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Second title edition



Previous: >>145260095
>a fucking dinner plate
and I would eat off of Olgas dinner plate
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What the flip I wanted to make an Alcarath edition
And? don't pretend you enjoy this
I’m not.
Just saying it’s not a surface issue
It wont last, he will do a grug and suddenly realise theres pressure and regress to his rightful place at rank 50
This. Serve bots never reach top 10
Its Sheltover...
I wanted to make an Iva edition but we don't always get what we want
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>22 aces in 2 sets
Britbro she's 17, you and I are going to make a lot of Iva editions
Why do pedos like Iva and not Anna Frey?
I joined a tennis club and the first match is on Tuesday
How do I learn to play tennis in 2 days? Is youtube good?
at least it has some practical use!
very jinxable, using olga instead was a smart choice
It is, we never see these serving numbers until the end of the year.

Because we don't like Instamodels
Next thread can be her with her Tyler trophy :)
iva can actually play (and she's prettier)
I'll do it
(dont jinx it bro)
>indoor favors servers
No shit Sherlock
Also Giovanni was doing challengers till Lyon gave him 250 points. Then Wimbledon happened.
We're interested in Iva purely for sporting reasons
She's top 200 and rising fast whereas Frey is barely top 1000
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i was surprised to discover iva is the betting favourite
Iva :)
its over
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lel, yeah, i read about it on tennisforum today, but forgot to check it myself
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Post beautiful LINDA !!!

Her face(eyes to be precieis) are remind me so much of someone(woman)!!! But I cannot recall...
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Ooh Draper won a 500 event.
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iva pls
What random dude will win bercy this year?
3 sets it is then
/pennis/ xD
I miss the Bulgarian
have a feeling that if she stop attacking and just focus on returning every point, the score will be 6-0 in no time
al-kah-RATH is how his name is pronounced. The three a's sound like "ah", and the stress falls onto the last syllable. Not his fault that Anglos are secretly ashamed of the θ sound present in their language, which they associate with gay men.
Well what do you know, a French speaking black man wins an indoor hard court title. What a shock.
she needs to do something about her serve and learn how to volley it somewhere other than a perfect for her opponent spot
>how to volley it somewhere other than a perfect for her opponent spot
..or the net
its jovervic :(
the most perfect spot for her opponent
in hindsight these odds were ridiculous and i missed out
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alright, objectively it's great that she managed to reach the final playing like that. got good amount of points too

not the fairy tale i was hoping for, but still amazing all thing considered
she's 3cm shorter than paolini
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..found this ballgirl's ig
Iva :(
Iva :)
i should probably stop posting for now
>Junior posters aren't nonces bro, we're just interested in the future of tennis
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>this could've been iva
>and this just in Brian - Mexican tennis player Renate Zarazua has been found heavily bludgeoned in the car park of a tennis club in Tyler, Texas. Police say the weapon used appears to be a heavy glass bowl. More at 11.
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Stan got a lot of hate from Sinner fans because of this emoji and had to delete the comment
Based, everything Sinner says is some phony PR statement
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Sinner fans are more degenerate than all big 3 fans combined
Based stan
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horrible posture
literally me frfr
Iva? not for me. It's Eva.
Iva vs Eva when?
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>twoga swiatek
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>parks v korneeva
corr starting off with a bang
hope Alycia is having one of her shit days, last time the lanky bitch played somebody I give a shit about in singles she beat Maya in the final at Warsaw, time before that she knocked Hannah :) out in the last round of qualies for Wimbledon.
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she's playing at jiujiang qualies in 2 hours
if i was a degenerate, i would bet against her for 2.10
they are relatively close in rankings now, there's a good chance they'll meet in the ao qualies or some 125-250 tournament next year
they are scheduled second on the 1st court and laura is last on the centre
very nice
>that hair
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whilst i wait for something to start for me rybakina vs collins
I get back from a work trip in early Jan. SHALL be attending matches.
imagine printing out the cute adventures and asking iva and vendula to sign it
I will make every effort to do so.
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Nadal.... No!!
aislop is getting more insidious.
i kneel for the thought of actually doing it alone
lol, amazing. best ai content so far (sorry emmaze)
even ai still made him bald...
I'm a pretty good looking guy, nice smile and have an outgoing personality. it's the sort of thing that doesn't faze me in the slightest.
ai isn't god (yet)
b-but Alina doesn't train at Rafa Nadal Tennis Academy?
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she does, was literally there two weeks ago
actually, i think they'll like it
well, vendula for sure (99%) and not so sure about iva (55%)
I stand corrected. well that makes it even more lewd.
ok, this is weird but I don't seem to have saved the cute and fun adventures of iva and vendula. (I can't imagine I would've saved it as anything else) from memory it was 2 jpegs yeah?
please repost rusbro
>implying sinner has fans
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i'll edit the typos someday
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no don't. keep it in its pure form.
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spasibo rusbro. saved. I'll do my best!
when did this become a pedo general
how can you see any pedoness in CAFTAWVAI? it's fucken wholesome as shit. why do you hate kittens and puppies?
>sees flag
you're chinese aren't you?
an fruity
out of 6 players 5 are wearing shorts and 1 is wearing a skirt
not good statistics!
>tune into tennis
>rus vs starodubtseva

fokkin ell almost had a stroke. legit cant say dat name out loud in one go.

fokkin ell someone give the lad a haircut

congratz tho. decent game.

he looks so much better player compared to when first started watching him not long ago
you can call her “old oak(ova)”. that's literally what her surname means
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fuggin ell am laffin. where the fuck do they come up with these names

looks like a propa imp as well
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>if i was a degenerate, i would bet against her for 2.10
good thing i'm not a degenerate
nice limbs on that oak
WTA moment
bless her she tried her darnedest
Linda beautiful, she reminds me of someone but aaaaaaaa can't recall!!! ((((
Starodubtseva has gotten the first point on 6/7 of rus's service games lol
You about whom?
Just... gorgeous
Give link to that ai app pls
>not sure if i'm allowed to tell you this but we don't have enough umpires here
>win first point of every game in the set
>serve for the set
petra my homely wife what are you doing
hon wearing white instead of black
what a mix up
>had Starodubtseva -3.5
I'm going to fucking lose it
and its not AI. your women are just THAT hot.
What does this mean? You bet against Starburst?
PEAK Dasha
No. I bet her to win at least 4 more games total than rus, which is mathematically impossible now, and wouldve been easy to accomplish if she just closed out the second set 6-2
>almost bet petra at start of the second set
>got cold feet
>everything i bet instead lost
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din din's
You gonna cook it, or?
yes fuckwit
your mum's busy
plus she's a shit cook
wawaweewa i was ready to celebrate my homely wife petra and she's gone back to sucking
blew a 5-2 lost 5-7
edit: commentatty said 5-1
what the fuck is a Jiujiang

>hear of Chinese city for the first time
>look it up
>it's got more people than my country

many such cases
Why does his face look more like federer
Ok nvm
>xinyu wang
>xiyu wang
xiyu looks and walks weird
xinyu is the cuter one
Linda :) with a first win since July!
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you DO eat meat, don't you /tennis/? aussie spring lamb and asparagus are both super cheap right now. quick on the weber, delicious. bunch of apple sauce on the lamb. lots of salt and pepper. perf.
ann looking like a lesbian in flannel
>looking like
will i be able to get myself out of bed for korneeva
kinda like this inoue girl desu
Looks good Bruce
The boys are back in town!
Thanks Nigel. it was delicious.
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holy hell what a stunner
I hate cute girls they make me so mad!
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yes, so terrible
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heh i think i made that webm, probably around 2015.
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no shit? we truly are the greatest race of 4chan posters.
do you think being so utterly mogged by her own sister ever has a negative impact on her tennis performance?
no, Lena is a professional athlete. and is so much more attractive then her mid sister. apart from the AIDS and the multiple miscarriages, I think Lena is doing pretty well for herself.
for once, I agree with the pedohunter seppo. very odd.
/tennis/ is a chad draper board
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Who we watching in Bercy lads
For me it's our guy Jordo Thommo vs Peter Martin
Are you blind? Lena is a homely natural beauty goddess while her sister is a middle of the road instagram bimbo
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CANNOT hate on are Kateh
imagine the sex
shouldn't you be in a trench or a tank or something? not even a /pol/ type but your country is at war.

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