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old >>144702707
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What kind of person likes one of these teams?
Multi thread seething
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I’m actually male.
gaylanta make ya seethe?
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Still not a playoff team.
I didn't "become a girl". I've always been one, regardless of my private parts.
I cannot even imagine seething at being called gay. What are you, homophobic?
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3 run lead is preserved
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gg oaklandbros
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>What's the deal with the Tigers?
beating the sacramento a's is like winning a world series for reddit mariners fans
those testicles are female and the whole thread knows it
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seething about it is gay. it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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threadlong tigers fan here, world series is ours.
So why is Skenes with Livvy? Why not get a hot girl who isn't an e-girl?
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How does the absolute worst division in the league sends 3 (almost 4) teams to the playoffs
Farming wins off the white sox
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Chadres clinched Home advantage! Thanks Broo croo nord for helping us, can always rely on you.
the AL is a joke league
Pooston is the only one going to the offs and only because someone had to make it.
He likes his orange spray tan kisses
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call your sons call your daughters
call your friends call your neighbors
oh no ya dont
jackass prick!!!
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>Imagine getting swept at home against the Barves
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>haven't watched baseball in a decade
>put on the white sox game in the 5th inning to witness history
>go clean some dishes and cook
>expect it to be the 7th inning
>game is over
I guess the pitch clock works?
this was my favorite LDS from last year.
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>remembering I was a retarded kid who thought it was important to bring my glove to the stadium to catch a foul ball
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whatever happened to bananaball poster? i just realized he's been missing for months
cannae believe that mlb is just ok with the athletics and white sox making a mockery of their sport
athletics aren't even that bad of a team. what are you talking about?
He was dealt with.
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lets bring back a championship to the city of gaylanta!
I will give you exactly one guess on what happened
I swear I saw a banana ball post a few weeks ago, maybe the season ended...who knows
Hope he’s dead
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permabanned for offtopic shitposting. we’re all next.
were you at pride week? this is a picture of me
Flyover chads how are we feeling?

Detoilet and KC in the play offs woooooooooooooo
Why does Jerry Reinsdorf continue to exist?
Gay braves
Every time I'm at a game and I see some dude catch a foul ball with his glove I always think "damn, it was finally worth lugging that glove around all these years".
we call em centralbros around these parts
You look like such a fag though. Ive caight a couple balls at games you just need to sit in the right section and pay attention
>freakin got em!
this but without the meme arrow
Casey Schmitt!!!! Walk the FUCK back to the dugout!!!!!111
I don't bring a glove, I just think it's funny seeing guys who do and knowing they've most likely been carrying it to games for years or decades.
Heliot FAGmos...take the backwards K...
sit the FUCK down!!!!!!!!
new franchise record 49 saves. let's get 50 tomorrow or two days from now
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Title town. Nothing new.
>phillies entering postseason without a 2 sigma pitching staff
gonna be a bloodbath
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That was real? I thought it was bullshit.
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>proves WAR to be a junk metric
>will still have 0 post season wins after the nlds exit
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Course he hates WAR, because of the implication
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I don't believe you.
>why are famous vapid retards into each other
the great mystery
Ngh ugh
skenes isn't vapid. seems chill from the interviews I have seen. you are right about the blonde harlot though.
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I could heem him easily
I wanna fuck the 2hu girls
nothing wrong her either, just dumb and lucky. life is unfair.
theyre going all the way unlike the fraudkees
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Mating press with Koakuma.
What the fuck? This has to be a warm up, r-right?
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probably some warm up. Why does he even have dumbells at the field?
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hey guys I skipped the whole season and now I'm ready for the playoffs. we made it right braves bros?
WAR is just (((analytic))) lies to convince you that Mike Trout was a superstar
>106 losses to wild card

That's a lie. And you know it.
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Your updated bracket
Love to chooop anyways go Bravies

Damn, bro. You look comfy as shit. Also you are a cat.
What’s a Japanese SB, is that like when you steal a base while having a tiny penis?
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tell me more
stolen base
I miss this little nigga so much
>Storen Beisu
Its the same thing but weebs need their own metrics
who said there was something wrong with being a famous vapid retard?
while having a tiny penis* sorry accidentally clicked post
they should have changed their name to Cleveland Baseball Team and kept the logo
>For Ohtani to wrap up the first Triple Crown in the sport since 2012, he’s going to need to catch the Padres’ Luis Arraez in batting average.
>Arraez, who came into Friday’s games with a .312 average, now stands at .314 after going 3-for-5 in the Padres' win over the D-backs. Ohtani, on the other hand, was at .305. But after a 4-for-5 night, Ohtani’s batting average is now .309, putting him within striking distance with two games left in the regular season.
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Now that we clinched home advantage, it's probably best that tomorrow is a BP game, maybe call up some scrubs from el paso? No need to play a meaningful game, Boys can finally rest. I'm super excited right now!
she gets shit on here pretty hard. I get the reason, but it seems a little too excessive to me.
idk i just don’t respect being jailbait all that much i guess
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That’s my girl dog, who was talkin shit on her???
>eating kibble
most of Livvy Dunne's haters are women seething that guys like her.
no I am a guy and a massive livvy hater
Aren't the Snakes .5 games ahead of the Mets and Barfs?
You just KNOW…
ask mlb.com

says it's updated through all relevant games today
>so dogpilled she eats from the same bowl
honestly kinda hot
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but here
Mlb once again showing their East Coast Bias
nah bc mets and Braves have an extra game to play against each other
>Astros Yankees CS incoming
Its like poetry it rhymes
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forgot pic
mets feel like the only team that have to fight for a playoff spot
must be nice to clinch a wild card with 85 wins or clinch a division with 87 wins
arizona may have 2 free wins upcoming
a simple google search
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>play 162 games
>choke in a handful of games at the end
braves bros.. not again.
Why don’t you explain to the rest of the class what you think that means
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I want to see Sean Reynolds and or Alek Jacob pitch. Hoping to see more Lockridge, can't believe we stole him from Yanks.
Alright /mlb/ which team has the worst fans?
What does this post mean? Are you saying Ohtani ISN'T the best player in the NL?
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we're almost there... a world series...

how about no, i will not hold your hand or anyone else's hand
Obviously the Dodgers. Yankees have some good fans to go with their hoards of bad ones. Doyer fans have no redeeming qualities.
Dodgers have a Sailor Moon poster here now, and vtuber spam that isn't porn. Ohtani wank, but I also do think that's cool. It's also the fucking Dodgers. Yeah, Dodgers by far. Who else posts so abhorrently?
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And the house of cards becomes dust in the wind.
i wonder what shildt’s gonns do with suarez i don’t think rest is gonna fix him
also, i don't get how this pitching rotation is going to work if yamamoto needs 6 days of rest
seems premature to me to announce the rotation already but what do I know
The world series is Tigers vs Padres.
All that matters is being hot and having good pitching.
Dodgers weebpost, post annoying vertical ohtanibomb shit, were talking shit about the As yesterday. Fuck the doyers.
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He threw some change up today, he was a bit shakey but ump God kinda bailed him out. I'd say work in progress, still think Estrada should be our official closer instead. I perfer Suarez in thr BP anyways.
>Dave Roberts flexes his team's Achilles Heel for other teams to salivate over
>we're almost there...a world series...
>with that rotation
walker will be the new kershaw, cap it. also
>flaherty being an ace
youre gonna find out why he was mid on the tardinals. Whole rotation screams implosion incoming because once yamamoto is figured out dodgers are 100% fucked.
>implying yamamoto will have more than 1 start in the postseason
But I'm female
yeah the changeup stood out. he waited til the 2nd ab after like 6 fouled off fastballs, and they were kinda wonky. like he’l doesn’t look too confident with it
yamamoto is glass
if only we had glassman and stone still.........
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cool pic
In his last 3 starts Yamamotorolla has thrown a combined 11 innings.
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His will shall be done. This is my likely outcome

Orioles vs Padres (said this beginning of season)
Tigers Vs Padres rematch up or Yanks rematch up revenge
Or Astros vs Padres

Royals vs Padres would be quite weird, so would a Indians vs Padres WS. Would probably be coo.
56 bases > 57 manfred bases
This is very disrespectful in Japanese culture. Doyers are shameless.
tell us something everyone already didn't know shit for brains
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Padres went 3-7 today, RISP and walks by BP been an issue. I'm sure once they rest up, they'll clean their act. Morejon I probably won't trust, he does good and then he chokes on a 2 out inning. Yuki I haven't seen pitched, tomorrow game should easily be stressed free now. Perhaps we can call up Crismatt?
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it's over
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Doggies so fucked, if they don't sweep the NLDS they're going to have to bullpen a game and start Jack on short rest. Not going to look good for the rest of the run even if they get through
I'm female
>it is the last out of the world series to win the chip
>the los angeles dodgers unexpectedly announce shohei ohtani to come out of the bullpen
>one of two things
1. a reenactment of the wbc
2. a blown save
Girl here
no way!!!
They will do this because they are desperate and it will be embarrassing.
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triple crown watch
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are you sure about that?
why are some X’d out
Will probably be the stupidest possible scenario. Although very likely that Ohtani will at least come out of the pen for one series or another, seeing how the pitching staff is pushing him to throw in warmups. Just an injury waiting to happen, and the biggest fuck up of this Doggies era if that does happen
>it is the last out of game 5 of the NLDS and ohtani blows the save
i presume because this image was made earlier today
Yes way
I am way too stupid to understand this graph
for ohtani to get the title, arraez has to miss this many at-bats
what's really hilarious is how the poodres tried to rebrand themselves as the chadres and thought they were going to win the NL West. they even thought they were going to do it by winning the last series in LA against a depleted Dodgers rotation before they got their asses kicked and sent to the wildcard round. lmao poodres
I don't think you need a graph for that. Wouldn't just saying the number be easier to understand?
some individuals disseminate information in different ways
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No Kershaw?
this is hilarious
bro is still on the injury list with his bone spur
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most obvious rigging in mlb history
What is Kershaw's playoff era if you remove 2020 (which we should)? Is it over 5? Could it be as high as 7?
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still makes me kek
no. you have to list each possible outcome
4.49 including 2020 (which we should) in 194.1(!!!) IP
did you graduate high school?
Somehow more rent free than the Giants winning 3 ws
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>(which we should)
Does WWS have what it takes to surpass CIDF posting???
you ran away like a little bitch when confronted with evidence
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Maybe next time we won't be swept by the Rockies and angels. Really thought we had a chance, I'd doubt Rockies was gonna help us Anyways seeing the score today. Oh well, next season let's try to win the division!
game 3*
I ignored you as one should with all mouth breathers
>Nigga don’t know how an XY axis works
pick a batting outcome for each guy and where they meet is who wins the triple crown ya dumbfuck
batting title lol fuck* now I’m retarded
Which we should
>Almost 5 including 2020, his fluke best run in a fluke season that should have just been respectfully cancelled.
Oh shit its probably over 7. I can't find a site that lets me remove 2020
san diego loves the dodgersbros… i don’t feel so good
.69 in 2013 in 13 IP for starters. look at his bref page. compare him to anyone with even a 50 IP sample size if you're actually trying to make a point and you'll quickly realize you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.
Late but doyers won that game
gg rox
I don't have a clue about what I'm talking about and its why I asked. I also think you meant 2.69 genius. Btw, since no one helped I did find the answer, if you remove 2020 he is 5.86, not as bad as I thought.
So basically it's all on the offense not to shit the bed like they did last season
Got it
Rob Manfred was the one who orchestrated it
FUCK you!!!
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Love you too anon!!!!
might be the last game they win all year
Still got two regular season games left buddy
Save that for Sunday
sit on my DICK!!!
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rent fucking free
I wish Nagatoro would SOMD
pretty sure they're not going to try at all the rest of the series
lose out/phillies win out? great, you're on the easier half of the bracket
lose out/phillies don't win out? great, you're the one seed wow!
literally no reason to try
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>Phillies only have 3 viable starters for the playoffs
Is it over?
ranger and taijuan tip their caps to you ser
stFd!!! somD!!!
Good point, wouldn't mind getting home field advantage in a potential NLCS with the Phightins either way. Philly is always a tough place to play in October
If I were a major league pitcher I would simply get batters out and not give up runs
big cock /hoc/
small dick /cric/
padres fan here, I'm gay
Do players from teams like Seattle and Minnesota really care about narrowly missing the playoffs? Extra week plus of vacation, maybe even an extra month of vacation. Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me.
Is it really as autistic as people say? I don’t watch hockey
mb thought you were trolling though .69 is correct though it was in 1 series. he was over 6 the next series. also looked at Bumgardner and his era is just over 2 in about 100 innings though about 50 of those innings was in that one unbelievable season and he did that all in essentially 4 years. So, I was way off on that.
IRL Doyers fans are terrible. On /mlb/ it’s Seattle and the Mets
small dick /cric/
I'm not sure, I don't really browse /hoc/
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/mlb/ is for frens
Slides my hard penis slowly against yours
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/mlb/ is for autism
Big cock? >>>/hoc/
Small dick? >>>/cric/
I have no friends and my family is visibly ashamed of me, braves fan if that matters
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I'm a girl
killed me the first time that was posted
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this is FAKE NEWS!!!! Take this down NOW!!!!!!
>>Nigga don’t know how an XY axis works
Okay but I am XX so what's your point ?
hello ladies
yeah I remember that thread
>can’t do math
not surprised then
Yankees and Dodgers. The playoffs would've been better without these perennial chokers
Someone put a stop to this guy
What is the cubs magic number?
Cubs won
17 (minutes of rain)
Yankees are the Kings of the World
The kings of the world
The Kings of the World
Yes, Yankees are Kings of the Worrr-ld
The World Series Champs!

*Taxis honking in the background*
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Dodgers love to chirp alot, that's for sure. Even in /mlb/. Dodgers nation X page is filled with "OMG THIS IS PADRES WS RN" "LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT" "RENT FREE" not even Padres content creator fans are safe from Dodgers fans. Half of them donate text to Padres creator saying "HAHA MADRES THAT'S WHAT'S IN" Yes bitch, I know we don't have a world series ring, don't be crying for shit once we win it all (Hoping)
Mfh..ngh...i need it...deep,,
Mfh..ngh...i need it...deep,, (Hoping)
So if Yamamoto gets lit up in game one, Miguel Rojas gets dfa'd?
Holy shit!!!! Holy fucking SHIT!!!!! We thought you died!!!!!!!!

nice to see you are safe tho
you're all right with me 2hu
Why does Roberts hate winning in the playoffs so much?
Yankees deserved to be cursed for 54 years before they win their 28th ring.
Dodgers will fail as many World Series winning only one just like the 90s Braves.
Simple as.
The guys who run dodgersnation are total idiots, one of their reporters took the "ohtani to the blue jays" bait
Ngh...almost... bit off more than i could chew... Thanks for your kind words,,
The asspiss is getting extreme bros
What a Chad

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Their comments section give me a brain aneurysm, I don't know who would gloat worse, Dodgers fan, Yankees fans or Phillies fan. My bet is Dodgers fans, they'll probably nonstop bring it up around Padres content creator pages, irl would be worse. I shudder to imagine.
no... not miggy ro...
We need the faggotbacks to do us all a favor and shut Arraez down in these next two games. Stop letting him go 3-for-5
i played kelly's prop today for over 4 strikes and him getting lit up in the first inning did not have it looking good. ultimately he ended up with 6 ks so all is well
>the A's
Padres fans are the worst solely because of all of your god awful posting
Seems a little disrespectful to Ichiro
be honest
why do you seethe so much here?
As shit as 2poo is he does not compare to how annoying doyerfags are
Who's seething? My Dodgers won again and I'm feeling great. I just don't like the autistic Padres fan or his queer ass posts
you're just a salty loser without backup. you're every bit as bad, if not worse, when there's blood in the water. stfu.
Is there a more soulless chant than
>Let's go [team name/city]
come up with something new, literally every team does that.
I’m not 2poo or a poodres fag retard
You faggots are annoying
you're likely a faggotback or vagiant. all you do is lurk and whine and wait to pounce. you're every bit the piece of shit you'd like to believe everyone else is. again, stfu.
You really have to ask? It's obviously the Dodgers. I honestly prefer Yankee fans over them these days they're that annoying.
Ladies ladies. Let's keep it calm and have lesbian sex
>vtuber spam that isn't porn
Something you wanna share anon?
this snooty self-righteousness will not fly
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It's cute how you're all acting like Dodger fans are the worst when 2 days ago you were all jumping up and down bragging about Padres winning 1 (one) singular game
But I rarely post
Bryan Stow
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What's the most kino WS matchup possible?
Bryan Stowned
we eat way more shit here than any other team which is to be expected and that's fine. don't cry about the blowback though.
Me and ur mum lel
Im agitated because I haven’t gotten any dick lately
Goodnight /mlb/ros
That I like porn? Yeah retard, I like porn. If you're gonna spam shit I don't watch you could at least make it hot.
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You hate the dodgers? I wanna kick your ass.
Please don't hurt me, I'm a woman
mookie just wants to podcast

you're right my bad
did you catch a 10-minute break also?
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Tigers Vs Padres rematch up sounds something Manfraud would Greenlight if Yankees and Doyers shat the bed again in playoffs.
Unironically Yankees Dodgers, but there's no fucking way. MVP vs MVP is always cool but super rare. I can't name the last time that even happened.
Cleveland/San Diego

Either long championship drought ends or a team wins its first ever.
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you should put your name as The Seether
you're softer than soft dogshit fucking pussy ass bitch
what are you talking about?
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Yukkuri shiteitte ne!
I think I see. I'm a Doyer. I was agreeing with Sweden but it sounds like I was a Poodre clapping back at probably?
Literally no one would watch that boring ass match up. Do you want baseball to die?
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Same fagging, if the mets do make it, I wouldn't mind a Mets/Royals rematch
We need nu tho
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Tarik Skubal has locked up the AL triple crown

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