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thinly veiled coomer thread
hope somone kills these overrated whores, imagine paying for bitches that spend more time on fashion then playing and call themselves footballers
good OP image, I like it
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A rather disturbing fact about professional women's football is that quite frequently there are romantic relationships between teammates of vastly differing ages.
There are many WSL dressing rooms where 29-33 year old veterans are sleeping with young women rookie teammates of ages 18-23.
any more like webm related?
thanks for reminding me
I need to head to store later and pick up more guromilk
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For me it's my university's team
2 more sleeps until guro!
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Need Hammarby to step it up next week
For me it’s
8, 27, and 14
good taste
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She deserves better.
>watching any sport
>there is an American team or athlete competing
>the US anthem is playing
>all non-white players/athletes don't sing the anthem, ever
why do they hate their country so much lmao
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now i slightly remember her to be hyped as some kind of wunderkind a few years years ago, but i totally forgot about her tbqh
Thank you for posting a new thread, OP. Let's all agree to keep this one clean, with no inappropriate comments about younger players
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can confirm my sister played hs soccer and i'm pretty sure i caught two of them going to town on eachother in our kitchen when i was in 9th grade it wasn't any of the hot ones tho
This is false. They're usually the same age. It always gets out who's with who. Woso fans are obsessive as hell and they find out everything. The only main age gaps I know of are Lucy Bronze (32) and Ona Batlle (25), and Daniëlle van de Donk (33) and Ellie Carpenter (24). Both Lucy and Daan act and look very young. I'd be grossed out if the man was older, but two women or a younger man is fine. There's no danger there.
>a Brazilian who hates football
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It's not, don't worry. We actually like football.
Anyone else waking up at ungodly hours (7:30am) to watch her play against Arsenal on Sunday?
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yeah, can't miss it
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going to be weird seeing a bronze chelsea
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and a blue memedema
>put the fattie between the posts
every time
i always record and watch later
>nobody i know gives a shit about this so it will never be spoiled
>i can skip through all the pregame and halftime nonsense
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>fattie between the posts
>computer, flip the image around and turn on smell-o-vision
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I've got a bad feeling about Sunday.
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wait this is ai isnt it
fucking ig faggots got me
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chat is this real?
who is it?
Our girl scored today
Some lower league nobody, don't remember her name
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>so you think you can score, huh?
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tell me secrets about Guro's personal life?
she enjoys pasteurization
what does guromilk taste like?
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alex morgan regen
that's what I love about women's footballers
I keep getting older while they stay the same age
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I’m gonna coom
She went from tomboy to a fucking slut really fast

Very Good and varied taste.

She has a fattie, alright
it was laura benkarth. the city of reddit
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baja blast
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>women's football general
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rofl, WSL opening match isnt available here
Allegedly cbs plus paramount has the rights, even trying to search for wsl just redirects to nwsl...
FA player was about the only non-tarded way to watch anything and of course things go from that to nobody fucking cares
livesoccer says it will be on espn+
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Ill see later today, because yesterday espn+ had no wsl content
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>testing, testing, 1-2-3...

>Alright, listen up you fucking niggers
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I want to grab her tummy and pick her up
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Chelsea's first team of the season

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i feel targeted
Gurp LOSES tonight!
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haha nope!
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humiliation ritual
They forgot their shirt sponsors....
>Pooro Sheiten
>pissy poo burns
Don't worry, Guro. Fourth time's the charm!
>touch allows nobs in
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she cute
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Great goal
>millie shite
Sonia makes me want a French mummy gf bros
yeah, she's cute
Holy shit D'Angelo
>Denied a kino ending
Grim, another season of chelseawinslol
just a few months ago you could have had your way with one.
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Ending was pretty kino anyway, Hampton won the battle of the goalkeepers. Good to see Villa dominating the second half for the most part, lots of potential. Coach was an idiot for telling that blonde girl to shoot instead of crossing it in that one moment, though.
Frøya Dorsin to PSG. At least Frøya is Norwegian swedefags!
Great. Another Norwegian flop in PSG
should have gone to TP
For me, it's Nicolette Hernandez
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you are now aware kearns moved from one shit team to another with same anonymous results
thanks anon, searching and browsing led to nothing, but late in the day under replays i say it sitting by itself
Wonder how many tens of cents ESPN payed for the rights, as they clearly don't give a shit about it
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>Misses 2 easy chances then ghosts the rest of the game
Gurp is SHIT and FINISHED!
Get some guromilk down you son you're ill
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>brighton and man utd winning
>kirby (p)
The former manager of Fulham women’s team has said female players were “protected” from the club’s late owner, after staff became “aware” the billionaire had a predilection for “young, blond girls”.
Five women have alleged in recent days that they were raped by Fayed, and a number of others have alleged sexual misconduct took place while they worked at Harrods, the luxury department store that was previously owned by Fayed.
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the squad
do you know any of these girls? any stories about them?
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maia is in my capstone class
Why are so many of them studying education and childhood and youth studies?
studying to be breedees
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girls looking to just do anything at uni and focus on sports. When you get into enginerring, life sciences or accounting the classes are 70%+ men and whatvever girls there are are asian and pajeetas
memba the name
giulia is so pretty and she has nice eye makeup here
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Was surprised to hear Niamh was out injured, but the commentator didn't elaborate what happened or how long so it didn't sound worrisome
>When you get into enginerring...the classes are 70%+ men and whatvever girls there are are asian and pajeetas
I went to a respectable engineering school and undergrad was 5-10% female, less each year. 90% of that were foreign asians.
Grad school was much worse. Half the classes were 100% men and the others there were one or two female indian/chinese nationals. I'd probably go with 3% optimistically.
Industry is slightly better, but still around 5%. Most of them do systems engineering or other non-technical work. really depressing industry to work in...
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comfy to hear Firby not only won but scored
will arsenal city be as insane as chelsea city was early last season
that match sort of decided the champion with 74 early season ref dominance red cards
haven't heard what nonsense they are going to be nazis about this time
was really disappointed to watch this match that had a single camera rotating at midfield.
Thought WSL was moving on up, but this was high school level coverage. Random ass college games get way better than this with multiple views.
>plan kirby.jpg
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Ok, I made my ideal squad of the U20 Women's World Cup, made up of 21 selected players and 4 reserves (25 in total)
awwww :3
I heard shoulder surgery and that she'd be out for a while
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how about another choke, wfg?
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No I think you've had enough chokes
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That's my wife.
jonas on suicide watch
cheering against arsenal is weird
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>russian strikers
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sexo ass shot
male aggression
Eidevall is such a fucking dweeb
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>Freigang hattrick
he also got a yellow card earlier on
TPrbinni status?
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uhm... sweetie. we were supporting Potsdam in that match. /wfg/ (formerly /wundes/; formerly /wwg/) has always been a Potsdam board
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>forgot the vpn
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These bitches are still kneeling? Or is it because it's the opening game of the season. Glad Maanum and Mead scored though.
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found this woman on /pol/. immediately thought she looks like Alex Popp. Anyone else with me?
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seems like they'll keep doing it
>I had to post it again, because last night 4chan ate my post and didn't know where it went

What are those autistismo bastards up to now? I haven't been there in a while
also looks a bit like bethany balcer
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how did your team do this weekend?
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trikas too, but I didn't even watch the second leg
me on the left, sucking the finger
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Drew 2-2 to City twice in the space of 6 hours.
it was literally election in my state today
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>player of the match
Fischer needs to go.
fun fact: she's the current top scorer of the champions league with 4 goals*
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>norf korea won
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>kills two players including one on her team
>shits on their graves by kicking it over them and jumping over their pathetic corpses
>definitely steps on at least one of them when landing, and doesn't give a fuck which it is
>sets up game tying goal
>cheekily took the 11 jersey in the offseason
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Why the fuck did RasoRasoRaso get relegated to thotenham?
>City has forward overload
>let's see if Real Madrid is better
>oh shit sinking ship
>back to England
>playing time galore on Spurs
seems reasonable
feel return to nwslel or maybe wolfsburger might have been the better path
just didnt think it was time for her to fall to a shit team and be forgotten
hope we dont get another redred matchup for kicking the ball away
just add the fecking time on, don't change the match you fecking refcunty
>imagine being double-teamed by Matejic and Damnjanovic
>A new three-year agreement has been reached with Barclays to remain the title sponsor of the Women’s Super League and Women’s Championship.
>The deal is understood to be in the region of £15m a year, including investment and marketing, double the previous arrangement which runs out at the end of this season.
sounds like a good deal, no?
It's bigger than the last deal apparently, so more money keeps being invested.
Prime Barclays continues
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good morning bayernbros
We are all sisters here.
the premier moid peaked when Barclays sponsored it
It's pocket change for Barclays too.
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thoughts on this line-up?
Big fan
for me it's Melli Köß
Dick doesn't go down well in a women's football team
you're right. Dongus sounds much better
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for me it's Dongus
Such a manbaby, Hayes was right
I miss her
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höbinger, naschenweng >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zadrazil
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more like hoebinger amirite?? kek lmao
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>I’ve always been extremely loyal to Arsenal. I’ve done every single thing in the thought process of 'this is the right thing for the club.' Looking back, maybe I should’ve made the step [leaving Arsenal] earlier, and I think after the last two seasons that I had, you somehow… 'expect' is not the right word, but you’d hope that the same respect and the same loyalty would be returned.
i now get joke
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how we doing blakcousins?
>/wfg/ still hyping up this snaggle-toothed FLOP
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Cute freckles.
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wfg peaked here
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arguably it did here
Tearing shit up for Hammertown. She's gonna save the team tomorrow vs Benfica
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who filmed this? gf?
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West Bromwich Waifus
Still only 23
Seems she was pushed too far too fast up the ladder. Also really didnt help getting mentally destroyed over the course of the recent Norway disasters.
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got jannied again
fuck this faggot board i dindu nuffin
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i prefer degenelates
another episode of dropping points...
at least this time the only player that actually fucking cares was able to salvage a point after massive failure faggotry
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>and Guro felt much better after much struggling and finally gurping
god bless you brazilbro this general would die without you
that was actually me setting up a precedent to stop posting for a while bc i wanted to see what happens
i did indeed get banned tho
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Happy 18th.
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Anyone know of a working stream of Vålerenga-Anderlecht? I don't have VG Pluss and I can't find shit when googling.
Worried that Vålerenga are choking

I just gave up and watched Bodø Glimt instead lol. Couldn't find a single stream showing this or any women's football for that matter. They can't complain that people aren't watching their sport when they paywall it for the people who actually care to watch.
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Are WSL games on youtube?
On their YT channel they have full games. Don't know if you can view them.
You can view them with a French VPN
>the city of slavia praha
Looks like their incredibly overrated ranking didn't help them from losing to a shit team
Every time i think of Thea i wanna ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long.
Just need Hammarby to win and this will be a pretty neat evening
Come on Hammarby
I don't get it, please explain
WHOA who dat qt on the left?
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tabbi scored tonight;)
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Stay away creep
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Is Norwegian :)
What did she mean by this?
Thank you, it works
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Gorgeous goal
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rip in peaces kelley
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the feck you on about?
KEK are the keepers 3 foot 6?
tic-toc, arsenal!
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More like Thea Blooter
femlet on femlet crime
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Oh yeah the 2nd leg is tonight. Should be fun.
>piss ess gee
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Not like this, Korbz
I'll be gooning alright
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only if laila comes on
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Yeah she's on the bench.
the earrings really bring out her personality
What happened to PSG?
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They put a chr*stian on the team
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This is my wife.
Fucking hell the ARS vs HACk stream is low quality.
>beth shid
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I'd BLOOT her if you know what I mean
Would it not be a great meme if Arsenal missed CL again :)
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Leah is such a top
>swedish defending
To be fair I think that was offside tho
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Beff :)
is frida, dare i say it, back?
The fallen madonna with the big boobies yes.
The Danish striker is back.
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no jackie, no party

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