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Hugs Edition


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Favorite 4 mana creature?
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>when you misprint Nadu so it counts for every creature twice
Delete this and remake with Suncleanser as the OP called Cheater Edition.
Free him.
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QT: Let her be free
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>a whole set dedicated to furries
Talrand, my King
alas i muts follow the rule of not attributing to malice what could just as easily be stupidity
its not furry, because there is no anthroshit
have you seen the jace? Have you seen the card in OP?
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Looking for some feedback, please, on some midrange legacy lists
Punishing Fire Jund - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/f7J20n8Ag0C-MyGnQ2Wqzg
BUG - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/F_eUPgwUdU61C3weQsD_3A
if you're playing greens sun zenith in legacy you play collector ouphe mainboard, not doing so is essentially saying you don't ever want to win game 1 vs combo ever
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damn, grief kinda thicc no cap
Runed Halo can't stop tokens, making Skyclave Apparition awkward. I swapped them for Seal From Existence for now.

The cheap beaters we added make control a breeze. Usher of the Fallen spewing armies from turn 1 is primo. Fleeting Spirit dodging all removal means we never lose tempo once it's out. The spectacular spectral beatsticks make both Dimir and Azorius Control eat dirt.

>Waste Not
Sheoldred. Pacifisms and Runed Halo bounce off her. Halo can hit Thoughtseize and Go Blank and such, but otherwise it falters in this matchup.
The solution seems to be dropping our Pacifism-type removal for more threats. Overload their removal while securing tempo, before their engines stabilize. Which means, we can bring in hatebears from our sideboard that we have for other decks and not have to worry about tuning the SB to specifically hate Waste Not. Nice.

>Niv to Light
It's a great combination of slightly more efficient threats and removal than us. Our relative lack of card advantage bites too, though we can overwhelm them with Voltron'd Phyrexian Vindicators and such.
Very fun games, quite even, but Niv absolutely has the edge. The difference seems to be that we're faster, while they secure the late game. I'll consider options for this matchup, but it feels like this is just a deck we will always struggles against. It's okay to have bad matchups.

>Nykthos Ramp?
Phyrexian Vindicators with Katilda/Heliod Lifelink can hold off their entire army. Pacifisms help with that too, but fail to stunt their Devotion.
If they ramp out clean, it's tough, but their lack of any removal for Vindicator puts them in the same sinking ship as Phoenix sometimes. Fun games, but not sure if we're better or worse yet. Trample from Ulvenwald Oddity coupled with giant Hydras seems to be their major wincon. Put Runed Halo on Hydra.
I want to add Fields to clear Hydras. Not being able to is a downside of Vindicator's quad pips.
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>Favorite 4 mana creature?
It solos 80% of the Pioneer meta.
too bad the art is ugly as fuark
Just take out the dumbass cricket bat and it'd be fine.
my queen... my goddess...
nah i cant stand the 3d look either
it should look like art not a render
hazoret the pervert...
Fair enough. MTG has cultivated a truly loathsome art style over recent years.
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Too fair for this bullshit world... But how knows...
some companies go through cycles of good/bad art
league of legends did it too, that had a period where all their art was hyperrealistic almost 3d looking and then went to good, art looking art, then back to the ugly shit
mtg im sure cycles through their commissioned artists similarly
Red, Blue and, god forbid me, Green versions fucking when?
MH4 coming in 2026
>whenever [greenmcnigga] takes damage, prevent that damge and add that much G. you dont lose this mana as steps and phases end this turn
I'm not sure if the edit history shows for you, but I actually just took that out to try and squeeze in other stuff. It's my preference to mainboard it so I'll put it back in. I should also mention this is just for paper play at my LGS which is usually light on combo, with the main ones being Painter, Doomsday and occasionally Cephalid Breakfast or classic Reanimator
U would obviously be draw that many cards.
i mean, we DO have a UUUU creature but it doesnt fit the 'do thing when damage' cycle
? it would obviously be bounce that many permanents
>RRRR, 5/5
>first strike, haste and impulse draw equal to damage taken
It would obviously be target opponent mills that many cards.
The red one exists, its trapped in arena
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whats he up to
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llmfao what the fuck
The fuck is this the only GGGG card in existence?
My wife's son's hand grabbing mine.
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>Make this card
>Also make Acererak, the Demilich described as a skull with gemstone teeth and eyes.
>Acererak looks nothing like described, but the card that isn't named Acererak does.
Haste, impulse draw.

Hexproof, mill

Trample, distribute +1/+1 counters
Wow dude thanks for naming a bunch of the most derivative shit associated with a bunch of colours.
Acerack has only been just a skull in Tomb of Horrors. There was a whole adventure featuring him in return to tomb of horrors, plus 3.5 plus 4e plus 5e.
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Anon...the red ones already here >>93239822 . Dont you love online only cards and effects???

they could make it a common and it would still not see any pauper play
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I miss him bros...
>Hexproof, mill
He, too, is immune to Phoenix's removal.
Perhaps I shall rig up a mono blue devotion deck for Pioneer, too, now that Powerful White Cards is through its initial bubbling.
achstually, we didn't read the card
t. Rosewater, Mark.
It should be "RIGGED" with Javier and Simon having sweaty gay sex on camera.
So why doesn't this thing see play?
the spells arent free
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Master of babes is still the funniest edit I've seen
How can multinational multimilionaire company be this stupid?
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At the unrequested behest of one random fuck mentioning Master of Waves, Mono Blue Devotion in Pioneer is underway.

Our options are limited by forcing high pip counts, obviously. However, apparently mono-blue devotion has some HEAVY hitters in Pioneer. These things are no joke, easily scaling up to 5+ power in no time at all while also thickening Master of Waves' doom dumps.

I don't think the deck will be top tier viable, but it seems like a shell is at least simmering. Budget casual list, perhaps?
ugly master of waves art
We tend to preface inferior versions of existing things with "nu-" in here, friend.
True. I'll use the other one if the list comes together.
Worst thing about this is that it could have worked just fine with normal impulse draw
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For removal, we have a few modestly sub-optimal options that enable Devotion.
Taplock auras are noteworthy, but I think the real options will be the flashing humilities ala Eaten by Pirhanas. They solve a lot of problems, at instant speed too. I'll ponder other options too.
the fuck piranhas has good art, but mmg told me the numtg art is all whack
>but mmg told me the numtg art is all whack
It is, in fact, mostly whack.
I don't even know what kind of deck this guy can go in but I have loved him for a while now
Yeah this was Not the place for a Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference
It's time.
Let it free
Wait did they actually mean for it to be "Whenever a creature you control becomes the target... This ability only triggers twice each turn" and fucked up?
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Alright then!
Updated. As usual, sideboard trails far behind the maindeck in brew quality. It'll settle eventually.

>Planar Disruption vs Cooped Up
This was a tough choice. Disruption's versatility in disabling Walkers is not to be scoffed at. HOWEVER, noting our weakness to Sheo and similar creatures, I feel like only hitting activated abilities isn't quite enough.
Cooped Up, while less type-versatile, has the option to simply get rid of something, while also pumping devotion/Enchantment count. Weighing the two pieces, and after getting a wide shotgun of tests across the metagame, I feel like Cooped Up's exile will solve more problems than Distortion's versatility.

All things considered, an updated list. i brought in 2x Fields in exchange for the Cavern of Souls. We really have to manage our pips, but manlands proved to be a wincon against us in many matches. Geier Reach Sanitarium was a huge way that Waste Not was able to kick through our Runed Halos. And our beaters are now just efficient enough that sneaking a few Spirits through countermagic doesn't feel too impactful.

Wala! New version. The brew continues.
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He won.
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Cooped Up also helps with the Green Devotion problem. We can now actually get rid of the devotion itself, if we need to.

Few problems that disabling activated abilities via Planar Distortion solves, can't also be solved by simply deleting the creature from existence.
I feel like this is a subtle but very significant upgrade that makes the deck far more oppressive in a way that's difficult to sense. Something that only comes through testing.
tried to watch the goldfish nadu vs hogaak video
i cant fucking stand the way they play slow as shit and overexplain every card and have to tell us every effect theyre doing
jesus christ
a 40 sceond turn took 3 minutes because the onions guzzlers have to giggle and explain and play at a snails pace
>"You like Magic content enough to watch this obscure video about old metagames?"
>"Let's treat you like a child."
Yup. It's shit.
>im going to play a stitchers supplier, this card mills three when it enters AND when it dies, and im going to trigger stitchers supplier and mill 1...2...3... okay this is a vengevine it comes back from the grave when i cast my second creature for the turn, umm im going to trigger bloodghast landfall, this doesnt count as casting a creature for vengevine
jesus CHRIST the teletubbies tier fucking handholding
Metamorphic Alteration can come in clutch
i miss him....i know hes too strong for modern, but i just love playing him
its such a solid fucking playstyle
i hate hes banished to legacy
He's not even too strong for modern at this point. He have been powercrept a long way since then.
no he definitely is, im literally watching him buttrape nadu as we speak
still love im though....
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>such a solid fucking playstyle
what the fuck does this even mean in this context
i just like how perfectly insular and mechanical his deck is
everything just werks together perfectly
Not my fault you only played against paper.
paper off meta since forever
I'm working on this niche Rock homebrew strat where during the opening "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Instead of "Shoot!" I go AWOOOOGA AHHHHH to throw off my opponents and gain an incremental advantage in the mental gamestate
oh POH nent
how am I supposed to brew anything when boseiju exists?
they literally only printed boseiju to make the color white useless as some weird cuck fetish
Unreasonably based
Memedern really rots your brain with the powerlevel dose, is like some kind of cocaine where you know the substance is bad, you know it only harms but you feel such a rush and such a sensation that after that you are unable to recognise a healthy or at least not toxic gameplay/design.
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More brews are afoot.
Narset/Spirit of the Labyrinth + Geier Reach Sanitarium activation on opponent's upkeep locks them out of cards in Pioneer. Interdasting...

Something can be done with this. I just know it.
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Orzhov or Dimir waste not, perhaps?
Seems like a fine starting shell for the lock.
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We have more options.
Prismari Command becomes a discard spell with Narset.
Reckless Scholar works similarly to Geier Reach...
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Not sure we quite have enough pieces in the format yet, but this is one to watch out for.
Seems quite nasty, and only a few extra pieces away from being a menace. I shall keep pondering...
UB: Kamen Rider
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New brew, bros. It's real. Jeskai handlock.
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Alright, this is a real "Inflict suffering" kind of brew.
What else can we bring to the party?
Reprieve, High Noon

Not sold on Blue. I like this >>93240750
>Not sold on Blue
Narset is the only other option for Labyrinth effect. Blue is unfortunately, probably needed for the consistency.
High Noon is not bad though.
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>Oblwbro blunders into the format knowing nothing about it.
>Just starts shitting out insane schizo brews on the regular.
Pioneerbros... how do we cope?
you can do this with narset too
and run days undoing to say shuffle ur shit draw 1
I don't have to Cope in fact i'm happy someone is willing to brew in Pioneer, where still is possible and have success, yesterday Monowhite Halo for example, was a fucking insane experiment but in the good way. More people should be like him.
>you can do this with narset too
Already in.

>and run days undoing to say shuffle ur shit draw 1
Sketchy because it also hits us and is a nonbo with Narset but may be worth as a 1 or 2 of backup combo. I'll add it to Considering.
sir narset days is literally a known control archetype/combo idk what ur gettin at here
>idk what ur gettin at here
Let me spell it out for you:
I take the shitty combo
remove the shit
and make something good instead.
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The dnd set was based on dnd 5e. In 5e Acererak is the boss of the adventure "Tomb of Annihilation" and he looks just like the magic card.
Sadly wotc is in a design and development hell. They contracted so many untalented people that it is almost impossible for them to follow old design/stories/worldbuilding.
He actually is dating a really hot blonde too. He won in life.
lol you are really trying to play pacifism effects
Play that brother's war 1 mana removal (that is based on number of plains you control if you really need more removal) (BUT DEVOTION... yeah, you don't need to play only permanent spells in devotion decks.)
Lay Down Arms is a fine suggestion honestly. I'll try it out. Only hits Creatures though.

>(BUT DEVOTION... yeah, you don't need to play only permanent spells in devotion decks.)
Sure you don't, but it's more optimal if you do.
Lay Down Arms also has serious problems against Green Devotion and Niv to Light. I have no desire to make our bad matchups even worse.
Probably a no bueno for that one, honestly.
how is pauper grixis affinity in the meta rn?
>not rule 0'ing paper with your playgroup
do you have the one where he throws rock right afterwards
are pro players really a bunch of usseless cheaters and unable to track counters on paper or the nadu deck is absolutely insane in that regard?
Both. Pro players are literally too autistic to say something when their opponent blatantly cheats as well. They would rather take the loss than cause a scene
>are pro players really a bunch of usseless cheaters
Yes except for me
Leyline is sort of GGGG
So in Commander, this is functionally "target player leaves the game" + steal all his cards
i hope theres skeleton or zombie tokens for the squirrel necromancers, even if they dont get the creature type of the corresponding animal
>for the rest of my life my 2/2 zombies will always be these zombie frogs/birds
>Trying to make le cute little mammal set have scary big guys
Really doesn't work. It just looks dumb.
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All of these types of cards are extremely based and give me feels.
sometimes the people who make art and people who put the art on cards just aren't on the same page
Who shit in your cornflakes anon? Bloomburrow so far looks really cool, in fact better than at least the last 3 sets
The retards who expect me to jizz myself over the set that reminds them of some shitty kids fantasy book they read, while ensuring they shit on every other set. Don't like it? Too bad. Looks trash
Do you guys like this whole "specific artifact tokens" thing that's shown up recently? I stopped paying attention to MTG around when Eldraine was coming out, so I was there for Food tokens, but now there's Treasures, Maps, and Clues, and I'm not sure what to think of them.
They're awful.
Treasures and Clues both predate Eldraine.
they are a little obnoxious if you play a deck with many of them like Ensoul, but theyre overall not the worst. it's not too different from playing a deck with several types of creature tokens, but large tokens are in general a bother in paper
the REAL menace is the recent uptick of tokens that are the same base token but are meaningfully unique, clearly designed for an online environment that handles it all for you and a genuine bitch to track in paper
see, geralf the fleshwright and chromehost seed shark
>UPS has been sitting on my mh3 gift bundle for over a week now, rescheduling the delivery date every single day
This is so annoying desu, why aren't gift bundles released the same time as the set?
I actively despise them. They're fiddly to track, they are deceptively powerful so they get added to cards that don't need the help, treasures have lead to every format to have the same homogenized multicolor slurry as Khans standard, and above all else they make every artifact synergy have a bunch of unintended synergy.

Magic needs to make a new permanent type called "resource" or something, retype all the treasure/map/blood/clue whatever to that, and then print some hate cards.
They're fine. Not a huge fan of how it's incidental artifact synergy, but having variety in noncreature tokens is good.
if it continues happening call your post office and ask to speak to the postmaster to ask why the fuck its happening
>they make every artifact synergy have a bunch of unintended synergy.
I agree with you on this.

oh i didnt realize you said ups not usps
ask a manger idk
ups customer service in my country is dogshit, they never pick up the phone
>2 weeks without decklists
they are deleting mtgo tomorrow aren't they
all the anons were right, mtgo is too out of date, it doesnt have voice acting and flashy lights, the userbase is all in retirement homes
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Alrighty then, NEXT BREW.
Ignore the trash in the list, it's mostly jank test pieces right now. Trying to find functional wincons after we get the lock.

'Tis brutal, my friend. Once the lock is on, they get ZERO cards. I believe the only option widely played in Pioneer to escape would be a flashbacked Memory Deluge, which is easy to deny as our lock hits on turn 3/4/5, well before mana for that gets going.
Lock on = we win, end of story. Getting there is a different beast, however. Obviously we're going to move into a control shell. Likely some Supreme Verdicts and whatnot. Very fun as a starting experiment. If it works, it works, as you say.
Just the Geier Reach + Narset combo is truly disgusting.
You have to consider that we are not simply a Narset Days dump your hand and hope you don't draw into anything.
This is you discard your hand and get NOTHING EVER AGAIN FOR THE REST OF THE GAME.
Trophies are racist against bad players

Now we are all equal! FISTEMOJI
Cringe post
lookin like goryos reanimator is the best non ring deck, bros
finna boutta finish it up for a coupoe hundred
did any of the reanimators play on stream at the PT? i will go back and watch the matches if so
Quite strong, Refurbished Familiar is a house and you're one of the better Snacker decks in the format. All the indestructible lands help against Ponza which is the biggest bogeyman in the format right now too.
>literally 9th place at the PT
>not a single game on stream
thats bs man
i for one am extremely pleased to see spell snare find its way back into the meta
every fuckin card costs 2 nowadays
Not in top 8, not worth recording specially when this deck is only using 5 MH3 rares (not even mythics)

Nothing to see here, this tournament is meant to sell cards but they aren’t selling sets out of print. THINK, anon, THINK!
God that would be the funniest shit
>pic has me on the floor
that's gotta be a fake poster, what dense normie would even, let alone a team, a supply chain of
I wish this guy was playable.
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And with just a little bit of brews and testing, we have arrived at a hard control deck that gives you NO options for coming back. Gone are the days of control decks kind of struggling to stabilize and slap away midgame threats with topdecks.
Once we get you under control, your hand is empty. You do njot get to draw any more cards. You do not get a second chance. It's over. Owari da.

Metlegen, I present the second shitbrew of this random bout of me fucking around.
The Mayflower Wheel-Lock Caribne.
Red white and blue Wheel-Lock, get it?
And a summoner of absolute misery and suffering. Just like America!

A few notes from initial tests:
Turns out having your game-ending combo piece (Collective Defiance) doubling as removal (4 damage to target creature) so it's never a dead card is REALLY FUCKING GOOD.
I wish this guy was playable
They're Czech
use him with Silent Arbiter
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god damnit his brews are cracked
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>daybreak cares more about magic than wizards does
Very based!
I honestly quite like Daybreak, they're cool and don't do anything retarded.
Keeping Warhammer out of the damn game for a long ass time is BBB (Based Beyond Belief)
Goes great in my Starscream commander deck!
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here's your budget deck bro
>over half the cost is just SSS
RDW is based as fuck though
Thanks bro, appreciate it.
What a bold move, tons of respect for these guys. Lead by example.
wtf do these decks not run goblin guide anymore
Well, the red preator is still "alive"* as is the blue one.
Also if the wiki is not wrong Glissa was not killed.

Not that wotc would do anything with what could be the remaining phyrexians. That company has 0 creativity left and the people working there hate the phyrexians and would rather have some silly or cute thing in the story instead.

*until we see their corpses and true confirmation on that, not things like left for die or eaten by larvae
Needs ruins and ring for easy damage.
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>non-basic lands
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>When Hugs enters,
Enters what? My hand? Graveyard? Rigger Contaption Zone?
Don't tell me those fags can't even print "etb" now
>Don't tell me those fags can't even print "etb" now
Yes, in fact, WotC rejects the reality of dependant clauses and transitive verbs, has fired every editor that tried to explain to them what a transitive verb was, and went with it anyway so they could fit MOOOOOOOORE WWOOOOOOOOOOOORDS onto cards.
wotc won’t forget to ban the one ring as well when they ban nadu, right?
i wish they'd get alice x zhang for non UB art. i used to follow her about a decade ago, it's nice seeing her make a name for herself.
Everything, ETB for exile
The real question is:
ITT retards as if meta has been solved 1 mo in
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I hope nadu is banned and you end up destitute
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Yeah Give me more time bros!!! You will learn to love me!!! Please only 1 month in the meta you still can fight me!!!!
But it has, the meta is you play Nadu or you play a bad deck. Once Nadu is banned you can post this again.
Looks like wotc needs to unban hogaak to stop the bird
Reminder that the first large Modern event after MH1 only had a single Hogaak deck in the top 8.
You can only fight fire with fire.
Is time to open the box and let the two kaijuus fight.
Grandpas go2sleep, Ho*ACK* wouldn't see play in current modern meta
I can't wait to read "When this card enters..." on every card in the future

Anon are you ok?
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Yes and no. Less Zootopia and Beastars, more Redwall and The Secret of Nihm.
>Anthropomorphic animals
>Not furrys
Pick one and only one
See, you and me are not the same.
You see pic related, you see homo pandering, I see 80's fantasy illustration.
Same goes for Bloomburrow. I see animals on an adventure, you see people in fursuits getting on.
That's your problem, not mine.
Go back to your containment thread
And you should stop imagining fake scenarios and hurting your own feelings.
I see AI slop
just 5 more years until pioneer 2 bros
Anyone word from WotC yet on the Modern situation?
"Nadu a good birb, he dindu nuffin, he flyin' back to cawlege to be a docta"
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Ikoria was a better animals only set than Furryburrow
1. Nadu needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine
2. If Nadu isn't on the field, all of the players should be asking: "Where's Nadu?"
there is no "modern situation", the next b&r is happening in august and that's that
"if you don't like it stop playing the format", that's what they believe in
>people seriously think Nadu is a problem
He has plenty of counters and ways to interact with him hes fine. If anything Shuko is the problem card that enables Nadu shenanigans.
>ban Shuko
There, problem solved
Unban Kethis.
unban monke
>unban Oko
>bird is no longer the issue
Problem solved
>there's a murder in your house
>just nuke the house lmao
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>has plenty of counters
>Shuko is the problem
Mark... Mark. WAKE UP, MARK!!!!
I don't know where this is seeing play because
>lol decklists
But this is currently the most expensive ACR card on MTGO
not Magic the Gathering
Is there a format like modern but all the modern horizons sets are banned?
it was called "traditional" and it failed to pick up steam
They also gave Nadu to the worst player, so the results were obvious from the start
Will still leave you with 3feri, Omnath, cowboy bird, fetches/shock/triome for 4c nonsense, sheoldred etc.
Game's broken, no matter what you do
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Wait, the only deck to go undefeated in Modern was Goryo's? That's actually sorta wild.
I need my small animals... Where is the new story...
I will crossboard link correctly this time.

The /mtgag/ Timeless Event now has a sign up sheet. If you're interested in showing other anons how good you are at magic, please check it out!
that's not the post I copied what the fuck man.

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I never bought an official play-mat so I have no idea, are limited event only mats really worth $200-300? I was going to pick this one up but at this price point I could order dozens of custom mats with whatever cunny image I fancy.
No mat is worth more than $20. Get a basic plain one.
What if the person on the draw got a free mulligan? would the game finally be balanced?
hearthstone solved going 2nd years ago
Going second and getting the extra card used to mean something but since every card shits value now for free it doesn't matter.
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>still fucks with the numbers because the coin counts as a spell and that synergizes way more with certain classes
Van Cleef, home...
Turns should be simultaneous. The only thing to pass between players should be priority .
Best format for learning the game?
A fucking shotgun.
whichever looks more fun to you
it depends on what you mean by "learning the game"
if you want to learn the basic rules, you should try some tutorials they have on arena
if you already know the basic rules and want to start getting experience, then you can try standard or pauper
they should print more free spells
It's so over...
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they just did
and most people think they're kinda weak
At this point in MH1's lifespan, Hogaak had barely made any big top 8s.
these aren't really free they require a non token creature on the board. Force of will is more free, surgical extraction is more free
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Anyone who tries to reason with people who are proud of how unreasonable they are is beyond stupid.
I opened a playset of both tune in the narrative, galvanic discharge and 2 copies of wrath.

What win cons could I replace Phlage with in this deck?

solitude is probably the closest thing, phlage is pretty hard to replace since it's both an answer and a wincon
There is no replacement for Phlage.
phlage is not your wincon it is your insurance
there is no replacement for recurrable lightning helix that will eventually close the game out on turn 29
im gonna fucking say it
nadu loooks fun to play, i just cant in good faith buy into a deck i dont think will be around in the next couple months
i like taking game actions and winning the game on the spot, it's a combo deck disguised as a creature deck
and i love it
i unironically think the conveyor belt and token armor looks FUN
So I guess the chances of the price going down is basically zero until the next set that rotates modern comes out? I might buy two copies and try to make the deck work.
some men just want to see the world burn.
How the fuck nandu decks can exist in modern. Is burn dead?
to be honest, just get them now while theyre at like 35
i think phlage will only go up, no higher than 50-60
and it wont be any lower than 25 ever
burn hasnt existed in literal years im sorry to say anon
counting to 20 is just unironically not fast enough for the combo decks and too easy to interrupt for everyone else
nadu won't be banned. It is helping selling MH3. Just look at shitelementals: It took almost 2 years for wizards to do something about them and only banned furry.
bolt nandu
i dont get it
im pretty sure grief is getting banned in legacy soon, people just cant stop putting it in any deck that runs black and winning with it
bolt the 3/4?
that gets a draw when you target it?
Stop replying to bait.
>yeah bro you're sure to win if you spend 2 bolts killing Nadu, giving them +2 cards in the process
Based retard.
that's right. if it was a 3/3 it wouldn't exist
Nadu requieres some out of the world mental gymnastic to stay. I don't think Wizards is capable of such majestic reality evasion. Nielsen said it, Casuals are crying for it, Tryhards are angry at it, even Cummander crew is hating on it.

Sincerely i don't know how they will save Nadu.
ban shuko
Nielsen is also a cheating piece of shit so like I dunno man.
it would only be moderately less playable
theres cards that deal with it for 1 mana still but people play non targetted removal which is hard to do outside of mono b or black heavy decks
The problem is not Nielsen is releasing a broken deck that forces players to keep track of 10000 triggers.
I got it to play modern hammer and once it gets banned I'll just play it in legacy in maverick and breakfast, it's even playable in vintage too

if you're in a hurry to play the deck, I would recommend getting it now, a reprint should only be coming like 2 years down the line
Don't solve the problem when other "Equip 0" artifacts exist.
not tutorable by saga thoughbeit
its unironically not that actually complex its just stupid to track physically
the game actions being taken are really simple its just visually representing it that is a bitch
Nadu has nothing to do with what he did in the quarter finals. He confused his opponent with life total bullshit to make him forget his Ring protection then targeted him and quickly passed turn without even attacking before his opponent remembered. The amount of cheating and poor sportsmanship was insane that PT.
theres equip 1s tutorable by saga which will go even with lands from nadu triggers at least
and the en kor is chordable
I'm not in a hurry but I have most the cards except for two copies of the one ring and all the phlages. It feels weird to pay $230 just for the last couple cards of the decks when I don't even play at tournaments.
china proxies are 3 dollars and look better than real cards
haha it sure would be crazy if there were effects which made any equip cost nothing to equip
>Ban Shuko
>People up their Outrider count and start running Company
>Deck gets even more consistent

The first Hogaak ban actually made the deck better.
Do you guys think that Nadu Endurance loops is a good representation of Magic gameplay?
See. There is a pattern.
eternal formats have way more broken shit than nadu, if you want to play hearthstone stick to standard or go play hearthstone
How many things will they ban before Nadu?
in a way, kind of
it is pretty good representation of 'look at these broken cards that work together to do this broken thing infinite loop you cant stop me' that is a part of magics identity
everyone on occasion likes to gawk at the crazy broken thingl ike a zoo exhibit
it just shuoldnt be a THING for long so it can become a myth and a fairy tale like eldrazi winter and hogaak summer
where the fuck is my story?
It's murica day, there probably won't be a story today.
WotC hate America so I await the story.
They love basketball americans though
is this actually a bebop collaboration? mtg is using its own characters and parodying the bebop opening doesn't sound like it would require a collaboration.
It using the actual song probably makes it a full collab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KcFKj14cYo
Still a very weird collab.
which you think would be nadu song?
Kill yourself, parasite. Get louped and disqualified.
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it's free on Arena
Dumbass. Goldfish prices are massively inflated.
>mfw I bought a playset when it was like 35.9 tix on MTGO
knew it wasn't getting much lower than that, the card is broken as fuck
i dont play MTG what gift should i 3d print for a friend thats really into it? should i just make a really fancy deck box or what?
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Huh anon? And this is for a LP one.
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This is from the PT. Fucking grim honestly.
That PT was a fucking joke. Javier should have been champion, was full of cheaters, trash decks, horrible missplays, incompetent judges and the worst of the worst: NADU.
>Nielsen uses scumbag tricks to make Javier forget his Ring protection
>No judge at the table to catch it
>Nielsen gets away with it and wins a lost game
Next game
>Nielsen picks up Javier's deck to shuffle it thinking Javier had just shuffled
>Javier stops him to make sure Nielsen doesn't get a game loss

I GUARANTEE you that if Javier had picked up Nielsen's deck to shuffle it he would've let it happen then called a judge over it. What a piece of fucking shit.
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I got a foil copy when the set came out and put it in an acrylic brick just for a shelf piece. If it keeps climbing I might sell the damn thing even though that wasn't my intent when I got it.
yes. or something that makes him quit this garbage
Someone needs to do a Nadu+Hogaak edit of Jotaro approaching Dio.
>Shuko ban
Nadu piles get stronger and more consistent
>Oracle of Thassa ban
Nadu piles just use value engine to become a splinter twin knockoff
>5 months later
Nadu is finally banned but we don't get the other cards back
Shuko taking a bullet for Nadu would be the clowniest thing WotC have ever done with a banning. Even Bridge from Below was somewhat justifiable because that's frankly a card that shouldn't exist even absent Hogaak as it only works when it's being exploited and there's not even a conceivably fair way to run it. Shuko is a fucking dog turd equipment. It would be too embarrassing.
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Hoot-anon, can we talk about your fevered visions list? I played fv in inistrad/kaladesh and it was one of my favorite decks. You posted your list in another thread but I couldn't make out some of the cards. Do you have a link to the list, rather than those pictures you post? Fucking shame vision skeins isn't pioneer legal
Thoracle ban would be great for the format(s) even if Nadu didn't exist
so goldfish is going under right
without decklists, it's a worse moxfield or mtgtop8
Don't you have some situations you need to monitor, Mr. Rosewater?
The amount of fucking imagination they will need to make that ban even not bsolutely laughable and dishonest is unreal, i mean literally there is no single fucking way you could justify banning Shuko for the bird.
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For me, my favourite Magic format is old-school '93-'94 format. Here is a pic of one of my favourite old-school cards, SuChi. They don't make beat-sticks like this anymore.
Haven't people tried it out and determined Hogaak kinda crushes Nadu? Like both can just combo out, but if the combo flops, Hogaak's still just an 8/8.
>Print an indestructible better phyrexian arena for 4 generic mana that also time walks you when you play it
Who would have seen this to be broken
gonna let you in on a little secret, sometimes wizards prints broken cards on purpose
It's gonna be a weird world once this invariably gets powercreeped
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Honestly modern is a better format with TOR in it. 4 mana value engines need to be this powerful to see play (see also how even the once-OP JtMS is basically a joke now). It single-handedly let Jeskai Control be a deck.
I really really wish there was an extension that could automatically detect frog/wojak posts and filter them.
Source on this patriot?
well doi, boseiju exists
Dont worry bros.
Step:1 Print busted insufferable card everyone ask to die
Step 2: Make EVERYTHING you can to save the card, sometimes will be a side ban, sometimes ignore the claims while you say everything is fine...
Step 3: Sell all the possible packs
Step 4: PROFIT
Step 5: Now after squeeze until the last sheckel, you NOW can ban the card or simply print a new answer.
To play devil's advocate here, Shuko was already an enabler for Cephalid Breakfast. Nadu is just a roided up, Modern legal version of that. Hell, Cephalid Breakfast IS a Nadu deck now. If they ever printed another exploitable "Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability..." effect, Shuko would be the go-to enabler for that too. As previously said, the card is very weak on its own and is basically unplayable as a fair card. In other words, they can still spin it as a Bridge from Below or Mycosynth Lattice situation where it has no use case except enabling something degenerate.
But it'll still be a Hogaak situation where they're refusing the address the actual problem because banning a hot new card is the worst possible outcome in their eyes.
They should ban both Nadu and Shuko. Nadu is busted even without infinite targeting, and Shuko is a card that is either garbage or degenerate.
I wholly expect a Shuko ban, and I wholly expect Nadu to get stronger once it relies more heavily on Outrider.
They shouldn't ban anything. The meta will adapt. The format has all the tools needed to deal with it. We're waiting to see how the next set will impact the meta. We can't ban anything because it would be disruptive toward upcoming events. All of the macro-archetypes are seeing play. The meta is healthy and diverse and there is plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed. According to our data, the deck doesn't have a disproportionate win rate. We're monitoring the situation. We'll take a closer look at the format in the coming months.
>T. Mark Roswater
P.D: The Monitoring will continue, don't worry and keep buying packs, bois!!! :^)
>The meta will adapt
I remember reading these same comments after PT Oath.
nadu doesnt use thoracle, it's only on modo because timer, you dont need it at all in paper
pichu spotted
Generally you get another turn and 2 activations
It's almost Time Walk + Ancestral Recall
Personally, I like the MH3 cards for legacy
Froggy is fun, the new lands have made Oops! better, and D&T gets a new toy
We have Force of Will in our format, so Nadu isn't especially broken
2.5 mb .txt file of all my MD5 filters, mostly frogs, wojaks and goldface but it's a bit outdated.
>The format has all the tools needed to deal with it
This is like the ultimate insult to all the MTG players intelligence, you can't say this when you just had a world wide tournament with the best players in the world where they clearly showed the meta HAS NO TOOL against the deck.

This is not a Vampires situtation where people were unprepared, pros cracked already the MH3 meta and even with the hate you can bring to stop the bird, he literally buttfucked the PT, saying such thing like the meta will adapt because it has the tools after this is like believe people is retarded or something.
ありがとうございます senpai, hopefully it'll improve my 4chan experience even slightly.
To be fair, they were saying that before the PT and everyone thought Harsh Mentor was going to do something instead of almost nothing.
Harsh Mentor was dumpstering the Nadu decks until he ran into the one player running mainboard Stormdrake iirc. But of course, Chord of Calling's ridiculous flexibility isn't the problem AT ALL.
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Didn't you people say this guy was supposed to be based
i can't understand this whole obssesion with a shit scam format like modern
Cedric was an amazing caster with Patrick O'Sullivan, but as a person he's a knee-bending faggot.
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I undervalued this little guy during spoiler season so much, I looked at him and thought eh maybe he's like a good limited rare. I'll never pretend I'm good at evaluating cards again
used to be good apparently but was taken away
meme or dream?
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forgot pic
It was the most popular format for a while.
zoom zooms and numagic players wont get it but for the 2010s modern and magic were interchangeable
has black totally lost access to first strike, it used to have at least a few cards with it, knights some vamps etc.
it seems that way
Yeah, I think they pretty much only let Black have it with knights and other callbacks like that. Last Black creature with first strike (that wasn't just an Odric-style "gets first strike if such-and-such has first strike") was... From AFR, actually. And even that was situational. Seems they lean more into menace and flying for black, and first strike was probably just 'too much'.
Bloodghast/Ichorid likes wouldn't hurt.
additionally seems like first strike has been surpassed by double which is almost exclusively white and red.

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