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birds edition


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which creature type you want to see getting more support in the future?
What you think the Rooms new card at DSK will be?
Battles that turn into lands somehow
Now THAT is epic.
This is only Nadu's second form. Thoracle was the training wheels version, Nadu in his infancy. The endurance loops are his ideal win condition. But the deck can get stronger still. It can be optimized, card quality can be increased further, combo consistency can be tighter, the deck can become even nore resilient. There's so much room for growth here
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Make Zombies as Powerful and competitve as the fucking Vampires, Humans, Merfolk and Spirits.
The old werewolf mechanic but with different triggers.
So unplayable?
They won't be doing Battles again this early. Return to Tarkir is the EARLIEST, they've said.
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I like brewing decks so I'm thinking I'll switch from Arena to MTG:O due to pricing. Is this a good idea? The client is jank but the cards are cheaper and Arena is grindy as fuck
Pls unban. Bowmasters will keep it in check
Haven't you heard? The new creature type is Bird
it depends what exactly do you mean by "brewing decks", mtgo janky rares are extremely cheap compared to arena but if you want to make a solid deck with stronger rares, depending on what they are, you're gonna have to cough some dough or get credit by competing in events
You don't even need Bowmasters since elves would probably still be unplayable
Vampires, spirits, and humans are pioneer playable and merfolk are modern playable
>merfolk are modern playable

I don't play modern so I don't have a horse in this race but people have been posting merfolk decks putting up results in minor events for a while now.
Merfolk wasn't a complete non-deck at the PT.
Here's the updated pic, starting point of the format moved to Midnight Hunt, expected announcement of the format moved to 2029 Q4 when Foundation rotates from Standard.

Will update again in a few months when they give us more info about the sets from 2025.
Humans and Spirits are basically just tier 2 budget archetypes at this point in Pioneer. Merfolk is also tier 2 still, despite getting blue Magus of the Moon.
Vampires is fair, though the tribe is held up entirely by Sorin+Vein Ripper.
I like janky stuff and those are often rares. In Arena you get a rare wildcard every 6 packs so 1 wildcard a week? 52 in a year? That's sucks man.

Also dual lands in MTGO are cheeeeap as hell
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Legacy bros quick
Do I cut some number of mountains, dens or sokenzan for 4 Sundering Eruption?
I need to leave for FNM in 30 minutes
>tier 2 not good enough
Not every deck can be one of the best in the format. A tier 2 deck is by definition "playable"
>5/8 Nadu
It will be on the fringes of tier 2. Basically if you dont stop glimpse you just win since you can just emrakul/craterhoof
As i said. Give Zombies the chance to st least be competitive. No need to be fucking Vampires, but at least competitive
>All decks are made up with one main MH3 card.

cool but sad it was not like MH2 where every deck needed like 2 shitelemental to work in the new meta
Imagine if nadu wins. The nadu deck piloted by the tranny lmoa. If they dont immediately ban nadu after this I'll take a break from this game. Probably play some pee and poo
It is clear to us that the so called Nadu Summer is not a problematic deck. While it did have a large showing at the pro tour, decks such as Necropotence and Jeskai control should be able to keep Nadu in check with burn damage and interaction. No bans are needed, and many professional players agree with us
seems like a minor upgrade but sure
Remember, misplays are only DQ-worthy if you lose!
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>Not a single deck from pre-MH3 in any top8 now
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Have you apologizes to your local mono B player yet?
I can't believe that a 3 mana sorcery speed card that draws your entire fucking deck was good.
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post underrated birbs
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I wanted some spiders in Bloomburrow, but rats are fine, too.
>Watching zoomer streamers trying to play Necro decks and paying 2, 3, 4 or 5 life a turn and talking about "what' sthe right number, ohhh I don't know maybe one more? No maybe that was too muich..."
>The Virgin They/Them
>The Chad No third person pronouns/"Do not refer to me"
Fucking WOTC they took a format that was already bad even after a ban and rotated it to become even more shitty. MH3 is another shit on the Corpse of Modern
Wizard, but only because my only tribal deck is Wizards.

It would be neat to get Thrull support though
I supported this card and every faggot at /mmg/ told me it was bad and shit.
I have to appreciate how MTG is engineered to extract more and more money from you through power creep. There's intensive fomo to remain competitive while you know you're just burning money
Powerful, white, cards. Lmao.
Yes. White is the most busted colour in MH3 in number at least.
>6/8 decks contain white
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Faggots are indeed retards yes.
MonoB chads stay winning
I just looked this shit up, did they really introduce a whole-ass creature type just to make a looney tunes reference in a set that's already a themepark ride that has nothing to do with normal mtg
RW energy would probably have a better showing, but it's a deck that gets eaten alive by Nadu.
yup, I had the same reaction
however, the activated ability has won me some games in arena, so I've grown to like it
Coyote is borderline constructed playable due to plot, but yes.
>white doesn't even get a reserved list energy card
It seems you don't like me a lot but you know what? Is fine because I'm fun and i will stay a looong time with you all :) be prepared for an impressive excuse at august ban window :)
That's pretty cool to me
>pic related gonna take the ban before Nadu or Shuko or Grief

I can feel it
>White got good energy cards like Guide of Souls instead of unplayable shit like energy Aluren or energy Gilded Drake

Dang, what a loss
I'd like to see Bats getting support

Rats could use a new gimmick besides just gaining P/T with the number of rats in the field
i'm genuinely more excited for the excuse they make come august than any of the sets coming out this year
Why would Shuko deserve a ban when the problem card is Nadu? Shuko by itself is just a quirky combo card that requires an engine
Rolled 2, 4, 8, 3, 5 = 22 (5d8)

>be prepared for an impressive excuse at august ban window :)

Let me roll it up

1 - We're monitoring the situation
2 - All macro archetypes are seeing play
3 - The meta looks healthy and diverse
4 - Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
5 - We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
6 - We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta
7 - The format has all the tools necessary to deal with it
8 - There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed
To be fair, the idea of using his ability to turn the opponent's stuff into elks is very obscure and hard to figure out. No one could have expected him to be able to do that.
>All macro archetypes are seeing play
>Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
>The meta looks healthy and diverse
>There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed
>We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event

Mmmhh, now that's a good B&R update.
Because Nadu is new and shiny and it looks bad when they ban a card like that
>Why would Bridge deserve a ban when the problem card is Hogaak? Bridge by itself is just a quirky combo card that requires an engine
If they will save this bird ass they better unban something for such bullshit, there is literally no reason to have this shit around while half of the Modern list ban is more fair.
>is very obscure
It's literally how all removal is worded
You literally just read the card, it never specifies your creature
You would have to be literally ignoring the card text to not know it can be removal
Well the most recent rat gimmicks were toxic, sac outlet, and bike drivers.
Yeah man just ban shuko
Twin would be nor problematic in new Modern environtment, same with Faithless
The joke is that no one from WotC realized it could be used on the opponent's stuff during playtesting. They expected you to use him to make food then turn it into elks.
It's VERY easy to just 'assume' you know what a card does when you read it because you can't imagine it'd NOT be that because why would they not give it an obvious restriction to make it balanced.
Its ok you can tutor greaves with saga
This art is blatantly AI generated.
It's not that they didn't realise it could be used, it's that they didn't think that'd be the main use, for some reason, because Beast Within is bad actually?
>Can't be hit by Saga
>Can't be equipped onto a creature it's already equipped to
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what you think will be the mice gimmick?
Why does Mabel even bother explaining why Cragflame does when Cragflame tokens exist?
I think that was just an excuse. They were well aware of it and just tried to save face after everyone cracked down on them for releasing such a bullshit card.
Okay, we'll unban Oko.

>+1 turns your Ring into an elk
>+1 turns your Shuko into an elk
>+1 turns your Ruby Medallion/Ral into an elk
>+1 turns your Guide of Souls/Ajani into an elk
>+1 turns your Phlage into an elk
>+1 turns your Trinisphere/Chalice into an elk
>+1 turns your Sheoldred/Bowmaster into an elk
>+1 turns your Emrakul into an elk

Format saved. You're welcome.
If you don't own a Cragflame token
>Can't be hit by Saga
Can be tutored with stoneforge
>Can't be equipped onto a creature it's already equipped to
Will make some hands less keepable but the shroud is hyper relevant
>Filling a card with words for the <1% of people it matters for
I would rather see Uro back, him and Dark Depths
>Can be tutored with stoneforge
Quite literally NO ONE this PT was running SFM.
Thanks. I cut 3 basics for 3 eruptions. Will report back later with score and if they were relevant.
Sure you can still work with it, but it would be a big downgrade from Shuko
>Almost two weeks without a single fucking Netdeck to copy and easy win

Equipment matters probably
Hammer Time Nadu will become the primary variant after Shuko gets banned
>my only irl friend that plays mtg plays edh exclusively
this blows
Remember, house cats, lions, tigers, ocelots, lynxes, jaguars, leopards, and catmen from four different planes are all Cats.

But you better fucking not lump together Dogs, Wolves, and Coyotes
Dogs and Wolves being separate I get, but Coyote and Jackal should NOT be separate types from them.
Because a token's effects are defined by the card that creates them, aside from a handful of generic token types that have their effects defined in the rules (eg Treasure, Blood). Even on those tokens, the cards usually have reminder text explaining what they do. For example, there are a tonne of different Vampire tokens; 1/1s with nothing going on, 1/1s with lifelink, 2/2s, some have flying, etc. If a card just said "create a vampire token" you'd have no idea which one to use; the tokens aren't interchangable. Sure, there's only a single "Cragflame" token, but if she just said "Create a Cragflame token" then unless they amended the rules to specify exactly what a "Cragflame token" is then the token wouldn't actually do anything. It'd just be a blank card that says "Cragflame" on it. I doubt they'd want to do that for a token a single card produces, and even if they did, they'd just be moving that info into reminder text.
Please understand, we had to get rid of Viashino to reduce creature type bloat.
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>a token's effects are defined by the card that creates them



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>Usually have reminder text
>Posts the version of the card that deliberately has reminder text removed
Read the rest of the sentence, you have the attention span of a fucking zoomer.
>Card that creates them doesn't have the reminder text
>These faggots act like that's just okay and I'm supposed to be psychic as to what a Tarmogoyf if
Please. PLEASE. Kill yourself.
Okay retard, you got your reply. Kindly fuck off now.
Regardless of your fucking spasm about Tarmogoyf Nest, Mabel has to define Cragflame because "Cragflame" isn't a thing that exists outside of Mabel creating it. Tarmogoyf's a pre-existing card that Nest is making a token copy of. Pre-defined tokens are defined in the rules and usually are explained by reminder text if there's room.
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Are there any TCGs that were designed for fun, not to extract as much from the players as possible?
Nadu? Mote like Nah do not play this game lmao
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>ALL pre-MH3 decks are dead
sometimes I like to look at the stuff left behind in future sight and wonder when they're gonna mine that well. like when are they doing this cycle, when are we getting more fortifications (besides the one-off in that fallout UB shit) etc.
>MH2 meta was miserable thanks to Beans and Scam
>Ban Fury, Beans and Outburst
>Hey! Meta is recovering maybe some more tweaks and will be fine!
>Third Impact
>MH3 is even more miserable
>All old archetypes dead and replaced
>Must get money so ban announcement will be surely dissapointing if anything is banned at all
It's joever indeed
>Tarmogoyf's a pre-existing card that Nest is making a token copy of
On top of that, they had to amend the rules for Tarmogoyf tokens to exist, to enable cards to create token copies of specific preexisting cards from outside the game by name. Prior to MH3, it wouldn't have been possible for them to just say "Create a {cardname} token" like that. Though, this new feature is literally just Arena's "Conjure" mechanic under a new name.
>Meta is recovering maybe some more tweaks and will be fine
I wouldn't call banning every single supplemental product + 10~ish cards some "tweaks" because that's the only thing that could get Modern any close to fine.
>maybe some more tweaks and will be fine!
I want off Nadu's wild ride
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i don't really care about modern but what's the excuse for fundations, bloomburrow and duskmourne in less than 4 months? standard obviously must have a dynamic meta but this amount of new stuff is impossible to follow.
Stop asking questions.
Consume product then get excited for next product.
Noah is my main.
Korean Gigachad against the bird menace.
It's because Hasbro wants two sets between Q2 and Q3 earnings. Bloomburrow released just after Q2 and Duskmourne couple of weeks before Q3.

That's it, the reason is the earnings
>what's the excuse for fundations, bloomburrow and duskmourne in less than 4 months?
I mean not quite, conjure makes an actual card. Also, Garth One-Eye already existed, so there's a sort of precedent, albeit he makes a copy that you cast, but the effect is largely the same. It does make the previous instances of cards that made tokens that were basically existing cards but aren't actually them feel a bit odd now though. Like Roxanne makes Meteorite tokens but they're not actually copies of the Meteorite card, etc.
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>The Virgin Memedern "we want to see how the meta game shakes out"
>The CHAD Pauper "we know this shit is broken and we're not going to let it ruin a big tournament"

I'm not enough of a shitposter to say Gavin is based, but the Panel as a whole has infinite credibility as far and I'm concerned.
If it's any consolation, the endurance version of Nadu is much more interesting to pilot than the thoracle version
It's going to get so much worse, bros...
>Only MH3 card in the deck is Sorin
While it beats the bird, it will not move the meta forward.
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>vintage player ported legacy scaminator to vintage and took first fucking place in a vintage challenge
this is genuinely insane
they actually got rid of vashino because they deemed it racist.
Where did they say that?
My bad, I was thinking of Nagas.
Shut up, bigot. I don't need to educate you, it's your job to educate yourself.
Where did they say that?
Maro said 7 years ago on his blog that Nagas were introduced solely for cultural reasons and then they changed them to Snakes because in 2023 it was deemed cultural appropriation.
>then they changed them to Snakes because in 2023 it was deemed cultural appropriation.
false. they announce it at the same time as removing cat typing from rakshasas, which was for cultural sensitivity reasons, but nagas were changed to give snakes more support and because they just always should have been, like everyone agreed way back when tarkir first came out.
>but nagas were changed to give snakes more support
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Was Van Etten's DQ justified?
>Jason Ye
Wasn't this thing It/Its yesterday?
I went 3-2-1 with this at my 1k today, happy with my results only lost to bird.
> She/They

Didn't they use it/its for the Tranny during the stream?
>Greaves from fucking original Mirrodin
>baseless AI claims
Say hello to AI schizo
a history of cheating means it is harder for him to play it off as a misplay. if it was a legit misplay and not him trying to abuse trust/good will by playing it off as a misplay. your actions follow you, and it's catching up to him. deserved, regardless of cheat or misplay.
Unbanning a white card did nothing holy shit stop the presses what a shocking discovery it’s almost as if white never mattered in any constructed format.
Apparently the tranny claims to prefer it/its, accepts she/they and only outright rejects masculine pronouns. While named fucking Jason.
Was there any particular reason why they didn't display the land's flag for it and went with the Planeswalker symbol instead?
The nationality is opt-out, probably some faggotry like not liking America
go away prof
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>they announce it at the same time as removing cat typing from rakshasas
That is so retarded.
They give the option to not have their country banner if the player wants. The guy probably didn't want to have the american or canadian banner.
eat shit changeling fags
Shuko ain't sellin packs.
yep. wotc is full of retardation. It is just kept afloat because us (fags) can't stop buying the trash they make.
>Trust the Science!
I always heckin do!
yeah it is, but you can't have that faggot shivam crying about his culture being mishandled, now can you?
>act like a retard in public
>people say "What a retard"
>Haha, rent free!
>not a single person took this bait
Have a single (You), out of pity
>10 days without mtgo decklists
He pretended his 2/3 Goyf was a 3/4 and his opponent bought into it
fug this is exactly how it will go down
They probably went around asking for players if Van Etten was correctly updating Goyf's P/T as cards resolved as its usually benefical for him but he then decided to "forget" about it in this case to get the Cursed Role for extra damage.

Then its easy as shit to DQ him on the spot
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>bored scrolling on phone
>bring up mtgtop8
How long must I suffer
Wasn't this match being streamed? How did he not realise it would be noticed, regardless of if it was an earnest misplay or blatant cheating move?
Because its easy to pretend it was an oopsie and go scoff free, specially when you are a "seasoned" tournament player with track record ( of also cheating ) and if you play confidently people wont ask much questions.
Free him.
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its gotten so bad that goldfish's default standard page thinks rotation happened because there's no data to pull results from
it's so fucking over bros
>bird so egregious that a fucking necropotence deck is the good guy of the tournament
What exactly is causing the issue?
WotC has the mtgo data held hostage until the ProTour is over
For what purpose?
Damage control
Wew lad that is an intimidating decklist
daybreak, the people in charge of managing mtgo, released the game's API, which essentially lets people know everything that isn't public at the moment, we get challenge lists and league 5-0s but we don't get 4-1 lists and who plays against who for example

it seems that data nerds/websites went all too hard at once and crashed their infrastructure, there's also theories that wotc wasn't consulted by daybreak before they decided to go public with the API
Based on their choice to say "trust the science" I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this person is lying out their ass and whoever they're talking about was unfairly DQ'd.
>wizards print orcish bowmasters
>proceed to make all subsequent draw engine "put in hand" or give them reactive clause (necrodominance)
I kneel
dumb as fuck post
I heckin love my smol chonkin sciencerinos fellow redditor!! upboated!!

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!!
>implying this is somehow worse than a fucking squirrel being a 1/1 creature since 2001
The cutesy gay shit has been around for a long long time anon
Shitposting doesn't make you less retarded you 70 IQ reactionary retard.
Why can't WOTC be like Konami and just ban shit constantly?
If you don't understand why anyone who uses that literal mk ultra activation phrase is lying through their teeth, then you haven't been paying attention to anything that's happened within the past 5 years. You are an NPC. You will never be a real human.
Why would you actively want them to rotate formats on a whim? It's already bad enough they're doing it with every other new set, now you want them to do it whenever they deem a card is too strong?
Yugioh doesn't rotate on the level of magic at all.
>banning broken shit that invalidates 90% of the existing meta so you can maintain something resembling status quo is "rotating"
ok retard
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Enjoying games
Brewing new lists
Laughing at all the memedern horizons 3 suffering
God damn I love being a Premodern chad.
Theoretically, there's a nice middle ground where you're banning things in a thoughtful, but timely manner to minimize impact while also not constantly dumping dozens of ban-worthy cards at a time. Unfortunately, Magic has become so far removed from this idyll that it's difficult to imagine it.
It's funny that WotC seems to think they can get away with ramping up design and production without ramping up bans. It should be linear relationship but instead it feels like we get more and more format warping bullshit and less and less bans.
format warping bullshit sells packs
Sorry but if we ban cards no one would buy packs
I really wish they didn't make everything land related into a cycle. Things are more interesting when some colours have niches over others, Canopy is another example.
Only nonwhite card players fear bans. Just look at the last 8 years of Standard bans or even since Throne of Eldraine.
Zero mono-white cards banned at all. Even with monthly set releases they can’t make a white card worth banning. But they have banned:
A card in every other mono color
A card in almost every multicolor combo
And even errata to Companions
But never mono white. They couldn’t print powerful white cards if their shekels depended on it.
The only ones without pronouns play mono-black. Coincidence? Probably, but I think it's cool.
They showed off that Doomsday Excruciator card with the showcase art only for a bit and I just found out its 'normal' look was shown somewhere too. Neat. I like the flavour text.
>All stars grow dark
Large black holes are the brightest things in the universe you dingbats.
>What is a metaphor
And while I'm at it, rocky planets are literally the most stable objects in the cosmos.

The flavor text is sensationalist faff. A total farce, in fact.
>Secret Lair version of the card has flavor text: "What is a metaphor?"
Even as someone who doesn't really play EDH, I absolutely despise this card for what it would do to a format intended to be casual.

You play it, and the game suddenly gets a time limit. It's kind of antithetical to the format. Seems like a ban target for the format, honestly, noting that 100% of EDH's banlist is because a card is "unfun"
Eh, I find it hilarious personally. Just drop it as a "fuck it, I've got shit to do, game's ending now" card.
my first thought when I saw this was
>inverter is back baby
but 6 mana is a lot more than 4
at least it kinda ends the game by itself even if it gets answered since both players get put to 6 cards in library
I would, but the EDH babies get mad when I play good cards.
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This didn’t stop Nadu tho?
So why post it?
get wrekt
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That could describe a lot of cards.
the most based of cards
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I prefer the REAL apocalypse.
The one where you're stuck in an infinitely boring time loop.m
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Something about these dumb shits really speaks to my inner timmy.
Worldslayer plus Isao, Enlightened Bushi
now THAT'S an EDH deck.
Fun fact: the plane is a giant house now, they probably don't even have stars (maybe in this reality stars are not like our stars)(but anyway ignore, it is either wotc being wotc or being a bit creative)
>first planes feel like universes
>then planes feel like planets
>then planes feel like cities
>then planes feel like 1 city (Capenna)
>then planes feel like 1 (one) (uno) house
Only 5 people showed up and I ended up 3-1
2-0 frog/barrowgoyf tempo doomsday
2-0 burn
1-2 rescaminator
Still got first. I think it's a good inclusion but it's relevance depends on how many wasteland decks you're playing against.
they probably did have stars at some point though? The plane wasn't originally just a huge house.
>Fun fact: the plane is a giant house now
so... Ravnica?

Who built this house? And don't say Mister Creepy McLovecraft because there is no way an eldritch being is lifting one brick, let alone executing an entire logistics chain and construction project.
The demon was sealed in the house and got pissed and was powerful enough to make the house grow until it encompassed the plane.
... okay so if you had priests / heroes powerful enough to seal the demon, for what reason would those very same priests not be able to stop the same demon they already beat?
Like if they sealed the fucking demon into the house, that means they are strong enough to defeat it.
Why wouldn't they just show up and shitkick the demon THEY ALREADY PROVED TO BE ABLE TO DEFEAT when it tried expansion magic on the house?

What the fuck is this shit this is so shoddy and awful. How bad a writer do you have to be for the entire premise of your story to be a plothole in and of itself holy fuck.
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No, not even that, if Omenpaths are bringing people to the fucking place, HOW CAN PEOPLE GET STUCK THERE?

This whole fucking thing is SO GODDAMN SHIT HOLY FUCK. From every angle, every single fucking aspect of the Duskmourn story spoiled so far is TOTAL GARBAGE.
Omenpaths can be unstable and close up behind you. Or they can be one way to start with. Stable omenpaths are supposed to be uncommon. Thunder Junction was special because it had an unusual concentration of stable omenpaths.
>Omenpaths can be unstable and close up behind you.
yes, he cheated by deliberately misrepresenting the board state
First, who's to say it was an easy battle to start with? If they only just barely managed to seal the demon, then there's no guarantee they can just stomp him again. Second, the demon did it slowly over the course of time. Maybe by the time people realized what was going on, it was too late to stop it.
There's much better things to nitpick than the logistics of a demon rules-lawyering the seal its placed under.
modern unironically rotates more than standard now
>bridges can collapse
They mainly use the less common stable omenpaths, but sometimes people can accidentally enter or get lured into entering an unstable one.
>First, who's to say it was an easy battle to start with? If they only just barely managed to seal the demon, then there's no guarantee they can just stomp him again.
Why did they seal the demon in a way that he could influence the world?
Were they fucking retarded?

>Second, the demon did it slowly over the course of time. Maybe by the time people realized what was going on, it was too late to stop it.
Slowly... an entire plane...
"Bro they just didn't notice the house growing for 36,000 years straight!"

>There's much better things to nitpick than the logistics of a demon rules-lawyering the seal its placed under.
The entire plane being a plot hole is not a fucking "nitpick"
He replies, implying
>"I built this bridge to collapse!"
was the goal of every bridge builder in history.

Fuck off lmfao.
>Were they fucking retarded?
Or it was just the best they could manage and they didn't account for the demon somehow making its prison bigger from the inside.

>"Bro they just didn't notice the house growing for 36,000 years straight!"
"Maybe by the time people realized what was going on, it was too late to stop it."
Money. Your problem is that you're viewing this game through a lens of quality and longevity, when the corporation only wants quantity and as much short term money as they can squeeze out even if it lessens the lifespan of the product by decades.
Furthermore, if there WAS a demon powerful enough to annihilate an ENTIRE PLANE, just a quick question...
Nonexistent? Isn't the Jacetice League only a few years old in canon? Besides, the duskmourn shit liekly happened before most of them were even born and I don't see Lili rushing off to some shithole nightmare plane except to strike up a deal with the demon.
Ironically, your mindset is the cancerous faction of Coomander players that only have "fun" on their narrow terms.
Why would they care? There's a million shithole planes out there, a fair number made into shitholes BY planeswalkers. Some demon who's basically just a lesser Yawgmoth isn't much of a threat compared to, you know, the actual Yawgmoth.
>Why would they care?
It's well established that every plane has a respectable amount of 'walkers from it, the general statistics being 1 in a million with spark potential.
Given that a demon consuming your entire plane might just be grounds for a spark to ignite, and also given that if Duskmorn was taken over pre-Mending we'd be dealing with Oldwalkers, the 'walkers from Duskmorn would likely care because it's literally their home.
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>be thug
>do goon shit
>leave thru unstable one way planar door
Don't forget your cowboy hat!
Well either they left that dump and never looked back (not a terribly uncommon thing for planeswalkers) or no one got lucky enough to spark. Shit, how long did it take for Elspeth to go back to her home plane and find it got taken over by demon mafias?
And do you truly, honestly believe your ex nihilo excuses for all these blatant plot holes could ALL happen at once just to let a stupid ass generic soulless ripoff plane to exist?
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Who will be Duskmourn PW?
Apparently serial cheater Bart van Etten was caught cause they asked previous round opponents how the games went and Bart kept making the same "error" in those games so he finally got what he deserved
Good Riddance.
Yeah, I'm more bothered by the gay 80s tech than the very generic "Big bad demon did some rules-lawyering and fucked everyone over" premise of the plane. You could nitpick just about any plane to death if you really wanted. Magic's worldbuilding is rarely airtight.
>You could nitpick just about any plane to death if you really wanted. Magic's worldbuilding is rarely airtight.
Pick one.
Wait until they reprint it in Foundations
Just one? Ravnica. There's just layers and layers of nonsensical worldbuilding there. The key is how much it slaps you in the face. With Duskmourn, the demons stuff is pretty bland. The weird tech stuff on the other hand? Now that's what slaps me in the face.
I wish the power level of the game was at a point cards like these would be viable. But no its just create treasures, play cards from the top of your library or exile x cards and you may play them this turn effects times 100
>Mono-B necro
>Bant Combo
>Bant Value
>Jeskai Control
>GWU Thoracle
>White Nadu
>Mono-B Combo
>4c Ramp
Clearly healthy metagame over there, nice to see some variety in the top 8
What is it about simic that wotc just can't help but to design the absolute biggest faggot cards imaginable
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We are monitoring the formats.
Don' worry bros, Bloomburrow, Duskmourn and Foundations, we have a lot of chances to find a solution to the format LOL
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>2005 bulk uncommon reprinted into standard as mythic rare
Funny how foil shukos saw a huge drop in numbers around the time MH3 design was being done
>JTMS in a standard set, commander sheet
Holy fuck I have forgotten that guy even exist anymore. He just fucking was poof and gone from legacy while he used to be fucking everywhere
Does anyone have RG Eldrazi stompy (not tron) lists for Modern? MTGGoldfish keeps giving me bad gateway errors and the MTGO decklist page is STILL DOWN

it still finds a place in some lists here or there, just not a stock 4 of
Alright that got me
Thinking about it, why did Bolas choose one of the most populated and dense planes to invade with his army
Why not lure them to a place with less allies and places to hide and just swarm the planeswalkers
Did he have an actual reason for choosing Ravnica
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Spirits, something other than blue & white. And it should be this card.
Its the center of the multiverse iirc
It’s a vacation destination for planeswalkers, he wanted them all together in order to eat them all at once
pioneer block constructed can't delay it's arrival any longer
No NETDECKS anymore, sis.
Time to innovate.

This deck has got to be OP now
>Oh no inside information getting used for speculative reasons in the "card-stock" market
See that the design team invited some people
>yeah those bald man and the tranny def bought as many shukos as they could while saying nadu is probably fine
why we care about modern? it is dead
>Then planes ARE one (uno) house
and it's kino.
If there are practically infinite planes, how does literally anything happen without a billion planeswalkers showing up?
>then planes feel like 1 (one) (uno) house
It's a big house okay
Bigger than 5 football fields by 5 five football fields
You know how every archdemon usually has a plan to ascend to godhood and a crew of plucky adventures stop him? Duskmourn is what happens when they do shitty job andd dont actually stop him, and just trap him.
It has to be at least tier 0 now
...no? usually demons are sealed away specifically because they CAN'T be defeated, only postponed for a thousand years. I can see the sealing ritually being one in a panic as a last resort, an since it as one shoddily it gave the demon time to finish whatever ritual he planned.
Incredible how a single house seems better and more interesting than a whole city or a whole planet.
Famously no-on has ever risked their lives to explore new worlds for promises of riches or fame.
Anon has never heard a joke before
>were they fucking retarded?
I know that was a joke but thats unironically a plausible plot beat. In their hubris they forgot to make sure the prison was completely shut, and the single mistake doomed the plane.
>The Gatewatch
just a matter of one of the few altruistic ones knowing the plane exists while also being strong enough to help. not very likely IMO.
It's known as a hub in the multiverse, makes sense he'd want control over it. Plus the beacon was made and activated by the Izzet, Niv got baited into thinking it would allow them to bring planeswalkers to fight against Bolas or something like that, he didn't know that they would be trapped or that Bolas had an interplanar zombie army ready to go.
True! but they would planeswalk away from duskmourn after ignition, and take god know how long to find their way back. Im betting on 1 or 2 new Duskmourn native planeswalkers.
Call me crazy but I'd rather wait for the plot to come out before calling it a plot hole. they probably are going to explain it.
>hey spell but its also a land xD
I am so tired. Just fucking slam ancestral recall behind a black lotus next set
this post was check'd by true american patriots.
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Why did they seal the demon in a way in a way that backfired?
Were they fucking retarded?
>Were they fucking retarded?
ThEy WeRe JuSt TiREd!!!!
That would be an explanation, evil is always smarter could be another one.
Or the demon's seal weakened over time and everybody had forgotten that it existed
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What's up with Ruby storm? It seems to consistently be trophying in leagues and seems to have decent enough performance in challenges, but performed horribly at the PT. I'm guessing it was because it was the boogeyman that everyone overprepared for when really Nadu was the menace of the format, but the bird had a lower play rate online due to APM concerns.
Probably something like that. I think Nadu is one of those decks that could have a tendency to time out on MTGO
I wonder if Pros know the true Horror of Nadu in advance would this >>93202323 atrocious result change? Hating the bird is not easy but as the main contestant and principal target could other decks do better?
Why did they seal the demon in a way that he could influence the world?
Were they fucking retarded?
I fucking hate magic
Basically what you said - it got totally hated out of contention but all the spastics didn't prepare adequately for Bird.
A big part of it is that Storm is fairly easy to hate out, while there's not a lot of good hate for what Nadu's doing. Harsh Mentor was one of the best answers and all it does is delay the combo for a second while the Nadu player tutors up removal. Hell, even if you don't land Nadu, the deck can still do goofy shit, like Nantuko bestowed on a Dryad Arbor to produce exponentially increasing numbers of Dryad Arbor tokens every turn.
I am quite fond of how much effort shills are putting into justifying Duskmourn's completely nonsensical and retarded existence.
It does tickle the giblets.
Are you seriously asking why a character would make a mistake or are you just pretending to be retarded?
aw thanks, it's fun!
Trying to bitch about the demon is a falseflag attempt to divert criticism away from the retarded gay 80s tech.
All this defense in service of a setting that got shat out in an afternoon with no actual justification for why the whole goddamn plane is a goddamn haunted house beyond "they didn't seal the moth demon quite so good".
No we're asking why a demon that was sealed wasn't ACTUALLY sealed and somehow even though the people that defeated and sealed it were still on that same plane, they failed to notice it taking over the entire plane at any point during this process.
Like, what does the demon being able to influence the world beyond its seal have to do with random fucking 80s shit showing up?
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And when we needed him most, he vanished.
Don't question it, just consoom
yeah, we know anon, everything bad, stop having fun, criticize everything, fucking drones...
That's not very good CONSOOMING you're doing, mate.
I think you need to go through some more mandatory consoomer training.
Okay so you're just actually retarded, got it.
It really doesn't need more justification for that part. What I want is the justification for the fucking TVs.
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Bow down.
Yes, in fact, when everything IS bad, then everything will receive criticism that is how artistic media works you fucking idiot.
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For any shills unable to understand the process of creativity and critique, let me help you out:

>If you produce shit
>You get shovelled
Simple as.
This this is nuts and may singlehandedly strip all damage-based removal from every metagame it is present in.
>Screaming Nemesis
i'm saying that okay you can keep your mindless tantrum all you want retard, no one here and even less outside gives a damn shit. keep screaming "shills" "fuck this and that" to the void all you want, obnoxious bastard.
It's probably going to be something like,
>"Its screams are so loud it could wake the dead."
I'm getting flashbacks to the Eldrazi getting loose
>to the void
Are you calling yourself a void? Of intelligence, perhaps?
You did reply, after all.
Why make this card? For the rest of the game effect should never exist, this is like Nadu, red flags are everywhere yet they greenlight this.

Why? For what purpose?
isnt this card shit? who cares about gaining life anyway?
>Why? For what purpose?
>RG Scapeshift
What went wrong?
you speaking like i care, let me tell you again: nobody cares, just stating that fact
>you speaking like i care
>...he replies to the thing he definitely, absolutely does not care about.
Red decks trying to count to 20.
For innistrad: The demons and Angels would reform over time after being destroyed so destroying a powerful demon would only bring more destruction over time (when the demon got reincarnated). The mcguffin that picked from the moon was used to store and neutralize the beings trapped inside.

For the ambar prison: The bad guy had too much power to be defeated so they picked that artifact that could trap him inside until freed.

For the house in "not-StrangerThings" set: You just have to believe that the 7/7 demon from the commander deck couldn't be defeated or couldn't be exiled in a better way. Understand: they had advanced technology to make television, chainsaw, cellphones, walkie-talkies and GhostBusters guns but they didn't had the smarts to make a flintlock.

Yes, if the writers are retarded, the characters will also be. That is why we have ainuk or whatever the tribe name in thunderjunction, the fedoras and the cowboy hats, and all of march of the machines.

Glad to help.
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*monitors in your general direction*
I guess it's kinda like RiP or Leyline against Hogaak. You're shutting them down until they find their Nature's Claim (or Boseiju nowadays, I guess) and then they kill you anyway.
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>and all of march of the machines.
Today I will remind them that Norn's plan was to build interplanar infrastructure for her enemies then die and take all of Phyrexia with her.
Just did a huge smelly Ruby Storm in the toilet lads
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including the previewed card, there are 11 "for the rest of the game" cards in magic.
- 4 are "you have no maximum hand size"
- 1 is Cyclopean Tomb's slow deswampification trigger
- 1 is your maximum hand size is reduced by 3
- 3 are creatures becoming goaded
- 2 are players not gaining life
So that they don't have to ban Amalia
How we can make Bird abusers magic life miserable? Like "I don't want to play this deck never again" ? Which kind of deck or hate can do this in Modern?
Seth Manfield looking like he got zero sleep
Since all mtg sets are just "that trendy movie/tv show from a few years back" (like the Jacetice league fighting Thanos Norn and now Stranger Thing universe) we can comfortably predict next year's sets
>Drug Lab setting that's totally not breaking bad
>edgy capeshit set mirroring The Boys/Invincible
>Avatar the way of the water bender set
I could actually see them doing some sort of capeshit set even with the Marvel set coming up.
>For the rest of the game effect should never exist
>Jason, Nadu player, unidentified gender asian American
>Noah, Necro player, Korean GIGACHAD
Choose your player wisely.
We are getting a Twisted Metal (not the games but the shit tv series about a black man and a girl racing in the waste land to deliver an ice cream to girl boss, that show with the lesbian hippies community) set
(the race in the omenpaths saga)
Does the female host have onlyfans?
>Unidentified gender
Dude doesn't even look like a lady when he's wearing a fucking dress
I think at this point a Circus set for such clownfiesta of a game is a must.
>faggot nadu player vs gook scam player

When a devil and a monster fight then I as a human being can only hope they both die
Does Legacy have paper tournaments anymore?
Simon is a total bro, sad he choose Nadu as his deck
As a fellow Dane, I hope he wins, but I really like jeskai control and hope that deck wins.
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*makes opponent's nadu uncounterable in ur path*
How do you respond without sounding mad?
It's funny how fast they managed to ruin MTG
Why are there neighbours in my Shire?
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>removes ur nadu on the stack
Finally ... the cure for MH3: MH2
>That's a nice uncounterable spell you've got there
>Would be a shame if I'd put it on the top of your library.
By stabbing them in the parking lot after FNM, duh.

Luckily Mono R(retards) pilots never put more than two lands in their deck.
Mommy Tipple is cute. Cute!
>tons of nadu decks top 8
>be the one nadu guy that has to first face the nadu counter deck
Havier only dropped a single game with this control deck against Tron.
All his other losses are in draft.
His deck eats Nadu for breakfast, there's no way he won't win.
How is his matchup against the two black decks in top8?
Based Javier destroying fucking bird.
You'll be able to enjoy facing the bird because "the meta is obviously fine! Nadu didn't win! look!! no changes needed!"
>make a deck that is good against the most popular fotm deck that most people will bring
Jeskai control in general is 54.5% vs Necro however his list is a little different compared to the other jeskai lists.
He has played against mono B once in day 1/2 and won 2-0, so I guess he should be favored.
Javier is such a sore loser it's crazy. He has the round in the palm of his hand and he's still sitting like a child when he loses one game
he's handsome tho so it's okay :3
>what /mtg/ sees: Nadu is a problem
>what WotC sees: people are no longer seeing TOR as a problem
Not with that sore loser attitude. Simon always takes the loss like a champ
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it's over ... not even the nadu counter can win vs nadu
Over? I thing this is a great call for "The fucking Bird must leave"
Top 8 btw
No one knows what Delighted Halfling does.
Over-designed piece of shit.
Suncleanser ban confirmed
Europoor "pro players" btw
Nielsen clearly fucking cheated several times
1 match closer to getting banned
oh boy I can't wait for Shuko and Bill to get banned
he's just like me…
only nadu and scam left now
They're pro players, they all cheat. Nielson just cheated sloppily and obviously
It's time.
Can the black deck take down Nadu? I haven't seen the deck play yet
Nadu is oppressive, and One Ring ruins format diversity
Emergency ban was never more needed than now. If geological appraiser was a shit they inmediately recognised out of control they can't overlook this Nadu trash miserable performance.
glad I no longer play modern, pioneer looks like a much better format
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circus set sound soulful, love me mad clowns
Mark my words. Zero bans incoming regardless of the pro tours outcome.
It is time.

>turn Modern into Pioneer


Nadu doesn't need to be banned.
It's the enablers that need to be banned.
If Nadu was the issue it's play rate on arena would be way higher.
You wish memedern bro, you wish. The amount of bullshit going on is superlative even without the Horizons.
Don't ban Creator Karn and please unban lattice.
ok *plays hammer time mostly undisrupted*
Wait what the fuck happened to soul spike? Is it because Nadu? I opened so much cold snap I have like fucking 15 foil spikes and tons of regulars. I need to fucking sell fast
This. The story was the same with Hogaak, Hogaak himself was just good not broken, his enablers needed to be banned instead of Hogaak itself
sell fast
>Nadu is not a problem
gruul prowess hands typed this
Fuck off, the reason he's not played on Arena is because he's miserable to actually use on there when you're ladder grinding.
Nadu makes me miss Hoogak
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>Your soul when you play a busted unfair deck just for the sake of win.
>mfw when I fly across the ocean to play a childrens card game in my 40s playing the busted card of the month
Beats having a regular job
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should have used it/it's
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>people itt deluded themselves into thinking the top 4 won't be all nadu
lol, said the bird
lmao even
Don't Worry Nadu enjoyers and cardboard Investors, my man, Noah have this, you will be able to enjoy your shit some more time
Anon, that's what everybody has been saying the last two days.
>we could ban a bunch of draft chaff
>or ban the problematic card

Wotc is retarded i trust they will ban draft chaff, see nadu just setting the same cancer in some other way then just ban Nadu later anyways. People often forget how stupid easy is to get a bunch of triggers off nadu for free without shuko
Do you ban the 1 card that breaks like 10 cards from various decades or do you just ban the random 10 cards that are useless otherways?
If Hogaak taught us anything they will do both
Whenever he is on stream, I get stressed out. It honestly looks like the broadcast is being played at x2 speed during his turns. Does the cunt down a quadruple shot espresso before each match plus smoke a little crack in the carpark or something? He needs go slow the fuck down.
>almost $200
top kek
Dude there is no way I sell it fast enough on mkm so I just messaged my local store if they want to straight up take all of them with like 80% price. If he agrees its like another legacy deck for me lmao
I'd be tempted to hold onto them for a while until about this time next year when Necro gets banned.
>mono black necro
>never cast necro
What did Seth mean by this?
>Necro getting raped rn
>When necro gets banned
>monoblack necro
>runs a land that produces colorless
he's dumb
>all solitaire decks that rely on drawing a single piece
>I want Nadu banned
Anti bird psy-op. Doing what must be done.
Only Noah Ma left as the only non Nadu player now
Hammer time loses saga, the 1 mana artifact dude, and some stoneforge targets.
I fail to see how would it perform better than when it was cucked by death shadow, jund. UW control, and many others...
>death shadow
by chucking the creature at your face
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and other bird won
Another one bite the dust, yeah!
>make the non bird decks play first so they fuck off from the tournament
>have to watch hours of nadu vs nadu
Fuck u
i sandbag a rakdos charm until you have more insect tokens or whatever than your current life total and cast it using boseiju to make it uncounterable
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Uh Nadu bros ... we aren't cheaters are we
Hammer time until like MH1 was a joke, almost tier 3 deck. How would losing most of the cards that makes it consistent would help it beat matches it wasn't good against before?
no need, once those decks are gone, the event is over, nadu wins
one might be tempted to say nadu already won
If Ma gook lose i definetely will not be watching this slop, and some fags complained last Pioneer PT, this is truly insufferable solitaire matches again and again
>redditor trying to create a massive controversy over nothing
you hate to see it
Magic is the greatest game out there and poorfags are seething lol
t. Bart
hahahaha, SAD
it's not over nothing, there was an illegal game action which altered the outcome of the game (javier would have won almost straight away afterwards)
it's embarrassing for WOTC that the Top 8 of a pro tour has such egregious rules violations that the judges completely miss
Yes!!! Look at this GREAT TOURNAMENT 4 times the same solitaire decks playing against the other solitaire decks!!! What a beautiful game! Best no doubt!
based Jason
we love to see it
>i lost against a best player
>judge do something man
rent free
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Isn't it up to the guy who is under protection to fucking say "I am untargetable atm"? Why just sit there silently and let it happen
ultimately, we can blame WOTC for making fucking bullshit mechanics that do invisible things
Nadu must win so they don’t have any cope cop outs to not ban it. It already ruined this tournament, let it finish it. No more half measures.
it's not the case of a missed trigger because being untargetable is not a trigger
he was an illegal target and that game action cannot happen
that wasn't the only rules violation that happened against javier, and not the only one that happened against him in that same match
fucking kek'd
This. Clearly there was a fuck-up. It was likely an honest mistake (who would intentionally cheat at a pro-tour let alone on stream) but isn't there some degree of onus on the Spaniard to remind his opponent that he has Protection?
I can't believe I was actually excited to watch this pro tour.
>betrays his gender and his country
Whats wrong with mr Ye?
>let's just give the Nadu player another target for Nadu
lmao retard
both gender and the modern nation state must be destroyed
Okay, why is that an argument against what I said? If someone makes a mistake because they forget something about the game state due to a card you played, why just sit there and not remind them they are taking an illegal action? "Hey bro, that isn't a legal action due to TOR." Why just say nothing and fucking lose
This but here is the twist: No ban will happen. 100% no banned, they will make whatever ridiculous excuse pulled from a prollapsed anus you could imagine and the bird and i would dare to day the whole deck, will keep existing.
Why does he have no country flag? I thought they only did this sort of thing for Taiwan because they don't want to deal with Chinese nationalists
Magic the Gathering
Hates his country even though he's free to live however he likes. Including wearing a dress and telling other people to call him it/it's.
Wow, what a terrible country that is
>commentator just called jason he
>no country
>no gender
>that enigmatic but soulless countenance
It from beyond mortal understanding. It That Betrays reason.
because The One Ring is a retarded card and there is no game piece that shows whether or not a player has protection
I want the card to be banned because it is obviously unreasonable to expect players to keep track of it, as dozens of matches this pro tour have proven
instead of blaming individuals, we should be blaming WOTC for fucking up the game with this
Nadu is the same, how are you meant to keep track of how many times a creature has been targeted
>math is for blockers
It's like a child who hates his parents because they refuse to set boundaries for him. People need rules to live by or they become lost souls. Much like the lost souls in my favorite Pioneer deck, Azorius spirits. I love Magic the Gathering.
I really hope this wasn't Cedric (the only commentator I can stand to listen to for more than 5 minutes) as they are getting UberCancelled imminently
>how are you meant to keep track of how many times a creature has been targeted
I'd probably do it with pennies or a d6
>banning a rare from a set they are currently selling
Lol, lmao even. They will do like with Hogaak they will first ban another card from the deck like shuko and ban Nadu once they stop selling MH3.
excellent post
Fuck I miss playing Spell Queller.... I loved that card
I agree that Nadu should be banned, but have you watched any of the matches? They have a little piece of paper with a 0 and a 2 on it for piles of cards. Not that hard.
you seem obsessed
>He has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn't flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He's not loyal to a flag or country or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money.
SO true
Although I'd wager that CoC will get banned and Wizards will say that it is because they want to keep the archetype but make it less consistent. Then they'll ban Shuko, then when MH3 is OoP they'll ban the Bird.
>Azorius spirit truthteller pioneer enjoyer
Holy mother of based
I just grabbed a couple more of them and a couple more mosoleum wanderers to beef up my challenger precon. Grabbed some No More Lies as well. Spirits is a fun deck, all of my wins with it have been exciting when I play against other precons and piles.
not monitored properly
I never played it myself, but I really liked the different spirit variations in standard and modern and always enjoyed playing against them. Very cool deck.
>What a cool and exciting mirror matc... ZZzzZzzz
What a way to ruin one of the biggest events for one of the most popular formats of this fucking game.
>someone lost their deck at the tournament and tries to find it by posting on reddit
>watch this player solitaire with nadu
>next match the other player solitaires with nadu
>next match another solitaire turn with nadu
>34 people
this is a very vital moment as the loser has to carefully observe the winner's solitaire maneuver for one slip up, accept it during the match then report it later to WotC to win through disqualification
I'm a fan of it because it's a deck that makes you feel cheeky/clever without being an overly complex combo or grindathon. It also doesn't play like you'd expect a lot of the time. I have heard people describe Spirits as a tempo deck but my experience with it is that much of the game is spent building a board and most of your damage happens in one or two turns. My most recent match I won with 2 health left after flashing in multiple spirits and countering a board wipe by sacking wanderer. Deck is a bit midrangey imo
>No handshake
>the 3s when the camera zooms out to the players
true eldrazi horror
babymaking seggs with Jason
both hands were full of jizz from jerking off their decks a bit too much, would have been a disgusting display
>opponent is focusing on comboing off
>ask him what country is north of nigeria
>judge he called me a nig
go to bed bart
All Nadu top 4
How does this stack up to other broken decks of the past?
Go back to cheating at FNM for 5 euros worth of store credits bart
>all nadu top 4
"No bans as we await the meta to adjust haha"
>proxy live on stream
>Nadu vs Nadu
So fucking boring to watch.
>inb4 they don't ban shit post PT as they wait for Bloomburrow's release
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This is what gonna happen, they already printed Amalia hate in duskmourn so that's gonna happen to Nadu. It's gonna be mythic btw
>full nadu domination
Realistically, what Wizards' damage control/response to this shit show will be?
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>commits sudoku like a true Hyundai warrior
Shuko will be banned
>wotc mh3 release.mp4
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>more bird
fuck this kusoge
Sleep tight fugger
>Not "e'gao"

silly gwailo
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sleep tight fugger
If you haven't sold your Shuko's already, it's too late. It's getting nuked about 5 minutes after the tournaments conclusion. Of course, the Bird will be safe as Wizards can still make coin off of it.
The only reason I own foil shukos is because legacy so I don't care what happens to it in modern
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Well there goes the tournament for me, thanks WotC for another impressive incompetence performance that ruins an all time beloved and very popular format.

And for the future R&B where you will ban nothing FUCK YOU.
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wasn't this dude a cheater?
modern has been dead and ruined for like 5 years, why are you pretending mh3 is the nail in the coffin?
Well, Modern is now dead along with Standard. Which format will they kill next? It's inevitable that all 60 card formats will be executed before the end of this decade, but it's still fun to guess which is next in the guillotine. I'd say they'll go hard into Pioneer support which will get Horizons type sets with stupidly broken shit and then it'll be the same as modern, forever chasing its tail in pseudo rotation powercreep hell
Reid is relatively clean considering how long he has been competing. In scammer fire ball team though
Foundations sets I, II & III will save Pioneer from Pioneer.
No but he's a slimy piece of shit.
Commentators cannot go 5 minutes without reminding us that he is a "nice guy" IRL
He seems quiet and shy from what I've seen of him, haven't heard of him cheating. His article on boomer jund is pretty great. Most of the stuff I watch of him is streams of the new York city legacy scene where he competes for fun pretty regularly
When are we getting Pioneer2 (2022 and later decks)
Has there been a worse Pro Tour in recent memory than this one? What an utter shitshow on multiple levels.
Is Nadu problem in Legacy/other formats?
Nadu is very good in legacy and shows up in vintage
not broken, just very good
people already forgot about hogaak?
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RECENT memory you boomer fuck
Even if you ignore how broken it is, I think they'll have to ban Nadu because it's technically a non-deterministic combo.
Just like 4-horsemen, lantern or other similar things, if people start to ask the other guy to fully show the win instead of conceding, it'll just make every match go to time
I don't mean just in terms of poor deck variety. This tournament has had some pretty fucking inept judging too. Plus the coverage has been aids, Riley and his fatfuck offsider are insufferable. Basically no coverage of the established pros (beyond Duke) and some really exploitative coverage of Kai's terminal fucking illness.
the birb didndu nadu wrong
I agree
Why has there been ZERO talk about how Nadu is a nigger
Ackstually the non determinism doesn't lie with Nadu so they will ban a random card in the combo instead
Because he's at least actually from fantasy africa
how about the distasteful depiction of trains in kaladesh? absolute bigotry
did they playtest nadu with 0 equip artifacts? lol
I tought this was like an Amalia combo deck, an obnoxious deck, boring to play against but with ways to end the party and the need of multiple pieces to work, i thought people were over, after seeing the deck over and over again on this PT i finally realized is worse, much worse, combo of TWO pieces easily tutored, very resilent to hate snd absolutely miserable to play against. How no one at WotC could ser this or how they decided to ignore it is absolutely ridiculous, and they just ruined a whole PT
Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded
Anon.. are you retarded?
So now that Nadu has won the pro tour, do you think it'll eat a ban? This might be the strongest modern deck ever
north american?
100% will be banned, don't think they will ban two cards in Shuko and Outrider
shuko deez nadus
Nah, people who think he'll eat one are retarded. WoTC will print a mythic silver bullet just like they did with Amalia
miss me yet, chud?
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>due to Nadu's popularity in the recent Pro Tour we've decided to ban some of the cards that provided consistency to the deck:
>chord of calling
>stoneforge mystic
>urza's saga
your response?
It's funny how little text needs to be changed on a card for it to be completely back breaking and utterly irrelevant.
I stand monitored.
What do you think the best mirror deck matchup is? It's definitely not Nadu.
If they ban anything else than the fucking problematic bird i swear to god man...
I wouldn't put anything beyond Wizards anymore. I wouldn't even be surprised if they banned Islands in response to this pro tour.
proof that bans are a mistake
ding dong bannu naddu
They'd just need to move a quotation mark.
>Sam makes a "hang yourself" joke
>Riley picks it up and is about to joke about it
>The other commentator with a lisps quickly shuts it down
Fucking lol. I'm surprised the twitch chat didn't go off about that "AAARGH!!! Suicide joke!!!"
why is nobody running Omen Machine lockout
Doesn't the drake have hexproof from activated abilities? How is it getting equiped?
hexproof is not shroud
you can target your hexproof, it's not shroud
nice try but they'll ban Shuko and Outrider en-Kor
Oopsie poopsie
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>which creature type you want to see getting more support in the future?
He is just thinking what everyone looking this PT after the #99999 Nadu trigger would think
why are they trying to make pro tour a thing again? At this point everyone knows theres not enough prize pool support/events for anyone to live off MTG
sad that everyone's calling for a ban already. mh3 just released just a couple of weeks ago. let the fucking meta settle before you call for bans.
that's a no-no, if they ban them then the deck would die!
>Turn 3 win is fine because...it just is ok
the meta already settled
Even pioneer is a turn 3 format now. Modern is gonna be a turn 2 format after the next couple of releases.

Remember when braindead cunts said the game wasn't solved already?
>PT completely dominated by bird
>By pass hate, counters and the other top decks in the format without any real obstacle
>Play pattern so miserable half the people stopped watching
I'm pretty sure we'll get better Nadu lists coming in the next weeks.
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This was the meta a week ago
>Before the pros revealed their actual hands at the pro tour
2 weeks of testing already brought a leaner and more solid win condition, the sky is the limit
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Re make the pro tour so archetype decks can't meet in the finals.
So qualifications are all the Nadus solitairing eachother etc. And then different decks fights in the top 8.
>Play Nadu with a snow covered wastes in the sideboard
>Nuh -uh, this is wastes snow combo and I am the only one playing it. I guess I get a slot in the top 8 now ;^)
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if the one ring is so great
why aren't people playing 'cast into the fire'
No, you get put in the Nadu whatever solitare cage with the other 15 nadu players. Good luck!
Because Isildur said no
I can only imagine getting a set like say Foundations where both Sorin and Vein Ripper are printed along. The format would be so healthy and fun. We wouldn't have to wait for the different sets containing those cards to play with them. Everything would be together. Everything within the same block.
I will wait and see if Foundations is truly a covered "Horizons" or just a bunch of new shit cards for standard and reprints
Goldfish hasn't been able to scrape League results since the 20th
I'm willing to bet if they give the option to repeat PT Nadu will see a lot less representation, the pros were not prepared this weekend
>Look at all this impressive decks that were destroyed by a simple bird :^)
just counterbore the bird
ez pz
at 5 mana??
More pioneer challenger precons when?
The fuck is wrong with Simon Nielsen's hands?
invert it's polarity
your springleaf drum and mana dorks and gleeful demolition?
looks like flea/mosquito bites, especially if he's allergic to them

t. my arms used to look like that when I lived in a farm full of animals riddled with fleas
he played with a bird a bit too much
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How does nadu actually win tho? Just make big board, pass, and attack next turn?
either that or thassa's oracle
>invert polarity
that's only the case when you missplay and end up not controlling nadu
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Holy fuck I'm going to make sure to never buy a pot noodle again, this advert offends me.
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So with the endurance loop, you're going to constantly channel Otowara and Boseiju until the opponent has only basic lands on board, and you have a massive board and will kill them next turn
There was also a version playing finale of devastation to attack with the whole board in one turn
There's also the 'bad' version that uses thoracle
make a people
I'll make a people with you
but we're both boys
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Is the pro tour being streamed anywhere other than Twitch? I can't get the Twitch stream to work for some reason
the black girl top left
>puts Nadu on top
>plays it next turn
I don't see how this helps much
with this pro tour it's official: bowmasters is dead
Every game was won by the player going first.
>No spell that suspends other spells

makes you think
>top 2 biggest card game in history of the world
>13k viewers
bowmaster doesnt interact with Nadu in any ways whatsoever
hopefully they go down so i can grab my playset before the Nadu ban
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this could have solved the Nadu matchup... while playing a Nadu deck yourself
Very exciting stuff, lets discuss the meta ga- BIRDBIRDBIRD
Wow Nadu had a higher winrate than Hogaak. I think we can pretty solidly say that we're now in Bird Summer.
>Bant Nadu
>20% of the field
>59% winrate
dunno, looks healthy to me
Nadu overall was 25% of the field but 5/8 of the top 8 and is going to win. It actually OVER-achieved.
Bant nadu is 50% winrate against bant nadu. Looks balanced to me
>buy the Nadu
they are not going to ban it
Roll it up
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>no 0 or 9
>honor a player with cancer by hosting a tournament where the best deck IS cancer
sasuga, wizards
Sometimes gonna have to rewrite it with a 0 and 9 then, I just screenshot because this anon made me shit myself laughing
You're supposed to wait until someone dies to do all this honouring shit.
Seems a bit hyperbole over a card game.
But it sucks with the cancer man.
And miss out on the opportunity for some tear jerking? You're not thinking profitably, anon
You just know all this shit is going to end with a Secret Lair: Kai Budde. I'm actually surprised they haven't done something like that already, a SL dedicated to a top player or fan favourite, where the player gets to pick the cards in it.
So why do I have to watch some guy boast about how he beat shitters 20 years ago? Also Michael Jordan was shit also and lucked out
They better not, that is way beyond the pale. Like him or not you can't argue that Kai isn't one of the all time greats.
If I were him I'd pick a bunch of shitty unplayable commons
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they are just prepping the hype for the designated secret lair
Pinkertons have been deployed to ensure his unfortunate passing 1 week before the secret lair announcement
the chudde vs the finkcel
>Like him or not you can't argue that Kai isn't one of the all time greats.
Nah, he's a shitter who stopped winning after game became competitive
>They better not, that is way beyond the pale
Didn't they release some product related to Jaya Ballard after she died in the story with a tagline along the lines of you can buy it in memorial of her?
Eh, pretty much. He was the absolute master in the first years of the game but yeah as the power creep increased he fell off and never put up anymore results.
dead game dead general
Don't remind me, as much as I generally dislike the lore Jaya was still one of the good old characters and they completely changed her character at the last minute then killed her off.
Actually this, there's a reason these old timers don't perform well anymore. Every new game has people that quickly rise to the top because some people get the hang of things faster than others. But as time goes on and the game starts to get figured out more those people fall off and are replaced by those who are ACTUALLY good.
Yes, that was so bizarre. Their greed knows no limits.
>one ring in a deck that wants to win on turn 3
is he stupid? is this FIRE design brainrot?
dead game dead general dead players
It's genuinely sad to see these ablebodied asians contrast these fat fucks. I feel ashamed to be a white male playing magic
Do you miss the million mana dorks? Look at this guy he is stuck playing 1 land a turn. He probably also eats beans laugh at him
You mean the asian dude in a dress?
There was a South Korean Gigachad in the top 8.
I don't get why people keep doing the hairbun thing. It literally pulls your hairline back. Its bad for your head
I've had long hair that's almost always been tied back in a ponytail for over 20 years and despite baldness running in the family my hairline is as strong as it ever was.
For the games where you need the protection
For example, against Necro One Ring stops you from dieing to 4x Soul Spike
If your dead on board and don't have the combo, One Ring can buy you an extra turn and dig you 3 cards deeper to find the combo piece you need
Nadu has tons of rooms for one ofs any ways so it doesn't hurt too bad
>150cm tall
Yes in ponytail. The hairbun people do is way too tight and it pulls on the hair sligthly
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modern has become t0 vintage where the die roll is the early game
when are they making commander an official competitive format
Commander is one of the most popular formats. Why wouldn't they try to capitalize on it even further?
hopefully never
Why would they do that? Pushing for competitiveness ruins the fun in games.
>but i like being competitive >:(!!!
You're not the target audience.
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>Blue players when a spell resolves
realistically I don't think it's ever going to happen, cEDH uses a fuckton of reserved list cards and official competitive events means no proxies allowed, people simply won't be able to afford playing it
how would you even make it competitive?
there would be too much fuckery around players teaming and shit.
This deck is literally just Twin but fast with a ton of redudancy.
>when are they making commander an official competitive format
itd be easier to resurrect paper legacy given what cEDH requires
yeah but it's a new card that is selling so stfu and learn to love it
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>People got tricked into playing ruby storm
There's only one per set and it's Kaito they already established this.
The implication is Valgavoth controls the Omenpaths regarding Duskmourn. He uses them to open up portals around the multiverse to kidnap people so he probably has a form of control around them within the plane itself. The only clear exit to the plane is near his real body. A planeswalker could probably still leave though.
I call a judge because neither of these cards are legal in the only constructed format I play, Pauper.
Unfinity already happened
Find a way to cheat out Ruric Thar

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