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Respect Lebron
Bro the thread image should be the Dwayne Wade statue. For Pete’s sake!
My Raptor would bootyblast both these shit teams
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This shouldn't be the guy that decides the game with two misses at the end.
>statue isnt the op
one job
3.5 rings is less than Shaq & Curry
The foul so the other team can't shoot a game winning 3 rule needs to be fixed. We lose out on potential hype game winners every week because of this shit.
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Weapschizo how do you feel about that statue?
Everybody was saying Indiana got an absolute steal because they locked him up for $20 million a year.
He’s an autist/never offline
unreal refball and bitching coming from indy, what a pussy bunch of hillbillies crying
If you foul someone in 3 point range, they get 3 free throws. There I fixed it
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>who is that guy?
Holy shit I'm crying, kek
You already do if it's a shooting foul. The solution is for the team that needs a three to shoot a three if they are getting fouled.
Refs playing out of their mind against the 76ers
Good fuck the sixers
Winning my Fantasy unless harden makes more than 30 fantasy points
are you fucking kidding me
It’s time to have a discussion.
Absolutely clown meme game
Stupidest fucking game all week
>NBA basketball
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My Lakers traded him for Mike Muscala…

Zubat is good, like Hartenstein with starter minutes and an offense that runs around him
Probably better than Vucevic and Valenciunas
Pacers just didn't deserve to win the game.
NYR they could've traded for Fox.
pacers are not a real basketball team
how the fuck did these people gain a monopoly on statues? they're all so fucking terrible.
Honestly, Wade doesn't deserve anything better. He's a degenerate that talked shit about Miami because his son is a freak
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The pose is so fucking terrible too
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>Tyrese Maxey played 48 minutes
KEK how long until all of Philthy's "Big 3" are in street clothes
I forgot he turned his boy out baka
Like a leprechaun jogging through a meadow lmao
it's too big
14-32 is fucking ugly
Ok but why are you guys watching some other game when the blazers are playing
That’s disrespectful
Literally looks like a 2K generic player wearing a D Wade jersey. If I was Wade, I would be a little pissed
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do you know what the pose?
No one fears the deer anymore.
just checked it’s Cam Thomas
I’m saved
>Gary Trent Jr
You get what you pay for
Anfernee Simons > Zion Williamson
Probably some "black owned business" (aka owned by Jews)
>"This is my house"
>Pat, give me more than 20m per season or I will leave
>No, that's too much

>Fucking Bosh earns more than that and he can't even play
>Yeah, in the future I also will give the same or more to some undrafted shitters like Whiteside, Tyler Johnson or Duncan Robinson. But that's too much for you
>Fuck you, Pat. I'm pretty sure any team would be willing to give me more than 20 million for 4 years
>*Signs for 20m per season with the Bulce*
forgot okc was this bible-thumpy
10 BRO
11 NYK
12 CLE
13 TOR
14 CHI
15 ORL

1 LeLakers
6 OK
7 NO
10 UTA
11 GS
12 HOU
13 SA
14 POR
15 MEM
>3 MIA
blud really just paired teams with random numbers
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Of course I know the "pose", but the way they postioned the legs and feet is TERRIBLE for a statue.
I'm not even going to talk about the size of his upper body compared to his legs, lol.
SGA ate a gummy before the game?
Miami at 3 and Boston at 8
Heat schizo really is schizo
Jimmy is back retard
using a random generator to make your list is scientifically proven to be the best ways to get (you)s.
hawks have the same player just at 4 different sizes
What JJ put in the lakers locker room
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>That Dwayne Wade statue
Why does it look so shitty and dirty?
the blazers are beating the pellies by 16 at the moment
and saved
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fix the fucking statue, Pat and Micky
Did they make it this small because he is short or because he never won a championship?
Dominayton looking #focused out there
At least they got his roid-jaw right
That's just his actual size, you can't see because it's out of frame but the flesh AI is wearing stilts.
Zion is shite
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>seething chincel-tic / booty blasted texcrement
Miami keeps on winning
Pelicas are a flex zone
How is it so fucking bad.
This is the worst thing to happen to this franchise, ever. Disgusting
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same vibes
I don't think Milwaukee is going to win this game.
Bro the Bucks are so bad it's actually hilarious
How the fuck is this team losing to the Nets
What would the current Lakers record actually be without the ref and media buff?
Fouls are so fucking gay in basketball. Whistle goes off and the ball goes up after, still called a "shot".
Pelicans roster is full of losers.
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If Atlanta beats OKC I'll apologize.
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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
I am more flabbergasted by the Pelicans being blown the fuck out .
Ice Trae is cooking the Thunder and the general is dead....come on now
Maybe mental illness is needed for /nba/ to be alive
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how many today?
Giannis is 100% planning his exit and hes already working on some bullshit to keep up the humble oreo dipper act. Bucks are DONE
I am laughing so hard at the bucks getting cooked by Dennis and Cam, it's hard to post.
Where's giannis gonna go?
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>mfw trae young mvp is slowly becoming an actual possibility
Thunder are the hottest candidate for sure
I forgot

PHI>Lakers Finals
Bro this d wade statue man 2024 has been such an abhorrent year for heatgods its giving me depression
Bucks getting beaten by a guy named Clowney right now kek
Too soon.
Oh no man hell no i was looking for a real pic of the statues pose and this is what i stumbled upon it just keeps getting worse what the fuckkkk
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Who can stop them?
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what were you thinking bro...this isnt it...well as long as hes happy with it..its over
60% of /nba/ posters (4 people) got banned today because they couldn’t stay on topic. Speaking of which
Did you hear what Popovich said
Shouldve just googled this is my house
>I miss Tim?
>21-5 run for the nets in the 4th quarter
Classic Doc game right here
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Hitler and Mussolini
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Simmons is still mindbroken. I don't think he's ever getting over it
Ben Simmons still afraid to dunk
This dude is retiring this season
blazers actually won by 22
kek Giannis is leaving for sure
Nigga is gonna ask out mid season at this pace. And he dragged dame to mke too. Fucking lol
Bin Laden and Gaddafi
Zion with a 3/12 masterpiece
>zion at 14
Man, at least go out swinging a bit.
Not saying drop 40, but not even 20?
Gianpiss is going down the drain where he belongs. He blew up the ship for Lame Lillard he should swim in it
Could never respect my coach if I knew he watched tranny sissy hypno porn
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>Woa guys ay just founded out de news...i got traded to ocklahoma can you belibe dat...i really dont lik how crul da businez is...did you guys know i luv choccy milk haha...
Is that fucking Austin Rivers on his staff? No wonder the bucks are a shit show.
what a fraud, this man is NOT an alpha, but we already knew that when he got Griff fired and signed Lame Lillard. Gianpiss will never win another chip
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>Alright my brothers in Hellas the gig isnt up yet were heading to Oklahoma. Thanasis break Doc and Hams kneecaps on you way out. And dont let the media find out we fake our accents. Basketball is a ladder...
The absolute shantytown of Yawnpiss :)
Giannis to Denver
> The Bucks are losing against the Nets
How the fuck is this happening, is Cam Thomas actually like that
Bucks bench looks better than the starters
GiaMiss Attemptedfreethrow and Lame Retard are frauds and fit well with Cock and Hamas
Dame really picked a good time to become washed. He let the blazers get a haul for him before falling off a cliff.
Jimmy was right, in the end
Giannis not only ruined Dames career he even gave him crippling depression by forcing him to live in Milwaukee
Lame Lillard had the advantage of being the alpha in a small market first round exit tier team. Now that he is actually playing on a 'contender' with another good player he's been exposed as a fraud.
doc gonna run anus outta the bucks
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About what?
Letting schröder and cam drop a combined 61 on you lord
The real winners of that trade were the Celshits
With Ben Simmons being in for 24 minutes and dropping 2.
History was made when Lebron and Bronny played together. Why are we discussing anything else?
The downfall of Attemptafreethrow was long overdue
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Giannis is a father first, basketball player second.
If Lebron wins another in season tournament does that cement him as the GOAT?
That’s last years team, they don’t have half these guys anymore
why is kyrie still there the 4th one
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I was just pretending to be retarded
(I just got the first image off Google because there wasn't any good pics I could find)
I don't know about GOAT but they should definitely call the IST MVP trophy "The Lebron James Trophy" if he wins another one
ROTY status?
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Here's one
Bucks need Lonnie Walker and Dennis Smith Jr, and see if they can trade for Miles Bridges
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OKC's commentator sounds a bit zesty like their leader
Panathinaikos could take these bums out
Dennis is a world champion tho
This is a decent collection of talent, they definitely fleeced the Nigs too
Cant tell if hes trolling or not but his dance moves are utter shit
CurGOD styling.
I guess Splash Mountain is closed
The nets went from basketball hell in 2016 to god tier big 3 in 2021 to basketball hell in 2024 rosterwise. What a ride
Mate honestly looking at the stats you're probably going to have to wait a few games at least for some people to separate themselves cause I don't think a lot have especially the early pics
>Cheerleaders wearing pants
Are you kidding right now Oklahoma?
>Lame Lillard 1-7 from three
Miami won the trade
lol Larden seeing the ref in the corner of his eye and throwing him a pass.
I've done that. Easy to do.
i dont like kumbuckey I want my dubbies to trade him
Ref should have shot that motherfucker
I can’t keep up with all these nicknames
Dont want the Giddeyler to come back
this nigga dray dray gotta go man baka
What does a Giannis to OKC trade look like?
Are the Hawks a good team or are OKC throwing right now?
This should have been a blowout but it's an one possession game
The Hawks are 2-0 by the way
Is Ice Trae onto something here?
Clippers without Paul george and Westbrick is addition by subtraction, Kawhi can just slot back in anytime
Hawks had two PGs that didn’t compliment one another in anyway for years and were .500 with their third best player as Clint Capela. They made a solid correction this off-season with Daniels, Ric, and improved health from Jalen Johnson hopefully
wiggins kinda cooking ngl
Giannis doesn't believe in this team and it shows.
Pretty hard to do. OKC is in the first apron so they have to send out as much as they bring back, and they don't really have any salaries they would want/could send.
Hes so checked out. Probably thinking of dropping clues to set up his trade request without looking like the villain
he's a phony, always has been
Anyone not named sga or chet most likely. But probably Jdub and dort plus cap filler and picks. Maybe 4?
who are bawbs hyping up tonight? ivica zubac? lmao
He's right
Yup real ones havent forgotten his kyrie undercut
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>it's another season of no flex zone commercials
They knooow betttttaaaaaa
He might want Doc fired, I don't think he will leave the Bucks though
He has been through worse with this team, winning MVPs and losing in the first rounds etc
what pieces can we get for buddy hield this nigga trash
nada, why do you think the sixers and pacers and kings and pelicans all let him walk?
take that back, they are under the 1st by 16.
So I assume they would only need to match the 32 of giannis 48.


2025 clip swap
2026 clip 1st
2026 OKC
2027 OKC
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My Blazies :)
Still a tank year but a nice revenge win
They need to start Lindy Waters and trade Kuminga/Moody for Lauri
these gs niggas need to be all in this together
just imagining giannis, chet and ihart all on the same team holy shit
You like big guys?
holy fuck i'm tired of seeing tjd stinking up the place my warriorers can't make another run like this
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I also don't really know the rules that well. If they didn't have to match to stay under, the bucks probably have no need for dort, unless they wanted to try to flip him.

Dieng Topic are both raw rooks that could be future stars. And the 2 clips picks are going to be nice (potentially).
why dont teams just miss the 2nd ft so a teammate can rebound and lay it up
Prime Westbrick did that once in the HOU-OKC series, he told Adams to get that bitch back before he shot it
they had to change the rule because they did this every time with Wilt Chamberlain
Nuggets and Pistons currently have the best chances for Cooper Flagg.
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get looney out and buddy they are gonna make me use the hard r rn
How much more help does Jokic need?
kyle anderson lowkey warriorers best addition this offseason
yup. i think milwaukee will realize they're in rebuilding mode very soon.
How about one current all star.
ok I've had enough of buddy hield
is it that time of the night already?

let's dance
save us steph
buddy hield wouldn't be able to hit the ocean if he tried
He’s got another MVP/1st team all nba player in his prime and 3 other starters from a championship team but it’s never enough at a certain point you gotta look in the mirror
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Zubac is a trillion times better than KAT or Bam and he doesn't even get paid half as much
Zubac feasting on small ball warriors
Why do the thunder have a baby schedule
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Another year, another atlanta team that makes me want to rope myself. Man fuck this franchise.
Silver REALLY wants the pump SGA and OKC as the next dynasty.
Take a look at the box score from the Clippers. No decent role players. The "other MVP" had 2 points. They're running a 2nd year in their starters.
Imagine trading the fucking GOAT for Trae Young. Lol. lmao even
>trae dung really thought he was him
steph comes on buddy is decent now
25/9/4/1/6 fucking hell
makes u think
it's almost like buddy and klay are just knock down shooters who can't create their own shot
Heat fan here. I would trade Jimmy for Trae, honestly
It's the Hawks lmao
breaking 100 pts is a moral victory for the hawks
look up the crazy statline he put up against the nuggets lol
>The 2024-2025 nuggets
This team isn't the flex that you think it is
Just stop caring, it's funny
aw you poor thing
Just win the NBA Championship in 2K that's what I do when my team lets me down
At least we don’t have to put up with Chet and Shai’s singing anymore
How is the new 2k? I haven't played in a while since I got into gambling
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>11th turnover
Did this team really traded Luka for Trae because Luka is not black?
Because that is one of the biggest kwab trades we have ever seen if that's the case
lardengods I kneel...
can not score on ft fucking trade cumbucket now
the usual, don't buy packs and just play a few mycareer games every day to grind for packs for free, the odds for shit is still low thanks to the myteam whales spending thousands every set
the new gameplay mechanics are pretty decent though for single player, I like the campaign gameboard mode, feels like a tournament which is all I've ever wanted on myteam
I'm not buying it until it goes on sale though for 10 bucks because that's all the game is worth
Bruh it's atlanta, if we made our franchise player a whiteboi there'd be a bigger chimpout than ferguson.
fraud george and kaload were holding harGOD back
Really? They actually care that much about the skin color or are you just saying that?
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What's their record gonna look at the end of this season?
Jokic is holding WestGOD back
Nobody cares about the Hawks.
44 wins
The Bucks circus won't be a viewership draw like it was for the Lakers, except one or both of them to be fired mid-season.
I'm half joking, but I'm sure a lot would be overly critical of him here.
Starting to think maybe the Thunder aren’t pretenders. We’ll see how they do against a team that has an elite rebounder
3-15, fired by December and hired by Milwaukee's biggest McDonald's as manager and assistant manager
>Kyle Korver kuckolded himself as an assistant general manager for this franchise for Trae Young to choke the 2021 NBA Eastern Conference Finals
Kinda krazy to be honest
Now look at his stats aginst OKC. Same TO as the the entire Thunders team LMAO
bluds making JJ look more and more like a genius by the hour
The sunk cost on Kuminga is real
chet's stats against okc? i know covid fucked yall up over there but surely you can use your brain a bit on this one.
Lightskins really can't dance
They didn't do something dumb like extending him, did they
What does Paul George even do?
Harden has been trying for almost 4 years now to not be the 1st option on a team only to always end up being the 1st option on a team
I think that he finally understood though that this his destiny and he accepted it

Maybe that has to do with the fact that he is in LA but nevermind about that
They are playing him a ton of minutes to try to get a retard team to trade for him.
I think Milwaukee loses to Boston and Indy loses to Orlando and they both start 1-3.
>Harden has been trying for almost 4 years now to not be the 1st option on a team only to always end up being the 1st option on a team
Never looked at it that way, but it's true
Shit mb I misread trae stats as chet. Got that JR Smith brainrot
Draymond is a cheapshot artist
4th seed at best
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>flops, pulls down player he's defending, tells coach to contest call
classic drayboon
>local commentators changes tune after the timeout
classic warriors panel
classy organization
Darvin Ham was the problem
The dude is 35 and he knows he can't be that athletic anymore which is why he chased the all time assist title and season assist title when he was in philly but I think he wanted one last shot at it with either la or somewhere else with how he worked out over the summer to get in shape
I would too man, this is the perfect time to win a ring as long as you can beat boston you pretty much win, all the dominant players are retiring and the rookies are having up and down moments
He's the main character, its the part where after getting buck broken by the warriors he tries to defy destiny but now its being forced upon him. The Clippers are coming out the east
Refs sided with Draymon too
Would love for his legacy in retrospect winding up being melo tier, just think it'd be funny.
HarGOD still in his prime?
Clippers were the perfect team to beat Boston if Kawhi stayed healthy
He's got like 1/8th left in the tank yeah just has to not tear his acl or something
The Suns are still paying 62M to Monty Williams to coach elementary school basketball.
This is the same kind of shit as "If Embiid is healthy they win the East" or "If Ben Simmons develops a jumper the league is in trouble"
>curry hurt just like his carolina panthers
Rough week for Charlotte sports fans
i can't take one more season of dray dray sabotaging my warriorers like this
Still a great PG better than westbrick
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curry out
expect draymond chimpout every chance he gets
tjd is a fucking shitter get this nigga off my team god dude
What if the Warriros are tanking and they get Cooper Flagg in the next draft? That's a 3D chess play in my book
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You can only post if your team is undefeated
Kareem Abdul Zubar
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I love staring at Moondog's ass
I can't believe the nets owners haven't wacked him to be honest player union must have serious heavies
Ain't no party like a diddy party
wiggins need to smile less,
he's uglier everytime he smiles
>lebron moved to la for the "lakers"
>lives in beverly hills ca
>suspiciously close to where p diddy's mansion was
makes you think
Clippers coach going to be fired for this shit for sure
Garden looking winded lmao
My goat can do a little gay shit, he earned it.
NBA is suspiciously quiet on LeDiddy possible if not probable retirement year.
Zu Alcindor
Cuck Cuckolderry Çuckrry why is NTR censored wtf
>zubat making warriors defense look like children
>kekrry making an early return to the locker room
Tonight basketball won.
I've seen enough. Send kabum to china, this is harGOATs team.
warriors are shook without CurGod
zero dawgs on the team
Patrick Zuwing
Five Reasons Sports
I think it's relevant that Dwyane Wade said "a house divided cannot stand" at least twice publicly in reference to the current Miami Heat today.

I'm not sure exactly why he said it.

But it jumped out.

>jimmy gone
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Bronny is Jokic & Cup-cake's father
I'd make more webms but I'm lazy and don't know how.
Dwyane Wade looks like a parrotfish. A child-abusing parrotfish.
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Man all I'm saying is i was saying don't sleep on the chance the chippies could still get the 10th seed. Old man Harden and Zubac are still good enough to get some wins.
I also said that about the Blazies last year and obviously that didn't happen but let this be a reminder that they're not gonna be a push over in most games
This is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life
this team is like a headless chicken without curgoat playing
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>30 min
>16.7 FG%
>32.7 TS%
>9 pts
A good PG to run the court is essential just look at the Suns last year vs this year
Blazer armor division looking good
Kris Dunn led in +/- tonight +20 in 28 minutes
i danced too soon and that was the result, thought it was an easy w without kawhi lennid playing
Spoopsisters... it's over...
Do you think Dwade influenced Zaya? Does she think of her father while flicking her bean. Is dwayne wade a closet faggot it really runs in the family
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Clingan already contributing more in his rookie year than Scoot is crazy
Clingcong is gonna be our future for sure
good taste
I though Draymond fouled out but he actually just got benched lol He really can't do shit without Chicken Curry
They're winning it all, will be the funniest possible outcome
Draymond has always been ass the GSW big three was always Curry Klay KD, thats why Draymond told KD to fuck off.
That jaw square as fuck dawg, simp for better gooks
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I like a woman with good bone structure
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bro you are blind and gay
How does LeGOAT do it? He hits a new prime everytime a new season premieres, its like he's aging like fine wine
geneticsmaxx and roidmaxx is a crazy combo
Except despite that he's nowhere near as dominant as Barry B*nds because he lacks elite hand-eye coordination.
He spends more on his body than ur country on the military
Imagine picking Scoot Henderson instead of Garey Dick. It's like picking Sam Bowie instead of Michael Jordan
I'm going to buy the Washington Wizards before I die. Might have to wait for Ted Leonsis to die and then godfather offer his son.
Raptors might sell him off in the offseason for a 3rd rounder at this point
You guys talked shit about Zucchini Rassomething, but he's the best rookie so far
I love Dick
I heard the lakers love Dick
League Pass is nice to watch every game from 2012 to today but the NBA fucked up by giving away licensing to other companies pre-2012 so they don't have rights for the old games. We need more classic game footage
Please don't be a LARP and shitpost as the Wizards owner when you buy them out, make us roll for a bottom 50 second round pick
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Xyr Lakies!
get Buddy Hield they said.
surely he won't go 3-of-14 they said.
this mf is overrated as fuck.

Never forget that the Sacramento Kings chose that bum over Donovan Mitchell, who actually wanted to be there.
I don't like this season. I hate the Celtics, Knicks(fans), OKC(zest), and Lakers. Give me a Mavs Magic bowl or let the Kings make the WCF.
Now you remember Thomas Robinson and Ben McLemons
Webmgenerator has an option to automatically make 4mb webms for 4chan
The real webm for retards is that program, get it it's on github
McLemore was one of my most hated players. I was so mad when the Mavs signed him.
They really went and made a statue for a man that turned his son into a freak
If you could buy one NBA team, which one would you pick? Obvious answers are the valuable ones like Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, etc. but assume that this is not a factor and instead we're looking at market, roster, facilities, etc.
I think Denver is secretly a free agent destination if ownership weren't so cheap. Pro athletes usually keep whatever house they buy in Colorado because they like coming back. I'd also move the G-League team from Michigan to Colorado so that we can use them easier since the recent CBA added an extra two-way roster spot. I would also just like personally like to be wealthy in Colorado; that sounds like a fun place to plant my flag. I think I would update the team colors to be more like their Statement edition jerseys. I I hate navy blue; half the league is a boring navy blue color. But navy blue is easy to put on merch, easy to put logos on top of, easy to work with, I get it.
Make you all roll for a bottom 50 second round pick? What do you mean? Like dubs decides whom we draft?
Shitposting from the war room on draft night sounds fun to me.
>my GM doesn't know I'm shitposting on /spee/
>dubs decides whom we draft (I'll overrule my GM and make the call to Mark Tatum myself)
Yes, could be like the 45th or 56th pick whatever, maybe add a draft board to pick from if you don't want to fuck up too bad
Quads get to pick a first rounder, quints and you trade all of that year's picks for Tobias Harris
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>dubs said Bronny
>mfw we have the 54th pick
I hate this new system. If you don't continuously keep posting, the captcha timer resets back to 900 seconds again.
I agree. We should put together an ownership group to buy 4chan from Hiroshima. It would be good for it to be registered in a country with the freest internet laws too, but I don't know where that would be.
I'd buy the Hornets or Wizards desu. I'd fix them by getting a lot of big men defenders. I feel like that's where that starts. The Timberwolves got Rudy and that's how their whole team started taking defense seriously.
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I'm getting the Seattle team when it comes back. Nice mix of tax situation and tech city I think it could become a destination. There's a certain type of hipster player it would attract that I could vibe with as an owner.
Love that this fraud is finally getting exposed lmao
The Hornets could be a destination. Charlotte is a good banking city, lots of local money, the Carolinas like basketball, good mix of white-collar and blue-collar. I don't know how players feel about Charlotte. It's been mismanaged for so long that it hasn't really been a fair assessment of the market.
Seattle would be great. You don't own the arena, which will come with some politics like we (ironically) saw with OKC last season, but it's still a great situation. I'd imagine a G-League team comes soon. You'd also get to start everything fresh. Front office, analytics staff, office culture, medical staff, university partnerships, training facilities, all of it. Kinda like Steve Ballmer did with the Intuit Dome and Mat Ishbia's doing with Phoenix, you could learn from all the bad examples (Knicks, etc.) and make something great. Also I hear Paolo is leaving for Seattle the DAY they get a team. I think that sentiment is changing as Orlando builds a winning team, but there are tons of support for Seattle basketball across the league and for young prospects. Also yeah Amazon and Microsoft will pour money in like they are with the Kraken.
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Find a pic with more aura.

You just can't.
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Ok, but what the fuck is his problem, actually?
Damnn that is bad. Should've been a dunk and a and-1. brother is afraid of free throws. MENTAL MIDGET
You can see the bench and the home crowd stand up expecting him to sprint and dunk. Bro just walks, walks, walks, pass. wtf
awfulcoaching literally reminds me of this guy
You just have to login here you bum sys.4chan.org/signin

But downside is your IP gets stored and sold to the jews
yeah fuck all at
Greatest 75 NBA player btw
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Glenn has been exposed multiple times. No one has squandered more talent than him. But teams still keep bringing his career back from the dead. And every time he's brought back, it's to worse results. How you get a tryhard like Giannis and still make his team trash is a mystery. Modern NBA needs a modern coach and too many teams are clinging to these ancient failed coaches to middling results.
>Front office rogue contacted 4chan to ruin Lebrons legacy
What's your favorite rdc bit?
For me it's "how popeyes be taking your order"
Its over https://youtu.be/sRUtkOANl14?si=2cfGIVD9r9jhpB1r
I'm gay.
Is Garey Dick your favorite player?
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Now you remember that webm of Josh Christopher dicking Jalen Green
I don't recall...
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I'd definitely buy the Trailblazers, my favorite team. 6 first round picks from 25 to 29, 7 2nd round picks from 25 to 29, they're slowly rebuilding a future. When they finally regrow the franchise to be respected, the joy will be unparalleled. All they have to do is avoid getting greedy and cash in all their picks for a superstar and try to go on a run when they don't have the cap space or talent to do it yet. Ingram and Kyrie are gonna be free agents next year along with Butler but you have to use this year to see what you need to draft first. Right now I think it's a point guard and Cooper Flagg would be great to lead better plays on the court with Scoot as the backup, but who knows how development will go.

Other thing is Portland is the travel miles are up there in franchises because of how isolated it is from every other stadium, the taxes, and how small it is as a city, but I would work with my players to make the place as comfortable as possible, getting more shops and urban development so you're not just living in the mountains with nothing to do like bumfuck Milwaukee
This has to be fixed at this point
At this point I'm surprised he was able to get in that fan's face when he got called trash without being scared of contact kek
He didn't get into it with the fan it was all Schroeder lmao. Ben was already far away when it happened.
I've never seen a less confident professional athlete

If there's an inverse of Michael Jordan purely on a psychological level, he is it

>Game on the line, who would take the last shot?
>Literally anyone except me
Ben is taking too long to fake an injury so he can play Black Ops 6
Big KAT...
the Blazers are my guilty pleasure league pass team. I watched more than the Warriors, Lakers, Spurs, Mavs, etc. last year and i cant explain why.
what did you think of the Avdija trade?
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the Blazers had nationwide fans in the 70s because of how they played and Bill Walton. also you've got the PNW (until Seattle) and also Nike if you're into that. and you have your own G-League team to further develop young talent
Can we just skip to the OKC Celtics final and not waste anymore time
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never forget:
2023 NBA Affirmative Action MVP
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Nah nigga I'm 30 and I feel like 96' Mike shitting on these low IQ twitch shooters with my elite movement and map knowledge.
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after the big television deal, what do you think the new NBA expansion teams are gonna be? I know Las Vegas is gonna be one for sure, but what is the other one? And if they add Las Vegas, that means it will be a western conference team. Will they move the Pelicans or the Grizzlies to the east?
The other expansion team is gonna be Seattle. And Minnesota plus one of the two you listed will go east
Avdija is definitely one of the better small forwards who aren't tied to huge contracts and has a lot of room to grow at only 23, I think it was a steal honestly for Bub Carrington and Brogdon considering he's 6'9" and doesn't get banged up too often with long term injuries. His best thing is his rebounding but if he works on his shooting he can be even better in the future
Yeah Duop Reath and Rayan Rupert were some of our better G League talent so it's nice to finally start having a reserve for free agents
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Bro when the fuck did WNBA players stop looking like mutated ogres?
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They realized being super dykes doesn’t make them any money so now they’re trying to appeal to men.
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I'm breaking ankles
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This is a delinquent thread
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nah this is tokyo revengers territory
I hope the NBA Cup court floors look cooler this year basketball courts need to show more pride in their cities and appeal to the heart and soul of the people who live there
It's Las Vegas (Fenway Sports Group + LeBron) and Seattle (ownership undetermined, but could be valued at $6B or more). I think the Grizzlies go east, but we will see.
only move one team east, retard.

I suppose divisions will be 4 teams per division, 4 divisions per conference, but the NBA doesn't care about divisions anyway. I've done mock divisions before
It's all but confirmed to be seattle and Vegas.
Only 1 team goes east anon.
+2 to the west but take away 1 to go east that makes it only +1 to the west and +1 to the east
It'll likely either be the twolves or grizzlies. New Orleans is in the convo too but I don't think they'd switch them when the two Texas teams are in the west and are by far their closest matchup. I think memphis is farther east but minnesota may save the most travel miles. It'll probably be minnesota to be honest
I watched Avdija his whole career (kill me) and this dude CANNOT make a layup to save his life. he blows a wide open layup, then holds his hands in his head and shakes his head as he runs down the court like he's disappointed in himself like he doesn't do it every game. last season was his first season being like a real guy. underrated defense, empowered to handle the ball more with Brian Keefe, good catch and shoot, he can help a good team. he's on a descending contract which will help the team's cap sheet when it comes time to pay their rookie scale guys. every penny counts
the travel argument for minnesota makes sense. in my personal opinion, I think the NBA schedule should just be completely fluid. to get to 82 games (and the NBA Cup), you can have:
>each team plays the other 31 teams twice - one home and one away - for 62 games
>the NBA Cup groups and tourney can go any number of different ways. i think you have 4 groups of 4 instead of 3 groups of 5. this changes the number of games in the group stage
>fill the remainder of the games with whatever you want. geographic proximity cities should play each other slightly more. makes no sense to have Memphis, Tennessee play the California teams 3-4 times a year but only visit Atlanta, GA one time. Lakers and Celtics could play each other extra to draw in higher ticket sales. Steph and LeBron, Jokic and Embiid could play 2-4 times. just be flexible each and every season
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Excuse me are you saying the NBA doesn't care about divisions? Right in front of my divisional winners trophies that they've been giving out for the last 3 seasons?
In fact here's a trophy check
>Atlantic "Nat Sweetwater Clifton" trophy
3 - Boston Celtics
>Central "Wayne Embry" trophy
3 - Milwaukee Bucks
>Southeast "Earl Lloyd" trophy
2 - Miami Heat
1 - Orlando Magic
>Southwest "Willis Reed" trophy
2 - Memphis Grizzlies
1 - Dallas Mavericks
>Northwest "Sam Jones" trophy
1 - Utah Jazz
1 - Denver Nuggets
1 - Oklahoma City Thunder
>Pacific "Chuck Cooper" trophy
1 - Phoenix Suns
1 - Sacramento Kings
1 - Los Angeles Clippers
NBA Cup groups should be strictly based on previous season's record with no random chance. It's not perfect, but it helps the best teams make it to the tourney, which is what we want to happen. We don't want Boston and New York to knock each other out in group play; we want them to see each other in the tourney. You also get rematches of first-round playoff series (4-5, 3-6, etc.) for added drama and fan excitement.
>Group A - 1; 8; 9; 16
>Group B - 2; 7; 10; 15
>Group C - 3; 6; 11; 14
>Group D - 4; 5; 12; 13

I personally do not care about divisions and conferences. The NBA could eliminate them and just have a 32-team league with standings 1-32. Have "divisions" be custom-tailored to each team, like whichever 3-4 other NBA arenas are physically closest.
Trae got injured that series stupid
He’s 6’10 265lbs rich as Hell and a beta
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yer a wizard, bronny
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my lepookie james... my sunshine...
You're now in charge of naming the new las vegas franchise, what do you call them?

Oh fug
Las Vegas Legion
full Roman themed. it's Vegas. big ostrich feather fans, torches, grapes, girls in skimpy Roman outfits
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jersey could have a laurel wreath on it around the player number on the front. i'm thinking colors are maroon and sandy gold like Cleveland, but also purple as an alt color. league might not approve of colors.
LeBully is so ahead of Jordan and Kobe that Wemby is the only player with potential to dethrone him.
Lets say I want to get back into this sport, but I'm not sure where to start. I know my local team, Bulls, hasn't been good in years but what team should I follow if I want something fun.
OKC or the Lakers
probably the Timberwolves or OKC. If you want to root for an underdog team, I'd say the Jazz.
the league is in a really good place. it feels like all 30 teams have an identity. it used to be back in the 2010s that a couple teams were contending, half the league was throwing shit at the wall, and half the league was unwatchable. now it's like every team is smart. except unfortunately Chicago. some teams are still unwatchable, like Brooklyn, Washington, etc. but at least they're intentionally tanking. i would say watch a few different teams highlights and something will connect with you. Orlando, New Orleans, Indiana, and Portland are "fun" teams I've adopted at various points in the past couple years. when's the last year you watched?
Go retarded zoomie mode.
Watch highlights for a couple of weeks, see if a team/player grabs your eye, actually start following their matches.
Someone should draft 6"9 half Slovenian Donald Trump's son.
he was playing youth soccer for DC United
this nigga gets it
they should bring out live animals like a lion for halftime or have two people fight each other at center court. this is how we did entertainment back in the days of the republic
Too white for these days and age
Probably the late 2000s honestly.
the game has changed a lot. everybody can pass, dribble, and shoot. every player is like a one-man offense. NBA coaching is so much smarter now. even the bad teams (usually) play clean, efficient offense and have exciting players. like the others said, i say just watch many different teams and start to get a feel for what you like.
this is what the modern game is like
Luka's bullet passes pick apart modern NBA defenses.
there was a game last year where both teams had over 150+ points and it didnt even go to overtime (Pacers vs Hawks). there was a game in 2021 (Wizards vs Nets) where both teams had 150+ too. offenses are very different from the late 2000s and defenses have to change their approach to match that
sup reddit
The ireshart smoke duckers. Does LV even have any major local sports teams?
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Does anyone else dislike 'heat checks?' Maybe only someone with that metaphorical dawg (pitbull/german shepard/rottweiler/bullmastiff/doberman/wolfhound/husky) inside their body can understand them

Heat checks and riding the hot hand work though, even though they don't really make sense they just do
imagine being bronny on that bench and being all like but lebron james it's you who are the mother fucker haha
if you're hot, shoot it. when the ball feels good, you can just throw shit at the rim and swish it. it's real
Don't let the Lakers winning 3 in a row to start the season make you forget that LeBron James attended Diddy parties
feline mentality
Is Zubac the actual GOAT serbian?
me and ben simmons combined for 2 points against the bucks
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I told someone last year during the Kobe statue unveiling that it feels like the art of bronze casting has somehow been lost to time.

In actuality they probably just keep contracting the same guy who makes all of these shitty NBA player statues
He looks like he's taking a shit while standing up
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So much aura yet not a single ring in sight

Good morning
>WestBRICK solved the Jokic problem
I kneel...
TatGOD thread btw
Sin City Devils?
>Moving to Portland this week for work
PDX bros, should I become a blazies fan?
Looks terrible. Like some old homeless man
The game looks better now because the refs don't enforce the rules
Half the time you will see players traveling or carrying the ball but they let them get away with it because the play might become a good highlight

Also there's barely any defense. The refs don't let them play hard cause they are afraid of another malice at the palace
Unfortunately, a lot of players also look like they are either afraid of getting dunked on or get their ankles broken because of the social media

The league is so much different now than what it was 20-30 years ago
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I, in behalf of the entirety of /lba/, including Weapschizo, kneel to TateGOD and JaylGOD
Blazers don’t have a good future but what else is in PDX?
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>swing swing mf!!
Giannis feels like such a footnote right now, crazy for a 2x MVP + FMVP who's not even 30.
Looks like the dude that voice acts Kratos
The Timbers and a bunnnnnnncccch of donut shops and strip clubs
Team USA just didn't give him a chance. Legit out to sabotage him.
Injuries, reckless play and trying to run the franchise like LeBron without the IQ ruined his career. Plus arrogance without the work ethic
I'm not one of those third worlders who seethe uncontrollably at the Nuggets or anything but I still think them losing to the Craptors today would be the funniest thing ever.
it's laurence fishburne
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We need to get Tacko Fall back in the NBA.
Exactly, unfortunately Gianpiss is the end fate of stars wrongly utilizing player empowerment. You end up blowing up a franchise for literally no return. But then again Gianmiss obviously has an extremely inflated ego and tries to hide behind funny accent wholesome man when in reality he is a little bitch that can't take responsibility. This faggot would have been a less than a footnote in the 90s/2000s
Also I’m over the “Le Wholesome Reddit! XD” persona he’s been trying to push on us.
One of my old homeboys I’m no longer cool with used to play with him in college Florida, nigga shoots like KD though at the LA Fitness at least, says Tacko is absolute ass. Granted dude didn’t make the NBA, G league or overseas but he claims injury
I imagine all of Oregon to be a giant forest
It's crazy how Lebron is a senior citizen and still plays better than all of them. Wemby really is the only one that can possibly surpass him but players his height usually end in tragedy.
They didn't for a long time but with the city growing everyone is starting to capitalize on it. Got an nhl team recently, the oakland a's are about to move out there and when the nba expansion happens they're a shoe-in for a franchise along with seattle.
how can the warriors realistically improve their rim protection
I'm kinda liking the sounds of these two teams. I might check out a few games.
the Warriors always had this problem but they had some decent centers in the past like Andrew Bogut. Looney is alright too but he's getting hurt a lot.
People that are 7 foot or taller have a 1 in 6 shot at making in into the NBA. I wouldn’t doubt if he’s actually ass and was only brought in briefly because of height.
They'll get fleeced by Ainge at the trade deadline for Walker Kessler
Couldnt happen to a more deserving guy, total fraud the media shilled him so hard too
Yeah everything he has should be what Luka is getting, an actually generational talent
But once the Thunder get him, he's totally going to be a superstar again, just you wait.
Giannis getting adrian fired and then saying "damn who did this" like we dont know it was him. He was cozying up to the Panathinaikos coach too
Damn, that would be a super team for the ages.
can someone trade for bol bol and give him an actual chance?
And they'd only need to give up basically every player they have except SGA.
>Mazzulla vs Doc
Choking is inevitable with this one
Doc is the throat goat, aint nobody able to choke down defeat from the jaws of victory like good old Cock Rivers.
Over under on Bronny heart exploding?
under, bron stopped feeding him growth hormones when he realized hes stuck at 6 2
Hot hand is real but forcing it will cool you off and mess with the team offense. Should only be a last option.
The media is in the tense spot of needing new stars to keep feeding the machine and being physically unable to remove LeBron's crusty old balls from their mouths. They desperately shill soft ass foreign players like Giannis and Embiid (next up is Wemby), when they should actually be shilling teams and team culture so they don't end up being held hostage by another LeDiva tier player for the next 20 years while ratings continue to plummet.
The Thunder have ridiculous chemistry, it's starting to get some traction in the media too with how much people like their post game interviews.
Exactly, but the obsession with individual stardom started with MJ, the difference was that there was later Kobe and LeBron to take the spotlight. Since then the game has changed and so has the media that a League face isn't really going to work. Making the Divisions actually matter and promoting teams/conference/division rivalries is the way to go. Instead of one guy being the hero and everybody else being in his rogue gallery
>with individual stardom started with MJ
It actually started with Bird vs. Magic, but your point still stands. I think they wanted MJ to have a rival like that, but nobody stepped up. They got it with LeBron vs. Steph to a degree, but LeBron was never really the dominant player on any championship team that he played for.
Id say it started with Bird/Magic, Jordan brought it to the next level, Kobe maintained it, and LeBron benefitted from their stardom and is inorganically trying to perpetuate his own image as the league slowly dies. Kobe was the last star. The league is about to enter a new 70s, where no one gives a fuck about it. If youre wondering, we’re in a new 60’s (high scoring trash era).

No Shai, Luka, Wemby no one will reach the levels of MJ and Kobe
The golden knights have been around for like 8 years at this point. Oakland moving should happen but that franchise is incompetent so we'll see. Also you're forgetting the raiders. Not like they've done anything to ingratiate themselves to that city but still. Also they have the >aces in the wnba. I think they were in line for an mls team too but decided the soccer stadium was too much money or something and so mls went with San Diego

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