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>Thread Question:
What old faction needs new models the most?
blood angels
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need new fire dragons
anything but blood angels
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Eldar Harlequins and Emperor's Children
The rest of the eldar refresh was pretty nice. I love those double rider jet bikes.
All the Eldar factions. Also GW needs to delete Harlequins if they’re not gonna update the range
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post models and whips
>wants harlequins range deleted because low model count
>doesn't mention Ynarri
Get out of here Slaanesh
In this order:
Thousand Sons
Dark Eldar
World Eaters
what can you realistically add to thousand sons? Human cultists? They already got great terminators and the updated rubrics/sorcerers are all fantastic
their only issue is the weird focus on tzaangors instead of their classic gimmick of rubrics and flamers
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Haruspexocrine is standing under its own power now. Both heads and arms are now magnetized
>Emperor’s Children
Last update… literally 20 years ago this year.
Melee sorcerors would be cool. They punch with magic.
I love your colour scheme. Black and pink is one of my favourites.
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reminder to make your own terrain
They need new unique units. Compare them to DG who have 3 unique demon engines, 2 terminator options, and several unique characters. I personally want some new demon engines and an infantry unit besides rubrics, a psyker dreadnought would be best. And no, tzaangors do not count as unique,
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Thanks anon :) Mine too.
yeah and nurgle should get terminators that ride scooters.
>hey let's give these hard to paint clowns with like 5 units their own codex!
>a-actually nevermind...
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I played my first 2kpt game and therefore largest game irl for the first time yesterday. It lasted all day and was super close. I think my opponent had a pretty strong list but I just made do with my collection. Please excuse the half-painted state of them.
Yo she's kinda hot. Does she play warhammer with you? Lucky dog.
The feathering on the carapace looks really nice on these anon, gj.
hey I think I met you at the glory holes before
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Very nice. It has a proper “alien” look to it too.
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The 8th edition harlequin codex was fun though. I really thought they were gonna get more support. I guess not enough people bought them :(
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They're awesome but GW totally set them up to fail
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Ah, you got me, I play hedonites of slaanesh in AoS. Too bad those 4th edition nerfs hit hard

Also you can have Ynnari with out harlequins but if Gw wants to squat it to refresh our warpspiders I’ll let it slide
Bro they released with like 5 unique units it was sabotage by GW and incompetence by management
inb4 some fucking schizo tries to dox this guy
not like anyone can do anything if they do. So some white dude browses 4chan, whats new?
What's about Warhammer and waffle house? I'm missing context

is there a meme about anything and everything happening out of a waffle house?
Thats a clean rubric anon. Very nice.
Man I want to play 1ksons so bad but my group already has two 1ksons players. I decided I'll wait and see if I like the Emperor's Children models and play them instead but man 1ksons are just so beautiful.
waffle house famously rarely closes even during hazardous weather
wafflehouse is famous for having random bouts of violence.
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No point. We got all the woman we need right here. We know everything about her and she still hasn't been raped because we're all white.
Nice metallics, friend. Good blue gradient too.
Who is she?
Is Suggy still employed by GW?
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ah the Waffle House Hurricane Index
>green - no danger
>yellow - trees will be blown down and power will be lost but otherwise you'll be fine
>red - you are already dead
How to black background like this and lit, but can’t see background material?
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Better question, what is your warlord ordering off their breakfast menu?
>but what about the lunch menu?
lol what about it
Lightbox with an additional light source from the front, black fabric background. When taking pictures turn ISO all the way down and fiddle with shutter speed till you get to this point
Thank you. It looks quite nice.
do burgers really?
Is it possible to build drukhari army that never touches land, if you lean heavily into Reavers, Scourges, Hellions?
No problem anon. You should also clean the fabric before or at least edit the image so that the dust isn't visible, but I couldn't be arsed
There's a wych cult all about that. In practical terms you still got wyches on the ground but thematically they're all flipping around off vehicles and never touching the ground.
Thanks for the tips. Keep posting those nice blue and gold boys.
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thank you anons : )
I've only painted 2 so far, here's the other one
Why does GW have a constant revolving door of seemingly good employees? Is Peachy still there? I miss Duncan.
>Failed podcaster
>Purveyor of dogshit GW painting system
So good
Take the stick out of your ass
Very nice. I feel I really gotta upgrade my photos.
Because all the public ones you know get treated like shit while getting paid no more than the employees you never heard of
Take their cocks out of your ass
Post your models and they better fucking not be gw style. I do agree that Peachy is a useless cunt though
post models
Uh oh, sloptube watcher meltie
>too bitch made to post models
lmao how are you gonna deflect next?
No models posted. Opinion disregarded.
Concession accepted
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>mfw I realize no one ever posts models, not because they don't have them, but because they all talk too much shit and don't want to actually identify themselves
No models posted. Opinion disregarded.
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Its not an opinion, both statements were objective fact.
gw is made of a very entrenched clique of 'veterans' of the company who treat everyone else as being utterly replaceable
it's why artists left, sculptors left and competent game designers left
the only people outside of said clique are genuine warhammer fanboys who are willing to put up with minimal pay, recognition and rights over their contributions
duncan, peachy and sugden fell under the category of being fanboys

a lot of the pity heroes you see getting released are test sculpts requested for free from sculptors that might or might not have been hired afterwards
the malstrain coalescence? done for free by the sculptor in his own free time
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I can only repost my stuff so many times anon
you need to oil that mf up a lil bit more.
the person who talks the most shit in this thread is the one making the thread early and spamming the same wip for months on end
Take your meds
wrong, the guy going DUNCAN ACKSHUALLY BAD is a blatant tourist
>he's an ancient Carnifex from the early days of Behemoth
True but he appeared in Leviathan as well
wonder if the same will happen to votan
Who said he was bad?

Not that you have to like mr. tutorial
Votann are nowhere near as incomplete
To be fair to GW though I'm not sure how much you can really do with harlequins.
>not sure how much you can really do with harlequins.
a marionette of cegorach would be something, for starters
My paycheck just cleared and holy shit did prices increase since a couple months ago? It’s $40 for a single new character and I don’t remember it being so bad.
just the latest in a long series of price hikes
Oh geez Rick, I just got slaaneshed.
Give them another unique vehicle or a unique wraith unit. Give them a hellions analogue. Give them another infantry unit that has guns with a longer range than 12 inches. Give them a mime character that makes psychic walls to protect unite they're attached to like mr.mime from pokemon.
Theres lots of things you could do.
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>everyone acts like an expert painter yet most of the shit posted is mediocre as fuck
>actual good painters probably post their stuff elsewhere as well and don't want to get doxxed or associated with this place
>nomodels schizos will gang up on anything that isn't at least high tabletop standard because they want an excuse for why they're not painting their minis
You could do anything, just look at primaris. Doesn't mean you should.
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Does anyone know when was this sculp released
>slaanesh player
>rick and morty
Is this the most generic dude alive?
If you had to buy all your shit new, I wonder what is the cheapest amount you could get a 2000 pt army for. You can use Amazon, but it’s only a 15% discount
Harlequins aren't a case of "don't fix it if it ain't broke" anon.
you forgot
>box art colors
Definitely very close to trooning out
Space CORBs
look on lexicanum
I like it.
I hope this is a wip because the skin looks like it has literally 0 shading, also mould lines.
>rick and morty plush
I think you should post on a different website instead, its name starts with r
Harlequins don’t have anything to fuck up. Primaris would be the greatest gift to them
>pretending to not have several accounts and several hundred thousand karma and not getting playing mtg online
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>hellions analogue
that could be fun, like jesters on monowheel
I've decided to do a large terrain overhaul and pulling shit out of storage I stumbled on my "fortress of redemption" that I used for the 2016 adepticon team tourney. We played Arbites (which most of the younger players at the tournament weren't familiar with and caused me to drink heavily)

the fortress of redemption (6th edition I think in 2016?) was a fortification that counted as 4x armor 14 buildings all deployed together. While DA themed, I built mine to represent a Arbite precinct house. Since most of my army would then deploy inside it made for a very quick deployment for me. Good? not really but many players didn't have a way to deal with essentially 4 immobile land raiders.

poor old thing is in rough shape. I think I might split it apart and make the buildings stand alone
Very nice. I want to build something like this for my arbites.
If its for Arbites why does it hace the inquisitorial rosette all over?
you forgot
>mold lines
For the arbite army I casted the shit out of the old metal figs (and taught myself mold making in the process). We used them as guard vets with shotguns. 3 players were guard and 1 player did inquisition. I think over 10 games we got like 7 shotgun kills with the highlight being a terminator.
That’s the arbites logo isn’t it?
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How do i not shit the bed at my first GT. The last one day tournament I did, 3 games, i was the worst player and got the wooden spoon.

I'll be playing CSM.
That’s playable now. They might even be battline in the agents of the imperium codex.
I think you should post your own models
They give you a wooden spoon for being the worst player? Thats kinda cool
wow that truly looks like shit
No models posted. Opinion disregarded.
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I think the old eldar jetbikes looked better and had more visual consistency with the other floaty eldar vehicles. What do you think?
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it was fun! we played in the adepticon team tourney 12 times and as we got older we didn't play as much and didn't follow the "meta" at all. Our hobby skills did get better and not being in a high pressure to win environment meant we enjoyed ourselves way more. Won a handful of best display and theme awards in the process.

Game one was a giant horde of necron wraiths that could literally only hurt the fortress by rending it and had to roll a 6 to wound followed by a 5+, they didn't do much.

other highlights of the tournament that year were: vulture gunship hosing down belacore (daemon prince?) and killing him in one turn from a million 1s on his save, the next game our opponents also ran belacore and we ran him over with the big baneblade transport tank (used as a mobile arbite precinct), and the tourny organizers allowing us to present the youngblood trophy in our outfits while telling the kid "only in death does duty end". We gave him a shotgun too
No, I hated their droopy schnoze designs
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Here they are.
my guy, that's the arbite symbol.

Inquisitor crusader squad
Fun stuff. Glad you still have a passion for the judges. I find not playing to always win is a much better experience lately too.
Models posted. Opinion accepted.

Nice anon. They just need basing and they'll be all good.
They do. Which is kinda fun, but i dont want 2 in only a few months
we actually tracked down an aquila lander (with a ton of THICC paint) and got it made up for our army. could fit 6 henchmen in this bad boy and I think it might have had an autocannon. Terrible unit but pretty rare fig and very cool
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I can't tell who's fucking with who at this point
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made a lot of handouts that I scuffed, coffee stained, etc. We put up wanted posters and had tape measures with rosettes on them. Fun year
>aquila lander
I wish GW wouldn't discontinue so much stuff. If it needs to be updated then update it, don't just remove it.
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the display board idea was that each of our armies were on a "monitor" showing riots and stuff like that. Worked out ok as you can see in previous pictures
Very nice. My city isn't big enough for cool big events.
Hey nice use of the AnvilIndustry gladiators helmet. Now I want to use those for my regular guardsmen.
due to damage on the fig we couldn't get it to work right but since I had never seen one in person I didn't realize the tail raises up to show the access hatch and it had a fully modeled interior. Really cool figure

"death cult assassins"
I'll never forget GW for deleting the Fusion Blades.
What are 10E Tau's strengths, and what should a Tau list focus on? Hopefully they can rely on Crisis suits n.n
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Chicago was only about a 6 hour drive for us, so pretty easy to get to. I haven't done the team tourney since 2019 but we always had a blast. With Adepticon moving to yet another bigger venue in Milwaukee this year I might try to go back.
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Space dwarf
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Do britards really
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you're telling me. I've got so many legend'ed units. Grot bomb launchas, various flavors of big meks, tons of wargear that GW doesn't support, kill tanks, grot tanks, mega dreds, big trakks, buggies galore, big gunz, wartracks, fucking MOBS of 30 boys....

I get it's not easy to balance and I get the whole chapterhouse studio keffufle made them have to patent every fucking stupid name.

I don't want a wazbombdicksucka 9000 buggy on a giant base, I wanna run some rocket buggies
>$40 an unattainable sum of money
Hobby isn't for those below the poverty line. Consider taking up a cheaper hobby like collecting rocks or cool sticks you find on the ground
sup wip bro, thin those edge highlghts though
Looks yummers. It's also like triple what I have for breakfast, so I guess that's where america learned sizes from?
Oh shit anon thats a good scheme. Nice
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Looks underwater. Nice.
>How do i not shit the bed at my first GT
Start by basing your models properly
>I wanna run some rocket buggies
All factions deserve big gun Attack Bikes. Even if they don't actually use them.
Thin deez nuts
Ghost keels and crisis suits are the strength unironically. Lots of smaller units taking advantage of Kau’yon or retaliation cadre. Retaliation cadre wins tourneys.
It’s not unattainable, I just hate that I’m spending half of a new squad on a fucking Primaris lieutenant
How about I get a nickel for every time someone blames Ben for any post they disagree with rather than acknowledge the content of said post
I don't like the yellow at all but the pink turned out very nice
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my gorkanaut, working on the morkanaut atm so I can have a dread mob army with idols of both gork and mork.
Why would you ever purchase a primaris lieutenant instead of kitbashing one
Stop avatarfagging
Very tidy, good shit anon
All kitbashes look like puke.
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Most recent stuff. Working on Nurglings and GUO atm.
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What's the 40k equivalent of a closed wafflehouse?
I'm talking about something that will make 40k players stop and go "oh shit the lore is actually getting serious."
I think the last time this happened were those Wars for Armageddon.

Wars for Armageddon > Fall of Cadia.
I should have specified, I want a captain with the relic shield but I don’t have any blade guard vets yet and I don’t think I’ll have any shields left over from the blade guard squad
Too many models
Table too small
Not enough models
Table not too big
Was the Devastation of Baal actually a big deal when it was introduced?
Like most factions in 10e, your strengths depend on your detachment. They might as well be different factions.

Montka Breacherfish and Missilesides.
Kayuon Ghostkeels
Retal whoops all suits
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thanks anon, also here's the wip on my morkanaut, I didn't use the horns since I wanted him to look more kunnin than brutal.
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How does Yvraine handle Gorillaman's dicking?
okay hobbylet
You could've just said "I am a hobbylet" and saved yourself some keystrokes
The Webway is bigger on the Inside than it is on the Outside
Could probably make a greenstuff press mold to clone one, shouldn't be too difficult given the back sides of the shields are fairly undetailed
imagine telling on yourself like this lmao
That guy looks awesome. He a shelf piece or for your army?
>bulge is almost 2 feet over your head
Guess that means it'd never work between us ;n;
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because gw SUCKS at potraying the eldar as the giants they are.
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>that retarded pinhead
did that hack artist who drew luther strode draw this
He's not mine I just snagged a screenshot off insta. The guy does some bonkers shit though
You never heard of a step stools?
tick tock heavy like a bricks truck
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I stopped paying attention to 40K news for a bit once the ork codex dropped abd the new mek was a disappointment. Have I missed anything interesting?
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tau used to look interesting
The Imperial Guard, specifically non-cadian or krieg ones.
just say you're gay next time it'll save you some typing
2 shit models and 2 currently in use?
All of those models look like ass
I don't care how super special or impactful you think your super special space daddy is, you could bring back all 18 Primarchs or even have all the remaining Primarchs permakilled (my preferred choice) and neither of those events would be as ruining to the setting as bringing Big E back and turning 40k into the Age of the Emperor.
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Noone cares about guard.
Bro is shadowboxing cobwebs with this post
>daemons played more than either eldar faction
elfcucks literally cannot stop losing
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looking like I'm tip top
shining like a wristwatch
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I'm glad that GW has been making CSM more than "space marines with spikes" but man do I love the whirlwind. I wish we got a chaos version of it in the codex instead of say the vindicator. And I specify the codex so I can use the regular whirlwind instead of the HH one.
Is that even a kitbash at that point?
That's sculpting
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I hate fuckers that put shit for sale in second-hand sites and never fucking answer.
How do I make mechanized sisters of battle?
You get sisters and you put them in transports
Just that? No immolators or any of the walkers? Had hoped that I could do something similar to the IG tank squadrons
as long as you have a leader you can do whatever the fuck you want in tenth. Nothing fucking matters.
the main reason why I hate Guilliman's return is because I firmly believe only the High lords of Terra should be in charge of the Imperium and that anyone who challenges the High Lords is a traitor and a heretic
Still needs some touch ups but I'm pretty much through with this guy. May add some scratches and wear.
Where is this graphic from?

Trust me bro, we’re getting a range refresh soon, bro, James won’t scrap our faction, bro
Immolators are literally dedicated transports?
I would but my only ongoing WIP is a quar coftyran
Wasn´t that the role of the rhino? Or did I get my vehicles wrong this evening?
Sorry man, I'm not even the anon you were arguing with.
I was not saying it in a derogatory manner, quite the contrary.
And so does Guilliman.
That's why he purged them of corrupt cunts.
Guilliman is a traitor and a heretic tho.
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This post was typed by Minotaur hands
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Shut up guy.
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stop buying guard from games workshop
Get back to bullying your dreadnoughts, Moloc
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Just print
Every third party option looks like shit or is just a historical model and doesn't fit into the universe
I´ve got a model shop that sells historicals in town. Might be better off there
Is that supposed to be a g36, or a m41 from Aliens?
This is the part where someone posts Raumjäger and we all argue about it for the rest of the thread
That you though. Anon said kitbash and you posted a conversion. Can't really make a mistake liek that and accuse others of being hobbylets.
Kitbash and conversion are synonyms but sure whatever you say
>a beer and pretzels model game originally intended for exploiting stupid children to buy little metal dudes

You're not a manchild because you still like child activities. You're a manchild because you take child activities seriously like a child.
maybe both, maybe neither. Just an generic "universal" sci-fi rifle for the most generic "universal guard"
Are there any reveals slated to happen during the Open this weekend?
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a couple anons liked my skittles last thread so here are all I've painted so far
Lovely dust on the bottom of the coats, anon
Very nice anon, super clean
>beers and pretzel game
what fucking game are we playing
No. You get nothing.
>halloween marines
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Building upon this, you can have a list of mostly flying units (Scourges, Raiders, Ravagers, Venoms, Hellions, Reavers) but to be effective you are going to need some foot infantry in this boats and realistically they need to get out of those boats to do those thing.
Now the beauty of the Skysplinter Detachment (and Venom ability) is that they can all hop out to do their thing and the wraithlike retreat right back into the boat after combat, which you can easily fluff as them fighting from the ship sides with their rappelling chains (which all Kabalites have modelled on them) and zipping back up afterwards.

Easily the Dark Eldar. Their model range has shrunken a lot from retired/never produced sculpts and they're have one of the oldest average model ages of any army.
all kitbashes are conversions but not all conversions are kitbashes
>High Lords' attack dogs are cosplay posers
You're not wrong
Exodite kill team, Harlequins, Empowo's Children, Zealots Squad/Frateris Militia
Feral Ork rokkit launcha
Why don't darmech or dark elves just clone a bunch of warped, mongo primarchs? Even the Blood Angels use replicae, so why would Chaos have any hangups over it?

Now I think of it, doesn't Cawl have his very own girlyman in a rape dungeon, somewhere?
Sounds like you're just autistic and a hobbylet as well
>its gonna happen
Fuck the haters anon, that's a beautiful model. Wish you had cleaned up those mold lines on the wristguards though.
That's just a bonesplittaz ork, this doesn't sell as a feral 40k ork
This is a pretty real possibility, one of the big story arch’s is the D-Eldar realizing they are completely fucked without some kind of emperor like being to keep the warp off their ass. They tried to clone the emperor, why not a horrifically fucked up version of a primarch?
You’re retarded, but ok.
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Hearthguard came out a lot cooler
I for one would like to the more xenos and abhumans.
Maiden world dinosaur riding Eldar
Vespid as fleshed out at the Kroot
The other tau client races
All those mijor neighboring xenos races existing in the fluff
Catgirl felinid auxilia
Rangdan foxgirls
Guevesa and Severan Dominate guard offshots
And Abbandon´s quartered corpse. Fucker should lose more than just his arms
Those sloppy edge highlights and yellow on the gun kinda bring the model down. I do like the scheme a lot though
give him squig jair and a bandana
Like what?
That's what I'm thinking
I'm not the one gluing a single grenade to an aos model and claiming it fits into a sci-fi universe
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Commissars good? I eyes them in 7E but I'm not quite sure what they're for, bow that orders just go through.
Uh, where's the full Lord Commissar though?
Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about moldlines?
>I for one would like to the more xenos and abhumans
Shit taste and an ESL, damn must be grim being you
Gotta give him a big knife. I like where your head is at.
Good idea, actually.
I’ll dig for one in the bitz box, I’m sure I have a knife somewhere.
yes you are the only one who doesn't care because you're a hobbylet with no models
Did you happen to do other colors of Skitarii?
Shame, I love the yellow on the gun I'm afraid
I´m so sorry that see and the seem similar when typing half asleep.
Yeah they're good especially if you're against a leadership tester. They're not OPTIMAL, but if you don't care about optimization chuck one into your list
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Finished some more ultras.
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I may be a hobbylet but I have models
>posts models with moldlines clearly scraped off
so you just wanted attention
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I got my shit wrecked today, played GSC combat patrol against my friend's Adepta Sororitas combat patrol. I need to make more use of the Goliath as the sisters can barely do a thing against all that 10 toughness.
I'll paint some more models tomorrow. Acolytes are kinda done but need to finish the details on the Aberrants and the skin parts of Neophytes.
Anon sculpted those with his bear hands
>nomodels prowling to shit up the thread
Same as it ever was lmao
This is good. Add a little bit of washes and scrape moldlines and its great.
You're posting some low quality content right now anon.
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t-thank you anons. I'll post some more of my admech next thread
>Did you happen to do other colors of Skitarii?
not sure what you mean, those are my only ones
>makes a point to announce how he totally doesn't care about mold lines
>bothers to clean them off anyways
he clearly just wanted the engagement
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Do you find red guns satisfying to do like me?
ignore him he does this all the time
Maybe if you posted some models we would give a shit.
I don't need to post models to call out attentionwhores lmao
That's dope.
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explain this, /40kg/
Dunno, ask the Necromunda thread.
Van Saar must have acquired some advanced Tau tech
Spyrers predate Tau. So the writers made some bullshit associations in a lexicon to parasitize relevancy.
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I feel like the Hexarchy plotline was a missed opportunity for an actual Imperial Civil War that would have really helped serve as a reminder of the grimdarkness and hopelessness of 40k, seeing the Imperium come to the brink of salvation with a returned Primarch only for it to be torn asunder in a civil war and all that.
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Just for you. 10,000 hours in paint.
Why do you need decades old lore explained to you? The xenotech is named with xenos words, you dumbfuck.
They look really similar to skitarii my friend got as a commission. But his were pink, green, blue, yellow, and red. A squad per color
Anyone know where I can get a White Scars sticker to put on my motorcycle?
>inb4 lol just print one out yourself
I live in barracks so don't have a printer pls no bully
It works.
What like a real one? That you drive?
you can probably find custom vehicle stickers on etsy for cheap
Yes like a real one that I drive
Did have a look there couldn't see one
literally five seconds of searching
No models posted. Opinion discarded.
Yeah fair one I was looking for someone selling one already made up didn't think about it that way you are clearly vastly more intelligent than I, thank you anon I'll look into that
I regarded them on your behalf
Thanks anon, I love it.
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Got my ass kicked against some Tau today.
Failed 3 important charges during my Waaagh! turn. Additionally, I was forced to have Recover Assets for 3 turns because I kept losing 1 of 2 units attempting the action (keeping it wasn't my smartest move).
Fun game though. Dude is a super fun guy to fight against.
You’re welcome. I encourage your conversions.
Rough that you lost, but glad you had a lot of fun playing against them. Always like to see models and games being posted here.
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which one is recover assets? I've got a game today if I want it, debating letting the wife watch the kid as I kinda want to play battletech tomorrow
That’s all I’m doing today, got 40 to go.
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Indeed. Can't win em all. I just like going against an opponent who enjoys the game more than just winning.
First time I've played my battlewagon since 10th edition started. It did pretty good for its cost.
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good start. Be sure to sprinkle in more advanced bits here and there, possibly very rusty as they recover the kit from failed invasions of the past.

I've seen so many lazy fantasy (now AOS) --> 40k ork conversions over the years it makes me wary. It's a fine line to walk
Anyone have any pdf's of the Arks of Omen books? It's been like trying to look for a ghost for a pdf of those things.
That's so not canon it hurts. It's a rumor of a rumor from an FFG RPG.
Wars for Armageddon? Are you retarded? When measured against other major wars they are nothing.
They work well.
Recover assets has units do an action in 1 of 3 sections of the field: your deployment zone, NML, and your opponent's deployment zone. The unit performing has to stay alive during your opponents turn to finish it. Do it in 2 of the sections for 3 points and 3 sections for 6. Pretty easy normally, if you can stay alive.
My opponent was smart and went for the units performing the action, meaning he stopped me from scoring it both times I tried and thus couldn't discard it without the CP cost. My mistake was attempting it more than once and failing both times.
True true. Losing isn’t bad as long as it was close. I don’t kind of it was close, landslides one way or the other aren’t fun.
Have you guys considered doing anything to encourage your opponents to actually field a finished army for once? Maybe as a once a year treat?
I had a game against sisters on Tuesday that ended in a 1-point difference. I lead all game but he got cull the horde on the last turn and those 5 points for killing a Boyz squad got him the game. Love it when someone pulls a win out of their ass like that.
I’m going to make ten into shoota boyz and load them up in a captured rhino “trukk.” I have bits to make a group of lootas and a mekboy, and I plan on giving nobz and the boss more advanced gear/armor to denote their status. Maybe throw some bionic parts in here and there. Thanks for the suggestion, anon.
Thanks, dude.
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These models are really cool, pretty modular too.
I keep fucking up my potential Eldar themed camo patterns so I might just do oak leaf camo from WW2 because I know I can do it well. Do y'all think that would be too immersion breaking?
I usually try to rant and rave about my opponent's painted models to encourage them to get more done. I'll say things like "oh man this is gonna look great with the whole army done" and such.
Aside from that, the most I can do is lead by example.
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The scorpius is so good though
reminder that thanks to based abnett Ollanius Pius is the one who gave Emps the knife he used to obliterate Horus, meaning Ollanius did more to kill the Arch-Traitor than that gay Mutant vampire BAfags obsess over
Lmao, me too.
>"Can't wait to see those painted".
Also I trying to never field anything that isn't at least mostly basecoated, and I apologize if I do bring them.
>"Sorry man I couldn't finish these in time for the game"
>greytide army across the table from me
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Can I get away with using a Spartan Tank as a Land Raider? It's a bit bigger, would that be an issue in causal games or tournament play? (not my pic)
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I think orks are really cool. Would it be weird to have a few freebooterz orks along with an army of Deathskulls? I like freebooterz a lot, but I think they'd look gay as a whole army of them.
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At least it's fun anon
Didn't mean to reply.
nobody would care about a proxy being larger since it puts you at a disadvantage more than anything else
nobody cares
Casual: yes
Competitive: no
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I'm guilty of that as well.
>"Oh hey these snagga Boyz are being ran as regular Boyz. I'm almost done with my last few Boyz, but I didn't want to field some unpainted models."
>Meanwhile opponent has few completely finished models
Picrel is Snagga proxies towards the back. They don't stick out too much from regular Boyz, granted you don't do what I did and paint the hides as various colors.
>1300 planetary systems
>millions upon millions of ships
Waaagh!!s are rarely composed of one klan. You could also just do what I do and say your Deffskullz are allied with some freebootaz at the moment.
I think the land raider proteus is a better fit size wise, it's what i use
>casual games
wtf are they gonna do, sperg out and refuse to play because it's 10% too large? Either they're a reasonable person who won't mind, a giant pussy who will fold to your confidence, or they have an autistic shitfit (which was probably going to happen sooner or later anyway, and it's better to just get it over with).
ask the TO
If I buy the normal custodian guard box, I get a shield captain, a banner holder and 3 normal battleline banana boys, right? Or did I miss anything there?
because the Spartan is what I have. I'm starting a Custodes army and I'm wondiering if the Tank from the HH box I bought for a project that has been put on the back burner can be of use with the Custodes
Loser idiot retard here.
If I have a squad of 20 boys led by 2 leaders, is the second one able to benefit from the warboss' +1 to hit?
A big mek that hits on 2+ with the melee might actually be a little wacky.
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It fucking sucks eldar bro fire dragons and warp spiders are my fave aspects but gw is not updating them.
Yes, they still all fight as one unit. All buffs apply to all models in it.
it's funny how scorpions, spears, banshees and reapers were no one's favourite aspects

it's always the aspects that have yet to be updated
Yes, the warboss gives his buff to the unit, which the mek is a part of.
Yeah, gotta add some color.
Probably gonna try a more bone white and browner black next time.
Scorpions are my fav, and they are actually a decent price for GW standards since they come in a double pack
Ok, thanks.
>The Hivemind is horrified of the Malstrain
>Malstrain and Purestrain genestealers are hostile to each other, each considering the other anathema

Why is no one talking about this? We got our first independent Tyranids in the lore.
You get five guys.
You can give one of them the bird on a stick, because the kit comes with only one bird on a stick.
It also comes with one cape, which you can use to signify one guy is a Shield Captain.
But there's nothing that says a Shield Captain HAS to have a cape. You can make all of them Shield Captains if you want. Might get a bit confusing if you don't figure out other ways to set them apart from regular guys. Unless of course you're running an all-Shield Captain list, which is completely doable in 10th.
>Why is no one talking about this?
It's not a space marine
Yeah, you can't play them in a normal campaign. The Secundus box is Space Hulk: Underhive. Doesn't look like a bad game, but the hype won't start until the next sourcebook gets released.

>We got our first independent Tyranids in the lore
that would be Squigs or Zoats, I think, not counting all the degenerated bugs that pop up in lore occasionally.
I think there was a case where a hive ship drank some diseased nurgle poop slurry and the hive mind turned on it. Just seems like more of that, it's possible to warp Nidders with something so virulent that the Hivemind would rather avoid or eliminate them to avoid fucking up its gene pool.
It's contained in necromunda and that basically non existent for the general 40k interest
ah yeah, Ymgarl as well. Though the lore on them seems to have changed and now there are tentacle heads in the box.
>that would be Squigs or Zoats, I think
no longer canon
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Sounds interesting. I recently got into red weapons and I quite enjoy them.
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because ymgarl did it first as well as a number of other forgotten fleets
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how incredibly gay
Nice Slig
that thing is such an awful bugger, but I really really want to know how competent concept artists would transform it into something fitting the modern tyranid designs
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>pump-action revolver sniper
executioner shotgun, I think
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forgot pic
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That's not pump-action, revolver, nor has a sniper scope.
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Anyone else have this happen before? I just went to the GW site and I still have a bunch of Made to Order in my cart from like a month ago.

Looks like it will let me go all the way through checkout. Kinda tempted to try placing an order and see what happens.
Zoats are still canon anon, they were mass slaughtered in 4th by the Tyranids for outliving their usefulness and the survivors were killed by the Imperium when they came to them for help.
There's still a tiny number of stragglers about here or there (the guy from Blackstone comes to mind) but the species is effectively extinct.
Still canon, just effectively extinct.
no, I just wanted to post a pic of a fully auto shotgun with a bipod
jesus christ dude.
When's the next big event? Redacted codex when
I personally wouldn't do it, but If you have the cash and don't care about money sure go ahead

A friend got a 4 models before the release date by doing something similar, it's a dumb gamble that will just lose you money
I swear I've seen a legitimate pump-action revolver at some point in some fasion. Maybe it was a grenade launcher or something
>Why is no one talking about this? We got our first independent Tyranids in the lore

Catachan devils, fuck we know there's a tendril that has been fucking with lifeforms before behemoth arrived
Rolled 2 (1d6)

6 and you send it
That’s just a grip.
A grip with a movement channel for moving back and forth
no space marine no care
This looks less like a successor chapter and more like a shitty sports team.
>Single action revolver rifle
Pump action with barrel drum.
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Please understand, they're Bri'ish.

I mean it’s not like it’s some eBay scammer. If the order doesn’t go through or they’re out of stock I can just complain to GW and get a refund.
So the local football team of choice?
>barrel drum
You mean a drum magazine? How do cartridges move inside it, when it has those cuts on the side that revolver cylinders have?
>Adjustable foregrip
Not inherently stupid for such a mass produced weapon
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I'm not competent, but here's what I mocked up
>barbgaunt-like creature, but it holds all of its 4 arms above the head to host a parasitic creature fused with its back (hence the mouth nested in its palms and the second tail)
>only one pair of legs (the other two pairs are advanced pseudopods) and developed for sudden jumping attacks
early fluff had the grabber slasher be a vanguard assassin creature, a bit like the lictor, now the roster is saturated with similar biomorphs, so it must be way more specialised, maybe it accompanies other vanguard organisms and its role is to jump like a facehugger to ensnare someone, except it's big enough to possibly carry the prey away, so maybe instead of an assassin it's a kidnapper, in cases when the norn emissaries cannot be sent or perhaps they accompany them and are the ones acting as living moving cages
who knows what the nids do with the captives, maybe more elaborate mind probing than the one the lictors can do by eating brains

probably overdid on the arms and fingers, but I can't really find better stuff to shop

rate and name
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How often do snipers use the foregrip for sniping and why not just make everything from the magazine forward grippable? Then you don't have to adjust anything, just grap it from any point you feel comfortable. Putting some texturing on the underside is surely simpler and less complex than adding a whole rail system for an adjustable grip.
If two of a unit's abilities activate at the same time from the same trigger, do both go off in an order of your choice, or do you have to pick one?
eg, a kelermorph with Prowling Agitant has an enemy move within 9'' - they have a shoot/scoot, and a normal d6'' reactive move. Can they use both to shoot and then move 2d6 total, or does only one get to go off?
I agree, I'm just looking at it as a post-DAoT version of placing a VFG where you want it on your rail. It's silly and clunky, but that's 40k's deal
Having the ability to adjust your stuff isn't really something IG is known for. Their kit comes in one-size-fits-none and that's it. If you can't make it work, you're the problem and hopefully your replacement is more suited to your kit.
Got a 1k game in against my buddies Death Guard, first game in a while.
I decided to take my GK for a spin and while they can be mobile, the lack of inbuilt AT for the army is something I forget about.
Its basically dreads or the carriers unless I dip into Allies.
Kinda makes me curious if that Codex Inquisition thing will pan out or not.
Only one activates
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Do you guys paint the base rims?feels more finished than black.
I mean yes but also I just paint them black.
painting your base rims is the warhammer equivalent of the shopping cart test
Dark brown like yours, except for characters who get a different colour so me and my opponents can easily pick them out.
What's the equivalent of taking carts out of the stack and spreading them over the parking lot?
primer+2 color minimum.
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I think straight black looks pretty clean, personally
Bringing a spray bottle full of odourless thinner with you to games and giving the entire table a spritz when your opponent turns around for any reason
>My minis keep melting whenever I play this greytide ork army, what gives?!
this thing filled the original role of "assassin" but while the purpose got folded into the Lictor I'm pretty sure the actual design was eventually turned into the Raveners given their mandibles, snake bodies, thorax-mounted weaponry and the moniker of "Slashers/Slash-Tails" (and the Trygon being the Mother Slasher)
Always black base rims, regardless of base colour. It's like a frame for a picture.
the only time that nonblack rims are ok is when they are display models and the base+rim matches the terrain the model is on. Otherwise, black rims.
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Back from the weekly game, and it was one of the most fun I've played in years.
Nice, who were you fighting?
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I'll post a cringe batrep on the next thread, don't worry. Here's a picture of a Heresy game from the table next to mine, though. Both armies were gorgeous.
Look at the size of that lad in the top right. Absolute unit.
Those are pretty good.
THought I will note the unpainted character by habit.
>a lot of the pity heroes you see getting released are test sculpts requested for free from sculptors that might or might not have been hired afterwards
>the malstrain coalescence? done for free by the sculptor in his own free time
This is some janny tier shit right here, but I believe it, heard some similar stories in the comic book industry.
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I chatted with these two guys afterwards and they suggested I repurpose all my old metal sculpt marines from 3rd-6th for a Heresy army. Gave me a think, ngl. Seems like a good use of firstborn models.
>tartaros termies
luvly jubly
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Yvraine was gonna be a named harlequin and ynead was gonna be a cegorach model dont forget.
why is that picture so small?
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really? that would have actually been cool
The Ynnari are an interesting idea executed in the worst possible way like 90% of things GW does
You're thinking Doom of Hesp and ir was both Lotan and Deathguard warring in biowarfare on the planet to a standstill until basically all ground DG forces alongside ground nid bio forms turned to sludge too toxic for anything to live. And then yeah one ship probed it and got subsequently exploded by its own fleet.
De-facto just a metanarrative attempt to justify status quo on necromunda. They look sick tho.
Ymgarl Factor has mad ethe 5th edition fluff of ymgarls being abandoned sorta obsolete but idk
Clowns > Ynaari
We could've had cegorach kino

Bobby clearly missed 10,000 years of head day.

We could have had some super cool archeotek dating from the DAoT, but no, it must be the Tau...

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