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>The PAC-12 may be coming back from the dead. The two-team conference of Washington State and Oregon State is targeting Boise State, San Diego State, Colorado State and Fresno State as new additions in a reimagined Pac-6. Those schools are expected to soon apply or have already applied for membership into the conference — the first step in the process to complete the deal. They would join the league starting with the 2026 school year.
>UMass is rejoining the MAC.
>UConn/Big XII talks are on hold, though the door is still wide open according to both parties.

>Week Three
#20 Arizona v. #14 Kansas State (Manhattan, KS)
#24 Boston College v. #6 Mizzou (Columbia, MO)
#9 Oregon v. Oregon State (Corvallis, OR)
#18 Notre Dame v. Purdue (West Lafayette, IN)
Tulane v. #15 Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
Washington State v. Washington (Seattle, WA)
Colorado v. Colorado State (Fort Collins, CO)
West Virginia v. Pitt (Pittsburgh, PA)

/cfb/ pick 'em: https://fantasy.espn.com/games/college-football-pickem-2024/group?id=a55c8e21-61f9-42a5-ae49-cb87e3371c2c


previous >>144394150
Coach Primate
Who is this gold-teeth-gold-chain-wearin', fried-chicken-and-biscuit-eatin', monkey, ape, baboon, big thigh, fast-runnin', high-jumpin', spear-chuckin', 360-degree-basketball-dunkin' titsoon spade moolinyan they keep showing on my screen?
Can't wait to JOOOMP
I bet UNLV +9. C'mon Runnin' Rebs' keep it close! Larry Johnson and Stacey Augmen are rooting for you.
Checked. Thats Mr. Gogo
B1G Champs
Shit games
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fuck it, lets jooomp right now
dios mio, la creatura
>roster built for running the ball because that's what you can recruit locally and what works in the B1G when the weather turns shit
>new coach tries to make them run air raid
doomed for failure
Gay College Football "Traditions"

>South Carolina Techno Song Shit
>VT Enter Sandman
>Jump Around Wisconsin
>Clemson getting in a bus riding around the stadium and running down a hill and rubbing a rock
>Any "tradition" that involves a rap song being played over speakers
Apple cup and civil war. Purdue beats Notre dame
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and there it is
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EMAW, /cfb/! Not going to defend that Avery play at the end, but jesas. I still have memories of that Ole Miss @ Tennessee game (the mustard golf ball game) and I'm glad it wasn't at the end of the game.
Texas A&M is pretty gay
>Gay College Football "Traditions"
Yeah, well we all know that. No need to include in the list.
you're obsessed
taco tech flinging tortillas and AA batteries during home games vs top 5 teams is a markedly less gay tradition than a lot of the other shit your foggy alma maters do
t. soonerchad
this is his first full season as starter, right? boy's young, he'll only make that mistake once, so best for it to be early in a game early in the season
Is there any type of situation where Marcus Freeman gets fired this season? Would it take like a 3-9 record?
Just fall on it. Every damn week
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lmfao at the spaghetti that just happened in the kansas game
>4 separate guys going ME ME ME ME and trying to grab the ball and run instead of falling on it
>ends up with other team
If I was a football coach I would lose my goddamn shit if my defense had a free fumble on the ground and they all tried to pick it up and run with it.
UNLV with the recovery, thankfully.
why are they obsessed with monkeyass niggra?
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What are we drinking tonight, bros? I got banana flavored 99 and Pepsi which is fucking amazing. Also I had a 3 day ban from /sp/ so I couldn't say it on Wednesday so can yall wish me a happy birthday please?
especially up by 4 in the 4th
I didn't see, we're gonna need a webm of whatever spaghetti befell Kansas
It's Disney. Didn't they make the Little Mermaid black?
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migu :D
>the mustard golf ball game
best /cfb/ moment of the last 5 years
Please someone post it
Slapping of the rhythmic variety.
happy birthday, I had a six pack of heineken and a 24oz steele reserve
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This drive has just been terrible plays by Kansas defense
Happy birthday, drinking water like usual.
this Pepito nigga for Arizona is straight CHEEKS
Jesus Christ I think I could hear a vein burst in their DC’s forehead
What part of Kansas are you guys from?
What's the best Miku song?
Kansas Kuties
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What part of Las Vegas metropolitan area are you guys from?

I'm from this neighborhood
The UNLV part.
If your defense is playing so great as the announcer said then just kick a fg there
Spaghetti of the Year nominee
Thanks you. No wonder Illinois beat them.
>allow a 5 millionth effort push from Sluka
>blow play dead the second Kansas steals the ball
Okay refs
its a game of light years
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lmfao kansas
That's a bad spot lol

No way they got it
>15yd penalty when you are on the one
top kek
Sluka is shifty for a white boy
Why are these refs ruining the game?
Vegas suburbs is actually one of the comfiest places I have spent time in, granted I was at a vrbo but point remains. I love the American west.
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this is a meme drive
stop booing my reffies
>Vegas suburbs is actually one of the comfiest places I have spent time in
Ref you suck
>kansas state QB 3 yards from sideline, could easily throw it away
>takes a sack
black qbs
These things are maximum soulless but are exactly the kind of place I'd want to live
this might be the last drive of the game
My biggest college football pet peeves

1. Defenders rushing the QB out of control allowing him to break contain and pick up shit ass cheap first downs.

2. Not diving on fumbles in a crowd.

3. Defensive backs not turning their fucking head around

4. Snapping the ball 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage on 3rd and inches or 4th and inches

5. old boomers who wear leis

6. Cheesy ass football coaches (Guy in Minnesota, Shane Beamer, Mizzous Coach, Butch Jones, etc.)

7. Army, Navy and Air Force They all play dirty as hell. No reason to ever schedule them if you're a legit school.

8. That dude on Fox who produces those shitty ass human interest stories that are made for the women viewers.

9. Preseason rankings

10. left handed QBs.
That's a point in favor of Vegas. Lawns are a pain in the ass to manage.
Run a play action, UNLV!
Retarded play calling UNLV stop giving it to the nigger
spaghetti from G5 reffies tonight
ok what is the plan for the next schools to join the 6-PAC if they didn't want the low value MWC schools?
Las Vegas is so soulless its soul
wow what a scramble by Sluka
Tulane and Memphis are guaranteed invites.
Holy shit Sluka is slippery
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he's had multiple great ones this drive

make it count
My biggest college football pet peeves
>black QBs
>black coaches
Vegas must be stopped
spills over into pro too
most accurate post on /sp/
What about college kickers
>My biggest college football pet peeves
>>black QBs
>>black coaches
This is based, I hate all that shit too
and there it is
>coach primate
BLM can literally stop them by no longer selling land.
That's a man
You have to give that to them.

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total referee death
yup theres nothing to overturn the call on the field
>inb4 KR for a TD
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I'm about to go to Casey's. You guys need anything?
I don't watch college football. Who is the next Patrick Mahomes?
A lot lizard.
Pepperoni mega slice
pick me up a pidzer
every qb that throws it sidearmed 1 time
Some NoDoz and a monster
Bag of Bussy, please.
Shadeur Sanders
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Yo! For me aht ahs da Auburn Tahgers, da best college football teis.
>bot primate
>Wayward Son
Thank you intern
jfc Kansas, are you serious?
dis nigga not even employed with the school
biggest cfb pet peves

>cupcake matchups
>nigger coaches
>nigger qbs
>no two feet inbounds rule

best things about cfb

>spaghetti ball
>hero ball
>college kickers
>autism in the stands
>/cfb/ comfiness

thank you for reading my blog
incoming daniels INT
>tfw lied on indeed application
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Texas Christian University
I bet this dude's twitter is nothing but a bunch of inspirational quotes by blacks and new age inspiration that involves words like "grind" and shit like that. Rapper quotes too.
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
I can't believe anyone gave points
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who let all these negroes in here?
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Based Tiger bot
Black male white female
>dad currently ranting about how the people pushing DEI are the same people pushing for NIL
how to I respond bros
Black male black male
For me, its Ivory-Wayans
redpill him on the federal reserve
If you get beat by this guy your black qb is playing the definition of a black qb.
Why did the refs gift UNLV of all teams this game? Do they hate Kansas that much?
For coastie anons who don't know, this is literally, unironically, no seriously, the best pizza in the world
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.maet llabtoof egelloc tseb eht ,sregiT nrubuA eht si ti em roF
Scream Coach Primate
>chop block for no reason on the opposite side of the run play
black linemen
Refs just cost Kansas the game
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we didnt do shit
I don't see anything wrong there
Im pretty sure he would redpill me on that too
Ok I’ll try thanks bro
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>how to I respond bros
That was a little too reffy.
Kansas did this to themselves for allowing UNLV to make this close.
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lmao kansas. crowd is booing the shit out of them
lol they had so many opportunities to win
>sacked on a three man rush
Well enjoy your trip back to the basement Kansas
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>illinois acting smug for beating these kansas bums
sneedbraska finna booty blast illinois
>4th and game
>don't even throw the ball
why are modern quarterbacks such pussies
lmao at all the booing
The brunette is so hot.
Damn, bros. This awesome game tonight has me all juiced up for tomorrow.
Lmao you pathetic refists never fail to make me laugh with your ”cfb humor”. Face it. most reffies will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of the field. get over it losers
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>ynr thinking Leipold was good
What part of Las Vegas you guys from?
>East side shit hole reporting in
unlv +9.5 and ksu -6.5 and ML free
every weekend i just make money
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Those city slickers won't see it coming.
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refchads stay winning
Aria on the strip.

What other bets do you have going this weekend?
can't wait for Colorado to beat Colorado State by 1 point on some ref ball in the last minute so
Coach PRIMATE can be interviewed post-game
I thought he got the first on 3rd down funnily enough
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>last three years were merely a mirage
Has there ever been a good Hawaiian Samoan QB ever. that bust Mariota and pooa is the best I can think of. They all have weak arms.
Fort Riley
EMAW, motherfuckers.
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He broke the Mangino curse. That's good enough for me. Between him and Mangino they never won more than 3 games in a season.
This looks like those western movies.
Timmy Chang?
It's Leipover
Jayhawks fucking suck boys, wtf
They both were good. What the fuck are you talking about?
For me it's the blonde, the best girl in that image.
He threw a shit ton of picks.
>nebraska 7-0 going into OSU game
>on the road at the school where Raiola first committed before following his heart to Nebraska
>throws for 500 yards and 5TDs while the crowd seethes
>media goes crazy about mahomes jr. bringing Nebraska back to relevance
script for this season leaked, pretty kino
So two nfl busts is the best they have?
Nah, if you go back and look at the film, she knows the camera is on her and her whole reaction is performative for the camera. Lost a lot of respect for that slam piece when I caught it. Shame. The brunette is legit. Looks like she hates illegal immigrants. Just how I like em.
It's over
This seasons script sponsored by State Farm
Down year for LEOPOLD
Jalon Daniels can’t read a defense for shit and can’t progress through his reads unless they start running him and the rbs more and use more play action this season will hurt a lot
this is cfb
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I wouldn't even be mad since the tOSU crowd would lynch Day up the stadium flagpole at the end of the day.
Oregon is shit I would prefer that they lose tomorrow
>life has been a mirage since covid
fraid so
I should be kinder to LL yeah it's tough for KU
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True but his stats are a shit load of pretty much everything.
put together a dream team of wrongfully fired coaches to rebuild a program
>HC - Mangino
>DC - Pelini
>OC - ?
>ST - ?
Basketball season when ;^(
Hopefully never
Gotta put in Scott Frost somewhere.
im picking them to lose just cause of prejudice and racism
Anon, you said "good" quarterback. Someone who gets drafted and starts multiple seasons in the NFL is "good." Do they any HOFers or great QBs, no.
Why? So you can get bounced by a 6-10 seed again?
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Anyone go back to their alma mater after being away for 10+ years? What was it like? Was thinking of flying into Houston to see an Aggie game this year but from what I've heard from friends' younger siblings, seen online, and just the general vibe of the university I feel like cozy little College Station is just like any other town at this point. It was already being ghettotized when I graduated, can't imagine the trend reversed
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OC - Bobby Petrino
ST - Scott Frost
OC has to be the dude from Baylor. Bryles?
I want to change my alma mater from KU to K-State.
Is kstate even supposed to make the tourney?
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i always post them when i place them but lines move. i place them when they open so they are probably going to be different. if the line moved in my direction a lot the bet may not be good. im trying to get closing live value and usually do good.
shut the fuck up
>frost as special teams
>surprise onside kicks 3x per game
If anyone was wrongly fired, it was Mike Leach.
Bryles deserved it, honestly.
Hard to coach from the grave. RIP
Went back to mine for dinner conferences and now the blacks are segregated to their own separate but equal student union building
/our girl/ made history yet again
Just use AI and make tacotech pay for it.
North Texas is going to upset Texas Tech tomorrow
What are you a cow farmer who gets called a city slicker or something?
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Quarterbacks - Nick Rolovich
>leach as OC calling plays via Ouija board

imagine having both leach and Mangino chewing out players for being retarded and Pelini screaming at the reffies. I want this coaching staff to be real


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If we're going to revive wrongfully fired dead coaches then we need to bring back Woody. He did nothing wrong and that Clemson player was asking for it.
I want to correct a mistake I made earlier.
what even is an aggie anyways?
Very impressive slate. I was just happy to get UNLV +9. I also have Oregon State +16.5. Would have hit on ASU -1 if I had time last night.
I'm considering busting it back up to the casino tonight if anything really jumps out, but I probably should just be happy with what I have.
I really like that Utah under though. Same with that Tulane spread.
The other farmers joke you don't they?
No. I live in the Kansas City area. I regret choosing KU as my alma mater. But I took a course at K-State to complete a certificate.
i knew what that first video was gonna be before i even clicked it and i wasnt disappointed
why don't you flood the thread during games with six posts about it
Prolly Gardner haha fag. That still rural?
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Yeah, we're winning the B1G.
>ASU runs the state again
arizona would have won if coach put more trash around his neck
Olathe. And Gardner has grown a lot in 15 years.
Arizona is terrible, literally just: McMillan, the team.
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Don't you dare. She never could have planned it in that low amount of time. She's perfect.
Is Arizona this bad?
Did Arizona give up?
Arizona has given up
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post feet
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
Looks right into the camera. Don't worry, I'd let her take a look at my cock.
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i have osu in a parlay at 16.5 as well and wish it was 17. didnt outright bet it because i wanted 17 or 17.5. i think i got posistive CLV on 80% of the bets.

o/u is 43.5 and both teams play super slow. no cam run game.
They should be down more desu
>black qb
I dunno, you tell me.
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Pure coincidence. The camera was probably very far away.
the feet I see on this board are truly horrifying
It's Arizover
You're her aren't you? You're the blonde.
>sabrina carpenter
Why do so many nfl coaches look like retarded faggots? Its not all of them but still you never see this shit in college save for the rare autismo which you also dont get in pros
Go Utah State and New Mexico State!
You want to suck cock for Sabrina Carpenter?
Me too
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The Minnesota Coach and Lincoln Riley are the only two homo coaches I can think about in cfb

We need more Coach O's and Sanduskys
What site is that?
>not a homo

What do you think diddling little boys involves?
You ever seen Missouri's coach?
he did the Luigi leg kick
Maize boys can run
So what's next
Sandusky was simply ahead of the curve.
tonight would have been a good night for a late night hawaii game
Am I reading this right that the only ranked vs ranked game this week is Kansas State vs Arizona and it was on a Friday? Water we dune here?
Thanks Fox
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its a spread sheet i use from a guy with autism but super sharp with lines and projections. ive got an eye for people who know what they are talking about and sharp bettors. anything over or under 30% is a bet.
theres one other one tomorrow: #24 BC @ #6 Mizzou
Next week doesn't look too hot either
>#11 USC @ #17 Michigan
>#12 Utah @ #13 Okie State
>#7 Tennessee @ #15 Oklahoma
Only one of those games will turn out good
copious amounts of gay sex
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He looks normal to me tho
>ranked vs ranked game
Fucking casual normie looking at rankings to set his watch schedule to. fucking sad. are you a woman?
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K-State wins, pound the stone!
Ranked vs ranked doesn't matter
Ranked vs unranked where shit goes down is the real kino
i thought the wildcatbowl would have been a better game
agreed, jayhawks game however turned into some kinoball in the 4th
What % black is Avery Johnson?
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>now has the longest active winning streak in FBS with Arizona's loss
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You're welcome for that, btw.
There is no such thing as "ranked" outside of the top 10, and it only starts week 6-7
Preseason rankings are just the ESPN Invitational bigwigs setting up teams to be there in the end because it's exponentially easier to stay top 10 if you started there than it is to reach it from an unranked position. Ranks 11-15 are just the teams that they tried to prop up but are just too shit/teams they don't want to be top 10 but clearly deserve a spot. 16-25 are the interchangeable garbage that they set up 1 week in advance to get beat by a top 10 team so they can claim "ranked wins" later in to make their case for the playoffs
Hope UNLV gets into the NuPac
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I do not accept this gratitude.
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There's some CFL on CBS Sports Network if you're really fucking JONESING for some football.
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don't do it
only sadness, cringe, and gayness you will experience

Awesome Aggie Sayings

These are just a few of the many.

I would rather flunk out of A&M than to graduate with honors from t.u.

If t.u. were playing the University of Moscow in Red Square, I would be on the goal post waving a big red flag.

West Point is a good prep school for A&M.

t.u., t.u. - where the girls are girls and the boys are, too.

I would rather go 0-11 and be an Aggie than be National Champs and be a 'sip.

Texan by birth, Aggie by the grace of God

Aggies may get out-scored, but they never lose.

We've never been licked.

I would rather eat barbed wire than go to t.u.

If I had a low IQ, I would go to t.u., too.

No Aggie was without a job during the Great Depression

BOSS - What you call an Aggie five years after he/she graduates

"Howdy!", "Gig'em!", "Farmer's Fight!", "Ol Army!"

The 4 responses allowed by a fish:

1. "Yes, sir!"

2. "No, sir!"

3. "No excuse, sir!"

4. "Sir, not being informed to the highest degree of accuracy, I hesitate to articulate for fear I may deviate from the true course of reactitude. In short, sir, I am a very dumb fish and do not know, sir."

t.u.: Aggie term for The University of Texas, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Texas
Why do I care about Texas if I go to New Mexico State or Utah State (the Aggies)
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rankings don't matter until november. the only reason they exist in september is because of simpleton seals like you who clap on command because X team they told you is good is playing Y team they told you is good
Damn dude. Can you upload that to some file sharing site?
what even is an aggie anyways?
i dunno, this seems pretty cool
The hell are those unis?
not-Washington and not-Mizzou
3 downs ruins the entire game. Thats mainly why I can't do it.
are the games usually a punt fest?
Madden catch animation
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this nigga made virginia tech cool. no zoomer can compare
Yes and the field, specifically the endzones, are comically huge and unnecessary.
Awesome Zoomer Sayings

These are just a skibidi of the fanum.

I would rather edge at ZoomieU than to goon with CaseOh from twitch

If twitch were cranking the University in Minecraft in Reddit Squirt, I would beat off the goon post wanking a swastika.

Weeb Poop is a gooner prep skibidi for ZoomieU.

Noggers Noggers - where the rizzlers are rizzlers and the gyatts are, too.

I would rather goon 0-11 and be a Zoomer than be Natty Chinks and be a Looksmaxxer.

Nogger by bitch, Nogger by the grace of God

Zoomers may get rizzed, but they never goon.

We've never been edged.

I would rather edge boonk gang than goon to Kaicenat

If I had a low IQ, I would goon to fazbear, too.

No Zoomie was without a jelq during the Great Dickgirling

BOSS - What you call an Zoomer five yeets after xe/xir goons

"Skibidi!", "Fan'em!", "Faggots's Fart!", "Ol Amoraunth!"

The 4 responses allowed by a rizzler:

1. "Yes, skibidi!"

2. "No, skibidi!"

3. "No excuse, skibidi!"

4. "Skibidi, not being edged to the highest gyatt of mewing, I hesitate to analbead for fanum I may dickgirl from the true cunny of ratchetude. In short, rizzler, I am a very doomer fanum and do not know, skibidi."

t.u.: term for Texas A&M, that small secular (Berkeley Of The South) school in central Arkansas
Yes, it's called pro football
huge day coming for college football, innit?
I fucking told you the Chickenhawks would suck ass.
Black QB. Many such cases.
Those injuries he incurred over the years has seriously debilitated his abilities.
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this flop from tonight's game was great but i still think that one done by JMU's QB is flop of the year so far
So he's a pantywaist. Got it.
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So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame injuries, we can blame fatigue, we can praise Kansas State's effort but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks.
Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in Brett Brennan and the lads, but MASSIVE reinforcements are desperately needed soon. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about the Big 12, or our chances in the Territorial Cup for that matter. Not playing like this. What do you think, /uag/? #BrennanAtTheWheel or #BRENNANOUT?

Some helpful links to numb the pain:
U of A overachieved last year with a favorable schedule and landing a future NFL wide receiver. They are returning to irrelevance.
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Just saw where the Dawgs had another 100 mph driving arrest lmao. Still don't care BTW. Gotta Go Fast, maybe you pussies should get some of these speed demons on your teams. But this is the first time I've even been moderately annoyed by what I read, the nibba wasn't even insured. Now Kirby Smart is paid to win championships, so I don't give a shit that he's not worried about this. But in the day and age of 147 assistants and analysts per team, couldn't somebody maybe be tasked with at least making sure these dumb as dirt thugs are fucking insured? You know, after the last 39 arrests for traffic BS and all. FFS
Why are the scholar-athletes of Georgia so prone to going really fast in a car for no reason?
It's time to watch HS Scoreboard Live on Bally Sports.
I think the better question is, does the fact that they are make them better at football? Seems to...
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You should add the latest win against ASU on your links, /UAG/.
Seems like Kansas’s time in the sun is pretty much over
Did Texan Hawkeye play today?
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I'll check for you.

Here's a close game highlight package.
>ywn be a gunslinging junior QB from a small town Texas high school with a cute cheerleader gf and college scouts coming to your games
Life is too painful
Yes, they won fren.

Unfortunately, they're not using the Hawkeye on their helmet but instead going with the Oregon feathers on the helmet like a lot of schools in Texas, which is unfortunate: https://www.maxpreps.com/tx/sour-lake/hardin-jefferson-hawks/
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overtime is best time
Kansas is a super fraud. They'd be a 5-7 team in the Big Ten or SEC
Just got to face it, it's over.

You were born too early to be a zoomer living in new money Frisco playing your HS games at the Dallas Cowboy's Practice Facility known as the Star.
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Forgot the webm
/hsfbg/fag, what is your opinion on Martinsburg High School (WV)? Historically the best program in WV but are overlooked even in their own state, have got their old coach back who won them several state championships throughout the 2010s and won last year after his first year back
KU's struggles come down to losing their OC?
Lance lost his OC to Penn State, and they look ordinary.
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They need to book a game against a Texas powerhouse in order to show just how good that they are. They should be very careful to make sure to match with a team with similar enrollment. We've got some huge ass schools here and enrollment of 3,000 vs an enrollment of 700 is an unfair game. I don't know what Martinburg's enrollment is, but I think they'd do well if they were to play in the UIL at their enrollment classification.

Other problem with HS football in Texas is that we refuse to play by the NFHS rulebook and instead use the NCAA rulebook with specific rule exceptions like length of the quarters being set at 12 minutes and the use of a flat 1 inch tee on PAT's, and kickoffs from the 40 yard line. It's a big adjustment for out of state schools.

We used to be 1 of 2 states to do this, but then Massachusetts cucked out and now use the NFHS rules and play with 10 minute quarters.
Do you think texas high school boys have gorilla penises haha
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Some do, some don't. It's like everywhere else in life. Luckily I played Offensive Line, so you know that I possess a large girthy cock.
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Interesting factoid: The QB on Frisco Lonestar is named John Madden. What a name to be bestowed upon you.

Now for some small school country boy highlights.
>They need to book a game against a Texas powerhouse in order to show just how good that they are. They should be very careful to make sure to match with a team with similar enrollment.
Within West Virginia they've won games by over 60-70pts differential and out-of-state teams don't fare much better either. They recently upgraded to the new AAAA division with their rivals and other top-tier programmes and still beat a DC school 45-0 today

>We've got some huge ass schools here and enrollment of 3,000 vs an enrollment of 700 is an unfair game. I don't know what Martinburg's enrollment is, but I think they'd do well if they were to play in the UIL at their enrollment classification.
Overall enrollment at Martinsburg is at 1471 as of the 2022-2023 school year. Remember, West Virginia only has about 1.78 million people

>Other problem with HS football in Texas is that we refuse to play by the NFHS rulebook and instead use the NCAA rulebook with specific rule exceptions like length of the quarters being set at 12 minutes and the use of a flat 1 inch tee on PAT's, and kickoffs from the 40 yard line. It's a big adjustment for out of state schools.
Yeah I can see that. I think West Virginia uses NFHS rules but I am not sure
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Based logo

some of their opponents got some original logos and some /pol/ worthy mascots.
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They'd be a 5A school here, which is the second highest enrollment class. Are they one of the larger High Schools in West Virginia?
>based logo
Damn right it is

>some of their opponents got some original logos and some /pol/ worthy mascots.
Yep, welcome to West-by-God-Virginia

Also the alma mater of former Shepherd University QB and current Chicago Bears QB Tyson Bagent, and the holder of the most football championships in WV State History at ten (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023).

I would assume so. They just created Division 4A a year or so ago.
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they should definitely book a game against Frisco Lone Star at the Star in Frisco. Just small enough to house everyone, but not so big that it would dwarf the crowd. Plus there's a steakhouse that has a view of the field where people in suits can watch the game.
rancho & oakey
I think that'd be interesting, but still don't know how travel would work. Just shy of 19hrs by car, and I don't think flying would be an option.

Unless some kind of exhibition match outside of the main season can work.
I cannot fucking believe that faggot texans and southerners glaze underage football boys by having fucking professional grade stadiums for goddamn high schoolers. People are struggling to pay rent and survive but by golly we need ANOTHER stadium renovation for more stupid goyim cattle! This is why society will collapse shortly.
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My Wildcats finna boutta booty blast their way to the National Championship
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I think that it would be a great non-district early season game for both schools for sure. But yeah, the travel would be difficult for sure. Plus the hotel at the Star is $$$

Well this is what happens when you have a pro-business state government. It's not my fault that everyone keeps moving to Texas. Our economy is strong with very few struggling areas. Literally all of this is paid for by small municiple bonds and a lot of these awesome stadiums are district stadiums shared by numerous schools.
Big 12 is not a P5 conference.


With most FBS programs the best the fans can really hope for is a few years of hype between the decades of national irrelevance. They’re not any different.
I have a feeling that in the future as the FBS playoff expands and starts looking more and more like the UIL playoff that a lot of programs will start promoting and building on the idea of how deep of a playoff run that they've had the previous season.

I think over time it will equalize recruiting and it will destroy super teams like Alabama, especially when coupled with the NIL money. NCAA will start resembling a large minor league and you'll also see more strategy diversity like teams running flexbone option and all sorts of old school stuff in order to make a 3 round playoff run with focused recruiting on defensive players over offensive positions and/or just avoiding WR's and QB's for mid level talent that will do anything for playing time.

The bigger the playoff tournament, the better it will be for smaller schools.

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