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> How the Padres are embracing the spirit of late owner Peter
Seidler and donating their salaries to Israeli aid organizations
>101-loss Rockies retain Black for 2025 season because “Black don’t crack and we want a foundation for success”
>MLB adds Guardians, Brewers, Twins to TV roster in between reruns of Wings
>Luis Tiant, Red Sox pitching legend, dies at 83 after a long battle with living
>Thieves ripped watch off Buehler's arm, cops say in between chuckles I mean can you belive this guy calls himself an athlete?
>Padres warn fans about bad behavior in Game 3, threaten with timeout and withholding juice boxes
>Chisholm: Yanks still confident as Royals 'got lucky, which isn’t easy for a Midwest gay to do’
>Cubs remain undefeated in October
>Ohtani’s curious KitKat habit explained!
>Dave Roberts files a report with the league office claiming the Padres are paying pigeons to shit on his car according to Jeff Passan
All this and more on tonight’s /sp/ presents MLB Shitpost Central
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Yankees in 6.
>Seidler and donating their salaries to Israeli aid organizations
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Don’t resign Soto, Gleybar, Rizzo, Stroman.

Pickup an elite pitcher to start (maybe put Weaver here), hire 3 bats that can actually hit (post-season experience pref.)

Boom, 2025 rebuild all set, #28 by 2030.
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You know. MLB will make alot of money if they simply sent Padres to AL. That would fill their greedy little pockets if we had a LA vs SD World swries if they can't have a Yankees vs Dodgers WS.
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hope a bunch of paco fights break out in the crowd in tonight's game
I traveled 6000 miles from Denmark to say
Fuck doyers
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Roylels got lucky fr fr
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Dodgers are gonna plunk shit at Tatis Jr or Machado. I can feel it. More hate fuel to win a world series before LA does.
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Sideboob is KINO
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my dodgers will win the championship
Can’t wait for Weaver to become a starter bros. Holmes actually has a dirty sweeper too.
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>"I want all the cocks!"
I can't see the Dads losing to LA after Sunday's game even if Ohtani goes off. Way too many Padres vibes for the Dodgers to withstand, and I haven't seen a team so far inside another teams head before. Dads own ya!
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I can't believe Cardinals fired Mike Shildt. Give Mike Shildt an extension like right now!
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Why can’t baseball have sexy umpires?
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My El Paso Chihuahuas are resting
Cozy! Love the minors desu senpai good clean fun and exciting to watch young guys get called up too.
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Who's a good boy?
Finish da job
yeah but what sandwich?
Hot dogs are sandwiches. This is science.
Is a taco a sandwich too? Fucking retard kys.
>I can't believe Cardinals fired Mike Shildt.
Yeah, and the way they fired him was fucked up too.
Rooting for the chaddies. This Dave Roberts meltie has been entertaining
Yes a taco is indeed a sandwhich
ballpark sandwiches
How many pitchers do you think he will burn through tonight?
You have a negative IQ.
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spic sammy. is sammy white?
If a taco isn’t a sandwhich then a corn dog is a burrito.
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why would you buy a cold dawg when you can get a hot one?
bumpkin burrito
sorry sir
burrito is just a mexican durum
Everything is a bocadillo.
According to Merriam-Webster, a sandwich is "two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between." By that definition, hot dogs seem to qualify as sandwiches.
seething sandwichlets rn
Eating grocery store pizza
A sandwich is meat in between two(2) slices of bread, it must be sandwiched to be a sandwich. A hot dog is on one bun, not a sandwich. A taco is one tortilla, not a sandwich. A burrito or wrap is just one big tortilla with a bunch of shit inside, not a sandwich. A corn dog is just a battered hot dog on a stick, not even close to a sandwich.

inb4 open faced sandwiches, nobody cares doyerpacos.
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it's purple october, bitch
ohtani just restored my electricity
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>is sammy white?
rare bahama flag
>A sandwich is meat in between two(2) slices of bread, it must be sandwiched to be a sandwich
>pbj isn’t a sandwhich
Fuck outta here commie
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So is a Fransk Hotdog a sandwich?
Any dictionary other than the OED is fanfic.
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No it’s a beef Wellington
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why does this image turn me on
1.a.1762–An article of food for a light meal or snack, composed of two thin slices of bread, usually buttered, with a savoury (originally spec. meat, esp. beef or ham) or other filling. Frequently with specifying word prefixed indicating contents, as ham sandwich, egg sandwich, watercress sandwich, peanut butter sandwich (see peanut butter n.), or form, as club sandwich (see club n. Compounds C.4), Dagwood sandwich, Denver sandwich, hero sandwich (see hero n. Compounds C.4), poor boy sandwich (see poor boy n.), submarine sandwich (see submarine n.). Occasionally with only one slice of bread, as in open sandwich or open-faced sandwich (see open-face adj. 2), or with biscuits, sliced buns, or cake.
A hot dog is an open faced sandwich according to Oxford
sorry to break the news to you, but you might like phallic objects
>between two(2) slices
So smørrebrød is not a sandwich?
No those are tacos
these niggers reading books about food now lol
enjoy the games chud
Yes the first definition is the real one, two thin slices of bread with savory fillings. The alternate definitions of open faced sandwiches were added later due to lobbying by big glizzy. Only the first, real definition is correct in English, as open faced sandwich is a misnomer as nothing is being sandwiched.
this is an obscene display and he should feel ashamed for it
coping and seething
burritos were invented in san diego
Egg rolls are chimichangas and were invented in Fresno
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this is a sandwich
>How the Padres are embracing the spirit of late owner Peter Seidler and donating their salaries to Israeli aid organizations
Lol. Do they think Jews are poor?
have you ever had sex in your life?
Three slices of French toast is a club sandwhich but only if stacked
stroman isn't a free agent
where the mettie jettie thread?
RIP Luis Tiant (83)
Cleveland Indians and Boston Red Sox legend.
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The California burrito and Carne Asada Fries was invented IN San Diego. So was WD-40
Assfuckin was invented in Kansas City by the Greeks
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idk about that
Phillies @ Mets
All of OP's stories are jokes. Keep reading.
>lube invented in san diego
how appropriate, faggot ass city lol
Burritos were invented in Reno
Oh boy, is my face red.
Burritos were invented in San Diego but shoving a burrito up your ass was invented in LA
If some anon told me Dave Roberts filed a complaint with the league saying that the Padres were paying pigeons to shit on his car, I’d believe it.
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It's ok it got mee too at first!
>Ya know, he learned to hit by his dad firing marbles at him out of an old civil war cannon and he had to swing at it with a broom stick
The genesis of the sandwich was a simple meal you could eat with one hand so you could play cards with the other.
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i have a hard time believing that was really the first time someone put filling between bread
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>he doesn't get the BLT
I see a lapse in doyer hate posting. please keep it doyer related.
It's simply the best!
is that a giant chicken tender?
I get the ERG
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me on the far right btw
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Holy shit. Padres have devolved the mighty Dodgers into little pussy ass, soft bitches. We really did mind broke their ASSES. HAHAHAHA. It just keeps better and better hahahaha
Isn’t it a 5 game series?
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Zero dick the team
You really expect a yankeefag to know about baseball
Ur mum is a game 5 series
Imagine admitting this lol, you NEVER let the other team know they got to you
Why did he wrap that sandwich inside out?
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I’m out
She's cute as fuck
Only if by game you mean cock and by series you mean whore

My mom’s a slut, that’s the joke
MaCHADo making the doggies seethe for 48 hours straight
Let's respect dem kitties
Holy fuck no wonder they choke every year, they're so bitchmade
Literally every team that has tried to insult and get a rise out of the Padres ended up losing every game they played against them for the rest of the season. What do the Dodgers think they're doing tempting fate like this?
They're still coping with the non-existent 2020 World Series title. Ignore them.
this is a based display and he should feel redpilled for it
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he can't be serious
You don't say you're emotionally good unless your not lmaooooooooooo
KEK no way fag
This is worse than Aaron Boone quoting "It's right in front of us"
>...but physically, mentally, and skill-wise, we are a disaster
The Padres unironically minebroke Roberts. Jesus Christ what a fucking bitch.
Jesus Christ this is a PR disasterclass
I heard Dave Roberts was walking down the street and he heard a little mexican boy refer to his "padre" and he fell to the ground and started crying.
lmao must have been told his time is finally up if they lose AGAIN in their first round of the playoffs.
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I await patiently. Until my Chadres win a world series, you owe me a huge apology for taunting me and shit talking. I always said this from Day one. Karma is a fucking bitch, and you get what you desreve, fucktards. I remain smug but first, we gotta take beat Dodgers into submission.
2hu, did Dave Roberts actually say something to you in the past??
Ohtani striking out will make Dave Roberts charge the field. A Machado home run will make him punch an ump
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Nah, but they keep stiring up shit. Poodres poster is missing, SDLTD is nowhere to be seen, and every one that shrugged off my Padres been quiet. You know it's bad when Sailor moon and Gura shark poster is missing. My enemies of my enemies are almost vanquished.
I'm not sure if you're using "enemy of my enemy" right
Which Dodgers player will chimp out tonight? It's guaranteed at least one will probably.
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Actual footage of Manny Machado at practice today according to Dave Roberts
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How would you say it then. I heard it from somewhere, maybe I made it up.
Dave Roberts has arrived to Petco Park in a full body cast, claiming Machado ran him off the road
Muncy or Teo seem like the only ones with any balls. Ohtani would be kino thoughbeit
asstr*s lost
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Nah, he saw Manny threw it like this
again, and?
THIS JUST IN: Machado has been seen doing throwing practice at a net with a picture of Dave Roberts on it! (Reported by "Definitely Not Dave Roberts")
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Teo was the one who pointed the ball that Machado threw out to Roberts kek
2poo not beating the latinx allegations
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Actual footage of Machado’s throw
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I just wanna watch the NLDS sovl ludo kino with my /b/ros
The traditional usage is 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' So, for Padres fans like the 'we all hate the dodgers' sign guy, the idea is that anyone playing against the Dodgers is a friend because they are the enemies of the Dodgers.
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Lol. Lmao
Damn man so cool I want to grow up to be an umpie!!!
Ohtani-san tasuketeeeeeee!
I hope they get reamed
For God's sake the yanks haven't had a farm system since the 90s. That's where they need to start.
>admitting they have no leader
>relying on the guy who doesn't give a shit about you on a personal level and doesn't speak english well
This team is done.
>no MLB team in history has ever clinched a World Series title on Halloween day (October 31)
Who will do it first?
According to Dave Roberts, the Padres are the scary team, so it should be them.
Disrespectful given than Freeman is still in the lineup.
Dodgers need to get an actual leader in the offseason if they even can
Fucking hell they're an embarrassment
It's not happening this year unless we get a rain delay
>freeman and mookie there
>nah let’s talk to the dude that just got here and doesn’t talk to any of us
mookie would rather bowl than lead
I think everyone knows that Mookie isn't a leader (dude would literally rather be bowling). Freddie though plays to win and has heart and will gut it out even when hurt, and he doesn't choke when the heat is on anywhere near as bad as everyone else on the Dodgers.
Red Sox and Braves have won the Mookie/Freeman trades. Apologize for once and for all.
Freeman wasn’t a trade
just to remind everyone:

Mookie was on the 2018 Red Sox (apple watches)
Mookie posted a .350 batting average and 1.078 OPS
Mookie won AL MVP

>mookie has never hit above .300 any other season
>mookie has only posted an OPS above .930 one other time (2020)
the ultimate mickey mouse player
Kek the same thing happened to me a few days ago. Some faggot here is a loose cannon. He’s not a redditfag. He just loves stirring shit. What a fucking faggot
Good thing it’s retard easy to clear your safari settings
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Let’s be honest doyerbros, Dave Roberts needs to go
He looks like such a whiny bitch after all that. Mentally weak
And Friedman desu
he's a retard but ultimately not the real reason why the team keeps underperforming
I'll be happy when he's finally gone though
He should've been fired YEARS ago
He doesn’t manage anything retard it’s Friedman
nom nom nom nom
Mookie Betts in 2018
5-4 win vs NY: 1-3, 1 R, 0 RBI
2-6 loss vs NY: 0-4
16-1 win vs NY: 2-5, 2 R, 2 RBI
4-3 win vs NY: 0-4
2-7 loss vs HOU: 1-4, 0 R, 0 RBI
7-5 win vs HOU: 2-4, 2 R, 1 RBI
8-2 win vs HOU: 1-5, 1 R
8-6 win vs HOU: 1-5, 2 R
4-1 win vs HOU: 0-5
8-4 win vs LA: 1-4, 2 R, 0 RBI
4-2 win vs LA: 3-4, 1 R
2-3 loss vs LA: 0-7
9-6 win vs LA: 0-4, 1 R
5-1 win vs LA: 1-4, 1 R, 1 RBI
His only home run was in the last game of the postseason. He only really had 3 good games out of 14, one of which his team won by 15.
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>Padres win world series
>Friedman, pitching lab and Dave Robert's gets fried
>Dodgers fan won't be trashy against us (maybe more spiteful or jealous)
>hard reset Dodgers organization by building around Ohtani and Teo

You better be rooting for your little bro. This could "maybe" save your dysfunctional organization.
How is he an actual MLB manager
He's a yes man
it's not
Surely it can't be that hard to find a yes man who knows playoff atmosphere might be a bit different
live and learn chud
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so you're saying it could happen
they didn't use the watches in the post season
i think LA sucks and sandyego invented burritos, therefore i will root for the padres
Me and ur mum invented you lel
Dodgers say we're the Villians, ehh?

>dookie butts didn't get a hit in the 18 inning game
holy shit he's such a pecho frio
I don't understand what the jets owner's "expectations" were. Realistically they probably should be 3-2... they're 2-3. And if they win on Monday they're 1st place.
Clearly just Aaron having a temper tantrum.
just get me to my mettiejetties
maybe they only took them away from Betts because him doing well in the postseason is more suspicious than a 15 point drop in batting average
Will a goose land at Petco Park and give Padres their good luck?
Padders and Doggy Doos pregame shitpost thread
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Yes, and our "all the small thing" by blink 182 will be our rallying Goodluck charm.
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>lead us
kek it's over for doyers
who do they think he is? Mike Trout or something?
Angels fans know Trout isn't a leader. It's O'Hoppe and everyone knows it
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Give us prime Mike trout energy to rape these doggy doo and humiliate 0 for 4thani. We got this, but spirit bombs help!
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idk if you want trout energy in a big moment
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Stat padding trout then.
Hilarious that a few seconds of that came on in the 5th inning on Sunday.
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wtf you mean to tell me our unreliable strategy of long ball or bust that failed in 2022 and 2023 would fail us for the third straight season?!
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Caught Stanky at the end there, good job mets!!
Phillies are a disgrace to America.
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in twenty four hours
Lillies lol get rid of Stanek t. astros
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GOOD EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENING /mlb/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to the Mets (yes, THE Mets from the 2022 playoffs) winning the 2024 World Series! Make sure to save your tears for the 2024 award ceremony, when the Comissioner's Trophy comes back to Queens!

>b-but the Mets always choke every year! Their not even the 2nd best team in the division
"Ya Gotta Believe!"

Hate to disappoint you flyovers, but all the top players are heating up! Manaea, Alonso, Winker... it doesn’t matter if we haven't won in almost 40 years, as It's coming back home to queens! And who better represents the soul of Baseball than your beloved New York Metropolitians! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
The Phillies are hezbollahs team
i don't know if you guys saw but the mets won that game
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Jesus fuckin Christ somebody give Big Papi a speaking coach he sounds like fuckin Tony Montana
I did! I did see! And there was much pleasure!
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>this is who the phillies season is left to
>buy burger king stocks
>make grimace the mascot for mest
>mest haters will go to burger king instead of mcd
Only Manfred could be retarded enough to conceive a playoff format that punishes the best teams lmao
Kek they wanna replicate chuck and shaqs dynamic so bad
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Not true
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Phillies won that game if you just remove innings 2, 4, and 6-8.
I refuse to believe the fucking Mets are 1 game away from the NLCS
>Braves lost to this the past two seasons
Holy shit Philadelphia doesn't even deserve a Wild Card spot next year.
Padres Mets NLCS looking more likely by the day
>two Yankees a red sock and a homo talk baseball
fucking hell
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Imagine thinking you can beat the power of McDonalds
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Absolutely worst timing to lose Joe Musgrove. I'm not worried, Padres have this good luck, Karma, Guardians angel aura around us. Dodhers lookin worse and worse as they complain and bitch about us.
STILL laughing at the Barfs
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I'm up against deadline rn
Ask literally any team, and all of them will say they prefer the rest
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Yes we can. Ray Kroc used to own the Padres and actually saved the Padres from movings to Washington. We own you. Literally.
Ohtani is the next batter up
>Taryn, nude, in an unbuttoned Keith Hernandez throwback jersey, feeding me, also nude, a spread of capicollo, prosciutto, mortadella, provolone, with fresh bread from Neri’s bakery.
Ray Kroc is dead
result of ai prompt?
Well clearly they're retarded too because it's not working
All I wanted going into this series is for philly not to clinch at home im fine with whatever here on out
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Padres vs Mets will show that Jack in the Box is superior
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No sir
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Spiritually stills owns Grimace.
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2hu? More like 2rue the day you said this.
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Jack in the box gonna upset LA when they add limited edition SD world champion cups/fast food bags with Padres on it hahahaha
Mets are going to wreck the poodres now that sticky-ear-musgrove is out
Have to win one more game first
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I'll be seeing you at the little brother series soon.
For peak product placement, they should have Jack from Jack in the Box throw the first pitch in the Padres Mets NLCS at Petco, and then have Grimace come back for the Mets home portion. What else could represent America's favorite past time other than a battle of the burgers?
>thinking the fraud philthies will come back to win the series
lol that's cute
>thinking that clown will help the Dads
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>the Mets win a baseball game in which they never trailed
huh?? Has this always been allowed?
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Jack in the Box breakfast > Mcdonalds breakfast.
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It’s all slop but jack off in her box is quite literally the most disgusting fast food place of all time, besides maybe Carl’s Jr.
They’re both shit compared to the burger king
Round my way we call it Hardee’s
I would really love going to Burger King if their fries didn't suck dick, most of their other stuff is decent but fuck those fries.
>May 01, 2016: Ronald McDonald of the restaurant chain Mcdonalds throws out the first pitch before an MLB game between the Los Angeles Angels and the Texas Rangers at Globe Life Park in Arlington, TX Los Angeles defeated Texas 9-6
Rally Ron
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GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD EVENING /mlb/! This is Steve here speaking, and I just wanted to give your daily reminder that we're just another day closer to the Mets (yes, THE M-E-T METS) from winning the 2024 World Series! Make sure to save your tears for the 2024 awards ceremony when your Mets hoist the Commissioner's Trophy in Queens!
>b-but muh Dodgers vs Yankees world series.
NO! Both the Dodgers and Yankees are perennial division series choke artist with one team having no pitching after just one game of a playoff series and the Yankees paid everything for one guy and it shows. Your M-E-T METS are not only going to stop them from facing each other, they will go one step ahead and beat both of those fraudulent teams and win it all in their stead! Also be sure to watch our celebration tomorrow after when we gape the fentanyl junkies that is the Philadelphia Philthies as your Mets send them back to Kensington!
im an east coastie is this correct?

dodgers= in-n-out
padres= jack-in-the box
Where is Orson Welles guy
It's rock paper scissors which the Phillies beat Braves, Braves beat Mets, and Mets beat Phillies.
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Kazan won
Peak 2010dres.. times are much better, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.
>injury riddled Suarez pitching instead of Wheeler tomorrow
It's joever.
In-n-Out is more just a general west coast thing, technically yes since In-n-out was founded in LA while Jack was founded in SD. But I wouldn't say either is inherently associated with either city
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We have In n out in San Diego, Jack in the box is a SD franchise, I feel that Utz or Pinks hot dog is mode LAish. Actually, Erehown is LA franchise.
not at all
keep the high effort OPs up please and thank you
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True. here's dodger legend hyun jin ryu enjoying some in n out
what fast food franchise do mexicans prefer? del taco?
He got some topside Recker cheeks
My wife just fucking kicked me out of the house for “scaring the kids.” So fucking what, I threw their happy meal toys in the fucking trash and told them they’re never going back to McDonald’s, I just fucking HATE that faggot grimace so much.
Especially since it was the Barfs who got the Mets into the playoffs in the first place. I think they and the Sewers should be given compensation rings after when the Mets win it all this year.
Gotta say, you’re clearly in the right on this.
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Based Mest pasta man
Don't they just go to the nearest trash can?
>cancel all my plans to watch playoff baseball this month for teams I don't even root for
>minimal regrets
am I a psychopath?
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5-2 (6-1)
no more cheating cum ears
that's an easy nlcs sweep
You should be locked up in a asylum. You can only be let out if you mutually agree to watch every single big market playoff series.
Psychogang IS recruiting
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>rally ron
reminder: that was a 3-2 count
both of them are chokers
>we're gonna run da west dawn
>you can take that to da drive through window and deposit it
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>being mad at a purple testicle
>Mets get a soulful purple monster meme
>Yankees get...?
Aaron Judge's circus
michael kay
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a lot of cute hapas for some reason
I have a good McDonalds story that took place in Southeast Detroit. It happened in the early 80's and sounds like a nostalgic flashback scene from a movie. McDonalds opened up a new restaurant near my friend's house and promoted it by saying all the kids would get to meet Ronald McDonald. A helicopter was eventually spotted with a waving Ronald McDonald hanging out of the door but as it neared one of its legs snagged on a telephone pole wire and the guy fell out of the helicopter and badly shattered his leg. Both he and a lot of the gathered crowd were screaming. No one left the scene during the ensuing chaos and after the ambulance left the McDonalds rep told everyone there was still a surprise in store. A while later a limo zoomed up with another Ronald McDonald in tow and he was greeted by chants of bullshit from the people who saw the whole debacle.
Trump is from Queens
aka where the Mets play
he's also a Tigers fan so this is a baseball related post
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Biggest mass shooting in SD history was at a McDonald's. If Mest get passed you phillyfren donut worry Dads will avenge you.
real talk though does anyone else think this has been the most boring yanks season in a while? did we even have any fuckin memes? any big team moments? anything aside from Clay's blown saves and judge on fucking paw patrol?
papi picked the poodres. confirmed dodgers win!
xe's literally a buttplug, which is why it's a LGB symbol
What the fuck is all over smoltz teeth
>puts french fries in burritos
I'll overlook it if you knock out the dodgers but this is objectively abhorrent
This general should go back to be split in two
/nl/ general and /al/ general
it would cause jannies and the rest of the board to seethe
years of chaw
i was planning on making philly cheese stake for WS
now i guess i have to make buritos or tacos
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ju keep awn smilen, ju keep on havin da gud tyme!
/al/ genny would be dead
Mets are the team of destiny this year. I just don't see how anyone can beat them. But for some narrow margin plays they would have just completed a sweep of the Phillies.
Why is the AL so soulless this year?
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Ya gotta believe!
Love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Unfortunately the new schedule makes them hardly different. Also, it seems Red Sox vs Yankees was the only good thing about the AL and it sucks otherwise
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>Philthy fans give Braves fan unbelievable shit for the last two years for playing like crap after the bye
>get bye
Immediately start playing like crap

You fuckers better PRAY you don’t lose the next game
Red Sox aren't good and the Sox-Yanks rivalry is half the soul of the AL
Yanks are barely even good themselves so they're not shit-talking as much as they could be
Astros were only better than the Mariners so seething over them was shorter lived than usual
Half the league was dead by mid-season
The central is just boring
/mlb/ is west coast dominated but the Angels suck and Mariners fell off a cliff
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I feel like the rivalry died in 2004 when the sox won and got cemented when they won a couple of years later
It never felt the same
Red Sox-Yankees has been a shit rivalry for years now.
We had one of the craziest wild card races ever.
Central isn't boring you just don't watch them.
Mariners should have tried harder.
>We had one of the craziest wild card races ever.
No, the Twins choking like always is not crazy. Especially when the other league came down to a double header.
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impossibly based
The Twins choke in the playoffs not the regular season.
Based bodega food enjoyer
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>MLB is bad because Big Market teams are getting eliminated
The Epitome of a SOVLLESS slop enjoyer take. The Big Market teams aren't even good if they were they wouldn't lose. Mets don't count they are Spiritually a Medium/Small Market team.
>Nimmo’s grandma died before Game 3 of the wildcard
>Manaea’s aunt died before the start of tonight’s NLCS

Grimace requires a heavy toll. The hardest choices requires the strongest wills.
the difference is no phillies fans are coping with it being because of the bye like the barfidoos, they're just playing like shit
Mets are still in it retard. Everyone knows Queens is a bigger market than the Bronx
BREAKING NEWS: The LA Fudgers are imploding
Only difference is the Braves were actually good in both seasons in September. Phillies were mostly shit until they faced a team in full tank mode.
Read the whole post retard before you post something stupid.
It's not big market vs small market, it's fun vs not fun. The Mets are fun to watch, the Yankees are robotic. The Tigers run has been great, the Guardians are as boring as it gets.
Mets as hard it is to believe is a big market team. No form of spirituality can make them anything less then that. Especially considering their owner is even more rich than the likes of the Yankees and or Dodgers owners ever could be.
>Mets don't count they are Spiritually a Medium/Small Market team.
>Owner is a multibillionare.
Nice try rabbi.
used to be fun to watch
bad pitching but overall fun
boring besides judge and saun joto
My pirates ):
Ohtani can't win with these cats
That would be the case if the Wilpons were still running the Mets considering they actually treated the Mets as a small market team for most of their tenure.
There goes that ringworm again
>doggie doos
I would like a Padres vs Guardians/Royals world series just so this thread and Manfred/Vegas seethe themselves into a coma.
Once again, people forgot 90 percent of the Dodgers pitching staff is on the IL until April.
Tigers are fun depending on their opponent. The Gords are boring making the Tigers have to play boring.
They play the Royals or Yankees and suddenly they start trading home runs and making crazy plays with incredible comebacks and extra inning heroics.
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>Have to listen to MUH OHTANI spam for months
>Karma bites you right back in your skeevy subhuman Californian ass
Reap what you sow faggot.
they didn't forget. they don't fucking care. we knew it wasn't likely to go well before the playoffs even started.
yea, I've watched some of their series and it's not boring but not as electric as mets/phillies or padres/dodgers; and it's a intra division series too
lol exactly this >>144952653
it's not our problem their pitching staff is made of very very thin glass.
This was aimed on Dodgers fans with any semblance of cope left btw
You act like every team isn’t hurt
The difference is everyone isn’t spending 1B in an offseason
I've been a fan way too long. Even when I think they're in good shape I don't assume they're going to win. All I ever do is hope they win no matter the odds.
Padres use up all their chimpout energy to beat the Dodgers and lose the NLCS to (presumably) the Mets

This is a battle of who is the biggest weakminded squad
Refer to>>144952721
Also funny because if the leads are to remain for the AL/NL CS then the only team to spend a billion left would be the Mets. If they get eliminated then we got ourselves another Rangers vs Diamondback tier world series which I don't think you or the rest of the non contrarian anons here could handle again.
are gay
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How does this effect the phillies chances?
>Not buying a kerry carpenter jersey
big miss like her music
Risptani if you fuck up here you might as well give the Dodgers a refund on your contract
i would have sex with her, but i wouldn't date her.
>Bobby Witt Jr, Pasquantino, Judge(1), Ohtani(2)
>combined 3-38 at bat
no the post-season watching I was hoping for, a few exciting games though
these teams really blew their loads early
both pens are good, especially after a day of rest
Why is Petco Park such a household name? It's got to be close to top 5 most known ballpark names, and it's just a pet store for a San Diego team.
How come baseball is a mix of upperclass white kids whose parents spent thousands of dollars on private lessons and illiterate afro=latinos?
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gg poodres
see you tomorrow
Only one batter until Ohtani
Will Ohtani be the next Kershaw? Regular season GOAT, post-season choker?
I wish both SD and LA lost at the same time
lol FUCK you man!!!
>the gay love making session in the bus didn’t work
What went wrong?
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GGs padres
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i got my +2 run line all that matters
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GG Padres, see you tomorrow
Holy fuck
GG Doggies I was scared shitless
>They think it matters its 2-1
excited for metdres kino
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I'm just laughing at all the dodgers fans that thought they had a chance. I TOLD YOU IT WASNT HAPPENING AND YOU FELL FOR IT. When will you learn?
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Why do baseball players give, by far, the most coach speak interviews of any athletes?
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>the NCLS could be Mets/Padres
What a time to be alive
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You are acting like none of us have noticed the state of the pitching. You are not some oracle faggot. At best you shit on some newfags.
1 billion dollars
So MLB owners have found it is cheaper to scout Latin countries and sign prospects for pennies then it is too sign American born players with their pesky agents and legal protection.
Oh well in that case everybody say sorry to the dodgers and their billion dollars
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Ya just absolutely, positively love to see it. Fuck the Dodgers forever and always.
Kino atmosphere even during regular season day games, so in the playoffs it's just the best fucking ballpark in the world.
They wont ever cause of nigger privilege and it being LA.
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Rebuilding year. You have to be proud of what this team has accomplished. They were dealt a bad hand and have made a huge run at this thing. Now they have to try to win 2 games in a row against the villains of baseball.
Roberts literally doesn’t do anything
absolutely based
>Not the villains of baseball

Pick one.
uh oh doyers...
proud of what? proud of being perennial chokers?
Cool falseflag never seen this post before.
He lets the FO run the fucking team instead of him doing it. Baseball dorks are the reason Big DIck Mountain was pulled in 2018. FUCK DAVE KEKBERTS!
>saying the same thing for a decade now is catching newfags.

Before you get your hopes up next year will be another year of failure as the braves rotation gets healthy and dodgers won't hit worth a shit
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>1.025 billion dollars btw
I pick LA and boning your mom instead
>billion dollar underdogs
Padres over Mets in 6
doggie doos KEK
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Oh sorry I thought you were someone that mattered.
already picking out my outfit for dodgers elimination day tomorrow :)
Tigers/Royals ALCS
Dads/Mets NLCS

The good guy are all going to play each other...
My mom is dead. :(
The Dodgers have been the villains for a long time now. Especially if you’re a fan of an NL West team.
Because there's almost no X's and O's in baseball and there's nothing to talk about strategy-wise after the game.
Poodres are roiding
>he think he has a choice
Roberts is a yes man and Friedman will just hire another yes man
Nothing is going to change if you change Roberts
Please fuck my ass
Goooooo Tigers!!!!
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>mest/poodres national league chimpionship series
I miss the shift desu senpai.
You know what needs to be done then.
Sandy Eggo!
that old familiar feeling
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Hey doyers..... middle finger
doggies too
Shut up bravesbrah
>good guys
Highest payroll in baseball
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The Dodgers have been the villains for about a decade bro
The exact same reason the English Premier League is a bunch of posh academy kids mixed with Brazilians and Africans who came from nothing
Petco Park atmosphere >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dodger Stadium atmosphere
Daddies gon' fuck ya
>Two dorky ass teams that never win shit ready to get slapped by whatever the AL puts up .

Damn NL is cooked.
Vientos vs Tatis finna be kino
Why do you think he tied his future to Ohtani in his contract?
Friedman isn’t going anywhere
Where did all the doggie lifelongers go?
I have no idea who this is but I'd bet my life her music is fuckin terrible while having over 2B plays on Spotify
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Is this the official game thread? If so

HOW ABOUT THEM PADRES BABY!!!!! Never in doubt!
My Metts will BOOTYBLAST any of the junior league competition, bitch.
band wagoner detected
kek doyerpacos
Keep it civil
>Oh sorry I thought you were someone that mattered.

Oh yes actually because unlike the dodgers the braves actually win championships
She has one catchy song. It's not very good but it is catchy.
THIS JUST IN: Dave Roberts reports that one of Manny's foul balls was directed at him. Demands a re-run of the 9th inning because he was too shaken to manage properly!
kel doyerpacos
Mets and Dodgers are both faggot ass teams glad you understand
I know but they have been so hilariously bad you just want to root for them.
Despite Teo's best efforts, the Dodgers still couldn't overcome that early game deficit. Their starting pitching is once again at fault. Padres will go all out to win it at Petco
Lets take it easy nodwadw!
you guys do realize that 2nd inning was pure luckswing, right? dodgers played better
faggot detected
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>The Detroit Tigers only made the playoffs 4 times with Miguel Cabrera
How do you waste talent like this?
Kek. Their infielding is to blame more than their pitching.
It doesnt matter when the pitching should be on point at this point in the year. I knew this year was a wash like in july when they did nothing to help it.
The fact Machado is still in the game and not suspended after the game 2 incident is actual scumfuckery
the grand slam was a misplaced 1-2 sweeper. please shut the fuck up
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There's a reason why we upgraded our bulloen, baby! It's paying fucking dividends! Beautiful, beautiful results. We 2015 Royals now.
doyerbros...the cocks...I hear them calling...
I always hated the shift but only because no one ever fucking slapped it the other way. Best hitters on earth and they can't not ground out to the 3-infielder side
Still better than NFL where it’s rigged to death
t. former handegg fan
True, I shoulda mentioned how badly they crumbled in the 2nd inning
kys attentionfag you arent special
giant fried cheese stick
Dodger manager hands typed this post.
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We did it eses! Remember the 14 words.
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Me if hating on the dodgers was a competition
Still have no clue who that is
Blink fucking sucks bring out Unwritten Law
lol at the little brother san diego trying to meme that petsmart park is soulful. You people are losers with nothing to do. Dodgers fans show up, despite having tons of options.
If the Padres had Musgrove I'd have them beating the Mets but given that they crushed Cease and King this season I give it a 50/50 between both coasts.
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Looks like the plucky underdog doyers cinderella fairytale is coming to an end
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Gonna be hilarious when the Dodgers win desu.
I cant wait.
That broadcast was louder than some super bowls
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Why did Ohtani sign with the dodgers? Doesn't he know he won't win anything with them?
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Mate.. shut the fuck up
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Phew It feels like of teams dodged a bullet with Yamamido. This guy is coming to MLB next. When will the Japanese pitcher meme end?
>doyer fans can afford laker/rams tickets
>seething doyerpaco
kek maybe try having soul next time
They don't have to pipe in crowd noise at Dodger Stadium
Better than being on the Angels lmao. At least he can see the post season now and statpad at least.
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after roki sasaki gets $1B

Actually I am but see a nobody like yourself wouldn't know anything about that. You only know how to latch onto people who you think matter. Try as you might though they will let you down. Just like the dodgers
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Actually their failure was a selling point for him
A billion dollars and an excuse for continued failure (dodgers are cursed in October so it's not his fault storyline). He is no Michael Jordan. Not even a LeBron kek.
They are jinxing themselves way more than I am doing now. Fuck off fag.

>Actually I am
Let's shift the discussion back to the cubbies
wait until we're officially eliminated
they would booty blast these doyers
sorry, the announcers during the Padres Dodgers game told cubs fans to look away
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Nu >>144955538
just one more Japanese pitcher bro, I promise we'll win the WS then!
socal teams are soulless, that's a fact
It’s the easiest thing in the world to be a dodgers fan shut the fuck up. It takes zero effort. Unlimited money, always signing huge names, won the division for basically a decade straight.
We love watching the spoiled rich kid with daddies money falter and fail year after year.
Build a better farm you faggot you dont know anything about baseball.
>Muh monies
>soulless dodgers fan trying to cope
Git gud you fucking loser
>doyerpacos still seething about their fans exposing themselves as 3rd world ghetto trash by throwing shit at chadres on the field
>Leyland retired.
>Miggy won the Triple Crown and the Tigers signed him to a contract that would become an anchor on their necks worse yet Miggy let himself go and never was the same
>Hire Brad Ausmus the tard.
>Keep Brad Ausmus for 3 years as he manages a World Series Roster into the ground
>fire Dave Dombrowski and promote Al Avila the mega retard
>Al Avila starts trading away your Elite talent for fucking peanuts
>spends years lying about how great the farm system is which is one of the worst in the league
>Mike Illich passes away leaving his son Chris in charge
>Chris wants to build a team the right way and refuses to open the check book
>Chris leaves Avila in charge most likely due to sentimental reasons and being busy with taking over the family business
>Al Avila signs Javy Baez
>Miggy retires

That's how.

This entire turnaround is because AJ Hinch got in and was able to leverage power away from Avila with the fact he actually has a World Series ring. And the Lions success basically shaming Chris into firing Avila. Although Avila did draft most of the player with the team the successful players are all late round draft picks and many of his top picks have been busts.
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Can't wait to play in a playoff game again someday

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