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Gamethread part 2. Texans threads rarely get this far. game is tied 3-3 somehow.
Shit teams
bearsies have a qb (uh oh nfc)
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Malik Willis > Caleb Williams
why is that grandma filming herself doing that?
Bros I’m really hungry and got no food. Anybody got some leftover roast beef?
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Would you rather watch SNF or go on a nice walk with this lovely girl?
why is that 70 year old drooling everywhere?
does she have dementia?
Should have let them make a new thread so we get ride of all the faggots
Ur mom
Thanks for the good work TexansOP
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Claiming this thread for Da Burrs
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>the chiefs won because of the refs!!!
where theres a whip, there's a way
How come the Houston Texans never seem to do well?
not fast enough this time
i wish i had some broc and ranch.
ugly pussy
Is there a more soi term than "dynamic kickoff"
Malik Willis for president
sun damaged nasty plaque vitamin deficient scalloped tongue rank
Everyone back off, she already agreed to go out to dinner with me in the last thread.
>Trump lost
>Bengals lost
Get over it chuds
we won't be rid of them this week, san antonanon. just gotta ride out the shitstorm
im not going to lie to you i dont really care about anything an ugly woman says
>still seething about orange team
That’s a Texans…FIRST DOWN!!!
This is my fetish, usually with nips and happas
>Analytics says
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its literally never been more over for us trump bros…

hes been caught in real time faking 2 assassination attempts
I don't speak to coalburners
Sad, but fine ill call them faggots then
Trump survived again
I am so horny when is half time
Going to be awkward when Trump wins the election and the Chiefs win the superbowl
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Why you keep saying this?
SNF is fun!
Neekolul Collins
Is that SpotemGottem?
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KC is MAGA country. Was at the game today and everyone was booing Taylor Swift.
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Lipstick on a pig
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Butker literally looks like the Chad meme.
Guys I'm not wearing my lucky Texans shirt.
That nigga booped his nose. lol
peak reddit
>Why you keep saying this?
because she has an ugly pussy
very hope solo-esque
the people should know
>mentally ill tranny detected
Everyone I've ever met that was homeschooled is doing pretty well for themselves and are incredibly social
Bears ownership is so incompetent. This was the year you have a clean slate. You draft your franchise QB, get someone like Ben Jonson as HC. Completely turm things around. Instead trust Caleb to fucking EBERFLUS. lol. lmao
at least they won't be trannies
way she goes innit
prove it
Brilliant baiting by my burrs
Dumb twat
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Post them.
>trump gets debate jebaited
>collins gets unsportsman jebaited

captcha gag m
I don't care, Noseberg.
refs aint making it out or houston alive
literally poked him in the eye
Thanks, rabbi, very cool!
post it.
Is Caleb elite?
keep in mind, Flacco is elite.
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Yeah, this game fucking sucks!
Unsportsmanlike is the most semen slurping penal in professional sports fucks sake
Fuck Refcucks
Can’t call a dude poking another dude in the eye but will call the retaliation
>pls post images of children
go away reddit tranny
Don't stand up to bullies
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Dont worry my lucky Texans flag is out side
How brown does your skin have to be to buy crypto in 2024?
that looks painful
I imagine you faggots cheer during ads in YouTube videos
This sport is laughably shit at disguising itself as anything more than a marketing ploy for fat white people
For me its ben and Jerry's mud cake
noodling a shark that's fucking hardcore
oh you
SNiFf her FEETS!

GO PACK!!! GO!!!
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>comfy texans thread overtaken by politics and porn and cuck shit
I hate you all so much
>Dude sticks his finger inside your helmet
>Smack his hand away
>Get an unsportsmanlike
Get the fuck outta here
We have a right to know.
Hahaha he used a hammerhead as a hammer
It's fake you dumb fucking niggers
yeah :(
not in the mood for a 3 day vacation
Welcome to NFL primetime /sp/
Based shark
Lol you got em BOILING with this one
Typical Bears fan behavior
I miss my Sundays where we just shit on the tits and enjoy the afternoon.
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do you guys even talk about the game or what?
its actually a gator
anyone actually watching the game? I'm browsing twitter for my favorite trans pornstars while posting itt. games on in the background but I'm not really paying attention
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reddit has better football discussion
Gayleb shittiams has now gone 5 quarters without scoring a TD or even putting his team in the position for an offensive TD of any kind
My homeschooled kids will have plenty interactions with other kids on their swimming, Judo, piano and language classes.
There is a reason why the Chiefs never cover and its because of the refs. They always get bailed out for the win.
That guy looked like a black panther/Hell's Angel
Oh, so youve literally never met a homeschooled kid before then.
When I was in college, you could point them out of a crowd. It was never a surprise when someone told you they were homeschooled.
>le jew face
that nigga zesty af
Flag flag flag flag
y'all don't know about comfy texans threads
>Too easy
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Hitler was 100% correct about jews, shitskins, faggots, and gypsies.

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The ref got some biceps on him
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It's not true ignore them.
>no flag for Collins shoving the DB to the ground after the play
>Get poked in the eye
>Stuns on him with a TD
Texans are unfairly loaded. It's Chiefs, Texans, Bengals at the top of the entire NFL. One of those 3 get the ring this year.
im just watching for fans so i can do some caps. not really invested.
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>Its over.....
why did they just let him do that?
Chat how are you doing tonight?
I thought the burrs defense was ELITE?
The Bears are a team that should never wear any alternate uniforms, like the Chiefs.
cj is too fucking good
Why doesn't /sp/ hate the texans like they do for the cowboys? Aren't they the same state
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no one cares faggot
reminder: if you don't know these acronyms, you don't belong here

jelly roll is one of the most obvious plants I've seen a long time
pretty shit. just don't feel it
Is Stroud unironically white?
this is welcome in Texans threads btw
good thing life goes on after college
they'll get a good job and have be able to take care of themselves, the wives fall into place and that family unit is enough to build a life on
>Diggs hasn’t sniffed the ball yet
I wonder if he’s going to throw a tantrum
Your child's career cap is night stocker at Walmart because he cannot talk to other people, just like you.
the new batch of nfl stars are looking promising
>t. boiling
Some anon was supposed to bring me a Dave’s Double.
The AFC is too loaded and based. How can NFCcucks compete?
We don't post selfies here
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no homo but that umpire has some nice pecs
Texans fans are nowhere near as obnoxious
you forgot LIGMA
Pretty comfy. Packers won with the backup QB and Bears look like shit with their "franchise" QB
cowboys fans are insufferable while texans fans are nonexistent
ITT: anons who let reddit live in their head rent free
I was told this defense was elite
He seems to enjoy calling penalties on Houston with that lisp. He wants to impress Caleb
whats ligma?
Too bad that boomer didn't die.
I’m doing fine king except I have lost all hope

t. Panthers fan
Do you have X-ray vision?
Steve Jobs
Is caleb williams actually gay or does he just pretend for shock value and publicity?
I'm fairly sure he is a mammal, though.
This nigga throwing flags just so he can show off his guns on national tv
Reddit has better football discussion
It is ever thus
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this so much this
Collinsworth is such a fucking glazer
He just picks a QB to suck off and does it all game, that’s his schtick
Not much what's ligma you?
>same state = same team
Those faggots in Dallas semen slurp over their rings and always claim this is their year. The Texans do not do that and are just now good.
darude sandstorm
I think you're lost, faggot.
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Texans aren't shoved down your throat
Hitler wouldn't have homeschooled his kids.
Why the fuck do the Bears keep running it?
somehow shows up on tv in every sport
They don't have a passing QB.
right he would have let his kids get brainwashed by a jewish education system
Jerking off Mahomes and Kelce for 5 straught years is bound to leave em mirin
Shane Waldron is the worst OC in the league
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Got laid off 3 months ago, and facing the possibility of homelessness or moving back in with my parents. But at least I have football.
As a Texan fan, if they win a lot, they will be and ill fondly remember when we weren't talked about
too buff
Excuse me?
>paw tats
was he not inside? grounding?
This isn't the place to advertise your mom's onlyfans
Would clap those cheeks and suck those teets.
They're trying to get their ground game going. Getting one dimensional makes it easier to defend against you.
>good thing life goes on after college
More like, thank god for college in the first place.
It finally gives them a chance to be unshackled from their nutjob parents who did everything they could to hinder a regular life.

Being succesful has nothing to do with your degree, and everything to do with networking, and being a well adjusted person thats easy to work with.
Homeschooled gets have neither of those things
Eberflus and his coaching staff are retarded.
Nothing has changed in 3 years.
Put some clothes on grandma
hmmm.. post more
Why havent you gotten a new job after 3 months?
kill yourself
She has had about of mile of poop come from her anus, gross
Do the Texies have an elite D line?
of course not he was a socialist who hated jews, enacted state run media and repressive censorship, disarmed the population and persecuted the religious he found unfavorable.
That hang time.
The ball reached the LoS
This shareblue kike is fucking vibrating
women are mentally ill
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lmao how does this happen like the bears would fr be better off without a RB lmao wtf??
recovering from my booster, taking tomorrow off work
Last week I crashed my racebike and took someone else out, haven't heard a single thing since he was taken off in the ambulance. Physically I'm fine but I feel like fuckin shit, don't even know if he's okay or not.
Dress is putting in work holding those saggers up. They'd probably hit the floor when she took it off.
Williams holds on to the ball for too long
I had hoped for the best after Getsy, but Waldron refuses to use Cole Kmet and for some goddamn reason Travis Homer gets snaps over Herbert or Roschon Johnson.
ebaums has better football discussion
THAT pussy belong to her dogs see the dog paws on her back...she is a dog bitch
Turn yourself in
The attempts of a running game is dragging Caleb eliteness down
Josh Jacob’s ran for 151 yards today.
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>you can't be in my secret club!
dawww you still upset the shut down /r/the_donald?
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh frfr
No one is buying your spyware backdoors phones jewgle fuck off
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All Burrs fans, report your 10-20. That is all.
/biz/ idea: you can attempt extra point(s) from the area of the field where the touch down was scored

if you are barely in bounds on the extreme left or right side of the field when you score a TD, that’s where the extra attempt as to be attempted from
>If he dies, he dies
does she have a cancer hole in her neck?
what are you guys eating for the game? wife and i just got pic related from ubereats
nothing gay 'bout 'mirin
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does sharepoo still exist?
Nobody will hire straight white men these days.
How do you farm (You)’s in /nfl/?
Da Burrs would've been better off keeping Fields and trading down for Joe Alt
Post w2.
I didn't know this stadium's roof opened up
Lose wait
act retarded
Dude I played videogames with online like 15 years ago was homeschooled
He was pretty damn good. He was the best player on a certain videogame and carried us in clan matches
He's married and makes a good living working for Amazon now
2 medium pizzas for $20 from Papa Murphy’s
erm, what the deuce?
>t. boiling still
Based. Capitalism is the cause of everything that rightoids whine non-stop about.
refs wouldn't have called that on mutthomes
Waiting on a steak n cheese grinder and chicken fingers.
Holy shit can the Bears just headhunt the Texans receivers already

What an awful challenge
Terrible challenge Flus c'mon
Apparently shittalk homeschooling
lol that's clearly a catch wtf are you doing
not enough firm handshakes with eye contact of course
Red barons 4 cheese pizza with ranch
Outstanding playcalling by both teams, ngl
Say youre lazy without saying youre lazy.
>papa Murphy’s
they don’t bake the pizza
what a horrible challenge
>2 medium pizzas for $20
Thank you, Bidenomics.
what are the cum jars for?
>Coach primate
>wasting a fucking challenge on something you were right in front of
eberflus is a huge moron lmao
I’ll show you in just a few minutes
eberflus what the fuck are you doing
quick, post the porn
Same way you'd bait boomers on facebook. Present them with reality, their homeschooled kids will always be losers.
Uhhhh Chicago??? What kind of shit challenge is this?
>imagine waking up tomorrow
I'd rather not ya fuckin' bitch.
Jesus Christ that’s a bad challenge
in some form. most recently, they were paying indians $150/day to post on /pol/
>eberfluids making a bad coach decision
I have an oven.
Fucken nuts.
every person i've worked with that had a weak handshake was shit
there it is
Those are suppositories.
Do home school kids know how to boil water?
>apparently being where you're not welcomed
>whines about mass migration
>supports jewish capitalism
that applebees commercial is like anti-comedy
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Go Texans
Wait, what? Why the fuck are the bears challenging that kek
Clearly not a catch. Trust the plan Bears fans. Two more weeks
Okay bros during this commercial break, try to interpret my dream.
A bunch of people including some I know were in a room going to sleep on these benches that are against the wall with minimal privacy. This girl I used to work with who was cute as hell but crazy and had random tats all over so I knew to stay away, suddenly straddled me and I started kissing her neck. I started playing with her nipples and she squeezed my fingers as hard as she could and moaned louder, so I took the cue and started squeezing them as hard as possible and she was moaning louder and wet as hell. She turned around and put my hand down her pants, then she rolled over and started taking them off . This is the most vivid dream I have had in a long time, it still feels like it actually happened up to this point.

Here is where it gets weird. I had remembered I'd been ripping huge farts for some reason earlier, and thought it be best if I went and wiped just in case. When I got to the bathroom my TP was covered in blood and so were my boxers. I wiped repeatedly and it never got any better. I threw my blood soaked underwear in the closet and tried to shower.

Then I woke up. What the fuck was that dream trying to tell me?
To who? The org knows who I am, they've got cameras on every corner, they'll let me know if there's a punishment.
post that webm
not that webm, THAT webm
wtf i want to be a paid shill now
>Applebee’s commercial

score touchdowns
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ironic :^)
Too soon
small portion for just you and the missed, no?
IAYC :^)
Aww I thought 4chan was a free speech site and not an echo chamber like reddit or tumblr? Guess I was wrong, sad!
Id shill for $150 a day, but Id do it badly
Congrats, you just did.
Kek. I remember having a teacher who would always rant about how cruel the real world is and how much nobody cares about you. One day a kid asked why she didn't just kill herself if her life sucked so much, she got flustered and sent him to the counselor.
I don't question what a man does in his down time. >40mm grenades
post it, you won't, coward
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Act upset no matter the skin color in question.
Arent you only being paid to shrill on pol?
post an image of monke and say
>coach primate
You were raped by a succubus. Lucky to have survived desu
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kek how is Stroud so elite I was convinced he was going to be a bust when he got drafted
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This game fucking SUCKS!!
mods are asleep, post sinks
Stroud is absolutely fucking locked in holy shit
texans to super bowl
I take this as a no?
I don’t really care if you homeschool but you better not be doing it as a way to avoid vaccinating them.
We need to make it a requirement to get a drivers license that you’ve had MMR and Hep B and the other normal literal no downside vaccines.
just couldnt go one week without saying his name right? holy fuck.
Gonna need Collinsworth to get off his knees
based kid fuck whiny teachers
sequential truths
I’m just here to see the bears lose.
Should've saved Billings for the second half. Dude is gonna be gassed
it means you're gay
>concedes harder
Can Collinsworth not take Mahomes dick down his throat for two fucking seconds?
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>Panthers chose Young over Stroud
kek. Imagine thinking that homesteading and eating raw, unfiltered, “organic” food is good for you. Enjoy dying from an archaic disease or giving your children crippling ailments because of your stupidity
I was hoping Stroud was gonna go to the NFC, he's going to be a top 5 QB
Texans still can't beat the Chiefs
Texans just want it more
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Is CJ Stroud really this good or is Chicago really that shit?
Do a shot each time he says mahomes
How are Vaxies related to one's aptitude to drive?
The ripple effect of him not beating Michigan.
He gets paid every time he does. It’s a good way to make money.
Stroud would have sucked if he went to the panthers
>kek how is Stroud so elite I was convinced he was going to be a bust when he got drafted
I don't know exactly, but somehow they are making his low IQ work for him and his great arm talent.
You can see in interviews he's slow mentally, dim witted. He DOES usually say the right things and he clearly tries to be the right guy for a franchise QB. But you can see the wheels spinning. So the test was right, he is not exactly sharp... But yet he still seems to get better by the week.
what an absolute retarded spot

at the very least, they'll win this challenge just for spot and get 2 yards
You sound upset. Mutthomes got nearly as effective a performance out of his receivers as he did his refs.
Stroud is actually this good. He's a pocket passer with mobility that knows his scheme really well. He's been confident playing QB since he came into the NFL.
He's also supposedly really stupid so he just throws dat ball frfr haha sheeeeit and does well
collins or diggs wide wide wide open every play
I can only have so many boosters, anon
She watch Ramona Flowers and felt so empowered
Sometimes being a retard is a positive.
Stroud is really good. Not sure about the Broncos yet
Was that Gorillaz being played on the broadcast? Dunno why I never noticed that before
Stop wasting challenges
He was out of balance play does not count
cute lesbian couple
it was
I would like to remind /sp/ that people said the Panthers were a better landing spot for a QB than the Texans.
He doesn't overthink things which is a good thing in a shanahan tree offense
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Why are bears fans so universally hated on /sp/? Like we're even more hated than the fucking cowboys and I just don't understand what we've done.
That sucks man.
Squids I swear
That’s a good challenge. Even if it’s not a first down it’s 4th and inches instead
You are so fucking obsessed with liberals its not even funny. What IS funny is that liberals legitimately do not even think about you or know you exist
>we have Patrick Mahomes at home
>the Patrick Mahomes at home

They don’t ever shut up
You really aren't.
Concede what?
You being mad doesnt make "homeschooled kids are sheltered weirdos" any less real.
Its a very well known phenomenon
What’s the McDonald nugget deal? Like 40 nuggets for $10?
“He’s really stupid”
Are you talking about that retarded test? He’s clearly proving that shit is worthless. Besides the testers came back last year and said his score may have been incorrect and was higher than what was put out.
>at home
this "meme" isn't funny and fucking stupid
You can tell this dude s unathletic by the way he stands.
That faggot Will Ferrell ruining "Everywhere"
peeling will ferrell’s scalp off with my car keys
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>This is only Stroud's 2nd season
How is he so good already?
Nobody hates bears fans we just feel bad for you. We hate the bears organization though.
Neither does literally any nfl fanbase
He was never such an improviser until the playoff game against UGA. It's so fuckin weird, I thought he was a really robotic QB and suddenly he activated mobile stroud mode and he's been elite in the NFL
Shroud doesn't take tests HE PLAYS FOOTBALL. What a chad!
40 for $40 #ThanksBiden
He's creampieing the girl he met at school, your kids will never have sex.
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I am ready to meet my new stepson Caleb.
Texans threads are usually comfy, but today the thread has gotten very gay, very, very gay
Not going for it there is kinda bitch made
Tom Brady talked about this on Pat McAfee, they dumb down the offense so rookies can play immediately. if you break down the film, it's very easy. There's only about 5 passing plays and the only thing that changes is who their first read is. Most of them can't progress past that first read before scrambling and playing backyard football. If you watch the NFL52 or w/e the premium with all the cameras are, it's plainly obvious
/sp/ is a bears board
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40 nuggets for....

>dog food commercial to try and make you think refs are human


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>lose the challenge
>the ball still moves forward because the line judge is retarded
>refs get the call wrong
>challenge it and spot is corrected
>counts as a lost challenge
>Yes we gave you a horrible spot
Because he wasn't drafted by the Panthers
They're one of those retarded fanbases who think they gonna win the 'owl ever year, kinda like Dallas. UNLIKE the Cowboys who are sometime kinda good the Bears always end up sucking which makes their fan's undeserved arrogance far more irksome.
why would you kick there????
peak reddit
Pineapple again
still kicking
any white woman who sleeps with a black man is automatically disqualified from being hot
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Hello mudda
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what the fuck, they changed the rules of challenges?
He didn't need to when Ohio State played South Ohio Christian Technical Institute College and beat them 63 to 7
relax bud it’s a joke
I bought a goddam bag of wings for what I thought was $13 and it ended up being $30.
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Why fucking challenge?
>bears shit in the woods
>southpark told me so
IAYC :^)
>purple hair
Everyone in the block is creampieing that girl.
nero did nothing wrong
I challenge the challenge.
laffing @ da burrs
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We may have gotten the spot a little wrong but we’re taking a timeout from you because you dare question us.
This is the worst match thread. Is the last game thread always like this? Or is it just because the fan bases?
Caleb Williams needs some Fucking help and nobody is Fucking helping him! Where is the Bears Fucking running game? Where the Fuck is this "elite" Bears defense coming up with defensive scores and TOs!?

You MotherFuckers.
>man or bear?
>challenge the spot of the ball
>don't go for it
I don't understand
I can promise you, as a bears fan, that any aspirations of the superb owl end after week 1 every single year. At this point we just want to make ourselves feel relevant because we know we would even lose in the fucking xfl
I wasnt allowed to watch southpark, my parents were strict baptists
All the guys at school*
Any Houston bros here? About to move there for an oil and gas job. how is it living there? I'm moving in a house between katy and cypress off North Fry road
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Holy fuck that Bears graphic was made with AI, fucking sloppy.
Why wasn’t that a first down?
Ball obviously crossed the line.
I don't hate the burrs, I want them to do well. I just hate gayleb
Do yall post half time slags?
Because not everyone can be as smart as Dan Campbell. What kind of nerd wants to put points on the board when you can get stuffed on 4th and 1?
Is Caleb Williams A Bust?
Is Justin Fields Elite?
I'm just gonna post this for the rest of his career
If I can't post TouchdownRyS I gotta post something.
this is one of the better ones you should see a cowboys or eagle prime time thread they're nothing but gay porn
what does a kids space camp have to do with anything?
What’s the best fleshlight?
I would vote but the line in too long all the time
my Texans threads are not this fuckin gay any other week. makes me very sad
Shroud isn't a fucking retard unlike the Titans rookie.
I think I read this exact post last year replacing Caleb Williajs with Justin Fields
Retard faggots who live and breathe politics are really easy to bait currently due to the election.
>t. retard
I know, but even in games like against PSU and UM, that rigidity in his game showed up. Never saw him scramble so much until Georgia forced him to and he was immediately fucking elite at it
>that anecdote
Lol Caleb was a special kid.
stamina training unit
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>What’s the McDonald nugget deal? Like 40 nuggets for $10?
Who cares. I just deboned 2 chicken thighs like pic related, cut them to be flat, 5 min on the cast iron just over medium on each side then 2 more on each side.
Did one with lemon pepper and the other with homemade buffalo sauce (Butter and Franks). Absolutely delicious and not made out of whatever chicken nuggets are made of
Fire that artist
They know Gayleb won't put up more than 10 points so they don't need to take any chances
Could the Bears have hired Klint Kubiak?
Is D'Andre Swift a Swiftie?
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Carolina fags must be ready to kill themselves. They could've had C.J. Stroud but got Bryce Young instead kek holy fuck what a colossal fumble
downtown here. it's the definition of "ok". weather sucks and there's not much to do. but low cost of living compared to major cities, good food, and you've got the beach nearby (even if it's galveston)
>moving for a job based on a finite resource

Not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya
Prime time threads always have bullshit
>4th and inches
retards got very lucky
>Shotgun on 4th and inches
he was short
>still can't tush push
only your mom
stop shitting in my sand castle
wtf is that spot
shotgun run on 4th and inches is certainly a call
Just, just endless 4k webm gay anal creampies
Whoever wins this, Chicagoans win by not living in a swamp shithole
Who has the best NFL mascot?
The best QBs don't actually leave the pocket that much, they do when needed and Stroud is one of those.
It was 4th and inches, not 4th and 7
I buy mine without the bones
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poorfag detected
This is the best game thread I’ve seen in a while, thank you based Texans, bears, and all other fans
Noticed that too it's probably some sort of Yiddish signal to someone
Stroud ain't great either
We must hold strong, we have 4 more prime time games this season...
I don’t think even CJ would do shit in Carolina
good luck in that desert

>EVs are the future
not the brightest bulb in the tool box
wtf was that screen pass?
>Chicago, a crime free paradise
Fucking lel
I'm starting to find other guys attractive...
>How do you farm (You)’s in /nfl/?
by posting the most worthless /pol/bait you can think of instead of actual intelligent stuff like >>144470885
the shovel pass?
Swift didn't want to catch the gay
>gets murdered by feral black

playoff threads will be even worse too
>I buy mine without the bones
I can't seem to find them with skin on and boneless so I just always buy the 8 pack of skin on bone in for $9, about 4-5 pounds
Caleb williams actually looks reasonably competent unlike bustin fails
>toxins stealing Texas! Fight! from my longhorns

Nice lack of originality
I lived in Houston for a year and it fucking sucked. If you want to do anything its an hour drive even if its inside the city. Also the weather is fucking lame I legit hate houston from the bottom of my fucking heart. I've lived in dozens of cities all around the world and it is the fucking worse. You can't tell the bad part of town because there are niggers everywhere. And to make things worse Texas have CCL so any dumb nigger can have a gun and you can get shot over road rage.
TLDR it is LA with more niggers and guns.
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>bears are so homophobic that nobody wanted to push-tush gayleb
Based burrs
Collinsworth is such a cocksucker
would rather have 40 nuggies
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They're black just gib them more time. Even the announcer said he's doing pretty ok
he's being babbied way more than fields was
fields was just told to go gettem kid
I bet had their fates switched, Stroud would be in the exact same hopeless situation. Bryce has been in 18 games and had 3 different head coaches, that's not good for a rookie no matter how skilled they are
tired of inspiration from the play clock?
but where nu?
toxins ripped of the UT logo as well.
>would rather have 40 nuggies
I promise you'd like my thighs better than any nugs
You still take the points. Going for it is how you lose games, as Campbell has shown us multiple times
caleb cant win with these cats
Is this a joke?
People who live in IL will he the FIRST to tell you Chicago, and IL, is a shit hole
> taxes crazy high
> never see any of it if you arent a corrupt Chicago alderman
> cold as fuck but not a lot of snow
> summer is short and humid as fuck
> just a more expensive Wisconsin where you get less for it
> live in Chicago, get shot if you move outside of designated safe zones.
Looks like a screen pass to me. I might be blind lol
>he thinks everything is about his shit university in commie austin
>8 player rush
>took literally all of him and he still almost escaped
Jaxon DeVille, or whatever the fuck his name is.
how can he even see past his OLine
Nice franchise QB you have there

This is talent
I'm not saying they do, his core features were a strong arm, good accuracy, and ability to play in rhythm. But the first post I was responding to was about him being a pocket passer with mobility, and I was saying it was something that he scarcely showed as a prospect in his time at OSU until that UGA game, and it really does add a dimension to his already fundamentally strong passing game.
thats a 40 yd play if youre an Elite black qb
Fuck off and die.
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What color did Caleb paint his nails?
This has some serious Wesley Willis vibes.
>sackleb williams
This does not help our mission.

Do the jannies just not exist anymore? You used to be banned pretty easily here a few years ago.
Every man is equipped with a prostate gland, colloquially known as a "cum button"
Slippery sumbutch but we gottim yessir
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>getting tricked
Did you see how quick that line collapsed?, i think the bengals look better on the oline
trannies are not gay
This oline is worse than anything Cutler ever had, absolutely grim
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original OP here. I don't feel like making a third thread. do it yourselves. I'm too comfy
Gayleb Williams.
rock over london rock on chicago
Um sweetie Houston and Chicago have near identical per capita violent crime rates. Meanwhile Houston's property crime rate is like 25% higher kek.

Yea I remember it, I figured Reich wanted Stroud before that but after that game I really thought they'd draft him. Like 95% sure.
STILL shocked Tepper overrided Reich and went with Young.
Also fwiw Stroud is in a Shanahan offense, which contributes to how good he looks but a lot of what he's doing is individual talent over scheme.
Post degree homeschooled loser
not necessarily. that doesnt mean you liking them isn't.
>muh oline
hes a bust
>muh receivers
hes a bust
>muh defense
Then why does it make me so erect?
I am choosing love
>Peyton, or Paintin
Who ya taking, /sp/?
This but unironically
I hope he's haunted by the ghost of Bob Ross.
When you touch something mildly hot and something mildly cold at the same time, you trick your brain into thinking that you're touching something scalding. This is because your skin only looks for the difference in relative temperature, and your parasympathetic nervous system immediately releases anything above a certain temperature difference.

A similar thing happens when the male prostate is stimulated by a penis. Your brain is tricked into thinking it's pleasurable, when you're actually just being a faggot.
New bread

Putin in 4. Cap this
>literally just be fucking huge
God, Jason Kelces wife is fine af
those were some ugly fucking soccer players
At Mass today, the priest talked about the importance of being positive as it incredibly easy to tear someone down so we should all be nice and build each other up.
Deshaun go to bed.
Also, did you know the windy city was named partially due to it being the home of Wendy's?
It apparently is fair for the NFL coverage to reveal plays now.
ah thanks bro!
>Also fwiw Stroud is in a Shanahan offense, which contributes to how good he looks
Certainly that its a well proven and effective offensive system, but that doesnt detract from how well Stroud throws vs. tight windows, throws with touch, throws with anticipation, and throws to defeat the leverage of coverage defenders. It's all really sound play
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that's a good message
I think Sting is a bust. 2 weeks in a row getting cooked
>It apparently is fair for the NFL coverage to reveal plays now.
I wasn't paying attention, what happened?
our entire secondary is cooked. Anthony Richards lit us up. sure it was only like 2 or 3 big plays, but you can't give up those long balls like that to shitters
This game should not be this close. Our defense is really ass FUCK
>we will never have the 2012 team back
feels bad man
salty bags of coins
I only know these.
and this one

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