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bet you fags didn’t know the criteria also explains that dominance and control duration in grappling are only to measured in terms of differentiating round scoring e.g. 10-8 vs 10-9 and etc. but cazzies will cry about control time being displayed on the screen but don’t know that is actually written in the unified rules
I thought this was an MMA board not an express your feelings about other MMA posters board?
The current unified rules according to abcboxing.com do not mention anything about damage or immediate impact weighing more than the cumulative that many cite as being cornerstones of the "new rules"
shit thread
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zebragirls is better than this shit
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Bugchaser bobby won’t even know which pozzload prolapsed him
why am I so good at betting dwcs?
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there is a fighting competition between female mixed martial artist athletes going on right now at the UFC APEX(tm)
familiarize yourself before crying robbery again. needs to be posted in the OP of every single thread
Also, having to wake up for work at 6am isn't a flex, it's a punishment for being a wagie
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>Good things come to those who wait.

the pakicord is going off tonight
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why can't you stupid faggots realize that the damage over everything criteria has been irrelevant for over 3 years now? when are we going to start pointing the finger at the commission writing these rules instead of blaming the judges? you faggots don't even understand what you complain about.
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Movdaddy went off in Diegaped's loose Lobussy with loads of creamy white brazza sauce.
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sean was robbed
Diegaped is such a bratty subby bottom slut
Suga could have a legitimate claim to rounds 1,3, and 5 under the 2019 "new rules" but you faggots don't realize what the criterias actually say and aren't even ready to discuss what criteria the judges are actually using. 99% of you stupid motherfuckers are too dense to even know what I'm trying to say
Easy there Madame stick to Grindr for your stinky steatorrhea sexcapades.
Why are muslims so gay now?
Do you have a license to be a judge? No? Then shut the fuck up about the rules. You have no credibility.
not a single one of you knows what I'm talking about and I won't stop posting until you read the fucking criteria
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Your father gaped, spackled, spanked, and spunked in you thoughbeit.
he could have been if you believe the judges are using the 2019 "new rules". thing is you don't even know what that is or why it's important
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Of his anal virginity
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You're reading the first not mentally ill post itt.
no YouTuber even knows about this they just read the first result on google that comes up for the unified rules and thinks they know the criteria. just like them you're scared to admit you don't know how to score a fucking fight and would rather cry like a toddler about how unfair and rigged the judging is
Madame Xneed was raped by her father's dog.
I'm gonna make a real simple flowchart for sub 50IQ brainrotted zoomers to understand because thats the only posters left on this site. that and the fucking ESLs who keep responding to me
Finally a real American on this show
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you're not a fan of MMA if you don't know the judging criteria. you're actively killing the sport by letting the commission get away with this shit every year
No they didn't, but now you're just going way too far
you are the only person ITT who didn't understand, process, and compartmentalize that information the first time they read it.
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Alabama bouta deport this wetback to Mexico watch
Let’s stop the demented posts please. DWCS is just starting.
Can gingers fight? We shall fricken see...
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Darrent Ill
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You just know the girls are dtf in those small town Alabama gyms
Teague will avenge Peek
the 2023 unified rules actually favor grapplers and this is why champions like Merab and Belal will continue to take over the sport. effective grappling is much more open to interpretation in its measurement than effective striking which is solely based off a retarded definition of the word impact defined in the criteria. domination and 10-8 rounds are also made for grapplers to succeed.
You're mentally ill. You should be locked away.
boxing is not fighting
I rule that you’re an asshole. How’s that for judging criteria?
teague looks like askrens son
>small town alabama gym
weird angle spook
Ass to mouth I’m afraid
Dam this guy has a very aesthetic physique yjk hunter will sign is beefcake
you should be ashamed that you don't know how to score fights
nope. I'm just the only person smart enough and have watched the sport long enough to know the judging criteria apparently. its frustrating when you are the only person that knows something that if everyone knew would solve a major problem
real ones remember Charlie Brenneman, the OG white 'fro UFC fighter
That would be Josh "kino" Koshcheck
Teague looks like a fucking idiot.
Stop ignoring the truth and analyze what I'm saying. I'm not being difficult I'm just pointing out the obvious problem with the judging criteria. But none of you fucks even know what I'm talking about. I've posted about this shit all night last night and I will keep posting about it until you retarded fucks understand.
Teague looks really smart, like a scientist.
Can't believe O Malleys head coach cant even win a cantender series fight
Yep. All the other kids were just jealous because you were the smart one. That’s why no one wanted to be friends with you.
Alabama is a shithole full of feral blackoids. lmao
Looks like a 70's porn director.
Argentina is white
Which state isn’t?
Can status: Crushed
Captcha: PAWG
Nope. you are just retarded and apparently can't understand simple english that biases the current scoring criteria towards grapplers. Why do you shame yourself to protect daddy Dana and the UFC? Are they paying you shill?
He does look kind of jewish, I suppose.
That's pus thoughbeit
How about I heem you stiff?
Most of them
Factual posts.
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what criteria do the judges even use? is it the 2019 "new rules" that everyone claims is the damage based scoring system that we have been operating off for the last five years? or is it the 2023 unified rules scoring criteria laid out on abcboxing.com? fuck you
Put the tampon up ya prolapsed menstruating dog dick damaged bussy playa!
do you really believe its one guy
heem would be so much better if the mentally ill personalities that plague it suddenly had collective heart attacks
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Kevin Christian is a motherfucking savage. Holy fuck- Holy fucking shit.
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read the fucking scoring criteria and try again faggot
bro just learned the word cafeteria and is going hard AF
saar i'm feeling groovy today
Ms. Xneed's drug habit will see to that very soon
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Quit ridin' that rotweiler like its yo daddy playa!!
Eating cheerios with almond milk CSO
It's the first document that he has read start to finish and he's making sure the world knows it.
Xneed only cares about the steatorrheaing criteria thoughbeit
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this lankoid looks soft and slow as fuck, should've got into basketball b
It’s tawlf b, take some respite knowing they are the weirdest most demeted incels on this earth. Real heemsters just have to endure.
We need this Italian guy in the ufc. Hope to God he gets it done
>he'll be signing the next Jon Jones"
the kid's got dreams i'll tell ya
What’s the judging criteria for me fucking your mom?
if you cared you would actually read the 2019 and 2023 criteria and realize that this is the most important thing in the MMA world not being talked about. then you would realize that no one even knows what criteria the judges are using
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Redit is down the hall and to the left
Nobody wants to find your fucking Grindr account you nasty ass steatorrhea stained sex offender
>2019 new rules used by theWeasle and others to justify their dogmatic "damage based" scoring
you fucked up
i remember the one of you looking like emaciated in front of your gay ass truck
guru coping about omalley and damage based scoring lol. if it was damage based belal would have lost his leon fight.
holy shit it's the next jon jones
If a fight has to be settled by a decision than it's most certainly a shitty fight
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“Legal blows that have immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to contribute towards
the end of the match with the IMMEDIATE weighing in more heavily than the cumulative impact.
Successful execution of takedowns, submission attempts, reversals and the achievement of
advantageous positions that produce immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to
contribute to the end of the match, with the IMMEDIATE weighing more heavily than the
cumulative impact.” It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of
position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown. Top and bottom
position fighters are assessed more on the impactful/effective result of their actions, more so
than their position. This criterion will be the deciding factor in a high majority of decisions when
scoring a round."
>2019 unified rules of mma
They have engineers in Brazil?
Till already bodied that fat fuck
And the bloody necrosis flesh nightmare fuel pictures and the the grind dick pic that was 100% sent to multiple teenage boys
Why do you bother wirh this? Do you really think the more you insist un-provoked that you're not just one person it's gonna convince me?

Bro how are you so mentally stunted, you are for real like a toddler so much. Gross & sad.
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this is the faggot scoring criteria that guru and others are using to justify their bitching and whining. thing is they don't even know that they damn criteria is outdated by about 5 fuckin years
Sean did the damage
Woah this Christian dude looks like an Athlete
What is G*d’s judging criteria?
How have you not heard about the legendary Nobel piece prize winning invention the Brazilian shower water heater
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>6’7 at lhw
>still has a belly
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stop shitting up the thread and read the fucking criteria you dumb moronic faggot. if you read the 2019 unified rules and compare it to the updated 2023 unified rules and can't discern the difference in the criteria and the implications on the scoring I can't fucking help you
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read the fucking criteria
read the fucking criteria
read the fucking criteria
What do they call these kek?
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man this shit is starting to really fucking irritate me. why won't you stupid faggots read the fucking criteria? it would take 5 to 10 minutes to read the 2019 and 2023 unified rules then you would understand why I'm posting about it so much. just read it already for fuck sake
Is this "critera" in the room with us sweaty?
The guy that had the most fun, he's the winner.
Being a civil engineer in Brazil has gotta be the easiest job on the planet.
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No, none of those. Next time just put all your guesses in the same post homie. You are fooling literally 0 people right now, why embarass yourself trying?
you've been getting bullied here by the whole thread for years b just wondering how you've convinced yourself it's one guy
its in the unified rules you cuck

t. based criteria knower
>civil engineer
This is the guy building the favelas for the Brazilian posters here
I think it's an electric water heater shower head. They don't have normal water heaters over there
>umm akshually you haven’t remembered of all the disgusting gay nudes i posted of my decaying flesh
What angle even is this?
im not going to stop posting about the criteria until every faggot has read both versions and understands why its important
This nigga is goonin' to dawgs lookin at his shit
Fur shore bee.
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>why do other mma orgs like IMMAF and MMAreferee.com still refer to the 2017/2019 “New Rules”/”Damage>ALL” rules as the up to date criteria? All anyone ever says is damage only matters and don’t score takedowns etc etc but that is NOT what the current criteria lays out
read my posts
Because ambient water temp is always warm anyway idiot
if gayna gives either of these bums a contract
Sean won based on damage
also why would they change the criteria in 2017 just to change it back in 2022? what were they afraid of?
The dogs that Lady Xneed sucks and fucks are older than the teenage boys she sends her bloody ussy nudes to on Grindr
good stuff
Corrugated iron on top of a few stolen bricks. Just engineered a neighbourhood. Porra.
it’s true though, you used to cry when the thread would make fun of your totally real terminal pancreatitis
yep you can if you want based on the 2019 criteria
Because you have been saved and cherished and shared all the photos you ever seen of me, suddenly you dont care?Also to prove I'm the OG heem poster.
like watching two yoel romero
6'8" nigga with 100 inches of reach is too scared to throw first
why isn't Herb yelling WORK WORK
the iron was also stolen
Brilliant talent scouting danaredit
Nobody understands the criteria, the fans, the fighters and the judges will read the same shit and understand 3 different things and all 3 are wrong.
How do I remove cramps from my front thighs? It's been few days and they don't wanna go away no matter what I do. I've drank coconut water, eaten bananas, taken supplement. Stretching but nothing helps.
2019 xneed had chronic pancreatitis and GRIDS but 2024 xneed has AGP and sucks off samoyeds
Get a BBC to stretch you out.
shut up
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3 fricken fights
3 fricken finishes
This is another miss by you, you would be marginally more annoying if you reminded me that I used to be sick and my pancreas has taken longterm damage. Feel me? That would probably hurt more than saying "no your cock isn't huge it's just well above average" and the other hopeless shit you always end up saying.
White or black? Brazilian? Oh perfect, I'm giving this kid (29) a contract.
Xneedussy still has pancreatitis she just realized it was from being pozzed by poodles
LMAO. Of course kek
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for anyone just joining please read the 2023 unified rules judging criteria section and read the 2019 unified rules judging criteria and note the key differences: 1) the 2019 criteria emphasizes immediate impact>cumulative and that effective grappling is limited to the establishment of offense with immediate impact while the 2023 criteria is more biased towards grapplers by limiting the measurement of effective striking to solely impact based and expanding the definition of effective grappling to include scoring of successful execution of grappling techniques including takedowns and control time.
>why should I care?
because these key differences have huge implications on the scoring of fights and we will continue to be in the dark on what criteria the judges are actually using until we start demanding answers from the athletic commissions and the UFC
There's no way this dude is 6'7" and looks like that. He's like 6'4 max, right?
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Curb stomp a negro.
1-drink more water and electrolytes
2- eat more nutritious food, you don't have to change your diet that much, just adding a couple of veggies and reducing high cholesterol foods will be enough.
People usually think is just dehydration but if your blood and other liquids are low on minerals it causes the same issue.
3- exercise a bit, focus on squats for now to get the blood flowing to your legs, avoid going to failure, just do some exercise.

This obviously won't fix it immediately but will get considerably better every day.
Is this "Ari" in the room with us sweaty?
Your bussy has taken long term damage from doberman dong
What did you do for a workout?
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better than being a rude engineer
brazzas i want boorgyurs
you used to have terminal chronic pancreatitis that would end in you getting cancer but you somehow cured it? with what?
big belly button
Super magnesium pills from GNC
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>The 2019 criteria placed heavy emphasis on immediate impact over cumulative damage and defined effective grappling as strictly the use of offensive techniques that have an immediate effect. In contrast, the 2023 criteria favor grapplers by adjusting the scoring of striking and grappling. Striking effectiveness is now solely measured by the immediate impact, while the definition of effective grappling has broadened to include the successful execution of techniques, such as takedowns and control time, even if those actions don’t immediately lead to visible damage.
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> These differences have significant consequences on how fights are scored. With the 2023 criteria, a fighter can now score points through prolonged control or by repeatedly securing takedowns, even if they don’t cause significant damage. On the other hand, striking is assessed more narrowly based on immediate impact, which could disadvantage fighters who rely on cumulative damage over time. Ultimately, we, as fans and fighters, won’t truly understand what the judges are valuing unless we demand transparency from athletic commissions and the UFC itself. This lack of clarity affects how fighters strategize, and more importantly, it can shift the outcome of close fights in ways that feel arbitrary or unfair.
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Everyone in south Florida lock up your dogs and daughters! The steatorrhea sex offender is getting on xer skateboard!
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Awful, awful thread. I'm outta here
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> The 2019 criteria focused on the immediate impact of actions—emphasizing striking and grappling that directly led to visible results, like knockdowns or submission attempts. Effective grappling under the 2019 rules was strictly about offensive moves with instant effect. However, the 2023 criteria seem to tilt in favor of grapplers by widening the scope of effective grappling to include takedowns and control time, even when there’s no immediate damage. Effective striking is now only measured by visible impact.
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>In 2019, the focus was on immediate impact—both for striking and grappling. Effective grappling had a narrow definition, limited to actions that created immediate offensive results, such as submission attempts or positions that could lead to a finish. Striking was judged on both cumulative and immediate impact, with immediate being given more weight. Fast forward to 2023, and the criteria shift more in favor of grapplers. Effective grappling is now broader and includes scoring for successful takedowns and control time, even if those actions don’t directly lead to damage. Meanwhile, striking is now solely judged by visible impact, potentially devaluing cumulative damage over the course of a fight.
that's what i thought, bring back the pancreas larp b it was much more fun than whatever the fuck this is
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>In 2019, effective grappling only counted if it had an immediate impact—like advancing toward a submission or threatening a finish. Striking was judged with a bias toward immediate impact, but cumulative damage was still recognized. By 2023, the rules shifted toward grapplers. Takedowns and control time now count as effective grappling, even without immediate damage, while effective striking is purely based on visible impact.
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We gonna find out Saturday night
why is one nipple bigger than the other
there’s a 33 year old on the cantender every week
THE 33 year old prospect??
gypsy zeemer getting sniffed... sad
Congrats on getting calcified by corgi cummies but I thought you were leaving?
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>The 2019 Criteria allows more scoring weight to successful takedowns and positional control as long as the fighter follows up with an attack.
In the 2023 Criteria, this is narrowed: takedowns or grappling positions must lead to immediate offensive action or visible impact to score highly. Mere positional control, without significant damage, is less valuable, meaning grapplers might need to adapt to a more offensive approach to secure points.
There is literally nothing wrong with being 33 years young
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so you do all that shit but still pump yourself full of illicit substances and are somehow totally fine?
FACT: Madame Xneed dressed up in her mother's makeup and panties so her father could spank her.
I clown on Rogan as much as the next person, but he's absolutely right in his criticism of Dana re: his aversion towards kickboxing/Muay Thai/K1.
That bald fuck would do every retarded shit imaginable to make money or draw attention to UFC. Anything but kickboxing.
It's just crazy how bad he is at running the UFC in present time.
I wonder what's the breaking point for the (((investors))). Because he'll definitely run the UFC into the ground, given the opportunity.
I know how you kids like em sloppy
you know its tawlf out there when there's only one good fighter on an entire cantedner series episode
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that belarus guy was 17-1 wtf
Your pancreaussy cant handle pooping the pozzed poodle loads thougheverbeit.
dude looked like shit he only won because the other guy got tired of beating the shit out of him
Bro there Is a rumor that Dana Is gonna enter boxing with turk
But yeah a 4oz Muay thay league ran by Dana would be goat
Madame is very proud of xer lil 7 incher
One nip big one nip small?
Dana could unironically buy out all of kickboxing's best fighter for 10/10. Kickboxing doesn't pay shit. It is pretty much negligence at this point.
Dana White's Cumtender Series
New keywords added to the filter list:
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You are ashamed of yourself?
How many fights left?
>Kickboxing doesn't pay
Thats 100% true hopefully he does buy them all
Today the best are pretty divided between promotions
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tell me more
Plus he has like 1000 different ways to reference beastialiy so good luck with that shit.
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This new spammy gimmick sucks
Dudes fat as shit
DC the nutty professor lmao
Rountree's coach said pereddit is gonna be shooting takedowns on khalil
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Just one more fight about your leadership
roid gut
Madame Xneed sucks schnauser schlong.

The doggy loads run through her prolapsed pancreaussy to seep her into necrosing flesh and dirty diaper panties.

Her father proceeds to spank her until his hand gets stuck in the rotting smelly steatorrhea wounds.
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Danner already did Zuffa Boxing a while back. But yeah, him getting into boxing wouldn't be a big surprise.

The money he poured into SLAP(lol) would be enough to kill ONE. Legit fucking pennies on the dollar to run Muay Thai.
You would think some kickboxer fucked his wife or something.
[Sad News]
The UFC was unable to find an opponent for Mauricio Ruffy, his fight has been pulled from UFC 307
The UFC has supposedly been trying to find Ruffy an opponent since UFC 303, but everyone asked has turned it down.
There is still hope for Ruffy to fight some time in 2024
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Have any of you talked about the fights on tonight?
You preparing for a long night of bulldog fornication.
Elon musk ducked the fade from /ourguy/ the Zuckinator
they’ve been shit
I did but i didn't get any (You)s
we force you to meditate? kek we stay heemin
he's not wrong
heem is heem
NFL dreams crushed by corona I know how that feels
So have you. Be better.
>Navy seals jumped out of a plane to hand me my scholarship
>Showing Krylov in the Ukraine montage
Why isn’t the Ukrainian on the frontline?
UFC producers are totally clueless lol
Against the Geneva Convention
five finishes in under a minute is not a good sign
you are all insane
Krylov should just go live in Russia
>/pol/ baiting on /heem/
good thing all my fellow heemsters are smart enough to not reply to that post
Wtf that guy changed my oil at jiffy lube last week
He did
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finna get this ink. shows off my status as a dawlg and a real one.
1. He did
2. Donbass is Russia
when Russia fully takes Ukraine he will
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Nikita Krylov supports [REDACTED]
People have been saying that will happen for years
Danylo with that tym Silvia physique
nice job Herb
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Would be kino if they let him come out with the DPR flag
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fucking hell herb
fucking kek he has charles back tattoo
lol Herb didn't even see the tap
zeemed that jew
>Dana Is gonna enter boxing
He just put on a boxing card last week, he's promoting that Callum Walsh guy
already took half of it
Gold Gstandard
what happened?
Cut that mullet
Wtf how i didn't knew
ufc heavyweight division is pitiful
Has there eveer been a good NFL """Athulete""" in poofc? I guess besides meathead
kid didn’t wanna fight
heem tappy
Shane carwin ngannou type power
all finishes(wmma dun count)
Having shitty tattoos is the best base for MMA
No because if they were a good athlete they would still be in the NFL making gigamoney and then retire at 38 with full blown CTE
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Brendan "The Schaub" Schaub
mma interviews are fucking insufferable
You expect that to happen overnight?
ahh the merimutt cope. I guess running the 40 0.001 seconds faster is the difference between greg hardy and the elite specimens of the NFL in a fight.
omg shut the fuck up about fuckin hoholistan
>my friends are all dead from fighting in the war
why isn’t this big fuck fighting for his country and friends if it bothers him so much
>that somber tone
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as always.
fake war
It's good he escaped the meatgrinder. Nobody should encourage these retards to kill themselves
It's his day off
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>here's how you could have won a huge parlay
Y'gotta throw those jabs kid.
I would fight with a wife beater on as a power move as well as a marketing move, everyone will always be like oh shit it's the guy who fights with a wife beater on he is based!
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what happened to her?
hey kid, you suck.
Fuck Mick Maynard
true but I don’t wanna hear his fuckin sob stories about it
women who are into ufc are more mentally ill than thread personalities.
Come to uncle daner
me neither brazza. i blame skanko
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That Kevin kid, bring him to my office.
realised mma simps have no money
Dana is essentially Ben Affleck
true. russian fighters need to adopt a fedor stoic pose
they only pretend to like it
He’s a Smiff Operator
Why is it called Dana White's Contender Series if Dana doesn't even pick the fighters?
uncle dana getting filled tonight
Need to eat some scran soon
daner and mick are tag teaming the kevin twink
im hungry
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She was only reacting to PPV cards so something happened at UFC 264 that made her kill herself.
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this word has lost all meaning
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eat THIS
It's so annoying seeing two obviously UFC level guys get matched up and one gets a contract while the other has to sit out wasting a couple years of his career while two bums get matched up and one is guaranteed a contract because the other gasses out and gets finished
Dana white attended P Diddys freaks offs per ariel helwani
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huh what's th-AUGH
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its heem or be heemd brother
You don't even understand the criteria for hunger
yeah I dont get that. that one wmma weemed a total bum and got a contract. but if she was fighting a normal strength fighter she would have lost and no contract
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>per ariel helwani
Stop posting.
>3 years ago
probably got vaxxed
Ari won
I'm also poor
DWCS losers sometimes get a short notice chance if they're good enough
cage fighting is the most retarded endeavour to make money
Distant relative of UFC lightweight, Natan Levy.
it would be more lucrative if they allowed them to fight to the death. I bet the saudis have underground death matches.
It's not about the money it's about getting back at your childhood molester.
empty tummy
you earn a doctor's salary in 15 minutes. if you adopt a brazza crotchsniffing style it's the smartest way to get a bag
Most people here are pro-russia I think
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Thank You Dana!!
Zelensky is insufferable in his constant begging for help and handouts
yes i know and i'm asking why
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Oh damn, ill make sure to get my payment ready fr fr.
dana is a fag
You deserve it paycuck
any cool fighters tonight?
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60 cents was all i had left after UFC 300 leading up until now. i put $50 into 300 that I more or less rode out until today. i put $15 on justin and max going the distance and 25 on jim miller winning via decision, then for months i gambled with pennies until my finest moment.

im rich again. yes you can make fun of my losses, ive never cashed out cus i lose constantly but have random wins like this once in a while.
why would you get into fighting if you're not a heavyweight, forever mentally cucked by the fact that despite all your training some fat guy could heem you just by being bigger than you
argentinian lad looked super sharp
Second fight winner got a 20 punch combo to get the tko
Powerlet but kinda kino
congrats playa
daner confirmed hes doing boxing
nice of them to lower the price
Didn't ask
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Charles is fucked
Guy from my high school made it to the UFC, think he fought featherweight. My brother in law is a giant heavyweight bouncer and would bully the shit out of him playfighting at family bbq's kek
its over for lowerweightclassescels
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Chances are I fought him, I'm UFC Legend Mark Hominick.
Really hoping chandler wins purely so we can see some Chandler Islam kino
I was pissed I had 15 bucks on fat russki by r1ko of course that bag of vodka grabbed a choke after heeming him badly
really you cant even laugh at me for losing the justin max bet by 1 second, i didnt tell you that for you to be mean youre supposed to get pleasure from something so funny you big jerk
The Machine?? Sir nice to meet you.
you got smoked by TKZ in your home country after trying a cheeky fake glove touch. the MMA hardcore fans say: you're not a real one.
FACT: UFC Legend Mark "The Machine" Hominick faced a total of ZERO (0) bongs in his career.
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Voievodkin is secretly Khabib's new favorite fighter.
We don't watch that crap here.
can't believe I stopped watching sumo for the last year or so. so much more kino than poofc.
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ya we do
Fuck Dana
is he a brazza?
still have not solved my hunger issue
>Fat fucks fighting:/
>Fat fucks fighting - Japan :0
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we won't watch that crap here
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>Charles is f-ACK!!!!!
Why couldn't garth or poorier do this to chandler?
chandler injected cool gel into the chin
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>2/5 wmma
a-all of them?
Me neither. Think ill just go to bed hungry
going to bed hungry is based
no, obviously.
Abdulmanap used to live in Ukraine. Khabib and Islam trained there with fazza repped the Ukraine flag in walkouts lol
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you can't leave until you eat all of them
Chandler LITERALLY running away then tapping to strikes
no diddy tho
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she used to be fuckable
Not really.
how old were they here?
O'Malley with an indestructible titanium hip bone heems.
>nina is ug-
Fully bulked(Featherweight) O'Malley heems turdpooria
why is Dana so cheap? even the thots are mediocre
love how she subtly shakes her TITS, gonna be a shame once dana inevitably cuts her.
this bitch is older than beniel
Bantamweight is actually fucked if Umar cant beat shitrab
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GODrab, the last white man standing before the brazza horde...
any gunfights outside tonight chaps?
purely on physical appearance she’s not bad looking, but when you factor in her forced try-hard personality, she’s very off-putting
she's a little sun-kissed for my taste, but it's more the knowledge that she is an actual prostitute that has fucked n sucked every ufc exec that puts me off.
I'm not really a fan of Gayne, but he's the only guy in the world that I think has a chance at beating Aspinall. When Aspinall beats him I don't really see how he loses the belt unless it's in Aspinall vs. Gayne 4 or some shit.
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Return of the Mack (it is)
Return of the Mack (come on)
Return of the Mack (oh my God)
You know that I'll be back (here I am)
Return of the Mack (once again)
Return of the Mack (top of the world)
Return of the Mack (watch my flow)
You know that I'll be back (here I go)
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>too sunkissed
AND NEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW heem gayweight bottombitch champion
just eat some eggs. very satisfying. great recommendation from the mexican.
yeah nina tunisia is brown as shit. gross.
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yo wtf thats aldo's translator/boy
I just posted a pic of this nigga for no reason whatsoever >>144645811
do you not eat eggs in india?
that's Brendan Allen
Holy Kek. Protagonist Kevin Lee vs Aldo’s translator
no, we only have sub-continental breakfast
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how do we feel about our chances Leebros?
her upper lip is too close to her nose and it weirds me out. if you tried to kiss her there's a decent chance there'd be boogers in the way
handsome guy probably does well with girls. unlike me i dont do so well with them
laura sanko butthole
kek, well you are talking about them like the idea to eat some never crossed your mind
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holy shit what an absolute bum
nah, i just couldnt decide what to eat so i was bitching about it
me gusta el culo de Laura Sanko
niggas patching up bullet holes, non stop employment in mexico baby, whats your excuse you fucking beaner?
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Its a tough one but we will find a way to lose.
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Who is the Hank Hill of the UFC
He's defeated one Kevin Le(wis) already.
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>kevin pee is so flushed the commission thinks this is fine
My boy is dripping
Looking at bare knuckle fighters tapology is depressing, it's always the bummiest MMA journeyman and cans looking for some cash.
new daner just dropped
save it while its hot
Everyone is laughing at power slap not with it
They are laughing at you buddy *power sleem you*
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This was debunked. There were mosquitoes
hank hill ass
>thread personalities all clocked out at the exact same time
glows brighter than the sun

i guess i'll add it to my collection...... cringe collection *snap*
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This was just promotion for the world's most popular sport, POWER SLAP
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Let them bang bro
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>6 flyweights on the Brave roster
>there have been 0 flyweight fights this year
>1 last year
you faggots don't know the criteria
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Kevin Pee finna go DUMB
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well you only know the cry teary duh haha crybaby bitch :}
you don't know how to score fights
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THE criteria?
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we don't know that crap here
Why does it seem like lots of big name fighters have been inactive AF lately
PooFC would rather pay shitters to fight than big names
>1 round and it's all over
Sumo knows how it's done. You put all your hype into a fight, one round, unlike MMGAY where you know the first round is only like 1/3rd of the importance, so you can't get all hype because you know in 6 minutes you're gonna see the same thing again. Sumo is fighting. MMA is GAYNESS.
I love watching a highly anticipated fight, especially at the start of round 1, when the fight is beginning, although I don't get that excited becaus I know round 1 isn't really that important because there are more rounds, maybe even 4 more rounds, so actually round 1 isn't that important and I don't care that much about it. And by the time round 5 hits I've already seen this shit like 4 other times so meh.

I love the round system! We should copy boxing on more things!
I need to fuck something
170 is the worst offender
>Usman: 1 fight in 18 months, nothing booked
>Colby: 1 fight in 30 months, nothing booked
>Shavkat: 1 fight in 18 months, nothing booked
>Brady: fights once a year, slightly better lately tho
And you know Leon is due for a 14 month break
This feeling used to hit me for almost every title fight but not so much this year
Shavkat was injured and Usman is trying to not be turbo flushed
Colby has no excuse
Colby does have an excuse: he's not a fighter. He's an e-celeb who occasionally fights to boost his follower numbers. If he were a fighter he wouldn't absolutely suck at fighting, see.
10 point must system is broken, no fighter deserves a 10-8 for putting his opponent in a mating press for 5 minutes
Dominic el rato Cruz is in a cult
You cannot lose worst than by getting raped
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Reminder to get hyped for PFL 100.
don't you dare talk about my boy like that he's here to save 170 he just needed a quick break before he goes on a title run that will put GSP's decision spree to shame. fuck (You) cunt
I just saw a video about it, its kind of like those japanese pyramid scheme cults
It still makes me kek that we didn't get Masvidal vs Conor when both were still near their peak popularity.
Some dunderhead at UFC must have actually thought Masvidal was good and would keep on winning and eventually a Conor fight would happen against a champion Masvidal. Stupid cunt faggot. And that Conor would keep winning, when he'd actually go on to get THOMPED by Dusthammad.
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>*draw a cards*
>oh shit nigga relinquished? sataday finna be relinquished too on god
Ngannou vs Ferreira in a title fight that can only be described as "Battle of the Little Cocks".
y r u talmbout other nggas boujee dick tho?
>Paul Hughes
what happened there?
Bellator guy from Australia, probably they haven't done his PFL portrait yet.
Jorge is too big for Conor. Conor could barely beat Nate, Jorge would have fucked him up
UFC is going to look terrible when cyborg and Francis both lose
suga schaub
none of you know the damn criteria
500th for Wakãnda
I'll bake if no one wants to bake
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WDSTCH partner

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