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Previous thread: >>93348357

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Are you grateful to the Anon that provides? If so, why not, you disingenuous piece of shit.
i like him his arts cool. he's also a law student and thats what im shooting for so seeing someone who still has enough time for a hobby while in law school is nice.
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no one ever said he's gonna pass
I love them!
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he seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders.
Not everyone is as much of a failure as your pathetic-ass of a legion you fucking wank stain. Pretty much everyone else, even the loyalists, managed to get it right so maybe use them as an example instead of your broken ass bitch self.
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who are you his mother?
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God I wish they were still selling this box.
>got it when it first came out since I really wanted to get into HH
>life happened and I had to resell soon afterwards, putting a dream of starting a new game to the side
>years went by, my interest in 30k and 40k waned in favor of other smaller systems
>but now I'm really getting back into the Heresy and it's not available anymore
Man, it was the shit. Bunch of tacticals/veterans in my favorite (along maybe mk5) power armor pattern plus the exact HQs I wanted and a bodyguard retinue for one of them made out of the terminators I wanted anyway. The dread was too static for my taste but nothing's perfect. And it was relatively cheap for GW, sadly not reflected with the modern resell prices.

The new box? The price is hiked up by the land raider, mk6 armor which to me should be a rarity, and the HQs are just two same-ish beat sticks.
I think the candy red of Thousand Sons filters a lot of people. Hell, it nearly filtered me until a friend volunteered to help out with his airbrush since I don't have my own yet. That said, it probably doesn't help that they're not in the spotlight for most of the Heresy.
as i said on the other thread, nah its just Tsons are kinda shit right now so most people dont play them.
Outside of a few things that work only by the skin of your teeth and you squint while reading the rules does it work.

The candy red though is a bit intimating until you know how to do it, and its just tedious to do.
filters it as in difficulty or visuals, cos the scheme is most adored by people. In terms of difficulty its honestly much easier than many other schemes of more commonly played legions, I don't know why outside of the fat aussie tard it has a rep for being difficult or expert level. You can also just paint red and gloss varnish for much the same effect.
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BA 3K point list. I'm not too concerned about meta, more concerned with making a fun or fluffy list but could anyone give me pointers on if it might suck too much to play or would be annoying?
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I caved and am paying a buddy to paint my TS, but not because of trying to do candy red (which is super easy with an airbrush) but because of trying to do the old FW scheme that was a matte metallic pearlescent pink-red. He said he’s pretty sure the models FW had painted are just a glazed highlight of metallic paints, but he did a test model one night when I mentioned I was considering getting my guys commission painted and it came out so well that I asked him how much he wanted an hour.

All that being said, I just don’t get any joy out of the process of painting so I generally avoid it even when it’s simple.

One of these days I’ll get around to finishing my SW, start my Luna wolves, and maybe even paint my new mech conversions, but I’m very happy to pay for my TS to look as good as I want them, as I just won’t ever be satisfied with anything I do for them.
Posting battlescribe shit should be banable. Get a fucking pen you lazy cunt.
I have incredibly poor handwriting but I get what you mean. I think you're rude but for the sake of convenience sake give me a minute and I'll type it up.
## Allegiance
Allegiance: Loyalist
IX: Blood Angels

## Rite of War
Rite of War: The Day Of Revelation (BA)

## HQ [345Pts]
Centurion [155Pts]: Chaplain
• 1x Chaplain [120Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon (Perdition Weapon), Maul Of Perdition, Meltabombs, Artificer Armour, Warhawk Jump Pack
Praetor [190Pts]: Warlord, Paragon of Unity
• 1x Legion Praetor [190Pts]: Frag Grenades, Iron Halo, Krak Grenades, Master of the Legion, Paragon Blade, Inferno Pistol, Meltabombs, Warhawk Jump Pack, Artificer Armour

## Elites [1450Pts]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [215Pts]:
• 1x Contemptor Dreadnought [215Pts]: Atomantic Deflector, Gravis Chainfist with in-built ranged weapon, Kheres Assault Cannon, Meltagun
Dawnbreaker Cohort [155Pts]: 4x Dawnbreaker w/ Falling-Star Power Spear (Artificer Armour, Falling-Star Power Spear, Frag Grenades, Grenade Discharger, Krak Grenades, Warhawk Jump Pack
• 1x Dawnbreaker Champion [55Pts]: Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Grenade Discharger, Krak Grenades, Warhawk Jump Pack, Maul Of Perdition
Terminator Cataphractii Squad [850Pts]: Cataphractii Terminator Armour
• 1x Cataphractii Sergeant w/TLC [10Pts]: Pair of Lightning Claws
• 9x Cataphractii w/Lightning Claws [40Pts]: Pair of Lightning Claws
• 1x Land Raider Spartan [425Pts]: Land Raider Spartan (Legiones Astartes (X), Smoke Launchers, Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, 2x Lascannon Array, Multi-Melta, Flare Shield, Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missile)
The Angel's Tears [230Pts]:
• 1x Arch-Erelim [110Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Rad Grenades, Warhawk Jump Pack, Iliastus Assault Cannon, Inferno Pistol, Power Armour, Thunder Hammer
• 4x Erelim [120Pts]: Chainsword, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Rad Grenades, Volkite Serpenta, Warhawk Jump Pack, Iliastus Assault Cannon
go fuck yourself
## Troops [716Pts]
2x Assault Squad [207Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Warhawk Jump Pack
• 1x Legion Assault Sergeant [32Pts]: Plasma Pistol, Heavy Chainsword, Artificer Armour, Meltabombs
• 5x Legionary [12Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
• 2x Legionary w/ Options [34Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Power Sword
• 2x Legionary w/ Options [44Pts]: Inferno Pistol, Chainsword
Tactical Squad [302Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour
• 1x Legion Tactical Sergeant [40Pts]: Bolter, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon (Power Sword), Artificer Armour, Meltabombs
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Augury Scanner
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Nuncio-Vox
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [20Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla
• 16x Legionary [12Pts]: Chain Bayonet, Bolt Pistol, Bolter

## Heavy Support [480Pts]
Heavy Support Squad [255Pts]: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Power Armour, Autocannon
• 1x Legion Support Sergeant [10Pts]: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol
• 7x Legionaries (collective) [15Pts]: Bolt Pistol
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [25Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Nuncio-Vox
• 1x Legionary w/ Options [25Pts]: Bolt Pistol, Legion Vexilla
Predator Squadron [225Pts]:
• 1x Predator [210Pts]: Smoke Launchers, Twin-linked Iliastus Assault Cannon, 2x Iliastus Assault Cannons, Iliastus Assault Cannon, One Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missile, Dozer Blade, Decurion Locus (Nuncio-Vox)
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You're not wrong. The future is unwritten
But it is ours for the taking, iron hand
He looks like he seen some shit.
Bro is missing 2 arms, a leg, and half a head.
He's seen some shit with shit accessories
I should have bought a couple boxes of MkIII when they were still available.
He's an IH, he sexually identifies as an appliance.
I just mine as ranged Veterans desu. My only regret is I don't feel like clipping their bolters off to give them combi volkites
I can still buy proper scale mkIV, but for that cost I can get recasted mkII or mkIII so why bother?
I'm one of the guys who likes both old and new MkIII, just not in the same unit. The size difference isnt even perceptible if you're not a retard staring at pictures on the internet that are taken from 3" away.

Now tartaros on the other hand, that shit was unacceptably small compared to other models even when it was released. I went tortuga legs for my Terminators with no regrets.
Why have you been lying to me for years? It turns out Russ is shit.
>Russ using the sword on Angron at WS9 is about 1/4 to unsaved Wound (twice, because of Brutal(2)) whereas at WS8 it's about 1/5 to the same end (25% worse for losing that Charge bonus); the only really notable thing here is that 60% of those Wounds don't qualify for FNP because they have Murderous Strike/Instant Death, which means no FNP (even though Angron has Eternal Warrior, FNP says you can't roll for Wounds with Instant Death, which 60% of them certainly should have); with FNP6+ included it's reduced to Worse 1/4 (closer to 1/5) and 1/6-ish; Brutal doesn't increase that chance, it just makes you roll more saves; there's a higher chance of those supplementary Wounds from Brutal (1/2 in this case) but they're gated behind actually hitting (at best 2/3) and Wounding (5/6); Russ has a maximum of 8A unless other combatants are involved, which also triggers Angron's Rampage (2).
I’ll level with you, I was being rude for the sake of rhetoric (this is 4ch after all). I do hate battlescribe with a passion, but that’s largely because it’s often used as a crutch for brand new players and they end up being able to make an army list without actually learning any of the rules or having to think about it, which in turn creates shitty games for both players. I also find the formatting really shitty.

I actually read your list when it was in that format anyways but didn’t have a chance to respond beyond my previous rude comment.

From a rules standpoint:
- the perdition maul really isn’t great as it doesn’t give enough strength bonus to make it ID, and it’s still AP3 which means there are very few targets that it’s actually useful against (only mech stuff has a toughness high enough and only a 3+ or worse save - though I guess it would also be marginally better against deathshroud termis). You’d be better off just keeping the spear on the dawnbreaker sgt.
- you have very few options to deal with 2+ targets, and your big melee blob is regular termis which are WS4, which means a lot of the things you’d want to attack you’ll only hit in 5+ and they’ll club you on 3+. This one unit (even with a buff from the chaplain) is a third of your points and is going to struggle to fight squads that cost half the points. If you’re going to go this route, I’d buy a herald for the squad so you can give them obsec and let them push to take backfield objectives (as you’ve given them the bonus mobility from having a transport).
- ten man assault squads are weird, and I don’t think they’ll do what you want them to. With only ten guys they really can’t fight anything other than tactical, which means they’re only really useful for pushing secondary objectives or harrying out of position light support units (HSS, jetbikes, etc.).
>Angron vs WS9 Russ (who by definition has Charged and is effectively WS10 for Angron) is 1/3

>vs WS8 Russ he's better than 1/5 (about the same as WS9 Russ when Angron has FNP6+, in fact)

>vs WS8 Russ with Furious Charge (2) he's almost dead on 1/4

>Angron has a maximum of 14A (LA:WE or Rampage (2), 2CCW, 10A, Charge); so if Russ has done something stupid-clever like hiding in a unit of Varagyr so he doesn't get shot to shit by equivalent points of Vanquishers in two turns, and his unit has made a shooting attack against anybody but Angron, Reaction limit used up before Angron closes etc then Angron gets 14A to beat his brother up with (stats dorks: it's not 3.5W, it's 14 times 1/4 chances, which is not the same as 14 times 1/4; we live in an objective reality, why won't you?) compared to Russ in the same round having 7 times 1/5 or 1/6, with about half of those doubling the end Wound (stats dorks: if probability worked that way which, again, it doesn't, that would at best be under 3W from Angron and at worst barely more than 2W even with Brutal; Angron would be flat at 3-4W off Russ).
If you use a primarch you should lose. Fuck you and your superhero daddy bitch.
The iron hands were more impactful than:

Raven guard
Space wolves
Thousand sons
You're right. The Iron Hands made a lot of other legions look cool by dying en masse.
>tl;dr Russ actually *needs* Brutal (2) against Angron, Russ is kind of shitty despite his WS and other buffs in anything other than ideal circumstances

… With your list it looks like they’d need to be your mid field offence, but it’ll be rough for them as it’s easy to shoot off a quarter of them and force a morale check, especially when they don’t have an apothecary.
- your heavy support choices are fine if you’re running an army that’s strong in melee or mid range shooting, but right now you really only have stuff to kill horde armies, and marines really are an elite army. Getting some plasma or lascannons in your list would go a long way, as right now you don’t really have any ability to kill anything WS5/2+/W2 in your army, and that’s like half the marine army list.

Your list does feel pretty fluffy at first glance (I don’t know enough about BA to really say anything beyond that), but I’d drop the tacs for a third larger assault squad if you want to be fluffier, and it would help cement your army as a deep strike heavy option.

What other models do you have? If you can tell me that I might have some ideas for slipping other things in to improve the experience you’re going to have with a game (as I think you’re going to find this list leaves you really lacking the ability to do any meaningful damage to much of your opponent’s army.
Russ has better stats, Angron has weight of dice. And too fucking many rerolls. An infestation from 40k.
thanks for the advice. I'll change the perdition maul I mainly added it cause it seemed cool. as for the ten man assault squads i did it mainly to fulfill the RoW requirement for Day of Revelations, but I might bump them up to 15 or 20 man squads and just use the entire chunk of tac bodies from AoD
>crutch for new players
admittedly I am very new but I am trying to make a dedicated effort to understand the rules as best as possible
as for the termis I just saw advice for BA players to take dual LC's. Would you recommend a different loadout or just cut out the termis altogether or try and kitbash them to be Crimson Paladins?
So...Angron is better. Always have been.
I have the base models of the AoD (converted into assault) alongside all the models listed coming in as either chang recasts, proonts, or kitbashes. I've got a printer buddy who does jobs pretty cheap and a good line on a chang recaster.
admittedly I hesitate to throw in lascannons out of fear for WAACfagging.
Russ wins if he charges.
Angron only gets the charge if Russ's player is dumber than actual Russ and wastes all his Reactions on stupid shit.
If you've actually played the game, yes.
Oh crap, I didn’t even see they had light lightning claws (for some reason I thought they were all power fists) your list is much worse than I thought (rules wise): you really have nothing to kill 2+ enemies.

Backing up from specifics for a moment, think about what’s in a space marine list. In a very broad sense, you have two basic types of units: terminator equivalent (TEQ) - models with a 2+ armour save, toughness 4, 2 wounds, and an invuln save; and marine equivalent - models with a 3+ save, toughness 4, no invuln, and generally one wound. This edition there’s also veteran equivalent which is in between, which are MEQ models that have two wounds, and sometimes (but not always) an alternative save (either an invuln, cover (shrouded), or feel no pain (FnP) roll that can give them a bit more damage resistance), or improved offensive stats (BS5 or WS5). I’d also further divide TEQ into elite termis and regular ones, where elite termis are the same defensive stats, but have WS5.

If you haven’t look at it much, do another read through the section on assaults in the rulebook, as melee is the deadliest part of the game, and where BA are really going to win or lose. In melee, your weapons skill determines both your chance to hit and your chance to get hit, and in 2.0, if a model has one point higher WS than it’s opponent, not only does it hit them on 3+, but it can only be hit on 5+. This makes WS5 models FAR superior to WS4 ones in melee.

Most of the cool units for most legions are WS5 elite terminators, which means you’ll end up facing a lot of armies that have a decent sized blob of WS5 TEQ. Anecdotally (but this is also based on the point costs of different units), most armies end up being roughly 1/3rd TEQ, 1/4 VEQ*, 1/4 MEQ, and the rest filled with vehicles or dreads. *The veteran equivalent is often replaced or supplemented by specialist units like HSS, jetbikes, rapiers, javelins, or one of a variety of other less common units.
What I’m trying to get into your head is that there’s a lot of 2+ save units (with invulns) (especially true as virtually all HQs and characters are 2+) and how your army handles those will usually determine who’s able to take mid-field objectives. Unless you (or your opponent) really tailors your list to take backfield objectives (for example, my SW army is entirely drop pod/airborne and can make sure they’re exactly where they need to be on the field), the midfield is usually what decides the game, so being able to kill (or at least bog down) those 2+ blobs of melee oriented elites is a big deal. You can do this by having your own big blob of melee guys, by having heavy shooting and a line to defend those guns, or with some less common options like fast hit and run flankers that can just harass them down or with big monstrous super heavies. For your army, you have none of these options.

Your elites choices are really focused on killing MEQ and other 3+ save models, as you don’t have any S8 attacks (which are able to cause instant death to most marine units, meaning even if you don’t have AP2, every attack can do double damage if it goes through), have very little AP2, AND you also don’t have any strong defensive options either (an example could be your termi blob but with a Primus medicae attached to give them an FnP roll, and then set that on the defensive with spending the points for the spartan and just put that blob in front of whatever you want to slow down and keep off your valuable shooting units).
You also don’t have any hard hitting shooting either in your troops (TSS with plasma or melta) or heavy support (you have lots of shooting, but it’s medium weapons that are more generalist - which aren’t bad if you have a really focused army, but your army isn’t focused enough to let you get away with more flexible supporting arms).
You don’t have any fast units to flank around and kill the enemy’s back line. This is the one you have the most of, but none of it is strong enough to survive against the counter attack, so it just means you’re going to dump models down range to die (if you really like the novels and not the black books, then this is a very fluffy way to do that).

I realize this is a ton of non-specific information, but I think you’re probably at the stage where reading the rulebook and thinking about how each rule can play out against another rule is your best bet before you start making lists.

If you just want to make fluffy stuff, you’ll want to read through the black books and put a lot more into theming your list, as it is pretty hodgepodge right now.
hm. I may ocnver the AOD cataphractii to Crimson Paladins or just buy a recast as best I can. They have WS5 and some pretty powerful weapons it seems like.
if it takes two turns of maneuvering - which Angron can arrange - before they fight, Angron gets 7A base instead of 6A. Russ is only 1" faster than Angron if they're both running around - the smart gladiator in this putative endless battle simply circles his opponent for 4 turns and engages on the 5th - it matters less that he's got slightly worse statline when he's making 10A base.

Russ could let Angron Charge for those +2A, but Angron's probably smarter than that.

Rather than try for that 2x 1/7 chance of an unsaved Wound from Spite Furnace, Angron can simply Hold the Line - he auto-passes the Morale check because he's Fearless (and HtL doesn't grant any saves or damage mitigation rolls). Russ gains no bonus Attack that round and is down to a mere 8A.
also in that scenario if Russ shoots Angron he's dead from the WE reaction which shuts down Russ' reaction. Basically Russ only looks good on paper but he has less potential /9he will never deliver enough wounds to down a primarch in one turn unlike Angron and has less chances to save wounds), gets behind during a game very quickly and doesn't gain any advantage from charging yet ceding it to Angron is a death sentence.
He gets the advantage of swinging before Angron and making Angron swing back at -1 to hit when he charges.
Meaning angron only hits on 5s, even with rerolls won't be able to overwhelm Russ.
And it will go to the next turn and then Russ swings again before Ron.
Maybe hits on 6 not 5s?
Ah yes, Russ is WS9 when he charges.
Angron is going to just hit air.
Just roll the six on dice with Angron. What's the problem?
Unless you’re running a ten man lascannon HSS and specifically saving your reactions for them so you can make them artificially invincible (as anything that shoots, charges, or moves near them is going to take a reaction attack) then you’re not WAACfagging. A lot of the things that are really WAAC are because they abuse poorly thought out rules (and a lot of those are shooting reactions which are really, really poorly written/playtested).

Even if you don’t go the HSS route, having lascannons, the plasma cannon, the melta cannon, or even a conversion beamer on your predator will give you a bit more oomph. If you do that, maybe drop your HSS to 5 guys, toss the augury scanner and vox on your tac squad (you probably wont use either of those in this list) and add a squad of sniper rifles (scouts, recons, seekers), then you’ll have some decently strong long range shooting that your opponent will want to kill, which means you can force them into a disadvantageous position as they try to get to them (eg. They might move that melee elite squad away from their back line objectives so you can drop in behind them and force them to choose between defending their back line and getting shot by yours).

Something else specific, is I’d rearm your assault squads: right now you’ve got inferno and plasma pistols, but then a heavy chainsword and power swords. That means you’re going to want to be shooting 2+ save models, but your melee options want to charge 3+ save models. If you swap to a power fist/thunder hammer and power axes, those units suddenly become much more frightening to small units of 2+ models (like 5 man WS4 termi squads).

Another option would be to go for a ten man squad of dawnbreakers and run your tears up behind them, and if you keep them separate from the rest of your force you’ll have a strong flanking unit that can’t be easily caught by units on foot and can whittle them down and then charge to finish them off.
You don't have these problems when you play Titanicus
Crimson paladins are strong, and they’re very good at defending against melee termis. They’re vulnerable to heavy shooting (S8+AP2 one shots them half the times) so you would want some long range shooting or an aggressive deep strike to take out the enemy’s back line. Even without that, they still add something that can challenge WS5 elite termis, and that’s a good thing.
appreciate all the advice anon. I'll take a SS cause I'm a little too tired to do the finer points of editing at this point.
I’m going to bed, so I’ll leave on this: we all start with janky lists that are just comprised of all the cool models we wanted to buy/build/paint, so do whatever. Warhammer isn’t (and shouldn’t be) about winning or being a skilled strategist; it’s about getting together with other adults and playing make believe with some toy soldiers for a while in the hopes of reviving the feelings of joy that we used to experience as children but are considered immature by so many miserable fuckheads who’ve been ground down to the point where they think curiosity, creative exploration, and wonder are negative things.
Im not getting involved, but where the fuck does Russ get +1WS on the charge? He’s able to run so he doesn’t get that bonus from the LA trait.
He shares the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) rule. Which applies to Primarchs this edition. In Russ's case, because the Primarch unit type is its own thing, Russ does not have the Infantry unit type. This means he gains +1 WS when charging.
It also applies to units that are not infantry or vehicle types.
Russ is a Primarch-type, not Infantry. So he benefits
but paladins are bad though ? anything s8 is going to kill them just like regular termies ? and most of their special rules never come into effect since you're never getting outnumbered ?
really that man should take 10 dawnbreakers, put a chaplain in there and slap an incaedius dreadnought on top of that
Ha! Fuck, that’s retarded, and feels unintentional, but damn does it make Russ even more beastly.
Its much closer than the clowns here pretend

Russ on charge 6 hits, 4-5 wounds, 2.5 unsaved wounds, Angron FNP leaves 1-2 wounds unsaved-Angron at 4 wounds, doesn't die regains IWND next turn and another attack. Probably doesn't die in turn 2 either.

Angron on charge does 10 attacks, 5 wounds, 2.5 unsaved on Russ leaving him on four wounds. Next turn IWNT gives him one so he's on 4-5 wounds

Roll again and Angron does 3 wounds on Russ, Russ does 2 back ad infinitem until Russ is dead. But what is telling of nogames is that they don't realise its a DICE game, more dice is greater probability of Russ dropping his invulns.
Ron can't FNP any wounds from Russ that wounded on a 4+
Mathhammer doesn't mean shit agains weight of dice, Angron throws out more attacks and is more durable and Russ can't kill in two turns even wth better than odds rolling.
I wish for rules for Knights Errant
I wish to put Knights Errant in terminator armor
Thanks ChatGPT.
Someone remind me, is there anything stopping you from embarking in a transport with a withdraw reaction as long as you can get within range of an access point?
woah that's some cool primarch discussion
however I play the Daemon card and you die
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yeah, i'm a fucking joke for sure.
What is the best way of painting that TSons red? I've finally begun saving for all the recast pieces to commit to the Tsons force I've been dreaming of for so long, with Spireguard and Arkadine Mechanicum allies.
Demons are shit. Demon Fulgrim especially.
I heard the FAQ says you can indeed do that
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Basecoat a metallic. Gold is best, but you can do brass for a darker sheen. Gunmetal comes out extremely dark and isn't recommend.
Spray or brush on tamiya clear red. You MUST wait for every layer to completely dry before applying the next. For large surfaces you can thin the red down with tamiya thinner but pooling is an issue, for smaller areas you can sort of glob it on and spread it out.
I brushed everything on because it's more controlled as painting over clear red is pretty painful.
It's simple but it takes a while and brushing large models like a dreadnought or a tank is impractical, though possible.
>Can't decide what would be more cool between taking 2 Deredeo's or 1 Knight Acheron
why do knights have to be so cool bros
I've had a love for Knights since the codex first released, though I think I'm going to exercise that love through a Knights with bannermen-themed Militia down the line. There's just something about knightly nobility in large mechs.
Are there any Concussive (2) weapons in the game? Maybe even Concussive (3)?
Neutron laser weapons have Concussive 3
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yeah even retributor armour is quite dark, pic related is from a new tutorial using a washed retributor armour gold with the new angron clear red sprayed over and it is too dark imo though I think 5th fellowship are protrayed as slightly darker.
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perhaps some silver beneath should do it ? always worked on my clear blue mechanicum
Depends how finickity you want to be, but you could pretty easily preshade the metallic undercoat before you apply the transparent red. Easy enough to use a lighter gold or silver for a zenithal highlight, either from an airbrush or drybrushed. If you really want to push the effect you could start from a darker brass.
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yeah I always do a drybrush of that necron dry silver stuff which gives a highlight and brightens it. Also I thought the FW scheme was supposed to be a dark wash over tamiya? I suspect the newer washes would work quite well over tamiya since they are slighlty less matte so won't clash with the gloss finish.
>The new box? The price is hiked up by the land raider, mk6 armor which to me should be a rarity, and the HQs are just two same-ish beat sticks.
You say that like no HH player ever wanted a plastic spartan. BaC also had the price hiked with the game assets that no one played and it didn't come with the HH rules, templates or even normal dice. The dreadnought is possibly the worst designed miniature GW has ever made for marines and the HQs have the same issues of being monopose and having no options that the new ones have.
If you don't like mkVI marines that's one thing but the current box's value is way better than BaC's would be if they still sold it
>marines were monopose and had no options
wrong, unless the mark VI marines suddenly got missile launchers, heavy bolters, a chainsword and bolt pistol etc that I'm not aware of. They also aren't monopose they have ball/socket joint torsos and could hold any weapon since hands weren't attached, including FW resins. AoD is a decent box but if it was made with the same principles or by the same people as the Calth box we'd have something far superior.
I was talking about the HQs...
then still wrong? the AoD praetors are monopose
For a unit of 10 cenobium terminators is it worth/needed to take any thunder hammers or is it okey for them to be assambled the way that Forge World send them?
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>cenobium terminators
kinobum turdineater haha
nigga, you have one of the most broken units in the entire HH; what else do you fucking want?
Well I thought the thunder hammer would help vs other terminators, most armies here run a lot of units of Fenix Guard and Suwerns.
But if they are not needed then great. I wasn't very hot about the idea of buying a box of w40k assault terminators just to use the weapons.
is it needed to replace MS and rending strikes-at-initiative swords? No anon
>More attacks means he wins!
I guess now we know why you like Angron so much. Even half of his retarded nail brained sons didn't think that highly of him.
Anon, this is not the place to learn basic reading comprehension
Go back to elementary school
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Retributor with tamiya is very bright. Angron red is very dark.
Thunder hammers aren't necessary. Terranic Greatswords are probably the best melee weapon in the entire game, wound rolls of 5 are both AP2 and Instant Death at initiative. They have enough attacks with Reaper of Hosts to make fishing for those fives and sixes at initiative much better than taking hammers and going second. They're one of the best anti-terminator terminator units stock, giving them hammers just turns them in to any other generic terminator squad. The swords also have AP3 base so they're great for carving up MEQ units, whereas hammers would go second and possibly lose models to lightning claw/power sword/charnabal sabre spam before they can swing back.
What's your "perfect" armor mark for you unites?
>mkIII for breachers and destroyers
>mkIV for tacficals and despoilers
>mkV for inductii
>mkVI for assaults and recon
>you unites
The fuck is wrong with my autocorrect today?
still wrong
personally don't like changing armour between units and would rather use one armour based on the legion/era with the exception of legion specifics and vehicle crews.
>Russ is kind of shitty
When talking about tabbletop rules, I never thought I'd one day read something like this.
The AoD praetors are monopose with no options, yes.
The chaplain/terminator HQ from BAC are also monopose with no options.
thus, OP was correct on that point as a statement, if not necessarily as a comparison.
If we’re taking that approach, then MKII for veterans seems obvious, but like >>93369828 says, I prefer a force to have more unified or themed approaches to armour myself, like IF being MKIII, AL MKVI, UM MKIV, WS MKII etc.
Personally my main army is EC, band is 90% MKVI, with a few officers in different MK’s, Inductii in MKIV (old suits pulled out of mothballs for the newbies), and a mix of MK’s for my Veteran Squad.
My plans for a little allied Salamanders force is to have a mix of MK’s in each squad and slightly varied colour schemes, to represent the survivors of Istvaan 5 being all survivors of different formations being turned into new squads, with the exception of an Inductii squad all in MKVI bar the Sergeant in MKIII (or MKII if available by the time I get around to it).
so the argument is BaC is worse because it didn't have a rulebook and came with monopose contemptor, all for less than half the price of AoD which could easily cover the cost of a rulebook and contemptor with full options?
Don't know about "perfect", but I did:
>MkI for Army allies (power armour Force Commander)
>MkII for crews
>MkIII for stabby vets
>MkIV for tactical and support
>MkV for replacements
>MkVI for speedy bois
>MkVII for Scouring era replacements
Idk what /hhg/ is smoking but terranic great swords are not that great against most common targets. 2/3 of the hits are S6 ap3 and do barely anything against a 2+sv

Against terminators for example. Assuming you get the +1A on charge and +1 to hit, you are going to kill 5 of them and then lose 2 guys in return
If you have TH you are going to kill 13 of them and lose 4 guys at the same time.
You are cataphractii so you can't sweep. You have to completely kill the enemy. With swords it will be 3+ rounds of fighting, so another turn you don't get to move or charge with them.
With TH you take more loses but it takes a lot less time to end the fight and it could let you charge more in subsequent turns. (Opponent could also just run away and the unit would be useless for the rest of game)

Against dreadnoughts terranic swords are worse than TH and the dread is also attacking at I, so you are going to lose the same models either way.

Against anything that is T5 or 6 with multiple wounds and an invul the swords are much better tho. So I guess it depends how much mecanicum and custodes you are facing.
TH on the other hand would be a lot worse if you are facing EC

TL;DR Depends on what you are fighting but TH are a pretty good alternative against most common targets you'd throw these guys against.
Not sure having a mix of them would be great tho. If you can, maybe consider 2 different units of 5 each with a different weapon to target different things. A unit of 10 seems excessive
I dunno. I jumped in purely to clarify that his point on the HQs is that the BAC ones were also monopose.
We are talking about Russ. He is shitty in lore and rules.
The AoD box has a whole fucking Spartan, a good dreadnought, 10 extra marines and 5
extra terminators, the rule book, the dice and the templates.
No fucking shit it's more expensive you retard.
Has Magnus ever complained that Russ beat him unfairly? Did Magnus ever say that if it wasn't for the Sisters of Silence, he would have won?
Terranic swords are equivalent to Power Fists, not TH; the pricing on Cenobiums is wrong and yet another display of loyalist favoritism.
So, anon should indeed get those Cenobium Thunder Hammer now that they're still fucking free, I guess.
I'm just saying, AP2 Instant Death on a 5+? Makes it pretty much the best Legion-specific blade.
It's just that Thunder Hammers are so good that even legion-specific weapons are left in the dust lmao
>the dread is also attacking at I
Unwieldy don't work on dreads
Thoughts on military attaches?
Ever played with them in games?
The navigator and lodge priest are clearly meant for more narrative play and it’s a real shame that there are only two of them, what other types would be fun to see?
magnus is the most retarded primarch but he isnt THAT retarded, he knows he got buck broken to death fair and square.
who asked?
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It's hard to square 30k with narrative play, and by extension, squishy narrative characters. In practice, there's too many units getting cut down/shot to death each turn to justify complex story-driven objectives. That said, our group is now experimenting with taking assassins, which are analogous to your examples but trade better against other 30k units
no but the description of the battle was that the outcome was decided on a knifes edge and the outcome we had was a stroke of luck on Russ part. Wolf fuckers and space nerds can't contain their autism and inferiority complex so we're stuck with wankers like you
>the outcome was decided on a knifes edge
>sw took 20% casualties
>ksons took 99.9999% casualties
yeah, seems really close. lol
I didn't answer your question in my first post because it's difficult to imagine any non-space marine support character able to have an appreciable effect on a battlefield full of superhuman killing machines. Maybe an infanryman sitting on a nuke or some kind of alpha legion operative would be fun
>talk about the fight between King wolf fucker and King space nerd
>actually the overall campaign...
were you born retarded or did your guardians drop you repeatedly?
>h-heres how fagnus can still win!
What are you working on this weekend Anons?
I’ve got the other half of a Veteran Squad to build
They raped him, two of the symptoms of that are hyper-sexuality and changing/questioning of sexual preferences. He externalizes that by making up gay fanfics of a made up character (Magnus) he dislikes or rather might subconsciously identify with. Horus Heresy.
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i see the retarded gay nerds are seething again
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You're just jealous of perfection.
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Fuck Legion Fureans
>And Mortis by association
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>*Legio damn autocorrect

Legio Damn Autocorrect? Sounds intimidating.
You didn't ask
You were just wrong
>he needs brutal

literally the Loyalist Lorgar
>Terranic swords are equivalent to Power Fists, not TH; the pricing on Cenobiums is wrong and yet another display of loyalist favoritism.
Depending on the enemy they can be a lot better than fists tho
>Unwieldy don't work on dreads
That's what I said. Dread is attacking at I 4, it doesn't matter if you have a sword or shield, you are going to eat the wounds anyways. I doubt there's much of a difference between hitting it with 8 TH and 10 of them
When did this 'Russ is only good when he uses his rules' retardation start?
>Depending on the enemy they can be a lot better than fists tho
Are you saying they should be nerfed? The only thing I dislike about Terranics is that they have *better* Murderous chance than the actual Paragon Blade wtf
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its just the latest retarded gay nerd cope
>Are you saying they should be nerfed?
No, the targets are very niche. It has to be something a TH doesn't cause ID to and has more than 2W basically. But also not have the dread rule that ignores ID either.
For marines that's basically just land speeders and javelins and you are not going to catch those in melee with cenobium....
But if you are facing custodes or mirmidon spam mecanicum the swords would be better than THs

Yesterday. After 2 years anon still didn't know how Brutal works, so now he copes
>The only thing I dislike about Terranics is that they have *better* Murderous chance than the actual Paragon Blade wtf
That's more of a problem with Paragon blades desu. Their rules are kinda shit for how expensive they are. At least give them S8 so they can ID basic terminators...
Thinking about it some more it would be cool to have something like ship crew/enginers/captains during Zone Mortalis mission, who could influence the battlefield in some way by interacting with consoles, or just have them trying to defend the ship during battles alongside whatever force the main army is out of desperation.

Human agents of malcador acting as proto inquisitors for loyalists would also be pretty cool, maybe with some type of retinue? Perhaps with a mission to see to it that some specific enemy unit or character is eliminated, and gaining a victory point if the controlling player manages to accomplish that task.

Maybe some adeptus ministorum or ambassador character overseeing things?

Or perhaps an remenbrancer documenting and recording and documenting things, giving you a victory point if he manages to survive until the end or was within line of sight to something important happening.

There’s very many ways you can go with a military attache unit and it’s a real shame we don’t have more of them.
Can you post a close-up of the reaver with lines on the carapace. The stripes look good, but difficult to tell because pic is blurry
>and has more than 2W basically.
>But also not have the dread rule that ignores ID either.
I mean, dreads suffer 2W on average from ID wounds. That one bit is the same
As for Custodians, they too are 2W. No ID but they attack earlier than either i4 Terranics or i1 Fists
>That's more of a problem with Paragon blades desu
Bro just how deadly do you want them to be?
Terranic Greatswords are amazing on Deathwing Companions. They can combo them with their shields that reduce the initiative of enemy units by 1, meaning they now attack before a dreadnought can swing. Rending 5+ means any 5+ to wound is good and ID does D3 wounds, so they only need around 3 wounds to go through and the dreadnought dies before it can attack.
The dreadnought explosion can still decimate them however, or maybe I just suck at rolling artificer armour saves.
>I mean, dreads suffer 2W on average from ID wounds. That one bit is the same
Yes, but TH wound contemptors on 4s instead of 5s. Against a leviathan they would be more or less the same, yea

Being a praetor only weapons (or champion) I'd like them to be better than the basic bitch TH that can be taken by the same ICs

>Deathwing Companions. They can combo them with their shields
Well yea, in that specific case. Swords would also be a lot better against a boxnought that attacks at I2. But Idk why everyone was telling the original anon that cenobium with greatswords is the best unit in the game. They are better with TH most of the time
Raven Guard character/upgrade/anything when?
After Iron Warriors, Iron Hands, World Eaters, and Salamanders get their character/upgrade/anything.
Iron Warriors, Iron Hands, World Eaters, and Salamanders character/upgrade/anything when?
IW, Sallies and RG are all tied for the fewest available kits.
IH and WE are poorly done by, but not as poorly done by.
>IW, Sallies and RG are all tied for the fewest available kits.
which is insane considering IW are one of the most popular legions
>The most popular of the least supported legions.
>The least popular of the least supported legions.

I've held off on saying it, because I know Mechanicum are happy, but I'm a little sad that the upcoming book isn't about the Mezoa campaign. If you think about it, it's kind of a perfect time to go for it. We got those IW and SAL transfers in the command squad boxes, which kind of had me excited that we might see it. A campaign featuring a few prominent legions, two of which have had a serious drought of new stuff? Something that can make use of the new battleforces for Auxilia and Mechanicum? Sounds great, but... nah, better skip right to Mars itself and make sure that the Piss Boys get something before they start feeling left out.

The issue is the design team clearly fucking loves Imperial Fists.
>TH wound contemptors on 4s instead of 5s
No, on 3+, because Contemptors are T7 and TH are S8. So, even better.
>Being a praetor only weapons (or champion) I'd like them to be better than the basic bitch TH that can be taken by the same ICs
It's more of a TH problem, being Brutal 2. If they were mere Concussive, then Paragon Blades wouldn't be so far behind

I dom't know and I don't care. Stop talking about primarchs.
>the upcoming book isn't about the Mezoa campaign
Mezoa is a forgeworld. What is the new book about, then?
What exactly is the appeal to people with these 'My space dad could beat up your space dad!' arguments? Because in all the lore GW publishes, be it BL or in rulebooks, everything is only ever as strong or as weak as the plot demands. Consistency isn't a word in GW's dictionary it seems.
It's partly that some people see their hobbies as them, so they have to push the idea that their choice is the best choice and if anyone disagrees, they're being attacked personally. And partly Dragon Ball Z power level brainrot.
Jeez... that sounds cringe.
Why does everybody say the IH are soon poorly by? We have an excellent range. Medusans, Gorgons, Manus, the MkIII heads, the MKIII bodies, the entire MKIII sculpt, the MKVI heads (admittedly very ugly), and the awesome Iron Father. I really think 99% of people who say this are just lamenting one single power armor praetor being missing, which should never be a big deal for anyone interested in the kitbash centric culture of the game.
IH have 12 kits currently.
SoH have 20, IF/BA/WS have 18 each.
The kits they have are good - and they lean a bit more towards bigger, multi-model kits, but they could use more.
Brutal's just a bonus, you have to actually hit and wound for it to go off. If Russ didn't have brutal the very small number of attacks he has compared to genuine melee Primarch Angron and the very weak Strength of his brutal weapon would make him one of the weakest primarchs.

He has multiple bonus rules that if they all or mostly work in concert make him very good at melee indeed, but in practice it's just easier to cunt him with tanks from a mile away while he waddles around in his Heavy retinue trying not to die. And even if he does get in range of a charge, which he probably has to use his one-time charge reaction for to be absolutely certain of, the only primarch he can even kill outright with all those buffs is Lorgar. Fuckin Eidolon can kill Lorgar outright with a decent charge.

But yeah you're right, you guys don't know how brutal works because you're still sticking to this moronic idea that any event can have a probability greater than 1, because that's the only way your retarded spreadsheets make any sense, is if things can be more than certain to happen. Fuckin stats undergrads ought to be fed into woodchippers.

Well, GW kind of fuels it by having the "right" factions be the most powerful (mainly the loyalist in M31, the Imperium in M41).
>the very weak Strength of his brutal weapon
Yeah, strength 8 is just such a low strength value. It doesn't even come close to the strength 8 of thunder hammers, which are actually OP.
>Brutal's just a bonus
Yeah a 2x bonus. It's literally multiplying wounds times 2. Kind of a big thing.
Mars, as I said in my post; the difference being who the key players are.
russ is canonically the best primarch in melee idk why his rules reflecting that is surprising to you fucking retards.
No he isn't. Sanguinius, Angron and Johnson are definitely better, and Fulgrim, The Khan and Horus are also debatably as good or better
lost to horus. russ tied horus.
>Angron and Johnson are definitely better
>and Fulgrim, The Khan and Horus are also debatably as good or better
horus yes, the rest is delulu.
I mean, he literally lost to Angron before he ascended, and Sanguinius beat Angron's daemon ascended ass, so wrong.
russ fought ascended horus to a draw. ascended horus easily beat sang. angron lost to perturabo, kek.
Ok but who is the best kisser?
remember that time the lion lost a 2v1 against kurze
I remember him spanking kurze 1v1 on macragge, but I wish I could forget all primarch duels outside of Khan vs Mortarion on Prospero
So Perty beats Angron, Angron beats Russ, therefore Perty beats Russ. Thanks anon.
I'll repeat: anything is only as strong or as weak as GW wants it to be for the plot of a story.
What would you anons think about giving Power Fists and Power Axes a rule that makes them attack at I step 2?
That would at least give them a reason to exist imo
Power axes could also use S6
russ beat horus. horus beat the emperor. therefore pert beats the emperor.
>I remember him spanking kurze 1v1 on macragge
you mean when kurze beat the lion and girlyman 2v1?

maybe you are confusing it for the time that a half astartes killed the lion.
Now you're getting it
you can tinker till hell freezes over if you don't change thunder hammers there'll be no reason to take anything else.
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>I am the good guy here. I didn't do anything wrong. Father is actually the real traitor. I need to do whatever Chaos says so I can control Chaos
TH kill cataphractii 75% of the time
Power Fist kill them 50% of the time
They are not that wildly different.
If PF attacked first they would be a hard counter to TH
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>mfw the gay poet jobber starts talking shit
and fists don't kill contemptors or primarchs at all
>Gav Thorpe
hes the world biggest DAfag and basically created them.
Neither do TH. You have to get through the entire primarch's retinue before you get to hit them. This while the primarch attack at initiative with ap2 and S8 most of the time, if not brutal. So it's not like you are going to survive to do that.
And against dreadnoughts most terminators get their asses handed to them no matter the weapon, unless it's a 10 man unit that costs 3 times as much as the dread.
Russ does cause a lot of seething, he pissed off Angron, the Lion, Horus and Magnus and pretty much got all of them to vent a massive monologue just by approaching them.
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>I need to do whatever Chaos says so I can control Chaos
This would make sense if Horus was a tanned latina bat, and Chaos was emerald-shaped
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Der Mensch ist böse

Der Mensch muss besser und böser werden

Der Mensch ist böse

Der Mensch muss besser und böser werden

So lehre ich
Ruined anon, the phrase you're looking for is "basically ruined them". Because even setting aside the fact he's a literal IRL cuckold-and-proud-tier male feminist type, he's a fucking *terrible* author. Literally the only good novel he's ever written was a throwaway Dwarf book for WHF where his stilted autistic style actually vaguely fit the theme.

You can't create or define a faction when it's standard practice to recommend that newbies avoid all the material you've written about them, and "skip the DA books unless you have clinical insomnia, they're boring as fuck" is right up there with "Battle for the Abyss is offensively bad filler".
thorpe has written basically all the DA codex lore and novels for the last 35 years as well as driven their aesthetic change. thorpe took a faction that was based on a native american aesthetic and turned them into freemasonic gay knights, DA as you know them were created solely by gav.

yet another reason why DA suck.
I mean he lost to Curze, drew with curze, then beat curze. So you could call him and curze on par
>native american aesthetic
Even in that very story it was just the recruits from that particualr planet. They all had proper angelic names given to them by the chapter.
Sounds like the baddies desu. I can understand the virtue of mercylessness, but even then that denotes a poorness of the spirit. A lack of confidence on oneself, and a fear of the might of others.
you are having difficulty coping with the fact of DA just being "gav's personal project" since their rework in like 1990. DA and deathwatch are gavs pet projects in the same way that blanche created black templars
>Codex: Angels of Death in 1996, a 120-page softcover book created by Rick Priestley and Jarvis Johnson
You're having trouble forming an argument.
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ah yes, only the brilliant minds of gav and jervis could create the faggiest legion.
And in each case, he had understandable reasons for that.
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valdor is biologically female btw
Russ and Valdor were friends. At least Valdor treated Russ better than the others.
What's better, an artalax with 2 arc scourge and Paragon of Metal or 5 ursarax
Yes i know its like asking "which is better a cripple or a blind man" but I've got 235 points free, I want a new unit, and i want a melee Cybernetica unit to serve as the hunting dog(s) for my new Malagra Archmagos
I like the ursarax more because they I like LCs and smaller units, they aren't automaton so they don't get hit by mass krak grenades, and but mostly I like the Thallax design tree and LCs more.

Also I don't know if you get rampage on both scourges or just one and can't find another example of it.
I'd expect you would based on how the rule specifically calls out different variants. It's not like it's that strong with 2D3+2 rampage vs D3+2, it's still only WS5 Ap3
what the fuck
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Are magna combi weapons worth it? It seems like you'd need to take a whole bunch for them to be useful but that would get super expensive super quick.
Archmagos Prime, Master Crafted Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Data Spike, Machinator Array, Cyber Familiar, Rad Grenades, Cybertheurgy: Incursus - 240
Magos Dominus, Power Axe, Laspistol, Conversion Beamer, Cyber Familiar, Cybertheurgy: Cybernetica - 115
Magos Dominus, Power Axe, Laspistol, Conversion Beamer, Cyber Familiar, Cybertheurgy: Cybernetica - 115

Troops - 1470
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Photon Thruster - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294
6x Thallax, 4x Lightning Guns, 4x Chain Bayonets, 2x Multi-Melta - 294

Elites - 325
6x Myrmidon Secutors, 6x Myrmidon Axe, 8x Volkite Chargers, 4x Phased Plasma-Fusil - 325

Fast Attack - 225
Artalax, 2x Arc Scourge, Plasma Cannon, Paragon of Metal - 225

Heavy Support - 510
Thanatar-Calix, Solex Heavy-Las, Graviton Ram, Mauler Bolt Cannon - 255
Thanatar-Calix, Solex Heavy-Las, Graviton Ram, Mauler Bolt Cannon - 255

Do you think I need both magos domini in this list to babysit the Calix, or is the archmagos enough? Tempted to drop them and grab two arcuitor in their stead.
If they weren't one-shot, yes. But like Hunter Killer Missiles, you always seem to roll a 1 when shooting the fucking thing and wasting the points.
Depends on the unit you'll be buying them for.
Depends on the number you're buying.
Depends on your to hit roll. Will it be 2+ or 3+ for example.
Will you get into rapid fire range (for Combi Plasma) ?
Will you somehow get Pref Enemy (which is rare in 2.0) ?
Etc. etc.
Some anons in threads past were putting out the idea of having a Seeker sergeant carry a Combi-Disintegrator
Combi Disintegrators and Combi Melta in a Seeker Squad make for great early game suicide bombs.
I go with 5 man squads usually, 2 Kraken, 2 Combi Melta and a Combi Disintegrator on the Sergeant.
Rushing them forward turn one, getting within 12” of whatever unit you want to fuck up, and dumping 4 instant death, AP 2, 2+ to hit shots that bypass retinues can instantly take out your opponents Praetor/Consul and throw their plans into chaos, or if you can’t reach them, knoble a Contemptor or expensive vehicle.
At 130 points they’re dangerous without being too expensive to risk failing with, and with 2 squads of 5 it gives some wiggle room to mix up putting all the Meltas in one squad if need be , say to really ensure I’m going to take out a Spartan or such like.
Otherwise I run with a single Combi Melta in some melee focused squads, like my Tartaros Terminators and Veterans, just to tip the odds back in my favour slightly in case they get charged. Just being able to potentially take one model out with an Overwatch reaction, is sometimes enough to win you an elite vs elite combat round, and worth a 10pt gamble.
Are Thallax worth running as Elites in an Iron Cohort?
Is it worth mixing up power weapons in a veteran unit? For example, 4 power axes for fighting other 2+ save units, 5 power mauls for clearing troop chaff before they strike back, and a thunder hammer sarge for challenges and slight multi wound unit protection?
Do you think this strategy works best with a given legion? I imagine AL gives some brevity with a 2" buffer while WS can inch closer.
I run EC with the Maru Skara, so yeah, the WS +1M definitely helps.
AL could potentially be useful if you can judge the distance right, putting them just outside 12” return fire range for Melta guns and rapid fire attacks, while still potentially being able to charge and tie up a unit in melee for a turn after decapitating them. Certainly a quick shiv with a power dagger as a follow up never hurts.
>that would get super expensive super quick.
In a terminator squad, 3 combi-meltas can pretty reliability kill an enemy terminator. That's 30p.
You'd need to pay another 45p for 1 more TH terminator that has a similar chance to kill one enemy terminator. And a bigger squad may not fit in your transport. It's not that bad of an option imo.
Combi-plasmas and plasma blaster can reliably kill 4 MEQ that would otherwise tarpit you. It can be the difference between killing a unit in one round of combat or being stuck there for more than 1 turn wasting your time.
thanks for explaing. I had the idea with the hammers, because the agreement at my store is to limit rending to only range weapons.
Ascension isn't really much of a boon in most cases (apart from immortality), the daemon primarchs have less control and are vulnerable to anything anti-warp. Angron being able to fly slower than Sanguinius was no benefit to him at all and he was made more vulnerable to Sanguinius attacks. Horus similarly was made extremely vulnerable to Russ' spear. Still Sanguinius definitely should be a more beastly beastick even trying to balance him having wings.
Veterans shouldn't be getting into fights with TEQ. The only thing that can reliably hurt them is the power fist and TH on the Sgt and those are stupidly expensive for whatever reason.
Power axes are pretty worthless this edition bc GW forgot to make any units with a 2+sv and 1W... Same issue for charnival weapons mostly. There's just no good targets for them outside AA sgts.
As for the other weapons I think the better choice is between Mauls and Lances.
A unit of 5 vets with mauls can kill 9 MEQs in one go
Lances kill 7 but you are hitting first so that's pretty good if the opponent also has power weapons.
Dual LCs could also be an option, they are a bit better at damage but you can't take a gun or pistol on that model so it depends on what you want in the unit.
If you want a mix of loadouts I would take some mauls and spears on the regular guys and dual LCs on the Sgt. The Sgt gets like 6 attacks on the charge with shred, even in a duel it's not that difficult to roll a 6 to rend and go through AA.
If you want to bully MEQs, go full mauls on the normal vets
If you want to do better against veteran equivalents go fill spears I think.
What about regular swords? For DA being DW veterans they would get +1 to hit, making them almost always hit.
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It's the crossover you always wanted but never dared to ask for.
Sanguinius shouldn't necessarily be the tippity-top murder-machine in combat, but it is bizarre for him to be one of the worst primarchs in a fight, largely because of a severe lack of hitting power and a statline of sixes. He feels like he should be a proper glass cannon of a primarch, what with him winding up dead and all. Make him more like I8, A7, even go up to WS9 on the charge, make the sword S8 so it can ID 2W models and give the spear brutal, but get rid of the reroll on the invulnerable save, even lower it to a 5++, and drop him to 5 wounds or something. Make it so that he hits like a truck, but really needs to win the fight in the first round or else he's fucked.
The hell is that supposed to be from, berserk?
Swords with +1 hit do the same damage as spears, but attack at I4, not 5
If it's a calibanite warblade on the Sgt then it would be similar to a maul. It's not as good as dual LCs for the same price but you could take a gun on the him if you want that kind of thing.
For the regular guys it's just not worth it. +1 to hit when you already hit on 6s is not as big of a buff and swords really suffer from having S4.
Taking Deathwing just or the Sgt seems like a bit of waste tho. It's not like they benefit a ton from the others but if you have them in a dedicated transport +2 to movement or Snapshots at BS2 would probably be better
And if you want thematic veterans with power swords you might as well take companions...
Yeah, I see, Thanks for explaing. It is foolish me wanting to use swords/do knight thing with my DA. I put swords on all my sgt, even non deathwing ones. Plus plastic power spears/glaives and left hand claws are hard to get.
Although a unit of DA veterans armed with pole axes and warhammers would cool too, and be very knightly.
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You could use something like this anon. they aren't plastic, but that makes them actualy cheaper.
GK got spears and left hand claws are like the most common ones out there.
Yea, swords are an all rounder weapon if you take into account units that don't exist and units that vets have no business charging...
I wish GW would make Breachers 2+sv instead of giving them a useless 5++ so there would at least be a reason to take swords or axes
Swords should probably be S+1 too. Idk in what world they think rending 6+ evens out with wounding on 2s or wounding on 3s at I5
And axes S+2
I only have 3 from half the assault space marine boxes. I put them on my three jump pack chaplains. But you are right I will buy a box or two of GK terminators. This will also give me a few bodies to make Companion terminators with calibanite blades. I just hope, I have enough combi bolters for them. Else it is going to be gluing two bolters to make one again lol. I forgot that plastic GK exist. Thank you for reminding me.
Maybe they just give swords used by deathing brutal, and for calibanite and terran blades Brutal(2). That would be lore accurate. I could use all my cataphracts armed with swords and start winning events to get back money invested in to the army.
Take any power fist and slap the back of the hand lightning claws from MkIV or Tartaros kit on them.
Where can i get graviton imploders?
Get a gravitom gun or Cannon and start dreaming up ways to make it look different
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On what do you plan on putting them (giving some idea for the scale)? The ones on the macrocarid explorator look a bit like the thanatar plasma mortar, drum with a fat, conical muzzle. If we're looking at a handheld version, maybe explore the possibility of using 40k grav-guns/cannons. They got a similar style muzzle (though much smaller) thats mounted on the end of a tube covered mostly with gun parts. Add some canisters along the hull. Like ones found on the side of Admech Kataphron plasma cannons.
>40k slop
Eurgh. Go and take a look at the resin graviton guns you pleb.
The ones that are long and slim, unlike the imploder?
Your 3d printer makes them.
If you think about it, Artificer Command Squads can take Combi-bolters for +5 pts, and Minor Combi-weapons for the same price.
Meaning they're equal.
Meaning Terminators (including ICs) should get a 5 pts discount in Minor and Magna combis, because they are swapping Combi-bolters for them, rather than regular bolters.
Same for Seekers, who have special bolters base.
MkIII for all.
The bits recaster has them.
Honestly fuck basing, it's the worst part of finishing a model, I'll never play with a model that doesn't at least have base coats but 75% of my army still has plain black or primed silver bases. It's so fucking tedious and contributes little to the completion of the model. I specifically went with a snowy asphalt world theme for my bases so I could spend as little time on them as possible and they're still a slog.
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anyone by a chance has the other upcoming datasheets? like for Stormblade?
>It's so fucking tedious
The first army I even made had some lava bases made of flat sheets of cork and airbrushed lava. Super quick to make in batches. Flat surface that lets you glue in the finished miniature that can be painted separately.
Every other basing scheme I have tried for any other army has just demoralized me to the point of giving up on all of them. It's so much time for something that feels an afterthought...
>Idk in what world they think rending 6+ evens out with (Mauls) wounding on 2s or (Spears) wounding on 3s at I5
Then they're too powerful. Spears strike faster and harder. Maybe only just strike harder? S4 i+1.
Mauls just S+1 instead of full +2.
>And axes S+2
based, would actually filter normies and americans
Who that? Awooga though
If Swords had +1S they would have the same chance to wound that a Spear has but have that chance at rending intead of attacking at I5.
Mauls would still be the better wounding weapon against T4 but only for ap3.
And if Axes had S+2 they would serve as a maul alternative. Wounds all T4 on 2s as well and ignores armour, but with the big downside of being unwhieldy. They would become more of a threat to terminators and dreads. It wouldn't be optimal but at least more reliable than any othe power weapon in that situation.
I think that would be a pretty good balance. At least better than what we have now.
I'm thinking of adding additional details to the base and repriming the whole model. The Ocean blue never sat well with me.

What do you think I should add? I'm thinking of bulking the ground around the church to represent a trench network with the church ruins done to look like a field HQ. I think I'll try to use the bulk of a LI solar auxilla infantry box to fill in the defenders and the attackers population. Maybe putting the traitor malcador defender riding between the legs of the titan?
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Fuck sake, pic related
S6 power axes would probably make Red Butchers at least playable
I miss Heresy Thursday.
It was easier to think we hadn't been abandoned with half the important stuff missing when we got a weekly update, even if stuff wasn't coming out all the time.
Still missing:
>Mk2,4 and 5 tac squads
>Head & Shoulder upgrades for Mk 2, 3 and 4
>Praetor(s) for IW, IH, WE, TS, SL, RG
>Remaining Legion specific Consuls
>Levi dreads for Everyone except DA, WS, NL and BA
>Melee weapons
>Legion weapons for everyone except SoH and BA

I'm not even listing anymore there's so much left
Now now, we can't have all of /aosg/ and r/sigmarxism put on suicide watch.
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why not?
at least having TOW around shows it isn't just bias causing the content draught
>sallies boxnaught flamer is S7 Torrent 18"
Pretty cool. Time to run a mortis talon with six of these things.
I think the blue looks fine, goes very well with the elegant sculpted look of the whole model, maybe add some silver details to it? Will probably look better with more colours applied imho.
You can always add some contrasting colours to the base like smoldering trees and fires.
Trench works and auxilia sound like a good idea.
All I want is a new boxnought kit.
GW would be prosecuted for hatecrimes against oppresed minorities in a british court of law.
>Change Axes and Swords
>Instead of Mauls and Spears
There's 9 Swords, arguably 3 two-handed Swords, and 8 Axes. 20 weapons that can be called power sword or power axe, across 11 Legions.
Meanwhile there's only 3 spears and arguably 4 mauls across 5 Legions.
And you say those 7 weapons are what's right, it's ALL OTHER 22-19 WEAPONS that are wrong.
Like bruh. Just remove 1 pip of Str from Mauls and Spears and that's it. If Axes are too weak (because Termies gained +1W) then give them Reach(-1) instead of full Unwieldy.
Why? It isn’t like there’s not an insane amount of secondhand basic plastic boxnaughts around, and even if there wasn’t or you want one of the old forgeworld ones you still have recasters with them.
And if you don’t want any of these options there’s a massive amount of excellent quality 3d files.
Doesn’t the WS power lance the Golden Keshig use count as a power lance?
Making anything good shit to put it on the same level as the things no one ever takes is the worst kind of balancing you can do. Power weapons are expensive, they are suppossed to be good. Mauls and spears are suppossed to be the baseline, not the outliers.
I don't care how many snowflake weapons have to be adjusted. There's no balance between legion weapons what so ever and that's a completely different can of worms
It’s so retarded how IH don’t have Grav mauls and hammers.
NTA, but occasionally GW pulls off something cool with new kits and it's not like a new castraferrum dread is going to suddenly make all the old ones out there disappear.
And if they put out a little gay boxbot like their redesign of mkIII armor, then it just makes all my old dreadnoughts even manlier and awesome in comparison, doesn't it?
A glaive is a polearm and that makes it closer to a spear than a sword. Also if you're including unit specific stuff like the Argean sword from the Locutarus or Falling Star spear from the Dawnbreakers you're missing a few other things. Kontos power lance, blades of judgment, axe rakes, tainted talons.
Completely agree with this anon >>93380622
There’s no real reason to change all the legion specific stuff just because the basic weapons are underwhelming, they need balancing and fixes for their own issues.
Because the boxnought is cool, the old kits are all OOP, and I hate having to buy all of the single mortis weapon add-ons. It'd be neat to have a new kits with a left handed and right handed version of all nine weapons, or at least one of each and a way to make them fit either arm.
Power axes are still fantastic weapons and will reliably chop through TEQ or Legion Elites just fine.
Just because you can’t one shot 2W models, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any means of reliably damaging them.
If anything I’d argue power axes are by far the best weapon for most units that can’t take a fists or hammers, because it’s the only way they can do anything to the tougher units that you often simply can’t avoid fighting, while still killing everything else just as dead as the AP3 weapons do.
Boxnaughts are cool and deserve a new kit with all the loadout options possible for it. Lots of the old FW weapons are OOP, and the 40K Venerable Dreadnought won’t be around forever.
Think Great Frost Blade, by the descriptions given, is a catch-all for variety of weapons ranging from great swords to spears.
Same deal with the paragon blade. Not necessarily a sword at all. "Two-handed power weapons of extraordinary balance and durability" is the blurb from the 1.0 description.
Basic boxnoughts are pretty hard to find, at least if you want unpainted. Venerables are dime a dozen.
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The venerable kit has a lot of options. Can give them less fancy legs, or the MKV coffin instead of the MKIV helmet. The only thing I don't like is the four stack exhaust, instead of the typical two stack.
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Same kit, showing the fancier options.
Never liked the sarcophagus on the venerable dread. The piece didn't feel right, unlike on pretty much every other dread. Preferred the MkIV head variant instead.
I just like the more plain, industrial look of the classic or ironclad, especially for Heresy
And some stuff - like the lascannon - is hard to make plain
>go check out an "FLGS" downtown because they're selling heresy stuff online so maybe they've got a nice community
>it's a hole in the wall basically cubicle size, with nothing but shelves and shelves of GW kits and merchandise with an office desk in the back to hold the cash register and laptop
Holy crap I didn't realize scalpers had physical stores.
Can't be used outside a charge but alright. Will count it.
>Power weapons are expensive
+5 Pts for Vets & Command squads. Baseline for Terminator squads.
>Mauls and spears are suppossed to be the baseline, not the outliers
Prove it. Because mere counting points that the average power weapon is a sword/axe.
>I don't care how many snowflake weapons have to be adjusted.
I do. So I disagree with you.
>There's no balance between legion weapons what so ever...
There should be. There shall be.
>It’s so retarded how IH don’t have Grav mauls and hammers.
It is. I would give IH the Grav Mauls if there was anything I could give the IW as a replacement
>that makes it closer to a spear than a sword
I went with
+1i -> Spear
+2S (but still one-handed) -> Maul
Unwieldy & AP2 -> Axe
"Normal" -> Sword
I do admit Carsoran axes are closer to Swords than to Axes, and the Legatine Axe is also an axe only in name. Should I re-classify them as swords?
>Kontos power lance, blades of judgment, axe rakes, tainted talons.
Thanks anon. Added. Counted Tainted Talons as improved Claws, but forgot about those other blades.
Both need balancing for their own issues. However, Legion specific blades are "Baseline PW + Extra", meaning if you change the base, you also change the legion specific.
Example: give +1S to power swords, and then you also have to give +1S to legion-specific power swords.

Ooor, remove 1S from Spears and review 3 spears. Two of them from the same legion.
Whoops misplaced Kontos spears.
Reclassified Judgement Blades and Scythes as "Two-Handed swords". Would call them "TH Blades" but unwieldy Headsman's & Excoriator's Axes are TH too.
Reclassified Dagger as a sword. A small one lol.
Dagger and scythe should be unique weapons imho
I'm racist and they look the same to me >:^)
you can get a Maul of Perdition? huh
>+5 Pts for Vets & Command squads. Baseline for Terminator squads.
No shit, that's why those units are more limited in numbers are are way more expensive per model. For any other unit you are paying close to the cost of the models for them and are restricted to 1 in 5 models.
>Prove it.
No one has ever said that mauls and spears are broken. No one is spamming veterans and terminators with those weapons. No one is complaining about those units even tho all models can take them at a discount.
So why the fuck would you nerf them instead of improving the stuff no one ever takes?
What a shitty way of thinking about balance
>I do.
If you want to care about the amount of work the rules team has to do that's your problem
Is S(U) AP3 a bad profile? Prolly not, but there's a problem when there's "the same but +2S" and "the same but +1S and +1i".
1) What would you give swords so that they were equal to +2S / +1S & +1i?...
2) What would you give swords so that they were equal to +1S / +1i?...
...all the while being EQUAL to AP- Breaching 5+ i+1? Because yeah, they must remain equal to Charnabal sabres; that's a requirement.
You forgot the NL Escaton power claw(?) and misplaced the headsman’s axe, it’s a chainweapon.
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slowly regaining my motor skills
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>During the great crusade a company sized detachment of Salamanders guides an African exploration fleet through the warp
>The Salamanders and the fleet are stranded in an inhospitable solar system
>The company commander Yakub decides that he must genetically modify the humans for them to survive
>He use chaos powers to genetically modify his humans into homus devilus, a warped fusion of demon and human
>years pass and the stranded company hears of horuses rebellion
>yakubs traitor marines and his pale human berserkers now fight for the warmaster
Based and druk pilled.
Rending 6+ is just inferior to Reach (1), any way you spin it. That said, if it was Sudden Strike instead...
Why must power weapons be so deadly? A Despoiler can swap Shred for AP3 for +5 pts. Is that not enough?
>2) What would you give swords so that they were equal to +1S / +1i?...
When the wielder has 4A (2 base +1 from dual wield +1 from charging), S4 is equal to 3A S5
Meaning Swords would be equal to Mauls should the latter didn't gain +1A from wielding two weapons
Just saying
A shot of whiskey could help steady your hand.
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If you don't use this head on the commander, you're a coward.
/Your dudes/. Where do they live and what's it like?
>Where do they live
Space Medieval Britain.
>what's it like
Full of Space Anglo Furries.
So power mauls and spears are the thing that is broken and needs nerfing now?
We tired of bitching about TH already?
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Combi-power weapon.
TH have been talked to death.
spears/mauls aren't OP, it's just that axes/mauls/spears are all sidegrades of each other, but swords are a half-step down from those.
And this is how my lightning bolts turn out well for my Night Lords.
Man that textured base that came with the dreadnought was perfection: shell-casings, the skull, and broken pavement so good
>TFW spears used to be S+1 AP3 when charging
>But S(U) AP4 when not charging
>Give it a double buff: it's now always S+1 AP3, and then +1i
Like, don't buff it twice? Swords gaining Rending (6+) is like, half a buff.
Likewise, S+2 Mauls swapped (old) Concussive for AP3. It was completely irrelevant back when it was AP4. It completely nullifies swords now that it is AP3.
>2) What would you give swords so that they were equal to +1S / +1i?...
Swords can parry irl, which isn't true for mauls, spears and axes, where only the head is steel / covered in a power field.
Thus I'd give swords Parry
>Parry: Once per turn, in the Fight sub-phase, each model equipped with a Power Sword can attempt to parry a single Attack that hit its unit. After To Hit rolls have been made, but before any To Wound Rolls, select one of the To Hit rolls and roll a dice for each model attempting to parry. If the result is higher than the To Hit roll dice, that attack has been parried and has no effect. Attacks that do not have a To Hit roll cannot be parried.

This in contrast to the modified Combat shield's Block:
>Block: Once per turn, in the Fight sub-phase, each model equipped with a Combat shield can attempt to block a single successful hit targeting its unit. After To Hit rolls have been made, but before any To Wound Rolls, select one of the successful To Hit rolls for each model attempting to block, and re-roll them. Attacks that do not have a To Hit roll cannot be parry.
Make power weapons a single stat so we don't have to fucking fight for decades over how to balance them for every game/edition. If you had your way, all PA marks would have different stats and we could argue over those as well.
Go shit up 40kg if you can't appreciate having options, leave us at least one game not meant for a 5 year old.
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The ONE good thing of 10th is that PW being the same profile meant you can arm your lil dudes with whatever you want, instead of having to arm the entire squad with 10 mauls, or 10 axes all, and so on.
Generic Combi-Weapons is mega soulless though.
>If you had your way, all PA marks would have different stats and we could argue over those as well.
Mk2: ???
Mk3 & NuMk3: Heavy type
Mk4: Normal
Mk5: Skirmish type
NuMk6: Normal since 2.0
>/Your dudes/
Loyalist Death Guard, though they're as kind as an Iron Hand. They roam the stars looking for traitors to melt.
They never reach Terra, instead joining Lion's crusade. They do take part in the destruction of Barbarus.
It all comes back...
>Where do they live
>and what's it like?
Poison Ship Flotilla consisting of stolen Battlecruiser, Battle Barge and Strike Cruiser-class ships.
>Traitor BA
>met sang, thought he was okay, but just got addicted to eating flesh
>eventually couldn’t hide it and got cast out, got picked up by a Word Bearer fleet and became cool with them
>hilarity ensues

dew it...you know you want to.....
Quasi-independent heretical forge world out in the Halo Stars. So far out that they have dominion over their irradiated snowy hellscape planet and the other satellites in the solar system, but their divergent religious doctrines means they have to be entirely self sufficient because everyone hates them even though they haven't declared for either side.
How far divergent? How much independent? How much irradiated?
it's also a scarcity issue, since many more units have access to or are even forced to use swords and axes compared to mauls or spears.

I'm not surprised and I also landed on UM for the official test on GW's website, but still
You ever wanted something a long time ago and can't remember for the life of you why you wanted it?

I used to want these veteran vanguard (?) units with jump packs, bolt pistols, and power mauls, cause I thought it would be cool to have a little 5 or 10 man suicide squad with 20-40 S6 AP4 attacks + hammer of wrath painted in salamander colors..

Now I can't for the life of me why I thought that was cool, other than I wanted to name them El Kabong Squad.
I mean really the only thing S6 AP4 attacks are good at is killing light vees and squishy units, everything that has a 3+ armor save or 12+ rear armor facing is going to bounce off it.. thats even if I could get someone to play 5th/6th/7th ed to begin with..
I hoped for Mortarion. Doom and mental issues either way.
>Jhagata Khan
Release My Inner Mongol
Anyone here gonna be at the Struggle for Golgotha at Rogue State Games today?
got fulgrim. it make sense but i still hate it
I am a WEfag so fair enough.
do you guys just not talk about midhammer or what?
Russ. I'm a good boy.
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IW grand battallion that was tasked with mastering chemical warfare paired with artillery that isn't sure about their allegiance, they were thrown far out into the galaxy to take back worlds in the name of the emperor but despite being terran veterans they feel a weak connection due to distance, and really didn't appreciate Pert either. They have a small contingent of DG with them that act as their chemcial agent experts for the specific artillery shells and munitions
The Warsmith meets up on a planet with a rogue Militia commander (pic related its literally what I want to say a distant relative of Haarlock) , who impresses him so much that he decides to fight battles as he sees fit. The leader of the small DG contingent puts his trust up into the hands of the warsmith and now that little merry band of Militia/Auxilia, Iron warriors and Death Guard roam the galaxy
Primarily in search of a good cause to dedicate themselves to
I may make a seperate blachshield army in this theme to develop the story more, Oaths would be Pride is our armor and either Panoply of Old or Only in Death does duty end
>Where do they live
The homeworld of the militia commander but mostly in space
>What's it like
Mostly a place where everyone is considered equal, and therefore the human elements to this combined force are just as valuable and considered tragic loss as the space marines are
Yes, I was inspired by Arcadia of my Youth
No I will not steer away from it
I would be but I don't have a shit relationship with my father
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>Where do they live
My traitor WE dudes and their various allies and auxiliaries spend most of the Heresy hunkered down on an abandoned desert forge world near the Ultramar empire, much to the frustration of the Praetor who wants to be on the offensive push to Terra, but who has to keep shoving attacking loyalists off the planet due to it holding some supposedly valuable stuff that never gets found
>what's it like?
Hot, dry and barren of any kind of traditional life. The only thing remotely living that is native to the planet now is various forms of cacti, how they survive the climate and manage to populate the planet to such a degree a mystery the WE's have given little thought to. Metal walkways jut out from the sand and soil, spiralling and snaking all over the planet, creating an intricate web of plasteel and iron that weaves in and out between a mixture of rocky canyons, oceans and lakes of crude oil and hulking, rusted out factorums that serve as coffins for the various loyalists and traitors that partake in skirmishes and battles that rage across the planet's surface. These walkways are so numerous and interconnected, it's said you could walk around the circumfrence of the entire planet without ever having to touch foot on the sands below.

Hexion Gamma is not a nice planet, but for most of the Heresy, it's where these WE's call home, and they'll defend the home from many threats before the last marine finally spills his blood among the rust and sand.
I said I loved me dad but still Angron.
are you tsundere for your dad
>how far divergent
They use a base 12 numbering system (the old Sumerian finger counting thing that gives us the 60/360 we use for measuring time and angles), believing that the human form is just a particularly holy and well designed machine, and are opposed to both hexad and binaric as a result. This is, obviously, enough to render them kill on sight by any member of the Martian orthodoxy.
>how independent
They control a solar system, they have access to everything they need. Strip mining asteroid belts, harvesting rare materials from moons, stuff like that.
>how irradiated
They're remnants from an Old Night explorator fleet that devolved in to a civil war in the way back when after losing contact with Terra and Mars. A few centuries of slinging atomic warheads at each other until the current ruling house subdued all of their competitors.
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>They have a small contingent of DG with them that act as their chemcial agent experts for the specific artillery shells and munitions
Oh neat anon. That's basically /my dudes'/: DG Siege Breaker detachment attached to an IW expeditionary fleet as chemical munitions specialists. Though they remain loyal when the IW go traitor, so he blasts his way out. He uses a charnabal sabre gifted by the Warsmith.

So, what's the Militia Commander's homeworld like? As in, nature of the planetary tithe. Do their armed forces have any strategic tendencies? How do they work with a legion famous for their disregard of human lives? What's the prevailing geography of that planet? What kind of shelters do those people live in? What's their sustenance?
xD lmao
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>Metal walkways jut out from the sand and soil, spiralling and snaking all over the planet, creating an intricate web of plasteel and iron that weaves in and out between a mixture of rocky canyons, oceans and lakes of crude oil and hulking, rusted out factorums that serve as coffins for the various loyalists and traitors that partake in skirmishes and battles that rage across the planet's surface. These walkways are so numerous and interconnected, it's said you could walk around the circumfrence of the entire planet without ever having to touch foot on the sands below.
:O!!! Incredible. Such a tragedy that so much industry has been lost to the sands of time...such a horror, that whatever lies bebeath is so terrible its danger haunts us still...
iron warriors are spiritual AOS fans
I haven't nailed all the details down yet, but my mechanicumbros are an explorator fleet that built their facilities on a massive ice world. the dreg population live in incredible poverty and many sell their service as techno-thralls to pay off the myriad debts they get into. techno-thralling is one of the only ways they can clear debts but they get used as cannon fodder of course... those with a potential inkling for cybertheurgy may get lifted from the dregs like in mad max fury road, to be inducted into the systems that serve the Unmaker God
to properly gain entrance they need to enter a skinning machine and have it removed to prevent temptations of the flesh. the removed skin will be hung on whatever they use for the job and taken with them like something of a sign of office - so if they're part of a squad of skitarii (rip) who travel in a transport, their skin will be mounted on the outside while they're assigned to it. or in the service of protection for a thanatar, the same for the thanatar. service histories are tattooed onto the skin as it goes along
Yeah, I'm pretty autistic and overthoughtful
Too bad I'm cripplingly autistic, so I paint RG
>power weapons having one stat is a new thing
>t. summer child
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I think I'm finished with the base, need to add texture paste now
Some anons might not even have been born yet last time the basic power weapons share a single profile in 40k.
>Rogal Dorn
Well I am autistic, so it was a toss up between wall man and the Lion.
You can go back to play whichever 30 year old edition you are talking about.
Gladly, if it means I don't have to listen to you bitch 24/7 about how "muh opchunz!" aren't balanced.
Your Result:
You are the Angel, Sanguinius, Master of the Ninth Legion. A literal angel, you are as beautiful a soul as you are hurt. Your devotion to do what's right by others and yourself is a core element of who you are. However, you could do well to consider just who and what you are sacrificing yourself for.

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