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Historically Accurate Medieval Combat Simulator edition

>2024 PHB spoilers
(no druid post lol)

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread >>93363068

TQ:How do you prevent combat from getting out of hand? Do you enforce strict turn times? Do you allow any OoC discussion out of turn order?
>How do you prevent combat from getting out of hand?
This is a problem solved with party formation: pick players who take their turns in a reasonable amount of time
I would hope I don't DM for a group that makes combat drag, but assuming I am playing with people who have an established pattern of making combat a problem, the methods I'd enforce are:
>make it clear to everyone that when it's not their turn and they aren't being asked to do stuff/roll in response to other combatants' actions, they should be deciding what they're going to do on their next turn and setting up whatever dice/rules references they need to do it efficiently when I call for them to go
>on your turn, no more than 30 seconds of deliberation to decide on an action, and no take-backs once you've decided. Roll as many dice simultaneously as possible (ex., attack + damage rolls together)
>if you fail to decide on an action in 30s, your character performs a basic attack with a weapon or cantrip on the closest enemy and your turn ends. If no enemies are within range, you Dodge and end your turn
>if you can't remember the rules for your features/spells and make a habit of not being able to efficiently pull them up when we need to reference them, your character will be considered to be temporarily forgetting/flubbing the things that you're trying to do, and your actions will be wasted until you get your act together OOC
>table talk for tactics is fine, but pay attention (and I'd you're doing it on your turn, make it fit into your 30s of deliberation)
I'd never do any of these as a first resort or when I've just met people. I'd trickle them in if they fail to improve and ease off on them when they're no longer needed
Realized I've been too much of a main character shitter so I'm gonna play a classic dwarf forge cleric in an upcoming campaign. What are some cool dwarf things for me to do or say
if you bring them back to life or from unconciousness, tell them that they owe you a beer
Remember that dwarven holy water is some alcoholic drink that dwarven priests brew (beer, ale or mead)
you better have a shitty scottish accent
Good thread.
For now. Just gotta wait for the schizos and spergs to start posting.
I said it mostly for the OP. It's funny, with an appropriate picture and questions, plus OP didn't forget the title or anything silly like that.
These are all very good, I haven't cared about dwarves my entire life but I just got engaged and now suddenly I love the bastards. I'm very behind on my dwarf culture.
Or Russian with occasional Scottish words if duergar.

There was A druid post, it was just only about wildshape changes. It has the druid video though, which contains the rest.
try to work in as many smithing metaphors and comparisons as you can
>There was A druid post, it was just only about wildshape changes. It has the druid video though, which contains the rest.
yeah (I made the last thread), but it was the only class without the 2024 vs 2014 format, so it felt awkward to include the wildshape one. Then again omitting it is also awkward.
>Pact Boons now shut down by stuff like AMF and Rakshasa because they're now cantrips instead of class features
>Eldritch Blast is still a cantrip
>Patrons sound more like "your powers can be taken away lol" servitude than ever
>Article claims the invocations no longer require spell slots, but in reality they just removed the invocations that did, you'll have to grab mystic arcanum to get them back.
>Sorceror Blast has exploding d6s
This is pretty fucking disappointing.
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>plus OP didn't forget the title or anything silly like that.
I've already apologized multiple times for that okay. I know I'm unreliable as shit, that's why I went into wagey work and occasional freelance despite having the grades for engineering or medical. Like yeah, I'll do a top notch job then choke and forget one random thing, and now all of a sudden I've got 20 corpses on my conscience and a negligence suit. No thank you, I'll stick to things where the worst scenario is I hit Ctrl+Z or a Karen gets especially fussy but I don't get fired because they're already too short staffed from everybody that quit because the manager and/or ownership are lying manipulative dicks that bully zoomers and pay late.

If you don't want issues next time, don't leave it for some chronic fuckup like me to handle. I literally waited 5 hours for somebody else more competent to pick up the torch before attempting.
>>Patrons sound more like "your powers can be taken away lol" servitude than ever
how so?
>>Article claims the invocations no longer require spell slots, but in reality they just removed the invocations that did, you'll have to grab mystic arcanum to get them back.
really? what's the source for that, I didn't think they'd publish the list of invocations already.
Anon, don't be too hard on yourself, I also messed up a thread long ago by not giving it a title, it happens, I just allowed it to die.
I'm a worse fuck up than you anyway (just one thesis away from engineering degree, everything went to utter shit)
They were shut down by AMF anyways.
Summoned creatures and magically created objects poof.

>>Eldritch Blast is still a cantrip
But magic initiate and bardic secrets can no longer rob warlock list, and spell sniper no longer gives a cantrip it's a half-feat.

>>Article claims the invocations no longer require spell slots, but in reality they just removed the invocations that did, you'll have to grab mystic arcanum to get them back.
No, they're just added to the spell list proper. Mystic Arcanum still only pulls from the warlock list, and only for 6th+ spells.
This does mean that they cost spells known. But pact spells are freebies now, so 6 of one, half dozen of the other.
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QQ loser.
Yeah, but you can grab Agonizing at 1 now. So unless Eldritch Blast specifies scaling with Warlock level, you only need a 1 level dip.
I think all list-specific spells do that now actually.

That said, >>93371705
>>Sorceror Blast has exploding d6s
Where are you getting this? I thought it was cut entirely, it's not mentioned on Beyond.
Making snowflake classes worse is a good way of ensuring that the minmax and multiclass crowd stays away from them and that only people actually interested in engaging with them thematically are drawn to play them. Warlocks and the circumstances to become one should be rare.
You can literally just be an occult researcher now, you have no real standing desu. More spell slots, incorporated EB and so forth is still great anyways.
too bad sorcerer was buffed
although at least Pally lost the nova, which was the main draw for minmaxers
Thanks anon. I had to come up with some TQs that tie with the edition of mocking a couple of people last thread. Honestly the first reply is the best one "don't have shitty players"
>out of character I'm the most engaged and likely to ask questions or come up with negotiation attempts on the fly
>but my PC has low CHA and can't make the rolls the DM asks for
>our "face" has legit autism irl and can make the rolls but won't step up to do the talking
>we keep getting into easily avoidable fights because of this
What's the least annoying way to resolve this
The DM should be modifying DC and allowing help in diplomatic cases where you do the talking and the face does the presenting without locking everything behind just ability checks.
you can play low cha and still talk to people
have your characters do it as a duo, like good cop bad cop style
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>"So like GM, I hope you're still lowering and raising the difficulty with what I'm actually saying, because if you're not then I'm just gonna start not saying anything if you don't care what I say and the difficulty is always high."

Confrontation is good and making sure you're heard is very important. If you're the guy who's engaged and you straight up say "Hey, if you're not being fair I'm just gonna disengage" sends in a strong enough message that can't be ignored. The same way a more adequate solution to a problem lowers the DC, a GM should be lowering or even just making it so no roll needs to be made if both sides are in sufficient agreement and both can win or be convinced enough. If you do all that fucking roleplaying and its not even remotely with the same DC lowering effect as having the right tools, the right techniqe, experience and more, then don't speak and let sperglord do it and see the DM suffer for it. You're the enthusiastic one getting fucked over, but you don't have to be.
I had the exact same situation, good cop bad cop is good, also help action.
i try to let players talk if they're planning in a 'productive' manner or figuring out some kind of combined PC tactic, if that makes sense. like not just debating which spell would be most optimal or just going back & forth on something like that. otherwise it feels almost like punishing them for to being as tactically-minded as the character and needing the extra time to explain/grasp something. though it's a pretty mellow group of mostly newish players, so we can get away with it.
I do talk to people, probably more than I'd like for this character. I didn't expect to have to carry the party's intellectual and RP torch when I played a dumdum barb, but we'd all be dead if I didn't. the problem is that I simply cannot pass the DC15 Deception and Persuasion checks I keep getting thrown when I try to get anything accomplished with talking. The guy playing the character with the stats for it can barely string a sentence together. Seems cheesy to just describe "I nudge [guy] and tell him what to say" every single time but I'm about to start doing that.
Look at the autistic player and tell him Verbatim what he should say.
Why would a DM do that? If a character is making persuasive dialogue far above their charisma then it's a bad roleplayer. You shouldn't be encouraging that
Sounds like the DM needs to start a Cyrano de Bergerac arc
Just talk to the DM and convince him to allow the player to just say what their negotiation goal is and make the roll, then the DM can fill in the blanks. He shouldn't be forcing the guy with autism to actually BE charismatic at the table. It's a game, not improv night
Hey if it's cheesy, and ok with everyone involved than it's not cheesy.
50 years of d&d and you're still not allowed to play a character that's more charismatic or intelligent than you are
>taking pride in being dumb and boring
Because charisma isn't everything and if you know what you're saying even as a stuttering mess you can say all the right things anyways. That you think you need 18 charisma and an expertise in Persuasion to say the right things means you are a terrible rollplayer.
>Warlocks and the circumstances to become one should be rare.
not really. if you go digging you can always find things you shouldn't fuck with.

being arrogant/stupid/desperate enough to still fuck around with that kind of thing should be rare though.
>What's the least annoying way to resolve this
Same as always. Stop Caring.
Don't play with giga retards and if you do, keep them out of the talking classes. If I see an aspie is planning to make a paladin or something (in a public game), I immediately make a bard or a sorcerer so I can do the role they aren't going to be capable of doing.
/5eg/, i want to make adventuring gear more useful. any advice?
Create situations where it's needed. Add a 30 foot wide pit to your dungeon
I mean as a homebrewer
This sounds like the setup to the best comedy ever
Then persuasion is a useless skill if your character can get out of every situation by the player saying the correct thing.
That's asinine and you don't know what rp even is.
Then start making Persuasion (Int) checks by having well-reasoned essay tier arguments. Heavens knows that's my real world strategy, I have absolutely dogshit charisma. But it's really hard to argue with me because I make good sense, even if the rhetoric is clunky and circuitous and the presentation is amateur hour and wholly unmagnetic.

The only issue is, it seems to be dependent on the listeners int too. If someone's too stupid to understand what I'm saying, they tend to just assume that I'm the idiot in the situation.
Not really the right system for it since most things are solved with magic, but you can make some tweaks.
Require climbing gear to climb without a check.
Require a bedroll to recover HP on a long rest.
Add to the DC for breaking open doors without a crowbar.
Assign bulk ratings to loot and a bulk carrying limit that packs help circumvent.
Seems unnecessary
Assuming your players have the mental capacity for basic problem solving, you just need to have them find more adventuring gear so that they become aware of it.
And stop creating solutions, that's the player's role not yours.
it just seems wierd to me that there's so much useless shit in the phb nobody ever uses
its for homebrewing
You sound like armortranny.
>the your entire D&D group except for you rented a house together and you were the only one they didn't have room for, and you feel yourself drifting away from them more and more every day.
Spell attacks auto-hit but the damage dice get cut in half (d4 becomes d2, d10 becomes d5, d12 becomes d6, etc).
This but weapon attacks instead.
Honestly would make turns go a lot faster.

>vial/flask/bottle: as an action you can fill the item from another container, a pool of liquid at least 1 inch deep, or the corpse of a dead ooze. As an action, you can throw the filled item at a creature you can see within 60 feet. they must succeed on a dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + you constitution modifier or be splashed with the liquid inside. if the liquid has any harmful effects, the target suffers those effects on a hit. If the liquid was the corpse of an ooze, the target is subjected to the effects of a hit with that ooze's pseudopod attack. if the pseudopod attack deals bludgeoning damage, or inflicts the grappled condition, the target is not subjected to those parts of the effect
>its for homebrewing
That doesn't say anything. What are you trying to achieve?
Adventuring gear isn't useless shit for those with the creativity to use the items. Creativity is a player issue and you can't force creativity that doesn't exist by adding homebrew rules bloat.
NTA, but best class/multiclass for throwing potions?
thief rogue, unfortunately throwing stuff is mostly all it's good for unless your DM routinely includes verticality in their encounters.
artificer if your dm allows catapult splashes. you can get 4 vials of acid every night from an alchemy jug (2 at dawn, and 2 when you move the infusion to a different jug). and can buff catapult by catapulting vials (or even flasks if your dm is permissive)
Nah, casters are the premier timewasters.
>I cast a spell!
>Alright, which one?
>Which spell do you cast?
>Where is that on my sheet?
>The section that says "spells".
>This one here.
>I cast Earthbind!
>Okay, on who?
>I want to cast Earthbind on this guy.
>He doesn't fly, you know.
>That guy can't fly.
>You know what Earthbind does, right?
>It traps them and keeps them from moving, right?
>It keeps them from flying.
>They can still move, they can't fly.
>It doesn't stop them from moving?
>I don't want to do that, then.
>I want to cast Hypnotic Pattern.
>Okay, where?
>I want to cast it on that guy.
>Centered on him?
>I want to cast it on him.
>It's an AoE spell, you know.
>It is?
>Yes. 30 foot cube.
>In fact, you could probably get some of the other guys if you aim it between them.
>Okay, I do that.
>What's your save DC?
>Your save DC?
>Should be written near your spells.
>Where are my spells?
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>we keep getting into easily avoidable fights because of this
>Complaining about free XP
A real G starts as many fights as possible to get stronger and have more fun fighting instead of all that boring talking.
I don't mind basically bringing back touch AC.

What about spell attacks that don't deal damage?
>the party has infinite gold
>they'll still haggle over a 10s bribe to make it 8s
why are they like this?
oy vey, why do you oppress your players so much?
>goy pays for full price just because he's rich
Now look what they did to Ranger
Some people won't pay a tenner for anything, anon.
it's literally just Tashas Ranger but they replaced shitty Favored Foe with Hunter's Mark proper, and then added some extra boosts to it on the dead levels where you only get a spell level increase.

Oh, and they went back to being prepped casters, like they have been in every other edition and should have been all along, Rangers are all about preperation.

What's so horrible about it? People liked Tasha ranger, and this is Tasha ranger with extra buffs.
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Zombie Beholder is CR 5
Any ideas to make it viable around CR8.
My players got a load of NPC bandit/knights on there side and they will Legit single turn kill this thing. Any ideas to supe it up. I was thinking giving it access to all of it's rays instead of the zombie 4 it has available.
it's not worth the time you lose haggling.
>Any ideas to make it viable around CR8.
>My players got a load of NPC bandit/knights on there side
It doesn't need any extra rays either, having those options will just drag things down. Just replace one of the damaging ones and let it use two per action.
You can replace beholder ray effects with spell effects. Replace one of its rays with Finger of Death. Now it hits a knight and guess what, that's now a knight zombie under the beholder's control. Don't expect you can just buff a statblock when your players out-action economy it fifty times over, you can only fight actions with actions and the ability to turn a switch on NPCs from ally to enemy is enormous.
>embedded secret dlc into one of my published homebrews
idk why something maybe three people will see was so fun to make
Why wouldn't you just reduce the damage by half?
Nice input, ty
Your info is literally months out of date.
Wtf is up with Zargon being a CR17 creature? Aren't elder evils god killing shit? Also, guess we're moving away from legendary actions entirely by the looks of it.
is this all it's gonna end up being? What do I care about character classes? I expect players to know how their class works. What changes do I, the DM, need to learn. Where is that post.
Just keep playing 5e until you make a new campaign with 5.5 or never.
>Where is that post.
Wait until someone leaks an early copy. The beyond posts are beyond useless. The youtube videos are even worse.
DMG isn't out till like OCT or NOV
Nah, it's a rebalanced version of the Tasha's Ranger that trades out the shitty 2014 features for blander crap that sucks just as much as what they took out. On top of that they nerfed Tireless and Nature's Veil, and try to pigeonhole you into locking yourself out half your spell list. Sure it does more damage, and sure there are some decent QoL improvements, but the class overall feels less unique and plays even clunkier than it used to.
>On top of that they nerfed Tireless and Nature's Veil
Nature's Veil is more powerful than before, just pushed at a higher level.
I agree with the rest.
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Tell me about your campaigns bros
My character might end up having to say goodbye to her NPC crush for awhile. I was thinking of having her give her something as a memento of her or something until they reunite again. What should it be? My character has a purple bow she's always wearing, and I was considering giving her that, but wondering if it should be something like a necklace or something instead.
Zargon was always a meme.He was CR 16 in 3.5.
It also generally gets less uses over the Tasha's version due to being tied to Wisdom instead of PB. At 14, you would have to compromise your ASI/Feat options to max out Wisdom in order to match the +5 PB. Most people will choose to favor Dex/feats so they'll end up with 1 to 2 uses less. And even if you do get 20 Wis, you end up trailing behind PB again until you take the cap breaking ASI at 19.
Zargon's entire thing was being mildly annoying to Asmodeus, and impossible to kill permanently. That's it.
Circling the drain
Circling the drain
ICE to meet you!
That's like saying if your character is low intelligence you shouldn't be using your class features and should run into combat like a retard
Currently playing a Harper spy in Tyranny of Dragons. So far it's been really fun fucking up the Dragon Cult at every opportunity.
There is never, and must not be, a written value to represent your problem-solving ability. Problem-solving ability is reserved to the player.
Just be the uncharismatic guy who gives advice to the charismatic guy. Ideally the GM wouldn't discourage collaboration and problem-solving skills in this way, but I think you can maneuver around it, be the weird creepy vizier type, be the eccentric peacemaker. Have the charming-but-dopey-guy look to you for ideas and then make the role himself if he agrees with your idea.
>removes free spells known and castings of it
>bind features from class and subclass to a first level concentration spell so you cant use the other cool concentration and bonus action spells that rangers have
>nerf tireless and nature's veil by forcing them to be linked to wisdom, punish you for being a STRanger, (this is a buff)
>remove hide as a bonus action (this is a buff)
>replace favored terrain and enemy from 2014 ranger with nothing (this is a buff)
Yes, and some people think that too, and they're equally wrong. Problem-solving ability should be reserved to the player.
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There's a lot that's happened over the years. We started with a tournament that was held at one of the largest cities and interrupted by a terrorist attack. A bomb that had anti-magical properties was set off somewhere in the arena, almost destroying the entire place. After our characters recovered, it was discovered that in the center of the area was now a mysterious portal that city officials were keeping anyone from getting near while they tried to figure out what it was. Everyone that went inside never returned. Our party snuck inside the now-restricted area and went through it, finding themselves flown 1000 years into the future. The continent has been completely reshaped, and magic is now either unheard of, or outright forbidden. The only ones capable of using magic are the BBEG's highly dangerous crew, known as "Paladins", which we've been slowly picking off one-by-one. Despite the oppression everyone on the continent has been living under for a millennium, there's a small group of people that want to fight back against the mysterious masked man in charge of it all, a resistance group that our party has joined. Currently our party has left the continent and managed to get past "the barrier", an endless wall of storm that surrounds the continent to keep those inside from leaving, and those outside from entering, to visit an elven kingdom on a remote island to ask for their military and navy to assist in the battle against the BBEG's current empire.
Half a dozen dwarves stumbling and bumbling their way through Storm King's Thunder. It's been amusing.
If he was strong, Asmodeus couldn't have pushed his shit in and taken his house.

>they nerfed Tireless and Nature's Veil,
They removed Prof uses per day from everything that's a class feature, because of how badly it worked out for the Tasha's clerics.
>and try to pigeonhole you into locking yourself out half your spell list.
How so?
you can't get much better something that's already established like that, the ribbon sounds perfect. a lock of hair was also a gift for a keepsake or memento in a lot of stories, so maybe that or both.
>>I want to cast Earthbind on this guy.
knowing their intelligence, they wont even notice or anything when it has no effect
>bind features from class ... to a first level concentration spell
New features filling dead levels, whose only effect is to buff that spell. You lost nothing here. Fallacious thinking.
They combined it with Monster Slayer's Hunter's Sense and Slayer's Prey and tacked it on. Phb Hunter is still all there, and even choice swappable between short rests. Same fallacious thinking.

>replace favored terrain ... from 2014 ranger with nothing
Replaced with Deft Explorer, Roving, and Tireless.
>replace favored ... enemy from 2014 ranger with nothing
The aforementioned hyper-buffed Hunter's Mark for free up to 6 times a day so that it's actually worth casting any time another spell doesn't do the job better.
Same exact swaps as Tasha's, except objectively better than Favored Foe.

>remove hide as a bonus action
I'll give you that one. Tasha's ranger still kept that.
Technically, you get two Expertises, which is decidedly not nothing. But expertise is not an action economy thing, and since you already get 1 from Deft Explorer it's less impactful still.
>burnt out because of scheduling
>apathetic since players seem disinterested
should i just make a default west marches game, and then if they want to play they organise themselves? my schedule is flexible enough
i think it might solve both issues at once
/5eg/, should I make poison cheaper so they have an actual reason to purchase it?
make better poisons so they have a reason to pay for it
I was thinking of doing two things

>poisons cost 1/10 their previous value
>poisons have a save of 8 + PB + Dex
Alrighty. Then in that case, the purple bow it is. She'll just have to use something else to tie her hair in a ponytail in the meantime.
>2024 PHB
Why the hell did they move all the subclasses to level 3? All this is gonna do is make level 1 play even more miserable & boring, and also decentivize multiclassing since now you can't get any good single-level dips.
now you're only supposed to start at level 1 if you're new to the game.
>decentivize multiclassing
that's awesome, multiclassing shouldn't even exist. Too bad there are still powerful dips though.
>decentivize multiclassing since now you can't get any good single-level dips
Disincentivising single-level dips is a good thing.
An interesting discussion about aggressive/solid play has taken place so I'll give my two cents.
Aggressive play is better for a beginner because

1) Ideas are much more obvious
2) Mistakes are much more quantifiable
3) Promotes calculation
4) You need to have decent tactics and calculation to be a good solid player anyways.
5) It's more fun :)
>multiclassing shouldn't even exist
*with the exception of barbarogue
could be an excuse to change hair style for a while too. girls do that all the time.
They need to bring back 2e-style multiclassing.
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>pull a mulan and give him the whole ass ponytail, bow and all
you mean where humans and other races have entirely different mechanics?
just say what you mean, grandpa
Buddy, if you're not gooning... if you're not shitting your pants... you're not winning!
should I ask my DM if I can flavour hunter's mark as a skilled ranger ability?
there would be no mechanical differences IG besides the advantage of not needing the V component for the spell (is still counted as a spell otherwise)
isn't that just favored foe?
>Remove spell component
I guess DM won't mind removing the spell component for you if the campaign doesn't involve stealth or related stuff that much, or if the DM is shit and disregards spell components anyway.
Although, Hunter's mark being a spell was always retarded and only a thing so that average retard players wouldn't cry over having to manage different resources.
Alternate attribute modifiers for skills is really underused, it might went a bit too much into "dm may I" sometimes, but there are cases where brute force is better used for intimidation rather than a well crafted thread, and that a performance might rely more on DEX than pure charisma (for dancing for instance). Same for persuasion as you said, even Deception in some case might use something like Int. I could see Wisdom being used to debate/persuade a monk/druid too for instance, it's the kind of stance that could help making other players shines a bit more in stuff that woul relate more to their characters instead of having a sorcered or warlock handling perfect negociation/intimidation towards an brutal warlord
>only a thing so that average retard players wouldn't cry over having to manage different resources.
they could have made it a nonspell that costs slots. phb ranger had that. phb paladin had that.
hunter's mark as a nonspell class feature instead of primal awareness, and its damage scales with slot instead of duration? sounds good to me.
if he wants to go that way, historically that would 100% be understood as a declaration of love, practically shouting it. which could be a good scene, the reverse is in medieval poems with the lady giving a token of hair to the knight as they depart, not knowing if they'll return.
i know, i know
Flavored Foe.
Campaign set 20 years after our previous campaign. Kara-Tur is opening it's frontier more for trading and so our PCs are part of an explorer/trader caravan founded by a young noble who is a bit of a weeb who grew up with stories about the east. He is our patron, a bit withdrawn so far as the gm probably don't want to boss us around too much.
Started at level 3, leaving from Baldur's Gate and we are soon to reach Cormyr. 1 months+ of travel thus far and we had our share of ambushes, being hired to help with saving a bride for a wedding, discovered a Yuan-ti hideout and now, we had some members of our caravans kidnapped by the Zentharim which tried to bully us into working for them in exchange of money and "protection" against accidents that happened to caravan on the road.
Group is
>Barbarian Goliath (me)
>Artillerist Pure blood Yuan ti
>Knowledge Cleric High Elf
>Celestial Warlock wood elf
>Aasimar Arcane Archer (but uses a gun)
It's a bit lonely on the Frontline sometimes
nayrt but pretty sure he just means advancing in multiple classes at the same time instead of just picking each level one at a time.
and it is true that in 5e nobody ever does like fighter 10 / wizard 10, because it would suck and be nowhere near as powerful as a 20th level character should be. meanwhile in ad&d for the same experience as a 20th level wizard would have, you could instead be a fighter 15 / wizard 15, which is much closer to being equivalent in power.
>Patrons sound more like "your powers can be taken away lol" servitude than ever
Yes anon, that's what warlocks are
Cyrano de Barbari more like
No, that's clerics and paladins.
>i know, i know
If you know, then why did you proceed anyway?
But anyway feels very culture dependant, especially if it's a male giving his hair to a female, which isn't really all that evocative.
Warlocks have nowhere written that then can get their powers taken away. It's an easy assumption to make and it might be true depending on the contract. It can be fair to say that however, if you really displeased your patron you could not progress further into the class, but what you already have is here to stay.
I had my gm taking away my boon pact after making a supplementary deal with my fiend boss and not upholding it later on (sacrificing kids in a a dark ritual), so that was a fair consequence
>they could have made it a nonspell that costs slots.
That's an awkward non solution, and was removed from paladin for the new phb anyway.
Extra resource makes more sense anyway, plus lots of classes do have them, such as clerics with their channel divinity, druids with wildshape, sorcerers with sorcery points, etc. even some subclasses get unique resource pools, like battlemasters with their superiority dice or diviners with the portents.
Making Hunter's mark a spell is gay
Barbarogue is just a proper barbarian.
Barbarian as a class exists only because of Conan, and Conan seems like he'd have some Rogue levels.
Fighter, with Barbarian, Monk, and Paladin as subclasses.
Rogue, with Bard, Ranger, and Artificer as subclasses.
Paladin could be a cleric subclass. Combat oriented clerics are already pretty much the same as paladins when you ignore the faggotry of "they don't get the powers from the gods, but from their oaths!".
Cleric subclasses could be paladin and druid.
Sorcerer subclasses could be wizard and warlock. Imho sorcerer makes more sense as base class, "you're born with the magic power", with wizard and warlock shaping how you improve your powers.
Paladin should be a cleric subclass. :V
Bard & Artificer should be Wizard subclasses.
>sorcerer makes more sense as base class, "you're born with the magic power"
I'd call that reason for it to not be the main class.
Wizard with sorcerer as subclass is nonsensical for most possible sorcerer flavors, except maybe shit like "your experiment went wrong, now your blood is magical".
Sorcerer with wizard as subclass is just some FR character with "the Gift". Or Harry Potter.
Rogue, Bard, Ranger and Artificer could just be subclasses of a more versatile "adventurer" class.
>especially if it's a male giving his hair to a female
>her NPC crush
No one knows or cares about that boomer shit.
I'm replying to the guy claiming historical relevance, that guy what the one who made it hetero.
True, and even more of a reason for "barbarian" to not be a core class.
The game has been begging for a Barbarian subclass with 1/4 Sorcerer spellcasting but it is yet to come.
Either way you go with fluffery, sorcerer is supposed to be something inherent and wizard is not.
Which says nothing about the mechanics.
Wizards are supposed to be geniuses, which is also inherent.
Sorcerer is easy to fluff as a big brain prodigy, a sorcerer becoming a wizard is just that same guy getting formal education.
Warlock dips are stronger than ever.
Wizardry is also inherent in FR.
>a sorcerer becoming a wizard is
... still a sorcerer.
>human barbarian
>human fighter
>human monk
>human rogue

How is this party going to do in Sunless Citadel?
Your point is?
Wizards and Sorcerers being equally powerful when one is inherent and the other is learned is retarded.
If given equal resources, the trained sorcerer would just humiliate and obliterate the wizard, unless the sorcerer had some artificial nerds such as "the magic inside them wrecks their body/is unpredictable" or so on.
>single-level dips
These aren't the same thing. The latter is a mistake enabled by the former.
get the fuck out
how would you allow multiclassing without dips and without turning it into something like prestige classes?
forcing some maximum level difference between your starting class and your extra classes or what?
Nah, they don't. Sorcerers use the power of their blood to shape reality. When sorcerer levels up, they are becoming more attuned to the power of their blood /origin.

Wizards are using their knowledge of the weave to shape the reality. When wizards are leveling up, they learn new ways to manipulate patterns of the Weave.

There's nothing that indicates that being good at one thing will automatically makes you better at another one.
5E is one of the editions where player creativity problematically excluding women and poc was solved by just handing them a character sheet with options of what to do instead of thinking for themselves. If you want that player skill, player agency shit you should stick to b/x dnd you fucking chud
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Honestly, I would just tell my players to not fuck around with being munchkin and also have it makes sense with the campaign, like the fuck you became a warlock in the middle of the dungeon .
Enforcing levels, I don't know, like say, once you open the class, you have to put x level into it (such as up to getting the subclasses, now that it has been standardized to 3?). I think that's somewhat close to how it was in earlier editions with dual/multi classing
>Sorcerers use the power of their blood to shape reality
ie their blood gives them an instinctive knowledgde about handling "the weave".
>When sorcerer levels up, they are becoming more attuned to the power of their blood /origin.
so they become better at handling "the weave".
>Wizards are using their knowledge of the weave to shape the reality.
ie they study "the weave" to learn how to handle it
>When wizards are leveling up, they learn new ways to manipulate patterns of the Weave
so they become better at handling "the weave".

same shit in the end, with only irrelevant differences in fluff.
just take the wizard's intellect as being mentally gifted in a way that makes them understand "the weave" naturally.
the whole thing does read as that the wizards learn from books without ever doing a single practical experiment, while sorcerers learn by experiments without ever understanding what's the logic behind the experiments.
having both of them as main classes is retarded, and wizard being subclass of sorcerer makes a lot more sense than the other way around.

Also, I fucking hate that everytime "the weave" is mentioned, I can't help but imagine giving sexual pleasure to that skank mystra.
>actually playing in FR instead of writing your own setting
so, yeah that's literally "forcing some maximum level difference between your starting class and your extra classes".
I'd never use FR, but the whole weave autism feels very FR specific.
Also, the fact that I don't like FR is also why I feel keeping wizard and sorcerers separate is dumb: just keep them as a single class and fluff every character accordingly.
Yep. It's solved the problem pretty handily in the games I've run, while still allowing characters to multiclass in interesting ways.
>wizard being subclass of sorcerer makes a lot more sense than the other way around

Call it magic-user, make sorcerers and wizards it's subclasses and I'm with you.

The difference is, wizards know how to do stuff. Sorcerers have raw power to do stuff. Not as elegant and efficient, but hey, it works for them.
>Call it magic-user, make sorcerers and wizards it's subclasses and I'm with you.
Make wizard vs sorcerer a 1st-level choice distinct from subclass, like the cleric and druid orders. It determines casting stat and a few other miscellanea.
It has doubled duration, anon.
Making them subclasses would only makes sense if it's right out at level 1.
Same thing for most classes desu, getting subclasses at level 3 is retarded, especially if it's about stuff like bloodlines or PACT. And honestly same for martials. They got to stop considering newcomers as being completely retarded. Biggest issue is that it could lead to even more multi class dipping but spreading some features on the 2 next level should help a bit with that
>Biggest issue is that it could lead to even more multi class dipping
Which you solve by introducing some kind of restriction on multiclassing and actually giving it rules instead of a tacked-on "you can do this, I guess"
>They got to stop considering newcomers as being completely retarded.
Start at 3rd if you're not retarded. All gained, nothing lost.
>Making them subclasses would only makes sense if it's right out at level 1.
Why so?

You start as a magic user, with casting stat being either charisma or intelligence, in the same way martials can use dex or str for attacks.

You've just started and it'll take a bit of time to uncover your potential (for sorcs) or to finish your graduate work (for wizards).

Not saying that it's better or worse, but there's no reasons why it MUST be on level one.
>Call it magic-user, make sorcerers and wizards it's subclasses and I'm with you.
that's fair enough
although with sorcerers being something "you're born as", it'll always feel weird as a class rather than race or background.
>The difference is, wizards know how to do stuff. Sorcerers have raw power to do stuff.
nah, sorcerers know how to do stuff, otherwise every attempt to cast a spell would be a wild magic surge
and obviously wizards have the power to do stuff, since their spells actually work.
>although with sorcerers being something "you're born as"

I always thought about it this way - there are some people with magical blood. Still, only some of them, under certain circumstances are "awakened" into being sorcerers.
>nah, sorcerers know how to do stuff, otherwise every attempt to cast a spell would be a wild magic surge

Sorcs clearly know less than wizards, you can see it by their limited spell selection.

Wizards are less powerful than sorcs. Some examples would be sorcs being able to cast a spell ignoring it's component, something impossible for a wizard.
>Sorcs clearly know less than wizards, you can see it by their limited spell selection.
Wizards just keep cheat sheets with them.
Somehow, nobody else has figured out they could also do that (as shown by the fact anyone can get arcana proficiency and scribe scrolls, or take a ritual caster feat).
>I always thought about it this way - there are some people with magical blood.
yeah, such as a bunch of races like tieflings, genasi, aasimars, elves, gnomes and so on.
it's also represented by feats like Fey/Shadow touched and the Gift of the X dragon.
Becoming better at it feels like it should be either through knowledge (wizards) or through some sort of physical and spiritual training similar to what monks do.
>Somehow, nobody else has figured out they could also do that
It is unironically a very different skill set. As a musician, I know people who can sight read beautifully, no problem, but have issues playing from memory. On the other end of the spectrum, I can play my way through whatever you like running purely off of muscle memory, but something that I haven't memorized is going to come out as a mess even with the sheet music right in front of me.
sorcerer should be a wizard archetype
nah, sounds dumb
characters can still cast from spell scrolls if the spell is in their list, and they take as much time crafting the scrolls as the wizards.
It feels especially awkward with rituals: having written notes to reference should be normal for every caster, not require a separate feat that for some reason isn't even linked to their class.
Just like Polearm Master's "use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon" feels like common sense rather than a feat.
is this some homebrew or grandpa stuff?
neither, it's non retard stuff
Agreed, and monks, barbarians and rangers are all fighter archetypes too.
Your post barely makes sense, ESL. Maybe if you read a book once in a while you'd be a better communicator and a more creative player.
Yeah, I can get behind that
I'm gonna miss dual wielding crossbows with sharpshooter. On the other hand I finally have a reason to work on a pistol build.

>Your post barely makes sense
It doesn't, but you and I can still understand it from some bits.
>instead of thinking for themselves
>says the one who doesn't even think before posting
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Why is this image causing so much butthurt?
Because 4chan is full of a bunch thin-skinned faggots
to whom?
looks like some sort of halfling, they're always freaky looking. And it makes even more sense if it's a wild magic shitclass
My Twitter feed is filled with post threads whinging about it.
Stop following snowflakes getting upset that a wild mage is quirky and free spirited
From what I see, Twitter is full of boomers and right wingers hating on everything about the new edition's visuals, while Youtube and Reddit are full of tranny zoomers who adore the art.
>My Twitter feed
You're free to go back and never return
>>we keep getting into easily avoidable fights because of this

The ansqer is embrace it

I was in the same situation with a group of players and I warned them

>I've got an 8 in cha and if no one steps up, i'll be the face for our party to keep the ball rolling come hell or high water
>What ened up happening: hijinx ensued

If that's how the story goes that's how the story goes, just go with the flow and don't worry about winning.

Another good thing to do: when the party is given unclear options, always put it to a vote immediately. if someone want to give their opinion about why X is better than Y, let them talk because that's part of the story, but if someone wants to whine about why X is worse than Y but they don't advocate for Y


You'll get nowhere if people are only afraid of making a choice.
>group of 5 people vote
>3 people choose to be undecided
>one player votes for X
Then you also vote for X, keep the game going

>>group of 4 people vote
>3 people choose to be undecided
Then you vote for X, keep the game going.

A bit of a tangent, but wasting time at the table NOT choosing is a pet peeve of mine.

>10 silver
>not a gold
nta but it's autistic to nitpick on that
in my game I did once haggle to pay 7 silver instead of 1 gold at some inn (but it was because those 7 silver were all the gold I had).
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>nta but it's autistic to nitpick on that
One of the complaints is that the image is pedophilic
>that the image is pedophilic
I guess dude, that woman looks like 30-50.
colorful does not equal child
>People equating short women to pedophilia and saying they shouldn't be depicted
I feel like this is discriminatory to short women
Reminds me of David Gaider view on Dwarves
>All this is gonna do is make level 1 play even more miserable & boring,
Which is why they also recommend starting at 3. 1 and 2 are "not yet capable of being village-saving heroes" basically DCC's level 0 funnel but with none of the deadliness, expendability, or speed of character creation.

Levels 1 and 2 exist in classes purely for multiclass dipping to WotC.
and also decentivize multiclassing since now you can't get any good single-level dips.
>All this is gonna do is make level 1 play even more miserable & boring
once session doesn't break teh entire game.
>and also decentivize multiclassing since now you can't get any good single-level dips.

OH NO, lmao
Class features that work inside AMF:
>pact of the blade (no invocations)
>all divine soul sorc features
>14th level fiendlock feature
>most warlock 10th level features
>cleric 8th level smites
>pally 11th level smites
>martial classes' feats (duh!)
What else?
is ki magic?
Ki is not affected by AMF but it can create magical effects that ARE affected by AMF.
>Lay on Hands
>healing light
>i know, i know
It's not like it has NO place. D&D developed out of historical wargaming, with added rules for fantasy.

So think of D&D as like... An Alt. History AU. What would Medieval Europe look like if pagan polytheism was objectively true and science was a lot more... Intuitive, you could just command thin air in the right way and get your desired results rather than arrange all the circumstances to be perfect.
I use prestidigitation, the inside of your butthole is now insanely spicy.
>t. seething samefag
>only fag itt who didn’t get it and enjoy a healthy chuckle
Stay contained here pls
Celestialock searing vengeance too.
I want a plot twist to be that some npc or town or even mcguffin is actually "summoned", ie only there through magic holding it up in reality
How would I hint this and make it consistent?
for example detect magic shows extremely strong conjuration aura
what else?
plants and animals that don't match the rest of the surroundings, maybe they look slightly weird and unearthly too, roads don't link up in ways that make sense, not on older maps
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Thoughts on this homebrew guy?
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art inspiration
Sounds about right. CHA is too high though
Misordered actions, incorrect DC, abnormal range, unnecessarily high DEX rather than just having a magical weapon or other features, absurdly tankier than it has any right to be, paralysis effect because why not use the most unfun shit in the game on a furry. Yeah, it's bad.
You're not clever, you're just coping.
Cope, cuck.
The only thing I can think of is the prosthetic arm you cropped out
What happens if I crop out my prosthetic arm?
>Prosthetic Limb

>Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

>Wondrous item, common

>This item replaces a lost limb a hand, an arm, a foot, a leg, or a similar body part. While the prosthetic is attached, it functions identically to the part it replaces. You can detach or reattach it as an action, and it can't be removed against your will. It detaches if you die.
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You're the first person I've seen mention it. It's pretty soulless tho, just like the rest
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Most are souless, but not all.
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My players are getting very close to an incredibly dangerous encounter. I can't predict what they're going to do, but they have a bad habit of poking bears, and it's not something that can go well here.

So I have this being, Ko The Inviolable, who is literally invulnerable and has basically infinite damage. He's a blind and deaf immortal that just sort of... wanders around. The kingdom keeps an eye on him in case he gets close to civilization and basically just keeps people away from him.
My players have this brilliant idea to try to herd this walking disaster toward a dracolich with the idea he'll solo it and they can yoink all the loot afterwards.
If Ko gets in reach of them, that is absolutely it, they won't survive, and I can't imagine how they think they're going to go about "herding" him when he's literally impervious to everything. Homie can walk through solid stone if he wants, but not like cause he's ethereal, more like a juggernaut.

Should I just tell my players their plan is high risk with zero chance of reward or let them shoot their shot?
I liked that one too, but I can't say I liked any of their other character arts.
>So I have this being, Ko The Inviolable, who is literally invulnerable and has basically infinite damage
personally i would ask why this is a fixture of your setting
I liked the Dwarf used for the Fighter base class.
>literally invulnerable and has basically infinite damage.
>If Ko gets in reach of them, that is absolutely it
why include something if the only option is to ignore and not interact with it at all?
Looks more like she should be a dance bard. Or even an artificer.
If they talked about this in the open, have the king mobilize the military against them when they start to make the attempt. Have them arrested, then explain how X years ago, a previous king tried to do the exact same thing against the dragon (who would become the dracolich) and it went so bad that the kingdom nearly went to ruin.

Which gave the dragon enough time to become a dracolich.
He's from another campaign I ran (and was more prominent), and I just thought it was cool so I threw him in as world lore.
I got a few things like that that I throw into every campaign.
>living planet that sends its avatar to smite evildoers
>feywild contains doorways to all my previous campaign settings
You can interact with him, just like you can interact with an orb of annihilation. It's just a bad idea.

Yeah they're definitely gonna run into the rangers that track Ko. One of the players is an Eloquence Bard though.
I'm this close to banning the subclass after this campaign.
>Eloquence Bard though
Say it with me


You, the DM, call for an ability check when there is a possibility of success. If there is no chance that someone can be persuaded, then there is no need to make a roll.
and to add on to >>93381341

Have the rangers ambush the players with a surprise round, with paralyzing poisons coating their weapons and then come out


>pass without tracei sa spell that exists
>You can interact with him, just like you can interact with an orb of annihilation. It's just a bad idea.
Are you sure that’s the comparison you want? Because that makes their scheme seem more viable. You can influence a Sphere of Annihilation and move it as you like with an Arcana check of a sufficiently high result.
Well the rangers are just people, prone to laziness and corruption as much as anyone else, and technically it's no skin off their ass if some people want to be torn apart by Ko.

Okay, I like this.
It would give me a chance to have the rangers explain why approaching Ko is such a monumentally bad idea.
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>DMs face when hes been outwitted
They should still be arrested. Have them gain an actual consequence of their actions without actual derailing the campaign.
just explain simply that it's not happening, if they waste their time and die or get nothing it'll be more frustrating. in-game obstacles and warnings will only seem like challenges to be surmounted to them if they're already set on it.
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I will allow that IF the rogue can poke Ko or something to get him to chase him, and IF he succeeds his check to dodge the blind attempt at a grab, he can theoretically outrun him with double-dashing.
IDK what they're gonna do about exhaustion though. Ko doesn't get tired afterall.

So maybe the players are on to something. Maybe the Rogue gets pulped.
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ShitDM detected
All the art is horrendous. Its dogshit.
>IF the rogue can poke Ko or something to get him to chase him
Just plink with crossbow. And, if you say something like "no Ko only responds to the proximity of living creatures", I say strap a mouse to the crossbow bolt.
do it from horseback and switch horses pony express style
He has 10ft tremorsense but navigates over longer distances by scent. No real way for the party to get that information except trial and error though, as all the info on him is rumor and hearsay.

If they go through with this I'm going to have Ko's current location be a small farmstead (with the original occupants evacuated).
I'm hoping if I humanize him to them they won't go through with their plan.
>have Ko walk around with a childs teddy bear
>have Ko carefully try not to break everything
>have Ko throw a tantrum
>have Ko pet a cow

Our paladin (a grill) is an absolute sucker for sad cases, and honestly Ko is a pretty sad when you think about it. Literally forever alone.
It's not that sad
Have the people, who monitor Ko, intercept the players and stop them from interacting with him.
So what stops people from contacting him telepathically?
>>have Ko pet a cow
If he reacts non-aggressively to livestock I don't see how he's a mega danger maximum level threat to everything. You could use telepathy as >>93381740 said, or improvise a form of non-verbal communication like with Helen Keller.
He is literally sad.
As in, he hates his existence. As much as is possible anyways, considering he doesn't have a language to articulate his own feelings to himself.

It's a bit of a lore thing, but its the same reason for his abilities.
He's slightly out of sync with reality. His freakish strength is actually just the matter's inability to withstand what is essentially him being sheathed in the event horizon of a parallel dimension.
Probably more than you wanted to know though.

It's better to think of him as mentally unwell. He doesn't have a concept of morality, or community, of what he or other people are.
Ko is my Korabas.
If he tracks by scent then directing him in a general way should be pretty doable. Why not let them try?
Explicitly yes. It is the magical life force that makes you a living being.

BUT it's magic that's part of the body. Which as >>93379946 mentions, is not affected by AMF, in the same way a vampire or golem or warforged doesn't fall over dead in an AMF, and Lycanthrope isn't suddenly cured back to a normal human until he leaves. Anti-Magic Field would be more accurately named Ambient Magic/Weave Dead Zone.

It's only magical in the same way that like, psionics are technically magic. It's wholly unrelated to typical spellcasting, unless it's being used to manipulate the weave and create a spell effect. If you were going to try and compare it to anything at all, I'd say it's like a god's Divinity. Not the divine spellcasting he grants, which uses the weave, but his innate state of godhood. Which makes sense that's typically the goal of esoteric monks, inner alchemists, and other alleged life-force cultivators in our world too, it's just that much like witches, the D&D ones aren't delusional it actually works like that in the game.
I made myself sad thinking about Ko, so I'm gonna go read and think about something else.

Thanks for your advice, I'm gonna let my players do whatever they want, but I'm going to have the Rangers explain that Ko is too dangerous to interact with, and too sad to be treated as a tool for destruction.
But, again, he's able to pet a cow without destroying it?
It isn't railroading to tell the players that the setting feature "Thou Shalt Not Fuck With Me" Man is not going to be fucked with. If they have a problem with a dracolich, they should handle it. They have plenty of other means of approach, this one is just impossible.
That said,
>Well the rangers are just people
People can have standards. Why are you inventing reasons to let the players do something suicidally foolish? You've already explained why something so dumb exists but to keep bending over and making scenarios why they can actually totally commit suicide if they want is fucking moronic. Persuasion is not mind control. People can have fucking standards like "I took a fucking vow to not let any dumbass wander into the orb of annihilation" that will not bend to someone saying "cmon please."
Just like you don't roll for something impossible, you don't roll for something obvious. If succeeding is obviously impossible for this course of action, you don't pretend it could have a chance of success.
Now, creating an entity as conceptually idiotic as you have is the real problem, but you want to avoid your players' TPK. Here's your answer. Don't let them try if the only outcome is total failure.
Seriously, read books. You are incoherent.
Why don't the players simply disguise themselves as cows and peacefully lure him along?
This guy doesn't actually want solutions, he just wants to talk about and wants people to talk about his campaign.
Is it common courtesy to include a pair of Goggles of Night if the party is a Halfling, a Half-Orc, an Elf and a Gnome? Or should the Halfling player face the consequences of choosing a race without Darkvision? If it makes a difference, the Halfling is a Rogue, and the rest are Barbarian, Bard and Wizard.
thoughts 5eg?

>poisons cost 1/10 as much and their DC is based on your PB and dex
>the area covered by ball bearings, caltrops and hunting traps increases by 5 feet and their dc is based on your PB and dex
And, in a tradition older than some of the players at the table, someone then says
>If we built a large wooden badger...
Illogical and does not address the actual problem.
Fucking give your players real money, coward.
something about this reminds me of the 3e days when smug reddit atheists were coming here trying to contrive situations to force paladins to fall
>heh heh... would you save an orc baby from a burning orphanage?
>you don't? you fall because you killed the baby
>you do? you fall because orcs are evil
>checkmate, woke christian moralists!
Darkvision is one of those things that nobody actually uses by the book so just don't worry about lighting difficulty so much.
It's an uncommon magic item, so if you aren't using random magic loot tables, having the option to buy one/have one crafted should be perfectly reasonable.

>100+1d6x100 gold
>or 250g + some items that can track down via quest like obsidian (10g) and then have it enchanted for 50g
this is for hombrew dipshit
Changes literally nothing about the comment you responded to. It's illogical, stupid, and does not address the real problem of not paying your fucking PCs.
Then your homebrew is illogical and does not address the actual problem.
yeah, it's not really that sad
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>PB and Dex
Unreasonable, poisons effectiveness shouldn't be based on your ability to aim. It should be based on INT or WIS + 8 to show you know how to use it effectively, or a flat 14, which ever is higher to show its lethality.

>poisons cost 1/10
Ridiculous. Certain poisons having reduced cost is fine, but others being so cheap is just stupid.

You want to make poisons more useful? invent your own, make ways to allow players to utilize poisons in different ways

>Time + poisoner's kit check to turn any contact/injury/inhalation poison into a different contact/injury/inhalation
>Time + gold + poisoner's kit check to turn any poison's damage type from poison to necrotic/acid
>poison does more than just damage and the poisoned condition (doing this allows the player to circumvent poisons usual weakness)

like a poison gas that, on a failed save, gives the target the effects of the bane spell, or a contact poison that burns their flesh and reduces their AC by 2 etc.
honestly pathetic /r9k/ fat basement-dwelling sperg samefag
look i get maybe YOU'RE used to being permanently alone in your basement, and never using your weird little pathetic gross dick to fuck, but most of us here have real lives, you disgusting idiot freak
lmao absolutely malding. It's just not that sad, man, but your meltdown is pretty funny. Gonna project more you loser, or you gonna go back to watching animes to ripoff?
i'm going to rape you, you gross fat chud
OK, but I have a cold right now, so we gotta do it doggystyle or you'll get sick.
>Call it magic-user
That shit was stupid in the 70's, and by now, people should know better
>Fighter swings a magic sword: "Look, everyone, I'm a magic user!"
Everyone in the fucking game is a magic user at some point.
>He's slightly out of sync with reality. His freakish strength is actually just the matter's inability to withstand what is essentially him being sheathed in the event horizon of a parallel dimension.
How does he walk around, then? Shouldn't he just disintegrate a hole to the planet's core underneath himself?
If a DM asks his table of players to decide what actions their characters will take within the parameters of the game’s fictional scenario, women and people of color will invariably feel excluded from play. This is called gatekeeping and it is a real problem that you can look up. 5E thankfully solved this problem by including premade actions such the list of skills on the official character sheet, proficiencies in those skills, class abilities, race abilities, and feats. All of those can be neatly invoked at the table by simply mentioning them name:
>I use my Stealth to do it
>I use my Action Surge to do it
>I use my Luck to do it
>I use my Grappler Feat to do it
This is why we love 5E. It cut out the gatekeeping scum who prefer 3, 3.5, 4th edition and other such games that exclude femmes like myself.
Exceedingly low quality post. Try harder next time.
You should take your medication.
fine, I'm bored so I'll bite. please elaborate on what's negative or non-inclusive about the opportunity for player creativity? give a specific example
The idea is that women and blacks are dumb and it's your fault. He's a rightoid false-flagging as leftoid.
this. so much this
I mean this in the most respectful way possible but isn’t it women and blacks own fault that they are like that? Why would that be my fault?
>incorrect DC
8+PB+CHA=14 though
Anon, are you familiar with the concept of false-flagging?
I hate to tell you this but those editions are designed the same way as 5th
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To be fair, Mike Mearls actually did say something about how rules complexity is unfair to women and gatekeeps women, which actually does imply that women are dumb, and that's funny. What he meant was that it was unfair to new-players-in-general, but he framed it as an idpol thing, as if all the new players are women and anyone who likes rules complexity must hate women. .
But yea, no one in this thread actually thinks that, the guy pretending to be a girl is an assmad rightoid and it's really obvious.
wait, wasnt he fired from dnd?
yes polcel it's the blue hair and the brown people who cant do anything if there isnt a specified action for it, not the autistic neckbeards who constantly argue about raw and "spells do what they say" and other shit that are always sticking to the letter of the book
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Yeah, right around the time 5e went to complete shit. Fuck Crawford.
>implying spells don't do what they say
I can’t tell who’s falseflagging who itt.
I’ll just keep on not playing with women or brownoids and yall can sort out whether I’m good or bad
this culture war crungo shit is boring and uninteresting and should be on twitter instead of here.
also based
shit was played out 6 years ago
Autuismos are the third category I forgot to mention. Socially inept grossos like them are the whole reason 3E got made the way it got made. Same demographic as MtG, WotC’s original game. Hell it’s safe to say that 3 - 5E dnd pretty much play out mechanically just like MtG. Nonstop oneupmanship of buffs, debuffs, rebuffs, and derebuff. In one game the randomizer is the deck of cards, in the other it’s the dice. Neither of which, in actual demonstrable practice and contrary to their curated public relations image, include women or black people in any significant amount. Funny that
undeniably based
>their curated public relations image
You mean anon's shitpost where he pretended to be a girl?
Literally all pr materials and advertisements.
Magic-user is the perfect name for someone who uses magic as their primary ability/power/strength.

>/5eg/, i want to make adventuring gear more useful. any advice?
if you can't think of how to make the existing adventuring gear useful, there is no need to homebrew more.
at least say "mage" or "magus" or "magician" or something. "magic user" sounds about as esl as calling the fighter a "weapon user" or the rogue a "skill user", and surely you wouldn't do that...?
Anon, ironic racism is still racism, and you should still kill yourself for doing it.
Are you fucking blind? Why are you denying that everything WotC produces puts women, blacks, and especially black women, at the forefront. Often times this requires literal revisioning of previously white males. Like this is a known phenomenon acknowledged by everyone in all vectors of the culture wars
>sounds about as esl as calling the fighter a "weapon user"
Or fighter, a guy who fights. Similar to a magic user being a guy who uses magic.
i will now make everyone in my game black to spite the schizos in this thread
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I don't care if a character is black, anon. I care if a character is cute.
>calling the fighter a "weapon user"
Way to shoot yourself in the foot with that example. Fighter is an even more generic name than Magic user, because at least magic user precludes anyone who doesn't magic. Literally every class in the game could be called a fighter because they all fight.
at least you can talk
clerics don't fight
More than that, I can SIIING.
Oh? the mace wielding, shield bearing, heavy armor wearing guys?

Those guys don't fight?
look i'm sure you want to pretend that you're helping by standing 50 feet in the back and casting healing word, but you're really not
If you're making weapon attack rolls any time after level 4 you are playing cleric wrong. Either a cantrip or dodge will always be better.
Don't most Cleric subclasses not get heavy armour anymore? When was the last time Clerics as a class actually got heavy armour by default? 3e?
3.X clerics go up to medium.
No, wait, that's one of the changes PF made for 3.75, 3/3.5 have heavy.
not technically default but it's one of the options 2024/5.5 clerics can get at level 1
is it ever possible to win an argument about economics
yes, but its extremely rare.
which one?

>gnomes are a race of earth elementals that long ago migrated to the material plane. their bodies are made of hollow ceramic that houses the elemental spirit inside.
>gnomes are halflings, dwarves, and goblins infected from birth with a parasitic feywild form of psilocybin mushrooms which make them manic and stunt their growth
gnomes are to elves what halflings are to humans
>Oh, gnomes don't exist in my world.
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BASED Matt Colville watcher!
Remember to preorder MCDM today!
First my DM says if I'm gonna play Bard I have to do the songs and stories and all that stuff myself. As in, like, if I use a cantrip which uses my instrument as the focus, or do a performance check, I have to literally pull out my fucking banjo and sing a song
Alright fine, annoying but whatever
NOW he's saying it has to be convincing and he'll automatically do the roll based on how much I impress him. For everything

Fuck this faggot. Should I drop?
yes you should drop, he sounds like a theater cunt
show up to the first session, insult him publicly then drop
where did all these people come from that pretend to play d&d but don't actually want to play d&d
>just ad lib!
>improv it!
>explain your reasoning!
>but why are the curtains blue?
shut up you fucking retard normie, i put expertise in persuasion in the expectation that i might actually have to ROLL A SKILL CHECK, like in a GAME
if he didn't put enough effort to give it an actual name, I'm not putting any effort to care about the game either.
>he'll automatically do the roll based on how much I impress him
Nah, that shit is more arbitrary than rolling dice

Species article dropped

Fresh bread
too obvious falseflagging
>femmes like myself
these threads often have actual women posters, such as the one who acts shocked every time someone mentions their sessions last less than 6 hours or that they just eat snacks rather than full meals.
>Warlocks and the circumstances to become one should be rare.
Warlocks should actually be the single most common magic-users in most settings, besides maybe Druids in some very treehugger communities. Being a Sorcerer is a one in a million freak accident or highly limited bloodline inheritance. To be an effective wizard you need LITERALLY Albert Einstein level intellect, every point of Intelligence is 10 points of IQ, starting with even 16 INT makes you a freak of nature and many start with 17 or 18. Clerics are literally personally selected by a higher power and given magic, not every priest is a cleric, very few are personally entrusted with magic and their deity's oversight.
Meanwhile, being a Warlock requires encountering a supernatural being of some kind and surviving, and has the broadest possible array of options for how that came to be, with anything from a Unicorn to an Eladrin to a Vampire Lord to a Noble Genie to a Lich to a Demon Lord to a fucking bored Empyrean trying to larp as a true god.

Pact Magic should be overwhelmingly more common than traditional spellcasting, since the number of Demons and Devils willing to trade a little power for agents in the mortal plane, or bored Fey wanting to fuck around and have people serve their courts, or high-ranking Celestials going around recruiting people to fight the Lower Planes and act like glowies so the Blood War remains ongoing and they neveer unite, is orders of magnitude greater than literal deities personally taking an interest in an individual mortal or being born as Albert Einstein.
>Warlock requires encountering a supernatural being of some kind and surviving
it requires making a pact with a supernatural being and NOT getting screwed up in the process
pretty sure that should be very rare, since by default the being doesn't even get anything in return.
>by default the being doesn't even get anything in return.
That depends on the deal. Could be worship for a being that's not a god, could be one-off service or long-term servitude, could be "I was bored and this looked interesting" if it's a fey. Could be losing a bet and not having another fiddle of gold to pay the debt.
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Man after my own heart.

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