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We're so back
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Magi Case is dead.
Long live King Entropist, lord of all CYOAs.
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Excited for the update for the Aromage cyoa!
Can't wait to replay it again!
Also I keep falling in love with authors whenever they release new content, I don't know why.
Sex and Utility Magic: Yay or Nay?
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It´s not new tho, but i feel you. I hope we get some new quests as well as some male companions from said quests. That cyoa was in dire need of some bros.
Entropist is the strongest.
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The Prince of Dharma, Enoch
Soul Drain
Soul Magic
Blood Ground (All Modifiers)
Power Word (All Modifiers)
Aligned Magnificence
Reverberating Harpoon (All Modifiers)
Void Cutter (All Modifiers)
Malevolent Territory (All Modifiers)
Golden Truth
Entropic Imbue (All Modifiers)
Dark Smite (Break)
Physical Empowerment
Arcane Magic
True Resurrection
Barrier (Auto)
Sleep Magic
Walk Blessed
Void Adaptation
Extra Lives
Spirit Warrior
Death Knight
Death Lord
Black Wyvern
Entropy Heralds
Ascended Master
Alta, Eternal Victory
Koryuu, Calamity Deity
Nida, Cursed Divinity
Speak As He (Perk)
Dead Senses (Touch, Taste)
True Son
The Final Rapture
Eclipsed God
The Chosen Paladin
Pleasure Target
Draconic Conquistador
Lesser Demiurgue
Battle Maniac
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Aro, will the options' prices be changed? Asking because the value of the 3 Absolutes (and maybe some other gods, I didn't check them) are very very unequal if we go by the cost of powers in the current version. Khaos is worth 216 points, Yin-Yang is worth 186 points, and Brahman is worth 160 points. The difference is MASSIVE. If the costs won't be changed, the lesser two need to grant more powers.

Also, can you get different, less anime waifu, image for Khaos?
Your Blessing is: The Strongest
Your Void Cutter & Malevolent Shrine Territory are greatly improved. Void cutter comes instinctively to you, and you have the ability to "stretch" the ability in certain ways. For example, this could eventually allow you to manipulate the Entropic energy to allow you to reap the souls of those who are killed. Every single attribute for your Territory doubles, including durability, range or amount of times this ability can be used. Furthermore, as long as it is someone you love, you can grant them all of the benefits of the Territory while they are inside it, though they cannot create one themselves. Finally, your pursuit of strength has given you the ability to seek out those considered "The Strongest" among the various worlds and planes of the Multiverse. While challenging these foes, you skyrocket in your knowledge & control over your abilities, allowing you to create new techniques on the fly, or improve them greatly in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. This only applies to fights that actually challenge you, and life or death struggles will greatly improve this still.
All Sons are born with a purpose - bring death to a billion worlds, erect armies in the name of the Father against his enemies, understand their conditions and pursue a world they deem "perfect". Your case is no different, but one of a challenge; you are to escape your doomed world by any means necessary, and through combat, forge into a lord of death worth of fear and respect. Only through acquiring strength may you begin your quest of wandering the worlds of the multiverse in search of their experiences and knowledge, abandoning your godly self to live as a common man, in an attempt to understand Samsara. You know that if one would become the one who spins the wheel of reincarnation, they'd surpass any need for souls, hijacking the essential process of reality. That enlightenment, that ultimate universal truth about the meaning of life and reincarnation, will justify all the horrifying atrocities and mistakes you may commit on your learning journey.

Always remember that one thing that may be stronger than entropy is love. Love Alta, and through her love, you'll be invincible, O World Honored One.
Finally made my build better and changed several abilities so they make sense and don't waste points. I liked the blessing that anon gave me, so I used it, thank him for that.
Please stop with the fanmade WB.
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something like this?
And yeah, i'll get someone to go through and help me add up all the points for the gods so i can change it to be more balanced.
>song lyrics in filenames
Haven't seen that in a long time. Are you aro?
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I hope not. Aromage is a newfag.
...Does joining in 2017 still make me new? That was 7 years ago.
That doesn't really convey "void", does it? Something like picrel would be better imo.

https://www.deviantart.com/gasia112/art/Whispers-in-the-Void-1036199264 or https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrd55kk4p for full resolution.
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Or picrel.
Considering 4chan is old enough to drink, yeah, even newer than you'd expect.
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>you have the ability to "stretch"
This will serve you well.
Or picrel. The full resolution costs money though. https://www.deviantart.com/nexumorphic/art/Nothing-797984782
I tried playing Fallen London before and got really confused by the mechanics and lore. Loved the shit out of Sunless Sea and Skies though, probably one of my favorite VNs. Is it worth getting into just to try and find out Mr. Candles' true name?
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Why did Italics abandon Lamentations? What are some other CYOAs abandoned by their authors? Tome-fu, Srrange Rains. What abandoned CYOA hurts you Anon-bro?
I wish I knew weather or not you can get flight for free with ascended master transformation
Yes, you do IMHO
Yeah, flight is something you'd get because it's not stated to be an Entropic or Non-Entropic ability, it is something inherent to them.
>can’t save Rosemary
Dropped + deleted
but are you SURE???? it sort of implies you need fallen angel.
this is a deciding factor on whether I can afford Drace, so I'm having trouble coming to a concussion.
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They get it, just like vampires also have flight
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It says "they lose fallen angel" in order to get the ability, but if that's the general consensus I'll listen to you two anons
Aromage post your Entropist 3.0 build
Recommend and post a good short cyoa that's fun and thoughtprovoking
Also ol SSE nb eneeeee. Re

Also if you can post some short cyoas that you like that'd be fun

Can't post mine because can't upload images from this IP range ban
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Tok post your Entropist 3.0 build
They lose fallen angel but gain flight, not to gain flight, don't worry anon, you're in the clear.
>Each change would normally require you to pick 2 Consequences, but I can simplify this down, but thanks to my Chaos, it has to be 1 Random Consequence. Take two you prefer or gamble on a chance.
>And just because I like you, I'll throw in a small bonus: If you roll for any of your Consequences, roll TWO more times. Don't worry, don't worry. You now get to throw out any two consequences.
Is bane rollshit as bad as boon rollshit, in your opinion? I think it's actually good like this. Also
>Bad AU
>Again, you get some leeway with this. You're going to end up in a rather bad timeline. Worst part? Not just bad, but bad for YOU. Meaning if you're going the villain route this'll be a timeline where heroes are much less forgiving and more willing to put villains down. Your nature means you'll become a wraith until you have enough power to restore your body in a few decades. If you're not a villain, this is just bad in general: Fallout Equestria, Fall of Equestria, The Alicorn sisters going Nightmare Moon AND Day-breaker, maybe even the ponies are in an unending war with a more twisted version of me. Like I said, you get to pick, just as long as it is BAD.
This one probably needs more specifics. At least "it must be at least as bad as x". But otherwise, it's pretty neat too.
But why make the dlc only about gifts? Sounds boring.
It's the best part of Entropist though?
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yeah, who cares about thots when you got kots
Did anyone find the font? It looks like ass when different fonts are added I want the dlc to look like it belongs in it.
As opposed to what the minions? more weeb powers? The gifts were the best part of it. Best waifus we've had in years.
No. That was the original FILTERED moment when shitposters wanted to make their own version to spite the creator.
You really do not understand anything. What I am saying is that the dlc should have more than just gifts. Not that it should be about something else.
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Most people get no symptoms. It's perfectly safe to pet the kot. You should pet the kot. Feed the kot. Obey the kot. Sacrifice souls to the kot.
> No Sex Magic
Though looking at it I suppose you couldn't enjoy sex anyway with no sense of touch.
>4 gifts lining up for sex and he's like "ugh, do i have to"
might as well take the Lonely drawback as that point
If he is still fleshy and have the horny hormones inside him is like your body is hungry but you cant just taste anything. Way to make sex a task
What gifts have been added to the DLC thus far? Anyone worth swapping an original gift for?
Why not just make a new build? I was planning to.
I am waiting for the 4chan dlc. I want to see if it is any good.
I dont care about it if it isnt official
Kind of a waste of points when you can learn that stuff with Talented, and the build being deprived of touch acting as an interesting limitation for fighting.
I'd imagine that enjoying sex is one of the many challenges of life to make him stronger, and he might just go ahead and search the multiverse for the solution for his problem. Perhaps he'll be able to face the Sex God one day.
>learn that stuff with Talented
No, you can't. What do you think talented is?
For mastering skills. One of those skills is sex. You don't need sexual magic if you're pretty good at sex itself.
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Dropped fallen angel (+2)
Got Black Wyvern & Lich (-4)
Got Drace (+2)
Increasing your own sexual skill is not the main point of sex magic.
Ymir, Elemental giant gift and Maelis, Fae of fleshwarping. Both do different niches than the orignal gifts so they can be swapped depending on your plan
True, but the benefits that the magic offers is pretty inconsequential and is not necessary to get good at pleasing ladies. Could certainly become your strongest ability if you planned to play as casanova sexeing your way through all threats. Could Sex Magic allow you to genderbend for easier sexfights? I dunno.
could sex magic make you decide the gender of your descendants? its decided by sperm
> (14) Significant type advantage against Draconic enemies.
y? Surely you'd be better off with the Ascended Master boost.
>decide the gender of your...
>does not have single root
Are power words modifiers even worth it? Couldn't debuffing magic like Ice or something do what diminish does?
Is all about mastering power word faster to get to golden truth which was a mistake of a power included in the update. Honestly, what was the author even thinking.
Probably, but they're harder to learn and use. Plus PW is good for modifying magic systems and the like.
PW is great if you truly want to feel like a powerful lord of death and have lots of utility and access to Golden Truth, which honestly can be busted as shit.
would it really? Sons have infinite potential so I don't feel like the opportunity cost of a moderate stat boots to me and just one of my minions is that great.
I assume Draconic type advantage stacks with consume Soul: Type Alter, and fits my end goal better.
It's a really versatile power, you can use it while speaking an incantation to buff it, name a move to infuse it with entropic power, use it to weaken things with diminish and death is extremely powerful. Moreover everyone will respect you, most of all dragons.
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>Reality warping powers
6 points
>Teleportation through the use of a slow portal + 3 minute cooldown 25m blink
6 points
Bravo, entropissanon. I can barely see the bias in power word.
The real strat is to just take the base version and then use it to buff whatever things you actually want to take. Ice magic? Just yell the name of your attack and it becomes stronger, you don't need diminish if they're debuffed then (or kill, because they'll be dead)
Nta but if you are stronger you will have many opportunities to grow better, master better your powers and allaround be awesome, but if you really care about that dragonslaying technique yes, you probably should keep it. I would probably then substitute 5 with 2(ascended master) but you do you. I would also have buffed the void cutter rather than the entropic imbue, but it's good we have idea of builds differents.
>shadow magic is 4 points while only being invisibility memes and isn't an entropic power
>elemental simulacrum is 5 (7 if you want cool elements) points compared to golden truth 6
yea some of it is really dumb
Golden truth is really complex and entropic, wich makes it more economic
You keep saying shadow magic is only invisibility while in the option itself they mention multiple applications, like creating shadow construct or shadow stepping, and you can further improve, considering it explicitely has abilities related to the concept of shadows.
elemental simulacrum is an entire school of magic and another one related, and again it's non entropic, and therefore more costly.
I can hardly see the point in Non-Entropic powers when a lot of them could be put into the Entropy section and decrease the costs, because they can be underwhelming compared to the shit you can get. I can understand Golden Truth, since it's supposed to be a huge investment that has an equally massive pay-off, but damn, Telekinesis and Teleportation are both quite lame.
>Golden truth is really complex and entropic, wich makes it more economic
Anon, you can not defend golden truth. It is THE power in the cyoa. It could cost 20 points and it would still be underpriced.
> Sons have infinite potential so I don't feel like the opportunity cost of a moderate stat boots to me and just one of my minions is that great.
With that logic the type advantage also doesn't matter since you can just reach Origin Dragon levels of strength the normal way.
> and fits my end goal better.
It seems like you only really plan on fighting one dragon, so burning one option on a boost that won't do anything the overwhelming majority of the time doesn't seem great.
Yes, they are pretty shit. The worst thing is, since multiverse shit is real and with fiction being real, you can learn other stuff that does everything in the non-entropic power section except it is actually good.
The stuff you take now determines the stuff you can get/be good at later, and there's only so much space in your soul for more magic systems.
The one limiter you have is your SP, which determines just how much shit you can hold. It's simply more favourable to stock on your entropic abilities because they're way stronger anyway and develop them, instead of hoping you'll get to KB6D and snatch their reality-gaslighting bullshit. Even then, it might not be as strong.
>Golden truth is really complex and entropic
ah yes I love my "I think therefore I am" power that definitely has something to do with being an evil necromancer
Considering one example is just dnd magic. That already does everything better and it probably only needs arcane magic.
Every power can grow and scale really well, golden truth is the strongest but it require heavy investment, in both points and time, it's the most costly power and one of the most difficult.
They are basis, without those you won't be compatible to out of context powers, so they will occupy more space in your soul and be less powerful.
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>You keep saying shadow magic is only invisibility
its invisibility + making fake items + teleportation in darkness. The latter is cool, the rest I don't really care about. I want to shoot shadow projectiles, make shadowy minions or limbs to go attack people, have someone's shadow attack them or something
>Golden truth is really complex and entropic, wich makes it more economic
It's a godly art that lets you shape the world with belief, and any slightly intelligent Son will easily take advantage of it and master it in due time as he accumulates more worlds from which to harvest souls. Blessingfags will try to convince you that their crappy blessing solos are everything but they failed to understand that the game was rigged from the beginning, in favour of EntropistAnon.
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What I was saying about "entropic" was that it is less costly to us, the in lore reason is that father entropy created language.
It takes great willpower, Aura and Physical Empowerment just to be good at Haki. There's no way you're going to be good at something as broad as dnd magic without notable investment in related abilities.
>Every power can grow and scale really well
Do you have any proof or is this just your headcanon?
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Back up your claims.
>golden truth is the strongest but it require heavy investment
Its probably strong from a generalists perspective but why tell a mountain its alive when you could just use earth magic for the same effect, or tell the sun to turn off when you could use shadow magic to snuff it out. Golden truth is good if you aren't going to specialize in anything and just need a way to do big stuff
nta but if you're referring to the second line its explicitly something entropistanon said
>Its probably strong from a generalists perspective
It's reality bending that is stated to be used by Father himself to shape existence, are you being serious
>With that logic the type advantage also doesn't matter since you can just reach Origin Dragon levels of strength the normal way.
I'm assuming that the difference between "moderate" and "significant" are substantial and that stacking buffs allow me to punch above my weight class
>It seems like you only really plan on fighting one dragon
I plan one fighting more than one dragon
>burning one option on a boost that won't do anything the overwhelming majority of the time doesn't seem great
yah probably, but this helps focus my build and makes it more thematic. I would be willing to switch 5 with 2 but not 14.
>shadow projectiles
create shadow objects ejecting towards the opponent
>make shadowy minions
shadow pseudo animated objects
>limbs to go attack people
shadow objects
>have someone's shadow attack them
It's part of the first line "this magic allows you to manipulate, summon and control shadows" control your opponent shadow, don't let yourself be limited, in enough time you can expand upon these powers, it won't be efficent but you can do it.
Every power can grow to ridiculous extreme, it's better to focus on what your blessing gives you, rather than only golden truth, between to sons, one who only focused on golden truth vs one who focused on physical empowerment, became a death lord and followed sensical objectives, the one with only golden truth will almost certainly lose.
Makes sense, but what about infinite scaling shit?
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read notes, third paragraph
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, it is the strongest option but only usable rarely, it reauires great mastery and will lose on someone else on his specialty.
it is a 6 point, 10k soul cost power that doesn't have a scaling power output. Whereas take something like elemental simulacrum that's a 5 or 7 point power, has scaling power output, and has definitive purviews. If Golden truth only takes 10k souls to do whatever the fuck it does, logic dictates a similar 10k soul effect from elemental simulacrum achieves whatever golden truth can do but just within its own niche, not even going into pouring more power out into what you're doing and/or buffing it with other powers like power word or entropic imbue. It's the difference between something like arcane magic and eldritch blast, eldritch blast is explicitly a little death blast that costs a fixed amount while arcane magic gives you access to an entire spectrum and free reign
It says BEND the usage of your powers and the examples is using them in different ways than the original. It does not say they get stronger.
Yes, the power used by the father himself to shape everything will lose to someone else. The cope just to not admit that golden truth was a mistake or a power.
Nta but it's power scales, with your mastery of power word, your experiences and will, it's the input that's fixed.
Just speak in purple if the golden word people is being annoying.
>Captcha: SAYGYW
Just like that. Golden truth is now balanced.
And also says their limit aren't set in stone, at the start it also says that you are just the shadow of what you can become and the sons can grow endlessly, you can grow the same.
He also used power word to create the gifts, and he didn't use it to shape existance, just to create soul degradation and shape the origin of souls, yes, when you will have the experiences, will and mastery of power word that the father has you will be impressive too, this doesn't apply only to golden truth.
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>it is a 6 point, 10k soul cost power that doesn't have a scaling power output.
>literally states that you need to experience multitude of life experiences to start mastering it, implying scaling
>was literally used to shape EXISTENCE itself, adding to the idea that it can scale far beyond

>it would job to a guy who bought elemental simulacrum, an inefficient non-entropic power, because he spent gorillion years in time chamber to master the art of throwing a fireball
>this fireball can resist literal reality bending
your cope is as far-reaching as the father's power kekkk
this anon gets purple word blessing btw (he needs to have lots of sex with hot women IRL to make it stronger)
>I'm assuming that the difference between "moderate" and "significant" are substantial and that stacking buffs allow me to punch above my weight class
Then why not take the buff? Bearing in mind it applies to all stats, not just strength, and it works on some of your minions as well, and it works against all of your enemies.
> I plan one fighting more than one dragon
Well yeah that's probably going to happen at some point, but I mean are you dedicating yourself to slaying specifically dragons? Because if you are you should probably make that clearer in your build.
> yah probably, but this helps focus my build and makes it more thematic. I would be willing to switch 5 with 2 but not 14.
See above. Reading through it all I got was 'I want to kill an Origin Dragon because they're strong' and not 'I have a bone to pick with dragons specifically'.
Can a Son become a Tempered Hero?
yes, because despite what retards say suffering is always possible
Theoretically yes, actually no, it never happened and it is pretty much impossible.
mastery of a power does not imply that it gets stronger, only that you know how to use it better. It has no actual power scaling to it beyond you learning how to actually make it work
>your cope is as far-reaching as the father's power kekkk
Why would a power of similar output not be able to do something on par with golden truth? If a 10k golden truth can yell "Planet, freeze" and the planet freezes, why could a 10k power output application of elemental simulacrum not do the same. Your cope is astounding anon
>Why would a power of similar output not be able to do something on par with golden truth?
because you are an autonomous golem incapable of sentient thought, genuinely believing that abilities are equal because they have similar costs in the CYOA, unwilling to accept that entropistanon might've fucked up, which is supported by the fact that power word was pretty much made for himself. golden truth scales to affecting all of existence itself and this is nowhere stated with any of the elements offered to you by simulacrum, literally stop coping
Glad to see you have no actual discussion beyond "nuh uh I said it doesn't do that"
Golden truth users aren't the end all be all, use a little brainpower
nigga your talking points are "ermmmm it's strong because [SELECTIVELY IGNORES SCALING STATEMENTS] and [MUHHHH SOUL SPAM]" lmaoooo
nta, The big drawback to Golden Truth is it's absurdly high cost to learn and use. So, sure,a guy with Golden Truth could beat a guy with Elemental Simulacrum, assuming he's mastered Power Word, and that he's lived enough lifetimes and seen enough shit to be any good at it, and that he can afford to be basically crippled for a while afterwards, and that he hasn't ALREADY used it and is now in the crippled phase. Basically you either use it when you've planned out the circumstances extensively beforehand, or when you've got nothing left to lose.
Yes. Just get aggro'd by a true goddess and try to survive.
I would win instantly because I'd use Golden Truth to give myself EntropistAnon approved Blessing that nullifies all costs of this ability. Checkmate.
Again the output og golden truth does absolutely scale, but you're correct in thinking so does that of elemental simulacrum, but by virtue of it being non entropic it will be more inefficent.
Again stop with this headcanon, a son can endlessly grow by further mastering these powers, golden truth is the best but it's also extremely difficult to master, and again, at the level of the father all powers are incredibly powerful, it's not only golden truth.
Someone who understand, it's the best power but also extremely complex.
great, let's ignore the troll, now he's made it clear.
Who are you talking about? I felt like making a humorous remark because you're arguing about Entropist again.
ah I now understand the level of poster I'm discussing with. If you were too incompetent to understand my argument you should have said so from the beginning
>Again the output og golden truth does absolutely scale
if it has a fixed cost it does not in fact scale power wise unless it has a modifier to it or you apply outside factors (like power word), which golden truth does
Short answer: because that's the only thing I want to challenge myself to write. As you may have gathered I also have no problem just smashing whatever other people write into an entropist-ish format though

BogueSlab-Regular. Freely available.
Could anyone post the new cat themed CYOA?
Would it be possible to make a build specifically designed to maximize the chances of becoming one? I think that's a cool idea.
Assuming you aren't joking, someone already did. See: Repeat Armament.
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Going all in on robbery and trainyard is op, prove me wrong
they already did, without the author's spite for people that have more creativity than him you may even succed
Dammit. Guess I am making a build for Dreamlands larping.
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It's a one pager?
Genuinely not sure
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If it makes you feel any better the author already said Sons are less likely to become Tempered Heroes than anyone else on the planet (and they almost certainly aren't becoming Tempered Heroes either).
And the only reason for that is his retarded spite for people that had a better idea than "become an origin dragon".
I cant fit physicial empowerment on my build... is my kirillia really destined to be an eternal jobber to everyone else...
That sounds stupid, though. If anybody can experience suffering, and some things are stronger than a fledging Son that just started, then it's entirely possible to turn that pain into power. And doesn't the doc state that evil souls are better for Sons overall? There are some pretty evil threats they might end up fighting in their quest for entropy that could trigger the transformation.
Dragons are pretty cool, but I mean, one of the Sons you can take Oaths from is a pure Power Word build without that.
spite shitposter I...
Join the club brother, i already told myself i was going to be a pure caster.
>are you dedicating yourself to slaying specifically dragons? Because if you are you should probably make that clearer in your build.
I said in my build that I want to create an Origin Dragon slaying technique so I took options with this in mind for instance Entropic Imbue: Blast is more effective against dragons. Dragons are some of the strongest creatures in creation and in order to develop technique around killing the strongest of them, I would no doubt have to fight a lot of relatively weaker ones. I don't know how to better communicate this to you. Thank you for the replies but you won't move me on this.
I'll probably swap 5 for 2 because I could get for out of it, buts about it.
>anons wanting to have everything
should be playing something else instead of a cyoa
Use Physical Empowerment + Power Word: Kill + Golden Truth + Entropic Imbue: Blast to create the Origin-Dragon-Killing-Punch, or ODKP.
Yes that's why I have Entropic Imbue in my custom walk blessing
Sanguine Evolution + Blood Drinking.
>Magi Case only lasted a month
Bros it was the chosen one. It was supppsed to save us, not doom us.
Jesus fucking christ release something new already I am so fucking tired of remakes... Your CYOAs are good the way they are, pic realted, just do something new and stop trying to improve shit that are already good as they are!
I'm taking out all of the popular media characters, it's been eating away at me that i basically made shitty fanfiction.
Also, some guy has been writing a book based on demigod and it inspired me.
The input doesn't scale, not the output, that scale with your power word mastery, your experiences and your will.
She will endlessly grow, so no.
The problem is that we have a muchmore simple life, even if we meet so.ething stronger than us we can simply die and respawn, we can lord over world,many won't kill us for fear of Soleac's and the elders retribution, andgenerally we have much more QoL.
Aro you need to stop living in the past and start living in the future. Stop being the Disney of CYOAs, just stop remaking your old CYOAs and stop reimagining them. They are excellent the way they are and make something new instead. I like your CYOAs but your remaking streak is fucking killing me, just STOP!
Agreed, authors should only remake subpar cyoas.

Speaking of which, fix dragonfall
On your demogod or?
meant to link >>93353806 to >>93353730
Better to not follow the advice of the cyoa flop master.
yep, my demigod. He's got it at like, 500k words so far i think
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Wyvernstumble Redux when?
Speaking of which, you should remake mtg.
Nah, things that can harm the soul can still bypass your respawn shit.
>t. remade Dragonfall 6+ times
Magic the flopening
Somehow the updates made it worse
Reread her description.
Entropistanon litterally said nothing can bypass all your three extra lives at once, closest thing is a goddess imprisoning you in her dimension to spawnkill you, but you must be dumb to let himself be trapped like that.
Her abilities grow stronger. She stays with the same elder vampire stats she started as. Now seethe!
Please stop misspelling LizardSlip like that.
Actual headcanon
Nuh uh. I can just use golden truth to make you mortal and then kill you in 1 hit.
Her abilities include her stats, even discounting how all gifts grow with time.
I use Golden Truth to make your golden truth a purple truth. Instant victory. Checkmate.
Are you father entropy?
It does not work because you forgot the pay 6sp for golden truth.
I have, while you have to pay 50 SP for Purple Truth now. Check-fucking-mate, pal.
Sorry but as >>93353992 said. I am the father so I do not have to pay for shit. Now perish, jobber.
You're merely a Father Entropy, while I am THE DADDY ENTROPY. I delete you out of existence.
That's super cool, but i bet he wont get any money from it, due to copyright and all.
What is it called?
I don't WANT 19 pages of being a cat or scrolling through tinder or being able to age things with my mind.

I want a cyoa where I can go on ADVENTURES and learn MAGIC and use SWORDS or spears and stuff.
A little more than 20% of the powers isnt everything but go off queen
Blood Divine Series
by Marcus Galen Sands
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good for you.
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I know this is shitposting but I don't like gold so having it be purple would be cooler. Honestly it should have said that each persons truth has their own colors
that would have mean't entropistanon considered anything beyond "this would be great for my build!"
But there's only one truth.
My truth
The rainbow truth?
Golden Truth is just Satremetafaggotry
MTG remake when?
File deleted.
The discussion on golden truth has me conflicted, on one hand I imagine there's definite ways to get equally strong powers and I don't need to take it, on the other, what if I can't get equally strong powers and i'm worse for not having it
mask off for the sons lmao
You don't need it, it is the strongest power, but the important thing is how strong you are, those who rely only on golden truth will lose to those who have a better foundation.
Would not be possible because there is a blessing that makes it purple, lmao
It's a major investment. Don't fall into the trap of judging everything by its absolute best case scenario.
Make whatever you want, and have fun with it. I've made a JJK build and slapped it there because it sounds as awesome as base Power Word. As long as you're aware of the investments you make, I think it's alright to take.
It is actually another color you can use on top of gold no?
Another problem formed from EA saying that he wanted to keep things low power and then putting conflicting information later.
would it be possible to beat a superior minion with the amount of utility wisps with the same cost and elemental add-ons if you commanded them properly like ants taking on larger animals?
What would be the best elements for wisp add-ons for that? Fire? Electricity?
Ice for slowdown.
Electricity is also good as you have now a swarm of tasers
It's only good if your build is serious about mastering the power word. Taking it just in case you might miss out is likely to end up with you wasting that potential.
yeah ice would be best i think since it drains energy but maybe some groups of wisps use different elements so they can support each other and there's more variety of approaches to use like using earth and water to keep them from balancing properly or using fire to blind them and so on
...I kinda want to make a wisp maxxing build now.
Why do you idiots always equate bigger with slower? Bigger ships have bigger engines and bigger people/monsters/whatever have bigger muscles and longer strides.
What about Metal wisps? Chances are they can turn themselves into blenders.
i think that would probably be taking all elements + upgrades and maybe arcane magic if it can boost the power, speed, coordination, etc of the wisps and maybe the commander perk is it helps with wisps as well

in my mind they would probably be used for defending the other wisps and taking hits and dispersing the power over a large amount of them
Why is Tok so jealous of Italics? According to Reddit and CYOAG, Italics CYOAs perform horribly and are bad. So why the seething and to stop making remakes and updates?
I think it difficult because odds are the superior minion is more clever and capable than you.
Walk blessed 5 (Utility magic) probably helps too.
maybe but if you can program the wisps to do simple things exactly how you want reliably and efficiently than you could with experience create something like a program to beat most opponents

didn't think of that
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No Uni is strongest.
oops 6
the thing is would it better be used for utility magic making the wisps stronger and capable of completing more complex tasks or to boost one element for them?
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Well there's classics like this obviously.
wrong general
"Alright wisps 3029472748 through 49362933792727 I need you to move left 3 inches in exactly 4.2 seconds."
*a light dragon fart kills all gorillion of them*
Boosting a singular element over general performance is kinda dubious if you ask me.
anything to stop entropiss posting huh?
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There's a few CYOA this spawned based on it as well and they scratch a similar itch. I unironically like this one despite it being very obviously not designed for posting here. If some tards can like the chewed up and vomited out witch 'remake' I can like something that just uses a classic cyoa for inspiring something.
Also I like the powers and the setting gives me flashbacks to playing minecraft skylands.
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It's fine. Wisps are absurdly cheap, just make more
A futile effort. No one will engage with something so blatant.
Post something so good it surpassess it.
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I've never liked a CYOA so badly put together. Dont know what they were thinking.
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Just copy entropiss, but make it general instead of about entropy. That is it. That is the cyoa idea. Even better if you are an ultra autist and give blessings to cause another war.
just shove wisps up it's ass until it explodes then
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Done. Why not have a goddamn adventure anon?
when do it, if you are so good.
we will never recover from entropiss
there have been many other shitposting disasters and we're still here
speaking of, does the author still post custom walk blessed?
incredibly based. make a cyoa like entropist except I get a lamia gift and i'll play it without a second thought
Very easy, just do this >>93354908
Of course, other authors know they will NEVER be able to do it and that is why they seethe.
I WILL DO IT! But beware. If you thought EA was already ESL, you have seen nothing yet.
90% of cyoas that have ever been made surpass it so that's clearly not the answer
each disaster destroy the thread more
>elves who specifically prefer the taste of adventurers
I really like this as a justification for dungeons. People who adventure a lot attain a specific taste, so dungeons are built for them to adventure in.
Clearly not, as no one is talking about those cyoas. The one that comes the closest is magi case.
Retard, this was always about popularity. Make something that is more popular and anons will talk about it.
Luckily the the quality of a work isn't decided by you.
>magi case
oh, you mean surpass it in terms of low quality, i get it now
Yes, you do. Now either make a cyoa like that or keep seething in silence about being surpassed.
why would i deliberately make a bad cyoa, that's stupid unless your goal is to ruin this place
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>>Changed My starting abilities and minions
>>Removed the entire text from prior and made it a somewhat linear story instead


It´s all done now. Ready for the dlc and aromages remake.
you're so close to the truth
I like italics cyoas, i'll be ok
>your goal is to ruin this place
But that is your goal, shitposter-kun~
you're the one who had the brilliant plan for me to fight shitposting with shitposting, you're not fooling anyone
Do people think stillness is good? Its a cool ability but having to not move kind of makes it nearly unviable in most combat situations
It does not matter anymore. This is an aromage simp general now.
It's great for mages in particular, as they can fight without moving and benefit greatly from the ability to just know how spells work.
I just looked at the cyoa reddit. All of their top ranked cyoas are pill cyoas. All of their new cyoas are pill cyoas and similar. What the fuck are they doing over there?
Why not void cutter?
>Being better than us! Don't you get it? We are a dead general and they get new cyoas every week!!
They are shit, they have always been shit. They sometimes come here and cope about it.
No, he got tired of shitposting and left. If he does return it will be in years.
not obsessing over cyoag.
>What the fuck are they doing over there?
taking their meds
Just wanted the bare minimum to call myself a pope, not realy a martialfag and all.
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This slop is the reason why AI better. Death to all artfags
>asking one question is obsessing
Wow yeah I can totally see where the obsessing is happening here.
The retarded lemmings outnumber the normal lemmings that play real CYOAs.
Ask yourself, how often does reddit get brought up on cyoag? Now, how often does cyoag get brought up on reddit?
Highest voted post on Entropist 3.0 was something like "lmao /cyoag/ will hate this"
So, once?
I don't often look at it outside of funny events like that so I wouldnt know
Well I do, and I can say this place cares way more about them than they do about this place.
Not to spite your observation but the retarded ritualposts you are observing aren't really representative of "this place"
Where is Echoes? Luminary? Star Runners? Where is the OC? Why is he such a hack that can't release complete CYOAs on time or at all?
Seems like the only one obsessed here is you. Trying to cope by projecting it onto others.
Okay, we did one post about Tok, one about Italics...I think you should try to suggest something about Gil next.
I have no idea what an Echoes and Luminary even is. I only care about Star Runners.
Considering there's a coinflip chance of running into police or vigilantes with increasing odds each consecutive run, you're largely dependant on the distribution for its profit being normal rather than skewed. It's good don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket.
I mean I actually use reddit, obviously I spend time there.
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Already exists.
CYOAs based around waifus sucks.
>Star Runners
Lamentations in Space(tm) is for coomers. It sucks.

Italics fell off.
Keep forcing it bud. We all think you're OK.
Luminary is about to get cucked...
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>Lamentations in Space(tm) is for coomers
Wromg. Italics is doing what he should have done a long time ago and ending HFY shit.
i need frog wife
By necessity you can't put all your eggs into that basket because there WILL eventually be a cooldown and you don't want to go broke then, but between the Archetype that halves the cooldown and the insane payout I don't see much downside. Being caught (rolling bad on R) I assumed stops the operation and forces you to reinvest the measly 10G while also losing whatever you invested, but even the span of 200% to 10200% with a New Orleans Trainyard puts you into the green every time you don't lose the flip. There are also methods of reducing the R so you can get a hot start with 3 or 4 rolls and then let the returns simmer in something safer.
Even if you don't get the jackpot you'll be well off
cute smol barefoot elf
I literally haven't posted Entropist since v1.1
it's pretty comparable, sometimes someone whines about the other in the background but generally nobody pays attention to it on either site
Why is Italics using elves in space? I thought this was sci-fi?
anon I...
Dice roll mechanics are fun, and allow many different fun takes. Accidental magical girl is kino.
wheres the jobber shitposting
What if Entropiss anon samefagged as tokmaballs, giving himself a blessing, only so that he could call him out and give tok a shit blessing?
Yes? Go on defend Italics.
>It's just porn.
Honestly true.
this feels like someone who's never seen cyoag wrote it

what gatekeeping? what prompt? what the fuck do stick figures have to do with slop? when has a cyoa character EVER died (that's not how cyoas work retard)?
unfathomably based.
>when has a cyoa character EVER died (that's not how cyoas work retard)?
All cyoa characters without heat-death-of-the-universe-defying levels of immortality die at some point.
But yeah, "ragequits a cyoa when dying in it" sounds like an impossible situation outside of either a ryoa or a really unexpected mystery box (that one power armor ending). Otherwise, your death would be expected and not something you could possibly ragequit over.
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My lord Ainz
Fucking kek
Wouldn't it just be possible to get together with ectos and make will-o-wisp undead that do roughly the same cleaning stuff as utility magic? You could even make the argument of customizing them that way
>even better, spirit roosts whose special abilities are to be perfect housekeepers
holy shit anon you're a genius
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ROLL dice+1d10

you die
you live on, as normal
you get unagingness
you can set up phylacteries that resurrect you in prime health
you get a perfect guarantee of immortality, nothing can kill you or debilitate you, except if you really really want it
you get a perfect guarantee of immortality, nothing can kill you or debilitate you, even if you really really want it, good luck once everything else is gone
well yeah I think so but those probably wouldn't be able to be created immediately like the wisps since those creations aren't given to you from the start and are probably created at a higher cost because of that
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Pretty good
Rolled 5 (1d10)

cam on give me something nice
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Original high res version.
>Nothing happens
Aw. At least i didn't died.
You get your life! Life is nice!
Yeah, it's alright.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

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Rolled 4 (1d10)

Would you actually gamble on this if it were real? I would.

5 here. Guess we can seethe together at the 7's
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>nothing happens
>why is he using elves in space
Because it's sci fi.
Surely you can squeeze a Gentle Ward or Speak as He in there (especially the latter, since you already have communication)?
This is like the 5th time someone has told him this and he has refused for [insert weird grip] every time.
Well I don't want to be pushy, they just seem like pretty easy additions.
>It's just porn
shitty rpg maker games that are 'hidden gems' and have a 'kino story'
immortality in cyoas is a good deal because you get powers to do what you want and a waifu to be immortal with and so on, just giving it randomly in a vacuum doesn't help much
Anon. Listen to me. I don't have much time.

Take my roll. Don't ask, just take it. Only the good results will apply because it's a gift.

you forgot to roll
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Rolled 4 (1d10)

Move your bitch ass, 4 >>93356297 anon, A true immortalCHAD is coming through.
No I didn't, I'm not rolling, I'm giving another roll to him.
no you're not because you didn't roll
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>same results as the guy he mocked

I'm not rolling because I gave him my right to do so.
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Rolled 3 (1d10)

Thanks. Here I go again!

What are the best powers to give to kot via Ascension? I'm thinking just straight physical empowerment
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Rolled 4 (1d10)

...That's rough buddy.
It's okay anon, we tried.
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Some selfless homie bless my bro with another roll
At least I still have you, Anon.
Alfar slave wat do
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Rolled 1 (1d10)

I'm either dying instantly or becoming immortal, no inbetween
>dying instantly
True lol
What happens if you go broke during a cool down?
forget it anon, frog wives don't want frog men like you
Real life isn't a vacuum, anon. There's a cyoa general to shitpost on, for starters.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

10 and my Entropist build becomes real while every one else dies of seethe
hey if you don't want your gamble give it to someone else
Extreme skill issue because costs are rather predictable and you should only invest responsibly! You can always passively build up safer income during cool down so that really shouldn't happen
Rolled 7 (1d10)

how exciting
Rolled 7 (1d10)

alright, take it, this is your roll
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Roll dice+1d10

Nothing happens
You make a good friend who gives good advice and doesn't fudge dice
Your good friend has a hot sister
Your good friend is a hot tomboy
You gain lucid dreaming
You return your physical age to 20
Time is rewound to when you were 20, but with all the cyoa benefits here.
You gain a minor superpower (e.g. resilience, halved aging, enhanced stamina)
You gain a major superpower and 10 minor powers (majors include heat vision, flight, etc.)
You gain a second allotment of all your gains from this cyoa.

You may donate your roll to a homie, if so, your sacrifice means he may roll two more dice, keeping the best result.
>being infinitely immortal and the first thing that comes to mind is a degeneral on 4chan
you truly are here forever, huh
My good friend Bacheanon gets my roll
Also BTW you get the result of your roll and all lesser benefits.
Oh, precious day of salvation

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Thanks man. I rolled a 5 before.
Star Runners is nothing like Lamentations or it set in space. It's a space-opera focused on your adventures as a self-employed contractor in space/on distant planets looking to make a fortune with a put together crew in the aftermath of several wars in the galaxy.

If I had to compare to anything, it would be closer to OT Star Wars in terms of vibes and cassette futurism. But it also has some other sci-fi settings influences mixed in like Mass Effect and Ratchet and Clank.
If you haven't noticed the watermark at the bottom right, it's a link to an AI site.
Shitposters are outsourcing their low-effort memes to AI now.
>good advice giving friend who has hot sister
But I like living alone and I ignore good advice on principle
That's difficult to buy, cyoag probably wouldn't be in its training data
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Ah shit
Here buddy I made you something:

I would, but partly because I want something supernatural to happen to me just once. Even dying due to a magical gamble is p based compared to dying of pleb reasons.
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Ah shit, c'mooon
Roll here too:
Dang that's good.
why do most cyoas suck
It worked for Warhammer 40k?

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