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Have You Tried Restarting It Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What's your worst tech support experience?
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alright boys post your basing recipes, i need some ideas, preferably desert / wasteland style but im interested in all varieties
Dead thread
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Glory to the blessed machine.
Dead game
>Doesn't that make all sides in 40k elaborate corporations?
>"Hello Anon thanks for coming in on a saturday on such short notice. I know it can be hard. I called you hear for this IR (inhuman resources) meeting because I've received the quarterly reports for blood and skulls and it seems you are 2% off company standard. Yes I know it was a slow quarter and you are a fresh employee, but at the same time we are going through a bit of a recession so I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go."

>I know it can be hard, b- Severance pay? Yeah we don't do that here. In fact since your chainaxe is company property we're going to have to dock your pay to pay for it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me but don't bother because you'll be a spawn by then and unable to speak coherently.
Can someone tell the ai shitter to go back to their containment thread.
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where the fuck did everyone go? fuckin dead thread indeed
Wait for burger hours.
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Thread question sucks. New thread question:
If you were alone in a room with Robin Cruddace tied to a chair for an hour with no consequences - what would you do?
everyones posting in the elden ring general
I'd beat him until he gave all is reddit and twitter usernames and passwords, break into all his accounts and post controversial opinions on all his social media. Then he will have my permission to die.
The Arks of Omen books don't appear to be in the Torrent. Does anyone have a mega or something? I didn't see them in Da Share Thread either.
Neck yourself, tranny.
I'd make him smoke weed and fill his belly with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2...
its not a drawing.
Alright frens, where can I find decent looking space marines that are at least 80-90% official looking? Got a tournament in 3 weeks time and I don't want to give gw money for models.
>can find 3rd party stores selling whole armies meant for warhammer fantasy
>can't find any good chaos space marines
Is it because GW is faster to sue people making 40k stuff or is simply easier for them to prove they're being plagrarized when compared to say some elf models?
Where can I find decent looking T'au auxilliary models?
Buy second hand minis locally. 3 weeks is not enough time to get 3rd party models unless you happen to live in the same country.
If you're adamant about getting 3rd party, bitsofwar has various marine ripoffs and the quality is pretty good.
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post games
What's the next retarded AoS crossover model they are going to push
Damsa makes some pretty good csm, look harder.
Dont worry, 40k models look shit on their own no need for the help.
Probably the combination of trying to make legally-distinct spiky power armor and the abundance of official SM/CSM models on the secondary market.
I'd make a bowl of eggs and tell him he has to eat them before he can go
at least try to make your bait believable
do I need to point towards custodes, votann, or admech again?
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Played my 4th game of CSM last week vs Black Templars. Had to proxy but it was a lot of fun. Legionaries hit like a fucking truck and Chaos Lords are a lot of fun
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I have a 3d printer. I found some new sm Scout models and some eradicators that were very close to the original on cults from a guy that got them from a website that scans GW models. Would love to get in but it's invite only. Tournament only accepts official model, which is cringe but alas it is what it is. It's why I asked for models that are 80-90% original. Attached is an image of the scouts.
He seems to have like 6 random pieces uploaded to 3d cults so unless you have a website where he uploaded a whole range of models there's nothing more to look for.
do I need to point towards all stormcast eternals, cities of sigmar or any of the non-chaos warriors slaves of darkness sculpts again?
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I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to have power armor
we're not talking about age of sigmar you goalposting retard.
oh you're genuinely retarded and not baiting, got it
Ask him why he squatted the Imperial Guard and replaced it with the Astra Militarium.
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Those Black Templar look awful blue.
No james, i'm not going to spoonfeed you.
>tfw havent played a game since the 2000s

granted im only just getting back into 40k but fucking hell its been a while
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I love the guy but he's a crackhead and enjoys having his BTs have all sorts of other chapters as allies for the battles, for his assault ints and such
does anyone have the image for all of the mordant earth basing colours?
Just admit there's no more, it's ok to be wrong.
he appears to be a decent painter at least
I dont think I've seen a single photo where two sides of the table have a fully painted army in these threads.
Y-yeah, there's no more, just a few bits ans pieces, yes sir.
almost like people who actually play play to get games in and paint models as they go instead of insisting on painting everything to thread standards but never doing so and never playing but still whining about how shit the current edition is
What's going on with this pic I see helbrecht and red butchers and MKVI heresy world eaters and normal CSM all in one pile
wonder if people with a fully painted and based army feel bad when their opponent army is half painted so they chuck in an unpainted model or two so they dont get the +10 VP as well
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Well fair enough I suppose.

Tabled my friend's Grey Knights with my Templars.
Anon, I know you're trying to come off as smug to feed your ego but all you did was act like an asshole and make a fool out of yourself. Keep replying if you think it'll save your face, I don't care anymore.
It’s more that the 38 year old Spanish boomers who make STLs care more about WHFB than 40k
damn thats crazy.
meh I dont think people even adhere to the vp thing anymore anyway.
His entore catalog is on telegram man, this isn't hard.
>using Nazi and pedo social media
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Here you go.
Does 4chan not count as social media or do you somehow think this is not a nazi and pedo website?
very nice, whats the model next to the knight? A glotkin?
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He gets his stuff all commission
He plays exclusively 2k so I proxied some of my Heresy army as csm. Rampagers were chosen, Red Butcher was MOE and the primaris LT was my Chaos Lord. A cluster fuck to be sure but he really wanted the 2k pts and I wanted to try a full size game
I've got some black sand full of quartz and agate with the gold dust extracted. I paint the mini, slather a bit of glue and give it a dip in that. Then I'll dry brush it a little.
I've done some similar stuff with gravel and ash in the past, but I'll prime it along with the mini.
No pics, but I can finally sit down and write the highlight reel for my last battle from before the balance update

>3k Nids vs 1k Marines, 1k Guard, 1k Custodes
>Mix of Large, medium and small bugs vs Mixed Primaris, classic Cadians and Shield Host
>A trading game
> Neither side held mid long enough to score
>Hellblasters and Guard blob wipe out the preliminary wave of Leapers
>Zoanthropes and Maleceptors blast infantry off the table, clearing the way for the big bugs
>Tyrannofex eats a Sentinel
>Imperial tanks flub their rolls, Eradicators picked up by Neurotyrant on Overwatch
>Tyrannofex eats a Russ Vanquisher
>Marine player Oaths the Norn Emissary, takes it down to one wound with Bladeguard, and finally finishes it with an overwatch move after it falls back
>But it collapses on the last two Custodes guarding a flank objective, allowing Gaunts to swarm it
>Another gaunt swarm comes in from reserves with a lictor and steals the Imperial backfield
>Same Tyrannofex eats a Caladius
>Seems like a nid victory is imminent, but the Imperial forces rally
>Survivors swap onto objectives and offer support fire with their important weapons, fresh units take to midfield and punch down
>Judiciar steps over a decimated custodian guard squad to Kill steal Old One Eye
>Custodian pick up where the last Bladeguard died and slay the Hive Tyrant
>Kasrkin, Guardsmen, Hellblasters all overcharge their weapons to kill the Maleceptors, taking all their hazard rolls on the chin
>All my big hitters are gone, bloody stalemate ensues
>Neurotyrant and Tyrant guard show Marines the Wall
>Zoanthropes cover a Psychophage as it bum rushes and wipes a Sisters of silence squad
>Gaunts on desperate chip damage
>Tyrannofex turns the Rupture cannon on Custodians
>Utter bloodbath
>almost two hundred models sitting in our casualty bins
>Imperium clinches the win via secondaries
Massively fun but too long. We've all agreed to go with elite armies only for our next game.
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Yes, with knight bits.

ive got a friend like that, but he hasnt painted a mini in his life and never plans to. with people that pay for commission, how often is it that the person paying for it has never painted a mini or would it be more common for someone to get it done after they tried themselves and gave up?

you wouldnt happen to have any photos of these bases by chance anon? sounds interesting
Who the fuck uses telegram when discord exists.
I know plenty of people who commission their characters but paint everything else themselves
>He gets his stuff all commission
>Pays for models that look like THAT
Tell your friend I'm selling the Brooklyn Bridge and he can have it for 39.99.
usually crypto dudes from my experience with telegram
nazis, pedos, and furries that want to sell lewd stickers
discord will still copyright strike your shared files and unless you're a paypig you can't share more than like 20mb
where tele won't bother unless you're extremely overt
This >>93215868 is pretty much what I have seen. Commissioning a character or two. One friend had their 4th Edition Space Hulk commissioned a year of so ago which is the biggest commission I know of.
sounds about right, i guess they are just scared of fucking up their characters
I only post other people's stuff here. Don't want to dox myself. I'm pretty famous in this niche community and I don't want some paki autist or tranny jealous of unrepressed white masculinity to annoy my family.

I think I followed this guys tutorial in case it matters.
It also helps to make them a centerpiece. I'm a good painter and I was considering getting Helbrecht commissioned just to make him look that much grander than everything else even though I know I'd do a decent job painting him myself.
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That's my model not one of his purchases lmao. He's just a guy who loves the game and has enough money that he pays for the hobby portion
I've seen guys like this too
You have no models, understood
Post models
>those hazard stripes
45 degree angle to the edge of the surface, parallel lines, yellow stripes should be the same width as black ones.
Are you trying to say that model looks bad?
My first time brother. We'll get em next time
thanks anon, appreciated. might have to go to a pet store and find some stuff for bases, ive got a fuck load of bases now as i plan on changing my entire army over to 32 mm and feel like i should actually give basing a proper go this time instead of just sprinkling ballast over it with glue and calling it a day
Nah, that model looks great. >>93215908
did a very good job. But when you are paying someone a commission what you expect from a paint job goes way, way up. I do not think I have ever painted a model to commission standard where I would feel comfortable taking money from someone for my paint jobs.

yo is that you frozen flames anon? love your stuff
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Yep, thanks anon. Unfortunately that was my final 40k game, I've quit.
>still crawls back like a beaten wife to attentionwhote with same 2 images every 2 months or so
Pathetic. And to think that I used to have respect for you lol.
Hey post a table with two fully painted armies or shut the fuck up. The man delivered unlike anyone else here has.
>gargle gargle gargle i love balls so much
Damn shame to hear that, always loved your pics. Hope you at least hold on to your collection and find some time for a match in the future.
Im sure you do.
I would stop posting, but some weirdo keeps claiming that I totally haven't quit and just moved to B&C or discord or whatever.
No, he quit for good over the femstodes "outrage" that hasn't lasted even a month before everyone stopped giving a shit, because the dumbfuck made up a spook that "femarines are just around the corner".
Since like much many others he doesn't view custodes as anything more than Rustoleum Gold sprayed marines.
The fact that you keep checking these threads out is a testament to your prolonged & lingering attachment. If you were to truly unfetter yourself, you'd just vanish instead of trying to protect your anonymous honour against some other fuckface slandering you without any proof.
>The fact that you keep checking these threads out is a testament to your prolonged & lingering attachment.
You know what, that's fair.
My fellow eurobros. Please. We must stop posting about our love for unpainted models and gargling balls. If the Americans wake up and find out we will never beat the allegations.
Are they trying to memory hole femstodes or it's going to drop any day now
>Since like much many others he doesn't view custodes as anything more than Rustoleum Gold sprayed marines.
I mean, they kinda aren't anything but that. They had a chance to make them something else and they didn't. If they were an army of half naked muscle dudes that would at least have been something different.
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posting kroots in a dead thread
Likely? Memoryhole. GW are as risk-averse as it gets, even the modicum of waves it has made likely has dissuaded them from pursuing such things later down the line for at least a while.
Pretty much what I was getting at, at least sculpt-wise. But in terms of fluff they're intended to be completely different.
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Great paintjob! Love me some kroot. I like that they're kinda voluntarily anprim but still have some high tech stuff because its useful, like the gun on the left. To me it almost feels like kroot are the moderates of 40k: they don't fuck around with tech too much because tech can be bad & they also don't fuck around with biomancy too much either because genestealers/tyranid genetic makeup is abominable in their views. So having these savage bird yautjas be the "level-headed guys" is pretty endearing.
what is that thing on the far left, they didnt give kroot a handheld ion cannon did they? also how long have shapers had the choice to use a pulse rifle? i havent played tau since 4th ed
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>A Dvorgite Skinner is a type of exotic alien weapon developed by the Dvorgite and sometimes wielded by Kroot Heavy Gunners.
>These weapons charge biological material to create a searing stream of energy.

it's a gift from a previous employer, it uses leftovers as ammo
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>also how long have shapers had the choice to use a pulse rifle? i havent played tau since 4th ed
since always
NTA but sure, here you go.

Attention whoring is the gay, having a childish shitfit but then still hanginging out is the mega gay
>hanginging out
holy fuck am I having a stroke?
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Played against Craftworld for the first time this edition. I understand why people hate elves so much now.
oh nice ive never seen one before. your paint job is amazing on that kill team btw

oh shit you're right, i probably forgot as me (and my friends that played tau) would just make a shaper from the plastic kit and refused to buy the metal shaper, which had the pulse rifle im assuming
how many flyrants does that nid player have? fucking hell
Was some vanguard invader list which just threw genestealers at you and then throws the -1 attacks power from the Flyrants (that stacks) on whatever could actually fight
>Aeldari nerfed as fuck with useless banshees and 46% winrate
How you lose?
How would you do a captain Nemo-style character and to which faction would he belong to?
wtf is that eldarfag running
>dissuaded them from pursuing such things later down the line for at least a while
That would be wise
I don't think there are that many wise men left at GW, they would need to do an internal review of who is stupid enough to poke the hornet nest that is their own fanbase and put a chokehold on BL authors if they really want to put a stop to the nonsense though and I doubt they have the foresight or resources to tard wrangle their writers
car crashes, judging by the positioning
Looks like a 7th edition jetbike spam list lol
If GW makes demons apart of the chaos codex I'll start a plague marine army even with the shitty combat patrol.
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why is there no news about new edition of battlefleet gothic? i want more space boats, especially more glorianas
Prepare your tzaangors
I'd rather prepare my anus for you
>poke the hornet nest that is their own fanbase
The outrage was fairly minimal, I severely doubt even 1% of people have left the hobby over it.
I'm not sure it's going to happen or belakor would have joined the undivided chaos marine book
Doesnt need to be, the community owns that game now, grab your rules here:

You probably want to use BFG:Remastered ruleset and fleets, unless you're a complete madman and don't like your fleets having any sort of faction flavour, in which case you should use BFG:XR (and have everynoe else think you're a shitter).
If Legions Imperialis is anything to go by, GW coming back to make a new edition would just make things worse.
If that 1% was at least a couple dozen whales it can hurt
Some of the people that spend the most are the most turbo autistic people I ever meet

If anything people with 3d printers won big time, even if people didn't quit I have seen a lot of people buying more stuff to proxy, I'd say that's a healthier outcome for this mess
Same but I want Space Conches & Friends.
I want to buy an Orca. Can anyone recommend a solid recaster where I'll actually get what I pay for?
I'd say you can't afford it, but that's only like twice the price of a Combat Patrol at this stage
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unfortunately nid ships won't be conches
it's a fucking box, get it printed instead of wasting hundreds
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I mean the new ones are pretty darn sick too.
bargain! :D

link faggot

I hate 3d print models, and recasters are about the same price. No I don't print myself, I already have a job.
That would have been my opinion, but I wouldn't have gone with FDM like this horror.
You asked if someone could, you did not ask that someone do so. Tranny.
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do you really want to pay 700+ dollars for it?
What the fuck. Just buy a printer at that point.
>I hate 3d print models
Suit yourself, but for the price recasters charge for Orcas it would be cheaper to get into 3D printing lol. Thats BMM's price, their Orca is tidy.
>Please give me the latest 3d printing slop kthanx!
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Jesus, just print it, the model is solid,
I'm confused about overwatch, can vehicles use it even if they are engaged? Can you use stratagems when you overwatch? For example a stratagem to add ap to shooting?
The best move GW could have pulled would be female tyranids
wonder how many of those they've sold
You've gotten too comfortable again.
>Unfortunately that was my final 40k game, I've quit.
Sure you have, you're just posting here "ironically".
Is the Thunderhawk any good gameplay wise?
I want one because it's core in just about every space marine story but is it playable
In the meantime checkout dropfleet
Vehicles can't use BGNT outside your shooting phase, so no. Strats will depend on when you're allowed to use that individual strat
looks like its made form a milk jug and a couple redbull cans
There always where female tyranids they just dont have tits. (They most likely have no gender but whatever) Was the Neurolictor not sexy enough for you?
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Time to lay off the booze anon
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Might like there players, they will never be women.
If you mean cringe shit like K*rrigan then I kindly ask you to fug off
They're pretty much sexless and reproduce parthenogenesis, they have no real need for sexual reproduction as they already can freely juggle their gametes and genes around
What for? Orcas are Legends now.
Short no.

Most if not all Flyers are currently bad and Forgeworld models (specially the big ones) tend to be the worst.
all tyranids are female

except tyrants who are hermaphrodites, some hormagaunts who are males and genestealers who are the patriarchy
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>it's a fucking box
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How many people here still play the game on a regular basis?
>They're pretty much sexless and reproduce parthenogenesis
Parthenogenesis is a female exclusive trait.
>they have no real need
Is not always a reason to not have it at all. Also could have been a backup plan for cut off units to still reproduce. I don't know, not that deep in the lore (if it is ever mentioned).
I’m ass at the game.
Post ass.
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Painted beat primer base coat, of course.
BMM is stupidly overpriced for recasts, granted I haven't seen any other offering the Orca
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This one's great and all over telegram
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>female tyranids
For what purpose? Why do Tyranids even need genders?
It's a mode of asexual reproduction by definition. The sexuality and parthenogenesis are a dichotomy and diametrically opposite of each other. When there is only one sex there is no reason for the classification, really.
Either way this is splitting hairs and getting into the "females are more basal than males" territory.
Well I asked you now, but we all know you're just being contrarian
You called me a faggot, why would I help you?
well no. So far I managed to get my recast models at a lower price than the original FW one o0
Look man, if your principles are worth paying 1000% for the dolphin box, more power to you. Just think it's a weird hill to die on
new to this website?
I just bought a Barracuda for 50$ off another site, was hoping to get a similar price point for an Orca too (no that site did not offer the Orca). But no I'm not going to die on a hill of 700 dollars, no worries.
I play frequently but I post less about it here, not much good comes of it
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>Tau dolphin
Tyranids essentially reproduce by corrupting and infesting. Be it people like the genestealers or the environment/biomass like the rest of the hive fleets. They really don't reproduce they just repurpose.
I've been rather enjoying painting smol 40K recently.
Attention-whore, have a you for your efforts.
28mm scale Battle Barge
Barracuda is about 1/3 the size of an Orca though?
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>Roughly 170m
That's a big mini
Okidoki, thought they might need big genepools or stuff for that and maybe a connection to the hivemind. If they can do that on a small scale as well it would be worthless.
That looks difficult
i want gloriana ships
28mm is around 1:56 scale, so given the Battle Barge is 9.5km long, that would make a 28mm scale Battle Barge 169.5 metres long.
Gonna need to expand the gaming room a bit.
Ehhh idk if I sit well with that definition, because following it you kinda get that tigers reproduce by infesting biomass.
If you can't call your buddies a bunch of faggots, are they really your friends?
28mm scale Craftworld
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Its the infantry that really try your patience.
The Trazyn-Orikan novel featured a scene from the PoV of a genestealer. The pronouns used in for the genestealer in the scene were her and she.

So female Tyranids exist.

Also, you have the Norm Queens which are not only females but empathize with females from other races.
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Imagine a scale model Craftworld.
Craftworlds are the size of continents. Even reduced to 6mm epic scale (280:1) that would be a plastic ship 10 miles long.
It's gonna be resin, let's be real.
135 Marines - thats like a company and a third right there! Space Marine chapters are really small when you think about it... Did GW ever stop to think "maybe 1000 dudes just isn't enough on battlefields of millions in the lore?"
Didn't they retcons the 1000 members per chapter thing with the Age of Gulliman, saying they could all go over again?
Aye, and you're going to need to find the worlds biggest hairdryer to straighten that shit out before assembly.
>coolest looking weapon in the setting
>gets punked by boring looking power swords both in the fluff and in the game
What were they thinking?
You're entirely correct, Chainswords are far cooler than the Power/Force weapons
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>Yeah bro lemme just fix the FW warping real quick
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For all its faults, 10th allows many units to rock those chainswords for pure rule of cool now
Nope! You won't find a single source stating that it's been lifted despite it being mentioned many times online. Chapters are still supposed to try and stay close to their 1000 man-at-arms limit.
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I prefer the Sudoku pattern chainsword.
1000 guys is like a midsize high school of marines lmao
I remember reading about some waves of gaunts being made with males and females for the purpose of mating right after the attack, as to have an extra layer of genes selection and adaptation

in another case they were deployed with pre-fertilized eggs, spent some time nesting and then attacked so that by the time their attack was carried a new wave was hatching and readying itself for the assault

in any case it makes sense the moment the hive mind requires the swarm to act a bit more independently on the prey planet, so it's probably something done primarily by smaller fleets that take longer to invade and devour a world

for these purposes, I imagine lictors would be prime candidates for having genders and mating practices, I can easily imagine them competing via trophies collections, and in hindsight, deathleaper's impressive skirt makes even more sense for these bird-like mating rituals
I never really liked chainswords myself, it was always a bit of a silly concept. With a chainsaw at least you never want to be swinging it at and bashing it off things, you'll just fuck the chain up, you want to be applying slow steady pressure, which absolutely does not make for a very good close combat weapon against anyone armoured.
Frost blades can be comparable in effect to most Power Weapons according to fluff.
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Damn, reading this and playing Nids feels like competitive tard wrangling with that Instinctive Behavior flowchart
Does not matter.
Parthenogenesis is an exclusive female trait, meaning and making all tyranids female.
are orks female?
Yeah but that only outside synapse, and by and large the instinctive behaviours are more or less what you want them to be doing, getting close and getting stuck in.
40k used to have similar.
Are fungi?
Orcs are clearly male-coded.
fungi are weird

some species have no genders, some species have 2 genders, some species have MORE than 2 genders because they fit the very niche ecological criteria where that strategy actually pays off unlike pretty much every single other type of organism that develops gendered gametes
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They're non binary, sorry.
Unironically fascinating
The better question is: why do you still make the same post about this guy 9 years later?
He was relevant the last time they played
And yet a Chaos Lord swings at S4. What a joke.
No, they are fungi.
>can produce both gamete types
>its totally 100% regular female tho
Why do I get a hunch your argumentation is driven by some political bullshit?
And that is to say, we have zero information if nids even use parthenogenesis, which might not be the case at all. For all intents and purposes, they have never been shown to use sexual reproduction and as such can only be defined as sexless.
Out of curiosity after reading chainswords vs energy swords. Is there a mix of both? An energy chainsword.
thats probably a little bit too extra even by war-hammer standards. Also the physics/mechanics for how both things operate in two separate ways would just conflict with one another, like a sword axe.
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Make him write more codexes for armies I don't play.
chainfists basically are that if you meant power weapons and not retarded shit like Eisenhorn's lightsaber(lol Dan Abnett)
Don't forget that some frogs, fish and others can change their gender (but always from male to female if i am not mistaken)
>retarded shit like Eisenhorn's lightsaber
I'm not remembering, what did he have?
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Yes, a chainfist is a short chainsword mounted to a power fist that has the typical power weapon energy field applied to its teeth.
It is used for cutting open ship bulkheads and other heavy armor.
A literal lightsaber, I'm not joking.
He loses it at some point and starts using the much cooler Barbarisater, Abnett probably realized it was retarded.
Sollex-Aegis Energy Blade. They use focusing crystals, if you want to hear how literal the ripoff is.
>Tbf it's not exactly egregious, it's just a bit silly
he did it as a joke but the editor took him seriously and allowed it.
>nids are all gir-
Ahctshually all nids are colonial organisms being little more than blood cells for the Hivemind (which is a parallel constantly drawn in codices). But they're also colonial organisms locally, as per BoB:
>To human eyes, a tyranid organism was a single thing. A beast like any other. This was not so.
>Each monster in the limitless swarms was a carefully designed colony of symbiotic creatures. Once incorporated into the hive fleet's genetic knowledge, the baseline genome of those organism chosen for a primary host was pared back to the bare essentials, and gifted with the characteristics common to all tyranid creatures - thick, chitinous armor, a hexapedal anatomy, multiple redundant organs - characteristics that, above all else, made them incredibly difficult to kill. Only then were the true adaptations added.
>Though the finished creature may have looked like a complete, single being, it was made up of a multiple of individual creatures, many of them semi-sentient in their own right. This was most obvious to the casual observer in the weapons borne by the larger constructs, whose repurposed anatomies still retained recognisable biological shapes. There were other, less obvious examples of forced parasitism. Thinking blood. Organs that could live seperately from creatures they served. Subsidiary brains that awaited the death of the main nerve stem or the presentation of some unusual circumstance that required specialist knowledge not present in the basic mentality of the creature; both events that might never come to pass. Organs could be installed, fully aware, and live for centuries, never realising their potential. The hive fleet was so huge it could afford to be profligate with flesh.
Even the ground beasts are essentially dinosaur-shaped siphonophores.
>some species have MORE than 2 genders
Like people
>Ahctshually all nids are colonial organisms being little more than blood cells for the Hivemind
So, femoids?
>sword axe
Wouldnt that be basically a bat'leth? (star trek)
But yeah i thought is was weird but who knows.

OH yeah the chain part does profit from the forcefield right? Is no sword anymore but hey it's something.
Pretty sure I remember seeing in Blue Planet or one of those shows a fish that is always born female and then turns into a gigachad male later in life.
Thank you that helps.
Okay Squanto, slink back to your teepee. I think I hear a skinwalker on the edge of camp
>Eisenhorn's lightsaber
Wasn't it just a ordinary sword that the tech priest powered?
That's his second one
>I threw myself to my feet, pulling my sword from my webbing. The device is a fine weapon, of the old kind. It has no material blade like other, cruder models I have seen. It is a hilt, twenty centimetres long, inlaid and wound with silver thread, enclosing a fusion cell thatgenerates a metre-long blade of coherent light. The Provost of Inx himself blessed it for me, charging it to 'protect our brother Eisenhorn always from the spawn of damnation’.
Kobudai do that.

There are also multiple species that can change back and forth multiple times.
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Certain slimemolds also have hundreds of "mating types" which can be sorta defined as "sexes" as well as featuring both single-sexed and hermaphroditic mating types.
Kinda funny how mother nature always seems to BTFO most Slaaneshi stuff in terms of weird sexy stuff. Those darn castrator barnacles are nightmare fuel enough to swoon any KoS in spite of being regular ahh animals.
So lets try again hopefully in the right thread this time.

A bunch of my pals have been getting into 40K lately, i myself have never been much into what feels like fairly clunky rules but i have been thinking of getting an army lately.

Problem is that i dont like the look of most of the armies. I do like the look of the HH Mechanicum armies but find 40k Admech to look either weirdly WWIIish or just downright goofy. I do like big stompy robots however and with few models on the table there will hopefully be less bookkeeping and getting tangled in the rules.

So i`m thinking Imperial Knights.

Question is then, is picking Imperial Knights as a starter army a good idea or is it doomed to failure?
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I was being very liberal with the term used, but I was referring to gamete types, so no, humans have only 2, but even in the case where you want to apply 'gender studies' to the definition, these fungal schizos beat the human schizos:
>Schizophyllum commune has a tetrapolar mating system with each cell containing two genetic loci (called A and B) that govern different aspects the mating process, leading to 4 possible phenotypes after cell fusion. Each locus codes for a mating type (a or b) and each type is multi-allelic: the A locus has 9 alleles for the a type and an estimated 32 for its b type, and the B locus has 9 alleles each for both its a and b types. When combined this gives an estimated 23,328 potential mating type specificities. While all mating types can initially fuse with any other mating type, a fertile fruitbody and subsequent spores will result only if both the A and B loci of the merging cells are compatible. If neither the A nor B are compatible the result is normal monokarytic mycelium, and if only one of A or B are compatible, the result is either two mycelia growing in opposite directions (only A compatible) or a "flat" phenotype with no mycelia (only B compatible).
I dare you to list 23000 human genders
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>It's literally a schizo
none of us do fuck off stop asking
Reminds me of that one weird scifi thing I can't remember the name of where the alien species is like weird centaur things which can have like 20 different combinations of genitals and a zillion different possible mating combinations.
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I do a snowy ash waste for my orks. mostly chunky grey with tufts and snow after it dries. Mordians I do a autumn forest
What are Frost Blades? Just a well made chainsword?
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>Caring about someone else's sloppy head-cannon
Why bother to entertain it? If it's good and well though out, give them some kudos for it, if it's just shoehorning in some current day buzzwords to 40K don't even give them the time of day.
ork bros we cant stop winning
Astrogranite debris, paint over it with white, paint over that with light blues, drakenhof(sp?) nightshade in the lowest parts, dry brush white over that.

Space Wolf accoutrements fortunate enough to escape the wolfening.
Negative energy weapons.
I dont care. Post your E-Celeb news over in /tv/.
It is cooler when you do become a dad who warhammers.
Can Space Wolves be friends with Eldar because they hate chaos or is it the same autism for zenos?
>Desert wasteland style
Vallejo thick mud
Jealousy is ugly, anon
Playing Knights is a stat-check army, if the opponent has the right equipment to deal with you, you lose, if they don't, you win.
What happens on /tv/? My mobile data IP is constantly banned from some /tv/ shitposter on the same provider
>Hates empires

Captain nemo would be a ork freebooter

Ah, a bit dissapointing. Are they fun to play?
Eldar are like the universal "allies with tense relationships" faction for the Imperium at large. They're by far the least hostile alien species, but they also are inherently untrustworthy because if they are not currently shooting at you then they are always manipulating you to an end that benefits them more than you. And sometimes they're doing that WHILE shooting at you.
The Eldar won't necessarily lie, but they will tell you things when it is convenient for them that you know them.
>They're by far the least hostile alien species
that's tau
I mean, it's a little bit more complicated than that now that they interact with terrain again. There's still positions and target priorities to consider.
This poster is a certified shitter
If only they would ban London on /tg too.
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I'd disagree. Water Caste diplomacy is what it is, but Eldar don't take over entire Imperium systems
>Eldar don't take over entire Imperium systems
Because they cant, and because if they did they would exterminate whatever is in those systems.
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No, it's genestealers: they are loyal and constructive members of the Imperium for hundreds of years at a time, the ones who rise against the imperium are an extreme minority compared to the number of hybrids that live and work peacefully under imperial laws
and the planets that rebel were going to get eaten by tyranids anyway

you cannot prove me wrong
Eldar controlled the galaxy for 65 million years without fucking with independent alien civilizations and mostly keep to themselves even now.
Tau have been around a few thousand years and are already committing war crimes and annexation on every neighbor they can reach.
This is bait.
I agree, but that's not the galaxy as it exists. As it is, Tau are doing more shit against humans cause the Eldar are just floating around
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In my case it's because most people at the store are incredibly slow painters. Hell, they don't even put 100% painted armies on the table for a tournament. Winning the "best painted" prize in the local RTT was cake.
It's always nice when someone busts out a fully painted army to fight me. Rare, though.
Like winning the high jump against paraplegics
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>your lifelong friend and fellow soldier on the front against a chaos invasion was a genestealer hybrid all along
why the fuck isn't there a novel about this?
There's a comic where a guy looks fondly at a picture of his old friend "Baldy" and hopes he's doing good
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That just makes me sad
>Victory by default
The sweetest victory of all
Unfortunately clappers aren't going anywhere until the 2027 yellowstone incident
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How would you do a chapter of marines that joined the Tau?
I wouldn't.
Would never happen. Loyalists and chaos actually team up to kill xenos first, then they fight each other.
Do tau even have any inner specializations for their civilizations besides being humane (derogatory).
I would never.
So if he got kissed by a genestealer, who would be in control?
I would tiptoe around what it means to join the tau:
>lesser chapter created for the purpose of protecting a specific shrine/planet/people
>gets isolated from most imperial contact by the cicatrix and written off as lost
>the tau arrive and help the planet against a common foe that would have annihilated them, with the intent of annexing the planet or at least integrating it into their resources network
>the humans of the planet join the empire but are given leeway to remain somewhat autonomous (this is further justified by this planet not being close to the core of the tau empire, perhaps it's near the atoll)
>the marines are autistically focused on their ancient mission and condone the new allegiance, as long as they can keep carrying out their duty

or you go with an actual renegade chapter that avoided falling to chaos and join the cause of, say farsight, out of a sense of honor and newfound brotherhood after nearly going extinct/falling
me, because I would be the one filming and selling the tape
Something like Huron's lot except Tau instead of Chaos
No because the 1000 plus whole chapter org was to lure in whales, see You need this many kits and your collection will be complete! 1000 while large number of minis is attainable, 10 000 is much more daunting
As much as I like it, even I have to admit it's a stupid idea
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politics ruin people
That enginseer OC looks like Hank from Madness Combat.
I wasn't ready for the feels reminding me how old I am.
Tau are the same a Orks just more insidious
I want to know about the alien race they stole that tech from, looks insectoid
It’s not alien, it’s ancient. They found it in a long forgotten hole.
Curved aesthetic armor <<< Blocky aesthetic armor
Like Joseph Smith
Retro model enjoyers, where do you source 2nd edition marine bits? I have the DC metal chaplain, but the backpack lacks the pole. I need to find one, and arms and weapons as well.
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source? that is really cool
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You could have said Imperials and would have made a point instead you said Orks which made you look like a retard.
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3rd and 4th Edition 40K is so fucking fun.
What's stopping you lot from playing older (and much more fun) editions?
4th is way better than 3rd.
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That it's called "Sthenian" might imply an origin in Sthenelus, presently the home system of the Iron Hands, which was famed as a technological El Dorado in the Dark Age of Technology.
Too lazy to try and backport factions/non existent datasheet.
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Blood of Baal
because thats the last time i played a game. i have zero nostalgia for it as it was the last time i was into this hobby. just getting back into it now
Tau use unarmored kroot as a distraction while sitting in armoured battle suits. Other species under the Tau are a resource to be bled
So what's the actual ruling on the Archon's aura of Vect? Do all your Archons get it now or only the Warlord?
sir that's fanfiction
>Blood of Baal
*The Devastation of Baal
The relevant new replacement rule for consideration.

Does Devious Mastermind just get totally replaced with Lord of Deceit? Or do you have to declare him your warlord first and THEN the new rule would replace the ability?
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No, it's a simpsons gag
Huh? You sure? I was pretty convinced that's from Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal
PA books were1st party
if it's not in the tyranids codex I don't care.
Are you the "Necromunda Books Aren't Canon 40k" weirdo?
Who? He's right though.
Nuhuh, he's wrong thoughever.
What is canon?
I'm very sure they were explicit about the alien origins of the tech, helmawr just pretends it's daot to the imperial authorities
That's a non-sequitur on top of being wrong.
The Kroot chose to go to war in the way they do. It isn't forced on them.
And the T'au do not use them as cannon fodder. There were situations where Kroot shapers were allowed to lead T'au Cadres into battle.
40k rulebooks and codices before 8e
Only 40k books, ie. codexes, are canon to 40k.
Only AoS books, ie. the tomes, are canon to AoS
Only books partaining to TOW are canon to TOW.
Whatever is said in another universe doesn't matter, only the direct books matter and are canon.
RAW every archon does
RAI wait and see
people say that AoS models look better than 40k

is it because necromunda steals all the creative ideas and designers away from 40k?
But isn't necromunda 40k? I don't think I understand
I've played a couple of games in the past month but it's useless posting about it here cause the nogames faggots ree about it.
Indeed, but 150-200 would be more reasonable than 700 ^^
Only necromunda books partaining to necromunda matter and are canon.
What is said in Necromunda matters not and has no effect on mainline 40k.
Same with Horus Heresy.

They are all different settings for intents and purposes.
The only things that are canon are Xenology and Imperial Armour Part 6
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I usually play around once per week. Last week was an admech game so I didn't post about it much. My Orks look better than my admech.
That's just all the more reason to post said games, anon.
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>finish building this
Jesus what a mess of a model, it goes together in such a way that subassemblies become impractical and there's spiky shit all over it
The 1000 marines thing is only "battle brothers" which are full fledged marines. Chapters typically operate a force on the millions with chapter serfs, servitors, support staff, militias, aspirants and in the case of fleet base chapters, ship crews.
>tfw trying to fast dry bases next to an oil heater

man this technical / vallejo texture takes FOREVER to dry, fucking hell
holy cope
Just admit GW fucked up
Patience is a virtue.
I was hoping it was the shrimp edit.
Good luck getting a brush into all those nooks and crannies, anon.
does anyone even like the design?
Who do you think flys their massive battle barges and fires the weapons? A typical ship compliment for the larger vessels is close to 100k.
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It sure fucking is anon, 5th is unfinished obviously. Planning on swapping out these bases for an ork army, I'm definitely going to hate this process fucking hell
centerpiece models are honestly a big turn off for me.
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I don't count the rats and cockroaches on a ship as its population
It's not bad, but like a lot of GW's more recent centerpiece models, there's just too much spindly shit going on and it becomes a pain in the ass to transport and play. They really need to sit their designers down and remind them that they make game pieces, not display models.
Got a pic of the current Orks?
No one asked you, kid.
Guess we won't be fucking after the game :(
i dont sadly :(
Damn. I love seeing more Orks. Get one when you rebase the models at least
Cool so I'll continue including them, last thing I would ever want is you turned on at the table. Freak.
1000 marines is just something GW decided in the back in the 80s/90s to be "feasible to collect".

Marines are absolutely broken in 40k, like they retardedly OP, like being able to move about as fast as eldar, meaning that normal humans aren't capable of tracking them.
Strong enough to punch clean through your chest.
Strong enough to tear open armored doors and bulkheads if need arises.
Be able to be cut in half basically and still live to fight another day, and this doesn't even mean dreadnoughts

And it makes sense seeing what kind of shit they have to contend on a regular basis.
People seem to forget but marines were SPECIFICALLY CREATED to fight xenos and shit like it, even daemons to an extent. Marines weren't designed by the Emperor against normie humans.
You don't call marines in for some random ass cultists or disgrunteled civilian uprisings, those are specifically the jobs for the PDF and Guard.
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I would, but my last few games have been with my unfinished orks or fighting other people's grey tide and I didn't take pictures unless they look good. I guess I can post an oldie. My last game was using the new cards, I won on points in a close one, but my army almost got tabled.
It's "meh".
Not great, not terrible.
You should base your models necronbro
basing is a meme and a crutch for shitty painters
This but painting in general
I'm trying to find a funny pic and I'm not having any luck:
its a drawing of a space marine poledancing in a stripclub for a sororitas audience, obviously humorous. Does anyone have it? Tried a lot of different terms to search it on google, no luck
Nevermind, found it

It occured to me that the pic may have been lewder than I remember, so I searched on a booru instead and found it no problem
I remember it, feels like something I could have seen on 1d4chan back then
Why didn't the Emperor just teleport a neutron bomb into the vengeful spirit instead
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no homo
that's where I first looked actually
to be more precise I first tried 2d4chan, but they fucking killed that too. I groaned, as I knew that 1d6chan wouldn't have it, as its just a shit watered down version that has been overtaken by fags who have deleted anything "controversial", and of course I couldn't find it there
battle bros...
Something something chaos
Female is the default sex for most creatures
Also hormagaunts lay eggs and genestealers have ovipositors
It may have been uneffective because of warp shenanigans, it could also just have been disarmed or teleported back. The Emporer also believed that something that simple would not be able to defeat horus at this point and if i am not mistaken the Emporer still harbored the hope to "save" his son until sanguinius died.
The chaos gods would've just made it a dud probably.
They are all powerful remember.
Even got timey wimey bullshit time travel powers too.
Which realistically means that the 40k universe should no longer exist at all anyway because Chaos has no restraint for anything, it only wants destruction.

And no the gods aren't preservering the galaxy because they care, they deliberately do not give a shit.
And they don't need to give a shit because the pull and drain power from the entirety of the infinite multiverse. Yes, this is exactly how it works, blame GW for this literal marvel tier garbage.

Only thing the gods truly care about is the Great Game, which is just them fighting and bickering with one another to try and become the sole ruler of the Warp.
Even the Horus Heresy was nothing but a mere "turn of the head" for them, and they only ever did it because they were concerned about the Emperor's power, aka the fact that he is 100% capable of killing them.

GW and BL writers are stupid and most things in the 40k verse happen only because the writers want it to happen that way.
Psychic Awakening are 1st party 40k books, like it or not.
Nope, 2W.
>and genestealers have ovipositors
No, not really.
How genestealers work is by they give the person "the kiss" which just irreversibly fucks up their genome and mixes it with tyranid DNA.
They don't implant any eggs or the sort into the person.
And when that infected person goes to fuck another person the resulting child will then be a genestealer hybrid.
The genestealer thing is literally more akin to an infection.
"The Genestealer then thrusts its long, whip-like tongue (which also serves as an ovipositor) into the body of the host, where it deposits its DNA in the form of a type of virus that infects the somatic and germ line cells of the host."
There is even a picture of it with the comment "A Genestealer Ovipositor as dissected by an Adeptus Mechanicus Magos Biologis."
NTA but they do implant a pellet, the xenology books (iirc) shot even a duct inside their tongue.
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But it is called an ovipositor and it does inject a living being, not a mere viral agent

I will also argue against the idea that the infection alters the genetic code of all the cells of the organism, I believe it's far more subtle than that
Are you all vorgetting about Tervigons that literally breed termagaunts and the Parasite of Mortrex?
Forgetting, sry.
the tervigon is more akin to an incubator than an actual mother
>but muh tabletop
Tabletop and the lore aren't the same thing.
Trying to justify the tabletop with fluff or justify fluff with the tabletop is stupid and retarded.
Also fact is, GW never intended for the tabletop or lore to mirror one another perfectly.
It's purely an abstraction to make it easier for people to imagine what's happening on the board.

If it truely did then the game would be an absolute shit show and any semblance of balance would be thrown out the window.
If you really wanted "lore accurate tabletop" which itself kind of already moot because GW changes the fluff at a whim lot of the time it is contradictatory bullshit making this a fools errand
you'd have to change all the armies drastically.
For example 2000p marine army would be like 1 squad of tacticals/ints with a rhino or a land raider. Or you just bring Guilliman and solo your opponent.
2000p guard army would be actual 2000 guardsmen with like 10 leman russes.
2000p custodian army would be like 1 or 2 custodian models.
CSM would be same marines but you replace the tank a daemon engine or you just bring 1 of the traitor primarchs.

Like I said, this is fucking stupid.
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>actually Anphelion Project is a fanfic
ah farming those Contrarian Points, what are you planning on spending them on?
BTW pretty sure gaunts laying eggs comes from that book as well as rippers gestating into other forms if pressured to do so
The FWverse was a pretty cool fanfic project, shame it ended
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>marinewank: the post
Tabletop is the great equalizer. Other factions have their marine-grade units, so your point is entirely nihil.
>Anphelion Project is a fanfic
It is, a high quality fanfic but a fanfic none the less.

FW shit has never been the norm for 40k.
Only people who believe this are the midwits that hopped into 40k during the midhammer era where they thought it was the "norm" when it wasn't at all.
thats a BL writer
Is that so? I thought they do both.
>uhm actually
Cry about it.
Marines are retarded over powered and that is entirely by the design of the original creators themselves.

Go cry to them if you don't like the fact that the SUPER soldiers are, act and are potrayed as SUPER.
Refer to this: >>93217903 :)
Fucking Christ this webm makes me want to play necrons so badly. They're just so cool bros
But I have too many projects already
>infinity, battletech etc generals
>hot chicks
>40kg and aosg
You sound like the kinda guy to say "yeah that would never actually happen in 40k" after your pitiful squad of marines is diced by ork boyz
>Marines are retarded over powered
All tabletop factions are, they're not exactly special in that regard even if they are formidable.
Just watch the 10th edition trailer, you can't get a more first party showcase than that.
Rolled 1 (1d6)

6 and you start Necrons and drop the other projects
Anon why are you confusing actual GW campaigns with FW fanfics?
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I don't think the fluff really goes too much into the specifics, but I seem to remember the gaunts are mentioned as being dormant, rather than created ex novo
and they do come with biomorphs attached already, so chances are the tervigon is more simply carrying a bunch of halfbaked gaunts at different stages of embryonic growth that have been laid and modified with biomorphs by some other organism

kinda like a male seahorse carrying the eggs laid by the female in his pouch
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Whew lad, I'm sorry but I'm glad I dodged that bullet. I have shitloads of Orks to paint before I can consider crons.

6 and I don't buy anything until my backlog is finished
You know you like it but there is also this >>93216638
Joke aside last few ones were full of lelith and other boobs.
>Which realistically means that the 40k universe should no longer exist at all anyway because Chaos has no restraint for anything, it only wants destruction.
obviously its one of those things that's a writting plot hole virtue of the lore expanding like a balloon over the years, but I'm not being cynical, I understand that's just how things with all big franchises are).

I find it disingenious as fuck and a horrible exaggeration to compare it to "marvel tier garbage" tho, lore inconsistency in GW happens because it has a fuckton of writers with each focusing on one aspect or another with more interest. Trying to bicker "oh, this writer said that an ork was able to snipe someone from afar, the writer is GARBAGE AND THIS BOOK IS A DUMBSTERFIRE!" and discrepancies about the nature of fucking chaos is legitimately a "seriously bro..."

You know it ain't wrong to say and say "chaos gods don't want humanity/the galaxy to die" and that your theory of "they only give a shit about ruling the warp" isn't perfect, but there's no point to argue about it because in this specific case its instead more interesting to discuss it on a philosophical level of what does chaos and the chaos gods mean to each writer, reader or person.

Holy fuck, I digress

Anyway, in reality I just wanted to tell you to not be so bitter and cynical, legitimately as honest advice. I know you enjoy 40k at the end of the day, so screaming like if it was some shit like fucking Harry Potter is not adviseable
The whole conversation started when anon called the GW campaign a "fanfic"
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Time to purchase more shit
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>more and more marine cringe
Are you for fucking real? Do you really think those pics were posted for lust in the same way hot/anime chicks are?
when the fuck has bara not been welcomed as something funny and a humor staple of this site?
who the fuck are you? what the fuck are you doing here? how the fuck have you never heard of gachimuchi?
How about you post about your faction instead of just complaining then, anon?
just report shitposters that have nothing to add or say and ignore
The wiki says they get breeded inside and then stay dormant and that Tervigons are used as guard on ships for the abillity to produce a lot of units fast.
Is a bit wacky and can be interpreted either way i think.
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I did. It's an old photo. They look much better now.
Man that guard is strong.
At the end of the day Tyranids are sexless biological constructs that can 'awaken' male or female sex charateristics if it is needed. Its more a question of utility of creating other tyranids on the battlefield or not, there is no gender difference between them or mate attraction occuring
Based. Literally.
Actually based take.
mad because bad lmao
Bioengineered weapons that can be changed for it's purpose.
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Speaking of tyranids and seahorses, the fuckers make a good attempt at designing a mixture of endoskeleton and (pseudo)exoskeleton
tell me it's not close
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The repeated ribcage pattern does look kinda tyrannic, good catch
Hey calm down. it's not me who dreams about males on steroids
nobody does you mong, stop trying
That is, Tyranids are loosely based on Xenomorph.
Xenomorph is loosely based on marine lifeforms.
Where is the 40k news? Are they avoiding it at all costs for AoS?
>pedo social media
You mean discord
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Does anyone have a vod or a stream of Renegade Raiders being played competitively? I'd like to get in on the fun despite the nerfs but apparently the detachment has a very high skill ceiling (similarly to drukhari where you need to juggle your infantry between transports) so I'd like to see it being played out in terms of deployment, what you put in the rhinos, scout moves, first turn etc. Big thanks in advance
its all about the skaven bros right now anon
Their new box is selling laughably bad just like Dominion, so they're trying their best to scrape up more sales.
wouldn't it be the opposite? If a product fails don't they abandon ship to the next thing?
>Their new box is selling laughably bad just like Dominion,
One with skaven which looks almost identical to Dominion orcs?
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I don't think I've ever seen anyone compare the xenomorph's anatomy to a seahorse
not saying it's not possible

I'm just finding the whole thing amusingly parallel and fitting
so by another dramatis personae, did they mean Lady Haera?
... God damnit, you're right
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Pleasant to have nid visual design afficionados here.
This talk reminded me of 2E gargoyles & this particular fanart of a mouth gun inspired by them.
so it would seem, but I believe there's more in store for the malstrains: the guy fused to the spore wasn't actually planned but made by the sculptor on his free time, so chances are the malstrains have at least one or two extra things in store still

betting on the tainted magus that started it all and a fat patriarch
I like it, but I also really love the slaanesh land sea horses as well.
Oh yeah that's fair, I guess that's a bit too much overlap
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>little flame for the flamethrower instead of the starship trooper's bioelectric ignition, the bombardier's dual chemical reaction, or clicking mandibles
It’s just a satisfying silhouette.
To anyone with a brain, yes. AoS should have been scrapped and abandoned years ago just like Fantasy.
But GW doesn't operate in a logical way.
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I'd go for CLACK-CLACK
But fr tho the stuff you described dont have much of visual stuff going on, it's mostly happening on the inside
could be worse. At least the era of fucking imbecile Tom Kirby is behind us.
Imagine if he was still CEO, I have no doubt he would have tried to cash out on the woke fad and pushed for way more gay shit
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I hope some anon makes an updated version of the Tyranid evolution of forms
If I recall the Magos from the admech can't tell when a genestealer "infection" is within a human host.
The only thing that they notice is that they are for some reason healthier than the rest of the population.
Unless you have some lucky imperial authority stumbling upon the cult the sneaker fuckers will spread fare and wide.
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I would have done it but my autism prevented me from trying anything more encompassing than that
and even with that I've got issues because I can't decide if I have to follow meta-history about the designs development or an in-setting philogeny

I'd also have to make some pretty wild assumptions
Tau Water Caste must hit the drink hard after a day of having to negotiate with the Imperium, all eh while dead skulls are flying around their heads,the skull is apparently some venerated soul, meanwhile the diplomat you're dealing with cant help being xenophobic as fuck towards you the whole time, constantly calling you a filthy xenos, and referring to you as "lesser races" who should "know their place".
Of course, the whole diplomatic affair is because the Imperials want a ceasefire because they're getting their shit pushed in elsewhere and don't want to deal with the Tau front right now.

There really needs to be a book a la xenology but solely dedicated to the study of Tyranids. At the very least to have a source to point to for a lot of commonly repeated ideas about their biology and invasion cycle that gets contested.

I remember I'd been repeating the fact that the chimneys on bigger bugs were primarily for heat dispersal because Tyranids are literal organic machines that run hotter than is sustainable for most life for years. It got to the point where I couldn't actually pin down the original source I'd read it from and had started to second guess myself on it, but then the 10e wave came around and they had the designer commentary article in White Dwarf and there it was again in plain writing.
Thanks for even making that anon, its great. If you're torn between meta-history about the designs development and in-setting phylogeny maybe making two versions could work. I'd imagine it would reveal a lot when you compare that versions back to back.
>I'd also have to make some pretty wild assumptions
to be fair anon the assumptions seem pretty sensible and reasonable. I'm biased but Id say go for it
Do space marines name their vehicles? I know things like Land Raiders do (eg. Rynn's Might).
Retard take. Marines die by the hundreds everyday. Got suck marinecock somewhere else.
What’s the story behind the craft world that let themselves become taken over by genestealers? I can’t find anything about it.
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>I remember I'd been repeating the fact that the chimneys on bigger bugs were primarily for heat dispersal because Tyranids are literal organic machines that run hotter than is sustainable for most life for years. It got to the point where I couldn't actually pin down the original source I'd read it from
Yes GW really does need to repeat core basic ideas like this more often, like republishing text from the realm of chaos to dispell the mass misunderstanding of the warp
That was from a BL book I beleive, their infinity circuit was destroyed and giving themselves over to the genestealers was seen as a way to preserve themselves from Slaanesh. Their Avatar of Khaine and Patriarch fused into one abomination of a being as well if I recall correctly
Has that box released already? I might look for someone to get cheap skaven to have in a drawer for all eternity, might actually paint them, I like the rats
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Is there any way to make Iyanden not look like shit? yellow and blue is rough but the fluff is cool
>eldarfag being a lorelet
name a more common combo
How do bio-titans fit into the whole Tyranid synapse thing? Are they just their own thing like Lictors, able to crack on with their own motives without being told explicitly what to do by the Hive Mind?
A child is sexless because it's sex hasn't awakened. Retard take.
Samefag less you pedo.
>Eldar controlled the galaxy for 65 million years
And done sweet fuck all in all that vast expanse of time.
Eldar are LAZY.
I dunno.
Maybe make the yellow very pale and muted. More yellowed bone than true yellow. Make the blue metallic.
Just spitballing.
Don't be mean. They worked very hard to birth a new chaos god and fuck up the universe even harder
>limbs' heat sinks
I remember those being described as respiratory tissues
>spiracles on head
those were auditory canals once
Titans aren't universally synapse creatures, some are just controlled, other are synapse creatures and so can think for themselves. Depends on what Titan form you're talking about, Lictors are like genestealers and are independant above anything that comes out of a hive fleet
I don't even know what you're talking about here anon. Children has sex chararistics, so do babies, its their reproductive system that hasn't awakend yet, not their sex characteristics
>hmmm our souls are being sucked by a giant omnipresent consciousness beyond our comprehension, what should we do Exarch Du-Mass?
>let us give up our bodies and minds to a giant omnipresent consciousness beyond our comprehension Farseer St-Ups
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>how to start a GSC Army
just don't
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darken the blue and desaturate the yellow
possibly turn the blue into a metallic colour too

mantain the saturated and bright colours only on the clothes and iconography
make use of patterns and I'd add here and there some red/orange and/or purple/violet as spot colours to break the scheme depending on the model

a good base, like dead blackened arid ash-covered earth could also give you a way to make the bone colour pop up more, make every little bit of saturation count, and give you the occasion for dark weathering on the lower parts of the models that is going to frame the model together with the dark blue of the upper parts

gold inlays inside the wraithbone I bet could also look neat, I think
>just don't paint it like iyanden
that's cheating
> Vypers and many jetbikes
Your Eldar player is a man of good taste
>The thread autist went to the Jannie’s

Who is this guy?
A fluffy list of Saim Hann instead of that Ynnari soup meta garbage involving Yvraine, Yncarne, Avatar, tons of Warp Spiders/Swooping Hawks, etc.
I mean, yes, it kinda is
>how to start a GSC Army
travel back in time, get 2 copies of the combat patrol, then travel 3 months into the future when we get our codex points unfucked.
Ben is Alpharius
Yeah really, I made a 2k list recently and it's 96 fucking models.
Probably even more once the points reflect the newly nerfed datasheets.
I would untie him and let him go. I'm not a psycho.
my lgs organized a league game and is applying battle ready penalties.
my army is now 110 models after the codex.
> dumbster fire
An interesting interpretation for phonetic spelling, anon
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Other ways to cheat are turning the yellow into gold and the blue into deep space patterns
Discord faggots BTFO the new thread had the link
No, it didn't
Looking at Dark Eldar Scourges at the moment

Whats the best weapons to give them?
The janny is a little trigger happy. They should do their do diligence.
Jannie says no.
Jannie, since you are here, is it just that this idiot is posting them too early?
Pretty sure the thread autist IS a jannie at this point.
You can bring a squad with Haywire but you want the rest as DLances to avoid getting fucked by monsters
Where do US anons get their minis and stuff from? I'm thinking of introducing a friend in NJ area.
it had to be deleted because it was too early

but all early threads need to be deleted
for 40k? go to reddit and look at any third of the third party retailers and buy whatever isnt as msrp. For TOW wargames Atlantic is nice.
my FLGS for some
though I also order online if I can get it for cheaper
It’s not too early and the thread is dead.
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Based bug controller jannie
Complain with the feedback button.
>I find it disingenious as fuck and a horrible exaggeration to compare it to "marvel tier garbage" tho
It isn't.
Multiverse shit is what plagues comics, especially Marvel and DC.
And it is what makes them so shit.
I did. This guy doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Hmm. So it is. Must've been thinking about him while listening to my music. Funny how things work out, huh?
well then you might hate 40k from its inception if you think multiverses are what ruins titles.
sweet violent faceless jesus, that was so long ago now. I've got dinner to cook for the family, but I'm gonna put on the birdie song while I do.
I'm going to draw up this Enginseer some more after work. Gonna throw on 7-10.
The bug keeps getting squashed, huh?
>well uhm acckchually it was like this from the begining
BUT GW did not treat it that way and only, at best, paid it some lip service or made some vague *wink wink* *nudge nudge* allusions to it.
Don't try to be cute about this.
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How did i do?
whatever helps you cope man.
Thicken your paint
Looks good for the most part. I'd add some variety to those scratches instead of having all of them in one direction.
new thread

Oh and I would also recommend using a light wash or even a pinwash. The blacklining is good but shouldn't be the only thing you do for shading.
For example, the grey looks rather flat in certain areas like the face/helmet and on the fingers holding the gun. I would also recommend using a black/red color for most of the bolter so that it stands out from the grey armor. From a table distance it might blend in with the armor and not be distinct.
I bought 3 more chaplains this morning
I cant help myself
ChaplainAnon? Post the collection
I think chaplains are stupid.
I also collect CSM
gk nemesis dreadknight? i noticed that they're a similar profile to gundam
It would be the other way around. The tau would gatherdead space marines, analyse how they work and after figuring out how the geneseed works, try to make marines of their own. Not sure if it'd work, but an imperial/chaos marine would never join a xenos empire.

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