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The Good Old Days 2 Edition

>Previous Thread

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>Ideas: BJ Zanzibar's WoD
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>Thread Question
Aside from Bloodlines, what alternate WoD/CofD media is your favourite?
Supernatural season 1 & 2
True blood season 1
Underworld 1
Kindred the embraced
Blade 1
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One anon brought up Void Engineers in the last thread. How in the fuck are you meant to incorporate them into your Technocracy game?
I'd guess something like stargates the technocracy or xcom the technocracy
do the fiction novels count? if not then parliament of knives
i think the question was more how to have them show up in a non Void Engineers centric Technocracy game

well they are also be the (anti) spirit experts in the union so if demon or spirit problems are a topic the Void Engineers should also show up
They're not all in space fighting spirits. There's also the Earth Frontier Division.
That's what I meant, void engineers being quite militant faction, they could show up if something from umbra came and needed big guns for containment
>Aside from Bloodlines, what alternate WoD/CofD media is your favourite?
Night Road
Parliament of Knives
Shadows of New York
One of my friends said that v5 sucks due to elders being borderline unplayable due to all nerfs and how badly bane & hunger mechanics scale.
I look thru v5 and v20 corebooks and I don't see an issue? Stat wise elders are as powerful as they were in v20. Yeah, they lost disciplines past dot 5, but gained additional dices and rerolls for disciplines ensuring that they always pull off discipline & have mechanical advantage in contested rolls due to all rerolls. I'd agree that banes and hunger can be a bitch at high blood potency, but you're dealing with alien demonic spirit/divine curse so it is reasonable that it should suck
Am I missing something? Do elders really suck in v5 compared to v20 and why?
from everything from ignoring half the mechanics to the stupid and disingenuous argument a "friend" made, this is bait right?
No. My friend hates v5 and always tries to argue that v20 and vtr are superior games, mechanics wise
v5 sucks because it's mechanics being all over the place, it's writing is awful and well also all over the place because of half a dozen wirting teams being involved at this point and the art direction and formating is beyond saving

but yes elders can't have stats above 5, don't have higher blood pools and no higher disciplines extra rerolls do not counter all of this like compare full power mithras with pre v5 mithras, and Mithras was considered underpowered for his lore
I mean they get lot of dice per potency blood rush bonus and dice bonus to disciplines, so on paper they are just slightly weaker then in previous editions, biggest loss of power are elder disciplines and multiple actions due to celerity.
My honest opinion with Elders in V5:
1. Making them having higher BP makes them have more "permanent" Hunger, forcing to kill a human more often. But this is a nitpick;
2. If they wanted to copy Requiem so bad, they should've just copy the Elder supplement and make 5+ powers Amalgam with high BP pre-requisites. They should also explain how someone can get more powers past 5 dots because it is said you can do that in corebook, but doesn't explain how, forcing bullshit into "It's up to the ST" territory.
Well, they are. Even if you ignore elders.
Slightly? Have you read all the ridiculous things Elder disciplines can do? Not that Elders are even close to the biggest problem V5 has. So your friend, if he exists, sounds like an idiot. Not that you sound much better, mind you, given that you defend V5
Does anyone have a slot in a vampire game?
Play with me.

Teplice, UTC+2 (summer time), usually free on fridays, eng: B2, ger: A2, cze: N. Played VtM: revised edition a decade ago and coupple Mage one shots.

kinda interested in topping a guy, no homo
Having to kill to feed feels more natural as a drawback, than having to drink vampire blood like in Requiem.
Yes, I remember interview with josh weapon where he talked about show ideas if it wasn't cancelled and one of thing was that mal would meet spike from buffy in some random bar as cameo (that would indicate that firefly is set in buffyverse but in far future) come to think about river and academy could be related with slayers.
oh didn't knew that, that's neat
>compare full power mithras with pre v5 mithras, and Mithras was considered underpowered for his lore
V5 Mithras has Auspex so unlike Pre-V5 Mithras he isn't powerless vs. Obfuscate
So that's why it's called Bohemian rhapsody
you sound "teplý" alright
My Russian friends assured me its not gay if you top and don’t feel romantic love towards the bottom.
ah the easter roman empire is alive and well it seems
Was that before or after he plowed your quivering boyhole?
It is gay not having romantic love towards the bottom.
You are doing it wrong and you are now gay for that, fag boy.
Moscow isn’t called Third Rome for nothing
I find it crazy to compare old WOD art to the shit paradox publishes now.
remember that the w5 team tried to talk shit about werewolf art before they outed as low effort the tracing

i also really liked when we had the guy himself in here claiming that he did nothing wrong and that everyone i just mean to him
All the 5 edition books are pure trash in every level
what not a fan of the old bdsm ventrue woman larp picture?
Our Nosferatu fed from a Daeva ancilla last session and managed to avoid the blood bond, but he's still addicted to Vitae. Wheeee
Void Engineers have a very broad focus (discovery)
Necronauts, deep sea research, spelunking, even more esoteric pursuits like hyper-archaeology
Hey if you speak (some) German and even live in Sud... near the borders of Germany, forget Vampire, get into Changeling and try to lure hedgefag, he's a kraut.
Redemption, for all its many, many flaws as a video game actually has a pretty compelling story. I cared about Christof reuniting with Anezka and found a lot of the vampires you met along the way interesting. Though in terms of party I actually thought the modern nights gang was the more interesting of the two.

My only complaint with the story is that it presents Vukodlak's pants on head retarded plan as remotely viable with all the dramatic build-up to his awakening.
The old bdsm woman is the only part of the rulebook that radiates positive energy. Shame it is lore violating, ventrue are supposed to be dignified and keep their gimps in their havens.
Finding out how extremely Russia is has completely destroyed my respect for them as a country, lmao
Especially because I thought of them as masculine badasses

As someone who has known people in Russian, and Russians, and speaks some Russian the idea of Russian as masculine badasses is hilarious.

The Russian lifecycle is ruining your brain and appearance with vodka, beating your hot Russian wife to death, then spending the rest of your life molesting young boys because you beat your hot Russian wife to death, and doing your best to conceal your lies with bullshit.

So its a great place to run WoD games.
>My only complaint
He is a methusela. They're so powerful and old at that point that they're suppose to be out of touch with reality. Most methusela should make many marauders look coherent.
Their biggest saving grace at that point is that they have so many "Fuck You"-level disciplines that they can force their warped worldveiw on reality by force(if only temporarily).
Are elders even playable in V5?
It's not about romantic, it's about erotic love. If men make you sexually aroused, then you're gay (or bi).
No, unless you're in Middle East.
Why do you need to ask 4chan of all places to settle a debate with your friend? So he doesn't like V5. Is this getting in your group's way? Are you as vehemently opposed to playing V20 or VtR as he is to playing V5? Do you think getting arguments from here will help you argue your case to him? Because it won't.

Frankly, this just reads as an attempt to start an edition war, we get these all the damn time.
There's no mechanical rules for it, but nothing stops you from giving players higher starting BP, lower generations and a shit-ton of XP (like, 300+ at the very least for an Elder)
And even then, the rules for them are so shit that they can't achieve most of their canonical metaplot feats anymore.
>Why do you need to ask 4chan of all places
To feel validated in their opinion because they're too spineless and insecure to be self-motivated.
Requiem question, do Belial's Brood have any books about them? Do they have powers exclusive to them like the Covenants do?
Yes, called Belial's Brood. Yes, called Investments (or Triadic Evolution in 2e's Spilled Blood.)
>do Belial's Brood have any books about them?
Yes, one with the same name as the covenant. I don't about their powers because their lore never caught my interest.
No. There are fanmade supplements for Elder systems, but they are quite lacking.
There's one a couple of brazilians did (it has an english translation already), but it's basicaly:
Mastery Background from DTF copied refurbished.
They introduced a new track called Terror or something. Same thing as Harano/Rage track: You fill it out fully and your Elder surrenders to Beckoning.
>Are elders even playable in V5?
Yeah but they are incredibly jank.
Few hours ago on a Polish World of Darkness group Outstar posted this (translated by Google and myself)
>Hi! I've heard that a certain person from Poland (possibly in this group) who has no connection with Paradox or Alis Games (Polish publisher for WoD5) is contacting TTRPG artists and writers saying that he knows me and is working on the official Vampire The Masquerade book , extorting artistic works and personal data via CV. I don't work with anyone from Poland on such a project. Please be careful.
>All official contact takes place via email addresses registered on the official domains of Paradox or licensing partners. Partners are listed on the website. If you are unsure, please ask.
>Please be careful and contact me if anyone relies on me in similar matters. And enjoy playing!

Then Alis Games replied that they've recently became aware of it.

It's probably nothing, but... I'd like it to become something.
Seeing how they stated Helena and Mithras, I'd say yes and no. By yes I mean, yeah sure there is blood potency mechanic, so like >>93172957
Said, you can givelow generation, high blood potency, huge xp count. So technically corebook gives you barebones of elder play. But methuselaths are so nerfed that few combat min maxed ancillas could gang rape and diablarie helena
I want what you’re smoking if you think that is even remotely indicative that something is going to happen. Going by what you translated, that just sounds like some scam that a single person, unaffiliated with anyone important, is doing.
They're likely to be present in any remarkable location in the Umbra too.

Outstar? More like Outhouse-star. Because overthing she makes turns out to be a big shit,
so she’s a star in the outhouse, geddit, hahaha.
Does anyone happen to know what I can search on eBay to find actual, original copies of V20, and not the DTRPG POD garbage “reprints” that populate most, if not all of the results? How can I tell which of them are original copies? The only ones I know for sure are originals are the leatherbound ones, because obviously they’re not PODs, but they’re up for like $1400, and I that’s way above what I can justify spending on a book that I’m going to use.
Fuck you, I got mine kek
you considered the possiblity that people just aren't sell those?
So your theory is they sell the limited edition, extremely rare leatherbound copies, but they just don’t sell the much more common and accessible original copies… for some reason? They just keep them, and never sell? Why would they do this?
not saying it's true, but there is a market for selling second hand special and limited editions of everything due to them being collectors items and... well alot of those ebay special edition listings are completely fake: whoever is reading this do NOT buy second collectors items like this from ebay, you are never seeing that money again because seller is gonna disappear into the nether

meanwhile just normal first runs are rarer (outside of comics) ironically because they weren't meant to be a collectors item
What is your source for those limited edition listings not being real? How would that scam even work, given eBay’s policies favouring the buyer? Curious where you got this idea from.
Anyway, assuming you’re just making that up, if the limited editions are on eBay, obviously the more common, default editions would be, as well. The problem is there are so many of the PODs on eBay, probably so somebody who doesn’t know about DTRPG buys them and then never clues in that it’s not an original and just an overpriced POD from DTRPG.
There are tons of common things on eBay, and it’s just silly of you to say there wouldn’t be any of the original prints on there when both the original limited edition prints and also the shitty reprints are on there. Again, I don’t know how you came to these conclusions.
looking up the corebook for v20 world wide the only three i find are two reprints and a german reprint

even the one tagged as new says it's only
>near mint
> has some imperfections
sorry man, posting this to say it's not just you
Because people realized they’d get more money for the leather bound copies from latecomers. And that they’re more collector-worthy. As for the normal original prints, either they’re beat to shit or are the copy they’re actually USING. Why exactly would they sell it? You aren’t going to find any original printings of V20 for a reasonable price, my friend. Better to just bend over and take that PoDick, and hope Drive-Thru RPG uses lube lol
I feel like V5 should've streamlined Blood Potency. Something like 1 for recent embraces, 2 for neonates, 3 for ancillae, 4 for elders and 5 for methuselahs, and just make each lever more significant than what's thinly spread among 10
Original copies of V20 do appear now and then, but are pretty rare. And expensive due to being limited and out-of-print for a while now.
They did that in Sea of Time section already.
Thin-Blood is 0
Childer and Neonate is 1
Ancillae is 2
I meant the whole Blood Potency track, not your starting BP
I’m not planning on doing this, just curious. If I cut Mage out of the WoD setting entirely, how badly would Ars Magica fit into that altered setting as a replacement? I heard AM was originally going to be WoD, or maybe I have it backwards, but I know AM has had huge changes since then in every regard. Is it even worth thinking about?
Why are you playing a crossover game, you mong?
Can you read posts before replying to them, please? It’s common courtesy. The first six words will solve this misconception you have.
oWoD's setting treats all games as separate anyway. So it doesn't matter.
will it be good
Fair enough. How about a new question, then: Ignoring the Tremere name being used in both of these settings, would Ars Magica conflict with VtM in any major way? I don’t know much about either setting yet, but I’m interested in both and I have a habit of wondering dumb shit like this.
Why don’t you read this, asshole?
I just did, because I have common courtesy. You could learn a thing or two from someone like me.
No. But I expect to an uptick of people here asking ‘how do I get into MtAs’.
I’d rather be me than a faggot like you.
Yeah? How’s that working out for you so far?
Tremere in VtM are basically the Tremere from AR so that's not a conflict really. There isn't anything major I can think of you'd have to solve for this. It'd just mean that when you bring wizards in they'd be doing a different sort of wizarding. I mean there are things like Technocracy space lasers in the Week of Nightmares but I consider that to be no majorly important.
Pretty swell actually, pinstripe.
That’s good to hear. Hope you feel better soon.
What an illogical thing to say.
not vtm as much, ctd and werewolf becomes basicly unsuable through

for vtm it's basicly just that there are weird fairy butterfly vampires made out of the spirits of children left do die in the woods and dhampirs in ars magica, both hang around with the ars magica tremere funnily enough because the tremere help both of them kill their parents i what i imagine is meant to be a funny reference

and of course the tremere are different in general having a lot more necromancy and morals: i already mentioned the whole helping kid spirits get vengance, but they also hunt cults that practice human sacrifices and they heal so many blind people in transilvania and the eastern roman empire that it's becoming a problem as the golden hues in the healed eyes of the healed are getting recognized by outsiders

the bigger problem would be that they system are very incompatible gameplay wise because ars magica does not use the story teller system
Well Ars Magicka is a different system from WoD, but from a lore perspective I don't see why it wouldn't work. Mage didn't even exist when the Tremere were put into VtM. It was supposed to be a cheeky Ars Magicka reference. The other hurdle would be extrapolating how Magic in Ars Magicka would evolve into the modern nights, assuming you want to go into the modern nights.

A cleaner way to practically cut Mage out of the entire thing which is to the setting's benefit in my humble opinion. is to use the Sorcerer template (or Witch in nWoD, but that one was designed for NPCs) and expand on it a bit. That way you can have magic users that run the gauntlet of power levels and can be elegantly inserted into other games without getting into all the stuff that makes Mage bad in crossover.
Where do I even look to find VtM games, much less WoD at large? All I can find is dead lfg posts on reddit or pbp communities in discord.
Watched it last night. It’s amazing how well they grasped the key components of Ascension’s character and magic building
>oWoD's setting treats all games as separate anyway
Until they don't, which happens a lot.
>Wimpy-ass sorcerers
Boo! Booooo! Get off the fucking stage, mate.
It never happens
Gift your friends VtMB and wait however many months it takes for them to play it. Then shill them on a V20 game.

That's your best bet.
From a technical perspective, probably. Live plays are only enjoyable if you vibe with the group's dynamic. I watched listened to the prologue 1 on 1s when they were on spotify and found them moderately entertaining, but since Mage is absolutely not my cup of tea I have no interest in following it further.
Literally every crossover adventure.
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What happened to that guy who said he was making a bigger translation guide for VtR?
Which one, I can think of several, including (Me).
why do people say that professional training is busted?
That proves the point. Crossover material exists in the state it does because oWoD isn't a unified setting. Who the fuck even cares about adventures in the first place, especially if you're not running the base setting?

Most of what it gives you can be quantified as XP. It gives you more equivalent XP than you spend on it by a fair margin.
Because it pays for itself and more, not only granting free specialties and contacts but beats later on. This is all on top of the rather strong abilities it actually gives you to your skills.

It also has zero prerequisites, which balance out a lot of strong merits by requiring you to have a certain "build" to get them. On a more personal note, I also don't like the flavor of it, because what it represents is something that should already be covered by skills, specialties, and contacts.
at four dots you get the equivalent of 6 xp
that's just a bit more
the last dot is the only strong ability
There is mention from old WW designers that the original idea for Mage was for discreet magical paths, powered by Willpower or presumably Vis instead of Blood Points.
But then they were still under the assumption that VtM was the template other Storyteller Games were following.
The bare-bones can be found in Hunters Hunted, but by the time they had decided on fleshing out the initial premise of Hermatics hunted by the magical equivalent of The Man.
It had evolved and so needed a more flexible system.

Best way to recapture that is to take each Sphere and restructure it so the rotes as discreet spells. Then you can take distinct concepts from Ars Magica and construct rote spells from them, (Like Storm spells from Milwaukee By Night).
That's still two free experience at no cost. Any merit that pays for itself is going to be strong, and there is no drawback to it.
Which Hunter Creed will allow me to have a harem of women from the various splats?
that doesn't make it busted, just good
The Earthbound ones are basically the Technocracy's ghostbusters and globe trotters. If you have guy who's exploring the Amazon and "discovering" new animals for the union he's a Void Engineer. They're also who the NWO calls in when something is too supernatural for them. They can handle mages but when they need someone to deal with the Devils summoned by a bunch of infernalists, they'll call in VE.
Either Redeemers or Innocents. It still sounds pretty fucking stupid for various reasons, but those two are probably the most likely to even consider the idea.
No I'm pretty firmly in the stance of it being busted. Grants more exp value than it costs with no drawback, no prerequisite? That's the definition of busted. Mystery Cult Initiation is the only similar merit in terms of function and it has the drawback of joining a damn cult. Professional Training has no drawback, no prerequisites, and weird flavor. You ain't gonna convince me it isn't bullshit and I've given you my reasoning. I think you just wanna argue.
Adding to it; how can they fit into a more grounded, revised-esque game?
mechanically speaking you are just wrong. It's simply a bit better and nothing more. i'm not trying to convince because you don't actually have a point
It's something that gives you more XP than it's worth. On top of giving you very good bonuses, reducing the costs of things it makes you good with, and giving you a very very WP spend.
NTA but you're being a dumbass. If one dot of Contacts is worth 1 XP and 1 dot of PT gets you two dots of Contacts it's obviously too good. If a spec is worth 1 XP and 1 dot of PT gets you 2 specs it's obviously too good. At two points it gives you twice what you spend on it. The other points are not, in any way, made somehow worse to account for this. It's too good for what you spend on it.
>On top of giving you very good bonuses
only the last dot does that
>reducing the costs of things it makes you good with
It doesn't do that
contacts isn't a strong merit and it's also very situational
Oh, you're actually retarded. Never mind then.
I accept you concession
Are you looking for a translation of a specific power or merit?
Why build an Imbued for that?
>All I can find is dead lfg posts on reddit or pbp communities in discord.
You need to create your own group, find the people you like with a similar schedules.
Whatever happened to saving evil women through the power of dick. Are you saying my Japanese comics lied to me?
There's only bad endings in World of Darkness. You either try to make the best of the situation or try in vain to prevent that ending.
No, it’s that while you can save them, having several viscerally opposed people together in the same place ends in a bloodbath, not a slice of life
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The hunter beat em up isn't half bad, and gave us some glorious hunter-net posts
Bookworm (innocent creed signature character) tried that and got his legs ripped off. Though he still believes that she has a soul yadda yadda and wanders around america looking for her after he got his legs fixed to prove that monsters aren't just monsters. dude got some serious oneitus over a vamp.
The only way I see a hunter X vamp star crossed lovers situation happen is one where a freshly imbued and freshly embraced who share a past run into each other and don't immediately kill each other. Any imbued that's been around for a while is gonna be hesitant of trusting or sparing a vamp unless they are a redeemer or innocent, and innocents have the highest mortality rate among hunters(wonder why). and the longer the vamp has been in the vamp mindset the less likely they are going to grow attached to a lowly human, much less one thats a hunter.And regardless its WoD, any relationship between a hunter and a supernatural is gonna end in tragedy sooner or later. I could also see a vamp get obsessed over "the one that got away" hunter, but thats not a healthy start to any relationship
I can see Imbued and Mummies forming semi-constructive relationships provided they can work past their paranoia. They practically have the same job description.
>I can see Imbued and Mummies forming semi-constructive relationships provided they can work past their paranoia
That can apply to every splat but lest's be honest, the Imbued would just try to kill everything because that's their purpose.
What did God_45 even do?
Supernatural Genocide
Only Waywards really do that. Even Avengers have some discretion on who they kill, not to mention Mercy creeds. The reason why I singled out Imbued and Mummies is because both genuinely want to help humanity out whereas other splats more or less just care about their own self-preservation.
The HtR games where that pic came from aren't canon so nobody knows.
schizoposted and promoted based monster genocide propoganda one too many times.
I think you might be talking about me. Was it the mostly complete one that was having issues being shared?
I've never actually seen it, I've only seen mentions of it in the archives.
He mindfucked another hunter into killing his friends and mutilating themselves or something along those lines, I don't remember or care to be accurate.
>The reason why I singled out Imbued and Mummies is because both genuinely want to help humanity out whereas other splats more or less just care about their own self-preservation.
Well several people have made expanded versions of the VtR translation guide. I am one of them, to date three chronicles have been run with it at various stages of development. I converted a ton of bloodlines and clans that aren't featured in the original conversion guide, updated some things to 2e, made some minor changes like favored attributes I disagreed with. The meat of it is a fuckload of merits from both Requiem and V20 converted, either requiem merits converted to better fit a more masquerade setting or V20 merits converted to the nWoD system. Also a lot of combo disciplines and elder powers converted to Devotions. It has a lot of optional rules and I tried to take a toolkit "use what you like" approach. That being said, the default has definitely been tailored to my group's preferences. I was going to post it a while back but I did the whole thing on google docs originally without thinking long term, and found that in order to share it without doxxing myself and all my friends, I would need to make a new document and copy-paste everything, which would be laggy as shit since it's compartmentalized into smaller docs in one folder. So I was going to just say fuck it and make it a PDF, but other projects got in the way. So if that's the one you saw in the archive, I'm sorry Anon. I'll try to find the time to convert it to a proper PDF with art and everything.
What Spheres do I need to literally punch a ghost into submission?
spirit 2
Total Garou Death
just wait a century or two and they will have done it themselves
>I don't remember or care to be accurate.
no that's he is implied to have used the level-3 edge enrage on other hunters and used other hunters as disposable pawns so he was too dangerous for the imbued to keep around
*not that's it
would Delta Green & majestic 12 be compact or conspiracy in HtV? (i'd say conspiracy as they are somewhat similar/identical to taskforce Valkyrie)
what about F.E.A.R unit in F.E.A.R. (game implies every member has some some special talent etc, but organization as whole is no bigger then 30 man platoon, with no jurisdiction outside USA. so compact?)
IIRC HtV2e has a section on how to create your own cell/compact/conspiracy within the system. Go nuts and do whatever you wish.
How soon is someone good to be drunk from again? Had a player wondering how often he could use his ghoul as a herd
i think it was the same time they need to heal the health damage

however ghouls as herd is uhm really stupid because you are drinking your own vitae out of the ghoul again
>you are drinking your own vitae out of the ghoul again
Well, some people "recycle" their semen.
Have you ever used storyteller/storytelling system for other settings and/or games?
Have you ever run wod/CofD game with different system ?
I was going to ask this exact question soon. I’m curious just how genetic the system can become if you were to remove the splat-specific rules and stuff and replace those with more general stuff, or even just adapted it to a completely different setting, or even a completely different genre.
I don’t think this system would be very good for something like, say, dungeon crawling fantasy, but I bet it could have more applications if somebody took the time to hack up a more generic set of rules.
Generic*, not genetic.
I'd say that system is as modular as say 2d20 system or mutant year zero system, as you have different things (dark ages, renaissance, early 2000) different scale of games (from mere mortals of hunters hunted to space marine like werewolves to fucking reality bending mages) same deal with CofD so I'd say system is quite adaptable for narrative driven games
I know there is good vtr/vtm and mage hacks in genesys system and it runs pretty good
>Have you ever run wod/CofD game with different system ?
I still wanna run GURPS WoD, but need to find time and courage to do that.
Tzimisisters... we lost...
Trannymisces have always been the tranny clan.
>watching other people saying how you should RP certain class/race/archtype instead of reading books, experimenting yourself and exchaning your earnt experience with other people
>This is the exact audience V5 and W5 is trying to pander to
Fuck Paradox Interactive. Simple as that.
>How soon is someone good to be drunk from again?
Depends on the version, but on average it's like a week for every 2 blood points.
Just re read the rules for herd and handwave it.
>Have you ever used storyteller/storytelling system for other settings and/or games?
Not really, WOD/COFD have a niche but trying to use it for other types of game doesn't really work most of the time.
Because MUH D6s!!!
I get preferring those if you can't get something like 10d10 but if that's the problem just use a dice roller nowadays.
GURPS is fine, from what I heard at least, I just don't see the appeal of it if already know a specialized system for what you want to play.
Because there are official materials from GURPS to roleplay WoD. Also, one of my first TTRPGs I played was GURPS and I had tons of fun.
Why not try it out, right?
I hope you have a good time when you try it then.
Hasn't that always been a large part of oldwod's audience though? The only thing that changed was that audience went from being rebels against the machine to being in charge of the machine and LARPing that they're still rebels
I just want to find the books so I can read the divergent lore
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Myca Vykos set one hell of a precedent, but sometimes it's not about identity sometimes it's about learning through experimentation, or just simple joy of arts and crafts...
>went from being rebels against the machine to being in charge of the machine and LARPing that they're still rebels.
We live in a world where poseur's are in charge of defining punk, trannies in charge of defining gender, and glowies thinking they're counter-culture heroes.
This timeline fucking sucks. Can we go back? I think we made a wrong turn somewhere.
Cheers anon.
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Chronicles of Fagness
Go to OP PDF in Share Thread and find the GURPS Trove. The books are there.
what would be a good starting session for a group that never played daV before?
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Are there any other vampire or other traditionally horror creature games that you enjoy, anons? If so, what are they? I find myself interested in other takes on the genre that the White Wolf ones.
Games? No. Settings? I’m a big fan of Type Moon for vaguely dark urban fantasy with Mages/vampires/Etc.
it know there is a map of dark age vampire's europa with all the big proto sects like the court of loves and the baronies of avalon on it in one of the books but i does anyone know in which one it was in?
Try Dark Ages Europe.
>Type Moon
Oh yeah, “mages”, heh.
You can use Sorcerer. Mages in TYPE-Moon don't exist anymore, except Aoko IIRC.
Mage is the term for a Magecraft user while Magician is the term for someone with true magic [not to be confused with True Magick].
It’s the exact audience WoD has always had, fucknut. Outcasts, weirdos, goths, etc. Chill.

Is it any wonder that people wishing to change themselves align with a clan capable of metamorphosis?
In charge of what machine? The one where people can’t do sports? Ten Commandments being displayed in school? Cant get healthcare?
No, they call themselves “magus”
>Look some people are resisting!
>That means we don’t have 90% of institutional power!

Hippy punks have been replaced by corporatist perverts. Neither is desirable but one is at least entertaining.
>The mentally ill want to latch onto the Clan that wants to reach enlightenment through inhumanity
Yes, I have fucking problem with that. Not on my watch. Not now, not ever.
I will never understand people who get outraged about queer shit in WoD or about queer WoD fans. Like have you read the fucking books? Half the characters are some sort of fucking alphabet-pervert, the other half are manifestations of the writers fetishes, and all of them are special snowflakes. You went into the fandom renowned for being filled with tumblr freaks before there was a tumblr and you're mad that they're still there?
The "Conservatives are the real punk rock" shit is funny but it's time to drop the act, no one falls for it
I recall people on here saying that it's better to play revised Mage the Ascension instead of M20. Why?
Sasha isn’t even human, fag.
It’s essentially the same thing, difference being you can actually learn how to play from the corebook in Revised. M20 is the same amount of rules, plus 100000% fluff.
because M20 is a mess in terms of layout and rules iirc.
Making Sacha even less part of the man/woman dichotomy you fucking retard.
Looking a little mentally I’ll yourself.
I personally find it funny that pretty much every trans vampire is some psychopathic Sabbat Tzimisce monster. The only remotely normal one I can recall was a Cappadocian Inconnu stuck in Hunedoara Castle.

If I were a leftist I'd honestly be mad that your iconic trans vampire is a barbed penis throwing freakazoid who canonically tortured a child who was embraced by a Nosferatu until they turned into a non-newtonian vampire. Seriously, Clan Tzimisce are some of the most twisted fuckheads in the game.
Is this a Discord raid?
>transfags get their vamp representation
>my hunter gets to indiscriminately kill said vamps
I don't see the issue here
Real world but not settings like this invite the everything is political crowd. Personally I think trying to say WoD has to be left-wing is moronic. Just play a person in that world, people have opinions that can be anywhere on the spectrum. Hell racist Brujah has been an example character twice.

In short it's /pol/brained nogaems screeching.
one of the kinoest parts of hunter is how all avengers are *heavily* opinionated people that like to share those opinons, and how waywards make those guys look like fucking moderates and having shit like 2 differing race supremacists teaming up to kill monsters
Keep your dumb fetishes out of the vampire game thank you.
Tell that to the authors... of every edition honestly.
>"Conservatives are the real punk rock"
No. Anon is saying the people punks would call poseurs are currently the guys in charge.
Sometimes the people who actually like wod push back on your /pol/ shit, learn to deal with it retard.
Man you could really do a whole thing about the conservative undercurrent of Hunter, especially Vigil. But it kind of slips with later books, because the writers aren't fully capable of working within a worldview they fundamentally don't share. I'm not fully saying they should have hired someone who votes republican to consult on vigil, but I'm also not not saying it. Just get someone to gently prod them once in a while and say "Hey sure you wrote this character as a self insert, but you also made them a serial rapist, so maybe it's fine if they get shot at"
But I suspect it's also the reason why they kept leaning so heavily into "Actually the Hunters are subverted/wrong/working for the bad guys!" thing, which I really found a shame after a while.
Every single vampire is inherently a monster, the game in part is about struggling with that. But people like villains, especially cool ones, and Sacha embraces being the monster, and that's pretty cool.
All this arguing and bickering leads me to wonder, is /WoDg/ more like a Sabbat pack or a Garou caern?
>>>>>>>Your /pol/ shit
But I didn’t bring up /pol/, you chud.
Definitely Garou, we're not cool enough to be Sabbat
How new are you? Have you opened a vampire books?
It is for High IQ fetishes ONLY. Incest, Abuse, Ryona, Moral Degeneration, Emotionless Sex, Pregnancy, etc.
>Moral Degeneration
Found the Setite.
>cool enough to be Sabbat
When were the sabbat cool? As far as I'm aware, they're still the vampire equivalent of the furry fetish community, but with more murder.
Mix in the occasional schizo and you have a hunter-net subforum
He hasn't talked about masturbating to snakes yet, so there's still a chance they're a giovanni.
Also rape, cucking is a thing in way too many vampire books, weird body horror sex shit, and for a short period at the start of nWoD menstruation was a whole thing.
And don't forget combining them so you get incestuous cucking with a menstruation angle.
I've just been given a brutal reminder that for all the nostalgia, Oldwod was fucking retarded sometimes.
>Oldwod was fucking retarded sometimes
Yes, and it was glorious.
>Oldwod was fucking retarded sometimes.

Most of the time honestly. I don't really like most of it outside of Vampire, and even Vampire has retarded stuff in it you're best ignoring, cutting out, or reworking.
The duality of man
I like the idea behind reckoning of hunters being your average every day person thrown for a loop one day when they realize the world they live in is a lie, and fight tooth and nail to protect those they can, but vigil probably does it better with the players *actually* being just everyday people and not imbued with special schizo powers from some mysterious benefactor and cryptically pointed in the direction of a monster to kill. though personally I like the imbued
And I hate you for that :D
I don't hate you for that, Anon. Imbued aren't for me, but it's fine if you like them.
I have never seen a sexy Tremere woman.
People have been gaslighting themselves about the Bloodlines Tremere being hot despite her being a weird stick librarian since 2004. That being said, there's nothing stopping you from making a Tremere with high appearance.

For that matter, I'm always a bit annoyed when people pigeonhole the Toreador into being the "sexy" clan. I can buy that Toreador are the most likely to embrace someone for beauty and little else, but I also like not particularly good looking Toreador with artistic talent.

What other clans do you anons think work well with high appearance? For me it's Ventrue for "sexy upper class vampire", Lasombra for the same but sluttier, hot Malkavian can work when you give her a really harmful derangement as a test to see how much people will put up with her shit.
>I have never seen a sexy Tremere woman.
Because Appearance is so low on the priority list its not worth the effort raising above 2.
You pretty much named them all, excluding the Toreador of course. Although if I had to add on, how about the Ravnos? A sexy woman could more easily get away with indulging her vice.
True. And though they keep moving away from it "sexy gypsy" is a very old trope you could lean into.
>Delta Green
Fluctuates between Compact and Conspiracy
>Majestic 12
>F.E.A.R unit
Cell = group of hunters, Compact = group of Cells, Conspiracy = group of Compacts
Mage, we all defend our opinions like its the last toilet paper in the bathroom and sometimes just cause shitstorms.

The Traditikns are 1st Edition Ancients, The Technocracy is the 20th Edition Enjoyers, the Marauders are the weirdos who play through GURPS and other alternatives, The Crafts are CofD players who hate the fact that Paradox is killing them. The Nephandi are the shitflingers, baiters and trolls. The Sleepers are those who don't know any better than 5th Edition.
Pointman is the only one amongst F.E.A.R to directly show above human feats, so I'll play it safe and make it a compact.
>The Crafts are CofD players who hate the fact that Paradox is killing them
Aye, they may be a government body but they're treated like a joke in 1.
Yeah, they apparently did stuff, but it seems like an X-Files situation in that their activities are actively covered up.
Of course, they’re a couple dozen guys hunting something dismissed as fairy tales on the government dollar and military assets
It is a LITTLE weird how despite the fact the government recgonizes the threat of the supernatural, but they decide to only get like a dozen or so guys. Like they even had to get Delta Force to supplement them to even stand a chance against the Replicas. Chen, one of the guys you fight with in Perseus Mandate, mentions an incident concerning "Amarillo", which implies Alma wasn't their first rodeo, so it's not like they just happen to become relevant for once, especially since within the context of the first game, which is taking place in '25 they were established in 02'. Granted, it's from an expansion of shakable canonicity, but I bet most would consider it more canon than the sequels. The only real possibilities, I think, is that either F.E.A.R screwed up and they were downgraded massively, or F.E.A.R is just one arm of America's defense of the paranormal. I can really see VASCU and Task Force: Valkyrie operating side by side with them.
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the government was once again foiled by captain glasswalker
>It is a LITTLE weird how despite the fact the government recgonizes the threat of the supernatural, but they decide to only get like a dozen or so guys.
I think it’s down to the rarity of psionics (bloodline and potentially spirit related, even with Alma’s children Paxton & Point Man only developed singular powers [telekinesis {albeit very powerful} and incredible reflexes {and even then he required surgical assistance} respectively])
>Sons of Ether have to change their name
>Sisters of Hippolyta are allowed to discriminate
Oh my god it gets even fucking worse
>The Progressivists are usually members of other factions, keeping the mindset of striving forward and not letting arbitrary divisions impede that. They are the driving force behind the change of name from Son to Society of Ether. Many also advocate more involvement in Sleeper politics. They look into the innovations of often disregarden populations, keep a watchful eye over promising social scientists, and root through other Etherites research to look for bias.
One of the retards at Paradox shat zhe/zher’s diaper so hard over the name it wrote in the fucking CRT/DEI police into m20. It doesn’t even make sense, the SoE we’re actively against mainstream technocratic science limiting people, why keep some of their stifling principles?
Paxton seems psychically powerful. He's able to control a Replica army, which is about a size of a battalion, can absorb the memories of those he eats, has telepathy, is able to form a powerful psychic link with his mother, has clairvoyance and can seemingly astral project himself (recall that classic ladder jumpscare), and may have some form of postcognition. If we include the sequels, he is also able to possess people and even avert death to a degree. Granted, it's hard to tell how great of a degree he was augmented by Alma, due to their clearly strong psychic bond, but I think the fact he's able to be so supremely controlled by her leads credence to his strong psychic power. Pointman only really has incredibly quick reflexes and it's hard to tell if that's actually due to his heritage or it's solely dependent on his intensive augmentation and Alma can't really control him, at least not to a strong degree like Paxton.
I also don't think the F.E.A.R unit is dependent on psychic supersoldiers either. Nobody on the team knows how ludicrously quick Pointman is and simply think he just has exceptional reflexes. The after credits dialogue with Genevieve Aristide implies he's a unique case too, saying, " first prototype was a complete success.
>Paxton seems psychically powerful.
Yeah, that’s why I said “albeit”. Even though he’s incredibly powerful, it’s most likely because he’s the son of Alma
>Granted, it's hard to tell how great of a degree he was augmented by Alma
Not but much, as an educated guess. Even as a child he could atomise people
>Pointman only really has incredibly quick reflexes and it's hard to tell if that's actually due to his heritage or it's solely dependent on his intensive augmentation
Exactly, even in the clear cut case of the child of an immensely powerful psychic, there’s still a big risk of a lack of psychic powers
>I also don't think the F.E.A.R unit is dependent on psychic supersoldiers either.
Of course not, Point Man just so happened to end up in F.E.A.R and Paxton had nothing to do with it, so it can be estimated with accuracy that ATC has no hand in F.E.A.R. I guess the main problem in all this is that, due to the limited scope of the trilogy, we never really get an idea of how big or numerous supernatural threats are
Maybe, but they're rocking up to scenes in SUVs, getting mocked by the actual special forces and they all immediately die when they encounter the supernatural. Only Pointman and the guy Alma wants to rape survive because they're the only ones with actual abilities.
Paxton is seriously powerful, he survives dying even if you ignore fear 3 (please do).
It was meant to be an anthology series, but Alma was just too popular so it became all about her. I can see Fear teams being dispatched to fight monsters in the woods, bust actual satanic cults etc.

I personally wouldn't be averse to some stripped down vitae being administered to certain teams to test effectiveness.
>It was meant to be an anthology series, but Alma was just too popular so it became all about her.
Ah, a Fonzie. Damn shame
Maybe they could had compromise and made Pointman become something like a Sin-Eater with Alma as his Geist of sorts. Of course, that can easily make Pointman too OP to the point of not being fun, but at least they wouldn't have done the "Almaverse". Ugh, even now it elicits disgust in me.
>Maybe they could had compromise and made Pointman become something like a Sin-Eater with Alma as his Geist of sorts
Now THATS good. You get the greater presence of a character without it encroaching on the series as a whole
There's plenty of games out there inspired by Fear if nothing else. On an aesthetic level, Trepang2 was a lot of fun. It's a much faster shooter but you shoot soldiers, ghosts and bat things. It has a serious case of the modern Call of Duty's, everything is oskar mike bravo actual.

I'm not too clued up on every CofD line, but there has to be other ways of giving a human a bit of a flavourful edge without deploying Woof Team Six to fuck up some cultists, what else could they use?
Now this, I like.
>what else could they use?
There’s those mikos with the magical bows who threaten and negotiate with spirits to fuck off
Also the Japanese chicks who modified a pearl diving technique to lure underwater monsters to the surface so they can kill them
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>the ragabash traumatizes the kinfolk and breaks the (almost non-existent) trust he has in Garou just for funzies
>philodox and ahroun of the pack do nothing about it
>only thing philodox does is "talk to the Sept about in the future" (i.e. letting NPC deal with it 'cause even doing Rite of Punishment is considered PvP by his eyes and he doesn't want that)
>seeing how philodox player is forgetful, next session he won't do this anyway
They can't keep getting away with it... But here we are.
>The Crafts are CofD players who hate the fact that Paradox is killing them
10/10 didn't see this coming.
Turn the kinfolk into an antagonist
A consequence for his actions
You somehow perfectly simulated modern politics. The only thing you're missing is the arhoun and phildox getting bribes from a third party to overlook the ragabash's behavior because the third party has a vested interest in the sept being dysfunctional.
But, anon... I'm the kinfolk, it's my character.
I guess only thing the kinfolk can do against Ragabash is ruining his attempt at adopting a Metis Cub to fulfill his chiminage with Tambiyah. And even then, the Ragabash is gonna just shrug and find someone he can fuck with and have a child.

We can say the "third party" is the philodox player who prefers throwing issues at NPCs rather than take in his owm hands.
Just received w5. After quick flip trough, game seems to have more meat compared to h5, and art is best Amongst X5 books, imo. Rules seems as complex as those in v5, I think I'll enjoy it
of course the art is the best it's all traced or stock photos after all, which means someone not working for paradox made most of the work
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Shallow Graves, the Deviant Player's Guide, is out Monday
Is this the last CofD book to be released? Paradox really fucked you guys over.
>game seems to have more meat compared to h5, and art is best Amongst X5 books, imo.
fat werewolf
The Garou did nothing wrong
There was a huge scandal over the art because it's photo bashed stuff and the person used images without permission. It's been changed a lot more than Masquerade got changed. Another thing that mad people mad was the fact they made the Get of Fenris antagonists only. Thinking on it, they had a lot of scandals on this one. The developer got attacked for culturally appropriating the Irish by saying that Fianna is just a word. Like, people don't actually know what cultural appropriation is and throw the term around way to often, but that is literally cultural appropriation.
Yeah, I know of all drama surrounding it but compared to other X5 slop, it's good. (Even though it's quite low bar, imo)
Not really. It's lost the gonzoness that made Apocalypse fun and replaced the theme of raging against the dying of the light to holding onto what you have as the world turns to shit and it inevitably gets ripped away. Wanting to just start killing the people responsible and throwing your body into the gears of the machine in the hopes of clogging it up because it's what you were made to do and it's all your good at is bad because it's nazi werewolf behavior. And what it's going for now, Forsaken did way better.
I tried to use it for a Warrior Cats game based on the children's novels about feral cats once. Didn't get very far though.

I'm looking forward to seeing how The World Below and At The Gates turn out. Though they're technically Storypath rather than Storyteller or Storytelling.
What are the "must-haves" from VtM? Any edition is fine since I'll probably be using a modified VtR for mechanics, and a mélange for the setting.

Already on my list:
>Guide to the Sabbat
>Guide to the Camarilla
>Anarchs Unbound
>It has a serious case of the modern Call of Duty's, everything is oskar mike bravo actual
>I'm not too clued up on every CofD line, but there has to be other ways of giving a human a bit of a flavourful edge without deploying Woof Team Six to fuck up some cultists
What are you even complaining about? What's your issue here?
Hunters Hunted
>What are the "must-haves" from VtM?
For character options, lore/setting, or both?
Midnight Siege is good if you want there to be any sect v sect warfare. Gilded Cage is solid if you need help fleshing out undead influence mongering, even if it can be a little too one note in saying "DUDE GHOUL MIDDLE MANAGEMENT" too many times.
Mostly interested in setting/vampire society, least interested in metaplot since I'm probably not using too many "big" NPCs or metaplot events. Character options are fine if they're interesting, but I don't need to read a dictionary of random powers necessarily.

But really anything. Anything that you're like "dang that's a good supplement, everyone should have/read it". There's a lot of VtM books and I want to prioritize.

hunters can add a lot as roadblocks/obstacles, and possibly a humbling of any player that forgets that humans aren't *entirely* helpless prey
Clan specific books are great but since each hundreds of pages, Lore of the Clans is more accessible.

You wouldn't know things like Lasombra are Pirates, Nosferatu loves Wrestling, etc.
V20 lore of clans/lore of bloodlines are quite good as they surmised lot of clan lores from revised
One of blood sorcery books (forgot how v20 is called) if you're interested in blood magic traditions, not necessary connected to tremere but setites, assimates, etc
V20 red list for campaign ideas how camarilla/ vampire society deals with verying levels of crisis
V20 hunters hunted if you want to flesh out human position
V20 tel meh ra book if you want more lore regarding sect within sect that is true black hand and/or some obscure shit like what the hell happens in abyss, why first city is in underworld. Etc (contains quite good description and rules if you want to include ghoul sorcerers, vampire werewolves, mummies)
V20 ghoul book is also great if you want to find out how each clan treats, recruits and usesthryre ghouls (assamite ghouls generally are assassin's in training that if are successful will be recruited into clan, while lasombra uses they're like live mirrors)
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>Name dropping Outstar
Oh it started
How inhuman is too inhuman for a normal Nosferatu?
Nosferatu should generally look like grossly deformed humans. Enough to break the masquerade, but not to the point that someone couldn't see the base human form.
Unless they are like an Elder who spend centuries underground, underwater etc., most Nosferatu are deformed but still visibly human. Some might have even more horrifying traits like their jaw being split but they are not the rule.
Depends, older nossies have been said to get weirder and uglier with age.
>What are the "must-haves" from VtM? Any edition is fine since I'll probably be using a modified VtR for mechanics, and a mélange for the setting.
Gilded Cage is an in-depth analysis of how and why vampires use mortal institutions, i.e. media, government, education, healthcare, security, etc.
New episode of Alfabusa’s MtAs actual play
>yeah let's see how it goes
The guy's style is pretty good but it doesn't really click with me for whatever reason.
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I mean, V5 just shat all over the metaplot. The whole thing with the Lasombra leaving the Sabbat made no sense whatsoever. And who the fuck thought the Hecata were a good idea in the first place? And don't even get me started on the fucking Dark Ages LARP with the ban on technology. Not to mention the ludicrous fact that the Sabbat is now back to the First Edition, when it was just a shitty boogeyman with no depth to it whatsoever. Like, yeah, let's just throw everything we wrote about the Tzimisce and the Sabbat in the trash, you can only play as an Anarch or Cam now, sounds good to me. What the actual fuck.
>What are you even complaining about? What's your issue here?
His complaint is similar to how people complained about H:tR, IE giving a ridiculous edge to the Hunters, in this case being extensive government archives, training, and technology. Hence why I mentioned a few compacts with their own tricks (Ama-San’s modified pearl diving technique, Azusa-Miko’s bows, the Union’s extensive network for a compact, etc. etc.)
I don't care for Mage, so while I'm happy if these do well I'm still just gonna wait for more HtP.
Even Ascension?
Correct. I don't like Mage the Ascension.
>I mean, V5 just shat all over the metaplot. The whole thing with the Lasombra leaving the Sabbat made no sense whatsoever. And who the fuck thought the Hecata were a good idea in the first place? And don't even get me started on the fucking Dark Ages LARP with the ban on technology. Not to mention the ludicrous fact that the Sabbat is now back to the First Edition, when it was just a shitty boogeyman with no depth to it whatsoever. Like, yeah, let's just throw everything we wrote about the Tzimisce and the Sabbat in the trash, you can only play as an Anarch or Cam now, sounds good to me. What the actual fuck.
What Sabbat

Lasombra left beause it fucking died.
Not him, but I'm the same way. I hate consensual reality and don't like the Technocracy.
Okay. You ever looked into Ars Magicka?
I have, but it was years ago and I didn't look too deeply. It seemed cool, but I also knew I'd never find a game for it. My main gripe about it is it's why we have Clan Tr*mere.
>My main gripe about it is it's why we have Clan Tr*mere
Hell, that isn’t even the worst thing mage fanboys made (looking at you, Awakening and m20)
>My main gripe about it is it's why we have Clan Tr*mere.
More like it died because they left. Not the other way around.
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How the fuck did they make these in less than two years?
Will this contain anything interesting?
I am planning on running something with deviant so idk if it's good enough to start with the DM work.
Thank you!
Games were a lot less complex to make back then, and they just didn't do a great job.
I think his surprise comes from them being able to compete and release THREE (3) games for HtR, a splat virtually no one outside of WoD diehards has heard of, while their more popular splats have struggled to get TWO games out (VtM), develop a game but cancel it (WtA), or even attempt at a game at all (MtA). Only recently this is has changed, but come on. And no, the CYOA text “games” don’t count.
Funny how Br*jah fans cope with the “warrior philosophers” aspect, but everyone with a brain knows the Br*jah for what they really are; immature ragetards with a surface level understanding of politics at best, and merely opposing reactionary to the status quo at worst.
>CYOA text “games” don’t count.
Those are the best games we ever got outside of bloodlines, though.
>a splat virtually no one outside of WoD diehards has heard of
That explains the groups who focus on it
bloodlines 2 will be woke AIDS and parasite ridden fagshit
The text games will always be better whether or not you can read paco
HTR was just as popular for a time as VTM even if it was brief.
>The text games will always be better whether or not you can read paco
Well you see, that’s just it. I’m looking to play a game, not read one.
Imo, good mage game is beyond current level of gaming industry. At best we would get some slopa, at worst it would be abbandoned project like bloodlines 2.
I remember there was big hype for werewolf game but what we received was extremely derivative beat them up/light sneaking game, so it says a lot about quality of game adaptations. Old guard could've pulled it off but in 202x it's highly unlikely
The problem with Mage is that it is supposed to be all encompassing bullshit. As in you just will the solution into existence and that just doesn't really work in a video game.
At best you get something similar to Sorcerer because they have something a lot more cohesive to mechanize.
That or something like populous game, where you can influence things on map level but you need followers to regain energy faster, I can see that mage strategy game would kinda work, traditions vs technocracy vs dispairates, with marauders and nephandi being npc marauding factions. Resource would be quintessence points and sheer influence amongst masses (tv stations, radio broadcasts) with faction having more tass and influence can shape reality (map) more to suit they're advantages/be disadvantageous to other factions
Weird Question(s) but I'm a newfag and wondering;

In Mage the Awakening, supernatural creatures don't provoke disbelief, as in a Mage can use magic in front of them and not risk having to roll for disbelief. From what I could see online, this extended (houserules or not) to ghouls as well, but what I'm wondering is if it would expand to followers of a vampire who are not ghouls?

So, for example, a gang's leader has been made a ghoul, but his cronies, who have seen his vampire sire, and maybe tasted of the blood themselves, if they see a Mage firing lightning, would they provoke disbelief? The Core says something about how other supernaturals' powers working in front of mortals because they're of the same "fallen world", or that's the in-universe mage theory for why non-mage supernatural beings don't suffer disbelief, but what's the cutoff? When somebody really believes in vampires, since they've seen The Boss' Boss drinking blood, are they more willing to "accept" magic? Or would it still provoke disbelief?
I'd storytell it this way 'if person or thing encounters supernatural stuff on regular basis, they do not invoke disbelief as they're sufficiently open minded for other weird shit"
It goes deeper than just not believing it, Sleepers forget seeing magic because they get a glimpse of the Abyss, which mindfucks them. Seeing some vampires and stuff is probably not going to prepare them for that.
Please develop some standards and a sense of self-respect.
>And who the fuck thought the Hecata were a good idea in the first place?
People from OPP
This "Giovanni calling all necromancy-users for an alliance" was something first appeared at DAV20, then in Beckett's Diary and finally in V5.
They got their chance at making their ideas canon and embrace it. I don't blame then 'cause thanks to that we still have bloodlines in V5.
If I remember right, in Werewolf kinfolk do spur paradox, even though they are regularly subjected to supernatural shit. And in Mage, the Technocracy's extraordinary citizens also will cause paradox backlash despite working for mages. So it's really up to the ST with how they want to rule it. Personally, purely mortal goons are still mortal and should cause backlash. You have to remember that it's not just the people who don't believe in magic. It's the world itself.
>develop a game but cancel it (WtA)
I'll never forgive them for cancelling Heart of Gaia. Now we are forever stuck with Earthblood midtier game.
I really, really would like to know why some western companies are so averse to do a proper Visual Novel. Hell, they already hired Amy Wilkins to do the art. Just pay her to change the facial expressions of the characters.
Fucking furries are doing it constantly with their indie Visual Novels and Patreons. It shouldn't be that difficult to them.
Is it because average WoD fan eats everything given to them?
Lesser supernatural beings are counted as sleepwalkers.

He's talking about Awakening, not Ascension, anon.
Wod always been “woke” you faggot, go infect some other fandom with your revisionism.
>Wod always been “woke”
Ah, I see the coping fags and/or shills have returned once more. What's woke about Giovanni incest orgies, snuff films, and anti-semitism? Ventrue classism and elitism? 99% of vamps being literal and/or figurative rapists?
Just because there's a dyke or fag somewhere doesn't make it woke, especially when woke didn't yet exist
Old WoD was TRANSGRESSIVE, pushing boundaries of what was presented in RPGs and what was socially acceptable, both left- and right-wing
>Old WoD was TRANSGRESSIVE, pushing boundaries of what was presented in RPGs and what was socially acceptable, both left- and right-wing
And this is considered woke by social standards nowadays, duh.
What's so difficult to understand?
I don't think TRANSGRESSIVE means what you think it means.
Just because it has TRANS in it, doesn't mean its another reason for you to cut off your cock.
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>Awakening, not Ascension
NOOOO, consensus reality save me.
Woke from 20 years ago was totally different from today's woke.
It wouldn't matter if Mark Rein Hagen himself came up with the idea, it still is bleh.

Also BJD is awful, I hate it so much.
You asked who the fuck brought up this idea. You were told who. Be happy with your new knowledge.
I'm not the same anon as that guy.
It insists upon itself.
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>layers of baggy clothes
>mask hiding lower face
So is hunter the parenting H5 or vigil? D acts almost like a reckoning judge creed character but I'm *assuming* he doesn't have magical powers
You have 4chan brainrot, she's just a girlfailure
Probably H5 considering they specifically referenced the second inquisition in the latest episode.
I think it's technically H5 but practically it's more like Hunters Hunted. I know they said they took influence from Vigil in terms of tone and how it "functions". I'm 90% sure I can name the tactic they used to defeat Kevin.

Referencing the SI was a baffling choice though because they've set it before the SI made their presence known. I'm pretty sure they're just kowtowing to Paradox out of fear of getting the rug pulled out from under them.
Is Paradox really super autistic about fan content like that being made ONLY with 5e stuff? (unless it doesn't exist yet)
I vaguely remember hearing something like that but I never delved too deep.
Dark Pack is relatively open, but it IS an agreement you must consent to in order to make any fan content. However, there is one reason Alfabusa and co would be scared shitless, Dark Pack can change literally any term of the agreement with only 30 days advance notice.

We know their vidya license is WoD5 only, so it is a reasonable fear that they may change Dark Pack. They already had to abandon one IP due to copyright, I am not surprised they want to future proof what they make now so Paradox can't rugpull them.
Porn when?
Has anyone any advice on roleplaying a Silver Fang Philodox without being a pompous self-entitled nepo baby?
>Wod has always been woke
I have six words tourist
>Kindred of the east
>Ebony Kingdom
You forgot inbred

I usually play as someone who can say
>Hey maybe we shouldn't murder anyone who can help us
Or act like a baron who gives a shit about the health of his city
The bar is very low since at this point the roided pibulls have helped the worm more than humans ever have
Play Don Quixote instead of a lucid aristocrat.
Play as a lupus who no interestings other than your kinfolks and being a prick at judging others through the Litany.

I'll reply in the next thread, probably won't finish before this one dies
Okie Dokie

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