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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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aim nothyng
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why so serious, /heem/?
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fuck em
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holy fucking kek
How did you find my selfie
shit thread
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what happenned to nina drama and mma guru? his video popped up on my recommended, thinking ill maybe watch this while working
truly estranged brothers
>didn't watch the fight because 25 guaranteed minutes of WMMA lmao
>watch the highlights today
>it's 5 minutes of Pena getting pieced up, wobbled, dropped
how did she win
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>downs or finnish
love playing that game
Please don't b the retards have been shitting up threads with it
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As opposed to the whores of lahore?
thompson was winning the fight up to this point btw
TLDR guru made a fat joke on twitter about a female mma journalist and nina drama wrote a massive wall of text calling guru a piece of shit. it's incredibly hypocritical because sean strickland could say 10x worse and she'd be giving him lovey dovey eyes and asking when their next interview is. complete plant that stands for nothing pretending to stand for something
yeah guru is a fat ugly incel
>writes a paragraph
The cultists aren't known for being smart
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Kyle shut the fuck up nobody cares about your internet drama
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Pak*stani or towel?
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THE unhinged melatonin addict??
Tim Kennedy openly boasts about his first confirmed kill being a child. Dude's a piece of shit
t. mma guru

but this does sound like something someone of nina's ilk would do. im sure there will be some simps from the ufc talking shit guru also
schaubkat was afraid to strike with this guy
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same with the pettis fight b. he just has a questionable chin and it's probably gotten worse with age. kevin holland rocked him too
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lol I revved the fingol
Maybe that's why his fights are so fucking boring
It's 2 lines, are you borderline illiterate?
Strickraped trauma dumping on twitter AGAIN
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i dont know who kyle is and i havent watched the video i just seen the drama on the tl
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Men would rather pointlessly feint teeps for 25 minutes than go to therapy
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She looks like a disappointing heem but I still would
Thoughts on Khalil Rountree Jr?
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Khabeast is the real foot GOAT
ngl this bitch is actually the female brendan schaub. she exposed the mma community for the sullen simps they are. it would be funny if it wasnt so sad
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How would you rank his UFC run 1-10?
Bong or tragistan it's a bit rich for you to be talmbout how women look doubly so if your scottish
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>Happy birthday, Aljo.

seething poof
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I only stratd paying attention when Pena started to get her shit kicked in, but looking at the stats it looks like she just won the first 3.
all women are beautiful and are queens
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>the sleep demons
just say it's your dad lol
>has pictures of ugly women saved on his device
>calls people poofs
>is a celt the p4p ugliest munters on earth
Stop it b
I haven't watched the video (no way I'll watch 40 minutes of a fat retard yapping in that unlistenable voice) but, from what I've gathered, guru has a problem with her because she's a whore who sets a bad example and something about kids being involved. But that's rich coming from a degenerate fatass who's literally dying, never goes outside and still preaches to his likely underage fanbase about life (I've given him enough of a chance to know he does this, it's pretty funny when he starts ranting about society and human relationships when you know he's only ever experienced these things from the outside). Both are shit useless people who should be looked down upon.
This is the /heem/ and Nordic™ consensus
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10/10 literally all he had to do to prove a point was win the title and he did that and then some
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obsessed brain damaged fingolian cant take the banter kek
She knew he would respond and make her more famous than himself.
Piguru is a worthless fat incel with zero friends that will always take the bait because he is lucky that someone is even throwing him a bait.
That ugly spic goblin probably took 3 seconds to figure out how to introduce herself to the incel audience of an obese shut in asocial asexual.
Looks like her traffic died down or something, too lazy to check.
Neither of them can lose from any of this and you are basically gayand stupid
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>nice funko pop collections kook

>denies none of the allegations
>projects his genetic disability (brain damage)
>continues spamming
The spice kicking in then Rab?
>mindbroke Finland so bad he thinks every bong is me
I’ll give you a hint b I only post verifiable facts.

FACT: Finland has no fighters in the UFC.
Does anyone have the pic of sean looking zesty after pereddit heemed him?
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This week
D-Rod bros we are fucking back
Tafa/Barnett heem and McKenna for eye candy
>It's a Taira submission in the 2nd round week
Oh baby I can't wait.
That’s not me sorry lad, take the friend simulation elsewhere.

FACT: Finland earned ZERO medals at the 2024 Paris olympics.
>McKenna for eye candy
you just said celts are ugly
No one else would spam a bum like Eddie Hall besides you
Uhhhhhh let's see. Rochabros. Any Rochabros here?
is this in the gaypex? genuinely looks like too good of a fight night to not be infront of a crowd
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I say a lot of things
better than 307
I’ve never posted even a single picture of Eddie Hall

FACT: Eddie Hall holds the world record for the hardest recorded punch.
That's right you've posted several
anyone got a webm of eddie hall zeeming those midgets
>killing a man
I dont think you can kill a man with a jab and teeps
I hope we poison him kek, hes already been brain broken
God's honest truth I haven't, made several posts about how hard he hits though (harder than every Finn alive)
That korean guy face is so funny
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Eddie Hall is a PED using fraud although that's like 85% of bongs on the street too
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Jiri has returned to the motherland.
Fuck Dana
Been that dominant is almost always a size/weight bully. That's why DJ and GSP are higher on goat ladder than Jones, who struggled with every opponent his size. Pereddit is litterally huge, Khalil was twice faster, if he'v been his size, he would him in 1st round. Jan shorter but as thick as Poophand and Alex barely scrambled and his punches didn't bothered Jan at all. He will be killed in HW
This is the response of a grown man, alpha male. The dweebs are mad
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i remember when replacing the h in heem with random letters was a forced meme no one liked
Thompson was avoiding the fight up until that point btw
Sorry to disappoint b it gets grim from there on, on my part
Cory, my rose
good for him and the rizin ring girls
Khabib raped a lot of people!
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Just entered the thread, can you believe I'm still evading. It's annoying not being able to post through the day. I look forward to you making a fool of yourself rolling with the Pigs.
By the way do Finish people really have a percentage of Chinese blood? I'm not good with History etc
I don't know if that is true, but there is very much evidence that he could have at any point if he so chose if you watch his fights in the octagon.
Anyway you can do no Wong in my Eyes
khabib can only get it up for sweaty goats, or alternatively oily 50 yo fat men like DC.
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Brazilians have gatekept this information for long, but Chama is actually an evocation of the Shaman spirit. Many say Alex has spirits working in his favor, and they are right, but it's not from an eldritch ancient entity, but rather from the incessant uttering of the word "Chama" that manifests an egregore that protects and fuels him in the fights. It's not a catchphrase, it's a ritual and you're all taking a part in it.
HAHA! Huzzah! A grand jest.
Anyone who would like to talk further about this please send me a P.M.
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name's Wang, b.
to be fair that's not very impressive
sean strickland punches harder than any fin
that's just his living room
I said this two weeks ago
Well folks if you can believe it Khabib was responsible for a lot of crimes for what a man of morals and tradition he portrays himself as
Mario Bautista is simply one of the fighters we’ve ever had
lucas tracy defended mario bautista
...maybe he should've stayed gone
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>well that was one of the fights of all time!
I'm gonna weem your ass boy
I don't recall it, b. Show me the post or you're lying
The meme is mongolia we're not cool with china then which is why we have solidarity with the jacked taiwanese. I made the grave error of insulting the croydon streamer so I can only blame myself for this pileup
is this the name of your youtube video essay
Bautista won in the same way Volk did
wow bro super interdasting, mans got kickboxing tatted on him lmao
Bautista will unironically be in the title picture not long from now, these types of performances usually lead to great successes later
Volk also outstruck Aldo at range by overloading him with faints
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Hey Pussy are you still there
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>I can only blame myself
for the drug induced brain damage, sleep apnea, blog posting and friend simulator?
I'm here...
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I'm still here Jon
Hey bussy are you still there?
Just 40 more days until gayboy Jon leaves the sport for good
Bautista made aldo look like a little twerp

Hang em up gramps you're embarrassing yourself
>he doesn't know
Afraid it's Pereira vs Jones for the big bucks
jon jones is a big buck
Think about it. Who in top top 5 actually beats Bautista? The only thing we've really seen him struggle with his getting hurt early, and that was early in his career. Are you really going to bet on Sandhagen to beat the high pace multi-threat guy who builds himself into a fight? Are you going to bet on Yan to beat Merab 2? The guys who I think give him trouble are the guys who are currently in title contention
Shit card
That's why I hated this matchup, Aldo should have either
>retire on a good note after beating Martinez
>fight another old dude like Cruz
>get a top 5 guy immidiatly, so at least it doesn't look too bad if he loses
Having him face a no name rising contender at nearly 40 was just gay.
This is so gay
As bad as adesanya
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Khalil winning 2 rounds begs the question: just how bad is Jireddit?
Ah I see, well I'm sure many races will have been infiltrated by the Mongol Cum.


Height ≠ size
DC and many others were bigger than him
It struggled with opponents of the same size who are good boxers (for the ufc)
Just like Holloway struggle with short guys
Each fighter has its own weakness
Never faced a grappler/wreslter
Jones or DC would murder him
what a gay fucking sport why are we here
a fighter who is willing to set aside his pride to win like a faggot understands the true way of the samurai, sure nobunaga was cool but who won nippon in the end?
>This is so gay
you'd know
I bet he has more Portuguese blood than native
Should be larping as a bandeirante
Conor should sign aldo to BKFC
Damn hahaha that was quite a good typo, thanks for bringing this to my attention, now I get this silly response. The puzzle is coming together, tremendous >>144926181
America won
Arent you the guy who post weird messages about caucasian fighters ?>>144926148
They dont fucking historylet
Not even mongol
Finns have a little bit of common dna with siberians but thats it
I dont like americans but he is right on this
Japs were tough with other japs or civilians
In the Pacific, Marines were trashing them on the regular even with inferior numbers
And they deserved the nukes too
feeling's mutual frog
The only way to weaken this spell is to call him poohand and pereddit but only few of us are strong enough
Definitely not, I don't get into the gay posting my man. Exclusive and divine Slags, solid analysis, and a bit of friend simulator.

Perfect mix, you could say it's what makes me one of the best to ever do it
You only post some weird japanese organisations or seethe on muslim fighters
Never saw any slags
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But how? Nerd shit conjured up in a lab by pencil necks, that's how
In many ways Jews are the true samurai
khalil won that fucking fight....
I can see both posts were factual since you got the same dubs in both. You gotta find a similar word for yo nigga Mallott
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that fight was CRAZY
wow what an absolute WAR
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complete opposite
khabib is the goat of lightweight but he's still not in the top 10 of all timers
This is the one bong who isn't obnoxious brown or drunk
Artem will be vindicated
They turned nippon trans and neutered them on the world stage, and Rahm Emmanuel took out Abe
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we will be back to show the pure performance
*gets nuked*
*becomes a nation of incels with negative birth rate*
wow sure showed everyone
pereira was just holding back in the first two rounds
like in a jrpg when you win in gameplay then a cutscene starts and the boss unleashes a special technique and the main characters lose
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In absolutely no ways whatsoever
Both pillow fisted bums with zero KOs in the ufc
Low iq retard
You could say the same for the japs and the americans were trashing the japs before the nukes
It was so bad that it was a literal walk in the Park/hunting party
Japs are the same shit
Dumb weebs dont even realise it
They were always cucks
Its always low t cucks blaming their low testorone on others instead of doing anything
All jokes, the fr*nchie is right but grossly simplifying it there are also a few tribes outside of siberia too. Croydon seems like the only realistic place in South London someone like that oversized ewok could live in without any problems
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Khabeast has a KO
Who Khabib ?
He has one
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Yeah I'm a-
What are you ON about today Malaka?
Alex is one bad dude he would easily dispose of asspinal at hw
Somehow his patchy beard is upsetting me the most out of this entirely awful image
>still conscious
Classic TKO
Very very interesting, see you can even learn something in a shit hole
Alex is one bad dude no way he hoes life or death with a lightweight who has crippling anxiety and get finished
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Im putting these faggy heem posts on notice
Between Quelmuel and Khalil, I think Alex's main weakness is fighters who have anxiety disorders
They experience the intimidating mental pressure Alex permeates on a day to day basis, they know how to fight under those circumstances
what israel is doing to gaza? pyur samurai shit b
We don't post our selfies here
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fuck you stupid cunt
Quemuel can't be heemed, he's got those Garth genes
how would queequeg fare in the UFC
You get raped by those guys ?
Also why do you seethe that i insult japs you dumb weeb
This makes sense but I still think Plinio bet the farm on a round 4 ko
Japs did the same in asia
We don't sign our posts here
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>I confess freely to you, I could never look long upon a monkey, without very mortifying reflections.

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insulting civilised respectful and decent people, i wont allow a nafri dog to insult them, its uncouth
Alex is the real BMFer of the UFC
as in, bitch made faggot, yea
he isnt going to say that
why not?
Good post
when he loads his imaginary bow then yells I get fucking chills down my spine could only imagine how kino it would be to experience IRL
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Laughing shall I post.
when he blows his imaginary load*
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For working at a tire shop to the face of the UFC earning 100m a year

Dude was lucky he got deleted so easily roundtree took a fucking nasty beating
khabib quit
Who are the bicyclists of mixed martial arts
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one 'bib burger with extra horse meat plz
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there's 9 million bicycles in beijing for a reason b
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Reminder of what happened in ufc 306

The Jocka = Omalley
COs (Correctional officers) = MerGOD
I eat my shit whole playa'
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heeminder that petr yan is gonna headline a card in his ancestral homeland
the shavkat special
The strickland special
To the death you guys!
no need to reply to yourself
>boy on boy violence
Umar will NEVER fight these two killers. all they know is fight Chito, suck cock, title shot, get fucked in the ass thats all they do.
They are degenerate effeminate sissies who suck at war and fighting
Let me remind you what they tought of brits during WW2 you pathetic weeb faggot
Why is Dana's wikipedia page weird
>They are degenerate effeminate sissies
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How does the UFC benefit from the new gloves giving fighters the gnarliest cuts imaginable?
frangeria revealed he gets boners over taira he's literally gay for japs
jack hermansson is the only joker that matters
Older fighters who ask for more money get scar tissue faster and are forced to retire earlier this smells like Ari's work
aldana was due to a headbutt
the polak and benoit was elbows
can you really blame him?
hes a stupid musoid FAG
also khalil's nose was cut coming in
Im not
Just accept the truth low t weeb faggot
And this surhumain cuck talk of projection
Dont you lust after caucasian fighters you subhuman degenerate
They are effeminate sissy, keep dilating troon
yan body is weird
Belal should be cut
>low t
projection lmao
Brits must be low t and cucked to think this isnt a effeminate fag face
>Dont you lust after caucasian fighters you subhuman degenerate
no that's one of your fellow muslims, we refer to him as pakimong
asian boys are cheating they're basically women that's not gay
does anybody like the french
Its just a spammy character,
Izzy watching her husband's fight

they used to be enemies...
Not even they like themselves
frangeria so deep in the closet
muslims really are that gay
(We Dont Watch That Flushed Gay Nigger Bitch Here Anymore)
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>Israel Adesanya & Andrew Schulz
Ohm eye daze am i laffin
I like their food and women. Respectfully.
Who is Izzys Adesanya? Is she hot?
Both snails
Rei Tsuruya is prettier than fight fairy
Escargot is actually very good don't stop letting us know how poor you are though
>andrew schulz
that guy sucks so much
Hot? Hes zesty thats for sure
i like that one french poster who only responds to posts with benchode saint denis and just shits on him for no apparent reason
is she a based paint huffer
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Sea Level Khalil zeems Poatan
mfw when i see a pitter patter post in the heem thread
mate they're garden snails drowned in butter
you wipe up feces for minimum wage and consider pizza hut fine dining
The brit is a low t dumb weeb LMAO
I believe it's her room at her parents who seem to have used it as storage/are trying to get rid of her subtly
frangeria had to take a wank break after seeing that japs face kek what a poofter
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Yes very tasty and not cheap at least up here, you can get them in restaurants as a starter for 15-30 euros
it's the same guy
But you said you want caucasian fighters to fight you
That you are a Scott who love k1
You reeks of estrogen
French women are nothing crazy and they refuse to be feminine
If they took care of themselves and were feminine, why not
you're mixing up 3 different bongs mate
Have you noticed the amount of AI used in this fight? All that fake blood made mad
Could your post BE any more brown
welshbong loves k-1
scotbong likes ???? idk I haven't paid attention
To rail you*
Why do you share you fantasies ?
realistically, tony is 3 fights from a title shot
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you could tell me this was a black woman and i would 100% believe you
You never set a foot here retard
Italy and Spain are way better womanwise
AI blood

AI competition

AI clothes

AfroAmerican AI

AI expression
Weeb faggot, you want to be fucked by brazzas
Maybe the normans were right about raping your kind
He likes to whinge and moan like an old cunt
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made up general personalities goin at it in the heem thread
I have been in Paris actually although I agree with the rest of your post emphatically 100%
>you want to be fucked by brazzas
how is that something on your mind and then you actually type it out?
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We need to remake this
you're being willfully ignorant, every bong post containing brazza lust was made by a muslim who unfortunately for us happens to live in the british isles, he even answers to "paki"
the french third world retard can't understand that multiple people can post under the same flag
he could if he troons out and fights in julianna pena's division
The K-1 posting might be coming to an end.
There was also the other bong im talking to that lust after brazzas
Bongs are pathetic fags
>who unfortunately for us happens to live
You could have ended it there
I'm the real Mr.k1 and my bussy was made for Muslim Daddies
would dana accept troons to fight?
And then why do you fantasize about french algerians fucking jap twinks ?
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you "people" need a solution
Of course he would and arguably has
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we have a newer one
He'd make a reality TV show revolving around it
I do
But the bongfag im talking to is a closeted week-end faggot who lust after brazzas
The paki is just a troll and it he make the general seethe h24
you're not helping your case gay boy
>And then why do you fantasize about french algerians fucking jap twinks ?
thats you, ya poof
People ITT are really denying that east asian men and women look exactly the same
Why bongs are so gay and submissive ?
Of course you feel an affinity to fucking Raj of all "people" hurry up with the kofta or there is no tip for you
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i meant the other frenchie
Thats what you do subhuman weeb nonce
>No dont use twink, this hit way too close
Kys fucking efffeminate zesty twink
K-1 and RIZIN
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The lady doth protest too much, methinks
good post
Daniel Woirin on Bilal
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Just took an Algeria on the Berber
lol this doo eat snails
Just took an Finland on the ouralo-ugric
>constantly spouting homosexual vernacular
>cries and projects when he's rightfully called gay
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I seriously watch these just to soulyfy myself again after watching crap like ufc.
Why do you add vowels to everything even ural
based, same
That is literally how child sex abuse trauma manifests itself. He could be a good advocate against sexual assault but he's too scared to be labeled "gay" even though he talks about black dick all the time.
Ural in french is Oural
Zero self awareness you nonce
Cry you zesty twink faggot cuck
All these midget japs were made for BWC
So he was raped or not ?
His dad was an asshole but thats all we know
Weebs should be exterminated
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We don't watch that crap
We can't watch that crap
K-1 was cancelled
It was taken off the air
It's unwatchable internationally
No one can watch
Nobody watched it in the first place
If you can't watch that crap gimmie a hell yeah
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Taped. Raped. Gaped. Bred. Spread. Left for dead. Reamed. Creamed. Wishing it was all a dream
exceptional post
Try not saying that on a website created by and for weebs, retard.
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>Civilization, as a process, is indistinguishable from diminishing time-preference (or declining concern for the present in comparison to the future). Democracy, which both in theory and evident historical fact accentuates time-preference to the point of convulsive feeding-frenzy, is thus as close to a precise negation of civilization as anything could be, short of instantaneous social collapse into murderous barbarism or zombie apocalypse (which it eventually leads to). As the democratic virus burns through society, painstakingly accumulated habits and attitudes of forward-thinking, prudential, human and industrial investment, are replaced by a sterile, orgiastic consumerism, financial incontinence, and a ‘reality television’ political circus. Tomorrow might belong to the other team, so it’s best to eat it all now.

- Renato 'Money' Moicano, 2024
Algeria is India-esque in every facet, Joe.
I dont care
Those cucks got contained elsewhere
This retard just took out a huge mortgage and is giving other people financial and life advice
Is he the most intellectual UFC fighter?
this hate for anything other than UFC slop seems really childish to me. WWE manchild behavior
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hating anime speaks more about yourself than you think b.
>UFC slop
UFC has the best fighters. All there is to it.
*offers hand*
*scratches behind ear*
Funny how the rightoids all left BSD (after they appropriated him of course) after he lost and went to worship Moicano instead
Here a famous catholic chud with this exemple
the eyes never lie. he is no more, this is just cope. doubt we see him win the strap again.
>loves crap
uuuhhh yeah, we know
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I wish Supergril were in the UFC

No its just that those weeb organisations are overrated
Its shit
Its pure goyslop for retards
And it also sissified this generation even more than it was
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>In Africa, you know, if you're poor, at least you can go to the forest and share some mangoes with the gorillas and monkey.

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>Money, being naturally barren, to make it breed money is preposterous
and a perversion from the end of its institution, which was only to serve
the purpose of exchange and not of increase... Men called bankers we
shall hate, for they enrich themselves while doing nothing

- Renato 'Money' Moicano, 2024
What the fuck does /v/ have to do with anything? It's been the worst board on 4chan since like 2012 and has the biggest influx of r/TheDonald tourists outside of /pol/.
>No its just that those weeb organisations are overrated
quite the opposite
and the best snoozefests yeah
>organisations are overrated
>Its pure goyslop for retards
the irony of this LEGIT homo fag
People like it cause its jap
Thats it
Weebs, i tell you, Weebs
BSD is a boring generic cuckservative who bows down to American neolibs. Moicano is a neo-reactionary anti-democratic accelerationist.
and people like UFC because they pander to the mouthbreathing retards, their largest demographic
You know im right Weeb Pooftah cuck
No one cares about those shitty organtisation that would get destroyed entirely by any top 50 ufc can
Brain damaged. All wrong.
K-1 and RIZIN are very overrated. Bellator has a better roster than RIZIN, and Glory and ONE are leagues ahead of K-1 in terms of talent pool.
So again, refer to >>144927362
They werent like that before the fight
Biggest cowards of all time
You supposed to stay with your boy, defeat or victory
UFC has the worst ruleset and production. No soccer kicks, no knees, no tournaments, no openweight fights, no production value, no soul. It's a product only enjoyed by the buggest of men.
Estrogenic homo weeb pooftah
We don't sign our posts here b
You're underaged and retarded. The events K-1 and Pride used to put on are beyond legendary. If you look at them and think theyre the same as the negative excitement inducing slop the UFC does youre a tasteless brownoid or braindamaged.
he literally wasnt raped or molested. he was "abused" but i bet that just entailed getting yelled at on rare occasion. he has middle class roots but larps like hes from poverty like all the other fighters do
attributing your own thoughts and feelings to another person lmao
Pride was good
The rest is shit
>liking UFC is WWE manchild stuff
>no soul is one of your arguments
Sounds like you like the WWE manchild stuff.
I like watching the best fighters fight, simple as.
His dad made him stay up late on a few school nights and he was very tired when he went in the next day iirc
And thats literally what you do all day you terminally online low t cuck homo
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>The rest is shit
vulgar nafri has no depth
You're talking to two germans, retard.
>that K-1 and Pride used to
>USED to
>USED as in the past
K-1 is a shell of its former self and RIZIN isn't PRIDE.
Quality contribution
>like watching the best fighters fight, simple as.
kek no you don't, you THINK you like to watch the UFC for le best fighters
You're retarded and a net negative to humanity, have you considered that?
Sorry, disregard the rest of the post except the end then.
>I like watching the best fighters fight,
i like watching the best fights
>he said to the mirror
And you are an homosexual effeminate weeb
Why dont you kill yourself already ?
Atleast it would avoid you watching all those pakis and jamaicans raping your country
RIZIN has the best ruleset out of every mma organization, americans are just cowards
I like how he uses an.
r u mad?
The irony
Guy get butthurt about being called a twink or one of his effeminate faggot japanese fighter because it hit too close and cry about it H24
I will strike
Yeah, I do think that. Spot on Gunther.
Even with the better ruleset they aren't the best fights. I watch two turbo cans throw hooks from their waist until someone gets hurt then they go to the ground, try to climb out of the ropes and the ref has to stop all action and turn them around. You can get away with pretending RIZIN is something special to people that don't watch it, but unfortunately for you I do watch it.
Considering how many ufc curses he broke, that's probably right.
>Defends title in LHW, a div where most champs can't keep the belt
>Survives a headkick in Salt Lake City
>Defeats Rountree, who destroyed every Glory kickboxer he fought against in the UFC
>Immune against the 35+ curse
>Wins despite cutting his hair on embedded
>Wins despite Drake curse
gay boy
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You are an mongol
The random american mma fighter would clear Rizin and sent their fighters in bodybags
Thats you or the fighters you mouth over tho
Yes, used is the past tense of use, correct. K-1 in it's current state and RIZIN which is basically PRIDE without roids and interantional fighters are both still miles more exciting and entertaining to watch than whatever the UFC shits out weekly.
6-12 elbows ARE NOW ALLOWED a new era is upon us gentlemen
Its over for pereddit
just imagine this gay boy nafri frantically responding to everyone he can in his little dingy 1 bedroom poverty refugee flat, dudes fighting a war in his gay head and a war online kek
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Big knuck card Saturday
What about it is more exciting?
Fuckable but she is meh
Probably because of the short hair
Only some few women can pull off short hair
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Yes like that
Gotchu b
>duuude boxing but worse
Go back to K-1 please.
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I came to Carla Esparza
wow Conor and a bunch of old ass rappers
Yeah, she obviously can. I know you struggle understanding beauty with your sandnigger mind but trust me on this one.
>just imagine this gay weeb bong frantically responding to everyone he can in his little dingy 1 bedroom poverty norf fc flat, dudes fighting a war in his gay head and a war online kek

You just described yourself tho
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My K-1 posting has worked
you protest too much gay boy
I'm so close to saying the N word...
>its a welsh faggot
Lmao its even worse
Get a rifle and fight your independance instead of being a mentally ill terminally online subhuman your submissive gay weeb twink
Welsh women look like that?????
Karate Combat on friday too, we're being saved from the gaypexslop this weekend
im a fallen degenerate, would fuck in its ass and have the decency to give it a reach around
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yous a gay boy
Why do you projecting homo faggot ?
Get out of the closet and go back sucking paki/brazza dick mentally ill subhuman
You probably fapping to that as we speak
Lets the see the welsh sissy twink hypocrisy
Welsh are gay faggots
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Get out of the closet, welsh twink, bongland is lgbt nonce friendly
You hurting yourself too much
Say gay again and maybe we wont think youre a closeted homo.
>Lets the see the welsh hypocrisy
at least he's honest, youre a fag in denial lmao
Heem ruined by a gay faggot bong
Many such cases
my boy needs actual training should lay off of memes for a lil bit
frangeria literally cannot keep the homosexual degenerate thoughts out of his brain for 1 second
Yeah cause thats totally not the projecting welsh cuck writing his fantasies on everyone you fag
every single post is homoerotic kek
No it isn't, that's right. Youre an annoying homo, no way around it b.
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Kings in Black
France was the original LGTQ+ nation the jews got tothis should not be celebrated.
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Frangeria is essentially /heem/s own Tobias Funke KEK
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the winning team
with the humble
pereira has awakened magomed’s religious fanaticism kek bro really thinks he’s a djinn or something

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