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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Long live the Aurigan people! edition

Last Thread: >>93179346

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1st for the 2nd Star League
The Katana/Crockett, I wouldn't say I never see it but it definitely feels middle of the pack in terms of popularity.
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Fuck Star League
If by hardest you mean goes the hardest, then yes.
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It's friday, /btg/. Did you do your besht?

To kick it off: I'm on hour 36 of a 48 hour work week and I've spent approximately half of that time gaming on my laptop, so, I haven't done my besht, but I've had a decent week.
It's week three of my eight week off-period, so I haven't done jack shit but sail and play battletech, and I don't intend to change this pattern.
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I patched up a broken egg.
It shall yarr and harr across the Periphery.
Nice, very nice.
That's pretty good, way better than I thought from the first picture
Hm, I did finish a new feature for the pwa backend, but honestly, not really. Making investors richer doesn't really motivate me beyond the minimum necessary, as long as it doesn't mean extra work for my colleagues.
Got hit in the head by a garage door, used the time off to make some artillery for my fantasy celts
I have a battletech game on Sunday, I haven't even primed the mechs I'll be using.
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Been exhausted by a heat wave, no HVAC, and having to constantly run errands (more of that today, probably), but I've been settling in to write where and when I can.
catapult c1 vs. archer 2s vs. crusader 3d?
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Just got the email that my order has shipped, and I'll have them by Tuesday. By coincidence I ordered the 40th Anniversary Beginner Box off eBay that's also coming Tuesday from FedEx.
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I painted up my Lightbringer I printed because I wanted a dervish before the Kickstarter got fulfilled, and also I keep saying "The Light bringer" in a shitty lincara impression
I still need to touch up on spots like around the cockpit, the quartering in spots, and add metal for tubes jump jets and such, along with changing the color for the lasers since I thought they'd be better contrasting than they actually turned out.
>the specific paint scheme I chose was the knights stable since it was one of two on camospecs that would be red and blue like the Lightbringer lore blurb in the TRO mentioned, and I realized that there is just, no source for it. the sarna article for the stable, just links to camospecs, and camospecs just says "Other references: none" and a canonization date.
Looking pretty good, especially the jeweling on the cockpit glass, but I'd suggest hitting the rest of the model with a wash so the colors look a bit less flat.
How does one jewel?
Just found this page. This question gets asked a lot, so here's the answer: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Essay:_Emblematic_%27Mechs
>and I'll have them by Tuesday.
Tuesday is in July. CGL once again failing in their promise to DELIVER by June.
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And there's those of us in the UK still waiting.
So you do a dark layer and then increasingly lighter layers over increasingly smaller areas? Can you just mix greater amounts of white into your base color for each layer?
>Tuesday is in July. CGL once again failing in their promise to DELIVER by June.

And I believe all except the most autistic would be okay with that.
It depends on the paint. Some paint gets too desaturated if all you're doing is adding white. Ideally what you'd be doing is pulling the dark pigment out but obviously that's something for the paint maker to do, not the painter.
>blend the rest of the fucking owl
I'm just wondering if I need a half dozen colors for all the various lasers/ppcs or if I can get away with one color plus white.
Love it Anon!

BTW, droped the Shrapnel #17 at Cranston Dropbox
Enforcer or Wolverine 6D for a jumping ac/10?
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>Can you just mix greater amounts of white into your base color for each layer?

Probably, up to a certain point. I do three colors on cockpits, on these it was red/orange, orange, and orange/white. You can see it really well on the mercury and sort of on the Highlander. Usually I just start with the darkest one, cover the entire cockpit, and add lighter colors as I go. I think the gemstone tutorial that anon posted looks good but is probably overkill in my opinion. Three seems to be good enough.
I'm okay with it, but I am curious what percentage of north American shipments will be out the door by the end of the month. my bet is it's still only a trickle.
>or if I can get away with one color plus white.
Yeah just start with the midtone.
My worry is that it sounded like you were trying to take something like a navy blue and were hoping that adding white would convert it into cobalt blue. That wouldn't go well.
But if you start with a cobalt blue and add white? yeah, works fine.
>but is probably overkill in my opinion.
Yeah. It's better to teach overkill since everyone will simplify down anyway. As long as going overkill doesn't make the instructions confusing anyway.
other than the black and white you'd need max three colours
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Thoughts on these niggas? I know they're essentially extinct but was thinking of getting one or two to paint for my combine.
Only art of them about and I've never seen a painted model. I like the drac logo on top of the round head.
Kids are back from camp so I've done what I could. I base coated a lance of what I think will be Knights Defensor and the Pope's Regent.
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Image is stolen, but i think it's a fun looking mech
Wish the head was a separate piece so you could rotate it
This is what I currently have for my Fedsuns company, I plan to add two javelins and a dervish down the line, but I'm not sure what to add. Any suggestions?
For the 12th mech*
I would recognize that face anywhere.
FedSuns Vulcan-5T variant.
In addition to being the good variant of an otherwise trashfire of a mech, it's the most common variant of it in Davion forces.
"Buy what you want to paint" is the best advice I can give.
>hey this mech looks neat. Why haven't I heard about it?
>check sarna
>from TRO 3075
>introduced 2487
>extent 2518
Well bummer. The SRM version looks like a budget Hatamoto and it's not a bad looker either.
Some of my favorite mechs have like a lifespan of a couple of decades in a borderline unplayable era, followed by a few other variants showing up in dark ages before also going extinct.
Shit sucks man.
Don't worry, every mech will eventually be legal in IlClan.
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I think I thinned too much for the first layer of the base coat and accidentally made a sort of wash. It didn't feel too thin while I was painting (good adherence). Trouble is there's no painters near me to learn from (internet guides are useful, but I learn better with my hands). For this, I used nearly a 1:1 paint-thinner ratio because I found 2:1 way too thick.
Not much to say, if you want to Grand Dragon without a Grand Dragon it can mostly do the job.
Did you prime it first?
Yep. Used a grey primer and got near-total coverage (had to grab another model to compare it to to make sure it was fully primed.)
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Maybe a hair thin but you've done it right, for that method anyway. You're supposed to do a second and/or third base coat to finish up your base coat, but lemme let you in on a secret:
Get a makeup brush and "wet brush" your base coat. Scare quotes because it's a stupid name. You're doing the same thing as a drybrush but you're leaving a bit more paint on the brush.
You get a super thin, even base coat because there's too little paint on the brush to cause clumping, plus the mechanical action of a big brush moving roughly helps spread is oh so thin.

You can get your base coating done in a couple minutes. Granted, you do need to go back in and get the arm pits/etc. that the big brush can't get at. But this saves so much time on just getting the the big panels covered.
A true hero to his people and a defender of freedom. God Bless Mitchell Calderon
That's actually a pretty good suggestion, it can hang with the Javelins. I think the main problem with this company is a weird mix of speeds and weapon ranges, I don't have a clear idea of how the rest of the mechs will work together.
Where do assaults end and super heavies begin?
Thanks man. I don't think I've heard of wet brushing before (granted, I'm pretty new to painting), so I'll keep it in mind.
As long as each lance is the same speed your fine. If you really need do, the lance can also break up into two mech fire teams if you've got say, two 6/9/6s and two 12/18/0s in the lance.

It's just when you've got a 12/18, a 6/9/6, and two 3/5/s in a brawling lance that things get awkward.
Anything over 100t is Superheavy as far as I can tell.
Ad more layers.
I'm going to. This pic is just the first layer of the base coat.
assaults end at 100
superheavy begins at 105
anything that is 105 tons or heavier experiences all the consequences of being a superheavy, positive and negative
The two Enforcers are 4/6/4, the Wolverine is 5/8/5, and the RFL-3C is 4/6. They all want to be within ac/10 range. The Dervish and Valk are 5/8/5 and can operate together. The Blackjack is 4/6/4 and wants to hang back and plink, the RFL-3N is 4/6, and the Victor is 4/6/4 but wants to be as close as possible. The three 6/9s can operate together, but that's not a full lance.
Yes, that's why it isn't yet covering the surfarce properly. Don't contemplate stopping until the third layer.
>The Blackjack is 4/6/4 and wants to hang back and plink,
No, it wants to be close enough to use it's four MLs. That's your real damage.
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DESU I wonder if all the assaults with the "Oversized" quirk like the Scylla and Mackie would benefit from little "conversions" to 105 tons. If you're gonna have a quirk of a constant +1 to hit you might as well use it to your advantage.
I don't know how you folks feel about this and it's far too late to change the game rules now. But, I kind of like how the Battletech and mechwarrior videogames give the many variants a limited number of hard points for weapons and weapon types. Makes the mechs and vehicles feel more unique and purpose built. Once you realize that only tonnage matters...kind of makes any mech or vehicle feels less special.
>only tonnage matters
Wrong. I will not elaborate. If you want to rehash this argument again, browse the archive.
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the absolute state of bait nowadays
If two..anything with the same tonnage exist. You can make them do the same thing. Thems the rules. Can go into the nitty gritty about making that happen but unless it's a campaign it really doesn't matter.
I'm sure it'd be better if we lived in a monarchy.
I know that tanks tend to be better than mechs for the c-bill cost, but what about for the tonnage? How does an 80 ton tank compare to an 80 ton mech?
Releasing the rules for custom mech creation is widely regarded as a mistake because it revealed how much smoke and mirrors FASA was using.

On the flip side, it means we can build our own mechs and play the game how we want no matter how much CGL tries to fuck with it.

In other words, don't worry about it. The rules for customs will never matter unless you're playing in a campaign.
Can mount the same weapons so it doesnt matter.
Errybody tankster until the LBX BBs show up.
Would the force synergize better with the large laser BJ? That's another mech that can sit with the AC/10 gunline.
that would involve some pretty huge changes
everything on a superheavy takes up half as many crit slots, they can't mount JJs, their structure weight is instantly doubled, they're forced to only use superheavy gyros and suerpheavy cockpits, and there's probably some other big changes I can't remember off the top of my head right now
>Super heavies are the next logical step in mech evolution
>have to nerf them into the ground
The structure and gyro I will give em but everything else? Come on.
the next logical step in mech evolution is actually LAMs that can range all the way up to 100 tons and don't have any of the construction restrictions LAMs regularly have
Go for it. You're playing Davion so it's a perfect fit.
It sounds like you're describing ASF with legs.
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as god intended
>muh super heavies
>laughs in artillery

Call me when you aren't 2/3
>How does an 80 ton tank compare to an 80 ton mech?
I'll pretend like you're a brand-new player.
That 80 ton tank in the thick of heavy combat, will likely be immobilized by turn 3 or 4. They cannot handle massed fire and are cheaper for a reason.
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what happens with the superheavy starts shooting back?
>muh artillery
>laughs in any decently fast mech
Call me when you can move
Only an idiot would deploy something on its own.
Why was OP deleted last thread?
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New phone. Who dis?
I can screen an artillery camp with any number of options.

How are you preventing my artillery shells from hitting your precious metal baby?

Are we playing double blind?

What are we doing?
arguing pointlessly on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
This makes me wonder why they never figured out how to armor a tank’s tracks in battletech.
If the Aurigan Coalition managed to manufacture and develop their own Battlemech, what should it be to fit their needs?
because tracks will always need clearance that makes fully encasing them impossible, and making the tracks themselves out of armor, if bar 10 composite armor was even a suitable material to make tracks out of, would still leave the track links vulnerable
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From last weekend. Mission was "Under No Circumstances" from Instant Action and I took my Big MAC vs a friend's Taurian list:

Mccarron's Amrored Cavalry
-Marauder MAD-5L (4/3)
-Jinggau JN-G9CC (4/5)
-Yao Lien YOL-4C (3/4)
-Stinger STG-4G (4/5)
-Fa Shih [Plasma Rifles] (3/4)
-Fa Shih [Plasma Rifles] (3/4)

-Mackie MSK-9HKR (3/4)
-Marauder MAD-2T (3/4)
-Rifleman RFL-5M (3/4)
-Centurion C10W (3/4)

He has a lot more ranged firepower than me, but he's also a lot slower. First turn was jumping my Stinger and Yao Lien into position to run away and dropping off the Fa Shih while the Jinggau and Marauder split up to force him to split fire. He rolled great and sheared off my Yao Lien's left arm and did some damage to my Marauder. Next turn (depicted here) has more running and gunning; I'm able to put a significant amount of damage on his Rifleman and Marauder and he continues to try and take shots at my jumpers.
Shouldn't the legs be facing more or less the same direction? I get it's supposed to be able to move freely in any direction, but with the legs at those angles, I can't rightly fathom how it walks at all. Does it just swing the rear legs forward?
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You can do armored motive system IIRC the same way you can franken-armor individual components like actuators in a battlemech. That basically just means you need to crit it twice.
>Does it just swing the rear leg (singular) forward
Yes. But it changes what counts as the rear depending on how you change direction. Somebody can post the walk animation.
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this, as far as I can tell, is the only official animation of a tripod moving ever made
Sure but you could always just use the flexible armor they use to armor a mech’s joints for the parts that need ground clearance.

Though I suppose since tanks are supposed to be cheap and disposable wasting money by giving them armor would be pointless. But at that point why bother with a tank at all? Just put a big gun on a technical.
That's not official. That was a senior thesis for some kid graduating with a degree in animation in the 2000's. Shimsham's walking animation is the only one done by anybody official, but it wasn't part of any official publication.
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Next turn my Fa Shih jump in to the Rifleman and Mackie and in an insane stroke of luck, crit the hip and upper leg of the assault mech with leg attacks. My Marauder stands strong against a man who has hit with every single Ultra Autocannon double tap for three turns in a row and for his trouble, punts the Rifleman's head into oblivion with a 30 point kick from his higher vantage point. He scores a TAC engine crit on both my Jinggau and Marauder and destroys the Stinger's side torso and XL engine with a lucky PPC shot. With my Yao Lien set to exit the board soon, my Stinger dead, and my Marauder way too far back, I have to figure out how to extract my Jinggau now.
That looks more like Chromehounds desu
the flexible armor is where most TACs come from
Playing armchair general isn't pointless, honest!
Saving private Jinggau!
Why do ASF’s tend to lawn fart straight into the ground when taking damage? We have fighters today that can return back to back while missing half their wing. Did Cameron purposefully execute the scientists responsible for ASF development to make sure that the technology for advancing them would remain unknown?
Just add more layers. If your paint is thin, then it doesn't always go on great, but it will smooth out with more layers and you can add far more layers than it will take before it starts getting too thick. Thick layers might have complete coverage, but they're also thick enough to fill in details and make a bloby mess.
It's the last business day I can post this so I'd like /btg/'s opinion.

Is the Timber Wolf really the most bisexual robot in the franchise? Or do you think there's a mech with more sexually confused energy?
Battletech isn't a realistic simulation of combat, more news at 11.
Mechs are an inherently homosexual weapon.
>Is the Timber Wolf really the most bisexual robot in the franchise? Or do you think there's a mech with more sexually confused energy?

Wait for the evening when Bottom and NEA are posting. They're the ones to ask this.
It's hard to tell if that's even walking rather than just tottering in place.
What's that Capellan mech that's always making an O face?
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Next turn his Mackie moves onto a hill to try and get future shots on my Jinggau as does his Marauder and Centurion. One Fa Shih moves to intercept the Marauder next turn, the other sticks on the Mackie, my Marauder moves to kick the Mackie and keep it down, and my Jinggau moves to hide in some forests and position for a risky run next turn. The Fa Shih crit the rest of the Mackie's actuators in it's right leg and my Marauder has to settle for awkward punches. He strips most of the armor from my Jinggau and in return, I leave his Marauder wearing nothing but tissue paper. The Mackie falls over and my Marauder starts getting filled with holes.

So next turn, with little cover, my Jinggau engages MASC and guns it towards the exit. Surprisingly my rear armor holds against a furious assault and then I somehow flub the piloting roll and almost crit out my engine. I perfectly strip the Marauder of most of it's armor, yet cannot get a crit to save my life.

Everything relies on my Jinggau making the piloting check to stand up, and he makes it! So off the board he goes and I eek out a victory. I have a new respect for Command Console mechs as it let me win initiative almost every turn. Might need to adjust the list with a few more crit seekers and maybe replave the Yao Lien and Stinger but overall, it seems good. The Marauder 5L is a nice bully with Stealth Armor and TSM on a standard engine and my Fa Shih put in great work as dumb little roadblocks and ankle biters. My opponent rolled very well and that Mackie was surprisingly scary. Overall had a lot of fun!
Is the orca a good mech?
Can a mercenary company also be cult of cannibals who worship Satan and ritually disfigure themselves? As mercenaries the get to gloriously slay their enemies for Satan, murder (prefferably) enemy civilians for Satan and kidnap children to groom them into serving Satan. I mean is it lore friendly?
I've had an idea for a group of cannibal pirates for a while. No idea what their mechs would be though
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>lmao hu
There was a link? Haven't kept up with the threads for a while, when was it posted?
No. Space Marines are the exclusive property of Games Workshop.
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ASF's are that tough. You can be half a plane at the end of a dogfight and burn straight up into fucking space and a land on a moon if you got the fuel. The difference is when you make a ground attack, you need to be 5 hexes above the ground or less, with 2-3 being the sweet spot to actually hit anything. When you fail a pilot roll, you take 1d6 loss in altitude. Crunch those numbers.
I got an IWM one. Gimme a minute.
So is this like a gamism or do ASF’s really have to be that arbitrarily close to a mech to fire their ordnance?
It's not optimally designed, but 200 tons of mech is going to completely fucking dominate essentially every other mech in the game in a 1v1. Aside from more niche kiting strategies or artillery support, the Orca *probably* wins against every single opponent you put it up against.

It just has more guns and armor than anything else.
To point your guns at the ground, you do have to be that low. To drop your bombs, you do not. Strafing attacks have an even lower ceiling IIRC.
Most old-world cultures and religions survived into space, and some were revived or reinvented based on half-forgotten ancient lore. It's plausible.
I was thinking more along the lines of BVR missiles desu.
That would be equivalent to Arrow IV air-to-ground and can be fired entire mapsheets away. Nothing like having some BA TAG a machine and watching the AtG drop in on the fuckers from low orbit.
The Liao Who?
The Jinggau is a nice mech, i am glad you had a good match.
This one i think. I have posted it in the past.

We have to celebrate our differences
>Zooms in on the Capellan Confederation
It's like >>93192242 says, that's more like air-launched Arrow IV whereas I'd say ASFs attacking mechs 'normally' is more like having a fighter jet try and gunrun a tank, except the tank has legs and possibly jump jets with the capacity to bolt one way or the other. That, and the fighter jet has lasers, gauss, SRMs, LRMs, etcetera over just an autocannon/gunpod - lots of firepower, sure, but still basically fixed direct fire weapons.

Actually, are ASF LRMs capable of indirect fire against ground targets, or are the rules for attacking the same as all the other weapons for air to ground? I don't have a lot of experience actually playing with aerospace.
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First draft. I want to add more detail, and maybe also outline stats for mech variants, but I need to head out on more fucking errands before the former, and I'd like to figure out Megamek before I do the latter.
NTA, but I've heard that joke more than a few times and it's still funny. Yes, most variants are giant walking ammo bombs with no CASE. But it's a 5/8 with an LBX/20 or a gauss rifle for about 1800 BV and it uses dead fire LRMs very well. They always do way more than my opponent thinks they can do.
It's one of the ancient code names.
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I'm a Bandersnatcher and Cronus man, myself.

>It's friday, /btg/. Did you do your besht?
This week I cataloged all of my back stock of maps, Clan record sheets, and battle armor. All I have left is vees, terrain, and IS record sheets, after which I need to go print off some more hardcopies at the library for my game on Sunday.
I also pulled apart a malfing Crosman 1377, and found that the transfer bushing had cracked, two plastic components had completely degraded, the stock cracked, and it needs another O-ring refresh. Been pulling the critical measurements for the bushing off of the airgun so I can lathe a couple new ones out of bronze, and just finished hand-cutting replacements for the other plastic parts out of sheet ABS. Gotta hit the hardware store for more rod stock and replacement O-rings, though.

Leg missiles are wonky to control, loses the extra melee damage of the -3R or jump of the -3L for dubious heat benefits, deadlier at short range (2-6) if it can get arc than the Catapult is, slightly more explosive than the other two.
>C1 Cat
Rare but solid all-rounder, good mobility, low armor. Miniature is extremely readily-available.
Actually does missile support well, similar firepower to the Crud at all ranges, slightly more armor and better melee.

You mean a stock -4R Enforcer? That's more of an LL carrier that happens to have an AC-10 for snap shots than an AC-10 carrier. The Wolverine's backup firepower is shite, but it can keep tapping away with the AC for the whole game.
>I have a new respect for Command Console mechs as it let me win initiative almost every turn.

Dude, same. I won initiative all but one turn in my game last night while my Orion DC was alive. Some of those were due to me being down one and it becoming a tie that I won the reroll on, some were us tieing on the dice and the +1 giving me the win. Command console GOATed.

And thanks for the batrep.
Because someone flaged it as off-topic and the janny doesn't know what an FWL dress uniform looks like.

Battletech's universe had so much effective ECM and AMS available that single big-hit, long-range guided missiles essentially went extinct and have been cargo-culted as useless for centuries. Every time someone thinks he's clever and tries to bring them back, the old tech resurfaces and they're useless within the space of a few years. Which is why they now use nothing in-between Thunderbolts and Arrows or other light cruise missiles, and their current basic guidance is still the most common.
Well, that and the devs are cowards
>Oops we runned out of SGLRMS
>All of them
>In the entire IS
>And factories stopped making them forever lol
>Why didn't we retcon them out of existence like MagPulse? Uh, fuck you, that's why.
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Why is the anime trash so tiny compared to the Rampage? I thought anime Mechs were usually bigger than Mechs.
Literally 30 years of scale creep.

See the volume charts posted a couple threads ago.
It's almost as though massive miniature scaling problems have been endemic for ages and Catalyst is making them worse while announcing they're fixed, or something.
>Battletech's universe had so much effective ECM and AMS available
No, no it does not...
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>Battletech's universe had so much effective ECM and AMS available that single big-hit, long-range guided missiles essentially went extinct and have been cargo-culted as useless for centuries.
So you have to overwhelm the missile defenses with multiple munitions, hence why most missiles in BT are spammed via micro-missiles...or you could just use cluster missiles.
Please stop questioning the realism of a giant robot karate game.
I would actually respect it a lot more if BT just said "no we don't have an explanation just don't think about it too hard"
I mean it could be an expense issue, precision munitions like that can start to cost you really quickly, and that's before a potential manufacturing bottleneck.
>we can afford fusion reactors and lightning guns but we can't afford a bunch of tungsten ball bearings
they already kind of do that with the weapon ranges.
Now do that to explain why hitscan laser weapons and projectile weapons have the same if not worse accuracy penalties at range.
>hitscan laser weapons

Lasers in BT aren't hitscan. You need to hold them on target for some time to do damage.
god, can you imagine an ATACMS with its 200,000 BBs doing a top attack against some Clanners? You'd kill like an entire Star in one shot.
Good thing BAT 10 armor defies logic and you need a watermelon shaped slug from a gauss rifle to smash it away.
Not penetrate mind you. That won't work. You need to smash the armor off.
>Not penetrate mind you. That won't work.
I mean...TACs. You hit a battlemech lance with 182,000 tungsten ball bearings and they WILL get into the unarmored joints and sockets.
If I'm rolling 200k BBs, it doesn't matter how much armor they have, the headshots and TACs will kill the mech dead.
It's still pretty funny to me that they haven't optimized LRMs for top-attack yet to just blow the cockpit off a mech in the first salvo.
Make it a specialty LRM ammo that rolls locations for clusters on the punch chart.

Yeah, that'd be WAY TOO GOOD. 1/6 chance of headshot can't be allowed on ranged weapons, it just ends games way too quick.
It would however be well within the realm of modern technology.
With a +4 to hit and a -4 on the cluster table and 20 individual missiles per ton.
What's within the realm of modern technology and what makes for a fun game about punchy robots are not at all the same thing.
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I love the hell zeus
Why does the cossack have a medium laser and 2 small lasers instead of 2 medium lasers?
Killing infantry.
wouldn't a flamer be better? That's what the crappies did with their warhammers
Small lasers aren't good for that. They marginally help with killing vehicles though since each extra hit is an extra chance to roll a spicy hit location.
It's a rule change. Used to be all small lasers were anti-infantry instead of just SPL's. Same sort of reason so much shit has Streak 2's in 3050's upgrades.
extremely cool mech
Just use a blade to cut it off and repose it.
It kinda sucks when rule changes invalidate things.
what advantage does lrm have over ppc in introtech? yeah more crit chance but 32x17 feels quite small to fire enough shots for that, and when it (pretty quickly) gets to the lrm's long minimum range the ammo left becomes a liability. skeptical about the indirect because of the hit penalty too
You fuckers need to roll your forces on a RAT and deal with it.
How is that supposed to be balanced?
Would be fun sometimes, especially the start of a campaign.
Whose trying to inject actual logic and weaponry into Battletech?
range poaching and heat efficiency.
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I honestly thought this was how missiles in Battletech worked until I played MechWarrior 2.
An AC/10 and a Large Laser may be two very, very different machines, but could conceivably fall into the same 'effective' engagement ranges for a number of reasons. One explanation I remember seeing in the early novels was that it's a targeting system limitation - that even small lasers are entirely capable of striking beyond the short ranges they end up being used in, but that it's a limitation of targeting/FCS packages rather than 'my gun stops working at 90 meters'.

More relevant is also that effective range is not just whether you're hitting the target, but dealing effective damage, which I think is more the point that >>93193270 was getting at. Lasers -are- effectively hitscan in mech-to-mech combat, but it's more that they don't deal all their damage at once - and same with a lot of autocannon types.

If we consider that the ranges given for weapons are where the targeting/FCS packages align with the 'optimal' damage potential of a given weapon, it can explain how an AC/10 and Large Laser might end up in the same brackets, even if the large laser should technically be totally capable of hitting targets much farther away without the need to lead them, such as aircraft. Logically possibly, but systematically doesn't gel with the all-or-nothing approach to whether you hit the thing.
As the most realistic popular game in the market battletech will always attract this kind of autism.
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Been working on a diorama for a contest at work, too busy focusing on that to paint up some BattleTech minis. Hoping I did my besht enough to win a prize.

But I was the anon from last week struggling with shading mechs after the base coat, so I did make some progress with switching up the formulae. Both 'mechs were painted with a base coat of Dark Blue/Luftwaffe Uniform (1:2) - Jagermech got Citadel Agrax Earthshade, Thunderbolt got a 1:1 mix of Army Painter's Dark Tone/Blue Tone as per the recommendation another anon.
I didn't do my besht.
>Didn't know what a FWL Dress uniform looks like.
Oh thats gay.
I'll move it to the appropriate folder.
How about fuck off and let me play with what mechs I want to play with.

The only time I RAT is when I'm starting campaigns or doing specialized scenarios.
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there is no era digest/report for 3025?
I know.
Meanwhile Heavy Gear continues to offer them literally everything they want, up to and including ATGMs, realistic sensor warfare, drones, modern armor mechanics, deep combined-arms warfare, and cheap plastic miniatures, and they continue to infest another game entirely and insist it be more like Heavy Gear or 40k.
Those were the pre-errata rules for Arrow IV cluster ammo. It applied standard Arrow IV damage, but only rolled on the punch table.
I said POPULAR game. Battletech is the most popular mech game in history, Heavy Gear is a literal-who knockoff of VOTOMS that nobody's heard of.
Because nothing really happened in 3025.
Is heavy gear _fun_?
NTA but
>Heavy Gear is a knockoff of VOTOMS
>Implying BT isn't a knockoff of Macross plus other various mech shows
Like, come on now. The only reason they even changed up the designs is because of the lawsuit, and even then the Warhammer and Marauder, two of the most popular mechs in the game, are still dead giveaways.
I personally prefer BT, but he who throws the first stone be without sin and all that.
You don't glop the wash all over, you paint it along recesses and panel lines.
Using it correctly will make a much larger difference than switching brand or shade ever will.
3067/civil war in general, what is the best variant of the battlemaster available?
I got over this when I was a kid. Battletech runs on fundementally different rules. If we're to go by realistic, then the Square-Cube law would've ensured that nothing but Light mechs would exist at the heaviest end, and they would be Quadrupedal or Hexapodial at the most. They would be sitting ducks and would play a shit role in warfare - their best bet would be to be used as artillery carriers or command posts, maybe even hives for ECM.
That's the neat thing. It isn't.

Balance is for autists and fags. Find ways to win from a position of disadvantage, and accept that unwinnable fights are a thing that exist.
>kickstarter will be here Wednesday

fuckin finally let's turn that grey pile of shame into a mountain
>still no emails from QML
I'm trying to be strong
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>the dark side of the WIP is a pathway to many products some consider to be, unnatural.
Amazing how just dipping it in the shade also adds rocks and plants to the base.
New version of Megamek/MekHQ/MegameLab just dropped. Come and get it.

You anons know any interesting (and easy to scribe) japonese words one could add to a mech for a bit of dramatic flair?
modelling paint has really come a long way

MW5C video on one of the characters
Better check anything people suggest...
I was going to put "Spicy mustard" through a translator and then tell you that it meant "mighty warrior", but the result is too long to transcribe on a mech anyway. Best left to spine tattoos on volleyball playing college girls, I guess.
Army painter is just that good
It's like the free toy in a box of cereal, you're supposed to use up all the paint to get at it, but everyone just shoves their hand right in there to pull it out.
I'm gonna do this!
as a general rule remember that characters are drawn from left to right, top to bottom, so start with strokes closest to the top left, draw those going left to right followed by top to bottom, then move on to the next top-leftmost stroke.
刀 sword
士 warrior or samurai
吉 (good) luck
大 big or grand; put in front of luck to mean very good luck
犬 dog
クリタ KURITA, written phonetically; this appears on the uniforms of Drac conventional troops with the characters written top to bottom; hypothetically a mechwarrior might do the same on their 'mech as a sign of devotion to or favour from the ruling family
Has anyone made houserules for NARCs to make them more useful? Like for designating an area for an artillery strike or marking an area for forces that aren't yours for an attack or reinforcement?
enforcer. 5/8/5 and class 10 autocannon with a heavy laser.
I made them able to scan recon targets and such in Instant Action, something I want to explain in later versions
brain is bad today.
So I was reading through Instant action last night and I had a question. There was a scenario where mechs started holding an objective, and the other player had to destroy the objective by ending movement on it or something like that. But there weren't rules for making the mechs holding the objectives drop them so the enemy could crush them. Am i missing something or is there something in one of the core rule books that I haven't read yet about dropping something you are carrying?
If you check the beginning of the doc, it has a whole definition of how objectives are carried and how you can knock them out of the opposition's hands.
be a big boy and write out kurita's kanji, 栗田
Oh, when I played that one last night, we just went with killing the mech in question.
I haven't played Battletech since the early 2000s. Back then, someone just handed me pre-made mechs. Recently, I played a quick demo game and got invited to be part of a "clan invasion" narrative campaign. I'll be playing as House Marik. I know nothing about the lore. What should I expect? I'm waiting on the BP stuff right now so I know what to build.
TLDR of the giant wall of lore that Battletech has is that once we had the great Roman Empire I mean Star League. That fell apart and now we have the 5 great houses. House Kurita rules the Draconis Combine is the Japanese in full Sengoku Jidai/WW2 warcrimes mode. House Davion runs the Federated Suns and is England/France and designated good guys TM. Capellan Confederation is space China/Russia and run by House Liao. FWL is run by the Mariks and are space Yugoslavia. House Steiner is Germany. There are a bunch of minor powers out in the Periphery but 99% of the time, they don't matter at all. the Clans are what used to be left of the Star League, now warped and twisted by centuries of isolation into something that nobody recognizes. They're playing the part of the Mongol Hordes.
>house marik
>clan invasion
Do they plan on having you launch punitive raids against the FedCom ?
forgot my pic
I'm unsure. These nerds aren't quick to answer.
Okay so first thing that you need to keep in mind the Clan mechs are going to be better than yours. No ifs ands or buts about it they are better in pretty much every way. They pay for it though. Clan Mechs are fucking expensive. The one advantage you have, arguably, is that you can bring a lot more tonnage, and thus more armor, for the same amount of BV since you don't pay as much for your weapons or for your slower moving mechs. How big of an advantage this is is debatable. Good news is you are playing Marik and Marik has some pretty great toys so you hopefully won't get stuck with absolute shitboxes.
That is a good point actually he wouldn't really be involved in the fight against the clans unless they were doing the second star league or something.
I appreciate the lore breakdown. I'm somewhat of a "defensive". Player. The mechs I was given in the past were a Catapult and stuff like the Clint. (It was usually free play, play whatever.) What mechs are recommended for a "turtling" type playstyle? I understand and expect there to be objectives to worry about but I'll cross that bridge once I get a better understanding of the game.
I always thought it was silly that nobody in the FWL decided to send "advisors" or loaned out units along with the thousands of tons of free mechs. Surely somebody could have an agenda that would benefit from sending actual soldiers out to see what this clan nonsense is all about, whether it's the feds or a member state or SAFE.
heavies and assaults, usually in the 4/6 or 3/5 move profile. 3/5/3 and 4/6/4 jumpers will allow you to park those fatties into advantageous terrain.

things with gauss rifles, er ppcs, lrm20s. targeting computers.
>Playing Marik.
>Wants to Turtle
Get you some Awesomes.
This. The Awesome is an eighty ton brick with maxed out armor and three big particle cannons. It's the standard by which all other assault mechs are measured, and it's also one of House Marik's favorite mechs in the lore.
So if you want to turtle up, the heavier the better, and the Mariks in this time period have a LOT of good toys to play with in that regard.


That's the master list of what's available, although your group may play things by ear with regards to mech aquisition. Also, you might want to tab over to Clan Invasion era depending on what year you're playing, since a lot of nice stuff comes out in the early 3050s. If you're a house unit, logistics should be easy and relatively simple. If you're Marik mercs or a Marik expeditionary force going to help against the clans (they come in from the top of that map eating a lot of the red and blue territory as well as the Free Rasshauge Republic which is space vikings who I left out of my precis because they get eaten almost immediately), be aware that EVERYTHING they have is longer range and hitting harder than you. Turtling up may not be an option without gratuitous use of artillery (which Clanners hate because it goes against their honor code) to force them to come to you.

If you aren't fighting clanners, then being able to hang back and sling PPCs and LRMs is a comfortable situation to be in. Gauss rifles are also super nice, but the Mariks don't have many of those, and you might need to customize your mechs to get them.

In terms of specific mechs that turtle well? Awesome of any variant, the 4M Archer (the M means Marik) is the best Archer, Goliath 3M, the Warhammer 7M does alright, but like all Warhammers is a bit thin skinned, Victor 9K (technically a Kuritan mech, but they're allied so it's on the Marik tables), the Battlemaster 3M, and the Orion 1M all do what you're looking for. Taking a Command Console mech (they have the DC tag) gives you a +1 initiative so long as both the pilot and your commander inside are both alive and awake.

Even if you're hanging back, you'll still want a few midfield skirmishers. TBC...
The Awesome is what I played in the demo game. 2 PPCs and 2 medium laser. He had a quad with an AC20. A few turns were just "hold still and fire" admittedly. I was able to hit his ammo and pull out a win. (I was down to like 3 internals on everything.)

I see the Catapult is available so I'll check that out too. I can't quit it. It's my boy.
NARCs being able to act like an active probe that you can launch could be interesting
AN* awesome. one.
remember, if you suggest something as optimised as a brick lance of awesome /btg/ will shit its pants in anger. you are not supposed to have good mechs only.
There is a rule somewhere for a NARC-launched C3 beacon that can tie into an existing network if there's a slot available. It burns out after a few turns, but it's a neat idea.
ARC-4M2 flips rear lasers too iirc so you can have four forward lasers. more firepower for when the ammo bins run empty
Not to be that guy but aren't conventional armies the king of turtling?
I actually had that site open in another tab. I'll look at some "scout" options. I wish that site had easier access to the standard sheets. Admittedly, I'm ok with not doing a lot of customizing until I'm more familiar with the game. If there is a site with premade sheets and I missed it in the OP, let me know.
Easiest approach is this: https://bg.battletech.com/downloads/

This has sheets for the plastic models, sorted by when they were released, with indices.

Once you start doing other variants, there are various websites and programs we use to generate record sheets. Solaris Skunkwerks and MegamekLab are mech modding programs, but they also have the existing sheets stored in them and you can just load them up and printing. There's also Flechs Sheets and Mech Factory for apps.
You'll want at least a couple skirmishers to delay and bog down the enemy as they come at your wall fire support mechs. The Mariks make the best introtech Wolverine which is the best medium mech in the 3025 era, but by the time of the clan invasion, you'll be feeling its age. The 7M is a very respectable upgrade although I'm not a fan of the XL engine, and the thing runs hotter than hell. The Ostsol 5M is also a very good fast cavalry mech for the same role, albiet lacking in jump capability. The Griffin 3M is very good but not for skirmishing, and the Shadow Hawk 5M is a trap, same with the Hunchback 5M. No gun that has a "20" in the name can get by with a single ton of ammo. The point of this mech is basically to just harass and slow the enemy down so that they spend more time eating PPCS, Gauss slugs and LRMs from your backline assault wall. It's as important as a "fleet in being" concept as much as it is as an actual combatant. It's job is to be powerful enough to be a threat that must be taken seriously, but not so seriously that it gets killed. Be annoying with it rather than diving for the one glorious turn of backstab and then death.
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I wrote it phonetically because it appears that way on Drac uniforms. Also, anon was asking for simple characters. Can't get much simpler than katakana.
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I feel like the Ostsol is out of place. I always think of Battletech mechs being sorta "bulky". I like it though.

Also yeah I was eyeing that Hunchback. I feel like my mind is getting read here.
Flechs hasn't worked for me. Everything stays "blacked out".
Normal hunchback is perfectly fine. Makes a good bodyguard for the fire support wall you're planning since a lot of the long range guns also come with a minimum range, and EVERYTHING has to respect the AC20 on a Hunchie. It's just that the Marik Hunchback only has 1 ton of ammo, so can't really stick in the fight very long.
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Has this ever been scanned?
take the best hunchback, sold by sharkfoxes
what's the opinion on the Anzu? is this the new era FWL trooper mech? the two variants look pretty good at supporting each other, should I flood my Marik forces with them? I do like that they avoid the FWL 8 point hit curse, but UACs and RACs feel gimmicky more than useful.
Didn't know about this till now but on paper they seem pretty good. The G60 is a good trooper with long to medium range ability and the J70 looks like a solid brawler.
So a lance will look something like this? I don't believe I can't take that Hunchback as it says "Intro 3062" and I think the clan invasion ends in 3062.
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Will House Marik ever solve the Marik problem?
if you're fighting clanners use the clantech versions of mechs.

start with a unified era

for example


is a nice intro tech lance on the lighter side.

as fuckawesome as the HBK C is, you kinda want all the other mechs to also be as cool as it, spread the BV around.

if a mech is 1800 ish bv you want the other mechs in the unit to be about that too, so that not any one guy is any more important or OP compared to the rest.

even on clan + era a basic 8q awesome is still great, because as everything ELSE gets far more bv intense, well, now your 'cheap' 8q, which is still a brick shithouse of armour and three guns, can afford to upgrade gunnery and piloting.

there is a clan invasion upgrade to the awesome that WOULDbe awesome + but it adds a srm set which gives the awesome an ammo bomb. you can diassble this by emptying its ammo bin prior to fights.

and there is a post clan invasion one which runs stupid hot with four energy guns.
you think? the snub may be one of my most favorite weapons, but the RAC seems... eh. I like it better than the UAC at least.
Thing about the RAC5 is for all purposes it's an LRM25 with no minimum range. That one with 4t of ammo has the capacity to go brrrrrrt all game long, which is something not all RAC mechs get. I like it.
Enforcer is 4/6/4 mate.
None. Battlemaster is a shit
Only in introtech. Its only true upgrade gets an XL engine and goes 5/8/5, and then the Enforcer III goes 5/8/5
牙 Fang
日 Sun
月 Moon
火 Fire (Hi; as in Hatamoto-Hi)
風 Wind (Kaze; as in Hatamoto-Kaze)
地 Earth (Chi; as in Hatamoto-Chi)
水 Water (Mizu; as in Hatamoto-Mizo)
光 Light
天 Sky/Heaven
兵 Soldier
893 Can be read as Yakuza
193 Can be read as Ikusa (Battle, 戦)
283 Can be read as Tsubasa (Wing, 翼)
273 Can be read as Tsunami
8823 Can be read as Hayabusa (Falcon, 隼)
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Given that tanks are the kings of defensive warfare, are there any rules for setting up a tank in a hull-down position?
Yes. Tanks and Quadmechs can both go hull down. There's also rules for tank pits in the McCarron scenario pack. If you want static defenses, it's a real gem of a book. Great story too.
maybe. try reading a book
They use the old partial cover rules that mechs used to use. Except since a tank has no punch table, anything that hits you automatically goes to turret, which means that it pops in short order.
Any ghosts in Battletech?
maybe. try reading a book
Great Gaffa's Ghost
In the Dark Ages
>Except since a tank has no punch table, anything that hits you automatically goes to turret, which means that it pops in short order.
I mean, a tank already has more armor in the turret than a mech would have anywhere else, and you could design your tanks to have ALL their armor in the turret if you wanted to cheese it...
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Hey, Kickstarter is Fake Guy, you here?
still better than medium lasers as they overkill less
They did once, then they didn't.
Real sad day for Marik.
Lucky guy. I haven't even gotten a confirmation email yet.
Neither have I, but whoever posted that picture has.
a lot of assault tanks only have between 40 and 60 points of armor on the turret
Who is in BT legends ii?
Ah, but the rules don't prohibit you from putting more, surely we can push that number up to 300-400 or so...
A custom tank? Sorry man we only use canon units around here.
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Isn't playing 'yourdudes' the whole point? Frankly who gets invested in the regular factions anyways, they all boil down to one of three basic bitch types of nations.
Holy shit how much did you pay?
If there was a version with a Clan XLFE it would be the rock on which I’d build a Dark Age force. With the IS XL it’s just another squishy trooper heavy - and god knows the FWL has enough of those.

An Anzu C with ERLL/ERML/LRM-15/HAG30 would kick ass though.
Not my pic but looks like that dude backed at battalion with maybe add ons. He got five objective boxes for some reason though

There's a difference between making up lore(good, fun, no issues) and making up units(can be fun but can also open the door to waacfaggotry and autism of levels never harnessed outside /btg/)
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Look, man. If you're not doing some form of /yourdudes/, then you're doing it wrong. I'm sorry, but it's true. Become some shitty pirate lord that has to tape PPCs to Commandos cus everything else is busted.
Nothing wrong with that, but

>I'm going to custom build a tank with 300+ armor on the turret and only deploy it using the hull down rules
Something wrong with that.
And the rules don't prohibit your opponent telling you to fuck off and not play with your WAAC ass...
Okay, now that's just some fuckin powergamer 40k CCG shit that ruins BT games.
If you're gonna make some big ol fuck-off unit, ya gotta make sure that thing is explicitly stated to be some ramshackle shit that's a prototype at best and an active hazard at worst.
the other players at the table will prohibit you from playing though
You're thinking about this all wrong. Don't think of it like a tank, think of it like a defensive turret.
Then crack open tacops and use the turret rules, dumbass
Then just use defense turret rules, you absolute retard.
why are you in battletech general if you don't like battletech
Because Battletech is mercenary heaven, and I love mercenaries.
The hypothetical megaturret tank would still be equally vulnerable to the various ways to impart the inferno effect.
8 Artillery Karnovs.
Did they ever fix that stupid ruling where all artillery pieces have to be on the ground to be able to fire?
What happened to that rifleman's weapon
Would you say that a 4/6/4 40 ton mech with a large laser, two medium lasers, an srm 6, and 8 tons of armor and 13 heatsinks would be a decent mech in the succession wars?
in 3/5 assault mech's case, (because of the turn, terrain or etc) its 3 move grants no tmm, should it run and claim +1 to tmm (taking associated penalties) or just walk and suffer no tmm?
i swear to god if thats the one that appeared on ebay last week anon...
It’s a Panther -8Z+, so yeah?
Sounds like a slightly thicc Panther 8Z. Not the worst idea.

This question depends on the firepower ratio. If you have more firepower than your opponent, like most assaults will in a duel, you're better off avoiding the run penalty. If you're outgunned, probably by being outnumbered, the TMM is often better.
yes, probably better than decent

it depends, you are 1 harder to hit in exchange for making your own weapons fire less accurate. Depends how many things are going to be shooting you and how badly you want or need the extra distance (I'm assuming you are getting extra distance here). If you are getting no extra distance then its usually probably better to just walk

Also consider what your to hits will be. If you will be shooting at the enemy and hitting on a 10 before running and they are hitting you on a 7, you are hurting yourself much more going to hitting on a 11 than they are hurt going from a 7 to an 8 due to how probability of the dice works
lovely bd marauder anon!

Oh shit? Did you get any dice too? the last one had huge problem with most of them not being cubes at all so i'm nervous to see how this one will go.
>it's been more than 2 weeks since i tried stripping the prepainted orion
>10 days in simple green - not working
>4 days in 90% alcohol - not working
>not even the star league star decal isn't coming off
what the fuck have they painted this with
BT lifted visuals from several anime but quickly distinguished the lore into something unique. You'd never compare any anime setting to BT, particularly because few leave Earth or Sol, let alone flesh out huge planetary systems.
Even on the visual side today no one would compare Battletech to anime.

Muh macross is just fun origin trivia.
As opposed to flying artillery? Are you floating your Fortress Dropship 3 air levels above the battlefield trying to land Long Tom shots?
Not letting the AC120 Karnov actually use it's guns in the air is retarded AND the amount of thrust and control a dropper puts out means they should be able to shoot whatever the fuck too. Make them do a pilot roll if it's a spheroid if you want but no shots at all is so fucking stupid.
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Painted 2 new light-omnis and another point of elements for tomorrow’s (today technically) game.

The Jade Falcon Touman and the 9th Talon Cluster are once again ready for war.
These look really nice, what is your recipe?
>Has this ever been scanned?
We do not currently have full scans of any of the Japanese BattleTech materials other than bad scans of the counters and some of the art.
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This Timber Wolf I think has turned out the best. I Really wish the sharpening on the Jobs-phone wasn't as bad as it is BUT

>Army painter matte black spray
>base/block colors with Zandri Dust and 50/50 Lupercal Green and Loren Forest
>wash with Agrax Earthshade
>layer again with same colors
>add black back in (using standard chaos black) as well as blacking the weapons
>light drybush with tyrant skull

Cockpits (can't be seen very well in any of my photos because of angle)
>base with turbodork shifting sands
>light coat with citadel gryph-hound orange technical
>fine tone down with nuln oil

>Citadel technical Armageddon dust
>base with doombull brown
>wash with agrax earthshade
>heavy drybrush with skrag brown

Rocks are a very similar zandri dust base, agrax wash, tyrant skull drybrush highlight when I actually remember to basecoat them
Since when Clans become jews?
METT-TC dependent brother.

Honestly though remember the #1 thing you’re paying for with high displacement mechs is their ability to soak damage, if they’re not distracting and soaking fire then they’re not justifying their cost.
What the fuck is this abomination of a map? Literally the only one that's correct is the combine.
at this point, there are so many IS XL designs... it doesn't seem worth complaining about unless it's supposed to be zombie mech. a 60 tonner as a fat medium trooper seems fine for it, some more armor but dies faster after it's gone. it's meant to be cheap and expendable. a C model for a leader mech would be fun, but kind of kill the point of a trooper, wouldn't it? needs to stay cheap and expendable.
Expanding upon my Satan worshiping ritually disfigured cannibals, I suppose they would face some difficulties attracting new talent to their cause, so I conclude the have to relly on kidnaping the talent and converting them into their culture the Iroquois way (torture enhanced brainwashing more or less if history books are to be believed). Is this lore friendly? What other factions do this, I mean plent of these advanced scifi nations seem to have serious issues with literacy, an engineer even a rather inept one is gonna be worth a lot.
So I've got a Guillotine 6WB3 and zero prospects of every having a C3 master anywhere in my force. Should I just swap the C3 out for a heat sink and call it a day?
Probably, yes.
>that once we had the great Roman Empire I mean Star League.
Oragnizationally, we're rolling in the territory of the Hittite Empire, really.
Much of human settled space has de jure freedom of religion, if not always de facto. There are plenty of mercenary units that exclusively draw from a single world. It's entirely possible for there to be a cultural group that worships satan and engages in ritual cannibalism of defeated foes, passes that culture onto their children in the normal way, and eventually one of them puts together a military force along with full support teams etc.

If you just want to do the reavers from firefly do the reavers from firefly, and we can all lightly make fun of you for being an edgelord.

that's a really nice scheme, anon. Well done.
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Why is it always 3025? You can't even really play comstar in that era as half of their mechs are extinct and they don't even publicly have an army. And stuff like the Banshee-3S isn't usable as its from 3026. What do you lose setting it in 3039?
No Advanced Tech, no Clan Tech or mechs. The lore is simple. The tech is simple. The game is simple.
It's like asking folk why they play 3.5e D&D and not 5e, or people playing Diablo 2 more than Diablo 3 or 4.
In most common usage 3025 is really more of a vibe than precise dating. Banshee 3S, Wolfhounds, Cataphracts all fit in. The mixed tech stuff that shows up in 3039 changes things, and is Drac exclusive until DHS stuff starts showing up in the mid 40s.

We've had three groups of people donthe brainwashing thing:

-the Cappies did it to make the Hanse double
-the Feddies did it to make the Joshua Marik double
-the WoB did it en masse
3039 has the FedCom, which badly screws with "universe" balance.
What is the minimum mech needed to kill an Imperial Dreadnaught from Warhammer? They seem slow, and poorly armed.
I think a team of Elementals could do it.
A dreadnought is similar to a protomech, so I don't think it'd be that hard. A decently put together light, like a Panther, would have no trouble.
that would depend entirely on which setting the two forces are fighting each other in and there is no way to determine how effective BAR 10 composite is under 40k rules
the 3rd succ war ended in 3025, along with the era with small ritualized battle, mechwarriors being more of a feudal knights and each mech precious. after that it's huge scale war era that mechs and mechwarriors are expendable assets
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>(torture enhanced brainwashing more or less if history books are to be believed)
It's just hazing, bro.
Shut up Neirdemeyer
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how come all grasshoppers are 4/6/*? is there a faster version, or something similar but faster?
How is damage calculated in the Warhammer game? Stats and stuff?
Why would you ever need to go faster, what are you some Medium?
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Yeah, over in warhammer attacks have Strength, which last I checked ranged from 1-20, and Toughness which theoretically has the same range. A basic infantry rifle is strength 3, and a basic human is toughness 3, for example.

Warhammer's pretty heavy on the abstraction, so trying to directly compare it to Battletech is a bad idea.
sort of an impossible question to answer as we don't know how powerful fictional warhammer materials or explosives are and depictions are inconsistent.
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Bro, like, just jump
What compels you about the Grasshopper? If it's just the jumping brace of lasers there's tons of stuff that does that. If it's the jumping heavy thing than I'm afraid inner sphere heavies don't really go faster than 5/8 unless they are 60 ton fat mediums.
And if you force one of those to jump, you end up with a Quickdraw.
i had fun in the HBS game using a hopper as my 'light' scout with a billion lasers and small weapons.
That's the unnatural part.
>what the fuck have they painted this with
I have no idea, but now I want it for boardgame minis primer.
I had heard it was meant to be printed in color but it didn't look like it when it was released. Now that you've had this much trouble stripping it I'm starting to think it is
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Probably just have your cultists kidnap the young children of the people you raid to indoctrinate, maybe even ritualize it by feeding them pieces of their parents or whatever adult caretaker they had to formally induct them into the group.
Yes it's dark, but you're fleshing out a space cult of ritualistic, satanic cannibals, so....
Try oil (mineral oil, vanilla oil, whatever),.
Instructions not clear, my olive oil is no longer extra virgin
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>/your dudes/
was reading the Free Worlds League field manual and shouldn't the demonym for regiments from Atreus be "Atreides" instead of "Atrean"?
Any reason why Defiance Industries opted to stop making Atlases and Atlas IIs (execpt for the AS7-DK-H at the Hesperus II factory)? I mean, isn't that a disadvantage for Lyran national security that one of their top manufacturers gives up on one of their best products?
>893 Can be read as Yakuza
>193 Can be read as Ikusa (Battle, 戦)
>283 Can be read as Tsubasa (Wing, 翼)
>273 Can be read as Tsunami
>8823 Can be read as Hayabusa (Falcon, 隼)
Copy paste no work for these ones?
New thread

You know he'll never own up to it, but be on the lookout for the next anon that complains about porches.

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