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No more brazza wars
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>Ann Selzer

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My GOAT? Dana White.
Does Khabibi not know where Zion Don's loyalties lie? I know they're inbred cavemen but how dense can you be...
I've seen worse
Where the fuck is the previous you retard
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Better card than 309 and I mean it
>Samurai armor
Do you think he gets in that thing when the guests leave and swings the sword around while making katana sounds with his mouth? That is the true liberty of being rich.
Lee carrying the entirety of that card fr.>>145524482
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No love bros…
It’s in the past bro. Move on.
How's Jon Jones doing in the fight?
THE Cole Shelton?
Not at all, Costa vs Davis, chase Sherman heeming Jon jones main training partner, Jason knight, Alex Nicholson, all bare knuckle, it’s a peach
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WEEM spotted
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Are dana
I hate them so much
Daner finna run for governor of Nevada.
a debate between these 3 would be crazy
Intellectual dark heem
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I was looking forward to it
who's that dweeb on the left trying to suck all the good oxygen away from DanGOD
cody would heem topiurah
Many are saying this
He would not
Imagine if you will the smell
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>Now we all know Khabib is number 1. He's the best, nobody did it like Khabib. But I go online, people are saying bad things about him. Nasty things. Calling him a can crusher, a weight bully. You see, fake news happens in fights too. It's called Brother Derangement Syndrome, some say Brazza Drangement Syndrome.
say that to his face
has zion don won yet
That would be unfathomably based
>Dana I'm telling you I could heem any here
Three bums
You tell me
You, your mom, your dad
Who was the Jannetty?
He won years ago when Gane developed his anti-brazza stratagem
Can't stop khabrapping out my pbuh
take an abdulmanap is the islam then b
the future of america, chills.
kamala will win
Kamala needs to watch Leon’s comeback vs Usman. That will inspire her.
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This is actually so powerful and I'm crying
Yeah I think I'm done with UFC
Whoah whoah whoah buddeh
and there it is
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i dont care about amerifat drama
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Head of the Libtard Slap Department
Daner the gambling addict is far too sensible with his money to get into politics
Ambassador to Japan
I wish we got to see Schaub fight all the other HWs. Him vs Carwin, JDS, everybody
Head of Women’s Rights Committee
Went to the prayer room and sat on the Makhachev to no avail at least I didn't waste any *uran paper
/heem/sters from the 2018-2021 era are unironically seething right now. They're not still here but they're out there somewhere.
once kamala wins you will be sent to prison for this, better apologise while you can BIGOT CHUD
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What is he thinking right now?
Literally who
make sure you wipe your hasbulla and flush the muslim salikov tho b
He's begging sean to take him back
Who am I voting for? Dana White and Hunter Campbell. That's the ticket.
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Today I will not masturbate
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Sean Shelby Coup
>shartles fighting next week
>zero hype
>zero discussion
ufc is dying
Buddy on the left fucked Diego Lopes. Imagine entering the urethra tube of that Hispanic at the disco looking ass...
Good luck b
Wym even Aljo he's from Jersey, it wouldn't be a wise career move to support the enemy of Daner's friend
What's wrong with her hooter
Honestly, good. The world would be a better place without barbaric heems and sheems
THE Iron Cuckman? I hope they heem eachother and dissolve into oblivion immediately after.
soda :D
heems will continue to exist after the poofc dies
Dana invented heeming
Great outcome actually
Dana can't heem. He couldn't even heem his wife
can stipe still win? I dont know the criteria
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what fights are they cooking up bros??
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trying to make zuck vs musk happen
Elon is a pull out merchant who should have heemed or at least humiliated the jijitsu twink at the colloseo idc about him in mma
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abus didn't gas out in his last fight
you've been hanging around with pakibong too much
he kinda did tho ngl
Maurice Greene vs Chase Sherman, now that's high level
he didn't gas, he got hurt
We're fucking back bros the title run starts now
A minute is excessive, I just mean a very small person sorry for using queer terminology b I'll be more diligent
He did but he still won
Remember what they took from you
Some Hap is speaking for Harris it sounds like it's all but officially over and Big Don has won
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do girls go big smelly poopoo?
Not if Sal D'Amato has anything to say about it
cry more for me
she should've done something along the lines of "hammered with harris" and get fucked up with people all over the country
UFC commentator Joe Rogan single handedly changed the course of American history
Record turnout for young men on election day, right after Joe's endorsement
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Sometimes loudly too, like paper being ripped or a sail catching a gust on a windy day
seethe leafnig
Hap Skumpler
I feel bad for you
To me girls shits don't smell any worse but their farts do
Yeah I live with one and she shits all the time. Sometimes she takes "fake shits" where it's just her going to the bathroom alone to lock the door and text other men in secrecy. But who am I to complain? Heem is love.
She's literally me
Just wait until Dana learns about bare knuckle slap fighting. He'll be all over that.
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niche tears
She seems like an insufferable drunk to me, most amerindividuals are
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me estoy cagando ahorita vengo
We talmbout Pancrase in this bitch?
but at least it would've been an entertaining campaign
Wayne always reminded me of Brock somehow, on many levels
God Bless America!
It would be really funny if Kamangela Hillarris won though
That nigga been mewing
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Based Dana. Will never not love this nigga.
look at that ps1 nigga
*decides the fate of your country*
Look at the jaw on the IC9 in the middle, yegads
CBS live is a delicious copefarm btw lmk if you have a better one
Kamala can still pull a Leon Edwards. “Don’t let em bully you, Kam”
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smiff-esque performance from Kamala
I love Renato no homo
I want to train with him
>be yourself
What a cunt
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I wish
The only pro harris fighter is shit turdis and he sucks
Hate heemed love tonight
bruh they made Steve Minecraft IRL
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Many are saying this
Erceg won the winning contest
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>clearly beats the champ
>gets robbed
>gets heemed by a 5'2 skyrim falmer
Sensing a Reyes-esque downfall here
One look at this slop still and I began to miss Creature Comforts

Pixar animation really uncanny idk why people thought they were ever good
the rat does look like erceg tho
you love Britain so much
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I am quite pleased with the results of this ele-uhm, fight card.
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Same. I try to confront her last week and she got real mad. It didn't go well for me...
what other fight has this exact same back tattoo?
For once I have to agree, shouldn't even know gay lingo, let alone is it. I wish I didn't know what that meant
Khabib looks like he hasnt taken a shower for like a week
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Looks like it says "GAETHJE" that's probably it
Grifter bros we're back
Does this mean Colby will fight again?
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What happened exactly?

You have to get her drunk and go through her phone when she passes out, Anon. Or convince her that getting high on benadryl will be a good idea. When I confronted mine with the evidence, she tried to lie and say the timestamps were wrong. Then I pointed out conversation topics which referenced events that occurred in our relationship and she was forced to admit it and accept accountability.
Kek he does. I never got the Pixar thing either they just make soulless franchises and people gobble it up
It is what it is b
kek I do remember a lot more GO BACK TO /POL/ wall of text posts. I think fighting in the age of loneliness just released which would explain it.
>warning for off topic
lmao tranny janny is seething
Same lmao no idea what the post was either
Septum rings are absolutely disgusting
I wanted Erceg to beat that seething manlet so bad, I was so disappointed.
Some of you have never seen Sapp/Nogeira
I'm right here bro.
I hope the Japanese guy wins
Still pissed that one bean won decision
No they're not. Actually.
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Heeleksyun, b
after tonight i'm no longer a ufc fan
Post walkout music:
taking my morning harris on the biden rn
max won
volk won
tony won
kamala won
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Good to have you here for this heemstoric occasion
I would unironically walk out to this
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>Cody Garbrandt? Yeah.. he's never fighting again. Oh it's been rebooked? heh... I'll believe it when Bruce Buffer announces the winner.
Just adding this to the rotation of reddit shit to say when there's nothing else to talk about.
Cain is getting pardoned
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Wonder if Donnie will still attend the events
That's the pissiest weakest snare, shamelessly turned up in the mix. The music is so heavy yet the snare sounds like a single popcorn kernel being popped.
It would sound terrible on giant speakers for a UFC™ MMA(sports) walkout.
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Eva lovia won.
From blacked to infowars gang bang.
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Next ufc wmma champ
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fuck dana
I'm so fucking proud, bros. He looks so happy.
dana have those prime seats
Dana will make sure our heem interests are met
a leaf being homosexual is almost a heem cliche at this point
if dana is happy you know it's bad. fucking soulless piece of trash.
Trannies are seething so hard lmao
The ACKening is just beginning
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kill yourself
Go back to china, chinaman
He's making that fucking face again

The holy trinity of /heem/
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Baron is a heemer

>Joe, did he just do what I think he just did Joe?
>unanimous decision DC
>amazing Joe
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Dana Whyte on the mic lol
Dana, I kneel...
I don't care about the sound, I just want people think of violent rape and murder as I walk out and none of the ring bitches to feel safe near me.
Fucking nuts broski. I'm so proud of /heem/
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>But that is not the cloth from which she is cut
Dana embarrassed himself....
cry more bitch
Promo started well and ended poorly
you're a weak beta bitch
>dana shouting out the nelk boys at the fucking acceptance speech
He shout out Adin Ross.

My Goat
He sperged out but not like anyone here would have done any better
YWNBAW or white, brownoid chimp.
hahaha man my country could never

what a meme
im speaking
i'm white and not mentally ill like you
you vote Trudeau
This is too funny to be real surely I'm dreaming
You got put in camps kek
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thanked nelk boys but not colby wtf dana
Sure you are shitjeet.
Never bet on an Australian. Pussies cant fight for shit. Rob, Volk, Izzy, Erceg all exposed bad this year. Dan Hookers the only good fighter to come out of that shit hole.
We did it /heem/
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Heeminder there were 3 IC4s competing in this contender series and one made it to the finals, get your shit together americans
Dana is gonna be Secretary of Defense.
And the winner, by UNANIMOUS DECISION...
>young man
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mr nigger motherfucker president it's an honor to meet you nigga
kamala onlyfans when
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Blud shouted out the fucking Nelk Boys. Dana can't resist giving his concubines clout
the “brazza menace” does not exist as they are not good at fighting
>and one last thing, Jon Jones is the GOAT!
He’s fucking 78 though what if he keels over and dies lmao
get in the crystal, tranny
Drumpf loves brazzas THOUGH
Biden only has two more months in office
This was so cringe

Adin Ross is a low IQ moron, the fact his name was mentioned at a presidential acceptance speech is a stain on America that will forever tarnish the country I'm afraid
There was unironic talmbout having the migrants in a contender series style competition for green cards
Nina got fired by the poofc weeks ago
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People are going to be schaubing their britches here kek been non stop fear mongering about how heemed we are on a scale of 1-10 because of muh neighbor in the east can't wait to see how this plays out
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Based mma guru
This. They said we went in our 10s to vote, we took our best guys. I took a look at them and thought "these really are the best guys". I'd like to thank a very special person, Mr Sneed. Where is he? Sneed? Sneed? Get him up here, I'd like him to say a few words.
This is a beast, but definitely would be enjoyable, most of you will agree. But if I posted her from my phone book you'd all say she's gross and I'm desperate.

Someone explain this logic, I genuinely don't understand
Success breeds jealousy lad
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You may have heard these words before, but let me show you what they really mean! Go beyond...PLUS ULTRA!!!
I won't be watching MMA after tonight
Try K-1.
Has to be it, that's sad though. If you're jealous someone has a few slampigs not even because you've seen their beautiful wife

Can't be surprised though it is the work of the S.B.C
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Kevin holland arrested
Chuck Zito should have been on stage with Dana
shavkat pls stop posting and go back to training
DAMN this is a my boys heavy card
You know you fucked up once a cop pulls guard on you
new commentary rotation
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magamed ankalaev bros this was such a decisive win for us
just fucking schooled that whore rakic, complete domination on all scorecards
now that we run the division for the next 4 years minimum we can talk to dana and hopefully do something about the visa situation of our teammate and brother khamzat, inshallah
they're fighting in the US, can Arman free us from the inbred faggot that fights once a year?
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>Dana white looked disgusting--creampie face smirking--in front of the Republican delegation. Very, very disrespectful.

You mean you don't know?
It's a non stop disco bet you it's Nabisco?
Does this mean poofc will become even worse now?
You tell me
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proud to be American!
ufc pres is a retard
how's the economy in khazakstan? i am sick of this disgusting terrible ruined faggot dogshti aids ridden country
what's your problem with canada B
we don't want you
>disgusting terrible ruined faggot dogshti aids ridden country
It's even worse here.
Almaty is basically Brampton. Astana soon to become India 2.0
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Wow Gane
Wow I was just playing Civ 5 and Almaty saved my ass big time from a surprise DoW by Alexander. Almaty is a militaristic city state and their pikemen were sitting in rough terrain between our borders and just decimated his army solo. By the time I got my troops over there we sacked Athens unopposed and I didn't lose a single unit.
Respect to beautiful and mighty Almaty. You have a wonderful country Kazakhbro <3
Enough with the politics, lets cast our gaze to UFC Fight Night: Magny vs Prates
What's Dana's endgame?
To become God
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to be creampied
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Can’t wait for Zatdaddy to headline the next MSG card
Bo Nickal only uploads his video blogs in 1080p maximum quality lol
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resting my head on tracy cortez’s chest while she softly speaks spanish in my ear
Puta safada
Why are the fren*h this way
Hope he sticks around. The rumor that he's going to get the title and retire is seeming more real now that it's being repeated more behind the scenes.
Horrid goblin
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How different is mexican spanish to european spanish? I've only ever heard mexican spanish.
I’ve only heard aljo say that
grammar is 99% the same, just different accent
His bald coach hinted at it in one of his last interviews a ways back. Some other brazza khamzat knows or trained with said that 'he wants to achieve his dream and ride off into the sunset'. Someone posted it here. It was a pfl or some low ranked ufc guy on one of those MMA Shak tier channels.
Aljo said it last, that's why I wonder if khamzat's sicker than people know, or maybe kadyrov / the uae have some bs type position for him that will make him way more money than fighting.
He said in a russian interview recently he wants to get the belt, defend and then do LHW. I could see him retiring after that, 3 title wins same as Khabib
dana doing 1st time staredown where the fighters are teaming up against someone else
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Then why is it that euro Spanish titles for movies and video games are hilariously long, whereas Mexican titles are just ''the english word(s) but spanish''?
Khamzat Chimaev's Talk Tuah episode is likely to be released next week!
Wow chimaev vs girl?
So he intends to quit his job and live off his earnings from just a few years ago to now. For the rest of his life?
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This was part of an interview where he said he was goal was still be double champ and 5 years is the max he gives himself to do it. Considering how much kadyrov pays him he’d be absolutely loaded by then
Pays him?
Till vs Khamzat at 135 ?
The sheikhs and kadyrov already bump up his fight purses and shower him with expensive gifts
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Kek, mass blk boy sissy clitty feminisation happening soon, get your little boy holes ready blk boys. You're gonna be taking BWC and estrogen for the foreseeable future
Jack Della Maddalena's weird gay little T-Rex arms
I hope shota never gets another sniff of gold
is that payton talbott?
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Why is this screenshot in finnish
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funny thing is that Dana is the smartest out of the three
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HEEMINDER: Kookies and Klaudia Syguła have been training partners for years and are fighting on the same UFC card this weekend. Fighting on a UFC card with her mentor, incredible stuff
Envisage the stink
DDP will maul Cumshot
fuckked bothes these WAMMA yesterday 5000+x times (made over 500 000 babies) most of it while I was receiving road head in the bugatti, also fucked meagan olivi
>There is only one russion on heem
Room temperature IQ as usual, Ahmed
There is only one BDS russian who seethes about "cumshot" all the time, yes
What was his name
This is so weird. What a World
Jon Jones is literally a gay black man and the goat of mma
It's the best base for MMA. Just look at Payton
Du Bussies WTF is this?
Fuck off, nobody likes you
The effects of Daner's speech are being felt just got a message out of nowhere from a female saying they're sorry I watch MMA
>Considering how much kadyrov pays him
what if he loses
Why would she just text you that alone? Return the favour and screen shot it. I've posted some screenshots gems
Ivan, every time you come in here you instantly start seething about brazzas. You make it too obvious
I'm not encroaching on your gimmick lad that would be disrespectful
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>its up
>Conor McGregor is back in court for day 2 of his rape case, the accuser is on the stand right now, so far she has said:
>She bit him to get him off her so he choked her
>She said he said “that’s how I felt in the Octagon when I had to tap out three times”

Conor literally just admitted he felt like he was raped by Diaz and Khabib KWAB
I just can't hear him saying those words
i bet he immediately starts hating himself after nutting
How conscientious as always. One day you'll be rewarded for you righteous way of life.

I've actually built a folder since posting the last one. This is a favourite so far
Kek where's this minx from her ESL is cute
Dee seems off to me as well maybe she's a dyke
You should hear her SPEAK English, you'll be laughing your head off while she's gagging on your cock. She's one of your compisanos, Rome and gym obsessed with abs and the works, you should go and find her one day, you won't regret it
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This dude is a complete hasbeen. Look how fucking slow he is

Retires next week. Tom Aspinall inside 1 if he doesn't
>Tom Aspinall inside 1
jones gets the 2 piece right to the temple
>I'm in charge of my life, so most of the time I disrespect my dad

kek the logic, this can literally never get old, I laugh every time. What must your mentality be fucking like!?
Phwoar I'm sweating just thinking about it
We will see who has the last laugh although it will be myself and Jones
Stipe? Stipe will heem.
I enjoy >reverenge, hope the poor old sap doesn't live with her and that she's just calling him to heem his feels
Hahahah humouring me is the safest option sometimes I guess
It's a delightfully dirty accent and being able to place it enhances the screenshot
Kek revenge for giving you everything and putting up with your vile behaviour. Sadly that was happening in the family home, she's in London now, still pops over to Rome to stay and torment though
>dana shouting out Adin Ross
embarrassing, just cancelled my UFC fight pass
I'm gonna fucking kill myself
>dana shouting out Adin Ross
based, just subscribed to UFC fight pass
well then dems should have held a primary and voted in a man lmao cope
Feisty bit of skirt hope you're disciplining her well sounds like she needs it
First half was good but Dana shouting out influencers/podcast hosts in order of age was a bit weird
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we won boys! the good bad guys won
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hap and ace won
Can you take the nafri MMA parasite with you please?
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Based chandler
Imagine how tight brie's childless menopausal cunny is
I do a few times a week
>russian sniper
>is french
does this mean he particularly like to kill russians?
I'm gonna be completely honest... I'm the one who's been fucking Meagan Olivi.
What's his name
Reasons I'm not allowed to say on this board

Tick tock guy's, I don't follow politics but I heard about what's happening. Men are going to start looking and behaving like this again, the age of the weirdo is coming to an end

I need her
*heems you*
The cunt says they're going to kill themselves but they're worried about saying things they're not allowed to in a Forum. Fuck off. Another reason I'm glad the real men are taking back over
She;s old you stupid fag
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Hap is ready to step in.
Hapchael Acedler
Chandler is something else fr
You've got me thinking about her you know
Pläpael Pläpler
what a ducking bitch
legit? i've only seen moicano talk about it
Pläpas Pläpspinall
Pläpe Pläpic
Pläpyl Pläpane
Pläpinick Pläpes
hope Chandler got a career ending injury
Pläpiago Pläptos
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>wake up to the eternal redditor mental breakdown online
Pläpthony Pläpth
Alexander Gustafsson
When you go back I'll tell her a big Finish investor is in her town, I'll put in a good word for you
Pläpiel Pläpmier
Paddy vs chandler in the works
lol this finn mentally flushed b
Pläpince Pläp Pläpx
Dim cazzie talking out of line
We'll be eskimo bros like schaub n daner no homo
Pläper Pläpiera
Pläpel Pläpnnen
Pläpzat Pläpaev
High five!
I'mma be real with you, dawg: she's ugly asf.
What race is bryan battle? He looked white from a distance, sounds black and has asian eyes
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>publicly challenges zuck to a fight
>zuck accepts
>realises zuck is a healthy man of fighting age who actually trains while he is a fat gay redditor
>pussies out
Dookie Dan wants a rematch
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The problem with Jones is he needs 10 rounds worth of 1-2s to get a knockout. He's a pure am puncher. Plants his feet, locks his hips-never rotating with straights or even hooks. He's a somewhat heavy arm puncher, but more like cleaner Colby punches. This one's on the house. When you start developing an eye for the sport, it'll be a lot easier to see down the line.
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Go back to /pol/ for your le politic circle jerk
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the only woman that my heart belongs to
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your face rn kek
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fucking OUCH
whats worse, that or this
Who are these "people" bothering Daner
Perhaps an eiffel tower (iykwim) at some point hahaha imagine finding Jojua and spit roasting her
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did everyone else get a warning to stay on topic or am i just a bad boy
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>that’s how I felt in the Octagon when I had to tap out three times
t. Conor McGregor

Bro Khabib lives in his head rent free
why are white women like this
Haha what's gotten into you these days?
Yup (two)
Can you honestly hear him saying that?
Not really a seething emotion on his face b. You fr autistic?
Nothing much just in a cheeky mood as we draw closer to Jones being crowned greatest fighter of all time and tying Khabib's record
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You have staph
Checks out, he definitely did it.
Yeah if you want to yap about politics and suck each other off go to /pol/ retards.
he looks guilty
I can't hear it in my head, it's a lot of words to say when heeming by force not speaking from personal experience
I've noticed you've been animalistic for a few days not just today. You need to unload into someone Friday night. I feel sorry for Jojou if she happens to be doing a training in Helxinkie (and jealous for myself)
win or lose, peoples opinion of jones will not change at all and you with seethe.
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I that quotation to be accurate and true. Gooby's fighting some demons, meng.
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no im glad, i come here to discuss the life and career of Conor McGregor and nothing else
You're actually right, I don't know why he's getting excited, when people have an idea that a fighter isn't good in their head what ever happens irl is irrelevant
Give a peasant money and watch the circus. Noble people are noble with or without money, this faggot plumber is a complete jackass and always will be.
zion don
It would be an ecstatic experience for her, was thinking of doing a crawl tomorrow to heem someone will let you know sordid details if I succeed
Honestly couldn't care less
What does Jojou even do? She's actually a bum, but somehow still manages to be smug and feel like the best thing since sliced bread. Wimin are something else
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Son of a plumber, I don't think Conor is even a tradesman just a nailboy
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Accurate as always, dawg.
or just the nail
Goobert McDoobert is a homosexual. Therefore it's impossible that he raped a GIRL. I rest my case your honor
zognald drumpf
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Oim gonna RAPE ye (men)
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She'd be nothing were it not for the thousand digital filters and postprocessing algorithms that iPhones and IG have. Many such cases.
Kek very good
It's her sultry eyes
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>A-And then h-he locked the door. H-he raped me and then (cries) he KICKED me in the HEAD!
>He kicked you in the head??
>Y-Yes your honor. H-he started screaming "THATS HOW I FELT WHEN ISLAM KICKED ME IN HE HEAD BITCH". I-I still don't know what he meant by that.
>He was headkick KOd by a man named Islam Makhachev. Your story must be true.
Is this the new whore meta for mma wags? Watch a fighter's biggest losses, fuck them and then claim he did to you what some other fighter did to him?
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>>that’s how I felt in the Octagon when I had to tap out three times
this might actually check out. hes been submitted 4 times in the cage but only 3 were to chokes. a detail that random lass wouldn't know
>brazza please no more war in palestine
Khabib doesn’t know about Zion Don lmao
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In Gooby's case, it's 100% true.
Gooby is 100% the type of guy that would rape some gal, but him bringing up Khabib duirng it is too funny to be true
This isn't even about her looks though, it's the whole persona and attitude, which is O so common amongst that sex. Answer me this, have you ever heard of a woman being referred to as a bum in your whole 26 years of existence?
>Izzy above two guys that finished him
>Khamzat at #1 with ONE win over ranked middleweights
Is this the same website that has Ankalaev above Pereira at 205? Yea, completely objective and ubiased.
Spell things all fucked up so when I actually do mess up they are powerless hahah. And that's but another gimmick, I'm just rich with gimmicks these days
holy shit at this seethe
This does not sound like a real Conor quote. He does not speak that plainly, about anything.
I'd like to bum Jojua iykwim
I guess that's just the way some females are, b, ain't much else to say.
Bum as in "ass" or as in "vagrant"? Either way, no.
Would you take her sweaty Shorts after a session? You could just say you're a fan and you intend to frame them for your Son.
>July 2021
Ok you don't get it, it's a language thing
Imagine draining them to make kvass
Slamdaddy broke shartles
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I can't believe he actually won bros
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Oh look it must be 5pm in the UK when Faisal Gallagher deigns us with his presence
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So you're Frank now, very creative. I think you've been desperately needing a gimmick, it'll be the Icing on the Cake. If you want to be great like me one day.

You could go far
Clozapedo and Xircles settling in for their daily flirt session
thread dropping in 6 minutes
Been laying traps for you for hours you disgusting little khawal
topuria just hits that hard
I'm calling him Frank b, please
>clozzy admitting he sits on heem waiting for his bullies to arrive so he can begin humiliation gooning
gooby is gay he would never rape a woman
No one understands your IC4 schizobabble
actually chuds lost

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