet but wasn't Cleveland favored, too? It's still nuts if it was 11-2.
Are you 12
Obviously marino
cowboys, steelers, bengals all won week 1 as underdogs you have no idea what you are talking about
Jim Kelly was better.

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brady wishes he had this amount of SOVL
forgot link jej
I don't have time for insecure prattle. I'm twelve figures deep in this shark tank if that's what you want to know. Money salad. Gilded toppings. So save it, monkey. This fiddle only plays one way.
Lose weight bitchtits
based Marino taking his job seriously
Chris Everett
Hey, wait a tick... you're Bingo Bailey! This guy shot Tricky Dicky over a backalley handshake bet back in '51. I'm 'fraid you rolled those dice too loose and too quick, joker. Best you close your books with the man upstairs and close 'em fast, I say.
Marino or Tarkenton
Call me Chris one more time
You just reminded me how Kelly's downturn could be tracked to when he got that concussion that made him walk to the other team's sideline.
Fucking TOLD
Thanks for sticking up for me, Rodgers. Uhhh, actually, ehhhh, what I mean is… I’m not gay!
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Then the buttraping would begin. You'd wake up in his rape dungeon and then you be getting all 12 inches of his cock for the rest of the week as you sobbed and sobbed. He was ruthless but had a fetish for it.
josh allen
Goodnight, Temujin!
Todd Philcox
Lions win by 4 TDs over Bucs tomorrow as you start to see that the 2024 Lions are the best this century. In the Super Bowl they hammer the Chiefs 45-3
jesus christ, goff you complete fucking moron
>t. had a gamecast
He’s Malibu’s Most Wanted.
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wtf did you just say about my quaterback
I love you Jenny!
That’s Ryan Gosling, benchod
>2024 and honestly believing that league ownership cares more about the integrity of athletic competition than they do five hundred million Swift Bucks
The naivety of some adults ..
Live clean in your 20s and you will be the best looking male your age in your 30s and 20 year old women will flirt with you. I know from experience and it feels great.
This but with Temujin instead.
Go Lions btw
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the NBA set the standard for how not to run a sports league where you have a player who can never be surpassed. The NFL will always have someone becoming the GOAT once the former GOAT retires, it's better for business
Generally yes but there are weak points. Fading QBs in moderate wind is the biggest especially with dome duck throwers. Optimally 15mph. Not enough to raise flags and enough to make some of these uncoordinated noodle arm geeks worthless
And then you'll wake up and watch Bakey and the Bucs stunt on your team
Cowboys closing line was +109. Basically a pick em. Go ahead and bet moneyline favorites, you retard. Completely missing the point because I was off by one. You're Canadian so you're basically not even a real person.
If this were true you would be out doing that right now instead of posting on 4chan
you should make an instagram account and sell your picks I bet you would make even more money than you do now
As you can see, throughout the course of a season, favorites go around 65-67%. Not the 81% that happened in week fucking 1 while bookies are suckering you morons in.

Jerkoff Canadian faggot. Go get arrested for hate speech, you subhuman street shitter.
After a long day of flirting I’ve gotta rest
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Boooom! I get Rodgers @ Nashville!!!!!!!

The competition for top game of that slot was San Francisco @ Minnesota which did get every station in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and pretty much all of Texas
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stay mad hans
So bet the underdog on the moneyline when it's winnable. Got it :^)
This isn't /bet/ you MORONS
I want Goff's balls in my mouth all night tonight (and every night and every day)
This, but Jenny’s balls for me ;)
bullet to the skull sounds better
y u liek dis
Good luck guessing which underdogs are going to win straight up. I'm sure you had the Patriots pegged last week. The value is ATS. The ATS trends will play out over the next two weeks, then you can find the real value and start betting higher volume.

But hey. Us long term winners need you long term losers to keep Vegas going.
Stfu faggot, half the thread is tranime. Betting is the only thing keeping football relevant.
Same, go vikings btw
reddit.com you should go there and never come back
Not sure how this is supposed to be an insult. Reddit is based for reading about sports

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what about jenny doe
reddit has better football discussion
Edp is back?
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Joe Burrow was always a brittle yancy faggot you could tell by the way he dressed and now he's gone full limp wristed and will end up retiring early like Andrew Luck
eat (d)jennys pussy?
I hope That's alright
I just opened a gay version of Hooters in Key West if any of you want a job. Bare ass cheeks out and guests are encouraged to slap and fondle your ass. Thigh high sports socks with stripes on top and thong shorts. It's not just Dolphins games we have just as big a clientele for Steelers, Cowboys, 49ers, Chiefs, etc. Our biggest is our Patriot and Buc fans, they swarm in wearing their Brady jerseys all making out with each other, so especially good job for you Brady boys. But Mahomes boys are hot too. All are welcome as long as your bare ass cheeks hang out and get slapped and fondled.
that mad just because you got called out for being wrong, you must be indian
*I hope Tua is alright

He's one of our regulars when he's on vacation here
I want the job.
This will save me.
If it's a gay chicken restaurant and it's not called cock gobblers you fucked up
>no cock size minimum for workers
yeah it does sound gay
do you pay to fly me out there and give me a stipend for accommodation
retarded simps need to leave this thread and off themselves yesterday
Honestly if you don’t think Trevor Lawrence is a top 5 guy being held back by playcalling you don’t know ball
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Don't be hatin
I have a ton of pent up angst and emotion about girls in my life and I have no outlet to vent it. No one I can talk to about it!
I want to believe! We all need a Thor in our lives!
we are here for you anon
Try jerking off while choking yourself.
He's a talltard he'll never be smooth enough to be that guy consistently though he can have fits and pop off and win a Lombardi. Not a surprise Jumpball Joe's wife agrees below
You can take out your frustration on my butthole as hard and long and violent as you want
It's stressful for us Cowboys fans
have you tried joining a fantasy league
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i am once again asking you to stop fucking my poolboys. i know its the reason 99% of unaccompanied women or groups of women come to my resort but you dont realize the damage youre doing to their psyches and your relationships with this shit. once theyve porked a few desperate milfs from oshkosh, had the forbidden mmf 3way and then had the forbidden mff 3way (both are equally sinful in the eyes of God and im tired of pretending they arent) they’re done, they have “the hunger” and i have to let them go because they can and will golddick me and this industry’s profit margins are razor thin as it is.
and its not like the turnover rate is the problem because the locals breed so fast im convinced they lay eggs, its the principal of the thing. if you got time to dick you got time to pick (up your pace, motherfucker).
some of my associates and brethren of the biz have tried to make it racial, they say
>fucking browns cant help it, theyll stick their pecker in a wall outlet if their sister isnt around
>man if i only had an atom bomb id use it to wipe this fucking stain of an island clean
and to that i simply say “yep”
anyway go burrs
Are you? Can I talk about my angst?
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I doubt you're really a bears fan, otherwise you'd know sometimes you just need to hire a gay guy. Would solve most of your problems.
sure, what happened

I have been warned.
someones tattling then
What a godawful cover
Probably DETOILETS, whom I HATE
Was looking forward to the regular season starting because I hoped the quality of discussion on /nfl/ would improve. But it only got worse
If his QB gig doesn't pan out, Caleb can be the fashion designer for the mayor and interior designer for city hall
Based newfag
Yeah, I'm thinking reddit has better football discussion
Pees on you
Goddamit he's up
first time?
My parents both just got shot and killed in front of me tonight as we left a movie theater.
I guess I'm the new Batman. What team should I cheer for?
I assume you're in chicago so probably da bears
Zoomfriends will never understand Newton rushing tds followed by 60 seconds of dabbing and running around spastically
jenny awaits
the world was in a better place back then and we didn't even know it
Darnold vs the 49ers, TD TD TDTDTD
Newton getting his ass GAPED by the buncos was NOT better than it is nao
Cocky Cam was incredible when he backed it up. I still laugh everytime I see this.
nah blud only had enough autism for one game
Gotham city canonically has the steelers, enjoy the stadium blown up by bane
This post is offtopic
>pick 6
>pick 6
>scoop and score
>Justin Jefferson, down by 30 with 8 minutes left
>pick 6
I have a huge framed picture on my wall of Cam Newton holding his legs spread wide, as he bends over and gets sodomized in front of everyone watching the Super Bowl
Bit Gay don’t you think
A few more weeks of the Bustin and DangeRuss show and shitsburgh will be begging for that to happen.

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