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No. 8 Miami (FL) at California | 10:30 p.m. | ESPN

previous: >>144877067
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1st for big block
Miami will win
Most of the men I’ve been with have liked anal sex so I’ve had quite a bit of it with different sized penises.

It’s an intense feeling. I know some women say it feels good. I’ve never felt that way about it, at least initially.

For me it often hurts really bad. In those times it’s sort of a weird pressure combined a burning feeling and this sort of really bad aching feeling.

One of my boyfriends was bigger and he was very rough during anal. One time it hurt so bad I puked. But that’s only happened to me once. And with most men even when they are rough during anal it isn’t that bad though it still hurts.

I’m a very submissive person and the enjoyment I get out of it is mostly mental at the beginning. It’s an extremely submissive feeling to feel a man penetrating you in such a painful and vulnerable manner.

I feel like I’m giving myself over to him during those times and I’m sacrificing myself a bit for his pleasure.

After a bit it starts to feel good even with the pain. Pain causes you to release endorphins and the high you get from that is very nice.

It’s a lot like long distance running (which I also do) it gets quite painful and then you hit this point where the pain kind of goes the background and you start to feel really really good. Anal sex is like that for me.

All of that said my favorite moment is when he cums. I can’t feel a man cumming in my pussy really at all. I know he is by the way his pace changes and the sounds he makes but I can’t really feel it in my pussy.

However, when a man cums in my ass I can feel every single twitch and pulse of his penis which I really really enjoy. I feel extremely connected to him at those moments. It’s very special.
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>Cam Ward
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>Atlantic Coast Conference
>University of California
Based Michigan State fan
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For anons that were too young, a weekend like this happened 7-8 times in 2007. It was like this constantly.
"The canes online is in control"

Are these commentators watching this game?
It’s nearly 1am on the east coast, Miami getting sleepy
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go bears
t. cardinal fan :)
Alabama has more losses to unranked teams than Dartmouth
Yea miami would easily win if it was remotely close to south beach
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So nice to see anOSU fan open up
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Yeah it's fucking stupid.
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Hell of a week, lads.
Huh so that's why their logo is a gaping anus
>institute of higher learning
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shamifirst for shamiko
Why don't they just rename it all the All Coasts Conference? Then they can still be the ACC and be geographically coherent.
Due to backlash from protestors, Miami will be changing their name to due the damage from Hurricane Helene.
blame the Pac-12 for imploding
And there it is
Army and Navy would bootyblast all these losers
Imagine getting bullied by fucking cal LMAO
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This was what we started with this week.
USC goes to Minnesota
>To get their ass pounded balls deep
Miami goes to Cal
>To get their ass pounded balls deep
Bama goes to Vandy
>To get their ass pounded balls deep
Tennessee goes to Arkansas
>To get their ass pounded balls deep
Michigan goes to Washington
>To get their ass pounded balls deep
The real question is why SMU is in the ACC when they are 500 miles from any coast
>Scam Ward
I hope next week is this much fun!
and so the Miami WE'RE SO HECKIN BACK cycle continues on for another year
>big 12 didn't want them
>boosters wanted the team in a power conference no matter what, including not getting any media share money until 2030
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What color QBs?
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All undefeated teams should be ranked higher than a team with a loss. I've watched 60+ games so far and Navy would bootyblast these 1 loss teams.
Ahhh, college football games (or colballss as I call them), the ultimate medium of expression, able to convey any emotion ranging from hatred to love, loyalty to fear, all in front of our eyes. Ah, and with lovingly crafted playbooks, music, and the ability to watch the action, colballss are the ultimate combination of the high arts. While I tend to watch the stoic, I will be the first to admit that colballss have driven me to cry, to scream and shout, to feel actual hate; such is the power of this force beyond our wildest reckoning. And here I am, before you, to tempt your tongues with the taint of such a tantalizing topic. And the SEC, the true geniuses behind the world of cfb. Pah, I throw my scorn upon such incompetents of the B1G who would mock the true art of the SEC with 'games' such as Illibuck and THE LAME . Perhaps it is that the B1G is not as intelligent as the SEC, but this is a matter for another day. Sankey has given us such masterpieces as the Kirby v. Saban series, Coach O, Egg Bowl, and of course, TEBOQ TIME. Yes, some of the finest colballss in the world were created by SEC. I come to you today to ask you in all earnesty, what is your favorite colballs? I will reveal mine after the grand debate has illustriously begun, but not before the first poster falls victim to my plot of discussion.
How did Cal lose to FSPoo? They're way better.
How about them SMU rich boys?
the poo is cheers-ing us one last time
add army, fuck the ap
FSU is the best team of all the teams this year they started the trend now everyone else is trying to lose to be funny
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its a zesty world out there
Coach prime
No, be in the P4 or get ranked. Otherwise eat shit.
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every single team I could possibly have wanted to lose today lost
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im really sorry im just tbis way when im drunk..
I'm getting something from Ib's. You all want anything?
Can we just give the Heisman to either Travis Hunter or Ashton Jeanty instead of forcing it onto some undeserving shitter QB?
>FSU is the best team of all the teams this year
This is false
Oregon and Texas fall next week
I want to fuck you so bad
*Licks your ear*
Wait til you see what fsu actually does to scUM lol
no QB has stepped up at all so it will be one of those 2
Trapevis is overrated
Someone get reese a tissue
it won't happen if you think it'll happen
this weekend has almost assured next weekend to be 100% chalk
Cal forgot how to offense
hope so
So tell me why Ohio State shouldn't jump over Texas for the #1 ranking?
in retrospect betting against teams on the road in these newfag conference matchups was/is probably a good idea because teams probably have little familiarity with being there, and it's not like a nonconf where you basically revolve your September around it because the other nc games are a joke
bro miami sucks dick
You were saying. SCREEN DRAGON
miami's defense is so bad lol
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Pre-cope is best cope
Why the fuck is this review taking 20 minutes
Good lord Miami is fucking shit
if they simply win next week they will, so who cares
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>HURRicanes """defense""""
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Miami is toast
Not even a penn state guy, but Tyler Warren is like the most complete offensive player in college football right now. Crazy tight end.
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um bros? i was told the U was back
Literally why would they
what a fucking sorry ass team
Zero quality wins
amazing championship contending tier defense you got there miami
Deep down Miami knows they shouldn't have been declared the winners last week. Subconsciously they're trying to make up for it.
>miami chimping out
>Miami getting bootyblasted by Atlantic Coast powerhouse Cal
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The SEC is the only P4 with a descriptive name.
>But anon, I'm a moron with no understanding of math or geography but in my sociology class the purple shemale professor said cultural geography is more important than actual geography.
Because we all know that fag is going to jump in and show his bleeding asshole for attention.
It was the only season where moving up in the rankings to second place angered fans who knew that had doomed them to lose.
this isn't fair, miami is sleepy. this game should have started earlier
>the miami hurricanes of ohio
d-did he die from da pussey?
is this a confession?
Holy fuck its over. Remember the day October 6th 2024.
#1 loses
#4 loses
#8 loses
#9 loses
#10 loses
#11 loses
#22 loses
#25 loses
Alright one more touchdown and I'm going to bed
reminder that miami should have lost last week too without ACC interference
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you will rue the day you made this foolish post, tripfag.
also...lol cristobal. dumb faggot.
>ayo coach watch dis run
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wow miami
>get refball to beat vagina tech
>get btfo by fucking cal

miami will never E V E R be "back" I'm so sick of hearing it
>Pick up 2 of the shittiest ex-Pac 12 programs because you see them as easy stat padding wins
>Getting btfo
When does the ACC die?
Big if true
Never trust >thejew
If Miami keeps playing like this at least they'll never have a
>Cristobal at Georgia Tech
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What the actual fuck happened today in the CFB world?
Rece Davis's voice is in better shape than Miami (FL) rn
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and there it is
Nebraska to the SEC confirmed
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that shitter conference with less undefeated teams that the AAC, ACC, Big 10 and Big 12? You're conference is irrelevant this season. Better luck next year.
the frauds all got exposed at once
>jew hides schnozz
Many such cases
Who the hell has OSU played that wasn't just unranked trash? Oregon will be the first ranked team they'll play, and most likely the ONLY ranked team they'll ever play this season. OSU is lucky to be considered #3.
Looks like Cal is actually trying at football now because they understand they need to put in some effort if they want into the B1G instead of doing nothing like they did in the Pac 12
Idk but his family is pissed about her post.
More teams in the top ten going lose then win this week shieeeeeeet
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>he does it for free
WVU to SEC confirmed. It just makes sense.
Kirk was losing his voice at the end of his game, now Rece. What happened.
I know Penn State only exists to lose to Ohio State and help pad their resume, but they'll still play each other and be ranked.
A great day of cfb anon.
Uh sweaty Michigan is a quality win
maybe the other teams should consider not losing to their unranked trash then
ascktually, SMU is only 275 miles from the gulf of mexico (which is connected to the atlantic, and it's closer than Pitt, Louisville, Syracuse, and Georgia Tech
>coach prime going be in top 15 next week
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You need to call up an ex and go cum inside her.
You'll feel much better I promise.
Their basketball program is still shit. They'll get btfo by UNC, Duke, NC State, Clemson, and Miami every year they are in the ACC.
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Calling Coach Sanders by a derogatory epitaph is now a banable offense. About time the mods put these racist in their place
The Pacific Ocean is connected to the Atlantic Ocean too
I hope Colorado wins so that racism on /sp/ ends once and for all
Holy fuck reese sounds like shit shut that faggot the fuck up please.
That one doesn't really bother me. As long as the school is in a state that touches the Atlantic Ocean, that's reasonable. The Gulf of Mexico is part of the Atlantic Ocean so a Texan team being a member isn't that weird. Far better than the lame excuse that Stanford and Cal are on the Pacific Ocean, which connects to the Atlantic Ocean in a few places. Louisville however isn't in a state that touches the Atlantic and they've been members for quite a while.
janny o janny
i know it's a gimmick but imagine missing a short kick these last few weeks then seeing some nerd replayed over and over booting 30+
I’ve actually watched Cal in a couple games before this. They aren’t bad that’s for sure.
Coach Prime Rib
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Fuck bama
In awe of the size of that lad.
Absolute unit.
>you will never win shit with mario christobal as coach
that's emily feld
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These stats are hilarious
Coach Prime is going to take the first NFL head coaching job once his sons and Travis Hunter graduate and leave Colorado high and dry.
Nigger faggot tranny.
I'm not changing the rules. Keep winning or eat shit.
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surely some of these guys are missing on purpose?
Didn't claim it was the top conference, just that the name is scientifically descriptive.
He's going to Alabama
the box score visualization of DRAGONS
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she lives in massachussets and is mentally ill...
we arent dating but we almost fucked once but she said i was taking it too fast and then a month later she went out fucked a random dude and had a panic attack
niggers and jews? dont care much for em or your bait tatics. yes, i will evade the ban. fuckstick faggots.
He’s going to Florida state
hey, that’s your quota, buddy! I don’t want to hear any more out of you!
>black qbs
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Also picrel
I just got Ohio State tattooed on my penis
This is the year bros
oh brother this guy STINKS
sure, all oceans are connected, notice I didn't criticize Cal or Stanford
wew lad
Cal is crushing Miami
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please god let this happen so my gatas can rape his pack of feral niggers
What did he mean by this?
When did the state of Florida get so bad at football?
>Padres lose
>Cal beating Miami
I guess it's an okay night for me.
Mario Cristobal has some bitchtits.
>still trying to hype up cam ward

media is shameless
when teboq left
the QB transfer portal is fucking hilarious man
there's a few teams that use it correctly (i.e trying to find someone who fits the offense) but then there's ones like Miami where they try to turn a shitter into a gunslinger and it's so funny
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Yes but the Gulf of Mexico is a subdivision of the Atlantic itself, much like Texas is a subdivision of the United States. The Pacific Ocean is like the CFL's misguided attempt to expand into the US.
Are you implying Billy Napier is better? Doesn't Florida have less nattys than Miami?
>doyers fan
please I come to /cfb/ to escape them
Crazy how the media can just astroturf an average qb like ward as a “heisman contender”
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today, I will remind them
7 top 25 upsets? So wild that I think I'll relax on the "what even is an aggie" posting for a while.
I'm yelling at my boyfriend to crush my balls like Cal is doing to Miami so he got mad and now he's getting a vice grip from our ga-rage
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He's a social media qb which is all that matters
A&M was one of the upsets so you are contractually obliged to keep posting it
every week about 7 top 25 teams lose...though not all are upsets
anon, did you typo on purpose?
Hot. post bussy
Cal’s schedule has them flying all the way out east every other week, I guess that’s what they get
Based Western Kentucky fan
I've been pegged multiple times by 3 women and it's been great. I jerk off while they do it and cum buckets. Should I take the tranny pill? Also, go Cal.
they're still gaslighting about ward this is insane
he's a fuckin wazzu transfer get over it media
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>needing meme qbs
it's Fight Over.... lincoln riley is a hack
They were favored to win by 3 according to vegas hence why they didnt storm the field also its fucking mizzou
only us knowers, anon…
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Calbros...you don't think this is happening, right?
Patron Saint of CFB
Vanderbilt and Alabama decided to dress up in each others' jerseys, play a football game, and see if anyone noticed the switcheroo.
The Iowa Hawkeyes may suck at football, but Iowa City has been good to me. When I was attending law school there, on football Saturdays my buddies and I would attract undergrad girls due to our drug hook-ups. No we didn't have sex with them but we did enjoy numerous peak experiences and cuddle on occasion.
Given everything you've seen today do you honestly think Miami is winning?
how many cocks did you have to suck to get your voice that fucked up?
You never know. You never know...
Like against FSU? Maybe
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Welcome to the new era of cfb.
tim tebow is unironically blessed by the lord
go gators btw
Not an A&M fan. Just like to spam to rile up the nerds.
>the 4chan browsing drug using lawyer
uh huh
Better be careful about hitting your NFT quota that quickly in a post, bro.
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>California proposition election commercials
Can we not.
Based low effort poster
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Alabama wishes they had Pavia at QB
Idk what racism I even committed
It seems that no matter where one goes outside of Aggieland, there are always those who ask, "What is an Aggie anyway?" I am so glad they ask because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects. I usually respond by first telling them what an Aggie is NOT. An Aggie is not a pig or hog, as they are called in the Ozarks. An Aggie is not a horse, such as the one representing that school out in West Texas. An Aggie is not a pony, like the one in "SMUland." We are certainly not a frog or horned toad, nor a Waco bruin or bear. We are not a little ol' cat or a fowl owl like those in Houston. Most definitely, we are not of the long-horned cattle variety. If we were, we would be a bull or a cow rather than some non-productive steer. (Since a steer is non-productive, and t.u. chooses to be represented by a steer, then logic would follow that t.u. must consider themselves...Hey, don't get mad at me or say, "that's a little strong." I didn't pick their mascot, they did.)

The fact is that an Aggie is not any type of animal. We have Reveille, who is our 1st Lady, but we're not the Texas A&M Reveilles. We're the Aggies. An Aggie is a human. When I think of an Aggie, I think of church, community, and state leaders. I think of the many Aggies who have sacrificed their lives as defenders of freedom through their service to the United States of America.
It warms my heart that there are still some old school message boards still around
Bunch of soft J A N N I E S in this thread
It's literally free to not say the enword
fun day
the only game that went how i thought it was going to go was an ohio state having a slow first half and then winning by 20, pretty much the blueprint I had in my mind

holy moly lmao Alabama and Tennessee
I got one for saying nigger tiddy in some baseball thread
I want to pound your butthole lovingly
Sad how charmin soft this site has gotten. Jannies can go fuck themselves
It's 1am on the east coast, why is miami playing a game right now
Saw this on Twitter. Added the Tennessee logo though.
>Poster boy has an awful game
>the narrative doesn't even skip a beat in the astroturfing and dickriding about how much of a prodigy this guy is
Its jarring af. Even rn in this game after that awful int they didn't even wait a second before finding something to glaze ward over.
buncha soft jannies on this board
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Coach Primate
But what the hell is a Hokie?
cal is averaging like 10 yards per play
Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."
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Shut up goy.
This is a monkey not the the head football coach at the University of Colorado
The commentators keep saying Heisman QB. It sounds like propaganda from news stations
Rumors has it that the Jannoids have implemented an AI filter to catch slurs when it's posted.
#pac12afterdark carries on, but in the ACC now.
It’s like a porch monkey
>Senior O.M. Stull won first prize for his "Hokie" yell (Old Hokie Cheer below) which is still used today. Later, when asked if "Hokie" had any special meaning, Stull explained the word was solely the product of his imagination and was used only as an attention-getter for his yell. It soon became a nickname for all Tech teams and for those people loyal to Tech athletics.
boise st is bringing home the heisman and a playoff upset
rece davis fading.
Embarrassing if true. I haven't even posted the n word.
>Black QBs bannable?
sorry, i got confused by the thumbnail
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a-am I allowed to say DIRTY GORILLA NIGGER on this board?
Did they just suddenly become concerned about racism or something? Seems like you really needed to be obnoxious about it in the past.
Pavia for Heisman
Three slurs per post maximum of nigger, tranny, and some other I forget. Maybe janny.
and what if your post is about how great black qbs are? seems kinda totalitarian

I think we ought to consider docking the janners’ pay
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its not bannable. i made it the name of one our threads earlier
cool it with the racism
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>verification never required
i am the post poster standard
5 top 10 teams lose on the same day. Has this ever happened before? #1, #4, #8, #9 and #10 all on the same fucking day.
The fucked up part is they don’t get paid. They do it for free.
Maybe bc election season some tranny act blue jannies have gotten ban happy
Oh. I don't even consider faggot to be a slur, how droll.
coach nigger
Based faggot
journo scum on suicide watch
(coaches poll get a pass because they obviously cant watch the games)
Considering it's just a cig in bongspeak idk how that could be enforced
Youre telling me an entire historical universities athletic team name is from one guy making an autistic screech?

Is Virginia a land of retards or something?
you get "post successful" but it doesn't actually post
incredibly gay
shout out to the coaches for not putting Bama at #1 this week
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>nooo you have to be Tigers or bears
Greatest day of CFB ever and I don't write them all down so I don't care.

I am an Arizona fan I genuinely only wish good things for our players and our kicker is a once in a generational freak and I will not be mad if he goes to the SEC tomorrow I have no idea what he is doing here. If he got into a league/team where they have bad offense and good defense he can easily get the single season FG record.
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Turns out that a flukey ass win against Georgia doesn't mean you suddenly become the #1 best team in the country
Who could've known?
okay that didn't get me banned
boomers still got it
Iowa State is Top 10 in my book.
i'm reporting you to the authorities for this post
Oh I'm sorry is the Miami game over? Did they lose already? I must have missed that. It sure looks like there's still time left on the clock. Hold on let me look up and see if I'm right... hmmm.. YEP! The game continues! How about that?
Its better than naming your team the Virginia Tech Lels or the Virginia Tech TSUUUUUs
>fat arms at 19
the Midwest is a grim, grim place
my pickem was 2-8 today
Your gaters are worse than Colorado
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Send him to Iowa or Nebraska
>white dudes in the marines recruitment ad
which desert shithole do you lads want to get blown up in?
It was an ass win. Never seen such a different pair of halves for both teams in a football game.
I bought $300 of candy at the Busy Bee. I made sure each bag weighed out to a dollar and made the cashier ring up 300 bags multiple times to make sure she did it right
Don't worry, Janny will get you in a bit. He's always on top of that in this board.
Yes, 2007 anon. Any upset record is compared to 2007. Weekend of September 29th 2007:
>#5 WVU loses to #18 USF
>#4 Florida loses to Auburn
>#3 Oklahoma loses to Colorado
>#7 Texas loses to Kansas State
>#10 Rutgers loses to Maryland
This weekend is what happened all the time that season.
Not my problem, I'm too old to get drafted.
>wildest weekend in maybe a decade or more
>having fun
>they clearly hate our old time bantz and broship during late games
>quick, everyone post 'nigger' out of context!
Coach Primate
Coach Nigger
Coach Faggot
Coach Tranny
Will my Pitt be ranked?
i'm very happy Brad and gary get subjected to the horror of iowa football now on a regular basis
it's really funny
Wow he's a busy guy! He must make good money doing all that work
Ohio St won't like playing in Autzen
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>Vandy kid surrounded by Bama fans
>points at scoreboard anyways
imagine doing that at 1:30AM EST on a saturday night
He's doing so good that we should triple his pay.
Coach Dirty Smelly Vantablack Gorilla Nigger (formerly Primate)
who up asobing the asobase rn
i kneel
Everyone excited for the /cfb/ naked homosexual orgy?
Millions of mutts and browns that jews desperately wanted to import can go fight their wars. I'd rather sit in prison
Coach Al Colden
they play at pedo state every other year they generally don't care about heckin loud crowds
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forgot pic
See there you go. Having a weekend where 5+ top 10 teams lost was the norm in 2007.
They had plenty of stinkers in the SEC too. Every other week was some shit like Alabama/Mississippi State or Georgia/Kentucky.
I don't get it
I was at Georgia Southern that year and remember when App State beat Michigan. Only time I've ever seen my school enjoy a win by the hillbillies in Boone.
rather based
Never 7 tho
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dibs on the sataniaposter
i guess that's true
today was particularly hopeless tho kek. Iowa did everything possible to maybe make it a game and still did fucking nothing
you guys get warnings? i always get an immediate all board 3-day
Bro come on, you have to push harder than that to get the 1st down. Soft ass...
That game was the first ever game broadcasted on the Big 10 network.
what the fuck are these play calls the last three plays
Reese Davis sounds so bad I think I'd rather listen to the ai generated female voice do the play by play.
Coach Prime?
>#10 Hawaii
We could have had BCS Champion Kansas that year with head coach Mark (I Ate A) Mangino if they hadn't shat the bed at the worst possible time.

Fucking South Florida was #2 at one point that season too.
You usually get warned when the mods are too busy to ban you or they liked your post.
>no.10 loses to uw
200 IQ 5d chess. You wouldn't get it.
Cristobal has pulled out his crystal ball, trust the plan. Q
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>Lincoln Riley is 22-10 through 32 games as the USC head coach. Clay Helton was 23-9.
I can’t stand the coach prime hate
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Coach Primeape
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the japanese literally HATE white pipo...
2007 was wild
big 12 pissed me off so much that year
Missouri spoiled Kansas's run and then got blown the absolute fuck out by oklahoma so it was all pointless
HE JUST NEEDS MORE 2 MORE WEEKS(not Chiles, he needs the bench for a year)
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reffies have been kinda quiet tonight
he just needs 2 more years to get his heckin guys into the system
trust the plan
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
Smu and cal could end up in the acc ccg
10 was exactly how many points they scored against Georgia in the Sugar Bowl that year. Hawaii was getting ready to declare themselves a scammy national champion in they'd won, just like UCF did that one time.
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Chiles needs to be benched. He has gone full black QB.
Yes. Idk how many lost this week but the most ranked teams to lose was 7 in 2007 ofc which seems rather low.
UCF was only able to make that claim because a poll ranked them #1
>losing multiple games by not kneeling the ball

yeah that makes sense
that game was the last time anyone thought about the name Colt Brennan
Cal is 100% losing this game
this is the part of the game where they forget how to play ball and do fuck all while the other team comes back
AP gone soft.
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Here's your Heisman bro
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RIP Colt Brennan
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Have fun!
With love,
Oregon State
>10 minutes of real time passes
>40 seconds of fame time passes
this game's getting a little chimpy
Right mogs by about infinity
Nobody messes with Nebraska
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After what I saw from Tommy Touchdowns against Oregon's B team I'd be fine with it. Chiles will never be useful if he doesn't get some discipline
2 is cute too, let’s not be too hasty
except bert bulemia
2 is it and it's not close
>shat the bed
2007 Kansas dodged Oklahoma and Texas then lost to the only good team they played
>Miami is still playing at 2am
I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me.
its 10:40PM where theyre playing
>still 10 minutes left

I'm not gonna make it bros...
brown is fucking stupid and I am going to bed regardless if they score a td here
Texas Tech is choking...
Miami wins
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Cal is gonna choke this
Bunch of soft defenders on the Cal team
I love football :)
uhhh based
erm, what the sigma?
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>Be Jim Harbaugh
>Still an up and coming head coach
>At Stanford
>Go into your road game vs USC as a 41 point underdog
>Give some walk-on his first ever start at QB because your QB1 had a seizure
>Andrew Luck buried somewhere on your roster, but he's doing a redshirt season
>USC riding a 35-game home winning streak
>Somehow you win 24-23 anyways
>Possibly the biggest upset in college football history in the same season App State beat Michigan
2007 season was good times. First game I thought of when Bama went down.
Such a kino season only to end in the most boring unimaginative way possible with LSU vs Ohio State
there was an anon in week 1 that was shilling army to everyone and i said army wouldn't even beat rice and i just want to apologize to him because army is fucking kino this season
Umass will beat mizzou next week and they will storm the field
holy hawk tuah
oh for fanum sake
you've gyatt to be kidding me Cal
true the ending was dogshit but it was a really fun regular season
I doubt that this will happen, but I respect the imagination. Use it for better things
yeah that was the big downer about 2007 that everyone conveniently forgets
Aggies are the first to answer the call to serve their country. Aggies are ministers of the gospel, coaches of Little League teams, public school teachers, and leaders in community projects. Many are medical doctors, veterinarians, and engineers. Others are civil servants, congressmen, and entrepeneurs. Thankfully, many are responsible for feeding the world as farmers, ranchers, and agricultural researchers. And we all know that if it were not for Aggies who become lawyers, there wouldn't be such a thing as a "good" lawyer. In essence, Aggies get things done. We are doers! Aggies are the Twelfth Man, builders of bonfires, carriers of tradition, participants in Musters, and, too often, attenders of Silver Taps ceremonies. Texas Aggies say HOWDY. We know how to look a man in the eye and shake hands. Aggies get a chill up our spine when we hear the National Anthem or sing the "Spirit of Aggieland" or "Aggie War Hymn," or when we march to chow under the direction of a drum and bugle corps.

What is an Aggie? Who are the Aggies? It is simple, "We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we, true to each other as only Aggies can be..."

I love anons :)
They don't even know when was the last time Ohio State lost to a non-power conference team.
skibidi christmas did miami get its rizz back???
Turns on the modd lighting and pours everyone a drink as I take theur clothes off
What game are we getting it on to for late night?
still sad West Virginia choked against Pitt
Chiles is a dumb ass nigga.
What about Navy?
On a scale of 1 to Lincoln Riley, how shitty is your week gonna be?
yep cal is blowing this
East coast teams kinda fucked up on these road games. They'll have the possibility of playing at 2 in the morning meanwhile west coast teams can travel much easier.
I'm drunk so we will go down memory lane since 2007 is my favorite cfb season.
Week 1:
>#5 Michigan loses to App State
>#19 Florida State loses to Clemson
Week 2:
>#11 Georgia loses to South Carolina
>#17 Auburn loses to South Florida
>#22 Boise State loses to Washington
Week 3:
>#16 Bama loses to Arkansas
>#9 Louisville loses to Kentucky
>#11 UCLA loses to Utah
Week 4:
>#20 Texas A&M loses to Miami
>#16 Bama loses to #22 Georgia
>#10 Penn State loses to Michigan
>#18 Louisville loses to Syracuse
Week 5:
>#5 WVU loses to #18 USF
>#4 Florida loses to Auburn
>#3 Oklahoma loses to Colorado
>#7 Texas loses to Kansas State
>#10 Rutgers loses to Maryland
>#22 Bama loses to Florida State
>#13 Clemson loses to Georgia Tech
>#21 Penn State loses to Illinois
Week 6:
>#5 Wisconsin loses to Illinois
>#24 Kansas State loses to Kansas
>#2 USC loses to Stanford
>#12 Georgia loses to Tennessee
Week 7:
>#21 Florida State loses to Wake Forest
>#18 Illinois loses to Iowa
>#1 LSU loses to #17 Kentucky
>#15 Cincy loses to Louisville
>#2 Cal loses to Oregon State
>#19 Wisconsin loses to Penn State
Week 8:
>#2 USF loses to Rutgers
>#20 Tennessee loses to Bama
>#8 Kentucky loses to #14 Florida
>#10 Cal loses to UCLA
>#6 USC loses to Vanderbilt
Week 9:
>#11 USF loses to UConn
>#9 Florida loses to #20 Georgia
>#14 Kentucky loses to Miss State
>#21 Virginia loses to NC State
>#15 South Carolina loses to Tennessee
Week 10:
>#23 South Carolina loses to Arkansas
>#20 USF loses to Cincy
>#2 Boston College loses to FSU
>#21 Wake Forest loses to Virginia
Week 11:
>#16 Uconn loses to Cincy
>#1 Ohio State loses to Illinois
>#8 Boston College loses to Maryland
>#21 Bama loses to Miss State
>#13 Michigan loses to Wisconsin
Week 12:
>#2 Oregon loses to Arizona
>#15 Clemson loses to #18 Boston College
>#3 Oklahoma loses to Texas Tech
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>plus heismeme winner covering for him
>stinkin riley
West Virginia's downfall has been Pitt's rise.
>Michael Irvin in zesty position
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Cal is choking
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what did he mean by this?
The flip side is the West Coast teams have to travel much more often. Nobody in the ACC or the B1G is traveling to the West Coast more than once a season and some teams won't go at all. The West Coast teams will make 3-4 trips a year to the Central/Eastern time zones.
So many couches were burned that night.
Week 13:
>#7 Arizona State loses to #11 USC
>#13 Texas loses to Texas A&M
>#2 Kansas loses to #3 Missouri
>#9 Oregon loses to UCLA
Week 14:
>#1 Missouri loses to #9 Oklahoma
>#18 Oregon loses to Oregon State
>#2 WVU loses to Pitt
This shit was every week. Look at all the unranked upsets. This was 2007.
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this is the Cal football I know
lmfao michael irvin
what a boneheaded fucking team. jesuuusssssssssssss
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If you're Nick Saban, are you angry that DeBoer is so rapidly destroying the program you spent decades building up? Or are you happy that the fall of Alabama football after you retired means no one will question if it was you or the name 'Alabama' that was responsible for your success?
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The upsetting part is WVU is now winning and Neal Brown won't be fired. We've only lost to undefeated teams so I guess that's something.
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Lel retard,
I forgot Rutgers was good that year. Ray Rice was hoping for a Heisman IIRC.
He's ready to get broke
Stinkin' Lincoln Riley
Broken Buck Irvin
My favorite ones from that year were
>#4 Florida loses to Auburn when Urban Meyer pulled of a flawless kicker ice but then he still made it anyways
>#1 Ohio State loses to Illinois bc Jim Tressel was still somehow unaware that QBs can run the ball even tho they lost to Tim Tebow the year before
and not on your list bc it wasn't an upset
>#8 Virginia Tech completely blowing it at home to Matt Ryan at the very end of the game
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>back arch
z e s t
Cal turned into the most predictable offense ever
Give Riley what Helton inherited and he'd be in the playoffs, something Helton never even sniffed. Give Helton what Riley inherited and he'd be lucky to go 3-9.
what did I miss?
Indiana looks better than Iowa, by a substantial margin.
Oh look it's another one of those play conservative and loose the game
Please turn fifita into a fajita
Arizona isn't OUT yet.
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Snakes deserve it... Riley is a fukken SNAKE

You can't defile my purity but I will wingman you to get laid bro no worries there.
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the only way Cal can win this is if they can delay the next Miami TD long enough to get the ball back and run out the clock
In 2006 Rutgers had a sophmore Ray Race and started 9-0. They beat #3 Louisville before losing to Cincy the next week. They were ranked #7 at one point. A classic Big East game is 2006 #13 Rutgers vs. #15 WVU. Game went to 3OT. Old Big East was fun.
They need to play to score. They will loose if they burn clock
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>(6:42 - 4th) Lachlan Wilson punt for 37 yds, fair catch by Xavier Restrepo at the MIA 30

final score 39-38
thats why I said they need to hold them long enough when they get the ball back
>Scam Turd
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Imagine if they'd just made pic related the head coach.
>black qbs
>black male cheerleader
why is there so much niggerfaggotry in this game?
Cal can win if they can keep the ball in Cam Ward's hands. He will throw a backbreaking pick when they need it most
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It's in California.
>Cal suddenly pulls a 3&O out of their ass
ze west has fallen
I doubt it hes pretty calm
unc kinda zesty ahhhhhh
No way FSU, Clemson, Miami and Carolina schools are going to subject themselves having to travel to the Bay Area every year and play at 10pm. Can they force the ACC to kick them out or leave the conference all together?
how the fuck can you be defensively offside
>Coach O when he's looking for another regent/booster's wife to proposition
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good night >shitania anon
one last tittypost for cfb
so much asspulls from cryami
Restrepo is clutch
why are people acting like Alabama is 0-4. They just beat Georgia this week. They lost a trap game on the road after a big emotional win. This shit happens especially now after transfer portal/NIL.
For all the chaos, don't forget that anOSU lost to Wet Vagina today!
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Miami is zesty
This is so lame. Cal is constantly one play away
what the fuck is wrong with rece davis's voice
Miami wasting too much time
>Cal defense
Ok? Nice play.. I guess..? Your still down by 13
uhhhh calsissies? what's happening???
Cal 3 and out, then Miami forces OT
Cause it's Vanderbilt. Not even at Bamas lowest in the 90s and early 00s did the lose to Vandy
>every year
Miami is the only one of those 4 going to the Bay Area this year. They bitch all the time about how they need more revenue and Jew'ing Calford out of full shares helped them get more. The occasional West Coast trip once every few years is the price to pay for that.
>Cal choke
There's no such thing as zesty.
What actually happened to Miami? Was it bad coaching? When Miami and VT left for the ACC EVERYONE said Miami would dominate and FSU-Miami would be THE conference game every year. Since then VT has won the ACC and Miami has not. They basically died, but yet Big East teams and VT won NY6 bowls afterwards so it can't be a competition issue.
there's gonna be a lot of mad jewish, korean, and chinese people tonight if cal fucks this up
the same Cal collapse that Ive suffered every week for the last 15 years
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>mfw Miami is going to escape Berkeley with a score of 39-38
Down by 6 that would be difficult, forcing OT
ward is playing against CAL's defense and the announcers act like he's dotting up the Steelers
humina humina
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fucking cal gonna blow this shit on a weekend where vandy beat bama and minnesota beat usc
One fg wins it cal cman be calm
Cal’s defense just rolling over and dying
that maybe softest TD in the history of football. Ward sauntered in untouched. If Cal loses their DC should be fired.
Miami wins with a TD if Cal goes 3 and out
Cal 3 runs and they are punting
can they keep possession for 4 minutes

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The last time Vanderbilt beat bama was the year of my birth.
I don't know how long it will take it for people to get it through their DENSE FUCKING SKULLS TO THEIR DUMB AS NIGGER BRAINS that LSU vs USC game MEANT LESS THAN NOTHING. Both those teams: FUCKING SUCK - WONT BE RANKED - WONT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS - will they make bowls? THEY SHOULDN'T..
Miami is gonna lose lol.
Cal needs to join the Mountain West of Pac-12 or whatever garbage conference the other leftovers are joining.
we've all gotten off work, had some drinks and sucked some cock and then got called back in
Today is the day, cal will do it
>Folks he's no good.... he's letting the D linemen in. We have no pocket security whatsoever
No. They won't pass
How does it feel to be a Vanderbilt guy knowing that you upset Bama and later get to see your heated rival in Tennessee lose?
What happened I thought Cal had this locked. I turned off the game
Got conservative
>Cristobal clock management
Berkeley is a dumb town, go Miami
>cristobal is glowie
they turtled
Who would you rather have taking the snaps at QB? A black QB or a Polynesian QB?
Cal should run it up the middle again, I bet they'll never expect it
new in a few
cal keeps running it for like -3 yards and gets into 3&long pass situations. why
Iowa Hawkeyes exposed Howard but also lost by 4 TDs, amazing
gay faggot retards
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what are /cfb/s thoughts on the citrus (bowl)?
howard played exactly the same as he has in every game this year
uhh miami, you have 3 time outs. why are you letting it go down to the 2m warning?
>Go fascist, get your ass kicked
i did nothing wrong
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Power move chud.
Seeing Vandy bros march down the streets of downtown Nashville with the stadiums uprights was a wholesome moment.
check cleared
The fact the announcers wanted that to be a targeting penalty really is gay. It is football.

LOL and Cal is going to blow this.
upset galore and cristobum skates? cmon man
Clemson finna bouta commenceta soonta futureactionta win another Natty
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
fuckin miami cunts fuck you california faggots god fucking dammit shit fucking frauds fuck the acc god damn im fuckin drunk fuck i HATE miami
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You lost today which makes you the worst college football team

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