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kino playoffs edition

old: >>144955538
thirdie dogs learn their place
eat shit califags
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Pls..the dodgers must have even some slim of a chance at making it..
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shut up bitch
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with the power of friendship we will win games 4 and 5
Pound my ass pls
The Dodgers don't have friendships, that's part of why they always choke
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Based thread OP
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Padgers got the hot hand
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Kazan won
They should invent a rule only for the Dodgers where even after the game is over, they can gentleman's agreement to let Ohtani get one at bat against the closer with bases loaded and if he hits a grand slam, the other team forfeits!
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Sorry ladies. Dodgers don't have hungry Dawgs on them. They're too offended and woke that we hurt their fee fee. Ultra Charmin soft. You can thank us when Dave Roberts and Friedman gets fired. And fire fucking Joe Davis man, dude fucking sucks at announcing, all I hear is dodger dick cock gargle.


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Kiss my R'z
>Betts was so sure that Profar robbed his homerun because he's so used to sucking in the postseason that he started walking back to the dugout before hearing it was a home run and had to walk back
you joke but don't give Manfred even more retarded ideas
>Ultra Charmin soft
I agree that the fans and Dave got baited like chumps but you cannot say with a straight face Doyers are soft when you have Machimpo and Profar who perpetually looks like he's on verge of tears after doing the equivalent of a kid poking a bee's nest with a stick
I'm eating the (dodger) dogs!!!!
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I just wanted to cheer for the anime team…
friedman leaves, provision in contract states ohtani can also leave

also joe davis is fine, way better than having stephen nelson and/or EK
No one cares doyersama
>power of friendship
>the dodgers
>he thinks anyone on that team actually likes ohtani
Trips of truth
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Beanbowl soon
The only anime guys on the team are Ohtani, Teo and now Mookie I guess thanks to his birthday training montage. The rest of them are injured cynical fucks who are already mentally checked out for the season
Hopped the fence for a bite of that freakin' dawg!
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Support Chadres if you want to see the white man win a world series.
Even if they somehow win the Padres series they are not beating the Phillies/Mets
Shut up. You admitted you’re Mexican before. You’ll never be white
As you can see, this is America's future with a Dodger win of any kind.

Stand with me in standing with America, friends.
fuckn lost kek!!!!!!
Tripfags should hang themselves
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I don't understand all the Dodger hate in these threads. They are a very successful franchise that has had stability since Guggenheim bought the team. Sure they only got one meme ring, but so did the Braves who dominated the 90s and early 00s. I mean would you rather be playing for the Dodgers who have a shot at the WS every season or the Mariners, who've made the postseason only 5 TIMES in their 47 year existence? Choice seems pretty clear.
Let's all wish the good blessings of God upon our wise friend Dr. Patriot
the only anime part of the dodgers is the fact that they have a japanese man and play anime songs on their organ sometimes. in reality other teams embody the spirit of that shonen sports anime way more than the dodgers
the doyers have had a knack for 2-out runs this season, but this has yet to be seen in the nlds...
Cubs is much more anime
the mariners should win every year actually, it was actually unfair that they didn't
God bless you, Dr. Patriot!
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Silence beaner.
There's only one stadium where they're eating the dogs.
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Did we just get new late night mlb characters?
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Check LA ethicinity.
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it's time for Yanks to learn about the reasons to hate the LATAMs
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The Dodgers are being punished because all their fans are weeaboo queers and the almighty has chosen the Padres to carry out this punishment.
but hololive night is coming to petco next year?
Pretty sure the Padqueers had drag faggots.
WHIToids dying out. And that’s good
/mlb/ stands with the Padres!
mlb autists want to pretend their playoffs arent powerball drawings while a league that should be much more popular than it is draws 3 million viewers for playoff games
that was the giants, despite having a democrat mayor, san diego is a pretty conservative area mostly
I would be the NCO charging into the main office of the executive to decapitate him and take his spot as supreme commander.
i simply hate los angeles and all los angeles sports teams
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animals aren't human
the barking thirdie calispic dog
Here we go pa dres here we go *stomp clap*
Its just polfags not staying in their containment board
Someone gotta stop the "OHTANI 2 HOURS AWAY FROM BATTING" Menance. I think we're doing America a favor big time by eliminating Dodgers. FTR FTD and Fuck LA. (Except for sailor moon, cutespea and Gura poster, they cool in my books)
Fuck both of them and fuck the fans of both that come here
You’ll be white no matter how much you self hate
brown hands
I believe it. I have visited. I live in Ventura which is kind of the edge of LAs influence to the north. Its kind of woke. But there are a shitload of normal people (racist). LA is fucking disgusting right now. I went there for AX and there are so many fucking homeless. I am really big and fit so I was kind of going as I pleased and there was some fucked up shit I saw. I can't believe this shit is allowed.
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Imagine employing the likes of Randy Johnson, Jamie Moyer, A-Rod, Ken Griffey Jr., Ichiro, Edgar Martinez, John Olerud, and even Tino Martinez and never win a ring let alone whiff a WS appearance. KWAB franchise.
How will Cease coming back to pitch on only three days of rest affect him? Can and will the Doyers take advantage of this?
Turkroach opinions are meaningless
Doggie doos kek
bandwagon weebs are the worst dodgers posters are you fucking retarded
whites are dying out
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Best state for tacos, senoooooors?
I'm sure Los Angelinos really care about your opinions of their city and sports team anon.
He'll throw a no hitter. Screencap this post.
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SD Is a great place to raise a family. Just hoping San Diegans don't fucking reelect Todd Gloria, I swear there was more homeless people when he got elected. But it's still genuinely the safest place to live in, if you can afford million dollars houses or 2-4k rents.
Dodgers fan here.
Don't care what flyover meth head thinks.
they hate my team too. have you ever watched sports before, bongoid
These whitoids really cheering for a California team like San Diego? That’s like polfags cheering for the 49ers against the chiefs fucking kek
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why do Americans call white people """flyover"""?
Cleveland is the lowkey biggest chokers because they have spread the love over years but they've had a series lead in every single one(several 3-1/2-0 leads too) they lost going back to 1998 except one, not to mention the two WS losses in 95/97 and having the best record in 96. even under average clutchness they should have 3 in the last 30 years
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And AI mariners poster fan wasn't?

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Remember the 14 words hermano
Yes you have brown hands Ahmed. No need to state the obvious.
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Indians going to be conquered by my Spanish conquistadores Frairs at the world series heh
Peak WHITOID retardation. Feels good you guys are going extinct
how are those kids doing in your country
hope they're staying un-unalived
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brown women, especially the latinas
are literally built
They pay money for our white sperm lol
associating teams with the racial makeup of a specific county or state is the dumbest shit. if you're actually a fan of a team, the last thing you're thinking about is what the average race is of your fellow fan. i hate every single one of you
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I don't care, fuck em. Fuck the NY teams too.
Both LA and NYC are shitholes.

>successful franchise
Ok and? Are you jewish?
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Which team is the iciest
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>associating teams with the racial makeup of a specific county or state is the dumbest shit
On the other hand, objective reality

america is made up of white states, brown states and some black states
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Damn lmao now imagine the Somalians taking over Germany
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Time to sleep, wage slaving at 7 am, but I'll make it to see my Chadres take care of business tonight. Love you guys, sleep well!
you mean Danish sperm
some people can't afford NW European sperm and must settle for american white sperm
bruh the ending of this game was peak KBO

no regrets watching it from 2 am to 6:15am
Watch him end up being better than before. I mean, I thought King was going to clean up after how he did the last time against the Dodgers and after absolutely owning the Braves. These guys can be inconsistent, but when they lock in they get scary. Yu Darvish was pretty inconsistent when he came back and he ended up making Dodger Stadium go into a frenzy a couple days ago
Hopefully it can be made affordable for all women across the world
i think it's a human right
not that i am praying for cease's downfall, i would like the doyers to win. since he's never pitched on three days rest and allegedly says he feels fine, they need to rack up his pitch count.
He's on three days rest, but he only pitched like 3 innings last time. I feel like you can get away with less rest in a case like that. And if he can pull off a win, then he basically gets a week off since the NLCS isn't until Sunday and he's probably going either 3rd or 4th, giving him over a week off.
Whitoids are dying out and it’s beautiful. White births are declining in mass
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Dubs and we get a Padres vs Royals Worlds Eries
Evens is Padres win, odds Royals.
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Title: The Dodgers' Remarkable Comeback

Scene 1: The Locker Room Post-Game 3


The atmosphere is tense. The Dodgers have just lost Game 3 to the Padres, and the players are sitting silently, looking dejected. Manager DAVE ROBERTS stands in the middle of the room, addressing the team.

(voice firm, but encouraging)
Alright, listen up, everyone. I know tonight's loss stings. We're down 2-1, but this series is far from over. We've faced adversity before, and we've come out stronger every time. Remember, it's not about how hard you get hit; it's about how you get back up.

(looking determined)
He's right. We've got the talent, the heart, and the drive to turn this around. We just need to focus on playing our game.

We can't let this loss define us. We've got to come out swinging tomorrow, give it everything we've got.

(exuding confidence)
Exactly. Tomorrow's a bullpen game, and we need everyone to be ready. Dylan Cease is pitching on short rest, something he's never done before, but I believe in him and in all of you. Let's get some rest and come back stronger tomorrow.

The team starts to rally, the energy in the room shifting from despair to determination.
Scene 2: Game 4 Warm-Up


The Dodgers are on the field, warming up for Game 4. The players are focused and determined. The camera pans to DYLAN CEASE, who is preparing to pitch.

The Dodgers knew they had to bring their A-game to force a Game 5. Dylan Cease, pitching on short rest for the first time in his career, was ready to lead the charge.

(talking to himself)
This is it. This is our chance to show what we're made of.

Cease looks over to his teammates, who give him encouraging nods. The camera cuts to the Padres' dugout, where they look confident but wary.

Scene 3: Game 4 - The Turning Point


The stadium is packed. The game is intense, with both teams playing their hearts out. The score is tied 3-3 in the 7th inning. The Dodgers' bullpen is holding strong, with ALEX VESIA and EVAN PHILLIPS delivering key outs.

In a game where every pitch mattered, the Dodgers' bullpen delivered one of their best performances of the season, keeping the Padres' hitters off balance.

The camera shows Phillips striking out a key Padres batter, and the Dodgers' dugout erupts in cheers. The momentum is shifting.

Scene 4: The Big Hit


It's the top of the 8th inning. The Dodgers have a runner on second base. SHOHEI OHTANI steps up to the plate, looking determined.

With the game on the line, Shohei Ohtani stepped up to the plate, ready to deliver.

Ohtani swings and hits a deep fly ball to left field. The crowd holds its breath as the ball sails over the fence for a two-run homer. The Dodgers take a 5-3 lead.

Ohtani's clutch home run gave the Dodgers the lead they needed. They held on to win Game 4, forcing a decisive Game 5.
Roberts is the top to Kershit's bottom. It's so funny to me that the Dodgers can spend 300 billion dollars on a payroll and still misses the NLCS like???????? Ahahahahahaha

Scene 5: Game 5 - The Final Showdown


The Dodgers are back home for Game 5. The atmosphere is electric. YAMAMOTO is on the mound, ready to deliver a stellar performance.

Back at Dodger Stadium for Game 5, Yamamoto took the mound, determined to lead his team to victory.

Yamamoto pitches a gem, striking out batters and keeping the Padres off the scoreboard. The Dodgers' offense, led by FREDDIE FREEMAN, WILL SMITH, and SHOHEI OHTANI, delivers key hits to build a solid lead.

Scene 6: The Final Out


The Dodgers are leading 4-1 in the 9th inning. The crowd is on its feet as Yamamoto faces the final batter.

With the series on the line, Yamamoto dug deep, determined to secure the win for his team.

Yamamoto throws a fastball for a strikeout, sealing the victory. The Dodgers celebrate on the field, the crowd roaring with approval.

(yelling with joy)
We did it! This is what Dodgers baseball is all about!

Against all odds, the Dodgers overcame a 2-1 series deficit to win Games 4 and 5, proving once again that they are a force to be reckoned with.

The camera captures the players celebrating, the fans cheering, and the sense of triumph that fills Dodger Stadium.


I’m not reading all that
i will put it all in one easy to read image next time
Good. It's Dodgers fanfic shit in-between jerkoff sessions
No. You need to add a Temple Run .gif so zoomers can pay attention.
my bad how could i forget the subway surfers
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>Dave Roberts letting a starting pitcher stay in the game for 9 full innings
Most unbelievable part of an unbelievable series of posts.
chatgpt isn't quite there yet
Machado is a fucking chimp
Hank Williams Jr still has it.
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Let's Go Mets!
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only Shohei and Two have that dog in them
>Get a grand slam
the only thing the dodgers got in them is CHADre cock after how bad they got FUCKED
>team of Mercenaries
>keep selling all their young prospects
>best player is a DH who can't play defense
>no pitchers
They don't have the dog in them.
who expects the dh to play d?
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>the crowd is on is on its feet
>gets beaten
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cant answer the question?
Some people get their jewelry from Tiffany or Cartier, others go to Costco and Walmart. We are mist definitely the latter.
This picture is older than probably half the people here and yet I still laugh at it every single damn time
>ask retarded question
>don't get answer
>cry about it
seems you're too dumb to answer then
oh well
>continues to cry about it
but not too dumb to get extremely mad about being dumb it seems
Aaron Judge is a bum.
Chad bat drop from Two Hernandez tbhdesu too bad they lost lmao
I'm seeing Dodgers fans whine and cry "ILLEGAL" about MaCHADo's big brain move from 1st to 2nd where he guessed where Freeman would try to throw from and adjusted his path to make it harder. Meanwhile I'm seeing Japanese accounts saying "This Machado guy is smart"
It’s all one guy
That's Aaron Judge in high school? There's no way this dude didn't take HGH or roids.
>That's Aaron Judge in high school?
Will Dylan Cease actually be able to pull off a series close off 3/4 days of rest?
>he just keeps going
I always thought having a foot on the grass was considered running out of the baseline but it only applies when avoiding a tag.
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What is his problem?
new glasses?
All the Dodgers players want to be a hero, they all want to have their stand out playoffs moment and this is what Rojas thought would be his, running it down and then beaming to 1st for a double play. This is ultimately why the Dodgers won't win, selfish players and strategies. Though typically you would only see it on the offense from other teams, where every guy wants to be the dude who hits that game tying or lead taking home run that they forget to go for a base hit and always get out.
Oh fuck I’m dying
Anyone got the webm of the ball hitting Machado's helmet?
cucktani signed up for 10 years of this top lel
I'm less worried about Cease after checking that he actually went into the almost complete game against the Astros after only 4 days of rest. 3 days of rest is a pretty small amount of time, but if he got into the Astros that badly after 4, I feel like he can probably pull something off with 3
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The Mariners don't need to win or even appear in a World Series to be better than the Dodgers. They already have something no LA team will ever possess--soul. Game 2 of the 2022 WC series alone has more soul than any game the Dodgers have played in the history of their franchise, and that's not even mentioning the 1995 ALDS--the greatest series in MLB history. Edgar's double is worth more than a million Mickey Mouse rings. Perhaps if the Dodgers had a moment even half as great as that, they wouldn't have had to leave Brooklyn and fuck off to the opposite side of the country. Imagining winning a WS and still relocating. If that's not a KWAB franchise, I don't know what is.
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Kek Seethe you bitxh

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