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Stunty hunta edition

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>>TQ: Would your dudes eat a greenskin?
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This thread is now under the control of Mr. Bone. Post your unit champions, otherwise remove them from the fighting rank
This meme would have been cooler with a painted mini.
Skaven would eat anything except for cum
It's their primary food source.
Nah, too proud. Might burn bodies in rituals though.
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Leader of my Skeleton Cavalry Cohort.
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>except for cum
lorelet detected
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>Would your dudes eat a greenskin?
They'll eat anything that's too slow to get away.
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Mr. Bone grants your request, but you must now post your champion or suffer dishonor
Mr. Bone salutes you as a true brother and will fight by your side
I keep losing with my Empire army. Not sure what I am doing wrong. It just feels like every of my units is worse than my rival's counterparts and my artillery never does enough dmg to compensate for it.
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undead will eat me peasant ass, by the Lady
wow, that was fast
It’s your primary food source.
I don’t think skaven would drink elf cum, it’s too sweet for them. There love thick and sticky and salty dwarf cum.
/wfg/ - cum discussion
>No u
You really must be a Skavenfag.
Post your grey tide.
Mr. Bone looking SHARP and ready to subjugate the living.
By Ptra I will give you the taste of bone, meat bag.
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>disputing against a direct quote from the skaven armybook
dont be silly anon of course skaven eat elf jizz
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Working on the beginnings of some mark of nurgle chaos ogres.
Good start.
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>Would your dudes eat a greenskin?
Sure, why not?
how many pegasus knights are too much to own?
It depends, how many pegasus knights do you need? Double that number, because one is none and two is one.
Only if they've got copious amounts of ale to wash it down with
Anything over 18+characters. At least till they release the "Flying Air Host of Sir Fancypants" in the next bret arcane journal and make them 0-1 per 1k core
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still wip
wow dude we get it you own a fuckin table. big flex on the common man. ass hole!
Undead represent! Here's Pumpkin Jack with the banner for his regiment of horsemen, the Hell Riders.
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what the...
Great work
>tfw still don't know if I should go with 20 or 25
I just can't find good looking 20s that look right next to other GW bases
What, did GW patent the dimensions on their squares or something?
Ser Sebastien Seabreem unit champion for any unit that needs a chad
and Duke lefumble untumble
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Regarding Seetra and his base. Just came across this in the 6e book.
Guess the chariot did go on one
>“The Goblin-Hewer is another interesting returning unit”, says JTY. “It doesn’t come with Malakai Makaisson, because he hasn’t been born yet. But we delved into the lore and discovered that Malakai might not have invented everything he says he did. He’s an amazing character, but many of these contraptions – including blimps, zeppelins and the hewer – had already been developed.* He might have refined or reinvented them, but they already existed in principle – the Goblin-Hewer in particular had become quite a dishonourable weapon before Malakai’s time, falling out of use until he struck upon the blueprints. It was actually already caught up in patent disputes, even back in the World of Legend – seems to be something about an axe-tossing engine that makes young Dwarf Engineers want to claim ‘I invented that’.”
>already be slayer
>commit extremely disgraceful act
depends on the greenskin
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Local chinlets reporting in

I've been meaning to ask, how does the Goblin Hewer work against Brett Lance Formation?
well they're not goblins so probably not at all
it isn't called the "horseman hewer" is it
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Why don't O&G sell?
>$300 Dollaridoos for less than 500 points of greenskins
I wanted them but I'm poor I guess.
it's a store in the UK
Greenskins are cooler in 40k
>no wyverns
>no trolls
>no night goblins
>no giants
>no black orcs
>no squig herds
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>no azhag
TOW timeline is gay as fuck
Exact issue with that shelf none of that shit is sold there
oh wow, pound sterling must have tanked hard
They're an absolute meme in 40k. Reddit cartoon characters. Fantasy greenskins are actually menacing and evil while still being funny
The basic orcs and goblins that are meant to be the core of your army are boring and lame.
I do see a shelf worth of night goblins and black orcs there
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>We wanted to retcon the setting so all the things that were special and unique are commonplace so we can appeal to the rancid sigpiggy market, so we're going to trash the reputation of a beloved character by turning him into an idea-stealing patent fraudster.
>t. James Workshop, Faggot Extraordinaire

I hate these cunts so much man, picking away at the carcass of an IP created by better men and strutting about as if the resulting pile of rotting meat is a delicious meal they've prepared. Making Makaisson an idea-thief is projection so powerful you could use it to run a drive in.
Oh and to preempt the inevitable; MMO "lore" doesn't count, and the airships from the Legends novel about ancient Dwarfs were explicitly driven by rune magic, not engineered blimps like the Spirit of Grungni which merely used runic magic to make itself resistant to the Chaos Wastes.
wtf bro I thought you rushed it out to make a pic and were gonna fix the moldlines later
And on top of that they sell his model without his model. Get fucked, collectors.
>a beloved character
I hope youre wrong, but I have little enough faith in people to believe you might be right.
I don't care about the retcon since it means getting the thing back in action
I can always ignore the retcon, I can't ignore a lack of models in the range
He's a fun side character from the good era of Gotrek and Felix so I'm gonna say yes
its only one of those ikea square unit things, the models in the picture would cost more than it did if they weren't prints and ebay rescues lel

A while back I made a replica GW 20mm base in CAD, accurate to +/-0.1mm, with a magnet holder underneath. Let me know if you want the STL and I'll upload it after work
>He's a fun side character
None of gotreks retarded slayer hangers on were fun. Snorri or whatever the retard with nails in the brain was called being the worst offender, but the lot of them were shit.
Don't have a printer, thanks for the offer though
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found a picture between two GW bases
I did the rounding on the top in a kind of hacky way because I'm a CADlet, it's just multiple layers stair-stepped on top of each other rather than an actual bevel, but viewed at any distance more than like a few centimeters away it just looks like a rounded top.

But yeah I agree btw, it's so strange how there are no direct copies of the GW 20mm base. That's why I made my own in the end.
sorry, didn't see your reply. no worries anon!
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Mr. Bones you're DEAD-DEAD
>mold lines
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Chorf players, what unit do you prefer for great weapons? Infernal guard, ironsworn, bull centaurs, and black orcs are all s4 with options for them.
Too lazy to go find him and take a picture but I have a skeleton warrior with sword and board, and a third arm with a sword attached to his head.
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Rodek Twostring of the great weapon ranger squad, wielding his family heirloom customized double-tension crossbow.
Originally it was a regular crossbow, but the second prod was added by a local engineer after Rodek's ancestor captured a bunch of elven bowstrings during a battle in the War of Vengeance. That second prod uses a string braided from those elven bowstrings (the first prod still uses the original Dwarfen string, because you can't trust elvish work).
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Your soul will be a tasty morsel, skeleton.
Nice. Lovely work on the plaguebearer one!
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I like this idea! Please post updates when you can, very interested to see how it turns out
I got some warped 50x100mm bases. How do I straighten out these fuckers?
Shamefur dispray by GW
>Oh no it's the Hell Veen-knight!
It's kind of odd that the dwarves are portrayed as conservative and stuck in their ways, when high elves still use bows and ballista.
bows and ballista folded over 9000 times, superior steel beats hairy pig machinery any decade of the century.
The difference is that the dwarfs are at a more advanced technologicsl level whereas the elves seemingly have found no need to advance into gunpowder. Both can be understood as an expression of conservatism but the dwarven case is more extreme in that it refuses to embrace readily availible innovation without a long process of overly-thorough testing.
Hand bend them to be as close as you can get, maybe chuck it in on something flat and put something heavy on top.
Dunked them in boiling water for 20 secs and put a pan on them as they cooled. Seems to have done the trick.
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While building these dudes I noticed for the first time that this dude has vampire teeth. Any story behind that?
you mean snake teeth?
I think that's supposed to be a snake thingy
Guess it could be, but it does look exactly like how they sculpt vampire teeth. Could be sculpted like scary vampires to to invoke fear, or by vampiric dynasties way back.
Honestly I never quite understood whether nehekarans started animating the statues before or after the rise of nagash or their transformation into undead
it has a snake mounted atop the mask... Snakes have fangs...
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Am I being a dingus or would a combo of the Master Rune of Bursting Flame when taken together with a Rune of Rapid Fire allow your ranged weapon to do 4D3 hits if both shots hit their target?
Do I base my bases before I base my minis, or do I base them after im done painting my minis and then base the base?
That is correct. 50 points + the cost of the hero, but pretty good damage.
Like a more expensive ruby ring
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Lupo Agirre steps forth from the pike unit to demonstrate estalian swordsmanship
Both are good, it just depends how much effort you want to put in. Personally i paint bases for big centerpieces and characters and just give regular infantry and such a quick glue n sand after theyre painted
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Seems like it could be fun to take a Thane (or maybe better a Runesmith if you have it join a unit of Thunderers/Quarrelers) with a crossbow (or maybe Handgun?) with the Master Rune of Bursting Flame, Rune of Rapid Fire and Rune of Accuracy.
If nothing else it would be a good chaff-killer.
It would. Not that thats actually that crazy. Its near enough the cost of a war-machine for a shorter range and less damaging profile. Its not bad, but its nothing to write home about.
Dang nabbit, just realised that Runesmiths can't take ranged weapons.
Fair. I also think that I didn't quite consider that you can't march and shoot.
Yeah. If you also want the rune of accuracy, it needs to be on a Thane.
Expedition can pay for no move and shoot penalty on an engineer which gets you pretty close. Shooting at ballistic school 5. With no move and shoot penalty, so only a minus one for range most times.
I think the appeal is just making your engineer do something other than just rerolls.
Anybody done any theory crafting for expeditionary lists?

Cannons moving and firing plus the ale cart boosting movement might mean grapeshot gunlines could be funny. Run some copters as interference and then dump a ton of auto hits into stuff
I can understand that, but I think a lot of the time just another war machine will be better.

Still, the gun runes arent bad or anything, they seem balanced enough.
Doomseekers, sappers, a ton of mining carts, and scout copters
I dont see moving your cannon a max of 4" per turn as being entirely valuable.
If you're grabbing the engineer anyways, it's only 50 more points which won't get you a word machine.

If you weren't going to bring an engineer then you can probably ignore the runes outside of "because it's fun"
I think it's probably not worth keeping a cart back, but crab walking 3 in to get a better angle seems useful.
Not really but I like the notion of filling my Core with two units of Rangers. The tunneling rule for Miners also seem really nice.
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Indeed, the booze wagon seems better fit to have your drilled infantry blocks rush the enemy. Shame that Slayers can't be drilled nor be included in a Royal Clan unless you go with the named char.
Gyrocopters and improved thunderers in core make me think expedition will be one of the few armies that are 50%+ core.
30k babby here, I'm playing my first TOW game on Saturday, 2000 point limit, Vampire Counts (me) vs Dark Elves. I've read through the rule book a couple times and I think I get the gist of it but do you nibbas have any tips for playing a rank and flank game?
Use https://old-world-builder.com to build your list since it has a "Game Mode" feature that gives you all the stats AND explains the special rules your models have.
How many screams are you bringing?
Speaking of the dwarf Arcane Journal, anyone else feel that it's somewhat of a missed opportunity that they didn't add any list-specific banners given them allowing Engineers and Runesmiths respectively to become your BSB?
Use cheap stuff such as zombies or skeletons (that you keep ressing) to tie the opponent's blocks down until you can get your hammer-unit to hit the flank.
I guess they figured Runes would fit that niche in the army.
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Am I missing something or are Imperial Dwarf Mercenaries just normal Dwarf Warriors but with a worse default armour, meaning that the only reason to take them in a dwarf army would be if you want to run spears?
The main reason I ask is because I long have been planning to fluff a regiment of dwarfs as a collection of sellswords and adventurers joining rallying to the cause of reconquista.
I think you can spend points to upgrade Imperial Dwarf armour but other than that you are basically correct if your are a dwarf player the only reason to take them is for thrusting spears novelty
Get yourself a rules reference sheet, there are a couple fan-made ones online
Because you're coming from a skirmish game it may not have become clear yet just how important the movement phase is in rank-n-flank. Don't just move your units in the direction of the nearest enemy or to rush to an objective etc; consider what you leave your flanks exposed to with any movements you plan to make. Utilise wheeling and pivoting to ensure one of your big units isn't going to get hit in the side or rear (which has consequences).
For vampire counts in particular, the fear mechanic is really important. Ensure you have a very good understanding of the Fear special rule so you can take advantage of it when building your list, and make on-the-fly judgements around it during your game
As the other anon said, tarpit the opponent's units with zombies whilst you position your heavy hitters for a flank charge. Use fast units like bats and dogs to hunt war machines in the early game. Consider tying up threats that you don't want to deal with by throwing a perpetually-resurrecting block of zombies at them.
Ensure you're utilising the Reserve Move whenever you can, get very familiar with it as a special rule because lots of VC stuff has it iirc
One level 4 wizard is generally more powerful than two level 2s
Vampires are very strong against most things, if you have time research how Challenges work
And most importantly, post pics of your army!
If they weren't so expensive IRL Dwarfs with fight-in-rank would actually be really good considering how stubborn they are. You'd need to shell out hundreds with how much they cost though.
could always just Proxy them using the Highland Mintures versions
Absolutely the best option. They also look pretty good too.
I can run them in my Empire army so they're neat. I can use some T4 4+ shieldwall dudes. Not to mention doomseekers. Lmao.
NTA but atleast for me I'd want to invest in some old metal spear dwarfs to make the unit match the rest of my army. It'd have to be from the second hand market though since I don't like the ones they now sell.
the issue was more the IRL price of the models and outside of the 3d printed options most other Dwarf spearmen options are going to be expensive
I agree that they seem absolutely solid in an Empire army. Granted I know fuck all about playing the Empire.
Yeah that was the gist of my comment. Shit ain't exactly gonna be cheap nor particularly availible.
*brrrtt sounds intensify*
Thank you that is EXTREMELY helpful
Screaming Banners? 0, I don't have a ton of units so I had to give what I have very specific upgrades to build a legal 2000 point list and I couldn't fit any in.
Thank you for the tips, I will do my best to hammer and anvil stuff, but my list is very character heavy and very light on troops (because I'm dumb and I bought things that I thought looked cool rather than trying to buy a functional army)
Haven't seen what Doomseekers do but everyone seems pretty hyped about them so I reckon they're gonna be good. The minis are outrageously pricy though, we got any good alternatives?

I think it's mostly because last time I played against dwarfs my chosen butchered a unit and ended up in front of 3 Cannons and got grapeshot to shit. I learned they auto hot that day. Now I want to do it to someone else. Advancing with normal shots then switching to grape when they close the gap sounds fun, idk how useful it actually is.

How are you building your rangers? It looks really easy to dump a ton of points into them. 48thgt
>my list is very character heavy and very light on troops (because I'm dumb and I bought things that I thought looked cool rather than trying to buy a functional army)
This is called being SMART and having FUN

Why on earth would you want an army of models that you don't like and think look lame? Why even play at that point?

If you're going to go character-heavy in any Warhammer army, vampires are arguably the best suited to it, so you can still make it work for sure
a GW video about painting dwarf warriors for those that care about such things
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Whoa, has Gorthor Brown lost weight?
it just makes list building hard when you only have like 250 points of core units before upgrades haha
>How to paint: Dwarf Mountain Holds
I've seen them write that a couple of times now, other time was in one of the recent articles. Have they realised Dwarfen sounds dumb? Or are they just internally inconsistent?
They're slayer characters, should be easy to convert. It's less that they're necessarily good, than that they're funny. They hit pretty hard and have an extra +d3" charge, but are worth 0vp for your opponent if they kill them, but your opponent scores full value if they are alive at the end of the battle.
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>we got any good alternatives?
In some niche cases sure. Its nice for firing around obstacles or whatever in some cases, but I dont think its "this changes how the army is played" stuff

Most of the time youre going to leave your cannons stationary anyways because a lot of the time they're going to beon hills. This is just to let you avoid being cucked by an unlucky overrun or whatever.
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>How are you building your rangers?
I would be to taking 18 or 20 in a unit with full command and great weapons. In other words, enough bodies to fill out the core tax and make your opponent think twice before charging them.
That being said, given the Expeditionary Marksmen-rule units of Thunderers with a n Engineer are looking really enticing.
Have you considered building unit fillers in order to increase your core? Vampire Counts are one of those armies that really thrive on unit fillers. Gamewise they make having enough models and quick casualty removal way easier and artistically they really help sell whatever theme you're going for.
As an example I'm a big fan of units of zombies being an eclectic mix of all manner of deceased entities to represent them being raised en masse from the nearby region, including the current battle.
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New player here. Can someone explain to me how I build my units? Lets say I have 15 Night Goblins in a unit with a Champion, a Standard Bearer, a Musician, Netters and a Fanatic. Does the unit include 15 rank-and-file goblins in addition to the special units or would it be all of the special units and 10 rank-and-filers?

Finally picked up a few boxes of TOW minis and I've just been marveling at the little goblin heads and savoring the moment before I start assembling.
I've definitely considered it, but I don't really have the money to spend on buying more stuff right now.
>As an example I'm a big fan of units of zombies being an eclectic mix of all manner of deceased entities to represent them being raised en masse from the nearby region, including the current battle.
I fucking love this idea and I am going to steal it
>we got any good alternatives?
I'm considering just using ordinary dual-wielding Slayers painted with tattoos or any other easily distinguishing identifiers. Might also cork up the base so that they look like they're jumping into the fray.
Alternatively I happen to have a couple of duplicate Slayers and some left-over Wrathmonger flail-weapons which I could use to convert some up. Could always jazz it up a bit by making some of them just rocking flails.
I am also new but it is my understanding that models with banners, musicians etc are also considered to have the same weapons as the rank and file guys
> I don't really have the money to spend on buying more stuff right now.
I totally get ya. If you happen to have some bits you're not really planning on using a popular unit filler I've seen is using left-over upper bodies (or just arms) to make bases that look like a zombie or skeleton crawling out of the ground.
I'm too lazy to look for it now but I remember seeing an entire regiment made to look as if the entire unit is emerging from the ground with each row slightly more under ground than the one in front of it. IIRC the last row might even have just been finished bases.
>I fucking love this idea and I am going to steal it
Please do and post pics.
Are you talking about how to build your models, or how to refer to what's in the unit for rules purposes? Just to help get you the answer you need.
Not sure that I understand you correctly but the entire unit with the exception of the unit champion would be rank-and-file goblins. The banner and instrument of the musician being fluffed as simply being picked up by models stepping up from behind. The netters is a simple upgrade to the unit rather than an actual model (allthough you are free to depict one or more models as netters to help represent it on the tabletop). The fanatic is not really a model of the unit but a seperate thing that, if it helps, can be thought of as being summoned by a unit of night goblins (or more accurately being tied up and laying drooling on the ground somewhere in the back) until it's released.
That's true. Them being modelwised depicted with other gear than the rest of the unit is merely aesthetic.
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The latter, I think. Maybe my pic can help as visual aid for what I'm asking about. Here I've set the unit size as 15 models. If I add command and/or optional units do they replace normal models in the 15 unit mob or are they added along with 15 rank-and-file models.
The unit size in that regard is the entire unit. The point cost for the command is to upgrade current unit to include a command and the same is true for the netters with the exception that the latter isn't specific models within the unit.
I.E your current unit would be 15 models without any command or netters. If you add the command and netters the unit would still be 15 models strong but 3 specific models in the front line would be your command models out of which the champion is special when it comes to needing to be specifically targeted in order to be hit. Usually the champion also have a slightly different stat line than the rest of the unit. This normally takes the shape of having an additional attack.
got it, thanks.
The army book says "upgrade 1 model to a boss", same for standard bearer and musician. So you include those in your overall unit number.
However, netters is a special rule in this edition (which you can choose whether to represent visually or not - if you do, you give a couple of models nets, but they still get to retain their hand weapons/spears/whatever too).
Fanatics are in the army book as "include...", so are extra models. They have pretty complex special rules so it's worth reading up on them. Essentially, you need the extra models for fanatics but they don't start the game on the table.

So for example if you had a unit of 15 night goblins, with champion, musician, standard bearer, netters, and 2 fanatics, you would have:
>1 champion model
>1 musician model
>1 standard bearer model
>maybe 1 or 2 netter models, if you want to represent the special rule in your dudes
>10-12 regular dude models, depending on how many you modelled with the nets
>2 fanatic models that don't actually start the game in the regiment, but are needed for later on

hope that helps?
note as well that fanatics changed in the most recent FAQ. You used to be able to take a flat 0-3, now you can take 0-1 fanatic for every 10 night goblins, up to a maximum of 3.
>metal TK feet are bent upward
>can't bend them back without damaging
Uh tactical rock time?
>you've been hit by
>you've been struck by
>a smooth heirophant
I have been lax in making offerings to whoever the Nehekharan god of crafting is and thus I am rewarded with poor pewter pourings.
Alright, I get it now. Thanks a lot for the tips! Appreciate it.
Show us some gobbos when you can!
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You do make all your artillery pieces into little dioramas, right? You don't actually have the guy with the lever on a separate base not even attached to the warmachine, right?
what would a bretonian necromancer look like
I think it entirely depends on what drives a bretonnian to necromancy. It could be an outcast wizard who found himself employed by a particularly unscrupulous lord, your standard "dark vizier" type who does some undead shit on the side.

Maybe its more tragic, a desperate last attempt to restore the lost glories of a particular fiefdom, a pursuit to cure his/her lords illness gone wrong or a way to bring back the warriors of old to defend the land against marauding orcs

Maybe its more classical necromancy stuff, a dark wizard has claimed a portion of bretonnia for him/herself, either seduced or deposed the local lord to their cause and then does necromancy shit.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Why is this the only general for a GW game where people are actually excited about the state of the game?
I mean it's fun
Nta but the amount of hardliner tow hate has decreased a lot.
Because ironically GW left the rules writer alone and meddled in the other games instead. Give this one time though, they said they've expanded the scope of the project because it's been popular, so we'll see what that brings.
Thats just because people are playing older edition though isn't it?
Are these rune exclusive to Engineers, or could a Thane with a handgun also pick up some dakka?
It's for anyone wanting to pimp out their Crossbow or Handgun.
Are the HH and MESBG guys not happy?
you can only enjoy marine on marine games for so long.
For the last several years WHFB was dead and only getting deader (yes I know we all played games shut up_. GW literally cant make it worse than that.

Even if the rules were the worst in the history of the game (they arent, theyre not anyones favorite afaik but theyre serviceable with largely okay balance) it would still be the return of previously OOP models that were really expensive 2nd hand.
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Gotta love the fluff of this
>slap rune onto your crossbow
>it now shoots through an entire regiment
I see more tow rules / games posts on here than other editions. Can't say I know anybody irl that actively plays old editions.
All my friends that were into hh1 have dropped heresy since 2 came out. I only played 2 games of it and it seemed like dogshit. mesbg people love their game though.
Just stick to HH1 rules and use new minis that are now available? Also by far the biggest recast market available.
People are weird sometimes.
90% of people are fomo drones who can only play most recent thing
> Shame that Slayers can't be drilled nor be included in a Royal Clan unless you go with the named char.

To be fair though, if you DO do that, my gut says that list is going to fuck things up HARD. Plus Ungrim's statline is absolutely beastly if some dumb fuck does try and throw down with him.
Even better give it to a thane with the accuracy rune and turn him into dwarf john wick
All this rune talk is starting to make dwarfs seem fun but I must resist temptation
Could, but there are plenty of other good games out there. I'm guilty of bouncing systems too, not a huge fan of 40k right now and I could go play 7th but there are more people playing tow and it's good fun as well.
Why not give in anon? You could pick up 2000 points of dwarfs with some light conversion for $240 USD rn
Can you actually play TOW with a lot of terrain or is it hills and trees only?
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Because I could buy more TK instead, just ordered a casket and ushabti already.
Still, I do actually own a bunch of dorfs already, got them for AoS at the time. So getting a batallion and new lord would get me pretty far I suppose.
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Wait a minute is that... wood?
you can, but it's generally more fun if there's a good amount of space on the battlefield to allow regiments to maneuver.
i think GW got over it's wood aversion from 8th edition anon
Would it be alright to use these for a unit of slayers?
>2000 points of dwarfs with some light conversion for $240 USD
How's that?
Yes. Though I'd go with third party. I don't dislike these models like a lot of people do but they lack iconic things like actual mohawks(not helmet crests)
They're also really ornate while FB slayers are usually hobos
It wouldn't and you know that
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>Hold on babe, new Tilea's Troubles just dropped.

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Also they lack a banner but I'm sure you have a million spare banners left from warriors/thunderers
Or you could get the battlesmith as one
Yeah, why not. I'm not a particularly good painter yet butI like a challenge. I'm still looking forward to free handing the banner. Hopefully a slight level of shabbiness gives it character.
You will never be able to field a Goblin-hewer in TOW.
I think theyre rather poor models, but sure.

Slayers have a lot of really good 3rd party models I would encourage over that, but at the end of the day those are still clearly "slayers"
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How are Vamp Counts in TOW? They always appealed to me because Dracula is my favorite novel, but since they're Legacy (tm) I'm not quite sold just yet.
They look so much better with orange beards. What's the reason they don't in the TOW timeline, is it a lore thing or another AoS "that's for our models" thing?
>AoS "that's for our models" thing?
Going to guess it's that
i would guess it's an AoS GW restriction on TOW
Legacy means pretty much nothing right now, it's as full of a ruleset as any of the core armies. Only difference is no arcane journal. They might fall behind as the core armies get developed upon, but then again gw have said they've increased the scope of the TOW project, so we might see legacy armies become core yet.
As for vampire counts themselves, they're fine. Not top tier (unless you use the beardiest meme list possible), not shit tier. The fear rule in this edition has had a slight nerf, but not to any extent that breaks vamps. They get some other cool stuff to make up for it too like reserve move. And you can run them as necromancer-led undead, which is a big plus in my book!
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Thanks, anon. I own Brets right now, and enjoy them, but sometimes you just want to play as the bad guys.
the idea of painting another army is enough to give me pause, however. I hate painting and am paying a literally broke artfag fren of mine to paint my Brets. She does so much better than I do, but I can't afford to pay her for another army...
cant tell if I wanna go through the effort of sculpting chains, or just buying actual hobby chains and incorporating it into Brets. Second option would probably look off though, but im scared about sculpted chains being too brittle.
It may have just been a weird painting choice or they want to try and separate and distinguish Slayers from "Slayers".
what's a good source on dwarf holds and their color schemes?
looking at the official paint jobs it looks like GW was trying to emphasise WF slayers having to dye their hair that colour whereas AoS "slayers" it's a natural colour
Why's that?
Nah Fyreslayers dye their hair, and more elaborately than WFB slayers at that.
>Hair and beard grooming is a spiritual undertaking for Fyreslayers. They style themselves after Grimnir, wearing long braided beards and extravagant mohawk crests. On campaign, unit leaders known as karls lead symbolic hairstyling rituals, sharing carefully prepared concoctions to reinforce the colours of their lodge. Fire-red hair is a perennial favourite, but exceptions exist, such as the coalblack beards of the Greyfyrd and star-streaked hues of the Tangrim. Warriors travelling alone are seldom as diligent at maintaining Fyreslayer fashion, their flattening crests occasionally derided by peers. Grooming kits of dyes, oils, mirrors, razors, and combing blades help the more conscientious Duardin maintain their lodge’s stylings or a personal aesthetic.
I would guess
WFRP1e Dwarfs Stone and Steel, and Archives of Empire vol 1 chapter on Karak Azgaraz(there were both written by the same guy)
6e Dwarf army book
give Grudgelore a look I guess
maybe the upcoming WFRP books will be good for that since the recent WFRP4e book for Salzenmmund and Orcs and Goblins provided some decent info on heredry, colour schemes and Army make up for some other factions
Grudgelore was pretty bad about it sadly(at least, there's no dedicated sections for them) but I'll check the rest. White Dwarf 307 has a feature on Barak Varr which is neat.
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I'm going to use a converted Runemaster for my standard bearer (when I'm not using him as a Slayer character) since I like the notion of it being the abdicated king leading a vanguard of Slayers in the reconquest of their lost hold. The brazier he's carrying would contain the last forge fire of his kingdom before its abandonment which would be kept alive by a continous feeding of embers.

The model isn't exactly in a good scale to be paired up with Slayers but I've found that by lowering the position of the head on the body it becomes a pretty good fit, especially when additional hair and beard is added to it.
thats a company alright.
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Stone and Steel seems to have fluff on all the holds, sweet.
Guess I'll just have to look at the army books for colors to go with them. Though I'm sure the arcane journal will elaborate.
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And yes, I am considering giving him a big honker of a nose.
The current plan as of when I left off ages ago is to use his beard-braids as hair braids and then sculpt a big crazy beard coveribg most of his body like the guy to the right of him in the previous picture.
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The shameless beardlet!
>they lack iconic things like actual mohawks(not helmet crests)
That seems easy enough to fix, by simple cutting of the crests, removing the hair from the bit and attach it where the crest would have been.
>They're also really ornate while FB slayers are usually hobos
They could always be fluffed as a particular company of prosperous dwarven soldiers who all took the Slayer oath following some shameful display on the battlefield. The loincloths look easy enough to cut off and replace with something plain made out of greenstuff if that's preferable. That being said it makes sense for unsucessful Slayers to carry their wealth around in the form of medallions and gear rather than coin. In the Gotrek & Felix books they're always going on about how Gotrek carriea his wealth in the form of armbands.
this is sick
fuuuck these are such good models
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Just a massive pain to build. Though on the flipside they seem fun to paint.
One day I'll get 2 more boxes to make a cool block of necro knights but I need a break from those moldlines.
yes, i do :)))
Diversity issues. They even painted some black slayers.
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Damn that thing got one hell of a caliber upgrade
Battalion box + box of elite infantry (hammers or irons)

Use extra bits to turn some normal models into characters. Buy runes liberally, easily can get to 2000.
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I own 2 of these so that should be pretty doable for me. Guess I'm doing this.
Wasn't planning to ever have 4 gyrocopters but here I am I guess
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Anon, could you help me out? I'm not sure where I should be placing highlights on the skull, aside from obvious points like the cheek bones, nose bridge and eye sockets.
Look at other peoples' painted skeletons and use them as a reference.
Because of fluff. Malakai invented the goblin-hewer.
The whole upper done except the recesses.
They're quite good. Strong infantry because of necro rezzing (some are surprising like skellies seem shit but you do some funky stuff with rezzing champions), some strong units like BKs and Vamps on Zombie Dragons, ethereal units that can be a pain for some opponents, good spells and some bs tourney stuff with banshee/terrorgheist screams. Most units get to ignore psychology and unlike with TKs unbreakable isn't quite as big of a deal because you're probably going to be rezzing 5-7 wounds each turn from your lvl 4 wizard and 1-5 extra if you're running multiple necros.
Not overwhelming strong but fairly strong.
Thanks, guys. Sorry for the dumb question, new to painting and scared of fucking up too badly.
its a skeleton, so fucking it up shouldn't be too bad.
I think hes over exagerrated some of his claims
>retcon complete.
don't worry about it too much, on the tabletop no one can see your fuckups
Youre off to a great start, very controlled, and you seem to have a good eye already. Keep it up!
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first of two men at arms blocks finished
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Really, REALLY fucking nice, anon. The colors are so vibrant.
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thanks that's what I always go for, growing up playing RTS games, I think the importance of team colors is important to see from a distance
>dwarf with spear is a proxy for a dwarf with spear
Blorcs and motley crew so they always swing back
Dude, you need like 120 skeletons minimum for that fucking army. Cut anon some slack.
Why do Poisoned Attacks work on war machines
Beautiful work Anon.
Which models are these? Look good
I like how you compose them with the background in the photo, Anon, really nice
>drops off balcony
Neat! I love the knig-ht.
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I want to base everything on 20s but obviously this guy isn't gonna fit on two 20s. Not sure what to do. If I put him on the 50 he comes with obviously he's not fitting in a unit based on 20s
Nevermind that I need some kind of custom tray anyway.
Am I overlooking a simple solution?
base him on a 60
big lad.
Guess I could just get a 20 to 25 spacer tray and cut out a spot for the 50
Very neat anon! Love how the sun is shining on their faces
I like the bases, do you have a method to the grass or is it slop on PVA and call it a day?
yes the simple solution is to look up what base size things should go on, no games grog
Do you already have the model? Draw a 40mm square on a piece of paper and see how he fits on it. There's a pdf online of 8th edition bases, you can find his old (and correct) base size there.
Absolutely do not put him on a 50mm unless you have to. The Old World's base sizes are temporary. 20/25 is forever.
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The new one is on a 50mm base, the old shield bearers are on two 20mms as far as I can tell?
Not yet. I'll give that a try. Though I'm not too bothered about one of my models not being backwards compatible.
>the old shield bearers are on two 20mms as far as I can tell?
40x40? He should fit on that imo
>the old shield bearers are on two 20mms as far as I can tell?
NTA but correct. That model used to be Alrik, the king of Karak Hirn. They never made an official mini for shieldbearers before now.
I remember seeing one that used two of Thorgrim's thronebearers, and I always wanted to replicate that. But it was such an expensive conversion.
Would probably fit on a 40x40 maybe with some overhang to the left and right. For older editions, you could make 2 special dwarf models on 20mms that go either side of the 40mm base and accommodate the overhang.
Am I missing something due to my inexperience or is the Orc & Goblin arcane journal kind of meh? A good chunk of it was dedicated to trolls and the nomadic waaagh didn't seem all that interesting to me either. Haven't looked at the other journals so I'm unsure what their purpose is supposed to be. I thought it was to give current armies more options but that didn't seem to be the case.
I don't know what you were expecting but to me it looks pretty nice. Two alternative ways to play your greenskin, the Troll Hag, two named characters, a new lore and a couple of pretty lovely magical items.
omfg, clear those mold lines...
Thats what the arcane journals ARE anon. They add some magic items and characters, but the variant lists are just that, variants. Its not supposed to replace the forces of fantasy list and (so far, maybe dwarfs will be the exception/start of the new norm) they havent really been flat upgrades or anything.

The main thing the O&G AJ brings to the table is yet more bonkers magic items for a faction that already had some excellent magic items (and some very wacky ones, BlOrc Warboss with 6x Headbutting Hats anyone?) Ogre Mercs for everyone and a better Giant, and an even betterer Giant in the form of the Troll Hag.
The Variant armies WERE a disappointment, but they can't ALL be as good as the Brett Armies of Infamy options, can they?
>The Variant armies WERE a disappointment
The nomadic waagh is very good, the troll horde is exactly as bad as you would expect an all trolls list to be.
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Yeah conversions can get silly, at least in the past you could order specific bits
Stick 4 20mm bases to the bottom, then you can move them around the unit.
Troll army is bad balance-wise, but also sovl, so its swings around to being good overall.
Sure. Its what it promises on the tin, an army for spamming trolls. It does and functions exactly how you would expect.
>£19.60 for a single infantry model
That absolute highway robbery for the time period of the conversion desu.
>2004ish: £19.60 for a completely custom dwarf character model using parts from 5 relatively recent kits
>2024: £18 for a monopose plastic dwarf character model they've produced for the last 10 years
No idea how good they are, but I like all the new variant list from a fluff point of view.

Also, as I'd like to built a chariot army next I like the option of a Nomad Waagh! instead of just taking a Kangz list.
Although their Royal Host with the Tomb Guard Chariot looks intriguing too, I don't like how I can't take a Sphinx with them (IIRC).
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I'm painting some khorne-marked chaos warriors and I'm wondering if I went too hard on the blood paint for this test warrior
he's highlighted & layered and everything underneath the blood, but does that get drowned out by the red tint?
the model is a bit damaged because it used to be painted like a slaanesh warrior & I stripped the paint off it
It's over the top, but looks good to me.
Yeah, I'd say you overdid it with the blood paint anon.

But the important question is: do you like it? Would you like a regiment painted that way?
Its VERY over-the-top, but fantastically so.
I love it.
"Did I over do it"?
Nigga, you literally held that fucker by the ankle and dipped him into the pot like Thetis desperately trying to protect her only son from the dangers of the mortal world.

So, no, he could use a little more, especially dripping from the axe blade.
I can dig it. Looks perfectly 80's fantasy campiness.
Its a lil to much yeah, dosnt really convey 'caked in gore from slaughtering southlanders' more like 'the guy I waa standing behind spontaneously exploded'
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The more I plan out this expeditionary list, the less actual sword and board dwarfs I feel like I need. I feel like I'm just going to run guns, rangers, miners, copters, war machines, slayers, and carts. Losing my mind waiting for a decent scan, though.
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i like it
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Got pic related at an event last weekend for 50$. Thoughts on using the Lannister models for my Wissenland infantry and MAYBE the Starks as a bunch of Middenheim allies? Sucks they're all on 32s and I have to put them on new bases and can't use them with their trays as is tho ;__;
Wait, why is the troll list bad?
Rerolling regens on cheap trolls that are now leadership 10 rerolling for stupidity and movement 8 is great. Aamzing even.

I dunked on a scream list with some because they don't lose their leadership to Spiritual Vortex or Spirit Leech like everyone else because they don't care about the General.
Fucking dogshit models. Get some taste.
Way too big.
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My bad. Forgot you only ever see quality sculpts in whf
Because trolls arent very good. Rerolling regen vs nonmagical is fine, except youre still going to lose combat and then get run down.
Glad we are on the same page once more.
He looks like he's been in the nightclub from blade
But at tabletop distance the effect will be clear!
I imagine it's very difficult to convey blood splatters on a red model anyway, it'll either look barely noticeable or very obvious
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lost my first old world game, it came down to a single model
(mission had a rule where if you go below 25% of your force model wise, the game ends)

but, I did have a single flesh hound manage to run an entire unit of skinks with an attached priest off the board
Any tips on fighting Ogre Kingdoms as O&G, specifically Ironblasters
Combination of T6, a cannon that can shoot even if it moved, and 5W makes it so that Wolf Riders can get to it, but not really wound it, Boar Boys are better at wounding it but T6 is still brutal even if they have Big Uns. Plus with Large Target he can just park it behind his dudes and be safe from a lot of things.
Khorne is pleased. Maybe heavily water down some red paint and let it pool on the base to really sell it?
>the seams tip

They're 4 wounds a piece on 40mm bases, about as wound dense as you get and have 4 attacks each including the vomit. Even if you an opponent wins Leadership 10 is very unlikely to get run down either.

The leadership was what was holding them back, with that sorted they are very solid.
I do it where I squeeze the bead of plastic out and then while it's still wet just wipe it with my finger. It's like sprue goo at that point anyway.
River Trolls are 4W, Stone and Regular are 3
Getting run down is a bit of an issue. If you're close to a Hag or shaman, you're on LD 8 so will FBIGO, but you often break instead since even at full strength it's easy to double your unit strength.

Trolls aren't bad, but you will constantly lose combat if you don't get a multi charge in. I've had units stand in front of infantry blocks for three turns, waiting for support before charging. Giants and Hags help a lot as they are unbreakable and will hold stuff for your trolls to get in on a flank.

With movement 6, you're more maneuverable than almost everything but cavalry.

With the random attacks on giants and hags and stupidity it can be a very swingy game, so you have to adjust on the fly a lot. Every once in awhile you will have your master plan thwarted by half your army failing stupid even with rerolls. Other times you'll get a choice Mother and delete a 300 point monster slayer/ogre blade lord before they can kill you.
Yeah, I'm talking about River trolls, those are the standard ones I take in Troll Mob.
Orc Shaman has Warband. So does the Goblin. So both shaman with boys and Goblin in Goblin mob are giving out Leadership 10.
Also you are movement 8. Everything is in the AOE using their spell. Including the movement 6 orc/goblin unit that now also has a rerollallable regen.

My big concern is that the Engineers List could be ACTUAL fucking cancer.
Like, an entire gunline, that never moves, has permanent defensive buffs thanks to Sappers/Burlok and then 6-18 BS4 Scout Gyrocopters forcing Panic check after panic check every turn as they fly around 20" every turn and offload 6D6 s4 -1ap shots hitting on 4+ on whatever they can get a back or side shot off on. It just sounds crushingly unfun.
You're going to lose against infantry blocks, and most cavalry of you try to 1v1 them.
No banners or ranks means you're low on static res. Even if you "win" the half dozen Regen saves you made still count against you for winning.
If you drop even a single troll you're down to unit strength 9 and will get bullied into fleeing high leadership or not.
>and have 4 attacks each including the vomit
Sure, but youre WS bad and have AP- on everything but the s3 vomit.
Armor is just going to stonewall you, and magical/flaming attacks are both rather common. And remember, saved regen wounds still count for resolution, so really you have T4 as your biggest defensive profile on that front.

In terms of breaking trolls are the same LD as theyve ever been, its just stupidity where theyve been improved.
Why isn't the second hand market booming for tow.
>Taking non-trolls
But honestly low unit strength is more of an issue going from 8 to 10 isn't a huge upgrade.
>Also you are movement 8.
Ravenous Recourse usually gets swapped out when I play. Because you cast it after stupid moves and charges it's not been that useful for me. I pop it first turn for a little extra March distance, but then after that it has much less utility, especially once you are in dispel range.
>Including the movement 6 orc/goblin unit that now also has a rerollallable regen.
They dont have stupidity so they dont get +2M.

Because people arent selling. The game is new, the people buying kits use those kits.
>Sure, but youre WS bad and have AP- on everything but the s3 vomit.
>Armor is just going to stonewall you
Armor makes them tastier. You should be grabbing great weapons on everything.
Second handmarket booms when you've got high player turnover.
>They dont have stupidity so they dont get +2M
I think he means after you give them Regen/stupid.
None of the magic in the troll horde list gives stupidity except the hex.
You're right. I thought Rapid Regeneration gave stupid, but you're right.
I'm honestly not familiar with it since it gets swapped since I only run trolls and Giants.
Honestly the troll magic feels very underwhelming. The best spell there outside the lore attribute is probably the regeneration spell, which you dont want since youre most likely running trolls as your main combat units anyways.
You can use the hat to give stupidity.
Anon are you really going to act like them repackaging bits from other kits to sell is a better deal than a model that's got its own bits?

And the conversion is also monopose genius
Lol I've definitely thought about printing it on an Orc Warboss to make him more troll-y.

I don't run orcs or giving in troll hordes, not hating stupid on a goblin/orc archer shaman bunker wouldn't be so bad. It doesn't stop shooting or casting.
I mean, being able to buy bits IS a better deal in the sense that it lets you get exactly the parts you want, rather than paying for a full kit when you only need an axe or a head or whatever.
the rider is actually pretty neat for the amount of skaven trophies it has

the elusive alternative version with great sword was better
Check ebay, bret and kang boxsets are already starting to be listed on there barely 6 months after launch. Give it another 6 months and I think we'll either: have a half decent 2nd hand market, or this is as good as it gets because people FOMO'd the launch and nobody's buying anything now.
>Sure, but youre WS bad and have AP- on everything but the s3 vomit.
Wrong they have Great weapons
>In terms of breaking trolls are the same LD as theyve ever been, its just stupidity where theyve been improved.
Wrong. Oi! Dis Way rule for the troll mob gives them leadership base. Not for any specific tests.

>You're going to lose against infantry blocks

Excuse mathhammer but no that is not my experience at all.

24 pack of Swordsmasters 8 wide
3.92 wounds against trolls

Less than 2 after regens

8 trolls 5 first rank 3 in second
trolls swing back

8.3 wounds with great weapons
2.5 with vomit

Swordmasters - 4 wounds, 1 rank, standard, close order=7 (10 dead models)

Trolls - 10.8 wounds, 1 rank, close order=12 (0- dead models)

Trolls outnumber, swordsmasters test to break on -5.

You guys are underselling trolls in the troll list.
>Anon are you really going to act like them repackaging bits from other kits to sell is a better deal than a model that's got its own bits?
Yes, of course. They didn't repackage anything by the way, zoomie.

>And the conversion is also monopose genius
A model made of custom bitz and greenstuff is... monopose? Whatever you say buddy
>Wrong. Oi! Dis Way rule for the troll mob gives them leadership base
Which you already had. You could already use general LD for break tests.
Yeah. Big Smartz is a must have. Everything else has been pretty meh imo.
Might be better on a caster having back, but on Hags you're generally trying to move up so evening but big smarts and the assailment are kinda meh. And the Assailment helps win in combat which you were probably doing anyway.
Is though when it ends up being way more expensive when accounting for inflation?
Oh ok sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were saying they weren't good at break tests.
By all means, go buy those kits seperately and then compare that to the 19.60 mark or whatever it is after inflation
Im saying they are the same on break tests as they were previously, all the rule did was change how stupidity worked for them (in effect)
is a ward save a save after your armour save? (e.g make armour save, if failed make ward save)

or is it an unmodifiable save? (e.g instead of making an armour save, make a ward save if its better like a 40k invun save)

im fairly certain I misread the rule
>Yes, of course. They didn't repackage anything by the way, zoomie.

Anon it's quite literally a kit made up of bits from other kits, can you not read?

>A model made of custom bitz and greenstuff is... monopose? Whatever you say buddy

The fact that is requires green stuff to be assembled without gaps means it's monopose anon, if the bits were meant to work multipose than you wouldn't need to fill in gaps in the first place.
But I don't need to buy the kits eperately if they just made a new model instead of repressing bits from other models
The former but it's not reduceable.
I think you misunderstood what I said. Buying bits separately is a good deal compared to converting "the hard way"
>Anon it's quite literally a kit made up of bits from other kits, can you not read?
I'm so sorry for your retardation
alright thanks, I was thinking my juggernauts were shit because I was only making their armour save, or ward save if the AP was -2 or higher
having the 4+ and 5+ ward makes them better
>8.3 wounds with great weapons
Anon, how are you turning 15 attacks hitting on 4s into 8.3 dead?
Ah I fucked up you're right, still had "4 attacks" in my mind when considering troll vomit. It should be 6.25

So they lose 8 models and test at -3.
>24 pack of Swordsmasters 8 wide
Why would they only be 8 wide they have drilled?
>3.92 wounds against trolls
9 attacks with unit champs, ~6 his and 4 wounds
>Less than 2 after regens
Swordsmasters have magical weapons.
So you're looking at about 2.6 wounds, which means it doesn't take much luck to kill a troll and reduce your attacks significantly. With cleaving blow, there's a good chance they manage.

But if you get the charge off before they can widen you've got a good chance of winning.
Don't think I'd run units of 8 though.
You also forgot cleaving blow (ignores regen on a 6 to wound) or that they have magical attacks so you dont get the reroll to their regen.

The issue trolls have is that a lot of the scarier infantry like hammerers, swordsmasters or forsaken will have magical attacks and special rules which may help with regeneration (forsaken have a 1/3 chance of making the fight very unpleasant with KB for example). The scarier cav also has similar special rules a lot of the time.

Trolls will beat pretty much all medium/light infantry though.
Trolls basically have the same issue as something like chaos chosen imo. In a world where people bring lots of boys and spearmen and whatever? Theyre great, they will mince that stuff for ages and have a grand old time throwing lots of dice and being durable. But the edition from my experience favors hard hitting elite units or elusive chaff, neither of which are going to play that game.
I think heavy infantry are their best matchup. Strength 7, AP2 armor bane 2 is kinda wasted on cheap fodder.
>new FAQ says that you use the majority save of the unit if you have motley crew+shields

wait so what happens if i have a unit of black orcs, the front rank are all great weapons and everyone else has shields?
do i have to take the greatweapons off when in combat? or wpuld thr guys with shields effectively be dropping their shield to pick up the greatweapon due to step up? (i.e like the banner and musician)
Some heavy infantry sure. Dwarf warriors, ironbreakers, sword and shield chaos warriors, black orcs. Stuff that will generally be quite expensive but lack the right sort of offensive stats to deal with them.

Wouldnt let them anywhere near hammerers, I dont think they like that number of S6 Ap2 magical attacks at I4 coming their way
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rate my frog
It says to use the better save anon. Anyways, for your question the combat save is calculated on a "front rank" basis. If you have 100% GW its going to be 4+ armor. If you have 50% GW and 50% HW+S its going to be 3+ armor.
It also says when you have equal numbers use the best. So in a motley crew group of 3 minotaurs if one has a great weapon, one a shield and a bloodkine with blackened plate and shield all of them have a 3+.

Motley crew needs to be removed entirely it's a shit rule.
could be fatter
Could use a gloss varnish to give him a healthy wet sheen..
You get the better save, but still removed models from the front so they great weapons die first.
Looks good, anon. You did a great job on his eyes.
Second hand markets boom when you got a lot of stuff people don't want (see Skaventide and people selling half their boxes). Tomb KANGZ got pretty good numbers of horsemen for sale because nobody wants them. Other stuff isn't available because demand is high and people want them.
>do i have to take the greatweapons off when in combat?
Yes, when you take wounds in combat they are to be split as evenly as possible between the different weapon types present, and if you only have 3 great weapons then when they die thats that.
It's a JoJo reference. You should paint it to look like stone.
I hate Motley Crew so much, just give them all the old Armed To Da Teef rule
They look super weird tiptoeing like that.
Expeditionary lists are weird. Took my first crack at it, definitely not a finished product.

Characters (406)
-Engineer: handgun, rune of rapid fire, rune of bursting flame, general (108)
-Runesmith: shield, full plate, 3x rune of spellbreaking (145)
-Sapper: handgun, master rune of slaying, BSB (153)

Core (711)
-Thunderers - 11, shields, expeditionary marksman, veteran (137)
-2x 2 Scout Gyrocopters (240)
-Bugman's Cart (65)
-Rangers: 12, crossbows, shields
-Warriors: 11, shields, full command, drilled

Special (532)
-Miners: 8, blasting charges, open order, prospector w/ steam drill (138)
-2 Scout Gyrocopters (120)
-3x Cannon (300)

Mercenaries (320)
-4x Doomseeker (200)
-Goblin Hewer (120)

Total - 1995

Very weird having no normal Dwarf anvil stuff and a bunch of skirmishers and solo characters running around. The general goes with the thunderers and advances while shooting, the BSB kind of goes off on his own and sticks by the cannons for cover, Runesmith and Warriors find a nice place to bunker up, Miners tunnel in, Rangers scout into a nice firing position, and the copters just zip around getting in the way and shooting stuff.

It's a big departure from what I'm used to, almost feels like playing WE. Very weird, but cool I think.
>lead symbolic hairstyling rituals
I immediately imagined a hair salon run by a flamboyantly gay fyreslayer.
For a moment I thought that's a plastic Sorcerer-Prophet.
I think those warriors are probably going to be quite low impact.
Fyreslayers do actually have a few chorf elements to them so it's not that strange
A Thane BSB with Crossbow of Master Rune of Piercing, Rune of Accuracy and Rune of rapid fire is 3 points cheaper than your Sapper BSB and brings something unique you might want (3+ hitting ignoring everything) for its 4d3 hits.

I know my wood elves absolutely shit their pants at that combo.
Hrm, 8 points more expensive actually, but worth a think I reckon.
The explody rune is probably better than the piercing. Getting lots of hits with through and through with a dwarf is hard, the 2d3 hits is imo more reliable.
Yeah Bursting Flame I meant, the one that multiplies into 2d3 per hit. He could even go into that Thunderer unit with the Engineer and then its always hitting on 3's rerolling 1's.
It might not be as thematic, but imo a bolt thrower with a rune of skewering is better than a cannon. Its 75pts vs 100 for S7 ignores armor MW(2) vs s8 Ap-2 MW(d3)

Youre a bit less accurate, but you want to be shooting at shit like dragons anyways.
Bought some AoS Squig Hoppers for TOW but there's an option for Boingrot Bounders that I wasn't aware of and now I dunno what to do. The Boingrot's look pretty sick. I know it won't make a difference in TOW statwise, this is purely an aesthetic conundrum.
Boingrots if youre going to add a character. Otherwise normals. Reserve the elite look for the elite lads.
It might look a bit too much on the photo, but how it looks on the table in an unit?
Because it is important
I think its a bit much. Maybe take some inspiration from the "candy armor" aesthetic some people do with thousand sons in HH, the shiny armor still needs some element of highlighting and stuff imo.
That's a good plan and something I considered. I think the sprue might let me do 50/50 as well so that's also something to consider. It's a really tough choice since I love both aesthetics.
30-40 Orc Boys 352-452 points
Full Command
Magic standard: Da Angry Ladz Flag
Light armor
Hand weapons/Thrusting spears
Big Uns
Warpaint (qualifies from Angry Ladz)
5+ Armor/6+ Ward
42 S4 possible attacks if they get charged, though more likely around 20, no default AP when charged but Armourbane 1 from Big Uns
Put some Wolf Rider babysitters with shortbows and Feigned Flight in front
Is the Varghulf worth it
Got my math wrong 30 attacks getting charged, assuming all 10 Boys in front are touching
Nope. Unless you've just trying to have fun. It's probably the worst monster in the game.
I agree, mostly just looking for an excuse to run sword and board guys and fine a nice home for the Runesmith.

I forgot Thanes have a larger runic budget, good idea. Sappers seem kinda unimpressive anyway, paying 20 points over Engineers to lose re-rolling 1s and pick up the entrench every turn and dangerous terrain.

Cannons are just in because they're what I've got, a bolt thrower sounds fun too.
>its what I have
Absolutely understandable, carry on as you were.
>Warpaint (qualifies from Angry Ladz)
Got an FaQ on that?
Warpaint just says it requires Frenzy
Yes, but is the unit carrying the flag when it isnt on the battlefield/in game.
Is that a rule?
Well I found something else to screw it over
Warpaint models can't wear armor, so they get shields at best
So there's point to giving them the flag
No point, even
Probably best to just give it to Boar Boys so they keep their armor
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All the actual models are to scale with whf- you can tell on account of how small everything looks fitted on the 32s. Except for the Mountain tho- his model is fucking massive compared to everything else.

It'd just be an issue of rebasing is all since that wouldn't really make them usuable in asoif- not that anyone I know plays it anyway.
I could swap the Warriors for another Thunderers unit for the BSB to go in, do the Bolt Thrower switch, and split the Rangers into 2 smaller units.

That would look like:
-Engineer general in Thunderers
-BSB Thane in Thunderers
-Runesmith solo
-3x2 Scout Gyros
-2x5 Rangers
-2x Cannons
-Bolt Thrower
-4x Doomseekers
-Ale Cart

37 points to play with runes/upgrades too. What a weird army lmao.
They look huge to me
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I could use those. I need to put my state troops on something
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First game with the empire ogres where I didn’t lose and had great fun
>2k vs chaos dwarfs which look cool as shit
>immediate miscast with my butcher, nukes but does no damage to anything
>gorger bites the head off a bull centaur
>firebelly almost gets pasted by an accidental catapult scatter
>ironblaster proceeds to paste his rocket launcher and a good deal of black orcs
>the mighty 40pt gnoblars blocking a 200pt black orcs unit the whole game because leadership 8 with break test rerolls from standard is silly
>ironguts do nothing but tarpit the centaurs for the rest of the game
>giant rolls the worst giant attack after getting counter charged by a unit of blunderbuss and infernal guard
>then proceeds to roll max stomp, wiping a unit and running down the other
>ripples over from a mild breeze wind blast
Would have won had my leadbelchers managed to get a second hit off against his lone wizard general. Overall great fun!
nice, reptilian overlords right?

here you go anon:

>supported for resin printing

if you use the supported version you can clone a bunch of them in your slicer, overlap the rafts, and print rows of them. I tend to do them in rows of 5.

If you do use the supported version, the best process that I've found for getting the supports off cleanly is:
>dunk in very hot water for a second or two
>with the underside of the base facing you, hold the raft with one hand and pinch the top corners of the base with the other
>pull the top corners of the base towards you, to bend the base away from the raft and pop those supports off
>twist the base clockwise to break the tall supports off one by one, left to right

takes only a couple of seconds per base once you get it down, so you can process a batch of 50-100 in 5 minutes or less. Hope it helps :)
*Sad varghulf noises*
Naa it’s pretty bad, squishy and quite pricey. All of the other rare choices are better really. On point for a strigoi list though,
magnet is 5x1mm by the way, but is pretty tight depending on your printer tolerances, so definitely print 1 test base first if you plan to use it. I printed a bunch and had to use 4x1mm magnets instead
nice work anon! any pictures would be gladly received, sounds like there were 2 cool as shit armies on the table that game
Sadly I didn’t get any this time, we were too engrossed in the game! Will try to next time
Have any pics of your army? Empire ogres sound sick.
There you go anon before I go off to bed that’s everything that’s painted
Oh and
Is that a Tsar cannon? Did the ogres nick it from Kislev?
Cool as hell, man. Thanks for sharing!
They look great anon
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Yeah, it's various Reptilian sets I mix and match together, can't tell which is which anymore, I always segregate all elements into bits box and then kitbash whatever I need from what I have. Mostly Reptilian stls since I printed few Highland minis here too, that's for sure.

Thanks for stls, but I think I will wait with testing and printing them until my new resin arrives. The one I'm using right now is way, way too brittle. Thicker elements like bodies work ok, but thin ones break too easily. Those are Halberdiers I assembled few months ago before my hobby hiatus, I'm certain that their weapons will break fast, maybe even during painting lol.
Just had a game, my OnG vs Chaos Warriors, I think tOW might fucking suck, as per usual magic just ruins everything, I rolled Vindictive glare and used it to blow apart like a third of my opponents army.
Thats just what WoC is. You end up with like 20 wounds worth of stuff at 2k.
Chaos Warriors fucking suck so bad it's not even real
What were the actual lists
The unit? Yea, sorta.

The army? They can take a single character who can table people.

Theyre not a weak army, they just have a lot of bad options and a lot of stuff that playes really "skew" if it wants to win. Theyre sort of the fat fantasy version of 40ks harlequins, a fast low model count army that wants to hit someone really hard and rely on its mitigation while it gets there, because it cant sustain taking any actual damage that gets past its mitigation.
I vividly remember people being pissy about how OP they are 2 Months ago.
Has WFRoleplay still been supported and played to this day, in spite of the setting being destroyed for almost a decade?
8thchads continue to stay vindicated
>what is searing doom
what is a dispel scroll
>Has WFRoleplay still been supported and played to this day

>in spite of the setting being destroyed for almost a decade?
WW2 has been over for like 80 years at this point, they still make shit for that setting.

Whats the infernal puppet?

WoC has always been very vulnerable to the specialist attacks good against them and strong vs everything else, thats basically their entire gimmick as an army.
In 8th it was spells like searing doom which could kill hundreds of points of chaos knights, in TOW its spells like vindictive glare that can do the same.

The only difference is that now you have even less bulk than in 8th (assuming you didnt spam chariots) because you probably arent taking lots of infantry in TOW.
>because you probably arent taking lots of infantry in TOW.
because infantry suck in TOW. because the game is shit.
>because infantry suck in TOW
Well, specifically the sort of infantry which WoC has as their core (heavy infantry).

Peasants and the like are great. Forsaken are great. Warriors are bad.

>because the game is shit.
This is how the game has been for most editions. You werent taking warriors in 6th either.
6th was also shit, which is why 8th was more popular than it.
6th was not a unique edition as far as the games core functions go. The same shit that resulted in cavalry dominance in 6th saw the same happen in 8th and in 4th and 5th (when heroes werent busy doing dynasty warriors stuff)

The use of infantry as the main fighting force of your army is mostly an 8th thing.
>The use of infantry as the main fighting force of your army is mostly an 8th thing.
which is why 8th is the only good edition
Maybe 8th wasnt that bad afterall
It sounds like you just dont enjoy warhammer all that much.
sounds like you just like bing bing wahoo herohammer slop
New Thread:
>magic ruins anything
Literally all the WoC needs to do is add a level 4 wizard and units with infernal puppet and he'll shut down most of your spellcasting and force miscasts on you to boot.

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