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Justify This Edition

>Agents of The Imperium Codex Coming Soon:

>Boarding Actions Coming Soon:

>Balance Dataslate:

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>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
How would you fix the model?
Do the old one again but in keeping with the new scale
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Restart from scratch.
Keep with the new scale, but just do the old one again
Give him giant tits
Take the old one and remake it in the new scale
Scrap it entirely, just slightly upscale the old one, and fire the person who designed the new one
Rescale it to be current but keep the old design
Force feed them to James until he gets his act together. It's unsalvageable as a miniature, but it might find redemption as a tool of cruel and unusual torture.
Leave this character in the trash and just make a multipart inquisitor kit
In addition to the eagle or instead of it?
How they justified the design changes from the old model is bizarre. The new version is just so damningly bland.
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I don't get it, all the minis look like crap. What's the problem?
He's angry because he knows what is to befall him
have the eagle perched or on a flight stand if it needs a separate base
use old models sans eagle
Abandon the retarded two headed eagle that wouldn't even be able to fly
>use old models sans eagle
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>How would you fix the model?
Where do you even begin?
I guess to start with change his stance into something that doesn't call attention to his diaper
Take old model
Scale up slightly
Forge in plastic
Anyone saying scale up the old model is retarded. The old model is already the correct size. Modern models are too big.
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nobody cares oldhammer faggot
You forgot the baldness, he needs more baldness
God the rosette looks so much fucking better as a tabard buckle instead of a diaper pin or whatever it's supposed to be
I'm building some old aspect warriors (warp spiders and fire dragons). Do you think I should future proof them with 28mm bases or just put them on the current 25mm?
All the updated aspect warriors and guardians are on 28mm
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Add more little details, he's an Inquisitor for fucks sake. Why does he have less gribbly details than a random genestealer cultist?
we have enough baldness from the marines.
Yeah the tabbart is the most crucial missing bit.
Trips of truth
>find the perfect painting tutorial for the scheme I want
>requires like 20 paints I don’t have at the total cost of $180

Killing my self
>I guess to start with change his stance into something that doesn't call attention to his diaper
Simplest way would be to hide it behind a tabard. Would also hide the fact that his torso is short as fuck.
What was the perfect painting tutorial?
I'm gonna jack off then see how I feel about it afterwards
It's not any better
RKX Miniatures’ Fallschirmjager tutorial posted on their kickstarter, I want to use it for Guard but it’s a huge pain in the ass and requires skills and paints I don’t have
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>Fur cape goes around the neck framing the head
>painted a cool color so it emphasizes the warm head
>Bald, but eyebrows
>Eagle perched on the arm in an authoritative pose that also adds height
>very ornate armor that stands out from space marine power armor with symbols of office scattered about
>chained book, classic item for psykers and people who have to deal with them
>Rosarius chained securely around the neck put right over the ][ front and center
>compact model that won't dwarf less important models but is still larger than them, occupies the whole base
New model
>Cape is half in front of the head obscuring it
>Head is a fat flat circle with no resemblance to the old face
>hair, no eyebrows
>Armor is round instead of angular and has no detailing, just ends up look blobby
>purity seals stuck onto the fur
>rosarius is pinned to a flimsy leather belt that's as wide as the gauntlet
>][ Looks like it was riveted to the front of the groin
>No symbols of office, holster is clumsily glued to the hip
>Big model on a 40mm but most of it is empty space
>eagle is on a separate base
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>1 minute 33 seconds
It's probably an old unused stormcast design that they're recycling. Cheap and easy. Especially since 40k designers are trash.
All the extra detail is nice but it's ultimately a distraction from a dumpy stormcast model.
>you cave and buy the paints
>somewhere between their camera, lighting, processing, and your screen the color is distorted
>you are now disappointed and butthurt about wasted money
It is very unlikely that the color you end up with will exactly resemble those on your screen.... also why the fuck are you paying 9 dollars per bottle on mini paints?
I remember when I could get off that quick.. feelsoldman
Mix your paints
THIN your paints.
>Eagle is on a separate base
Tf is the eagle even supposed to do against a necron or swarmlord? Literally the only use it would have is just sitting on an objective but it probably has the defensive capabilities of wet tissue paper.
Literally this. It looks like someone took a random stormcast hero and slapped on a holster and an -I- belt buckle and called it a day
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Was what you jacked off to Warhammer 40k related?
I like the idea of beating my meat to the female primarch art. Especially fem-Vulkan. Dark skin girls with fair hair get me off like you wouldn't believe.
Except I have death grips at 25
>Be a HH player
>Feel like we are getting the B team sculptors and designes
>Nothing but horrid kits and shitty infentry characters that are way over done
>See this shit.
>Realize that HH actually has the A team working on it.
JFC things must be bleak over at GW.
reminder there is a 10000% better Inquisitor for Ordo Malleus readily available on ebay.
Nazi guard classic
Eisenhorn? Man, I wish they had updated the generic inquisitor instead of Coteaz
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this guy
What do boobs feel like?
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By throwing it in the trash and using the good one.
Honestly I prefer the idea of making my own inquisitor model.
I've been a third party model enjoyer for quite a while now.
I don't have him on standby right now. I'll have to search for the model, but basically it is a plague doctor inquisitor model.
Used the middle head btw.
Oh, what a fantastic model. Agreed.
>Nothing but horrid kits and shitty infentry characters that are way over done
The main thing I see critiqued about HH infantry models is the monopose. Aside from that, they generally seem fine.
>Steel Legion anon has spoken
I kneel.
They almost immediately ditched his datasheet too, which is a shame. Erasmus Cartavolnus shows that GW can make good models if they put their mind to it, instead they choose the lazy route.
You should be asking how Warhammer female primarch booba feels like, anon.
Inquisitors are the ideal situation for /yourdude/ and James should've leaned into it by releasing a few generic inquisitor kits with options, aping off the love for the inquisitorial killteam
>power armor inquisitor
>psyker inquisitor
>witch hunter inquisitor
Headswaps, weapon options, cape or no cape. Could've earned a decent bit of good will this way, imo
I mean yeah, I plan to do the same with kitbashing various stuff. Whats nice is that Inquisitors often have various levels of underlings including people that have the full power of the Rosette themselves and are considered just below an Inquisitor, so having multiple models acting as such is fine for the fluff.

Yeah, I'll just counts-as him for Coteaz honestly.
>The mono pose
Its a big issues ,but the characters are fucking awful. WAY over designed, and the new designs basically make decades worth of upgrades completely unusable.
You're right I need to make it warhammer related. Here is a picture of a space marine.

Now what do boobs feel like?
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>James should've leaned into it by releasing a few generic inquisitor kits with options
That I agree on. Quite frankly it still surprises me that James hasn't looked at modular miniature store fronts and went "let's do this in hard plastic."
They could make a killing just milking guard players like you wouldn't believe.

Meanwhile at madrobot. Here's your generic inquisitor heads.
Unfortunately MRM seems out until August the 5th. I hope he's doing alright.
On the eagle
Why is his cock out like that
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I admire your digits
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HER cock.
that's gonna mess with aerodynamics...
I believe I saw that tutorial over at WIP. Are you painting steel legion models in that kind of camo?
Don't forget that inquisitors also have a lot of legroom in terms of how they can appear. You can go with old reliable Warhammer fantasy witch hunter with a big hat or some regular human in power armour or more.
Depends on the woman, but soft and squishy is how they are.
I'd imagine that primarch booba would feel very full yet squishy.
>can't draw faces so he just changes their hairstyle
You say this while not a single one of these companies has ever come close to GW sales and none of them grow in any meaningful capacity
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Just to help out anons that might want to kitbash Inquisition models, here is my list of awesome kits for bits.
>Inquisitorial Henchmen
goes without saying.
>House Orlock Weapons box
probably the best source available for standard Imperial weaponry.
>Kataphron Breachers, Sicarian Infiltrators, Talos
all of the above for tech-y bits.
>Repentia, Kasrkin, Delaque & Cawdor Gangs, Chaos Cultists, and AoS Freeguilds
all good sources of bodies depending on the style you want, and some extra bits
>Galen and Doralia Ven Denst, Saviours of Cinderfall, Freeguild Marshall, Freeguild Command Squad, Hexbane's Hunters
AoS kits with great potential for conversion work
>and finally
ancient as fuck but absolutely amazing for henchmen and all kinds of bits, pic related.
Sauce me up zenpai
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I simultaneously envy and admire anyone who can draw, and the artist can paint models quite well.
Pic related. I did a reverse google search on this image used as a thread OP and found out it was by the artist of those female primarchs.
anyone have any good NMM tutorials for bolters?
Knights are overcosted
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God forbid they just sell it normally. They need to chill out with these limited release models now that they're all plastic, like we know you spent the money on the mold why are you giving me a small window to give you money
GW deliberately does this kind of thing just to invalidate old models and force people to buy new ones.
Are overcosted
Isn't this the codex that effectively killed 5th edition (Flying circus for anyone that remembers it)
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>new designs basically make decades worth of upgrades completely unusable
How do you mean? The torsos are fairly compatible with the new bodies with a little bit of snipping and knife work. Weapons also fit very well.
Does it really matter if the companies don't come close to GW sales/grow in any meaningful capacity compared to GW?
It's likely just a token like Tau drones or Huron's hamadrya. You'll use it to keep track of whatever once per game ability he has and put it aside when you use it.
don't bother discussing actual hobbycraft with gripers, they're barely sapient slugs who have never thought of doing something that goes against assembly instructions, nevermind the fact that they rarely own models in the first place
Why would they emulate those companies if those companies aren't doing well
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this is a WIP, but I spent the last 8 hours on him and I think he's starting to look really cool
>and I think he's starting to look really cool
I agree
How do you know they aren't doing well piggybacking off the Warhammer 40k IP like how Brickarms piggybacks off of the Lego IP by being a third party supplier of small bits?

It surprises me that GW isn't emulating those small companies because the idea of modular guard pieces is a novel concept that GW isn't capitalizing on. Especially when they probably already know that there is a lot of "Cadian fatigue" given how Cadian models are constantly pushed forward a lot.
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>they let you bring a deathwatch squad as imperial agents
I've been waiting a long time for this.

randomly checking in was a good idea even if coteaz's model is terrible
holy based what an army
>clones shouldn't look similar
I remember you posting over a year ago. Good stuff anon.
>like we know you spent the money on the mold why are you giving me a small window to give you money
Because the bottleneck is how fast they can pump out the sprues so it makes sense to use the limited capacity to pump out new and especially fomo plastic because nobody has that model or unit so just about everything they make is sold.
I wonder if the machine operators get to keep bad sprues
Looking gross, anon, very nice you should be proud.
I think he'll really pop with some highlights once you get there
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Looks unclean, but I wouldn't say he looks great. I've been to enough WalMarts that this barely phases me.
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Since the Space Marine codex is going more and more into new Primaris stuff is there anything "classic" or from Horus Heresy you'd like the Chaos Marines to get in a modern "corrupt" version?
I think it would be great if they got some more transport options like some of the HH Land Raider patterns, or maybe even a Spartan. Maybe the Scorpius could for more indirect fire, boarding shield legionaries, etc.

I'm worried the Emperor's Children will steal all the other heresy era shit like apothecaries and tartaros terminators.
It's complete and utter retardation that models like the load of dogshit in the OP are going to leaving their stink everywhere for decades to come, meanwhile one of the actual good models GW has managed to accidentally make in recent years was only ever available in a handful of places in the entire world for an extremely limited time never to return.
Why is it that the ugliest part of Walmart is the area with all the mirrors?
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I've chipped away at the odd model here and there to fill out command squads but I've just been busy and not on /tg/ much the past year.

it's a shame the blackstar doesn't have extendable landing gear, I've been eyeballing one for an inquisitor's ride even before seeing this news. But at least I have a reason to paint my deathwatch I've got stashed on the painting desk somewhere.
Hospitallers are cool and I like them quite a bit
You could always greenstuff/print some landing struts, the bottom is pretty flat
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Just make the one on the codex cover.

Same with AdMech too.
yeah it's not impossible, just hate having to get measurements right. Wish they did the same thing the valkyrie did and have the pads separate so you could pick.
Because mirrors are gauty and putting them so close to each other messes up the reflection in a weird way.
Pic not related?
>Probably no rules for sanctioned xenos
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don't worry if inq retinue is batteline you'll be able to take a whole 6 monkee
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where's his cod peice? no offence to Cotton Hill but this guy looks like a retarded Cotton Hill.
anyway what the fuck is going on with this smooth gash?
Anyone know a good paint for this shade of blue?
Because that’s where all the white trash go to try on clothes and dump them on the floor while their ugly misbegotten children smear various jams and slimes on the mirrors
Check the Vallejo stuff, they're pretty good.
That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m gonna try a test model in Fallschirmjager colours but there’s no way in hell I can make it look as good as the ones in there. I’ll have to learn to zenithal and layer I guess, and get some finer brushes
Australian prices
I’ve never had a good experience with Vallejo model colour paints
I recall Vallejo 70.816 Luftwaffe blue being a very nice shade
Because you're probably using the new formula Vallejo paints. Vallejo screwed up its formula. You seen all the people at WIP talking about Vallejo bubbles?
I had that problem but it went away after adding some glass bead shakers to my bottles, been a very nice painting experience since
no, I see one guy always talking about them and everybody else telling him he's a paintlet
I know it is a German soldier, but I think the French Greyish Blue paint from Ak interactive looks pretty close.
pro acryl dark grey blue
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>a good paint
Source on those glass beads, please? I've been looking for some that are weighty.
Must have been one dedicated autist if that was remotely true but I'm confident that it was more than just one autist and a good number of hobby painters there were in denial.
Vallejo is like the number two paint line just after Citadel paints in this hobby and as one anon of WIP put it. Citadel paints are the lingua franca of paints as so many people ask for close approximates to Citadel paints that it aint even funny. Including me.
>NTA but
Is ivory a good paint for mixing colours into a lighter tone? I find that white mutes the colour after a certain amount is added.
The head is the most baffling part for me. Why did they make him look like a completely different guy?
It's at least a couple guys because the bubbling issue is real. While you can mitigate it by applying the paints correctly and being careful when putting a lot at once it's still annoying and makes no sense to use them over literally anything else at this point
Ebayed "4mm Soda Lime Glass Beads" and got 500 for like £10. Unsure if they're weighty enough for you, but they've done the job for me so far and no leeching/rusting into the pain even after a couple of years, so definitely worth getting glass imo
>I must defend my coomer artist
Thanks anon!
>and got 500 for like £10
I need to get some containers for that amount before I consider buying any if they are sold in such a bulk.
They take up less space than you think. A smallish tupperware will sort you out
whats the legality these days as far as most events go for using alternate kits for units? is it still okay as long as its GW plastic and the weapons match? or have they gotten more strict about it?
i use proacryl bright ivory for mixing, works well. also just a great coverage offwhite, it can cover over straight black in like 2 coats.
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I think I understand where they try to go to seperate the inquisitors in power armor from space marines. The problem is that it looks like shit. It's kinda sad knowing that they can do at least servicable reworks of older models like the did for a lot of marines now.
>white mutes the colour after a certain amount is added
Any amount of white is desaturating the color it's added to, it's just seeming to start at a certain point because that's where you're able to start to notice it.
Is usually warm offwhite and will still desaturate what you add it to, just a bit less if what you added it to was warm.
You need to do your color theory reps bro
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I just put them on 28s, to be future proof, fits them way better. Somehow the spiders are squatting so hard with their power stances they still go rim to rim
Meant just for a base
I’ll give it a look - what are AK paints like in their behaviour, closer to Citadel Vallejo AP etc?
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Funnily enough my LGS sells proacryl paints. Thank you.
>You need to do your color theory reps bro
I don't do much colour theory reading. Not exactly sure where to start on colour theory but I'll have to do some online web searches about the topic then.
I think they behave closer to Vallejo pre-reformulation.
Definitely meant to be used on a wet palette, but I think that applies to all paints if I'm being honest.
That one is a little greyer than I’d like but I’ll give it a shot too. I definitely want to try the camo first but if it doesn’t work at least I can just paint them blue instead
AK have a nice, smooth consistency. They're closer to new AP, better citadel paints and old vallejo. They're fantastic though, if you don't mind not having direct citadel equivalents and having to put some work to get correct colors you need they're an easy recommend
inb4 I get shit on for toasting youtubers but the first three videos on this playlist are pretty good. sense of color is kinda like with music notes, and if you train it you will get better. trust, I've been working with dye for nearly 10 years now, and when I started there were dyes that I couldn't tell the difference between them at all, but once you see it you can never unsee. godspeed, fren
That looks nice
I feel you could do something by changing the head, but even then the model is rather unimpressive. I'm so glad I have the original metal mini.
It needs a tabard to hide the diaper and conceal the oversized legs
Thanks anon!
I wonder if the bits from the captain that comes in company heroes would fit
>inb4 I get shit on for toasting youtubers
Rightfully so. Is brain rot in people so fucking terminal that you have to watch a video for EVERYTHING? You could literally post a small image or a link to an online article about color theory without recommending some useless bald fag
>Information is inferior based on its medium
You can just say you're a fucking adhd zoomer that can't focus for a couple minutes to read a 10 paragraph article and you have to watch some faggot talk garbage for half an hour instead
If the article and the video contain the same information then I really don't see the problem here
>medium is irrelevant to the information
Yeah, absolutely anon. Ten minute one second long videos with photoshopped thumbnails of the jewtuber's face pulling a soipog pointing at a deliberately blurred mini in a red circle are perfectly fine sources of information. You got it. They are not useless, meritless content slop at all and are not churned out at a pace which precludes any testing or consideration of alternatives.
Fucking retard. Knuckle dragging imbecile. Inbred fucking troglodyte.
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This mini designer just fucked up with the legs joint angle. It should be 55-60 degrees and it more like 70-75 degrees.
Then he had to make the crotch region go very high making it look like a diaper. Also copied stormcast legs that does not have normal human proportions and maybe that is why he went wrong with the angles.
>He reads a 10 paragraph article instead of spending 6 hours interpreting haruspicy
You can just say you're a fucking adhd zoomer
The core problem here is clearly that the new one doesn't have nipples
Good point, anon. Why does anyone ever attend any lesson if they can just spend a few minutes reading?
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>This mini designer just fucked up with the legs joint angle
He fucked everything up. It's a fat CAD Stormcast design that's bland and ugly.
The rest is meh or mediocre. The lower half is what it makes a 4/10 bad model into a 0/10 you dont know what the fuck you are doing and you should stop and go to another job.
what's with the jumbo sized purity seals? did they have them on the model before they scaled him up to primaris size?

The crotch is bigger then his chest. It's not just a simple mistake, it's a catalogue of errors
>He spends 6 hours interpreting haruspicy instead of waiting years for a sign from the gods
You can just say you're a fucking adhd zoomer
the arbites actually look more like stormcast than this guy. coteaz new model shares almost no design language with the stormcast old or new apart from being painted solid gold.

the arbites on the other hand have leg plates, pauldrons, and gauntlets that may as well be ripped straight off the 3rd edition launch stormcast models. they also have a similar plain right pauldron, gold patterened left pauldron look to stormcast
My issue with the mini as well, the crotch is humongous, it's grotesquely out of scale.
How could the sculptors fail at this so hard? The new termies (bulky elite infantry models) were perfectly done, what the hell happened?
Could use the exposed cabling to the greaves. I can’t wait to see how people physically try and salvage this model.
What you photobashed - not many people will be going that far.
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how new are you?
>I can’t wait to see how people physically try and salvage this model.
they'll use the old one
these dont look similar at all to the existing arbites. the arbites models look more like stormcast than they do like these old metals apart from the weapons and helmets. the pauldrons are a completely different shape, the leg and knee plates have vertical ribbed patterns while the new ones are cut almost directly off the stormcast models buckles and all, the pauldron shape here has a square angle at the armpit while on the new ones it has that same semi-circle cut on the inner edge of the pauldron and the same sloping ridge on the outer edge, while this old metal one is more domed

you've proven my point, thanks
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World Eaters are cool. I know they're just run forward and hit stuff but it's fun.
No direction, no working from actual concept art, just looks like the sculptor doodled in Blender. I've noticed this with a lot of newer sculpts. I've never seen any actual concept art for Lumineth or Votann, and lo and behold, both ranges are hideous.
>these dont look similar at all to the existing arbites.
so you're pretending to be retarded?
have another (you), faggot
Have you considered the possibility that maybe internal concept art used for miniature design isn't released to the general public the second it is created?
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GW have a history of being (rightfully) proud of their concept art, and either publish it themselves or let the artists do it, going back decades. If it exists, it gets out there. I just can't see something like pic related existing for Votann or Coteaz.
GW should release at least one model for each faction that either has no official model or is a highly cutomisible model kit that has like 10 weapon options that you can mix and match
like necron cryptek, inquisitor, liutenant (which already exist but its a bit meh) etc.
The concept art is released *years later* as either a compiled book or for promotion of finished miniatures. And not everything gets the promotional treatment, it's an exception not a rule.
ok here, since you seem to be visually impaired i put them side by side for you.

tell me which one looks closer
that pauldron is so close its potentially a reused CAD asset
>GW have a history of being (rightfully) proud of their concept art
But not always.
They released TOW concept art in 2020 for a faction that still hasn't released. Even if they did have concept art for the new Coteaz, it would mean they deliberately directed the sculptor to make his sculpt far blander and uglier than the old artwork they used for the codex he's being released for. The more likely scenario is that the sculptor just wasn't given direction at all, and if so, it's unlikely this is the first time.
bring out the gimp
It's funny because how hard would it be to just screenshot the old model and say "this, but new." They really set this sculptor up for failure.
Based on all the people who fucked out of GW, like Duncan, Peachy, Sugden, GW just sounds like an awful place to work in.
Then combine that with shit pay, due to them paying minimum wage probably to everyone.

GW is probably constantly breathing down their sculptors' necks demanding them to do everything exactly as some executive cunt tells them to do.
Honestly, I think it's just poor management that failed upwards.
going public trainwrecks every fucking company that does so
>GW is probably constantly breathing down their sculptors' necks demanding them to do everything exactly as some executive cunt tells them to do.

from what they've said on the jugz podcast, its a mix of that and a collection of said executives who do not work together and constantly work to undermine each other across departments, stealing resources and labor, sabotaging projects, shorting budgets, etc.

we saw a little bit of that with the HH dreads and tanks being pulled from 40k for spreadsheet reasons, but apparently much MUCH more of that goes on behind the scenes. just petty self interested execs who only worry about their own department and padding their own numbers within a fractured internal structure, each department like its own little fiefdom ruled over by a callous lord. actually pretty thematic for warhammer when you think about it
They pay above minimum wage. 2022 I think they gave every staff member at least a $5k bonus. Dunno about contractors.
It does piss the soul of the company away. Mix in a little Welchian fuckery >>93410920 and you've got the textbook example of long term dysfunction for short term gains
Fix the proportions (longer arms, bigger head, thinner legs), put the tabard back, make him bald again, give him a hammer that isn't a clipped wire away from AoS, and then finally pose him with a gun out (with optional hand swap to hold his book)
yeah it really does looks like he's wearing a nappy
looks like age of shitmar
They barely pay above minimum wage. The attitude in gw head office is quite literally "it's a privilege to work here, if you don't like it there's a queue of nerds happy to replace you".

They also have an obsession with toxic levels of positivity. The coteaz model will have been approved by some mid manager, and not one person is allowed to offer criticism, because if they do, that's their card marked for life. You literally are expected to clap along like a seal to everything.
Source or you divined in the tea leaves?
>the arbites actually look more like stormcast than this guy

>shoulder pad (which the arbites had first and isn't unique to stormcast)
>similar calf armour
>entire body matching the stormcast aesthetic

No, this shitty inquisitor is literally a stormcast. Fuck you, retard.
he's ordo xenos
How has Warhammer affected your life, anons?

It was the reason I got my first job so long ago.
Orks are fun to paint but they do take a long time to paint.
Not either of those guys and just a random dude, but having been friends with a few GW managers, they do have a prominent bias towards never speaking negatively of the company, even when goaded.
Used to work for gw. Admittedly a few years back now, but from watching the few decent interviews the painting phase had with James and that product manager guy, it seems like not a lot has changed in the internal culture
it eats away most of my free time and a bit of my disposable income but that's pretty much it
I don't play this shit game so it doesn't affect my life at all
holy shit this level of dishonesty is astounding.

the new stormcast designs in the pic pre-date the new arbites models by like 4 years. also the new inquisitor shares absolutely zero design with any of the new or old stormcast apart from them both being painted gold. post literally any evidence to the contrary or GTFO faggot
The bland and round power armor is very likely a deliberate choice, because it fits the female ordo xenos inquisitors armor. Also compare reworked space marine models of recent years. They are usually faithful to the original except for the 'iconic' primaris design elements. I doubt GW has sculptors that would design a model on their own THIS bad. It's even more baffling if you consider that it's a major character for a faction that only gets him as a new model for the next few years and not just another primaris lieutenant.
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>holy shit this level of dishonesty is astounding
>the new inquisitor shares absolutely zero design with any of the new or old stormcast
No (You) for you.
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These new pity releases actually remind me of AoS pity releases. For a while they got books with 1 hero who looked mediocre at best and almost always didn't -quite- fit with the rest of the range.
They gotta be those interns, maybe even the same intern
Pauldrons and leg armor should look completley different on two different humanoids for some reason.
Damn, is she a lost Bogdanoff?
GW sucks so fucking bad at sculpting faces
He looks so fucking bad it's unreal.
they alternate between 40k and aos, while 40k is in the forefront of the release schedule, aos gets pity releases, while aos is in the forefront, 40k gets pity releases. been this way for 6 or 7 years now
What arms and head do I give my floating exalted sorcerer
Wasn't expecting to see Inquisitor Blacksploitation today
Pool's closed, heretics
>Inquisitrix Yakuba
Army ones
And her HWYTE henchmen
On a crusade to find the best fried chicken and fake nails in the galaxy.
>Deathwatch Index has rules for squads of mixed toughness
>firstborn kill teams can take bikes and terminators
>primaris kill teams were split by armor types for some reason
Hopefully the Agents codex fixes a little bit of DW jank before their supplement drops. Still seems pants of head retarded to give them a special leader that can only join one kind of kill team
Is that lady's head 3D printed or is the hair greenstuffed on?
I need female heads for my guardsmen.
does the dark eldar kit with the winged guys come with extra wings?

i need feathered wings for a conversion
A space cop's armor looking closely like the armor of a fantasy knight does raise a few eyebrews, as it should, so why doesn't it raise yours?
>so why doesn't it raise yours
Botox, mainly
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>>Thread Question:
>How would you fix the model?
remake the miniature
fire the retard who sculpted it
this is a disgrace
Shit taste faggot
lol, people are not even putting effort anymore
This. You should be grateful to have anything, let alone at the reasonable prices GW charges.
DW aren't getting a stand-alone codex or suppliment. They're in the Agents of the Imperium book and that's it. Want to run full Deathwatch? You'll have to play Space Marines and "ally" in DW units to complete the army.
It's a Dark Eldar head with a greenstuff afro, according to the maker.
The way it should be
Ever since they released the first Demon Hunter codex I wanted them to make the guy on the cover of it so fucking bad.
The bald guy with the eagle on his arm was ok, but absolutely nothing like the guy on the cover.
The new one is one of the absolute worst minis I've ever seen Games Workshop make and I got my first White Dwarf 31 years ago, so I've seen some shit.
Just fucking give me the guy on the cover of the codex! Same pose, same gear, same everything. Just fucking give it to me already!

The Forge-World inquisitor to the far left is one of my favourite minis of all time. Just perfectly captures an Inquisitor.
I bought one when he was released, but the left leg had some terrible mold problems so the ornate lines on his armour didn't line up. It looked terrible. It's still one of my all time favourite minis though.
My mistake. I could have sworn DW got the same offhand mention of a new book as GK did.
>but the left leg had some terrible mold problems so the ornate lines on his armour didn't line up. It looked terrible. I
Silly goose you could just have mailed FW and gotten a free second one
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>3 black guys
These ratios are getting silly!
>exclusive to Target stores in the USA.
Oh now I get it
I know, but it was pretty annoying having to ship stuff between countries, so I never bothered.
Still an amazing mini. So much detail, but it's not over the top. The armour and detail is so ornate, but the cloak and hood adds a lot of mystery to the character.
It's all sculpted so well. Not the blocky round shit they've been doing for so long. It's all so crisp
Anything more than 1/10 is pandering
One of the ones you're calling black isn't black. It is a skin pigmentation caused by geneseed defects. Would you call an African with Albinism a white person? Retard.
Literally no one at GW believes that anymore, it's pure cope.
>literally has a fro
Salamanders are cool
... I don't actually hate it. The fro could use some sparse highlights, but she doesn't look bad.
>only 1 white guy
What happened to the Emperor's plan?
>it's compatible if you make it
My guy, I'm happy for you.

Truth is, we could all do that, but we'd rather not waste our time and effort when we didn't have to, and it encourages GW to keep making kits less compatible.

Yes, I understand that you don't like people complaining.
No, I do not care that you think you're in the right because you're willing to fix what GW has broken on purpose.
Nobody thinks you're grand for doing this, but we do recognize the effort and work you put into it.

All I ask is you
1) stop saying bullshit. If you need to snip and cut, it's not compatible, cuz otherwise everything is. Use your head, not just your hands.
2) Stop complaining about complaints.

I won't argue further, this is just a little PSA.
They wouldn't have bothered painting him a different black if they didn't care to make a distinction.
Had the same thoughts when I first saw this artwork 2 decades (?) ago. IIRC there is also one with an iquisitor swinging sideways at a mutant or somenthing. Really makes you think why GW doesn't do that 'running and swinging over head' pose more often. Scibor has several miniatures with it and they all look great.
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A truly brutal mogging for sure
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Damn. I was hoping for it to be an STL of some sort. That greenstuff work is good as I thought it was a 3D printed head.
Yeah. I mean just look at the balance between the ornate and cloaked stuff. How detailed and ornate it is, but without being over the top or having weird proportions. Look how plain the sword is compared to his armour. The visual balance is so spot on.
Man. That makes a lot of sense to why GW can be quite incompetent, and also probably clears up why HH units don't have rules in 40k too.
They could have released ANY inquisitor model. The sky was the limit and they released THIS
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What are you boys working on?

My first blue ork is almost done
I feel that memes like this actually exonerate the dogshit sculptor by putting blame on management so I will not go along with it.
Maybe this genuinely is what goes on behind the scenes at GW.
It might explain a lot as everything gets rushed.
I'd probably find some studio to build the guy on the cover for me if I ever got back into Warhammer again. Just get them to build it and then I could paint it myself. I've wanted a mini version of the guy on the cover for so long. I didn't have means or money to commission something like that back then. I made my own version, but it didn't turn out even close to that. Different pose altogether too, but I put all my skills into it.
It's for the US market, those guys worship them
Sculptors, like actors, are only as good as their direction. There's nothing in the model that shows a lack of technical skill, just a complete lack of thought and aesthetic sense.
2 niggers, 1 nigga
>just a complete lack of thought and aesthetic sense.
These are not qualities a sculptor should have?
I spent the weekend setting up a new hobbying desk, I was getting too distracted painting in front of my computer. I can airbrush indoors now as well which is great
Not everyone's Gareth Nicholas man. Most of them are just technically proficient monkeys. Which isn't a problem when direction is there
>and it encourages GW to keep making kits less compatible.
They don't need encouragement.
They just don't care what you think anyway. Oh, you'll stop buying their products?
Oh well, there's like 50 other retards lining up to replace you.
>hero who looked mediocre at best and almost always didn't -quite- fit with the rest of the range.
It's called a test model Anon. Usually made by people applying for the job or as early drafts of another unit.
They tend to give those out as event only alt sculpts, but sometimes they get repurposed as new units.
It's not a secret, sculptorsveven sometimes brag thier unused work got released as store aniversary or something
>scions of flame not mentioned
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>just a complete lack of thought and aesthetic sense.
This is not a problem with supervision, the sculptor had plenty of reference material.
She must have purposefully ignored them for whatever sick reason.
Do you know something we don't?
Unfortunately they stopped releasing the names of sculptors following the HH Space Wolves debacle.
Imagine being a GW exec doing some monthly boardroom meeting and putting up a picture of all these hideous modern models all on their hideous tactical rocks and just having everyone in the room keeling over with laughter at how they're conning retards into spending hundreds of dollars on these abortions. It must be the best running joke ever.
>purity seals stuck to fucking fur
No amount of reference material is not going to change anything if the management is ass.
It's the managers and people higher up that decide what is "finished" and when it gets released.
If the project leads are so fucking dumb that they look at this dog shit that the sculptor made, but then still give a free pass instead of telling them to get back into the sweatshop.
It is purely on the managers.
Just realised it is physically impossible for him to draw that pistol because they flipped it around.
Why didn't they just model the mini like the art on the front of the damn book instead of making someone who looks like he's wearing a bunched up piss filled metal diaper?
It's the bird's pistol.
Can you make him bald again?
>half ass your job
>blame the people who didn't tell you to restart from scratch
maybe you shouldn't have half assed the fucking job in the first place
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Drawing a pistol from the same side is better than cross drawing. Not sure which hand is supposed to be his hammer hand now though.
I guess his left since every single melee and pistol unit is a lefty these days
Both of them are half assing their job.
Both the managers and the sculptors.
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>the chad right handed eldar vs the virgin lefty mon'keigh
I don't like that Wallace is getting dragged into this, but I also find the picture too funny to overlook
naw nigga google cavalry draw or wild bill
I strongly believe both eldar and marines are ambidextrous by fluff
Doesn't make it look any less dumb that marines are always wielding swords with their left hand
I mean, games workshop went public 30 years ago. I don't know about how "short term" those gains were.
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which btw is a primaris thing
Modern lefty sculptor imposing this?
marines dont sleep they just shut down half of thier brain maybe thats what's goign on. hes just having a nap
eh, it does kind of make sense that the codex astartes would prescribe exactly how to hold a chainsword and pistol so codex compliant chapters would all wield their weapons the same way, while non codex compliant chapters or chaos would have more variation
>which btw is a primaris thing
doublecheck better
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>wahwahwah I don't wanna do light conversion work wahwahwah
>wahwahwah muh upgrade kits are now all obsolete and unusable (despite PHYSICAL evidence to the contrary) and GW will come, kick my door down and slaughterfuck my whole family if I try and use them wahwahwah
>wahwahwah I'm a no-model nonce talking out of his ass and I'm mad so you have to be mad too wahwahwah
Anon, serious question. Why are you in this hobby? This type of kitbashing/converting is easily the simplest way of individualizing your army that there is.
Is the designer a polack?
And yeah I'm finding more and more (especially here for some reason) the idea that the people with design input are the suits, as if during investor meetings everyone votes on how a primaris such and such is going to look like. I think it's to give the actually designers/sculptors a free pass.
>Is the designer a polack?
No idea, just wanted to use a funny name
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>yes my spiritual liege
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Meanwhile in 30k
Even knights are lefties. Is there someone at GW pushing for left-handedness DEI?
>that'll be $49.99 plus tip please!
IIRC marines are perfectly ambidextrous so it doesn't really matter.
It does matter because it looks dumb to right handed people(most of us)
Oh, you made the same joke… again, you’re just like the joker, ben.
You're correct.
i'm not ben i'm just a retard who doesn't read the thread
Why are you paying more attention to the melee weapon hand than the bolt pistol hand?
Because the melee weapon is their primary weapon? They're literally melee units?
knights can be assembled either way, pretty sure
like bags of sand
But it is harder to aim and shoot with your bad hand than it is to hit with a chainsword with it.
They're ambidextrous so it shouldn't matter?
didn't you already make this post earlier?
and you accuse others of repetitiveness?
Which yet again doesn't matter to marines because they are all ambidexterous.
Marines don't have a "bad" hand like normal people.
It's just Edgecoc running out of material.
Just ignore his phone-posting ass and post some art or models.

He starts to get upset when people intentionally ignore his shitposts.
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Oh so that's where all the arbites shitposting comes from
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Should I abandon all hope for the EC refresh being any good? How badly could James possibly fuck it up?
>Another boring shitty model reveal
When is something fun going to come out for 40K again?
I dunno bro, Games Workshop have done some really cool models recently
Are vallejo really that bad now?
flip a coin anon
you might get something good like the skaven/nids refresh
or you might get the op
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woah, cool it with the antisemitism.
Please be patient while
>Age of Sigmar
>Horus Heresy
>The Old World
>Warhammer Underworlds
>Blood Bowl
Get some updates first, ok?
anon its called anti-zionism these days
They previewed a whole new army yesterday.
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>woah, cool it with the antisemitism.
Absolutely not.
I got a Deathwatch Veterans box for 20 dollars on ebay. God 40k kiddies are so retarded.
> Grey Knights standalone codex NEXT year

How big are the 2 newest characters ( Crowe, and the named termie captain)? Im guessing Primaris sized?
Crowe is yes
Sure they did buddy
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No pics but I've got 5 more Boyz and a nob on smasha squigs in the works. Now that they're mixed into squighogs I actually have to paint them if I want to use squighogs again.
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I hate his big metal thong. What fuckin lunatic thought that putting a man in high waisted leg armour and a high on-top-of-hip design thong/codpiece was a good idea?

It looks like the sort of leg armour that Katy Perry might wear on stage for fuck sake.
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look at this badass motherfucker
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>How would you fix the model?
Just make it look like this, job done.
>Emil Darkhammer
>does not carry a hammer, let alone a dark one
One shoulderpad on each side would have been enough big man.
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How do you go from this to that abomination?
Just nagged a Covus Blackstar thats well painted in my scheme off ebay for 45 USD. Deathwatch sisters, how will we recover?
I didn't she the guy before but fuck, it's one of the worst models in recent years. How can you release this shit as posterboy of a "new" faction?
Also, it's going to be in any patrol and starter box of imperial agents, adding 20-30€ to the price count.
>How would you fix the model?
It can't be fixed. Just make a new one.
Nah not really. The paints still have pretty, vibrant colors and if you just apply them correctly the bubbling won't be an issue. I just find no reason to use them over AK where I don't have to be mindful of some bullshit bubbles unless your lgs only stocks them or something
That's Eisenhorn, not Coteaz
>cool it with the antisemitism
I'm jewish, i'll allow it for a price.
Post models (that's the price)
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Cleaning eBay finds is interesting. This one was owned by two people before me at least and they just painted right over top the last one. Also painted right over the metal with no primer so it came off super easy.
I meant the quality of the model, in a similar role.
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>working with resin third party guard bits
>regret gluing then zip kicking an arm in place
>quickly decide to cut it off with hobby knife
>arm goes flying
>MFW can't find the arm that went flying

So how's your hobbying going anons?
I like it, but it's not the same without the bird.
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>An Imperial Agents Novel
>Zealous and uncompromising, Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz is the scourge of cultist and daemon alike, striking fear into the hearts of the Emperor’s foes. As lord inquisitor and High Protector of the Formosa Sector, he wields terrible power, able to purge entire systems of the taint of Chaos and heresy, with a legion of agents and interrogators at his disposal.

>What happens when the long decades of horror start to take their toll? Find out whether the legendary Inquisitor Coteaz can continue to spread the God-Emperor’s judgement as his body reaches the limits of its endurance.

>When sinister tidings from a forgotten corner of the Formosa Sector hint at spectres from his past, Inquisitor Coteaz must face a terrible choice abandon his throne to those who covet it or cling to power by shattering the very bounds of mortality. All the while, other forces are at work in the darkness, and should Coteaz succumb to their alluring power, billions will fall with him.

>Written by Darius Hinks.
What you posted is a FW model.
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I agree, rescuing minis usually tells an interesting story. pic not related
I've been screaming for this model for 20+ years
Gonna be doing chaos trim on a wardog after work, can't wait, trim is my favorite
>An Exorcists Novel
>The Exorcists are a Space Marine Chapter unlike any other. To combat the forces of Chaos, they willingly accept daemonic possession, knowing that once it is purged their shattered souls will no longer be susceptible to corruption. Those who fail the banishment trials become Broken Ones living prisons for the terrors expelled from their brethren. Should such desperate measures become known to the wider Imperium, the Chapter would stand accused of the vilest of heresies.

>Discover what happens when a Broken One is freed, and a daemonic conspiracy threatens to unveil the dark rituals of the Exorcists.

>The Exorcists dispatch their Vanguard elite, the Hexbreakers, in a desperate quest to hunt down a Broken One, but the connection between their quarry and the strike force commander, Daggan Zaidu, is more than it first appears.

>Written by Robbie MacNiven.
Somehow in the art the armor doesn't look so terrible.
do you use the ultrasonic cleaner, bagged IPA method?
That Exorcist artwork makes me wonder whether they were meant to totally-not-be-descended-from-loyalist-Word-Bearers.
>Printing out a warboss because I want a third one
>Forgot to fasten the resin vat to the printer, meaning it was printing while the vat was loose and could rise up with the build plate
>Print is entirely fucked, resin all wasted
I wish I wasn't so fucking retarded sometimes
Oh God that art difference. Imagine commissioning a worse version of your existing art to make it a closer match your model that is a worse version of an existing model.
>That reiver
Yeah, that image alone just confirms that Exorcists are just loyalist Word Bearers.
I just use heavy duty degreaser. Pulls the paint right off it. Only dunked it yesterday, that’s less than 24 hours and mostly came off with hot water under the tap.
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They are 100% WB, like Minotaurs are 100% confirmed by their creator to be IW.
Loyalist traitor chapters have never been a "myth" or not a thing. GW has constantly leavign bread crumbs to people and intentionally left the door open for them.
I mean look at the fucking difference here. It's like a fucking Blizzard game. It's funny how Blizzard more or less stole from Games-Workshop back in the day, but now it's reversed.
What brand? or chemical composition?
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Sorry James, you're not clearing your warehouse with this one
God I want a bonesinger model again
>grav chutes incorrectly
Leave the tech to the smart guys, you stick to your dusty tomes and daemon dilations
No amoutn of art of Reivers or anything phobos is going to fix them.
I hope GW just takes the hint and quietly axes them out of the primaris range alongside the inceptors, supperessors, desolators and the ATV.
the codex astartes wasnt written until after the horus heresy.

it was the wild west before that. people were wielding chainswords in their left hand, their right hand, their asscheeks, wherever
And the rest of the Primaris range.
Bladeguard can stay. Maybe
>And the rest of the Primaris range.
No, because rest of the range is better what came before.
I know you're trying to bait me into an argument to derail thread.
Be smarter than that.
Also nah.
I just don't like primaris marine designs and simply wish they replaced squatmarines with the ones from the Space Marine Heroes because those are gorgeous.
Does anyone know if Black Spear Taskforce is going away or staying?
>wish they replaced squatmarines with the ones from the Space Marine Heroes
They were the same scale as the old stuff but better posed.
I just got called a doomposting shitter in another 40K chat for saying it’s going away, so maybe you’ll get your copedex.
I really hope they keep it. It doesn't have to be good, I just LOVE those ammo stratagems so much.
Yeah. That's all that was needed.
I shamelessly bought 7 copies of old Coteaz as soon as the new one came out because I knew it'd increase in demand
I actually have a few and they're differently scaled than old squat marines.
They're scaled to the size of the current HH plastic marines and Chaos Space marines
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You do not spark joy.
What's wrong with these guys?

Pisces eating good
You cant just say

>um other primaris can stay
What the fuck schizo nonsense is this. Kys. For all you retards complaining about discord trannies 24/7 you love discord tea more than NSA.
what discord?
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That's pathetic, anon.
>Still look bad and stormcasted.
It just occured to me that Yvraine wasn't needed to revive Guilliman, as Godblight shows that the Emperor was entirely capable of doing it himself even for a more damaged Guilliman.
The Ynnari really are the most worthless group in 40k.
>Imagine being from november
I'm sure the Emperor would be capable of lot of things if he wasn't an effectively lifeless husk
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I now believe that was supposed to be the new codex's cover but they realised the miniature was so ugly they had to do damage control and use an old artwork instead
The discord is ran by a fucking werido who says this general is too mean and needs to lighten up
lel at the virgin war walker
Expect this general IS too mean and utterly unusable, the kiwifarms warhammer 40k thread has a lot of migrants saying they moved there due to /40kg/ and the purist anon controlling the thread
>a legitimate schizo projects two different personalities online
never would have guessed
What twitter furry trash is this? Do you have a Google doc too? Are you searching the discord for anything that can be taken out of context? Are you messaging them and pretending to be an underage girl?
Dawn Ultra Platinum Powerwash. Safe for plastic too.
>I now believe
You're delusional.
>You cant just say
I can and I did.
And I will do so in the future.
>primaris shit
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Why does this guy look like that one Ordo Xenos Inquisitor but not shit?
What's the name of the model?
That's a lady. Male and female SCE models are easy to tell apart by the shape of their breastplate.
I hope 40k only continues with these shit model releases until 50k
>Dawn Ultra Platinum Powerwash
Thanks pal. And it's way cheaper than superclean and LA's on amazon.
I have a bunch of 3E DE arriving soon that I need to strip.
there's only one half decent general on this entire godforsaken board and it's not thie one
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Has anybody tried a green tide list with 120 Boyz, suitable characters, and then just filling the rest with Snagga Boyz? Even without the detachment bonuses that's still a lot more bodies to chew through, and these all have a 6+++.
Why is it we have a photoshop autist yet not one here can actually model be it by hand or through a CAD program?
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lul, uncanny
Oh please the discord is the reason there is a janitor being anal about threads now its annoying
What do you need done, and why wouldn't I just charge for it anyway once I made it?
>Oh please the discord is the reason there is a janitor
You aren't fooling anyone.
It is completely other way around.
The WS dude specifically made it to spite you and your janny friend make these threads insufferable.
the throoder has been throoding and shitting up the general since before the discord
Thats not a janitor, the OP autist you know the one who cries if you dont use a thread question or posts all the current warhammer community articles gets mad whenever the discord is brought up, he rushes to the mod IRC to get the general taken down now and the discord is something newer that the throoder cries over.
Super cheap compared to the other cleaners for metal.
Speaking of meta discussions, how do you guys feel about the current game meta?
120 Boyz is plenty, you start hitting the point where even more bodies really doesn't help you much when the points could be far better spent on units to try and counter anything T10+ / 2+ that just laughs at choppas
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Stop giving a shit about winrate
I hate how the game is balanced around an unachievable "fair™" environment when it should have more purposeful direction in changes.
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Hm. I guess I'm just curious to see how dumping EVEN MORE bodies on the table would go. 120 Boyz does indeed do okay, after all I love green tide, but I normally end up with few Boyz left on the table after the game is over.
Really I just don't know what to throw into the remaining points after the Boyz+characters are spoken for.
is JEWkhari at the top now because they have good pivot rules?
I did want to grab a brutalis anyways, that’s funny.
>based macross fan
yes i do remember. (also delta/macross 2, genesis climber mosepeda)
>Looking at one Detachment no one plays
And there are 153 games in the data from the other detachment, which makes up the bulk of the statistic. What's your point?
They don't anymore. Tournament rules updated to make flying bases have to pay the 2" pivot cost.
>Born in October
>Started with Orks and gave 6k+points of em
>Don't have a stompa
If I wasn't determined to make a monolith into a stompa when I eventually bite the bullet and want one I'd go for it. But the pull of the stompa is indeed strong...
Yes, it got nerfed because it was OP af. Have you been living under a rock?
what happened to black templars? i thought they were really good
i really hate this new direction of "X unit is only good in the detachment made for it"

the codexes are shaping up to be so much worse than the indexes
>What's your point?
That the chart uses aggregate winrate? The statistic has lost what little meaning it used to have coming into 10e. Space Wolves is a better example. Its equally as retarded as treating "space marines" as a monolith
Reminder that Coteaz is a heretic, he allowed Eldar spies to enter his inner sanctum and didn't execute them on the spot for it.
It's shrimple anon, you don't like that?
He decides who's a heretic.
>All this doomposting for 40k even valrak had a video saying its dead to appeal his fanbase

Why does this happen everytime AoS gets focus?

>GW gives some crumbs to AoS
>Cool AoS Sculpts
>40k gets really bad/bland pity miniature releases in the meantime
>40k fans scream bloody murder say its over

Face it when Space marine 2 comes out youll be playing that more than table top shit
So many cool designs and we get reject stormcast design, the eagle heads are wrong to, bird heads are always level with the ground even while banking, it looks like a jet or aircraft looking forward like that
>Reminder that Coteaz is a heretic
He isn't a ordo xenos faggot.
Ordo Malleus inquisitors work with eldar more specifically because they know that the eldar have lot of useful information on Chaos, and they are opposed to it as well (for obvious reasons)
Anon that doesn't even answer my question in the slightest.
I know it got nerfed, it's not going to stop me from playing it. I'm thinking of stupid ideas on how to run it and want to know if snaggas have been tried yet. It seems obvious.
>his inner sanctum
is his his inner sanctum his big bloated diaper?
Stop bloating half the threads with your shitty shoops
fookin ell
>Face it when Space marine 2 comes out youll be playing that more than table top shit

Not really a surprise as it will be fun in coop, and nothing about playing 10th is fun.
Is the doomposting in the room with us right now, faggotron 3000?
>Face it when Space marine 2 comes out youll be playing that more than table top shit
Of course, 40k is fucking boring.
If the Eldar have useful information then you're supposed to torture it out of them, not let them waltz into your office with it.
Samefag less. Nobody cares enough to even comment.
The minute 40k gets a worthwhile online multiplayer game the table top is cooked. Its been clear for years not even with you 10th complainers, you guys rarely play here maybe you model a bit to put on the shelves but It's not just /tg/ either, you see it on dakkadakka as well with the greybeards who haven't played/read/painted/whatever in 20 years but want to proclaim from the mountain tops why the version you're currently playing is awful, why some character they know nothing about is awful, and how the game was better when there was no tactical aspect and the main objective was to just table the

Its not even a 10th edition issue the minute something online comes out for 40k thats utterly good and replicates the setting perfectly with multiplayer this general would sooner turn into /v/ than talk about table top anymore.
Also I can almost understand a tactical rock for jumping people or the like, but what the fuck! is the wing just ripped against metal debris?
>guy clearly keeps shooping the latest ragebait
>The minute 40k gets a worthwhile online multiplayer game
TTS has existed for years
>the minute something online comes out for 40k thats utterly good and replicates the setting perfectly with multiplayer this general would sooner turn into /v/ than talk about table top anymore.
Thanks god, this is a shithole.
If you weren't a tertiary you would know that games do not eat up tabletop sales
Should of gone full 40k and have one of the eagle heads eating gore from an eye socket, like a crow and the tactical rock instead should be a tactical pile of skulls
yes, you are a schizo, go ahead and count the posts "bloating half the threads"
the table top rules suck ass this games only carried by setting

>post models

Post models is such useless shit the post models autist even goes to /v/ and tries that shit there lol /v/ has been having more 40k general threads with a better userbase than here, at least /v/ doesnt have a stitch who runs off to an IRC whenever something doesnt go his way, you arent even a jannie your a fucking informant for jannitors
Anything sounds like a better idea.
>i-it's not LITERALLY half the thread!
Holy autism
TTS is a pain in the ass experience in actual play though. But also 40k just isn't that great of a game that it is worth dealing with a cumbersome interface to play.
That's actually on whoever painted this one, the worst part of the official sculpt is the way they insist on giving everyone allergic-reaction eyelids. Personally, I think it looks like they used a Heroforge head instead of the official one.
The /v/ threads also have people posting more models and talking about table top better than here, The throoder really just drove out most worthwhile posters on this board.
That new box was the best way to get it
Go to /v/ then or post models faggots
Looted monolith stompa or bust.
I actually don't care for the stompa model too much. It looks like forge world.
What's the part that angers you, exactly? that people are saying negative things about the latest reveal or what? Do you genuinely prefer the new model to the old one?
If I wanted to play gears of war I'd play that nigger, the entire point is being a tabletop game.
>The minute 40k gets a worthwhile online multiplayer game the table top is cooked
DawnOfWar has been out for 20 years.
A worthwhile FPS/third person shooter with a bunch of factions would utterly eclipse table top.

Why do you guys cling onto such a bad game? You clearly hate 10th edition why cant you admit it?
You got me there. Looted > official sculps.
I really want to put some treads on those DE pirate ship looking things and use it as my truck for the flash gitz.
how would a looted monolith work in that conversion? shokk attack cannon at the door? floating with lightnings scouring the ground underneath? chained wyrdboy powering the thing instead of an orb or ctan? or just using the general shape of the monolith instead of the frame of the stompa? because in the latter case I think you would do better with the tesseract vault/obelisk
>Another COD slop game with micro transactions and so many factions that nobody plays but the best WAAC ones.
I like 10e
>A worthwhile FPS/third person shooter with a bunch of factions
It's a teenager's pipedream, it's not doable, the different factions are hell to flesh out and animate individually, hell to balance mechanically and hell to balance in terms of playerbase populations or post release support, not to mention how the PvP gameplay runs completely counter to the power fantasy the average marinekid wants out of that.

It simply doesn't work, best you could get is some horus heresy battlefield or the borefest that will be SM2 pvp.
Dawn of War is an RTS and is old, a multiplayer shooter would unironically be major if its a good game
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Take this and make it 40k. It's that simple.
If you get a competent dev and on top of the fact you dont need to launch with every faction. Game dev is now is adding content over time.

Honestly, launch the game with orks, space marines, and eldar and then add the other factions from there
>killa kan
I just started a small ork force recently, this has to be a sign
Ask Eternal Crusade.
This general has got to be some of the biggest 40k shills on the the fucking internet, sure youll complain about GW or 40k but seriously the diehards who stick to 10th edition or cling to official GW rules is so baffling, the hatred of 3D printing, the crying agasint trying alternatives.

I thought 4chan was counter culture? You people are some of the biggest 40k fanboys around, you barely maintain a proper torrent, there is barely anything brotherhood here now.
Take your meds
they arent 40k shills, they are GW whores. Watch this.
>If you get a competent dev
Good luck with that.
A team of competent devs would work on their own original IP.

The best chance at success you could possibly have with a 40k online shooter is to have an orks-only fortnite clone or some shit.
>the hatred of 3D printing
Nobody has issues with it the fuck are you talking about? The only time it comes up is "Will my LGS be mad if?"
Is cidatel glue the best thing to use when it comes to assembly or are there better options? I've tried tamiya but I feel like there should be better options.
>Honestly, launch the game with orks, space marines, and eldar and then add the other factions from there
That's a balancing nightmare. Just do Guard/Marines vs Traitor Guard/Chaos Marines
You literally don't need anything else for a 40k game.
>discord thread
This has the discord in it.
run off to the IRC little snitches
>sure youll complain about GW or 40k
I do, I hate that they keep jacking the prices. At this point I will only buy the bare minimum because the kits are too expensive.
>but seriously the diehards who stick to 10th edition
>or cling to official GW rules is so baffling
I don't and I've advocated for people to go back playing 9th or whatever edition they want to.
But no one seems to want to
>the hatred of 3D printing
I don't hate 3Dprints because it's piracy, I hate them because 90% of the time they look like shit with print layers out the ass.
>the crying agasint trying alternatives.
People should do this as well but I have no power over them.
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R8 purchase
I don't like box posting either, but there's a reason here
GAY /10
I hope you got those shitty upgrade sprues for pennies on the fucking dollar you gulliable little shit.
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You chose gayly
Nice to see the old enginseer there
Here is a new thread without a discord link in it.


I am actually
>Blood angels
I'll stick to the 'cord thread
you got the shitty old ones that dont even look good back when they were new.
Oh, but I like them.
Plus they're going OoP
well I guess you like pure shit. Also who cares if they are going oop, they never should have entered your domain to begin with.
I like them, I'm sorry that you feel that way.
>going oop
means value goes up, hence box posting
samefag less
finally somthing to use the dark eldar heads for, if you need some for this guard players just ask a drukhari player they have hundreads of heads like thease
Space Marine 2 will be 7-8/10 mediocre game. You will beat in like 10 or so hours, fuck around in multiplayer/coop for another 10 and then uninstall
if its quality over quantity thats fine, armored core 6 did it well
Armored Core 6 has unique scenarios for three full playthroughs of the game and changes substantially with different builds. I wouldn't exactly call it lacking in quantity.
theres 3 man co-op specific missions, i think those will provide the longevity, along with the 6v6 pvp
Whats gonna replace Pariah Nexus?
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The next Warzone which will be the name of the next Crusade book they preview around January.
Probably Warzone Laevenir
I sleep
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