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Garfield Edition

/hoc/vious: >>145326018
my debbies :)
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my avies! :)
My Sensies :)
What's a RONA?
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Avsbros, we are so back with Justus
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>rolls into /hoc/
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another weekend of my knighties carrying the broship but then again that's nothing new
another week of "nobody asked"
kek Jim don't miss
*gently and lovingly settles the puck down for you*

Nice hurting jannies
...And Justus For All
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I hate cats.
gj jannies
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based /hoc/ is a doggy general
had to watch that reaction video from the flyers bar when they passed on cole caufield again
Considering the oilers rock bottom PDO. It’s incredibly impressive they are at .500
shut up nerd
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Lets go!
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I would never pass on Cole
I hope Canada wins 4 nations, we really need this. Fuck Johnny Gaudreau, this is our year
holy fuck nonwhite have you considered killing yourself
that image is extremely erotic
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The only thing I hate more than cats are cat owners. They're dumb, dirty, smell like cat piss and narcicist.
You will. The real question is whether the US will win a single game
Put it back in your pants.
Canadian Tire is just a Lowes.
Get out of here wine aunt
no saar you do not understand saar you must go back saar
Lowe's doesn't allow me to have a fat wad of cash in my junk drawer
what a dismal night of hockey
canadian tire money isn't real money
its eichel's bday too
thanks for taking time off from splitting the atom bud
habs bros, I'm not feeling so good
>oh no no no no
they already figured out how to do that
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Oh non non non
my debbies :)
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my habs have OFFICIALLY righted the ship
we did it, habsbros!!
they figured out how to cut grass too, still do it every week bud
my avies! :)
lmao no
blatant tendie interference
The New York Rangers are the gold standard
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my avies! :)
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It's time
my avies :(
>lower your tone
yeah maybe on planet retard
The gold standard of relying on somehow getting 2 generational goalies in a row, relying on them to drag them through the playoffs, and failing every year
this year is different we have sam carrick
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Huomenta but the opposite
Three. You forgot Richter.

But the Rangers should win this year. No more excuses right?
My Sensies :(
any worse broadcast teams than the avs?
Richter won a Cup though and there was a gap between him and Lundqvist
my avies! :)
blackburn was the gap.
not since jack edwards retired
gary has forced me to watch a senators game, how shameful
my avies strike back! :)
i dunno how this one got over 200+ likes
No, but I like my retarded homers. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The team in front of Lundqvist was a joke his whole career. He would have won a cup on almost any other team
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dreading monday lads
So he would've won with the same Habs teams that price was on?
I said almost
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Debbies finally win, almost forgot what that felt like.
Also the captain is on fire rn
don't really care that they're homers they just sound annoying
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my wingies fucking SUCK
We warned you about the Yzerplan bro
nah man, building around dylan larkin will surely pay off
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SCAAARRRR KOVALENKO FIRST NHL GOAL christ mittelstadt is good
Michkov still PPG, made it interesting, probably the best outcome for the future, habs fans are still whiny little bitches
Imagine if 1980s NHL players had BioSteel
MSG was sold out for the first time in years today.
Flames and Islanders
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here's taylor hall getting hit by hamonic in the memorial cup
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>tfw no soviet born dirtbag left turned alt right bpd podcasing gf
here's a picture of me asking
damn i wish i were there. but then again you might be mugged on the way out.
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sorry forgot pic
My Oilies :)
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understandable. gary completely buried this sport. even wnba games are bigger draws than the nhl nowadays.
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The world's greatest love story.
My Sensies with the meme goalie changes
gary im fucking bored
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Yeah aint no chance in hell fourgiev is getting the net back.
My Sensies :(
my avies!! :))
scaaar manson :)
Not enough Flames games I know
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You can watch AHL games to get your fix
do players respect mackinnons high pitched bitch voice when he is trying to hype the boys up in the locker room?
No. I can't. Gary doesn't let them have a major TV deal.
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Just got back from watching the Portland Winterhawks lose to Everett... any Northwest /hoc/ on here when it isn't a /Krak/ night?
Seething this early sens bro?
Where you live is the best example of the most beautiful land ruined by the ugliest worst people.
Probably not you anon. But everyone around you.
how are you enjoying you first season, goyim?
The whackos in idaho?
CA and WA too. Seems to be the pattern. Gorgeous lands ruined by shitty people. East coast is not as beautiful but the people are as shitty. Something about the coasts.
> 12345

>first season
Thats cute
Football shouldn't be blacked out
It goes all the way up into BC too.
See you and daddy out at Norquay, slope.
interesting that you have never seen that post until now, david kun. lurk for a few more years before responding to me again.
my avies :(
i don't feel cute
i feel heavy metal
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>my tips :)
I'm always here anon. Hope you still had fun at the game.
guess i have to turn this shit game on now
My Sensies! :)
my avies :((
abolish the senate
you two should meet up and frot penises
as opposed to frotting other things
>he's never frotted anuses before
Its like you're not ever a Leafs fan.
ottawa blows
can't wait until mittelstadt has some real wingers to play with lol
my avies!!! :)))
no it sucks
My avies :)
why isn't there any liiga or jokerit tomorrow wtf
i want finland
my avies!!!! :D
>tie the game only to immediately give up two
Why are my Sensies like this?
i dont think ottawa is makin the playoffs.
my avies :(((
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Yeah it's seen some better days.
It was a fun game. There was a fight. Everett played really well. Portland kept missing passes.
it's ogre
my avies :DD
mackinnon empty netter
I woulda benched claude for not backchecking and giving up on that
won my parlay but none of my tim hortons hockey challenge picks scored today :x
my avies :((((
7 goals in 11 minutes
I mean you score 4 goals in the 3rd period and still lose the game that's some shit
What's the point in benching someone when the game is over?
My Sensies are experts at finding more and more heartbreaking ways to lose
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they almost choked that one away lol
a very leaflike win for the avs
he's played like almost 20 seasons, a thousand games. why would you just give up on the backcheck like a bitch? there is a good reason he doesn't have a cup
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just like connor mcdavid
Yeah, but make him a healthy scratch next game then. Benching is just not letting him hit the ice for the 1 minute that is left
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Yeah they fight Portland a lot, same with the other birds. Sanche continues to be the best goalie in the WHL, he's having a really great year so far. That hawks kid Chyzowski has been looking pretty good but seems he had an off night tonight. Glad you had a good night anon.
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straightest edmonton oilers fan
>pic unrelated
Fuck Gary
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The reason: "we need to move away from labeling people". Gary should pay attention and change the scoring system and make it descriptive. "Tried hard" - "Almost scored".
I just want my sports league to be fair.
Its not fair.

Meddling little kike ensures his dying markets remain alive and the methods he employs to do so are so disingenuous and in insidious. Fuck Gary is right.
He's got a nice cock
Smart kids can grift and coast off this system, they're lucky.
gary's plump little hog
Its probably a tiny crusty nub surrounded by gangly grey pubes
If money had a penis, Gary Bettman would fellate it every night.
they have been doing this since like 2016 and its only from grade 1 to 9.
i only have my grade 8
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do avs fans really
>give edmonton 6/8 of their season opener as home games
>they still fuck it up and find themselves in the basement
>don't worry their next 4 games are against the pens, wongs, blue jackets, and preds
why does gary go to such lengths for this team
broship chads we got matt martin back
Get high on weed? Yes.
Comfy looking stadium. I love those old school jumbotrons brings back the nostalgia. I hate the massive ones now days I find them distracting.
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No that's a Rockies supporter
watching halloween havoc
not asking
I am.
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my canesies :) play against our nuckies :) tomorrow
grim situation
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I disagree
kill yourself avatarfag
I'm gay
hey dylan
cope cowpoke
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>You guys like 4-4-1? I like 4-4-1 too!
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my god... the parity... it's... it's beautiful...
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
It is a shame how Buffalo and Detroit are so mediocre every year, wish they were in the mix more. Tampa and Florida lack soul
it's gonna be a dog fight for the wild card
holy snowbelt
I like a .583 winning percentage
kek frauds
Sounds gnarly
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I think all you Ameribros should vote for Trump. I’ve done absolutely no research but it just seems like the thing to do. Women should refrain from voting
sorry winnipeg jesus but i think the guy's a senile retard being worn as a condom by the worst jews in the country
fascinating takes as usual
its a real mystery
3 in 6 is a modern dynasty
What about 0 in 55?
not according to gary
is that so?
he cans say they have a dynasty all he wants to appease fans
he didnt officially recognize it as one
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>gary's opinion is the threshold for whether they're a dynasty
>n-no him publicly calling them a dynasty doesn't c-count
delicious cope
if gary really believes its a dynasty then why didnt he officially recognize it as one instead of simply playing lip service to the crowd?
not my problem, take it up with gary
delicious cope
gary told me its not a dynasty, he only told the chicago crowd that to get them to stop booing him
samir is posting right now. why aren't you telling him to do his job?
awww, need to bring up your boogeyman cause you're too btfo
keep begging your boyfriend to save you
classic samir headcanon. he can't even keep track of who he's talking to
anyone crying samir is the one btfo :)
>ded wongs
oh im laffin
They won't get past my Jackies
oh im laffin
Oilers are heating up
Flames are cooling down
>sign kylington
>win games
That’s a pretty straight forward strategy. I wonder why the flames didn’t do it
Mittelstadt is elite
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how is buffalo so fucking shit at developing talent
pull ups are hard
Nice, now do the coked out pajeeta pretending to be a nigress
Are we still shitting on the laffs?
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Of course
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>implying we stop
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Is this brother wearing a freddie sjostrom jersey
me at the game
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kek what a burn
Good morning /hoc/
Our Sennies :(
more like /planetretardbound/
At least you invented line changes for goalies last night
damn! gottem kek
>Jake McCabe 5 x $4.51 with Toronto
big if true
>Don't sign two valuable RFA's
>Sign shitters instead
>Be shit as a result
Why did soilers choose this path?
>Gets the pines Sat vs pooins
>Sign new contract Monday
huge even
he played 24 minutes on saturday....
The opposite of the reverse huomenta
The snot strikes
Who the fuck posts at 3am-5am on Monday?
cope i'm a night shift chad
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pierre poillevre stung by a bee

Also did they make the captcha easier now that u email verify
Real retard hours must go on
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kitties be playing tonight
unemployed people
soccer is so fuckin shit I had to watch my teenagers game this weekend and holy shit this sport is fuckin useless its like the Go Fish or Crazy 8s of the sports world
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People who were pretending to work I'll bet. or insomniacs
Ive set up a bot to make posts while I sleep. Can't stop the hustle
I pay a Venezuelan to try new gimmicks at off peak hours
When the Oilers play it’s the cribbage of the sports world
Euchre is the patrician's card game
wtf why is my flag all retarded
For me, it's Pokemon cards
rummy chads rise up
hes not doing a good job if I may say
my kitty was hungry
didn't ask
so did you feed him?
.... then sat after he shat the bed in his own end.
wonder how the oilels are going to manage to barely squeeze past a bottom 10 team this time
yes, I don't want to get mauled to death
still haven't asked
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What kind of cat did you say you had?
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good choice
*teleports behind didn't ask posters*
telling anyway
Asked but at what cost
I asked you bloody bitch son of bastard
so he was benched for like a minute? tanev was on the ice when they lost
To keep the thread alive. Some soccer nog did a thing so every non nig footy thread is sinking like a stone
Washington Capitals legend Zdeno Chara.
Why do flames fan consistently have a need to compare the flames to the oilers? I thought they were “chads”.
You can huff his jock all you want, but there is nothing inaccurate about what I said.
And also fuck you, Tanev was nowhere near being responsible for what caused the game to end, and if McCrapper didn't fuck up in the 3rd there wouldn't have been OT.
NHL legend future considerations xD
I’m hearing Bill Belichick will be coaching the Penguins this time next year
>You can huff his jock all you want, but there is nothing inaccurate about what I said.
well he didnt get benched and the signing is still a big one
>if would could
who cares the laffs lost
imagine another oilers-kings playoff series
the bruins are a cuck organization for letting him retire as a bruin
You conceded in your last post he was pined for the last part of the game.
Eat shit.
yes, i questioned the idea that he was bench
Fact is, every shit team steps up to play the oilers, and with Gary’s grow the game parity that means that every team is a tough out. Bottom 10 team do not give a fuck to step up in front of 3000 fans at sunrise.
Makes the oilers path infinitely more impressive than any sunbelt shitters.
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Fact is, I don't know what facts are.
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Stay focused
Fact is, Gary pays shit teams under the table to try harder against the Oilers specifically to keep them away from a cup because he hates Canada so much.
>shit teams
What makes this even worse is that Dave also had a role as practice keeper for the Laffs and Marlies. So every player had plenty of opportunity to fire at him all season and get to know where he was softest.
He told me once that he'd look away from the puck for a split second, or shift just a bit out of position and the puck was past him in a blink. He'd rave about the talent of even the 4th liners and laughingly said he might stop a dozen pucks all practice.
They should have lit him up. There's no excuse for how that game played out.
based dave, master baiter
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Our reffies do that for free as a service to the community.
Why do soilers twinks all suck penis?
Nobody questions your faggotry, Samir.
Impressively coped, based retard.
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seattle kraken.
that's it. that's the post.
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It won't be long until my humidifier comes out
meow meow
Check Meowt!
I'm a cat
Check meow-t!
I'm a cat
Check meow-t!
I'm a cat
Check meow-t!
Meow meow meow meow
Check meow-t!
it will be long until i ask
flamesfags in for a reckoning tonight
ancient chinese proverb
Elon has forcefully transitioned me into a leaf. Fucking hell.
pipe bust in my place and the past two days i've had industrial fans and a dehumidifier the size of a civic in my kitchen.
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game day flamesfrens
hope it gets better soon bro
What year Civic?
I own a car and a truck am i based and redpilled
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A tough game. Verses Gary's chosen team.
knights flames kino today
thank you gary
Thanks bro, it's getting there. sounds like I'm on a plane and I will never be more thankful for silence when it's done.
5th gen 1993 hatchback, red in color.
No matter. The tank is on
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wish jack a happy bday bro's :)
Wasn't his birthday yesterday with draisaitl?
I can never understand how people sleep on airplanes
what isnt there to get, you're locked into one position for a long duration
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Why the fuck do the stars have a week break right now?
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and with acquiring the rr.20 my vgk collection is complete! :)
you were supposed to post this to noel with a cum stained bedspread
Takagi vs Copey
They're playing in Finland on Friday
based, i have all of these as well bro except my white away jersey is one of those ones from the first season with the tiny logo -___-
Good goys
Gary appreciates the support
the white was my first one during 2nd season and it is absolutely beat up. should prolly frame it and get another one
Oh. I see now. Thank you.
Excited for this retard bowl
It'll be nice to have some afternoon hockey
>5th gen 1993 hatchback, red in color.
Well done. Now known as the official car of /hoc/
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Of course Gary sends the Sunbelt teams overseas.
>No keeper
Based Swedes
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>ai recreates dallas stars jake oettinger vs calgary flames dustin wolf at the saddledome on thursday march 27th

don't bite otter >:o
Do you guys wash your jerseys? I have a few but I only wear them to games and have worn each maybe 5 times and don't feel the need to wash them yet but might eventually, feel like it might fuck them up.
Best team in Canada is Winnipeg right now. Let that sink in.
you never see flames fags post their collections
I hand wash or spot remove then hang dry.
washer by itself then hang dry is good enough
dry cleaning is also a good option if you have the money
Sounds good, thanks guys.
He's a good Tampere boy
if you have the money to go to nhl games and buy jerseys you probably can afford ~$15-20 for dry cleaning it twice a year or something
why does toronto like signing old slow men on the back end so bad?
Their fanbase is so used to whining and losing if they changed now it would confuse them.
These teams clearly have not been able to draw locally so why not
>Rielly (30) 7.5M until 2030
>Tanev (34) 4.5M until 2030
>OEL (33) 3.5M until 2028
>and now McCabe (31) 4.5M until 2030
he's sending finnish teams to finland
For fuck's sake are laffs betting the under and tanking?
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>my sides until 2030
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Asking agenda: Empty.
Rielly has already peaked and is looking towards post hockey life. He won't play until 2030.
Treliving master class strikes again
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All that payroll, and not one of those shitters can run a PP.
oh my god who the hell cares?
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>Y..yeah but the cap is GOING UP!!
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Sorry wrong pic
Tony deangelo
I'll never believe that Leafs fans consider themselves real hockey fans while this guy is their mascot
the laffs play tonight but I think I'll watch boreball instead
>muh treliving
>muh boogeyman
Sorry but the flames suck because the town is a shit hole and no one wants to play there
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Yeah I posted the wrong pic you numale
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>Hockey Psychology
You need a minute to cope, Samir?
what games are we watching tonight, /hoc/?
Numale please
NHL regular season is better than world series baseball
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>"Next up, Jani Hakanpaa at 6x6, eat your heart out, losers. "
He belongs in the HHoF
kitties vs sabres
Let's see if the Yanks can use the shit weather to their advantage.
Tim Walz is going to be livestreaming chel tonight
Is he a relative of Wes Walz?
no you retard
Text me when he streams magic online
i would wreck any of you faggots in magic
bet my buddy in 2010 Ovi never bust Gary's crust but Sid sipped his gaza strip
that buddy just hung himself last night
does nobody really care about the steven stamkos welcome back home game?? nobody???
Somewhere along the line I reckon
I'm sorry for your loss
Ok, then I have no fucking idea who that is and have no reason to give a shit.
If we do, we'll ask. Be assured.
He probably got a hefty fine for not using an approved government facility
Ok stinky
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>*heems you*
sorry kid, nothin personal
>Hello Ma'am, I regret to inform you your son has killed himself.
>You are also under arrest as his next of kin for his violation of federal MAID policies
i think hes a faggot from the get-go and him playing tampa is just gary bettman neatness
he wanted to be buried in his team Canada Olympics 2002 jersey. but that type of National pride is strictly forbidden. we might have to compromise with a Kraken jersey.
Rempe here. I threatened them to get back up. Try it.
can't imagine why anyone other than blots fans would care
it must be embarrassing for him to return on such a shit team
For how long are my duckies :) going to rebuild?
they'll be relocated before they finish
I can’t count that high
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when mcdavid finally moves to the sunbelt they'll be rebuilt
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It's an exciting rebuild.
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There’s a floating island of garbage and it’s called the laffs
not funny, tony
There is literally only one island based franchise in the NHL. Do better
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>do better
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In this edition of 32 Thoughts, Kyle and Elliotte begin this episode by focusing on the Bruins-Leafs game on Saturday. Specifically, Brad Marchand's next contract with the Boston Bruins. Then the guys talk about Connor Bedard's frustrations with the Chicago Blackhawks' slow start, while having a larger discussion about rebuilds in the NHL (9:30). Afterwards, Kyle and Elliotte talk about the Canadiens potentially looking to bolster their lineup, and they discuss whether Cole Caufield can crack Team USA this winter (30:34). The fellas also delve into a tough couple Ls for the Ottawa Senators and speculate on the future of Claude Giroux (35:55). Then, the guys talk about Gene Principe's impressive German showing on Sunday during the Oilers 3-2 OT win over the Red Wings (48:30). Elliotte highlights the Buffalo Sabres' three game winning streak (50:38) and Jack Hughes' bounce back effort against Anaheim on Sunday night (51:00). Kyle and Elliotte delve into the public exchange between Patrick Roy and Lou Lamoriello on Long Island (51:30) and the Final Thought focuses on Arshdeep Bains' first NHL goal in his hometown with the Vancouver Canucks (56:15).
ShishiWata NoeFlare Mario party tomorrow!
thanks chatgpt
Eventually the Honolulu Hulas will come into existence
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who cares bro? as long as the flyers have michkov
tired of things
It’s a penisula not an island
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Literally whomst?
Dollar store yakapov
How come we don’t have a balloon door Gary?
Source: robin lehners neck
It’s an island
one that is connected to land via water....
tired of my job pekka. I need a new one
Only balloon here is you, tubby.
francophone arrogance
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bro have you been in a coma? michkov is the real deal bro
after seeing their performance last night i'm thinking the oilers will lose to the blue jackets
Its more of a peninsula
Why is Vasilvesky such a drama queen? Removing his glove from the puck because of a snow shower? Any Capitals player could've just put the puck in the net.
Dug in, entrenched, fortified
Chat G P T means pussy I farted in french
the jackets are making the playoffs this year so that isn't surprising to me
Tim Thomas would have beat his ass
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That fat ass?
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Oh did the Planet Retard Hockey League start already?
The look Shersterkin gives him after, kek
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Chris Simon passed on?
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Did he died?
the craps made the playoffs last year
>Sharks when they lose the game tonight, AGAIN
and the 3 pointer is good
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I really hope we win tonight... otherwise I'm gonna fire Warsofsky
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you won't lol

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i don't even care about the losses i just want celebrini back
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i miss him bros
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Wish we could turn back time..... to the good ol' days
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Giving up your stick should result in your career ending, just like with ultras groups having to dissolve if another ultras group take your banner.
If that fucking ogre would've skated towards me shouting ''wtf was that'' after I just scored a goal I would've clocked him. Just full power, right skate horizontally buried in the ice and fist to his ogre face.
Canadian heritage moment
why were they so mad about these?
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I wish McDavid would get this mad when someone scores on his shitty fucking goalie. But he honestly just doesn't care.
>Amazon ad plays
why not? costs nothing to be an ape in the nhl
him getting mad is just comic relief
They might get a devastating $5,000 fine
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He cried his eyes out and they had to remove the cameras what a cuck bitch
Remember when he was crying so much that Hyman had to give a locker room speech?
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This your captain, Edmonton?
The tears were spaying like a hose
Reminder that the refs rule the game. If you don't like it then fuck off.
Will always love Rielly for this.
Edmonton should take a page from Deion’s coaching book and have leaders and dawgs instead of captains.
Fuck the refs
What if this is the closest the Oilers get to a cup in the McDavid era? Statistically it's possible verging on slightly more likely.
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When will Rempe get on an NHL team that actually appreciates him?
Unlike the fucking rags
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Fuck the refs
lmao didn't this one happened shortly after the sens' goal against toronto? tkachuk is such a fucking faggot
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Its almost certain in the Gary era
lol fucking bitch thinks he's playing soccer
We should literally kill all the refs
I don't think that they are normal people and I doubt that they have feelings.
I reacted to the penalty call like a cartoon character
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They had a chance and they blew it
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>We should literally kill all the refs
Can the next thread be Sunrise themed?
I fucking hate them so much they're literal fucking retards
no nhl team would appreciate a bad hockey player numnuts
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I mean they were within a win last year so it's definitely quite plausible. But last year they had a really fortunate path to the finals, few major injuries, and an oddly hot season from Hyman. Just not sure everything comes together like that again. I also think the Skinner and Arvidsson aquisitions are overhyped, the players they lost were underrated, and overall they feel slower and older.
Skinner is a curse. Any team who signs him is guaranteed to miss the playoffs

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