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dogshit thread
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mass is power
Great Thread
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Abhorrently grim thread.
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Topuria will school maximus so bad
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what thef uck
What profound wisdom is he bestowing upon them?
Bantamweight is not a good division, and people who say otherwise are just being tryhard.
Flyweight, which are just normal Bantamweight fighters cutbabying as hard as humanly possible, would be better if it had more than five fighters of note. At least they're fast as fuck which is entertaining in itself.
Middleweight is a very good albeit flawed division, lots of fighters who are only good at specific things and having glaring weaknesses which leads to weird fights only possible at this weight class.
Which sauces taste best on which ice creams
>people who disagree with me are bad thing since I know I'm wrong and don't want pushback
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CAZZIE ALERT. bantamweight is fucking STACKED top to bottom. look at these fuckin beasts
Weidman dominates this webm with his aura
I didn't even notice him.
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Khamzat is sick again
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Alex will be the first CHAMP-CHAMP-CHAMP after he beat Tom next year.
Hall timed that perfectly.
I want Luke to hold my rock hard cock
Uh the consensus best division in the sport isn't a good division because uhhhhhhh I said so
maybe he should start eating pork
*hides post*
making sweet and sour pork rn just waiting for it to marinade
The best division was, is and will always been women's flyweight
no one said anything about lightweight
No one said anything bad about Welterweight
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How do you make that?
T. Not chinese
Sounds exotic how do you make the sauce I had some polish sausages earlier
The only guy still ranked here is Jonathan Martinez
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Asspissreddit is essentially a less-powerful Ngannou
Many are saying this
litchrally in what way?
Most flyweights in the top 5 could move up to bantamweight and dominate
Most bantamweights in the top 5 could move up to featherweight and dominate
Most lightweights in the top 5 could move up to welterweight and dominate
Most welterweights in the top 5 could move up to middleweight and dominate
Most middleweights in the to top 5 could move up to light heavyweight and dominate
Most light heavyweights in the top 5 could move up to heavyweight and dominate
you look up a recipe on the internet retard
gotta boil some apple cider vinegar and add some other ingredients
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Finland is essentially a less-medaled Pakistan
Such a powerful bout-ending headkick that he wasn't even knocked down
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Canada is essentially a less-ranked everyone else
UK is essentially Pakistan
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That makes sense, thanks b
Surely this was meant for the post above mine.
Essentially but also really
Marinate dog taste just rike pork hehe
Finland doesn't post like any Finn I've see
Seems like a self-hating brit, possibly using a VPN
hey stupid guy
What are you, an expert on Finnish people?
yeah most finns sound like
duuuhh duuuurrrrr duuuhhhhhhh
good one blagoy
I have never met a bong with enough self awareness to hate themself and how is your english so bad
Nah he loves bongs and bong culture but we terrorise him so he puts on a front
Brits don't watch hockey that's how I know he's finnish
I like the north of england and that's it
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Favorite Indian martial artist?
Why would you ever admit this
norf is based
mmm yogart
Northumberland is very beautiful I'm not ashamed to admire beauty
Favorite (non-gsp) canadian mixed martial artist?
Robbie Lawler's son
brock lesnar
finns are by far the gayest posters on the internet
this one however is surprisingly straight
the red king
aka the greatest american WW's father
Arjan Singh Bhullar
kb bhullar, he got dropped by a jab like our current PM
Rory ofc
I think you meant to reply to this post >>144928937
Talbott is gay but has crazy aura.
Jordan Mein, his dad Lee still fights
Tom will kill him
talbott has aura but hes crazy gay
the greatest british boxers and greatest british fighter are jamaicans/africans.
did not give a leaf permission to respond to me, please be more considerate as I don't want to associate with leafs
Tom will fall to the same fate as every other supposed Heavyweight messiah, getting randomly chinned by someone who had no business beating him
I also expect Jon might get his ass beat by Stipe, expecting an easy fight
Gaybum Tallslut
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payton is a girl's name
The best fighter on the face of God’s green Earth is a White Brit.
You associate primarily with leafs every time you go outside.
and that fighters name is Me because its I, me
Jon Jones is a black american. Just like all fighting greats.
Payton Talbott is a white brit?
Isn't it plane as day that Pereira is fighting Jones and that they'll find someway to deal with Aspinall
Jon Jones is a homosexual Nigerian.
Stipe Miocic is a white American. Just like all fighting greats.
jon jones is an english name
plane as day indeed
he is welsh
Aspinall is getting the Mokaev treatment
Still a black American.
You repeat yourself but you're thinking of Izzy see >>144929039
Jon is retiring in 40 days.
Watch out we got a finntologist over here.
Conor Mcgregor vs Jon Jones, the goat v goat contest the fans have demanded
Well at least if he beats the gigahue who heems Francis then he'll be the lineal champion and the bongs can celebrate that
Only ever heard of kalari and kushti, so o guess kalari because i once saw I fight scene with jackie chan vs a indian using kalari.
What do the Finns have to celebrate?
for me its nate diaz vs nick diaz
not being british
Midsummer's and the 1st of May
I would really enjoy having sex with Alexa Grasso
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scholar, warrior poet.
Gonna be great with Stipe Miocic boxes Jon Jones head off for 5 rounds stuffing all of his takedowns and step in jabbing every single pathetic leg kick from Jones.
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he is NOT reading that book
Do people like him and Bisping read 50% slower having one eye
there has never been a good white british fighter
Ayo hol up...
You don't think Tom Aspinall is good?
There has never been a fighter
if you look closely the book is actually upside down
Just watched 2purias new video max is a dead man
I fight for my life every day
he's also reading it back to front
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chris weidman took a shit in a trash can
You think fighting makes you a fighter? Think again
I do not. and in time Gane will prove me right
A what in the where
Just cause a good fighter beats another good fighter does not mean they were never good, just that many are good. Or perhaps, they were both good.
a tony in the till
Chad behavior
nta but it's hard to say with Tom because he's the only athletic true heavyweight so all he fights is complete imobile and slow punching bags, therefore it's hard to say if he's good or if the whole blobweight division is complete garbage
Good grief and she still married him
Pereira vs Jones is the only good fight Dana could make
But would she?
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*flushing sounds*
who's the first fighter who comes to mind?
Many are saying this
Did you guys hear about the Chinese Godfather? He made them an offer they couldn’t understand.
derrick lewis
what about garth vs dustbin 3? that sounds like a pretty good fight
mike malott
The only thing I know about the Finns is that they're self-hating lol
I've watched that clip a million times before, it's not funny anymore.
Did you guys hear about the Georgian Godfather? no, of course you haven't
Did three giant nurmagomedovs side by side today
uhh, ok?
It keeps you going like wood in a stove
Fighters should be allowed to bring one weapon and one non-weapon utility item with them into the octagon.
mexicope is not satisfied
make him laugh, NOW
Forrest Griffin was abysmal
the Jim Carrey of MMA
not that the other ones were much better heh
What would /heem/ bring?
tony ferguson
A tank and some snacks
this bloke spends more time thinking about canada than a jeet in the immigration office
this would only work for handicap matches between different weight classes
BTW Overeem daughter became a "man"
Overeem speak on it in a podcast, he sounded extremely chuddy
maybe volk still has some hope
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Is sad because he showed tons of heart but khalil is not recovering.
Guys who are roided out and don't take precautions when having children will end up with some kid who is hormonally fucked up one way or another. I see this manifest a lot even in my own life with local bodybuilders having all daughters like volk. I knew a guy who ended up with two androgynous dyke daughters even though both parent were normal etc.
leave me the fuck alone
pereira hid razor blades in his gloves
Imagine Elliott Page with Volk's face
your grandma sure has
that should be standard kit
I don't think Curtis would fit in Pereira's gloves.
Watching UFC has made me realize Georgians are just straight up bad people with evil souls.
what happened to his hair bruh
Guy walks in his house with a duck under his arm. He looks at his wife and says, "Honey, this is the pig I've been fucking." She says "ya idiot that's not a pig! That's a duck!" Husband says "I wasn't talkin to you"
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envy has consumed your sould and put mist upon your eyes.
Jokes on you i studied mandarin at school
how big was this guy that he could carry jones under his arm like that?
alright, im gonna watch taht mma guru video about nina drama now. this shit better be good, hoping the last 30 minutes of work breezes by
Ari walks in his house with Jones under his arm. He looks at Aspinall and says, "Champ, this is the mark I've been screwing." He says "ooh arr Gromit that's not the Wensleydale! That's a duck!" Ari says "I wasn't talkin to you"
Why would you do that to yourself just watch Rampage instead
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I used to say Clozafin never made funny posts...I still do but I used to, too
It's more of a comment really
Ye okay funny guy.
>fin never made funny posts
it's a sign of growing maturity that you are looking to find commonalities instead of constantly attacking others based on differences pakibong
finally a good post
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She would dominate WMMA
That's a man
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gets heemed by some turbo roid broad
I don't stay up late for ppvs anymore and when i woke up and saw espn and fullfight and all the other faggots spamming that picture of Rountree with blood on his face i had a mini heart attack thinking he got a decision over pereira
imagine a timeline where rountree-erceg-adesanya-poirier-belal are champions all at once
there you go buddy
Al is coming
Ask your dad.
talmbout the munster realtor, b?
Khalil is a fun action fighter, what would be wrong with him being champ
Hey Morocco, would you mind explaining why you were in my filters list?
based as fuck timeline
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Is this true?
who else is in your filter list?
I would make sure she would
Israel, India and Slov*nia
were not buddies pal
I was a regular here in this general a few months ago but i'm sure it was some assburn over footie
Tom in under 20 seconds
pereira props up his knee and tom's skull goes bouncing off the canvas
based as fuck
only at miller grove
What fighter comes to mind? Like rain falls so does he? Scattered all over the place? When the rain stops will he?
Tony status?
was never good
pereira punches his ticket to the retirement home after ar' tom humiliates him for the world to see
Status: unknown
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but I don't wanna live that way
I swept
Happiness is a warm gun
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This is a good way to live for The Raped
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sean r. strickland? heard he got raped
real men meant to moan and seethe 24/7 on xitter with a massive victim complex
/heem/ freak off this weekend
you all are invited
don't forget to bring your own baby oil
Pisces male, opinion discarded
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ITS UP!!!!
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real men kiss men
On his tippy toes
>Fault out not true
with that typo being noticed
Kevin is completely right
Aldo 30-27
Bautista cut!
MMA GODru just ended N*na Dr*ma's career.
>"Poatan is not the GOAT"
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This is what happened in that sweltering summer of 1999

The Joker = Sean Strickland
CO = Sean Strickland's father
Gurus a fag for being rude to that reporter lady for no reason
he broke her jaw and made unrepairable?
why is your 4 second webm 360p?
MMA Guru just consumed 5x the daily intake of calories
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camrips are getting worse and worse with each passing year
i literally watched predator on a camrip on facebook and it was near close to the original experience, are people worse with phones who have professional camera lenses on them than nokia flip phones
Typo aside, I was just shocked that the Protagonist of MMA suddenly posted a very good take.
Am I the only remaining /heem/ poster who watches cards from top to bottom and stays on top of prospects and exciting unranked fighters? I feel this place is truly super casual these days and most people can't identify fighters outside of the main and co-main.

Does anyone else here enjoy the sport and meta aspects of MMA?
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be grateful, clown
For what? Apply yourself.
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feed him magomed
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>Does anyone else here enjoy the sport and meta aspects of MMA?
>nokia flip phones
Funny you bring that up. I been trying to buy one. Perhaps you know where I can find it.
I guess technically we have to acknowledge that Brock Lesnar is now Canadian

Other than him, I'd say I like Hakeem Dawodu a lot
Heem has died and become a rotting corpse with only maggots devouring what's left.
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Anyone realize that Poatan begun to win the fight in R2 after he started to jab, the plodding forward with no jab in R1 did not go well
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The front kicks Poatan started doing were cool af
bruh what he's in the same division as Gane who is the most nimble HW MMA of all time. also Volkov and Almeida and Jones are not immobile and slow
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wow so happy to be here with you all in this moment together thank you
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>le won't fight in hostile territory (Australia) man
marjane used to sell them but idk about now, bim throws them once in a while too
try jumia, dunno about actual "flip" phones but these are widely available (or run to the closest phone store)
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what're you wearing right now
Sean strickland taught him that jab
move your cursor you goddamn amateur
Roddit literally cannot make webms what a mongoloid
frilly pink panties and a corset, probably
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Poatan was literally jabbing Reddit Sean in their fight
and a mfn chastity cage, hes a Tom Aspinall fan for sure
oh yeah
and facebook marketplace, but that's like playing minesweeper with DGST
Only us Ganescholars observe locktober around here
alex was up on rounds before finishing roundtree
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And I'm gonna keep this retarded post just in case
Sometimes it's good strat to hold back a tool until later. A few fighters hold off on jabbing all together until later. The opponent has made reads and thinks he knows what to look for then the jab comes in and overwhelms them.
Strickland was never raped
Pretty sad. At least I'll never again have to share space with the schizos and pedos soon enough
It's not a "big boy" thing lol, every other general actually discusses the sport. Look at the posts in this thread. It's pathetic

That said, favorite fights on the next card? I'm excited for the return of Iron Turtle. Alhassan/Fremd should be a heem. Vergara/Temirov is a good litmus test for the Uzbek (he has a nice record from his time with RIZIN and Muradov's org).

Also Carpenter/Rocha, Price/Gorimbo and Argueta/Haddon are all spicy. Barnett/Tafa has meme potential
because he's super duper manly and hates faggots

that is heterosexual behaviour
Yeah I'm a ganer
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Stop eating then
This but unironically.
*signals for a round 5 start of round hug to acknowledge your skill and how close this fight is*
*convert the hug into an inside trip*
*pins you down from full mount*
*starts throwing elbows*
Gonna game
I'm a little Nina short and stout
Here's my grooming here's my clout...
I was there on that fateful day in the summer of '96
thanks kho
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Stop posting.
Ciryl Goome
Watching fight nights is incel behaviour
someone should do this to merab i think
Guys I'm really scared of the hurricane coming to Tampa
Try to stay strong for your wife and kids.
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Pereira has a multi-layered game
Layer 1 is the devastating power of the left hook
Layer 2 is the consistency and potency of his jab and leg kicks
Layer 3 is the addition of the head kick, he unseals this one when people have started to anticipate the hooks. He doesn't always score with it but it keeps people honest
Layer 4 is the forbidden right hand, which is just as powerful as his left. When Pereira unseals his right cross that's when you know he's taking things seriously
In kickboxing, he was often forced to use all the wrinkles and layers of his game in every fight. In MMA, he has mostly gotten by with just his hooks and jabs. The only people who have made him go all out are Israel and Khalil
>genuinely following a sport is incel behavior
Bruh you come from a country of sport fanatics so I know this isn't a serious post
Alsp Taira/Royval is gonna be so sick. War IMHAPPYSANKYUUUUUUUU

Isn't Helene over? Be safe B
As for Nina Drama
There is nothing to gain
And soon she'll feel the pain
Screaming out Chama!!!
EA is like.... the best company ever
>doesn't even mention the knees
Keep studying the tape lil guy
Yeah, but Milton just popped up in the gulf. Already category 5, I doubt it'll make landfall as that so I'm not really sure whether to stay or evacuate
Talmbout Ian heinisch b?
I could beat the shit out of Pereira easily, I just don't want to.
Thanks for the webms b, do you have the flying knee Pereira throw?
Damn. One of my best friends lives in Tampa. I'll send him a good night kiss text. Thanks anon
I'm so tired of the grooming meme
its such a tranny thing to say (and do)
FLbros... it's Miltover...

Why is it that when people virtue signal they always lack said virtue?
so that's why they cancelled the hockey game
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>moves to your country
>heems your baby

Heh, nothing personal Timmy.
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Florida is about to be airborne
Pereira would lieray fist your asshole to dust
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just imaging how good Lexi poster felt seeing Ngannou get heemed
wow i cant believe they cancelled the hockey gane
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Hey guys I'm a huge Chama fan, made this T-shirt of his face.
Also I've been trying to loosen my gape so that Poatan's huge manly heemfist can fit up there. Any tips on what foreign objects to use?
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what did the le chamerino mean by yelling at rountree after heeming him?
Gane can never be cancelled
You wanna cancel gane? You gonna have to cancel me first
he was just threatening to hit him more to get the ref to jump in i think
Gane on Ice has been postponed until further notice
No gane no gain
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white girl here, we love making crochets of chama man
He has to repair the ego hits from losing to a bunch of 170lbers in kickboxing and then being the only guy to get zeemed by jizzy
if I poke pins it in will it kill him?
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Yeah you know gane be making that pain (bread as in "money")
The so-called GOAT didn't know the rules and lost a fight by cheating
the so-called GOAT lost to THE dominick reyes
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here lil n word
Manlet bros....how do we cope
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Prime Reyes vs Pereira, who got it?

Reyes is a Southpaw.
khalil...all you needed to do was find the range...
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cute tranny
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she looks like victoria bateman
his name is sean

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