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>Perez's HR sparks 4-run 4th as Royals tie ALDS, KC looks forward to shedding the moniker of Fag Capital of the World
>Roberts: Machado's throw into dugout 'unsettling and I wet my widdle pants’
>'Instincts took over': Carpenter's HR evens ALDS, kills four men in an elevator
>Betts searching for way out of Oct. hitting slump, tries booze, Santaria, and amateur apothecary studies
>Ohtani 50/50 ball auction to proceed amid dispute, he takes the over
>Slumping Bohm back in Phillies lineup for Game 3, advised by team doctors to check his posture
>'Just felt right': Francona back to work with Reds on his pornography collection for the Cincy goon caves
>Manny Machado, cartel warlord, wanted by Interpol in connection with violent acts of domestic terrorism
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Mariners general
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2025 mariners world series champions
Is it pronounced “muh-reen-ers” or “mary-ners”? I’ve been saying Marinaras or Marinades
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prodigy has better baseball discussion
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Whatever makes you happy.
>Roberts: Machado's throw into dugout 'unsettling and I wet my widdle pants’
Watch out anon comments like that will get Roberts to send a stern letter to the commissioner‘s office
The Seattle Seamen
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Real Ones just do two syllables
(you) for a very solid effort even if you do suck dick
It’s me me ners or faggot ners
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very based desu
>Mariners posters make a sudden and unexpected return
did not see that one coming
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Post any KWAB moments you remember
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may may nerrs
The Seattle Coxswains
The Seattle Lime-Chompers
The Seattle Swabbies
The Seattle Gobs
The Seattle Lubbers
/we/ never left
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I'm always here I just don't always m'spost.
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Padres are literally doing nothing wrong and all this Karma are catching up to ghetto ass Dodgers fan and their organization. I love it hahaha keep instigating more. I feel fucking invincible man, it just gets easier man.
The Seattle 12th man never really took off in baseball for some reason. Who knows
Mariners are reddit
Why would anybody name their team after soaking some chicken in lime juice?
Idk your players seem pretty ghetto
Why won't anyone name their team after famous child sex traffickers?
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and thats a good thing
They changed their names to twins to fit in better
Always have been that’s why we all make fun of them
Reddit has better baseball discussion
We’ve already got the Dodgers
We all already know this
I'm going back to fan duels where at least I'm respected
Lived in Denver the summer after graduating college in 2017. Roommates and I went to tons of Rockies games. Dodgers fans were the worst by a fuckin mile. Horribly behaved, always starting shit. I saw at least one Dodgers fan kicked out every game. Worst fanbase in American sports
I’m going back to fan graphs to discuss rotisserie chicken ball with a buncha jews
Keanu Big Chungus Clarkie Bear
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Why is Dave Roberts such a pussy ass bitch?
...you'd rather be 4chan?
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you have to be at least 30 years old to post here
The Oakland A’s should move to Canberra
thy have good chats but it sucks because you can't call anyone faggot though there really isn't a need to do so over there
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I'm already too old for this site and get more turned off every time I use it. If I'm still here after 30 I'm killing myself. This is not a place for mentally healthy people.
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His ass is Grass, probably trying to give a Smidge hope to their fans that we're the badguys. Apparently we're villains to them hahahaha
Before changing their name in 1952, the dodgers used to be known as the Brooklyn Baby Bumpers
As a gay man, I'm gay
you edgelords are fucking boring
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thats what i said 15 years ago
The mayor of Kansas City over here
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>Mariners in the genny
heh, he'll learn.
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There’s the Albuquerque Isotopes
We know M’sfag
Anon looks like the kind of guy to smirk when a black player steals a bag. He outright cackles if it happens during a baseball game
The Philadelphia Eagles exist
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/hoc/ has better baseball discussion
I lowkey been sleepin on the El Paso Chihuahuas
there's a tacit understanding that Padres have always groomed and trafficked children
/hoc/ tuah homos
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Walker got robbed by a mob in Arcadia. LA is such a shithole.
Pls don’t tell me this retard is gonna start dumping his bugwomen file
I hope he does
big cock /hoc/
Asian women behind the wheel….this won’t end well…
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Don't join up too late.
I’d rather get an Uber driven by a drunk driver than a free ride by an Asian woman
Dodgers are gonna get reamed for this... nice one dave
I’ve never seen MLB fans collectively come together and hate a team as much as the Dodgers are being hated right now. I really want the Dodgers to win to shut everybody up. MLB fans will have an aneurysm if it’s a Dodgers - Yankees World Series
>false flag a story about machado attack you with baseballs
>your starter for tomorrow gets mugged
I have been telling you they are cursed by swede (who hates baseball) and hololive. it's over for them.
they're gonna get crushed in SD and everyone here will have a big laugh like every full season
yankees might actually make the eries but I doubt it
black female drivers are the worst
to be honest I don’t get why people hate the dodgas so much to be honest, not trying to take a passive aggressive shot but it’s not like they’re winning a bunch of World Series. Obviously some of it is a response to adding ‘tani but I feel like the hate is nothing new
I expect it though it's over the top from some people
There's a reason why blacks have the highest rates when it comes to rates of driving fatalities and insurance rates.
not the best looking Asian woman I’ve seen posted
When Mike Trout leads Angels to a ring everyone will cheer and respect him
They might've preferred their own team winning but non the less they will be happy to see Trout win a ring
It's the combo of offseason champs + Dodgers potentially bowing out a third consecutive postseason against a divisional opponent without advancing. The fans looked like shit, they have Manny Machado of all people smelling like roses, and now Roberts threw a bottle of grain alcohol on the fire with the MLB appeal
she's half plastic
I miss making gay braves jokes like last year's nlds
been awhile but most instances of near road rage I ever had was with black people for whatever reason
Anglels fans here are the best behaved so I wouldn't mind
that was fun but the WS was horrible
Fuck the last time we had a great ws was 19
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It's because we are beaten into submission
It's the ohtani roberts combo.
21 was pretty good. Unless you are referring to a world series with a game 7, then yes
kek I remember that one barve faggot saying this place underestimated the power of his autism and commitment. good times
or those bandwagoners who unironically believed the barfs were "America's team" (although they do have a large fan base still) and were the only MLB team in history to use radio/tv to grow the fanbase
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Join our Padres bandwagon, we can share breskis with Nord broo croo and Padraygers poster. I guess cubs join us too.
Barely ssen any braves fans here this year
What precise moment would you say cursed the Dodgers this postseason?
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friedman keeping his job after last season
it was one main guy, a holdover from a time when the Braves were the only team most of the country was able to watch on a daily basis when Ted Turner owned TBS and they labeled themselves America's team. Whether he actually believed what he was saying I was never sure of.
death by a thousand cuts. Glasnow being shut down was it for me.
It was already cursed (by me) but when Profar did that steal and let mookie run bases and celebrate
That completely kwabbed them
Ohtani unironically
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Dodgers fan throwing shit at Profar. Profar is one of those guys that has a Karma force field around him. Nationals tried to start a fight with him all because he walked them off, next thing you know, Nationals get season swept and no hitted. Pirates try to plunk Profar too, they ended up getting season swepted. Now Dodgers trying to throw shit at him, and now we're seeing Karma unfold with Buhelers watch being stolen.
>4chan user takes contrarian stance
oh my science
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Specifically the opt-out clause triggered by a potential Friedman departure
Am I supposed to know who profar is?

late night October /mlb/, time for a closer look
grown men are throwing a tantrum over a ball machado lightly tossed rolling into the dodgers dugout. doyerpacos are getting desperate
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My frieeennnndddd
That site is still around, but I haven't been there in years.
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Holy frick guys, could this get serious?
What is a handegg player doing at the top of a /mlb/ general?
they should play the next game at the san diego zoo I tell ya
they should clip those bat ears of his like they do with some breeds of dogs
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I refuse to believe this is real, this is a wwf tier stunt to drive up ratings. TUNE IN TUESDAY IN SLAM DIEGO!!
Wtf bro why throw that ball at the dugout netting with intent btw that HBP to your best hitter was unintentional
That cock suckin piece of shit Mike Shildt’s third baseman, I can’t even say his name.
>thirty-six years.
>I wanted to win a world series.
>I compromised,
>I won a mickey mouse ring instead.
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You know what you have to do
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wtf Jon Dowd is real??
I see dodgers
I laugh
Oh you know it baby. I'm ready to give Ohtani a parting gift to Cancun. Makes it much easier now that Doyers organization is shooting themselves in their foot now.
Oh, I love the night life
I've got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yeah
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Kiss my R'z
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of course he was
Fuck Keanu
Marry Clarkie Bear
Kill big chungus
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things that are reddit?
No need to sign your posts here
does Dave Roberts know that this will only make the Dodgers look worse. In the video you can see it rolls by the dugout and a ball boy picks it up. Then you also see Roberts not even phased by it until Teo pats him on the back, which he immediately starts chimping out towards nobody. If there really was a "serious intent" you'd think he would've noticed, right? Not to mention, you'd think a player besides Teo or Flaherty would've said or done something/one of the umps would've noticed and ejected Manny for it. I swear to God, all this does is just make Roberts look pathetic, and if it does lead to any kind of suspension, it's only going to make people more mad at the Dodgers than at Manny because with the video out there, it just comes across like the Dodgers being whiny little bitches and trying to get one of the top players on the other team suspended because they know they're losing.
They aren’t even losing though, the entire DS is split right now. It’s playoff kino, and he’s being such a retard about nothing.
What I mean is, they know they're probably losing the series. They've already used the guys they were betting on keeping the Padres at bay at home, now they're going to Petco and facing a guy who just went 7 innings and struck out 12 with 0 walks in a crowd that is going to be more fired up against them. Roberts is doing something desperate to try and take one of the top players out in a similar way that the Mets tried to accuse Joe Musgrove of cheating and delaying the game to have the umps check his ears. Acts where the team knows they're probably about to be eliminated so they're just throwing anything at the wall in hopes that SOMETHING might work out for them.
Reminder, if Manny actually gets suspended for this, the rig is officially in for the Dodgers
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>3.2IP 7H 4R 4ER 7K 1HR 9.83ERA
lmao it’s on boys!
Why did Rodón celebrate the first outs as if they had won the World Series?
>All series tied
Neutral bros can't stop winning.
Anthony freakin' Recker.
'nuff said!
>it's yet another off day
Just get on with it and let me suffer elimination already so i can at least enjoy next weekend
no soft T I G E R S on this team
lauren jbara on my cock
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B..b..b..ut I identify as black and support BLM!
i hope the padres embarrass the dodgers today. roberts already embarrassed the dodgers before, i just want the guys to get even more degraded.
>My wife had to deal with nasty tweets

You're public figure, suck it up. Also, try not to fail at your one job.
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>Bobby Shitt Jr
>Errant Judge
>Dookie Betts
Who snaps out of their slump first?
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Requesting honorary doyerbro status
Not whiny enough
join us. be warned it's a shitstorm, though.
pot meet kttle
>In light of recent humiliations, it's an honor to be joined here by anons. And not FAGGOT ASS CORNHOLIN' COCKSUCKAS LIKE THREW BASEBALLS IN MY DUGOUT!
another failed esl take down effort
>Yankees and Dodgers need Pitching
>know they need Pitching
>have the money to buy Pitching
>do not buy Pitching
Explain this.
There is no pitching. The quality of pitching is declining overall. Less kids are playing baseball and instead spending time watching minecraft parkour civilization videos.
>Tigers and Dodgers trade P Flahrety for SS Sweeney
>Jack melts down in ALDS and kisses off the Dad's causing them to get their belts out
>Sweeney has a critical hit against Clase one of the best Closers in the game surviving 2 outs and setting up Kerry Carpenter for his game winning Bomb

The best part is Jack will probably resign with the Tigers after this season. No refunds.
I don't want him back
>my nephew has the build and power to potentially be a great hitter
>loves playing baseball
>has one hand due to that weird twin thing where his hand was pinched off in the womb

If it was 1890-1920 baseball they'd call him Captain Harry Hook he'd be a legend... fuck this Soulless era...
why can't retards who greentext blog posts intended to be cutting and incisive proofread their drek before posting
There is a greater chance of an asteroid crashing into the Earth than a Doyers- Yinkees Eries right now
based and SNL Weekend Update-pilled
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Good morning /mlb/. Yankees in 4 was always the plan. Let’s have a good day.
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You got coffee on your shirt
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gm. has machado been indicted yet?
Manna Machado has been raped for his transgressions
clase? more like class b heh
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>Phillies at Mets is the appetizer before the Brawl at the Beach
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Manny Machado is another victim of Manfred's baseball like my boy Trevor Bauer.
If the umps were smart they'd call both benches out and have them air their grievances out before first pitch.
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yet another mexican victim of manfred the monster
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Can my mettiejetties find a way to get two dubs in one day?
I can't believe that the woman cut trevor's finger with her face
Then nuke Canberra
But I'm female
Hi female, I’m anon.
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Work was brutal last night, I’m very tired but I need to wake up at 2 and watch Mets then go back to work for another 12 hours.
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The Australian team uniform is basically the A's already
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thats right wagie, and be sure to think about all those migrants healthcare you are paying for
he'll still vote democrat
sound like some very colorful characters!
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I’m a based salaryman tyvm
metties might win, but this will not improve the jetties at all lol
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>works 12 hours
Misaki is so hot to bad she has Touma Oneitis.
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mariners?
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>Work 12 hours
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yeah what else is new?
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Luis Tiant died. He was 83 like Rose but lived almost 6 months longer. RIP
We need Mitchie
>loose taint
Man Knee Machavez
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Kino article in St. Louis Post-Dispatch about Padres @ Dodgers game 2.
>The four-letter firecracker he hurled from the mound toward Machado was hotter than any of his pitches in the game
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Compressed work week my negroids
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>yfw the tiggers win the worlds eeries
That’s /nfl/ talk
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Yeah I don't believe this for a second.
It's actually /mlb/
Seattle Runnersinscoringpositioners
high effort op
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He’s on my Super Mega Baseball 4 Mets. F :(
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>trick or treat, peff
Jays front office are gonna be getting no callbacks from anyone this offseason. Nobody wants to play for this dogshit team unless Rogers severely overpays.
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How many Cy Youngs is he going to win?
the 2022 nlds, whatever happened there...
Didn’t they sign that one Japanese fella? Used to play on the angels?
I need kekkies
Fuck you.
that fuckin ANIMAL Machado
you tell me
>“Still feels the same that we’re going to win it,” Jazz Chisholm Jr. said. “It doesn’t feel like anybody feels any different. We’re going to go out there and do our things. We still don’t feel like any team is better than us. Like you said, we had a lot of missed opportunities tonight. They just got lucky.”
Cocky little shit couldn't have found a better team of bozos to play with
Boomer Yankee fans seething reading this.
Based. This is the attitude the Yankees have needed for years
more like jizz jizm jr. lmao kek
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Who is the most beta team in the league and why is it the Dodgers?
Jazz Chisholm is no R&B Jenkins that’s for sure
Crispy or soft bacon anons?
Luis Tiant ded
Crisp for me
depends. if its part of a breakfast plate i like it crispy. if im eating a BLT i like it chewier
nah don’t think so
Read the article, still have no clue what Rosenthal's argument is. It's a news recap disguised as an opinion piece.
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I'm conflicted. I want the doggy doos to lose, but I hate the touhou avatarfaggot and want him to suffer. Maybe I'll get lucky and the dads will get swept in the NLCS.
You want annoying fanbases to go far and then get embarassed on the largest stage.
>MLB is actually reviewing Dave Roberts complaint
lmao what a fucking joke
>super mega baseball 4
I thought I was the only one here who plays. Go Crocs
bruh what manny did could literally set a terrible precedent. I know it sounds silly but imagine a team's pitcher beaning the ball into the opposing dugout and injuring someone
Doggiedoos getting humiliated by that homo is the cherry on top
2huspie owns ya
The ball bounced like 6 times before it went in. Obviously he did it to push their buttons, but we don't need a court case style precedent or rule change. Imagine you can't throw to 3rd base anymore because if you miss it might go in the opposing team's dugout
Dugouts should be like the glass boxes they put the Dota players in
imagine the smell
Roberts must be feeling the heat if he's this desperate for a change in tone
Machado MINDFUCKED Roberts
On the NLDS days I feel like I have to rush home out of fear of missing the games, whereas on the ALDS days I’m like “eh… whatever”.
Anyone else feel the same?
Well duh. NLDS are two intense rivalries.
Yankees look limp and although tigers have a cool underdog story, they have the worst time slots
>its anuddah shoah oh guwod
They do that shit to practice fielding the ball between innings. Doyers manager is just being a bitch because his fans pissed off the Dads and the Dads took it out on the Doyers.
Imagine if a player ran into the stands and murdered seven children. Imagine if a player wore a Hezbollah vest.
If we imagine it, we can do anything!
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Ken is pissing off alot of San Diegans right fucking now with his article opinion. Media really really trying to paint as a fucking villain. I pray we fucking win it all and hold that commissioner trophy right in front of Manfraud face as he fucking seethe. Media disrespect SD so much man, it's not even funny, fuck those LA slurper munchers.
> Media really really trying to paint as a fucking villain
good. who gives a shit if everyone hates them if it gives them the means to win?
If a player takes practice swings while looking at the Dodgers, it’s basically brandishing a deadly weapon.
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I stand
i'd be surprised if more than a dozen people read his article
Every rose has enthal
Just like every Silver
Has a Berg or Stein
Every rose has enthal
Sung to the tune of every rose has its thorn by led zeppelin
Bro do you know how old baseball is? You act like that shit hasn't happened before. Most likely in a regular season meeting the Doyers are gonna bean Manny, there will be a scuffle and that will be it.
Lovin the new Dodgers city connect
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Nothing to get excited about in the AL postseason unless the Yanks are hitting. And with the gormless mouthbreather eating Ks for every meal, it's a tough watch. Will definitely get up early for the Doyers v Padres though.
I want to see Cleveland vs San Diego in the World Series
Brooklyn, Nova Scotia is in Queens county which makes them the most real New Yorkers
>Dad's are the bad guys in any way
The Dad's would need to win 3 WS in a row and become the Corporate Champ like the Chiefs became after Covid.
The dodgers are the Rory McIlroy of baseball
Many people are saying this.
Why would a dodger be afraid of a tossed ball? Can’t they, you know, dodge the fucker? What a joke of a team
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I have never seen the Padres as inside someone's head as they currently are with the Dodgers. Doesn't guarantee a victory, but a good spot to be
Tiggers-Gords Game 2 was really fun. Like a long edging session with a huge coom. Great pitching, good hits, great defensive plays, huge drama with the 8,9 Hitter setting up Kerry Carpenter for the Kerry Bomb against the best closer in the league.
“Big ol fat bergina is my biggest fear”
~Dave Roberts, 2024
Well they sure as hell can't catch or field it.
Kek. They swung with "intent"
“I’m black but in a white guy kinda way.”
-Dave Roberts
Freak off status?
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How fucking Anal blasted you gotta be to write this shit. More fuel to the fire, they aint like us. They ain't like us. They ain't like us. They don't believe in us. Padres are going to try hard mode and play with ferocity today with all this slander.
holy KWAB
He wrote that article yesterday in case you don’t understand the context of his blasted ass
Luv mw JRam and Naylor, good matchup
The San Diego Padres, basically the baseball wing of Hezbollah at this point, will defeat the Zionist Dodgers and push them into the sea! Inshallah
On behalf of the transbian community I just wanna say dave roberts is a bitch!
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This is like when Detroit beat the Rams and they spent all off season going.

As a Wookieesexual cis-male, I condemn Dave Roberts and his attacks on the Latinxes in that comunidad
Psychogang is here
El chichifo de los borrachos sucios, Dave Roberts
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It's going to be like Goku vs. Ginyu Force.
new york is gay, LA is gay, al central cities rule
If I could live anywhere it would be in Cleveland said nobody in the history of humankind.
Muh heckin animezzz
gay louis eke
or about 2.2 million people
Vegeta killed the entire Ginyu force. Goku just roughed them up and then got tricked by Ginyu...
I can’t wait for next years crop of violent dugout violating Latinx gang members. Such up and comers of the parole boards most feared reprobates like:
>Panfrido Alazraquinones
>Juaco Falcoacón
>Manfredo Machado
>Lodrigo Fantastico
>Enchilado Molcajete
>As of the latest estimates, Cleveland had a population of 362,565 in July 2023, down from its peak of 919,808 in 1950. The city's population has been gradually declining, but there are signs of stabilization in recent years.
Percent chance of a bench-clearing brawl in the 'pacos game?
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>Manfredo Machado
Manny Machado gonna Pedro Dave Roberts
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Machado was responding to this. Clear intent from Ohtani. Strutted his stuff in front of the dugout too.
friendly reminder mike trout had missed the playoffs for the tenth (10th) season in a row
ey puto my name is miguel
hope we get Phillies Padres
>doggy doos go home
>mets grimace and omg shit dies
>chance for Padres revenge after of the best Phillies post-season series, 2022 NLCS
kiss the ring, ese!
Somebody took Mike Trout to the playoffs when he was a puppy and he’s been scared ever since
Mike Trout is a modern Baseball Tragedy.
let's all respect cleveland now mmmm kay?
Mike Trout outsmarted baseball.
>one of the most lucrative contracts
>always plays a short season
>will retire at 40 with a billion dollars
Mike Trout Welcome to the Toronto Blue Jays
>Google review of Cleveland, OH
>Well there’s a lot of gun violence and crime but we also have a lot of carry out restaurants
you guys are scorekeeping for the games tonight, right?
let's take it e z on cleveland...give em a break...
I don’t even watch baseball
>Cleveland – 59.31 per 1000 People.
Cleveland, the second most populous city in Ohio has a crime rate of 59.31, which makes it the most dangerous in America. Cleveland crime rate is 155% higher than the national average so why can’t they steal a base?
go cubs btw
heres what an actual controversy looks like, zoomers
Say what you will about the Cubbies but they’re still undefeated in October.
Cleveland's child poverty rate is 45.9%, the ninth highest in the state and the highest for any city in the United States with a population over 300,000 people. Mar 23, 2024
cleveland makes ya blood boil?
By individual metric, Cleveland ranked third among U.S. cities in both child poverty and adult poverty. Nov 30, 2023
Cleveland rapes ya azz whole
WalletHub said Cleveland is the most stressed out city for a variety of reasons, such as having one of the lowest median household incomes at under $41,000, having the fourth-highest share of households that fell behind bills in the last 12 months, the second-highest foreclosure rate and the second-highest poverty rate ...Jul 8, 2024
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blues hockey and playoff beisbol
For me, it’s John Rocker
> Testimony revealed that drug dealers frequented the Pirates' clubhouse. Stories such as Rod Scurry leaving a game in the late innings to look for cocaine and John Milner buying two grams of cocaine for $200 in the bathroom stalls at Three Rivers Stadium during a 1980 game against the Houston Astros shocked the grand jurors. Even Kevin Koch, who played the Pirates' mascot, was implicated for buying cocaine and introducing players to a drug dealer. Ultimately, seven drug dealers pleaded guilty on various charges.
Midwest Junkies lol
Before Mike Trout, Nolan Ryan was the best player in Angels history
no one actually lives in a city, they live in the safe suburbs and only go downtown for games. retards
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forgetting someone?
I consider myself a liberal and try not to be a racist monster but this is true. Literally always on the phone while driving
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dodgers will lose tonight
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Simply can’t imagine lusting after a vapid bimbo whore like this
zero because it’s the playoffs and no one wants to get suspended
First it was 2.2 million people love Cleveland so much that they moved there and now it’s “well of course nobody actually lives in Cleveland” lmao flyover copes are hilarious
And for this reason the dodgers will win
>dodgers fans posting fleshbait
Yah it's a wrap
Let's give cleveland the respect they deserve...the respect they earned...
I hope SD gets up 10-0 early and they throw at Ohtani’s kneecap twice
She's hot, you faggot. You don't have to marry her, you don't even have to buy her a drink.
MLB marketing is fucking shit, desu. They don't know how to market and it doesn't help that they went for the jew regional money which forces some people to buy cable just to watch their team. That's insane.
imagine her clogging your toilet
To be fair, NLDS is basically shit talking Olympics. Two sets of teams that completely hate each other and their fanbases.
I hope the fans throw shit at the doyerpacos kek
My Metsies need to trade for some serious pitching this off-season.
It's hard being a virgin
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>BREAKING: Manny Machado has been credibly accused of a disgusting act of sexual assault
As a dodgers fan, I can’t wait to drive to San Diego to enjoy the superior weather and more pleasant chicas.
Wish me luck anons, I have to take some professional exams in two months. When I pass I double my wage
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Chuck Finley had a better run with the Angels than Ohtani
>@JeffPassan BREAKING: Manny Machado has been suspended for Game 3 & 4 of the NLDS for an in-game incident that occurred in which he threw a ball towards the Los Angeles Dodgers' dugout.
best of luck
Mike Trout is no Tim Salmon according to Catfish Hunter
what does anthony bass think
We need the NYCityRiddler now more than ever
Anthony Bass is no Harrison Treble.
wow they actually suspended Machado fuck this league
very cringe
Machado should just wear somebody else’s jersey and play anyway
>it's real
Gaylanta is on a mission
absolute joke of a """"sport"""
Padres are absolutely going to gape the Doyers tonight
The Pirates wear a “P” on their hat for penis awareness day which is every day in Pittsburgh
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lol so true
baseball fucking sucks
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Padres bringing out the swastika hats tonight
because of shit like this
I hope so too and the poodres are forced to forfeit as a results, because that's the only way my doyers are winning this game.
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the hero Dodgers will prevail tonight against the villainous machimpo poodres
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>falling for a fake tweet

I really should have just checked.
I invoke the poodres 'that's what's in' curse!
“Please fuckatize my pussy hole”~Dave Roberts, 2024
Padres should have thick PAWG cheerleaders for a game like this
Smoothie King is so fucking expensive why did I think it would be nice to go there?
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Imagine an actual brawl and Shohei getting involved
Please make all future threads, thanks
tfw Shohei Ohtani reveals that he’s also a Shaolin Kung Fu master when he uses drunken boxing and crane style to defeat Juan Soto in foot to face combat
Wonder what Carlos Quentin is up to these days
kinda looks like he's a zombie
>The El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula Dodgers
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>PAWG cheerleaders
say no more senpai

lmao hilarious that they sent this to the league office. Literally a toss that bounces slowly into the dugout after warm-ups.

Also, praying for Dave must have been very traumatic.
>Arte Moreno has no immediate plans to sell the team
Alright, they're the Angels. It's time for god to step in and handle the Moreno problem. He's 78, he's lived a long enough life.
sobet ohtranny the kinda guy to run into the clubhouse and hide in his cuck locker while everyone else runs onto the field to brawl. he'd probably let his beard of a wife be raped in front of him without fighting back. he has an extremely feminine and demure aura you know he can't fight and is easily bullied and intimidated by masculine energy.
Chudres, proceed with Operation G.O.O.S.E.
Based Quentin breaker of collarbones
Dave Roberts sing songs to himself about sucking dicks
I’m 29 years old and wear a Vietnam veteran hat because there’s nothing anybody can do about it.
I saw the video of Machado "throwing" that ball into the Dodger's dugout.

Holy shit, how do Dodger fans handle having a manger that is such a fucking pussy? What an embarrassment.
Dave Roberts submitted a report to the league regarding an incident where a Padres player is alleged to have not held the door for a Dodgers staffer. The league is investigating this issue
Dave Roberts stole a handicapped placard so he can park wherever he wants and he still takes up two spots.
Listen we all bet on the special Olympics but only Dave Roberts tries to rig the games.
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>blasian managers
Dave Roberts probably so fucking good at Marvel vs Capcom and can probably tell you everything you need to know about DbZ
>no plans to sell
>no plans to compete
>no plans to rebuild
>no plans

How does MLB allow this?
There’s no rule that says an owner has to do anything useful.
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>MLB: "MLB will produce and distribute local games for the Cleveland Guardians, Milwaukee Brewers, and Minnesota Twins for the 2025 season."
>MLB announces that the Texas Rangers are officially no longer partnering with Bally Sports
Total Bally Death
>5+ years of an entire team rampantly cheating, down from the ballboys up to the owner
>no suspensions
>attempt to murder opposing manager in the middle of a game
>no suspension
>premarital sex
>lifetime ban
He "plans" to compete every year. Just a few days ago he said he expects the Angels to contend next season.

He's a fucking retard.
The majority of the owners are welfare queens sucking on the teat of revenue sharing from the 6-8 teams a year that actually try to put a good product on the field. MLB would never criticize this situation because there are like 20 other teams doing the exact same thing. The league is too busy thinking of new ways to punish the teams that actually spend with draconian luxury tax penalties to actually incentivize the poverty teams into running a decent sized payroll. Also, most neutrals and fans of small market teams love le scrappy low payroll underdog stories despite it killing the sport.
T minus 6 hours until the next Ohtani at-bat.
But he was right
uses a hitbox for sure
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trevor bauer was literally banned from baseball for not raping multiple women
last digit is how many outs Buehler records tonight
post hoc rationalization of his behavior
I am DONE bashing Bellinger.
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MVC2 purists use MAS sticks though despite feeling like fucking garbage to play on
how is this not extremely racist? is that just me?
If the owners of the team make a shit ton of money over time for just owning the team (value goes up and then they eventually sell), why do they get revenue sharing? Shouldn't revenue sharing be divided up by what each team is "investing" (payroll) into the sport- essentially keeping it alive?
>Leading off the game for the Dodgers Number 17 DH Shohei Ohtani
Stop seeing race in everything. Fuck you, respectfully
Stolen valor laws exist
asstr*s lost
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If an opposing team's fan catches a homerun ball, it should be recorded as an out.
seems a bit sus to characterize Profar that way for seemingly zero reason
>The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 113–12 (text) (PDF); H.R. 258) is a United States federal law that was passed by the 113th United States Congress. The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that they received the award.
It’s legal as long as I don’t try to get a discount
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Remember the 14 words ese
Jose Iglesias once played for the El Paso Chihuahuas
How many more batters until Shohei again?
Correct response
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Big ol’ stinky!
>zero reason
It was a bad reason, but there was a reason. He taunted the fans. The analogy was horrible, since pulling the fire alarm is not the same as razzling a couple fans after you performed an incredible catch.
But this is not racist.
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>t. Dave Roberts
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What grip is this?
theres an astros fag who only posts "cringe" thought it was you
ok fair enough, i didn't realize he had even done shit at all
Nah that guy's right. Rosenthal has a history of going really hard after hispanic players in particular and not saying shit about white players.
Jomboy breakdown of SD/LA game is up. On Manny's team huddle:
>Listen up guys. I threw a ball. Into their dugout. Harder than I usually do; hard enough for them to complain about it. Soft enough to make their complaints soft. It was the perfect throw! Let's go out there and get some hits!
Rosenthal is jewish, they’re all just goyim to him.
reminds me of something...
He didn’t actually say this Jimmy was paraphrasing for comedic effect
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>buehler got mugged

Man it's getting all bad isn't it?
>that glorious feel whe Manfred finally came up with a way to contract the Rays
That's pretty funny
The Demon...
Walker Buehler experiences another timeless LA moment!
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Jose Altuve’s bat
In Arcadia of all places, edgars are everywhere
Jomboy MINDFUCKED the Doyers
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>The Colorado Rockies announced today that they have extended Manager Bud Black’s contract through the 2025 season.
It really does make Roberts look like such a pussy lmao
>Boone added that he disagreed with Chisholm’s assessment.

>“I don’t think they got lucky,” the manager said. “I think they did a lot of really good things, and came in here and beat us last night.”
Chisholm talks a lot of shit for being a pretty mediocre player
I’m better than Jomboy
fuck the cubs
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>Boone also added that Jazz will NOT be receiving warm milk and cookies with the other players in the clubhouse until further notice
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My Poodres gonna be straight up tossin turds at the Doggie OF tonight
i cant believe machimpo had his goons rob walker buehler
>Dodger fans throwing trash at the Padres players and getting into fights
>Media trying to paint the Padres as the bad guys
This bias is so fucking bad lmao
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it’s almost time
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It's not the first time. Remember when Tatis hired his fangirl to frame Bauer and get him banned from baseball?
We will just toss jeers and boos but not anything tangible.

Captcha: W(orld)S(eries)DAMN
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I remember. Girl was a Padres groupie lol, and Trevor was mad Tatis got to her first.
i love bbws so much its unreal
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I wish I had a gf to share this special moment with
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we are your gf
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>woman throws the drink and the fight starts
Stop celebrating obesity
Nice but I'm still gonna give em a San Diego stoogie
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god DAMN
that aint obesity chief. maybe pushing it
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I'm pretty hyped for tonight's game. Hope it's a crazy one.
ohtani will go 0-4
That is 100% BMI obese. She's probably 5'3 180lbs
Ohtani will turn out like the Japanese Mike Trout. Cap this post
That's perfect for me who is 5'10 288 lbs
Three hot dogs and a hot fudge sundae sounds perfect for you fat cunt
I’m literally a girl
I try not to eat so much sugar.
It's not my 600-pound life obese, but it is a 30+ BMI obese.
get me to metties now!
It's been pretty clear the MLB has been trying to rig it for the Dodgers, the Machado "investigation" is their excuse to try and save it since they know the Padres aren't going down without a fight. The media wants you to think the Dodgers and Yankees are the poor good guy team who's fans are just TOO passionate, unlike those EVIL Padres. It's kind of pathetic, stuff like this is why baseball isn't as popular as other sports, the actual fans see right through this nonsense and not enough non-baseball fans tune into the sport to go along with it.
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It's official, the MLB told Roberts to fuck off
>Metsastitized Cancer
post wrist
The nu is prepped and the bull is almost ready
>My king Mike King
Automatic W for the dads
For reference.
me on the right
MLB needs to stop with the Yankees vs Dodgers propaganda and just send SD to America league. Imaginé how much money they would roll in if there was a San Diego vs Los angeles world series. Bring back LA vs SD rivalry back, just like Raiders vs Chargers back in the good ol days. Ken gonna be booed at Petco park.
The natural progression of all Latinas
This is true. They generally agree like a cheap supermarket wine - fine at first, but then they fall apart and become flabby and tasteless.
Left looks good. I hate fat people so much.

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