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Xororó bros we are winning so much...
If Lopes isn't on the top 3 tomorrow I'll blow up Las Vegas in Mindcraft fr fr
Dana said he was from ringside.
hey canada we've always been friends haha
rip o cucky
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> My belt, Merab.
truly disgusting event
This is the best case scenario desu

Merab vs Umar is a good fight
O'Malley vs Yan 2 is a good fight
Why do you niggers keep underestimating wrestlers
You would think Belal would have taught your your lesson
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All my picks hit :)
i'm done with poofc until there's a good main card
Picks, 4 wins
USA x3
Umar may KO Merab with the first teep he lands, his teeps are way more nasty than O'Malley's and he won't be as afraid to throw
KWABOTY I hope this cuck kills himself
herb is right, we paid to see a fucking fight (illegally streamed). rogan is a fag
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UFC 306

80% of the fights ended in decision
Only 1 (One) Mexican fighter won
Danas Suga project EXPOSED
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Don't forget where you were.
sucks we won't get o cucky vs topuria, but at least we know o cucky is overrated and dana's golden goose got fucked hahahahahaha
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This was demoralizing, I feel depleted.
2 Mexican fighters won
How long until Merab is BW GOAT?
mexico ought to be embarrassed, literal canada tier
you retards really watched Belal vs Leon and then went and picked O'Malley
merab vs umar will probably be a pure striking match, could be fun
i don't care anymore i just want to see some heems man
Rosas Jr was born in the US. Doesn't count
I like merab but he will lose to Umar
god mexican mamacitas are so hot
Merab is Mexican breh. Average Jalisco phenotype.
>faces a wrestler and gets ground to dust
This has happened 3 times in the last 3 months kek
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How fucking mad is Daner about his pet cuck getting BTFO?
ufc is anti-heems
Merab "Normal" Dvalishvilli
he got heemed by venom what did he expect?
all this could have been avoided if not for aljo getting marc goddard'd
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Never been happier
why can't he stop talking bros ;_;
>omally ran with his tail tucked
Dana's witch doctor told him that this year is very auspicious for wrestlers, so he put off Pereira vs Ankalaev until next year
No cuck interview smdh
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>leave the 3rd upset of the year to me
Couldn't even say Umdaddy's name
Brazzabros...we eatin good again soon
merat is awful
Only one mexican born fighter won tonight and it was an incorrect decision
The only other fighter repping mexico went to a 29-28 Dec as a -1000 favourite
Personally I think this is worse than Canada
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wake up brazza, it's all over, it'll be august 2008 all over again
okay now that all that bullshit is over with, what is Kevin Lee up to?
>build a whole card around mexicans
>spend tens of millions of dollars
>jerk off mexican culture all night
>"mexican warrior spirit"

>nearly all of them lose

kek. hopefully this is a wake up call for Daner to not do this shit again.
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he's getting slept worse than jiri
2 AM worst live card in recent history
mexico won.
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It's over
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kek that was the first fight I was ever rooting for O'Malley
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This influx of slav mongoloids that wear festive hats and lay on you for five rounds is what's killing the sport. They're like termites. First fight I've watched since McGregor-Poirier and the last, for all I care
O'Cuckeybros... we were supposed to be the next conner macgregger...
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sasuga merab-dono
can't wait for the christian brazza vs islamic brazza matchup in the future
My picks got goofed by grasso
Would've like to see O'Malley put to sleep but this is acceptable
they didn't get embarrassed as badly as canada but it was still pretty bad
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>1/4 UFC (male) champions are Georgian

They shock the world during the Euros in the summer and at the Rugby World Cup last year too

I love these lil niggas
Christians surrounded by insane muslims too which doesn't look fun
reddit rob next
Just give umar the belt now
I've been waiting the entire length of Sean O'Malley's career for him to get his ass kicked like that

It was so bad that I had stockholm syndromed myself into thinking Sean would win

Merab has freed me
I know we say this for every card, BUT this card was honestly dogshit. Actual shit smeared on the whole UFC.

306: Beaner Wakanda Forever
this is exactly what meh-he-coe deserved
>the heckin left hand!
>the heckin knee up the middle!
unlucky sugacucks
dogshit card and 309 looks even dogshittier
Does someone have the still picture of this
Umar is a decision win away from joining his brother in Bellator. Give the title shot to Aldo after he wins next month.
It is a dark time in the ufc.
me laughing at my past self for thinking mexican fighters would win
He dishonored himself and committed seppuku to ascend his brethren. The true samurai spirit.
only people those slavs in the khabib camp are finishers or are even talented
hmm cool shame umar rapes merat
>zero title defences
>drug addict
he is conor
book sean vs sandhagen next
These are all really good fight nights
307 is a fucking travesty
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Funk Master would destroy Merab
He outwrestled le heckin' olympic silver medalist!
The biggest superstar in the sport right now just lost his throne. I can feel the entire game shaking to its core as I type this.
what the fuck is this fightpass boxing shit?
canada didn't really get the level of hype this sphere event did. daner was talking about this event being the greatest in combat sports. canada got an offhand card not even on their "canada day".

this is way worse.
it was good until the co main and main events, even for cazzies like you
Belal Muhammad.
Merab Dvalishvili.
Dan Hooker.
The people that paid money to be there or watch this will remember this shit and not bother again.
>2 finishes on the whole fuckin card

it's ogre
We really just witnessed a counter shooter. He refuses to strike or shoot out in the open. Runs around. Wait for Omalley to throw anything and then shoots.
What a boring fight.
movsar retires this cutbabby
He was embarrassed to say it Joe's face that he thinks Figgy deserves it more than Umar
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Old Man card
Sphere was awesome but wasted on mexicans. ring girls were the best thing about the whole show
MERAB “we are normal people” Dvalishivili
got the skeleton ones?
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rate it
omalleybros....how you coping?
>5 straight decisions on the main card
thanks daner... maybe u should book some fighters above 150lbs...
Sean O'Malley can still win this fight. In the Sphere parking lot
umar got schaub shutdowned by lankhagen
>b-but he can strike too
so could o'malley
kek they were pushing Sean way too hard when he just wasn't there yet
It felt like Milhouse to me

You know the Milhouse isn't a meme meme, they kept forcing it and then he ironically became a meme

That's how it seemed
Damn, We eating good boomers.
Haha imagine if she tripped and broke her stupid costume
holy cow what a dogshit ppv
let another man fuck your wife
> See that all main card are decisions.
I'm not watching this shit.
Listen Satan, Merab had a few things he had to get off his chest. He was feeling good, enjoying the new belt, giving the people a few words of wisdom. Then Joe asks him about his next fight. It's like when you're feeling good but your wife decides it's a good time to nag you. I'm watching the game, and you're in here bothering me about taking out the garbage?!? Merab will defend his belt.
>who gives a fuck about wmma
>who gives a fuck about Pantoja
>Merab vs Umar next
>FagSlam projectmaxxing and fighting once every bluemoon
>cartoon sounding nigger doing literal fuckall and letting Belal become champ
>Pereira lapped so hard he has to fight fucking Khalil
>but Anka- kill yourself
>Jones doesn't have the decency to die by the hands of Tom
thank CHRIST Dricus pulled through
Has Alexa Grasso taken a shower yet you reckon?
considering craig beat ankalaev and jamawahawal that seems like a surprisingly risky nickal opponent by his standards
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>saves UFC
funny card
balance will be restored after holloway sleeps topuria
Sean lost
Chandler lost
UFC lost
Dana lost
I've always loved bicycle russian
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>too scared to even mention him
that's right bitch
this is why p.reddit will never fight a wrestler
kino christian hopepilled manlet won against hedonistic satanist
He's not good but Alex has no chin so it's possible.
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heeminder that merab started crying and running away during an interview when he was asked about fighting umar
meant for >>144437807
Dunno how that even happened CRAZY!
merab should be cut
I can't wait until Dana gets on the mic and seethes
Merab beat Alex Pereira?
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all mexicans outside of tcity and diego are prelim fodder , straight from dwcs
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a potential 10 ruined by 3 wmma fights
this card wouldve been pretty good 4 years ago
i quit ufc. no one can win against monkey wrestling. its well and truly over.
Diego is Brazilian
Kek they're using pics of 205 jon, they know fatty vs 50yo man can't draw a dime
some little beaner spent his life savings for THAT lmao
lost one too many zeros tonight
omalley is a mf
Umar is actually very exciting compared to Merab
That's what the Ancient Greek fights were like at the Olympics. Wrestling is goated. It's not as exciting and flashy as striking.
Mexicope where the fuck are you you have some things to answer for
I bet she fucks like an animal
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post giantess Val need to heem my meng
No omalley just suck
I stopped paying attention to the sport when he was coming up but from what I remember this Dagestani is weirdly a striker, is that still true or is he another Khabib clone now?
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>aldana's cut
Shut up faggot
Umar does not deserve a title fight. Let him pick up 10 wins in the UFC like they forced Merab. His next opponent should he Figgy.
i bet you thought it was great when gspoo held down bums to decision
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Shart unironically beats Whittaker, Imavov, Cannonier, and Vettori in the top 10.
was it autism?
This organization is cooked brotha
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tko merchant btfo
why did the commentators suddenly start questioning dean's bullshit? is jizzy actually retired?
There is no stronger strategy in a fight than grabbing another man and imposing your will on them
He will crotch sniff when the stand up is not going well and to keep them guessing.
the ring girls were cute
Please no more Sphere fights. Cool venue for shows but terrible for fights.
>actually rolling credits cuz of the movie

what the FUCK was Dana thinking with this
>periera rountree
>pennington pena
>thompson buckley
mite b cool
>aldo bautista
>dolidze holland
bum fight
>evloev sterling
>vieira harrison
>rodriguez lucindo
piss break
>almeida potieria
has potential
>esparza pennington
more wmma :(

>this cuck tought he could beat Davis in boxing

you just know he had those screenshots ready to fire
probably creepily verbal like Sarah Vandella
>couldn't even finish Flushy Flushagen
Mexicope is a janny
Zatdaddy's little boy
tko'd that retard straight back to the paint factory
She's lucky she never gave me the time of day because I'd have her constantly pregnant.
5 years of non stop marketing, collabs , legitimately saying hes a super star once a week even though he cant sell tickets and nobody cares about him

Giveing him external sponsors
actively premoting him on cards that have nothing to do with him
setting him up against cans

and then he throws 1 significant strike per minute in a title deffence

they propbably just loist 50million on marketing
chatri would never disrespect us like dana just did
the counter striker """""""""sniper"""""""""" o'cuckley
punched maybe 5 times. didn't realize he can do front kicks until the very last minute.
merab literally just executed his plan with no resistance
Dana will fast track him since he hates Merab
Petr Yan dominated Sean O'Malley
Petr Yan was dominated by Merab Dvalishvili
People argued over how O'Malley vs Dvalishvili was going to play out.
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you now remember Petr "Pecker-Head" Yan
omalley looked like he wasnt there mentally
totally distracted and indifferent
that's not exactly an high bar isn't it?

Meershchaert wasn't ready that was a cheap shot
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bring me O'Cucklley
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That fight makes every other opponent Sean faced look absolutely daft.

Merab got his takedowns at will. Some weren't even set up he just leapt into them. After the 2nd Chito fight I even asked why he didn't just shoot just to mix it up but bloody hell if he shot he'd have won
the pacing of that ppv felt so slow
how the fuck is it 2am already
Meershart subs Alex and I'm not even memeing.
>Xororó on heem OP
Post fight presser is on
>techno aztecs
Which other waifus did I miss?
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blanchy bros
my same reaction lol
Sean's a lowkey chinlet he couldn't handle Merab's punches without having to compromise his positions
The kissing was funny but the under the glove shit and talking shit to the coaches isn't allowed.
>sal d'amato
>chris lee
Where is that stupid Mexican. I need to tell him he should kill himself.
All that mexico video shit
there were like 4 womeme's fights I'm the fucking card
If Merab had any submission ability he could've finished O'Malley with a rnc a couple times when O'Malley turned his back to merab.
>chael just had his adderall and two shots of jack
does he ever get embarrassed when he starts to slur as he tries to speak as fast as possible?
Banditas ?
Where ?
Sertanejo chads on top
Don't worry fag. Umar's gameplan is already set. Merab paper champ days are numbered.
pfl would be better suited for the sphere
Umar will literally have no answers to Merab. Umar is a mini-Merab and he can't out-Merab Merab. He'll probably be seething at the end of the fight though, that would be entertaining
They looked like Star Trek aliens.
The fucking card didn't even start until like 10:30. Dana needs to get his shit together. The pacing is just absolute dogshit.
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My suggestion if you want to stop these mud rats with retard strength from killing the sport: ground fighting has a limited amount of time. So from takedown to all the dry humping and twister shenanigans you have, say, 30 seconds to work. At the end of that amount of time you're stood up again.
Why did you read what I said and produce this response
I didn't say anything about how good he is I said he's more exciting than Merab, at least he throws spinning heel kicks and shit and knocks his opponents out
Not really but the only fighters I like more than either option will not fight for the title any time soon, so I'll take Umar if I can get him
I guess you could say...
The takedown was there for Merab Dvalishvili
To be fair, historically the warrior culture loses to non warrior cultures.
Kill yourself spic.
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Umar has better subs, Merab has better wrestling and cardio
started too late, the main card intro was also really long. between the fights it wasn't that much different from usual. lots of decisions as well of course.
What a fucking disaster this card was lmao. Nothing of note came from those gay CGI movies, all the Mexicans lost, and the last hour of it was all wrestle fucking. Shevchenko is out of her prime and ripe for the picking against someone who can’t actually defend against a takedown unlike that 5/10 mid bitch Grasso, and now the bantamweight division is back to co main even spots. Gonna be interesting to see how O’Malley rebuilds.
Almost forgot he's an o'cuckley dickrider
Or just be better at counter wreslting
O'Cuckley just suck and he is physically weak
Grapplets are getting very desperate with their cope, lol.
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They tried their absolute hardest
gonna goon to screenshots of those ring girls
He's more of a striker than Islam, who is more of a striker than Khabib, but he is still capable of wrestling.
Usman (the Bellator one, future Islam successor) > Umar > Islam > Khabib is the order of striking skill, and reverse that for the order of wrestling skill afaik
in many ways mexicos performance was worse than canadas
The fights were exciting before the co-main, I don't know why you watched expecting to be entertained by the sphere part of it
if it wasn't for the filaname I wouldn't be able to tell which inbred this is
Oh also a lot of people meme about chins, Umar has showcased he literally has no chin. He absorbed 3 shots by a debuting shitter and one of them sat him down
o'malley can't lift weights or else he wouldn't be a 135'er
>changing the rules instead of leveling up
lame bitch behavior. adapt and improve.
Umar can actually finish fights so I'm going with Umar.
I like the skeleton ones.
knowing all of your friends and family are gambling excessive amount of money on you fucks with you a bit
or just test them
Warrior culture is a meme
Almost every people has a warrior culture in some way
Merab(pbuh) is losing his next fight to Umar Nurmagomedov
Damn Sandhagen in 1
>Canadian cuck samefagging seethe about Umar
you're having a BDS mental breakdown, you need to take your medicine
a guy who got killed by canhagen got a title shot so if you beat him you might as well be champ
>20 million dollars for this shit
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why the FUCK is woman's mma allowed on ppv
honestly unthinkable scoreing
i have no idea how you deffend that score

round 3
was 12 to 48 strikes
and 1-15 significant
yeah but what about sean omalley's check friggin hook
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Umar's teep will be really important for that fight after seeing Merab almost get KOed by like two front kicks
He's also not going to be scared of going at it with him, like Cejudo and Moraes
It is definitely Merab's toughest challenge in the division, Umar's only worry is that he won't be able to handle the pace Merab forced on Yan
Oh, also Figgy can KO him. Step in left hook on the inside. O'Malley couldn't do that because he's not good at inside fighting
20 million to put some cringe cartoons on the giant screen lol
Too much Nelk
so what? Merab is knocking him out? lmfao
None of them are slavs retarded amerimutt
Caucasians are just very strong at combat sports
Also women dont count
merab won
diego won
pakis in the DIRT
ribo and zell saved this turd of a card
classic sal d'nigger
expect nothing less
There's nothing really wrong with that. Sean got dominated but the third was a toss up.
Merab was working him over every time but Herb Dean is in deep debt
reckon i might put on some IMFM and nod off to sleep
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el Día de los MUHDICK
impactful > cumulative damage
I look like this and said this all night
umar champ soon + movsar raped lopoo
Omalley never should have been champ in the first place the bantamweight division has been plagued by awful decisions which somehow resulted in omalley getting the belt but the reality is Yan is the best fighter in the division and yan vs umar on yans 6th title defense is the fight we SHOULD have been enjoying tonight. Instead we get this slop. Omalley is a top 15 bantamweight but is he champ caliber. Fuck no not even close.
Cory Sandhagen beats Merab any day of the week
There's nothing anyone can do against these retards that grew up wrestling rocks in mud huts. There is no stopping them. Soon every champion will be a slav with an unpronounceable name who can lay on any opponent for days. There's an imbalance in power between Khabib clones and strikers. Strikers aren't even getting opportunites. The way to level the playing field is you can still have your takedowns, you're just not allowed to play dead bear on your opponent literally the entire fight.
Dude the guy with 0 knockouts is going to knockout Umar
Yes it's entirely possible. When your chin is equivalent to wet paper a couple slaps in the clinch by Merab might seriously TKO Umar.
3rd round was not a toss up wdym
I believe it
That was an overhands directly on the temple as Umar was shooting in
He also immediately recovered and proceeded to dominate
hahahaha COPE pakimong
i wanted to see merab's warm corpse on the canvas so bad, sucks
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Merab's in for a world of pain
rewatch round 3
shaun landed 1 elbow that cut him and almost quit on his feet twice
Me too but also a bit chubbier
You'll have to wait until 2025 when Umar zeems Merat
what about tuesday
mexico should be ASHAMED
Merab didn't really do anything and Sean got a couple decent shots in. Very uneventful round.
fight better
Ortega/Lopes was probably the best fight on this card.
Umdaddy thoughbeit.
how about you import southeast asian farmers that grew up doing muai thai in mud huts with even more unpronounceable names and teach them basic TDD? So you get mud hut strikers vs mud hit wrestlers
Wow he failed to finish a debuting shitter xD. Hey, at least said debuting shitter didn't knock him down despite landing only 3 strikes... OH WAIT LOL
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What about Zelhuber Ribovics
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So uhhhhh..... where was uhhhhhhhhhh the sugar show?
Did it just fail to show up at all?
Cause that was fucking horrible.
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Where are the banditas
Bo Nickal is the only hope in the near future. Wrestling/grappling is goated. It's the oldest martial art. It's not as exciting as striking, but it's fundamental.
Zellhuber/Ribovic was a better fight, Lopes/Ortega was just a one sided performance by Lopes but it was a very impressive one.
more brazza champions
total brazza victory
Fight was ass lil bro dago gassed after 1 minute and tshitty is made of glass
When will we finally do something about the JQ (Judge Question)?
why's he look so zesty?
The ring girls were fucking awesome
AI judging
Wait for the US to collapse into civil war. In three generations Appalachians who grew up eating dirt and wrestling bears will dominate the UFC.
championship mma was so much fun to watch when it wasn't like this
It's over
None of them are slavs retard and no wreslters arent invicible
Cuckley just suck
They wouldnt fare well and they dont care about MMA
Zellhuber/Ribovics was better
Just how shit is Aljo?
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>Bo Nickal is the only hope in the near future.
hopefully the BDs leaf livestreams his suicide
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>Burgers are so down bad they'll have to count Belal and Raquel Pennington as american champs to sound like they're still dominating the UFC
He obviously threw that fight
>Dricus is the most exciting champion in UFC right now
He’s gonna heem that mentally compromised retard Strickland in the rematch and then upset Khamzat. Loses it in a dud to Caio in 2026
Oh hey I made that webm haha
As the owner of that webm I officially spoil Aljo will meme on Evloev, make him look like shit. Fighters like Evloev never have good defensive grappling
5/7/9 judges
more people to buy makes it slightly harder
also just straight up execute sal d'amato
Wish it was more reveiling and exotic
I believe that if they got ride of the cage it would make it significantly more difficult to take people down. Or maybe have a partial cage but open in most corners of the octagon.
>taken down by brundage
NCAA sissies....
Ankalaev would 100% do that to Poatan a you know it
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my champ is Steve Miocic
lol just take their roids and not have them fight in Abu Dhabi, Merab ain't shit without cardio, Islam goes life and death when he isn't in Saudi Arabia, stop getting duped
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Forgot pic
That's not a takedown
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i don't give a fuck faggot
Merab is already the 135 GOAT
Sean O'Malley X
Alexa Grasso X
Diego Lopes O
Daniel Zellhuber X
Ronaldo Rodriguez O

40% correct

fightfairy picks
Sean O'Malley X
Alexa Grasso X
Brian Ortega X
Daniel Zellhuber X
Ronaldo Rodriguez O

20% correct

here is your youtube mma fight experts bro
Thank you for jinxing it. That sounded like a terrible turn of events and you helped prevent it.
damn Merab won, I didn't watch the card because I didn't care about it but when I saw the results I genuinely felt happy and smiled
Really showed me that even untalented midgets can reach the top given enough drugs
You sound mad, wanna inform the class of what's wrong?
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How did this fucking fraud ever become champ? lol
He looked so fucking lost out there tonight.
Literally 0 game plan.
Poatan is a much better striker than Sean and Ank is a much sore wrestler than Merab to be fair
lets face it this guy is not making it out of rd 1 unheemed
He'd do better against the caucus fuckers. Otherwise they'll just keep throwing these guys at the grapplers who can't do anything and you'll keep complaining about grappling.
mmapooru got every fight wrong this year
Cope, O'Malley is the one who's popped for drugs before
FACT: Diego Lopes is the #3 ranked UFC featherweight.
I only accept opinions from nations with ranked fighters, sorry
Did any blood even get in the Octagon this card? Too much time cuddling and bouncing around and now kissing. They used to beat the shit out of each other in the UFC.
Umar is the one with the most chance to beat merab so there's that. But if umar can't do it then we're in for a long merab title reign
>So Merab, how do you feel about fighting a fellow sniff merchant like Khabitch's cousin for example? How would you feel about a matchup like that, you know one that is stylistically bad for you as opposed to fighting a striker with extremely suspect durability? Look at that Merab, Umar is right here in the audience, he's on the big screen right now, do you want to fight him?
so he is planning on ducking umar then right?
Chito is gonna dominate Stevia Sean in the trilogy
FACT: Evloev is the #5 ranked featherweight.
I'm not a fan of the lanklet, I'm just genuinely happy that the junkie midget won against the junkie lanklet
Pantoja would unironically beat Merab
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Aldana left a couple pints on the mat
i wish there was a list of these "pro" bettors that suck

would make a great bet-against list
Crazy how that really did end up being a worse version of Khabib vs Conor
the fight with the most blood all over the canvas tonight was a wmma fight lol
He at least look fun to hang out with
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he fucking gave up in the first three minutes of the fight
Figgy rapes Merab thoughbeit
you didnt watch evidently.
Movsar Evloev is the number #6 ranked UFC featherweight.
That means you don't respect your own opinions because there are 0 ranked south east asians
my wife after the team loses the game
His entire career is a viral marketing add
what the fuck did you expect
hes the penis enlargment pills of the ufc

dont tell me you bought the penisenlargment pills
The few chances O'Malley got to strike left Merab bloody and bruised, Merab did nothing to O'Malley at all. If you met Sean without knowing who he is you'd have no idea he was even in a fight.
Wow Merab is such a beast he puts his opponents in zero danger while neutralising them What is this, police academy? Nigger nigger
Jon will do it to him instead (zero chance jon fights aspinall, pereddit will be the sacrificial lamb for his final fight and every mark will be fine with it because they actually think he's a well rounded mma fighter)
I've said this point ad nauseum but it has to be repeated
Merab and Aljo are very different fighters. Aljo's takedowns have never been all that great, he's very reliant on his physical strength and he is extremely predictable when he shoots, he also relies a lot on a very mediocre clinching game that could get him fucked against anyone with decent Muay Thai. Merab, despite what many people think, has EXTREMELY good entries. Textbook perfectly timed entries, of all kinds. He's never predictable, he doesn't always rely on just being physically stronger or bigger, and they always get him something. Even when he fails a takedown, he's always being left in an advantageous position that he can use to rack up strikes or try another takedown. And he's not super reliant on controlling people on the ground either, he really doesn't give a fuck about his opponents standing back up or not, I think Merab has hit more mat returns than any UFC fighter ever
>youtube mma fight experts
literally no one cares
I'm a complete casual and I went 4/5
Merat has nothing for Umar. Worse power, wore striking, worse TDD, etc. Belt is being warmed for Umar.
I missed the first couple fights.
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Merab getting heemed out of this galaxy
Mad O'Malley fags lmao
compu box was counting taps as strikes shawn landed something like 4 significant strikes in the entire fight anon....
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50G pls
I told you guys two years ago that Leon and Merab solved MMA

Belal just added a new integer
nooo hell win just like how shartles was gonna heem islam
I hope we can all appreciate how crazy some of Conor's accomplishments have been when you have the contrast of a wannabe like Sean. Conor dauntlessly butchering Mendes from the bottom with an injured leg is an all-time great MMA moment. He's not the GOAT but imo he was the peak of MMA when he was on his run.
Wow just wow
Evloev has failed to crack into the top 5 meanwhile Lopes is bathing in it. We call that levels and volumes folks
has chael always been on coke or is that new?
I usually don't watch panels
Dana said Umar got the next title shot
i wish khabib had kissed conor
merab isnt knocking anyone out. both inbreds are gonna have a boring wrestling match but at least its not going go be predictable and merab seems to dislike umar. it'll be a fun buildup with merab trolling umar
Most exciting thing I saw tonight was that The Chris will be fighting at MSG
after all this time. I can't believe what a bitch he really was.
>Mokaev could have been champ at Flyweight
>Merab is champ at Bantamweight
>Topuria is champ at Featherweight
>Islam is champ at Lightweight
>Chimaev or Imavov could become Champ
>Ankalaev could become Champ at Light Heavyweight

But there is Zero Brazzas at Welterweight or Heavyweight
Why ?
3 of then were after ref interference aswell forceing merab to eather give up a position or move onto shots

he landed 1 kick in the 5th and 1 knee

1 elbow in the 3rd

and a few scatterd punches
Merab vs Umar in Kursk
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Cejudo got the last laugh.
At least he hurt Merab
Kissing men isn't halal
lol she must be a real klutz
i wanted figgy to sleem sean but if he does it to merat that'll be even better
Leon literally thought he could hide his head in the octagon like an ostrich that doo hasn't solved shit
>Umar vs Merab
>wrestling match
Yeah you're retarded b
Oh yeah man as soon as Umar picks up a good win he can make a fool of himself and pull out against BEASTrab
im just happy that antonina is happy :)
Guru is not taking this well....
Anyway, Jon Jones
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>aeugfaeak gshgsrukwe ekla grhgfesif 50gs babe woooooooooo
>HURRRRRR DURRRRRRRR I DESERVE 50Gs for taking a fight to a decision
nigga really is retarded
rats are gonna freak out over this
ufc chiwiwis
there are 2 good WW (Umalatov and Musaev) brazzas both in Poofl unfortunately
O'Malley is a fucking pipsqueak why were you burgers hyping this jobber lmao
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Honestly I feel like Colby was doing what Merab was doing before him
Abuse cardio to wall and stall.
>Just fight better bro just train your entire life to take people down bro that's all there is to it
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Khamzat is a fat fuck who couldn't stay at welterweight that's why
What was he thinking, brehs?
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Frenchie you just admitted that you didn't even watch the fights >>144438315
Shut the fuck up faggot
Is she though? She wasn't even in the corner
There will be no match. Merab will knockout the chinless denizen of Dagestan within the opening roundm
FACT: Umar Nurmagomedov is the #2 ranked UFC bantamweight.
There is multiple frenchies here retard
No one has shown up for the post fight press conference for 14 minutes now. Dana is fucking losing it
Very cool. Remove this division already.
>not number 1
Umar and Figgy could do this to him pretty easily
O'Malley's long limbs limit his inside fighting capabilities so he was never going to land this type of shot
I said this before the fight btw I knew Merab was going to win
Reminder that Merab won the story by jawing with Tim Welch while ignoring O'Malley during the round, and kissing him during another round
I could see umar knocking out merab. I don't think merab is that good I just think bantamweight is kind of shit. Umar is good though. Very good.
O'Malley just retired.
He did beat the living shit out of Chito
Dana wasting it all in the casino tonight, what a disastrous outcome of a card
Umar isn't even champ yet. This level of seethe is not healthy, you need to take your medicine.
Umar will heem Merat and fix the division.
I want to believe
Ariel Helwani is reporting that O'Malley overdosed on marijuana and has been rushed to the hospital in critical condition
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>Mexican fighters
just woke up, didn't watch a single fight of this shit card
sean retires??? holy fucking kwab
Umar gets knocked out by a strong gust of wind
The really question is who won the better brapper contest, Shev or GrASSo
MMA is healing glorified strikers are losing to well rounded guys now all we need is poatard to lose to ank SAVE MMA SOCIETY MAGOMED ANKALAEV
Figgy would fucking destroy Merab, he actually has the gas tank to fuck him up badly
i'm the other french poster but by national solidarity I think you're wrong
>Shut the fuck up faggot
Fuck you retard fuck you
Oh damn THE Shito Vera? The guy who lost to the ghost of Jose Aldo, got wrestle raped by Sandhagen, and got dropped by a fucking Flyweight? That Shito Vera?
They're more of a boxing nation (until Canelo retires then they will be good at nothing not even soccer)
lol sean is going to box
KWAB poofc is dead
He's a fucking retard. Getting into a heated debate with his opponent's corner immediately, thinking Herb Dean stopped the round when he was humping Sean's face and told to "stop". Asked by his corner how Sean's power is he grinned and replied, "I don't."
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Oh no no no…
>noooo you can't just dedicate your entire life to be the best at something it isn't fair to the people who don't want to give it their all
Umar will never be champ and Merab has cemented himself in eternity as champion. Your medication is at the store and you're free to pick it up, get off your ass and move them feet
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The disaster of these featured fights just dug Dana 6 feet deeper into Saudi debt. The pink bald fraud will be beheaded and Chadki will heal MMA.
yeah Sean can't clip someone inside the pocket like that which meant Merab was too safe to just fight his usual style
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MW and above wrestling is a cheatcode and at the same time it gasses the shit out of you. You may have some freaks like Jailton who can grapple for 25 min, but most of them can't. And in these heavier divisions (you can even include WW here) submissions from the back actually might work, a crafty guard may get a gassed wrestler. Bum Niggle is undersized for MW and if he fights either Rodolfo, Fluffy or Robocop he's losing. He should go to WW, but even then, idk if he's going to be a beast of a peach. Wrestling heavy guys without good striking such as Fakhretdinov won't go very far, you gotta be something like a GSP, Belal and Usman - great wrestler with decent stand-up game.
What else is left for Sean O'Malley? Tap in the first round in Umar's third title defense? He doesn't want that he'll retire.
o'malley could have easily won if he didn't wait 24 minutes to throw some strikes
umar couldn't knock out a skinny dude like sandhagen theres no way merab is going down to strikes
Guru just shat on the entirety of Australia

abobros... our response?
He doesn't have time for this shit. He needs to find more men to fuck his wife.
>friend invites me over with two females
>we go to bar
>friend's chick cockblocks me with other chick
>poke the girls tattoo and bitch goes "hurr ask before you touch"
>ask if I can touch the tattoo on her arm
>she says no
>start insulting her by asking her if she knows how tattoo ink gets caught in your lymph nodes
>she says yeah im gonna die soon probly ur whatever hurr da durr
>other girl walks home
>i walk home with friend and other cockblock bitch
>tell her how she sucks ass at chess cause i crushed her ass and cheekily tell her not to date rape my friend
>refuse to talk to her anymore and leave
>she knows a girl i go to grad school with and might gossip about me
idk fuck bitches
how did we go from TJ to this demented faggot?
Nobody likes Merab bro no one cares
Dana is on
All antonina needs to be happy is pavels cock and he provides that to her and valentina daily
Cuckley never has been and never will be a draw
They’ll do just fine without him
This never happened btw
Their only hope
>the Caucuses: Islam vs Christianity
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lol fucking french fry got so mad already
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Umar murders Merab
fast forward 1 year
Payton Talbott massacres Umar
it is written
all of those things are extremely based, was being retarded based all along???
the other girl cockblocked and told me not to touch the girl's tattoo and then she got pissy and spoiled the night
also my friend puked everywhere when we walked out of the bar
guru is eternally assblasted by the mere existence of caucasians
Correct. Someone who decided to fight at 15 and becomes a striker should not immediately have no hope against someone who's been taking down bears since he was 3. The rules need to reflect that and give both styles a chance.
what did he say
Ok man ):
oh wow he's not even mad, more on suicide watch
tem pinto aí?
But only one of them is named Islam and none of them are named Christianity. Please extrapolate
Merab isn't tough he gets hurt easily Marlon moraes had him on deaths door
>it went perfect

>audio was fucked 90% of the time
>we didn't have time to rehearse
Dana, the Sphere crew aren't going to fuck it up, retard.
Pantoja, merab, belal
Are all such boring ass champion some of the worst in recent memorie
I prefer strikers but magomed winning will cause a lot of seethe
If he wins, it would be like nearly half of the champs are all brazzas
I doubt he's any of the mex flags here tonight
He'll ghost /heem/ for a while, as usual, and he'll be back for the next ppv to glaze poohand
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>d-dana i love you i love the ufc im just a normal guy who is trying to feed his family, please dont feed me to umar
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>fight card with less fights than usual
>filled with mexican bums
>wmma comain event
>sniff merchant in the main event
>hire hollywood production teams to put together pajeet tier cgi slop interludes
>mexican ring girls in low iq cosplay tier outfits
>mariachi ear rape
>portajon dancing for the camera like a fucking faggot in a cowboy hat
that'll be 20 million + tax + tip + foreskin (no refunds)
he said god hates your shithole so much he puts it on fire every 6 months

his words
Umar was light heemed by a debuting shitter LMFAO
Fuck Dana
>it went perfect
>we had no time to rehearse
>two weeks ago: "we've been rehearsing this for weeks"
that's just how things sound
maybe you're fucked
ever think of that?
ufc could start a civil war in russia if they hosted all these fights in moscow
I would literally PERSONALLY heem Merab in a straight striking contest, he is a pillow-fisted humpbabby, get real
>daners cucked by MGM
This was their first live event.
Prime Marlon was a terminator
you bring shame to /heem/
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Bravo Dana.
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why can't spics fights?
that was a practice heem
wow what a fag
Yeah I told you where to receive your medication pal, to your own discretion now
MGM creampied Dana White
brown skin
coming from a canadian ?
Dana doesn't like gay shit at all kek
I think it dawned on Dana that he has no more soul to sell, he really looks defeated
better than canada
strickland lost
Tryna watch Daner talk but the camera is shaking.
Nem, vi ela no tinder btw, obviamente não dei match
Getting fucked in the ass by Jon Jones is not gay if Jon is wearing a dress while he does it.
It's a VPNig
the person taking down bears since they were three is simply the better fighter because he dedicated himself to it for a longer time. Sometimes they end up naturally trending towards striking anyways, like Islam who did a good amount of striking with Dustin and Volk. It's not like there aren't some natural pure strikers w/o a strong early wrestling background who are successful, it's just usually at higher weight classes. Izzy & Pereira being prime examples
even Dana is ripping on O'Malley.. oh man it's over for that cuck lol
ufc youtube stream is stable b
To a guy even Whiter than him?
It would be the same if someone boxed since 3
Im tired of crybabies, wreslting arent invicible
Daner spent $20,000,000 on this event.
>wreslting arent invicible
Yet in these big matchups, striking wonderkinds are always smeshed. O'Malley and Conor aren't less talented, they're just in fair fights.
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An obituary to Sean O'Malley's title run
>Fluke knockout by Shito Vera
>Fought a bunch of cans
>Completely and totally robbed Yan
>Early Stoppage against an injured Aljo who was forced to make a 2 month turn around
>Cherry picked title defense against an undeserving Shito Vera
>Completely and totally wrestlefucked and spiritually broken by Merab, Merab was yapping off to his coaches and making a fool of him the entire time, even with Herb Dean trying to save him and loaded judge cards he couldn't win
Is this the most fraudulent project of all time
All of his good wins come with massive asterisks
They good at boxing but suck at mma
>Russian serfs watching wich flavors of brazzas will rule them
you all see? I told you qannonier is huwhite
irish faggots got raped lol cope
*not in fair fights
He probably made a profit too
they can fight, they're just kinda small
Belal now merab. What a disaster for the ufc.
Thats what I'm watching b
Maybe 10 years ago but now its way more equal
Most champs are strikers btw and a striker with good TD will beat a grappler most of the times
O'Cuckley is skilled but insanely weak while merab was way stronger and had more cardio
100% its you
Stipe's striking beat DC's wrestling. Stipe's wrestling beat Nganou's striking. It's like it's important to be well rounded as an mma fighter. and maybe what rogan has said for the past 20+ years of "wrestling is the best base for mma" is true.
Wreslters dominated because MMA was terrible at skill before and because wreslters were extremely physical and tough
Not because of wreslting hitself
he's a retard, but he's a based retard
There's like 4 mexicans on /heem/, caz
Lol get outta here evloev or whatever that faggots name is

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