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Are light mechs viable past 3049?
First for the best factions. Upholders of civilization! Davion, Lyran, Free Worlds League (barely), and the Russian parts of Cappellan space.

Down with all the stinker houses who hate civilization.
Completitively? no. For lore? Yes.
Unfortunately a lot of tabletop games and scenarios tend to boil down to "Kill the other guy," but for objective grabbing, Target raids, assasination, blockade running, scouting and stealth missions? They're fantastic.
Can I get some feedback on my Regent alt config?
Urbie defensive squad protects this thread!
We may not be the best, but we'll hold the line as long as possible!
Here's the record sheet.
Neat! Love a good Gauss Platform.
Shit like the Pack Hunter who can snipe from a billion hexes away? That one ice ferret with 10 er smalls hooked to a tac comp for maximum rear arc shenanigans? Yeah id say so. Shit like the Owens? Maybe not so much. Clan lights can do ok because of their sheer payload at speed. Spheroid lights just kinda... Die a lot.
Play with objectives on bigger maps, homo
lights are viable even in 3152 and if you disagree you are a shitter.

Inb4 someone says well they suck because (random shit nobody actually plays against like 30 infantry platoons or other weird cheeses are better)

Firstly they are cheap, secondly a lot of them hit pretty hard and have crazy mobility and are impossible to hit even vs pulse lasers (and plenty of people don't just take 20 clan LPLs in every list). Ion sparrow is less than 1k BV (some a lot cheaper) and can jump like 20 hexes.

There are lots of decent lights for around 1k, which is a lot less than heavies and assaults which start getting to near 3k on average in later eras. Plus there's the 500-600ish BV light mechs which make good list fillers espiecally if you cant or dont want to play with combined arms.

Slower lights like adder etc make pretty good firesupport with very long range, decent mobility, especially if they are sitting in the back or your opponent has other stuff to worry about
also some lights might not pack a lot of firepower but they can still do a ton of damage especially firing in the rear, which can often take like 10% as much damage as to kill from the front and if the opponent wants to twist and only fire half their guns while not getting to shoot at your heavy firepower in front thats fine.

Someone with 2 medium lasers can kill or cripple a heavy or lighter in one turn if it rolls alright, light mechs with mobility also let you threaten a lot more potentially. Something that moves 18 can threaten or have 4x more potential dangerous moves than someone than moves 9
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Someone last thread wanted scans of the Mercenaries rules.
I took pictures of mine.
It's very much an abbreviated version of Total Warfare. It's a nice in between mechs only and total warfare tho. Probably a good transitional ruleset to get yourself to total warfare eventually.
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Turkey and Lil' Turkey.
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HBK C death team is here to assist. where do you need cuac20 bursts delivered?
Anyone got a copy of this book?
You play gay uncompetitive games.
90% of players play mechs only 100% of the time, the other 10% still mostly plays mechs only

Not that anon, but this is a wargame, you can depict inumerable scenarios will all kinds of circumstances. There is no one "Correct" competitive way to play.
Any of the IS 6/9s or 6/9/6 lights are pretty much shit out of luck though, once precision ammo and pulses get popular.
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>ENGAGE ENHANCED IMAGING was a real thing, not just a cheesy gimmick for the cartoon
>it was actually integral to the development of ProtoMechs
what the fuck
When's your next battletech game, /btg/?
Image Enhancement was also a thing in MW2. It was the view mode that made everything wireframe

So last thread there was some talk about how the Jade Falcons developed a particular design style with jump jets and talons.

I'm curious - does any other clan have a unique design style to them? I'm familiar with IS design hallmarks, but I figured the clans wouldn't have any because Omnimechs.
Tomorrow evening. Gonna try and squeeze two 6000bv games in using the Mechbay podcast mission pack.

Gonna take the following lists:

Clan Nova Cat
Masakari A- 3/4
Dragonfly I- 3/4
2x Clan Medium Battle Armour (Rabid)- 3/5

2x Hasek Mechanised Combat Vehicle (Standard)- 4/6
2x Grenadier Battle Armour (LRR)- 4/6
Highlander 732- 4/4
Phoenix Hawk 3PL- 4/4

Really want to take this list at some point as it's 6000bv, as that's the bv that most people at my club play at. However, I've never played against this guy before so I don't want to take too annoying a list:

Nova Cat C- 4/4
Shadow Cat TC- 3/4
Clan Medium Battle Armour (Rabid)- 3/5
2x Shamash Reconnaissance Vehicle (Standard)- 4/5
5x Satyr 2- 4/5
Possibly Saturday, but if not definitely next Tuesday.
Tomorrow when I have a chance to go out and print record sheets.
I will be playing the Hold vs. Salvage scenario from Instant Action. A depleted star of Blood Spirit solahma are attempting to prevent some wrecked omnimechs from being captured by a lance each of Capellans and FWL invaders. 10k BV, all Clanners are 3/4, all IS are 4/5
Don't ask what planet or year this takes place in, I don't know how Blood Spirits would ever be in this position but I'm working with what I've got.

I will be playing against myself because I need to see how badly even these SHS designs will fare against even second line clanners and don't want someone else to suffer through this.
>FWL: Treb 5N, Vulcan 5T, Guillotine 4L, Orion V
>Cappies: Cataphract 1X, Vindi 1R, Cyclops 10Q, Raven 2X
>Spirits: Incubus, Conjurer, Crab 27b, Warhammer IIC
Just got a copy dropped into the trove.
I really like the Quickdraw, but all of the variants are just slightly off what I want.
When counting destroyed units for scenarios, should I do rounding down or rounding up? Lances and Level II's divide evenly, but Stars are finicky to balance for.
>playing against myself
Oi! This is a blue board, sick perverted freak!
I mean if you fight on the fridges or Chaos Campaign, I would think you would be fine.
A lot of the missions in Mech Commander are objective grabbing and the both sides at first are using light mechs.
Urbie squad should be in cover.
id say round up or down depending on damage
I vote up
Man, Blood Spirits are a looong way from home for this.

It's a decent selection of mechs on each side. Second line clan mechs are ferocious, but those are some of the better introtech variants and I struggle as a Clanner against IS dealing with so many more additional bodies.
Bless you Cranston!
thankyou anon
Hell's Horses cooked up those weird quadvee mechs that can switch between mech and vehicle mode. Wolf has to slap fucking "wolf" on everything and make it a Mad Cat remix.
>Why do things run with , 3/4? Alpha Strike?
It's gunnery/piloting skill for CBT

Pretty skilled for sohlama

But remember UACS and racs cant use precision ammo, it's only basic AC's and light acs, and IS pulses have bad range and while they hurt lights they also hurt anything that can consistently generate 2 or even 1 tmm
Ghost bears are slow, ursus, bruin etc named after bears or death, some have skull masks
Ice Ferret's a medium. Granted it's also basically the Clan version of a Cicada so you could probably tag it under 'honorary light mech'
God I hope fucking soon, I'm feeling the withdrawal
Depends what your particular "nasty shit" is, I suppose: there's a bunch of stupid decisions by them, and a bunch of antisocial nerds with a shitton of entitlement looking for a machine to rage against who need to be stuffed into lockers. But yeah, both times I've met him at cons he's been great: completely approachable, loves to talk about BT to anyone. He's the CGL managing director though, second in command of the company I think, so he's got his hands in most decisions the company makes and if you have a particular beef, he's probably part of it.
He seemed pretty cool when I met him last Friday. Certainly passionate about the game. It did feel like he was trying to run damage control when a few topics came up, but he didn't seem unreasonable.
hellstar? Good
Hellstar + Cygnus? Great
Bruin is a 4/6/4 assault. Since when is that slow. Three of the big four Ghost Bear omnis are Executioner, Viper and Fire Moth. The Bears are known for size and speed and they pay throughthe nose in BV for it. When they go slow it is notable.
Can you photo the BSP cards too, please? Do they cover all BSPs from BMM?

I thought the Wolf thing was making mechs go faster, like the Linebacker and Gargoyle.
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Sunday or Monday, depends on when my battle buddy is free.

XPLs and VSPLs are also incredibly dangerous both on a Light and as weapons against it.

Yes and no, a lot of it comes down to personal weapon preferences and stupid ideas from 3058/67. Several of the more aggressive Clans like Heavy Lasers. The poorer clans don't really get much screen time in TROs apart from the odd totem mech (see the Falcon entry, below), but there are occasionally some notes about variants.
Coyotes are sort of like the French: enthusiastically adopting and developing new technologies before they're fully-baked, then losing the patents to someone else in Trials and straggling along with the old tech demonstrators well after they're obsolete.
Blood Spirits prefer tough, SFE mechs with LRMs-15 and Large Lasers along with a lot of Golden Century and Star League retreads. They make up for that with elite pilots and swarms of lower-skilled vehicles, Elementals, and later protomechs.
Hellions build fast knife-fighters that share off long-range responsibilities throughout the Star.
Scorpions lean hard into lasers of all kinds and feats of marksmanship over piloting skill. They also get some Quads and allow Star League relics into Frontline clusters, like the Spirits.
Jaguars are all in on the most aggressive weapons loadouts possible, along with a couple of nasty zombie options.
Bears start building for size and intimidation value, along with quite a few Warcrime Wagons that everyone politely refuses to acknowledge.
Wolves go for speed and flexible weapons loads, developing stuff like the Pouncer to keep up with their faster units.
Falcons split the difference, with a lot of fast lighter harassers and then plenty of stuff that strips off engines to get massively overgunned like the Cougar. For a while the Falcons and the Vipers were the default "We have a new Clan mech and it's not going to the Wolves" Clan, which makes their development a bit schizo.
The guy is a BT fan, and generally a good guy, but nothing more. The real power is Coleman. If he have a flaw, is beign an enabler for Coleman.

There's also the fact that smaller clans can differentiate their militaries through things other than mechs.

I'd consider the real star of the show for the Fire Mandrills the Salamander, though I of course love the Crimson Langur.

Similarly, the thing that made the Cloud Cobras unique was more their aerospace focus, and the Sylph, rather than any sort of cohesive mech design.
Protomechs also mix this up but I admit I've not really used them enough to judge which are associated with which clans, and what they bring to the table.

Mildly curious since I haven't really used Clan Tech, but would any clan be considered to really shine in urban combat, or is that just not a thing they do at all?
You saying my Ostscout isn't worth keeping? Lets go home, Ost. Its clear we're not wanted here.
>Entire Batallion of Ostscouts walk away flailing their arms about.
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Crimson Company, Scorpion Lance! We'll flank 'em once they engage you. You just hold that line!
Tomorrow. Got a guy coming from the capital city to pick up some 3D prints of Gnomes I made for him and we figured we might as well do a game as well.

Instant Action, my Merc lance of an Archer-2R, Griffin-3M, Wasp-3M and a Marauder-5S against the first light Amphigeans two Jenners, a Panther and a surprise opponent. Will write a battle report if the battle is good enough for it.
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I've been away from BT and btg for a long time. Figured I'd get back into painting with some urbanmechs, so here's the first one
Dose legs.
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Customize a variant. If it's just basically a minor weapon swap, most people shouldn't have a big issue with it.

Orthodox Zell forbids the use of cover and absolutely forbids city fights. In practice lots of clan designs end up being fast, max armor and have a huge close range punch because only their light autocannons have minimum range.
They do, with some extra clarifications and all the costs different (presumably because as cheap as they were in the BMM there wasn't any room to design around them, so they hiked the cost of everything to make it all fit on a new scale that included vehicles).
At 327K, the Scorpion isa bargain! In fact, I have this in mind now.
Would you play this scenario?

>Five Scorpions coming toward your lance.
>Four Ferret Helicopters, two on either side of the Scorpions, providing flanking support.
>Ten squads of infantry dug into foxholes, readying SRM launchers.
>Three AC-10 Howitzer Field Guns.
Your BV limit is 10,000.
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So i've been smashing together pieces of clipart to try and find a logo for (my_dudes) and i think i'm finally approaching something workable.
Just to get a couple of extra eyes on it, is it maybe a little too generic?
10,000BV for four mechs? That's very generous.
I honestly don't think that would be a lot of fun to play against. Like, if I bought in an usual "take all comers" lance, I'd just be fucked by the field guns alone, whereas if I just bought shit designed to deal with this shit (aka: a locust swarm), then I'd just mulch the infantry and field guns, stomp the tanks and get lucky with the choppers.

Unless you mean actually just three AC-10's and not three AC-10 squads, in which case yes, I'd absolutely play against this.

Or so I think from theory, I have not seen infantry nor field guns on the table for myself.

Honestly though? Would just remove all that shit and make it 12 scorpions.
>Just to get a couple of extra eyes on it, is it maybe a little too generic?
It absolutely isn't too generic, no such thing as too generic when it comes to /yourdudes/. It's a great logo.

Also it may be just having finished Small Saga (fuck that game), but I like this. Mainly because it reminds me of the better parts of that game (nazi squirrels)

Generic is better than overly complicated I think, I like the general idea of it.
Don't you just kind of auto-beat this if you have anything with more than 18 hexes of range? It's not like anything other than the Ferrets are going to be running up on you quickly.
Looks good to me bro. I mean shit I'm literally just doing a stylized white lion logo that I found on etsy at least you made it yourself.
From what I gather, Field Guns operate in very much like a Squad - they need at least two members to actually move, and after they move they can't shoot until the next turn. The Field Guns are right behind the infantry, so you'd need to get through them or get behind to stomp em.
Do I get to bring special ammo?
That would be a really shitty game to play though.

That makes it too easy to use Inferno Ammunition. Only one mech can use Infernos to avoid making it too easy.
Only the Victor could carry infernos in its SRM4.
Mold lines.
Hmmm... I'll allow it.
Turn-based RPG's are a hard sell for me, but i'm still curious why "fuck that game"?
Nah like i said i'm just smashing clipart assets together, none of them are made by me.
Thanks any way bro, feel free to share your lion logo.
Thanks, it's vaguely inspired by the Rats of Tobruk.

Guess i'll spend the evening doing some cleanup on it and do a couple variations for different lances/companies.
Bringing like, a couple LRMs is hardly un fun or game breaking, man. A huge chunk of 3025 mechs are built like that, with an incidental support launcher. Or are you just hoping the enemy walks into your guns like they're larping as British Redcoats? How would that be fun for the lance?
Cool, the Rifleman is also going to be running Flak ammo, since it's an anti aircraft mech.
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>why "fuck that game"?
I saw the picture of the rat going against a cat with a switchblade and looked a bit at it. "Medieval fantasy" turn-based RPG with animals. Hell yeah, cool, sign me up.

>The second character who joins your party literally introduces themselves with saying they're a lesbian, that they're disabled, and ACAB, in that order
>One of the main early enemy factions in the game are Fascist Squirrels, who are Fascist because they're Evil and Evil because they're Fascist.
>One of the last boss fights has a soundtrack in which a voiceover tells you that humanity is destroying the planet and we should take better care of the environment. It has nothing to do with the fight itself, the game just wants to remind you of Global warming
>The main villain of the game is the king of the kingdom. His grand plan is to kill a human with a bomb. But he is evil to the level of "rofl, lmao" as he simply decides not to evacuate people from the city where the bomb will explode. There is literally no reason for him to do this except to be an asshole
>The game ends with the king dead, and the main characters going "Monarchy bad!" but when asked "okay, so what will we do instead since the kingdom is leaderless", they go "lol I dunno" in murderhobo fasion. It would be a subtle political statement if it also wasn't basically just "I don't like leaders but I don't know what would be a better system!

Basically, what I thought would be a cool fantasy romp turned out to be not-so-subtle PoLitIcAl CoMmEnTaRy by the trans developer.

And the writing got progressively cringier as it went on.

Hope they work for the FedSuns so they can be true FedRats.
And? Maybe swap some of those SRM teams for LRM teams? Intentionally neglecting long range weaponry isn't your opponent's fault, is all I'm getting at. That doesn't mean it's a boring game if your opponent has some.
Ah, that's a shame. Some environmentalist coding is almost to be expected with small anthropomorphized animals, but that sounds immensely hamfisted.
Thanks for the warning anon.
...fuck i hadn't even considered that connection, that's so fitting.
Around the clan invasion era they do indeed mostly employ with the suns.
Swap some of the scorps for the LRM variant
Imagine you're trying to enjoy the cool fight against a much bigger opponent and the game in the background is reminding you of how much you suck because you eat meat.

It's an issue in scenario design, in this case. Mostly any scenario like this where it's a "stand-up fight" can be incredibly unfun. In the force here, most of your stuff has close to zero mobility and can just be shot at without being able to retaliate. Some people have had super bad experiences in lance-v-lance fights like this too, where one side just sits at their deployment zone and shoots fire down. Sure, it wins the game. Yes, it's effective. But being on the receiving end of that (or trading long-range fire until one side loses) can be -really- fucking boring.

Therefore, either you need an opponent who understands that Battletech is about "in your face action" (as mentioned in the rulebooks), or have to force asshats into playing objective-based games so they -have- to move.
That's also a reasonable idea if he wants to put pressure on the lance to advance forwards toward the infantry. I guess the question becomes is he trying to operate like a defensive emplacement firebase, in which case the infantry should have LRMs, or a rolling wave, in which case the vehicles should.
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Play battletech in 1/35

Weird that Coyote developed the Urbanmech IIC then, but I guess that was before zell really was established. Then again, they probably were glad they had them with the WoR started.

Also I'd say that while Blood Spirit and Fire Mandrill would be very careful of zell on the attack, on their home turf they'd happily go full urban warfare.
Excellent writeup, my only regret is I don't have a mind's eye and can't see the pictures in my head.
Every fucking thread without fail.
Stop mastur/btg/ing, your paint jobs aren’t that good.
Lore question, did the Smoke Jaguars live long enough to have any meaningful access to Heavy Laser carrying omni variants?
Post minis, atleast those Hunchbacks are defending this thread.
Running intro sessions for a new player next weekend.

It's fine if people post minis. Its fine if they post them in multiple threads. But that guy keeps spamming the same pics of identical lances of mechs, then samefagging replying to himself.
>They're also kind of bad at actual game design and resent it violently.

This is the biggest problem when fans take over a game, and it's happened to Warhammer, D&D, and MTG as well. It's probably the fate of any long-running game.
Not seeing your minis in that post, anon. It's fine if it's a picture you've posted here a dozen times already too, not like I have to interact with it if I don't like it.
So Nerdy Overanalyzed says the Wasp is worthless because the Locust is better for the same job.

Mechanical Frog is sentimental

Who is right?

I mean I'll take it if I can't get a commando or javelin or raven, and need some more firepower than a Locust.
>For a while the Falcons and the Vipers were the default "We have a new Clan mech and it's not going to the Wolves" Clan, which makes their development a bit schizo.

For example, the Black Python is a well-armed, not-too-fast jumper, which makes it an obvious Falcon Mech...
So I bought movement dice from Etsy and along with the standard walk/run/jump dice I got yellow ‘sprint’ dice. What the fuck is ‘sprinting’? MASC?
If you get stuck into rough terrain, the Wasp will wind up outpacing the Locust pretty easily. And if you have to cross a canyon or gigantic mountain range, the Wasp is infinitely faster than the Locust. Jump jets are a big deal, even if some mechs bring inefficient amounts.
It's from TO. Relatively common, as optional rules go: less popular than floating crits, more than 90% of the goofiness that appears in TO.

My main issue with those dice is that they fail at the one thing movement dice need to do the most: clearly communicate from a distance what your TMM is.
>Listening to Youtubers/forum users/assholes on the internet
Just use what is cool. The Wasp absolutelyy is not just a bad Locust.
They don't make a 1:35 axman. But I'd love to
>post minis
Fuck your tu quoque, faggot.
Nah that post about him jerking off every thread wasn’t red-arm samefagging.
>Not seeing your minis in that post, anon
Other people’s miniatures have zero relevance to you continually spamming your shit despite having it made clear to you that everyone is tired of seeing them.
>not like I have to interact with it if I don't like it.
Spamming your shit IS forcing people to interact with them over and over again. Fucking get cancer and die, you narcissistic cunt.
None of them. You should only listen to me and I say the wasp is bad, use a stinger (3G) instead.
I'm not even the anon who posted the hunchies, I'd just much rather see them spam their models once every thread than listen to /nominis/ assholes crying about people posting minis.
Thanks for that. Next question, I’m returning to the game after dropping it when Clix/Dark Age happened. I have my $20 voucher for CGL and I’m an old-school guy who wants to keep the gameplay relatively simple but run campaigns. Any recommendations on best spend to achieve that?
Then I guess nobody’s going to be happy, good fucking job you pair of cancerous hairy hemorrhoids.
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I've been playing the latest two Battletech games back and forth the past couple weeks. HBS Battletech and Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries.
The only other experience I've had with the setting is playing Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries over 20 years ago when i was 12.
After discussing some the lore, the thread on /vg/ directed me here when asking about books.

I'm wondering if you guys have a recommendation for a good place to start on novels in the setting?
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Buy mechs you like, homebrew the campaign rules. Or get Campaign Ops to get an idea how to run them the way CGL intended.
Decision on Thunder Rift. If you like that, the rest of the Gray Death Legion trilogy.
what the other anon said give decision at thunder rift a go it a good entry to the universe

Technically Heavy Lasers came out at some unknown time in 59, and Bulldog started in May of that year. One year after the start of Bulldog, Smoke Jaguar was dead.

So its possible that Smoke Jaguars might have gotten to look at Heavy Lasers, its highly doubtful that they would have had any large usage of them.
Take what nerdly says with a big grain of salt. He's optimizing specifically for campaign play which includes use of quirks, and even taking them into account I don't agree with all of his positions. He fails to account the locust having no hands, and the benefits of jump jets.
>talked with Randal Bills at an event last week. Vehicles existing to get swept aside by mechs was an intentional design choice.
Saved from some time back when Humble did a deal on BT books.
Anon, I...

It even shoots LRM's and has chopping action.
I might get campaign ops. After running a few games, once my regular opponent gets the flow, I’m probably going to get him to play a campaign where he plays an IS mixed lance or clan light/med 2-3 points over a 6-8 game branching mission campaign. So I think I will get campaign ops, thanks for your help.
got I love the cock punch ejection action
The boys at NAIS have outdone themselves this time
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My pledge shipped!
It's literally where I put the Somerset Striker's fist decal on mine. 7 year old me was a fucking genius.
Still better painted than red-arm anon’s stuff.
I'm pretty sure that anon has said in previous threads that he reposts those pics in every thread specifically to rile up the people that criticize his paintjobs.
Trillian Steiner-Davion approved a new line of scout ACV's for the Lyran Military.
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Thanks for the advice anons. I checked online and luckily it's published in Trade-Paperback size. I can't stand Mass-Market-Paperback sizes.
No it didn't. Don't fucking lie anon. Nobody is getting anything and all your money is stolen.
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Reckon I'll give this guy to someone else, then. Maybe the Star Adders? The Smoke Jags can have my Mad Dog S, it's a 3052 variant so much more likely the Jags could get one.

Who do you guys think would be most likely to run a Mad Dog H?
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Adders are the typical non-improved Heavy Laser Tards.
Adders field a lot of Mad Dogs and invented heavy lasers, so that's an option if you want to put Adders on the table. Among the IS clans all of them run some number of Mad Dogs and incorporate heavy lasers into their arsenals, so anybody would do. The Ghost Bears and Jags field more Mad Dogs than most, so maybe the Bears for the chassis or the Falcons for the aggressive payload.
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I'm thinking of painting /mydudes/ in the style of the 18th century Papal Zouaves. Are there any IS house armies or mercenaries who use a similar color scheme?
Yeah, that's kind of what I was afraid of. It's a shame the Star Adders have such a uniform paint scheme with their whole blue/black + trim color shtick, they're a very bland Clan at first glance.

Upsilon Galaxy has a rare orange based scheme, but they're just Burrock leftovers under a different flag that go full tard and get killed quickly so you can't really do much LARPing with them if you want to.

Maybe Falcons would work.
Nice photoshop.
Check some of the steiner units on camospecs
>they're a very bland Clan at first glance.
Welcome to the Homeworld Nobodies.
iirc a good bit of classic Davion regiments use a similar "Majority blue, white/red secondary" paint scheme
Reminds me of FRR's Kavalleri regiments.
The Davion Guards all use that.

My eyes may be bad but that looks like purple, red and white. You want the FWL.
Randal and Loren are two that were writing for FASA in the late 90s. So they're not exactly "fans" like a few have been claiming
They're fans in the sense that they were the 80's first gen of fan recruited into official work.
If you're the same guy that thought that Donegal lance was purple, you really do need to get your eyes checked.
Sounds like moving the goalposts just to be able to still call them fans
Nah, I'm red sensitive, but that just means I can see what other people can't. That picture ain't blue. It's light purple.
If the slime vtuber / nerdyoveranalzyed videos are made for prospective mercenary commanders... Why do the videos timeline wise... Stop before the Clan Wars?

The most recent Mercenary book really gives a good case that the "Boon time" for mercenaries was AFTER the clan wars, when there was a lot of little fights and chaos and the Chaos March
They're first gen fans, from the era of Battletechnolgy mail-in publishing. Believe me, compare to Stackpole and you can feel the level of amateur among even boilerplate genre fiction.
Who... fucking... cares...
Past 3052 takes effort, anon. Not even Tex puts in that effort.
The Third Succession War (towards the end of which is where introtech is) was also a mercenary heyday, being 150 years of continuous, low-intensity, inconclusive conflict and raiding.
it's blue, not purple
Meh, I know it's a scout tank, but that's a bit too light of machine, don't you think? I mean really, what are we, Capellans?
Consider the following: Sticking a pair of big fuckoff VTOL fans on the wings of a Locust. Can jump and fly around by tucking its legs in, but doesn't require the complex transformation of a traditional LAM.
It is faded art trying to depict faded dye under direct sunlight.
Fair enough. I was just going off the pic as presented. Anything that uses iron gall will get red bleed with age.
I hope when I start painting I'm like half as good as this. This seems very reasonable.
What do you mean? Like reading a Jihad Hotspots book?
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>What do you mean? Like reading a Jihad Hotspots book?

An absolute whiplash in tone over a bunch of random stories in chronological order written by different people.
Such a waste. Such a goddamn waste.

>i miss my blood spirits, they were good lads
>You got an ASF.
Cmon CGL, lemme buy one in shop. Don't be gay about it.
>Got the verification email that it would ship the 16th
>Still nothing on the 17

Sounds like I'm veryfucked instead.
they claim it will arrive tomorrow, but they sent it Fedex so it might arrive never.
god, next time one of you guys get to talk with cgl people, please male sure to tell them to fix MUL and make the Late Succession War - LosTec 2901-3028 and Late Succession War - Renaissance 3029-3049
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Thanks for the words of encouragement. It's fairly simple:
>White primer, citadel skeleton horde contrast paint, touch up with Vallejo Iraqi sand
Frankly I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t the same fucking photos every fucking time.
pic makes me wonder if there's a book with the urbanmech(s) as the mc, fighting against better mechs and stuffs
You bastard. I got the address verification email over two weeks ago and then nothing.
>People say "Hey your paintjobs are shit."
>He goes up in a tizzy and spams more images and paragraphs of gangstalker tier diatribes.

Seems like he riles himself up more than anyone else.
I've heard Clan Wolf described as the "Russian Clan" but is that based on anything, or just because of the Kerensky name?
The names are vaguely eastern European, but they're just another retarded set of clanners really.

It's amazing how much a Khan steers a clan and policy despite the Clan Council. Dude has more power than a king. So they vacillate wildly in policy and flavor.
It's other little bits here and there. A number of Dragoons characters curse in russian, for example.

Really any Crusader clan that is allied with the Star Adders, and their other allies of the Cloud Cobras.

If you care about RATs, I note that the Mad Dog H is most common to the Star Adders and Cloud Cobras, but Ghost Bear also messed around with it because they just love Mad Dogs, and Goliath Scorpion probably from stealing them from Adders on Dagda.

Yeah I think it was the Dragoons that started that more than anything.

But in the OG wolf book they do mention some wolves learning to at least read Russian so they can read Kerensky's stuff in the original language, and before No-Fun-Allowed Vlad took charge some Wolves enjoyed cosplaying as hussars.

Which always made me wonder what the Jade Falcons were more like. Their love of Katanas is pretty suspect.

I always figured the Wolves for more Mongolian, but I guess the Golden Horde counts for both. The Horses funnily enough seemed to get very Mongolian later. Then you have the vague Norse vibes of the Bears, the Aztec vibes of the Jaguars. Its fun to see what elements of culture even Nicky K couldn't kill.
Are there any crusader variants that break the okay threshold and venture into the realm of good, maybe even great?
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>Their love of Katanas is pretty suspect.
Just like the Caps, it makes total sense in context.

Also, the entire set of clans were supposed to be the Mongols.
Have you heard of our faggot and savior, the Hellstar?
The fuck does that have to do with a Crusader?

The 5K I think is decent as an MRM platform and I believe it has the crucial C3 slave
Crusader is a clan faction like Warden. If you mean the chassis, you gotta say it.
It's been an incredibly consistent element of the setting, in crunch and fluff, for nearly forty years. Deal with it, or start playing Heavy Gear or CAV.
>I have come to this thread full of things I do not like and now I am outraged
>nothing queerer
I dunno, you ever heard of this thing called gay sex?
The fluff consistently shows almost everyone spending huge amounts of time and money building and maintaining vast conventional vehicle forces, and using them in the most important battles. The crunch has been less consistent in showing that it makes sense for them to do that.
Gay sex is a lot less gay than piloting a mech actually
>The fluff consistently shows almost everyone spending huge amounts of time and money building and maintaining vast conventional vehicle forces

NTA but they also show them as consistently inferior from Canopian conventional wave tactics to Heir to the Dragon "FLIP THE TANK!". People like the Davions, famous for their conventional integration, still treat tanks and infantry as inferior to regular mechs and are rather supplemental.
There is nothing gayer than buttsex in the small cockpit of a Stinger, the mech with a cockpit so small the pilot is partways into the neck.
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>A Man's Romance is actually a Man-to-Man's Romance

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>Are there any crusader variants that break the okay threshold and venture into the realm of good, maybe even great?
The flippant answer is that they're all better than you think.
-6M, -6L, -6T, and most of the Jihad stuff is pretty good. In particular the -7M, -7M2, and -8L are vicious in a hunter-killer lance. The -6T is notable because it's based on a Mechforce UK design and one of the very few to get a nod in canon, cropping up in official art as far back as 4th edition.
>Classic Crud with Phoenix arms

The scene in Heir to the Dragon where a lance of light mechs ambushes a lance of von luckners at close range and easily wins is very stupid.
>Beats the rotation speed of the turrets and LRM's are mounted in the ass.

The got what they deserved.
Wasn't there a flowchart guide to gundam? I watched a bit of the original series but am a bit intimidated of going anywhere beyond that
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>Classic Crud with Phoenix arms
If it's any help, they're just taken off a Nova.
The answer is always production order, anon. At least with UC. 100% genuine response.
It seems unlikely to me the star league would have adopted a close range tank that could be easily circle strafed by a Panther. Also the point of operating in a group is that your buddies can cover you so that stuff like that can't happen.
>It seems unlikely to me
Good thing your opinion doesn't matter. Mechs have been consistently been portrayed as quicker than tanks.
Huh. I dont know why I thought the Archer was 60 tons.
>a pair of elementals, who have essentially no sexual taboos, about to break a Cappellan twink faggot in half
I don't see any problems here.
>implying Capellans are sapient, let alone people
>2009 was 15 years ago
>JHS:3076 came out that year

I wanno go back bros.

No, we have to talk about the crime statistics...

of the Inner Sphere.

Obviously it depends on planet to planet, but which regions would have the most and least crime? I remember the Lyran books discussed crime levels per region.
Clan space has the highest rates of piracy in the Inner Sphere according to one of the Jihad books.
Corsica Nueva is a literal Yak planet as well as ancient Star League marvel.
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>Refuse to acknowledge your clan is dead
>Get labeled Dark Caste Pirate

Another day in the Kluster.
: (
I'm too dumb to find the training thing that is in third edition. Can't find third edition... Help plz. Or just like a hint.
It's objectively purple. You can pull the hexcode for it right off the screen. You can average the tones. You can even white-balance it to correct. It's still purple. It's pastel lavender, even.
Are there any lore cop-outs besides a merc company to cover "I just want to paint all my mechs in the same color scheme"?
Bear in mind that Dark Caste doesn't care about clan honor, so the Urbanmech IIC isn't too crazy. It's cheap by clan standards and will happily defend an outpost in bumfuck nowhere against whatever vees the Dark Caste can come up with.
Bring your locust to Drainage_Basin.tif you won't.
link here in all it's horrific glory
Depends, what are you painting them?
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Even in the same mercenary company you might have each lance painted differently
At the end of the day, the first rule of running a mercenary company is to have fun.
There is no such thing as a faction exclusive mech. Mechs change hands in all sorts of ways and last hundreds of years. Some mechs are more rare than others, but the scale the game is played at lets you field almost anything and just say that you are depicting the only formation of it's kind in the faction.
I haven't decided, I'm very new and still grappling with the lore. I wanted to just start painting, but then I end up with the paralysis of "oh but what if I do this scheme and this mech wasn't available to them in whatever year" and I just put the mechs down. Then I thought about just picking some colors I like, but them my 'tism starts tickling and tells me "you know that no one group would have all these mechs" and I'm just stuck. I'm assuming this is normal-ish new guy difficulties.
>Yeah, I run Timber Wolves in my Capellan Reserves. Why do you ask?
Reading the TROs is part of the fun.
Anyway, my advice is to find three mechs that clearly belong to a faction, then stuff a mech that might be from a boneyard or battlefield salvage. For instance, I've got a Treb, Orion, and Vulcan all painted in Marik colors, with a Guillotine rounding out the lance.
How common are Guillotines? Not very. It's odd but the rest of the lance is clean.

The other lance I'm building now is a Bushwacker, Argus, Rakshasa.....and Champion. Steiner heavy cavalry lance.
>yeah I have a 450 page novel script to explain why but for some reason Mr. Bills didn't respond when I left it in his mailbox.
I'm not smart enough to know what this is.
After the disaster that was Operation Sovereign Justice more clantech found it's way to units like Capellan reserves.
>You think I’m the only person here that just wants Battletech to be about stompy robots?
Yes. Which is why you're on this hellhole site with the 40 other Battletech playing malcontents who can't accept reality, and that attitude is exactly why the fandom and history have passed you and them by.
>You’re not special because of who you like to fuck
MegaMek is being weird in the tutorial mission. I've blown up the weaker enemy mech and didn't win.... Weird.
NTA, I can say confidently most of the people I've met outside of 4chan who play IRL feel pretty much the same as that dude.
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So basically the Capellan's problem is that they think they're in a military sci-fi setting when really they're in Brettonia with mechs?
Not really, no. The powercreep of the clan weapons ruined the low end game. The long range of ER weapons mean you can't dash in and out of range, while pulse lasers negate most to hit mods from moving fast. The damage boost and use of targetting computers meant that can now core a light mech with a single long range salvo.

You also have the tendency for most games now to be fought on just one or two boards with equal sides facing off in WWF style match. Long gone are the days of using Aerotech rules to drop from orbit onto a map, gather your forces (fast light mechs excelled) and then strike at enemy targets, using Battleforce to decide what fights what - fast mechs easily outmaneuvering slower heavier mechs to hit artillery, ammo convoys and unguarded targets when maneuvering across a continent.
There's a lot more than 3025
is there any bits I could use for handheld rocket/missile launcher to put on a mech?
The years may advance, but feudalism is forever.
Light mechs can also use ER weapons and pulse lasers dont negate TMM, they just make it harder to hit EVERYTHING
In 3151 the Capellan's are the largest military faction currently running and Stone didn't want to fuck with them.
Field guns are self-contained motorised or mechanised infantry, they can't move and fire the field guns (they can fire their infantry weapons) but the field guns themselves can be rotated in any direction and fire at targets within that arc, like a vehicle's turret. They have the following weaknesses:
They need 1 trooper per ton the weapon weighs to operate it, so as troopers die they lose field guns
Most people used mechanised infantry which take double damage from non burstfire weapons
Most mechanised infantry can't make use of woods for cover and so will be taking double damage for being in the open
it's not really fuedalism in the sense of social development, there are monarchs but the economies are much more advanced, it's a bit more complicated than that.

Most planets have coffee shops and people doing ubereats deliveries
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What's better than Urbies? Even more Urbies! Old School Troll Lance has got your back!
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Awfully small territory for a big military.
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>there are monarchs but the economies are much more advanced
Yes, but also no.

Feudalism isn't about the technology level of a place. You can have trains and cars and space travel and still be feudal. But the specific combination of worlds swearing fealty to a lord and offering tithes to them in exchange for protection is inherently feudalistic.
>Xe thinks xe has right on xey’s side because CGL has swallowed the progressive poison
You’re a minority in the fanbase. Don’t mistake signal amplified pandering as general acceptance.
Battletech doesn’t need faggot representation to survive but you faggots sure do seem to need it.
I like that you lableled them despite everyone instantly knowing what they are
The last Battle Report from 3145 had the Cappelan's sitting on 51 Battlemech Regiments while the FedSuns sit at a sultry 31.
Light mechs live or die on not being shot, more so than heavier machines. The enemy being able to more consistently put damage on target is worse for a mech that’s only packing four tons of armor than one with fourteen.
Battletech covers centuries of warfare over thousands of worlds, all with different cultures environments and terrain. Just ignore any autists who say you can only over use one scheme, as ANYTHING can be possible, especially when a unit fights on different worlds using different camo. Just paint them however you want. That's half the fun of painting mechs, you can do what you like without the 40k style stupidness.
That's some Brigador shit right there
When did this happen for D&D? D&D has been taken over by business types and hasn't given people anything the wanted in several years.
that kuritan invasion route looks very impractical
Which is probably part of why it's gone.
I label all my mechs. Sometimes they fight new players. It saves time from answering "Hang, what's that one again?', over and over during a match.
I honestly want to fight defensive battles because 1. I get to prevent warcrimes and 2. I get to use the urban mech and ambush with it.
there's a lot of planets in that territory though
What minor mech producers were around in the fedcom in 3060? Obviously we all know Defiance and Archernar, but were there any small ones? Guys who had a single factory that did one mech or did parts production? There a book where I can find that sort of thing?
sultry /sŭl′trē/
Very humid and hot.
"sultry July weather."
Extremely hot; torrid.
"the sultry sands of the desert."
Expressing sexual desire.
"a sultry look."
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

I think you mean ‘paltry’.
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With the right mech (meaning a clan jumping pulse laser boat like the Horned Owl or maybe a speed demon like the Piranha or Fire Moth), yes...at least through the Clan Invasion period. I don't play past that so I don't have an opinion about the later stuff. The pulse lasers aren't a huge problem if you can generate the TMMs to compensate and/or have the armor to tank the occasional LPL flung your way, like the Horned Owl.

Stop replying to him. He doesn't play and he barely paints. When he stops getting attention, he'll eventually get tired of samefagging and fuck off to some other community and bother them instead.

Not until Wednesday, unfortunately. Today's game was cancelled. It would have been a 16000 BV star vs. star deathmatch with zell.

>Warhammer IIC
As much as people sleep on the second line Clan mechs, they sleep even more on the whammy IIC, The thing is a goddamn monster. It's expensive, and it's worth every bit of that BV. Headcapping pulseboats are just fucking nasty.
Sadly the original objective raids is 3054 and also filled with errors. The more modern Objectives: series is about post jihad stuff. Your best bet is the sarna pages. Category: Federated Suns Corporations and Category: Lyran Commonwealth Corporations.

click on random mechs then the manufacturer
Like 40 years ago a bunch of papers were written about how fuedalism doesn't exist because every single historian or layman has an ultra specific meaning for the word, and none of them line up. And that's the tip of the iceburg for the problem.

You're better off breaking it down into it's pieces and referring a series of keywords for what you mean.
so, the average kuritan and/or capellan citizens think their country is the one who treats them the best and don't want to move out to different countries/welcome other countries when their planet gets invaded/taken over?
Through the magic of author fiat, all things are possible.
Who cares what a bunch of liberals think? Feudalism is just when you have a dictator who's power structure is based on oaths of military service and fealty in exchange for limited positions of political and economic power over the citizenry. That's it.

Every single person understands how this works, and if you showed them a nation with a dictator, who has a bunch of subordinates who promise to fight for him (in exchange for power over an area), and each of those subordinates has a other layer of subordinates who fight for THAT guy in exchange for a piece of that guys control over an area, and each of those subordinates has subordinates (etc)...then literally anyone would understand that's a feudal system. It's not that fucking complicated.

Fucking liberal elites are just trying to justify their own existence by constantly redefining things. We should kill every one of them everywhere. They're good for nothing but pig food and fertilizer.
Monday is a 600 pv alpha strike game
He was asking about Battletech, not games that belong in /awg/.
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soon i hope i want to field my lyran ultranationalists pirates
Why ask about Battletech in a Leviathans general?
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will there be any problem if i use horned owl as count-as for some other introtech mech? because i really like how it looks
If you can find something similar, why not? I use Conjurers as Wolverines/Wolverine II's because I like the look better
You're in the wrong thread, this is ClanTroops General.
yeah thats fine just make sure they know its a proxy
go clans
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It's not a proxy. That's just an unseen horned owl.
why does the charger only have one hand
Because it needs a small laser dildo arm to fist you.
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wouldn't a fist be better for fisting
can't really fist with no fist
damn it it's q3 now. where are the 2nd star league and big mac forcepacks
It's q3 and I still haven't gotten my BT Mercs Kickstarter email. CGL lied when they said they would have everything to backers in June. Never forget that CGL is a dishonest criminal company. Pirate everything. Force them into bankruptcy. We'd be better off if Hasbro had the license.
How long did it take you to realize this?
Retards run BT, news at 11.
Buddy... A dictator has absolute power and feudalism is when the monarch is incredibly weak. Monarchs didn't have any power till like...
"The absolutist system of government saw its high point in Europe during the 16th and 17th century, associated with a form of rule unconstrained by the former checks of feudalism, embodied by figures such as Louis XIV of France, the "Sun King"."

Oh, so long after the Middle Ages was over.

>limited positions of political and economic power over the citizenry.
Except during almost all of the Middle Ages, the king was propped up by the people just below him.

Also, there are no citizens. Also there isn't an economy. Also there isn't politics.

Politics involves political positions, which didn't exist. Or parties, which didn't exist. No voting. No speeches. No arguing.

Politics is war by another means. There was no other means during this time period.

90% of transactions were in beer tabs and the last 9% were in sheep.

Dude, Communism and Fascism have more in common than whatever you're talking about and the actual Middle ages.

You spend more time describing like Afgistan (Too specific and modern) or basically the entire history of Germany, including 1500 years before Rome.
>elites redefine public discourse to justify their unjustified existence and we should kill them

well said, comrade
>Also, there are no citizens. Also there isn't an economy. Also there isn't politics.
Words do not exist in the English language to adequately explain all the ways that these statements are wrong. Jesus Christ anon, at least *try* to know what you're talking about.
>nuln fag doesn't even have friends to play with
With the amount of times he's posted his mechs we know what to look for to avoid him
"A citizen is a person with citizenship, i. e. a membership in a sovereign political community such as a country."

There also wasn't countries. Countries requires nationalism, which again, didn't exist. Countries also required rigid borders, which also didn't exist.
"Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups,"
This describes the Greeks or Rome.

Feudalism if we use a loose meaning that people actually agree upon, is a period of time where power has nothing to do with political titles or commercial wealth, but everything to do with personal military strength and ownership of land.

My source is literally every single historian on youtube, 4 years of university, and basically any of the dozens of books I've had to read.

Not only was the "feudalism is dictatorship" the dumbest political discourse I've heard in in my entire life outside blaming Jews for everything.... But you are trying to refute something more established and agreed upon than...

There are more historians that say you're an idiot, than scientists that believe in evolution.

>Hur Dur I'm pretending to be stupid.
How the fuck did a wargame so complicated, manage to have someone so stupid it in?
Quick, decide whether you would run through light cover to be at close range, or walk into light cover to be at medium range. Same TMM, same weapon range for opponent.
> power has nothing to do with political titles or commercial wealth, but everything to do with personal military strength and ownership of land.

All of those things are interlinked. Baron so and so owns the land because guys with weapons enforce that claim. Those guys listen to him because he's the Baron (political title) and he pays them (wealth).

Pretending to not know what someone means when they speak of a feudal country or it's citizens is just silly.
Is it better to try and find the single book version of tac ops? Does the split book have better layout or updated rules?
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I'm a cover kind of guy. If the latter doesn't count the protection bonus from light cover, then my brain reads that as a +3 on top of the TMM plus potential damage reduction if it's a forest, whereas making attacks would be a +3 due to range and movement versus the +2 of running into close range. Slightly worse odds to hit in exchange for much better protection, and with damage reduction rules it's the kind that can make cluster damage pretty damn toothless.
Depends how late in the game it is. Looking at myself honestly, I tend to spend the first 5-6 turns hanging back, working the terrain, and focusing on denying the opponent good shots on my mechs and trying to get rid of ammo. Then at some point I usually get impatient and start playing very aggressive.
>trying to cite technical terms when the point of the anons entire argument was that colloquial definitions are what actually matters
>You're an actual physical manifestation of autism
It has a worse layout, but it does have errata'd rules.
>mastercard statement
>large paper towel roll
Oh I just fucking bet you play with yourself indeed Mr onlyfans high roller
What’s the enemy’s loadout? Whats mine? Am I a backstabbing piranha? Do I have 6CMPL‘s and he’s only got an Arrow IV? Am I setting up for a melee attack next turn? God damn it anon now I am not going to be able to sleep tonight.
If the TMM and weapon ranges are the same for my opponent then walking into cover is the only thing the gives me an advantage based on that limited information. But a normal decision would also be based on what specific weapons are involved and the overall status of my mech and the opponent, as well as the positions of any other units around.
Everything else being equal, I run since that gives a slight modifier advantage. Medium range is a +2, but running is a +1 compared to walking. Everything else not being equal, I ask myself if I am in fact a Piranha and proceed into an identity crisis.
I appreciate how the Inner Sphere has completely degenerated into Stellaris-style border gore.
Using the mini for mech A, the horned owl in this case, to represent mech B on the table top is called proxying. It can cause confusion if not properly clarified, especially if players in your group usually run representative minis.
To clarify, since I didn't word it clearly, you will not change the enemy's range modifier. They're still hitting you from the same unspecified range band.
I mean usually before you play you go over your force and show them your record sheets no? This guy is an awesome but its actually an atlas iii etc
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My pledge is almost here!
Ideally. Some people don’t, so it bears mentioning.
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>10k bv

Oh ye of little faith. I would, if I had an afternoon to spare and it was a sensible time period.
Split volume unless there's a decisively autistic reason you need the Jolly Green Giant version.
And by decisively autistic I mean specifically "wanting to complete the panoramic spine art from that rule book set."
Per fedex, they printed the shipping label for mine two days ago, but still haven't mailed it. I'm so ready to be done with this shit show.
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Hey do I have to buy my own bases/flying stands separately when I get Ironwinds metals?
for mechs you do, aerospace idk
Actually you're wrong on several levels, again.

Baron is a rank that low enough that it's land can't be hereditary. So the power is enforced by a more powerful landowner with more warriors. Or it's not a rank at all and it refers to basically any Norman middle or higher nobility loyal to William (The term changed meaning twice).

Also it's not a political title. He wasn't elected or appointed. The position is inherited. I just asked another person AND ran software. Political positions are short term, and they're appointed or elected. Unless you refer to the first Comes put in place by Clovis (If you even know who that is) or maybe Lombardian Gastald (Which sources of the era considered weird because they were appointed), you're wrong.

Also warriors were not paid in this era. Why do you fiefs were invented? Because transactions weren't just beer tabs between cousins?

It's not country and citizens, it's liege/king/duke/count and subjects.
Romans were paid, Greeks were paid. There isn't a system for people to be paid. The economy can't even collect taxes for half the Middle Ages, and mostly it only collects them in the form of Tithes for The Church.
I'm going to have a buddy of mine start printing some large buildings so I can make a cityscape. 6-10 buildings that are 7-14 hexes for the base and 1-6 levels tall. Have you guys played many games in dense urban areas? What was your impression?
unplayable if you play rules as written, buildings collapsing constantly, walking through them is a pain, constant piloting rolls for running on pavement etc

If you ignore some of that stuff its probably fun though, jump jets are really good and it makes some mechs like the two lb20 cygnus useful when normally it would suck
Is ChatGPT hallucinating?
Only you would be so stupid to use something that can't search and provide sources.
charging mechs into buildings and knocking structures out from under people is fun and so is accidentally smashing a drifting tank through a building and through to the other street, at least until i get a mech stuck inside rubble that cannot physically stand or do anything other than eject but it's a lot easier in megamek since i don't have to check the rulebooks
the duality of man
What would you suggest ignoring? I've not much used buildings or roads before, so my plan was to gradually introduce more rules to the group each session.
It's good if you adjust to it, but you have to adjust to it not to turn the whole game into physical comedy.
That thumbnail made me think it was literally a dude in a cardboard mech suit, like 1960s japanese tv shows
I wish CGL did ASF that I could purchase. I want a Sparrowhawk and a Shilone.
>Have you guys played many games in dense urban areas?
No, but I want to. I have a feeling with entrenched infantry and no jump jets, fighting in urban areas would be a total nightmare for mechs. I would like to 3d print out enough hex buildings at some point though to fill out two whole map sheets, so that the entire run is cityscape. I want that nightmare.
It's not. What it usually ends up with is more warcrimes than Sarajevo because the best way to dislodge infantry is to burn it out or send BA in to rip it apart with physical attacks.
Would it be a war crime for BA to rip men apart with claws?
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Got some civilian mechs as my next little project.
Destroyed buildings should have a rubble marker put down in every direction, like 9/11. Use cotton balls or something.
Not bad.
Is a 3D printer worth getting if all I want is Battletech? I feel like for the size and expense, it may be too much.
There's so much shit you can print for this game that it pretty much pays for itself.
not unless you play for 20 years and make 1000 models. Can you do basic math? Can you google? Why do we have to answer these kinds of questions?
Under IHL the may be, as unnecessarily brutal ('of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecassary suffering', similar to explosive or expanding anti-personnel rounds).
Absolutely, consider the cost of buying one of each mech cgl has, then compare that to the wider selection of free STL's at 25-50 cents of material per mech, which you can print off a printer worth ~$150.
A $150 3d printer will make mechs look like absolute shit. You'd need a 1k 3d printer for decent ones. Unless you're only making like 3 models.
So a 150 shekel printer makes them about as well as CGL?
For the first one. After that they will look 1000x worse.
Sounds like you're just shit at 3D printing. A sub $300 printer can easily make good looking mechs, some light sanding before painting is all you need.
Sounds like you have fucking shit standards for the quality of your mech. If you have to "sand" your models, then your 3d printer is shit and your models look like shit. And you probably also look like shit.
I've got some 3d printed models from a friend of mine, they are ok but a bit lacking in detail compared to the CGL stuff. No idea how much his printer cost
Pirates and thieves always have to justify their immoral behavior with lies. Or else they'd have to stop their evil acts.
You don't clean up the mold lines and fill the gaps on the models you buy from CGL?
This is how I know you're full of shit. Every single miniature CGL sells has issues. Some are better than others, but there's always a few obvious mold lines.
You would rather try and return the defective model, argue with customer service, pay postage, and wait to get another model rather than just taking 5 minutes to fix it yourself?
Ideally, he has it right. Practically, CGL won't do shit about it so it's best to just not buy their product.

Chat GPT, Write a sonnet about Battletech
Sounds like a problem with your mailman or your shop. I've never had issues.
My assistant does it for me.
Hi nuln, glad you've expanded to simply not painting at all.
Buy a 3d printer and print out all your rubble, all your tanks, all your buildings, all your shit that CGL doesn't make. You won't regret having one. You might not make the best mech prints but you can always buy them off Etsy or Ebay from someone who does have the $2000 printer, and usually for $3, which is still cheaper than CGL. I'm not saying you should scam the game makers out of cash, but they're not exactly poor, and in any event they don't make every single mech in their catalog. Especially not variants. Print them yourselves.
Go 41% yourself shill.

Have you seen the mold lines on some of the Shimseen minis? You need a fucking grinder for those.
Fuck this "ask chatGPT" shit, I'll write one myself with a human brain.

My cooling vest is balm upon my soul,
so stoke the fires burning in my chest;
to alpha PPCs makes me feel whole,
the heat it riseth here, within my nest

I know my mech a flashbulb, bright and brief,
and through the mission, death is at my back.
To see my target burn is hot relief,
and yet of targets there can be no lack.

I burst upon my foe, or there I die,
and only by my own heat do I halt.
My laser may be small, but ask not why;
three PPCs as well stock my assault.

I burst upon my foes, and then I come-
you know my 'mech. Its name is the Awesome.
When I get home tonight, I'm going to take one of the models I ordered direct from CGL, not 3rd party, tell them it has mold lines and that I want a replacement. We'll see what they say, lol.
Post results, this might actually be entertaining.
I've never had one look like that. If your models are so consistently terrible why do you play the game?

Make an Urbanmech out of ASCII.
Every time my assistant has had issues with shipping he's called cgl and they've resolved it within a few hours. I'm not sure what you people are doing.
How many models do you have? There's at least one per box with obvious miscasts, mold lines, or air bubbles. To answer your question, battletech (the game) is fun. It was fun before CGL and it will be fun after CGL.
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That's a pretty rude way to refer to your mother.
Battletech will always be fun. There is no cure for autism.
This is terrible. Whoever is controlling this bot needs to train it better.
I dont count, but probably approaching 500 if you dont count my multiples of Madcats and Marauders etc.
Bots cannot triforce.
Reminder that France only stopped being a feudal state at the llegal level after the Revolution, while the rest of Europe only began to wind it down mostly after 1848.

Absolutism was about as real as democracy is today.
>500 models from CGL, hasn't seen a miscast.
Absolutely lying through your teeth. Post some if you have so many.
Ive posted hundreds of painted pics over the years. And if im lying then youre a retard. You are playing a game with terrible quality.

I guess its possible my assistant clears out the bad ones before I see them. But I doubt it. 75% of the time my boxes are sealed
You should have no trouble posting more pics. If the next reply isn't a timestamped closeup photo of multiple defect free mechs then I'll accept your concession.
>engaging an obvious troll for this long

you've already lost, anon
What's a good place to get a collection of decent Megamek armies? I want to let Princess use somewhat decent builds as I feel like most of my wins are due to the roll for army not providing much challenge for the BV.
Concession accepted.
NTA, but I understand why now
There isn't, and Princess will never be good. What you can do, however, is to generate random forces for both sides and give her a ~20% advantage to make it a little more interesting.
How do you balance around the possibility of a mech getting it's head shot off by a gauss rifle on turn 1?
By having more 'mechs. Stop paying 10k bv to the Foxes for a medium.
Under feudalism, people own their rights and there are estabilshed mechanisms to guarantee, trade and aquire them.
Meanwhile, a dictator's cohorts of political zits are only tolerated, but they have no rights, no guarantees and no established, legally binding mechanisms they could even begin to refer to, should their leader decide to pop one of them.
you could play with edge
You can, with RPG-style mechanics like Edge. But for the most part BT self-selects for the kind of player that is fine with getting completely screwed by RNGeesus and it fact finds it funny. As anon said, >>93371267.
Just dont feed (You)s to the retarded troll.
Does any other fandom hate each other as much as this one? All the other threads on this board are discussing this or that and being generally pleasant. Battletech threads are a bar fight 24/7
It's all banter, /btg/ is the only general that actually meets up in person to play the game instead of just moaning about it.
Other than me and Snord, and NEA and Map anon who didn't really coordinate there games here, have we had anyone use btg to set up a game in recent memory?
Buddy have you never looked at 40kg?
Go ask about some other derivative of Warhammer Fantasy in any of their threads. In fact, right now they're seething at each other about which one of them is the least relevant to the general public based on heavily massaged Google analytics.
I don't, don't want to get your head shot off dont show in LOS or hittiable on a 12, mechs pay a bv tax for headcapping. or take hardened armor
There was a threeway out northwestway a few weeks back, no? Was that what you referred to?
the Oregon crew played twice now
Huh, must have missed that somehow. Good for them.
I've seen a ruleset where you make a second force worth 20% of the total BV and you can bring that in if something gets Battletech'd. But it's a subjective thing and you need to be playing with the kind of group who will say "yeah, that's rough that you just lost 2000BV to one shot in round 2, go ahead and bring in that reinforcement unit." Hyper competitive players will never agree that you got shafted enough to use it.
Probably happened when you were banned for posting flabby ass.
to the ground, the player need not make a Piloting Skill Roll to
stand unless one or more legs have been destroyed (see Leg
Destruction, p. 122). The usual MP cost and heat generation apply.

I'm not bottom.
Did you know? You can legally play this game with cardboard standees of the Mechs. Or even rocks or something that fit in the hexes!

Anyone's first 3D printer is their first 3D printer, you don't need to get into the hobby with a massive up front investment.
Your trolling run was good, but your all caps "WOKE DEI agenda" was a dead giveaway. The best trolling is one performed where anons have no idea you're just getting a rise out of them, but you played your hand too hard.

Still lol'd
It used to be a lot better (yeah yeah, rose-colored glasses etc), and much slower. But long-time persistent trolling and the influx of 40K refugees (with all the quality that implies) has really tanked this place in the last 5 years.
The 2018 box + the HBS game + the 40Kfugges sent this general (and the fandom in general) down the shitter.
what is this?
>Anyone's first 3D printer is their first 3D printer, you don't need to get into the hobby with a massive up front investment.
A 3d printer has utility outside of Battletech. And I've seen the prices on warhammer shit. 1 printer is basically the same price as a 40k starter box. Might as well just get the printer.
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the prices are quite something
quad mechs
The fuck are you smoking, dumbass?
These posts reek of employees trying to scare anon off saving money by siezing the means of production.
3D printers provide superior sharp detail compared to any "professional quality" models you can buy and do so without the mold lines or the exorbitant costs.
a sub-40 micron printer is like 300$ and has cleaner lines than the casts coming from CGL
my failed prints have cleaner lines than the casts from CGL

>3D printers provide superior sharp detail compared to any "professional quality" models you can buy and do so without the mold lines or the exorbitant costs.
sub 40-micron is comparable to higher quality resin casting when both are primed. Printed has support spots to trim, cast has mold lines to shave.
We hit 300-500$ resin cast equivalent home printing before COVID. It's been at least 5 years.
>Printed has support spots to trim,
Never with presupported, and if you do your own you can figure out equally good custom supports within ten prints.
>8 pulse lasers with TC

and then the white raven 2 can jump 8 and has ferro lam but seems to have severe heat issues with the xxll
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You're both forgetting that handling resin will give you bone cancer.
For the low BV of two IS 75 ton mechs.
counter broken with broken.

play C versions of IS mechs.

bring archer c2's for your opponents timber wolf primes.
Bring more stuff. Having more armor on the board is almost always better than having better stuff.
Tell me all the things wrong with the Intentions story
>3d printing discourse
Remember that it's important to distinguish between plastic (FDM) printers and resin printers. The former are great for larger objects like terrain and prototyping shit, but tend to be poor for fine detail (like on miniatures) due to layer striations that are difficult to sand. If you want to print mechs, you want resin printing.
It's not flabby :c
Right. If you want to give yourself cancer, do resin printing.
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>this homie bought into the resin drinking fad
I bet you ate tide pods too you yakubian ape.
you can do both. bring "is' mechs like the RFL C3 or BJ C. the ARC C, C2 and (wolf).
Gentlemen! What is best in life?!
to crush your enemy's mechs and see the lamentations of their wimmin as you haul them off for 'salvage'.
A competent partner who will never betray you.
What's the best way to meet a woman who is into battletech? My buddy has a girlfriend who plays D&D with him and I'm honestly a bit jealous.
repent, sinner. Saint Morgan Kell protects.
They don't exist. At best, you can train one to be into it. And even then, all you're likely to get is one who tolerates your hobby on your behalf because you are valuable in other ways.
No woman is ever capable of being interested in battletech?
File deleted.
Depends on how autistic and trans you're willing to accept.
In theory they are, the odds are not truly zero. In practice they are not, the odds are inordinately small.
There is no best way. A handful of those women exist--I've gamed with a couple--but overall besides showing up to different groups and venues and hoping there's no magic method.

Or, as >>93372679 says, you can find a fun one that likes games and hope. There's plenty of gamer women even if few of them lean to the crunchy end of the spectrum.
Showing up at random LGS to immediately hit on the few female gamers present is extremely sketchy. You'll have to defeat the resident white knights as well.
It's sort of a tragedy of the commons thing where any women that get interested in it quickly meet the sort of men that are really really interested in it and also them, and that kills the vibe for them. you see the same phenomenon in everything from D&D to chess.
You need to find someone who thinks bookkeeping is sexy. Have you considered becoming a CPA and dating inside that world?
The only trans at my LGS seems nice enough, but extremely nonpassing. Like a 6'2" broad shouldered dude in a dress with a man voice. We've talked once or twice but I don't think they're interested in Wargaming.
Have you guys done your part to get more people, man or women,into battletech? I've recruited four so far this year.
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The CRD-8L is one of my favorite variants. It becomes a cavalry heavy with two plasma rifles, 2 ER Mediums, and two MML7s. I've had the most success wtih loading the MMLs with Deadfire LRMs and Inferno SRMs and being very liberal with your heat scale. It roasts vehicles and BA and does a great job corraling troublesome energy heavy mechs. Also can Plasma Rifle + ER Medium + MML and punch easily at neutral heat which is always nice.
C'est la vie. I'm 6'2", broad shouldered, man voice. But I wouldn't wear a dress out to the LGS, I'm more of a chest binder + big hoodie type.

wrt: voice. I don't talk when stuff is intimate, and I'm good enough at noises that those pass.

Anyone look at the new Chaos Campaign rules & the simplified vehicle stuff? I've seen a lot of hate for it but I am willing to try it out before I pass judgement.

My friend wants to bring a Warhammer & a Jenner IIC (3067), and has 47 BSP left and wants to do infantry + some APCs. But the conversion from BV ~ BSP doesn't seem straight forward and without rules for more stuff the selection for APCs is super limited.

I'm still conflicted on my choices, as I'd like to have my mechs & con vees compliment eachother. Was pondering just taking a Timby with a bunch of airstrikes, but they don't seem to have rules for the smokes anymore and I can't tell if that's intentional or not (smoke BSPs were pretty bs, ngl).
https://gofile.io/d/mXQIMe this was posted last thread it might help as it contains some conversion rates for bsp to bv
Current Merc box BSP has a 20 BV to 1 BSP conversion rate.
Probably use one of my standard augmented lances. Fuel Air Explosives in the Koschei, Inferno Arrow IVs and Air Defense Arrow IVs in the Demolishers. Could maybe pack some more alternative munitions, but that's probably enough.
what does that mean?
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Yeah but like, the rules for vees using BSP have different stuff and it's listing BV values that're different than the 'vanilla TW BVs'. Like picrel?

So even with a straight conversion for BV to BSP I'm unsure what to do, as I don't know how to convert TW vees to these rules?

Does that make sense? I might just be being stupid.
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>Implying that people who backed the 2018 box or the HBS game are the same as 40k refugees
new thread:


I'm not understanding you at all, so I think there's some sort of breakdown, yeah.

You don't convert TW vees to these rules (there's no conversion rules): you just use the stats provided for the BFS version of the units, and run them with those stats using the BFS rules. The BVs are different because the units are different (e.g. BFS Vedette uses different values and plays out markedly different than the standard TW Vedette, so it costs a different amount of BV).
Yeah, exactly. My issue is that the options are super limited at the moment and theres only one option for APCs, which sucks.

I guess I'm asking "how do I convert a unit into the BFS equivalent and how is that BV/BSP cost calculated afterwards"?
Sadly, no conversion rules have been released to the public yet, and I think it's too complex to back-engineer. They always release this sort of thing eventually, but I can see why they didn't throw them into a quick-play merc system with a tiny rulebook.
Ah, that's what I thought. Thank you!
More fear from cgl employee/shill
Complete fucking bullshit, california-tier paranoia.
As other anons have said, it's basically impossible. I convinced my wife to paint some mechs and eventually try out a game, but she's also an autist and enjoys spreadsheets almost as much as I do. Women are much, much more likely to have an interest in D&D. Maybe find a girl who's already into games and run a campaign for her? I think they'd be more interested in the character/narrative aspects than just numbers and dice.
Find a woman who is into some aspect of the hobby.
My Fiancee wasn't much into 40k... until she started reading the stories. Then she was hooked. She isn't much into the mechanics of the game, but LOVES the novels and character lore.

Basically? It's a big hobby, find an aspect someone likes and go from there.
I ustwoke up from a dream where I went too a bar and snord himself was there but he weight like 300 pounds talked like a byeagh and was a office worker but other then that he was pretty cool idk what caused that dream though
Speed is armor in battletech. If you move fast enough, you'll tank more fire than many mechs mech heavier than a light lets on, especially with jumpjets. My most used mech is probably my ostscout 9cs or 10cs, praise blake. Little cunt bounces around with his mate being a pair of eyeballs and being hard to hit on 11s and 12s whilst my battleships up back are pummeling you on 5s. I usually run them at 6/5, because ewar and spotting is their entire purpose, and lets me spend more on guns.
The bv cost for infantry seems a bit high.
To quote MW2:Mercs "Speed is life. You go slow, you die."

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