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Mealtime with Alexa heedition
heemvious - who cares
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>ngango lost to this
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Excellent thread
kek i heemember when the bong used to scold malasya for making bad threads
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cool thread
AJ just had an off night,
do you think the post-fight tlc made the beating worth it?
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>Asso's face when anon removes his tapout shorts
Same energy.
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This was the secret technique
khalil won the Story of my life, searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul 'cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company
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Wrong pic
That's MY screenshot, bud. Hand it over.
dis doo have a khalil folder
sup Kelly
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the webm
shut up you thieving monkey ape. you monkey apes can only thieve. I create monkey apes shit and eat it. fuck you
i learned my lesson :)
*cums in you*
Khalil was winning until he lost
I love the way they call me big bappa
What's next for poopoota? Do you think he's actually switching divisions (down or up) or has he just adopted the m**lim habit of calling out fighters in divisions he has no intention of ever fighting in?
Alex Gasso (she farts all the time)
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kek I found our boy on reddit
UFC 311: Blachowicz vs Emmett
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he's gonna be champ isn't he?
nah that lil nigga should be at 145
In my honest and true opinion, no
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its possible, but i can see him fighting real cheap like once he is champion
Khalil went for a muay thai sweep and it was perfectly timed but his legs were too short to reach Pereira's leg.
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Anyone has a webm of Pereira's flying knee on the khalil fight?
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the only way to beat pereira is to not strike, you cant beat him on striking
adesanya already did
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>Gets dropped by a wrist shot
>Tanks a headkick
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Being on one leg with your back turned will do that to ya
hood nigga
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Nah headkicks just aren't real.
Pereira kinda retarded for trying for so many of them.
He goofed it up with that opening teep.
What’s sugar sean good at? Don’t say striking.
Only one of them is from the hood
he's the sniper
Every hoodrat is the same. Maybe not Khalil but Adesanya grew up from New Zealand but you'd think he grew up in America they way he acts like a victim.
It was a good plan it's just that Roundtree was cracked out and dodged all of them. His gameplan is to slip and counter with a wide, loop shot so the idea is to catch his head when he ducks.
>What's 2+2? Don't say 4.
stand-up fighting
It was a good idea to stop going from them when it was clear Rountree was trying to counter off of every one. Don't think anyone really saw Rountree going for his best DDP impression, blitzing forward and chaining sloppy looping punches, really don't want to get caught on one leg during that.
Pereira faced adversity and made the required adjustments to win the fight.
Adesanya faced adversity and continued to get dogwalked down the octagon exactly the same as before.
Can't dodge the Hans.
I think Belal matches up well against Islam. The brazzas rely a lot on strength and the fear of their wrestling to create advantage. Belal is maybe the strongest fighter under MW, and he’s obviously not gonna be scared of grappling exchanges. He showed some susceptibility to being reversed in the Leon fight, but Leon is really good at that and he’s likely much stronger than Islam. Not saying Belal would ragdoll him but I think he would back him up (Islam accepts being on the back foot a lot) and Neutralize him in the clinch and against the cage.
Belal may be open to the high kick but he dealt with that well against Leon and it’s less of an issue against a shorter opponent.
Also Islam has some gas tank issues and Belal has the Colby/Usman build of never tiring
>he thinks Sean is a striker with those toothpick arms, esp after getting mauled by a mountain dwarf
Why is Poatan so fucking cool bros? He's got IT, like Liddell had. He's the only real star in MMA right now, the rest are CHECHEN DOGS.
prime tank abbott would throw both of those faggots out of the cage after knocking their teeth out
aka hugging another man against the cage is fucking NOTHING
i hate any fighter from the region of dagestan and women
keep talking shite and I'll hold you against the cage and hit your thighs with baby elbows cause I'm TUF and Mike Dolce sleeps in the bunk above me and makes me Extreme Eggs for breakfast
>Belal is maybe the strongest fighter under MW, and he’s obviously not gonna be scared of grappling exchanges.
There's nothing that points to Belal being exceptionally strong. In fact, it's often the opposite. Belal took Leon down by taking advantage of his habits and attacking him in ways he wasn't expecting
>He showed some susceptibility to being reversed in the Leon fight, but Leon is really good at that and he’s likely much stronger than Islam.
Watch the Tsarukyan fight and the Moises fight, Islam can very easily reverse position or get up, and he's never been stuck on bottom like Leon has. Having Khabib as a constant training partner would definitely make these ingrained skills. And again, Leon has never shown himself to be especially strong
>but I think he would back him up (Islam accepts being on the back foot a lot)
Watch like one boxing fight and you'll understand that being on the backfoot isn't bad at all. Islam is comfortable there
>Neutralize him in the clinch and against the cage.
This one is funny, because Islam fights the clinch like a demon. He lives there, I'd only expect someone like Shavkat or maybe Arman to really challenge him in that space
Islam would have pressured Leon like he did Charles and Leon would have probably cracked in a round or two. His one and done pot shot style would be target practice for him, he'd KO him in short order
I really can't see the world where Leon will give him a hard fight anywhere
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i will foot stomp you till you cry
Yeah say that when he's lost and this matchup now has no chance of happeniger
might be the most glass jawed hw (former) champion ever.
me and a friend on an old mma forum had a gag where we wanted to somehow convince UFC to let us have a fight on television, just bullshit our way in and put on the absolute worst fight in fucking history on purpose. No cardio, wheezing from single leg attempts, walking forward and trying to do chest chops. Bad enough to get you fucking cancelled basically. I wish we tried it
sign up to the suga show fighting championships b, he's letting any couple of retards duke it out in his pozz garage
Browse his comments. Mother fucker is demented as shit.
Dada5000 had one or some shit on youtube and one of the nogs had to tap out from a fist fight cause his bullet wound from like two days prior was hurting him, lol
If you're kneeing him in the thigh it's like the equivalent of landing a bunch of free leg kicks. If you neutralize the other guy and land 10 knees to the thigh and a bunch of body shots, even if they aren't KOs, and the other guy does nothing get held and punched, you have to give it to the guy actually doing things instead of being forced to just play defense the whole time.
yeah it's like a baseball bat that takes your energy bar down, Mike
that’s not me, this is a shit thread
Let someone knee you as hard as they can in the thigh 15-20 times and see how it feels.

You could say the same about leg kicks "Oh, it doesn't really hurt them, it's not like it's a fighting game where everything counts."
sorry :(
>effective defense means avoirding being struck, taken down or reversed while countering with offensive attacks
offense is defense
He's posting outdated criteria btw
This is not the 2023 criteria
you come at me with baby leg kicks and I'm big booting you out the fucking cage into the hot dog vendor
how is everyone doing tonight? having fun? anything you need?
Chris Weidman took a pungent sloshey shit in his wife's garbage bin because she was taking a shower in the bathroom and he didn't want to barge in on her because they weren't married yet. How beautiful is that?
Studying the 2024 ABC MMA judging criteria
the criteria does not matter
Punching, kicking, knees
new criteria patch just dropped
Dementedness is NOT one of the scoring criteria but you didn’t know that because you have NO FUCKING CLUE what’s included in the unified MMA scoring criteria
what's up Cole3003
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imagine cole and pimpmanrod "going at it"
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>"Boxers are a bunch of pussies they would get destroyed in a REAL street fight like in MMA"
>mfw two guys at the bar start circling each other throwing calf kicks and jabs for 4 minutes before one guy presses the other into the wall and starts stomping his foot
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>only way for fighters to get a shot at the belt is if they swear they won't wrestle
How is this not fixing fights? Didn't Dana get mad at exactly this thing regarding Kimbo Slice?
fagomed is a striker, he's said from the start that he's going to strike with pereira
magomed will probably wrestle out of desperation
he'll be coming to in the back by the time he realises he should've wrestled
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If I was Rountree I would have simply heem'd Alex with a left hook right after he hit me wi the first body shot and his hand was way down by his hip.
I honestly do believe I'd be a GOAT if I ever was a fighter because I see these obvious openings.
I dunno, things just make sense to me but apparently not to these so called professional fighters.
I would have simply *hrrk* *crumbles to the ground* *desperately tries to not shit myself after eating a flush liver shot*
E-Early *hack* early stoppage *starts vomiting blood*
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the more people rewatch the fight the more they'll realise just how little success khalil had other than the one shot that stunned pereira
he won 2 rounds unanimously
does not change a single thing about my statement
Khalil Rountwo
He is saying stuff like that to get the fight. He shouldn't need to.
Spectator POV just dropped
no, he's saying it because he wants to strike with pereira, it's that simple, fagomed never wrestles right off the bat in any fight
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>I will strike
Jan has better leg kicks than Alex
no he doesn't he was just willing to go shin to shin with shartkalaev's inbred bird bones
And? If Alex isn't willing to then his leg kicks won't be as effective
He wants to fight him like Buckley fought Wonderboy, but is talking himself into a boxing match just to get the contract.
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Feel a bit sad for Khalil, bros...
Reminder that Khalil won the 1-round fight.
Man I went to Mexico in August and I met this Mexican girl in a mezcal bar and I've talked to her every single day, all day, since and I've fallen so deeply in love with her that I honestly don't know what to do with my life. She speaks fluent English with an adorable accent, loves kinos and has better taste in movies and music than anyone I've ever met, and is also the same kind of person that I am in so many ways. She's fit and pretty, with beautiful black hair and eyes. I've never had anything close to this level of connection with another human before even though I've been in several long term relationships, and if you put a gun to my head right now I'd marry her and spend the rest of my life with her, except for the fact that she lives 3,500km away from me.
shut up fag
hey its me! wow you're a heemster too?!
who ready for a war?
peace brazza no war
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I am, b.
Are his kickboxing fights this exciting? If so, which ones?
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Top 15 of all time

1. Jon Jones
2. GSP
3. Demetrious Johnson
4. Anderson Silva
5. Fedor
6. Khabib
7. Daniel Cormier
8. Jose Aldo
9. Adesanya
10. Volk
11. Kamaru Usman
12. Stipe
13. Matt Hughes
14. Shogun
15. Max Holloway

Honorable mentions: Cain Velasquez, Royce Gracie, Chuck, Wanderlei, Conor, Islam
just watch both pissy fights and a compilation of all his heems
You're Chinese.
How does dc root for khapiss roundhead jigga midfight? How does that work? Niggas would root for each other but when they get some money they would instantly buy a house in the middle of the whitest neighbourhood
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Islam has a better resume.

inb4 that inbred pizza boy green texts again
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DC is white
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Olivi Hap incoming
Right here anon. Three, two one *click*. Thank you baby
chi wiwiz
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imagine if jones became nike's number 1 athlete and got MMA in the olympics, and fully leaned into training and being known as the greatest human weapon ever but instead he probably only has like $10m in the bank while the ufc makes billions
the olympics are gay as fuck, i'm glad MMA isn't in them and i hope it never will be
Joe Rogan simply backed the wrong horse. He felt Schaub would be his perfect concubine, whilst hurtling towards greatness. He should've fucked jones instead
Guru > Nina
Many are saying this
The whole thing is Ari making marks out of coomers don't associate heem with your faggotry
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Olympic MMA would have to be 1 round with headgear. No other way guys could fight 4-5 times in two weeks
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>cucking for Guru
Why I oughtta...
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Wow that xitter updooting you're doing is really cool and totally not gay
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>my favorite influencer got likes on twitter!!!! this is so important!!!!!
not a day goes by that clozzy the noncey doesn't seethe over GODru
Drama? Guru? Yeah I ignore every single piece of content involving these "people"
>khalil gained 150k followers and became more popular for getting his ass whooped
being a black guy in america must be awesome you just never lose
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Why is a p*kista*i troll pushing mmaguru, weird...
I prefer to admire Katya's aesthetics in still form sometimes webm.
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being able to stand up against pereira without getting knocked out will do that to anyone my brovvn brother
funny no one gave a fuck when jan did it
>being able to stand up against pereira without getting knocked out
didn't happen though
Khalil looked much better than he is and lasted longer with the mechanic than anyone expected plus he speaks English and got the UFC media red carpet treatment
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Curious how asking out loud why a wastrel from p*kis**n would be spamming a streamer/astroturfing "beef" immediately shut him up lmao
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Spoke too soon...
Do not ever, EVER fucking (you) me talking about this shit again
Chael doing better than Bisping does warm the cockles of my heart kek
Are you actually Guru?
Or is he just your boyfriend?
Seems kinda gay the way you are fluffing his balls
>Guru spams drama videos about irrelevant shit no heemster should care about unless they are a woman
>Nina makes video interviewing fighters
At least Nina serves a purpose, Guru is literally a grifter
I fear they've never even met and this individual is doing it free of charge, pro bono, at no extra cost, out of the love of the game
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>free of charge
Have you watched his channel in the past year? He interviews high profile fighters now. And he didn't even have to suck Dana's dick.
>Have you watched his channel in the past year?
Im not a woman so i dont watch drama channels
The whore you're simping for literally calls herself Nina drama.
These retards are even sadder than jannies who at least have 20 years of prestige behind them and 4chan makes the news every now and then when someone does something afk, two things guru will never do
>calls herself Nina drama
And yet she only interview fighters, while people all the time posts Guru's drama videos here, so who is the woman?
Latinas be like that b, pay for her flight asap
You have a ginger's balls in your mouth speak up we can't hear you
And remember she started this with her insincere virtue signalling. Not Guru.

Are you #TeamMMAGURU or #TeamMMAGROOMER?
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fuck your argument this is now an AFRICAN CHAMP discussion
this man is a GODru fan
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Guru interviewed Dricus.
Imagine calling a fat webcam commentator from croydon God even just ironically
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>Are you #TeamMMAGURU or #TeamMMAGROOMER?
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fuck yeah
Based knower.
The only way guru can redeem himself at this point is post his pissbottle collection
he flew out to SA, met him and trained with him, dricus even used GODru's lines against pissy and made him cry, i'd go as far as to say they're friends
When do we get a champion from East or North Africa we've now had them from South, West, New Zealand and Nebraska
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Now that's what we call a proper african beatdown of the overprivileged slave-owner
Thanks b I was fishing for these yesterday
I don't care about him just the retards that spam his shit
Dricus and Guru are a better duo than Strickland and Groomer
before finland has a ufc fighter that's for sure
Are your feelings really that hurt that people outside an island too retarded to know how to drive properly don't like Kyle Sweatpants the mayonnaise drinker?
Admit Guru is more valuable to the MMA community than N*na and we can move on.
FACT: There are ZERO Finnish fighters in the UFC.

BONUS FACT: Finland won ZERO medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
bunch of zoomers worshipping an obese incel
why don’t the nordic countries like guru?
It's unironically the same picture you know
I haven't seen a single bit of content from this guy, I don't even know what his voice sounds like. All I know is that he looks fat and retarded, and wants to talk about fighting as if he'd know anything, so I file him under "faggot" and think nothing of him
opening the internet to the masses was one of the greatest moves the jews ever pulled, an endless horde of mongoloids flooding everything with worthless garbage content that you basically can't escape
you ever get tired of heems bros?
A long winter makes us less likely to suffer fewls compared to people who barbecue on Christmas day b
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Now let's see Nina's fanbase.
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Isn't it amazing that le most technical kickboxer in MMA history got outstruck and binged by a ploddy plodster big ugly style roofus swinging big meating hooks that have a massive telegraph and could be easily countered
35 year old woman by the way.
Izzy was a one trick pony and a cheap trick circus, I can't believe how long they made that shit last
That they come here to post twitter screenshots all proud of themselves should be at least a 6 months ban
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come on guys be real
How is he the most technical kickboxer in mma history
Based Swede. Never watched a second of Guru, never will.
yeah this was great, going to miss him when he's done
people were still unsure if pereira was any good at lhw
What has Nina done to improve mma? Guru is directly helping fighters get better pay.
You think Jones will do the honors for Alex and that's why they need him as HW champ? Seems too obvious that they'd feed Alex to Jon since Alex is the hero and Jones is the villain
entertaining run against bums
Oh really? Have they gotten a pay rise I hadn't heard of this. Proof?
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Joe Rogan said he was on his JRE podcast and I also think Dana white said it a few times too
that's all it needs to be
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If Tony'd managed to do this he wouldn't be flushed today
Next year he is offering bonuses to undercard fighters OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET. Also offering injury pay. Admit that's based.
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40 days.
tony? are we going to talk about chuck liddell too? get with the times b
The bald menaces of mma strike again
Two more weeks you say?
yes I think I will invest emotionally into Stipe winning.
You'll be singing his praises next year. Trust me on that.
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Knock, Knock
You about to get shell shocked
heeminder jones vs stipe is a fight of literally no consequence
We are entering the Age of Aspinall.
In the promised land of Gurusalem.
that's enough of that
The only challenging matchups for Aspinall are / were Blaydes, Pavvo and Gane. He’s finished two in the first round, so thinks are looking good for him
gane is not a challenging matchup
AJ looks like a buff lowtiergod
Let me know when you have some proof of him doing what you said and I'll have a gander
cant believe people are comparing this dogshit to old gooby's godlike head movement.
>point to the canvas
>run away and get choked out
In many ways, Tony.
The only challenging matchups for my balls would be real women
he was saying he slipped
Aspinall would feminise Gane with his BWC until Gane became a dumb sissy cock slut for White men
would be great if they turn on the meatgrinder and mince that worthless lot
You say that until you meet one on your 4 week trip and can't stop thinking about her it's tawlf b
Fighter Removed: Ciryl Gane
What was ddp's gameplan
mod trannies are federalies
Khalil and Periera's snooze fest nearly killed an awesome card
Total blk boy buck breaking sissy clitty domination and enslavement. 4th round BWC induced blk boy sissygasm with additional apartheid choke feminisation.
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At first it will be for first contract fighters, but will be expanded over time. Watch the video for more info
blitz forward
You forgot:
Apartheid choke
Buck breaking
Sissy clitty feminisation
imagine looking at this and going
>yeah this dude is totally higher on the goat list than khabib
This is cool but he just letting dana win doing this
>Guru simps and donators are gonna give some new contract fighter 5 or 10k once so Dana can stop giving out bonuses
Good job faggot
THE James Krause
guru is a fat fucking loud mouth slob but what he said about white fighters is based and rooted in fact.
I wish your countryman vettori subbed jizzy sooner when he had his back
Guru this, guru that. Bombaclarts!
I wish too but he was probably thinking about running through the alps with the belt and tears in his eyes when he had that position
Is he still banned for betting on fighters?
>running through the alps
Even Marvin's chin would meet it's match against the alps
hopperomma is underrated
yeah still banned
>already back to /box/ levels of activity
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I'm ok with it
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same except for dolidze/paulo
HOT TAKE: Spammy just copy/pastes reddit posts
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Felt bad for pereira when he said he won’t go back down to try for the MW belt since strickland is getting the next shot, he wants to achieve true greatness and he seems much more hesitant towards moving up (as he should be)
>joseph's art
that's some keith herring looking trash knew joey b was gay
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curtis blaydes is the real champion of the ufc because he got to hug emily blunt
I think the UFC should invest in the eastern european market more. We have mildly gifted fighters whose only dreams and aspirations are to be bouncers for someone richer and smarter than them so they can buy a gucci bag and a G-wagon with turbo diesel. They're like soldiers ready to risk it all on the frontline, but not for the glory of the empire, just for their mandem of lackeys with sleeve tattoos and shaved heads.
Costurd sucks but he can still beat dolidookie
the UFC really needs to start doing dexa scans on fight night of their fighters
people would be far less impressed with most dominant fighters if they saw the scan results
"oh shit he has a 25lb lean body mass advantage over every single opponent wtf lol no wonder he's winning so much go fight somebody your own size lmao"
lame cheat sport
lets beat our addictions bros
canadians are so fucking stupid
It's not really cheating if both sides are allowed to do it. Aldo too small for Conor? Then aldo should be a weightcut baby at 135 instead, problem solved.
truth nuke:
weight classes are perfect as they are
weight cutting is not an issue
weight bullying does not exist
Weight bullying only used to exist when khabib did it but now pereddit does it, it's not real
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terminal case of PDS I’m afraid
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Pereddit's daddy 'Sanya
Pakistani Dick Sucker
we don't sign our posts here
I started exercising and I've been getting vivid dreams lately and in one of my dreams wmma didn't exist what does this mean bros
why would I sign a post for you?
>Plebeira hasn't fought a single wrestler after 7 UFC fights
>O'malley had to fight two turbowrestlers in a row and will be booked against an olympic gold medalist in wrestling as his comeback fight

I now understand the meaining behind "everything was handed to him on a silver platter". Just try to imagine prime DC vs Plebeira.
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That is NOT a towel
Alright I'll bite.
You are a fucking punk, dude.
This tweet will age like milk.
name a wrestler at 205
Zatdaddy chased poopreddit out of middleweight lol
Ankalaev, he is from Dagestan.
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Stop posting.
Go to bed Madame.
Ion "finished khalel in round 1" Cutelaba
petition to rename heem to gurusalem
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>Stop posting.
I didn't watch the card but I heard it was fire underlined one hundred fire fire sweaty face breathing hard eggplant
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Polish power
Stoned Hand
"Raping" Al Pereira
Khamclitty will become a sissified sex slave cock slut once he enters the octagon with Robert "massive White penis" Whittaker. His bussy will be creamed and feminised and his clitty will be caged so tight it starts bleeding.
He is right
He would unironacally sub pereira
Khamzat is overrated but so is over protected Pereira
oh fersure b
Brazzas are whiter than samoans/maori mutt hybrids
Give em tree rounds lad, we want tree rounds judges
Whittaker is like 75% white at least, his father is full White and his mum is part White like most Maori. With brazzas it depends
Subreddit bob cleaned the smegma off daddysanyas BBC and asked for seconds
Yes, but only because he's young enough to still be in his prime by the time Islan retires
Do you count Payton Talbott and Daniel Cormier as white/european then ?

Brazzas arent white/european but on the genetic scale they are way closer to a european person than lets say whittaker
Why cant Joe Rogan pronounce Pereira right?
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Twinkrukyan can't wait for his second spanking and spunking from Slamdaddy
The iceman cometh....
Usman is too good looking for a Dagestani. He doesn't have the inbred human pitbull power boost the others have and will be exposed when he comes to the UFC
Motherfucker looks like Niko Bellic what are you talking about?
Dricus turned sissysanya into a leaky clitty sex slave cock slut for BWC
why are muslims so gay?
Path for Islam to become the indisputed GOAT
>Beat Arman 2 (27-1)
>Beat Oliveira 2 (28-1)
>Beat Gaethje (29-1)
>Go to Welterweight to become double champ
>Beat Rakhmonov (30-1)
>Beat JDM (31-1)

Path for Pereira to become the indisputed GOAT
>Beat Ankalaev (13-2)
>Beat Blacowicz 2 (14-2)
>Beat Dricus and achieve active double champ status (15-2)
>Beat Chimaev (16-2)
>Go to Heavyweight
>Beat Gane (17-2)
>Beat Aspinall (18-2)
>Beat Jones (19-2)
>Beat Pavlovich (20-2)

Path for Dricus to become the indisputed GOAT
>Beat Strickland 2 (23-2)
>Beat Whittaker 2 (24-2)
>Beat Chimaev (25-2)
>Beat Borralho (26-2)
>Beat Imavov (27-2)
>Go to LHW and achieve double champ status by beating Pereira (28-2)
>>Beat Imavov
tried to sneak that one in didn't you Fares
id like for both of you to die
niko bellic wished he looked as good as usman lmao
why won't you spread that sweet haram bussy for me?
Dricus is an african bull
I will, I'm a sissy scottish clitty boy and I crave Muslm penis in my bamhole
Illia is going to tragically crack Max's chin then lose to islam
He is literally top 4
Thats a good win
>think fares is a brazza name
you're embarrassing yourself pakimong
oh wait you have no shame
i feel really bad for your parents and everyone that has to witness your existence
you're algerian why would i give you a brazza name
You dont remember GTA 4
Niko was rough looking
Why bongs are so gay
Ilia would easily become double champ if Islam wasnt there
good boy
can you go outside without shitting your pants yet?
Sissysanya sissygasmed on strickdaddy's super large White saber
i can hold you down and shit all over your face with minimal resistance you shitskin manlet
Same shit as the deranged ANZAC poster
don't threaten me with a good time
>Why bongs are so gay
he's one of yours thoughbeit (m*slim)
You get bullied by Turks and Syrians tho
Abus has bred and spread over 300 frauleins this past month while you seethe on heem about being a retarded incel
he has one dagi wife i know him personally
youre on heem 24/7 fantasizing about cock balls and male assholes, you're a waste of life and will soon learn your lesson
the algerian scum chimes in
>Why bongs are so gay
you've never rimmed your mate for the craic?
>i know him personally
raped and gaped?
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If you pause the fight at just the right time you can see the exact moment sissysanya sissygasms and a wave of blk boy sissy clitty pleasure washes over him as he realises his inferior blk boy sissy clitty incel body has been put in its rightful place by a strong, superior White man and his BWC
Yean I'm thinking Adesanya wins the mma trilogy
This thread a pride gathering or what? Holy shit.
crazy how 50% of pakistani mudslimes in the UK are inbred, any pakistani fighters to look out for?
70% of all pakistanis are inbred, they worked hard for that!
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>70% of ALL Pakistanis are inbred.

>At least 55% of British Pakistanis are inbred.

>Children of inbred parents are 400 TIMES more likely to have an IQ lower than 70 (criterion for being retarded).
Pakistani boys regularly get their sissy clitties clobbered and their bussies creamed by White British men in buck breaking esque acts known as "paki bashing"
I knew it
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PRIDE gathering
>finno-pak solidarity
Fufusanya is happy being the heckin anime villain it's painfully obvious
You're the one offering yourself up b don't blame me for your lapse in judgement I will pray for you
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Is he fighting Strickland next?
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Look at the way he presents his bussy to strickland. It's his first instinct as blk boy, he offers up his sissy hole to a superior White man hoping he'll be spared his wrath
Strickraped is refusing to fight outside the US
You are all homos this is horrible. I hope you all die
me too? :((((
You are probably a cock slut for BWC
I am not, this is a baseless accusation
I feel incredibly proud to be white today
Okay Abus
Arent you the deranged faggot who seethe about polynesians
Amir Khan
Good but probably the worst chin in boxing
Abus is the whitest man alive, that's why the poofc only give him the hardest matchups, contrary to the usual dagi treatment
You are either a churka or hohol either way im glad your shithole is completely or partially destroyed and you are exiled and scattered everywhere much like jews.
Shouldn't have fucked with big Z.
wrong, plus your seethe is merely projected self-hate
i try to like bulgars but too many retards make it hard
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B_______ S_______ D________
Bilal Sidi Djamel
Benny Sick Dick
You are a dickwasher in a foreign country because you are weaklings. Nobody cares what or who you like when you are put to flight by stronger people.
How do you talk about me when you are ashamed of who you are, good you should be ashamed to be born a loser and a weakling but i smell you from a far that you shit your pants and flee to that shithole denis siver country.
Send location i might come evict you and your babushka mom make you move again pussy
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theres no way that poofc africuh WONT happen right?
youre seething at a mental projection of someone that doesnt exist, im neither churka nor ukrainian kek
this is why your life is hell
Mental illness
big fan of this poster
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Have there been ANY elite white UFC fighters?

Black Irish, brown eyes
(((French Canadian)))
Boomers don't count
BLM cuck
Brendan Schaubs mum is english
Sean Strickland, motherfucker.
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blk boy sissy clitty incels cannot compete with White men. blk boy UFC fighters as sissy clitty sex slaves paraded around inorder to be sexually and physically humiliated by superior White male fighters in the octagon
probably mixed with Sami which means he is not white
The best fighter on the planet is a White Brit.
what about the best muay thai fighter?
All the best fighters in the world currently are White men. Total blk boy sissy clitty buck breakage domination.
What the hell
Kys mentally ill faggot
Aspinall look like a depigmented levantine
Islam is white adjacent but counting pereira is a stretch
There will never be a blk boy UFC champion ever again, blk boys cannot compete with White men. blk boy sissy clitties are too small for this era
If i knew in which dickwasher migrant center you are i will catch the first plane and come dislocate your jaw you filthy animal lying piece of shit faggot talking about my life while blogposting about depression pussy fag.
I hope some afghanchad steps up and fatally stabs you in the neck, that whore that shat you out will be relieved when her cowardly pussypressed sissy homo bastard is put where it belongs.
You wont live half your days dog.
Pereira has black blood
His children have nappy hair
I was counting all combat sports, the absolute best (not p4p)
>Best boxer
>Best kickboxer
Rico Verhoeven
>Best UFC fighter
>Best grappler
Gordon Ryan

All UFC champs are White or White adjacent unquestionably
>i will catch the first plane and come dislocate your jaw
i doubt it
>blogposting about depression pussy fag
not me
>I hope some afghanchad steps up and fatally stabs you in the neck
the endocrinally fucked up babyface manlets that i can kill with one slap? lol
Only one of his kids does and that could easily be from their mum, Pereira is clearly mostly White genetically, he is pretty light skinned for a Pardo and he's tall, he's lighter skinned than paulo
hapless = fortune-less, luck-less
hapman = fortune-man
*haps ya*
No his wife was white
Like all brazilians, he has Black, Native and Portuguese blood
>baby faced
Beside hazaras that arent real afghans
Afghans arent baby faced at all
You probably encountered chinky hazaras
We do not know who Pereira's ex wife and mother of his children was, it was some chick from the favelas
i've seen photos of her she's a dumpy lil goblina looking thing
Jared fucking Gordon
anyone else feel like topuria vs holloway is the highest level matchup this year
>Jared fucking Gordon
>Jared never fucks a guy called Gordon
What did he mean with this?
I don't watch MMA
what do you watch?
If it doesn't include Dricus calling it "high-level" is a joke
Could be just a metiza (Native/iberian mix)
Islam Makhachev funny moments
turdlip is not elite
i believe you are forgetting about Valentina Shevchenko and Napoleon Blownapart's penis
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but he's a champion
well yeah the kind that flees their country like sissies and lies about their age
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what does his beard taste like?
being elite is not a requirement of being a champion
It is in divisions below 170
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Khabib, Islam and D.C funny moments
>meme made by a self hating cuck or an arap
>the deranged anzac schizo is a fucking self hating arab refugee that worship whites

i think this general is making me sick
you can tell this guy dksamma with the fact he concluded that the "deflected" shot was intentional. its just literally an accident

mma analysis is 99.99% retards that literally never traineed
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White social media star working at the white man's sports league, the UFC
A lot of pornsick individuals in this general. You can be better than that. Believe in yourself. Go. Go!
Nothing going to be more pleasing than seeing a pitter patter shitter like max heemed stiff
You need to get new striking coaches to teach you proper defense
pornsickness does not cover the extent of the disease on heem.com
Come on now b
defense in mma = leaning back and hoping you are tall enough for it to slide
turns 36 this year btw
that's slap influencer, Nina Tunisia
SLAP will be at the next Olympics
>pisces male
Doesn't count
will it come before or after the trans grooming and gay sex competition?
Learned on my travels that I am a fire sign as well as year of the dragon therefore am top of the heem pile
this is the most /lgbt/ post ITT. you always outdo yourself, achmed.
So glad Raquel lost she is such a insufferable dyke
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He's a pure bred swedeboy
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None of you would say shit to him irl. In fact you'd piss your pants
This response kind of makes me think you're a cock slut for BWC
Jamahal is shaped like a bowling pin
this fatty can't run a block without snapping his shit up
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Even Jerry is scared to fight him.
He'd rather kill himself.
i hear she grooms small boys
Don't get your hopes up gurucel
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when you realise ngannou -like many african athletes- probably lied about his age and is currently in his mid 40s his most recent outings begin to make more sense
You're thinking of Clozafin
Many africans b they don't need to be in athletics
he's such a goofy silly little guy how could i hate him
I don't know what to say. Congrats on making the most /lgbt/ post?
There's nothing "lgbt" about starsigns. The top fighters all share a commonalty. Guess what it is? Think it's coincidence?
just shut your piehole, you ape monkey faggot
Ngannous backstory always seemed a bit inflated to me. Can’t really tell why…
Got 2 birdies in disc golf yesterday I am getting elite
Or maybe...just maybe...he was never good and Dana was in the right all along
if it was so bad in africa why is his mom still there while hes a billionaire?
Sweden delivers again
dricus du plessis is 53 years old
He comes from a rich African family, there are photos of him as a kid. I remember he talked about having to walk 2 miles to school as if it was something rough and not just normal for lots of people in the west
ddp is black romero
Canada BTFO'd again kek love to see it
that's a verbal heem
Punished jerry will ///HEEM\\\
Ngannou lied about his back story like that DPRK bitch that got loads of plastic surgery
Dana and Ari do it again a deliver a absolute banger of a production
jerry heems jamawl brutally btw
no shit
Yeah pics with his mom are weird.
It’s always the same location and I don’t believe he would let her live there.

Do you think his backstory is completely made up or just highly exaggerated?
jireddit is dogshit
A drunk gyppo just tried to get me to heem her
Why did your mom want you to heem her?
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>volk's children fight soon
I'm not mmaguru if you ever call anyone in my family a gypsy again I will fly to nebraska and cause you grievous bodily harm
eww all skin
Am I stil baned?
you should be
You’re ganed.
talmbout locktober?
Damn so that's why his cardio sucks
You should be banned from life
Who are you talmbout
It's Roundtree
I assume this was when he was fat as well what a mess
Crazy for volk to finally open up like this. To Helen Yee of all people too
>ngannou got heemed in pfl and heem is talking about random gay shit
volk? volk who? you mean volkov? can't think of any other volks.
That is in two more weeks crapwatcher
just how shit is tyson fury...?
>4 daughters
you can actually see the pain in his eyes in the latest gender reveal. Triple H syndrome
prophetic perfect tense
ngl this is actually p cool
Power Slap reigns supreme
african people are huge liars. I also got hinted that the starving kids are all in bumfuck villages away from the cities while afro-normies live consumerist lifestyles like other westerners
Yah those are reasonable matchups, tho I would give Usman to JDM instead.
Holy chama! He dodged the wild swings of a gassed out bum!

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