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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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One True King edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Threads
>>93371123 (the tard one)

>Thread Question:
What makes your acg great?
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The art.
Battle Spirits!
>forgets the subject
Well done.
Unironically, thread will be better this way.
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Alternating actions and resourcing. Target selection adds a lot of decision points too, especially in knowing when to trade and when to race, but those two things are really the core appeal. Even straightforward effects like "tap to deal 1 damage" become tricky to use properly because of the action economy they cost you, and even seemingly obvious decisions like "what should I resource? I drew my 9 cost bomb turn 1" have matchup-contextual exceptions. You're constantly gambling against both your opponent and your own draws, which maybe describes all tcgs but I dunno it just feels really good. Like you're always on the edge of a knife.
The lists of what makes something a "magic clone" last time were super retarded so I wanna try my hand at it.
>dedicated resource cards that are in the main deck
>you add 1 resource per turn
>tap resource to use it
>summoned creatures can't immediately attack
>creatures have 2 stats
>they can always defend and retaliate (those aren't keywords)
>a single "battle phase"
>resources are separated by colours
>you win by reducing the life of opponent to zero
>starting life is 20-40 points
>damage on creatures resets every turn
>draw 1 per turn (the weakest point, but some games draw more cards or do some funny stuff with them)

So pokemon for example has one resource per turn (kinda), resources are part of the deck, creatures have health and attack (or attacks that deal different amounts of damage). But you win by defeating pokemon and taking your prize cards, damage stays in the game, there's no life points for the player, only prize cards. To be honest, when I played yugioh a bit, I started seeing similarities between it and pokemon, as there's a ton of effects that search your entire deck and summon or draw from it, and turns can be very long solitaire, with very little to do during the opponent's turn. I'd say the feel was closer to yugioh than mtg. But its a clone of neither, just its own thing.

Nowadays almost nobody does the "resource cards part of the main deck", and thank god for that. But any game that would do it would immediately be very similar to MTG.

Duel masters was made by wizards, but its already different enough from magic that it's just evolution not "a clone"
I guess games related to it would have
>any card as resource
>resources are separated by colours
>cards as shields that sometimes trigger abilities when attacked
Wixoss is pretty similar in that regard, but also does a lot of its own things.
Pokemon and even yugioh are definitely relatives, just not real close ones.
you could almost build a ccg family tree if you felt inclined. you look at the first few years and there's a bunch of pretty discreet phyla. you've got the trunk of the tree being magic and its direct successors (and I definitely put things like DM or say WoW in that category), you've got netrunner, you've got L5R and Jyhad and a whole suite of political tableau games like MECCG, Dune and Doomtown (and GoT, much later) branching off in another direction. you've got guardians and all the later move-on-a-grid battle games. And the engine building VP tableau games including most of the sports TCGs. Highlander and Dragonball and all the later fighting games. there was a lot of digression from the magic template even just in the first 2 to 3 years.
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anyone go to the wixoss GP? How was it and what won?
/acg/ - Alternative Card Games General #524
looks like a shit subject
Personally I would also add the combat mechanic.
The fact that you as an attacker judt declare attacker, and the defender has to choose to defend is quite important.

It means unlike Star Wars you can't target remove something, and also unlike One Piece there is no risk to use abilities.

Also the range of interrupt and quick spell is important for me, as SWU doesn't have those.

Some minor (but not important distinction is) when do you draw, and when to you refresh.

Also another 2 distinction:
You start with an empty board
You the player has no inherent ability
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Exactly. Should just disband the threads at this point entirely.
I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to grab a box of Outsiders, Uprising and Dynasty for FaB.

I mostly play Prism, Mech and Warrior. Debating dipping my toes into Guardian with Heavy Hitters.

And yes, I know the general consensus is to only ever buy singles, but I like opening boosters.
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>>dedicated resource cards that are in the main deck
Duel Masters is an obvious mtg "clone" and every card is a resource, the same is true for Hecatomb and other games.
Maybe it should be "Dedicated or not resource cards that are in the main deck". This way you cover the "eveything is a resource" games.
>>you add 1 resource per turn
Maybe "you can add a fixed amount of resources per turn", this way you cover not only things like heartstone but also one piece
>>tap resource to use it
>>summoned creatures can't immediately attack
>>creatures have 2 stats
good but also "creatures have 2 stats and a cost"
>>they can always defend and retaliate (those aren't keywords)
What is retaliate? To exchange damage in the combat?
>>a single "battle phase"
>>resources are separated by colours
>>you win by reducing the life of opponent to zero
Would change it to "you win by either reducing your opponent life or by archiving victory points"
This way you cover Lorcana and Hecatomb
>>starting life is 20-40 points
This is unnecessary. And kinda retarded because even mtg had games like shandalar that players had 10 life.
>>damage on creatures resets every turn
>>draw 1 per turn (the weakest point, but some games draw more cards or do some funny stuff with them)
I would change to "Draw a fixed amount of cards per turn". This way it covers the draw 2 cards a turn, etc.

I would add "cards have a cost that you must fulfill by tapping resources and either meeting all colors of the cost or just paying it once"
This would cover Hecatomb, the Xena/Hercules/X-23, the Harry Potter ccg, Duel Masters, etc

Well it is admittedly based off from mtg (designers own word) so there are similarities in
-players can play a fixed amount of resources each turn -and- resource cards in deck
-you win by either reducing your opponent life or by archiving victory points (prize cards = victory points)
The same is kinda true for YuGiOh .
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>Duel masters was made by wizards, but its already different enough from magic that it's just evolution not "a clone"

The term "clone" is not a demerit or anything, it is just a way to track the inspiration behind it.
It comes from "video game clones":
"A video game clone is either a video game or a video game console very similar to, or heavily inspired by, a previous popular game or console. Clones are typically made to take financial advantage of the popularity of the cloned game or system, but clones may also result from earnest attempts to create homages or expand on game mechanics from the original game. "

Duel Masters can and is a mtg clone, it took have inspiration from it and improved over the mechanics to make something that sounds like an improved version of it.
Funny you mentioned it. I think it is probably the least mtg like game (at least from the popular ones (post covid))
Aside from the P/T in meccg (prowess/body) there isn't anything that resembles mtg in it.
Same can be said for games like Dredd ccg, Conan ccg, the first Star Wars ccg, 7th sea ccg, Rage, and Arcadia (the white wolf ccg based on the changeling rpg)
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We have leader alts
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And the Goku that shouldn't be Goku
A MtG clone is whatever CCG I dislike and feel like disparaging at the moment
Fab is an MTG Clone!
But anon, you're not tracking direct inspiration. You're tracking the oldest ancestor.
there are quite a few acgs that I like that I would consider mtg clones. The core mechanics of mtg aren't necessarily bad, there's a reason mtg became popular in the first place. So if an acg can improve upon those mechanics or utilize them in a new interesting way, it's a good thing. Ultimately the problem with mtg is what it's become over time, and it's not any single one problem.
Not being able to attack creatures is why MTG sucks
Do you like disappointment? Because opening FAB will almost only lead to disappointment. Spend the money on scratch-offs instead, you're gonna end up with lower losses and the money generally goes to fund schools.
not really, it's just a different type of combat. You might like it or dislike it. FF does the same thing, and it's also fun.
I think thats the main issue.
That and the anno doesn't play lots of games it seems.
Video clones have similar mechanic and such.
What you refer to clones are not similar at all.

Its like comparing Catan, and Risk.
Both have turn by turn order, in both you have a set number of resources you have to commit and you roll dice.
>Because opening FAB will almost only lead to disappointment.
Citation needed

Fab boxes are fine if you buy a sealed case and then chase down the singles you're missing
Well he was asking about three individual boxes, which gives him about even chances of getting one legendary, and a few mixed mythics, some of which are worthless. Plus, yes, playsets of most commons with a bunch of bulk left over, and 1-3 of each rare.

Expected value if you don't pull a legendary is around $15/box. With the legendary, you'll either flub and get a shitty one or make back your money. Regardless, you'll end up with a ton of bulk you can either hold on to forever and never play, or throw away.

I enjoy the game, but the drop rates are predatory and make opening boxes disappointing most of the time, and makes opening individual packs feel like throwing away money.
A case? Are you hoping to sell/trade off the other legendaries?Nobody buys the other cards, everything else is bulk.
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When would buying a case of anything be better than just straight singles and/or proxies?
I can kind of excuse buying a case of a dead acg but that's just if you really want to collect a set for posterity. Even then I'd rather just wait to buy a complete set or maybe old collections versus any sealed product.
What do we know about sorcery second set? Any Sorcers here?
>SWU 1k the other day
>multiple yellow Boba decks with maindeck boba's armor
I thought it was just a draft card? I thougnt no one was playing it? Did /acg/ lie to me???
Yugioh pros used to publish articles encouraging people to play a deck for an event, only to bring that deck's counter.
We just call that the "I was just pretending to be retarded"
any fucking retard that thinks blue beats yellow in FW doesn't actually play the game.
none among us that like the sorc?
I've had a good time opening the boxes I've bought previously. Yeah, I end up with a lot of bulk commons and such, but then I can always give them to nee players, especially for classes I don't play.

I'm not looking to make my money back. If I pull something worth a shit ton then great, but that's not my goal. I'm just wondering if those sets have enough cards for the classes I play. It seems like Dynasty might from a quick glance, but I get the feeling Outsides and Uprising are more focused on Wizards and shit that I don't really dabble in at all.

I plan to grab a box of Bright Lights, Heavy Hitters, Everquest and Dusk to Dawn eventually. Just gotta figure out which one I want to grab first.
The worst box opening experience I've had lately has been Star W. Unlimited. It feels really weird to buy boxes, prerelease kits and loose packs and pull the exact same card groupings in them all, soft locking myself out of many uncommons, rares and especially legendaries.

If you don't believe me, go look around. There's unboxing videos online where the guy moans after two packs, "oh no, it's another 'The Mandolorian' chunk! I have so many DJs!" Later adding " this takes the fun out of opening..."

I would say look forward to the next set maybe, but they haven't even acknowledged it yet, they probably feel like nothing is wrong.
But a dude won a tournament with Blue Vegeta
>and they all lost to a double green palp
lol, lmao
>The deck isnt good because it didn't win! Doesn't matter that it was the only deck to show up in top 8 more than once!!!
What will the next cope be?
Blue has a chance to beat yellow if they get good sickles, unlike green where the opponent has to brick massively or be at a skill disadvantage for blue to win.
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This was the winning list by the way. 30 players, I think.
>Maxx takes BH Bologna
What the hell, what happened there?
European BHs have the weirdest outcomes.
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My beloved.
>18 cards from set 2
Okay. Any is this a bad thing? It's just a busted color to begin with, now with goodstuff added. No jabba's rancor makes me sad.
Who said anything about it being a bad thing? I was just posting the list.

It's interesting how the set 2 cards recontextualize the set 1 stuff. Piett is a lot more viable with Outland TIE in the deck, and Traitorous is really good against the new upgrade heavy strategies and especially TIE Phantom plays. It's actually a surprisingly bottom-heavy deck compared to a set 1 double green palp, way more low cost units and only 4 big star destroyers. I do wonder how well it matches into a blue villain control deck though.
Really? I haven't been able to get my hands on any sealed product yet, but that sounds fucking miserable. A pack here or there I could understanding slipping through, but for it to be a regular enough occurrence that people notice it is bullshit.

It does remind me of a streamer I watched opening some Pokemon cards and getting 5 Weedles in a row. His reaction was pretty great, but man if I were actually playing the game that'd piss me off to no end.
It was fun, Nanashi x Miko final and Nanashi won.
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What's their endgame?
how many people? anything get announced?
76, no announcements, carta magica wasn't there and the judges had to organize everything.
Carta is who puts on the event? It worked fine with just judges running?
I guess with so few people it wouldnt be that big a deal. Were there still prizes? how did you do and play
What is the name of the pink haired one?
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Yeah dude. Going through my collection, I've opened three boxes so far and this is my findings:

Rare Leaders are hard as fuck to open 100% through packs. I'm still missing a rare leader, after 72 pack opening.

I have clumps of rares in my collection surrounded by obvious gaps. Three of a kind for 50% of rares in the set, and One or None of specific rares.

There are uncommons I can't find a third copy for, with five I've never pulled ever.

Commons are either in stacks of 6 or 7 and 2 or 3; there are no 4s or 5s. This means there's a narrow chance you could get stuck in the same clumps and never see commons until you open up a crazy amount of packs. (like 55)

The only thing truly random (for now) is the special treatment on cards, being hyper, foil hyper & regular foil. No discernible pattern detected in these, leading to feast or famine on box breaks.

The legendaries are on a wheel that spins around. If you open one legendary, you'll never open up legs on the opposite side of the wheel, only ever adjacent spokes. This can be frustrating as you may draw only the light side legs even though you're a dark side player.

Conclusion: This game was made for singles purchases. Fuck limited play experience with people opening mini constructed decks or hot garbage.
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BD bros...
>Fat retard hates it
Wow, must be pretty good.
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>Commits every single one of the 7 Deadly TCG Sins and violates 9 out of the 10 TCG Anime Commandments
i liked it for how absurd it was with how serious it took itself. banger OP too.
What are these sins and commandments? Out of curiosity.
> 7 Deadly TCG Sins
was a series on the Fat Retard's Youtube channel where he went on talking about good tcg design and bad ones.
About half his list is good.
>10 TCG Anime Commandments
no idea.
I'm not a zoomer so I don't watch YouTube, can you list them?
The whole video series "here's a mechanic in isolation that was bad in a specific game", ignoring the entire context of that game and the surrounding mechanics that affected it.
I like tcgAcademia
I really hate the faggot OP for not putting /acg/ in the title or literally anywhere in the post
I have 3 of those, so very close to a set...
Lesbian porn?
Zoomers don't watch youtube, they watch tictoc. Only boomers and millenials can watch videos of 12+ minutes.
yep, more or less this. There are things wrong in there like "life decking is bad" while ignore when it is good, etc
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>life decking bad
Consider picrel
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>Nanashi won.
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This card deserves to be banned/limited but it won't be touched because green has a bad yellow matchup.
I am a newbie in WIXOSS but I noted that after DIVA, LRIGs just can't go above Level 3 with rare exceptions.

Why that happened? I know that in-lore Level 5 is supossed to be something super legendary, but why all new cards are locked out of it.
Trying to get into the neopets tcg, Upper Deck's diamond system was kinda wonky. A lot of LGSs where originally turned away because you needed to sell sports cards, but they've since changed it to where you can't just resell product online.

Got 2 LGSs to sign up, hoping I can build a scene there cause it seems like a pretty fun game so far.
How about no.
No but cards that let you vomit 5+ 20k attackers on the board in a single turn all while ramping 3-4 energy should.
>palp palp palp palp
Androids isn't warping the meta and can't even beat Freeza most of the time. If you ban strong cards then something else will just be the new strong card and nothing changes. Kefla had to go because tournaments were 60% topku and it was a 4 of in every red deck. When droids fill out a top 8 in a big tourney then maybe you can talk about limiting.
Yes, I already said it has a bad yellow matchup. Doesn't change the fact that the card is broken and should be banned. 1 energy cost 20k body that also ramps is not okay.
>The card is broken
It's not though. It doesn't warp the meta at all. It's a very strong card that only one leader can use. Just because you think it's too strong doesn't make it broken.
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Bro you don't understand.
He doesn't wike pwaying awound dat :3c
Do report on how it goes, I like hearing about it for the nostalgia factor
>10 TCG Anime Commandments
A series of moral regulations engraved on emerald tablets purportedly originating in Japan, before it sank beneath the waves. The emerald tablets were rediscovered by Kohdok at the beginning of the 21st century.
>actually it's just a slab of green acrylic kohdok stole from his community college
>the commandments are a list of 10 of his favorite anime, each followed by "is friggin sweet, make it like that"
it was to create diva format and make assists matter while removing ARTS which turned out to be a awful idea and now we are back to not using assists and probably will get lv4-5 in the next year again.
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>idol duo
>probably homosexual
[symphogear intensifies]
Lotta blind hate for Diva lately bbqh
its been this way since its japanese release, which should be clear from how they are dropping it with 10th and now its getting shelf space in japan again.
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Fusion World's draft/sealed/arena mode releases on Thursday.
Can you keep the cards?
Are gems a premium currency or can you simply get them by completing some quests and such? If the latter, i might try the game again. Draft is fun.
Fusion world draft seems like a horrible idea.
Premium currency but you can earn them with daily/weekly quests.
>fat bald probably jewish

Opinion discarded
*Resources, Anon. WOTC are already assembling their legal swat team. I've now said too much and put my loved ones at risk; get out of the house and destroy your phone. Run!
Lostorage honestly has it worse.
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How so?
Thank you.
>claim an event ticket to gain one day's opportunity to pay $100 for a pack of 6 alt treatment cards
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>find old YGO foils had from like 15 years ago, all unsleeved
>open foil Bandai card from a sealed pack
Shameful bbqh
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>has to open a thousand booster packs
>pulls 6 regular, 1 foil and 1 hyperspace foil dragons
>4 showcases (he actually got lucky on that, could've gotten 3)

The rarity distribution in this game is pretty fucked.
shit art, shit game
I couldn't agree more on the first part, that 'legendary' creature looks like a bad dune fanart. However, I also couldn't disagree more that the game itself is shitty, because contrary to disney fucking everything up, it really is not.
it's not even the best disney card game
cheap material not suitable to go with the rest of the paper in the card.
The foil layer on newer cards don't absorb moisture and don''t have a similar coefficient of thermal expansion, add all together and we have the pringles.
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That's reserved for this set
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I tried playing BSS but the core shenanigans is quite annoying. Heres what I noticed.
1.You need to set up cost reduction fodder
2.You need to fuck over your opponent doing the same thing
3.Nexus spam is key
4.If you lose your fodder you have to start from scratch again
5. Whatever win con you imagine is not exciting due to the BS you have to do above

Me and a guy dueled using the starters and first booster. I was Red and he was Purple. I won alot since Red forces blocking so he couldnt establish reduction fodder like I could but then he got rid of mine using the core removal thing Purple has. So I would play something he removes it then he plays something and I force it to block.
true, lorcana is better
It at least has a better draft and pack opening experience, and far better art. The game itself is not as good as SWU, but it's also not being bogged down with keywords before it gets to set 3 like SWU, and is going to keep rolling for a while on the power of the IP with collectors.

SWU will be unlikely to make it to set 5, I think. Too many issues that are already stacking up, and the scene (around me, a major US metro area) is having trouble pulling people to prereleases to say nothing of weeklies.

Game's dying already. Serves FFG right, they've really fucked up management of it.
>Game's dying already.
What I see is the game struggling to find its place, but it's still new and enticing to a lot of folks. They may not be pulling in the number now, but if they change how they release sets then they could see a bump in player count as soon as set 3.
Showcases are what, 1 in 288? Legendaries are 1 in 8, and there's sixteen possibilities, so Krayt Dragon is 1 in 128. Getting 8 Krayts and 4 showcases sounds about rightish?
anons what do we think of this

and probably more important
>is the question "do we split?" (assuming that's avoidable), or "how to split?"
>if the later, which games from OP are "Alive TCGs"? some of these are obvious (FAB, SWU, FW, GR, etc), but there's also a limbo state where a game is technically still in print but dead in all but name.
>FW and Gate Ruler
Lol, lmao
>better draft
Definitely not.
>and pack opening experience
Assuming you're including the set 2 collation issues, then yeah. Those are just heinous. Excluding that SWU is better in pack-for-pack opening experience, though; more types of stuff in hit in a wider variety of slots and the packs themselves feel really good to tear, physically.
>and far better art.
Subjective of course, but yeah the art is mostly just bad.
>not being bogged down with keywords before it gets to set 3
Lorcana's second set introduced two new mechanics, shift:[condition] and sing together. They're simpler than Unlimited's new mechanics but... of course they are, that's the whole point of Lorcana, everything about it is simpler than Unlimited.

It's also probably the case that the bounty keyword and capturing mechanics aren't meant to appear in future sets except rarely - they're draft-first mechanics, and moreover there's not a ton of design room to add infinite new interest onto "when defeated: opponent gets a thing" and "this unit temporarily removes an enemy unit from play".
>SWU, FW, GR, etc), but there's also a limbo state where a game is technically still in print but dead in all but name.
Anon... Those are in print but pretty much dead.

Also about spliting: Either do a bandai games general (OP, FW, Digimon, and the new crossover game) or a FaB general. Those games can keep a general alive, the rest need to be in acg to survive.
fusion world is basically new isnt it
idk I haven't kept up with dbz since score
The current supply of product is unable to satisfy the current (small) player base, let alone accommodate or attract new players. And likewise stores have no incentive to build or compete for communities, the product all moves either way, but the low supply means the dollar volume isn't gigantic.
>I played spirits and the opponents killed them.
Whoah, game is broken.
Fuck anybody that says this card doesn't deserve to be hit. Third week in a row playing the most hopeless blue vs Droids matchup and for the 3rd week in a row it wasn't even close. It's actually insane how unwinnable that matchup is and it's ONLY against Droids. The other green leaders are 50/50 but Droids is 90/10.
Fusion World is matchup roulette. The green players feel similar to you running into yellow. Just bad game design teebeeaych.
You can always take the hits to your life to get more cores. Plus it sounds like you aren't leveling your spirits if you're getting removed by starter purple effects.
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Sure the 'droids are powerful but wait until you see how strong Cell is after eating a few thousand people
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/acgalter/ is the fab thread though? Its pretty clear by the OP and not your wrecker shitposts that you can post anything except the big 3 unlike here where you can talk about how you did at Road to Nationals and still get reported for off topic by the fabschizo sheriff
>my face when Im free to post /acg/ wherever I please
Suck my dick faggot whine to people who care
Also I got my judge promo in so now I can scare kids at the locals
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Battle Spirits!
I guess I didn't realize it was based on something
Grand Archive is shit
One of the better series, even if it fell off by the big tournament arc.
Are /fabschizo/ those who hate fab or those who love it?
Or are they schizo
yeah, you got it. he's referred to by that moniker because of an apparent habit of hateposting fab and then responding to argue with his own posts in the fab-positive. it's been a very long running thing in /acg/ that little of the "fab hate" seems to be organic, just very obvious bait to keep discussion around the game going.
Grand Archive is the shit
Did it really fix Magic?
NTA but yes. For the most part GA is an improved version of MtG. It's not perfect but it fixed mana screw/flood, lands in general, sideboarding and early game comboing.

The downfalls that it got in return were a slightly clunky resource system which isn't really a problem unless a deck is very advanced element heavy.
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Going to spam GP images for the 2 weaksauce bros.
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very expected results. top 2 get invited to a large event in japan to play.
Cute girl
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someone took photos of the expensive cards brought
>life burst podcast guy
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he got second

new sets not till september, so another month of dissona then a mild shake up but discard and mill still OP.
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Say something nice about Mel.
she eners and stops 3.
It's a dude I think.
No way.
Better looking than the previous set of WixWinners I saw here.
the game has had more then one event? post last winners
No idea where I'd find it in the archive but featured some real fuckin' greaseballs. The kind you'd think would be playing Wixoss of all games.
Should I play wixoss, being a geaseball lolicon?
Absolutely. If you're not morbidly obese and only regular obese, you wouldn't even stand out like if you played games fit for people that still cast a human silhouette!
realistically what tabletop isnt full of the ugly and obese? >>93421399 looks like every LGS ever.
>Fit players
Objectively wrong. Been posting fab for going on five years now and I've always been made to know how unwelcomed I am by a vocal minority, just for discussing a tcg in the acg general. There's hate bandwagoners that have come and gone throughout the years but a certain autistic fellow has made it his goal in life to counter argue everything I've brought up in the thread for that half decade. They have learned my posting habits and mock me all the time to make fab posters look stupid, unselfaware and confrontational. They false flag constantly, and I do mean constantly. This new thread is a ploy devised by them to finally force Fab posting out of his beloved general here. If they succeed there will be the mother of all rug pulls made to leave fab in its own general like he wanted all along. Like shooting fish in a barrel. It's unkown if he works for Wotc, but at the very least he seems honor bound to defend mtg with his life. So seeing as fab is the only serious competitor rivaling magic, there's some kind of sunken cost fallacy fueling him to destroy any fanbase from taking root on 4chin.

Recently the anti fab group got so inflamed at the mention of jan six that they broke off to launch their own thread after a huge ban was issued for those engaging in its discussion. The person that made the new thread is a redcap that had a meltdown about that real event, to be sure. Check out the archives of the last acg thread if you don't believe me.

Either way, I'm not posting in the new thread. It's for suckers made by trolls. Pass.
You probably misread my post.
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Its a step in the right direction. My gripe with it involves printing cards that actively bypass the fixes it established to begin with. Pic related is extrenely ubiquitous. You would be hardpressed to find competitive decks that dont run 4 of these because it skips a very costly turn that you would level up your champion to level 3.
Interestingly enough I've been seeing less and less of dungeon guide recently. In his last match Caban ran three of and his opponent ran none. That was for the finals.

The base elements seem to be getting stronger and the early phases seem to be grinding more instead of leveling to 3.

We might need more effects like dungeon guide going forward instead of less. Currently almost all the top lists are Water Nico, Wind Tristan, Norm Silvie, Wind Lorraine and Fire Zander. Not many Arcane Rai lists going around atm, Fire Rai seems to be good enough.
>Fire Rai
Erupting or Hybrid Merlin? I thought the OTK Rai builds were heavily gimped because of Incapacitate and Blanche
What's the cost in USD to build a budget or tier 1/2 deck for grand archive? Might dip my toes if I manage to find locals
magic didnt need fixing until hasbro. GA just made worse magic.
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$700 for the current tip-top deck Wind Umbra Tristan, a control/midrange deck with combo kill. $450 for Wind Lorraine, the premiere aggro deck of the format. $600 for Water Nico, a mill deck
What the fuck
Prices spiked over the month of July. The prices were near half of what they are now 2 months ago. The other budget decks are Norm Tera Silvie at $400, a tribal deck. Arcane Rai at $250, an OTK combo deck but is not well positioned in the meta right now
A fake pyramid investor scam in plain sight! Those are NOT the prices that a NEW GAME should cost!
F-fuck Grarchive!
this but unironically.
Ackshually, the game is steadily ignored by the usual (((investors))) for some reason. Its a combination of a shortage of boxes, on top of July having 8 regionals.
It's a year or two old, not a new game.

I think it's being driven by lack of supply - seemingly driven by increase in new players not hording - rather than predatory pull rates or investorfags.

I'm really not sure how they managed to grab all those new players when mtg is in as good of a place as it's been since 2021 or so, but maybe it's the next best anime-looking game for players washing out of One Piece, with FW being mostly DOA?
GA promotes like crazy and has good prizing so probably. helps their investors are buying from each other making special high end cards stupid prices.
Hasbro's hit game Magic: The Gathering offers over 30 years of high quality professional design and endless hours of fun for all ages 13+.
bong detected
Mtg offers roughly 12 non-consecutive years of quality out of 30 years of life (last one was 2017), and is fun for mindless consoomers boasting a 6 digit income & poor impulse control.
You missed the ai slop general
A good chunk of my LGS' mtg playerbase all migrated to GA after the modern Pro Tour. Guess they were trying to escape a fucked Nadu format, but want a competitive 1v1 experience thats similar to mtg. Ive been curious about the game myself but I cant add another tcg to my list since Im already playing One Piece
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Azalea armory deck is liquid fire. I'm so happy they set her up with a really sweet and affordable deck that still shows off what she does best, total turn disruption. Barbed undertow is a great arrow that was struggling in Azalea because of her lacking aim support package. Now she has a fantastic set of armor to put real choices back into the gear selection of any deck build.

So far I'm really impressed with the deck lists, and I welcome more as a source for vanilla class cards to help elevate good but lagging heroes out.

This card feels pretty balanced and yet it offers a wonderful zero cost aim arrow that can mess up heroes that need their whole hand to be effective. Sad we couldn't get an expensive large arrow, but eventually a hero will come along and make those their signature missiles.
>stupid sexy stone arch
I miss chaotic. They wouldn't have made secret lairs
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I know that this chest is one time use but damn did they load out with value. I was going to run sunken treasure for the AB, but this is just simply better for Azalea.

I thought you were joking at first, but that rockpile is Gigeresque.
>GA promotes like crazy
Games dead in the UK though. Well in London. Barely any scene here.
we need consensus, do we discuss fab here or on acgalt?
My concensus is that they can shove their alter gate up their ass. The goal was always to kick fab out of acg. I'm not helping them do that.
It promotes it in anime and hibby conventions, which I guess the target audience is at. They dont do traditional marketing I think, no ads or anything. That said, my store didnt have them in stock until last month
anime is banned in the Caliphate Island, sorry m8.
Grand Archive is shit gameplay wise, the turns feel very awkward and theres no sense of progression as turns pass.
How so? The allies can immediately attack the moment theyre summoned, boardstate gets established fast due to the hand as resource system. If anything, its a bit too fast at times
Should have gone with card mana like Duel Masters and deramp yourself when playing memory cost.
My main problem with all these anime card games is that the themes and art are 90% the same

Everything is just Force of Will but worse
>They dont do traditional marketing I think, no ads or anything
Even their youtube channel barely has content in it.
Idk what retard would take the name "Weebs of the Shore" seriously
If anything I think the word of mouth route is working pretty well considering the amount of growth the game is currently experiencing. Their marketing still sucks though, they just announce shit in their official discord and thats it.
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I hate Assist
I hate Divas
Hot damn. Which set is this Servant from?
>try to build a voltaire lexi for blitz
>brain keeps gravitating to azalea style unga bunga big arrow
fuck i'm not winning the skirmish like this
Lexi is a machine gun while Azalea is the anti-material rifle. You need to lay out a Salvo to overwhelmthe opponent's hand rather than try to out maneuver their blocking with dominate. All in on bolt n shot, get yourself a playset of art of war while you're at it. That majestic from Mysteria that buffs red by one, yellow by two and blue by three is exactly what she's already set up to accommodate. Use your head to go the distance.
yeah that sounds great but how do i draw all these cards on the same turn, best i can do is 2 arsenal from New Horizon, but by then i'm already beaten to pulp by local brutels
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good news, by May you wont be seeing them anymore!
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Cards like three of a kind have been known to work with lexi, maybe even tome of fyendal. You can also get an extra card per turn with New Horizons making new arsenal spaces - something Rangers are dying to get their hands on outside of the head gear slot. You just gotta get creative. Also you're playing blitz right? This card is illegal in CC for a reason, it's disgusting in fact. Legal in blitz ;D
I was talking about erupting, but Prismatic Crux Merlin is doing well for a lvl 3 deck.

Those aren't the "real" deck prices. 90% of Silvie came in a deck box for $50 MSRP but it sold out (reprints coming btw, so it'll be 50 again soon) right before regionals so people are paying $300 for it.

The game is patchy, barely anyone in my state plays but the next state over is thriving. MtG was dieing her about three years ago then a mass of woke people came in a proped it up again. Most of the old guard moved on to other games.

I don't know how you can honestly say that. The level and abilities of the champion alone provide a greater sense of progression than lands ever did and they can't be removed.

After q Tonoris deck gets rolling there's a massive boardstate that all turns and interacts with itself. A Rai deck hitting lvl 3 gets to combo half its deck away for free. Tristan gets a whole bunch of shadows. Arisanna has a garden of herb tokens. Etc... etc...
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So something like picrel?
Mostly goes for the Western games too. Everything's the same fantasy kitchen sink setting. Mostly because they're all explicitly trying to appeal to ex-Magic players.
Maybe Captain's Calls too? Blue Plunder Runs? Fill up with some arrows?
Grand Archive IS shit though
Deck needs to be 40 cards, your equipment doesn't count against that
Yea i know that, but what else do i put into it
I kinda like Red Weathervanes, but in this list there is no way i can play them
>Grand Archive IS the shit though
>People like Shit Archive now
What the hell is going on?
Everything gets a return.
I hate this style of art. There's so much going on that you can barely focus.
Does this come foiled? Will there be an extended art version?

They gave her new everything other than a bow. Very interesting. Her tech getting an upgrade from her time above ground in metrix is really showing. Same with stone rain, especially before we visit aria again.
Works on my machine
Is that the nerd girl from the show as an LRIG? Neat.
Even the cop gets in trouble.

Unclear, beyond big reprint. About a quarter of the stores near me (of which there are ~25 within an hour's drive) have started seeing traction, which is significant for an /acg/ that didn't just release. I wish them well, but personally don't care for the anime aesthetic or the barely-different-than-mtg gameplay.
>"The Crow"
>0 results

Aww. You're tearing me apart, Lisa!
The Crow card game was shit.
The silvie recollection decks dont have dungeon guides, quicksilver grail, backup chargers or vampiric slime though. You can pribably do without the vampiric slime and the backup charger but the first are more or less mandatory for the stock silvie listk0hdpj
All equipment slots are foil (rainbow) except the weapon/quiver.

Would've been based if LSS released redliner 2.0 with aim support.
Personal opinion but I don't think quicksilver is mandatory either. It's a one trick pony for a tiny bit of damage avoidance.
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>tfw pulled a cf redliner from CRU
This thing is never getting used is it?
It will when we get the crouching tiger equivalent of arrow generating. It's just sleepy, let it snooze a bit longer.

I keep forgetting to buy one cold foil. Back when the game was still young, I found an online retailer that was selling multiple copies of that card for 20 bucks. Knowing what I knew about cold foils, I bought four. I got a frantic phone call from the guy minutes after competing the order.
>t-thats made in error!
>we don't actually have that many
>it was for a raffle ticket, honest (Not stated anywhere on the listing)
>I'm not a fool, I w-wouldn't really sell all these that low... now would I??

I should've taken him to court.
>all this shit that never happened
why are fabgots like this?
Why are people always doubting me? I post sincerely, not making anything up.
leave and never come back
>it was actually 5 purchased
That kavdean market mass box opener listed these and I bought the lot of them. He canceled my shit immediately and called me because I put down contact info.
That won't age well.
Can anyone Teklopill me? I'm a new player getting the Azalea Armory deck, but I want to also get a second deck.
Oh shit that guy. Louie?
Yeah he's just in it for the grift. He went hard into Metazoo once FaB started to normalize iirc.
fill your deck with equipments, cards that return to the bottom of your deck, and cards with the scrap keyword, then go fatigue
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Babe, wake up. New God Pack just dropped
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>doesnt like glasses foiling on foil vomit
shit taste
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all the original girls are getting lrig versions and related ARTs.
>Ruu is an LRIG
Mayu won
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Didn't post much lately, too many black out and heat waves for my tastes.
First some boxes
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some z/x, got unlucky and pulled 2 of the same secret
Are the Divine Cross boxes like precon decks or LCG sets? I keep seeing them listed online and I'm curious about what they're like.
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first divine cross, some murder game with a lot pansu shots

its a draft game, buy 1 box and you get all cards except promos and serial .
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close up of serial card, was really surprised when I pulled it
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Still getting used to new phone, so it came out to bright
Another set with questionable art
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some lycee overture , set nexton 3.0
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sp up close
Won't shit on it but people saying there's growth in the game are exaggerating too much.
More people are picking it up but there's still dead scenes.

The game is BO3 right? That's one thing I'll respect. Fuck these Japanese games with Best of 1.
One week until set 5 Battle Spirits bros. There's more than just me, right? Right?!?
Are his gameplans just fatigue or singularity? No other way to play him?
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At least two of us.
how did bandai fuck BSS so hard? It promoted it so steongly then absolutely left it to die. All their other games somehow doing good or better even digimon which they sometimes forget exists and yet BSS is just dead. I bought a few boxes for $10.
Yeah that's the one, it was he and his cohorts that ran a singles site that was shady as fuck. They're now banned from selling fab cards and has their name revoked because it's copyright protected. Dude is a literal scam artist that talked all about how the community and the game meant more to him than gold, then turned around and made his patrons make scummy decks for him to play on stream. He entered some huge competition to reveal a juicy spoiler for fab via a 3 way pit fight with DMArmada and Redzone Rogue, where famously he talked endless trash about his opponents while fundamentally not understanding the game rules or the deck list his chimp squad had aped together for him. Some stupid one trick kano deck with 98%physical attacks; it was pure cancer and he couldn't even pilot it to victory. Talked mad shit the whole fight and gets stomped by Armada; you love to see it.

Anyways, fuck that guy. I'm glad he's banned and not corrupting decent fab players to act like a piece of shit to others.
Nice. Hope you've farmed some travel vouchers from tourneys!

Incompetent card design. Set 2 and 3 were total washes. 85% of cards unplayable boring trash. They should've just copied JP cards if they lacked the brains to actually design new things. Set 4 and 5 seem back on track but the game is dead gone donezo.

It lacks the inbuilt fanbase of the other games, obviously, which is a massive deficit, but I feel the gameplay is leagues better than OP or Fusion World.
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so ashes finally has a ban list
it's just pic related and nothing else
>they banned lightning bolt

Isn't it just IP difference? Although, having tried (but not gotten into) one piece, bss, and fusion world, I disliked both bss and fw and those are also the two that are less popular. But that could just be IP difference too.
make it three
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>just IP is different we swear!
One Piece, the Dragonball games, and Digimon don't require me to have dozens of fun orbs just to play
Stop anon you're making me hungry
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>american players are eating the cores instead of playing with them
God have mercy on us all
>molten gold
>it's a lightning bolt
BASED Ashes taking a stand against Finance and Bolts!
>fab anon states his intention to stay here
>more anti fab sentiment is pumped into the thread
Gee, I wonder what that could mean? Are (you) angry they aren't taking the /alter/ b8 and leaving your thread?
Lmao I didn't find this because no title, funny
I post in both threads to make the troll angry and spend 5 more minutes searching the thread for a post to whine about. He doesn't even respond to sincere posting in here anymore (see the azalea chat yesterday), seems my antifab faggot containment project ("/acgalter/") worked just fine. Post a card game faggot
And tended to be just "bad games have this mechanic -> therefore the mechanic is bad" when the games would've been shit without whatever thing he's talking about. I don't entirely dislike watching his stuff, you just have to take everything with a good bit of salt.
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>Post a card game faggot
How about I blow your mind by revealing the worlds first split card for fab?
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>the art was for a split card
I am disappoint
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>you start the game with anti arcane barrier
>there is NO AB in the set itself
Wow, this is... bold.
>split cards
Thanks I hate it.
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Here comes what we've all been waiting for, the heroes of the set.

Really like Florian, hope to play him in the world premier.
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Called this one.
So he is just scaled up to make sense in CC. Nice.
>Flesh and Blood limited can now include variant rules as part of the format.
Extremely bold and possibly based. Can't wait to see how they play with it.
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I am hoping Aurora is fun to play as well.
>worlds first vitiligo representation in a TCG
Now THIS is progressive!
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To me this feels like testing the waters for PVE content that will feature cards that begin out on the field to set the tone of the adventure right from turn zero.

This wizard is... confusing, to say the least. I am so glad people are going to have an impossible time guessing what to speculate on for him, as he will be the go to glass cannon type.
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I don't hate it yet, but I want them to do more interesting stuff with them to make them unique. This seems weird to me.
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Last card revealed. Spam complete, we can commence talking about them now.

Bryan Gottlieb seems to think this is the next step in elevating fab, by adding cards with extra play options that you can choose to take advantage of or not take advantage of the instant side. I think the weakest part of these cards is that they are considered both instants and actions at the same time, so Assassins and Rangers are going to have a field day with juggling Aria wizards.
Seeing as Wizard doesn't actually have many instants already, I guess he's going to play mostly with Rosetta cards.

>2 for 5 is just Voltic Bolt with better targetting
>4 for 6 feels bad unless we're getting non-Amp boosts, then it's kind-of an awkward Forked Lightning
>2 for 1 is dogshit
I do not understand this card unless we're getting revised rules that mean Aurora could run this but only ever play the Lightning half.
I was also thinking the same. You don't have to play both sides, so maybe you can still include it but never allowed to play that type of action since you're missing Wizard? This could make sealed decks kinda weird, but I'm thinking that's why the new "you get EIGHT god damn packs" format is here to stay.
Wait, I'm retarded.
>Comet Storm//Shock
>Pulsing Aether//Life
>Thistle Blood//Life
These aren't split cards, they're cards with a bonus instant tacked on.
2 for 1 arcane as an instant (Shock) feels a lot better when it's sitting on multiple different cards in your deck.
it's even more fucky, different "shocks" and different "lifes" cost different amounts of resources.
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yeah, I missed a split card. Here's a shock for zero.
>2 separate artists for the splits
-points imo, plus Life and Shock seem underwhelming name wise for a repeating element. Im sure wizard fans are excited
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Uhh, fabbros? I thought we were safe from product bloat...
So there really was a supplemental set on the way. Seems silly considering we just got a guardian heavy set. I would feel better if we got 3 core draftable sets of revolving non repeating classes and 1 yearly festival set for everyone/staple classes over this shit.
>crack shuffle play
3 pack draft is back, too bad they picked the only class more cancer in the mirror than mech
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Goodbye awesome thread! Dont forget the subject line next time retards or the fusion world players will post in /pacgg/
Does the combined card cost 1 or 2? Nice templating, James.

I hate it more than flip cards, and I like fab...
They are doing it to finally LL bravo out, because he's been targeted for deletion (old) for many many supplemental sets, but they keep printing bad ass new classes that push him back down.
I've never checked the other threads on /tg
What other threads do you guys use?
this is it but i stop by digibros and lokeka to lurk.
this is powercreep
I used to drop by bgg but lurking there just made me want to buy games I'd never get to play
pathfinder which is how I saw the dragonbros post about it twice lol
That doesn't happen to you here? Am I the only one who owns Ashes?
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What game would ever break into Top 3?
>they banned lightning bolt
it's not really bolt. there's probably a mtg card that's a better comparison but I dont know waht. 3 matters more (creature life is lower), it's more like an mtg 4 or 5, and it bypasses most counterspells. which is really the reason for the ban is that bullshit.
realistically Lorcana as much as I hate to post it.
it's possible. it would need to grow a lot. right now it's just kingdom hearts card game. which is fine, people like that, but it needs something that makes kids go in to a rabid frenzy if it wants to knock pokemon off its chair.
Wait for the Pixar sets. That'll be enough to push into #3 in the west, at least.
New, migrate when whatever

its already flying off shelves and all 5 LGS near me are packed on the lorcana nights to the point I stopped going when they host.
The big 3 is already dead, Yugioh has seriously collapsed as a physical tcg in the US and Lorcana, Star Wars, FAB, and One Piece have all sat at the top of US sales charts in recent times. The days of an unassailable trio at the top are long over.

And the hotshot newcomers, One Piece aside, are either unavailable in or way lower on Japanese rankings, while likewise Japanese exclusive games crowd out its top list. Market fragmentation, in other words.

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