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Baht stream up on YouTube
seethe pakibong
You can watch it on Sky Sports youtube btw. My computer is in Birmingham rn not sure if that's required but prob.
We only watch ONE friday fights here
I'm watching FuwaMoco morning
Mate someone will pinch your computer if you leave it laying about brum
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>We only watch ONE friday fights here
you don't even watch poofc m8
Put Khalil Rountree in PRIDE and he would've been MW champ
I watch PPVs and crowded FNs
>all the good streams require vpn autism
Beautiful shot
Put Conor McGregor in a gay pride parade and he'd be the Grand Marshal
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oim the brummie king m8
you watch about as often as cumshit fights
I haev russian link brazza never pay
DC is a fat blob of shit
>haha you have better things to do than watch every single shit apexslop card
I don’t get this bit at all
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that's "the baddest blob of shit on the planet" to you, kid.
you're literally in heem every day for 16hrs what the fuck is your bit about having better things to do?
Agreed, I hate watching him on the weigh in shows. Fat little primadonna. I love that jones beat his ass and made him cry
Jon took that title from him, too
>says he has better things to do
>is here for 12 hours + a day
hahahahahaha good one
blud posts in heem daily and is still an absolute cazz fake one
That’s you I’m afraid
sam a is old as shit b
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>better things to do
Like spamming homoerotica in an MMA general?
I don't even think you believe your own nonsense, that might be more credit than you deserve.
fake boring non-sport
Watching apex cards is incel behaviour I’m afraid.
Ching chong chomo is awfully touchy today.
Spamming fag fiction in the gamethreads is chad behavior
that fat nigga was the LHW and HW champion simulatenously while just being under 5'10
Nah he's right you're a weirdo stalker who lives here and always spergs out
>nearly 500 fights on record
how are these thai guys not cte zombies?
If your weight cut is so hard then why not just walk around a few pounds lighter?
Not a single ranked CANadian and yet all their jobless losers are revved at patricians quality controlling their Heem viewing experience, curious.
brown boi down
Alright that needs to be webmd
Fortunately Thais dont have functioning brains in the first place so you cant tell the difference
nigga was obviously out of it at the first count lol
Would you fuck that female ref?
post her
Ching chomo chomo is declining mentally I fear, expect a 12 spam session incoming
If your height cut is so hard then why not just walk around a few inches shorter?
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there's many jacked taiwanese boys, b. I know we are constantly terrorizing your mind but please refrain from developing headcanons about us.
broken english kino
here's to 374 more wins
Have sex? No
10 is right
Thank god, my brother is in Sweden right now.
Do they not measure or list reach in ONE?
fuckin based webm
Maggie Smith got heemed
There’s no need to samefag bud
fingered her in a sydney nightclub
tom aspinall heems your favorite shonen protagonist
She was 89 years old
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be humble braza
zoomers say things like 'I ate her pussy and then went home and jerked off' as if it's a flex
yeah that was about 60 years ago
You never pulled a "Sniff n' Jimmy"?
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post lad accepting his heem
Selfie posting is frowned upon here
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take a look in the mirror you cripple sumbitch
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What's wrong with this xitter post? Only real ones know the answer.

Have sex.
That’s a Brabo choke
Luque and Chiesa never fought
Suablack has zero chin
call him suajap
Schaub better be on that list
Women are stronger than men
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>6'4 bantamweight
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hooolllyy fuck look at this giant freak
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>Je sais, quand il le faut, quitter la peau du lion pour prendre celle du renard.
walking stick man
algeria and thailand? what a mistake
this guy has a eunuchoid body type
this is such an unbelievably gay type of posting.
that guy is gay, a homosexual, a faggot
who the fuck cares about the history of le d'arce choke
he's a 40yo 'bet boi doing his best "hellow fellow kids" routine, give him a break.
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>Le succès ne s'explique pas. L'échec ne s'excuse pas.

how much fruit you had today heem?
UFC 307: Pereira vs Rountree Jr.
This event has been brought to you by the UFC.
ban sweden
a small apple but no more cause I'm going on keto
Fuck you
fuck you more
I'm reading your post right now.
No, fuck YOU even more
I had a fruit smoothie with my eggs and bacon in this morning
what ingredients b
Is this guy a brazza?
greek yogurt. banana, strawberries, blackberries, little water so its not too thick
no he's just semitic
for me, it's full fat cabot brand. has a mild cheesy flavor.
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>K-1? Off the air.
Admit that you switched up on Paddy and now that he back on top you riding his nuts again
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In your dreams.
No he's still a hum and Flash Gordon won
Not like it was ever "on the air". Japs J themselves by signing deals with the a-beamer devil. nobody outside of japan can watch that shit anyway.
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K-1? Don't worry about K-1...
paddy was always my boy, but he still lost to jeff gordon and is a heem waiting to happen
time for nong to retire, please
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More like can't watch
At least he didn’t get knocked out
Paddy is essentially the British sean omalley
First off, shut the fuck up. Plenty of abema broadcasts are available outside japan (RISE for expample). Second, what do you mean by it was never on the air? It was so hard on the air it used to be broadcast on fucking TV even outside of japan. It was so on the fucking air going to a k-1 heemvent was a national pasttime you faggot sucking fruitbowl cazzoty.
cant afford the VPN?
K-0 streams LOL
French Special Forces
Close fight coulda gone either way. And plus Paddy hada broken foot
what? 20 years ago? you don't need to be so upset just because you are a jkick weeb. all jap orgs make their shit hard to watch, don't be a hipster about it.
I'm using vpn to watch ONE right now
in what way
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Monkey King putting in work at the PI
>don't be a hipster about it

Shut the fuck up. Youre a fucking retard, I hate you fuck off. I just debunked all of your ingorant faggot arguments, shut the fuck up.
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A third of this general would be heemed by the first kid
Why do they call him monkey king?
Last timed you heemed somebody?
Neither are charismatic personalities. They appear to be from a distance but when they speak it's like *fart noises* they are loved by the company for their appearance. Paddy is good at jiu jitsu nothing else. Sean is good at striking nothing else.
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Three months ago, I was expelled
Lol hey /heem/ remember when I told you months ago ONE was going bankrupt and all the fighters would leave soon and you called me a retard and said I was wrong lol that was so funny good one guys
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Goofy ass niqqa
Yo chill homie
jo nottagoodfighter more like
Holy based cornball
Dana White was actually expelled from cock sucking school because he kept outperforming the teachers, sad state of affairs the american schooling system
Little did he know CHAMA shot TWO (2 (二 (اثنين))) arrows
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Oh yeah? HAIYAA
Tawanchai ducks Jo successfully
you paid for ONE? lmao
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please don't spread your mental anguish on the rest of us over trivial shit, b
those short elbows had some nutty power
Talmbout sherman clump b?
this guy HEEMS
Can you fuck off already? No one wants you here.
You could get sued for slander
i am sick of ufc
poohand and roundtree are equal level martial artists
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>t-this wouldn't work b-because c-capoeiwa doesnt work a-and n-niggers!!
Too bad Capoeira isn't taken seriously in this fucking country and only attracts dudes who only go to show off, a Capoeira Carioca + BJJ hybrid fag would be deadly
shewperbawn b
wasn't even sure what dropped him till the replay
So don't watch it lol
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I feel threatened, I wouldn't mess with this guy
I would simply step backwards
false, rountree is a higher level mixed martial artist
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Once again a boxlet falls victim to the elbowchad
Eye of the tiger.
ganescholars, what are we doing for #locktober?
its over for heem
How bad is Tawanchai that he lost twice to Jo lmao
k-1 caught wind that /heem/ doesn't watch that crap, and scrapped the broadcast altogether
I like heems as much as the next guy (I'm gay and suck 10x cock a day), but Dana White needs to be shot in the face for making power slap
There's only one type of scholar, that being of Smith.
ufc fighters are athletes
>top surgery scars
I would simply give an extra push with my arms as I release my kick
what the hell does that even mean homo?
UFC FN (Fairy Night because the only way i'd watch apex slop is if I get to listen to her beautiful voice!)
BSD looks like the guy who makes my chicken and rice platter in NYC kek
Peak male physique
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Guys, CHAMA?
>freak of nature
>freaky strong
>real specimen
>evolution of mma
>future of the sport
how'd you know it was homo related
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These billionaires are 'avin a giggle at brain trauma. The goofs know what they signed up for, here's your $2k to show kid.
hows it going with the anxiety my nigga
Imagine Waldo choking this guy out and then sucking his tiddies as the guy is sleeping. The ultaimate disrespect, you could never come back from that. Merab kissing Sean x 1000
Not well. Ended up dropping out of trade school. Shit's getting so bad I can't even go to edeka at night without feeling like i'm about to piss myself any moment.
I used to have some badass tapout shirts in middle school my favorite one was one with a cage all over and the tapout logo in red foil, yes I also lost my virginity in middle school
context cues
>comment in r/heem
why wouldn't it be homo shit?
It's called free will you commie piece of shit no one is holding a gun to their head to get slapped across the face for a few quid
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only way out is through the inferno... you must embrace pain and death
im fucked up too
so you call me a homo yet you play around and talk with a homo general every day...
are you consuming caffeine and/or alcohol and/or dude weed?
it's a term of endearment b
this is just kickboxing but they spin around sometimes
fair enough b
oh hey I found the only person on heem with worse anxiety than me
keep ur head up b, and push through the pain. wagmi
If I had anxiety I simply would pull myself up by my bootstraps lmao pussy ass shit
The spins allow you to do takedowns and kicks from completely different angles and level changes become easier to hide
no caffein, no weed. i only drink like once or twice a month. usually when im at a breaking point, but it only ends up giving me panic attacks lmao.

>push through the pain. wagmi

been pushing through the pain for 10 years now. its not getting better.
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you probably need to leave the german climate, take burgygeld and geld from mama and go to greece for 2 weeks or so. see if that helps
>10 years
You haven't even tried
that's cool but can it stuff a single?
They can just get clinched and wrestlefucked mid spin, there's a reason kickboxing and muay thai guys don't do that. That aspect of capoeira is performative, works as a gimmick at best.
>drops out of trade school
>wonders why he's so anxious
There really is no saving your dumbass generation
Fight fairy suck NAFRI cocks for a living
Michel only started winning when he stopped doing slave dance techniques and started throwing 1-2s and regular kicks.
That can't be very lucrative.
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Unironically probably do need a vacation. I fucking hate my room. Spend the last decade in there living like a hikkikomori. I miss my room in the psychiatric hospital to be honest.

Oh really? I tried so hard and failed so many times b you couldnt even imagine. Had a really good chance to make it back to real life with trade school but i wasnt ready. Fainting in the fucking subway because youre hypervantilating really isnt fun.
Wish I was rich so I can experience Octoberfest and sex
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Yeah actually

Ah yes, fighters spam the most risky moves all the times kek
>That aspect of capoeira is performative, works as a gimmick at best.
You mixing two different types of Capoeira, but I'm not surprised, no one knows shit about it, including Brazilians

Coincidentally those are very common Capoeira techniques too

Do you retards seriously think Capoeira is only ginga and spins?
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>been pushing through the pain for 10 years now. its not getting better.
15 for me, though probably not as severe as yours. The anxiety doesn't get better, you have to get stronger.
Kill as many shitty habits as you can, and try your absolute fucking hardest. Get some sunshine and spend time in nature if you can. We're all gonna die someday, so we might as well do our best.
If I don't reply again, it's because you inspired me to go work on myself. WAGMI
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you ain't built for this life b
Heavenly bodies and demonic possesions play a big part as well b. Cant really say that shit when youre living in satans little season and you get mindraped from birth.
hate how some people pretend this was a close fight
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some of us never had the makings of a normies, life for us in the demonized world will always mean suffering
>the 1-2 is a capoeira technique
You must be sippin on some good sopa de macaco
it wasn't close but it sucked because it was a strickraped fight
every time I post 'but can it stuff a single leg' on any martial arts post on facebook everyone seethes. try it it's fun
Pro tip, there is 0 anxiety in hero position
we allow ourselves to be possessed and raped, problem is we were taught too late that we have a choice
i have negative amounts of dawlg in me. im an anti-heemer.
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You failed this time, but I'll try it for sure

Capoeira = Mixed African Martial Arts + some indigenous shit, it has everything from basic punches to knife fighting and toe in the pooper, so yes, 1-2s are normal. Ginga is mostly used to regain rhythm, but some retards actually think it's like a stance or something.

Webm related just needs some adjustments for takedown defense, but there is no reason his main attacks here wouldn't work in the UFC for example.
One cool thing i learned in capoeira is footwork feints.
Is such an obvious thing and after learning it i noticed that the advanced guys at boxing, kickboxing and even karate they all did it but non of them explained it or teach it, i guess is one of those things you learn in most styles by trial and error but learning it early was huge.
tawlf b. All I can say then is stop gooning and pray to god. Being locked up in your room all the time is not good, and I say that from experience. An idle mind/idle hands are the devil's playthings. Uninronically getting a job in customer service for a while helped me. I also at one point dropped out of my uni courses for a while because I was so wound up with anxiety that just sitting in lecture hall had me sweating.
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>its an r9kgerm emo circlejerk thread
Capoeira when applied in sparring without the dance aspect and acrobatics works the same as karate but with a kinda goofy side to side head movement.
Fighting my porn addiction fer sure helped me. Even just being aware of it. Went from heeming my meng multiple times a day to once a week or less. But after like a decade of doing so youre only minimizing the damage youve already done to your mind and body. The one time I managed not to fap for 3 weeks i was feeling much more energised and full of life. Unfortunately if you have zero friends or no way to even connect to new people through a job you cant use that life force for something positive so you end up being depressed again and back to porn.
there's a reason why there have been a million hues in kickboxing and mma and none of them have used caposharta beyond the occasional gimmick.
>le everything is technically caposharta cuz I said so
ban germany
You're just a hater man
Yeah, well I wish sweating was the only symptom I had lol. Try dealing with excessive sweating, panic attacks, hyperventilating, LITERALLY shaking, turning red and stuttering all at the same time. Im supposed to heem an entire group of roided heavyweights freak as a bantamweight twink? Yeah, I dont think so.
Hate is natures fuel, swedecuck.
I'll come back on a different browser, reset my ip or my phone. Dont try to fight it just bear with it for a while.
No it isn't
the leafs of yurop will NOT be silenced
>Try dealing with excessive sweating, panic attacks, hyperventilating, LITERALLY shaking
I was having panic attacks daily too. I'm not trying to compete with you I'm just trying to empathize. I'm not coming from a place of total lack of experience with the feeling.
only flag in the anglosphere that doesn't dedicate half of its posts to unironic /lgbt/ content.
The quickest way to become a decent fighter is learning the stuff most people aren't being taught, breathing control, distance management, not telegraphing attacks, proper feints and setups, etc. Since in Capoeira you are always sparring, light, technical or hard sparring, I guess you learn that kind of stuff quicker

>without the dance aspect
Right, this is the subdivision problem, there are 3 main branches of Capoeira, a fuck ton of variants, and every gym works in different ways, some have a more cultural aspect, some are more focused on combat but still need the acrobatics to convince people to join the gym, but combat focused Capoeira is basically MMA but constantly switching feet, always using angles and spins to enter in weird ways, ginga is barely a thing.

Bullshit, Capoeira is very unpopular here due to religious prejudice, it's easier to find an Muay Thai or Karate gym than a Capoeira circle in most of the country, and then there are all the variants. My point is, retards like you who criticize it, barely know how it works or what it is, because all you have seen is the light sparring part and think "urdur that wouldn't work in a fight, i would just do this", when in reality a good Capoeira fighter would just adjust their kicks, as they do many times during sparring, and knock your head off whether your head is low or high, close or far.
>b-but why don't UFC fighter use it
Again, because it's easier to find other gyms from other martial arts, and some Capoeira branches are more concerned about its cultural and religious aspect, with the dance thing being a big part of it, which only reduces the chance of someone actually learning the proper fighting side of it and making it big
Every single canadian and german poster here is some emaciated little bitch who I could heem without breaking a sweat
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I think I'm finna put a jackson on moicano/rountree parlay
save it and just put on rountree ko
our irresistible charm would render you helpless before you could land the first punch
stop swaggerjackin my line
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Gotcha, my bad. Im just at my wits end. Might have to bite the humiliation bullet and buy diapers just to go outside.
heem is full of poofs
6' 200lbs of yellow steel, b.
you've been warned.
takes one
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>win 4 rounds
At least in boxing the blatant robberies are draws.
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>moicano/rountree/pena/thompson +11171
you need to push yourself to your limits and you know this, do whatever suits YOU most. some people gain the most from exercise to total exhaustion, proving the body that it's healthy
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regardless of opinion that is a peak heem
moicano will fuck it up, but go for it
Danas face after 49-46
why tf would you need diapers?
I'm gonna give myself an hour or so to mull it over, probably only gonna do a fiver.
I just want to be clear: We watch that shit here, but we do NOT watch THAT shit here.
BUCKley is no good but silly steve is completely flushed. even if the moicano leg hits that's not finna.
all of these describe paddy pimblett
>At least in boxing the blatant robberies are draws.
*floyd Mayweather enters the chat*
Buckley is the type of fighter that Stephen excels against.
why are all of our champions such fucking pussy ducks? is belal our only real one left? WHAT'S GOING ON???
I'm so anxious when I'm in public i constantly feel like having to pee really badly. Like, on the verge of pissing myself.
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UFC Fight Night Paris presented by The House of Al Saud
buckley is going to wrestle
have you tried going keto or carnivore diet
I'm glad for Ivan getting to be the main fight on the prelims
Reptiles are attacking
He'll be grappling with depression after losing and getting cut.
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steamrolla finna zeem
jones landed the more impactful shots the whole fight b. it's time /heem/ actually watches the fight instead of echoing reddit all these years lol
i get it dom is a wholesome le everyman and it makes you feel accomplished yourself when you see guys like him win, but it was a clear win for jon if you watch it with no sound.
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Chariere will be the only french to win on the main card
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why does he drag his feet like that, it's like he's swimming out of water
What about Imavov b
>jones landed the more impactful shots
post some of these
LOL what impactful shots did Jones land? He knee tapped him for 5 rounds with one good kick, one good elbow, and like 3 clean punches.
Steamroller? Like a roller of steam? Like steam that rolls? Doesn't sound too intimidating
>more athletic than Jon Jones
>explosive power
What an everyman.
>l-look at those le epic piter patter! reyes is a le everyman loser just like me!!
lol he lost the last 3 rounds and was broken by the end. that part you know deep down. still keeps you seething for all these years KEK
I'll give you better odds on that parlay.
>he lost round 3
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Steamroller like the machine used to flatten roads
I think he is gassed at this point
Maybe even got calf kicked but yeah, nicely noticed, this looks like he could get easily injured
You should probably watch the fight sweetie
I am the biggest freak in the whole world
Roads? What roads? There are no roads here except for Road to UFC brought to you by the UFC.
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can someone tell me whats the deal with this german character
He is a roided up manlet
Small people are very dangerous
wholesome webm
And Jones landed even less "pitter patter".
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Escort of the souls of the heemed to the land of cope.
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Schaub give me a sign
Whyd Gane duck
heem yourselves at all times
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JJ is the pound for pound fruitiest heavyweight in the world
Do you want my opinion on the fight or are you trying to discredit my statement about small people?
kek Topuria injured himself in camp and is out of the fight
just waiting for the intelbong confirmation
They lynched intelbong after the conor situation was finished nigga dead b
Sorry guys, I wished on a monkeys paw for rob vs chimaev to happen so expect every single other fight on the card to fall apart
I do not care for Topuria, he seems like an untrustworthy and lazy little creature
Seems a bit racist b
I said nothing about his race, maybe you need to look in the mirror. I'm an anti-racist.
What a fucking faggot
im racist
*spreads unsubstantiated rumors on heem*
You can't just do that, man
*spreads unsubstantiated gape on heem*

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gay mallard
What's an anti racist? Like a gay that posts on reddit?
Why'd you have to make this shit gay man
>We are never gonna see Topuria vs Holloway because Volk will beat Max for the 4rth time for an interim belt before getting heemed again by Ilia
Please UFC, feed Max Lopes so he can get an easy win instead
Sorry, let's talk about creampieing dana
Sorry. I'm sorry
Max would heem current Volk
Gay ass nigga
Hmmmmm yes Volk will win a fight on 3 weeks notice against someone who's had a full camp after getting viciously, brutally KOed twice in a row and mentally flushed
volk will murder his wife if they fail to produce a male heir mark my words.
Hmm, shartsar just found his replacement fight. Wonder if he'll let his rat lips fly about this one.
So true
you know how tall people can't hang themselves because their feet will hit the ground well when volk hangs himself will it be like extra brutal because he's so short
He hangs himself and no one notices.
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listening to justin bieber, any heems? anything? any violence? blood? knockouts?
Fuck please no
I met Volkanovski at the Parramatta Mcdonalds and he half-jokingly told me to take a shower and cut back on the quarter pounders
Its called royal with cheese
>listening to justin bieber
What's his name?
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I met Volkanovski at the Parmesan Mcdonalds and he half-jokingly told me this cheese is crazy bro
Shut the fuck up. Youre a fucking retard, I hate you fuck off.
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I fingered volbussy in a sydney nightclub
I met Volkanovski at a grocery store in Los Angeles once. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
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I have native american ancestry and connections with the spirit world. they are telling me that Poatan is gonna lose.
it's over
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uma delicia!
I do not like certain groups of people
More like a disney nightclub
they are called demons b, you're not special you're just a little devil child. Besides, I've been telling people to put 50% of their net worth on shartlil ko for at least a couple weeks now.
Wtf I read the same thing about him carrey
What is wrong with popular people
>khameme roundbelly
bro is gonna be so shook lmao. has he ever even been a main event? left hook out cold before rd 4.
chump liddell
bros that's not funny I knew a guy who was 5'4 who recently took his own life...Jumped right off my sofa.
cumdump liddell
He went thailand to train muy thai
sneed liddell, formerly chuck
You absolute fucking fool. You don't stop the thing that's giving you progress when you're depressed, you put more effort into it and do as many more things that'll improve your life as you can. That's like not wanting to carry on throwing buckets of water over yourself because you're so annoyed that you're on fire. I don't get the part about not going out at night, your area isn't even dangerous is it?

I wish I had your dad's numbers, he'd give you the serious and harsh talking to that you need
>train banana tree love taps and pitter patter with flyweights
oh he's donezo
He did get noticeably better
those are not demons. they are protectors of the Amazon, the ones keeping the actual demons out.
they told me that the problem with Poatan is that he is once again letting himself be corrupted by women of a different tribe - like Nina.
it is the same situation when he lost to Izzy but he redeemed himself by ditching the dutch succubus.
the most important part about going to thailand is that you can buy steroids over the counter in the pharmacy and no drug testers can get you there.
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the topuria fears this
You need to join a gym
You need to feel the heem to get over your anxiety
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
Poiriers boxing is so fucking overrated my fucking god the dude sucks ass
but muh elbow guard
Poirier has a fetching wife though
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just how bad is st poo?
>those are not demons. they are protectors of the Amazon
>a woman of a different tribe
Poopytan has never lived in a tribal way. He was an alcoholic mechanic and then a muslim and now he uses his dubious heritage (he looks nothing at all like anybody in his tribe) as an "le epic" accessory to hype up his fight persona. When has he ever been with people of his tribe let alone a woman of his tribe?
He comes from the swamps of lousiana that's enough
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can anyone id this bike?
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*ezekiel chokes a can*
>win 4 rounds
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he was never out, just completely exhausted from the staph and going do or die in the first
yeah that's Schaub's bike
Just watching a compilation on YouTube ufc, greatest ufc rounds you can't miss, and first round poirier against du Bronx, he isn't even good there
Imagine being afflicted by something as severe as this for absolutely no reason haha. Humans are weird.
did somebody say affliction?
>ur mum
He he
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>submits dustin in round 5 with raging staph
zamn st penis is a turd
he ge
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>life and death 5 rounds with flushed poopier
why didn't he just do this?
dan he ge
it will ass
Topuria is the only good boxer in the ufc
it took justbin 2 tries to do that
Max, I like ilia as well
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Poirier outboxed Max
dustin beat the shit out of max
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Ronda Rousey? Oh she'd piece up Mayweather b, I think you'd be surprised.
his life was that way because he was not following the path laid by the spirits. Alex got rescued by an elder that put him back in the right place.
Ronda? Schaub pieced Ronda if you know what im talmbout
Not only do I not remember that I also do not care
I said what I said Poorier sucks ass
Cody boxers better than him
b he's a surburbanite living in connecticut what are you talmbout?
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Volk vs Max IV. Let's fucking go drunkbros
max was 27 here
okay and?
He is good at southpaw but overrated boxing
max acquired heem power after fighing dustbin
he still praises the spirits on a daily basis, the connection can exist anywhere in the world, specially in places with strong nature presence.
Did pretty well in the 4th desu, but even then, it's 3 clear rounds to him.
why didn't he use it on volk?
Atleast he heemed dustin and didn't tko him in short notice.
who do u think flushed him? volk fought max then got heemed twice
>who do u think flushed him?
Only because Max cracked him
Seems like your amazon protector spirits should have bigger fish to fry than worrying about the playfights of some larper who does everything to trivialize and objectify "his own" heritage.
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>Volk has no sons
who's this then?
Dustin is a fundamentally good boxer. In many ways he's the type of boxer boxing coaches want their students to be. Knows how to use his jab, good power, doesn't over rely on wild shots, decent footwork, tricky setups, good defense. There's not much wrong that he does, he varies his targets between the head and body, he can fight on the backfoot and pressure efficiently, when he's behind he knows how to make his moments count, he's a good boxer. If he didn't have such a weird chin he would have been champion, if he wasn't born in the era of Khabib and Makhachev he would be champion, if Shartles hadn't grabbed his glove he would probably be champion
volk fought him and then won his next fight
volk fought him and then lost his next fight
Max won the second fight
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what do you call this look?
Max and Dustin were 2-2 goong into the fifth and Dustin had to rely on wrestling because Max was surging on him
Max came with a busted face in that fight
that eye looks like it's gonna pop out geez
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gawld dawlg if Ribas was my girl you KNOW i'd be slipping sticks of butter into her food on the daily. I'd have her hanging off both sides of our dining room chairs in no time.

You guys think that Gomis can weasle his way to a win over brito by running away for 15 and getting a robbery in his native land? I'm getting to the point of the week where I'm doubting my bets/parlays so I want to hear your thawlts.
i'd have a go with jessica andrade
no brito will fuck him up
Gomis is terrible but all of his opponents have been NPCs with no fighting instinct
Khabib fans can cope all they want, but Islam is about to become the undisputed MMA GOAT.
make it happen
All Brito has to do is shoot at the right time and the fight is basically done
He is solid but people saying he is the best boxer is like the most overrated shit I've heared
I'm just watching the first round against hooker
Boxing wise hooker throws great jabs poirier has long arms and fights good out of southpaw, has good fundamentals, but that's it
No where near the best
Aljo vs Evloev rescheduled for 310
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Aljo might get his first KO
just how bad is lobussy?
You have embarrassed yourselves
Yeah cause Gomis will catch him with a knee right up the pipe and knock is girly name ass out.
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Based on record, octagon time and finish rate, Tom Aspinall is the FIRST and ONLY good fighter in the PooFC and you can't prove me wrong because it's based purely on fact based evidence.
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very bad
Weak fags like this occupy heem. The ironing is delicious.
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Bryan Battle was born in Dagestan
/heem/ won't understand. you have to have an abnormal of testosterone and a giant hawlg to truly understand
this guy knocked out mike mallott btw
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Yeah and he brutalized Evloev LOL
indeed brvtal 30-27 loss
>won yet still somehow lost
very, very peculiar. i wonder how smegloev pulls it off every time
Ohio Mike?
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it's (you) bongs that are starting all this b...
Based Winnipeg Hakeem showed that Ohio Country Boy what's good.
imagine being born in Ohio then moving to Canada that's like being born in Hell and moving to Hell 2
Halifax is fuckin peak bud
>gsp was never good (bad losses)
>jones was never good (lost to reyes(bum))
>islam was never good (heemed/volk1/THE poorier)
>khabib WAS good but retired too soon
>factoring in finishes tom is ahead of khabib as of now
Burlington Bitches don't get to be ranked.
seriously move to a real city
he looks american
He's British
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Takerubros... We are so back
hes americancoded
but looks american
I lied anyway, I have no idea what he is (in more ways than one).
Underdog pick of the card? I got Brendan Allen:

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I bet Ailin Perezs braps totally fucking STINK
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Why didn't you post the original?

She looked like she was going to die on the scale. Shaking like she was orgasming. kek

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Look at my baby so low body fat, so trim and in shape despite not fighting any more. It puts the "women" in UFC to shame (absolutely disgusting), (particularly the l*tinas (gross l*tinas (only extreme beta males are attracted to and date l*tinas)))).
almost getting heemed by that knock-off thai nobody was quite a worrying turn of events
just say "i've got a 3 incher" b no need for all those words
Holy fuck mah boys. Had to pull up the name real quick to get this on record l just smoked a buncha gawldarn pyuuuur crystal methamphetamine and fixed with my old PCs and my amplifier. Even discovered my monitor I had for the last 2 years has built in speakers which I never knew. Its like I've just moved into an entirely new dimension, I have transcended.

For real tho, I just fixed like all my tech problems in like barely an hour I fucking love drugs.
Merab toys with the "elites" of the division.
jean silva is essentially clay guida
>fixed with both
fucked with, then fixed. Sorry that's what us higher beings have been calling it lately over in the 5th dimension.

>my baby

Woman he has never even met. Get out of the house more, boy...
True. A wholesome guy too. I wish fucking umar didn't exist. I'd rather have Merab as chap
I feel sorry for you
Get help Lil guy
so proud of you bud
No I'm pretty sure extreme beta males are the ones who spam bugwomen
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just had a pound of ground beef with some eggs and swiss cheese
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And the best part is that you feel juuuust fine, clear alert and not depressed afterwards and no other drawbacks side effects or risks. Wow life sure is easy
Has the sucka sean o'malley meme finally died?
snort a gram of carfentanil you fuckin jobba
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We already moved on to Payton Talbott, the true kickboxing messiah
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Why the germ and this fag use heem as their blog and friend simulator?
just filter them
what other use heem has?
would you want to be friends with either of them IRL? no answer your own question
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Good luck with the comedown. o7
*does heem have
Is Gustaffson a QoS?
I would heem you in the first
Usually I fantasie about them, but I don't think I'd ever want hers, you're right, she can keep them.

Behind her Asshole

Ailing we don't need them! What the fuck!?

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