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OUR WORLD edition
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I swear there's like five teams that wear these Mariner ass uniforms that the Twins have on tonight.
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My White Sox are now the worst team in the history of the sport
TY based Tigers.
not until they lose 122
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and they swept the Angels
Watching the Braves play both teams, I can confidently say that the Twins are better and it's just their injuries that fucked them up. They did not choke. You are not a playoff team. Go die, kid.
kill every ump
what do you hope to see out of the games that are left?
I'll be back tomorrow then
I miss Majestic
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cope and seethe
this is our sport
this manaea guy sucks
Come on Detmers.
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Looks like they caught the corner to me.
It's happening again isn't it
I have the final fantasy mets memes saved despite there never being a reason to post them
Post it.
new fan here. is this what pain feels like?
Mests announcer
>I think he got him Garry
sees the literal first replay
>maybe not
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stop hitting profar
Detmers is done for. Trade him to whoever will take him
Losses as well
Get that 123 and may as well be the worst of the worst forever. None of this tying or technicality bullshit
mets have played bad defense but that strike 3 call on alvarez was brutal. he got vientos in the first on a bad call too.
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kinda what I figured and probably what I'd want as well. fucking grim.
>uh sweaty I photoshopped this SQUARE GRID onto the picture so those were DEFINITELY not strikes
he richly deserves it though
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lol diamondbacks
whole lotta baiters in the thread tonight

>eliminated from postseason contention
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>Mests have potentially 5 games over the next 4 days and then they playoffs start immediately
>starter cant make it out of the 4th inning of the first game

that said maybe the DBacks will fuck everything up and it won't matter
GA called him out in the pregame show for looking and behaving like he doesn't want to be here anymore.
No fucking idea why Ozuna decided to run out of nowhere but it sure did work out lmao
Faggotbacks have already given up
He's clearly standing up extra straight so it just LOOKS low...
all their lifelongs disappeared
>mest and faggotbacks both pissing down their legs down the stretch
>the championship pedigree veteran Braves, missing half their team, become red hot
haha.... that's our Braves for you....
Would (you) want to be on the Angels?
I hope my Poodres lose then :)
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zero shot WFAN isn't getting carpet N-bombed tonight lmao
must have had a big lead for a few pitches and no one was paying attention to him cause he was probably safe even with a good throw on that
what the fish doin?
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>final fantasy memes
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So are we locked in yet? Whats our outcome looking like
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No mercy on sneks! We want that 4th spot!
It truly is






Me personally? I'd love to be on the Angels, they're my favorite team and have been sine childhood.

But still even if you're on a bad team, you can't go around acting the way he has. It's shows up your teammates and isn't good for morale.
Mets suck.
55/55 is back on the menu
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Here's one I saved that hasn't been posted in a bit
Milwaukee Umps
You know what, maybe this is the umpire’s game after all.
best case scenario is the Mests and/or Dbacks just completely fuck up over the weekend and we don't have to play at all on Monday, need to be at least tied with the Mests going into Monday in which case we only need to win one game to get in
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The Angels now stand alone with the longest playoff drought in the league.
You can’t stop GOATANI
>doyerpacos thought we were going to shit our pants against the FAGGOTbacks
>Already back to the top of the order for the Padres in the first inning
diamondbacks just do not care anymore
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Based FF8 enjoyer. Anymore VIII?
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I made these during the subway series, what happened to those mets
mets had a great run this year. that's got to count for something. hold your heads high mets fans
Cole can stop him.
gotta stay sharp for that wc game
>Astros pitcher Spencer Arrighetti ejected by HP umpire Mark Wegner
umpchads on a rampage tonight
>mets prolapse
>dbacks prolapse even harder
funniest possible outcome
They got caught cheating and stopped.
Nah Metsfags have spent the past two months talking mad shit, if they choke now they deserve nothing but ridicule
they are mad that the astros have successfully challenged three plays this game so far.
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>mfw diaz ejection was a month before that
>mfw when that ejection gave us the cubbiemaid pic
Angels legend Matt Duffy
Tloses fading fast
aroldis is looking like balco bonds when did this happen and how is he getting away with it
where is nu tho
Don’t make me post it.
Our FUARKING hero Corbin Carroll!
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>talking a lil shit on the mongolian baseball glove stitching forum is bad
why are pitchers getting injured?
I swear to god, Yu Darvish.... the diamondbacks are defending like shit, you just have to hold them off...
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Uh oh!
Mets make ya seethe?
just go ahead and tap out already bro
you know you want to
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they're hitting the high nineties on too many pitches, dial down the velo on like twenty pitches a game and the injuries are gone
Do you guys think I’ll ever have sex? I have a fiancée
>Poo Darshit
Gonna give it right back, Jesus Christ
mets makin ya seethe?
>that run home
lmfao ozuna from the barfiedoos
mets brewcrew rivalry is fun
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they had a 16 year drought before 2002
lol no
corbin FAGGOT
shake that ass!
fuck you pete
kek poo darshit already in October form
Don’t let the mets make ya seethe now
have you tried showing her your pokemon card collection yet?
They couldn't make it with Shohei Ohtani, so it might be safe to say they'll never make it again.
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Musgrove and Cease will carry. I hope we see Musgrove embarrass the Mets again
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mariners btw
mariners make ya seethe?
Arte Moreno isn't going to live forever anon
Blue has taken the Mets to pound town tonight fucking hell
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My oh my...
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How do you watch this shit sport? Only soccer is more pay to win.
>OMG just spent $800 to buy tickets to my shit team with cheap Jewish owner
>LOL Just bandwagon the dodgers after they spent a billion dollars
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Our catcher is our best pitcher
>gay braves kek
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Tyrone make ya seethe?
i'm shadowbanned on here WHY
This Mike Trout guy, well he’s no Tim Salmon and even Catfish Hunter could see it and he’s dead
>How do you watch this shit sport? Only soccer is more pay to win.


t.flyover state poorfag
el nino caca
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subtract 60 million from the mets, add 698 million to the dodgers
Fun fact: the top 3 payroll teams last seasons all missed the playoffs and of the top 10, only three of them got past the first round.
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I still believe in the Mets
>pay to win
>pay to lose
>pay to win
That hasn't worked in over a decade
$142,995,900 well spent, Chicago.
Jesus Christ, get it together
all the divisions and assholes have been clinched
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GG Fish
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Jesus h fucking Christ these Mets….
#23, #28 won their respective divisions this year.
Why is this post blank lol
baseball's literally the one sport where pay-to-win doesn't work
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>don’t you start with me these Mets
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no spoiler tag?
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Why can't we beat jobber teams like we do division leaders
what is this?
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>your average Mets fan
baseball tickets are not that expensive lmfao
Twins are waving the white flag on their season live right now, sad to watch
Too much Sheetz.
>Cleveland that cheap
Holy shit
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why dont they make baseball songs anymore?
>gay braves eke
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post yfw mests don't make the post season
>Josh Hader
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Good I get to shit on the retarded mestfag that shit up the thread all year
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It's funnier when you realize the Brewers are destined for another first round exit
gaysconsin owns your sorry mests ass kekkies!
How the fuck is Alvy having better at-bats than JD now
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>brewers on the way to a first round exit
Don't forget the goat song.
Phillies are gonna get absolutely wrecked in the playoffs. if they even make it to the NLCS I'll stick a dildo up my ass
kino stuff.
modern music sucks now so it's probably for the best that they don't make 'em anymore.
oh no guys hader has thrown 7 pitches! he's tired.
nevermind blanco just threw 100 pitches with no one scoring.
omg is that talkin baseball from jomboy????
step right up and play golf with the mets
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gg Injuns
A very comfy series where both teams aren’t playing must win baseball anymore. Sweat Ling Blanco only gave up a single hit which was pretty cool.
See yal tomorrow for the final JV day in an Astros uni
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>mets on the way to the offseason
I genuinely would be surprised if the phillies win a playoff series. I just don't see how they can just suddenly turn it out for the playoffs. Everyone except Wheeler, Schwarber, and Castellanos of all people have just been lazy for a while now. Hoffman and Strahm have been good too I guess.
Pls understand, Josh Hader is only capable of throwing well in save situations, so he had to give up those 2 runs to simulate the save in his mind.
clearly very talented songwriting and performances but it's not the kind of shit you can listen to regularly
>tfw too big brained for baseball
did any other sport have as much impact on pop culture than baseball? i think not.
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alvarez ded now
Screenshotting this post and now I want them to just to see a dildo up your tight little ass. Didn't some guy years ago literally eat his hat after making a claim like that? Maybe it was /hoc/ but I think it was here, can't find the vid though.
>exclusively give hader winning situations that pad his stats.
>hand all losing games off to other closers so their stats suffer instead of hader's
apples to oranges. baseball had a tremendous impact in the black and white era. the super bowl mogs in tv ratings in recent times but who can say how much people actually give a shit?
oh my kekkies!
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Half the people watching the Owl are there to watch the commercials. Literal peak consoomerism.
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yeah, it's fucking gross but it's an excuse for everyone to get together which isn't a completely bad thing.
things are heating up
to be fair the NFL mogs everything. NFL is averaging 20 million viewers per game this season. That's more than any game in NHL, NBA, and MLB including their championship games.
Shohei going for that Triple Crown. I'm sure that coward on the Padres will sit out to try protecting his average.
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thank ya kindly ERG!
but a lot of that is reluctance due to fomo
Fomo arigato
I said averaging. Even shit random week matchups get over 10 million viewers.
How about dem cubbiebears
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next years gonna be rough too, just not enough talent out there to refresh this team to compete
Money per win
White Sox 3,666,561
Mets 3,512,922
Yanks 3,261,527
BJs 2,998,143
Rangers 2,978,076
Astros 2,750,284
Angels 2,745,922
Giants 2,671,453
Doyers 2,629,722
Cubs 2,597,810
Phils 2,588,049
Braves 2,497,586
Rockies 2,337,229
Cards 2,216,710
Red Sox 2,205,734
Nats 1,812,322
Padres 1,779,533
Ms 1,655,349
Marlins 1,620,456
Dbacks 1,600,292
Twins 1,513,141
Reds 1,400,546
Royals 1,355,967
Rays 1,278,773
Tigers 1,207,381
Brew 1,163,001
Pirates 1,143,466
Os 1,074,095
Guards 1,014,495
As 876,859
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>racism from doyer fans
color me shocked
Mannea pitched like shit tonight
Start celebrating Royals, be sure to get good and drunk into the wee hours of the morning, need you to stink for another 2 games
100% chance he'll be sitting out the final 2 games if they win tonight and lock the top wildcard spot
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What are they thinking right now?
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>Red Sox
I misunderstood I was talking about the owl specifically
Literally everything is going their way tonight
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Still not making the playoffs. Not now, not ever.
Prolly thinking about taking penis up the ass
>pay to win
>half of the bottom 10 are going to the playoffs
Sitting on 99 extra base hits right now
oh well yea that's just fomo, I meant in general.
He did, and the Mets defended like shit. De Gaysus didn’t help but Mets looked awful.
>white sox
Football has the advantage of the teams only playing once a week. You can follow it a lot more casually than something like baseball that requires nightly investment into your team, following a football team is like following the yearly episodes of you favorite show's season.
I hear it’s the fag capital of the world
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>Raman de Gaysus
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>Lindor grimacing as he’s just standing in the infield

Literally take him out. Same with Alvarez. Rest them until Monday, no matter what happens. Sneks look like they’re trying to lose their way out of the postseason, let Atlanta take second wildcard and Mets sneak the third with the tiebreaker
Mets babe is hotter, many such cases
BALL 2!!
They should pro-rate the players salary based on the teams win percentage at the end of the year.
ngl, getting back into handegg the past couple seasons and there's a fuckton of analysis and reading involved almost every day if you're actually trying to stay on top of things.
Sneks can score almost at will, but their pitching is shit. you can't write them off completely.
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Is there anything more cucked than watching football?
A’s gonna be a juggernaut when they move to Vegas. Shame it’ll be in exchange for their souls
watching basketball
>12 Ks but gave up 3 home runs
You're a frustrating man Reid Detmers
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Mets are destined to miss the playoffs. They're done.
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>The Las Veg A’s
could be worse I mean they could be named after jerking off like some other team
luv handegg
luv luckswing
‘ate apehoop
‘ate divegrass
Simple as
As in our football? I never understood the appeal. It seems like the main objective is to literally pound the other team into submission and run over the line
watching the mets
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>as in, the cubs season
I like everything almost equally when it's peak performance. they all suck donkey dick when it's slop.
Metsbros, why do the Brewers own us so much?
This. my Poodres aren't out of the woods yet
How long until national league is just all California?
>mest kek mest!!
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i like this white sox twitter admin

You're a central team in all but name
>White Sox spent the most in the Comedy Central but might not win 40 games
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I need to turn a 100 dollars into a 1000. Any ideas?
Praying for meme magic in Milwaukee
damn nice catch
just use the Diablo dupe glitch
de jesus fuckin the broors back at least
Is it true batting average is not as prestigious as in NPB and considered as meme stats in MLB because they think OPS is much more important?
Enjoy the early exit twinsfag
OPS IS more important
BA is a meme stat
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holy shit
Where’s the mestfag that said the brewers didn’t own that shit out of them?
A collapse that's worth the size of 10,000 lakes. The Minnesota Twins have been eliminated from postseason contention. Better luck next year.

They will be on permanent revenue sharing since it’s a smaller market than fucking Milwaukee. it’s widely believed that this was an outright goal in the move.
no more Ohtani at bats tonight :(
Bet it all on red 4 times
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Hitting the ball means shit if you can't get on base.
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I don’t know how they missed the playoffs
I like the twins but it's nice seeing fresh meat rep this season
uhhhh anon, what do you think the H stands for in the statline?
Probably by losing a bunch of baseball games
Huh, that's weird. Because I think we just did, bitch.
10 min trying to watch this shit and all it happens is some guy trowing a ball to the other guy squatting, what the fuck nigga use your fucking baseball bat
I asked this a month ago and got a time out so have a nice vacation anon, also gamble
What a turn of events for the Twinks.

Womp womp…
In the 30 team era, there have only been three seasons when a bottom half payroll team won the championship. There has only been one bottom third team to do so, the 2003 Marlins. The numbers are far more generous when it comes to pennants, but that just makes it clear you need that extra push to make it over the top. MLB would be content to let bottomfeeders merely make the playoffs to make their fanbases think they have a chance while wishing the big markets to actually win it.
You needed a gift-wrapped third wild card, a collapse by the Twins, and the White Sox being historically shit just to get piped by the Orioles or Yankees.
ERG, kindly fuck off
The best part is you loss tonight, and yet brag about your loss = securing playoff spot. Can't make this shit up. Go suck mahomes dick faggot
Unless you're hitting like Tony Gwynn its
kinda a meme
A home run is worth nearly three singles. If you can increase your home runs by selling out some singles, it's just better.
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Mets fans in the near end of the season:
How can you spot him?
I remember you started the offseason aggressively making a ton of signings before most teams even made one signing and I guess it paid off. good for you guys.
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They were all shit. And they overperformed this year. They'll regress hard to the mean.
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He’s the GOAT
Personally? I only watch baseball when a team I don’t like is playing.
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gg Rox
see you tomorrow
mest actually about to get swept
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gg Pebbles
They play the White sox like 20 times a year. Padded stats and wins
shitcoining on solana. just wait for trump's next viral meme. there will be an associated shitcoin that will 10x minimum.
Only 3 out of 6 teams will get exposed for being the most historical frauds. Guess who?
I don't remember specifics, but it seemed like a bunch of low risk moves without long commitments. better than dumping a ton of money like some other teams and missing the playoffs all together.
Same. I'm not even a fan of any team, just an anti-fan.
I'm sorry, but did the Mets already lose the series? Oh, that's right. The first game isn't even over yet.
Top 3 lol?
>runners on 3rd and 2nd with nobody out
>Don't score
Jintsbros... imagine how different things would be if we could just knock in some fucking runs in these situations
not my los doyers hermanos, so 3 out of 5
When was the last time the Mets won a series against the Brewers outside of the fluke 101 win season?
congrats on the 1 seed. phillies would need to win out and dodgers lose out for that to change
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post your dubs today
everything's coming up millhouse
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It may have been a rough game, but I still believe in my mets.
back to being yourself and losing to other shitters instead of ruining the seasons of teams that actually might do something. useless cocksuckers.
Bill Buckner's ghost has returned to prevent a Mets postseason appearance. Also...
you guys had the best record in the league for what felt like 99% of the season
>the magic number for #1 seed in nl west is
one (1) game
Death to Metsmerica!

Braves own your ass!!!
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don't worry Mests you already know how this works just close your eyes and go with it
woohoo Royals get to save their best starters Lugo and Ragans this weekend. just need Vinny Pasquantino back so we can hit our 4 run minimum instead of 10 RISP LOB each game of this month long stink streak
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lol mest
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gg broors, fuck de gaysus and ill see ya tomorrow
fuck mcdonalds and fuck the mest
it's okay to feel good about making it
>mcdonalds pricing is so high now
>tfw priced out of mcdonalds
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>final image on the a's home broadcast was this shirt saying fuck john fisher
absolutely based cameraman
kek they did NOT like this post
Shoutouts tot he Tigers coming out of fucking nowhere. Considering how awful you fags have been in recent years you deserve it.
they got lazy and played like bums for 1/3 of it
I don't expect much from the playoffs but I'm happy they won the division
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>the city of ny makes this third worldie seeth lol
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Braves could go from out of the playoffs to the fifth seed if the Padres hang on
show the no pipi wall right outside
>implying that I hate the Poo Dork Pests
nah you have been poverty since 86
how bout them white sox
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mests kek
>mestschlomos were so cocky when they thought they were going to overtake the Padres
>ohtani's dad's message to him after they won the division
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braves fucked on monday if they do have to play a double header tho
looks like India kek
Kill yourself. They're just going to get anally raped by the Orioles or Astros.
very wholesome
what will he write when he gets sharted on in the playoffs?
Mets still owns your team, I am afraid
>it's okay son, you tried
but without all the sexy indian women
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Kansas City belongs to the Chiefs. Always have, always will. The Royals are irrelevant losers who stole signs just to get gift-wrapped a playoff spot.
are there any images of his parent? I don't even know what they look like.
>luckswing vs handegg
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fuck you nigger
does someone knows where i can watch mlb game replays for free?

i want see the white sox game replay beacuse i want see their broadcast at time game ended instead of the detroit tigers celebration

congrats to tigers but is the sox fans view that i want to see right now
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Chat is this real?
take a wild guess
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What you own is a financial crisis for every McDonald's located in New York City.
>Sexy indian women
Spotted the jeet
oh wait you actually were priced out of mcdonalds? lol I was just kidding...
I want a WHITE America!
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No, im just a fan
it's why they have to be at least tied going in worst case scenario, then if they win the first game they don't need the second cause theyll have the tie breaker
Try Europe then
My pirates (:
Eh, this team has been literal who trash for almost 10 years. I'm just happy they turned it around. You don't have to be upset, it's baseball. Shit happens.
I've turned into a fanboy and wanted a look. what can I say?
gyat wtf is that
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he cute. you just want to stick him in your shirt pocket
The 30 year cycle will never escape from Royals fans
Lol, newfags can't blank post

why are the poodres and faggotback so quiet?
There is nothing more kino than an out of contention team denying another team a playoff spot on the last weekend of the season.
Why don’t gay braves like being called gay? They seem to lash out in a nasty way when confronted with this fact. Why is this?
What's stopping a player from just beating an ump to death when they fuck up a crucial call?

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>shit e. field
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Pic related was taken in rural Kenya
don't really have that this season though maybe one of the barves or mest fucks each other out of a spot
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for the Poodres this doesn't matter too much
gay braves kek
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Babe Ruth already did that. No fucks were given.
I'm a braves fan and have taken it in the ass before. That's actually how I realized I wasn't gay
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and you guys said the wildcard wasnt sovl
I'm a gay braves fan looking for a guy to watch baseball with.
Must live in zone 6.
>Cards lead by 3
RYAN HELSLEY SAVE NUMBER 49. I feel it in my loins
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same. i had to have homosexual sex about 50 times to realize i was straight.
Gaylanta on a mission
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>chip r. jones
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>john carlos stanton
>gay braves
He is BIG fuckin mad right now
>you now remember the 2023 gaylanta braves
lol mets not making the playoffs
Nah Metsfags have spent the past two months talking mad shit, if they choke now they deserve nothing but ridicule
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3 wild card spots is too many.
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Lifelong braves fan here since chipper took the mound
weird nonsequitor
spammie melty
Nah gay braves have spent the past two months having mad gay sex, if they cum now they deserve nothing but ridicule
literally only one of them deserve it. everyone knows the bye week is detrimental to the top 2 seeds
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oh yes, Flushings NY is a literal shit hole of vacant lots and sketchy chop shops
do the tranny chop
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>100 loses
gay here, go braves!
I did everything right and they indicted me
GG Rangers
Hey now, let’s give these gay braves a shot
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Nothing wrong with being gay, nothing wrong with taking dick up the ass. Go Braves!
>gay braves kek
it unironically looks better on account of the road at least being paved
We need faggot mike now more than ever.
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nu in a few

centralbros... this next ones for ya
Looks like we’re playing KC at home whom we have a 4 game win streak against at home. Thank god we don’t have to play the Tiggas yet. A 3 game series vs with Skoobs involved sounds terrifying.
kek gay braves kek!!!!! KEK!!!!
>gayrizona faggotbacks
Its a 3 @ post chain anon, it's not that hard to figure out
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Are you scared of my Tigers yet?
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my first apartment had that oven.
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Stanton killed an ump a few weeks ago.
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atlanta is a notorious gay city
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>the gayest of braves in this thread right now
it's friday night and you're posting "gay braves" in /mlb/ .... grown adult men.
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can the faggotbacks do it?
3am is that iceland?
im female tho
I’m a girl tho
it's friday night and you're posting about grown adult men posting "gay braves" in /mlb/
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>I'm a woman
>according to the supreme court
Threadly reminder that we do not tolerate homophobia in /mlb/.
sick em aj
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we encourage it
faggot mike
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>endless AI slop
>my heckin cubbies!!! xddd
>dude braves are gay lmao
Yeah why does nobody want to post here?
t. flaming homo
I see you and support you, barvesfag.
I’m a gay Braves fan and I’m about to fuck my ass in celebration of a last minute Mets collapse
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the first baseball bat was engineered by primitive man to beat faggots. Didn't you see 2001 A Space Odyssey?
this is true terror
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Gay braves kek
Nah gaylanta has spent the past two months having mad gay sex, if they cum now they deserve nothing but ridicule
who should we want posting here?
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Clean inning please. Okay good one out.
Please keep it gaylanta related.
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>(trick) turner field


If the Braves are surging are the Tigers a hurricane or tsunami?
As a cub fan I'm so sorry
I’m sorry
Poobros... I don't feel so good...
umpies own ya azz!
The umpires are the protagonists of baseball.
fucking siani you were supposed to strike out ya dumbazz we want a 3 run lead not a 4 run lead baka
As a cub fan I'm so sorry
Useless snakes
We are witnessing the gayest organization of our generation. If the braves were heterosexual they would be considered deities but they don’t get the respect they deserve because they’re gay. They are in the process of cementing themselves as the gayest team of all time yet casual fans care more about some sideshow asian in LA stealing bases.
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Hell fucking yes, clinched home advantage!! Still scared of Suarez but we have to boost his confidence somehow. GG sneks! We love it! Yaaaaaay

At least hit bump limit

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