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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93274274

Do you like or dislike "go through the cyoa again to create a companion for yourself, using the same options that were available to you" prompts in cyoas (as in Harbinger, Worm and Harahel)?
Feet dlc for entropist cyoa soon
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Can some anon in the thread bless me? I was born to late be blessed by the author
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Sure anon. Just post your adorable build
If this is about Entropist, we can not but there is a resource at the end for use.
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Behead all DLC fags
Mhhhhh, executioner waifu!
You guys are talking about Ecclesiastes CYOA. The Player in that is a Marshal Lord and in-general sits as one of the strongest warriors in the CYOA. As for the other Marshal Lords, they exist, but none of them make a formal appearance in the CYOA since you/them have no reason to touch their/or your territories + you and them are a dying breed as the last great conflict requiring Marshal Lords was over 200 years ago.

If we're being honest. Nobody in the CYOA specifically sits at the top being the de factor strongest character-ever, you will never defeat them.

The general vibe is more like:
Marshal Lords (Numbering around 12 in Contemporary Times), Divine Beasts (All Sealed or Dead), Mythological-Era Heroes (All Dead), and some Exceptions (Calamities/Your main antagonist for the Era) are greater than everyone else.

This does not mean you cannot die, get sneak attacked, or zerg rushed by an endless horde until death. But, you will majority of the battles that you participate in, and 1v1 fights will almost always go your way. Unless, you encounter someone around your general area. At that point you will have to fight hard for your life, but you can win.
I prefer the all consuming slime waifu desu
It's the snake daughtersisterwifemom for me.
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The Dragon
The Tower
Fishing Contest
A Memory Revisited
The Suitor
The Scion
The Black Blade
Jeweled Goblet
Ring of Recoil
Malignant Paw

Though my journey sickened me and nearly broke my spirit, the goblet saved me, curing me of all ailments and allowing me to finish my journey home. Much to my prediction, the city has fallen, and the king has been butchered - my kind is not for long in this world, I choose the path of vengeance. If I can't be happy, I'll ensure the others shall stay safe.

I'll find the twin of Black Blade and seek to wage war against the Prophesied One, to stop him from forging a world that, ironically enough, would be made out of ultimate imperfections. Destiny may be on his side, but he is just a man. And men bleed rivers darker than any creature in this world.

Kino CYOA, wish that Bold made something like this again.
So one of the ways to create/become an elemental giant is to "convert a large amount of the appropriate element"

What do you think constitutes "a large amount?" Could one just straight up convert a volcano into a fire giant? what happens to the volcano? turn a glacier into an ice giant?
idk if she'd want your body
even in the bounds of the cyoa format that seems like a stretch
I think probably more Elemental energy than that, I feel like a fire giant could destroy a lot more than a volcano. I imagine that when you suck all the Elemental fire out of a volcano it goes inert, ice out of a glacier it melts, etc.
so how much elemental energy then? the earth's core? the fiery remains of the Doom of Valyria? Is it possible to occur on earth or only in crazy fantasy environments?
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Added all the blessings to the rentry and updated with more information. Entropistanon really lore dropped a lot when handing out blessings.
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Nice. Normally, this would be a bad omen, but this is Entropist, so it's a great omen.
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please move on, this can't be every thread
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If you were to ritualpost a favorite or post a cyoa every thread to incite something, what would it be?
Nothing, I would just whine
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V2.2 List of Blessings

To help me with this list, I plead any Unblessed builds that update to link to their previous one and link to my list as well. New builds, returning builds, or updated builds that already have a blessing, please also link to my list.

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Dark Sovereign, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Apex Hunter, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Spirit Force, Patriarch Dragon, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master, Draconic Paladin, Lucid Dreamer

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Ungraspable, Overlapped Technique, Unending, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Red Ravager, Chimeric Manipulator, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah, The Strongest

44 multiplayer; 20 singleplayer; 64 total

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Dark Sovereign, Apex Hunter, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Patriarch Dragon

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Unending, Overlapped Technique, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Chimeric Manipulator

13 multiplayer; 6 singleplayer; 19 total
Multiplayer: Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Spirit Force, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master, Draconic Paladin, Lucid Dreamer

Singleplayer: Ungraspable, Red Ravager, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah, The Strongest

31 multiplayer; 14 singleplayer; 45 total

Creeping Conquest (MP)
Arcana (MP)
Empyrean Prince (MP)
Elder Son (SP)
Hoarded Technique (MP)
Man of the Purple Rose (NEW-MP)
Ungraspable (NEW-SP)
Overlapped Technique (SP)
Kingmaker (NEW-MP)
Song of the King (NEW-MP)
Grand Harbinger (MP)
Protocol FULCRUM (MP)
Tortured Armaments (MP)
Unending (SP)
Endbringer (NEW-MP)
Vampire Emperor (SP)
Dismantle Ego (NEW-MP)
Spark of Light (SP)
Dark Justice Nightmare Strike (NEW-MP)
Pale Rider (NEW-MP)
Dark Sovereign (MP)
Magnificent Titan (NEW-MP)
Scattered Spirit (NEW-MP)
Red Ravager (NEW-SP)
Storm Knight (NEW-MP)
Apex Hunter (MP)
Chimeric Manipulator (SP)
Lingering Magic (NEW-SP)
Wyrm Hunter (NEW-MP)
Repeated Armament (NEW-MP)
Dread Legate (NEW-MP)
Black Fire Imbue (NEW-MP)
Forced Destiny (NEW-SP)
Draco Warlock (NEW-MP)
Leviathan Pursuit (NEW-MP)
Stoic Fighter (NEW-SP)
Sunward Traveller (NEW-MP)
Master of Monsters (NEW-MP)
Red Mist (NEW-MP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Peace (NEW-SP)
Judgement Storm (NEW-SP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Father's Paladin (MP)
Exquisite Puppeteer (MP)
Spirit Force (NEW-MP)
Tour of Sin (NEW-SP)
Patriarch Dragon (MP)
Entropic Generator (NEW-MP)
Calm of Thanatos (NEW-MP)
Transcendence Through Death and Destruction (NEW-MP)
Evolving Hunter (NEW-SP)
Colossal Strikes (NEW-MP)
Pillar and Foundation (NEW-MP)
Ascended Ensemble (NEW-MP)
Lord of Winds (NEW-MP)
Center of Knowledge (NEW-MP)
Astral Star (NEW-SP)
It Will be Spoken (NEW-SP)
Destined Decree (NEW-SP)
Grand Master (NEW-MP)
The Messiah (NEW-SP)
Draconic Paladin (NEW-MP)
The Strongest (NEW-SP)
Lucid Dreamer (NEW-MP)

You've missed Red Ravager twice in a row now
Shit, sorry about that. Updated for next time.
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do you guys plan to transform any celebrity or famous person in one of your minion?
i plan to transform the black sabbath and iron maidens in ascended masters since they have the talented perk so so i can have them keep creating music for me.
possibly also transform eminem into a lich and give him power word just to see what happens.
George R.R. Martin is mine.
>anons working on a waifu dlc for Entropist
Thank you anons. I have hope now. Hope for more KINO waifus my favorite part of Entropist.
>turn him Skeleton
>force him to write for eternity
>no burgers because Skeleton
Not minions, but I will torture some youtubers and twitch streamers for as long as I live. They deserve it for making so much shit content.
now that i think about it trump would make for a perfect elder vampire
That is so fucking funny. Imagining trump leading a secret vampire campaign in the noble houses of a random medieval world.
I hope we don't let you down anon. I'm having some trouble getting a good image for my Deep One Queen...
It's going to be cringe followed by a shitstorm because it's going to upset the cyoa balance
Lichsen, time to get streamsniped for all eternity.
Entropist really has quite a bit of fan effort and content, eh? There's Operation Blinded Godhead, the build list, data about how many times certain options were picked, tier lists, memes, a rentry will almost all extra info not in the cyoa, and now there will be a fan DLC.
>this desperate to relive the old days
the absolute state of /cyoag/
I don't understand why the combat potential of Gifts matters, when they're going to be spending every waking moment either pregnant or recovering from their previous pregnancy. All this talk about Minions is asinine as well, as your enormous family of thousands of Grandsons and Great-Grandsons with optimal entropic genetics will be infinitely superior in direct combat. Really, neither are relevant factors outside of your first year.
Literally just go to MCYOAG or make your own General.
It has reached outer reincarnation level. Maybe.
Forever pregnant gifts, keeping them full all year round~ They will NEVER be able to do anything but roll on the bed. Truly a KINO cyoa.
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I will transform Gu Zhen Ren into a Lich and get him to finish Reverend Insanity. Also, I'm capturing the CCP and Tang Jia San Shao to torture their souls for eternity.
One of my plans was going around Seancing and Resurrecting old musicians and composers, but that might not be as viable after learning souls automatically reincarnate or go away after a few decades. There are still great musicians I can go for, but not as limitless as I thought.
>data about how many times certain options were picked
may I see it?
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was Tang Jia San Shao even confirmed to be involved with reporting the novel?
all i know is that he was a suspected to be involved with the whole mess.
thank you
>Some of you cheated points
That anon that said he cheated and no one noticed must have not seen this.
Not sure tbqh, but I'll get the truth when I soul search his ass.
I'm surprised so many people took Talented
Let's not get into a repeat of the Talented argument. Please.
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this needs to be updated, my build "repeated armament" has 10 gifts
what was the gist of it?
Updating it seems too much of a hassle. Since someone would have to look and find all the latest builds. Which is harder than ever. It serves better as just an overall demonstration of where do anons fall.
Basically. One autist was seething that people were not picking talented and would flame anyone that did not picked talented.
With seance, the dead are possible.
With dreamlands, even fictional characters are possible.

Leonardo Da Vinci is a Fire Giant
Sir Francis Drake is a Death Lord
Oberyn Martell is a Lich
>some say that Talented is a intelligence boost, so not taking it is stupid
>argument about what intelligence even is
>nothing of value was gained
>Since someone would have to look and find all the latest builds. Which is harder than ever.
>harder than ever

Do you have a mental block preventing you from recognizing the existence of the build list?
That does not have the latest information nor does it have all the builds.
Image builds ARE actually pretty satisfying, I've discovered a few errors- like in "In The Wake Of The Dawn" I only took 2 skills, overlooking the legend that states
>(): Anything contained within these characters means the relevant option is obtained for free and does not count towards the number of choices made in that section.
How embarrassing that I remember having to stack stats for a Zenith, having only taken Ward & Rune Magic as skills! Truly I was lacking in wis
with seance only the ones that died in the last few years, so no Leonardo or drake.
but why the fuck would you turn Oberyn Martell in a lich?
>That does not have the latest information
I did my best in getting all the latest links. Which ones are old links? Link me to the latest ones and I'll have them for next time. Btw, I updated Red Ravager and astral harvester's links in my notes already.

>nor does it have all the builds
I put the links to all builds with blessings in the rentry.
I feel like dreamlanders should have been their own cyoa and faction not related to the Father
Sure, if I can be bothered to find them I will post them here.
ah I didn't realize that.

Why not? He's extremely competent, and noted in universe for being very curious and a quick study. He learned sorcery, poisoncraft, and half the learnings of the citadel before getting bored. I figured he'd be a great candidate for learning magical systems in new lands.
Very different in the show, where's he's just a mad faggot
wouldn't be better to turn him into an elder vampire?
classic /cyoag/ autism bouts
Fiction being real was the biggest mistake of Entropist. Ruins all the powers in the cyoa by making them just a
>Pick powers that will let you pick better powers from fictional worlds
probably, but I don't have access to those. I've been thinking of respeccing but it feels disrespectful to do it too many times
Already a better son than some others
Yes, we know you are a retard anon. No need to scream it in the thread.
Agree 100%. Should have only linked to other cyoas like conduit or Bood magic
It takes time anon. Probably next month.
Preferably when italics tries to release magi case redux for maximum thread memes.
>8 years from now
please don't
God, I love Sellen so much bros. .
Hey guys aromage here. Im making an update to demigod and taking out all the shitty pop culture companions because im tired of hating my first work, so be on the look out for that.
Maybe fix the shit ass balancing too. How can demigods be such jobbers? The calculations on the cyoa are so bad that even the police can take out a demigod.
Work on borderworlds. I liked that one
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Here's page 1 so far if anyone is curious
awesome!!!! This is one I keep coming back to
Was this the cyoa were there is an event where two people are fighting and their fight is causing fucking tornadoes just from their clash, yet the maximum strength you can buy is just enough to be able to lift a bus?
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It would be more accurate if it was taiji https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiji_(philosophy) instead. It covers yin, yang, and everything else.
Wow, that's legit. You know, I complain about reddit pollution a lot but Demigod was always a favourite of mine.

It's taken after the old Percy Jackson books, and they were pretty low-end there, too. I don't like powerscaling terminology but they were definitely street level.
the players in this cyoa are not supposed to be as powerful as deities
Those two people were the elemental angel/demon of fire and ice, that's why they made tornados during their clash, because of the conflicting air temperatures.

Is being able to lift and throw school buses not impressive enough for you? Theres plenty of other powers like magic and elemental control.

Damn, i didn't know about this, i will defo look into it and probably change it, thanks!
Pretty sure the fight was not between deities. I think it was just two angels or something? I can't remember.
Sorry to be asking questions like this but since I've thought a lot about this cyoa I do have a couple questions -

1. it specifies you "pass out" after using godly form. How long do you pass out for? Does taking increased endurance help at all?
2. do summoned entities from raise undead hang around, or do they dissolve or some shit after being summoned?
It was between two angels, I think. Korra from Avatar was also a companion, and Hermione, I think? Man, there was a lot of pop culture, now that I'm thinking back on it.
But what if I want to be a punchy anon, though? lifting a bus does not seem equally as good as other powers of the same cost.
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Taijitsu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taijitu that is used to represent taiji helps a lot in understanding it all, so check it out as well.
Main reason i'm fixing it lmao.

Good questions, keep those coming and i'll try my best to address them in the cyoa rather than doing the word of god shit i used to do

The strength required to lift a bus will turn any normal human into wet paste from a punch

thank u kind anon
There really was. It was the part that I disliked most about the cyoa. It was not even like entropist where it is based on it. No, it was the actual named characters on them.
>turn any normal human into wet paste from a punch
But I am not fighting normal humans... I am fighting super natural beings.
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Who is Anna?
Me lmao. Back when i was just getting start in the first versions of Demigod i added my name in a little thank you note at the end of the cyoa
They're never going to leave fix the image quality issue, are they
Do you prefer one-shots, or 15 page sagas that you need 2 notepad files to keep track of?

Or somewhere in between?
I'm excited to see your work, and make some work for it.

You never been in a fight, anon? Strength is the least important thing. You've got to be faster and meaner than the guy you're dealing with. If you want to win, you either have a knife or enough of a grapple game to get them into an armlock and break something. I haven't killed anyone but I could have if I wanted to, but dealing with strength disparity isn't that difficult, you've just got to be tenacious. Be willing to bite somebody's wrist and tear some shit out, you know. If you don't got that fire in your belly, you're never going to win at anything in life.
Little bro. The other people have magical guns, of course they are better. Range is always better but this is imagination land. One should be able to imagine being punchy guy and winning.
honestly I think on some level vagueness is good, it allows for more creative thought, but those two questions did stick with me
t. never been in a fight
You were correct. I'm not sleep deprived anymore so I'll try and fix that. I'll see about getting around to the other Unblessed.
Dreamwalker Dragonknight: Your soul is shifted to become more draconic, and is connected even further to the Dreamlands. You access a human-hybrid form as a Dragon, and gain a much improved version of the Black Dragon's most feared ability to continually grow in power with age, and are almost immune to being weakened or contained as a result, while your mighty Dragon soul empowers your Power Word, and allows you to weave it into your physical attacks and abilities with ease. Your growth gradually slows down after a time, only reigniting if you ascend into an Origin Dragon. Your connection with the Dreamlands lets you enter the Dreamlands physically at will, and Dragons you create or spawn will acquire this ability as well, gaining you much more influence and power within. As a knight for justice your Feast For Evil perk is improved, and your ability to physically harm evil scales with their sins, allowing you to easily cleave through the defences of the most vile. Dark Smite becomes your signature ability, reducing its cooldown and improving its scaling with your strength by 50%. You can improve it further with Souls, though this is expensive and works the same as Physical Enhancement.
>Magebros get to be building level
>Physicalbros are stucked at wall level
Many such cases. Authors hate strength characters.
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Entropies discourse needs to STOP
The one there that is sure they will win also has a pointy stick, and pointy sticks are op.
If you take both Child and Champion, can you take 2 Absolutes? And what happens if two of the same powers are give? Do you get those points refunded?
>Magebros run out of mana after 9 good spells
>Physicalbros can output the same level of power for as long as they want
Many such cases
Look up Entropist for appropriate power levels.
>Stamina is not real
anon I...
Is there a DLC that makes Entropist a good CYOA that wasn't overhyped by a general of OC-starved shitposters?
That's a good question. I think you wouldn't have points for anything after that lmao, but i will put something in for duplicate powers from different parents being refunded

Nah im not gonna rely on another cyoa for my power levels.
>Nah im not gonna rely on another cyoa for my power levels.
Let me guess. That other cyoa is just your own head. lmao
I mentioned it because it's another popular demigod cyoa though I doubt you'd enjoy it since it's too male oriented
Read the lore
Speaking of which; i'm adding more male companions and two male love interests into Demigod this time.

? That anon just asked about Entropist, which i haven't read yet but have open.
Is this not the crazy bitch that sperged out about hating men?
Me? I love men my dude, i'm engaged to one.
no that's angel also long gone
There are no women in cyoag
Yes. Everyone on cyoag is a little girl and thus not a woman.
I'm glad YHWH's "Special Bonus" is gone. Better balance this way.
The troon from last thread can finally shut up about Entropist and play Demigod instead.
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In between, but closer to the latter. 6-10 pages with one notepad file.
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Thank god it's being remade. There are some good bones here but the cyoa itself is just so ass otherwise.
Well now's your chance to tell me your gripes with the last version and what you hope to see in the new version.
Love that YHWH basically solves the entire CYOA and gives you every power for free. And you can get a free lvl 3 without Godly Form, there's no point in picking anyone but this guy.
All right then
>balance between gods is terrible and most are redundant.
>powers scale in nonsensical ways. They also need to be explained more precisely. Look up Dragonfall for reference.
>there are too many characters. Ocean wide and puddle deep. It needs streamlining or deepening of the current characters.
>this one you're already gonna change but I must mention: Hermione as a companion? Lol.
>the setting and lore make little to no sense. It needs work and the worldbuilding needs to be tighter. Give examples of different factions and their power levels and what you can do in other realms.
>the item section is 60% useless and the rest can be replicated with other powers. In my opinion they should be bound to your soul or something at least.
>romances are terrible. Maybe it's just because it's oriented to women mostly but damn I don't care about any of these people beyond their utility.
>the overall writing needs work but I won't comment on it since you mentioned you were young back then. I imagine you're a better writer by now.
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Give immortality for free. The last version forced a YHWH pick into a Level 3 Longevity pick.
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>Look up Dragonfall for reference.
Ah, yes. The cyoa the author insists you must abide by RAW yet there is not enough information to abide by pure text. Excellent example.
Stop responding to Tok trying to sabotage a more popular cyoa. Ignore him.
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It was important to call out that advice was flawed.
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any where you can customize your balls? size, number, skin thickness, stretchiness, weight, suitability as a weapon, that kind of thing.
Why is Nuwa written as Nu Wa? Why the space in the middle?
I have seen dick customization cyoas but ball customization is a new i think
Why is YHWH so op'd in a cyoa that recognizes polytheism
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It is kind of a given that the strongest god would have the largest cult.
Power 4, Luck 3 is all you need
>Power 4
>Companions 3

I got the bitches, and I got the power. No need for luck because I am stronger than anything in the setting and can handle things coming my way reasonably.
Bitches come naturally to the powerful. What a waste of 3 points.
The combo is pretty cool though, gonna give my bitches some power so they'll do things for me. Luck 3 with Power 4 sounds a bit too boring.
Power 4 and Luck 3 are all that matter. You can get a harem or nation piss easy with that combo anyway.
Power 4, Luck 3


You're all forgetting to pick a world.
You are paying for quality bitches though
if you don't pick soulmate she never meets you and dies alone
to amount of luck or strength will cross the dimensional barriers in time
>If you don't go all the way to power 4 you can't split your magic and physical gains in half
>not choosing Luck 4 for Xianxia
This one cannot see Mt Tai
>Power 4
>Luck 2
>Companions 1

Got the power, got a soulmate (which is inherently superior to all harem options), and I got enough luck so that everything sorta goes my way
What about soulmateS? Twins cute.
>become Ma Hong Yun
No thanks. Power > Luck.
Nta, but that such an edge case.
>Do you like or dislike "go through the cyoa again to create a companion for yourself, using the same options that were available to you" prompts in cyoas (as in Harbinger, Worm and Harahel)?
They are rarely balanced. IIRC in Harahel for example many of the drawbacks are very demeaning and uncomfortable, which is a reason not to pick them for yourself, but not a reason not to pick them for the companion. So the companions end up superpowerful munchkinistic retards, because the options are not balanced for them.
>CYOAs where I can be an insect or insect-like being?
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Sorry for the late response but thanks, i´m glad you liked it. You motivated me to do a quick summary of my build in image format to mark the rare occasion of entropist posting.
Was working on my own story involving all the builds when shit kicked off once again. That stuff won´t ever be done before things wind down again, so just made a quick update instead.
Looking for images again however made me want to make some changes and time quickly spiraled out of control. As i really wanted to be an entropy herald or now rather an ascended master.
Don´t know how thematic this thing is, but i bet it´s generic at this point. But i felt i still got what´s most important to me and serves my goals. Luckily my blessing is not very reliant on my build.
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Never could get rid of that sex magic no matter how much i wanted to get something more ”practical”

But i was wondering if anyone still around have any idea where they would set up their base of operations, after harvesting a satisfying amount of souls? (assuming you decide to hang around on earth after)

Anyways hope that dlc pans out, will be fun to see what you guys cook up.
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Cool to have you back, and nice to get some more bros in this thing for once.
Are the demigods going to be more powerful than in previous versions? You as a character felt way too overpowered and no explanation was ever given as to why (or my memory eludes me as usual)

Also will you update ultimate god after? Those angels really need a buff.
Good image build damn makes me wish I was good at formatting and using Paint.
Was there one for powers?
How'd you make this? Paint? It's impressive.
>Never could get rid of that sex magic no matter how much i wanted to get something more ”practical”
Coomer dedication never ceases to amaze
Had photoshop and the help of some youtube videos.
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You should put your blessing on the first page. I'm also getting deja vu. I may or may not have already said the things below and have forgotten, so sorry in advance.

You should take Soul Magic's Architecture and Stillness, they fit your build, especially Stillness, and you should use all of Commander's requirement skips.

>no Speak as He
Speak as He might as well be free with your blessing.

>Fallen Angel
Your build is very minion oriented, so the holy resistance isn't gonna come into play often. Might as well not have it.

You have Ectos to make phylacteries for you, so this is terribly redundant.

>Inefficient Usage
Not worth it, but fine if you're really lacking in SP (which I don't think you are).

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Post Ludus Naturae so we can make some monsters for Entropistbros to fight.
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We had a whole list of monsters. Most were weak though.
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There's maybe 10 that could threated a Son.
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And only a new Son.
You can't, the world too easy like the DC are just illusion to torture the inhabitants, with no basis in the weave. Moreover the things that you buy in the CYOA decide how good you will be at new power system.
I really liked this one. Wish there was more to it.

Origins: Common Child

School: Grey Castle University

Appearance: Standard, -1MS
>Friendly, -1IN
>Optimistic, -1IN
>Motherly, -2IN
>In Love, -4IN

>Superforce, -1MS
>Energy Armor, -2MS
>Shared Senses, -1MS
>Accelerated Recovery, -4MS

>Sense Amplification, -1SK
>Shockwave, -2SK
>Sensory Illusion, -1SK
>Mental Barrier, -2SK
>Thought Reading, -1 SK

Lifepath: The Explorers
List of Monsters

Dragons (species)
Voracious Giant Slugs (species)
Tunnelers (species)
Apex Predator
Nightmare Plague Creature
Drake (species)
Weasel (species)
T Rex
Armored Elephants (species)
Cinereal Hulks (species)
Goop Shark
Electric Goop Lizard Eel
Tunnel Dragon

Rock Archers (species)
Defiler Worms (species)
Bedworms (species)
Mantis Duelists (species)
Plagrubs (species)
Dire Crab (species)

Large Incubus
Succubus Wizard
Gang Rape Skeletons (species)
Angels (species)
Angelina Jolie
Monstars (species)
Wretched One
"Elves" (species)
Horseman Mimics
The Inquisition (species)

Armored Treant (species)
Peaceful Treant
Eternal Guardian
Grandfather Oak
Wonderous Fruit Trees (species)
Ascending Eldritch Soul
Blind Deaf Mute Dying Idiot
4D Time Travelers (species)
Otherworldly Scholar
Screamers (species)
Monoliths (species)
Unknowable Thaumaturge
Eldritch Familiar (species)

Monster Thaumaturges (species)
The Ogre
Spider Train
Clockwork Armor

Dragon Ogre
Swamp Monks (species)
Era Loba
Cat Fucker
The Mangaroo

Fruitpigs (species)

False Owls (species)

Spidergirl Nuns
Human Puppeteer
Antlion Demon

Interdimensional Bioweapon (species)
Eldritch Brain Parasite

Grafter Ants (species)

Large Humanoid Plant Monster

Slime Witch
Unknowable Cunny
Heralds (species)
Plant Mimics (species)
Hugh Mann
Unknowable in Human Skinsuit
Necrojesters (species)
Cancer Warrior
The Inquisition (species)
Infiltrating Grafter
Common Undead (species)
Necrotic Memory

Eldritch Mold

Suicide Bombers (species)
Wood Armor

Fleshwarp Creation

Gas Sacs (species)

"Ur fucked kid" Worm (species)
>There's maybe 10 that could threated a Son.
No way
Yea, I remembered wrong. There's maybe 3.
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Weasel (species) vs Son, who wins?
We don't know the scale though. Lusus Naturae takes place in a fantasy world, it could well be that everyone there is really big, and Sons can only hope to survive there if the enormous people and creatures native to the LN world don't accidentally step on them.
Sounds good. What's the tech level again?

>pic related to Italics posting: I will make and raise superpowered children with Malivent and Meirin women.
Can we all agree that Wither and Legend of Mirth are the worse powers? Wither fall off into oblivion once you're at the level where almost everything relevant you fight is immortal. Legend of Mirth's power is not absolutely terrible, but it's so not worth its price.
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I just wanna say your dlc was great even as a standalone cyoa you should def become an author.
What 3 scrub monsters could possibly be any danger to a Son? Even a newborn Son, if cunning, could sweep 100% of them aside like a scythe through wheat.
He should just make a cyoa himself damn
>Speak as He
Learning a new language every ten years would be annoying even with Talented, no?
Oh, I didn't see this. It is less cluttered now.
Did you not see Communication?
Nta but with communication you know every language, you have to only study a bit their hystorical context and you're ok.
Wither can be used to destroy objects. I don't like either but they're not useless.
hello maxresdefault, my old friend
The power level is vague, but potentially monsters with overdrive reality warp or overdrive self destruct.

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