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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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bell edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Stepan Avagyan Memorial | June 9th - 18th
- Cairns Cup | June 12th - 23rd
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Chess.com Chess960 Championship | June 17th - 21st
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

>Previous thread:
>Cairns Cup
round 4 is starting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLHykLUxv6Q
Their stream is so comfy and professional, the .com guys must be mad to never get it right.
I'd say Atomic, but the nerds playing it can remember tons of forcing lines for the openings, so it's a bit annoying after a while. You can add the 960 option on PyChess, and send the invite to some friend, or ask on their discord if anyone is interested.
Cuckaru is mad
go Alice!
He has been a jerk since forever. I wonder why he has so many supporters.
No coffee, no chess. Simple as.
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having my morning coffee and watching new stjepan kino
Try 4 Player Chess: it's fun as long as the other players don't team up against you. And don't rush to get queens in the opening, stay solid and don't hang pieces around.
feel much more solid in the opening after going through a bit caro-kann study
still suck in the middle game, i don't really have a clear plan so it's just a matter of who blunders first (usually me)
but i never resign and always play it out till the end
i always make the fucker work for it
blundered again but opponent ended up blundering too so i won
doesn't feel good but i'll take it
middlegames are hard especially as a beginner just focus on developing and put your pieces on active squares, play long enough games where you have time to blunder check every move, always consider checks captures and threats from both sides before making a move
Doing a lot of puzzles will help
i think i need to work on gaining more space with my pawns
after development it just feels like a slow death until my opponent finds a way to get into my side of the board
then i fall pray to a tactic because it's hard to maneuver or i just outright blunder a piece on a square that's guarded
random board blindness strikes me at the worst moments
>random board blindness
I had that problem at the beginning because I was playing full screen on a big board. Solved by resizing the board and choosing a different pieces/board combo.

Round 5:
cuz he's asian
>- Chess.com Chess960 Championship | June 17th - 21st
I didn't know that we can play this one. Tomorrow I'll try!
How important is it to learn the names of openings in chess? I currently just go through many different opening variations and so on but I don't really remember their names, just try to memorize how to move in each situation. Is it easier to remember the openings and their variations if you also attach a name to each one?
>Is it easier to remember the openings and their variations if you also attach a name to each one?
Yes, but it's not very important in general. You can organize better your study plan knowing which openings you've studied already and which ones you are still missing.
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Noob here; what is the best response to 4.Bg5 as black in the French Defense classical variation? I really like the Advanced Variation but white doesn't always take it.
Is dxe4 solid?
Actually Bb4 seems like what I would like to play the most
>Is dxe4 solid?
Sure. I hate pins, so I usually un-pin the knight with my bishop.
Noob here as well. Wouldn't the best engine move be the answer? Why go for anything else?
Engines go 30 moves deep, humans don't. It's better to use the opening explorer if possible, so you can see what humans play.
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>play player 400 points above me
>thought I did pretty good, up material at some points
>see this
>learn from your mistakes
Unironically the best way to improve.
for me, it's sycest: https://www.chess.com/member/sycest
Be7 is the most popular. dxe4 is fine, but you'll never get advanced variation type positions with that line. Bb4 is also popular. h6 is ok. There's a lot of playable moves here. White isn't even threatening to win the pinned piece with e5 because counter attacking with h6 is always working. You could probably play b6 here, but nobody ever has, but I don't see a problem with it.
Fabi is really trying to qualify but got rekt again lmao.
I'm provisional 1000 at best Rapid on Lichess am I intellectually deficient?
you're human like the rest of us
>Wouldn't the best engine move be the answer?
What if the other player studied that particular opening with the engine? It'd be better to surprise him, at least you'll gain some time on the clock forcing him to think more.
Magnus is playing the Late Titled Tuesday:

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The game was trash, but there is beauty in it, in a way.
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That day I became the Flag Master.
how do people visualize moves? I use the analysis board to think through things and it's basically impossible for me to even visualize 2 moves when people are posting like qd4 nf6 uh ok I need the visual to know what is going on
yeah, it's tough. i don't think anyone is immediately good at it unless they're a prodigy, you just get better at it after seeing a lot of positions. you can probably easily visualize your own room and walk in it, just because you've spent a lot of time in it. similarly, after a while, you get very familiar with the board and you can traverse it in your mind. studies show that chess players can more easily memorize a board position compared to normal people, but only if the position is not random but a real position you can reach, otherwise they're equally bad. so they kind of reduce the complexity by being able to chunk up the board into pieces they've already seen. i think after a lot of experience of looking at and analyzing positions, your mind just naturally starts to store certain chunks and then they're available to you to construct a scene in your mind more easily. compared to at the beginning, where everything is new and you're juggling more mental pieces at once which is quite cognitively intensive.
My IQ is I dunno like 45 so I'm probably 300 OTB ELO this game is beyond me I can barely do like 1200 rated puzzles online when I KNOW there is something clever to do
a lot of people equate chess ability with intelligence, but it's not really the case. it's just a skill like any other that you can get better at with the right kind of practice and patience. it can be fun to train and learn and play the game, but if you approach it like a test of your self-worth or intelligence, you're going to stress yourself out for no reason and it will affect your enjoyment and performance too.
Any checkers/draughts enjoyer itt?
Just starting to revisit the game family after primarily only playing chess and shogi for some time, much more interesting to play now that I'm not just a dumb kid getting his ass kicked by his dad.
If this is too off-topic I won't post about it again, figured it wasn't worth making a whole thread for since it's somewhat related to chess.
I was competitive at checkers once. How much better are you? I think it's acceptable to discuss it here.
>I can barely do like 1200 rated puzzles
that's not that bad, keep going anon
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>I think it's acceptable to discuss it here.
Absolutely. I swear that the chess variant Horde has some patterns in common.
round 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ApOGEwB3FI
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I'm curious, do you lose your skills if you stop playing for a while? If you've reached 2000 ELO and don't play at all for 1 year would you still be 2000 when you start again?
I's like knowing how to ride a bicycle, including that it's better to start when you are very young.
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I'm a newbie and a retard dumbass, when people talk about their ratings, what format are they talking about? Like what is the "standard" format?

I've been playing for a few months on both lichens and chess.com, and I dont know what to tell people when they ask for my rating
classical, rapid, blitz and bullet - from slowest to fastest. you have a separate rating for each, so in general you want to mention the time control and platform along with your rating i.e. i'm 420 chess.cum rapid

idk, for online chess there isn't really a standard, so just say the one you play the most, or whichever one is the highest.
That is fantastic! Who among us doesn't enjoy a good game of tic tac toe now that you bring it up?
>idk, for online chess there isn't really a standard,
Maybe it's the 10 minutes that the .com gives to guests.
Speaking of variants, Storm Chess looks interesting: https://storm-chess.com/en/
round 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dGO2N3YUMg
I barely played since I was a kid. Then played a few years on Lichess until I hit 2100+. Quit three years and I'm about 1900 if I get a good night of sleep now. Wouldn't take much to be over 2000 again, but my arm goes numb when I play.
last chance: https://www.chess.com/play/tournament/4842299

good luck everyone!
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The standard rating is FIDE classical:
how mogged will I be if I am like 1000 online and want to play OTB at a local Chess club?

Is there an actual retarded division to corral me in?
Don't play blitz or bullet and you'll be fine.
they'll probably put you in with the kids
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The most popular moves are dxe4, Bb4, and Be7. Be7 is playable but has fallen out of fashion because of e5 Nd7 h4. Bb4 is the so called Maccutcheon variation which is fine but leads to crazy structures. dxe4 Nxe7 can either lead to a Rubinstein transposition, or the Morezavich variation with Be7 Bxf6 gxf6.
Personally I think the Maccutcheon has too much theory. After e5 h6. Bf4, Be3, Bd2, and Bc1 are all good moves that require looking at. Furthermore the plans for black are weird since you need to play on the queenside but also push g5-h5.
round 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxSYCrB0UKo
this post to remind you that the real thread is >>>/vg/chess
See pic related if you are wondering why Bughouse has a very little payer base...
praying that the Chinese dork loses today
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I've never even pressed that button lol. I usually just go back and find where the big swings were and what I could have done. I'll press it next time.
never heard of this guy:

>exploring Poland
crushing another tournament? :D
why are the botezs facing players like 500 elo below them?
They are in the open B, so their starting rank is near the top and they are paired with players from the bottom half:


big fish in litle pond doesnt count
Hans W
knee-man is my man
ruck magnus
ruck hikaroo
and FUCK vishy
it's a handicap for w*men players
final round: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILAHQktS8Lg
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Mofo wanted to win so much that he forgot not to lose.
use a 3D printer you mong
I can't afford that

I bought a metric fuckton of chess pieces in bulk and got a steep discount so I could prototype a board game
If anyone's still around here, the thread has basically moved to /vg/ now.
chess is a traditional game thoughbeit
or with the elderly
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>left: funny games, rating goes down
>right: ugly games, rating goes up
How can I have funny games AND rating going up?
The sisters are live from Poland: https://www.twitch.tv/botezlive
i don't play video games, squirt. this is the real trad boomer general.
>check blatant cheaters profile
>lichess swiss club membership
every single time
>page 8
>one week bump limit




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