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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
See >>93249593 >>93249732
>Can completely ignore cause and effect which magic in most settings don’t actually do
How Vexing.
At the end the last drawback in the darkness jump is impossible with only things in jump, right?
Not necessarily. Shaped Finality and a whole lot of extremely difficult struggling should get you as strong as-or perhaps even stronger than-the Witness in less than a decade if you're (very) lucky, and from there you'll have what you need to actually win. It won't be easy and you'll probably get shitstomped at first, but take advantage of their singular act of mercy and you should win.
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Is anyone else terrible at coming up with first jump builds? I either get stuck for hours trying find a perfect build or I actually make one and then lose interest because I made myself way too strong off the rip.
Honestly I just see that if the stuff in the other jumps did not help create and is the foundation of workings of the entire universe like with Light and Dark, then the Vex can assimilate and simulate it.
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does we has a kinitopet jump?
>Jump doxxes you
I don't get how someone as based as Shard could get into something as cringe as Destiny.
Magic is paracausal by definition. Also Chaos God's would hard counter the Vex. They regularly faced off against God's of order doing the same crap
This is the same guy that plays Fallen London.
No they don't. The Chaos Gods can't even beat the Imperium on a tactical level let alone a strategic one, C'tan shit all over them.
Chaos lost to a few elves. Cry about it.
personally I just try to make a build of a character that would reasonably make sense as a protagonist or side-character within the stoy and who I am actually interested in exploring.

Trying to min-max jumps just doesen't do it for me, considering how much they're skewed for the benefit of the jumper.
My problem is less minmaxing jumps, more that there's a lot of stuff I want immediately instead of waiting 10 years to go to another jump for. I want to be free of financial obligations, to have growth potential and accelerated development, versatile and self sufficient abilities, and also to ascend beyond my mortal flesh.
You get a chain but you are a woman in a fused setting of JJK and Victim Girls.
Do I get 1000 cp for both jumps, or am I split between them?
You get 1000CP between them.

Sure, whatever. I'll be a villainous bitch and murder a ton of girls for fun and profit. Picking up the timestop perk out of origin would be murder on my budget, but since it won't have VG's 'You WILL job eventually' aspect tacked onto it like unfair advantage does it should be safe enough.

Now, what setting do I want to inflict JK/VG logic onto... I dunno, Jojo? Then people can make dumbass "it's the same type of stand" comments about me and jotaro/dio.
that is still you min-maxing your chain, rather than making a character you're actually interested in.
With both Shaped Finality and Heresiarch, can I use the Darkness like...well, The Light? That is-instead of collapsing possibilities into simplicity, can I expand possibilities and create greater complexity through Darkness even though that should go directly against its principles?
Don't choose OP jumps as a first jump maybe?
>Go to JJK
>Get a goth waifu with Comedian and a dark sense of humor
>She accidentally kills you because she thinks how funny it would be if you got hit by a car and exploded
Where can I get psionics that's basically magic, chi manipulation that's basically magic and tech that's basically magic?
I don't like magic, but like what it does
>Go to JJK
>Get a goth waifu with a Comedian-esque CT that works as a porn aura instead
>Saga of the exiles
So I take the Victim Boys drawback. You didn't say I had to be a Victim, just a woman.
Do you guys also like to take certain people along the journey that you don't take as companions or followers or servants, just as their normal self each jump?
I take certain Charakters with me because I enjoy them, gift them a few things and then let them do their own thing, sometimes letting them settle on a world we visit
>psionics that's basically magic
Star Wars jumps
>chi manipulation that's basically magic
Xianxia Jumps
>tech that's basically magic
technically a thing in DC as we see with the Villain Abra Kadabra, dont think any jump explicitly offers it, but you can technically get it in Justice League Unlimited by taking the magic perk with a science power source(at least thats how KOTOR said it would manifest).
Unfortunately you are still under the Gege anti-woman field and no longer protected by the rape field preventing your immediate expiration. Either become a clone of Toji immediately or die.
who the fuck are gege and toji
Norse Myth got this item
>Draupnir -100
>A beautiful golden ring which will create 8 duplicates of itself each ninth night, so as to increase your wealth. For an additional -100cp. Each following duplicate will create 8 duplicates of itself each ninth night until you decide that enough is enough else the world will drown in gold.
What are some good Rings from other setting to import into it?
the one ring from exalted mortals.
>Knows nothing about JJK
Then why respond?
For some reason I thought we were talking about jk exorcist.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolling for the Nobara training arc and breeding arc
you're a bad teacher and fail to get it up.
I've had the past week off and made only two fucking builds in that whole time
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolling to turn Sukuna into a helpless little loli without any powers.
He's now a busty large woman with more powers than ever before. She can now do Judgement Cut.
The Ring of Elru or however it's spelled.
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Best powers for an evilmaxxing powerslut? Reality warping to make everything shittier would be nice, or some power that you can flick on to easily fuck up the lives of those who trust you
I know that's from the Overlord jump but not everyone has the items from every jump memorised.
Isn't that just corruption?
the one ring from lord of the rings

I had a pure artifact deck in mtg where I had some lands that could pull artifacts out of the graveyard and one that could become a copy of another artifact. I played the one ring five turns in a row with only two copies of it in my deck and that was fucking hilarious. I wish I could have seen the other guys face.
This reminds me of an OC stand I made called March of the Black Queen where everything around it got degenerated to the point people turn into monsters under the command of the stand, and a large area around the stand has become an MC Esher nonsense world that only the user and stand know how to navigate.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolling to expand her boobs until she is immobilized by them.
They are big enough to hinder her, but not significantly.
[SMT 1/Devil Survivor 2 redux]

In which my Jumper discovers the Axiom/Great Will/Great Reason/whatever, and loses his shit at it.
I don't either but hey, here we are.

The gesture of mercy has been removed in the latest patch, but yeah the fact that the Witness COULD retaliate at all and wipe them all out tells m there's a chance. However slim. Even though you WILL need to bring your A-game.
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Use Sword & Sorcery for your first jump. You can pick up stuff to get started on most chain themes, and both the jump and the setting lend themselves really well to storytelling.
Can you post the latest version? Also-any chance of more drawbacks, pls?

>more drawbacks
You will NOT buy everything in the jump, and you will be happy.
Frankly my issue is that everything I like is scattered around the jump with massive price tags. I want Heresiarch, the Anthem Anatheme, the power to Take, and oh look-those three things alone are 1700 CP and I can only drop that down to 1100 if I go Ahamkara when I don't really want anything in that perkline beyond the Anthem. Unless that's changed in the latest version.
>Nobilis - Excrusian perk line
>Fate/Oasis of Fantasy - Dark One perkline
>Fate/Garden of Avalon - Threat perkline
>DC Comics - Villain perk line
>Exalted - The Abyssals
>Exalted - The Infernals

NTA, but I have to admit that it's weird to see a jump of yours without more 400 or more CP drawbacks.
>>Nobilis - Excrusian perk line
>>Fate/Oasis of Fantasy - Dark One perkline
>>Fate/Garden of Avalon - Threat perkline
>>DC Comics - Villain perk line
>>Exalted - The Abyssals
>>Exalted - The Infernals
nice, thank you
I mean I'm kinda bad at figuring out a drawback budget already as you can tell by the fact I can't actually eyeball an appropriate drawback limit, so I figure practicing moderation for once might be a good change.
I guess you also have the Warriors of Chaos, Dark Elves, Dark Eldar and Primarchs (Traitor perkline) jumps for making the world generally worse.
That cursed ring from the same jump
Make everyone in the world murderously greedy
Shard I took the drawback that make it so a faction think I'm an heretic 8 times, how screwed am I and how many possibilities I have to realize their wish to kill me in such a way I can free myself from the prisons I'm sealed in?
Pretty damn screwed.
>Prismatic Symmetry now 400 CP
...If I make enemies of the Scorn as well, then I've got just enough to add Sword Logic to my build once again!
Don't listen to the begging cunts, anons need to stop expecting being able to buy half or more of all the capstones in a jump.
Yeah don't worry, I'm not adding drawbacks.
I was once a drawbacks maxxer, but nowadays I often find it overkill to take many drawbacks.
What are your favorite oc companions /JC/?
Quick question: does Heresiarch only work for externally granted power systems, or does it also work for innate things?
Got it, just wanted to make sure.
Shard, going off the example of Miquella, is there any boss in the main plot of Elden Ring a God cannot just nuke from a mile away?
That's a Touhou hgame?!
Heresiarch doesn't let me make a power stronger, but there's nothing stopping me into specializing it into permanently buffing someone else's power, using that buff on the person who empowered me in the first place, let them give me an even stronger blessing with their own enhanced power, specialize that into buffing, and repeat ad infinitum until I'm strong enough to do whatever it is I want, right?
I know that Taken reform when they're killed but the "Take Your New Shape" perk doesn't mention it. Does this mean it counts as chain failure?

Also, if you take the Taken origin and choose to be a Worm for example, do you get their abilities as described in "Symbiotic Sorcery" or is it just the physical forrm of a Worm you'd get?
I'm really wondering how the Gods would think about seeing this random guy showing up, and having all those treasures.
Imagine the mofos having fucking Gungnir and Mjolnir, and Odin going Nigga what?
Well it's not like in the mythos, they are ballbustingly powerful, as every Gods can actually use them, but it belong to them n shit
The Elden Beast.

That just sounds like a more convoluted version of the tithing system which you don't need Heresiarch for.

What no, although how "you" you are after being Taken is so ambiguous I didn't feel the need to get in the way of fanwank. To the extent it matters, judging on the case of Riven pretty sure you need to be purified with something like extra strength Light (or maybe disintegrated with extra strength Darkness) to bypass the Taken immortality.

Also yes you get the abilities.
>The Elden Beast.
Nta but I imagine it would be easy to nuke it, if only you could take out the multiple condoms around him.
Condoms being the barrier, the tree, Marika/Radagon, and whatever space dimension it is in.
Wait-if I'm a Taken Hive, do I get the Sword Logic for free as well as the Taken perk? Do I get any discounts on the Hive perkline?
As I understand it, tithing only gives you more Paracasuasual power and requires you to sacrifice your own gains. This wouldn't necessarily require you to sacrifice your own gains, and the final step is "do literally anything under power level X" rather then being merely locked to what paracasual power from Destiny is naturally capable of doing.
Mainly I just think that if it was that easy to nuke it, instead of going through the whole song and dance Marika would've just told Godfrey to get his most powerful boys to form a raiding party and suplex it to death like he conquered apparently every other enemy of the Erdtree.

You get the sword logic but no discounts.

>tithing only gives you more Paracasuasual power and requires you to sacrifice your own gains.
Well, that's the funny thing-the two competent Hive Gods themselves were constantly coming up with ways to game the system. Oryx's was to just kill a Worm God and take it's power. Savathun may or may not at one point have wanted to create a black hole to let her farm infinite tithes in time dilations. Eris' "hack" was letting Guardians do the killing for her. So honestly that's literally fine and on par with what the actual Hive were trying to do to get around it's limits, I mean at one point some Hive stitched themselves together to avenge themselves on other Hive.
>Elden Beast
Are you sure about that
But could Godfrey actually just rip that primordial tree to shreds, and the seal?
Women are all over that dude
Question: How big is Clarity Control? It's description states that it can take the shape of, among other things, "a much smaller space turnip," so I know it's smaller than the Veil, but how much smaller? Is it the size of a human? A Ghost? The actual Clarity Control statue in Canon? Though, that last one doesn't seem /that/ much smaller than the Veil...
Again if he could have, pretty sure Marika would've just ordered it

Positive, it's unfair to pit the mere Elden Beast against the mighty PC Tarnished.
Hmm...it might just be worth adjusting my build for that regardless. If I go Taken Ahamkara, then I can get the Anthem Anatheme for free-and frankly that's the only thing I want from that perkline entirely. Just not sure about what I want from the Taken perkline beyond Take Back What's Given. I'll have to think on this.
Okay, but the bigger gain here is that instead of having a lot of Darkness power at the end, you have the ability to do literally anything, and if you can't do the thing you want you just need to keep cycling more. I have had many, many screaming fights in this thread about how that is not an appropriate OC power to offer in a community driven CYOA about collecting powers from different universes.
Oh I imagined it around the size of the Clarity Control statue.

>doesn't seem /that/ much smaller
Still a bit smalle tho, like when you fight Calus for realsies the space turnip randomly starts sprouting an arena of thorns to cage the two of you in. I assume that's not even Calus' Disciple powers and more the Winnower bending it's own noninterference clause because it's super hyped to Thunderdome but with Guardians vs a Disciple

>you have the ability to do literally anything
I'm not sure I'd be that optimistic boss, while Sword Logic is real good for mass production it's not even clear if it's a legitimate manifestation of the Darkness or just something the Worms cooked up. None of the Disciples even bother with it, and they and the Witness view the Hive as chumps despite all of Oryx's successes and Savathun actually inflicting a ritual on Nezarec. This is going to sound ridiculous and powerwanky but I say this based on a story that has concluded with the guy powerful enough to put the Traveller in a chokehold getting blown up: I can't think of a reason why the thing you suggested can't work as long as you have a friend you can trust. BUT.

There is a non-zero chance the "pure" Darkness powers like Strand and Strand can be wanked to accomplish EVEN MORE extreme shit. I mean Strand at least is vaguely alluded to being the key to both Nezarec's bond with pain itself, as well as maybe the Witness' state of being. Stasis let Zavala function on the battlefield after a FEW HOURS of study. And Prismatic is, well, Prismatic.
Oh hey, it's you GenericAnon. Please kill yourself.
You get a chain but you're a female Catholic mystic and believe Jesus is your boyfriend (he isn't)
Here I expected Better Moonveil.

I'm more over that elf, but I guess I'm a dude.

But we are talking about nuking, not ripping.

>Positive, it's unfair to pit the mere Elden Beast against the mighty PC Tarnished.
Nta what's weirder is that the "weapon to kill a God" is basically a sufficiently reinforced, with as the final touch, an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (Or SOMBER for special weapons) we go back to demon's souls with doz longass name boiz which "twist time", whatever the fuck that mean, but storywise, it seems essential to beat Marika/Radagon/Elden Beast.
...So how the fuck does that work for spells?
>which "twist time"
It's just another Berserk reference. Skull Knight's behelit sword was made to kill the God Hand and it can fuck with causality aka twisting time. People read way too much into something that's as simple as "it's Berserk reference in our OC setting"
>Oh I imagined it around the size of the Clarity Control statue.
Okay. Thank you for your time.
Put your trip on GenericAnon.
>it's Berserk reference
That's cool, it's still part of Elden Ring too now.
No, it's a rape game where pretty much every demon fucks and impregnates (You) if you lose to them.
I mean, that's not as weird as you think it is. A priestess being symbolically married to a god (and perhaps even believing so herself) is old hat.
>(he isn't)
You can change that.
Touhou is just a japanese word that means "Eastern" or "oriental"
What are some quick-and-dirty tricks for writing out Jumper's interaction with historical setting, especially early-Chain? Say you've got a Jumper who's a PJO demigod Jump 1 successfully saves the Titanic in Jump 2 (yes, we have a jump for the movie Titanic). What are the quick tricks for figuring out the butterflies from there?
I think the consequences of saving the Titanic are far less than the consequences of demigods being revealed to exist and walk among the Earth.
Yes, and I also have to account for that in the moment, but the decisions made by every single person who would otherwise have drowned or frozen to death and thus been unable to make further decisions must be accounted for, and every response to every one of those decisions, and every consequence of people being born who otherwise would not have because one of their parents is supposed to be at the bottom of the sea, so on and so forth.
You're not the first cultivator to ever exist. This is called dual cultivation, by the by. And there's some small issues with that.
>1: You need to master a power system before you can grant it to others
Each "cycle" of your dual cultivation will fundamentally require a great deal of time and effort as you master each level of it.
>2: Your partner will be hardcapped at whatever powerlevel you granted them unless they were already stronger than you anyways
This loophole requires an imbalance of power; someone needs to be significantly stronger than you first before you can take advantage of it. If they're weaker than you when you grant them this power system, at best they can reach the same level of strength you achieved when you mastered it. It only becomes useful if your benefactor is stronger than you, since you can add your power to them and thus get a far more powerful blessing/power when you do this cycle.
>3: You need an infinite number of highly similar power systems to achieve this
It's all well and good to say you can spec into buffing things with various blessings, but /what is a blessing/? You need a power system to actually take advantage of this; Sword Logic, Light, Dark, /something/-and each cycle you aren't going to be able to use the same power system since granting you a system you already have wouldn't really do anything. There's workarounds for such a thing-like using an Ahamkara and making wishes for various power systems-but that's tricky.
>4: You're basically putting your life in someone else's hands
This is more of a trust issue that can be mitigated with the right companions or perks, but throughout this dual cultivation bullshit you're gonna end up putting your life in their hands over and over again, just trusting that they're not going to use their newfound power to crush you and go on their merry way. Not an issue for the right companions, but still something to think about. And at the end of this, you'll always have an equal.
Just take the Christian approach and assume there's a general "flow" of history/divine plan and therefore there isn't a butterfly effect because the grand scheme has already been laid out. Only really big stuff you change would actually matter, like making Germany win World War 2 or turning all of Britain into vampires.
Street fighter. Capstone boosted Psycho Power.
>It was by divine providence that Hitler failed to get into art school and ended up as a dictator instead
File deleted.
That's called the flow of Calamity
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>respond to post after putting image in top post
>It posts the image you wanted to post on the top onto a post meant to have no image
This, too, is a form of calamity.

Anyways, good morning, gang.
Did you have to highlight everything?
Good morning, how is it going?
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>how is it going?
I'm probably gonna take a shower cuz I'm sweaty and stinky from doing pushups.
For starters, look up the conspiracy theories surrounding the Titanic.
Psycho, please if might, answer this question I have. Calamity in Jojo is more or less Causality, or some form of destiny, right?

If so, wouldn't an Anti Destiny Perk allow us to re arrange Tooru's face without fear of WoU ordering our death via Rube Goldberg Machine?
Is there a wiki for out of cruel space races?
Well ship safety takes a longer time to get up to snuff. Lifeboats for everyone was a direct result to that.
According to Araki it's Logic.
JUMP #0153: Inheritance Cycle

Location: Helgrind
Age: rolled 8 +15 = 23
Gender: Male
Origin: Sorcerer (400)
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Spirits (200)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus [Import my wand] (free)
Import x8 (400)
>Angela's Attention (+100)
>Shade's Target (+300)

Ryan +400
Gender: Male
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Lorelei +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Sophia +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Mortimer +400
Gender: Male
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Elizabeth +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Talisa +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Heather +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Gaia +400
Gender: Female
Origin: Sorcerer
Race: Ra'zac (+200)
>Enhanced Sense (free)
>Mental Shields (Rank 2, 100)
>Protected Name (200)
>Magic (free)
>Scholar (free)
>Intentional Magic (300)
>An Ancient Language Dictionary (free)
>A Focus (free)

Commentary: First of yes, I know this is bullshit but eh don't really care. My companions and I are a kind of power block all on our own. Nine dinosaur sorcerers united seem powerful even without OCP taken into consideration. Relations with the Brodding Empire deteriorate quickly. I have little patience for Galbatorix and his attempts to command me around. Helping the rebellion in various ways is the order of the day. As an aside, TES Shouts/Thuum seems hilariously compatible with the Ancient Language magic. 2/2
The other guy's right. It's a kind of destiny, but in the deterministic "the universe is a machine and also you're just a determined flesh machine reacting to external stimuli so cause and effect is your destiny" sense. Unless the perk can ignore logic and cause and effect (it would likely have to be both) it wouldn't stop Calamity
So a Guardian would be able to punch Tooru in the face without issues?
That is a nice coat
Guardians get nice loot.
I want to use UQ Holder as a first jump so I can be an AI, but Elder Immortal comes with hundreds of years of memories. What jumps have solid ways to handle that problem so I can take UQ Holder as my 2nd jump?
So, to beat Tooru's ass I need to go to Destiny and become Paracasual?

I mean, there is Go Beyond, but from what I have kind read on the wiki, Josuke beating Tooru was a sort of miracle. Sure, guy had the ability to do so, but the set up required was just silly.
DC Comics
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I don't know what that is, but it they can ignore logic then yes. The whole idea of Wonder of U is that everything is based in logic and has to abide by logic, therefore nothing can get past it. If you can ignore logic ala Go Beyond then you can get past the defenses and hit Tooru/WoU.
There is Chronicles of Narnia, which has The Preservation of Man. That ought to be of help.
>Sure, guy had the ability to do so, but the set up required was just silly.
I mean, the jump does just have an option to buy a Go Beyond style ability which can hurt Tooru/WoU.
Guardians are paracausal; they are able to ignore cause and effect to achieve the impossible. It's kinda their whole thing, and why they keep winning against the likes of the Vex who are able to achieve effectively limited omnipotence within their own powerbases so long as it remains within causal forces.
I'm so fucking sick of this paracausality obsession our resident shitposter is on. It's just a Perfect Defense NLF in a different fucking flavor
literally the 100cp perks in uq holder
What kinds of impossible things?
NTA, no one takes 100CP perks lol get out of here
It's retarded that you can even purchase Anthem Anatheme separately from being a wish dragon. And all of these things you're wanting are big-ticket powers that would make you a major threat.
When Pain was fighting Naruto and said "My viralborgian paracausal cardinality is far greater than YOOOOUUUURRRRRSSSS!!!" I clapped.
As an ai couldnt you just compartmentalize the memories?
Generating matter and energy from nothing (Solar), eliminating matter and energy (Void), shattering fate and being unpredictable (Vex can't predict them 100%), tearing their way into other dimensions (with the right circumstances and a great deal of efforts), reviving from death, killing things that should be absurdly out of your league like giant gods or energy beings with relatively simple weaponry, resisting influence from temporal and reality-warping effects to various degrees...

Guardians have a whole lot of power under the hood, even if shitposters like to simplify them as just "guy with gun". It's actually a whole lot more than that and it's even evident in the gameplay itself if you actually dig into it.
I do. They are free.
The problem is that I would be a completely different person due to the deluge of experience that eclipses my own
You can be an AI in both The Culture - Bioscale and Minds.
No, it's by no means evident in anything, even your shitty lore. Destiny sucks ass and transparently makes less narrative sense than the WWE, stop talking about it.
I love you (platonically). Please keep being based.
I do? They often have nice flavour or unique benefits, or good utility. Sorry not everyone is the same as you mister CAPSTONE CAPSTONE CAPSTONE ugh some drawbacks I guess THAT'S THE BUILD
Nah. Keep seething.
You are an ai. You can literally just lock your personality if you want. Just shove the memories into their own folder and sort them as needed.
That doesn't sound like ignoring cause and effect though. Like, if they can shoot a bullet that ignores logic sure they could hit WoU but if not raindrops are gonna tear their body apart or it will be revealed that several hours before they ever fought WoU they ate a piece of chicken with a horrible disease in it and they'll start throwing up their organs.

Most of that shit can be accomplished by stands and basically every stand besides Go Beyond loses to WoU.
How do you guys keep up with companions? I cant keep track of them after the jump they come in. Makes me feel bad for going to jumps with really generous companion options because when I take them they seem to be forgotten really quickly.
See >>93251332
The Light can do it because 'it just works' with no explanations is the entire story of Destiny, don't reply to shitposters asking about this shit.
I just don't take more than 4-8 companions.
>b-b-but collect girls!!
>b-b-but cheap/free companions!!!
who cares
I just have a list of my Jumper's companions and all of the perks/items they have, respectively.
While you have a point on that, I'd argue that a Guardian could still brute-force their defenses to push through a lot of Wonder of U's bullshit. The Flow of Calamity is explicitly the logic of the world, and Light explicitly supersedes the normal physics/laws of the world, so at the very least I would figure a prepared Guardian has some degree of resilience against its effects. A baby Guardian or one who is unprepared would probably get shitstomped though-Light is paracausal, humans wielding Light are fallible.
1a. Worms can do the Anthem stuff and recent lore has confirmed they are very much a separate species from wish-dragons

1b. Unveiling describes the Anthem as the first gradient in existence, implying it's very much something not unique to the Ahamkara and there were other entities that evolved to use it. Other than Worms and Ahamkara, while not confirmed another suspected candidate is the Tree of Silver Wings itself since the description of Osiris retrieving it's seed from the Black Garden is...trippy, features the Seed compelling him to bring it out of the garden, and after he decides to Osiris ends up back on the ship with the seed having retroactively not gone into the Black Garden at all.

2. We've had a Guardian partially integrated into the Vex hivemind (Asher), a partially-Taken Guardian (Sloane), a very famous Guardian with Sword Logic and hive bits basically grafted into her (Eris) and the entire thrust of post-Lightfall Destiny has been about how the dualistic war of Light and Darkness is a spook and a meme engineered by the Witness and that these powerful paracausal forces work better in synch, and how even Hive are valid Guardian targets.

3. So like, on that basis making all the big race space magic powers purchasable felt acceptable as long as it's a hefty price for buying without being part of said race.

>They can ignore logic
That is basically the idea, yeah. It's not that, even in-universe, throwing a fireball is impossible. It's that the process of how Guardians throw fireballs bypasses traditional ideas of convection, thermal energy transfer and just goes "you want fireball, you get fireball" or in the Well of Radiance's case "normally radiation just burns people alive but because you want it to happen radiation heals people and makes them stronger"

I cant even keep up with the 1 I have. I forget they exist.

Do you do anything with them or just collect them?
Nta but also random bubbles, even if with a special meaning and structure, don't seem to ignore logic, I think that the light could manage.
So Light is omnipotence? Because it can do anything with no justification.
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These waifus are abandoned, sad, lonely, in need of a good home. For just 0cp, you can give these poor waifus the love they so desperately need. Become a waifu adopter today.
So what's stopping a Guardian from wanting a planet or star to explode and then it exploding?
Fuck off
Here is a JoJo analogue I hope helps explains why ordinary old Guardian fireballs are supposed to be contenders against Hive Knights that can cut tanks in half by stabbing 100 soldiers with minimal shitposting. You know how JoJo has the idea that fate underlies all phenomena, from eating ice cream to Stand users being destined to meet each other, and all events are predetermined? And as a result, some villains like to claim their actions "are in accord with fate" because they're powerful so clearly fate wants them to win? But also that inherent moral standards, and the conviction and willpower to walk the path of justice no matter how hard it is, supersedes even fate and realise a reality that can overturn it as the "true fate"? The Darkness is kind of like fate in Destiny, it's the idea that self-interest and dominance wins because it's just common sense. And the Light i.e. the Guardian fireballs is like "true fate" where the generosity of a big ball means that the fireball this one Guardian throws can go SONO CHI NO SADAMEEEEEEEEEEE and knock out a hyper-intelligent robot's fucking lights while it flails around going "M-masaka! Bakana! My calculations were correct to two trillion universes' worth of simulations, but this man's burning spirit is defying logic and reason! How could this be happening to me?!"

Light exists outside of the normal laws, but its wielders don't. They have to strain and work at wielding it, and can only channel/wield so much of it at a time to supersede those laws that they're bound to. Yes, with enough Light and skill at wielding it you can wave a hand and blow up a planet. No single human has ever managed to wield that much Light at once. Light also works better by preserving and increasing complexity in systems-it works to make more of life and create more possibilities. Using it for destruction and punching things (the way Guardians do) is actually some of its weakest applications.
That's a completely incoherent explanation. Measurable quantity is a logical construct. It doesn't matter if the wielder of an omnipotent power is notionally not omnipotent, they will instantly become omnipotent by simply using their omnipotent power to give them omnipotence. Skill in use is objectively measurable in relative terms, also irrelevant because you can just will yourself to be better at using omnipotence.
In the sense that being Erza is omnipotence. Which is to say you can build space age tech to siphon it, dampen or even define how it works with a powerful Darkness-infused area, just fuck over the user with superior dakka or shoot their Ghosts, kill everything around the user so they starve to death and lose the will to fight, or wipe them from reality as long as they can't figure out a way around it.

That's what the philosophy of the Light is behind all the navalgazing, it's the philosophy of believing in doing a little better every day and creating an opportunity where none exists. Like say, if a Traveller-strangling hivemind was trying to trap you in a transcendental equation there IS a very real, very dire risk of you and your fireteam being trapped and taken out. However, because you have the Light there's a chance, however slim, to break out by using your abilities to manipulate the energies and circumstances of how shit manifests around you to escape. Like say, by playing a very convoluted puzzle involving throwing shapes through holes.

Same thing that stops a Jedi from dunking someone into a black hole, the Light being the almighty source code of the universe =/= every Light user being able to use it to maximum potential or have enough of it to do that.

Same reason why the Witness hasn't been usurped by a random Thrall.
Okay, well in that case it does seem like it can get past WoU.
Why? Things can arbitrarily not be part of logic even while seeming normal.
Thanks for confirming that The Light is literally outerversal in scope and power
>It doesn't matter if the wielder of an omnipotent power is notionally not omnipote
I'd like to repeat the Force analogy because the way humans use the Light is kinda like the Force at a surface level: Not every Jedi is Yoda, not every Sith is Palpatine, and not every Guardian is the Lone Wolf.

I will repeat again for clarity's sake: The Light itself is outside logic, but the MEANS BY WHICH IT CAN BE HARNESSED AND DIRECTED are studied by minds that are very much bound by logic and for whom creating a fireball or smashing someone with a giant axe is much simpler than figuring out what kind of enlightenment thought exercise you need to use the Light to create a pocket universe by mashing it against enough Darkness (which has happened but in the case of the Black Fleet assaulting the Traveller, NOT a fight between a Guardian and a random Hive)
That just sounds like all of the Guardians are fucking idiots. Why don't they just be better at wielding their Godhood?
Two very important points that you are missing. Point number one: The Light isn't omnipotent. It exists outside of physical laws and acts to supersede them, but it is not capable of doing EVERYTHING at ALL times. It can modify the existent physical laws and achieve incredible things, but it cannot achieve EVERY thing. It has its own definite limits and it has its own definite rules that it has to follow. Those rules are not bound by normal physical laws, but instead are bound by the Light's laws-but they do exist. Let me repeat this so you understand: Light isn't omnipotent. It has rules. It just doesn't follow the universe's rules. It follows its own rules.

Point the second: You are not the Light incarnate. You are a logical construct. You can supersede your own logical nature only up to a point, because you are not Light incarnate. Playing by the Light's rules instead of the universe's rules isn't an easy thing for you because you are a logical construct trying to play by paracausal rules. You can only do so much with the thing because you are a causal construct trying to grasp at the rules of a paracausal force. And what you can achieve with it is only a small fraction of what its capable of that is limited by how much of it you can channel at a time. Let me repeat this in case you don't understand: you aren't the Light. You're a human wielding the Light. You have limits that the Light doesn't. You can't wield the Light perfectly.
Nah, getting past WoU is only 5D at most. 6D if we're being really out there. What are these powerscaling terms even supposed to mean? You have to be a mathematician, philosopher and theologian to figure out if Goku can beat Solaris from Sonic or not.
>It exists outside of physical laws and acts to supersede them
This is Omnipotence, flat out. It can make impossible things happen without explanation, that the Prime Mover. Effect without Cause, no limits. The idea of adding limits onto something that doesn't operate within logic is laughable. Just use the Light to circumvent those limits.
>That just sounds like all of the Guardians are fucking idiots
They canonically are.
Because nobody told them the Light could be used to attain godhood, and nobody has the time, patience or inclination to try. Because Earth is littered with Fallen running around scavenging everything, desolate zones where Light has gone haywire and caused natural disasters, and inert Golden Age superweapons. Because Earth attracts constant alien invasions leaving the Vanguard, the principle body of Guardians, a largely reactive force. Because the original Vanguard and Iron Lords formed from the best warriors among the Guardians, not the best scientists necessarily. Because humanity has adopted a religious view of the Traveller while having no guidance on how to analyse it scientifically. Because the best Guardian scientist was deemed an outcast for heretical opinions about the Traveller. Because Mara Sov is a stuck up bitch who can't decide if she wants to be worshipped or if she wants to do right by humanity despite the Awoken having functional magical powers thanks to their innate Light/Dark, to the extent all Riven needed to do to create the first Scorn was scoop out a little of Uldren's Darkness to revive him.

Because the universe's cosmic sweaty neckbeard (the Winnower) likes seeing people struggle more than it likes handing out unearned strategy guides, and because the universe's friendlier DM is bad at talking people AND can barely comprehend the idea of telling people what to do at all.
Not him obviously, but it's limited beings using an unlimited power in a scope limited by how they're limited. Moses could turn a stick into a snake and part the red sea, but he couldn't make the whole universe disappear even though the power is from God and God could do that if He wanted to.
So The Light can't touch WoU, thank you.
>Effect without Cause, no limits.
Nope. Effect without cause, WITH limits. It has its own rules and internal logic-it just doesn't operate on the logic of the rest of the universe.
>The idea of adding limits onto something that doesn't operate within logic is laughable
It HAS logic-it just doesn't operate on the logic of the universe. It operates on the logic of the Light. Understand this fact. IT. HAS. LOGIC. It operates on rules. It has its own system and principles. It doesn't obey the logic of the rest of the universe, but it has its own system that supersedes it.
>Just use the Light to circumvent those limits.
The Light is the one that established those limits. You're trying to do things with the Light that the Light won't let you do.
>This is Omnipotence, flat out
The Winnower beat up the Gardener in a fight to the extent such abstractions can experience defeat or loss, so clearly the Light has problems beating up the Darkness. You can't call yourself the Prime Mover if you canonically caught some Prime Hands.

At least, while the user is also periodically stopping the fight and offering peace.

Oh yeah and because a lot of scientific knowledge was lost from the Golden Age, almost forgot that little tidbit. Though desu from what we've seen of Clovis' diaries and other accounts they scarcely understood the Traveller any better.
>The Light is the one that established those limits
No, the universe is the one that establishes limits on your ability to wield Light, which is why you struggle with it, Light as established supersedes all functives of the material universe. So if the problem is you, then throw yourself away use the Light to become Light.
Unfortunately the Light doesn't like that and won't let you. That's more of a Dark thing.
>throw yourself away use the Light to become Light
Part of the problem is one of the "metamagic" rules the Light runs on is that it's always given, never taken. Ghaul tried exactly what you suggested, He started glowing and flying like a Super Saiyan; it might even have worked like you said, after a fashion, since he had advanced Cabal tech that can canonically siphon Light and reverse engineer abilities from the Taken. He then got immediately blown up by the Traveller because this is not how it wanted the Light used.

Rhulk also tried dissecting Ghosts for their Light. The Traveller again directly told him to fuck off and blew them up in his face.
See, that's not what I suggested. Light as described is a force of creation and growth, so only an idiot would try to steal it. Instead, just create more Light
Why can equations in DC mind control the entire multiverse?
The Light seeks to preserve, exalt and reward complexity, not simplicity. If you're throwing yourself away and turning yourself into pure Light-that doesn't sound like you're becoming a more complex being. That sounds like you're reducing yourself to pure Light. And the Light doesn't really care for itself-it wants to preserve the complexity of the universe, not increase its own power. So it wouldn't give a shit about increasing the supply of itself beyond what's needed to preserve and exalt complexity.
Because knowledge is power.
Point: Guardians are very uncomplicated.
>just create more Light
Here's the problem.
Nobody except the Traveller and a Jumper with the Drop-In capstone perk from Destiny: The Light can do that as far as we know.

>But can't the Light do anything?
Remember what I said about some things being easier to do with the Light than others? Let me put it this way: If, IF there is a way to create Light, then aliens that have known the Traveller for billions of years have no fucking clue how to figure out that trick. Your proposition of "just use the Light to create more Light" is a leap of logic on par with criticising modern humans for using combustion engines, and just asking particle physicists to hurry up and invent wormholes so we can hurry up and cross the universe already.

Another way to look at it is that Darkness is so plentiful because it's attached to consciousness, abstractions and ideas. Light is associated with physical phenomena like nuclear energy and the void-which means that it all goes back to one source: The Traveller, instead of being something you can increase a manifestation of by making people scared or bloodthirsty.

Tbh you should totally use the Darkness instead, it's much more receptive to ideas to powergame it.

In the Anti-Life Equation's case, because it's a Crisis Energy fundamental to the multiverse's makeup.

In the Life Equation's case, because it's literally the source code for how the multiverse functions.

We have already established that the Guardians are bad at using the Light for the purposes you have proposed, yes.
Well yeah, but because knowledge allows you to do stuff you couldn't otherwise do. The knowledge of how to start a fire unlocks countless possibilities for usage of the fire, but you don't just learn about starting fire and then a fire starts.
Counterpoint: Guardians are constantly assaulted and desperately trying to keep humanity alive against terrible causal and paracausal forces. They have neither the time nor inclination to figure out how to use Light for more than "kill the sunnuvabitch who wants to vivisect the universe, right fucking now".
>rosary beads
>Japanese beads
Why are beads so spiritually powerful?
Geisha Beads.
>Tbh you should totally use the Darkness instead, it's much more receptive to ideas to powergame it.
Nah I don't really care one way or the other which is better, I just started this stupid argument to force you and whoever else participated into arguing against the ridiculous proposition that the Light was omnipotent, and I only did that because the NLF shit being tossed about was pissing me the fuck off.
That's kind of mean when I was never part of the "The Light is omnipotent" brigade, but I suppose it's par the course for bad faith conversations. I'm not sure what you think you've achieved, but I hope it wasn't worth it.
It allows you to make millions of gold coins and cast any spell you know instantly and for free three times a day.
It was exactly what I wanted.
So you've literally just been shitstirring purely to poison the well of discussion?
So anyways a sufficiently strong Guardian can definitely punch WoU's lights out and ignore Calamity. That's literally how the Light works after all.
On the contrary, the discussion was shitposting before I even got here. I saved the discussion by killing it
So yes, you are an unrepentent shitposter unironically poisoning the well of discussion. Truly amazing.

Let's all pretend you never happened and get back to discussing Destiny then.
NTA, but no I think I'd rather discuss something else. Like Naruto, or Exalted. I frankly can't tell the difference between the shitposts and the good faith discourse about Destiny.
Yeah, pretty much. Not that it can do anything and everything literally, but that specific thing? Totally.

They're modelled after a jewel that in Japanese mythology is either secreted or created by deific beings so some of the spiritual significance is believed to rub off.
Because counting the balls is supposed to help you focus your thoughts on the Holy Trinity and Mary.

Honestly I'm just grateful the thread has completely accepted at face value Oryx killing Akka, who is the size of the fucking moon, because he had enough Sword Logic and still dying to a 4-6 man fireteam of Guardians (albeit after like 2 different boss stages) at face value.
Note, anyone who claims from now on that Guardians can defeat Stand users from now on is shitposting, put it on the wall.
Yeah, but it's DC. So rather than just accept that idea in the abstract, they said, "But what if, because of narratives and because the setting runs off of literal story logic, which is acknowledged in-universe, that saying was completely literal?" And so it was.
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So the kind of thing that would spook the Vex isn't magic but someone like Sonic who can spontaneously turn Super Sonic without any Chaos Emeralds by getting hit by a death ray designed to kill him?
God fuck Exalted, it's literally exactly the same kind of people as the ones wanking themselves off to Destiny
So Shard, in your opinion what WOULD count as paracausal in future jumps? Would things like Reiatsu in Bleach count? What about magic in Harry Potter? Persona from...Persona? Psychic powers from Psyren?

I know "paracausal" generally just translates to "magic" in Destiny, but it also tends to have a very specific meaning of superseding the normal physical laws and warping them as needed, so where exactly is the paracausal line drawn do you think?
They'd absolutely be spooked by magic too, but yes. Sonic would spook them-frankly he'd spook them even harder than magic. The Vex do not like his cuhrayzee bullshit.
Because they absorb root chakra.
That is how the Endless work after all.

Poor Psycho. He didn't ask to be put on a wall.

Yep. I brought Sonic up as a comparison for what would make the Vex go back to turtling in other settings for a reason.

I suppose a supernatural phenomena that's part of a force which is explicitly superior, at a fundamental level, to physics. Even like, shrink ray/time machine super science physics. The force doesn't have to have every single manifestation be overwhelmingly powerful, but the force as a whole has to be able to cut throug cause and effect to achieve X outcome; the Outsider's magic from Dishonoured is a good example, the magic itself is very low level but the Outsider as an entity is too out there to quantify easily.

Magic in HP no, because IIRC there's a bit about how magic is just part of the physical universe like time and space. Persona yes, Reaitsu no actually because the Thousand Year Blood War has shown you can totally build technology to control it to the extent of sealing away bankai or forcing Quincies to un-seal those bankai.
Any updates on that Light of Terra remake? It's been a bit since the last one.
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>They'd absolutely be spooked by magic too
Not if it obeys the scientific method.
So I finished writing a short chain and am suddenly in the mood for a leech chain. Which are the lowest power vampire options we have? I'm between What We Do in the Shadows vampires and being a vampire Demi in Interviews With Monster Girls and maybe Buffy vampires since they always looked like barely-above-human jobbers in the show but that might just be because they were facing a Slayer most of the time but we've got like two thousand jumps, so I might have missed something while looking through the drive.
We have a Muppets jump right? Is there a Count Chocula origin?
Everything obeys the scientific method. Even the Light and Dark. Sure with Light 1+1=3 and with Dark 1+1=0, but it does so consistently and repeatedly. Even if 1+1=duck, as long as it's consistently equalling duck then you can build off of that.
Why do so many sci fi action stories feel the need to ruin their worldbuilding with esoteric space magic? It NEVER makes them better.
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Ghost options that can possess machines? I like the idea of a spirit possessing an android body instead of being an AI.
Probably because most readers aren't as analytical as you, and think space magic is cool because it lets things go boom while people hold hands and believe in the power of friendship.
Shard, please ignore the unrepentant bad faith shitposter.
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>He didn't ask to be put on a wall.
People only do that for things they value. That must mean I'm valuable!
The Sesame Street jump does indeed have a Vampire race option. Thanks anon!
>They're modelled after a jewel that in Japanese mythology is either secreted
Does it has anything to do with the banquet made by the handmaidens of Amaterasu, that Tsukyiomi killed because he was so repulsed by the show (despite being warned multiple time he didn't want to know)?

I'm not sure if this is a shitpost of the guy actually think that.
Vampire McDonald's vampires have literally every weakness ever and are absurdly easy to kill. Just having a religious devotion to anything at all and shouting at them about it will kill them, including having a religious devotion to your job as a fast food employee.
It is in fact related to the objects hung out to lure Amaterasu from that cave after she ran away to be a hikki for a while.
So it wasn't actually shit. Huh. God, got scared for a bit.
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Shard, do you think I could use Light to make Eris look actually sexy instead of kinda frumpy and perpetually hunched over? I'm planning on giving her some of my Light via the Drop-in Capstone in Destiny The Light in return for her teaching me about Sword Logic and Darkness magics.
That does sound very weak; now I've got the image of one such vampire just turning to ash because he got too close to an idol concert.
When I think of low level vampires in jc my mind generally goes to our Blade jump. The average vamp there doesn't have any esoteric powers and is very, very weak to UV-light and silver. Go watch soem of those fights again Blade barely nicks soem of them and they collapse into ash.
That's a legitimate possibility. One way to kill them is to make a cross necklace out of plastic McDonald's straws and give them a hug.
At sufficiently high levels of mastery the Light can freely sculpt biology, the problem is those levels of mastery have only been shown by the Traveller. At the very least it's implied Traveller-enhanced SCIENCES like what the Fallen and the Witness' people had can sculpt flesh too.

They really are useless aren't they? The worst part is they're being clowned on by a halfbreed who just happens to own their weakness, like if any vampire ever turned against vampire society for whatever reason and bothered to gear up properly they'd kill their way through most of the leadership before anyone got desperate enough to wake up Dracula
Oh yeah, Blade! I can't believe I forgot about those, thanks. They also make me think of Underworld vampires, but those were a fair bit stronger than Blade vampires I think.

Wow, that's pretty pathetic. How are there even any vampires alive in that world? Does vampirism just get passed on like the flu or what?
>getting hit by a death ray designed to kill him
If I remember correctly, in that particular comic you posted it wasn't a death ray that did it. They were on a space station that was being powered by the chaos emeralds and Sonic grabbed a live wire in order to get at that sweet chaos energy.
I really can't tell if the Sonic autistic anon tries to insert him in everything on purpose as a shitpost or if he is legitimately trying to ask questions with a weird Sonic obsession.
You can be a manlet vampire in Ankle biters.
The weird thing is that the first movie proves that there is some form vampire blood magic. But it apparently has completely fallen to the way side. Sure betting on science is fine. The reapers from the second movie were a good attempt at improving the vampiric condition even if there were still kinks to work out. But why not research both?

UW vamps are both stronger/faster and have mental powers IIRC.
Oh yeah, another thing is that I believe they follow the rules where they can't enter unless they're invited, but also they are mystically compelled to leave if you tell them to. They even have to follow this compulsion if leaving your residence would directly cause their death. They have so many weaknesses they can come into conflict, like the mystical compulsion to leave thing contradicting an inability to cross flowing water (including a tiny leak flowing out a bathroom toilet).
I assumed the secrets of communing with the blood/koolaid god died with Deacon Frost, who seemed like kind of a jerk and would've probably tried to hoard them, and Blade would've probably tried to destroy what he could find afterwards. But who knows? The movies never really answer where Dracula came from, although I've always found it interesting he has the same Yautja jaws as the genetically engineered vampires.

Allegedly by the third movie vampire society is so fragmented that Danica's gang is pretty much the biggest organisation left, and they're a really small-looking outfit compared to the vampire nobility in 1 and 2. Even if they at least have a more modern HQ. I think Blade vampires just genuinely kind of suck at running a functional society because they keep backstabbing each other, given the plot of the second is that the main villain's dad used his son as a guinea pig.
>Wow, that's pretty pathetic. How are there even any vampires alive in that world? Does vampirism just get passed on like the flu or what?
Well, the thing is even with a billion weaknesses if you don't happen to have any on hand they are still a superhuman predator that can tear your throat out and also possesses hypnotism powers. The religious devotion thing probably isn't an issue most of the time cuz if you don't know how they work you're not gonna realize to quote scripture at them.
In this hypothetical JoJo analogue, wouldn't the Fallen be Dio while the Vex are Pillar Men?
Don't most vampires in Blade behave like evil and utterly unhinged party animals? There's probably just not many vampires capable of rubbing two neurons for long enough to do science, so researching esoteric blood magic bullshit probably got discarded in favor of more reliable science.

Alternatively, magical bullshit was just too expensive to invest in the budget for the movie's special effects beyond the bits that were used.
All possible explanations. Come to think of it, anyone here ever watch the Blade anime series? I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about it. I assume it being a cartoon it could do weird nonsense a bit easier than the live action movies.
Nah Dio is the Hive because the Hive are actually still dangerous instead of an increasingly pathetic pack of scavengers either befriended into allies or driven to the brink of extinction by basically one man, and the Vex are like...those weird cryptids and plants that can sometimes fuck with Stand users.

The Disciples are the Pillar Men.

Pretty much, it was real Vampire the Masquerade energy. Like the co-villain of the 3rd movie's plan was literally just to fuck Dracula in the hope of convincing him to save her race (presumably by doing the vampire sex bite thing that used to be big in the goth scene to upgrade her)
The only notably idiotic character is Mara.
Looking at >>93214343, >>93238945, >>93227939 and >>93251703 .I would lean towards Chris-chan level autism.
NTA but I was that first (you) in your lineup, and did none of the others. The last one also looks like it is fairly genuine but I wouldn't be able to tell.
JC has always been full of Sonicfans.
I don’t get why this is surprising.
>Kirsche leaves katchup pills in her mouth
Why am I not surprised?
Hypothetically, were someone to make a new Fallen London jump, what origins would you want and would it be a good idea to add multiple races?
>multiple races
Yeah for the more common ones absolutely, don't think we need to just become flukes or things like that though since it ain't sunless seas/skies. Maybe keeping it to what you can find in london somewhat regularly?

I mean keeping it simple aint ever wrong, Watchfull, Shadowy, Dangerous, Persuasive. Just throw a perk into its most related origin and let the jumper mix and match what they like there, general perks for shit you really can't or don't wanna fit into those categories.
Four main stats like the first jump. And yea.
Being a Fluke could be the Rubbery capstone, like Grand Devilhood would be the Devil capstone.
...though I don't actually know what being a Grand Devil would give you. Just make you a kaiju?
>Maybe keeping it to what you can find in london somewhat regularly?
Human, Rubbery, Drownie, Devil, Snuffer, Tomb-Colonist, Master of the Bazaar as a 400CP origin?
Maybe put it as "background" instead of race and add Londoner, Surfacer, Hinterlander and Starved Man too
Give me your most schizo Elden Ring theories.
Ranni has a blueberry inflation fetish. You can tell because her puppet body is blue.
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Based science.
Rennala is not the biological mother of Ranni. Her true lineage is from the single god of Radagon, which was why she could be selected as an Empyrean.
The Two Fingers tried to groom Ranni into being a furry. This is why Blaidd has a wolf head.
Do Warhammer 40k capital ships have tram systems to help the crew get around those kilometers of length and height? Or od they just walk five miles to get from one end or another? Or is it a moot point because most crew lives and works in their own small areas of the ship?
>what being a Grand Devil would give you
A Grand Devil is basically a Correspondence-themed pagan god that is also a building-sized insect. Think stuff on the level like make the guilty more unlucky, give all your voices to a bunch of dog-sized bees, fire manipulation on the level of laying siege to Hell's walls, make music so intoxicating it can travel interstellar distances and conjure truthful visions of ancient memories. Or with the sacrifice of said dog-sized bee souls into a properly consecrated wedding ring, turn a human into a Grand Devil. At least one, the Dowager, is implied to practice the Correspondence enough to not-travel far from her entombment and interact with things. Also nature really seems to like them in a Fate Enkidu kind of way, like it isn't a specific thing they do but it just rises up around them in celebration.

And I know it sounds like a lot but trust me: If you go down the rabbit hole of what Fluke fleshcrafting can do, most notably the Regret-Beyond-Death, it's overall worth it. I mean there are fucking Flukes FLYING around space shouting Correspondence at the space trains in the Sunless Skies timeline.
Miquella and Marika are the same person.
Don't add a Naturalist's procedure perk. If you include that in the jump make it an endgame scenario.
The Greater Will is into futa. This is why Marika and Radagon were in fact a single person.
The Gloam-Eyed Queen is Marika.
Melina and Ranni are twin Empyreans.
I would normally argue in favour of discrete job-based origins but in FL's case people changing job and identity is a major theme anyway so I can see where >>93252097 is coming from even if it might result in Licentiates that are simultaneously Monster-Hunters or Correspondents that are also Silverers.

Also yes, definitely add multiple races. Being a space bat has become increasingly overrated for all manner of reasons.

He doesn't need to, any nigga can just go Parabola and work the warp and weft of fate to preordain themselves to someday succeed at becoming an unkillable shoggoth.

And it doesn't matter anyway because real immortalmaxers who care about the FLverse smoked themselves into immortality and drank the Martyr-King'd Cup in Sunless Skies a lonng time ago. Frankly the Naturalist's procedure sucks ass compared to the other canon better than Hesperidean Cider and being a God-Eater forms of immortality.
You didn't master the Discordance and not become an existence that will never fade even when all of existence is unmade?
Just do what val did in the rising sun update, seperate the vast majority of perks into four origins representing the main and give out a floating discount to just place as wished. Half the fun with fallen london is the customisation for me not just getting the biggest or most esoteric stick.
>Frankly the Naturalist's procedure sucks ass compared to the other canon better than Hesperidean Cider and being a God-Eater forms of immortality.
What are you on? Hesperidean Cider *runs out.* It makes you unkillable, not immortal, because eventually that shit exhausts itself. It's the whole reason Hearts' searching for other methods: if you don't have a continous source of Hesperidean apples to make more Cider it eventually gets drained. Sure, the immortality is good: but "SO SHALL HE NEVER DIE" is literally just propaganda.
What the FUCK are you on man the God-Eaters are crazed and starved wrecks of themselves.
The Two Fingers aren't following the Greater Wi-wait
Mole people are responsible for everyt-ehh
Marika was actually a man this wh-dammit
Mohg was actually the coolest guy and Miquella was the real rapi-FUCK
>Licentiates that are simultaneously Monster-Hunters or Correspondents that are also Silverers.
Honestly that just sounds really on brand for london, beyond our mc a lot of characters do have job skills not related to what they are doing right now since they don't seem to lose every bit of ability they get from a job when they change.
The events of Berserk are canon to the Elden Ring setting, they just happen too far from the Lands Between to ever matter, and the Idea of Evil is another outer god that would rather monopolise Griffith as it's Empyrean than fight with the others over the Greater Will's scraps.

I mean I did not raise it all the way to 7 but I was talking about forms of immortality available from Skies specifically, whereas ironically it's easier to not learn the Discordance in Fallen London proper because there isn't an abbess who founded an entire order to study the stuff.

Uh either you misread my post or I typed it badly, I met Mr. Hearts' smoked ham recipe/the Martyr-King's Cup in Skies is better than the Cider and being a God-Eater, not the other way around.
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>Had a poster spam Rouge's tits for a whole month
>Surprised that JC is full of autists
I am roughly halfway through The Hobbit, so have the WIP so far. Suggestions are appreciated as always.
How tf do you raise the discordance again? I got into that super special castle place and got that stone that gives stats so i think i'm done with the actual story part of the content but my actual stat is still at 5 since i forgot how to fucking raise the thing.
Oh, I forgot I used the replace thing in gdocs, please ignore that.
>Suggestions are appreciated as always.
If you’re only halfway through, the WIP should be named There, not There And Back Again.
1. Get a Discordant Law by reading the Stones in the Hurlers
2. Go to the Nadir
3. Select The Hole In Your Head card
4. Click
5. +1 Discordance CP, -1 Discordant Law
6. Wait a week
7. Repeat
are you fucking telling me this skill takes 3 fucking months to master
And I'll do it again. One day. Not today. Not tomorrow. Maybe not for a long time. But one day, the Rougechain will rise again.
Sorry for opening the discussion like this Psycho....Its just that WoU is fucking scary, and while beating the damn thing with only Jojo powers would be nice, having a nuclear option in case a Jumper's Joseph Tier plan fails is nice to have.
I can't let you go around dissing my fucking bro like that shard, naturalist already had more chad in his spiral back than you have in your entire body and that was before he went and improved himself even further.
It's not so bad once you start getting used to it.
>he picked Cunning ending
>he didn't give his bro control of death and let him keep his mind and soul
The player character isn't actually some random Tarnished. They're actually a Demigod. A fact noticed by one of the Japanese lore content creators is that, during the scene in the intro where your Tarnished first wakes up in the stone chamber and walks through the doors of light, there are subtle sounds playing in the background. These are the sounds of funerary bells, stomping, and moaning. And specifically, they're the sounds of a Walking Mausoleum as heard from inside of one. The Walking Mausoleums were built to hold the headless remains of soulless Demigods, the "illegitimate children" of Marika who were sired either out of wedlock or prior to her reign. In the English dub it's translated as "unwanted children" but in the original Japanese it's literally "illegitimate children" or "bastard children" of Marika. When you wake up in the Church of Anticipation, it's obvious that your body has been moved there from somewhere else. Your Finger Maiden has been killed after apparently bringing you there. And there's a Grafted Scion outside, seemingly looking for something. You end up in the Stranded Graveyard where a ghost tells you that you need to "Take the plunge; of learning, of remembrance. Recall the arts of war. And your warrior's blood." Implying that you weren't just some random Tarnished, you've literally forgotten who you are and your past skills.

This neatly explains why, despite seemingly being some random guy, you are capable of challenging and defeating all these terrifying Demigods. It's why during the Radahn Festival it's noted by everyone that you and Radahn fought it out 1v1 pretty much and you beat him, something that would be absolutely impossible for any Tarnished. It's why Alexander keeps being flabbergasted by how absurdly powerful you are, way beyond the limits of others. And it's why so many people keep referring to you as a "mongrel" and other such terms. It isn't just them insulting you; it's them recognizing what you really are.
Ey thanks for that dude i genigly did forget that, i now also think i remember why i didn't keep it up.
I really do love this game but at the same time fuck this game you know what i mean.
Cunning end best end. Fucking fight me.
Judgement option.
>he didn't punish the eel stealer with Boatman duty
Oh yeah I get it. If it's any consolation you can grind Breaths of the Void, convert them into screams not stuck in your throat to redo the final section of Discordant Studies where you get the Discordance Stone. This yields 2 CP discordance each time (and 50 Liberation of Night btw) for the small small amount of 1500~ echoes
Nigga this isn't schizo, this is genuinely well thought out.

Now post a schizo retard theory to balance it out.
I challenge you to grab a Rouge in every jump that can have one, not just a Rouge in every Sonic jump or every expy of her offered in another. Both, and then make a Rouge OC in every jump that would allow one built too.

All the Rouge.
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I would normally say not everyone is as insane as the FLPC, but the Efficient Commisioner shows it's not for want of trying.

There is nothing attached to show you how to break the seals of Discordance.

Ay, ay I wouldn't diss it if I wasn't posting specifically in the mary sue OC donut steel generator thread. Like I KNOW my jump audience, I see someone posting anime girls for every one of my "you're some sort of magical demigod" jumps, being a deathless shoggoth is metal as fuck but I also know which form of immortality most here would pick.

oh for fuck's sake Japan why do you want the west to play a completely different story to you. I thought Morgott bringing up the warrior blood was Morgott being sarcastic because y'know, he is literally Godfrey's son
Cunning ending is very narratively satisfying I'll give you that but you can't deny that having the Fathomking salute you is kino
And I'll remind you:
>"Mother, would'st thou truly Lordship sanction... in one so bereft of light?"

He's not talking about grace.
A strong and independent Elf waifu companion.
In my original Rougechain I was more focused on importing Rouge as my companion in every single jump I jumped; just collecting an endless army of Rouge wasn't my style. One high-quality Rouge versus an endless cavalcade of them.
Maybe for the Lord of the Rings jump. In The Hobbit elves are more like the folklore elves pre-Tolkien, basically fairy-like things that sing and be merry all day. It was pretty weird going through the Rivendell arc honestly.
Nigga it's better then fucking erasing your own identity. The Naturalist never really had good options in store. Choosing Malleability is making the best out of a bad situation- he can still get out of there one day by passing his burden, other people can communicate with him, and giving him control of death is ultimately what will cause the most damage since he's absolutely not going to obey the rules the Boatman seems to actually give a shit about.
...just to clarify does this make you an actual Maiar or just some random child of Arda who can inexplicably do magic on par with one?
That. Seems a bit above and beyond much of the rest of the jump?
>That one shapeshifter guy's house
...will his powers be available?
>Choose race freely
...can you be a giant spider of Mirkwood?

Also I know what you mean but between the Silmarillion establishing that elf is, unfortunately, objectively the best choice and the Jackson movies putting Legolas in to clown on everyone for literally no reason it's...hard not to see elf as the best choice.

Even if they're singing and being merry all day.
>Even if they're singing and being merry all day.
Elves living the good life, man.
It also explains why your character can see stuff like the Candletree and resist things like the Scarlet Rot and Deathblight. It's because your ass is just as soulless as Godwyn and are resistant to corruption by external spiritual forces.
Look at the bright side, that is a perfect excuse for raising the MC tier immortal option that people were complaining about.
Your character is actually Ensha, the ancient "soulless lord" of the lost and desperate mentioned in the Royal Remains Set. That edgelord over there is wearing your skeleton melted into gold armor.
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>...just to clarify does this make you an actual Maiar or just some random child of Arda who can inexplicably do magic on par with one?
As none of the extended lore is hinted at much if at all in the book itself, fanwank responsibly as long as it doesn't give you more than what the perk says.

>That. Seems a bit above and beyond much of the rest of the jump?
I'm getting there. Likely will tinker with that option a bit after I get through the parts with Smaug, I just want it to be available to some degree since Smaug is super cool.

>...will his powers be available?
Actually, maybe. I don't remember much about his deal but I could make his gimmick a general perk I think.

>...can you be a giant spider of Mirkwood?
If you get the Evil Thing origin, yes.

>between the Silmarillion establishing that elf is, unfortunately, objectively the best choice and the Jackson movies putting Legolas in to clown on everyone for literally no reason
That is true. I may just not let them be an option at all since their role in the Hobbit is practically nonexistent. Elrond is the only named elf in the book and the gang doesn't spend a lot of paragraphs in Rivendell to begin with.
>the Candletree
You cant chase them off with straws bent into crosses
>extended lore
It is literally the history of the setting.
The ghost tree that guides the deceased to the afterlife. Its depiction was strictly forbidden in ancient times because seeing it was supposed to kill you instantly. You remember all those tiny little trees that you completely forgot about after your first playthrough where you touch them and then a ghost roams around as slowly as possible until they eventually lead you halfway across the fucking map to some inconsequential cave with shit loot in it?

That's the Candletree.
>Also I know what you mean but between the Silmarillion establishing that elf is, unfortunately, objectively the best choice
They're not, mankind are the ones directly chosen by Eru to inherit the earth.
If it ain't directly in the book itself it's extended lore as far as I'm concerned. If I tried to include all the mythology around the story I would've never finished Journey To The West or the other chinese myth jumps I made.
Some goblin chieftain perks.
After three jumps she won't even be 'Rouge' anymore.
The goblin chief got offed the same chapter he appeared, not sure what you expect from me there.
Gandalf directly references Eru when fighting the Balrog. And LoTR is canon to everything.
>fanwank responsibility
Fair enough.
>Smaug is super cool
Also fair enough! If I could advise, maybe make "be a goddamn dragon" an undiscounted higher price perk, and draw on something like Azog or the spiders as the villain capstone?

>I don't remember much about his deal
He's a dude who can turn into a huge bear, that's all. His powers are hereditary and him becoming a chief later in the story causes his gift to be passed on; his descendants helped Aragorn cross the Anduin. He shows up at the Battle of Five Armies to body Bolg and his bodyguards, scattering his armies.

>not let them be an option
Honestly I think just making them cost 100/200 extra CP would be fine, it's not like the elves dared move on Smaug either. It's just that the elven condition is a cut above the standard.

also cough hobbit movie cough

I maintain that until I actually fucking see what mankind's role is in the latter half of the symphony and based on the current conditions of modern Earth if Tolkien's tales were intended to be a fictionalised history to the modern world, it is better to burn half as long and twice as bright.

Like seriously elves get a free pass to Valinor and mankind gets...Tiktok
A fanfic toggle. You don't want to know why.
Boo hoo identity is fucking change nigga, that super monster he becomes is him just not the him we knew. Much better than what is still fucking slavery.
Also why did that post out of all of them get eaten, was my fake aggression there just too much for the mods or something?
That's LotR stuff, which unless I'm blind is a different book (well, series of books) entirely. I can hint that the Wise Man origin is probably not a mortal person but merely pretending to be one but since The Hobbit as a story doesn't dwell on it, neither will I.

>maybe make "be a goddamn dragon" an undiscounted higher price perk, and draw on something like Azog or the spiders as the villain capstone?
That is an idea. I'll get back to that once I get finished with the book.

>just making them cost 100/200 extra CP
Sounds reasonable enough to me I suppose.

Fine by me.
>fictionalised history to the modern world
Unrelated but my visceral disgust at this bullshit has never abated and any author that even hints at this being their intention gets a black mark in my mind.
>Fine by me.
Excellent. This will be used for a most degenerate fanfic version of the Hobbit.
Tolkien did say in his later years that "Morgoth won".
Imagine if Tolkien lived a little longer and actually rolled with Morgoth managing to pull a win and wrote a story about it.
I know he's very beloved and all but something about that just makes me a bit satisfied, one of those really ugly satisfactions from someones pain but satisfied nonetheless.
It is a small mercy that Tolkien didn't live to see future writers ship Sauron with Shelob AND Galadriel.

Apparently Sauron's powers of seduction even work on the writers.
The weirdest part of this whole thing is that Marika has bastards at all. Like, what? This bitch has Omen kids that she threw into the fucking sewer, but they're not fucking dead. Who did this whore fuck to have all these bastards? In the later years of her reign she was literally married to herself.
He lived through both world wars and died squarely in the cold war in 1973. He had plenty of reasons for that perspective.
Bro what is strange about a powerful person with incredible privilege and power having strange sexual perversions, have you lived under a rock your entire life?
Marika was eternally sexy with a fat ass and fat tits, it would be a crime for a woman like that not to breed
The fact that Men have created some bad things doesn’t change the fact that Humans are the ones who inherited the power of true creation.

>it is better to burn half as long and twice as bright.
Ah, Morgoth’s greatest lie.
This seems like a waste of the Victim Girls setting to me. I go to stack new monster alt forms from several hundred worlds in a single jump. So sad.
But who did she fuck?
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That was fun, I wish we had more themed chainposters like you.
His goal was to create a mythology, the idea that it’s a long forgotten past is kind of a given.
Whoever she fucking wanted my guy, the benefits of power.
You thought "strumpet" was just an insult, huh?

Nah, she fuckin.
His goal was stupid, he made something absolutely beautiful with it don't get me wrong, but the goal is still retarded.
>Marika and Lansseax have a slut-off where they competitively gangbang as many people as possible
>That time I became Elden lord but all I want to do is mating press dragon pussy
Warframe Void energy seems like it would count, weird shit happens with that on a level I'd say equals the destiny stuff. Like the Man in the Wall compressing every possible personal Tenno timeline into a binary point when they make a deal with him.
I offer coin of the realm in the hopes of an answer. Research has led me nowhere.
Hey. Hey Shard. Since you made a Destiny The Dark jump...any thoughts about a Destiny The Light dupe?
This coin's tits are small, so I shall give a small answer.
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>the college slut Lansseax
>the hag mommy Greyoll
Librarians need love too. And women of all sizes deserve appreciation.

Still, I thank you for your answer.
Moorcock you braindead zoomers. But the Vex aren't using muh hecking science to figure out the warp either
The Vex would, in fact, figure out the Warp in very short(read:instant) order
All of the above. The Officers have elevators and likely also trams to move around the ship between important areas, some of the plebs who need to move around different areas (such as security staff) likely need to walk long distances, and many of the crew just live around the system they are responsible for working on.
>depopulate the Lands Between of all Dragons
>vigorously populate Greyoll's MILF womb with my seed
It's the circle of life.
So you're saying you can waifu your own mom
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Here is 1.0 of my Enchanted jump. It can be put on the drives.

1.0 Changelog:
>For That's How You Know, added a random failure element to the drawing others into song effect.
I was wondering where the GRRM-mandated incest was. But here we go, this is more what I expected.
You cannot, in fact, waifu Marika.
If you go to the reddit story, there is a link to a spreadsheet that has all sorts of information, including a complete list of species so far including a description and when they first appear in the story.
That's little what becoming EL is
I will waifu my mother and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
I didn't know there were other soulless demigods besides Godwyn. How is that possible and what would your origins be
Not so crazy if >>93252333 is actually true.
What are some good jumps for picking up classic super robot style mecha? Excluding pic related, I feel like I'm a bit early in my chain to get into things like Getter Energy.
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Reminder: Lhutel is best girl.
She only needs a bit of super-glue. You in fact have her become your waifu when you become Elden Lord in most endings, as she is the god that you take. Even if she is mostly a comatose corpse.
Is there any good Marvel comic runs after secret wars that would make an interesting jump?
>waifu your mom
>waifu your wrist cutting half-sister
>burn it all down
The three endings in ER
Which Secret Wars?
Mazinger Z, GaoGaiGar, wait does Giant Robo count?
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>Lhutel was your grave guard
There's no reason to think she won't get better.
This trend of referring non-cannon companions as "original characters" is pissing me off.
They're not original if somebody else made them.
You've already done all the research. .
It's not quite "classic" in the same sense as Mazinger or Getter but Trails of Cold Steel has the divine knights, which are super robots by the standards of their own setting.
D&D 3.5 for all
The plot of the game is you trying to become her new consort, the Two Fingers say as much.
I once had an Idea to collect every Rogue from every Marvel universe an merge them into one super Rogue. The plan failed when they got Multi Man's power and just split back out into individuals.
The Two Fingers are filthy fucking liars
>I got her early as one of my main summons
>This was destiny according to lore
>psionics that's basically magic
40k or Warframe
>chi manipulation that's basically magic
Any xianxia or Naruto
>tech that's basically magic
Halo - Forerunner Saga, Supreme Commander if you go Illuminate, or endgame Stellaris
Would that result in a Rogue hive mind? Because that sounds fun.
Could Gene, or someone with knowledge of it, just confirm for me if the new Abara jump is essentially the prequel to Knights of Sidonia? Or is it a seperate setting where that's just hinted at like Biomega and Blame!?
UQ Holder has all three.
I've read Abara and I'm pretty confident that it's a fully separate setting, there aren't enough humans left at the end to transition into Knights of Sidonia.
Cool, was reading the jump and the description of the Gauna seemed to be an earlier stage to the Sidonia ones. Guess it's just the same as Blame! and Biomega then, Tsutomu seems to like doing that
I never read Knights of Sidonia so I'm not the person to ask. Pretty much all of Nihei's works are just slight tweaks on the exact same setting and story. Names popping up across different series with no explanation is far from unprecedented, like how Toha Heavy Industries is a name that pops up in both Blame! and Biomega.
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Are there other Jumps like Small Soldiers, Tinyhammer, Medabots, Gundam Build Fighters & Chibi Robo where there’s a main focus on toys/models?
Does the Beyblade jump count?
Yeah that counts as well
We have a Bionicle jump.
Custom Robo too.
Also to a certain extend Smash Bros plays with the idea of everything being toys.
Thanks anon
Big O, maybe Spider-verse (comics) if you want an oddball pick since Marveller still runs the risk of getting bodied by the BBEG for that run despite being strong enough to land a kill-shot with its big flashy super attack.

That looks like the sort of aesthetic the mecha in Escaflowne would rock if that series used a more modern art style. Though I guess their (the Guymelfs') performance would be only a few hairs above what the mecha in Knight's & Magic before MC-kun kickstarted the tech revolution.
In princess the hopeful, when did the queens of tempest/tears/mirrors fall to darkness?
I can't, they turned out to somehow be fucking right.
So wait a second we would also be a part of marika fucked up family tree. Damn we truly are ranni promised consort just with less mind control.
Frame Arms: Girls, maybe Yu-Gi-Oh if you help get Dungeon Dice Monsters or Capsule Monsters off the ground.
Probably different people from different groups considering the origins, races, and classes you can choose in the character creator. Considering R=M she does not even have to be the mother could instead be the father.
You can however marry your half sister turned into a doll.
So with all this talk about Destinys light versus Darkness. Is the light still generally picking up on its own? Because I admit the dark looks a lot cooler and more powerful generally but its also going to kinda eat you alive and screw you over.

Though admittedly maybe its given the difference in jump makers but the light doesn't seem that impressive by comparison.
Moonveil and Rivers of Blood aren't actually cancer, people just need to git gud. Hand of Malenia is way worse.

>The Two Fingers aren't following the Greater
It's funny how it's true, before the DLC, we thought it was a lack of comprehension, but it just turn out it's because their mom are a very fat bitch.

>Mole people are responsible for everyt

Double what.


>oh for fuck's sake Japan why do you want the west to play a completely different story to you
The best thing is that I thought FromSoft was immune to that kind of bullshit.
Then I discovered deeper lore of Buddhism other "Desire is bad", like Kegare, and how it applied to DS3, and went apeshit.
And then I discovered that some lines doesn't convey the proper meaning of original version.
Marathon fans, eat your heart out.

I actually seen that theory before, but nowhere near as well written or thought out.

Oh God the rabbithole.

What even being a consort mean, and why is it such a big deal for someone to be one, or for a God to get one, I don't get.
A few guardians with guns have canonically beaten EVERYTHING the Darkness has thrown at them for each story arc in both games.
Consort means being a spouse or lover.
I don't even know what I would do with a Marika if I had one.
Unless she heals that fossilized pussy isn't going to be very useful for that.
Note that Light jump is several years out of date while the Dark jump has more recent stuff.
So what does this mean that you are soulless?
We... really need a better jump for it.
No fucking shit mate. That's not what I'm asking there.
...Use her as a golem?

It's not fossilized.
It's cracked and dusty.
Soulsborne has canonically been Soulless since DS3.
If you make mistakes like
>I actually seen that
then ask what a word means, I'm going to assume you don't know what it literally means.
>Rivers of Blood
I know the full name is a bit of a mouthful but i can't refer to it as just that anymore with how much the extra bit adds.
Yeah but there also the main characters. Which by default kinda beats everything.
Thats a fair point.
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You're not wrong, they're ancient magitech robots running on JRPG magic instead of Getter Rays or what have you. They also have a mass produced real robot version, the various models of panzer soldats.

I mean everyone does that, I just felt like saying it's full name for once, just to rub salt.
>Get RoBd
Also rip Rakshaksa's Greatkatana.
Expected Oceans of Blood, but got bloody monster hunter weapon instead.
Which is still cool tho.
Thanks for volunteering.
NTA but i prefer the japanese name before they shortened it for the translation.
"Mountain of corpses, River of blood" just sounds cool.
>"Get MoCsRoB"
I can see it.
Pump her full of Mamano energy. I’m sure there’s no possible way this can go wrong.
It's difficult to say. There's exactly one other being that's described as "soulless" in Elden Ring and that's Godwyn following the Night of Black Knives. Souls exist in Elden Ring but their actual nature or purpose is rarely touched on directly in the lore. It's usually connected to something else, the most prominent example being the Golden Order and Marika's excision of the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring. This effectively eliminated the concept of death from the world. When a being "dies" it's treated with Erdtree Burial, whereupon its corpse is absorbed into the roots of the Erdtree and is then reborn through grace. One thing you might notice is that nobody ever talks about themselves as though immortality is a thing. Not in the physical sense, anyway. They don't go "Oh no, you've killed me! Oh damn, I guess I'll have to walk all the way back here again." They scream and cry and express remorse or frustration as if death is a big deal. And if you kill an NPC they don't respawn.

All of this implies that your literal immortality, of the "dying and popping back into existence" sort, is something unique to the Tarnished specifically. Everyone else has to go through a whole song and dance of Erdtree Burial followed by reincarnation through grace to be reborn. But not you. You just respawn back into the world from "sites of grace" which are never mentioned by anyone else in the game. Implying they aren't something that other people have access to, as opposed to Bonfires in Dark Souls which explicitly exist and have a whole in-universe creation process. This process resurrection may have something to do with your own lack of a soul, similarly to how Godwyn seems to sprout inert bodies at seemingly random places across the Lands Between. This also brings up another fact: time passes if you die. So it's possible that, like Godwyn, you are literally growing a body out of the fucking ground whenever you die and it just takes a few hours to finish.
Is the Tarnished actually Godwin?
Just when you think the whole existence of the Tarnished can't get any more horrifying.
If the darkness isn't tainted it doesn't eat you alive.
Why do people even ask questions here as if they aren't just gonna get fed a pack of lies? There isn't a single person here who isn't deceitful and ignorant on any topic.
It can't hurt to try
Duly noted, thanks as well
What's are some jumps for high end Murim nonsense? Not quite Xianxia but well above most 'normal' martial arts stuff, more settings like Trinity Wonder?
I try to give as best an answer I can if I know something on it.
>One thing you might notice is that nobody ever talks about themselves as though immortality is a thing. Not in the physical sense, anyway. They don't go "Oh no, you've killed me! Oh damn, I guess I'll have to walk all the way back here again." They scream and cry and express remorse or frustration as if death is a big deal. And if you kill an NPC they don't respawn.
To be honest, I always thought it was a case of everyone being a loser, having given up, or being like Hoarah Loux meaning "Good Game, you deserve it", with you being the special one, actually trying to do stuff instead of being a shitter.
Which btw is a REALLY good thing compared to Dark Souls, where killing people two or three times at best is enough to Hollow the fuck out of them.

But so what you're saying is that you are so much as soulless, so much as you are deathless, or the steps leading to it, with Godwyn being the "prototype glitch". Everyone else have to go to a sort of soul journey to come back?

...Did I got all that right?

Can't be. You literally see Godwyn. In his three incarnations. (God, Mermaid-thing, Rune)
*aren't so much as
That's not a bug, that's a feature.
>t. zeentch
You mean like the Breaker?
Skin-changing like Beorn.
On the lower end but yes that works!
What would happen if you flooded Creation with Mamono mana?
You'd make the pattern spiders would cry.
Think of the pattern spiders.
The Quest for Knowledge.
I honestly feel bad for the Pattern Spiders. They're trying their best.
The Pattern Spiders will become cute girls, they can find solace in their increased workload with a husbando. I honestly feel bad for his pelvis, he will have a LOT of stress slammed into it.
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Has your Jumper ever opened a can of Beer by using the teeth of a wild Alligator? If not they are not as many as Florida Man.

Also what is the stupidest yet manliest thing your Jumper has ever done.
Hurr durr seggs.

Now fuck off.
Could Sun Wukong defeat a Solar?
>If not they are not as many as Florida Man.
Bitch, I'm legion.
>t. the Neverborn
>"REEE but also yay"
>t. the Raksha
>t. the Yozis
>t. the Pattern Spiders
>"what the Hell?"
>t. the Departments of Journeys, Battles, Secrets, and Endings
>"oh, neat"
>t. the Department of Serenity
>"okay, whose Solar mate set this up in the First Age?"
>t. the Silver Pact
>"ERROR: unidentified Essence pattern detected"
>t. the Locust Crusade

How the Realm reacts depends entirely on whether monsterization renders a woman too inhuman to retain an Exaltation. If yes, expect the Realm to start screaming. If no, expect at least one House to try making use of this before their rivals can.
Pretty much, yeah. When somebody with grace dies in Elden Ring they receive Erdtree Burial where their corpse is buried deep underground and absorbed by the roots of the Erdtree. Their spirit, which is rendered immortal by the removal of the Rune of Death, lives on and is eventually reincarnated back into the cycle enforced by the Golden Order. This whole process wouldn't exist if everybody was just straight-up immortal and could respawn after dying. So it implies that you're some sort of outlier, perhaps a glitch in the system like Godwyn but without all the horrific stuff that happened to him due to the Night of Black Knives.

It's also notable that the death of Godwyn's soul but the continuance of his flesh created a cycle whereupon he infected the Erdtree itself and produced the Deathroot. His very existence spreads like a cancer throughout the Lands Between and the Golden Order as a result, with "Deathblight" merely being infection with Godwyn's essence and his necromantic Order that creates new life directly out of death. Deathroot itself, left to its own devices for long enough, will start to sprout into new inert copies of Godwyn. You can find these all over the Lands Between, such as the one under Stormveil Castle. It's claimed by Fia that Godwyn is "sleeping" and is still waiting to reawaken. To resurrect as a new Lord at some point in the future, becoming patron to Those Who Live In Death. You actually enter Godwyn's "dream" to fight Fortissax at the end of Fia's questline and her union with the sleeping Godwyn gives birth to the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince.

It's possible that you're similar to Godwyn in this way but that you woke up before he did. Perhaps because you're older than him. The "Sites of Grace" are your own version of Deathroot, spreading through the Lands Between and giving you the power to resurrect where others have to go through Erdtree Burial. But your nature isn't as antithetical to the Golden Order as Godwyn's is.
Poor Shiro.
Sure, he'd probably defeat most Solars. But an experienced Solar has at least a chance of defeating Sun Wukong, despite him being much stronger.
That one Solar who fucked a mountain gets it pregnant and now half caste mountain kids are everywhere after it erupted. those kids are trying to rape everyone.
Only if you do it during the First Age, though.
I'm not even sure what manliness is.
Largely depends on who you ask at what point in history, but being of the right disposition to be a warrior/soldier if needed is the most universal signifer I can think of.
Yeah Deathroot is fucking everywhere, it's scary as it is, it's even more so when it's Godwyn's distorted face. It's a great origin for the Basilisks though.
It's probably one of my favorite things in Elden Ring to be honest.

What's also interesting is that you can also see a variant of the lionthing using Deathblight in the Land of Shadow.

A the end of the day, it beg the questions, what the fuck are you, and will you fuck things up, or get fucked up, in the long run or not with getting the Rune of Death. And also where the fuck do you come from and how you came to be. What are the headless demigods?
No wonder you are of No Renown. How many things has Marika made people like that? Of No Renown?
>with the sleeping Godwyn gives birth to the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince.
Oh yeah, it's also important to note that, to add even more fun, the mending rune is seemingly Godwyn himself.
Making a baby with Godwyn so that Godwyn can be born.
Sorry Godwyn, your body is going into the woodchipper and or burned so I can clean out the Lands Between to protect my glowing tree.
If that was possible Miquella would've done that shit a long time ago. Godwyn has infected the roots of the Erdtree itself so at this point you basically can't kill him without literally uprooting the Erdtree and the Golden Order.
He hasn't eaten all the roots, so those roots will go.
Maybe killing his body with Destined Death will work this time. Surely even he can be removed once he suffers a full blast of it unlike the halved version he received the last time.
Good luck purging the rest lol
>take Bydo tissue
>fuse it with Tiberium
>mix it with Glistening Oil
>isolate the basic makeup and pattern of Mamono Energy and integrate it with this mix instead of monstergirls
>release it on an unsuspecting dimension
Just follow the Helphen towards wherever his soul has gone and drag him back.
Nothing. Shaping Defenses would negate it. Everyone who matters has Shaping Defenses, and the rest are humans who wouldn't be affected or minor gods who can be purged.
You could crossbreed the Bydo tissue with Flood spores before beginning the treatment
I mean... the world itself, mortals and a whole bunch of minor gods being corrupted by Mamono mana feels like it's a lot more then nothing.
The Deredachi are great
Actually how would Mamono mana interact with the elemental poles? Does Mamono change reality or is it more like a physical infection?
Manono Mana generally doesn't affect mortals the same way. As for the rest, Shaping itself could fix things on a global scale.
The issue is there's never needed to be an explanation beyond "you're metaphysically empowering yourself with every foe you slay". Why can you beat "x character"? Because you're strong enough via rune enhancement/absorbing great runes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Godfrey doesn't have any god blood and he soloes giants and shit like Placidusax. If he can do that, so can the player.
What would Mamono Energy look like, if I gave it a physical shape?
It infected Fate itself in its own universe, so the Loom being compromised is at least a possibility. Plus, the stuff grabs any other mana it can find to turn that into more of itself, so keep an eye on all those Manses and on those Elemental Poles. It does affect its own universe's elementals, and makes them unilaterally more powerful than they otherwise would be.

On the plus side, it would probably restore the Kukla's sanity.
Reposting the official guide for setting interactions:
>Terra Hypnagogica > Nobilis > Exalted > MGE > KULT > Destiny > Mage (either ) > Scion > everything else
I been looking but could not find it
That's apparently what Dark Matter is, so a glossy, highly viscous black liquid.
I feel like SCP should be somehwere between Nobilis and MGE
With tentacles!
If Godfrey really loved his kids, why did he let his wife lock them in the sewer?
Fair enough. That'll be added in the next update.
>kukla becomes a mommydom who shakes the earth when her hips fall
I pity the poor bastard who'll get crushed under all of that.
Don't underestimate what a mf will do for pussy.
The alternative is death.
Im not seeing how mage is belowhalf that shiy. But you just shitposting so I guess it doesnt matter.
Nta but that's part of the fun.
Then why don't your foe get stronger with runes or by killing, the only person who does that is that motherfucker at the start of the game, and it's only taking your runes when you die.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but Godfrey doesn't have any god blood and he soloes giants and shit like Placidusax
He was just that badass and may or may not have drunk Elden Sap to get even more badass.

His wife is God. What is he gonna do? Tell her to sleep on the couch?
Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LGusDxs73AjK89k0sqKo4C9hoWiOxrIrDk6JYEXT6GY/edit?gid=1375133682#gid=1375133682
And go to species tab on the bottom.
>His wife is God. What is he gonna do?
German suplex her. Take his kids and leave.
10 4 thanks friend
I will put the web of life above all of this and there is nothing you can do about this, accept that powerscaling is dumb.
No problem. I have to take off for some rl stuff soon, so I might not be around for a bit.
His wife is God. They are gonna German Suplex forever.
Make a Kengan build for your first jump
You each get a young Ohma Clone to train over the course of the jump
The one with the strongest Ohma (in 1v1 fights under kengen rules) wins and get's to continue their chain.
How much is Marika going to seethe if her new Elden Lord's hobby is making Jars?
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>German suplex her
Right into the bed.
>Captcha has NTR
Yes, do it.
I'm sorry anon, but those are fictional settings, which means that Small Bombs are stronger.
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>Jumpchain try not to fuck crazy bitches challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)
My simple rule is the less retarded a power system the more metaphysical weight it has.
Not everything is Shaping.
What if it has no magic system at all, just Weird Shit Happening?
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Even the nice ones are crazy.
Sorry but anons are into people who will just kill them.
No, it's a Devil's Proof. I refuse to explain.
I have no idea what you mean, my waifu is perfectly sane.
So what I'm getting from Campione Authorities is I can make up almost whatever dumb bullshit I want as long as it's a coherent theme and ability.
Not much at the start, it would be like MGE with some infected places and people but even less instances. Until the multiple groups see how the can use it and incorporate with charms and magic and starts messing up stuff in Creation.
As long as they bring SOMETHING.

>nice ones
pretty much.
Would this benefit or harm Dragonbloods do you think?
The truth is that Mamono Energy creates settings with no sexy single MILFs (because marriages never get undone and no one cheats on their partner) and is thus utterly worthless.
What would the shadow tree item think of the not-godwyn corpse item?
You also need to find a god it could've come from, this is easier than it sounds because pretty much any legendary being could be a 'god'.
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She's a very nice and loving girl if you reciprocate all her feeling. It's when you don't that problems start coming up.
If you die before your monster girl and she doesn't die then your next life can find her as one.
But the endgame of Mamono Energy means nobody dies.
Nice to everyone but you.
Oh wait even then, you aren't safe.
MILFs can turn into mamono and there are mature ones too. Unless you mean you want someone that had a child with a different guy, but I don't see why anyone would want that.
What jumps have the strongest waifus I can straight up buy that aren't Isekai at Peace?
He meant other settings would turn into ones without MILFs if everyone is a mamono. But in this case you would only meet your "fated one" when they are a MILF.
Shard's DC jump, a living darkness chick of some kind iirc.
>MILFs can turn into mamono and there are mature ones too.
But the supply will exhaust eventually, duh
>but the monster lord will give monsters the ability to-
She has been saying this since forever and yet she doesn't. Something like 90% of the fucking planet is already living with mamono and yet she can't do it. It won't happen.
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Being nice to you is all you need. and the danger makes it better.
Any of the ones listed here >>93254893 and MCU (not the Cinematic Universe).
But the only people willing to deal with an autistic wizard are crazy ones. What same woman wants to put up with all those random explosions from failed experiments?
A Lesser Darkness
By the by, disappointed in the lack of Darkness, Hive, or Worm wife in the Destiny jump
Yes, brainwashing and NTR another girl is great.
Lord Entropy in waifu version in Nobilis, or the meme Excrusian.
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Do all the mecha in Zone of the Enders have sentient AI, or just the protagonist's? I wanted to import my Orbital Frame as my body in Gargantia, but it'd be weird if there was already a consciousness inside it.
Looking to make expys of
>DA Noel & Elesia (Tsukihime)
>Baobhan Sith
>Rory Mercury
any recommendations?
Honestly just stop seething about Mamono Energy and MGE and simply introduce a better form of living to the locals if you want them to get away from the monstergirls.
Like me, who presents integration into a hivemind. Everyone in Order territory that isn't a noble or hero is given a shit deal, so I really don't have any issue with recruitment.
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When it comes to love, anything is permitted.
What did jumper do in Jurassic Park?
Rescue the Mother Worm and then begin corrections
Savvy the wine aunt
"Dozens" of ahamkara lolis
Any number of Taken, just reshape them
The Winnower
You cannot fuck the darkness.
Just the ones with egyptian names. I didnt know we had a zoe jump.

Also since the ones like jehuty and anubis are made of that weird ass metal that can be upgraded by downloading a new schematic they have the side affect of being able to keep their pilot alive after they should be dead. They are awesome.
I just nail people to walls until they stop doing things I don't want them to do.
What is your favorite personal weapon to buy, steal or make during a chain. No super weapons like nukes or orbital cannons.
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What is realistically the minimum amount of space needed to sustainably maintain modern-ish amenities for an area roughly equivalent to a small village? Assuming that you don't have access to magic. Though "modern amenities" is overselling it a bit, because I only really want industrial manufacturing capabilities, electricity, and an intranet (solely for information, record-keeping, and communication, not entertainment); essentially, "luxuries" are optional. Off the top of my head, needs that need to be met and how to fulfill them:
>Food. (vertical farming, ranches, trade with locals)
>Internet (pure cabling, no wi-fi)
>Water. (rainwater, local rivers depending on location)
>Power. (nuclear, supplemented by solarz hydro, and geothermal)
>Raw Materials (mining, trade with locals)

Again, luxuries are optional.
The shiteater is actually the creator god.
Shurikens. They're just so fucking cool. I have always loved shurikens. I almost lost my eye to playing with them but that only made me love them more.
I've always thought throwing knives/tomahawks were cooler.
Uq Holder.
I've recently fell in love with switching between all weapon types frequently throwing them and making more with my own UBW type ability. this plus with extra arms.
My jumpers chain, its a silver chain, it extends to basically any length I need and is unbreakable it also works very well against spirits, demons, undead, and incorporeal things. It is a magical focus and also can be used to bludgeon enemies with. When not in use it can be shrunk to a bracelet.
I'll admit that there are few things cooler then having that stance where the throwing knives are between your fingers.
Shouldn't Dead Space be on there somewhere because of the Markers?
What am I looking at?
Do mechs count as personal weapons?
Everything else on that list is some flavor or nigh-omnipotent reality warper, so... fancy mind-control isn't going to cut it.
I did part of a bg3 run where I used almost nothing but throwing weapons. If I manage to get the high ground then it’s pretty devastating because the game will sometimes add physics damage - ie however much damage from getting hit, and then more damage from having a heavy item dropped on you. It’s pretty funny.
Village built underground. They also have villages built into hillsides in some parts of Spain where its really thick clay if I remember the geology right.
Hammer, mace, or spear. Any other answer is objectively wrong.
What's your favourite type of throwing knives? mine are Black Keys. you know if you can count them as throwing knives instead of throwing swords.
I'm going to grapple you and fillet your ass with a dagger.
Derinkuyu, an underground city.
Quicksilver Storm from Destiny, its so fucking fun
Huh. You learn something new every day. Thank you!
Get bonked/get outranged.
>I wanted to import my Orbital Frame as my body in Gargantia, but it'd be weird if there was already a consciousness inside it.
You're sort of in luck since the AI for the units in Gargantia is stored on a removable data key, so you could both share the body by either having someone swap you in and out, or having your unit be designed with some sort of experimental dual-boot system so the Orbital Frame's AI can run some systems while you run others.

WE don't, but it does exist...
Melee weapons are for fags. True Chads use their fists.
Your fists are melee weapons dumbass
Fists are melee and your body is a weapon.
I was referring to:
>The limitations of any supernatural system of power are slackened for you.
>The only limitations of power are those inherent to the overall scope of said system and making said system more different to its original nature will be more difficult
Am I to understand that Heresiarch has an additional limitation, limiting it to only doing things Sword Logic could do? Because that's fine by me.
I am thinking of starting yet another short side chain. I can't decide where to start though, so what are your favorite jumps to start in?
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Exalted vs world of darkness.
Campione for any magic or fantasy chain as a Heretic God. Good for survivability and the range of OC powers you can make for yourself is really wide.
Have you ever started in a DIgimon jump?
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Team Fortress 2 or Killer7 for a lower power chain, Stellaris for an empire chain, Library of Ruina for a regular chain
Always been a fan of Genshin impact. Otherwise given the pic posted how about Okami?
>Always been a fan of Genshin impact.
How is that possible considering we didn't get a Genshin Impact jump until a couple years ago?
Ever since we got a Jump I've found myself coming back to it as a Chain starter a lot of the time.
Horse solar is surprisingly based.
>Drawbacks: A Bouquet of Nettles x2, The Swords of Not [1600]
>A New Adventure, Every Day [1550]
>Mundane Life, Interrupted [1500]
>Barely Phased Everyman [Free]
>Minion In The Making [Free]
>Master of the Mundane [Free]
>Parting the Veil [Free]
>Scholar of Perseverance [1000]

>An Arbitrary Number of Silly Hats and Sassy Outfits [Freebie]

I have been watching Legion and I kinda wanted to do a start build about a nascent god.
Blade forged out of the concept of severing
Big Bang Grenades (exactly what it says on the tin)
"Portal gun", not to be confused with the Portal gun from Portal, this roughly pistol shaped and sized object serves as an aiming and delivery mechanism for an entire facility of various kinds of weapons of various scales.

Mostly the first one, though.
>An Arbitrary Number of Silly Hats and Sassy Outfits
How fucking GAY do you have to be to name an item like that?
Nobilis player.
I hate MGE sperging here as much as the next guy, but I've been reading the wiki on and off for several days, and its just been several different variations of "This anime girl wearing a costume wants to rape you or serve you with her hips".
I just don't get how this shit got so popular with both here and apparently Spacebattles.
It's a Dirge jump. Not technically one of ours, but his quality has always been closer to /jc/ than reddit or other communities.
And that is different from most Fate characters how?
Me neither.

The writer is even more retarded.
I just like imagining digging up old Egyptian bitches to waifu, that's all.
People like monstergirls.
If you really wanted to, you could get Intranet and Power pretty compact given that most modern warships have both of those things. Things like rare earth metals and other resources needed to build computers will be a lot harder, since those are sourced from all over the world.
It all began with HFY-flavored contrarianism fueled by early translations and memes. I know because I got sucked into that same as much of /tg/ at the time. From there, it's just in the back of people's minds, and the more worldbuilding KC does the more questions some people have.
I looked up the article and the writer suggests you find some reviewer who agrees with your views and follow them. Which people already do, they are called youtubers/streamers.
I think it's a combination of factors:
>1. It's been going on for a long time. I think it also started either before or around the time Monster Musume started, which was what got a lot of people into monsterfucking, creating the perfect wave for MGE to ride.
>2. KC's art has improved dramatically over the years.
>3. KC was so desperate to preserve his setting-wide rape fantasy that he gradually buffed Mamono Energy into an omnipotent reality-warping force that can't be effectively purified, escaped, controlled, or defended against, and warps physics and biology in whatever way it needs to so it's impossible to stray too far from his fetishes.
That third one leads to an endless cycle of arguments between people who are completely onboard with KC's worldbuilding, those who insists it's actually a dystopia, and those who try to do anything remotely non-sexual in the setting before being screamed out by the former two.
You and several old writers. Stories like Smith and the Pharaoh, The Jewel of Seven Stars, Iras, The Mummy's Foot, My New Year's Eve Among the Mummies, and so on.
It's porn, which the Thread is obsessed with. It has books detailing a setting and powerlevel wank like Exalted, that the thread is also obsessed with. It has a bunch of statements that contradicts, retcons or has some context that is ignored, which makes people get stuff wrong and makes other people scream at them calling them secondaries like Fate, which the setting is also obsessed with.
Jumper might need to kill Buddha when he sees them, where can he get stuff to make it easier to kill Buddha?
Fate/India Nega-Saver.
Destiny The Darkness
did you know that the reason skyrimanon removed the bodymod restriction in noita was because he was metaphorically gangraped by shard, digger, and a few other randoms in the discord? they're secretly pulling some of the strings in this community. it's not like they just stick to themselves.
Wasn't that koan an admonition against making an idol/fetish of the Buddha rather than following the path to Nirvana?
I don't know, Jumper just needs something to stab the fucker easier if he meets him ina jump somewhere just in case he tries some mystical Buddhist bullshit.
Shard is in the discord?
Why was SkyrimAnon in the discord?
You can always pick up one of the many god-slaying weapons (like that one in DCEU I forget the name of), just don't get yourself trapped under a mountain for 500 years or anything.
I will PISS in the Buddha
Shut up Goku.
Jail for 500 years.
Why does this guy need to use his power three times against a handful of scrubs? Is he stupid?
He's just being dramatic. They were already melting when he used the first.
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So there‘s this unseen pandimensinoal race called the Grace in Doctor Who, who are theorised to be benevolent despite sponsoring the Guardians of Time (who are basically high-tier Great Old Ones), and they have this cube so smooth it maintains the equilibrium of time and can stop or start the universe-

>No super weapons
Fine. Be like that. Pile bunker/drill. No, I will not elaborate.

Found a dinosaur republic and sue InGen.

I don’t know a lot about MGE apart from some surface level shit, it’s not part of my chain, and I have completely different loving monstergirl problems but the solution unironically seems to be creating a pocket world and also having some kind of scaling energy generation system that isn’t based on horny. I mean the current system started with one man and one monstergirl, there’s no reason why say-a cultivation MC couldn’t become similarly dominant if he didn’t copypaste the setting’s physics somewhere else. Or just buy Nate Grey’s powers from AvX and create an anti-horny dimension.

Nah, I got a giant wolf who was my brother at the time to though.

Also I dunno, kick Gallifrey into the next universe? I was just frustrated by the constant temporal stalemating and it ultimately accomplished nothing because the Great Houses just retconned themselves back into existence but damn was there a lot of screaming.

The Darkness thinks it is because the Light’s primary representatives keep beating those of the Darkness.

Around the same point all the kingdoms fell, they all committed acts of desperation to survive rather than get sealed in the Dreamland Infinite Tsukuyomi

As much as I can see room for improvement, I have everything I need from the current Solars jump and I ain’t gonna take another round of multi-thread jump questions eating into my valuable buildposting time.

t. fujo
He could drop them in one, but look how he dances after they drop. He's clearly enjoying making them SUFFER before they die. A true sadist, that one.
I knew the new Noita jump was trash, SkyrimAnon has no backbone if he succumbs that easily
>Fine. Be like that. Pile bunker/drill. No, I will not elaborate.
I will for you. Armored Core fan
When did you join discord?
the arguments were even woke. digger was like "it's heckin ableist to do this! and don't you forget about the people who transed their gender that you're invalidating!!"
No one else would be desperate enough for a guy that they'd settle for one of us and be happy.
>Fine. Be like that. Pile bunker/drill. No, I will not elaborate.
Giga Drill Breaker.
>Around the same point all the kingdoms fell, they all committed acts of desperation to survive rather than get sealed in the Dreamland Infinite Tsukuyomi
Okay, but. When.

Before jesus, after jesus, three days ago, before the rise of human civilization?
>Pile bunker/drill
Shisui has the coolest Susanoo (even though it isn't canon)
Oh, you want a SPECIFIC date. You’re out of luck I’m afraid, it is ambiguous when the Kingdoms were even founded, and it is equally ambiguous when the Kingdoms collapsed. The best I can say is that Tears has records of the Leviathans going by their inter-splat dialogue but the Kingdoms as a whole don’t seem as familiar with Atlantis.
Like Shard said, when the other Kingdoms fell, which may or may not have been the exact same time at which the Awakened City/Ocean Spire/Atlantis fell (which might make the Kingdoms the Barbarian Kingdoms mentioned in Mage, which only raises further questions). This was all before the death of Father Wolf (since we know he dies in the Neolithic thanks to Sundered World), but could be concurrent with the death of Tiamat (Leviathan), the breaking of the God-Machine (Demon), or any number of other foundational events in the New World/Chronicles of Darkness.
This feels like a gurren lagann reference since its the same colour of spiral energy too.
What jump are you NOT working on at the moment?
I will bring the shards of the Shifting Mound to Princess the Hopeful.

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