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coming up:

>So., 20.10.
Doppelpass [Sport1 - 11:00 Uhr]
HSV - Magdeburg [13:30 Uhr]
Fürth - Nürnberg
Ulm - KSC
Kiel - Union [15:30 Uhr]
Wolfsburg - Werder [17:30 Uhr]
This is cringe yet based.
well done
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unser Harald
delicious downfall
What are they gaming?
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lets laugh at England again
what a fucking loser shithole
I'd rather wait till they tear themselves apart and THEN I like to chime in
some interesting tidbit I heard today
if you leave out Kovac and retired Heynckes then Bayern's coaches of the last few years are currently coaching
>England NT
>Germany NT
>if you leave out the shitters then
stopped reading
>last few years
Pepsi was literally a decade ago.
2016 is 8 years which counts as few
you are so mad rn
>Real - Dortmund
>Juventus - Stuttgart
>Brest - Leverkusen
>Barca - Bayern
>Leipzig - Liverpool
Bundesfiasko incoming
>>Real - Dortmund
>>Juventus - Stuttgart
>>Brest - Leverkusen
>>Barca - Bayern
>>Leipzig - Liverpool
You are young and naive.
Endboss of delusion
older than you
der nuri wird was zaubern
>the pummeler of Pauli
>the bummer of Bochum
more like der Serhou
>black street vendor is selling pink germany kits in mallorca with FÜHRER written on it and a 44 that looks like SS runes
kek you can't make this shit up
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sounds correct to me
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>go on TM
>this guy is trending
what did he do? whip out his dick in a nightclub?
nö, he seethed about >Schalke and said that they forced him out
he said he never wanted to leave Schalke for Brewomen
Schalke told him he'd become one of their main players but offered him a contract with less money
since we were talking about goalkeepers in the last thread
what about this guy
should we give him a chance in the NT?
I dont like our current options
havent seen him play though
tßh this guy is a Handball goalie in the wrong sport
amazing reflexes but no physical toughness
Pep uses him as a training tool to great success i guess
Ortega is good but without Spielpraxis he has no business being in the national team
also Baumann is based desu
Press voices publicly start questioning why the refereeres constantly make wrong decisions in favour of LeVARkusen.


Yes yes the coffee
>Dortmund geht weiter am Stock. Sicher raus in Madrid: Die Offensiv-Stars Karim Adeyemi (22), Julien Duranville (18) und Gio Reyna (21) mit ihren Muskel-Geschichten, dazu Rechtsverteidiger Yan Couto (22/Gesäßverletzung). Auf der Bank gegen Pauli hatte Sahin fast nur noch Nachwuchskräfte

Bvb bros
>Aleksandar Pavlovic hat beim 4:0 seines FC Bayern München gegen den VfB Stuttgart einen Schlüsselbeinbruch erlitten. Das bestätigte der Rekordmeister nach dem Bundesliga-Heimspiel. Der 20-Jährige werde den Münchnern in den kommenden Wochen fehlen

Goatinha bros our time is now
Palinha is better anyway and Pavlovic is only playing because Kompany is being forced to
this is great news for Bayern
BVB squad depth looked grim before the season started. this plus going into the season with an amateur as coach was always a recipe for disaster
Alex Wehrle definitely has a sex dungeon
>Liverpool jagt BVB-Star Schlotterbeck: 50-Millionen-Angebot im Raum
He's literally butthurt
>be a bench warmer
>get a Gesäßverletzung
W-derby today
(having a WW in the captcha, too)
any good international matches today or should i just focus on my beef stew?
Liverpool - Chelsea could be fun but it’s on at the same time as the W derby so that won’t work
Is this wundes?
What's his problem?
low IQ
that'll do although liverpool is not half as interesting without klopp and the same is true for chelsea without roman. now that i think about it you could say the same about man united without fergie. fuck, the epl has tanked so hard it's literally just one soulless sheik club now run by a literal murderer lol
that ref chief is basically confirming the script telling them to decide for leVARkusen, jfc
lmao just saw that tah commited another 100% red foul and didnt get the card
yeah that was a pen
I swear to god if Knircher says Ermessungsspielraum one more time I will scream out loud
where confy?
That's not the own you think it is, gramps.
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Let's facking go Club and maidencastle

PS anyone notice that hivanon never goes to the game?
all M00h0me btw
>average german bundes poster
I'm not that black tho.
no it's Meggdeburg
Based nüremcastle btfoing the filthy fürthers
is it already time to apologise to Klose?
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kek, suddenly those street merchants are triggering sören-malte

his hand got whiter
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they're reclaiming the workers' vote, chud
the funniest part is they can't even arrest Ngubu Führer or do anything about it because none of that is illegal in spain unlike here
All offtopic, all filth
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any streams for a comfy konferenz lads?
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my all-time favourite sören-moment

BEST first half from HSV i have ever seen, EVER!
The power of friendship!
>glatzel gone
>team suddenly plays 10 times better
coincidence? königsdörffer is honestly an upgrade to glatzel in this form
>ynr HIV anon unironically wanted to keep the absolute fraud Walter over based Baumgart
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What a whiny bih.
walter's games were always fun to watch but there was always this insane insecurity in defense. today i have see none of that, and yet there's stil great offensive football.
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did he just?
Foodbros, we win this!
based VAR saves the day
schonlau has been terrible this season
fuck this DFB refball
>this season
lmfaoooo cope
fußballmafia dfb
I am ready for another hahahaesspfau breakdown desu
Dude, it's Blindski.
lol the kanacke is such a bitch
so is your mom
based Essenchads
glubbbros we'll be top 5 before winter break
Hamburg meine Perle
>ksc not winning against ULM
darkhorse my ass
>1 heber richtung Heber
(You) were saying?
ok, Baumann was quite good, thats true
another ez win despite best efforts by dfb refs to stop us
schonlau is a retard his time is over

it will be difficult to find a new IV that's good on the ball, sad that the CAS cucked us about vuskovic
Dortmund had these issues for years
Haaland was also constanly injured when he played there
Goes back ten years or so
maybe instead of firing "Cl Finale" Terzic they should have finally worked on that
Glubb getting promoted under Klose of all coaches before Schalke or Hertha or Hamburg make it back would be a huge plottwist
you just know that HSV will finish again 4th for the millionth time
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how do they do this btw?

If even Arsenal eventaully managed to stop the 4th curse so will HSV.
Don Rollo making big points this match day
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it's pretty simple, really
>inb4 mental breakdowns and punched walls
i mean the fact that they found an amazing coach right after streich.
ah, yes
did he not play last season, when FreIburg got 58 goals?
Or are you just stupid?
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why did he go to a worse team?
still third best keeper in the season. touch grass
>simping for an african
and there he is
unfortunately, the african isnt in africa
no, he's living rent free in your hollowed out head
what is this 3rd bundes type matchup wtf
To score more goals because of Stöger
arsenal is still the biggest joke in the epl. what changed?
I wish he lived in Africa, where he belongs
nobody cares about your fee fees brudi, get a grip
Bremibros we're so much better than hamcuck in every way and also we're gonna btfo golfsburg heute
^merkste selber?
Bremen is being dominated by a pack of Miri shitskins. Not even Berlin is that pathetic.
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2nd bundes is about to overtake la liga when it comes to audience size. there's only a 400 visitors difference left

a lot of this is bc of the huge jump for fortuna tho due to their free entry games
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Hamcuck has had that in 2016 xD

(Tho I'd even live in bremi or hamcuck if I could)
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another class game by Hollerchad
>all the rest are from uranus
what did he mean by that?
better hair line than jt kek
Objectively not true
rollen für gyrosteller
why are women so annoying
you really need to stop simping for this useless mutt faggot
literally just the slightly whiter Adama Traore
> "Es ist verständlich, dass Knut Kircher seine Schiedsrichter per se schützen will. Damit tut er aber in diesem Fall seinen Schiedsrichtern und dem Fußball insgesamt keinen Gefallen. Wenn diese Aktion in der Nachbetrachtung in das Ermessen des Schiedsrichters fällt, dann öffnet dies einer Beliebigkeit Tür und Tor, die dem Fußball schadet", sagt Markus Krösche in einem Statement.
>"Unser Spiel war ein Sinnbild für die fehlende Linie sowie die Irrungen und Wirrungen rund um den VAR: Bei zwei verhältnismäßig geringen Vergehen in der ersten Spielhälfte meldet er sich und greift ein. In der Nachspielzeit passiert nichts", kritisiert Krösche und führt weiter aus: "Im Kontext zu der Handhabe der anderen Szene muss der VAR in so einer Situation zu diesem Zeitpunkt eingreifen. So bleibt es unverständlich und nicht akzeptabel. Es schadet dem Spiel."
are they waking up?
What's his team?
The Bundesliga shoul easily be the best european league
so much potential
But unfortunately everyone in this country is an idiot
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>absolute state of this Chelsea team
jesus christ
looks finnish
about what?
There's no room for racism. That's why it's the PREMIER League.
>they had the ösi menace abgeschrieben
>still believing the official numbers
rough start from the wolves
the wolves just can’t compete with the based Bremen chads
are they in the room with us right now?
nah they will still win
too much talent. even if it doesn't work hard
How is Tom rothe so based?
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woooooo woooooooo brewomen
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Hachingchads... By how many are we gonna btfo the löwencucks heute?
Sky better pay the triplets if they are going to feature them every game
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>Zetterer was shilled for the NT
absolutely grim
T0m for some Karolina Lea Vilhjalmsdottir
I'm literally in this piccy twice
They're based af purseanon could never
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we know
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Kek you finally found me xD
Stfu you racist! I See a white nazi in the team
Wimmer on, second half hattrick
>a manlet that standing like a fag
could only be (you)
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Manlets are based and I was leaning on the pole you dumbnigger
me personally, I don't lean with sticking out my ass like that
You should try it sometime
with the end of VW there will be an end of VfL Woflsburg in the next 3-4 years.

youre wong, just for the fact, that I own Volkswagen stocks
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>those rails are usually 1,10m high
>if he stood aufrecht he'd reach less than half
1,60 cm confirmed
drawkings i think we got this
Sky90 > Dopa
>bring on pimmer
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Palmer is unironically black tho
pic related is his grandpa
ösinigger temperament
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>die nummer 1 I'm norden sind wir
i can't wait we humble these faggots next season
fucking submit to the BIG BREMEN COCK
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lads I finally have it
>liverpool vs chelsea
wtf it's literally just half breeds.
what went wrong?
Which one? Whats R A R E about it?
nothing really I just never tried Kaiser before. Now my list is pretty much complete.
footy in stage four
You mean what went right for all the dad's who got a Schokoelfe
don't you feel bad for being wrong every single time all the time? kwab
Bremenbros are we back at last?
>Nico Schlotterbeck's Freundin enthüllt
Aus die Maus
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what a retard
they have a kid
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tick tock Nuri
how did Malatini play? do you rate him? he comes from a team named Defense and Justice
>kid looks turk
it is truly over
I hate west Germany
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>Wie aus mehreren, mittlerweile gelöschten Story-Beiträgen des Spielers auf der Plattform Instagram hervorgeht, war Victor Boniface am Samstagabend nach dem 2:1-Sieg Bayer Leverkusens gegen Eintracht Frankfurt in einen schweren Autounfall verwickelt.
>Der 23 Jahre alte Stürmer sei laut Bild als Beifahrer Insasse des Wagens gewesen, der den gelöschten Bildern zufolgebei dem Unfall stark demoliert wurde. Boniface habe sich auf dem Weg zum Frankfurter Flughafen befunden, um dort Freunde abzuholen.
>Nach dem Unfall ist Bonifaceein Krankenwagen aus dem Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis zur Hilfe gekommen, wie aus den Fotos hervorgeht. Dem kicker gegenüber erklärte Bayer Leverkusen, Boniface gehe es gut. Der Spieler, der in einem der geteilten Beiträge seine blutende linke Hand in die Kamera hielt, befinde sich bereits wieder in Leverkusen.
could have been worse if Wolsburg had finished those chances
>african on a german autobahn
not used to worn out concrete surfaces and unattended roadworks every two kilometers. please understand
youre joking right, you monkey?
didn’t watch the match today but generally Malatini is regarded pretty highly among Werder fans. he still makes a few mistakes every now and then but his potential is definitely there
He's a chud???
most foreigners underestimate the skill required to drive in germany
our driving licenses are the most comprehensive (and expensive) in europe for that reason
>als Beifahrer Insasse des Wagens
funny how the rotten brain just completely reads over this
>ronny is shilling this creature
they always hang out together
wonder what african friends he expected at the aiport
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>Amateur-Verein geht mit Pups-Clip viral
>they always hang out together
yep, hanging out rent free in your head, where there is enough place for literally all of them
they can hang out in africa and drive cars there
not that their monkey brains could ever come up with any civilization of their own
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we never left
>Der VfL Bochum befindet sich tief in der Krise und nach dem verpatzten Saisonstart in akuter Abstiegsgefahr. Am Sonntagabend hat der Verein die Reißleine gezogen und sich von Cheftrainer Peter Zeidler sowie Sportdirektor Marc Lettau getrennt.
>start watching
>Hachads come back
Yeah I'm thinking I am based
keep talking to yourself
>Chud who hates the state, social hierarchies, urbanization, agriculture, and art and says blacks are dumb for not inventing any of that
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GuMo can you confirm zis -> >>145179205
Hummels is a self admitted Frustesser
am i right to assume Italian cuisine has worsened the problem?
Chudbros... How do we recover
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I'm 5'9
Nazis hate the state?
Are you retarded or just british?
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Based HSV
kek stop lying!! the proof is literally right there, you're 5'2
>ausländer raus tune @ the gansilona gayme
They mean touristen
leftists are mentally ill
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average leftist pic related
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these ae the people that are telling you to flood your city with africans
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better hair line than jt kek
the people who tell us that sit in the cabinet
and their jew handlers tell them
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Why are the haching ultras waving ingolstadt scarfs?
Wtf since when does based johannes geis play for haching?? I member that nigga on schalke
>chud who spams his culture war shit he's drinking from the Shitter/pol/ sewage pipe here all day calls others mentally-ill
who are we quoting?
I'm quoting myself because you repelled all other users
the beer the beer the beer
I dont need /pol/ to not want to flood my city with african monkeys
and yes, thats because Im not mentally ill
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>and yes, thats because Im not mentally ill
wins La Liga
makes monkeys in this thread seethe
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>nooo forget im a filthy polack i am uhm le british xD
a mentally ill pollack
what else is new
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Bochum sacked their trainer. RIP that anons extra points
unsere Jungs

Lel Liga is a joke tho
Flick remains a fraud
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but enough about the Epl and english manages
Hachingniggas we will get em next time
Welcome to LA Galaxy
it's so over for him
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meanwhile germans vote for this
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Scholz is based. He let those "total bekloppt" Letzte Generation fags starve outside his office for our amusement
you have to be kidding me
have you looked at any stats under Scholz
literally everything is going to shit
What's the vienese version of Stiegl?
Eh, not his fault for the most part.
As a finance minister he was a bigger hardliner than Linder. Never heard a good word about the Euro from him.
I think it is based that he gets away with it while his party is full of hysterical women whose idea of economics is screetching at the neo-liberals
what the fuck are you even babbling about, you fucking retarded monkey?

This was Scholz idea, whiel he was finace minister and it was "verfassungswidrig"


the guy is incompetent and corrupt
Green idea. He knew it wouldn't work. Just dangled that big juicy vegan steak in their faces and let the constitutional court take it away from the lel
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Imagine believing this horseshit
this is the money this man is wasting while ruining our country
The costliest thing he did was the minimum wage raise during a recession.
But he needed that to get elected so who can blame him?
The rest would be the same or worse under Merz or Luschet or whatever europhile, francophile transatlanticist the CDU digs out next.
do you get paid for this, you piece of shit?
thoughts on Wimmers masterclass?
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(P)ane got more points then my whole team xD

Legendary, we're witnessing the birth of a villain
disappointed in this neinhold guy desu. I'd have expected him to publicly announce his support for Kevin Behrens. Sad.
>Kovac: Müller? „Ich habe mich da vertan“
Oh, it's time to apologize, TTT next
>Am morgigen Dienstag sind die Dortmunder in der Champions League bei Rekordsieger und Titelverteidiger Real Madrid zu Gast. Es ist die Neuauflage des Finales der vergangenen Saison, dass der BVB mit 0:2 verlor.
>Doch es gibt eine Neuerung: Zum ersten Mal trainiert der BVB vor einem Königsklassen-Auswärtsspiel nicht im gegnerischen Stadion, sondern absolviert das Abschlusstraining am heutigen Montag um 11.30 Uhr am eigenen Trainingsgelände in Brackel!
>Hintergrund: Trainer Nuri Sahin (36) hat scheinbar Angst vor Real-Spionen, die sich im Estadio Santiago Bernabéu verstecken könnten. Somit könnte Sahin keine speziellen Taktiken vor dem Kracher einüben. In Dortmund dagegen hat er seine Ruhe.
What's Nuri cooking?
N Sieg für VARdrid
>Da Wunschkandidaten wie Oliver Mintzlaff und Christian Seifert wohl nicht zur Verfügung stehen, kommt ein altbekannter Name ins Spiel: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. Laut der BILD ist das Szenario durchaus ernst zu nehmen: Der ehemalige Vorstandschef, der den Klub über zwei Jahrzehnte lang prägte, könnte für eine Übergangszeit von ein bis zwei Jahren zurückkehren. Und in dieser Zeit soll er keinen Geringeren als Thomas Müller als seinen Nachfolger einarbeiten.
Müllerbros...we can't stop winning
Because having old club legends as leaders worked so well with Kahn, right?
ah yes because the Nachfolger einarbeiten thing worked so well with Kahn and Brazzo
how about using someone with actual qualifications and experience for once instead of just going by Stallgeruch
rent free
>Am Montag teilte das Management von Minjae Kim (27) mit, dass sich der Südkoreaner von seiner Ehefrau Ahn getrennt hat – die beiden sind sogar schon geschieden!
>„Wir möchten uns dafür entschuldigen, dass wir mit schlechten Nachrichten Besorgnis erregen bei denen, die Minjae Kim lieben und unterstützen.“
Müller fits the role much better than Kahn
Brazil is and unrecognized genious
That lead is melting fast hsvbro
Müller is n arroganter Kabinenclown, der hätte vor 5 Jahren aufhören sollen. Er ist Kabinengift für die Bayern
you will kneel to Müller just like Kovac did yesterday
Kahn seemed like a perfect fit desu
but if you unironically simp for Brazzo your opinion is instantly irrelevant anyway
You keep using words you don't understand, why are you like this?
to blame: people who left
not to blame: people at FC Bayern
it's really that easy

He looks like a Schwerstkrimineller
>tischführer jt
things only started going downhill once Olli came into office
> gook household
>Wimmer -12 points
Based Kim, getting a new and very young bayrische Mädl
Scheisse was is pasirt?
>Wie der kicker berichtet, lag Flick zu Beginn des Jahres eine offizielle Anfrage des FC Bayern vor. Am Rande der Trauerfeier für Franz Beckenbauer im Januar 2024 wurde der ehemalige Bayern-Coach mit dem Interesse des Vereins konfrontiert. Der gebürtige Heidelberger zeigte sich grundsätzlich offen für ein Comeback und fühlte sich nach wie vor stark mit dem Klub verbunden. Es wurde sogar eine Einigung über einen Einjahresvertrag erzielt, und Gespräche mit dem damaligen Sportvorstand Max Eberl über die Saisonvorbereitung waren bereits angedacht.
>Für den FC Bayern hätte das Modell mit Flick den Vorteil gehabt, ein Jahr lang die Entwicklung auf dem Trainermarkt zu beobachten und gleichzeitig die Lücke nach einer möglichen Trennung von Thomas Tuchel zu schließen. Doch der Plan scheiterte an der internen Haltung von Eberl. Der Sportvorstand war nie ein großer Befürworter der Idee einer Rückkehr von Flick und arbeitete stattdessen im Hintergrund an der Verpflichtung von Vincent Kompany, die schließlich auch umgesetzt wurde.
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>6,25 for half a litre
Kielbros wtf
B00nbros... I'm thinking we're getting ripped off...
Scheiß Kommerzverein.
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In with the puddle
>i need to prove to my anonymous online friends that i go outside once in a while
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list is now complete
>inb4 Karl Hoesch, Tremonia, Wenkers or Phoenixbräu
based, looks good
Huhchen is 60 years straight on bundes, Doofmund and Leverkusen are 40 years straight on bundes
Its insane how much rotativity its on the league
>drinking a einkaufszentrum
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>10/21/24(Mon)08:49:56 No.145209545
> >>145209467 #
> based, looks good
> Prost!
why is the mutt posting pictures of himself again?
>Ein Schweizer Nachfolger für Zeidler? Bochum will Urs Fischer als Trainer
he can wait a few more weeks and get a way better club
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Which one?
Eberl confirmed for fetter Idiot, once again
He's actually the smart one
99% of my team was playing against b00,b00n and leipzig
it was 00p0ted desu
Feel like an asshole for saying this but man in sick of turkish fans spamming their flag under every social media football post slightly related to a turkish player. On one hand the patriotism is admirable, germany should hype their players this much too, on the other hand shut the fuck up already. Up there with argentinians, greeks, serbs, italians, french, brazilians and the dutch when it comes to being annoying. Maybe even worse.
thanks for your blog entry
>Cannabis im Blut – Festnahme!:China-Diktator schmeißt VW-Top-Manager aus dem Land
>he STILL holds shares and will tell /bundes/ every possible time about
holy söÿ
Oh my god is that 3 sentences of text my hauptschulebrain is le heckin überfordert
now in english, doc
Oh my god is that 3 sentences of text my mainskoolbrainz is the heckin overforded
insane that TSG Hoffenheim is the 5th oldest team in the league
that's the power of plastic i guess. Wolfsburg is 4th. and tradition clubs are always good for a slip-up
it is called mittelschule, boomer
>Aktuellen Medienberichten zufolge bereitet sich Bayer Leverkusen auf einen Abschied von Xabi Alonso im Sommer 2025 vor. Demnach steht DFB-Co-Trainer Sandro Wagner ganz weit oben auf der Wunschliste der Werkself.
Back to Neverkusen i guess
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>Nach fünf sieg- und punktlosen Spielen in Folge hat sich die sportliche Leitung des KSV Hessen Kassel dazu entschieden, Cheftrainer Alexander Kiene mit sofortiger Wirkung freizustellen.
Ab sofort wird André Schubert als Interimstrainer fungieren und die Mannschaft auf die nächsten schweren Spiele vorbereiten und mit dem verbliebenen Trainerteam betreuen.
From Champions League to Regionalliga relegation. #reuspekt
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>„Hey Alex, Kopf hoch! Heute war wohl der Tag, an dem Bayern entschieden hat, einfach mal alle Tore bei dir abzuliefern. Aber keine Sorge, du hast das Tor so gut verteidigt, dass die Stürmer der Bayern danach bestimmt Muskelkater haben!“, schrieb Geiss bei Instagram – versehen mit einem lachenden Smiley: „Man kann ja nicht jeden Ball halten, sonst wäre es ja langweilig. Beim nächsten Mal machst du’s wie eine Mauer und lässt nichts mehr durch wie damals in Monaco – und Bayern kann sich schon mal warm anziehen. Bleib locker, auch die größten Torhüter haben mal solche Tage! Aber Nübel du weißt ja, dass wir Dich trotzdem mögen.“
I think I am done with footy, jfc
>Seinem Unmut machte Michael B. zunächst am Sonntag in einem Livestream Luft. Jetzt sagt er zu BILD: „Ich fahre seit 37 Jahren auswärts mit, jeder in Deutschland kennt diesen Spruch von mir. Er wird auch in der Jagd verwendet. Ich finde es lächerlich, dass er verboten werden soll.“

Gleichzeitig sagt er: „Ich habe Verständnis für Hertha, dass sie damit nicht in Verbindung gebracht werden wollen und akzeptiere, den Fanklub umzubenennen. Aber es ist nicht in Ordnung, dass ich jetzt von einigen öffentlich bedroht und als Nazi beschimpft werde. Damit habe ich nichts zu tun und davon distanziere ich mich.“
why are they like this?
Come to besiktas
what do when there is nothing to look forward to?
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>Flug statt Zug: St. Pauli steht in der Kritik
Dortmund to Hambuck by air, huh
How does that vibe with the hecking sustainable nieghbourhood club?

>Der Dortmunder Flughafen hatte am Spieltag via Facebook und Instagram Fotos von der Ankunft des Aufsteigers veröffentlicht und dazu diesen Text verfasst: "Zum heutigen Freitagsspiel landete vor wenigen Minuten der FC St. Pauli am Dortmund Airport."
Great banter
aw how nice of them to think of Bremenanon
consume alcohol of course
get a nice night of healthy slep.
there are still plenty situations to be surprised by.
t. oldtimer
>fighting the symptom, not the cause
typical germain behaviour
> Nicht nur Enzo Millot, auch Jamie Leweling hat beim VfB Stuttgart eine Ausstiegsklausel. Diese liegt bei rund €20-25m und variiert je nach Verein, Liga etc.
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stop drinking. it leads to pic related
What are we watching?
Millot einer für die bullz after Xavi is gone
>Schalkeanon got caught being a Chuddy on X
It's unironically him isn't it?
>Die Reds sollen Jamie Gittens ins Visier genommen haben. Allerdings könnte das keine ganz so billige Angelegenheit werden. BILD weiß: Dortmund hat die Schmerzgrenze für den Turbo-Dribbler auf unglaubliche 100 Mio. Euro festgelegt
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>Beim Rassismus-Vorfall gegenüber Ben Manga hier auf der Plattform "X" hat sich Schalke dazu entschieden, sofort die Staatsanwaltschaft einzuschalten.


well it's not like they could produce headlines with their football
that wasted money could have gone to a granate in the winter. it's not like they can throw money out of the window
>Dortmund will not train at Santiago Bernabeu the day before the game due to the fear of their tactics being seen. @marca
told ya der nuri wird was zaubern
>Ancelotti says he knows enough anyway
lmao, this will be a massacre
With he knows enough he means that he doesn't fear some sheecrit tactics from a team who failed to perform against fucking basedpauli having much more preparation time for that match.

Nuri is just bullshitting everybody. Or if it want to put it positively: all the sheecrit plan is purely "psycological". And Carlo knows.
GuMo, anything but another win from VARdrid would surprice me
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>der nuri wird was zaubern

Öhm, Anon, ich
well yeah of course
Anon, Du, was?
Let me paraphrase it:
What money are you talking about?
>„Mindestens bis zur WM 2026“, sagte DFB-Sportdirektor Rudi Völler zuletzt, wolle man beim Verband Sandro Wagner als Co-Trainer von Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann halten. Zuvor war der 36 Jahre alte Ex-Profi mit seinem früheren Verein TSG 1899 Hoffenheim in Verbindung gebracht worden. Der nächste Interessent ist offenbar Doublesieger Bayer 04 Leverkusen, wo Wagner neben Sebastian Hoeneß vom VfB Stuttgart Kandidat auf die Nachfolge von Xabi Alonso sei, sollte dieser die Werkself verlassen
>Die Kölner Polizei ermittelt deshalb gegen Poldi, weil das Abbrennen von Pyrotechnik in deutschen Stadien verboten ist, eine Ordnungswidrigkeit darstellt. Zuständig für die Eintreibung des Bußgeldes ist die Stadt. Poldi wird in den nächsten Tagen wohl einen Anhörungsbogen per Post bekommen.
>Während Musiala heiß auf sein Comeback ist, arbeiten die Bayern im Hintergrund weiterhin an der Vertragsverlängerung mit dem DFB-Nationalspieler. Laut Plettenberg gibt es “starke Anzeichen dafür, dass Musiala seinen Vertrag langfristig bis 2029 oder 2030 verlängern wird”.
>Der Pay-TV-Sender hat erst kürzlich enthüllt, dass der Rekordmeister bereit ist, Musiala einen XXL-Vertrag zu unterbreiten. Im Raum steht eine Laufzeit bis 2030 und ein Jahresgehalt von bis zu 25 Millionen Euro. Zum Vergleich: Aktuell soll der Angreifer “nur” neun Millionen Euro kassieren
They never learn
Ah nevermind, it's another fake news
Real wird heute komplett rasiert. 4-0
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>/bundes/ dead
>/sp/ dead
what did the N0r say???
Was ist pasirt?
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wtf I love elongated Moschus now???!!!
incestbros das ist gut ja

White Power handsign.
he’s unironically an Arabcel tho
Bitches think I’m Bernd Schneider
Müllel bros it's so over

Arab from Serbia ... are you retarded?
>Terzic wird beim Königsklassen-Kracher zwischen Real und Dortmund am Dienstagabend beim Streamingsender Prime Video als Experte mit dabei sein.

noteven today
yes yes
>Erster Nachweis von neuer Mpox-Variante in Deutschland
Oh No No No /bundes/anons
Affenficker brudis..
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>flush your entire career down the toilet just to delay norwich for two years
seriously, was it worth it?
Jz lecker Bratkartoffeln mit Pommes Sauce heute Abend Terzic masterclass gegen Real.
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he can fuck prime bavaryan pussy now
Based and chad hair
Doko Anon sexo..
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are you? he’s a muzzie at heart. they’re all the same

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>he’s a muzzie at heart.
How would you know?
I can save her
brutal mogging
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Oh nonononooooooo
Imagine getting into a fight with Thomas Müller of all people.
Finding a decent wife is like winning the lottery
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she is a cunt and always has been. Now a bogged one.

he is lucky they don't have kids.
Bavarian girls hate city boys
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*which one?
I can tell by his rat face

that craft beer style can looks cool
you should start with that one
afterwards, just go from left to right
should be fun night
she looks like a real annoying bitch. as a millionaire he could do so much better
Phillip Morris bros we stay winning
it's a faggot from Köln, gay city #1
>Einem Bericht von „t-online“ zufolge ist Tah mittlerweile nicht mehr vom Schritt an die Isar überzeugt. Auch Leverkusens Geschäftsführer Simon Rolfes hatte eine Verlängerung zuletzt nicht für unmöglich gehalten

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Yes yes, he is a rat faced muzzie living rent free in your head
we will have Wirtz
Hope he stays at Leverkusen where he will never win another title ever again. Bayern doesn't need more average africans
> Heftiger Einschnitt beim Kleeblatt
>Beben in Fürth: Trennung von Trainer Zorniger und Sport-Geschäftsführer Azzouzi
Klose with the double kill
>Vor dem brisanten Drittliga-Duell zwischen Erzgebirge Aue und Energie Cottbus am Dienstagabend (19 Uhr) schlagen die Sicherheitsbehörden Alarm. Das Landratsamt des Erzgebirgskreises hat eine drastische „Allgemeinverfügung zur Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung“ erlassen – und die hat es in sich! Ganz Aue verwandelt sich für einen halben Tag in eine streng überwachte Sperrzone. Metallstangen, Latten, Steine und sogar bestimmte Kleidung – alles verboten!
why are they like this
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Liverpool? Isn Brett
comfy /bundes/ and filling out my Sozialhilfeantrag for the next year. feels good, NEETbros
i thought he said Kloppo didn't give him any tips?
Juve Buttgard 3:1
Royal Dorkmund 1:0 (boring, don't watch)
>15 minutes delay on /sp/ now too from when I log in to 4chan
It's unironically over this time. kek
I haven't had a timer for months now
t. phone poster
there's probably a reason oyu got flagged
buy a pass
first time i am watching pussylick since that final and i hate it
yeah i might stop posting alltogether because I cant figure out how to properly retain that cookie with my setup kek

>gets banned for literally nothing at all
nah thx. been there done that
Cuckmund will miss several 100%er (adememe especially), then Real will score a longshot by Valverde after (C)an ballverlust
1:0 Real FT
Lücke missed them against Real last time
Aduyemine is Dortmund's best player in the CL
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belliGOL hasn't scored a single goal this sesson
>"los blancos" aufstellung already out
the disrespect on these guys
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pussycuck gol
>"los blancos"
more like los negroes
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save us a click next time
how is zw00 allowed to ref in Milan after that bayer frankfurt game?
Adeyemi won't even play today
I know
>I only pretended to be retarded
are you Nuri or why do you know this?
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wtf the 15 minute cool down is for replies too? fucking insane
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>Inzwischen sind jedoch seit seiner Ankunft über sieben Wochen vergangen. Der Trainer, der Hummels holte und ihn mit seinem Plan überzeugte, ist längst nicht mehr da: Roma-Legende Daniele de Rossi (41) musste am 18. September gehen.

Sein Nachfolger ist Ivan Juric (49): Der Kroate setzt auf ein laufintensives Spiel, weniger Ballbesitz, schnelles Umschalten, dazu auf kollegiales Verhalten in der Kabine und auf dem Platz. Es ist nicht der Fußball, den Hummels erwartet hatte, und "für das soziale Umfeld fehlen ihm die richtigen Softskills", so Juric.
its actually not thougheverest
but as soon as the cookie is gone, you have to wait again
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>für das soziale Umfeld fehlen ihm die richtigen Softskills
are they running a sex club or football club?
I have insider knowledge [spoiler] kicker.de [/spoiler]
ok dummkopf
and here i reply again after what? 5 minutes?
and here is another reply after 60(!) seconds
le epic h4xx0r moment??
no (You) this time cück
you're so dumb it's unreal
it used to be waiting 10 minutes for a new thread and 60 for a reply, now its 15 minutes for boat
just verify your email bro
Isn't that 15 min wait/email verfication only supposed to be active on /vg/?
here is another le epic comment without waiting 15 minutes
how does he do it??
dortmund vs madrid thread
I already told you and (You): he's flagged, probably getting banned on a daily basis and banevading in the consequence. Funnily enough, he doesn't know how to spoof a MAC address
i bet that retard is just using incognito browsing or something so the cookie doesnt persist
nö I just wanted to switch to mobile data to make a chud post
JT, please
based Tzolis
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>der Bankdrücker
how dare he use incognito browsing on an anonymous imageboard
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since when does kicker ticker does this?
has been quite a while and i like it
Still no B00er :(
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he at least had SOME minutes
wtf is even your point bremi?
Real Madrid Dortmund 2:1
Arsenal Schachtar 3:0
Juve Stuttgart 1:1
Aston Villa Bologna 1:0
Girona Bratislava 2:1
Sturm Graz Sporting Lissabon 0:3

tipps confirmed and here we go!!!
>PSG PSV 2:0
>Real Madrid Dortmund 2:1
>Arsenal Schachtar 3:0
>Juve Stuttgart 1:1
>Aston Villa Bologna 1:0
>Girona Bratislava 2:1
>Sturm Graz Sporting Lissabon 0:3
I will laugh at you both at minute 15
what will happens there?
some of you guys are alright
dont come to minute 15
AdiH is cooking!
I think all my bundies are alright :)
>Edin saying >wir
moshi moshi bundas desu
in 15 min ;)
that's fine. board is slow as shit thankfully
Pavel Dotchev is super qt
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Sahin bros, we are cocking
loser faggot

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