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formerly /heem/

Lucas Tracy is back
The French commission forced Allen and Moicano to give blood after they weighed in, didn't demand that of their French opponents
shit thread
Benis Saint-Denis
You don't mean that.
heeminder healthy benoit murders peahead pooyay
Fuck Dana
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Brandon Schaun
i mean it wholeheartedly
Doubt it. Considering how well Poirier did against Islam
unironically zoomer haircut
pisslam also had staph + he’s not good
benoit was ragdolling pooyay
He is a zoomer. Go figure
Why’d he go through all that
We don’t watch that crap here.
Hair transplant apparently
>frevola underdog
ziam is dogshit what’s going on here
ehhh its close to even. but yeah i would have expected frevola to be the favorite
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'nuff said.
you smell that?
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'nuff smelled
my bad
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Heem has been taken over by Asians
Pereira will be heemed
noo my precious blood and piss!
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allen will beat dricus
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imagine if he had cared about mma
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Kelal is going to heem Piera. Now the bookies may disagree, but that is a tale as old as time. UFC hypejob project, social media distractions, personal life falling apart. We've seen this story play out many times before. In fact Piera dethroned his predecessor who went through the same cycle, I bring you this. Did Kelal's positive drug test mean anything in the post-USADA era? And what do drug tests mean if the man who tests positive and OWNS those results is rewarded with a title fight. We are simply witnessing the passing of the baton from project to project. Mark my words, in 12 months time Kelal will have his own catchphrase and Piera will be returning from his 12 month recovery break for the rematch.
Yeah after khamzat cracks his chin
Somebody tell Dana that nobody is attracted to battered wmma wombs, not even with illegal streaming
Biggest KWAB moment in MMA
without wmma we'd have no piss breaks
piss breaks are just a ploy to steal your piss
my blood is o negative you better finna pay me for it
Why would he get a title fight for pulling out again
you'll have negative blood after I weem it all out of you
my blood type is hiv+
negative blood... explain that one einstein
i have no idea what my blood type is
positively Gay
Bilal said himself that the staph is cope
The KO would have happened only at round 4
JDM had staph and he knocked burns on the same night
>first round cope
He didnt even take him seriously
At round 2, he was serious and he knocked him
Jousett and Saint Denis are the only non imports repping france lawl
Saint Denis is a greek moor
Only Jousset is french
good morning gay boy
FUCK OFF algeriod
here comes francegeria with the racial breakdown

bet you cant tell me what bryan battle is
Saint Denis is French, his lineage has been inside France for over a millennium.
Keep seething faggots
Its the truth
Look at between the rounds, Poirier and his team realized that BSD isnt on their level
Then he knocked him out
BTW, Benoit himself said that the staph was cope
You going to cope for him now ?
a chigga
Look like an iranian/turk
An amerimutt
European and Subsaharan blood mainly
Possibly asian/native blood too
future champ
all the algeroids on ONE lost yesterday kwab
Yes, several frenchmen have darker complexions, they are in the Mediterranean.
hes not that ugly bro. takes more than a dark beard. not sure where a nafri gets off calling native french people "no french" kek
francegeria is just obsessed with race
volkanovski isnt macedonian he's actually turkish and portuguese
frangeria spends so much time breaking down what everyone else is because hes so ashamed of his own ork-like genetic make up, otherwise hed tell us what maghreb state he was slopped out of
Never talked about attractiveness/beauty
Just the phenotype/origin of looks
Sure you do you swamp goblin
Half Greek
Half Macedonian (wich is basically slavified greeks overall)
you die i laugh
i have green eyes and brown hair what race am i huh
Both of Volkanovski's parents are from Bitola and Macedonians have 0 Hellenic DNA. He is 100% slavic
You first
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Just realized that theres no gayne on the card tomorrow what gives?

Then I realized that not only is his next fight not gonna be the main event.
But that Anthony Smith vs Dominick Reyes and some WMMA is actually the main and co main over gane and Volkov lol...
>Anthony Smith vs Dominick Reyes and some WMMA is actually the main and co main
Are you retarded?
>100 % slavic
Serbs and Croats are barely slavic
Let alone Macedonians
Pretty sure this is the Jones vs Stipe card.
The December card doesn’t have a main event announced yet for some reason. I don’t know who could headline it that would make it stand out. Maybe they’re waiting on Pereira to see if he can do it
yes but I don't see how that's relevant
gayne promised to be on the paris card, when he found out that means fighting almeida he said:
>oh ho ho non non non!
bro thinks anthony smith is headlining a ppv
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enters the thread like this
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leaves the thread like this
Conor's first fight post UFC will be against Eddie Alvarez in BKFC, cap it.
Conor will make his comeback against Arnold Allen
he either has to heem poofc legally or fight out his contract first
i'm aware b, they're stalling him for as long as possible though
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Pretty typical of that fraud. I like how he's fighting Volkov who has 10 losses and he's already beat before..
>its "tree toimes" not "tharee tayums" maye
tbqh i'm amazed the goobster hasn't truly lashed out at the poofc yet, he's been fucked out of an insane amount of money
i think he's been embroiled in too much litigation of his own making. that and he's never sober.
they started icing him during the coof because he costs too much and they couldn't make up the difference with ticket sales. he doesn't actually have to be sober to fight, i actually think the reason he's drinking so much now is because poofc refuse to book him, he was sober all camp for the chandler fight
so who had the lowest rhr at riyadh nacho? was it merat's 44?
ill box yar jarw ein
live and die, like all humans do.
wow you're grim today
DC is right that neither jon nor stipe will fight tom if the other pulls out, but gayne won't fight tom on short notice either

UFC 309: Aspinall vs Almeida
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brazza join halal investments
hooly dooly i could not care less about heavyweight mma
what's the matter lil guy?
Renato Moicano vs. Benoit Saint-Denis
Nassourdine Imavov vs. Brendan Allen
William Gomis vs. Joanderson Brito
Kevin Jousset vs. Bryan Battle
Morgan Charriere vs. Gabriel Miranda
Fares Ziam vs. Matt Frevola
the matter is that there are three good heavyweights and the rest are fat cans
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>three good heavyweights
name them
Tom Aspinall will make heavyweight great again.
Stipe will heem.
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kek hahahaah what no way
you actually rate his win over gayne?
That shit was hilarious french fraud got subbed in 2 minutes
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watch brazza approved financial podcast
unfortunately i must rate it, he made him look like a little kid. if you take the names away that fight looked like one of those crazy mismatches on the contender series
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imagine if your parents cared about you
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literally kneeless ngubu (walked into a boxing gym off the street at 30) ragdolled gayne for 5 rounds
if you rate jones win over gayne then your opinions are meaningless
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Brendan Allen
Joanderson Brito
Bryan Battle
Morgan Charriere
Matt Frevola
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volkov is only delaying his inevitable loss(again) against Straightne
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ooooh gayne with the most pathetic title fight performance in ufc history
how fucking funny is it that heem memed ciryl into being a gigabrain 500iq mega genius and it turns out he's the dumbest guy in the sport lmfao
Ciryl Ganebrandt
>no one is picking Moicano
moneybros... don't tell me this is it
i see what you mean and i think we agree in general that heavyweight mma is pathetic
Not an accomplishment if you have no wrestling to begin with. He has kickboxing only. Had to go to thailand to learn basic muay thai fundamentals after THE johnny wowlker beat the dog shit out of him in the clinch.
Coaches already trying to persuade Pereira to not wrestle KEK
Likely will get wrestlefucked easily by Alex and all cazzies will be saying "HOLY HECKIN FLIP NEW LEGENDARY LE FIGHTER: ALEXOV PEREIRAMEDOV!!"
no clue why anyone would boy this bum, lol
no gayne is pathetic
oh fuck I just rewatched that part when Jalin drops him and fucks off, really memoryholed that one, it's so over
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Benwaaah Sandy Dennis
Brito MY BOY
Bryan Bottle
Ailin “Hotwife” Perez
GDS and he’s not even fighting this weekend.
Gane will always be fighting the pedophilia allegations so in a way he fights every weekend
I have heard that Benoit Saint Denis is killing some retarded chimpanzilian today
because he has failed himself and his people
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Moicano has a mean rnc
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is it true that Topuria is injured?
no I made it up
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Brendan Allen
Joanderson Brito
Bryan Battle
Gabriel Miranda
Matt Frevola

The frenchman stands alone.
You got the question please dont ask then
It puts the lotion in the basket
You say bigger's better but bigger's bigger
White boy dressed up as a
too many fat niggas in the HW division, grim
The Sphere was a life-changing experience for me. Yes, I'd put it above seeing Rey meet Skywalker, or even Stark disintegrating Thanos. Heck, I'd even put it above seeing my wife with her favourite bull. It was THAT good. I've bought so much UFC-Sphere merch!
Umm guys... Why the fuck is pereiras coach in the free masons
Why they niqqas ain't hidin no mo
>that fucked up from just a little more than a round with flushed Volk
I still haven't heard a reason why he beats Max
THE the free masons?
my grandfather was a mason. pretty sure it's just a dudes club down here
4real? Did he throw some gang signs?
Its pretty weird desu
why pay for the mason when you can get them for free?
Yeah I'm a jacked Taiwanese boy whatup
Khalil Rountree also in some fucking weird cult and also throws some triangle gang signs
nope, but maybe grandpa was just a chump and Plinio is a Great-Grand Wizard or whatever
gayest title fight in the history of mma
Was grandpa hiding it? Was he rich? Did he leave some memorabilia related to masonry?
>was he hiding it?
no, grandma would talk very freely about it
no, in fact one of the few things I heard about it is how they would help each other on hard times
not that I know of, but now I'm a bit interested, I'm gonna inquire about it some
Hilarious seeing people get upset over mcgregors latest cocaine stream. The guy is having a blast
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freemasonry really isn't that interesting or crazy, normal people go there to larp
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Saint Denis
Umm I kinda feel masons sent to you make me goon n coom
Not gonna get me, nice tits tho
Ain't nobody normal go to the high ranked lodges
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Spicy pick of the night: Frevola to KO that jawa Ziam.
are pickles gut for the gut microbiome?
Gives weird vibes that nigga
QAnonier finna expose Kh*lil, Poatan's manager, and all the SPOOKS.
Nick Diaz suffers the most in this world because he is a good person
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>THIS time!
Everyone is picking frevola but he actually sucks
I will never pick someone named Fares Ziam
Ziam is objectively worse than Frevola, he's shit, and he's appalling to look at
he's a bit shit but he heems and ziam is a point fighty poof with no heem power
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Nassourdine Imavov
William Gomis
Bryan Battle
Gabriel Miranda
Matt Frevola
There is always a backup fighter, cazzie nufag. Fighter can announce it or not.
>guru's pre-coping about moicano's upcoming loss
I know faggot I just wanted to ask if it's true and showcase the implication: if Topuria is injured then Lopes fights Max
>he picks fighters on how attractive he finds them

Fartola will be pitter pattered I fear
gane won that shit
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yeah reminds me of that time when I picked him thinking he was jdm and he got HEEMED by bds
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Nassourdine Imavov
Bryan Battle
Joanderson Brito
Morgan Charriere
It's official because demanded the spot from dana and at the conference dana said 'sure he can have whatever he wants'. So I think this one is more of a favor to Diego for the ufc 303 and Noche.
I'd guess intelpedo will drop the news if someone actually does get injured. He did say diego v ortega was gonna move weight classes and then that Dan Ige was going to fight him before they were announced.
volkanoivski gets knocked out by topuria or he gets knocked out by lopes what does it really matter
This niÖÖa picked Jousset LMAOOOOOO
>im the real champ

Ye but he got better in fighting
Mociano by heem tappy, frevola by tko
>cancel all blacks
What does he mean by this?
Moicano taps to strikes? Sounds about right.
I promise you, BSD is a hypejob when it comes to grappling
gotta pick a native, bruv
could be but he's winning by KO
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They say they aren’t a cult and they have the dictionary on their side
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Is it super entertaining? I'll find it if so
Call it whatever you will, paying to learn spiritual shit and getting higher on some imaginable scale does sound a bit like scientology at best like a pyramid scheme
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>I'm not impressed with your performance
What do ?
What do? Do you. You who? You too. What? When.
Congratulations,you lost
eeeerm brazilians are white? what the heck
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>I'm not imp-ACK!!!!!!!!
You lost? Too Lot. Distraught? All is naught.
Johnny walker saved you from the burkinabi occupation and now you're disrespecting his people...
I’m just fucking around. It is a cult. But they have a Samurai LARP course (just 600 bucks for a whole weekend!). Damn… That’s how they get them.
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إذا ترجمة هذه الجملة
أمك أكبر عاهرة
>Conor McGregor has his sights on a UFC welterweight title fight against Belal Muhammad.
WE're BACK baby . 5 rounds january 21st MGM grand.
Belal will get so much money he might rebuild gaza
Your mother is the biggest whore? No wonder she's so adored. Did she adore you? No can do.
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>Ummmmm Conor is LITERALLY never fighting again
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The UFC is saved.
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>20 win streak
Gina cerrano is clearly heer
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Gina Carano is the hottest sheemer pre-Alexa Grasso
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Nassourdine Imavov
Joanderson Brito
Bryan Battle
Morgan Charriere
Matt Frevola
Stop replying to me you schizo liberian cunt
>But they have a Samurai LARP course
Kek hope our boy yiri don't fall for it
hey kyle
wut, brazza i am real boy not vpn boy
big fan of getting called MMA guru on the internet but unfortunately I am not as rich as that fat cunt
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what can i say except i'm deeply sorry
>gets heemed
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>and the time before last
Moicano for president.
Judo beats BJJ
>roy jones jr vs pettis was an actual fight
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Volk prob does that to his wife's diarrhea sadly
Brian Poor-Gay-Guy
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>chael sonnen vs anderson silva 3 was an actual fight
this webm would win you a fraud lawsuit over the promoter
The most brutal exhibition in the history of gladiation. Thank GAETHJE (God) I was alive to witness this clashing of titans..........
>this webm w-ACK!!!
chael's wife wanted a new kitchen
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Zest ratio on this image?
Idk, like 3
Jon Jones/10
10 out of 10, 15 out of 15, 20 out of 20, but only 98 out of 100
Who is the champion with the least aura?
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It all started to go downhill ever since jizzy hired the spiritual conman coach.
>Floating around the pool with a snorkel will make you a better mma fighter. It's the le secret of life!
i’ll show you some secrets dickhead

*heems you*
Henry cavill was all up in them guts
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Drunk fuck.
still think about that moreish friday fight 81.
we didn't watch that crap
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Enters the thread
Schaub Heil!
You now remember Anthony Johnson saying to jbj maybe in the next life...
The Grand Faggot's Circus, also known as UFC, prelims will begin at 5bong bongtime, which is to say, 4 bong 40 bing from now. We will gather here shortly before the event begins. As always, special invitations are extended to virgins, friendless losers, donks, and autists. You are not allowed to bring a guest, because it would make the majority whom have no guest to bring feel awkward and even sadder.
Least aura? That's a good question, let's see.
Alexandre Pantoja: little aura
Merab Dvalishvili: ok aura
Ilia Topuria: ok aura
Islam Makhachev: ok aura
Belal Muhammad: little aura
Dricus Du Plessis: big aura
Alex Pereira: gargantuan aura
Jon Jones: the most aura
grand doesn't start with a u
You could’ve said Ultimate Faggot’s Circus so it’s still UFC, but whatever
/heem/ /heem/ /heem/... It's another glorious day, another fight night. A fight night with 4 interesting fights at that! More than 307 coming up. Not bad for a 14 fight card.
No it wasn't.
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En el camaro endemoniado, tu sabes que estoy armado
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shit card honestly at least its euro time
why are your filenames always jumbled words?
Benito Santo Pene heema
none of your mfn business
pssstt someone likes you...
someone’s a moody judy today…
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Anyone else looking forward to the card today?

don't like the french though
roddit has severe assburgers
Wait this is a euro card? Starts at euro time?
Omfg finally a card I can actually watch
They should do every card at euro times. Midday heems can't be beat and I can be in bed by 10
indeed indeed
I only realised yesterday

I like late night heems desu, it has a comfy aura
>UK PPV main card starts at 3am
>France fight night card starts at 6pm
Dana hates the Brits bro
late night as in midnight yeah, nothing comfy about being awake at 5AM
Dana has to sell PPVs to Americans
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the fake brazza
Going to make lots of money today bros
We are willing lapdogs of the Americans. I personally, as a British man, value American cum above all else. It's the best!
no middle east cards are on at 3AM
Based opinion
God bless you
Greyhound racing and UFC
Darya might be the best bet on this card, Ailin looked terrible at the weigh-ins, there's no reason for her to be such a big favourite.
She shakes her ass for all the world to see, even her son.
Should I bet on Darya winning and the fight going the distance? Seems like easy money but WMMA can be unexpecting sometimes.
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Offset by them paying the UFC to host events there
How would you feel if your mum did that? People in this world never fail to amaze me with the level of their vile ways of life
You should never bet on wmma or mma in general
No, you cannot have authority to demand my urine or harvest my blood on demand. UGH, I know, I know-you just cant have any.! EVER!
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look how proud he is
I wouldn't define having your eyes bloodshot at 6am comfy
It's an atrocity. She needs her skin cooked off by radiation poisoning and tied to a termite colony live on video. Nothing more evil than a woman dancing after they have had fh
Yeah let's apploud a mother who twerks in front of her child and let's cheer her on while other man slap her ass like it's nothing
Truly amazing parenthood
Pretty sure I saw her naked pics as well
It starts at 1:30 AM for us; rarely do I get to feel what the bongers feel every weekend. It's not bad though; I just wish I had someone to text while I stay up all night; it gets pretty boring in between fights.
>it gets pretty boring in between fights.
thats when you drink

FLAY THE WHORE! Flay her skin and cast here into a put of rot and feces!!
This but unironically.
>I just wish I had someone to text while I stay up all night
Too expensive over here, we get taxed like crazy on alcohol and tobaco.
I literally post here if the fight is boring
That's why there are threads
OK I get it
You fishin for you's
Here is one
I meant drink petrol
hahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahaha
It'd be cheaper to buy alcohol.
He's uncomfortable, I've never even seen a 3 year old express that emotion. It would be crazy if chick services that ran in and snatched him and then ran out again, leaving everyone bewildered
None of you are worth having conversations with.
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My wife is expecting our third. We already have a son (firstborn) and daughter. Please send your thoughts and prayers that I have another son.
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>1st round lightweight tournament
>semis and finals of the bantamweight tournament
>no international stream
>no free abema stream
Yep, asshole and everything. And guess who's going to be shown this pictures in a few years (hint, he always wears a black and white Shirt, it's his favourite one)
Thanks idc about your 3rd world optinions though. You can fuck off with your subhuman dumb fuckery.
dubs and your son troons out
HA! Suck my dick bitch!
What those Palestinian Children and infants experienced is nothing compared to the horror of any poor boy unfortinste enough tol know moms have sxx sometimes too.
I’ll heem your children while you watch helplessly
Just don't overlap with a card b
Dubs and all your children will grow up to be successful and well-adjusted adults that'll carry on your legacy for generations to come.
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Dubs and my son defeats your son for the BMF belt at UFC 508
dubs and your son does this >>144712538
Dubs and your children become the bane of humanity
I think I'll get a quick nap in before the fights start so that I have a little extra energy to last me through the night.
Dubs and your children will become the savior of mankind
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Bro has no energy when people invented meth and cocaine its 2024 bro take advantage of technology stop living in the dark ages
hes sleepy from all the petrol he drunk earlier
rumble keeping pallets of bigen in the back
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Saint Denis
>BSD chins Moicano (like everyone does)
>Imavov melts Allen (like what has happened 6 different times now)
>Everyone already has a cope preloaded
Hehe don't be rama rama
Wish you a healthy and a smart little heemer
God bless you and ur senpai
Depends how you approach it
For good cards have a nap before and a nap after and you're good without too much sleep schedule damage.
For shit cards yeah it's dogshit but who's staying up till 6 for a shit card?
I don't disagree with your statements
He manifested it
It's crazy that Tom had to fight at 3am for a belt while in his home country but this french card with one ranked fighter is local time.
It was 11 PM in vegas
Didn't ask.
That's because Dana hates the english
But he speaks english?
dubs and pakibong streams his suicide
Whats crazy is that heemsters still dont understand why that happened
Why'd it happen?
I'm not going to spoonfeed you.
This is not a paper view
He speaks a the english language yes, but it doesn't mean he can't hate the people. Just look at the irish.
Money Moicano
"All in" Allen
Look at me instead
The card was supposed to be in salt lake, and the tv deal with espn was already done. The location of the card changed but the timing couldnt be changed
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A man displaced in time
look at this melvin!
Holy mother of drip
That makes sense. I mean, for people to think that was gonna be the norm for all international PPV's now you'd have to be retarded, so it's only natural something went wrong with that specific card.
Hey. Look at me
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Benwah Sandy Knees Allen Brito Battle Charriere Steamrolla
I look through you and you look through me because that's how people look nowadays, through.
Just shut the actual fuck up for once
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She's shitting everywhere Joe!
His lower half is typical current teenage girl fashion, what a no Brian dumb cunt
Crazy how gaza got levelled and now lebanon is getting ground to dust and khamzhat and khabib arent saying shit
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PFL are really outdoing themselves today. Feast your eyes on this for a main, and co-main.
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is it bad that i got a semi watching this?
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Money Moic
Bryan Battle
Morgan Charriere
They post an insta story with broken heart and praying hands emojis every few days
30 bongs?
1 bing and 30 bongs
Natan levy won
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is it over?
No, never. But endeavor.
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fuck me meng it's over
GSP really had the most GOATed corner of all time
should I go out and get beer and finna start drinking at noon?
Dunno. Hope this helps
only if you are going to continue drinking into the night
Ooh shit, wassup? You back in serious world? What's your conclusion on Italy?
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Could have any girl but only choose meh
Couple of ciders and some books brazza
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>Frfr Ziam
Year of the Fighter: Brendan Schaub. A UFC Fight Pass original production.
Alcohol is poison
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1 more hour and you finna fight nigga
THE Roger Huerta? He was a beast of a peach in 2007.
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I was mostly looking for digits I feel like dodging 666 by one post is a sign
if I start I don't stop
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>Dvalililishili blocked Nurmagomedov
kwab who would have guessed that this guy is such a slurper?
I coulda told you that two years ago and nobody would have dishagreed but now he has a bunch of bandwagon faggots slurping him nonstop.
>p-pls listen to me!
>who would have guessed that this guy is such a slurper?
have you watched his fights?
merab wants to fight umar so bad that the first fighters he suggests to fight are figgy and sean
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Benoit Saint-Denis
Brendan Allen
Joanderson Brito
Bryan Battle
Morgan Charriere
Matt Frevola
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>Je sais, quand il le faut, quitter la peau du lion pour prendre celle du renard.

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*ducks u*
fig deserves the shot more than bumar
If figgy beats Yan he should be next. If Umar... yeah umar not finna fight. He can wait till figgy has his turn.
Figgy deserves the title shot he beat Shito Vera!!!!!
what is that hairline?
Mrab didn't want to fight Yan because he hated him so much, turned out to be his best performance.
half of fight card regulars are going to show up at 4pm so enjoy this while you can
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>zeems male pattern baldness
we had an uneventful decision against the division's staple gatekeeping journeyman, give him the title now
uhh before that he had a lay and pray decision against a short notice WHO bum coming off of a win streak in Kazakh street beefs.
Yan is going to piece up Figgy and win 30-27, 29-28x2
The Florida Coastline
Yan is going to piece up Figgy and lose 30-27, 29-28x2
Umar inbredomedov doesn't deserve a shot but he'll get it and lose
moicano and bsd are trading blows, no defense by either fighter, this is insane
Merab is just mad because he had to graft for a title shot, whereas fazzas plan has placed Umar at the feet of greatness
and abubakar, the furtive nurmagomedov, so easily forgotten
Why did you use photoshop to drench his lips in watermelon
get your heem snacks ready
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iphone notch lookin ahh hairline
I would be mad too. All these dagis have to do is offer their bamholes to the sheiks and they don't ever have to work or do anything, it's all paid for. On top of that the poofc also gives them preferential treatment.

Merab was born on the wrong side of the cliff so that meant he had to be a carpenter in the northeast while trying to make it, and even when he got to the poofc, had to fight the who's who until his shot was so undeniable that he forced the promoter's hand for his shot. He has every right to be an angry little goblin.
moicano is a chinlet, but so is bsd
I been doing that to all my pics of the "native french" fighters this week you are the first person to point it out.
can any of you do me a favour and tell Dana to start the card an hour later please
can't watch atm

neither of them hit hard enough for it to be a factor
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>Le succès ne s'explique pas. L'échec ne s'excuse pas.

neither of them will be getting much farther in the division after this fight
Racism is a superpower
Cory Sandhagen has never fought for an undisputed title, because he has lost four (4) title eliminator
Cory Sandhagen? More like Cory Sandbagen lmao
what time do le prelims start monsieurs?
literally just started
>why does it have to be (comparable wrestler)
>why can't it be (relatively easier match up)
lol i get it but he said he was finally able to quit his job so I think he really wants to hold onto the belt which just tells me he's shit at handling money
BSD got his chin cracked by Poirier and had an unbelievable ammount of damage received

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