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Noooooooooooo it was supposed to be easy!!!
Previous: >>144877067

Bluebloodsisters, today hasn't been our finest hour.
california has fallen hard. never gonna have a powerhouse team out there again.
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Coach Prime Ate
what a kino week of football
michigan is not a blueblood. a 3 year run made possible by cheating does not erase the last 3 decades of utter mediocrity.
I'm not a Mishitgan fan but of course they're a blueblood. They have the most wins all-time.
USC is based and watching them join the Big just to lose to Minnesota is depressing as hell. Outside of the Caleb Williams era they are the most likable team in CFB.

They'll still beat Penn State next week.
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Always good to get a win
Fire Fleck
Fuck coastniggers
Go on.. what'd he eat?
>Captcha: PR1M8T
good evening i hate california, alabama, michigan and coach primate
Tennessneed losing would be the icing on the cake of this kino day of CFB.
t. butthurt anOSU fan
Should the Big 10 poach Colorado?
Their National Championships are all validated by winning last season and the fact if you start nitpicking theirs you have to nitpick every schools.
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Always happy to get a win
Fire Fleck
Fuck coastniggers
I hate em, but you’re wrong. They’re an elite program.
Ohio State wanted a few more recruiting showcases to steal their players, that's the main reason they're in mot muh tv markets
has parity been a positive or negative for CFB. I really don't know, there's positives and negatives for both sides. I feel like it used to be where bama losing today in hilarious fashion would be big because it knocked them out, now Bama can still drop like another game and it still won't matter.
no, Stanford and Cal.
>Bluebloodsisters, today hasn't been our finest hour.
Meatchicken has an excuse tho: everyone either graduated or went with Harbaugh. It's a rebuild year so it's impressive they've done as well as they have
Vanderbilt beating Alabama should transcend season implications for what it was. it's not really lessened at that level
On balance, it's probably good because it gives more fan bases hope. But I've got to say, the expanded playoffs does make the upsets a bit less kino. Losing to Vandy would have been catastrophic to Bama's playoff hopes in the past, but it's not really anymore.
were they even favored? everybody knows they are shit and should not have been ranked 10
Big 10 would be good if they got ND, and what the hell, Colorado could work too, WV, or Pitt also.
Nah. B1G is a media monster they only poach teams that increase their reach. They would rather break into Texas and Florida.

Funfact Rutgers is one of the most important B1G teams in the conference because it totally locks down the entire New York/New Jersey Markets.
3-2 is not a good record
Lol no they have zero fans
only if we can drop Rutgers and Maryland

Stanford and Cal make the most sense, they are elite academically which B1G sort of cares about and with the B1G money they would most likely thrive because who doesn't want to go play in the Bay Area (inb4 Kamala Harris) and get paid for the privilege while getting a world class education?
>Lincoln Riley has lost seven of his last 12 games.
>$110 million/year
I would say that too but the thing is that its not Vanderbilt of like 2017, even Vandy has 10x the talent it used to because of the portal and NIL-related stuff.
So how long will it take for FBS to reorganize into 4 conferences of 16 teams with all of bullshit “me too” teams pushed to FCS? The top 4 from each conference go to a 16 team post season.
Guys, I can't access scores. How did my Hawkeyes do today?
Eh? I'll admit they don't have as many criminals and divas as certain other teams do, but "likeable" is definitely not what I'd call USC
Colorado will return to irrelevancy once prime leaves, and you know this
>dropping Rutgers
Hahahaha no. They live Rutgers for how much money they bring in.
*Has the longest winning streak in college football without passing the ball*
its going to happen a lot more now with portal
Don't worry, Volbros, Nico will orchestrate a game winning drive here.
How does USC not get their choice of recruiting? You're an 18 year old high school kid and you can be in fucking southern California fucking perfect blond trust find Stacey's and going to the beach every day or end up in fucking nowhere like Penn State or even worse Alabama. Why.
>They'll still beat Penn State next week.
maybe. all i know is that's going to be an ugly game on offense.
Losing to my Devils ;^)
why are you all posting in the wrong thread?
I can see MD going acc, but as another anon said, Rutgers locks down the NY/NJ audience and that means a lot to B1G. I work in investment banking, I know a ton of dudes who did their undergrad at Rutgers to get their mba or ms at NYU, Columbia, Princeton, etc. Rutgers is basically NJ State
Anon... there are 2 Super conferences and everyone else is a shitter who doesn't deserve life and should be happy they will poach their top teams. According to the Super Conferences.
Because players like to win and USC hasn't done much of that lately.
Shit teams
I don't understand when the clock is supposed to stop versus when it keeps running
They'll never give up Maryland because it gets them Baltimore and Washington DC.
does it really matter considering there is a GENOCIDE going on in the middle east?
Arkanshit about to blow it like they always do.
old head bros, how do you cope with your team losing embarrassingly

>t. young head 21 year old who didn't watch CFB until last year
Getting blackout drunk and then not reading or watching anything college football related until the next game.
I contemplate the impermanence of things and the smallness of my place in the universe
Just get over it bro.
12 team playoff means none of it matters until you have 3 losses
sure but at that level the helmet beating the other helmet should be the story regardless. maybe it's just because I'm old as fuck so it holds more water seeing it for the first time

if it was say Arkansas beating Alabama I couldn't agree with you more though
It gives leverage to the athletes and that means more incentives to play at schools they would not have considered in the past
I believe Nick Saban saw the writings on the wall and bounced, coaches/recruiters lost leverage
Come on, Piggies, finish this shit off.
i go to the local park and when their parents aren't looking, i tell children they're adopted.
except in can be consequential, conference record matters more now
that's the volunteers for you, pulling defeat from the jaws of victory.

What the fuck was that, lol
Bad week for ranked SEC teams innit
michigan and USC lost too.
add another one lol
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He has spoken!
why the fuck would you fucking run. i swear black quaterblacks are retarded.
California has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
I sort of agree but they probably shouldn't have beaten minnesota and the only thing that has made them relevant this century is a period of on field cheating.
heh, i guess youre forgetting about my unbeaten team

no matter, i am sigma and you are beta
there was pressure
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see >>144879460
its unironically parity and NIL
>period of on field cheating
obvious anOSU fan is obvious
i hate tennessee so much thank god they lost
Why ya hate Tenny anon?
umm sweaty that is a pacific islander qb. please dont do racism again bipoc folx. thanks.
they have the worst fans. Alabama fans are cocky but they have the championships to prove it. Tennessee fans are cocky and rude as fuck but have not won anything of note in like 30 years.
Cal sounds loud
so true king
...I'm a JMU fan
on it
>5 of top 11 teams lost with #8 currently losing

Holy kino
That's fair
Think they're loud because they haven't been successful for a while until Josh showed up
March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free
Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory
We're the Army and proud of our name
We're the Army and proudly proclaim

First to fight for the right,
And to build the Nation's might,
And the Army goes rolling along
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting 'til the battle's won,
And the Army goes rolling along.

Then it's Hi! Hi! Hey!
The Army's on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong
For where e'er we go,
You will always know
That the Army goes rolling along.
p much this i live near knoxville but i unfortunately am a vt fan and goddamn no other fanbase comes close to how awful they are. not bama, florida. fsu (close), um... they're smug and obnoxious for no reason
As someone who lived in Knoxville for about 8 years, I can agree. Worst fans in the country. Hate them. Love looking at Vol Nation every time they lose. Thank god. I hate Vols fans. Happens every year by the way. Vols fans think they're good after beating joke teams only to lose to joke teams.
Wait, Cal is on the Pacific Ocean, why are they in the Atlantic Coast Conference? That is literally retarded.
Did same thing with Pruitt who was a tard. Did same with Butch Jones too. Vols fans never learn. The team always sucks.
>Canes getting exposed as frauds

Many such cases!
Jalon “Monkey” Daniels
My top 10:
1. Texas
2. Ohio State
3. Oregon
4. Penn State
5. Miami (too early)
6. BYU
7. Indiana
8. Iowa State
9. Pitt
10. Navy
suck cock gayhawk!
They identify as Atlantic you bigot
Cal is not a good program. They don't even have any decent NFL players as alumni.
Hope you guys are enjoying our QB Washington ;_; we miss you Will
Tate Martell would be stuntin on these fools
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Texas is the only undefeated SEC left compared to the B1G's four.
based for not including jawja
honestly I think if texas or ohio state played jawja today, both would bully the fuck out of their lines
>Aaron Rodgers
>Marshawn Lynch
>Desean Jackson

You best be trolling, nigga.
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woke beating coke in Berkley
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You now remember the last time Big 12 teams joined the SEC it resulted in one of them winning the Heisman while teabagging Bama in Tuscaloosa and the other winning the East in 2 of their first 3 years
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Tennessee is gonna get gaped by Alabama and Georgia and miss the playoffs arent they
what kind of wigger accent does this arizona state QB have?
Why do browns hate white people so much?
Ohio St
Penn St
Iowa St
Ole Miss
>>Aaron Rodgers - faggot
>>Marshawn Lynch - attention seeking faggot
>>Desean Jackson - based antisemitic faggot
BASED Coach Dillingham
There's no reason for 1 loss teams to be top 10 this early in the season, especially when they are losing to undefeated teams.
bama drops to two. USC and michigan stay in the teens. Tennessee to 8. Everyone is happy.
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>dances with cheerleaders
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>mom in front of me got mad for calling UF-UCF refs "fucking mongoloids" in front of her kids
i want to be the catcher in the rye... not this
You now remember Legendary Miami Tight End Kellen Winslow Jr.
>Sharty had to play #2 and #3 already
Maybe we aren't so bad(we are)
>Ole Miss
I'd put Kentucky ahead. Their only loss is to jawja by 1 point.
>zoomer speaks black
wtf did you expect
When does the media stop automatically (((ranking))) pooSC just because Pete Carroll had success with them decades ago?
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>Army and Navy are now the frontrunners for the G5 autobid
ancient times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQdt8KpRLOw
New playoff idea:
We have open playoffs, but the caveat is you have to be undefeated to get invited, not counting conference championship. All undefeated regular season teams are invited but none others are
Happens every year
Big East football
I want Miami to come back but then spill their spaghetti at the end like when they didn't take a knee that time
i came watching that robot getting gaped and squirting from anal desu
Anyone else creep Insta for college football fans who are also very attractive women?

I will Google the sorority chapters at a school, and put that into Instagram to find the chapter account. That account will tag their sisters and you can follow the ones that have impressive academic records. One thing is that the sister accounts often go back to High School, so don't let yourself look at those.
They're ranked because they beat LSU, if you don't like it blame ESPN's nonstop EECEECEEC hype machine
Texas has played one SEC game against Mississippi State. OU's sooner magic beating Jordan haire voodoo is more impressive than what texas has done vs the SEC this season.

tbf mizzou was actually good prior to leaving the big 12
aTm being good was pretty surprising though, but Johnny Football was a fuckin experience man
Because they are humiliated when they compare themselves, and can never not be, their inadequacy is so apparent.
I cant say that I do
Obsessed shotskins lmao
There's no way the frontrunner isn't Boise who only lost close to Oregon away
Still Boise
>they beat LSU
Again...I ask...
The moment another team loses in an embarrassing fashion you IMMEDIATELY run to shit on them in order to try to deflect people from shitting on your team
For instance if you're a Tennessee fan you need to go all-in on calling Alabama shit
Sorry chud, if a blue blood goes 7-5 or better the year before and has a top 20 croot class, they will start ranked. I don't make the rules
>USC and michigan will still be ranked tomorrow
>bama will still be in the top 10
>missouri will probably still be in the top 15

the cfp rankings can't come soon enough. They're terrible but they don't hesitate to tell teams to fuck off, specifically ones like michigan and USC this year
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based 5th amendment knower chd
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guys how do i cure a hangover and fix my voice in 12 hours, i have work tomorrow morning
Have sex with a sorostitute.

Soothes a lot of problems desu senpai
texas loses Saturday
No one works on sundays
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i hope every fat fucking faggot in little rock gets annihilated by chicom nukes
Realistically (assuming miami wins) I think its:
>1. Texas
>2. Ohio State
>3. Oregon
>4. Miami
>5. Georgia
>6. Penn State
>7. Alabama
>8. Ole Miss
>9. Tennessee
>10. LSU

I think this will be it. Bama won't drop out of the top 10 for sure because everyone else fucking sucks too.
Would they beat ND?
I don’t see how u guys can jackoff to that I just tried and felt foolish
Go find a iv bag bar. They have em in touristy places
The fun part is Army and Navy both play ND. If one of them wins out they are the playoff team.
>anime gif
yes, yes this is the post that saved /sp/
The cornfagsters are lucky they don't have to play my Gophies this year.
UA isn't even in Little Rock, Tenneseether
uh-oh that Vol is seething
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i do
t. wagie
did you actually watch the video? it's so fucking hot
remember a few weeks ago when they were touching themselves over 6 of the top 7 being heckin SEC
Next week's AP rankings

1. Texas
2. OSU
3. Oregon
4. Penn State
5. Alabama
6. Georgia
7. Tennessee
8. Miami
9. Ole Miss
10. Michigan
11. USC
12. LSU
13. Iowa State
14. Notre Dame
15. BYU
16. Indiana
17. Missouri
18. Clempus
19. Texas A&M
20. Boise State
21. Utah
22. Oklahoma
23. Kansas State
24. Pittsburgh
25. Virginia
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It was a bad day for:
>black quarterbacks
>the southeast
Anyone else?
Whys miami 4 exactly? For beating florida a&m by 400?
We have ourselves an edgy anon
My Army would bootyblast both of these shit teams
Army and Navy could actually split and cuck each other
Undefeated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One-loss
They will, but the chances of either winning out vs Boise winning out are slim
Navy in particular has some challenges
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nope I love piggies
Don't speak
Just keep the voice softer when you do
this is a pretty good list too. I don't think they push Alabama too much honestly. On the road game after a big win, I think they fall to 5, not lower than Georgia.
i thought tennessee fans just conference posted all the time. notice how much sec posting dropped when tennessee started getting better.
miami imploding you love to see it
Get hammered, ignore social media, actual media, and /cfb/ until next weekend
Big Corn swallowing it's pride and going national will eventually make it better than the Big Cotton
is that nigga related to Charles Woodson
ESPN and the tv network jews who want their big brands in the playoffs
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My nephew got stuck in one of these machines and fucking died because of it. Everything in that webm happened to him 1-to-1.
As a butcher, this is more fascinating to me than shocking or revolting.
Why is he twearking? Does he live with weird people?
yeah this is what it probably will be, but it's incorrect. Undefeated teams should be ranked above 1 loss teams.
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lmao i work a minimum wage manual labor student job
based refs let him have the pompom too
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>...I'm a JMU fan
Me too, and I'm on suicide watch. That was a disgusting loss.
If they split and one goes undefeated besides that I still think the one would make it
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>Michigan staying at 10 after losing
>Clempus dropping three spots after a drama-free win
>Thug U
>2. OSU
I don't think the Cowboys will be ranked that high, bud.
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he just wants to be a little silly
>Army and Navy both beat ND
name something more based
we don't have them in gainesville
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You love to see it
Only one counts towards the playoff
ohio state and texas might as well book their playoff tickets at this point, it's just a matter of if they win their conferences
the oregon game is virtually consequence free bc they're probably gonna end up fucking playing each other again
If Army and Navy make the cfp I'm moving to the woods off the grid cause that is the biggest red flag that the draft and ww3 are about to start
numbers check out
A&M and Manziel wouldn't have done as well in the Big 12 as they did in the SEC. They tore up the SEC because their defenses weren't used to facing that kind of QB/offense while Big 12 defenses saw similar stuff every week and were built to stop it. Johnny Football would not have shocked and awed the Big 12 the way he did the SEC.

CFB and the NFL have slowly been adopting offensive schemes and concepts that were first popularized in the Big 12 in the 2000s and 2010s. Before that happened it just got laughed off as "Lmao Big 12 defenses suck" then A&M and Missouri showed what works in the Big 12 also works against SECSECSEC defenses when they only have a week to prepare for it instead of a month (bowl games).
Holy fucking shit Pitt is the last undefeated ACC team left standing.
That's unbelievably retarded
Nigga what. Michigan will be lucky to be ranked, Indiana will 100% be above them. Poosc won't be ranked.
Boise has the best loss they will be higher
Cal will win and be ranked

Gay, see USC and Michigan
guys did an ugly mid 20s zoomer in a gaytor onesie make it on the official uf-ucf broadcagst? that was me
throw another dragon cal
do it
Anon thats was like a 7 step process how did nobody stop it
>bama loses
>doesn't matter because everyone else sucks too

bamawinslol still in effect it seems
>Ohio State-Oregon is gonna be a top 3 game next week
>there’s a small chance it’s a 1v2
What a great time for this chaos to strike
We crie evrytiem
cal have any pass plays longer than 5 yds?
Anon is Wilbur.
Wrong, their final game doesn't matter to the cfp committee it's already been said.
There's no chance in hell Midzou will still be ranked ahead of Ass To Mouth.
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how the hell would it be a 1v2
there is a super slim chance that osu will be #1 tomorrow but oregon certainly isn't jumping texas
They won ACC a few years ago, playoffs isn't out of the question
They're literally Hollywood/Beverly Hills school everyone goes to. Asking the media to stop favoring the heart of American medias empire is impossible.
USC will barely be ranked, but if they lose another game after this than their chances at the playoffs is coffin 'n nails.
anyone watching the taco tech vs arizona game?
>name something more based
pope franky self immolating on live tv after ND loses
Voters finally realize that the entire SEC is fraud central and respectfully rank Texas under the superior conference
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>potential Game of the Century next week
I'm not emotionally ready for this.
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go to /pol/ if you are gonna post Ukraine war gore
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What a shit list
Teams sometimes lose ground during bye weeks and Texas’s quality win just got a lot less quality
To be fair Holstein is a damn good QB. Would be subject of many talking heads on TV if he were at one of the better overall programs.
no. watching miami lose for 2007 part 2.
they're super dangerous
already 50 deaths attributed to them across the country this year with hundreds more suspected
USC is basically already dead in the water bc they only play Penn State
they don't play Ohio State, Oregon, or even Indiana. Indy will be some combination of OSU/Ore/IU/PedoSt
With Jews, you win!
They announce the playoffs Dec 8. Army and Navy insist on playing the next week.
Army Navy no longer counts as an actual game
Who thought this was a good idea
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>A&M currently leading SEC in conference play
feels weird man
Hayden Fry is rolling in his grave watching this crap we saw on the TV today.
Does the Arizona coach realize he’s not in Hawaii?
Nobody thought it would ever matter.
Beating Sharty doesn't warrant jumping from 6 to 2. But Oregon will definitely pass Bama and Tennessee, and there's an outside chance they could jump UGA. It'll be 1/2 Ohio State vs. 3/4 Oregon.
at least you scored eventually
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bros... i fucking love my gay turds so much... i grew up here in the tebow era... who can relate...
Them and their ratings staff
Having that game a separate week is the only way it keeps its traditional importance and attention, and would have been the same scenario regardless if they did last season since it would have been one week after announcement
USC also plays Notre Dame, win out and they're in with wins over LSU/Penn State/ND. 9-3 and they're in the conversation depending on what else happens.
>no defense chokelahomo leading the conference in sacks and turnovers
we live in a society for sure
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Why can't these upsets happen to oregon?
>KFC commercial
>coach primate's family
i could see Ohio State potentially being #1 tomorrow, it's not like texas has a gotcha thing to point to as to why they deserve it
but oregon isn't moving up that much, they'll be 3 at best
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
Looks just like Miller Moss
Nobody actually thought they would be genuine contenders ever so they said fuck it and made it the last game of the regular season under the assumption A&N are permatrash with nothing to play for other than pride.
that was grounding all the way
kirk cousin's long lost son?
he looks like kirk cousins mixed with zach wilson
Kirk has always been faithful to Julie.
I got poop on my hand one time at the swamp
lmao Ward was down. lucky dog
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He’s down.
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cutcha bulljunk and gimme dem wangz
why is being #1 such a curse in recent years. It seems like every #1 team eventually loses.
today def gave me 2007 vibes
i got that welp at least my team didn't blow it feeling. Haven't felt that in a long long time
>Missed the Poptarts costume
Hope they can restock it soon...
Obviously it wasn't or the reffies would have called it.
Anybody wanna do an /sp/ meetup when we get drafted?
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>Cal has an elite defense
How the fuck did they lose to FSU?
It's fucking debover
>Alabama below Georgia
Probably but fuck that
Army and Navy are both going to lose to Notre Dame and likely others like Tulane, cannot mention enough how this scenario of both somehow being undefeated going into championship game is pointless
dillon gaybriel will single handily lose to ohio state next week
i dunno what it will be, but it will be him. Also dan lanning will do something incredibly stupid, probably early in the game this time
Commentator is talking out of his ass.
Woke = Broke
that took way too long for such an obvious call
The Army/Navy game is going to be crazy this year.
1.Texas (41)
2. Ohio State (20)
3. Oregon (1)
4. Penn State
5. Georgia
6. Ole Miss
7. Bama
8. LSU
9. Notre Dame
10. Iowa State
11. BYU
12. Indiana
13. Faggies
14. Tennessee
15. Clempsus
16. Miami(according to current score)
17. Boise st
18. Missouri
19. Pitt
20. Utah
21. Cal according to current score
22. Oklahoma
23. Kstate
24. Michigan
25. USC
They would need everyone in the country to have two conference losses including everyone except for 2 teams in the Big Ten... a lot needs to happen for USC to play anything but the Duke Mayo Bowl
but >muh seeding
yeah I can see them flip flopping them desu
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Just popping in to saY Minnesota is the greatest. Now I have a pizza to go jerk off on (tastes soooo good with my cum)
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nah DG is clutch

was she at least hot?
Lots of chuddy bussies are gonna be popped
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Suddenly the Sooners with only 1 loss not looking so bad!
AP voters have so much egg on their face, the question is do they have more integrity than the american voters or will they just vote against Orange Team Bad again?
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>olay miss 6 for beating uh furman?
Miller Moth
This cam ward glazing is crazy, how many playoffs has he won exactly? He’s just another nigger QB, these jew commentators need better material
My level of alert is decreased. The army commercials I saw today had nothing but browns, not a single white in sight. I think we're safe for now bros.
see >>144881784
he just needs 2 more weeks
Nigga Tulane isn't beating Army. Navy maybe but Army is legitimately elite on both sides of the ball and possibly the most efficient offense in CFB history

I think the winner of that game will probably be the #1 the following week. At least OSU will with a road win.
b-but hes so calm...
>ole piss above bama
lolno. Bama has a stinky loss but their win over Georgia is still good enough to keep them top 6 most likely. Ole Miss has both no good wins and an also stinky loss.
Yea I'm thinking ole piss is not a top ten team
It's looking like we'll have a lot of 10-2/9-3 teams contending for the at large spots. I'm just saying USC has the opportunity to have some nice wins, which would also be H2H with other teams competing for at large spots.
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Gabriel or Howard will be exposed. Possibly both.

Bros, this is as good as it will ever be in college football.
This is far as you go, hispanic man
>1. Texas
>2. OSU
>3. Oregon
>4. Penn State
>5. Alabama
lost to Vanderbilt
>6. Georgia
transitive loss to Vanderbilt
>7. Tennessee
lost to a 2 loss Arkansas
>8. Miami
about to lose to Cal
>9. Ole Miss
lost to Kentucky. would put Kentucky higher than Ole Miss.
>10. Michigan
lost to Washington
>11. USC
lost to 3 loss Minnesota
>12. LSU
transitive loss to 3 loss Minnesota
>13. Iowa State
much higher. undefeated
>14. Notre Dame
lost to a MAC team
>15. BYU
much higher. undefeated
>16. Indiana
much higher. undefeated
>17. Missouri
drop from top 25
>18. Clempus
>19. Texas A&M
higher than clempus and missouri for sure
>20. Boise State
literally the best 1 loss team based on resume.
>21. Utah
fringe top 25 at best
>22. Oklahoma
transitive loss to 2 loss Arkansas
>23. Kansas State
loss to an undefeated team. should be higher than 23.
>24. Pittsburgh
much higher. undefeated
>25. Virginia
lost to Maryland
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shitania would probably find a way to lose the bye week lel
The last time three top-10 teams lost to unranked teams was Nov. 12, 2016

(1) Bama lost to Vandy
(4) Tennessee lost to Arkansas
(10) Michigan lost to Washington
Chances Vanderbilt and Indiana make CFP?
Eyes of a molested individual
michigan is gonna be 6-6 but that wont stop the AP voters from keeping them ranked tomorrow
if you can score points at all you win
You're on something if you think anyone is getting knocked off.
If ND didn't get knocked off from losing to NIL
Utah didn't get knocked out from losing to AZ
And Ole Miss didn't get knocked out from losing to Kentucky

Than none of these teams that lost this weekend will get knocked out. You'll never see anything like 2007 where a #5 team gets knocked out completely from one loss.

AP rankings have been disgustingly compromised these past years. Upsets almost don't even shake up the 25 anymore past a few spots.
Nah, this shit's gonna become the new norm. Top teams don't have the depth they used to have thanks to NIL and the portal, and there's not as much urgency in the regular season because teams know they can afford multiple losses and still make the CFP.
I've been saying it in all these threads but 2/3 loss teams will be the norm from now on. All these elite teams don't have the depth that they used to because of NIL deals and the transfer portal making it easy to move around. Saban got out while he still could and tbqh I think Kirby might be on the move to the NFL soon too.
>he even makes TWO reads before scrambling sometimes
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[spoiler] i want to drunkenly make out with the sataniaposter [/spoiler]
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Navy is better than Army
IU's schedule is favorable for them to make it to indy but they cannot lose any game besides Ohio State
vanderbilt will probably lose more
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That image is a bit too lewd don't you think?
Kirby would be a laughably terrible NFL coach
>still make the CFP
where they will be bootyblasted by undefeated teams
bros, why didn't he throw it?
Indiana unironically has a 40% chance
Cam Ward won a cup with the Canes in '06
>they can afford multiple losses and still make the CFP
Meme. The top four seeds get a bye week and lower-seeded second round matchup
ISU should be holding a magical corn, it'll be funnier.
Plenty of psychopaths are “clam and poised in the face of adversity”, doesn’t make them smart. I bet his wonderlic score is a 14 or 15.
byu pepe should be in mormon underwear
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to smart too throw the ball
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College football is so boring now. I miss the Saban thunderdome teams of the 2000-2010’s.
Hoosiers have a realistic chance if they can at least beat either Michigan or tOSU.
Commodores have no chance whatsoever.
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Why is Miami frog still smiling? What's he thinking?
he was a joe milton protegee
My two friends and I are about to take turns butt and throat fucking a visiting Michigan man that we grabbed
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shamiko? lewd? i could never...
oh my
amnt an gay despite the flag
enjoy my penis in bagina not penis 2 penis m8 soz 4 ur condolence
>a shitter 2 loss SEC team will make the playoffs
how do we fix this sport?
if they can't beat michigan they don't deserve to be in a playoff discussion
Michigan is shit so they are doable
They'll lose tOSU
Probably coming down to if they beat Nebraska
Me too Uncle A
Or serious liver side effects from whatever his roid stack is.
I am a USC alumni btw
Based Ohio dickeyes
Cfb died as soon as the Saban dynasty began
pro/reg with 4 team playoff based on final standings
No more propping up shitters because they have a big name
>t. gosenzo
make out heterosexually of course in the name of debul girls
Nobody that has watched both teams thinks this at all
Offensively they're about even, defensively Army is better in every single way
sorry, I was talking about the shoe
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becuase hes a pineapple qb
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It’s upset week!
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Anyone else struggling to get excited about the upsets today? In the 4 game playoff format today would have been unadulterated kino of the highest order but the new playoff format killed any importance of the regular season. All these teams are making it in. All it did was affect their seeding.
It's vandy. Vandy.

Kentucky played Georgia to the wire
It’s a flawed system though, the #5 spot arguably has an easier path than #1-4. #5 gets a home game against a G5 school then will play the Big12 champ, probably Iowa State.
I like Navy and I don't like Army, so Navy is better
why can't bama and tennessee take care of their shitters?
grim, sad, and embarrassing behavior to be honest. Texas and an Ohio State don't do that even when they've had sloppy games
I love NIL so much bros
Today wouldn't be possible without it
>He doesn't know about Purdue home games
It's still fun to see big upsets, but yeah it would have more way more kino in the old system.
Doesn’t matter what the name of the school is. NIL and the portal has made every shitter program decent now.
Yes that's the designated bootyblasters seed
Whenever I see a lady try to talk about sports I know nothing remarkable is going to come out of her mouth so I just stare at her titties the entire time and don't even hear the interview.
texas and Ohio State most definitely do that, bandwagon retard
Florida St is so bad no one even cares anymore when they get blown out
goalpost status?
what does that have to do with this year ohio state plays them in poolumbus and purdue is almost Kent State tier bad
army has cooler uniforms but has way too many niggers for my liking
"Leave the National Title to me"
How do you even conceivably respond to Ryan Day? Well...he's waiting...
But 95% of the time those tits are FLAT...
Boise State might actually be a challenge at #12, Jeanty is the real deal
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FSPoo's season was over by Labor Day. Their fans have completely checked out.
Of course old system made it more kino, but it doesn't take into account the importance for the schools itself who won't make it
For Arkansas this is a marquee win they've been clamoring for a decade. For Vandy this is the one in a lifetime victory. That still means so much even if that doesn't mean Tennessee and Alabama would be knocked out of playoffs
dude i got a TV interview afyer the gaytor game and i couldnt stop staring at the latina interviewers titties. not even joking check wruf
let chip call the plays please, we can still tell it's you even though you're scoring
*lose to Michigan again and gets fired right afterwards*
>loses in the second round
>can't fire him because he delivers 11 win seasons
>heh nothin personell kid
Don't include Tejas with tosu lmao. Texas was shit from 2007-2022.
Remember when Maryland pushed their shit in back to back years a few years back lmao even.
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those two Cal fans sword fighting with their hard penises
i'm just shitposting about this year geniuses, sheesh
All you need is a mouthful
You can say this about any subject. Intelligent, insightful women don't exist. At best they're over-educated midwits who just repeat the consensus and parrot whatever the authority figures or experts want them to believe.
>mentioning mutthomes again
Yawn. Get some fresh shit, FOX.
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Your math is wrong if you think multiple loss teams aren't making it in.
Sounds like a regular Saturday night in Berkeley
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Based nippon nipple gazer. If you were a dick tracey or batman villain, your name would be “Slippery Slope”
>loses to Oregon
>loses to Michigan (black QB and HC duo)
>gets fired

Boise is going to win CFP and Pac will be a P5 conference
>just retard your way into a 10 seed and and play four playoff games bro
>All these teams are making it in
And thats the problem. An undefeated Indiana, BYU, Iowa State should be top 10 and they won't.
another year and another miami team doing shit
Saban era was incredibly boring. There was like 5 teams who had a remote chance, and usually 2-3.
Nebraska is prob the only team that they would get rid of becuase they dropped AAU membership (aka they have shitty academics compared to everyone else)

They also won’t take Clemson or FSU for this reason. B1G is also a research collab admin thing and so these schools that don’t have lots of labs and papers getting published aren’t being considered. They want to use sports to brand the Schools as elite academics like the Ivys too.

Virginia and UNC good. FSU and clumpson shit. Nebraska needs to get its shit together
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like the sexual tension of me responding >shitania is so electric... maybe i'm just drunk...
I looked wruf up and a radio station comes up. Got a link?
I don't think that will matter to teams as much as you think. Even Saban has said that getting the 5 seed is kind of the sweet spot in the new CFP format. I don't see top programs going balls to the wall to get a bye -- they'll have more of a "Just get in" mindset, I think.
They will be eventually. Don't sweat early season rankings too much.
you;re just drunk
this is upset weekend
IU has a very favorable schedule... but also, they easily look like one of the top 4 team in the BigTen with Ohio State, Penn St, and Oregon... and might actually be the #2 there.
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Ok play four playoff games instead of three
michigan has been shit my entire life (34 years) besides the harbaugh years. hardly an elite program.
Reffies would never ever allow it. They would get the call. They would throw targeting penalties against jeantry to get him ejected
no... i looked it up and they're talking baseball.. maybe dont look it up
my name and face are there
Nebraska runs one of the best sports programs, period, and has a very loyal fanbase that turns up for shit like Women's Volleyball. No chance we ever get dropped from the B1G we are probably top 5 school overall in the B1G.
>cfb is now just the nfl where every team is 6-6 and maybe some team gets lucky and wins 10 games to try to lock up a playoff spot with the least amount of effort possible
Only its more gay because bama can get in losing to shitters cause its le heckn BAMA.
Syracuse? Notre Dame?
This is bait.
If the B1G was serious about muh AAU muh academics they wouldn't have invited Oregon. How they are AAU is a mystery to me. They don't have a medical school and their research budget is laughable compared to the rest of the B1G.
>balls to the wall
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I already solved this previously. You take the top 40 schools with the most wins and you put them in 10 teams pods. Geographically it works out and good rivalries are maintained. There's 0 reason Northwestern should be dragged into a breakaway P2 league. Take the top schools and separate everyone else.
Good thing Bama is going 8-4 with a spot in the independence bowl locked down
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he left the thread, i think it's so over...
proof btw
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>Sataniafags are unironically GAY
Why am I not surprised
Its fucking indiana, they will go into every game with a massive target on their back and wont be able to handle the heat elite teams even have trouble with this
I had sex with several Asian women. Two stood out. One was a very attractive Japanese college student. She worked at a massage parlor. I met her at the massage parlor, one of those massage parlors where you knew you could get full service no problem.

I asked her about full service she immediately said OK. Started having sex on the massage table with her on top. She still had her dress on. She said wait a second she got off the table, she told me I never get naked for anyone but I’m going to get naked for you.

She took off her dress. She sat on the edge of the table and I lifted her legs and I told her you’re gonna make me cum.

She was too pretty her tits were small soft and hot. I lifted her legs up my dick slid right in her pussy. It was so hot literally I think I lasted about 45 seconds. These massage parlors you only get one shot.

She wanted to meet again at a different place to do sex longer. She told me where she worked and wanted
sex when she got off work.

The second Asian woman was Korean.

She just got divorced. I would flirt with her and told her I would like to be her boy toy.

One day I told her it was going to be my birthday in a couple days and she said OK I’m going to give you a birthday present let’s go to a hotel. I was so excited.

I threw all my clothes off she laid on the bed and watch me. I crawled up the bed right to her pussy and started licking it. She got on top and bounced on me, she was moaning and it made me cum.

She said I want to give you a blow job and get you hard. She put KY lubricant in her mouth and gave me the best blow job of my life she made me cum again.

She laid back on the bed and I put my face right between your legs and started licking your pussy. We ended up doing 69 until she came. Then we got in the missionary position and I slipped my dick in her pussy and it was so hot and tight I think I lasted only about five minutes trying to hold back the whole time I was telling her, your pussy is hot and tight.
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>Texas and Texas Tech both had a RB named Ricky Williams around the same time
Looks like they're associated with WUFT, the PBS station in the area?
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Finally a based post ITT
Someone will find it. If you look like a chad there's nothing to worry about
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IM LITERALLY NOT A SHITANIA FAG I just like responding to him..
Glad the dyke lost mad the chick called out a even more boring champ ffs
>your pussy
Ummmm, my bussy you mean
yeah but people have been complaining about osu DIN PLAY NOBODY, iu's is even worse
they need to keep it up and they cannot afford to drop any games. If they drop a single one that isn't ohio state they're done. It's as shrimple as that
miami wr need to fucking learn 2 catch but who am I kidding christobal cant coach
I hear you. But we've seen in other sports that teams tend to value being healthy for the playoffs more than seeding or even getting to play fewer games. Maybe college football will be different and teams will go all out to try to get a bye, but I kinda doubt it. I guess we'll see.
You must’ve forgotten about 1990-2007. Solid to superb seasons.
When the acc implodes b1g will force domers in along with some literal who aau school, pry unc, but Stanford is always a choice
anyways big win for my huskies today
Just got the call from Biden, #1 Texas will play #12 Army in the national championship.
If the Taco Tech v Arizona game score holds then Pitt will be ranked tomorrow. Arizona blew it.
Is this why Auburn is dogshit this year? Stop being a pervert, Hugh.
About to pour me up a bowl of some cheerios
>upset filled weekend
>/cfb/ becomes hornier than a goat
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It still resonates from last year when there was a real playoff, that's what made the game distilled kinography.
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WTF is Fifita doing?!
What elite teams? It's just tosu left on their schedule
It's one thing to win when you are surprising everyone. That's low pressure, low expectations, playing with house money, fun and easy. Lets see how they do when teams start taking them seriously instead of going into the game thinking "It's just Indiana lmao" and fans expect more than moral victories. For a similar example look at how poorly Kansas handled the transition from low stakes to high stakes.
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i looked like a chad before i started my bulk.m, now i have creatine face bloat and my lazy eye looks fycking dysgenic
Indiana fan btw
even if Nebraska isn't particularly big it's the most supported team by its state of any team in American sports. they're not going anywhere because some gay book shit
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
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I think it would be best if we just stayed frens

hope u understand
nebraska brings a good value to the B1G and they have a big fanbase
they aren't going anywhere
Take these teams and split them up into 10 team pods:
Notre Dame
Penn State
Texas A&M
Georgia Tech
Michigan State
North Carolina
Ole Miss
There you go. Take these teams and throw them in 10 team pods.
lmao alright, I laughed this time
Baylor Bruins would have been a better name
I mean elite teams have trouble with shitters because they try extra hard to beat undefeated teams
don't blow it cal I'm staying up for this
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back on top
F to all the alabama housewives(sisters)
>black QBs
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*sigh* hecking blackpilled again....
Pick six cal lmao
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>ACC After Dark
Oh no!
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what a fucking retarded throw by Ward
kek! what a black qb moment
>black qbs
Nice toss, retard
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>the poo
cam ward makes the worst fucking decisions what a fucking numbnuts
my golden bears
LMAO what the fuck was he thinking
Black qb?
Nebraska sucks ass and if the ab1G was going to start cutting teams Nebraska would be #1 on the list no doubt in my mind.

They won’t though. Every incentive now is to add 2 more teams.

Notre dame is an AAU member as of last year and is a good research school and also brings massive value to the B1G. Easy yes if ND wants it.

Syracuse is not meeting criteria to be considered
Based university of cow
Big 12

All expand to 20 teams.
B1G adds Cal and Stanford
Big 12 adds several schools, Louisville, Pitt, UNC, Duke to strengthen its eastern wing.
SEC adds Miami, FSU, Clemson, & a Virginia team.
>bl**k qbs

>Here's your Heisman Trophy favorite, bro
They still are going to try to find ways to not give the Heisman to the Boise rb
Is this 2007 level chaos for AP shake up?
here's your heisman contender bro
PAC-12 Chads… I miss it
cam ward is a fucking idiot
Yo I'm running to Ib's, you want anything?
Don't tell me what to do.

That said Michigan and anOSU has to be in the same pod.
At this point the ap should just refuse rank teams until the next week
just a meme week
it'll all be back to normal next week
right anons?
so who is the next black qb they will try to force on us for the heisman?
it will go to that nig on colorado
omega lul

Did any retard in spee actually believe Miami was a top 10 team?
>loft the ball across your body to the left while drifting right
white qbs learn not to do this in middle school btw
that 17 year old nigga on bama really winning the heisman huh
I'm fine with that.
They would be. You can make a southeast, midwest, great plains, and west coast pod out of these teams.
The nog from JMU
Son of Kong?
Shouldn't you be on post right now?
if tOSU goes undefeated in the regular season will howard wins the heisman regardless of his numbers.
Depends. 2007 was a seasons worth of weekends like this.
The upset train needs to keep rolling every week for it to be 2007 2:electric boogaloo
It's a guarantee fren
U guys picked cal right?
They shouldn't. The debacle against GT last year was there for everyone to see
he's a self described game manager, why the hell would he win
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>Baylor announcement most likely tomorrow or Monday
Who should they hire? At least Dave gave us a B12 championship on a kino stop
Miami is being treated like a black guy at a “Freak Off.”
because i said so.
Ok. Lose Nebraska, gain ND. If you want more, UNC, Pitt
Probably the texas state guy or maybe art briles again
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I will laugh my ass off if they hire Briles again
those colored boys will be living large in Waco
Dave Aranda, wtf happened there?

Protip, the Buddhist monk gimmick doesn't work very well when your team sucks ass due to your terrible coaching, Dave.

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