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previous: wgaf
Justin Gaethje
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>Those digits
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I got mexico so revved hes lashing out at everyone kek
Khabib is the GOAT and only deramged Islamophobes think otherwise.
khabib isnt even a top 10 all time great
khabib is a bottom
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>noooo you have to eat ze bugs and ze grass you science-damn chud!!

Frozen like Elsa Jean Silva
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Got anything to say about martial arts?
High protein diet from mostly meat, eggs, and dairy and some fruit and vegetables as needed is optimal for athletic performance in mma. Diet, as pertaining to sports, specifically mma, being the topic we just started discussing like 5 minutes ago?

Is there some kind of reason everyone from England is so god damn retarded lately? Chemical spill, or something?
Any else noticed how basically every fighter and successful athlete follows balanced nutrition and not carnivore instagram meme fad for retards?
Nobody wants to here nutrition advice from some decaying emaciated meth head with rotting flesh, thanks anyway though
Khabib would submit GSPiss
Not really, no.
Taekwondo? Karate?
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That's because they need the carbs to train 4+ hours per day and dont just sit on their fat ass all day.
Where do steroids fit into this?
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Your attempt to substitute carbs with meth and dog semen isn’t going too well, I fear
No, I don't think I will be discussing those.
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Quit bitching lardo, the adults are trying to talk.
MMA discussion
There is absolutely nothing natural or balanced about being an athlete, let alone a pro fighter.
The RIZIN posting will continue.
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Got my wife pregnant again, bros.
>Is there some kind of reason everyone from England is so god damn retarded lately?
they're jeets
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>yeah my diet is super *sprays steatorrhea* healthy bro *tears off chunk off necrosis flesh* I feel great
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congrats anon, God is good.
What's his name?
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I mean no, actually that's completely wrong. Most of human evolution until the last ~100 years people all lived very high activity/dangerous much more similar to fighters in terms of caloric and nutrition needs.
Balanced diet > all
you tryhard
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Right, duh, and that should be a balance mostly meat, eggs, and dairy with vegetables as needed and fruit for fiber or short term energy.
Kind of early to decide that.
Based on how much fighters struggle to make weight and not injure themselves during training I would say they actually don't eat that well.
People think that just having vegetables on your plate makes something healthy but more often than not proper diet requires looking at the nutritional content if what you eat and not so much what you are eating.
The weight cut issues can be because of liquid retention which means they eat too much sodium.
Excess fat even if it's from meat and dairy can make you hold liquids too and the lack of minerals in your blood can make the body want to hold to it.

The same lack of minerals can cause injuries because not enough nutrients get to the muscle hindering recovery.

A proper diet would require a regular bloodwork to check all your hormone levels to determine what you need more off and less off and carnivore diet although not sustainable long term would actually help a lot with certain hormones and prevent injuries since it can increase iron in blood which helps with oxygen transportation and energy production.

Obviously you don't stay forever on the same diet, it would only be until your hormone levels are actually balanced and then you eat to meet your macros while doing check ups regularly to make sure they are getting everything they need in their diet.
Quite a few, not all and not forever but quite few fighters would benefit from doing carnivore sometimes.
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>point out that grains are slave foods
>bong seethes for the rest of the evening
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Can any scholars summarize this essay for me? Thanks.
Enjoy your heart attack
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Making some garlic pasta with bacon.
*kisses you*
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Uhh didn’t you hear? Pasta is for slaves dude you’re only meant to eat a pile of unseasoned mince with an egg on top
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lol wut. thought you need some intelligence to be good at mma
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Kek, and still going too, what a freak
I mean, slaves build the pyramids and shit.
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Well no. They only did work if they had to, and it did damage to the body. You would look at somebody who had to do physical labour for a living at 40 and say "damn that guy lived a hard life". People in their natural states or as close as we can approximate it with tribes lived fairly sedentary. They used animals for labour where possible, nobody ran for any reason, and human hunting is performed entirely by ambush and tools.

But, that being said. Appeal to nature at its roots a fallacy because we were not made by nature nor have we ever been entirely at its mercy.
>nobody ran for any reason
You’re retarded
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>canada in charge of explaining human performance
this pasta is delicious.
>Wmma at twice the speed.
poo diddy
Nobody "ran" as is running today. But you can go look at what has been documented of tribes, they walk and use bows and spears to hunt. If you wanted to move fast you used an animal. People today run marathons for example when the whole point of the marathon was that it was such a distance that the guy dropped dead at the end of it, and people still do all the time.
I don't feel like the fact that we domesticated animals and used used various hunting methods really contradicts my point at all. Also you underestimate the difference between life in the last 100 years of human history as opposed to the previous million.
you are the shortest and most obese nation on earth you can't talwk b.
Can't be wmma, those rabbits are standing in the pocket and landing.
>as opposed to the previous million
that's not even soience that's just pure nonsense.
Okay nobody was talking about ultra long distance running, there are still reasons to do it and bows were only invented recently comparatively to when humans started hunting things
I don't know what the fuck you mean by that and I don't wanna know anymore, just shut up you dumb retard.
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interesting group of people
Yet we have more ranked fighters than you.
Endurance hunting is an undocumented meme you saw on tv once and is the basis for your entire argument. If you've ever been hunting you'd know animals can hear you for miles. Either you are sitting waiting to ambush with spears/bows or you are slowly tracking an animal with hopes of catching it by surprise.
Shut up fat retard.
kek the black dude at some point in the video
Well for one, animals have been domesticated for far longer than 100 years but you keep using that number as if it means anything or is based on anything.
Nobody mentioned endurance hunting apart from you, I said there would be situational reasons to run and expend energy
Here’s an example: you’re the one being hunted by other people or a large predator
If I was a ufc fighter I'd like a bunch of tranny porn on xitter and never adress it when conffronted
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>petr yan fight announced
>nick diaz fight announced
i prefer to heem by sub, i like to take them to deep waters, 1000 bottles of baby oil deep
Chef Boyardee
Gooby already did that but with men
idk who yan is fighitng, but he will lose
Coz low IQ.
I've been eating a lot of non inflammatory foods like organic cheese.
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tawlmbout pasta b? i gotchu
So you wouldn't change anything
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I’ve got some organic cheese for you b
Figgy is finna get figgheemed
No wonder Joey B won't get her pregnant.
Yan is a decision merchant
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What the Frick did he do that for
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74 days until Gane fights.
The Industrial Revolution of 1924
Inb4 you google "Industrial Revolution" and then immediately deride me about the dates you just learned.
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>There is an inverse relation between how much people talk and how much they actually know
Thats why i often use words like “schaub hap sneed bo niggle” to express complex and nuanced ideas. Only high iq individuals would understand
I came
That is exactly the end date for the Second Industrial Revolution, correct. 1870-1914. You know, when people who were born lived different lives than their parents. When things actually changed, rather than the start of the first stage of the shift. You follow me here?
On my scorecard, I have 29-28 Canada
Dazzen matta bradda, you liddle bit stooped guy like you kno dis.
Report me.
Need a /sleem/ general. /heem/ has run its course.
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It's funny watching two people who argue about scat and gay sex all day pivot to being correct the record know-it-alls when the nairdiv is questioned. Oh well, I know you two are clocking out soon so it will get comfy again.

Anybody else but huebro have any bets on the paris card? I got a lot of money on brito and battle and brito x battle.
damn, maybe i should start betting agian
I stopped betting when I started losing
Combat sports?
so you quit just before you started winning big?
how old is Joe Pyfer again?
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Combat Sports.
Discuss them.
It should be frowned upon for westeners to coach a poster boy of muzzie autocrats like Chimaev
Indeed, you carry on as you were likewise. Cheers.
yeah I'm a jacked haitian boy from springfield ohio
i think you mean war lord or tribal leader?

also not the best poster boy since if someone sneezes in his general direction he has to go to hospital due to his weak immune system
How does Max beat Ilia?
I thought onions were based and the opposite of soi. Did I miss something while I was away?
Onions? Never much cared for them personally. You ever read Holes?
All conflicts and wars are relatives of MMA and all on topic.
you have way too much time on your hands
he will come prepared with some cheese strat
you know for sure that the people using an mma general to write essays about random shit are truly lonely losers with no friends or network to discuss stuff with so they just jam every thought on their mind here
He'll point to the ground and it's be what it'll be.
Let's be honest. As shit as garth is, he would have beat the dog shit out of max had max not broke his nose with the meme spinny kick. It wasn't even aimed garth's the head, he just ducked into it like a retard and was breathing blood the whole rest of the fight.
He's still good enough to finish a broken man (unlike belal) but that win was probably his last gift from God.
I think part of max's gameplan will be peaching him up
kek sounds like someone picked gaethje
He's da best boxer in da UFC, b, at the endovdah day, it is what it is.
What was the ai prompt for that post, "massive cope from a retard that bet rent on garth"
I been telling yall gaethje was shit since before the Khabib fight but nobody wanna listen. Entertaining fighter, albeit.
>he woulda won if he didn't lose
it was no meme, he came prepared with a secret weapon he learned in a videogame
why the fuck does smiff fight like that man? like.. you know... like *that*?
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wrong again
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like a hall of famer? goat? the most technically skilled fighter to ever exist on paper?
He beat jon jones fighting like that you dumb bitch
>It wasn't even aimed garth's the head,
Retard, garth was doing that dumbass duck multiple times through the first round and max timed the kick to him lowering his head.
Even in the Dustin rematch he was doing that and Dustin tried to knee him for it but missed.
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>bizarre projection
it's gonna be alright b. just hold on.
garth rigatoni
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Ilia is going to dog walk that minecraft square head looking mofucka
ufc president vince russo
At the end of the day, the best is blessed
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>he picked allen
>he picked garth
>he picked 'tupria
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That wasn't me. Yeah I walched holes. Beast of a movie. Great book never read it.
There is no such thing as unhealthy food, only unhealthy amount of food. All keto, carnivores, vegan faggots should die
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Surely you not the same fighter i know as CANthony "Lyin' Heart" Shitf>>144669988
It happen multiple times through the fight too.
type whatever you want. keep typing. doesn't change the facts of your life. GL next time around
>There is no such thing as unhealthy food
Alright maybe you didn't pick him. This changes things. Maybe I will change my pick now that I think about it.
I'll flip the line of questioning around because it's very obvious that
>1. The only good thing technically about ilia's striking is that individual punches are thrown mostly with good technique
>2. Being a power merchant is not gonna work on max
>3. In a stand up fight Max would beat the absolute dogshit out of Ilia

So what is Ilia's actionable gameplan in this fight? He's not going to box with Max for 5 rounds, so is he going to land takedowns? If so will he be able to get control time?
Never reddit either b, heard it bowls wayz tho.
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I'm only the bottom one. But I meant what I said. Hold on little guy.
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schizo hours
Doesn't change the fact you're an ugly little faggot, shut the fuck up or discuss mma. Freaking turds man. This thread is just always full of turds, it's insane.
Fuck yeah god bless Dana for saving boxing
I am gonna watch every zuffa boxing event hope they do well
Putin is going to nuke London if ratlip loses
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*Heems you
Nobody eats shots like Holloway... wait why is he eating so many shots in the first place? I thought he was good?
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>There is no such thing as unhealthy food, only unhealthy amount of food
Just stick to talking about which vodka brands are cheap and won't make you go blind please, Vanya.
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that might mean something if it came from someone who isn't here 24/7 with a special name on and hasn't admitted to being an HIV ridden queer drug addict. you're a loser
I'm chillin. like I said, GL next life
no more (You)s for you two dorks
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someone on heem is always a guaranteed to have a hissy fit
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Jon is fucked
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Max couldn't do this in 1 hour and 15 minutes

Ilia did it in less than 5 minutes

This idiot lost his magic rock which is why he is back to being a tomato can

Chandler by heem and easy
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what the hell
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Concession accepted. Let's keep it moving.
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Sheeesh that is one crispy ass fade on my boy
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is this what elite boxing looks like
Damn shame Joanna won't pass on those Real One genes.
My boy is so fucking crispy and aesthetic

Truly a man dime.
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godlloway is gonna run a crispy fade on him
I drink beer only, gaynada queer
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so exercising is unhealthy?
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I have whatup
>I drink beer only
way to out yourself as a proxyfag
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don't forget that dookie dan hooker was knocked down by gamrot
smiff spends all day drinking moscow mules inside the comfort of his own basement
Max couldn't heem his way out of a wet paper bag that's why judges never gave him the nod against alex his pitter patter is fucking sleep inducing boring
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So this is the supreme genetic athleticism mutts are always frothing at the mouth about?
max is on an out cold snoring heem streak. el decisionator toporio on the other hand...
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Throwing spinning shit in the last 3 second of the first round is the most reddit shit ever done in mma
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>Nick Newerell
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>hes still raging over max
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>*heems you*
illia ended both emmett's and volk's massive winsteaks and he will do the same to max
max will win. don't believe me? well, you don't have to. because my digits will prove such things.
he will end it posthumously when max steps back from the sport
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The disrespect, I would have left the stadium.
Paolo Costa please win a fight.
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illier is a dead rat walking
josh emmett is a great fighter and i am sure he will one day eventually get a good win
mitchell was a good win
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knox on me m8
is fake better than real? is real oneism dead?
Yeah none of that is true + doesn't change the fact you're an ugly faggot and I'd beat your ass for talking like this without the keyboard keeping you safe.
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Motherfucker on red needs like a 12 inch vertical to dunk but volk needs a 50 inch vert just to touch the rim.
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>go take your paddle board and go home cook, this spot is mine.

I appreciate gimmickposts as much as the next guy but yours needs a little refinement
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You can practically hear him saying this already. Ilia Topuria: Iconic.
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>shut fuck up

>brooo I love tits xD
sure aljo we believe you don't get buttfucked on the daily by merab now.
what are they looking at?
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Name fighters
Look how high this men in black cockroach looking mothafucka wears his shorts lmaooooo
Jason Genova
james vick's
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Tony Ferguson
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>that's cracker mate but I've had sex with a woman
Turdpoorhea gonna get heemed
Inspiring fluke by Gaethje.
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Garth is the worst "good" fighter in a long time
having sex with a woman with birth control or pulling out is basically masturbation
Uncrustables are heeming fuel of the God's
I can't be the only one here with a wife and kids
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remember when he took a dive?
My pullout game is 99.999% you can call me ratlip jr
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my gf said I look like brown Luke Rockhold :3
You think that this is some sort of insult to the rest of us, but really it just reflects poorly on you and your priorities. We are here because we don't have those things.
Who is the Theo Vonn of the UFC
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>We are here because we don't have those things.
Niko Price probably
whats his name lol
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>Chink on chink violins
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Imagine how much of a liability this retard would have been in a actual combat special ops mission
shut up
im brown, b, like you
didn't take a dive
he just can't defend a takedown or a choke
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getting out of texas this weekend to a state with legal betting apps and i NEED winning bets lads who do you all like
Fuck up square ass nigga
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just bet the opposite of schaub's picks b
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>could i get some of them sports bets patrick?
Asking for betting advice on /heem/ is pointless because
>everyone here is broke
>everyone here is too cowardly to put their money where their mouth is
You're unironically better off looking on r/mma for betting tips
mark zuckernerd has made it to the end of the bjj to right wing ideology pipeline
I'm sure this was funny in your mundane head
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Redpill me on William Gomis. I didn't see any of his previous fights
Damn, Jimbo. You're gonna let that greasy ass toad talk to you like that?
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i'm getting out of texas. using sandy would be more appropriate
french (african) pussy kickboxer. brito will heem.
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Try again
Generic lanklet striker without much power. He lost to Marshall IMO. Will never be ranked
legit may be the first betslip ever posted on /heem/. this entire general is broke cowards who talk a big game but won't back it up
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>legit may be the first betslip ever posted on /heem/
Stop posting.
spoken like a true broke reddit bitch
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I must announce that it is over for the man known as Bobby Knuckles.
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>Good things come to those who wait.

My favorite bet is taking overs in fights where everyone expects a quick finish. Moicano vs BSD is prime for that. Get on DraftKings or FanDuel and bet the following with decreasing wager amounts
>fight starts round 2: yes
>over 1.5 total rounds
>fight starts round 3: yes
>over 2.5 total rounds
>fight starts round 4: yes
>over 3.5 total rounds
>fight starts round 5: yes
>fight goes the distance: yes
Size your bets so you break even if it gets past 1.5 rounds and everything beyond that is profit. UFC main events go the distance a lot more than you might think
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struck a nerve i see!
how do you pierce a lung doing breathing exercises?
double chance picks are for pussies.
Every ppv there's slips posted.
those are AI generated
kamzat is a dirty chechen rat, he had every intention to scam on that crypto rug pull. the feigning innocence is horseshit and very typical for a dirty chechen. a truly disgusting people and a scourge upon this earth
link to one. i've never seen it
Yeah but he's still gonna sub Whittaker in r1.
my boy Brendan Allen will win, right?
babe if you wanna learn open a book
wow too bad he's about to pull out. spent all that money on preparation
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man I sure am glad that they wasted 4 fucking years of Figgy on Moreno rematches
bumzat went life and death with dilbert bums, so no
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you think she and mike adriano know each other?
Gilbert was actually good until that fight. Took too much damage between the Usman fight and the Khamzat fight and was never the same
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here's my slip
This shit unironically needs to be banned
Gay ass boring ass sport where guys suffer permanent brain damage for $1000 so uncle Dana can make $20M
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dilburt was never good lmao
glibert was never good
Usman was never good
he went life and death with Bumaru Usman on a week's notice
Your cazzieness is showing
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None of you were ever good
i acknowledge your surrender
true, im great
Brits have the worst MMA takes on earth
bros where the fuck is macau
and they're gonna waste 4 more on him fighting bantamweight contenders
next to toucan
He told me he wants to fight Henderson. In Manchester. Isn't he fucking awesome!
I’d heem your skull in
What a fucking warrior
you couldn't run 100 yards m8
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you don't kick a man when he's down man... fucking scumbag
My favorite heemsnack is beef jerky but goddamn is it annoying to floss/pick out of your teeth. Fucking Christ, it's taken a full 24 hours to completely remove it.
Last digits is the number of fights remaining in Conor's career MMA + boxing + BKFC
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consnession accepted.
I don’t need to run. I just have to catch your bitch ass slippin.
Yeah that's what I thought. He's done
For me its old trapper hot and spicy, can heem the big bag easy. Cant wait until deer season so I can make my famous deer jerky
You cant and wont because youre a fat poofta
wow 70 fights
Old Trapper is nice but I'm scared of nitrites B. I'm getting old and want to minimize my risk of cancer and other diseases. I bought my last batch from an eBay seller who made it fresh. I now just ordered some Archer Beef Jerky, Mango Habanero flavor. Looking forward to trying it.

How does it feel hunting and eating deer? I've never hunted and dunno how I'd feel if I shot and picked clean some prey.
Deer meat can be amazing or it can be super gamey and too low fat/chewy. Venison jerky and venison steaks are usually terrific
If it was just me and you in an isolated room, I would do whatever I wanted to you and there’d be nothing you could do to stop me
no chance the paris main event goes past 2 rounds
in awe at how badly mismanaged banthamweight was/is
>isolated room
you mean your bedroom kek
Point is, only outside interference could stop me from doing whatever I wanted to you
I'm from Brooklyn, I buy my chicken rice platter from the food vendor
in your faggot brain that makes sense
Pray you never meet me irl
just like the womenfolk
id shave your head and clip your toenails
not one of you stupid faggots knows the fucking judging criteria
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Average Brazilian.
So be helpful and post it, dipshit.
Got a new watch today
Condit really had dogshit takedown defence lol
If you get a takedown in the last round you win. See Jones vs Reyes for example
I’d break your pelvis and hip bone
Hi grandpa. Didn't know heem could speak with the afterlife.
Congrats brotha. What did you get? I rock the SBGA413 as my daily
for what, dont u have a phone taht tells teh time anyway?
Greatest watch of all time (get it? Hehe)
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the 2023 unified rules of mma, see the judging criteria section. notice the key differences between the 2019 "new rules" that faggots like MMA GURU and theWeasle have been using for years to cry robbery every time their picks lose a decision
>no mention of damage
>no mention of immediate impact weighing heavier than the cumulative
>effective grappling is defined as successful execution of techniques, not only impactful techniques. e.g. takedowns are scored, you don't need to establish offense
remind me why you faggots haven't read the damn criteria but pretend to know how to score fights??
yep under 2023 rules you would be correct but 2019 rules when the fight happened DOM was the rightful winner, a true robbery. see my post
Damn nigga
fashion honey, hallo
also notice the shocking definition of IMPACT:
>A judge shall assess if a fighter impacts their opponent significantly in the round, even though they may not have dominated the action. Impact includes visible evidence such as swelling and lacerations. Impact shall also be assessed when a fighter’s actions, using striking and/or
grappling, lead to a diminishing of their opponent’s energy, confidence, abilities and spirit. All of these come as a direct result of impact. When a fighter is impacted by strikes, by lack of control and/or
ability, this can create defining moments in the round and shall be assessed with great value.
>no mention of immediate impact weighing heavier than the cumulative
I totally agree that fags who claim that are retarded. to act like a guy won a round if he got outstruck 30 to 5 cause the guy landed a big punch is retarded. obviously a punch with more reaction should be weighted heavier but not everyone reacts to getting hit the same way.
back off ban bs
Based. Nothing is more indestructible or accurate
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>lly agree that fags who claim that are retarded.
again read the fucking criteria. 2019 criteria states:
"Legal blows that have immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to contribute towards
the end of the match with the IMMEDIATE weighing in more heavily than the cumulative impact.
Successful execution of takedowns, submission attempts, reversals and the achievement of
advantageous positions that produce immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to
contribute to the end of the match, with the IMMEDIATE weighing more heavily than the
cumulative impact.” It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of
position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown"
this is where theWeasle and others get the whole "damage >all" sentiment but they don't realize that the criteria has been consistently updated year after to year to favor grapplers more and more, with takedowns and execution of other impactful grappling techniques being weighed evenly with damagin strikes. why is no one talking about this?
in conclusion every single one of you faggots are retarded cazzies who are ESL and afraid to admit you don't know how to read and don't understand the damn criteria
It's damage b
YES they weigh heavily more but only by a bit. One great punch might be worth 12 small punches but that doesn't make it worth 14 small punches. Look at Sean Brady vs Gilbert. Gilbert landed the bigger punches but Brady landed more often.
id kick you so hard youll be pissing blood outta your ass
If you wobble someone and then go on to get outstruck 30 to 5 you might well lose the round.
Bloody ell
>another ESL fag
those are the fucking 2019 criterion. read the NEW updated 2023 unified rules of mma judging criteria FOR FUCKS SAKE? are you all genuinely fucking brain dead or are you intentionally being retarded?
Maybe read up on criteria you need to lose your virginity
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in the current rules (see) >>144672372
that is true and the most impactful striking result you can have is swelling, lacerations, bruising, etc. striking in current mma criteria is measured solely on the results of the striking unlike grappling which is measured on its impact but also the successful execution of techniques
maybe suck my dick you stupid faggot. read the damn criteria or fuck off. next time you cry about a robbery I don't want to hear it.
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vince mogs dana shyte
just read this criteria stuff, shit is fire
anyway Sean 1-3-5
I have now sent another anon into an absolute tizzy.
izzy the tizzy
So you're telling me you think if you wobble someone in the beginning of the round even if the guy punches you 100 times for the rest of the round but it just so happens that no singular punch hurts you as bad as that one punch? That would just be retarded.
yep you can, if you want to think the judges are still using the 2019 criteria. thing is no one actually has any fucking clue what criteria the judges are using because they know MMA fans are too low IQ to even be able to know the difference in the criteria in the first place. Sean genuinely wins 1,3, and 5, on 2019 rules.
You might have read the judging criteria but you don't understand the judging criteria, judges don't understand the judging criteria.
The story of the build up and fight goes more into consideration than any criteria you post cazzie

Dricus has yet to lose a story of the build up to a fight which is why he won against the cry baby rape baby
no I'm telling you that you're an ESL fag and you are genuinely mentally disabled. I'm not going to spoonfeed you like an infant read the fucking thread.
Criterion Classics: Face the Pain music video
I understand judging criteria.
instead of posting a link just post a jpg or the actual text ya lazy cunt
this is like the fagtards that post twitter links instead of webms for videos
Dricus loses the story based on the 2014 story criteria
no you don't understand the judging criteria because you're a brown ESL. the 2019 criteria or the "new rules" or the "damage>all" rules are not the most updated criteria. again read my fucking posts and read the updated criteria.
you have poor communication skills
Umar walks through merat
Yan probably (hopefully) beats figgoid
Then we get either umar yan (kino) or umar omalley (kino)
Lots of good shit ahead at bw
nope. strickfags are some of the most retarded when it comes to the criteria because yes under 2019 rules strickland wins but under 2023 criteria
ddp WON clear. nothing to do with the story or any fake bullshit you think. you don't know the criteria
doubt it. no one has demonstrated to me even a modicum of understanding of the criteria
no shit Merab won the match but he didn't do shit for damage to Sean O'Malley tm
the fact that there are contentious MMA criteria proves that winning an MMA fight isn't objective. if one guy loses 50-45 but he collapses and dies the next day from damage sustained in the fight who really won?
The story>criteria

Simple as.
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It depends on how heavily you weigh takedowns that did nothing. To me threatening subs is more "effective" than pointless takedowns that do nothing.
>ESL fag so lazy he can't open a link
not to mention I've already posted it twice in this thread alone
>2019 "new rules" , e.g. "damage>all" rules
Effective Striking/Grappling shall be considered the first priority of round assessments. Effective
Aggressiveness is a ‘Plan B’ and should not be considered unless the judge does not see ANY
advantage in the Effective Striking/Grappling realm. Cage/Ring Control (‘Plan C’) should only be
needed when ALL other criteria are 100% even for both competitors. This will be an extremely
rare occurrence.
Effective Striking/Grappling
“Legal blows that have immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to contribute towards
the end of the match with the IMMEDIATE weighing in more heavily than the cumulative impact.
Successful execution of takedowns, submission attempts, reversals and the achievement of
advantageous positions that produce immediate or cumulative impact with the potential to
contribute to the end of the match, with the IMMEDIATE weighing more heavily than the
cumulative impact.” It shall be noted that a successful takedown is not merely a changing of
position, but the establishment of an attack from the use of the takedown. Top and bottom
position fighters are assessed more on the impactful/effective result of their actions, more so
than their position. This criterion will be the deciding factor in a high majority of decisions when
scoring a round. The next two criteria must be treated as a backup and used ONLY when
Effective Striking/Grappling is 100% equal for the round.
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Don't bet on the slow starter to beat the early bird
Yan vs Figgy can very quickly start looking like Ortega vs Lopes
>2023 unified rules of mma judging criteria
udges shall evaluate Mixed Martial Arts techniques, such as effective
striking/grappling(Plan A), effective aggressiveness(Plan B),and control of the fighting
area(Plan C).Plans B and C are not taken into consideration unless Plan A is weighed as
being even.
d. Evaluations shall be made in the specific order in which the techniques appear in
(c)above ,giving the most weight in scoring to effective striking/grappling, and effective
aggressiveness, and control of the fighting area.
e. Effective striking is judged by determining the impact/effect of legal strikes landed by a
contestant solely based on the results of such legal strikes. Effective grappling is assessed by
the successful executions and impactful/effective result(s)coming from: takedown(s),
submission attempt(s), achieving an advantageous position(s) and reversal(s).
f. Effective aggressiveness means aggressively making attempts to finish the fight.
g. Fighting area control is assessed by determining who is dictating the pace, place and
position of the bout.
>immediate or cumulative impact
fights should be judged by an eye test of who won more
and it should be a fan vote.
lets not pretend ufc is a sport
Ill be so upset
the winner should be selected at random
this, let the crowd decide
that would be based if you get to a decision
I read the criteria, Tibau won.
you don't know how to read
the fact you don't know the criteria along with all the other faggots who cry robbery after every time their fighter loses is what makes it subjective. there is room for interpretation only within the limits of the written criteria. which you have not read.
read the 2023 unified rules of mma you stupid fucking faggot
We know what happened last time I went to Manchester.

This makes sense but Only if theres no finish
they would just pick the guy they liked better
I have studied the judging criteria therefore...Megan Olivi has an anus.
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not even close the criteria at the time of the tibau fight was more similar to the new criteria than the 2019 criteria. khabib 30-27d clear. learn how to score fights
if decision, the winner should be decided through a power slap duel
There shouldn't be a winner in a decision. There shouldn't be decisions.
I'm a pro gambler (highest tier on bovada from winning so much) and why I am so successful is I always bet on the fighter who won the story of the build up to the fight.
winners of fights should be decided by the roar of the crowd
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infinite rounds, that's the answer
it doesn't explicitly say how important a takedown is
>Top and bottom
position fighters are assessed more on the impactful/effective result of their actions, more so
than their position.
so takedowns that do nothing mean nothing except for the physical impact of the guy actually hitting the ground.
Reyes won
Islam won
Pereira won
Pantoja won
Dricus won
Merab won
This is great
All true except pereddit. Jan won that one
real betting is sprinkling money on good value odds. cazzie betting is trying to select who will win and betting on them.
You DON'T understand THE judging CRITERIA
Rock, Paper, Scissors, simple ass.
nah the criteria is in my favor
I'm a Jancel and Jan was wobbling like crazy that whole fight. I'm sad I will never see 39 year old Jan fight Jiri though.
the criteria just flew over my house
read it again slowly you're almost there.
>the most weight in scoring to effective striking/grappling
Effective striking is judged by determining the impact/effect of legal strikes landed by a
contestant solely based on the results of such legal strikes. Effective grappling is assessed by
the successful executions and impactful/effective result(s)coming from: takedown(s),
submission attempt(s), achieving an advantageous position(s) and reversal(s).
>almost as if...
effective striking is limited to solely the results or e.g. the damage but effective grappling is broadened to include not only the impact of (definition of impact includes shit like spiritual impact as well) but the successful execution of techniques as well. this clearly demonstrates that a takedown that doesn't establish an attack is to be considered effective grappling
thinking about ellie's criteria
holy fuck do you actually know the criteria? you're correct
is the criteria in the room with us right now?
the critoris
yep dominance and duration are secondary criteria only used to differentiate between the numerical score. e.g. was the round a 10-9 or 10-8. what is your point? you still don't get it do you?
>"scoring about"
these motherfuckers are retarded lmao
Jan still too damaged to fight since Pereira whooped him meanwhile Pereira has fought like 50 times
>Who did? You gotta be kidding me, another one? Ship his ass to PFL then, see how he likes seeing that for a decision.
Dana revamped the criteria
The story is heavily favoring Moicano so he will win. I might just have to start a mma YouTube since I am literally the smartest man alive
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yep and it's even more retarded that they changed the rules in 2017 and then changed them back in 2022. see this link
the criteria is more similar to the current criteria in 2009 than it is the 2019 "damage>all" https://www.abcboxing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Unifed-MMA-Rules-2023-FINAL.pdf
Yeah that channel has a shitload of good ufc remixes actually, I been posting them for a while now.
eye test CHADS
criteria VIRGINS
Dana is a cuck and probably doesn't even know what criteria the judges use
gay pride comes before the fall
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bet you fags didn’t know the criteria also explains that dominance and control duration in grappling are only to measured in terms of differentiating round scoring e.g. 10-8 vs 10-9 and etc. but cazzies will cry about control time being displayed on the screen but don’t know that is actually written in the unified rules. no MMA youtuber actually knows the current criteria they just google unified rules of mma and read the 2019 criteria and think they are the sole authority on how to score fights
the rules didn't change the criteria has changed
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
one thing is that there is actually no consensus on what criteria the judges in a given event are actually using or trained on. some judges will likely be using the 2019 criteria and some will be using the "old" 2023 criteria if I had to guess. not even the judges know the current criteria half of the time, which is why this sport will never truly kill boxing.
some rules have changed but yes its mostly that the criteria has reverted to the "old rules" as theWeasle dubbed it. the 2019/2017 "new rules" or the "damage>all" rules were written to be more descript in what constitutes effective striking and grappling so that grapplers had to actually establish offense to have it outweigh or be scored evenly with impactful striking. for whatever reason, we reverted back to the "old rules" around 2020 or 2021 and no one talks about it, probably because most retards don't even know the difference in the first place.
some convoluted faggot former paralegal wrote that criterion
some pussy would change this dude's life
criteria doesn't matter because it is entirely outside of the judge's faculties. what use is a beautiful woman to the man who can't see?
why is corruption in boxing judging such a hard problem to solve. its supposedly been blantant for decades. with 10s of millions of dollars at steak shouldnt they have been able to sort it out?
Halo: Criteria Evolved
How does knowing judging criteria improve your life? Does it get you a good job? Does provide a foundation to build a family?
its ragu beef b, the bess.
rizin solved judging
it tells you how to correctly score a fight, something an ESL like you would never EVER understand
>dat crispy sear :O
it make my boyfriend's asshole quiver
>faggot canuck
why do other mma orgs like IMMAF and MMAreferee.com still refer to the 2017/2019 “New Rules”/”Damage>ALL” rules as the up to date criteria? All anyone ever says is damage only matters and don’t score takedowns etc etc but that is NOT what the current criteria lays out. almost like you haven't even read the fucking criteria
I would simply just put down a 10 for the fighter who won the story of the round
How does knowing that help me or you or anyone that isn’t an mma official or a fighter?
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uhhhh nice weather today huh guys?????
youre splitting hairs between damage vs impact when they are essentially the same criteriod
this is how it works in practice because the criteria is incongruent to the human experience
>successful execution
I didn't know laying on someone was a technique.
>damage vs impact
all damage is impactful but not all impact is damage. read the criteria and then come back to me I'm not going to keep repeating myself
Wishbone bless
I’ll be on deathbed regretting that I didn’t know the difference damage plays in scoring between the 2019 unified rules vs the 2023 updated ruleset.
>all damage is impactful but not all impact is damage
youre conflating impact as a substantive instead of the effect it has (which it specifies), youre misinterpreting the crytearyen
my strict interpretation is that control time duration is only a metric used to differentiate 10-9 and 10-8 rounds. you should never factor control time alone unless debating this. takedowns, reversals, sub attempts, guard passes, etc. are all techniques however. however the criteria also defines establishment of advantageous positions as effective grappling. think islam vs volk, round 4. he established an advantageous position via effective grappling techniques to win the round, and controlled the duration of the round, justifying a 10-8 round.
Finney's figtin next week main bruh rest your worries a new savior is coming
faggot, it literally defines impact explicitly to avoid that confusion. re-read it very slowly
jingaling criedtoleon
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>2. Impact:
A judge shall assess if a fighter impacts their opponent significantly in the round, even
though they may not have dominated the action. Impact includes visible evidence such as swelling
and lacerations. Impact shall also be assessed when a fighter’s actions, using striking and/or
grappling, lead to a diminishing of their opponent’s energy, confidence, abilities and spirit. All of these
come as a direct result of impact. When a fighter is impacted by strikes, by lack of control and/or
ability, this can create defining moments in the round and shall be assessed with great value.
You have confused it in your CORN NUTS brain
see >>144673060
then see:
Effective striking is judged by determining the impact/effect of legal strikes landed by a
contestant solely based on the results of such legal strikes. Effective grappling is assessed by
the successful executions and impactful/effective result(s)coming from: takedown(s),
submission attempt(s), achieving an advantageous position(s) and reversal(s).
just imagine the future hybrids that will take hold of the UFC titles I'm talking Egytian - Articians b
imagining the smell of ellie's criteria
so name one technique that wrestlers employ other than takedowns
all the techniques are jiu jitsu shit so wrestlers should don't do any effective grappling then
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mmmm criteria
Case law codifies that in the Kampmann vs Sanchez ruling that CORN NUTS criterion was the deciding factor in the judges ruling.
fucking retard do you even watch mma? it's effective grappling, not effective wrestling or effective jiu jitsu. just admit you're too lazy and retarded to read and understand the criteria
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If I was a judge, and I'm not, I would judge based off heart.
so lay and pray wrestlers do what effective grappling. takedowns, mat returns, what else? explain how lay and pray is effective grappling.
the 2023 rules don’t just focus on immediate damage from strikes. they also give more weight to grappling, rewarding not only the impact but also the successful execution of moves like takedowns, submissions, and position control. this is a lot more nuanced than the oversimplified "damage>all" narrative. please just read the fucking criteria man...
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This nigga knows how to interpret the criterion better than you.
Gamrot refused to meet the criteria
I don't have to explain it when it is literally defined in the fucking criteria you third world dog
new criteria :
i judge every single poofc fight, and I always award it to the guy who won
I would be the most corrupt judge when it comes to CRITERIA, id score it 10-7 for all the whiteys
FACT: gay rape is the most effective form of grappling
what techniques do they execute? the wet blanket?
here at heem we simply dont use the same basis for judging fights, faggot
if one man can read you the criteria two men can....
have ANY of you fags even read the current AND the 2019 criteria??? the 2023 unified rules literally lay it all out, and it’s not just about damage from strikes. grappling is a HUGE part of the criteria, but you’d never know that from the faggotry cazzies spew about takedowns "not counting." MMA Guru and TheWeasle are some of the worst but you lot are up there. to understand what I'm saying, actually take a few minutes and closely analyze the differences between the 2019 and 2023 criteria and ponder the implications on scoring
no, why are you so sperg fixated on it?
we have more pressing issues than the god damn criteria! i.e. the new thread that needs to be made...
not one of you putrid faggots have actually read the criteria correctly, you just read one sentence and try to fill in the blanks because you're all tiktok brained ESL racemutts please either read the fucking criteria or stop complaining about decisions
because fags cry incessantly about robberies when they literally don't even know the damn judging criteria
what techniques do lay and pray grapplers execute on the ground?
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>the unified rules of '19
the judging criteria is just an eye test on some level, otherwise fights would be judged after the fact with video review and perhaps frame by frame.
hence the criteria is just a guideline for an eye test.
no answers.
thats what caused you to be so preoccupied by this retarded shit lel? if anything bud, touch some grass
new criteria------>
you don't know anything about grappling you stupid faggot. not to mention the duration of control only factors in when deciding if a round is 10-9 or 10-8. any takedown can be interpreted to be equal to rocking or wobbling someone depending on your exact interpretation and the impact of the takedown. you would know all this if you took 5 seconds to read the fucking criteria

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