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i wanted to make a game thread for once edition
Trans woman here. Go niners!
yep i fucked it up put it in name field instead of subject kill myslf famalam
It's okay anon, I like your go get attitude. This will do just fine
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just be yourself :)
also it's ok I baked a real thread


A thousand generation curse put on the city of San Francisco. Calamity to the players and coaches of the 49ers. Physical maladies to all fans of San Francisco sports teams.
shit teams
shit teams
Every team is shit this year
i hate marshawn lynch
[My Team] would bootyblast both these [shit] teams.
Gonna miss 2nd half of the game because my invited company over

Every team is shit every year
It's been over 10 years already Goodell, he didn't want to do the interviews
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bitchmade lmao
FUCK the Seahawks
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Niners or shithawks winning tonite?
Charissa lookin' cute.
shithawks will btfo the tranniners
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>*cough* Is it too late to trade for Davante, coach?
49rs, they really don't want to lose and go 0-3 in the division.
Reminder Kevin Harlan should be announcing TNF. Herbstreit legitimately doesn't care about anything besides college.
So who should be Harlan's commentating partner?
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Cardsbros you here too?
>all it takes to win is to want
Don’t the natives object to their design on the shithawks helmets? Usually they don’t allow that shit… for free.
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no tardbro, Nantz is another announcer. Who would be the commentator (the usually ex football player who analyzes the play)
Trannyhan is such a pussy
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purdy is my guy! I just hope he has a good time :^)
Al seems like he actually wants to watch this game
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My New York Football Giants bootyblasted one of these shit teams and we'd bootyblast the other too.
They all suck ass. I'd rather have two people I like.
im high as giraffes tits lets gooo
go hawks
>getting a fresh deal at subway has never been easier
Nigger you used to sell footlongs for $5
Battle res madden
Spencer Rattler would bootyblast both these non-white teams.
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>laying in bed under my comforter watching the game with my /sp/ bros

I’m dangerously comfy bros
Is there a worse city than Seattle?
>San Jose
I want both of these teams to die
Shut up goy, buy our "bread"
Flint Michigan
East St Louis IL
Gary IN
Most rez's
Most of Mississippi
geno looks like he lives under a bridge in that shit hole of a city
I bet you're fun at parties
reminder that Geno got his jaw broke by his team mate because he refused to pay back a small $500~ debt (because he is a bum).
I maintain subway has always been shit, $5 or no
Neat throwbacks
At least Detroit has pizza and it’s cheap there.
Kansas City
The entire states of Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi.

Also Tacoma but whites literally die on the olympia rez
Seahawks uniforms look really good if I’m being honest
Casablanca, Morocco
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the 9ers throwbacks are ugly as sin
OC's who call plays from the booth are souless
Closeted Latinx wannabe cholo here, same
Just took a fat steaming Matt Stafford lads
sheatle had more gay homeless per capita than anywhere else on earth
>master IP ban evader doesn't know the stream sites
Geno Chimp
I remember wanting to fuck Ami when I was a teenager but not as badly as I wanted to fuck Tear Grants from the Tales of the Abyss series.
Oh boy, I can't wait for the Seahawks to disappoint me again tonight!
All whites are clean as fuck.
That's how you learn. Like me. Like my father. Like grandfather and great grandfather and so on. You watch.
I hate their stupid neon green ones but these ones are so so nice
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Its bulking season baby
Why is he black
Look at the other sideline
Portland is Xeattle on steroids
over or under .5 quarters until the 49ers chimp out?
Honestly I hate going to football games in person
1999 was incredible. McDonalds came in styrofoam. Subway was fresh veggies. Taco Bell had a dog and a coin machine in the lobby where you could get a free taco if you dropped it on a platform.
>Always bland chicken
Poverty millennial meal
I swear my Niners have the worst 3rd down defense in the league
Actually kill yourself.
And you fucked it up because you’re a retard
gymcels have no taste
I've never been to one besides high school. Seems like it would be either really good or shit
kmao that SF player is wearing a safety helmet
>black qb's
Kurt Warner.
Should’ve run it up the sidelines
Ok maybe not on that play there
>#000000 QBs
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lol, INTs at the 1. Of course. I hate this fucking team
Does that count as an arm punt?
Geno Smith delivering traditional Geno Smith outcomes.
>melanated qbs
Pro tip for the non-single guys. If your girl asks you what you think of her outfit, look at it for about 5 seconds and pretend you're thinking, then say it looks great. Any less than that and they don't believe you took enough time to observe. Any more than that and they think you hate it.
>black QBs
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Niners should rehire Robert Sahla. He was still a great DC
I went to Navy/Air Force last week and really just didn't have a good time
what an overthrow
>QBs who's undeveloped frontal lobes makes them unable to read defenses
Lmaooooo yup
>and it’s no mistake

Unironically what did they mean by this
Al can't pronounce these nigger names
I want lick they/them tummy
>Navy/Air force
Those games seem like they'd be bad
Oh lawd
We know ;_;
You get to see a lot of cool airplanes at least and the cadets are high energy
How do you read defenses? Teach me bby
Ask her to spin around slow. Make her feel like a piece of meat and you’re a fucking shark.
Between Seattle offense and SF defense this is going to be a shit show, lmao
in fairness to Geno, doesn't he like lead or near lead the league in passing yards?
Been there your friend is water eat whatever
I really hate those Allstate commercials
>it's another "player gets overrated for statpadding against detoilet and immediately gets exposed as soon as he faces a real team" episode
Yes. He's been playing his ass off for the most part
Depending how the Niners do this season, I think it's almost a given he's gonna go back unless some other team can give him more money
Ya I wish a Kelce was in it :/
They shall continue and you will watch them.
no, it's legitimately because QB play is so bad QBs like Darnold, Smith, etc are great now.
Purdy got a badonkadonk
>20 yards while in fg range
no retard
Lmao true 100
Dr. Zaius int count: 1
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Oh dear god, NILES! If the seahawks lose this game I'll need something a lot stronger than sherry!
Brock “Lamar “Action” Jackson” Purdy
>Purdy running for his life already

It's over
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>based Rattler poster
Put in Drew lochness the kid is a absolute unit
my grandpa likes these throwbacks so much that he didn't even call geno a nigger when he threw a pick
Yeah but they're backed up deep in their territory
muhhhhhhhhhhhhh yards doh!
Deebo is their best RB
desu I still prefer the neon green jerseys
Allstate is genuinely premium as far as home/auto goes
Niners just don't have an Oline or what?
is CMC going to play this year?
>thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiird down
Let's be honest, the NFC West is a shitshow.
As a Ravens fan I hope the seahawks lose out the rest of the season. fuck you for giving a coordinator with 1 yeah coaching experience in his entire life a head coach position
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this defense is fucking toothless
check out that elite underthrow
Geno passes the eye test this year
>Samuel Sr
Don't think I've seen that before
No, Lamar
>babby purdy bailed out again
I think 3 of their linemen are UDFAs. They are one of the worst pass blocking units in the league.
>seahawks run defense
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Cheifs/Refs fan here... I could not give less of a fuck about either of these faggot west coast teams.... who should I root for?
had my butt tuckered on that run thinking my stream was way behind kek
It's never been more over
Seahawks defense is shit
jfc if im macdonald i make the defense do nothing but practice tackling all week. what in the holy fuck are they doing
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i don't think you understand the major line of argument against >black qbs
seattle can't tackle
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is it cold in Seattle? I noticed a lot of fans wearing winter hats

already a balmy 4C / 40F here
Fucking die every stadium announcer who does this.
Marshawn Mason
What defense? What offense? Like I said, I am looking forward to being incredibly disappointed by this team, and they have not failed me yet in that regard. Fucking children on the field.
Aren't Mike Mcdonald defenses supposed to be good at stopping the run?
someone make a tackle
Mason has the most rushing yards in the first 5 games ever for a 49er.
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>Xe/xemhawks start hot and are exposed as frauds for the third year in a row
We need a new script
Gonna buy a table top masa mill
This feels like a college game, so much spaghetti already
This is entirely correct because she should always feel like she’s a piece of meat around you. She’ll act like she doesn’t like it but in the end she’ll really appreciate your primal lust for her.
What do you expect? They gave up like 70 to the lions
zero chance there was no holding on that play
No, but coming off fentanyl makes you shiver
u lie
You act as if they hadn't already been exposed last week.
Its supposed to rile up the crowd
Niners RedZone offense shit once again
I don't think you know what balmy means.
Brock Purdy needs more help.
Trips of truth
Supporting small business like Macienda
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I got 2 of these bad boys for tonight. Do I have a problem?
Why are the 49ers so bad in the redzone?
>TNF going 2 series with no flags
I'm shocked
I thought the seahawks had a dome stadium
>mild and refreshing; soft; soothing: balmy weather.
I don't think you do.
>I actually linked myself successfully but didn't change all the post numbers to match
i'll TAKE IT
No running game.
because defenders can just tackle receivers
I kneel
DPI is no longer a penalty I guess.
Are we gonna have another battle of the field goals here boys?

Does antifa show up to Seahawks games? Or do they just show up for the Sounders games?
But honestly, I think the league has Purdy and Kyle figured out
lmaooo lebron james is old xD
But only succeeds in convincing everyone you're a retarded who can't remember the word down.
two west coast teams...BORING
It would suck to have someone refer to you as a "typical journeyman kicker"
No it's maybe one of the more kino stadiums built to have a clean view of downtown. It also has one of the best fields to play on in the NFL

its a retractable roof.
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Just turned the game on, what did I miss?
I don't even know what counts as DPI anymore if I'm being honest
I thought dj qualls was dead :O
>Seattle Sounding Rods
Easiest six figures he will ever make as a rocket scientist.
commie shitlib dorks don’t like football
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my falcons would booty blast these two shit teams why do they even have a primetime game
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go 9ERS
Geno Int, SF field goal, that's it.
wait you can SEE the hustle and the bustle??
I doubt he cares, he's just happy to be on a team.
Geno int followed by a drive by the Niners for a FG
Who are you voting for and why? As a Pennsylvanian who should I vote for and why?
why cant I care about the west coast teams playing football
what the fuck was that
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why'd he bring that ball out
you care enough to keep posting about it
The baseball one next door is a dome
What does Statue of Libertussy taste like?
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Bro that’s nothing. I’ll put away a 12 pack of coors 16 oz’rs on a work night like it’s a bed time snack
>san francisco libertards
part of the new rules is that if the ball bounces in le landing zone it's a live ball I think. you have to return it even when it bounces into the endzone.
why cant I watch west coast football good riddance of the pac 10
Vote for Kennedy or Stein so everyone has a fucking meltdown about 3rd party candidates costing whichever one loses the election
Both are former owl contenders
antifa is only scary in large numbers, most are dweebs who have never been athletic. 1 on 1 they're pathetic.
Kamala obviously
That's not how you self-reply, this is

I live in Colorado. I'm just stating facts, fuck the Seahawks
I’d fuck Jill Stein
>6 figure paycheck
>travel all over
>little risk of injury
He'll be fine
trip on bitchknees
Like a bag full of penny’s. Literally.
>tranny light
get your head around 2, thats an easy pick
He can see the homeless, crack addicts, shit/needle filled streets, tent cities, nigger criminals, dilapidated buildings, and leftist weirdos right from the stadium. Isn’t the hustle and bustle of the big city just great?
You already know
My Jags would bootyblast both of these teams
Your mom gave me dome
Metcalf is washed up!
My Broncos would bootyblast both these teams AND the Jags
the hawks need to trade DK
Donald John Trump
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China will DECIMATE America if Kamala becomes president.
DK to my Chiefs!
I said and why, so why?
>crying about pi when your own defense tackled a receiver in the endzone
Konkey Dong getting schooled.
Dickson, more like dicks in my ass
Geno can't win with these cats
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How can a grown man go through life without ever knowingly eating a vegetable?
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I always write in Tom Tupa
>job is to catch the ball and run
>catch the ball and fall over
The amount of SF fans at this game is such a testament to the California invasion of the PNW
And why?
why cant I watch these two west coast teams...the announcers loving bosa jock strap is not helping
My falcons would booty blast both of these teams AND the jags AND the broncos
Well at least Amazon got one good TNF game because this is shit
>game is in Seattle
>play grunge music
I love this meme. Much better than hip hop, which is subhuman "music" for subhuman criminals who make bad quarterbacks.
why would you bother going from California to Seattle
it's the same shit but wet
They're called "Special" Teams for a reason
Holy shit the seahawks are ass
just don't like em
so is geno just a dk merchant
>implying queefs fans exist
I’d happily sign everything from the Canadian border to Portland over to the russians. Biggest shit belt in the US.
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My New England Patriots would be up by 21 if they were playing either of these dogshit teams
My benis would booty blast both these teams AND the Jags AND the Broncos AND the Falcons
PNW who in the fuck call it this but PNW peeps...you people eat too much fish and its rotting your brians YES brians cause you dont have brains
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Like a raw vegetable?
You get that the only party that's harsh on China is the dems. The reason China and Russian want Trump reelected isn't because it's gonna breed American prosperity
Because Washington and Oregon are fairing better than California since they’re whiter and have less 3rd world shitskins so there socialist policies aren’t quite as disastrous as they are in California.
Looking back, that Michigan State team really was stacked, huh?
>Kenneth Walker
>Jayden Reed
>Leon Coleman
>Jalen Nailor
>messi fragrance

god jc penny is really fucking desperate
>Hearing Green River or Mother Love Bone during a Seattle game break

We can do without all the nirvana thank you.
>metcalf chimpout already started
No income tax
whats metchimp chimping about? try playing better you blowhard faggot
Dis nigga watches college football lol!
It was a better time.
>t. Medford
Kamala will lose
Who is this? Name please.
mason is better than cmc
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This. I’m moving to Tacoma from the OC next year
Did they thicken the front thigh pads or something? I've been noticing it
Sex with Kaylee
nice play number 20
Dive, a fragrance by Messy.
Trey Lance would've scrambled for a first down there.
>shit teams
Can we please get Purdy some help?!
I remember the days wen this was a kap and russ rivalry. The better days
Agreed. They should just stick to Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam.
Nirvana and Alice in Chains fucking blow.
Why are there so many J. Love football players?
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>it's another kids listening to their parents have sex with an iPhone commercial
>staring at grown man crotch
Ambra Guiotto
I saw an older Inuit woman cheering in the stands. I didn't know they were capable of enjoying such things.
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>don't you forget about me
>no no no no
He would've scrambled for a season ending injury
STP is not from seattle retard
The amount of Wilson's is what really baffles me
>we have Travis Kelce at home

I thought purdy wasn’t a system quarterback? He’s looking like shit recently
>9ers can't score a single td all season
>it's unrelated to losing cmc!!!
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Kek what ia program is this?
Kittle is better
wilson is a very common name anon, why would that be baffling?
me on the right
3rd year qb usually have one or two happen...you are watching one of them can you name the other
Pearl Jam > Alice in Chains = Nirvana > Stone Temple Pilots >>>>> S***ndg*rdn
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>shit storm quarterback
what's that supposed to mean
this team is a contender?
How come latinas are either gorgeous or goblins? There’s no in between with them.
They're grunge though and don't suck so are more appropriate than Nirvana, who sucks.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I wonder, do refs hate shit games they can't control?
K9 > CMC
At looking like he got hit in the face with a shovel yeah
all shit tier music that help kill the Rock genre
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She’s not Latina her dads Italian and moms Indian
Chris Cornell is literally a top 5 all-time rock vocalist.
It's Cornell, pre-surgery Robert Plant, Paul McCartney and uh... two other guys.
Not Freddie. He was a faggot who sounded like shit live.
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I paused my Dragon Ball Sparking Zero to be here. This better be a good game.
Ending Biden-era inflation on gas, food, and other goods

Making our borders strong again after the rise in illegal migrants since Biden was elected

Preventing World War 3 and ending ongoing conflicts not handled by Biden and Harris
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Reminder 49ers won THEIR Super Bowl last season when they beat US a REAL team in the NFL REGULAR SEASON.
Myles Kennedy
>citadel is the second biggest flop amazon has ever had(rop #1)
>make a second spinoff season
amazon shows are literally burning money presumably for tax purposes.
country and pop are the only two genre of music selling out stadiums
Axel rose is up there in the goats
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stick to video games kiddo
These enhanced graphics and game analysis on Thursday night are so damn good. Makes following the game easier. And explains the problems on teams offense and defenses. Best coverage of the NFL by far.
You whitebois do realize black people post here too right?
Oh, Rod Stewart.
So one other guy. Maybe Paul Rodgers. Dude can still sing his ass off.
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>her dads Italian and moms Indian
Two negatives actually make a positive?
>calling STP better than literally anyone
Why would you tell such a blatant lie like that?
Imagine all the DPI flags DK Metcalf would draw if he played on the Chiefs
Huge hips which she tries to hide by standing sideways. In 10 years she’ll be even wider. Enter at your own risk.
do you all have ADD or something?
Jerry Lee was is underrated as a vocalist.

Horrible simcity profile what a disappointment
Soundgarden is the worst successful band of all time and it's not that close
Trump supporters vote against their own economic interests tho
Welcome my melanated brothas. We have enough watermelon and fried chicken for everybody.
>solves rock music
The NFCW really does suck right now don't theym
ADD and ADHD aren't real, just an excuse to sell medication.
he married his sister right
Bruce Dickinson.
The new aaron Hernandez series on hulu is gayer than aids but weirdly addicting, I just fast forward passed the gay parts
no, that was me
Well which one is it?
Alice In Chains was the goat of grunge
for me (retard), it’s Bush
>Jaxon Smith-Njigba
Xmus Jaxon Flaxon-Waxon
•Right on this

•Trump had historic high illegal immigration and wants to staple green cards to diplomas.

•He might end the Ukraine war but he would give Israel their war with Iran and would be very hawkish with china
its real and its evident in every game thread when it gets derailed after 30 mins
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>spend the first quarter looking for a working stream
who hasn't married their sister?
wincest is the best sex
Daily PSA, if you say cooked your a zoomie faggot
Closer to the latter than the former
>xehawks still trying to force their shit run game
Retard it's on Twitch
Adderall cured my alcoholism
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>Soundgarden is the worst successful band of all time
Nickback was worse, and more successful.
we have sex nightly but I didnt get to marry her
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>Huge hips
Are you really implying that’s a bad thing?
Economically I was doing better under Trump than under Biden though
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It's now over at a state of over I've never been before but I am now
>stadium is half 49er fans
Deebo cooked those DBs like shake and bake.
what in the fuck was the retard diving at
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My rammies already bootyblasted one of these teams
number 53 slow af
>almost missed him
damn that safety is literally fucking braindead lmao
>Macdonald is a harbaughbabby
of course
also lol, please fucking kill our secondary
>Seahawks defense in charge of tackling

Why does no one want tackle anymore? They just gave up a touchdown because the DB didn’t tackle the guy. That’s it!
Yeah I was just about to say that. I legit had to check if it was a home game for the 49ers, they were cheering so loud.
>projecktmelody is live on cb
damn bros. this game feels like it'll be ass, might have to check out
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Why are people talking about football in the grunge/porn/Adderall thread?
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that's a man

hopefully this means we get a disco or jazz revival
Damn that's pretty hot. buuuuut I have to subtract points for her wide masculine shoulders.
everyone wants some flashy highlight reel play when if they just tackled like they were taught they wouldn't look retarded
STP > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam > shit > AIC > Nirvana
>here's your safety bro
Thank God deebo scored on that because my Ninies can't score in the RedZone to save their lives
Sorry I’ll stay on topic with weed smoking.
Lmao nfl is fake
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why does bitchknees and his discord spam about politics in every primetime thread?
kek this, blatant miss
please, i'm on no fap :(
Real Niners fans will remember that this was also a problem before the 49ers traded for CMC.
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Aaron Hernandez is proof that smoking weed makes you gay
>seahawks’ 3rd game in 11 days
It never even begun
i still listen to kenny G
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HiRyS, it's TouchdownRyS.
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i hope she's doing ok
I don’t know who that is or what that has to do with the fact that my economic interests were met better under Trump than Biden.
anime is gay
Why are you inflicting emotional trauma on me by making me look at my reflection?
number 53 was just stand around watching the play develop in real time he didnt even try to play the man or the ball
Hearing non-musicians try to debate which band is better is like listening to 5 year olds debate which Power Ranger is cooler.

Pro-tip: If your entire argument is "X band is shit, and Y band is not," then you're a retard with no argument
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Yeah my Lions are demolishing both these teams soon enough.
The seahawks are really retarded for hiring MacDonald as headcoach. The guy needed more experience
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She just had some baked chihuahua, she's alright
This game is straight up unwashed booty
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Lol cawks
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Yeah of course. How did I fucking know this retard team would quit after losing to the giants. GG San Francisco, >we are fucking ASS
>black player named looter
I remember when the scriptwriters were clever
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Goddammit Seattle. I just want a fun game.
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I'm going to bed hawksbros. I can't watch this kwabfest.
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I would much rather my team be 3-3 than something like 5-1 or 6-0.

3-3 sounds sturdy. stable.

5-1 or 6-0 sound unbalanced and flimsy
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chu don't mess wit de 49ers, holmes
fumble or something

Fuck this garbage team. They haven't been good in like 10 years.
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new bread soon corr
I was gonna say wasn't that the reason why they were so good is no matter pass or short you'll either get INT or nothing
Yep, under Trump I was much better off financially. Bidenomics have ruined America
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>0 gruden grinders on the seahawks
why are you guys like 2 minutes behind? you know you can watch on twitch right?
Damn this tranny seething LMAO
being a Seattle sports fan must be suffering
WHO WON THE basball game Detroit or Cleveland
I would like to sniff, lick, finger, and fuck Jenna’s stinky, brown, unwashed, Latina butthole. Preferably after she hasn’t showered for a few days and is letting out pre-poop farts. I would like to do the same to Xocthil Gomez and Olivia Rodriguez too.
stream east is down
how tf are the shecocks a first place team?!
That highest paid qb graph was grim
Motherfucker was straight running backwards hahahhahahhaha
Poor Brock makes pennies
Hawks are so fucking fraudulent
Amazon being edgy
Why not twitch?
>that al michaels call of the deebo TD
How does this nigga still have a job
>watching some shitty pirate stream when twitch is free
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Did the announcers voice crack when he said

>I think he’s gonna be ok

Why was that so soft?
Tranny site
Fraudulently. The best team they played before today was the Giants.
>beat the patriots, dolphins, and broncos
how indeed
amazon is free too
dink obession
are you high?
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dont spam this trailer park trash in my seahawks threads
Just wait for the 2nd half when my Niners blow it :(
I am

new bread
Twitch is so gay they don't even allow animated women to show their hips.
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>team owner was supposed to sell the team but went against her dead brother's wishes for the lust of power
I'm already at 16 fantasy pts with Deebo. If I can get at least 12 from K3, I'll be happy.
looks familiar
Awe old Dawgs can learn new tricks
>fucking wouldn't you?

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