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Fuck anime and l/a/troons
there are literally 100k "dodger" fans buying padres jerseys as we speak lmao
doggie doos kek!
feels like it might unironically be it for roberts this time.
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W-we lost?..
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doyers suck!
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>Ohtani was pitching about the strike 3 here
Reds desu
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Dave Roberts claims Manny Machado stared him down on the way back to the dugout and said "next time, I won't miss" however Dave Roberts said that he successfully intimidated him back with his notably amazing composure.
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Gayest quints of all time
doyerjorges kek
there are literally 100k new "dodger" fans crossing the border rn
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quints of pain
It'll be okay!!!
he's not pitching this season. get it through your thick skull.
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Tanner Scott owns Ohtani. He's stuck out against him all 3 times this postseason. The previous time was in 3 pitches
lost!!!!1 kek!!!
and they can't even blame dave roberts this time
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>firing a double minority
automatic death penalty in california
No it wont you retard. The pitching is cooked. You cant win without pitching.
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Never forget that the phony baseball fan Swede chose sides and turned against the Hololive dodgers lifelongs cursing the team for the 2024 playoffs
Erm...shut up??
As a mets fan, the padres terrify me
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WELL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL them boys in San Diego just put a breaking to those bucks in los Angeles
Ohtani already has more career post season hits than Trout. What can't this man do?
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funniest part is that the Angels just drafted the next Barry Bonds
More money buys you better scouts, minor league coaches, player facilities and accommodations, literally everything. Shut the fuck up you faggoty LA bitch.
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Royals will bootyblast all these shit teams
Trout will win a ring
Make more money? Sorry your Billionaire conglomerate doesn't spend? Wtf do you want from me?
Padres are beating the Dodgers
Padres are beating the Mets
Padres are winning the WS
Royals will lose in 4 to NY
>Dave Roberts said Game 4 will be a bullpen game for the Dodgers.
maybe in Philly
>Padres are beating the Dodgers
>Padres are beating the Mets
>Padres are winning the WS
>your billionaire conglomerate
I’m sure anon has little to do with it
Roberts' complaint about Machado shows just how in his head he is. The fact that an opposing manager lets a player get in his head is pathetic.
It's over
Fitting way for Roberts to go out considering he got pitching changes wrong his entire tenure in LA
Worried about Cease on short rest bros, his starts are either fantastic or abject shit
we going to game 5 tbqh
Of course that’s a dodgers fans response lmao. This is why everyone can’t stand you.
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Fuck yeah!
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People have been saying Fire Roberts for the past 9 years. Is this bastard ever going to go away?
kek how many runs do we get Chadrebros?
Met have been counted out for 5 months, nothing scares me at this point
Yeah Roberts should have went out there and beat his ass if it was that big of an issue. Further showing hes a pussy.
Faggot everyone's owners are rich. Also we share facilities with Arizona. Gonna get mad at them?
honestly, the Padres should risk it and put Perez in. If the Dodgers are already throwing and going for a bullpen game, I feel like he can pull something off.
so did Mattingly
Sorry sir. I'm just going through a lot.
>won WS
Why would they fire him?
Vice versa brother
Only retards think he’s the problem
Like he doesn’t get a spreadsheet every single fucking day from Friedman telling him what to do.
It doesn’t matter who the manager it, the actual problem is a pay grade higher.
I love the Angels but this is awful why would you post this
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who’s got the best heat?
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Outside of Sunday's meme game we haven't gotten any off their bullpen so I dunno.
>Yeah Roberts should have went out there and beat his ass if it was that big of an issue
he said he didn't saw it and it wouldn't have hit him anyway because of safety net
he went like 3.2 in the first game? he'll be fine if it's him
what else does he have?
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when Ohtani and Harper get elimated tomorrow, will Judge be the only guy who gets the "batters until" graphic or will they start doing it for guys like Lindor, Tatis, Witt, and Ramirez?
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We have the rally monkey
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Piped in sound
Agree, but given that they pulled Cease early on Saturday it's not as bad as it could be. Hopefully lots of rest after tomorrow before the NLCS.
What rule changes will manfredd implement to assure he gets his stinkees/doyers marquee matchup next season?
>all billion spending teams get a playoff bye until the AL/NLCS
>winner of the NL west and AL east gets automatic home field advantage through the playoffs
>all large market teams get spotted a 3 run lead to begin the game
>if worst comes to worst, the NL/ALDS becomes a best of 7 series
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Managers have some impact on the game but it's up to the players to perform. Dodgers are just notoriously known to be chokers
Tatis honestly is the only one that's earned it given how he's been playing in the postseason
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I believe. Compete for Pete. We have luck and Sielder on our side. They do it for him. LFGSD!
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man, that shit used to irritate tf out of me
Roberts is an extension of the front office
Even if they did fire him they would just replace him with another Yes Man, he is not the problem
Manfagg should go die in a fire
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Sorry Queen
>Beating the Doyers
>Beating the Mets
Alright nigga, relax.
Adorbz!! Post bewbs!!!
>Muh mettiejetties
how long is the doyers window?
2-3 years
then it will be a retirement home
>pay for as statistically good of a team as money can buy
>It doesn't matter who the manager it
Sooner than you think. This might be their last chance
The farm is too deep. They will always contend.
New rules for 2025
>Werewolf umpire added to watch the ghost runner
>Robot umps but with only 2 of Asimov laws programmed at random
>Hot Dog inning- must eat a hot dog before passing second, pitcher has to eat a hot dog for every batter walked
>two bounce rule- a ball must bounce twice on the infield grass to be counted as a hit; otherwise it’s an error
i need a pair of large squishy breasts with small-medium sized nipples in my face right fucking now
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Mets win it all for /mlb/, would be so kino bros. You know you want it.
If the Dodgers can't get themselves together by next year, they're on the downswing. All their guys except for Ohtani are probably on their way out in a few years
sorry it's not personal
My breasts are not that large. I get jealous of fat girls sometimes ;_;
>small-medium sized nipples
fag. pancake nips are ideal
Dodgers probably aren't getting their Teo grand slam next game, so I feel pretty confident in a 5 run difference tomorrow
it's ok cubspina
We didn’t fight a civil war against black people so billionaires can force Mexicans to work on the dodger farms and in the phillies mines.
I'm literally a girl tho
Fire Roberts. The Dodgers manager should be a WHITE man.
Banana fag get out! THIS IS SERIOUS BASEBALL
It’s crazy that the one Dodger pitcher who didn’t destroy his elbow got fired for beating his wife. Like of all the guys to still have a perfectly functioning elbow it had to be Urias
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Why are people here making this series a race war when both teams have Hispanic last names for players? Is it /pol/ invading?
he was shit last season anyway
Luckily the wife had a glass jaw
Also Bauer lmao
ah here we go again
>dodgers dodging the world series again
Was anyone making it a race war?
>sailor moon newfag here but not all the lifelong doyerfans
explain yourselves
They either need Ohtani to pitch or they need to sign 2 more #3 caliber starters. Yamamoto is a bust
Hitting women should be legal.
She's a girl
i'm mad about how most of the team apparently didn't want him back. what a bunch of pussies
It's literally a meme >>144955609
Are you a mod or something that can tell who is who?
And stabbing you in retaliation should be :)
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That’s cute and happy for the padres, but I demand more respect here!!!!
It is if you’re careful and methodical
I like you. Want to go to opening day with me next year?
he's a shitposting faggot
the dodger fans call me names when they’re here
that's just props for even having a knife, cunt
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Nigga this isnt fangraphs! This is muhlbuh!
>neutered homosexual
I adopted a chihuahua mix earlier this year and he's fucking retarded
This Anglel anon has it right
Okay so Robert’s has to be gone after this year…. Right?
This has to be it.
No more kicking the can down the road.
If this series loss finally gets him canned it’s worth it.
>he copes to himself out loud
>Guys, I'm thinking about trannies again
She's a girl, retard
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That would be racist
erm, he got us Ohtani who had a HISTORIC 50/50 season, he CAN'T leave!
I’ve seen no proof of that
Just like benching Joe Smelly?
let's take it e z
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Sick em!
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Davíd Roberto esta una chichifon de borrachos sucios jajajaja
Should I spend $750 to go to tomorrow's dodger elimination game or save it to go to a Padres World Series game in 2 weeks?
I'm literally a girl who Bauie raped tho
donate it to the aspca
>He doesnt know
I'm new
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>tfw not jewish black or italian enough for what was it, fielder?
Something tells me Ohtani is gonna suddenly “lose” 14 million dollars soon, and it will somehow be Dave Roberts fault…
this must be how dodger fans feel

A man can dream…
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meme stat alert
love him. hope he re-signs.
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this guy doesnt believe all women. GET HIM
One more 0-3/0-4/1-4 game and Ohtani is going to probably going to scream at someone
Padres WS game will be $1250 minimum. Too much money down there
I’m Mexican and I like the dodgers and padres
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white fragility
Early reports are saying he tore his UCL again during this tantrum
why do they bother with shit like that? it's just a reason not to check out their page because I'd assume it's a bunch of garbage for a few nuggets.
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My Padgers! :)
I’m a White man and I like shitposting. I don’t even watch baseball
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Check out Bullpen in clairemont. It's a sport themed bar, good pizza, food and booze, really nice! Alot of TV. I should visit there again.
if the dodgers can force a game 5 with their bullpen I think the padres will be shook going back to dodger stadium. chances are slim but they're not eliminated yet
idk it didn't look that close on the broadcast, but it was a strike
the dodgers are already giving up I think. today was their only chance. if they can't somehow win after getting a grand slam, there's no hope for them.
He never gets angry or throws stuff
He just doesn't have that competitive rage in him
I’ll have a Negroni, shaken not stirred.
You're right that the Dodgers are favored if they can get to game 5. But that's a giant fucking if
I think most people are only here to shitpost given how little they understand about the game and sports culture in general
Doyerbros I thought it was supposed to be Yankees Vs Dodgers script and Ohtani walks it off in game 7
>the padres will be shook going back to dodger stadium
They literally pissed in the faces of everyone in attendance for game two.
They've been getting him closer to the edge. First there was the 0-4 back in July where he stomped back to the dugout yelling "NO, NO NONONONONNO FUCK!!!!!" and today he visibly reacted got mad at the ump for a strike call even though it was a strike
My fucking white wife says she’s going to a divorce attorney tomorrow. Big deal, I took her grimace shake threw it in her face and threatened to cut her throat if I ever saw McDonald’s in our house again. She should have known better.
>get your 100k watch stolen
>get BTFO the next day
I'll have a gay louis kek, original not AI-generated.
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the Dodgas lost their "soul" when they lost Seager, Turner, Bellinger, and Joc.
You can't just continually be good like this and replace players like they are parts of the machine. They lost all those players and didn't skip a beat. They should have taken a step back, at least for one season.
This upsets the baseball Gods, it isn't right
I can afford it, and no way I would miss seeing them in the world series if they make it. I went to their '98 loss at the Murphy with my dad and I really want to go to a game in the series they finally win.
Thanks for the rec 2hu!
Ohtani will banzai charge an umpire at some point
>gay louis
Is that the one next to a strip club?
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remember when doyers was winning the game 5-6 in the 3rd
Ohtani will punch the next ump that calls a strikeout on him and Joe Davis will say "what passionate sportsmanship!"
Any WS game for any team will be filled by the rich af soulless fans that have money and watch like a third of the season. No matter what city.
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>padres are now favorite for World Series
Clown world
If you don’t understand the genius of the skunk in the outfield, you’ll never understand baseball, let alone baybaw
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>Dave Robert’s announces a bullpen game for tmrw

dang, I should've made my bet a week ago
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Holy based!
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not really. Padres have played well at Dodgers stadium
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It's our year!
In a surprise move, they'll have Ohtani pitch as a last resort tomorrow
they’re farther than anyone in the AL and better than the metz
I love seeing this post every year lmao.
everyone is acting like they've already won. i think if they get snapped out of that mindset the tables could turn in game 5
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By Cheetahs? Yes lol
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if they had any soul they would do this
>i think if they get snapped out of that mindset
there’s no way they’re taking a game for granted at this point
I would love to see that. If they miraculously make a game 5 they'd better have him pitching. $1 billion for a 2 way player that doesn't play two ways and is a DH is a lot of money for at most half a player.
It would be so great but this FO will never allow it. The gay numbers aren't favorable.
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Damn. I think the white sox killed BAJP
I have a 40-1 padres bet from April. Finna be annoyed if they lose next round
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They deserve it, they've been the best team in the majors since the all star break
Mets Padres would be absolute cinema
dawight's ox
I miss him bros
He actually built warhammer and painted his fucking minis
BAJP is Alex McNabb
Ohtani should force the issue. He won't though because he has no heart, no soul.
Do people not usually paint theirs?
Why don’t they come painted?
maybe he will come back if the cardinals (or white sox lol) are ever good again
i paint my nails :3
BAJP is a big dawg, and now he is eating in heaven like all the other big dawgs...RIP...#gonebutnotforgotten
no lmao
>everyone is dancing on your grave even though the series isn't actually over
>dawg out a bullpen game and shock the home crowd
>series moves back to LA
>Manfred makes the call
>SoGay hits a walkoff HR

it could happen
i hope ohtani pitches because he’s out of practice and would be awful and guarantee a padres victory
wait what? not a warhammer fag but I swear they paint them, I thought that was like a lot of the hobby lol
Imagine buying some product and it’s only half finished right so you sit there like a chink next to a suicide net doing manual labor for free.
165lb skinnyfat man hands typed this
Its a big meme in the hobby and usually true that nobody paints their minis and have grey armies.
most people order them unpainted and then the fun is painting them. my college roommate would do the same.
>tranny machudo mindbroke the dodgers
a new low for them
>haha my mecha war orc is blue!
absolute simpleton hobby
I thought that would be the coolest part. Non-painted would look stupid
warhammer shit is by far a better use of your leisure time than posting on anonymous message boards. some of you guys are so hateful and miserable
Holy fuck dodgers desperation start from ohtani, he gives up 5 ER in 2 innings and dodgers are eliminated in a game 4 rout. 50/50 season completely overshadowed by postseason meltdown. Who says no?
I think he probably kicked the bucket also
somebody feels seen lol it’s all in good fun lad I chase a little ball around a field for a laugh and giggle
kek based as fuck we need more black twitter memes, respect
A big issue is that they are sometimes very busy models and not doing a good job is very unfun. Doesn't help that everyone want the paintjob on the box which is not beginner friendly.
Jamerickson Propane is the Mark Ruffalo of baseball
Tatis, Profar, and Machado broke the Dodgers and they haven't recovered. Profar almost robbed Dookie Butts homerun a second time at the start of the game too which would've been the icing on the cake
are you faggots seriously talking about model robots now?
kek thats based as fuck anon
if you want watch some extra baseball, game 4 of quarterfinals between KT Wiz and LG Twins is about to start

Did you hear or see that crowd in San Diego? I honestly think a AAA team would have a shot against the Dodgers with that kind of energy behind it.
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Erm actually sir Space Marines are modified super soldiers in ceramite armor.
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Just dunk em in the can
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Oh yeah? Post models faggot.
Uhm actually it’s art like real art with paint and stuff and not outsourced labor for profit
luv pointless retarded meme stats, simple as
is he stupid?
If you painted that I will buy my first warhammer
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let's go wiz!
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What did LA do to deserve this
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There is actually a painting system like this that works well funnily enough.

Here you go.
Go Doyers.
guess I'll watch the Schiff-Gravey debate
All three of those teams are immigrants
you're right my bad
huh someone finally told dookie he's allowed to get a hit in a playoff game
Adam Schiff is an absolute turbo-kike and you’d be a fool to vote for him. Voting is foolish enough as it is without voting for some baby bumping motherfucker
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I have an army. I know how to manage my time shitposting and painting.
Now its your turn
Tatis already lit up Bauer multiple times in the brief time he was a dodger
Babe wake up new Alfaro Cotuo.. man the energy is unreal this year
some mets fan tried asking me out on a date to paint his stupid little action figures KEK i am not going on a date with his poverty ass franchise!!!221!!!@@!!1
For me? Its the game on June 14th 1974.
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Dodgers fan here. And I play Dark Angels :)
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I have never played but uh, based af.
How many pitches
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Chadres make yah seethe?!
>Space Wolves
Based, I'm gonna assume that Dreadnought is supposed to be Björn
>Dodger Stadium
So dealing with fans for like 6 innings before they all leave?
Fucking furry
>mecha dwarfs on wolves
Batshit insane and badass
how many batters until ohtanis up?
as a dodger fan the atmosphere at dodger stadium is shit compared to petco
didn't see dylan cease or darvish struggling to hear their pitch com like buehler tonight
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Just a venerable
Thanks anons. The Emperor is a Mets fan btw
5:00 PM EST for Mets vs Phillies is so fucking stupid.
No one asked you
AL >>>>>>> NL in terms of viewership
235 for Nolan and 163 for Tiant. 4 days later Nolan made his next start and threw 6 innings of shutout baseball.
anons gonna have to pretend to take a day off work!
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they just don't make em like they used to
Tatis needs to take me deep
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kek Bravesbrah
I had sex with grimace and made Mrs. Met watch
I didn’t know you could bottom out a grimace but let’s just say we all learned a lot that day
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I have been working 7pm-7am, and sleeping 8am to 2pm just to watch these games. Been brutal desu. If they make the ‘Eries I’m taking the week off.
He's first up tomorrow, but in the last game. So... I dunno, maybe 100 or so?
/mlb/ is the hottest thread on sp


Will there be multiple entries from Knack tomorrow?
Another October, another LA Times Plaschk article full of disappointment. You love to see it!

>padres fan fighting ewith Dodger fans and other padres fan
Wtf is going here
Taryn is built for Big Met Cock
shut the FUCK up chud
many are saying this!
>Dylan Cease will start for the Padres tomorrow on short rest, Mike Shildt announced.
I don't remember the last time a starter pitched on short rest to be honest.
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Sorry if this has been posted already
Kek dodgers have unironically made me a padres fan for the rest of the week
You can probably risk it honestly, he pitches tomorrow after only going 3 on saturday, allows either a bullpen game tomorrow or not if Cease gets a solid start, opens it up for Darvish to probably start in the NLCS on Sunday if they win tomorrow then goes back to King or Perez for Monday depending on how it goes leaving him rested for Wednesday again.
I’ve seen three fights at baseball games, all at Yankee stadium or the neighborhood outside, all with only Yankee fan participants.
If the Dodgers and Yankees get eliminated, what narrative can the MLB try to push to salvage all the marketing for the WS. The only real thing they could maybe pull off is a Padres Tigers rematch as a fun nod to the only other time the Padres made it, but if the Tigers also get eliminated, they got nothing.
Dads what happened to the knuckleballer? Waldron was it? He didn’t make the post season roster?
>the only other time the Padres made it
Padres made it in '98 also (lost in 4 to the Yankees).
They'll let hinch bring out the trash cans again
He fell of super hard in the second half of the season and got moved to AAA, also didn't help that Darvish and Musgrove were due back around the same time so they didn't need him or Vasquez anymore.
Fuck you Ralphie! Why do you have to talk about Ginny Sacks mole like that
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The script has already been written pal
how many games end in a loss for a team that hits a grand slam jesus
Lost confidence and command midway through the season and when Musgrove and Darvish came he was sent back down. With Musgrove out for the rest of the postseason maybe we'll see him again.
The California Anglels are America's team.
It has happened to Ohtani multiple times
Baseball fights are hilarious cause I can laugh at both retards fighting over a game. Even when they are the same fans as me. I went to a bar before a dodgers game where they played the cubs I think. And there was some fat gaints fan just like yapping at me just trying to start shit. He was brave I will give him that. I just reread my post and this sounds so fucking fake lmao I swear this happened. I think he was really drunk is all.
Based FF8 Chad!
is this why cubspina hates the giants
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VI is superior. Surely you agree?
captcah tpsjg
Actually it’s the El Paso Chihuahuas
Got demoted, was last seen eating innings in AZ to keep the BP fresh
I appreciate Waldron picking up the SP slack and think he can be an upside 5th starter in 2025 but Padres ain't winning shit if he pitches this postseason
>what narrative can the MLB try to push
Brown Californian team wins in november
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I think Legend of Dragoon is the best FF
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Nah I believe it. People like that just want to fight and will look for any excuse.
FF8 and V are the patricians final fantasy games.
>Takes the Dodgers getting slapped by some losers they should have beaten to realize THEY NEED PITCHING

I wish changing teams was actually a thing.
Based FF8 Chad!
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Based Chiauhaha (idk how the fuck to spell this word) poster. Also like to shoutout chrono cross while we are on the subject.
I enjoyed Lunar Legend on GBA

you could tell the whole game Dave Roberts felt checked out, he knows it's over.
Still don't know what I did to deserve such schizophrenic retards on my fucking dick 24/7. Fuck off.
PlayStation era RPG chads are feasting itt bros
>hates baseball
>browses /mlb/
>LA Angels
Fuck off might as well be 909ers
You know what's sad? Your gay ass obsession with me. Get off me faggot.
Post your cringe ass version of our sport already or fuck off.
The other swede mogs you
I mean you hate baseball but you chose the biggest star in the game to fanboy for some reason. Did you think people on /sp/ wouldn’t make fun of you for that? Also I think the vtuber shit is cringe but what right do you honestly have to tell them to fuck off and kill themselves when some of them are actual fans of the team? You’re a poser. Simple as.
deep breaths
Yes. I hate baseball. That's why I've watched like 400 games all at fucking 4 am these last 3 years. The only thing I hate more than baseball is apparently myself because what sane person would do that to themselves. Makes fucking sense to me. Very logical. You are very smart.
Kek ok so you like baseball now but you’ve still been a massive ohtani dickrider on here, which people were always gonna make fun of you for. You’re still only a fan of LA because of ohtani, and you still told the hololivers to go die for basically no reason other than your personal preference of how YOU want the fandom (that you’re barely a member of) to be perceived. Lol do I really need to spell this out for you? If you were smart you wouldn’t reply to these posts at all.
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>O-Ohtani-san...doushite...please get up...the s-series can't be over yet...onegai...
>gayve kwaberts
the perfect wrap on this series would be the final out being on Ohtani
Why did Ohtani let her down, bros?
>you still told the hololivers to go die for basically no reason other than your personal preference of how YOU want the fandom (that you’re barely a member of) to be perceived
Are you fucking retarded? When did this happen? I LIKE hololive. You can scour your autistic archives and see me giddily posting about how much I *LIKED* the collab and how I would have wanted to go. I can't believe the shit I'm reading.
Schizos can't even keep their shitty made up story of me consistent anymore. I'm actually fucking done.
She owes him $13 million
He's confusing you for the based swede
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>a Mets-Padres NLCS is becoming a high possibility
As we all expected early in the year
ohtani cares absolute 0 % about this girls tears
think about that
piece of shit
(but she deserves it for being a doyer fan)
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Mets are losing to the Phillies. Mets are getting too cocky
I shit post a lot but I have never taken it for granted and will not until the series is won. Mets fans gettin uppity though because /mlb/ loves to shit on /our guys/.
Obviously it’s only a paragraph but that’s pretty pointed language from Ken. I’m sure he’s more fair later in the article
Sweden meltdown kek
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I am a realist. The Dodgers were not serious in getting some pitching for the post season so I assumed they expected to lose. I have been checked out since the trade deadline.
checked and true words from Pepe Posta
I'm predicting another game ending with Ohtani on deck, then a recording will come out where he's just sitting there alone in the batters box again like after the triple play
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I miss Turnerbro posting.
There are two swedes, are they both dodgers fans? And one is a weeb and the other is anti weeb?
Or are both Swedes ERGs fursonas
So do I, I really liked turnie posting
One Swede is shitting relentlessly on Hololive. IDK if he's a Dodgers fan. The other one gargles Ohtani's nuts
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I'm a realist too but I never really checked out, kinda wish I did at this point.
Same shit different season, not even a fucking grand slam could save them.
He's still playing lads
Playing for /mlb/'s official team
wiz just pulled some magic and turned around
What do you reckon Ohtani promised his interpreter to take the fall?
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>Oh boy its October!
well he’s a free agent now isn’t he?
pedo rose never will be a HOF and now that he is dad people can finnally forget about him
He apparently gets sentenced conveniently right after the World Series ends. I wonder if the Dodgers losing will make the Dodgers "suddenly" find evidence that Ohtani actually DID gamble and Ippei was innocent
Phillies won that game
There’s something extremely “off” and creepy about Ohtani. I legit get uncomfortable whenever I see him on my monitor. I’m too afraid to even look into it but there’s something sinister about him
Thats normal for japs. You get over it.
bruh you guys are true retards

You guys know that ohtani was fucking cleaned by the tax service

You know that service that REALLY fucks ith you if you are evading?
He's just autistic
>he watched 400 games
>never won a ring
>and he really thought in his little swedish brain that ohtani was better than Mike Trout
he really looks autistic

the way dude seems obsessed with play basebal reallly looks like the treat of autistic person

i can confirm beacuse i am one
Totally, I'm just saying, don't be surprised if new evidence is discovered if the Dodgers don't get their WS ring. The Dodgers didn't spend 700 million just for the guy to immediately get banned/deported
Neutral bros what World Series are you hoping for? I feel like the way the teams are playing now Yankees vs Padres would be the mostest kinoestest. I would totally be ok with Yankees Mets but only if the Mets put up a fight and take it to 7. If their meme magic runs out and they lose in 4 or 5 it would be gay.
Phillies and Dodgers aren’t playing that good of baseball right now, but if the Phillies were at their peak I’d be happy with them representing the NL
he's not autistic.
he's just very self centered and aloof
That’s reddit’s team you faggot
Yankees/Padres is objectively the most interesting series.
The PM of Japan went on an unscheduled trip to the US and Ohtani happened to get cleared, while he was there. They made a trade to protect their national hero. Nothing will touch him now.
I think Ohtani is capable of evil that is powerful to do much more than fool the IRS. I don’t even feel comfortable making this post, it’s inviting dark energy and entities into my world. It’s not my battle to fight
I like the Dane more than the Swede.
padre beaners are the worst kind of spics. self-hating wanna be crackers
Yeah because it'll be the Phillies in the NLCS
I’m going against my better judgement and accepting this as fact even though you’ve provided no proof
>he's just very self centered and aloof
I could see this too honestly.
I get that vibe from them as well, their chudom feels forced as fuck
Padres are literally a bunch of singles merchants, nothing about them is exciting
Which man's ass first comes to mind?
True outcome fags deserve the rope
I don’t have a horse in the race but to me the dodgers padres series has by far been the most captivating series in the post season, I really wish it was a 7 game series
mind broken doyer seeth
would anything actually happen if it came out the Dodgers organization or the MLB were covering up Ohtani's actions and letting an innocent man go to jail for the sake of making sure he'd be allowed to play?
I was in the acceptance stage when we were pummeling the Padres at the end of the season. Idk why you guys keep telling me I didn't see this coming. I have been telling all my friends and family. Pitching wins rings.
The padres offense lowkey has no aura. They are just run scoring merchants.
i mean, if was just the FBI i could belive it

but someone you should NEVER mess with is the tax services, they WILL know if you eveading no powerfull you are, beacuse the foverment want that tax money

t.padres fan

desu kishida bowing down to not having ohtani caughting wwoudl be a fun scene (even if i dont think he would do it since ohtani faling would help him more than the oppsote)
You're getting Royals-Padres and you'll like it.
holy mother of cope
Now if the Marlins were doing it they'd be raped
>You're getting Royals-Padres and you'll like it.

if dodgers choke, FOX will ask MLB to rig a subway series final between yankees and metss
yeah I think that would cause things to happen
but that would never come out even if it's likely true unless friedman goes scorched earth to keep his job lol
I want Tigers-Mets tho :(
Not a Padres fan and I can appreciate Ohtani as a baseball player, but the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he wasn’t real. Just something to think about.
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FBI and IRS announced they weren't investigating ohtani on the 12th.
italia bro what is your favorite serie a baseball team?

mine is san marino
Bros what do we make of this?!
Are you implying ohtani made a deal at a crossroads at midnight?
i do belive in devil lol
and again, you gotta be the ulltimate mastermind to trick the IRS not even goverment officials cant evade the IRS thata easy
>Tax Evasion
>Money Laundering
>Wire Fraud
>Obstruction of Justice
>Conspiracy to Defraud the Government
>Making False Statements to a Federal Investigator
>Mann Act
Some of these would be Federal
jazz jizzem
they thrive on bullshit chaos ball. luckily for them the dodgers put two corpses at 1st and SS to start the game
>hitting the ball and getting on base merchants
I've watched like 3 games total across random teams. The low attendance and bad camera-work depress me too much.

Also the names kinda suck. I would have preferred the American format with consistent mascots across the board rather than just cities
yep, and their pitchers are just run prevention merchants. no style or anything interesting about them
europeans overall seems to dislike anything that isnt european but it seems changing

i feel enventualy italy will adopt it if other places are doing it
There’s no world in which MLB allows a central team to win the AL. They desperately need the Yankees after no one watched the world series last year. East coasties will not watch if the Yankees aren’t in because east coasties aren’t real baseball fans
Italy's always the last horse in the race, sadly.
That said... Baseball seems to be getting more global attention, AND from what I can tell even the normies are getting bored of soccer
see >>144956875
I bust out laughing whenever the Shohei new balance commercial comes on
>ner barance
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T-there’s a chance for the dodgers tomorrow, r-right?
>Italy keeps shitting the bed in international soccer
>people stop liking it
I mean Italians stop liking it m8, come on
Taylor Swift will show up at one of the games to solve that problem.
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Sorry Sailor moon cutie, this is the curse of being a Dodhers fan. Not even Ohtani can save them. I can save a seat for you on the Padres bandwagon once we send Dodgers back to a nice vacation.
Yeah there definitely is. Im a neutral fan but the dodgers literally could have easily won this game, their defense absolutely failed Buehler today, it felt like he had to get 5 outs in the 2nd inning. That shit can’t happen
nope. you'll have to leave forever
if I was managing the dodgers (if I was an excel spreadsheet) I would have Mookie SS, Ohtani in RF and Freeman DH tomorrow
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the script is in

game 4
>cease is pitching on short rest (3 days)
>knack and friends in the bullpen will pull it all together for game 4
>doyer bats come alive with a (sense of urgency)
>forces cease into high pitch counts per inning
>doyers win

game 5
>brings the game back home carrying on with the newfound momentum
>yamamoto is back pitching
>has his stuff figured out now from the first game
>pitches a master class like earlier in the year versus the yankees
>the bats come alive yet again
>ohtani goes yard
>betts goes yard
>freeman? (day-to-day) goes yard
>doyers win
>advance to the nlcs
There’s always a counter culture movement that latches onto a “cool” new sport. In America right now it’s soccer. In Europe it’s American sports
it's not cool to like soccer
Isn't MLS attendance fucking horrible?
baseball ain’t fixed m8
they wouldn’t allow new york to win one pennant in fifteen years if it was fixed like nba
The stadiums are small for the most part. Lots of clubs only fit 20k fans
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>knack and friends in the bullpen will pull it all together for game 4
i posted this before i saw this tweet. i'm a genius
I am happy that the Dodgers are about to be eliminated from postseason play.
Is Kershaw not on the roster? Surely he can’t be worse than a bullpen game
Is it MLS Wednesday already?
he's out for the rest of the season m8
Yea because of gay bullshit. Even the game today was exciting then there was zero offense after the grand slam. Mets and Phil’s have had two really exciting games. Todays was the first lopsided contest.
Baseballl really is growing i thank the WBC for it, it really helped the sport grow

Soccer is "growing" beacuse of messi and orld cup there in 2 years, aso migrants from countries that traditionally prefer football

but give them 10 years, it wont change much in USA

outside USA MLS is trated as as joke for various reasion, and for a soccer league be sucessful you gotta worldwilde appeal
I think a big bump for baseball's popularity is going to be this next olympics. Hopefully it'll be enough for yuropeans to see how kino it is
Are they still in spring tranning based ABG
they who?
>Padres asked Myers to throw out a first pitch
Holy fuckin kino
The spring tranners
I think the flyover shitters are actually starting to believe this shit post. New York invented this game and mogs your poverty high school football watching backwater podunk suburb :)
So the Yankees are gonna lose to the Royals right?
nobody cares stankeepaco. mow my lawn
Wil mah boy
This is correct
Maybe that’s true but I can name multiple players for every team in the central divisions. You can’t :)
You couldn’t pay me to live in NYC. Rat infested piss smelling dump. I’ll take my peaceful 1.5 acres in a podunk flyover, thanks
are we really gonna do coastie vs flyover wars again
please no….
My sources also confirm this to be true
We're getting Subway Series II
so you’re saying the padres do….
all the small things
I see what you did there good sir. You a Dr. Who fan?
The Dodgers organization did nothing, they will punish the Angels because it happened under their watch
Least interesting series possible for 95% of America. I’d rather watch Guardians-Padres than two smelly ass billion dollar payroll NY teams
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They asked Jorge Alfaro (Marlins catcher that we had in 2022 that invented LFGSD catchphrase) to throw the first for us, he said he was the happiest person to be honored to do that for San Diego. Love me Aquaman!
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Too bad

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