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the age of POGAČAR edition

Current and upcoming road races:
29.09 - 06.10 PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi 2.Pro
01.10 - 06.10 Cro Race 2.1
06.10 Coppa Agostoni - Giro delle Brianze 1.1
06.10 Paris - Tours Elite 1.Pro
07.10 Coppa Bernocchi - GP Banco BPM 1.Pro
08.10 - 13.10 Simac Ladies Tour 2.WWT
08.10 Tre Valli Varesine 1.Pro
08.10 Tre Valli Varesine Women's Race 1.Pro WE
09.10 - 13.10 Tour of Taihu Lake 2.Pro
10.10 Gran Piemonte 1.Pro
12.10 - 14.10 Tour de Kyushu 2.1
12.10 Il Lombardia 1.UWT
13.10 Chrono des Nations 1.1
13.10 Chrono des Nations 1.1 WE
15.10 - 17.10 Tour of Chongming Island 2.WWT WE
15.10 - 20.10 Gree-Tour of Guangxi 2.UWT
16.10 Giro del Veneto 1.Pro
20.10 Tour of Guangxi 1.WWT WE
20.10 Veneto Classic 1.Pro
20.10 Utsunomiya Japan Cup Road Race 1.Pro

CX races:
06.10 Brumath Bike Festival (C1)
06.10 Trofeo Villa de Gijón (C2)
12.10 Exact Cross Beringen - Be-Mine Cross (C2)

>Mecha-Rusbert's webm folders:

>Bert van Koers' ciclismo quizzes:

>Races info:

>CX races info:

>Free streams:

>Velodrama league code:

Previous thread:
I wonder if there is some bad blood between him and someone on FDJ. Also weird how he got put on their Tour squad but didn't do anything at all.
he was going to do the vuelta and they made sure to ruin him before that
Big ham
>Also weird how he got put on their Tour squad but didn't do anything at all.
the same could be said about Gaudu
Mortadella. In Slovenia associated with this ad.
He's supposed to be their main GC rider. It was always the plan that he would go to the Tour.
He's just bad that's a different story.
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Finna eat some meat now
What else are the funny/edible prizes?
Not asking about a trident or a funny hat.

Emilia has mortadella.
Tro Bro Leon has the piglet.
Paris-Camembert has your bodyweight in cheese.
What else?
Arctic Race of Norway gives away 500 kg of salmon
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ofc Rusbert is a pogigoy
That one ladies race had ladies tools as prize
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Some scandi race has Salmon and theres a bunch of beer
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You would expect Amstel Gold Race to give some beer to the winner but I don't know if they get more than the one on the podium.
What a touching gift. A twenty-six-year-old cyclist receives what at today's prices is a $40 or $50 piece of milk-fed veal.
I imagine this sort of product rewards were much more common in the olden days.
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they don't even like the one they get
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danish commentators often talk about how once you could get insane prices in races
Omega Watch for winning a points sprint and vacations
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I remember an ex pro saying he won a car once and then had to go haggle with the garage to get some reduced cash price instead because he didn't need it
I forgot who it was though
With Danish registration fees and whatever taxes related to cars I could imagine this is an expensive prize to win.
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and 15k doses of measle vaccine
yeah that was definitely part of it too
Vingegard doing this race when?
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At the risk of being called an anti-vaxxer, I'd reject at least 14.999 doses.
Remco Ravinepoel haha
Mortadella is terrible deli meat desu
t. big bologna
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Baloney is even worse
are you out of your mind? what, pray tell, do you a burgerbert consider good? kraft singles?
he's a spam chad
I make my own stuff
he's right, mortadella is just slightly fancy baloney, it's barely any better. The pistachios and heterogenous specks of fat add nothing of value.
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Time to feast
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Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
A good quality mortadela and some fresh baked bread still warm from the oven is one of this world's greatest pleasures.
t. delimeat snob

But it doesn't answer my question, what is "your own stuff"?
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They don't have any other option, if they don't overpay riders will just leave, which already happens anyway.

Groupama has one of the lowest budgets in WT right now, the money from Pinot and Démare was not reinvested and just taken out of the team, and I think Willier gives less than Lapierre did.
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never bothered trying any of the fancy tubed liver stuff when the french patés in those cryovac slabs are just as good
That bad eh?
I remember reading FDJ was somwhere in the middle of the pack in terms of budget. But then again that was years ago. Grim that it's come to this.
the trick is finding a mutant or two and build your entire team around that like alpecin
Squeakers can never be mutants in the pros however
I got food poisoning four times in me life and m*rtadella was involved two (2) times of that
of death, literally in the name innit
they could atleast find someone to dominate all those french races like tro bro
AG2R, cofidis and arkea absolutely heem them at nowadays
based af, always wanted to make a loaf myself. you got a recipe?
peak Allah was rather mutant
Pre Covid is basically WW2 tier by now
and Samuel Dumoulin
Who will be the Floyd Landis of the Pogi story?
15% beef brisket
50% pork shoulder
20% pork fat
15% crushed ice

Onion powder
White Pepper
Ginger powder

Cutter Phosphate
Curing Salt

Chop the meat up, add all spices except salt, cutter and curing salt and put in freezer for 2 hours. Then grind it up very very fine. Put the minced meat into a food processor with the salt, cure and cutter and make it a homogenous mass. Add the crushed ice slowly during this entire process. Finally rub some butter or fat on a baking form and massage the pink mass into it very aggressively so no bubbles form. Then bake it for a couple hours based on weight
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>after giro-dell-emilia
Ohh oh. We don't say that name around here Bert.
You will upset "him".
2000 advantage for me on G3 slurpage and two Pogacaca races left where I will have to minimize the losses.
Will they do it, will I hit it good on the other races left and finish the first full season in top 10.

>varg throwing a finger towards the camera
never realized how complicated making Fleischkas is. I will continue buying it at the Metzger around the corner
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love me a good slab of meat
Pidcock is such a fucking faggot
where are his gay little emotional support dogs?
that's a pretty awesome prize ngl
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that diabetus rot in his legs
going full pate paste at that point
don't do it matteo
ok I won't
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the effects of abandoning z2 are very noticeable
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Fun fact Adam YATES got Pog to abandon the z2 man after he got great results from switching to Sola himself
also a noticeable bump
imagine javier sola... on intermache
February would never be the same
>37.8 km solo
>in Giro d'Emilia
kek clown show of a ""sport""
for such dedicated goomblers some of you sure seem not to enjoy it so much
addict behaviour that is
here come the VPN shitposters
took you long enough
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they are just pretending to hate it for appearance
it's like the alcoholic who claims he drinks one beer at lunch or a glass of wine at dinner
couldnt be me I love every second of goombling and I'm on beer 6 today
my boy hamza YACINE got kwabed in the channel. Sad!
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>Imagine that you can take a nutritional supplement, certain effects are equivalent to running ten kilometers at high speed on an empty stomach
>A research group from Aarhus University has developed a molecule which, according to them, imitates the health benefits of regular and regular intense exercise
>The new molecule is called LaKe and consists of lactate and ketone substances
oh boy here we go again
we sure are world champions in making drugs for fat people
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>sechs bier
how much in total has poga solo'd this year?
500 km? 1000 km?
and has he gotten caught a single time?
has it ever back fired?
>has he gotten caught
yes in the tour by vingegaard
>has it ever back fired
yes he lost that stage to vingegaard
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yes actually
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also this one where he got too greedy
>he lost bonus seconds to one rider
we could count msr as well where Grug closed him down with that mega sprint or maybe thats too short
pogacars ONE bad day in an ENTIRE year
the first c*nadian race was a bad day as well
where he couldn't drop de lie and had 2 other lotto lads catch up to him
if his teammates didn't abandon him that day he would have probably won that too
in his current shape he might even ride away before the poggio
>i WILL NOT admit to myself that this sport that i've spend hours and hours watching has turned into a laughable circus
>Are you not entertained?
you play every mickey mouse race on velogames so you're worse than the average viewer to be honest
I think that is what he will try next year because from that one recent interview it sounds like msr will be one of his main focus races. Cipressa attack
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Behave yourself or I will give you a taste of my cleats
>making a team in 5 minutes for the luls vs watching for 6 hours
>Asgreen to EF
good team for him, bit of a Bettiol replacement for them as well
better than unox t b h
does it matter where he goes when he's so shit
he's gonna get his mojo back there
I'm convinced this was Pogacar doing theater
>Omega Watch for winning a points sprint and vacations
Isn't the former still a thing in some Suisse race? I vaguely remember some race this year having mid-race Tudor (?) sprints where the winnter gets a watch.
unless ibarguren joins him I doubt he will ever ride a good result again
maybe when vaughters let's picollo import some more roids for south america
>Event in Europe
Allez! Allez!
>Event in USA
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wat een mazelaar
I can't tell the difference between spoken Ukrainian and Russian but I can tell immediately the Ukrainian or Russian accent when they speak English.
So I should be able to recognize spoken Ukrainian and Russian too, I just don't know I can.

It was Tour de Schweiz indeed, there was a Tissot sprint.
They're seriously calling that new world tour race the "copenhagen sprint"? What if someone stays ahead
DE-FENCE....clap clap cap....DE-FENCE....
that's just zoomeur mushmouth
I have seen enough jomboy lipreadings to know thats not true.
Cant believe this fucking waste of a wt calendar slot is going ahead.
I shudder at the thought of having endured the experience of whatever garbage to which you're referring
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>whatever garbage to which you're referring
just US sports fan culture
never heard of that
nor have I heard anyone say "less go" when I attend the cycling here in the states
if anything people will say "more go"
How do Europeans cheer for their defensive players? Do they just only cheer for the offence or something?
I think they throw garbage and piss at the opponent team
don't cheer at all
best defense is a good offense innit
Women were better looking in the 70's
you mom were thats for sure
My mom wasn't born yet in the 70's
thats fucking scary bro

/heures de burger/ yets?
no cap?
He said he bad day in the Giro but we didn't notice it. I think it's stage 10
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he's a good lad
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No it is cap she was born in 1970
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CM Punk and Drew McIntyre are having a pretty violent match in Hell in a Cell currently. Punk is bleeding like a stuck pig
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are matty seems a cured meat enjoyer
There are too many races and they constantly
add new ones. Why don't the riders go on strike? Race days should be capped at the very least.
They barely race these days though. The teams are big enough to handle it
they used to race more
t. most enthusiastic velogoombler
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If you are good enough to choose your own races which only applies to a handful of riders. The average pro gets flogged all over the world in shit races that nobody watches. but not gonna rant about the nonsense calendar for the 100th time.

Anyway I found this quite frankly absurd stat. How can this happen so often? Ridiculous. If it happened once it would be crazy enough.
Most are national championships
Why do you care so much?
ah fuck that ruins it. yeah didn't even think of that.

yeah I'm really losing sleep over it
The Cepeda stat is pretty remarkable on its own, considering they're on two separate professional teams riding two separate races on separate continents
The last ten podiums of Tour de l'Ain lmao. One year really stands out
>GTs per podium
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Those self-inflating tyres of Vos's? €3,898
>The average pro gets flogged all over the world in shit races that nobody watches.
And they don't even try in the majority of those, it's not much different from a training ride for them.
Some of them earn less than the average Bert
shitty races with barely any coverage and majority of the riders not even trying
hmmm not sure about this business model
>Mikal Uglytown Owlshouse
wtf norway
Grimm was a normal Nordic name for centuries, Grimsby England means "Grimms town" because some Danelaw dickhead and his harem had a longhouse there in the 1100's.
Sometimes you just call a place for what it is.
what's a ver?
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Im more interested in the old Icels.
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Looks like standard brunch menu item you can get anywhere?
You simply wouldn't understand. Those individual tiny shrimp have more taste than you'd find in an entire shrimp broil over here, with nothing but a little salt and lemon juice added
i dunno about american shrimp but i've never had a problem with the imported stuff from Asia. We got something local called Matane shrimp, but to me they are just much smaller salty pals, didnt remember if they were more flavorful or not. Have you ever tried Argentinian "wild" red shrimp? Shit tastes like lobster but with a texture that's like a mix between lobster and shrimp
Do they have any good Newfoundland shrimp?
never tried that
You should. North Atlantic shrimp are like caviar, small salt bombs
for me it's the humble deen
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you can't really buy murican shrimp in the u.s., 90% is imported from india or ecuador
there are two fishmongers within 20km of me house that sell gulf and NC skrimp
I'm sure in bigger cities it's even more
In DC there are a bunch from NC and the Gulf, but none from Canada or Greenland
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>20km of me house

Fake burger Euroboo
these are negligible. i just want some astaxanthin fed farmed shrimp.
grow em yourself
you DO have a seafront property...don't you?
no actually it's less in bigger cities, it's all frozen and imported. The only place you can get fresh local shrimp is in backwater coastal towns. All the shrimp that you see on the displays are thawed, but it just looks prettier to the consumer but the majority of it isn't fresh.
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i just checked, my local fishmonger in a major city has a selection of US and imported shrimps/prawns including NC

/burger hours has become shrimp hours/
its traitordane
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opening social media after Emilia today and seeing french people call on Jonas to save cycling is kinda ironic in a funny way
No I am traitordane that is not me
i have something near cold spring harbor on long island but i rented it out
i missed the race is rog alright? just dnf'd to take lombardia at 110%?
That race is over pal lmao
nobody ever told me how fun long island is during the summer. spent last august near jones beach, best vacation i've had in a while.
i know it's over just checking rog ain't dead
Rog is zed, and zed is dead
the 2021 coppa bernochi remco won in the rain was the race that got me back into cycling, i hadn't watched races since watching lance with my dad way back, damn good race, the italian classics really get me off, very romantic
Big fan of the Italian classics. Tre Valli is my favorite one
One more win and this will be the most successful Slovenian season of all time (finally eclipsing the 2023 season)
How will TotalEnergies respond do yall reckon?
burger hours are over
long live burger hours
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I just read the last 10 pages of Pogs thread on the clinic. It's just so good. The seething is unreal. I hope some of them post here.
Nah, we have enough retards
You don't want to add to the menagerie?
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I would like to add to the fromagerie
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I told you he's a dirty fucking spic indian faggit
He meant boulangerie please pay attention.
Long live foot cheese birber hours
Were getting a bit full on the schizo side if you ask me
Leaving my parisien subhurb to go to Germany. Saw a couple of guy getting ready for their Sunday ride. It's like 10 degree, gray with some rain and they're going to ride at least 15k to get to some decent place. I don't understand how you can pick this hobby here
based grinders if you ask me
Also rim Chad, so clearly the guy knows his stuff
Did you bring your sugar packets and bad dragon fag?
thumbs up, very nice
kern pharma chads going wild
South-East Asians have to be the ugliest mfers on this planet.
Maybe besides Abos and some Papuan tribes but that would all be consistent with South East Asia and their descendants.
I think they're funny to look at whereas Abos are straight up repulsive
Did you know Syritsa's father was cut out from an ice cave in the Neandertal
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MASSIVE GLEB really is massive
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theres a cute tomboy cyclist on the same uni courses as me, how do I impress her? talk about bikes? pedals? pogacar? I don't know if she watches the sport anymore
invite her to your group rides and impress with your watts
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Brag to her about your W/kg.
You are not a watlet are you Bert?
Ask her if she wants to try your rape machine. That's how I met my wife son
It's the paradox of ciclismo: to get close to her, you'll have to drop her and put distance between you
I'm not the gigachad finnish flag who posts his impressive rides here.. I don't even have a suitable bike and would get embarrassed by her
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Was talking about Pog down the pub with me mates. They know who he is from watching the tdf but that's all they'd watch. Anyway I was telling them all about the bald fraud and how Pog is CLEAN. They take my word as gospel since I am the cycling authority.
Post her picture/tootsies from being social media stalker creep you asian snow nigger
that puts the whole "impressing" part out of the question then.
just talk to her about watching races

yeah she probably is but dont rain on finberts hopes
pog's clean and the bald's fraud simple as
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>I don't even have a suitable bike
post bike
Dopachud? Never heard of her
get your ass up and get started then
how else is this supposed to play out
you think she watches pro cycling or what, chances of that are near zero I reckon
what the fuck is this sport lol
She watches my wife compete with wiebes gripping my cock. There's only so much of me that can go around
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cheers for inviting all the retards here, this subversive action will be noted
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she looks a lot like picrel
it's just a basic 15 year old city bike with flat front tire that blew up the last time I was cycling, haven't bothered buying a new one yet, been pondering the option of just buying a proper bike and giving the current one away
she might, she said she used to cycle at high national level in the past
Hoch auf dem gelben Waaagen!
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my dad is an avid mountain biker but doesn't care about pro cycling at all, last time I remember him talking about it was when Lance got busted and he was somehow extremely angry about it
yesterday when he visited he asked me out of the blue what I was thinking about this Pogacar character and how ridiculous it is that he's just getting away with all this
get one of the cheap decathlon bikes then to get you started. also you should really go and tell her she looks like kittens, and then go on and explain what 4chan and soc are
>trying to impress a foid by getting into HER hobby
if you really have this mindset you already failed massively, if a foid is into you SHE will pretend to really be into your hobby, not the other way around (unless you're trying to get friendzoned or become her gay best friend)
whenever this comes up you need to lower your head, start muttering the phrases 'bald fraud' 'zone 2 devils' 'not his final form' and 'mou always knows' and walk out of the room while doing so
can Lund take away mcnuggies jersey just on bonus seconds?
This is the most russian looking man ever
thanks for the tips, might aswell introduce her to /cyc/ while at it
Just spoke to Pog on the phone there. He says he wishes he did the vuelta but he was afraid it would be hard to recover because he is too clean.
We already have too many girls itt
Remembered that there was a velogoomble with just 2 min to go. Submitted it with 10s left.
At least no time to overthink and adjoost.
Tadhg Furlong on a diet
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>It's like 10 degree, gray with some rain
belgians, dutchies and central europeans are the best at this sport though
The atmosphere is so much better for sport once you drop below 15 degrees
Those feet belong in my throat
It's sunny outside but reportedly barely 10 degrees. This sounds like a gigantic bait to dress lightly.

Thinking of taking it short and easy and then hopefully doing BIG rides on Tuesday and Thursday. A bit windy but what do you want, it's middle of October.

And then it's rape season proper.
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Cro Race (2.1)
Stage 6 (Final)
Sveta Nedelja - Zagreb
157.5 km


GC after stage 5:

Live stats:


Eurosport / Discovery+
13:00 CET
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18? yeah right
believe it when I see it
the Norwegians say 16 and rain
running day tomorrow so it don't really matter anyway
now we cycle (13 feels like 11)
Coppa Agostoni - Giro delle Brianze (1.1)
Lissone - Lissone
166.7 km


Live stats:

Eurosport / Discovery+ / Rai
15:00 CET
yea dont get baited because this may very well be weather for your new winter gear. Weatherfrogs calls it all 10-12° the past couple days but it's like 7-9° in reality and everything in the shade is chilly
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Paris - Tours Elite (1.Pro)
Chartres - Tours
213.8 km


Live stats:

Eurosport / Discovery+ / France TV / Rai / VRT / RTBF / RTVE / NOS
15:00 CET
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just did a ride and it felt more like 8, cold ass wind
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just read this. top comedy. one lad sure he's using a motor
31 Mads Pedersen
28 Arnaud De Lie
27 Jasper Philipsen
19 Milan Fretin
9 Emilien Jeannière
9 Paul Penhoët
6 Matteo Trentin
6 Taco Van Der Hoorn
6 Rui Oliveira
5 António Morgado
5 Luca Mozzato
4 Christophe Laporte
4 Mathias Vacek
4 Per Strand Hagenes
3 Jenno Berckmoes
3 Fabio Christen
3 Riley Sheehan
3 Mike Teunissen
2 Edoardo Affini
2 Magnus Cort
2 Pau Miquel
2 Anthony Turgis
2 Valentin Madouas
2 Arnaud Démare
1 Patrick Eddy
1 Fabien Doubey
1 Ethan Vernon
1 Tobias Halland Johannessen
1 Alex Kirsch
1 Jannik Steimle
1 Tibor del Grosso
1 Dries De Bondt
1 Pascal Ackermann
1 Samuel Leroux
1 Lewis Askey
1 Jérémy Lecroq
1 Edward Theuns
1 Jan Sommer
1 Laurenz Rex
1 Ivo Oliveira
1 Marius Mayrhofer
1 Cees Bol
1 Rory Townsend
1 Markus Hoelgaard
1 Nils Eekhoff
1 Matis Louvel
2 ======

24 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie
23 Mads Pedersen Jasper Philipsen
18 Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen
15 Mads Pedersen Milan Fretin
14 Arnaud De Lie Milan Fretin
13 Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin

3 ======

15 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen
13 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Milan Fretin
12 Mads Pedersen Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin
10 Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin

4 ======

10 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin

5 ======

3 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Milan Fretin Emilien Jeannière Paul Penhoët
3 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin Rui Oliveira
3 Mads Pedersen Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin Emilien Jeannière Paul Penhoët
>6 ======

2 Mads Pedersen Arnaud De Lie Jasper Philipsen Milan Fretin Rui Oliveira Per Strand Hagenes
>2 Legit 2 Quit
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How does babby get skelly like Sean Kelly?
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what is this anyway and why is MVDF always on the top
because he's a boring cunt who takes no risks and has no secret picks.
I should add that this is the winning formula. I should know since I am the defending champ.
>what is this anyway

Mads picked by 31 berts
Fretin picked by 19 berts
Trentin picked by 6 berts
rider pick sum = 56

>why is MVDF always on the top

Because he steals picks ALL the time.
ceriel "diesel" desal in the break
pack it up everyone it's over
Ayuso methinks
grug 2bying today
my commuter continental tire at the back
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Tour of Iran (Azarbaijan) has been cancelled
the seething seems to be off the charts, you danes are now even worse than those middle-aged female fans of roglic
i don't think rusbert is even particularly fond of poglič anyway
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I am NOT boring. But I have to defend my spot now.
Of course. But it is boring.
youre being blamed for actually playing the game
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But I am on top because of my great secret picks earlier. Not boring.
kurwabert, a fact check on this?
How can he realistically expect to win without a Gravaa KAPS hub system (€3,898 + tip)?
man we need to hire the Clinic schizos to replace our lame schizos. They go off on tangents about Stoke City and the Russians being in on faking the moon landing. Then back to screeching about Pogi in the next post. It's is comedy gold. One lads "proof" of doping is Pogi doing the climb yesterday only a little bit slower than he did it before. He should be tired after burning matches and be more than 3 seconds slower!

Aight that's enough of that. Off for me ride.
The one by même is probably the worst of this industry. Front mech is probably the most reliable piece of equipment Ona bycicle
I completely agree but 1by is great for my wife because she doesn't ride that often and was always overwhelmed with using the front derailleur. Women, amiright?
be BBC
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My first road bike as a teen had a triple chainring and although I never used the smaller one because I wasn't redpilled on cadence back then I never had any issue switching gears etc. I wonder why triple went out of style, maybe a difficulty to index the FD
nice "gravel" course UCI
60% paved roads

just gonna watch MTB WC in Canada
Probably wouldn't sell any if they still made them. Big cassettes are normal now. If you need more than 34x34 you should probably get an e bike at that stage
Watch Paris-Tours.
The real gravel race.
>If you need more than 34x34 you should probably get an e bike at that stage
t. rampalet
Shadup bitch, your nasty feet scared them off
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already over
Yeah it's not a huge problem for casual riding but if you need to sprint and to climb the range you need means either 2 front or some ridiculous 12-13 tooths on the back which is way more complex
You should be banned from swimming pools and sandals
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they died because pros used 2x and people want to larp
I bought a used Serotta with that era Ultegra on it
I thought it was going to be shit because it was so old but it shifted amazing, as good as the DA of that era (this was in like 2016)
I was selling a gravel bike a month ago that had a chain that was too short for extreme cross chaining since I recently switched the subcompact for a compact
woman comes over to check it out
What do you think the very first thing she does is?
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based stacy
You're right I think the cassettes going up to 34 fixed that problem. but back then 28 was the max so having a small 30 chainring could let anybody get up rampas. For a beginner those were pretty good
Is Ti a meme?
I have a friend who still rides 3x although I haven't really paid attention to see if he actually uses it
in what respect?
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Yes well, he was very good in warmup and improved in stageraces.
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Peak torque also made a video about gearing. Obviously the technology now allows for MTB cassettes on road bikes but back in the day having anything above 30 would seem like a total fantasy
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Plus very good in the superclasico races that counted.
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that's a DQ
the 'dampens vibrations' is bs
they are really nice though for a bike as an object of style, I'd like to have one
Steel is the most overrated frame materials
the ride is almost always shit compared to modern aluminum or CF
Top 25 lets gooooo
I'll take it after this turbulent year with many happenings and missed races

Next year top 10 is finally coming
>Steel is the most overrated frame materials
>the ride is almost always shit compared to modern aluminum or CF
I just use steel bikes for my commuter beaters since it's easy to find older Look steel bikes from the 90s here. It sure is bumpy but it gets the job done for city use and no one cares about stealing old steel bikes

TIME on the other hand when they still manufactured their Aktiv forks had a really effective vibration damping system that you actually can noticeably feel. The difference between the standard CF fork and the fork with the damper, although 250-300grams heavier, makes longer ride much more easier on the upper body and gives more confidence in the descents. They discontinued the production of those because people wanted to buy lighter to mimic pros
being anal about staying in Z2 is the most retarded shit ever
i'm pissed I bought into it for so long
im in a super hilly area, i stopped caring about it this year, if I went into tempo/threshhold on a climb I dont care, I wouldn't try to be in those zones, but I also wouldn't slow if I got into them, I was basically riding the worst way possible according to everyone on reddit/internet blogs/youtubers IE "junk miles"

fittest I've ever been
it's more about doing volume than anything
Here is your gravel race, community bros
Paul Voss will win
Shadup you spic fuck Indian
I've always thought of Z2 as a good way of doing very long rides. Once you're able to do 6hrs on a bike at a stable pace the world is yours
Literally just ride as much as you can and eat a lot
that's how I looked at it, but if I'm in threshold for 3 min on a 20 minute climb, I still count that as Z2 riding
in a 3-5 hour ride all those micro efforts stack up but it's not like a 20 min threshold effort in terms of stress
when I started doing VO2 work very first interval I did was close to previous PR after not having done any intensity in about 8 months
It's basically this, and a natural consequence of that is doing a lot of z2 because otherwise you just exhaust your legs too fast.
But if you don't have time because of work or your lifestyle to ride long hours I don't see why you would actively try to get pure z2 out of your 1.5h ride like some people swear by, might as well smash.
John Borstelmann (San Luis Obispo, Calif.; Slowtwitch Goodlife Racing)

Ted King (Richmond, Vt.; Cannondale)

Andrew Lydic (Boulder, Colo.; Ride BMC)

Justin McQuerry (Austin, Texas; Ibis Cycles/ Presta Cycle/ Moose Packs)

Ethan Overson (Superior, Colo.; Scuderia Pinarello)

Colby Simmons (Durango, Colo.; Team Visma | Lease a Bike)

Brennan Wertz (Mill Valley, Calif.; Mosaic Cycles)

what the fuck is this team
Do the eurosport commentators in your country barely talk about the race itself?
they just keep talking about cycling related stuff besides the race
Kek, another 100km solo. This time against frauds
How long have you fags been making these threads? 6 years?
why is Tiz only streaming ladies gravel worlds?
that happened yesterday
broadcast doesn't start for another 10 minutes
nobody works together in this race so it's already over
atleast I don't have to tune in now
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understandable mistake
Even if they did, grug is 30w stronger and better handler. Only a puncture could have saved this race
Eurosport here is just visma ball washing
couldn’t wait until the coverage jesus christ
Kek litteraly the belgiun https://x.com/WielerFlits/status/1842898683215438018
Waar usa. Canyon is going to pay a fortune to grug to go do unbound
Voss top 10 would be neat.
No Jens Voigt is serious about cicilismo.
>he doesn't mute the c*mmetary
how did nobody fall in the water?
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must be fake faker
Who says nobody did. No worries, UCI will check an hour after the race
He's actually called Raßmann but the retards probably thought that ß is a b
Hold up, that's not Paris huehuehue
That took forever, how are they always so bad changing front wheels?
>self-inflating tires
I'm back in civilization Berts. I wish nobody to experience Polish railways customer service (it's kurwa), smelling the coal filled air of Katowice, having to take fl*xbus from Katowice to Ostrava because Poland doesn't know the concept of running a replacement bus for a damaged railroad bridge for only 5km across the border to Czechia, riding the tram through Ostrava, the Liège of Czechia and all in fog and darkness. It was very grim. The train cars were Polish, although it just ran between Czechia and Austria, so no wifi to pretend to be bertaczek.
The sun is shining in Vienna, life is good again.
I'm sorry but this gravel thing is so unbelievably boring to watch compared to actually doing it yourself
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Sounds like a great trip
wtf is gog jail?
>Steel is the most overrated frame materials
>the ride is almost always shit compared to modern aluminum or CF
Hurrdurr you've obviously never ridden a good quality steel bike, steel is still real
keep asking questions and I'll put you in there
what a pussy
can't even 100km solo
bitch nigga
they are all so bored
literally UCI Gran Fondo Championship
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Interesting ride yesterday to West Point (US Army military academy) with a military escort through the grounds, normally closed to cyclists
Gravel must be done in mtb trails to be fun
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remember when the Tour was briefly a gravel race
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Kek, there is always a problem on the borderlands, very few services run in conjunction with the other side. Usually you have to pick if you use PKP or CD or understand one or the other will not give a shit about your cute little ticket and/or tight timetable.
You also get replacement busses all the time within Poland.
And the air is great ever the night temps dropped below 10C, there is a home or two in my town that immediately starts burning old furniture and railroad ties impregnated with creosote, the smog sensor in that are goes red sad face immediately.

See, you should come, spend your westoid shekels, instead of risking fights with some churkas. Even if you wanted we already have them here.
Coverage is irritating. They're spending entire time trying to convince me why this is exciting. It insists upon itself.
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Europe could never
Cereal Diesel wouldn't bring any points, I would be fuming if I did pick him.
>Frederik Rubman
kek this announcer
you just need actual gravel
not 10 miles of pavement into 1 mile of dirt bike path into 10 miles of pavement for a total of 110 flat miles
tons of legit gravel events in Europe, UCI is just retarded
glad to see the random tanks on pedestals are a worldwide phenomenon
lads are nearly running the speed of the "peloton"

they chuted
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she deserves a BWC
guy on eurosport saying he wants the ladies milan san remo to be 200 km's next year. thinks they can do it
They can but the main question is who's gonna watch it
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places gravel championship should be in in Europe
Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Estonia, Wales, Scotland
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I don't see Bottas on the PCS startlist, is there a non-pro event or something?
So... what will happen to Trofeo Alfredo Binda?
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me ya fuckin simp
He's in the men's 35-39 race

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has anyone seen this group?
Having second rate male races is more important than having female races chud
wish this retard would retire from F1 already
most phone it in im here for the paycheck driver in the history of the sport
he looks 55
You've obviously never watched a single F1 race before Drive to Survive then
Wish Checo would go first
But yeah Bottas is boring
so they just ride for teams? Alpecin riders are just working for MVDP
he's a solid driver and won a ton of races when Hamilton was at his peak
Great qualifier
Rarely crashes out
Solid career
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>I took a break from not riding my bike to not ride my bike
garbage brand
Hè? Voss?
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there are w*men here?
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Buttass has been a back marker for 5 years. Give it up already.

I don't get the hate for Perez. He had 4 podiums this year, 2nd last year, 3rd year before.
He only has mid pack results since the RB has gone to shit. Even Verstappen is finishing high mid pack now in it.
>red recoveries
From what?
grug smash
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Well if you consider some of the self reported height and weight of some Bert(a)s you start to wonder.
cancer inducing ass clappings
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With 4 Belgians in the chasing group
>winning 10 races in FIAMG era
I see my boy Troon
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Gianni Vermeersch lol
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is that bouhani?
mohoric regretting life decisions right now
Hope somebody pushes him in the ditch
Mohoric subscription to Slovenia gigaEPO has run out
probably wants to kill bouhanni
>team Belgium when it's a WC in Leuven
>military escort on bike ride
most american post this week
Not even joking, but it pisses me off to no end that this fucker is allowed to participate in the sport
Alpecin riders are just riding for Mathieu lol
Dude was all excited about his new training regime before the season. Safe to say it backfired spectacularly.
i really needed to see this person post about not riding their bike. stupid little cocksucker faggot
what was it? Z2?
gone way too skelly, there was a point he looked like a corpse
once you show the goods the grift ends, these people live off imagination of pathetic men
she's probably smoking weed right now
team USA check?
shes ugly like a jew. polack jewbergstein
Why isn't Keegan Swenson racing for USA today?
>bike path world championship
afraid to get exposed for the fraud he is
He only does actual gravel races
now that we've got that out of the way, it's time to go tend my farm in Landwirtschaftssimulator 22
Apparently Arensman's 5min max wattage is 525W, some berts could definitely break that in a couple years. Didn't realise that even top gc guys are such wattlets
If you're so good, why aren't you a pro?
How is this gravel?
it's not about gravel it's about beer tents and money
I am nowhere near that and I weigh 15kg too much, heh. I was thinking about the leafbert who did over 500W last winter and the German kilowatt bert.
If the route is too gravel-y, the big World Tour names won't participate. If the big names don't participate, nobody gives a shit about this race.
My commute is a better parcours than that
Mads goes.
Kakerman follows.
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Pedersen goes with 69km to go

He's entering his Pogi era
That's not the reason. Next year will be gravely it's just Flanders classic wanted to host it to make money and the uci is retarded
Stuyven is so fed up with Vermeersch
the team game is annoying when the guy they're riding for is already the overwhelming favorite
real gravel almost starting on paris tours
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we all are
mads going absolutely nuts
why do they call them chemin de vigne
looks like I am back JUST in time for some MWW kino
riders finally figuring out the G2 slurp syndrome and going long
Mads chasse patate
works in Zwift too

if you get a small gap, everyone behind just gives up
also better to be alone on those small roads, if some shitter chutes in front of you it's over
they probably read our posts complaining about it
are u the stolen bike fren?
im just lying in bed like a turd watching this dogshit
i can feel the life draining out of me
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I tried that twice or thrice and got humbled each time
it'll be another Hrschiwinslol in Italy
nope, white tarmac bert here
I believe in the squeakers
rides straight into a car
Mads is MORBIDLY obese
colbrelli would have been in this front group
what type of wattlet can't get up ramps on 34x34
I shan't even check the speed/cadence charts
Bike racing is fun when the riders are under biked. This is just a normal road race
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wet one
but a wet one is still better than an indoor one
Why the fuck is florian riding with grug?
oh, the racer fren with the masonic skinsuit...nice. ill join you in game in a couple days at most btw
where's valverde anyway
penhoet dead
these french riders are dumb
He knows that he is the superior rider
i love Mads but what the fuck is he doing
de mong is getting a free ride in the pedalton
many such cases
doesn't want to sprint against philipsen so he hopes to up the pace like this
He thinks he's Pog
There's more gravel in Paris–Tours than in this shitshow
madsbros its over
This course is so fucking stupid, at least put some technical singletrack or proper rough gravel in it or something. This is basically a road race now
Riding minutes with 45-50 rpm is not fun bert
stop wheelsucking Affini
Imagine how these slow ass gravelers must feel getting passed by grug like that
he's waiting for his daddy laporte in G2
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are you baiting me into checking the charts
fuck sake
9km/h @ 70 rpm in 34x34
if you need more than that get an ebike or change your route. bloody wattlets
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classic labrat behavior
why should he ride for Mads time to eat that plate
>360 vs 350 watts
why doesn't mads want to sprint anymore? he did the same in the EC but that was more understandable but in a hard race like this he could win the long sprint against anyone on the startlist
How much do you weigh, out of curiosity? I've seen some very rapid runs
I do have 36x34 though

how do we deal with the e-bike question on strava?
he is not as fast as jappe
per strand in the barbed wire
chute de Per Strand
war is hell
cmon Søren
stop working for lame jappe
what watts do you think they are riding at right now?
which race?
how is Mads looking so clean
everyone else is caked in mud
waar BOTAS?
there's 2 gravel races right now be more specific
his thicc legs catch all the mudslop
alright everyone tune into agostini (turn sound off), then straight into the WC gravel and then paris tours
He has now fucked off
thank god
based reality warper
end laporte next
Laporte will chute soon mashallah
i hate lamejappe and i hate pure sprinters
god i hope they all chute brutale
>i hate pure sprinters
>i hate lamejappe
aranburu goes
LAPORTE goes, VACEK follows
this lad going Cofidis don't forget. fucking Cofidis
FUCK off Laporte
>Mads can't even beat a pure sprinter in Roubaix
>15 seconds
Brace for another heartbreak
Laporte about to win this im afraid
hirschi wins
aranburu is mentally retarded
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told ya, Hirschiwinslol
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Lapeira completely retarded to launch so far from the finish line
he was ded
The fuck were they doing. Quickest guys doing a Kasia.
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I still De Lieve
UAE 80 victories this year
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Turn on the "gravel" and they're riding on perfectly smooth tarmac. Grug may as well be on the Aeroad
that was a very long sprint from hirschi
Then it's over for me
Mads about to get cooked by Laporte
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Paris Tours is a great motivation for autumn Paris-Roubaix
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Defeatism from the Danes and Tismbert looking behind at Hessmanbert.
could atleast do autumn Denain
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Turn on the French race and they're riding gravel covered in mud and dirt
puncture for Mads?
Oussama Abdellah MIMOUNI did a POGACAR down in Cameroon, 4 days after OTLing the local volta
what a race
And only 1 of them was a mass sprint
I'm curious about who they'll send to Guangxi. The HTC record is still within reach if they want it.
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Something is not right.
>I hate one day races
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top 10
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>Bertol Fouafack
what’s lil bro doing
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>KWIATKOWSKI Grzegorz of Team France Défense
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>This world title will mean no less than his other world titles
MTB XCO starts in 4 min thank god
canyon stock rising
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Absolutely Grugesque
its madsover
Canyon chads just can't stop winning
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Grug wins
The big orange lad not even tired
he actually did it kek
Who in their right mind would race a wet denain?
That combo of letters is aesthetically pleasing
Grug not even tired
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>three wooden planks on a pedestal
>tricolore vase (?)
>stone slab
weird ass trophies
Grug for sure gets a bonus $$$ if he raises the bike after a win
>arnold de lie
Would have much prefered to see grug there than in L*uven
Belgians just hate each other
haha it's literally the lelgians chasing the dutch meme
haha fuck Gianni even his teammates hate that subhuman
I hate that TT ST junction
makes for a great photos on canyon website
childlike happiness
Where has Laporte been all season anyway?
grug is always happy when he doesn't have to race road
Kek it looks like all the logos have washed off Laporte.
saddle sores
Paris Tours organisers should really change the date now that there's the gravel worlds
Morgado absolutely seething
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hamburger time
mvdp needs to do mtb wc again
Bad luck for morgadao
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>three wooden planks on a pedestal
oooh, maybe it's an artistic representation of wi-fi router
>genno berkmows
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born to race XC, forced to ride anything but XC
race is over in paris tours unless laporte chutes
FRETIN dood.
PT getting calendar kekked by the gravel wc will never not be funny
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Just g2 things.
these buns look horrible
they have burgers in europe?
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suddenly 40’seconds wtf man
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Trek and visma blocking.
Heh, managed to talk meself out of LAPORTE because he didn't look like doing stuff last race and now this. Heh.
>italiaanse bol
reminds me of when I went on vacation to the UK as a kid and got a burger on a piece of baguette
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not sure if he's showing how smart he was or the opposite
should be allowed ram them off the road in such situations
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Vacek my son, don't embarass me in front of the Berts
How the FUCK did he know. Lapute hasn't done SHIT this year
Hat tip
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Would have been a crime to have grug kept in that fraud centrale
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top 10
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Troon 10th place
can't wait for florian to get the UAE buff
I looked at Hessman having him and fucked to meself immediately.
He was showing signs of life since a month, if I didn't burn meself last race on him I would pick him again too.
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madouas suffering
It's over bloat brothers
Come on g2. I want to see a proper sprint .
Mads regretting he burnt all them matches early
caam on vatsek
G2 is kinda like the prisoner's dilemma
Hirschi is the most powerful 1.1 category racer, even better than de lie when there's no serious competition.
that berckmoose fella is wasted as a domestique
Pedersen lâché
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Yea they slurping.
Fuck off.
he's definitely a more versatile rider
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>Johnny Hoogerland
philipsen slurping his way to a podium
Oh it is only a Category 3 race. Good
HIRSHI is doing Lombardia after all
He's gonna put MINUTES into Pogachud
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the fight is lost
Lombardia is 1.1 now? Deserved to be desu
vacek should just push laporte
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he's gonna fall asleep like last year
it's way above MSR
surely Vacek can beat the shitty 2024 version of Laporte
msr is infinitely better than lombardia
Of course, MSR is basically on the level of GP Kranj
terrible take
kom aan eh lapdog you are legend keep pushing yes you can win eh
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will never not laugh at this
oi brtek if vasek loses this you have to do 40/20s on the raper next time
Laporte is such a winner? Not at Cofidis
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the worst possible outcome
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Czechia loses again
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easy Laporte wins
nice Philipsen smash in the last 20 metres. put them pretenders back in their box
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laporte wins
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well at least I have VACEK in me velosquak
Where the FUCKING FUCK is De Lie. FUCK
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>there was no French winners of Paris-Tours between 1956 and 1998
dutch manlet mogged
Cees BOL of all places in 6th. What a SHIT race
the majority of his wins are still from Cofidis it was just smaller races
he needed Visma to get him up to Danmark Rundt levels
velogoomblers seething at a hard fought unpredictable race
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Oh, he's in the background
And TEUNISSEN is 4th, fuck my antipicking skills from the right driver subset.
Everyone has at least 2 runners in the top 10, who cares
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top 10
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looks like we still managed to win a monument this year Vismabros
virgin gay, clean muzzie vs chad manly, unkempt czech
somebody call the UCI
Good result for my boy Fabio
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>another second spot
More like 2ertacek
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another goomble tomorrow lads, except there's no startlist
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But it is easy, pick your 3 sheiks and someone from Burgerdough, Remco, Zingle, Albanese, Aranbaru maybe Zanoncello/Tizza if you need money.
eh, could've been worse
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>VANDEPUTTE and VAN DE PUTTE are different riders
oh well
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there is no puckse in this race
why does this race even exist it serves no purpose
agreed, not watching
his missus wants him to rape and breed her as many times as possible. So refrain from even using Jay Vine smiling to advertise for vasectomy or spaying and neutering your pets.
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Slight update.
these french mtbers are so tiny
olivia onesti is like 35kg
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>Im putting together a squad
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im in
what's this, a doper for ants
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for electrolytes do you prefer powder or tablets? you do get the carbs with the powder but I prefer just munching a snickers and banana than drinking me carbs
new thread >>144898294
new thread >>144898294
new thread >>144898294

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