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/our/ seattle kraken edition
This thread sucks it should have been an Islanders thread
downloading that vince mcmahon documentary but it's 6 fucking hours long.
more like that montreal 24cuphavers
Which games are we watching tonight?
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Based thread.
They're all shit so none for me tonight
shut the fuck up
kraken more like CRAPen
roman turek
Stay mad
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Laffs had guess which goal horn belonged to which team. None of them figured out it was their own goal horn and when told “you’ve definitely heard this one the most” pic rel was Nylanders response
Boston really buckbroke then huh?
Sorry we don't make threads for loser teams here.
fuck jannies and fuck chicago
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Don't let this distract you from the fact that Sean Avery invited himself to the diddy party
Makes sense since sean Avery is a faggot
2 consecutive diddler posts 1 second after another is wicked
It's the VPN tard samefagging as usual
Great minds thinkin’ alike
Nice, I get to redo all my good jokes from last thread.
It wasn’t.
Wake up in the morning feelin' like G.B.
(Hey what up, goy)
Grab my jersey, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city
(Let's go)
exactly what the vpn tard would say
Is the VPN tard really paying for the pass or is there a way to bypass that that I don't know about?
shut the fuck up retard
You could move to a border town
Are y’all buying Amazon’s Gary Zone?
You cant even buy that amazon thing outside of Canada.
watched 2 eps of the vince doc last night, watching episode 3 now
Just like my Islanders
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The only potentially entertaining one
Is 4 next?
I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more goyim we come across
The more problems we see
I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more goyim we come across
The more problems we see

I'm the G to the A to the R to the Y
I know you'd rather see me die than to see me fly
I rig all the shots, rip all the spots
Rock all the cocks, cop all the drops
I know you're thinkin now, "When the rigging stops?"
Nigga, never homie, gotta call me on the yacht
Thirty years from now U.S. still on top
Yo I thought I told you that we won't stop
Now what you gonna do with a crew
That got LTIR longer than yours
And a team stronger than yours
Violate me, this'll be the day, we don't play
Mess around N.H.L.P.A. lockout on the way
Cause ain't enough time here
Ain't enough lime here
Deal with many goyim but treat heebs fair
And I'm bigger than city lights down in Sunrise
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more goyim we come across
The more problems we see
I don't know what they want from me
It's like the more goyim we come across
The more problems we see
yea but i might go get some lunch before 4.
antisemetic songs have no place on khoc
>#NYR Artemi Panarin (lower body) is day to day.

>Ryan Lindgren (upper body) is out at least a few weeks.

the rangers downfall begins
knights play today bro's :^)
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Stars-Devils SCF
I can dig it
documentary proves once again bret screwed bret
didnt ask
wrestlefags OUT
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>Elias Lindholm already injured
I warned Sweeney he's made of glass but he didn't want to listen
You can refer to us as E-Gods.
I'll refer to you as rE-Tard
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Where's the car
>i warned
nigga you're a fucking 4chan poster, not Sweeney's consultant
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I am his boss faggot
Tell him to hurry up with swayman’s contract or the pooins are missing playoffs
nyla has aids
Otter finally playing tonight
Good I hope boston misses the playoffs
no cups?
>Lamed Vau Yod Tau Nun = Leviathan = 496
>4+9+6 = 19
Devils win in a record-braking SCF final game with a score of 9-1.
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They will just like my islanders
based stone cold
Think I'll get drunk and harass neighbors passing by while waiting for puck to start tonight.
But which eastern teams are strong enough to take their spots?
All of them except the blue jackets
My Islanders
>islanders will miss
>but islanders will make it
Make up your mind
islanders choked last knight
*does nothing*
*gains 500lbs*
sounds gay
well you'd know considering you're the expert
Shangovich for tofili was a horrific trade by the devils.
>Zub injured
Does this guy never not get injured?
last few weeks might be the worst /hoc/ has ever been
he has nothing on gay magazine collecting e-sloppers
Where will your team stand by the end of 04/17/22+3?
They're just in regular season form
other than sweden, i don't know anyone that's bought a magazine in decades
He's an offseason ironman
pig-Es are known for living decades in the past
The new beetle juice favoured Fanta isn’t good
What’s it taste like?
but enough about you tranny
nyla has aids
it tastes gay
I think it’s supposed to taste like a caramel apple.
Caramel soda sounds nasty
you still make 40 year old references and slopdown was cancelled
who the fuck cares about wrestling
hey bud where did you take noel to today?
i care about wrestling
ackschually your daddy meltz confirmed Fox was outbid and lost out on smackdown KWAB

collision was cancelled though :^)
slopdown was dropped because e-sloppers have third grade educations and no money
Tranpage: cancelled
Nyla: AIDS
Tiny: still KWABOTY
The business/drama side of it is still interesting, but I don't know how I was able to watch the shows for 3 hours at a time in high school/college, especially since I think they were even worse than they are now
Raiders lost KWAB
Steelies won KWAB :^)
I might have diarrhea
Check and report back. Just let go a little and see if you get greasy cheeks.
as long as you don't also have nausea heartburn indigestion or upset stomach you'll be fine
that's because i casted a sapmi voodoo curse on you teehee ;)
How’d you sleep last night?
Laying down
hey guys, did you know that AEW is for homosexuals? And that WWE is exclusively for heterosexuals? Well, now you do.

hey guys, while we are chatting, did you know that the Edmonton Oilers are for homosexuals? And that the Calgary Flames are for heterosexuals? Well, now you do.
Wow now copey is responding to low effort flames posts. This place has gone down the shitter real quick.
Both are for homosexuals
Hurricane might make watching hockey tonight impossiblé
for me it's early 20s stephanie mcmahon
Stay safe predsbro!
It wasn't diarrhea but it would've been a shart if I hadn't used the toilet
Best possible outcome bro
Should have gone to Walmart then. Totally normal there
Going to my dental cleaning soon. I dread it. Makes me feel vulnerable
this is a true story and I will share it because we are all homeboys

I was at work once and the boss had left me in charge because he was out of the office for a week, anyway one of the days I'm at work in my shorts and I went to fart and I shit my pants. My shorts were white athletic ones so like no hiding that shit (pun intended).

Anyway I just left the office, drove home, cleaned up, changed, drove back. Took me maybe half hour. I thought nobody would notice I was even gone. In that half hour every staffer had left the office, it was like 1 PM.

That's the story of the time I shit my pants at work.
Sounds like a workplace full of retards
Just another day at the office of Retard LLC
bud works there kwab
Indeed mr. CEO
I always feel clean after seeing the dentist
Be thankful that you were alone. Once I fell asleep at work while waging remote
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go knights
Bud has to graduate from community college first
Trying to imagine an office where the guy in charge is wearing white basketball shorts. Can’t even picture it tbqh.
Do NBA teams even wear white shorts? I feel like they only exist to comedically shit yourself in
one time I fell asleep at work and killed an entire junior hockey team
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shut the fuck up
>be thirsty
>reach for water
>cup empty
>put it down
>do other stuff
>be thirsty
>reach for water
>cup empty
>do other stuff
This has happened at least three times now
shut the fuck up
I'm drinking a can of liquid death. Which is lame but it was free
This anon saved at least $6 today
name a player on your favourite team that you dislike for personal reasons. For me, it's Jonathan Gaudreau - Lazy player.
jaime benn because he's a shit leader who is a renowned playoff choker
For me, it's Connor McDavid - Known choker, needs to pack his bags and go somewhere else
Larry Murphy
shut the fuck up
Jonathan huberdeau
Is being bad a personal reason
This Mcmahon documentary sucks
Goddamn Otters are cute
i like it well enough but it's obvious it's for the general public not for people who already know all of this stuff
Oh right Samsonov is there now
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otters played last night dummy
cope CUNY is a very prestigious university
How do we feel about Adam Boqvist suiting up on the Panthers' middle pair?
i dont care about bettman propaganda teams
if they could salvage OEL's career they might be able to salvage his
Kind of sad that he's gone to a team with no media because his autistic quotes were hilarious
I remember they asked him if his newborn son was going to be a Leafs fan and he went on an weird rant about how he didn't want to snip the umbilical cord because he's afraid of his wife's pussy
my memes are like herpes, spread to all of you and sometimes ill see an outbreak from another poster
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>goes from being on Hockey Night in Canada to unemployment in less than two years
And no one likes them
hopefully he starts a wrestling podcast
hell yea
aew podcast
stone cold doesn't believe in cte lads
when is marner getting traded?
Wrestlefags OUT
He got his start on an internet radio show called "Live Audio Wrestling" in the late 90's. Usedtot be known as Gentleman Jeff Marek.
Trading Marner was never viable. He's going to walk as a UFA.
Not before signing his next contract. He saw how hard Treliving fumbled the bag on Huberdeau so he'll take advantage of that
Wrestling is fake
>hopefully he starts a soap opera for manchildren podcast
No thanks.
and gay
i don't think they were bodybuilding magazines
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They should just waive him. Nobody's giving assets for that soft pusy AND paying a max contract.
Please don’t post f slur
TRB is very sensitive to that term being used here
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Lol he lives rent free in flames fans mind.
what are they talking about?
Is it a faux pas to fart in a sauna?
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where's the arrow for stephen seething uncontrollably after the islanders gave up 6 goals in the 3rd period
Sorokin blew it
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guess that's why he's the backup
post the screenshot of you dating a doll kwab
You're so easy bud
RoboCop's name was Murphy
laine looking good so far. reminds me of kovalev.
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just got this text from my sister lol
based sister got the green light
Maybe she can visit Mr. Who Asked on her way
Hope she brings me some food
Dylan is dating your sister? No wonder he makes you seethe so much.
Tell your sister that her choice of music sucks ass.
Pitbull should have bought the naming rights to the Panther’s stadium instead of a commuter school’s football stadium.
your sister seems very cultured
Cope Mr Worldwide played Wrestlemania
she's also an E-God
Is this a must-win game for >soilers tonight?

Check em
Wrestling hasn't been relevant since the early 2000s
Down syndrome is genetic
nyla has aids
Jesus fucking christ who gives a shit about nyla you dumb wrestlefaggot. Just go back to your shithole board at this point.
Rare bud w
big cock /hoc/
little dick /cric/

Check them
hey bud have you bought your noel doll gf a bucket hat of her own yet? kwab
Post her feet
I saw buds comment on Shannon’s video.
shannon even replied "bud1"
Post it
You ever get a life?
Copey vs. Stephen let's fucking go
my team plays hockey in a little over 2 hours
i'm pumped up
drop the darn puck gary
if you don't buy her a bucket hat she won't show your simp room to all of her fans kwab
did you wash your sheets
They're bros retard
Why are bud and copey always fighting?
it's just banter they're bffs forever as evidenced by the broship
You can call this Tombstone Gary because I just tossed it in the oven
>Pierre Dorion doing radio in Montreal now
Welcome back
bud is somehow the least pathetic namefag here
Yeah, I'm thinking we're in for a Stars Rags final this year
proxy off bud
rags are gonna have a lot of injuries this year and that core ha already shown they aren't good enough
reporting live from planet retard, it's >>144666829
>A DeBoer team
>PP merchants carried by their goalie
Room temperature IQ out.
maybe on planet retard
I’m genuinely gay and I post here and you’d never know lol
only retards talk about planet retard
all of the anime you post is a pretty big give away
but enough about you
proxy off bud
finished the vince doc. felt bad for shane.
There was a woman at tim hortons that stinked good
Maybe on Planet Retard
Will the lels repeat or are they washed?
Wcw is the islanders
Rangers are the wwe
What are the Sabres
These letters mean nothing to me.
Nobody asked
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neither does this
He said for the 12th time
this except colorado new jersey
Kek good one, Eck, you ugly retard
what would you drink out of the stan lee if you had the chance? me? dr. pepper.
slammed shut
Bud btfoed
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long day at work but finally home
long day of not asking
Emma Watson's pee
long day of telling anyway
How do I avoid ending up like TRB
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long day of having no gf
you already are like him
>four years of relevancy total
It's really a good comparison.
How do I become bud
Have original thoughts
Rape rapey
Achieve greatness
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>tfw no gf
find your true oshi
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I'm so happy work is over. I need a new job
Halo 3 came out 17 years ago today
Might order some curry takeout. Is samir working tonight?
1. don't join the least respected branch of military
2. don't get a tbi after trying to deliver a breakfast burrito on a scooter
3. don't rely on welfare and smoke weed all day
4. don't get raped by a fat weeb who collects dolls
5. don't act like you're unbothered by said raping yet call anyone who is mean to you stephen
for me it's vindaloo
Tbg, Stephen and copey are all here right now.
society has only declined since then
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seconding dr pepper
the spicier the better, don't worry i can handle it
enjoy hepatitis
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I beat halo ce on a laptop with the trackpad and wasd
Going drinking in an hour
can she speak spanish?
and i wanna knooooowwww
have I gone too far?
have I sunk to a brand new loooooow?
you tell us every night you go drinking i think you have a problem
I want to make sure the boys know where to find me
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damn straight
she is a white person in utah, yes.
Problem, Samir?
Trudeau wants all leafs to go into kys chambers. The man is a genius.
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only a problem when i run outta beer kek!
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thinking about hockey goaltenders
Remember when you got relentlessly bullied for your shit limerick gimmick yesterday
I am as well. Want to hook up?
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new jersey is making playoffs but colorado lacks the depth to go far
Nuke will have another nose candy break next spring
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Its Oilers-Leafs final. Enjoy your final season of 1993 posting /hoc/.
ice cream shake
almost time to crack a beer and watch nxt before hockey
hold a job and socialize regularly
Through what seems like an ethics shift in myself I am considering cheering for an additional team in the other conference.
Eastern friends, why should I go for your team?
ask reddit ya fucking fag
The Montreal screwjob was eerily similar to Gary rigging the flames out of the 2004 cup.
>Oilers-Leafs final

I have been to a Loons game. Lovely neighborhood ;)
The ironman should come back mid season imo. He has earned a break
you don't have to cheer for another team, you can just not be a faggot and watch games other than your own teams. There are plenty of good matchups most nights that will be entertaining even if you aren't cheering for either team. But you probably aren't a real puck fan anyways, you probably watch 1 game a week and spend the rest of the time shit posting in this thread because you can't get it's small and you can't get any attention in the generals for the other sports.
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it was a girly magazine
Vince won
+300 posts and I didn't ask for a single one.
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Our Sennies are the ones who'll end the cup drought
tiny is such a joke that this documentary didn't move the needle on kwaboty
In addition to my ethics it appears I am also gay. What team has a large homosexual fanbase? Do the Devils since sodomy is a sin?
is the vince doc worth watching?
East: Toronto or Boston
West: San Jose or Seattle
If you like watching a serial abuser pretend like he’s important go ahead.
Manifesting it. Dental appointment went well btw everyone I just need to stop grinding my teeth at night
I didn't learn anything new and watched it on 1.25x speed but there's some kino
The idea that anybody besides the Panthers is coming out of the East is laughable.
Devils absolutely could
Sad but true. The Metro is trash and the rest of the Atlantic is either washed up, chokers, or washed up chokers
Panthers lost half their team.
Devils became top tier
Laffs got a real coach finally
Canes finally have the tools to go deep
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i can't really hear what jeremy says because i have my two stanley cup rings plugging my ears.
I watched the first 2 episodes and there was nothing in there that I didn't already know, and they didn't go in to detail much detail about any of it. Like if you've ever heard Meltzer or Cornette or various wrestlee shoot interviews that go in to detail over the years about any of the various scandals, you already know more than the documentary tells.
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There's no one in town I knowwww

You gave us some place to go

I never said thank you for that

I thought I might get one more chance
why did berube leave the blues anyway
Kitties are weak but the entire eastern division sucks
>ruins are a zombie team that lost both of their elite goalies
>rags will always >rags
>debbies lack playoffs experience
>relocanes are dying
i can play this on guitar :)

for me it's a praise chorus
Because the team is full of a bunch of whiny pussies now
Heading to the gym to squat
Really underrated song
I can't really hear what you posted because my cock is plugging yer mom.
he got cassidy'd? KWAB to the blues
Do you think Joe Pavelski feels any type of way about Dumba being signed? Watching interviews from today all the players asked about him (especially Miro) light up and say he’s the greatest guy.
VGK dynasty loading ||||||||||||||||||||||
>team is full of a bunch of whiny pussies
So, same as laffs then.
The laffs are pussies, but they aren't whiny
>washed adin hill in goal
>samsanov as backup
lol no
Laffs at least have talent and know they have to work to overcome their reputation as choke artists. Guys like Kyrou and Thomas are just babys.
The Devils' coach nor his top ~10 players have any experience in the postseason. They're relying on 20- and 21-year-old sophomores to lead their blueline. They should be a very good team, but it would be nuts if they made it past Florida.
>Panthers lost half their team.
Montour is the only Top 9/Top 4 player that the kitties lost.
>Canes finally have the tools to go deep.
Canes are the ones who lost half their team. And the only impact player they added was Gostisbehere.
based and true
retarded and false our defense is goalie friendly bro
Your defense couldn’t get past Nils Lundkvist
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>Make him apologize he was mean to me
too tired from winning the cup unfortunately :^)

surely nils lundkvist ended up winning it right?
shut the fuck up
what's up retards, has the season started yet?
they're missing playoffs dumbass
>Kitties are weak
how are they weak?
but i agree with your analysis. The only teams that are even a threat on paper are Boston, Rangers, Devils, and Toronto.
Boston is a frankenstein hodgepodge of over the hill vets, and they might not even have Swayman at all this year. We have seen year-in and year-out how the Rangers are not built for the playoffs, Devils aren't getting past the Panthers in a 7 game series, the Maple Leafs are not serious, and the Canes have disintegrated.
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This year they’ll be too tired to make the playoffs at all
>Laffs at least have talent
Says who? Besides lafftards?
Yes, and for the leafs it may be time to panic.
My Kings!
oh shit, surely stamkos is making a big splash and nashville is slated for the lee this year
They had 3 players score at well over a point per game pace last season which is probably much more than your shit team has.
>a-at least lost later than you did!!!
>if you lose you win
loser mentality KWAB
>Canes finally have the tools to go deep
Carolina lost their best defenseman and their best goal scorer. Get the fuck out of here.
Dylan sucks
kekek this vegas nerd is seething. go cool off in lake meade, oh wait
Rent free as always
my rebbies qb quit on the team to chase a bag what a bitch i unironically hope he gets paralyzed
this is the hockey thread retard
because the Blues kept getting worse and Berube's system drained them.
Acies queen won another mvp at least
$20m for a PP specialist and a 6D.
This is how you build a d-corps.
very very true. playing poo york in round 2
prove it
laffs probably have the worst D and goalies in the league, and the depth is even more shit if that's possible
is it really necessary to jump in and defend some faggot american trying to start a football discussion? can you go 1 post without being a contrarian retard?
Devils literally added in playoff experience with Pesce
1993 still tiny
yet they still have more talent than the blues
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My kitties off to a nice start in Orlando
>their best defenseman
>their best goal scorer
also no
and I love how suddenly he's some vital piece of the core instead of an inconsistently-performing playoff rental
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>laffs probably have the worst D and goalies in the league
The Leafs have more talent than 80% of the NHL and still can't get past round 1
Dylan McIlrath hasn't looked that bad for the Caps considering what he is
> t. lafftard planning the parade again
shut the fuck up
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>the city of Orlando
Brett Pesce and jake Guentzel are massive losses, you cannot deny that.
and I'm out
preseason always predicts the postseason
The discussion was about "Why did Berube leave the Blues and go to the Laffs"

The answer is that the Laffs have more talent than the Blues, which is an objective fact.

Sorry you mistook me for a laffs fan and got triggered by an objective hockey discussion AGAIN.
Ekholm and Bouchard give them a decent 1st pair, laffs don't even have a 2nd pair
shut the fuck up retard
Now this is quality cope.
I wasn't triggered at all, im just stating that the Leafs have more talent than 80% of the NHL. It would be an awfully convenient year to win the eastern conference with every one of the Leafs enemies all taking steps back.
zelda tomorrow :3
>Brett Pesce
hahahaha holy fuck
I thought you meant Skjei, he's at least a good player
Pesce is made of glass, slow as fuck, and his defensive play is honestly not that good
I'm glad he's gone
All their players are shit I'm afraid bucko
I'm sure Berube thinks he can get them over the hump. We will just have to wait and see.
>Leafs have more talent than 80% of the NHL
Says the delusional lafftard.
They both are big losses. Carolina has to hope Brent Burnes isn't a fossil either...
>massive loss
he was barely even there wtf
Bulju is going on a tear this season
The leafs fucking suck
Burns got exposed pretty hard in the playoffs.
Now you're just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.
they'll never win a cup with him on the team. KWAB just like dumbo and pavfellski
The blue jackets have an inbuilt excuse to have one of the most lamentable seasons of all time
Keep planning the parades, retard.
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this thread right now
I am in no way planning a parade, I am just saying there are no more excuses for the Leafs.
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It's a lamentable franchise in a lamentable state
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>first OHL puck drop in Saginaw
Nobody asked, retard.
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Pregame Bean

>Sarah Filler
I’d fill her if you know what I’m saying
Hard to believe there’s people in this thread who speak French on a daily basis
Flase Positive (You) My bad
Imagine the smell
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Is that homeless man okay?
He's eating a badger
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no anon
excellent post
now he's passing his generational chokery wisdom onto celebrini
Abhorrent Canadian tier post
It's called sharks culture
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Would you be happy if your team traded for Jonas Brodin?
shut the fuck up you raped faggot
The only rape here is me and your mother
drinking toilet water?
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OMG yes
Who was Jonas Brolin's favorite athlete growing up?
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Rocky Balboa
I just watched it to get your answer and wished I hadn't
hey neat, that's Sly Stallone's favorite athlete, too
Terrible response rapey, your butthole still sore from Easter?
ooh baby do you know what that's worth
>Swedish kids favorite player growing up was one of the best Swedish soccer players ever
this should not shock you at all.
My butthole has never been raped. I think you’re trying to project your desire to be fucked on me.
I wonder what Belinda Carlisle's net worth happens to be.
>he's repressing his trauma

poor rapey
You gave love a bad name
>have to wait until Monday to see the Mets collapse
Seems like Stephen is still seething over last nights Islanders catastrophe.
Stephen? Seething?
nooo it couldnt be
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He'll be alright, it was only an exhibition
city rivalries are no joke and I wish we had more of them at Gary League,
Based have fun :)
you guys sure do think about these personalities a lot
its funny seeing tbg try and hide his typical gay posting style
The Lightning made a video that starts so nice talking about community and vision and whatnot that just turns out to be a celebration of the fucking sponsor patches
Aren't you the guy that was raped by Stephen on the Chilly Easter Evening of 22
lolcows are funny, yes
Thank you Gary
Kek every season retards overrate the devlels
Gary cums to this
Seeing Horvat-Duclair-Barzal do well is the better thing to take away from last night's preseason game than the 5 straight unanswered from an ECHL goalie against the Rangers top line players
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how original and hilarious, Stéphanos
>you definitely DON'T have coprolalia or any other variant of tourette's syndrome, no need to schedule an appointment for mental health counseling and perhaps compulsive internment at a loonie bin
definitely not that...
Gary script has Edmonton winning the cup right now but a change of heart will happen in the playoffs and he'll give it to Nashville instead.
you're internationally known online as the raped bitch lmao kwab
Neither make it past the 2nd round this year.
You got raped because of your gay ass posts just like this.
>internationally known
Copey you need to be less chronically online
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BOB SAGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Panny, you look alright as a Capital.
i'd be surprised to see the retirement community even make the playoffs
Who could had seen an islanders choke coming
Which game is everyone watching right now?
Not Stephen. You know why?
Cause he's a retard.
Yeah doubt Edmonton is making it
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Last night's NXT
my debbies :)
Playing tunes on the jukebox
Their peak was beating the panarin rags in the first round which is pretty good all things considered. Like a shitty version of the blue jackets lightning series
Edmonton is 100% making it. McDavid has hit the smash ball and will have an autistic rage fit all year carrying his dogshit team all the way back deep into the playoffs.
Autistic rages make people lose respect for you. They will view him as a small child now.
The conditions on /hoc/ that could lead to another rape
He's always been viewed as a turbo sperg. The x factor is his raw talent makes others respect him.
We need a new thread
No kys
hearbreak is one thing, my ego's another
i beg you don't embarrass me motherfucker
Clearly not enough or when it counted
im not making a thread anymore you meanies keep calling me a cuck and so what if i actually am a cuck irl i will stand up to you online bullies
i'm sure it's the goalies fault the rest of the team stopped playing defence for the 3rd period
giulia's on :)
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You like it and you know it now make the new bread, Cuckmeister
april 17 2022
had a dream that the laffs lost to their own zamboni driver one time

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