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big owl edition


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favorite creature with a static ability?
I wish he was my boyfriend
even though he doesn't fuck?
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It seems like Vehicles are a weak point for us. They're difficult for mono-b to interact with while not creatures, even worse that we run Go for the Throat. Bankbuster has been a big pain a few times. As such, I'm swapping GftT with an oddball: Anoint With Affliction.
No, we have no poison, but if my poison control brews proved anything its that this card is plenty fine before hitting the threshold. As most (all lmao) problem vehicles in Pioneer are 2cmc, this plays against them well. More removal to hit vehicles solves one issue, but this also helps more against Amalia.

The main path Amalia has beat us with is Return to the Ranks. In fact, that's just about the only way we've lost to her. Either RTR bringing back the entire combo, or a CoCo hitting exactly the right pieces at the right time. Other than that, it's tough for Amalia. Having more exile removal partly saves us from one of those loss categories. Combo pieces simply not being in the 'yard to Return, is the way. Few things Anoint fails to hit, can't be solved with our mountain of other removal pieces. It leaves us more vulnerable to Sheo, but we weren't particularly vulnerable to her to begin with so whatever. We'll see how that goes.

Fable is also a big annoyance. Not much we can do about it, other than extract it before it lands, or slap it away the best we can if it does. It's just a broken card, it wins games by itself sometimes, not much to be done about that.

As for other changes, upped it to 61 cards just to be a nerd. We're a deck that wins from attrition, so may as well do a minor hedge for weird fringe situations. The +1 was a Cabal Stronghold, which hoo boy is good. Enabling our 1-of March succ for 12+ life in the late game sure is something, a huge way to stabilize against potential paths to lose.

I like the deck. I've given it the name Cheeto Fingers for now, an allusion to how many times our grubby, sweaty nerd hands get all over your cards.
Recent updates got me pondering about this little fucker.
Both it, and any wincons you staple to it, are tutorable via Insatiable Avarice. I wonder if a Big Black Mana deck could be viable in the format.
I've tossed March out for X=20+ a few times already. A wincon vulnerable to countermagic bites, but Pioneer has barely any playable counterspells so... I might start scratching at the idea.
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Why do basedboys hate him so much?
They just hate good aggro cards in general
he kills slow reddit meme brews before they get off the ground
3x Gingerbrute
2x Scavenger's Talent
3x Bonecache Overseer
4x Cache Grab
3x Vinreap Mentor
3x Thirnvault Forager
4x Feed the Cycle
3x Camelia, the Seedriser
3x Corpseberry Cultivator
3x Curious Forager
3x Consumed By Greed
1x Rottenmouth Viper
1x Ygra, Eater of All
1x Huskbuster Swarm
4x Restless Cottage
4x Blooming Marsh
2x Festering Gulch
7x Swamp
5x Forest
Free value for red was a mistake
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Modern playable?
What plays it over murktide?
he kill the Petdecks in standard and Pioqueer and basedtrannys hate that
The Stone Brain doesn't seem very good. Why not replace it with something better?
Red needs SSS to deal with combo and control. When removal is almost free your creatures have to be equally strong
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t1 1 drop treasure when die
t2 sac to draw 2
t3 sorin into vein ripper



t1 urzas
t2 ???
t3 Nadu gg

t1 land
t2 grave expectations
t3 juggle the performance (my deck is 4 juggle, 4 grave expectations and 52 lands)

t1 brainstorm
t2 mana drain
t3 show and tell atraxa approach of the second sun gg

t1 token
t2 gleeful demolition
t3 board is +10/10 in strength

>lol, lmao
Hi, MaNo! Can't wait for you to get fired!
most sane poster award
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lmao even
why do shills and cucks like powercreepslop?
My boy just tried to tell me that Karn is a tree, he's such a jokester. Karn is made of metal, lmao.
>attempt to brew
>as im constructing the deck increasingly think that there's no point because the deck is just a strictly worse than the FIREslop optimal variant of the deck
>gay deck
>gay name
how appropriate
If you zoom out and squint, every element is a metal.
You vs the vein ripper she tells you not to worry about
This card is everything that's bad with Magic and RED in general
>T. Bad at brews
There is nothing to be ashamed of, anon.
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This fucker is going to make Jund lands an actual threath.
vintage is the best format at the moment while legacy is a bit in the bin
but even a bad legacy is infinitely better than modern
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So all the meta pioneer decks are f2p on Arenas midweek magic, meta against meta and it's the most miserable shit ever. 6 decks but only 3 can win
Wrong, limited is the only decent format, everything else is solved and/or at a ridiculous power level.
If you're an astronomer every element that's not hydrogen or helium is a metal.
After some quick games I have 10 games done and 0% WR with boros heroics. You need the nuts to win and opponents nuts beat yours
Not even all of them and there are some Tier 1 decks alongisde Tier 2 decks add to that the MWM is fucking Bo1 so you can't put any silver bullet against those shits and obviously the event is fucking miserable
How am I supposed to compete with Beanstalk in Legacy while also playing green? I want to use Baleful Strix, Ice Fang and Snapcaster combined with Flare of Denial in a 4cc shell but there's simply no point when I could just make half my deck into cantrips.
Vintage is in a good spot because we are reaching a point in Magic history where cards are finally being printed that are as retardedly powerful as cards made during Magics inception (Lurrus is a prime example of this). New toys to play with in vintage turns out to be great for the format since its hard to make anything more FIRE than Black Lotus. Legacy and Modern have the opposite problem, the actual good cards from their respective eras are banned but new cards being printed that are WAY more powerful will never ever be banned. Pioneer is in a uniquely retarded position because one or two bans would unironically save the entire format but since the format doesn't help sell supplemental sets WotC has open contempt for Pioneer and sees it as a massive mistake.
So I’m trying to broaden my horizons by trying out more card games and as such I’ve been trying to better understand Magic. I’ve tried out Arena and honestly it’s a mixed bag, less so that the card game itself is bad but that the digital game is overly restrictive with playing formats to encourage paypigging and I refuse to pony up. The reason I bring this up is that I’d like to try out some more varied games than what Arena will let me play and due to Bloomburrow my LGS is holding a draft event. I’ve never played draft before and I’m uncertain whether or not I should try it out especially since it’s 40 dollars to sign up and I’m uncertain how often I’ll play in paper, though at least it’s better to support my LGS rather than an app. What’s your guys’ expert opinion?
Kill yourself phoneposter.
To answer your question, draft is the most skill testing format because you can't just mindlessly netdeck and throw money at the game to win, and it's more testing than sealed because you can curate what you build whereas sealed is just hoping you open the right stuff to build a strong deck. It's worth doing at least once, especially if, due to you being new to the game, your LGS is filled with more casual players. Prereleases and prerelease drafts tend to attract all the EDHonlies and casuals so you can pretty easily stomp them if you have your wits about you.
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Same energy
Wrong hobby if you are poor although arena is good if you are poor. Why the fuck is a bloomburrow draft $40 though, I assume that must be outside america but even so I don't know a country with dollars valued so little.

Are you sure you don't mean a prerelease sealed?

Arena isn't very restrictive, only if you actually want to have a top tier deck but that's just the nature of anything p2w. Personally I just draft on arena for free with the rare irl event.

I mean what advice did you expect? Do it if it sounds worth it to you, don't if it doesn't, no one cares.
As >>93359854 said you probably mean pre release, not draft. A very basic pre release advice for beginners would be to play the two colours with the most creatures and try to have a low, aggressive curve
>this creature
I hadn't noticed, is it just for creatures with offspring?
Yeah you’re right it’s actually a pre release, don’t know how I fucked up reading Pre Release as Draft. I’m honestly not really sure what advice I was looking for, in general I’m not doing great and a family member suggested I attend an event at my LGS but.. I my not sure if I should try it out or not, not sure if that’s the depression talking or not. Doesn’t matter really I guess.
Anyway thanks for the advice guys, I’ll try and keep it mind and come back to reread it if I actually decide to go.
It's the bloomburrow wording for kicker.
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Akroma 1.0
I'm wondering if Roots can abuse forage.
just give up on roots. it will not be good as long as temp lockdown and boseiju exist
It already is good though i suggest you step up your game
Boseiju's gone in two weeks, man.
anyone tested phoenix with DTT in place of TC yet? obviously 2 mana draw 2 is much worse than 1 mana draw 3 but we all know TC will be gone by this time next year
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Why is Reanimator dominating legacy? Shouldn't it be easy to hate on graveyard?

t. retard
It's very easy to board into graveyard hate, yes. But then their 5/6 frog kills you in the air and it's impossible to remove because it's turn 7 and they have 6 cards in hand.
It's one of the worst designed cards since Eldraine. You get value by not even playing it.
When was the last time you bought sealed product?
Pioneer bros after playing a lot of games of MDW Magic i came with a conclusion: I want Sorin and Phoenix to FUCKING DIE. Kill those decks.
As >>93360528 said.

Basically it isn't ye olde UB reanimator where you animate a big dumb idiot, but more of a tempo deck that randomly rings the bell and cheats in a big dumb retard.
Disruptive decks with a very strong clock are generally super good in eternal formats, since they can race AND not die to combo.
because it's not a traditional, all or nothing, reanimator deck, it's a deck full of interaction and efficient threats with a tight reanimator package

for example, they can start their turn 1 with pitch black card to grief, take a look at your hand, see your graveyard hate, discard it if it's the only you have, if not, they discard something that furthers your game plan, and pivot into beatdown mode next turn
If you could delete just one Modern Horizons set from existence which would it be?
What a trash.
this guy feels so much more honest than ragavan ever did
New Burning-Tree Emissary for Rakdos.
With fucking rummage.
They nerfed her
>becomes a proper rat
you mean made her consistent with the new setting?
oh no...
MH2, albeit I'd be happy with Mirrodin ||both of them, playing le funny ponza man vs artifact decks is fucking dogshit gameplay||.
t. Pooper player
If sissy can't goon.
SISSY! ANGRY! >:(((((
>a proper rat
Hate when my pet rat stands on two legs and becomes a ninja warrior using insect arms as weapons.
Only gives you the mana if an opponent lost life this turn
Whenever one or more tokens you control enter, draw a card. This ability triggers only once each turn.
{W}: Level 2
When this Class becomes level 2, create a token that’s a copy of target token you control.
{3}{W}: Level 3
Token creatures you control get +2/+2.
very cool bad faith interpretation, bet you petted yourself on the back for it
the second one, how is this even a contest?
you mean generic and boring
Still totally enables the "vomit 6-8 power onto the board on turn two" play patterns BTE was famous for.
okay what else did you expect in that case, seeing the art from this set. Did you expect a slut rat with 3 pairs of tits out or what?
"Once each turn" has become such a crutch for the design team.
>play a 1 drop
>hope your opponent doesn't have a 1 drop to block
>then turn 3 drop 6-8 power on the board

>meanwhile boros plays a 1 drop
>doesn't worry about blockers and generates value on play anyway
>T2 creates 3 1/1s, plays another 1/2 and then a 4/4 that Memory Deluges, totalling 9 power on board
It sounds so much like YGO I wonder why I should bother playing MTG when YGO at least has sexy artwork.
Modern Bolt - R - Instant

This spell deals 2 damage to any target, If Saturn is in retrograde it deals 3 damage instead. If not then exile the top card of your library, you may play it until the end of your next turn, gift a goat.
entra donde?
Yeah, same thing as backup, so players don't get confused, though offspring makes copies so they have the same name anyway, but... Yeah, this is what the change coming in Foundations ([CARDNAME] to 'this [cardtype]') is mostly gonna be about.
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He take the egg. Also this sort of ends up just being "what if Word of Command wasn't an absurd nightmare of rules text" in a sense.
You should play YGO, after all you are clearly a pornography addict.
Fun fact, you can exile the card they drew from the gift.
esta claro, en el culo.
oh fuck now I am
This seems strong...
Some places do drafts around prerelease time so maybe it was on the line below. If you have any interest in mtg at all then definitely go to a prerelease, it's the best starting point by a mile.
I'd rather just cast the bat.
I will draw it for myself and never share
Tell me you can't get laid without telling me you can't get laid.
So what you're telling me is that the boroshitter won't block because he wants to convoke next turn so all I gotta do once I've got a board full of creatures twice the size of his is aim a single removal spell at his big idiot. Cool.
I like it.
No I'm saying Imodane's Recruiter is coming on T3 and you can't afford to use your 2/2s for anything but blocking, putting you at square one, minus some life and with less cards than him.
Rakdos and Phoenix are why the only fun Pioneer decks are combo decks, and 5c Niv. You will never outvalue Swords to Plowshares into Ancestral Recall with a normie ass creature deck, so just don't even try.
Legasisters, when will WotC finally do what needs to be done to make our format fun again?
>BAN Brainstorm
>BAN Ponder
>BAN Daze
>BAN Psychic Frog
>BAN Reanimate
>BAN Grief
>BAN Troll of KD
>BAN Entomb
>BAN Wasteland
are you going to buy any bloomburrow packs?
Boros gets a lot less consistent with Epicure gone. Gleeful Demolition is a lot less reliable with half as many 1-mana token producers and Yotian Frontliner's a mediocre stand-in. Two months from now the deck is probably just Boros Mice with Knight-Errant and the artifact package is dumped entirely.
Ill play the prerelease. All mtg is good for
The power of the deck is in stripping the opponent of winning chances. Stone Brain (imo) does that better than Lost Legacy, as Brain can sneak past countermagic on the play, and hit manlands, and Necromentha, as killing us before we stabilize is aided by zombies.

I can test other options, but if you want to get a sense for the deck just try it out. Landing Stone Brain on Phoenix by turn 3, or Amalia/Wildgrowth, is so potent that the game basically just ends the instant you do.

Think of it like a math problem. We have X amount of removal (Our entire deck)/, then have Y number of threats. Stone Brain removes the 4 biggest threats, so we never have to worry about them again, while we only need to spend 1 (or fewer, if Lilis get online) piece of removal on each remaining threat.

This is a slow deck, but don't underestimate the potency of an opponent having a deck full of lands and removal with no targets. If we get to turn 7/8+, basically no deck but Niv can beat us. Once we stabilize, you simply do not get to topdeck wincons anymore. It's fun!
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You gonna cry about it, nerd?
>steals egg bigger than himself on top of the tree
Congratulation you got yourself stuck. Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Them drawing before the after rather than after it makes this card not unplayable.
Magic? Toss it down to a soft catching nest below? Lower it down with a rope? Magic?
Alright anyways, bad matchups for Cheeto Fingers.
Niv to Light, and not for the reason you think. Yes, it is basically a deck made entirely of 1-ofs, and the hexproof from monocolored niv does hurt, but we have enough removal to deal. The real problem is motherfuckin' Klothys.
Several games already, everything has been locked down but a Klothys singlehandedly chops through 20, 30, 35 life by itself. Brutal stuff. Couple that with flashing Leyline Binding being able to save Klothys from Invoke Despair (Even if the Binding has no targets) and that one card is a recipe for disaster for us.

I'm floating a few options. Obviously Invoke isn't terrible, but right now I'm looking into Debt to the Kami. Another odd choice, but the exile over sac and instant speed makes it modestly potent. It also lets us deal with a choice few problem enchantments, like a top side sharknado, if needed. In it goes for now!
>thoughseizes your debt to the kami
psssh... nuthen personnel... kid...
>shuffle it back in
>tutor it again
Ok. Good job on that, mate.
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Red manadorks when? Make pic rel 1 mana please
A proposal!
>You receive
A 1 mana Emberkitten.
>I receive
But it deals 2 damage to you whenever you tap it for mana.
Red's mana dorks are rituals and treasures.
Does bloomburrow have any counters? It seems creature heavy
Take away the fucking problematic beast egg.
>thoughtseizes it a second time
lmaoooo you fucking suck BITCHASS xDDDD
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The power creep is insane. More like a sprint than a creep.
>Bro bro you don't get laid because you don't want to have quasi pornography on your fat nerdy paper squares!!
Lmao, goontards everyone
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We already have a better dork so embercat should be a emberkitten for an red elemental deck. Also unban fury while you're at it
The UU counter creature/ Gift counter any spell one
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two thoughtseizes
i'm defeated
Says who? Color pie is a lie and you're a faggot
Don't even try to pretend that trash was ever playable outside of limited and your shitty timmy kitchen table decks.
*gives ur balls a playfull squeeze*
leave magic to the professionals jabroni ;)
U/B about to take down another pre release?
I may be a gay, but I am NOT a jabroni. You take that back, or else!
green swords to plowshares when?
Yeah there's lots of different types of counters
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>lol just print underworld breach again lmfao
I think you know what i meant
>mfw necrodominance + festival of embers = rakdos control
Underworld Brech was A LOT better than that shit.
>costs 3 additional mana
>only instant and sorcery
into the trash it goes
>Underworld Breach
Huh, that's not how I remember Breach...
This isn't even better than Past in Flames, anon.
WIAY! Xd there are cards that di the sams as ofhed cards! Why they reprintbeffect on 5 mana enchantment! Its the sane giys! Look! Its gonna be so op! XDDD
Never hopefully. I miss the color wheel
The color wheel never existed. We had a thread not long ago with a bunch of autists spamming mono green burn spells. The pie was always a lie, color governs flavor not crunch.
Bloomburrow is a weak set, however has the balls to deny this at this point is simply a shill.
Hey wait does the offspring copy of a creature also have the offspring ability?
It does, but offspring is basically kicker so it does nothing on the battlefield and only matters when you are casting the card.
As an additional cost to cast this spell, reveal a creature card from your hand.
Exile target creature if its power is less than the revealed card's power. If the creature doesn't have flying, its controller gains life equal to the revealed card's power.
So you can't chain it to get multiple copies?
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>Exile target permanent
>Its controller creates a 0/2 green Plant creature token
100% color pie approved
Kinda gay desu
Sorry bub, animals only fuck ONCE.
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>friends all went deep into this set because cute animals
>power level sucks ass
someone point out the overtuned product seller because I dont see it.
We're back lifegain bros.
Actually he gave it to Glarb.
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>someone point out the overtuned product seller because I dont see it.
It's an uncommon lmao
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I like Stronghold a lot, too.
on Arena
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Azure Beastbinder - {1}{U}
Creature - Rat Rogue
~ can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or greater.
Whenever ~ attacks, up to one target artifact, creature, or planeswalker an opponent controls loses all abilities until your next turn. If it's a creature, it has base power and toughness 2/2 until your next turn
The pie isnt always used but it shouldn't be disregarded. The colors having distinct styles of play is what makes having colors worth it. Im pulling this out of my ass but i bet if it were graphed we would see a greater breaking of the wheel over time between 2010 to 2022 with it somewhat coming back now.
>Kicker U
>If this spell was kicked, target permanent gains flying until the end of the turn.
>Destroy target permanent with flying.

Tell me this isn't 100% within the color pie.
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Where are the Bumbleflower stans?
That is within the color pie.
Just because colours can do something in combination doesn't mean they should do it in one card. Blue can bounce something to the top of the library and then mill, but it can't do that all in one card. Green can get deathtouch and fight effects, but it can't (or shouldn't) get a creature that fights on ETB with deathtouch, etc.
It needs to be "target permanent if it has flying" so you can target nonflying things.
But other than that, checks out. Green can destroy things with flying, perfectly fine.
Color pie breaks have been steadily increasing because EDH players eat it up. Enchantment removal for my mono-B Tinybones deck? Sweet!
Speaking of the colour pie, we got the increasingly more common red bite effect. I think this is fine to exist for red, personally. Green gets fight and bite, red just gets bite.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Taking them into mind, we have decided to give Bone Splinters effects to Green in addition to fight and bite.
>Toxic 1
>Combat damage to player, proliferate
Jesus Christ
>big owl edition
Such a wasted opportunity for the 'superbowl' pun.
It all goes back to them. Commander used to be a cool format before they started pushing it.
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Would help if I posted it.
>Let's just take an old card...
>And make it better!
Shit designers.
this art is fucked
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>"Every card in this set has good art!"
they said
>"The best art in years!"
they said...
Generally it does have good art and generally it is the best in years
Isn't Flare just fundamentally bad? Free counters are good because they stop your opponent from making a non-game and let you commit threats without going shields down. Flare requires set up so it's too slow, and it messes up your board state so it sucks for keeping your clock.

Ban everything until Maverick is good.
how is this just not a worse counterspell??
Standard: ban go for the throat, duress, and monastery swiftspear
Pioneer: ban fatal push, thoughtseize, fable of mirrorbreaker, bloodtithe harvester, vein ripper, sorin the imperious bloodlord, prosperous innkeeper, wildgrowth walker, amalia, and mutavault
Modern: ban galvanic discharge, orchis bowmasters, grief, and delighted halfling
It is a worse counterspell, but counterspell isn't available in every format.
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Oh no, limited fodder might have some random use outside of fucking limited, Lord forbid.
EDH died the moment the first precons got printed.
We work with what we've got.
The infinite value while mice that grabs shit from your deck if you so much as breathe in its direction.
Logistically speaking, is it worth choosing to gift when playing this card? Typically your goal in this kind of black deck is to deprive them of resources and leave them with nothing but lands in their hands right, letting them replace their card seems counter productive
Come on contrarian bro bring a better set in the arts deparment in the last 3 years. I will wait.
Can't wait for "Gift a discard" or "Gift a lightning bolt to the face"
I want to gift a bomb to my opponent deck. It's not worse than this gift mechanic shit.
You can steal the card they drew if you gifted.
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Cute animals are cool, but the art is still missing soul
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evens - buy ugin's lab now
odds - wait another few weeks
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>Brings back three slickshot show-off's for 3 mana
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welp, what is done is done
You fucking wish!
are the foil cards in the fat packs a known quantity? Is it like "You'll get a foil alt art Mr Weasel" or is it more "You'll get a foil alt art from this selection"?
Have Sex
Gift a condom (a condom is an artifact token with 1, Sac: Target creature gains protection from everything until end of turn)
Put two 1/1 white baby tokens onto the battlefield. If a condom was promised, sacrifice the tokens at the end of your turn.
he actually did it the absolute madman
Can someone break down what about this thing's abilities make it Bant?
which color has the best art this set, that's all I care about. That's the one I will play
>someone point out the overtuned product seller
Just like you said it yourself, it's the "cute art", girls and furries will flock to it and it'll sell like hotcakes just because of it, no need for good cards
>1/5 rabbit
Her butt is big enough for the Balduvian Horde
Bant is the gay grouphug shard.
>Put Amalia, Sylvan safekeeper and wildgrowth walker into your GY for 3 mana
>Summon them next turn for 3 also

It's too slow for memedern but perfect for pioneer, they should just print it already
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eldrazibro? :D
I was on the fence because I love legacy eldrazi and it seemed like ugin's lab wasn't necessary for it, then I saw some modern eldrazi lists doing well and since there's only eldrazi temple as a sol land in modern, ugin's lab became essential
based, I'm playing something similar in legacy
for modern, I'm more interested in a mono green version
>to tap into furry audience we will release packs with old walkers with furry skins
>but how do we make a set around that?
As usual I will go to a prerelease, buy one bundle and one display. Then I'll keep playing drafts untill the new set comes.
I hate this "power level sucks" psyop, BLB is the strongest standard set yet
>make stupid amounts of mana
>recast all my instants
>before they resolve sac festival
>graveyard refilled
>BLB is the strongest standard set yet
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Are you guys collecting anything in regards to MTG or are you just getting cards to play?

I have some complete old sets because they were the sets of my youth, but I haven't collected anything in recent years. If anything, all the booster fun stuff makes me want to collect less instead of more. When I see decks with a mix of full art, extended border, fake old border, and flavor of the set special border, I feel disgusted.
magic is a toy, you buy it so you can play
When nothing is chaff, everything is chaff
I exclusively play on arena. I have a small amount of physical cards (probably under 100) that I don’t play with
Alt art used to be unique. Now its usually worth less than regular
isn't this green ability?
What would WOTC need to do to make you see bundles as actually good value for money?
you know apples be scared when he walks in the room
thats the fat pack replacements right?
theyd just have to make paper standard the hard default again so i would be playing it
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Nobody cares if you give red fights/bites because red already has burn.
Kill arena and commander. Make good sets.
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>>You may cast this from exile.
>MtG is YGO-lite confirmed. I might as well go back to YGO since they have cute girls and sexy women unlike MtG
literally all I want is high fantasy sexy ladies. why does magic get gayer year after year?
Bundles are fine but I wouldn't mind if they threw out the land packs and added in a couple more actual packs.
didnt they also stop doing full arts in the bundles and just start doing normal lands?
I will be honest with you at the risk of being banned for telling the truth. Blackrock invests in these companies to make the women uglier. The reason they want the women uglier is so that way women look more "manly" to normalize transsexuals. Transsexuals are being normalized because weak men think that if they become women, then their lives will be easier. Their lives are difficult because a combination of women in the workplace and immigrants (an extremely high labor pool) is making it difficult to find well-paying jobs. A lack of well-paying jobs makes it difficult to purchase housing, which reduces personal security and autonomy. Properties are not being destroyed, however, and instead are being purchased by investment companies.

Investment companies like Blackrock.
Good sets don't make enough money for Daddy Hasbro
>"Ah, I see you've leveraged your resources well against my removal and card advantage"
>"Not running your combo into my open mana? Smart play, we shall have to test each other's tempo over the coming turns"
>"A two for one! Very good. This incremental advantage will force me to apply pressure or fall behind"
>"Ah, you've removed my land! Fortunately I kept a safe hand for this"
>"What a novel sideboard card! I'll have to remember this for game three"

We'll just pretend like Avenging Hunter doesn't exist
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It's been intermittent in red for a long time, just Red more often uses straightforward damage. Green is absolutely primary in it, but Red gets it too.
>Flavour text says Lukka got friendship from the bond
>In the story Lukka absolutely hates the tiger and wants nothing to do with it even up to its death
Also it just works well with the Valiant ability in this set, so a more roundabout Red kill spell that triggers Valiant is more reasonable to have for the archetype.
They absolutely do but hasbro doesn't understand long term anymore. Bet they go bankrupt within the next decade
>Good value for money
That's never gonna happen ever again, people view cards as disposable now because there's been too many reprints, too much powercreep, too many pushed decks.
Infinite money forever isn't a sustainable target, surprisingly.
I may be a brainlet so can someone explain how good Cruelclaw is?
I mean casting a free card seems pretty strong but you are also nuking your library constantly AND have to discard if you want to play whatever you get.
Seems a bit like a gamble to me.
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A second counterspell in the set. It's... Garbage, but limited-playable maybe.
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And another Class. Pricey levels, but that level 3 ability could be kind of nuts. And just being a 1 mana 1/1 with prowess that triggers prowess is notable.
I think it works in blue black control for limited but thats about it. And desu its better for the draw if anything.
It just occurred to me the story for bloomburrow is a kamigawa block retread.
>1 mana noncreature that makes 1/1 prowess token
Damn, anon got his wish
Wotc hasnt made anything original in almost a decade
It hurts
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The only minor disappointment with this is it's not a wizard but you can't get everything you want. I still like it.
woah we needed new soul sister nonsense
The new fucking Kumano that will make Standard RDW izzet?
People are talking about pioneer where it's ultra cascade in one card and the deck you slot it in are already top heavy. Like discarding bunch of lands really doesn't matter when you're at 3 mana, at that point Sheoldred only needs 1 more land to be castable.

>Cascade everytime you hit an opponent
>Menace means it can't be blocked because black has so much removal
>When you cascade you'll always hit useful stuff or just win the game with ripper, fable, Sorin or Sheoldred
>Dodges push
People will say it's bad because it has to live but it's still a 3cmc creature that wins you the game if left alive.
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>power level sucks ass
Learn to enjoy low level magic
And like even if, even if it doesn't hit a bomb it's still card draw, hand disruption or removal for free. Discarding a card doesn't mean shit, you "discard a card" everytime you put a creature on the battlefield.
Ajani's Pridemate just got replaced, damn
>soul sister payoff with modular
Very cool
Come back once people actually get their hands on the set and we find out what's been tremendously underestimated
Vigilance is white, +1/+1 counters are green, drawing cards and flying is blue
i like low level magic but i hate that for once we have a superb set and good looking cards and just a few will see actual play outside of standard meanwhile horrible sets like mkm had a lot of cards that saw play.
Blue can do anything, and green/white is because she's a rabbit.
Meant for >>93361924
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It's been replaced a while ago
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BLB art
'll eat a cruelclaw if cruelclaw doesn't hit 30 bucks and doesn't get banned.
I would, if it could be played.
Unfortunately, MTG is power crept to oblivion so low power simply gets tossed into the bin.
>calamity beasts are just magic rabies
Vigilance is also green, so remove white. +1/+1 counters are also white, so add white back in and remove green.
Yeah, there's not a lot that needs to be green but Commander designs are often just extra colours... Sometimes just because.
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Anyway, here's something for counters-based decks, maybe? Might be too slow.
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2, Remove a +1/+1 counter form a creature you control: Draw a card.
Was this design really so hard to figure out?
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At the beggining of each upkeep, put +1/-1 counter on this creature.
Whenever rabid creature deals combat damage to another creature, that creature becomes Rabid.
But that's not what that card does
There's differences in those effects that probably matter for balance reasons.
You could draw your deck in roots but it's meh
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>Valley is populated by multiple other animalfolk species, such as weaselfolk, molefolk, foxfolk, and more.
I need it!
Yeah, the way it works now you can't use it on +1/+1 counters you had out before you played it.
Making it CONSIDERABLY worse.
>for balance reasons.
IMAGINE saying that in the context of nuMagic
It's still weird we haven't seen any foxfolk besides Jace. There's also a mole in the story, but none seen on cards yet. We've at least had two weasels.
The way it works now, you also get to keep your +1/+1 counters, and it works much better with proliferate. Neither is strictly better, it just depends on the deck and the situation.
Yawg non-conditional card draw?
I guess we have seen one already. Slipped my mind.
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The new brew is going into bizarro world.
Obviously going to be some kind of control setup.
What do I add?
Has the dust settled? Is Bloomburrow going to be lame?

All I see is a bunch of creature cards, each with various combinations of "do X in a convoluted way to draw a card, or exile a card that can be played" or "do X thing to get a +1/+1 counter"

I don't even like playing creature heavy decks.
Not Pioneer legal.
Would be a sick option though.
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I guess if you really want to meme, you can play this as a 3 mana draw 4
>Has the dust settled? Is Bloomburrow going to be lame?
It is, in fact, 100% completely lame.
No power. The lore was soulless and the story was mid.
I guess cute animals can carry a set, but only until box prices tank to sub-60 when everyone realizes there's no value.
>Target player
OH LAWD. I thought all of these were target opponent, that's pretty savage. Never would have noticed, thanks mate.
Otters just play Calvinball, apparently.
>The most popular otterfolk game and their cultural pastime is called otterball, an endless, ongoing game whose exact rules are unknown and whose parameters are constantly shifting. It’s completely baffling to non-otters. The only things anyone else can be sure of are that it’s played largely in water and that the Calamity Beasts are involved in some way—but particulars of scorekeeping, penalties, and illegal moves are a mystery.
And I'm basically judging these sets on their standard viability. Sure there's like a couple cards from MKM but for the most part it's like it doesn't exist. Meanwhile I swear every deck is running at least two unique cards from Ixalan, and BRO or ONE have enough synergy to allow you to craft full standard viable decks mostly around their mechanics.
based retards
Indeed. Unless we get some sleeper spoilers, or maybe one of the big mythic sorceries ends up being potent, this set really just looks full dead on arrival.
Kaervek, the Spiteful best friend.

he fucks like a bunny
I get what you're saying but I think it would feel weird if it was just in UG/WU/GW
Demonic Bargain is another meme way to draw cards in this.
I think I prefer Lost Legacy as, given mono-black extract tests, maindeck extracts are beefy, I'll be testing both absolutely. Great suggestion.
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>/mtgay/ calls MH3 weak despite powercreep being used to sell packs
>turns out modern becomes block constructed
>/mtgay/ calls Bloomburrow weak despite powercreep being used to sell packs
MH3 is pretty weak overall compared to MH2.
It's more like a LotR with a choice few absolutely retarded cards, than MH2 where almost the entire set was a busted garbagefire.
Who called MH3 weak? Wasn't Nadu considered busted from the start?

Also which card in Bloomburrow is powercreep? I don't even feel like they're stronger than standard
This post changed my mind completly.
Bloodburrow is the set that will cement the next standard format for years to come. Unironically.
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it says right there he doesn't fuck
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Screencapped. Hope you like cardboard anon.
>/mtgay/ calls Bloomburrow weak despite powercreep being used to sell packs
>It results the art was superb because they wanted the boomer audience. Set in the end was weak
All I’m saying is that RDW shouldn’t exist.
All we need to curb RDW is by banning the 1 mana prowess. Honestly at least SSS comes a turn later
RDW is fine because it curbs worse degenerate decks. All aggro does it
where skunks?
where opossum?
like 1 card of each was shown.
It has 1 colorless mana in cost and is a shaman (probably)(or a warlock?)
I would rather play against monogreen aggro a thousand times before I play against RDW even once.
Show me a mono green aggro deck in any format before you start comparing apples and dildos.
Why? There are generally more counters to red then green in terms of aggro

Monogreen aggro is honest. RDW is not.
The meta is kind of fucked because apparently Deluge is bugged, and U-control isn't showing like it should. It's more obvious in paper metas I guess, Amalia folds to UW.
>dies to removal
Seems honest to me.
>pings you for 1
>makes your next creature stronger
>causes all your creatures to be exiled when they die and is also a 2/2 with haste
It is because they didn't want to include fox and mole to the "tribal" lords of the set. Don't think too much about it.
What made All Will Be One's extra stuff so full of expensive cards compared to every other set released around it?
What card is that
Kumano Faces Kakkazan
Red needs it
Red needs BIG RED cards. Fuck RDW.
What Red truly needs is to die. I'm tired of this retarded brainlet Magic
You'll eat those words when we return to Bloomburrow and he has the offspring mechanic.
Play best of three and then sideboard cheap removal/sweepers
>Big Red should only exist in Commander
you the gayest nigga on earth
I'm liking Season of the Bold for big red so far, there are a few good configurations. Lynx also seems nice for punishing other midrange piles. I'm also testing with Byway Barterer to see how it compares with stuff like Phyrexian Dragon Engine.
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or what, hotshot? gonna cry?
>big red has been SHIT for years in standard, modern and Pioneer
That's exactly my complaint?

Genuine question. If all you care about in MTG is playing as little as possible, why bother playing at all? Why not just offer your opponent a coin flip before the game starts and declare the winner of the coin flip as the winner of the game?
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this dude wants you to believe the deck on the left is more fair than the deck on the right LMAOOOO
Yes. It is inherently more honest than SSS.
me on the left
Ramp isn't aggro ;^)
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>retard wants to rule zero the colour red altogether
>redirects anons to edh
Insta enter the unfair bullshit trash tier.
Nothing can compete with such absolute design mistake.
>"dishonest bullshit"
>dies to removal
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I just wanted to play with my old bros again...
So does everything on the left?
I have never, ever played MTG before, seen a couple videos recently and I'd like to try it. I see that Arena is free, but mixed reviews on steam. Would I be fucking up trying this game out on that platform?
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here your fox, courtesy of /edh/
>Dies to removal
>Is Ok
We have a WotC designer here!! Ask something!
That was exactly my point, you fucking moron. "Fairness" only exists in matters of exchange, not in how "strong" a single card is. You would know this if you actually played the game, but you don't. You play MTGA and then shit up /mtg/ with your inane bullshit. Eat a dick.
If you've never played before, Arena is probably the best way to get into the game.
Should all decks be 59 lands and one bear? So that you can play the most magic per game?
genuinely just find a local shop to go to in the evening and ask if they have anyone that would teach you the game
they have little premade booboo bullshit new player decks made for literally this exact purpose
We appreciate you exposing your utter lack of MTG knowledge with this post. Thanks.
>we want the furry audience
>also it draws cards and cheats on mana
Every time I consider getting into edh, I see a reminder of why I haven't.
I would say dont play. It's only getting worse over time
You're the only person that's put an arbitrary time constraint on games of Magic. You're going to need to come up with a better strawman to dig yourself out of this hole.

The mixed reviews will be people complaining about a rigged shuffler. Arena's a fine way to learn the rules.
Alright thanks!
I'd rather kill myself then interact with human beings in person thanks
You haven't made any counterarguments, you've just bitched and moaned. Do NOT reply to me in the future. We all know that you're a Standard MTGA player who's upset that you're getting cockblocked by the autoshuffler and not the actual game itself, because you're not playing real Magic. You're playing a gacha game. Go fuck yourself. You've certainly got a huge enough cock to do so.
Should a 1cmc 10/10 be printed? Yes or no.
oh i see
get the fuck out of here then, we dont want you here
kill yourself
No, because the 10 toughness is the problem, not the 10 power. STOP replying to me you absolute dingaling. You have a massive cock, go play with that since MTGA is currently punishing you for not buying enough gems.
Just play the good decks lol
But it dies to Go For Throat, so it's fine right? It's fair. By your own assertion.

>trying to get the last word and disengage because you can sense you're on the ropes by not quoting me
lol you're a walking meme
My advice is to avoid every TCG, I'm not being ironic here, just ignore every single TCG on the market, none of them are actually good games.
Lightning Bolt is the metric for removal, not Go for the Throat. You'd know this if you played real Magic. The fact that you can't follow simple instructions (DO NOT REPLY TO ME) shows how incompetent you are. You don't know how this game works. You don't know what the standards are despite being a Standard Arenababby. Go back to /vg/.
I accept your concession. I can feel the heat off your cheeks at the sheer embarrassment of having been exposed this hard. You can't stop replying, because your ego is hurt.
it really isnt
fatal push is the standard for removal
Your so fucking mad right now its hilarious
SSS apologists get the fucking rope
Not part of this argument but "dies to removal" is a meme for a reason.
absolute fucking retard you should probably kill yourself after all you die to removal too?
Your argument was playing fast equals less magic. Im saying that amount of time playing doesnt mean more or less magic. I usually play aggro or control so either way is fun
If you think about, we all die to removal too.
>Im saying that amount of time playing doesnt mean more or less magic
That's a really stupid thing to say.
Not me, im norin the wary
Portal 1 is a better game than portal 2 despite portal 2 being longer. I enjoy my time more in portal 1 than in 2.
Niggas ITT unironically say that winning the game through fast creatures and damaging spells is dishonest
You're supposed to win through big creatures and durdly spells.
rn im a lovestruck beast without my 1/1 bro
I am plotted.
Old people need to learn that dishonest gameplay is gameplay I can't respond to not some wombo combo no one gives a fuck about. I don't give a shit that the old definition of fairness was playing by the rules and unfairness was using Living End or Goryo's Vengeance. The new definition of fairness is playing with a card that I can respond to. I can't respond to plots, which make them unfair. You boomers with your Oldtimers disease can't seem to grasp that.
This is a terrible comparison because Portal 2 is the better game.
your 2 mana creature isnt supposed to hit me for 12 in the air without any opportunity cost
it just isnt fair
if there was some risk being taken id get it, but if i try to fight you over it you just have tamiyos safekeeping effects to protect it from removal that pump it even higher, making me have at minimum 2 killspells to 2 for 1 myself
Nah senpai, i'm dancin'
The humor hits better in 1 and the level design doesn't get stale like it does in 2.
Boggles is fair and im tired of pretending it isnt
2's level design is ten times better than the first. I'll give you the humour though.
I remember the last time I played against bogles
lurrus was still legal in modern
I think the greater variety of characters makes 2 hit better in some ways, but some bits drag on too long. Portal 2 also seemed afraid to be silent, whereas 1 just had long gaps of nobody talking to you.
To be fair i would consider both great games.
The last time i played against it kci was legal
this is the type of people who seethe at SSS and why they don't deserve any you
>you played a creature, a pump spell and a protection spell, so if i use 2 removals i'm down a card, didn't lose life and only ruined your hand and turn, magic has been ruined beyond what cards like memory jar ever did lmao boomer
You can't respond to creatures at instant speed?

Name one 2 mana creature that does 12 alone
They're both pretty damn close to perfect. The difference is like a 9.5 vs a 9.8 imo.
We already humiliated you old man do you really want to go through this again? Post your Arena account name and I'll show you why SSS is bullshit donkey dick.
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Who cares.
You're really back for another round after being shredded so completely earlier?
I would suggest superliminal if you have not played it. Not as good but pretty solid.
The last time I played against it was a couple of weeks ago because Bogles is still alive and well in Pauper.
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>seething song into the void
I'm just going to say it.
BLB fucking sucks, man.
Fucked up the tribal by making it some shitty Party-like type groupings garbage.
Rampant power creep means low-power sets get left in the dust rather than having some fringe playability.
The story was shit. The setting had no depth.
The art is soulless, but yeah sure it has cute animals so whatever I guess.

It's just kind of shit. I don't like it.
I haven't actually. First I've even heard of it. I'll give it a look-see, thanks.
BLB finally made Teferi playable, and that alone is good enough for me.
Apologyst of SSS are literally the worst fucking Magic players in /tg/ and that's really a feature for all these faggots.
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bro just Push i-
>Return three target SSSs from your graveyard to the battlefield.
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>things than never happened
Design wise
Kiln Fiend >>>> SSS.
Prove me wrong.
Yeah, it's a brew, I'm not expecting it to be UB Scam. Obviously I'm running the usual control cards, but every stock 4cc list now is completely built around beanstalk which I don't want to run because of how incredibly homogenizing it is. It really bothers me how many cards in 'viable' legacy decks now are from the past couple of years.

all formats are just cheating mana these days what are you on about
That's it. I'm printing proxies. I'm done with this bullshit.
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samefa g
no i just posted in the edh thread after making that post
oh no no no no no
Hey guys, what's goin--
>/mtg/ having another melty
... Nvm...
And everything just for a single bird...
but nadu is also making people boil
>Plot 1R flying
he plots in a flyer he flies in a plotter haha
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>ill call him a samefag!
Also the transsexuals become slaves to the system providing them hormones and surgeries. Alienated from normal society they are devoted Janissaries of the Corporate-Party-State.
The whole thing would make an excellent cyberpunk campaign plot if it weren't so tragically real.
(See? I connected it back to TG!)

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