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Work in Progress, "Taco Tuesday" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
Is any series allowed here, or is it specific?
anything goes man, post whatever you're working on
We're not even really picky about the miniatures being associated with a real game. It's more like the miniature painting general Desu.
Or, it would be if anybody ever painted anything.
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I need feedback, WIP.

Also the base is PVA glued on sand with afro shadow and drybrushed with grey brown. Both paints from AK.
I post literally every mini I work on here : (
why is the grass completely flat? It would look decent for tabletop if it was actually, you know, applies correctly
There are dozens of mini posted every thread.
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Reposting my GUO from last thread. Does it need further highlights? If so which direction should I go in terms of color for them?
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I applied the grass the wrong way. I luckily used very watered down PVA glue and was able to pluck most of the static grass out and add them again. Hopefully better in smaller patches.

Pic related is the most recent pic of the base I took.
Towards yellow is the safe option, as humans are used to yellow light. You can technically go any color, depending on the color of the light source, but yellow tricks people into thinking it's real a lot easier.
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cheeky repost
RIP Deathwatch
I think the skin could go a bit lighter but that can be because of the lighting of your picture. Boils and all that disguting garbage looks good enough to me already
yeah it needs highlighting, probs green-yellow into some edge highlights with a yellowish
The skin needs more work if you're aiming for a higher standard. Add some brighter, yellowish greens like >>93410734 said. I will never understand why people like to collect Nurgle. I can imagine the minis being fun to paint but holy fuck they look so disgusting I wouldn't want to display them
Looks cool so far, but I agree with the other anons, needs brighter highlights to make him more eye-catching
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Hey, bit of an odd question maybe but does anyone have any non WH stuff going on?

Looking for inspiration more than anything.
Like I saw these minis from Para Bellum Games and I'm not really interested in playing their games but boy do I kinda want to paint some of their stuff.

Any non-WH mini selections that aren't just trawling through 3D printed stuff that anyone has had fun with?
Be it just cool or unique or lewd or whatever might interest you when you get sick of GeeDubs' stuff.
I mean, I do love me some Kingdom Death, even if it gets a bit coomie.
I'm a fag so I mostly paint warhammer but I will ocasionally do a coomer KDM mini and I enjoy them a lot. Painting skin is really fun and since they're half naked you get to do that on the almost entire mini. >>93346498 is mine, for example
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my LGS had some cheap frostgrave minis. 8 female wizards for like 15 USD, but I used my customer points and got them for 7. The quality is p good and the plastic is smooth with lots of bits. painted 3 of em so far as gifts and for fun. just testing out color combos and getting them done in an evening or two after work.
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Frostgrave minis are fantastic. Painted these for the missus.
>Least dutch-looking man with handpuppet that tells him to commit crime
>Babushka out looking for Barsik
>"Rules as written"
>Simo Häyhä
What a quirky bunch. Are they all from the same box?
anon plz confirm your use of castellan green
It's either castellan or something close from another manufacturer. By the way I'm not sure about picking that as a basecoat for rotten skin, it reads more as camo cloth right now
nta but as far as i can see most of the stuff is from wizards 2 (i.e. female wizards), with some pieces from soldiers 2 (female soldiers), though i don't recognize the head on the left and the recurve bow, might be from the cultist kit
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An anon here put it very nicely some time ago. If you buy more shit that you can paint or you have no intention of actually painting it at all you like the idea of the hobby, not the hobby itself. Consider moving to something else, this will only make you miserable
It can also be that one inherits a hobby from a time in their life when they had a lot more time from hobbies and the difficulty they have is accepting that their life has deteriorated due to the demands of the modern world on oneself.
Both that image and the post you linked hurt me.
I think I need to start thinking of my pile of shame as a pile of potential instead.
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I'm correcting this shit.
>Be me
>Decide to go back to warhammer after 15 years.
>Decide to start with specialist game so I can play with friends
>Blackstone fortress
>We play it and finish it, paint some minis but not everyone.
>Lose interest and keep watching those model take dust
>After 2 years of not touching them, restart and complete the pile of shame.
You can insult me and laugh at me because pic related I consider them complete, I'm not a good artist, i'm the classic "hobby artist". Well after I finish to paint them only the Negavolt cultists are left, I think I'll buy a kill team squad or the beggining of an army, maybe i'll buy Recast or buy a 3d printer.
they look absolutely fine for tabletop anon, don't sweat it
My only issue is I'm an autist that can't halfass even a simplest model so it takes me stupidly long to paint a single unit. I managed to not buy any additional kits for a couple months at this point until I get through majority of my pile, so there's that at least
Thank you anon.
>If you buy more shit that you can paint or you have no intention of actually painting it at all you like the idea of the hobby, not the hobby itself.
I think I'm in this boat.
>these units look awesome
>man, imagine a whole army of them
>actually sit down to paint
>wow, this is miserable
Based. I've got my unpainted minis down to two blackstone fortress characters and about 15 marines which came in the Leviathan box set.

I don't really see a change in responsibility as deteriorating, but I have definitely seen people who but stuff like they're still teenagers painting every night.

Beats our 40k group mind, none of them except me paint anything and they bitch about me taking the 10 bonus points despite my marine army being nerfed to hell and back this edition.
>made a mistake of venturing out to different generals on /tg/ out of curiosity
jesus fucking christ they are absolutely awful, makes me appreciate you guys a lot more
>You can insult me and laugh at me because pic related I consider them complete
I won't laugh at anyone that finishes models at a level they're satisfied with.
Only thing I'll say is a basing texture paint or sand or whatever would really elevate them.
Post models, friend.
The next step is that, but IDK if doing the bases as the Blackstone fortress tiles or doing the normal "Goblin green grass green"(just the saying not litteraly). Thank you anon.
the kurnoth archer from last thread is my current wip
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Nta but I just went with normal bases on all of mine so I cam use them in RPGs as well as Blackstone.
the dagger and the bow are from the cultists kit, the rest is wizards II
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I think this is a decent standard for blocks of 20, it didn't take too long either, any suggestions for a sort of colourful swamp base? I got some purple and blue tufts, nurgles rot goop, stuff like that
GW has mastered FOMO, I almost don't feel bad for people in the situation. It never feels like you're over-ordering shit because if you don't get it it'll be gone right?!
I'm still pissed shit like KT Nightmare was a fart in the wind but I can still get the terrible space marines Christmas box.
But knowing the beast is actively trying to make you consume is important. It'll give you that extra minute to decide "no, I don't need this"
I still think they’re mentally in the lockdown mindset. During coof I bought a load of 40K because it’s all I had to do. Now I watch 99% of releases pass me by because I have the models I currently want and I don’t want to build up a pile of shame. I’m not against people building one but to me it’s a symbol of someone who gives in to Fomo or can’t commit to a project.
If you want an easier and more foolproof way to apply glass, put static grass on blobs of super glue or craft glue that are on a foil sheet then peel the glue off after it cures. Tufts can be made to look good before you glue them to the base. As far as your models go the colors look fine but flat, some edge highlighting on the plates with some lighter tones in the most exposed wrinkles of the coats on top of some gray/silver highlights on the guns would go a long way.
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I find my pile of shame has benefited greatly from ignoring nuGW box sets and ignoring Youtubers that shill some meme set of the month. That said I got convinced to buy a Quar box set but that's mostly because I like the models a lot.
My friends dad has an old Warhammer High Elf/Dark Elf Army that's just basecoated with flat colors (washes were still tribal knowledge at the time) with that classic GW green all over the bases with no flocking or sand. The armies still look cool because they're all painted and its coherent. People let the 1 model Andys get inside their heads and then think a full gameset or army has to look like a display model you oggle when in most cases you're looking at the models from 4-6 feet away in likely okay to subpar lighting.
It doesn't help when they come for some light critique on rank and file models here they get told to edge highlight and do tons of unnecessary shit that will absolutely trigger that autism for a lot of people.
For me, I have a few showcase models I wanna look perfect but the rest get shaded and a quick highlight and that's it.
I also get they're a niche market so overproducing is always a concern but it would be nice if the preorder window happened before production began or at least enough time where they can keep producing or cut the line depending on demand.
In 2024 there's 0 reason for there to be this much scarcity for plastic toys.
YouTubers are bad for actually getting anything done.
>you NEED these hobby tools
>you NEED this new line of paint
>you NEED this new GW box
>you NEED to collect this GW game system
>you can totally paint that new GW box over a weekend so why not buy it, you can get back to that other stuff later

There's so much pressure to keep up with them.
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The belt dagger is from wizards 2 (females). everything but the right handed dagger and the archer arms are in the wizards 2 box.

i personally don't like a lot of the heads and I need to trim down the neck-ball joint cause it rests really poorly on the body. aside from that they're all interchangable and it's fun trying out a bunch of arms and poses. they also come with a couple familiars
Thanks! There's always something I haven't mastered in this hobby.
>highlights on the guns would go a long way
I'll need to find a good tipped brush then as I can't highlight even if my life depended on it.
I've said it before and I've said it again watching youtubers too much will either make you overspend on useless bullshit or negatively impact your enjoyment of the hobby. That's why I'm so opposed to them and sperg out whenever someone mentions them here
>There's so much pressure to keep up with them.
That's entirely self inflicted. Watch YouTube and other stuff for painting tips or learning. Don't buy their crap.
Do you want to go into more detail, I feel like I was so many hours watching them and haven't seen your previous rants.
You‘re just a mental child, anon.
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I really hate what a lot of hobby "content" has become. There are very few people making honest thumbnails and titles with actual content in their videos. That squidmar faggot makes my blood boil with his Mr. beast shit. Yes I'm being a raging autist, I don't care.

It's not even that they're bad painters, they have actual skills but the space is so saturated that they just want clicks to hold your attention for 90 seconds to fit their Hello fresh or square space ad or that one company that sells "ball deodorant" or w/e the hell. The titles and thumbnails make some outlandish claim and then add a question mark so it's not technically clickbait i.e.
>the best mini paint on EARTH?
>paint golden demon quality in 10 minutes??
>this one mistake is killing your painting????
>I went from noob to pro with 1 trick????

And yeah I just made this pic in like 6 minutes by simply searching "miniature painting"

Duncan and Vince are some of only ones I can recall off the top of my head that don't have a bullshit or sponsors shoehorned. Even Juan Hidalgo has been compromised
I do dig this but I think after you asked about highlights I could see it benefitting from some lighter green or yellowish.
Fuck, that collage pisses me off. Those videos have nothing to do with the hobby, they're just grifters that would do the exact same videos in some other niche.
Imagine being a slaanesh or khorne fan in a religious household
Some other anon pretty much summed it up so just read that
Possible, I don't give a fuck though. There are at least 2 more yt schizos and say what you want but there's a lot less yt garbage being posted here than some time ago so I consider that a success
Victrix makes very cool historical miniatures from Vikings, Franks, Goths, etc. Also, what game are these minis from? The riders are the left are so cool.
Even Vince is slipping, every couple of minutes he'll blurt out "MUH ZENITHAL!" or something similar. Starting to really neglect brushwork type stuff in favor of hyper-complex and specialised stuff. I assume there must be a lot of people who have the money, space and expertise for a billion airbrushes and associated cleaners, silencers, pressure cans, extracters, two point slings, spray booths and open carry holsters but somehow simultaneously lack any knowledge of how to use any of it.

Darren Lathan is the GOAT, GW should feel shame for what they did to him.
that squidmar vid at the bottom especially bothered me when it came out because not only does the before to after look like he took a well painted mini and completely fucked the tones and values and points of interest but he also doesnt even paint it in the video
Vince and Ninjon both pushed lacquer primers within weeks of each other. They hardly touch on how properly toxic they are. At least Vince showed his mask.
In the 00s Nurgle had more of a famine ad pestilence vibe instead of poopoopeepee mutants, the emaciated zombie aesthetic sadly has been lost
I hate youtube but i learned alot from theterraintutor
Terraintutors an OG and I never felt like he was shilling anything beyond maybe making your local hardware shop slightly richer.
NotYourMothersHobbies is good if you don't mind that they only paint HeroQuest at the moment.
All he does is paint from start to finish. No bullshit, no ads.
So I got a toddler who’s shown some interest in painting. I want to paint with her and im looking to get some cheap fantasy minis.

Any brands that are quality? Not looking to buy GW sets for a 4 year old.
Weird to hear a kid 4 years old described as a toddler.

Kids that age usually suck, it'd mostly be coloring in. Go for like whole toys. Like a dinosaur or something. Just prime the entire thing. Boom, big miniature canvas
Reaper Bones.
Buy the cheapest and most generic shit you can find. Those pre-primed dnd minis that are like 2 for $5 come to mind
Get her basic stuff like wolves or horses or something.
WHat wash if any would you put on this guy?
On what part of him? A dark green one I guess.
His content is great but I can't fucking stand that slurping noise he makes every 3 syllables. Disgusting
Unless your daughter is retarded then toddler age is done at age 3, and given she has the ability to tell you what she wants to do, I find it doubtful.
I'd go for a heavy wash in simple green
Is wargaming big in LatAm?
>tfw printing and painting something just for fun, with no need to make it part of a larger project or army

think i rediscovered my love of painting lads :)
mainly the back of him is what seems a bit boring. What ind of green wash would you recommend?
I can carve these little I's out of greenstuff, right? Do I flatten it and let it dry before I start cutting into it? I'm very, very new at sculpting and a ton of my miniatures just got seconded into the Big =][=.
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got myself a painting buddy
I'd probably try sculpting the Greenstuff into a rectangle then carefully taking the indents out of it with the tip of your knife
I told you, a dark one. I don't even use the meme names on these brands, so I couldn't tell ya.
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ffs that bird looks so life-like, I'll never be as good a painter as you fuckers, why do I even bother?
I'd probably just use plasticard for that, but if you prefer greenstuff you should let it cure a bit so it stops being so chewing gummy.
nope, don't own any. so far its been:
>spray DG green
>pro acryl yellow green
>pro acryl faded green
>GW camo shade
>pro acryl olive flesh
>more camo shade
I think you must've went overboard with the camo wash then
Oh all the youtubers are awful for that. Just airbrushes blasting away for hours with no extractors, gloves, masks etc. Total misrepresentation.
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Reaper minis work and have fairly cheap and generic lines.
My daughter got interested in painting minis like dad at about the same age, and I was "lucky" enough to have invested in the Blacklist games Fantasy series boxes FS2 never and eventually had a few massive boxes of generic plastic minis sitting around for her to practice on.
Mostly she just likes repainting a couple of ancient pieces of terrain I had lying around over and over again.
I suggest going with something big and easy like space marines or stormcast since they are designed for kids to paint.
Pic related, her art amongst my clutter and unfinished orks.
Could easily do a GS pressmold and make a million of these.
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Would be nice if my bird could be trusted to not fuck around and wreck shit while I'm painting but he's a full time gig when he's out of his cage
paint recipe for the feathers?
>birds, no matter how well trained, being trusted not to fuck around with brightly colored objects that are smaller than them
Lol, lmao even. God forbid it's also a color they have a negative association with, mine flip their shit around purple objects because of the cloth I use to hold them while trimming their nails.
Have you guys considered that maybe you're just being pussies, and that occasionally spraying a primer coat isn't that big of a deal, and that the excessive PPE is mostly for people who use it day-in and day-out?
this was just some wild bird that flew in and hit its head, it sat on my desk watching me paint for an hour and then flew away
good luck with parrot i hope it talks
It is a big deal because your lungs can't clear out those tiny particulates. You're doing damage over time.
Wouldn't you be better off with those "paint your own unicorn" sets or whatever you get in the like of art hobby stores?
Yeah, very small amounts of damage that don't really manifest until you've been spraying in a car spray booth with no mask for 10 hours a day for 12 years. And then GW painters come along and are like "ewwww, no I can't spray things with my tiny airbrush for 10 minutes once every 2 weeks"
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My birds alright with colours, but flips his shit when anything with a long handle comes near him cause the petstore he came from used to use a broom to corral him back to his cage if started running around and causing mayhem
He talks non stop lmao. He speaks in English, french, mandarin, and spanish, and frequently is saying shit that I have no hope in interpreting
Love the hobby but it's so damn hard painting in with this shit on.
>no welding mask
How do you safely use fluorescent paints?
>even touching florescent paint
Do you have a death wish?
>your lungs can't clear out those tiny particulates
My grandfather worked in a hot rod shop spraying paint on cars for 45 years and died at age 97. You're probably fine shooting acrylics provided you're not doing it in an airtight phone booth sized enclosure
The finch of judgement is not pleased with your handling of citadel pots.
Don't worry, I keep a geiger counter handy just in case, to make sure they didn't sneak any radium or whatever in there.
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Thats him done, I think
Lil gobbo fella in his lil gobbo swamp
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I've finished working on my three Carnifexes for now (I still need to basecoat and paint them) and am trying now to work on having a plan for the Dactylis in the future before committing to any further conversion attempts at it. I want to make the Dactylis look like a proper, modernized Tyranid without just resorting to "Biovore 4.0" or attempting to Re-Slug it with atrophied limbs. To this end the biggest hurdle yet still remains how exactly I need to build the main arms.
Using the actual parts for scale to try and keep it consistent with what I can expect to be able to make with them, this is what I have currently come up with:
>Arms are built like a Mangonel Catapult, with a long arching 'arm' and four-fingered 'hand' that are connected together by a flexible tentacle
>Arm draws back and then throws it's payload with a whip-crack motion
>The tentacle-part is capable of being dexterous and rigid, and can squish down flat between the arm and hand to function as a more traditional arm or extend and vary it's length and position to be as precise as it needs to be to fulfill it's function as the "sling" of the catapult and best aim the payload
>Hand can squeeze together to make a perfect circle or relax into a more traditional hand, depending on what is best suited for the situation and the throwing of the payload
>The fingers are long and thin yet bulbous and covered with tiny retractable hooks to ensure the best possible grip and to let it throw with maximum efficiency
>Alternatively any opponent getting too close can get snatched up by the arms and either get thrown across the battlefield or be crammed into it's maw
I'm not sure how I want the frontmost limbs to look at the moment but they will likely be designed to help keep it stable or act as shields
It won't be as 'big' or eerie as the tall, stalker version but it will probably look a lot more natural
Thoughts? I would really appreciate any feedback I can get on this thing.
while im not overly big fan of this 8 month or so blog of yours i have to applaud your perseverance
the one made from tervigon looked just fine
I've got a fairly rare Forgeworld model that needs its primer stripped. What's the safest way to strip FW resin?
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has it really been eight months, good lord
Thanks though. I never intended to blogpost about this perse; I just don't have another place to get good feedback and I think the thread has helped to keep me on-track with it.
>the one made from tervigon looked just fine
Do you mean the Fleshborer Hives? I thought the proportions on the hand and arm were too long and short respectively (and I was struggling with how to detail the 'hand' part) but maybe I was just second-guessing myself on that one. Do you think it looks better than the newer concept sketch I'd come up with?
Pic of the older one for reference.
>Those thick ass edge highlights
What the fuck are you even doing anon
i tend to look things from practical perspective like for example do i have strong enough magnets to hold this long limb straight or will i opt for the spread out fingers or closed fist because thin parts are more prone to breaking
that said they all look good to me and very nice sketching
you are clearly passionate about them so that is a win on itself, you cant force that kind of hobby drive
Post models tranny
Can you fuck ff and just start working with greenstuff already. Your retarded ass keeps cutting plastic like it's suddenly going to fit together organically and you're just wasting your own and everyone else's time
Too flat and boring.
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ty anons, forgot to say earlier, did one highlight pass but will do another before posting him again

Honestly I'm not sure myself why I'm drawn to Nurgle, usually I'm a fan of more soft and.. pretty? things. Pic related is my favorite mtg land art for example.
These models are so dark and muddled and your hazard stripes are really rough
>models are so dark and muddled
Fair enough. I wanted to try and find a balance between drab and bright and I guess I didn't get either.
>hazard stripes are really rough
These are my earliest models. I followed the eons of battle hazard stripe tutorial, but I'm thinking of using masking tape for it.

How is tamiya's masking tape? If not what's a better brand of model masking tape?
That's pretty fair, thank you. I'll compare the arms I've got and see which one I think captures the spirit of the thing best.
Anon I'm not sure how you think I was going to make the whip-parts of the arms without using putty. Even putting that aside I got them to-scale by tracing the parts I have. So the basis of the arms in the drawing comes from parts I've got.
For that arm specifically I initially thought I wouldn't have those pieces back but after sitting on it I got a new knife blade and used it to carefully excavate the original limbs from the apoxy covering them, and thankfully I was able to salvage them quite cleanly with only the inner vent on one arm being damaged and a couple of nicks here or there. I was able to re-attach the halves together and with some clay they'll probably be alright. But for the hands as planned in that drawing, yes I will be working with putty (and probably wire).
Perhaps I was overly-ambitious, I won't deny that, but I've always been inspired by Moloch and Modern Synthesist and their conversions and truth be told anon there's just some things that you can't achieve as nicely with greenstuff as you can with kitbashing. I don't intend to bog the thread down, but I still want to try.
Plus the four-jawed eyeless head with a detailed throat was made from both clay and cut parts and I still love how it came out.
>Le chef argument
Anon that bird doesn't even look realistic
Looks good, what kind of base will you do for that roc?
I like the pose anon, it’s a cool conversion. Heavy bolsters are rad. That helmet looks a little weird though, almost as if it’s a bald dude with the face mask attached to his ears. Personally I would putty the connections a bit to make it look more integrated rather than on top, it makes his head look very tiny the way it is.
He is a cutie. Would pet and talk to.
The problem with grass tufts is that not all bases are flat where you want the grass. If you put down sand or rocks the tufts will hover over the grong and look like shit. Your best solution is one of those overpriced negative ion static grass applicators but you can get a pretty similar effect if you put a dab of glue down, sprinkle some grass on it, knock off the excess and use a party balloon. Blow it up as much as you can, rub it on your hair to build up static charge and hover it over the base you just put the grass on.
Don't bother with masking tape meme shit on shoulder pads keeping grinding brush control
I never had any luck with the masking tape meme either, too small of a scale, it always still creeps under the tape even slightly and looks like hot mess. It only works if you're airbrushing.
I've never had an issue getting tufts to sit flat, you just gotta poke and prod them down until they sit right.
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All right so I applied the feedback to the runes but I'm not sure how I feel about this. Better/worse? Should be improved?
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Finished the inquisitor and his boys. Will take pics tomorrow when I got better light.
Next project is already in the works (among others), a Warcry warband. So far very pleased with the test model. Drybrushed four paints, added a little AK wine red to the weapons and brown for the leather. Oil wash next, then I'll need to think of a spooky colour for the face and spear. Light blue to contrast with the warm pallette?
Cool drawings anon. Don’t listen to the haters.

The green runes look kinda painted on top of the browns. While your horns, moss, bow, and pretty much everything else look really good, the browns by comparison just look flat and unfinished. I’d say start by cleaning up the greens spilling onto the brown, particularly in between the raised parts, and then see how it looks. Right now it looks like you painted an area green rather than painting the tunes themselves. Maybe add some feathering/texture to the brown similar to how people often paint tyranid carapace to bring it a little more inline with the rest of the model?
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More progress on Kurdoss
I'm putting together Skaventide now and some of these models have some very noticable gaps, despite me making sure I am putting everything together properly. How can I fix these?

I'm using the push fit pegs and super glue
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Re-jiggered this Ordo Hereticus team
Unironically snip the pegs shorter, if not completely off and use plastic glue.
The plastic glue melts the plastic and you can meld the halves together.
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And a WIP of the servitor
Dude, can you STOP posting these?

they're so good they make me feel bad
Aaaaaand a navigator
Alright I'll stay my original course and keep trying to up my brush control game.
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Painted my first Mini today, yes, I will clean up the Pauldron, can I get some Comments and Critique? How do I get the Rust to look better/more real?
You've sacrificed magus mommy for this... and honestly feels kinda worth it.
Ok I went back and checked your last pic from the old thread. I’m sorry but this is worse. My advice here >>93415628 was also bad, the way you painted them made me think the runes were embossed, rather than recessed how they actually are. You need to have the brightest parts in the depths of the rune, and go back to how much light spillover you used to have. Especially the face, which right now makes me think of the mad max scene
>shiny and green

Go back to the vibrancy and osl of the previous picture, but put the swap where you put the bright and dark parts.
Here's your challenge for the night:
Paint 1 random test miniature you have in very unconventional colors.
It's an improvement but you could still take it a step further by having the runes be lightsources that subtly illuminate the areas immediately surrounding them
I think my initial idea was to have the runes look something like picrel but I guess the outlines were too thick to sell that. Should've just went with what you're suggesting in the first place, guess I wanted to try something different
Static grass is called static grass because you need to use a special tool the apply it, naturally called a static grass applicator. It generates an e-field which will cause your grass to stand straight up instead of matted down. They are not cheap, like 100 dollars I think I remember seeing. But there is just no other way to use static grass and make it look good. Personally I buy premade tufts cause they are cheap. Army painter makes great tufts.
Glow too local.
Okay, pinhead redeemed, looks good.
8/10 needs more random orange blotches
Looks good. Gold doesn't rust though?
also how would you improve the wood? In all honesty it's the part that I was happy about the most with the volumetric-like highlights
In my opinion your pic from last thread was closer to that reference; it was much better than todays.
So if that’s the look you want just ignore all the advice from yesterday, and tone back down the greens so it doesn’t look like you just gunned him in the face with a rattle can.
I actually kinda like it, it’s just unconventional which is why everyone spoke up with the same comment.
the placement of the rust seems completely nonsensical, why would there be rust gathering on the blade of the weapon he takes into combat for example?
I also would not change the wood anymore. I didn’t see yesterdays picture until after I wrote the first reply (thinking the runes were raised sections rather than recessed). You wood looks good, but next to how vibrant and in your face the green of todays photo is it looks kinda out of place, almost as if it was a backdrop rather than part of the figure it was just so out of focus. Tone down the green and you by nature bring the brown back in-line relatively speaking.

But what I meant in my first comment was something like this, a pseudo painted on bark texture that you could use as an excuse to brighten up the brown without just edge highlighting.
If I have more eyes I can surely see better
Thanks a lot for the feedback anon. I'm not sure if I'm confident enough to attempt a texture like that so I'll first fix the runes because I have to redo his face, pauldrons and one thigh. I think I'll just go the safe route of them being bright in the recesses and maybe some subtle osl. I wasn't entirely sold on the white plasma like glow but I thought it was worth a try
You have to go back
>only single suited
bet you only single glove too? come back when you're double suited on tank air inside of the class A suit and triple gloved.
I think you would be better off with a green or blue lens colour. The red sortve disappears with the gold around it
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Update for the GUO.
Head is way too fucking big
>this mutant looks odd
That's rust? I thought it was dirt. Here's how you do simple rust:
Paint brown umber where you want it
Dapple on crimson red lightly just so it shows up a bit over the brown
Dapple a bright orange over that
Try to do it all quickly so the colors blend somewhat.
Pay attention to what rusts though, gold does not rust.
It doesn't read as a mutant, it seems like they just put the wrong sized head on a toy
This doesn't sound like a rust recipe at all. This sounds like someone who pretends to paint just saying words they've heard
forgot to say, this is what I'm planning to do next:
>thousand little things, every time I look at it I find another boil and pustule
>nurglings need proper painting
>gonna redo the horns almost entirely, not happy with them
>metals need highlighting but I'm out of a bright silver so that has to wait until I go to the hobby shop next
The fuck is wrong with you? Anon gives a useful response and you're just bitching about it while adding nothing of value.
Why dont you try that "recipe" out and then come talk to me about whose being unhelpful
>brown -> a bit of red -> bright orange
Sounds like rust to me.
>be me, rust.jgp
>owner of eazyrust.onetrickpony
>color composition, orangey red browns
>n..no, a..anon you can’t just paint me with those colors, you have to buy and consoom more prooduct.
The third eye and buglike eyes dont read as mutant to you?
The issue isn't the third eye or the bug eyes, it's the head that is 30% too large
but they are bred for a specific head related purpose in mind and are mutants
t. eri
That's the case for all GW humans.
I see plans within plans...
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>you will never get to take a fuckload of spice and spend your life floating in a comfy tank
Her head is the same size as her whole torso, you can try blaming your poor choice of head on lore reasons but it will still look retarded. I'm sorry your conversion is bad I don't know what to tell you outside what has already been said
I am not looking forward to working with Citadel's shitty resin, and The Emperor knows I don't need yet another half-finished project on my docket, but I was considering picking up the Finecast version of the Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veterans and converting them for use in a different chapter. They have cool distinct poses and I think that would be a nice variety to have - even if they are not Primaris scale.

Has anybody here ever tackled these ladz and made them into anything that wasn't Ultramarines or Ultramarine-adjacent (Praetors of Orpheus, etc.)?
Does anyone know where I can buy some 3rd party mk3 legs to kitbash my primaris with? I cannot seem to find anything.
These sculpts are not worth the effort of working with fineshit legalize converting them and working with fineshit
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Grail Knight dude from earlier here.
Only need some transfers now.
Good for you anon, you're almost done! Please, please fix the white borders on the flag. Painting white over the spots where the blue has escaped the lines would lift the unit overall.
Epic basecoats, transfers are gonna make these look finished for sure
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All right, going with this, fuck it. Did some osl in the beginning but it looked too busy so I just defaulted to the safest option. Pretty bland but this is how these runes actually look in the artworks so there's that at least. Thanks for all the feedback anons, while it didn't work out I still learned a thing or two and that's always a good thing
Those pustules look disgusting.
thank you anon, appreciate it
The wood is very boring looking and could use some more attempts at texturing. Base is also very monotone and uninteresting. Blue looks nice though
Leagues better than this mornings post. Super nice work anon. I still liked yesterday too though, and if you liked it better too then you should disregard everything we all said.
Thanks anon. I think if I refined those green outlines it could've been pretty cool but this is fine as well. Will be a easier to do on the other dudes too, so it's all good
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Tell me doc does it look bad ?
I like it. Edge highlights could be thinner but it's cool nevertheless
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39/40 skaven clanrats done, the last guy broke his leg and I don't have the plastic cement to fix him now

Would post pics but 4chan keeps failing cloudflare with an image
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Finished bulking out the torso, love me some tubes. Fixed the belt too.
That yellow looks great. It all looks great. Love the eyes.
Are these custom or was this a set? I recognize a Delaque body. And I think one or two of those was from that Blackstone fortress.
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From the front.
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Getting a head start on the next one, I plan to make this guy the sergeant, I think this is the coolest chest plate.
Perfect but for his eyes
>Her head is the same size as her whole torso
No, it's the same size as her chest.
Cute. Brings me back to 1993. That glossy wizard needs repaint though.
That's actually really nice work anon, I'm impressed. Hope it looks smooth enough on the end result.
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Switched up the gun colors. Definitely prefer it this way over the brown
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Thanks. Im pretty happy with the results of this technique, ill give it a quick sanding once its dry tomorrow. I always paint my cables dark, plus they are kinda in the under arm area on these models. I will look like these (the abdominal tubes on the left guy, the under arm tubes on the right). Once they get paint on them they are pretty darn smooth. Making them not lumpy is the hardest part, I try to edge highlight them in a way to mitigate it visually.
I didn't mean just the tubes, but if your scheme is dark it'll hide some of the roughness anyway.
Are these Primaris Reavers? For shame anon
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Currently trying to finish this up. I managed to integrate an led in gandalf's staff. Now 2 questions:
- What base should I use for this diorama?
- What kind of switch should I use?

For the second question, my current idea would be to add a reed switch and hide the magnet in a gollum. The problem is, what 3d printable (weird scale) gollum model should I use? If I use a different object, what would you suggest?
that looks amazing but also makes me worried about you anons who only paint GW shit like are they trying to drive you guys insane layering on all these unreadable details?
you did great but the sculpts need to chill the fuck out.
GW isn't nearly the worst when it comes to that.
I think they're basic Primaris Intercessors
He means the anon looks like he's making HH minis out of primaris models, which is certainly a bold move.
Oh, GW reusing names again is it?
You're thinking of reivers I suppose.
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Trying to paint my Rebel Grot vehicles in a desert camo inspired by the Afrika Korps. Doing it all with spray cans. Fuck me the Army Painter primer is too tough to do good hairspray chipping. Water will not move it. Had to use White Spirit but that's somehow weakening the plastic cement? This is about 30 mins of work.
I don't know how you managed to LED the staff but that's pretty neat. You could use a rock that looks like it fell from the bridge if you can't find a decent gargoyle or whatever. I take it the model is bigger than typical plastic bases so I'd either go with a wooden one or 3D print one from resin or plastic or whatever is uses. The base isn't really going to be the focus anyway so you could use foam or floor tile or anything really.
Yeah mini sculpts always have correctly proportioned heads...
Pretty sure that's not a real word though
Should have simply gave it a heavy drybrush with the most fucked up brush you own, much quicker to do, much easier to chip
I mean a lot of people, myself included, actually enjoy painting all these stupidly detailed minis. These tree dudes are not that bad, try painting admech. Some of those minis were actually close to driving me nuts
fake made up britbong word
I recommend to get the Stl version of them, edit the U Emblems out on blender and then get someone to print your edited veterans.
I feel like you improved your edge highlights this time around? Looks better than the previous attempts. I still don't like the yellow-brown gun but its definetely an improvement overall
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as a beginner painter, what's the point in that zenithal prime shite youtubers keep memeing so hard?
>do the zenithal thingie
>slap on base colors
>takes an additional layer of paint just to block out the remains of the ugly black undercoat and get some decently bright coverage
>eventually fuck up some spots and have to go back to clean up base coats anyway
>by that point all benefit the zenithal could have had offered is gone


>do the zenithal primer
>slap on some of these transluscent contrast paints
>never manage to cover over the black bits and end up with a dark and ugly model
i dont know i dont follow fashion trends
i just like to paint
if you just want to get a full basecoat over the zenithal anyway there's no point in doing it and anyone telling you otherwise is a mouthbreathing retard. Using contrasts/speedpaints over it makes more sense but it still looks garbage, like you've said. Stop watching shitty meme youtubers, it will be better for your hobby enjoyment
Its just a meme undercoating that youtubers love to push because they have to justify their 400 dollar airbrush setup.
Just try harder, anon. Stop being bad at painting already!
>>do the zenithal primer
>>never manage to cover over the black bits
So don't use black.
>>do the zenithal thingie
>>slap on base colors
Either cargo cult mentality or to make the model show on camera.
If you instead paint the bright highlight colors on the white areas and the better covering dark colors over black you now have most of the advantages of white without having to make sure every single recess is dark.

>>never manage to cover over the black bits and end up with a dark and ugly model
Zenithal over something brighter like a mid brown. Warm colors go over it better and cold colors cover well enough that the undertone doesn't matter as much.
Zenithal highlights are meant to establish lighting and shadows before painting larger, realistic miniatures with translucent glazes.
There's no benefit in using a black-white zenithal highlight, then block painting over it with bombastic, completely opaque layers for space marine armour.
It's a valid technique, but wargamers don't want to spend several hours building up thin layers of paint to try and preserve realistic shading when they need to do 30 of them at 28mm.
Forgot the video
I do it to preshade the model before the basecoat since sometimes I have problems making out details if I prime all black or white. It does get covered up but knowing where the face begins and the hat ends is enough of a benefit to justify the extra 15 minutes of primer drying time
Or you could just take a picture of the mini under your desired light and just thinly layer using it as reference.
>even scalebros are subtmitting to the algorithm brain rot
>the algorithm
Black & white basing has been a 'thing' for decades
I meant the thumbnail and video title
don't type anything about youtube or youtubers in your post since it will inevitably make all of the replies just people laughing at you for watching hobby youtubers.

just lie and say you saw something online or on /tg/ and want some more opinions

paint job looks good but idk about that T pose
>open embed
>uh oh I see capital letters in the title I win the argument sweatie hehe
But before that, take your ritalin and reread my post.
It isn't just for reference, it's a part of the technique that provides a working roadmap for the shadows and the hightlights.
Why the fuck would you want to take a picture and have to manually wet blend every highlight and shadow after the fact, when you could get them done in one go while primer? It's the whole point.
I actually quite like using a deep blue instead of black for zenithal, the shadows looks a lot more interesting.
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>I don't know how you managed to LED the staff but that's pretty neat
Get one of pic related, snip away 1 single led with as much wire as possible, then sculpt the staff with milliput around it.
>You could use a rock that looks like it fell from the bridge
Good point, a rock or maybe a broken column. Thanks!
Tell me how to varnish a model and what varnish to use. Is the stuff you put on with a brush good enough, or should I get one of those spraycans?
Can I just use any brand, or does it have to be for plastic models specifically?
You can start with gray and then add white if you want to use bright colors. Or brown and then bone. There are several options depending on your scheme. Use thinned paints, colors are partially translucent so the base will always change how the layers on top end up looking. Don't underestimate that such a setup helps with identifying raised areas you can use as points of visual interest as well, that can be used as a basic value sketching. I've seen some even reinforce it by going zenithal, adding base colors and then using white again on top, that means the base colors you add again later will be more vibrant still.
he looks like he fucks, bro got that rizz
Brush on will be thicker than spray on. You have glossy, satin, and matte. Glossy is harder but makes everything look like cheap toys. You can mix any of these to get the desired level of gloss/matte. Brand.. some will say X brand is superior, but there's not a massive difference.
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airbrush varnish is easy to apply and clean out your brush. Be careful with vallejo polyurethane varnish. it's tough as nails but for some stupid reason it can reactivate and damage vallejo speedpaints.

glossy isn't my thing, I prefer matte and sometimes satin. You can apply it fine by brush but be careful not to let it gather in crevices and cracks or it can dry really milky and cloudy. I've only used vallejo and stormshield from citadel. The vallejo airbrush matte varnish was the best, I used it on pic rel and it looks like those old clay pokemon cards.
What's the best tutorial for painting celestine? I prefer it to be as easy as possible, since I am not the most routined painter.
>I prefer it to be as easy as possible,
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Experimenting with different thickness of cork to try and make all my Deathwing roughly the same height. Do you think it would look very out of place with some models on fuck loads of cork and the new ones on thin pieces after everything has been painted?
>1,80m vs 1,79m
I'd say keep them far apart on the battlefield to make it less noticable. Or make the old ones your bits mine and throw out the legs.

Your technical skill is coming through, it's clear you're a good painter! my major issue with this model is that all your colors are too similar in value. Red and green is a classic contrast scheme, but I don't feel like the red and green you used aren't contrasting each other enough (slap a black and white filter on this pic and you'll see what I mean).

Contrast is really important for breaking up a silhouette and drawing the eye to focal points, and GUOs really need that kind of composition break up because their natural silhouette is "blob". With all your color values so similar, nothing really draws the eye, and I find my gaze just sort of wandering around the features as opposed to taking in the overall creature.

There's so much detail here, and so many small cracks that are all shaded with the same depth, it's hard to appreciate which fat folds are more or less superficial. I think adding darker shadows in the deeper folds could help, as well as a more vibrant highlight on the red to contrast the muted/de-saturated highlights of the green, could bring a lot to the model.

If that seems like too much - don't sweat it, this model is already well beyond tabletop standard.
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For reference
tyvm anon this is really good feedback for me. I'll see what I can do with the reds.. also would adding some brighter pinks to the tentacles help in this regard as well? I've been thinking about doing that as well.
nta, but I think he needs more saturated colors in some areas. His belly mouth is like the same level of saturation as his skin. I think some higher saturation in that mouf meat and other similar areas like the wound under his right arm would go a long way.
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NTA, but I agree with >>93422300
Here's my quick take on it.
Very nicely put, what an eloquent anon. >>93422377
tl;dring anon's post would pretty much be: add more contrast. Try to make everything more visually interesting by adding brighter highlights, adding darker colors to deeper recesses. Take a look at the box art, it's good reference to draw from. I'm not saying you need to autistically highlight every possible detail although you should for a centerpiece like that, but you need to establish some focal points. Right now it looks well painted but it's really, really flat. I recall anons here saying you should add yellow tones to the color you're using for skin and that's what I'd do first
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Are you painting or just accruing shit
Both, but painting takes longer than buying shit
Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
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>Try to enjoy the hobby without spending more, work on some of my backlog
>Oopsie that one color you need you ran out of time to go back to the store
i paint so i can play but i never get to play so i just get more stuff and paint some more
Painting minis is literally almost all I do in my free time because I don't have anything else except that, watching chinese cartoons and playing video games occasionally.
I have a set monthly budget I decided I can blow on hobby shit because I don't spend my disposable income on anything else pretty much. I'm not buying minis for now because I still have like 10 boxes to do so I'll get shit like better quality modelling tool or something every other month
>collect army to play
>start painting
>never play
>abandon army
>collect new army to play
and so on and so on
>This skirmish game would be perfect for my hobbylet friends, I'll buy the box set and paint it up fully
>Oh my hobbylet friends are busy this weekend, hey this skirmish game would be perfect for my hobbylet friends...
>add more contrast
I think you missed half his point.
>so many small cracks that are all shaded with the same depth
Which is what makes it noisy. More contrast would make that worse. He needs higher contrast among distinct parts of the model, not overall.
>buy shit
>instant dopamine
>it'll be so cool to have a whole army of whatever

>sit down to paint
>no dopamine
Never feeling a mini is done is the fucking worst, you just have to decide when good is good enough
>never feel like a mini is done
>also feel like I don't own literally every paint, what if I'm using the wrong blue or whatever the fuck
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If they're game pieces I try to remind myself of that, they're gonna get slathered in clearcoat, finger grease and possibly snuck in snacks (I don't allow randos eating near my models).
Just dry brush some moss onto the bark and at the base of the antlers
uhhh I think adding contrast was the point of that anons post or am I retarded? Maybe I phrased my post it badly by implying he needs to add contrast everywhere. That GUO desperately needs some parts to stand out though and isn't increasing contrast between shadows and highlights the best way to do that?
That's actually a really sweet idea anon, thank you! I even have some shredded sponge that could be used here to add texture. I'll give it a go when I'm home
Hard to explain but.. macro and micro contrast? Does that make sense? All the little wrinkles and pox make it way too noisy.. that's contrast that needs to be diminished a bit. But it does need more distinction between elements, like the horns and such.. so there needs to be more contrast in that sense.
think I know what you mean and yes, that makes sense
yeah for "macro" contrast >>93422559 did a nice job. by softening the broad "panels" of the arms, tits, and belly, the composition becomes more readable. HOWEVER, if OP likes the darker and more baroque vibe of his original, I think he could keep the shading and "micro" contrast on the panels, but would just need the deeper fat folds to be even darker.

Either way, he should also add more diversity to his color saturation by using a more vibrant pink/red to stand out against his muted green. I don't love the straight red he used for the little tentacles, i think the slightly cool toned pink of the belly rift is a good color that just needs to be a little more intense.
the second option is what I'm going to go for, I've changed the tentacles to match the cooled pink of the belly and will be making the red boils more of a crimson, after I go to the hobby shop, as I literally own only one red paint lmao.. and its a shitty speedpaint.
>I literally own only one red paint lmao
uh oh
certified nurgle moment
Please let me know how it turns out! Glad to be of assistance, Anon. Personally I'd try and make the moss a gradient to tie the greens and oranges together, but the lichen texture is critical in my opinion.
I'll post it when it's done. What do you mean by gradient in this context cause I'm not sure I follow
Sunburst lichen can be orange yellow and green, usually according to where it gets the most sun, but sometimes in interesting patterns.
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ohhh right. Adding yellowish tones actually feels like it would make it a lot more interesting. Now I'm pumped to try this, here's hoping I won't fuck it up so it turns out worse like the glow did lmao
Oh gotcha, yeh it’s pretty smooth when I’m done. Milliput dried hard and can be sanded perfectly smooth. If you were worried about the splotchy parts, those are so thin it won’t matter, part of the step to milliput is whipping a wet paint brush over the surface, which kinda flings white droplets over the surface of the model, but it’s so thin you can’t even feel it. Anything that does manage to show through I hide with battle damage.

They are certainly made from HH reavers, but they are for my 40k army as my assault veterans. I like and use lots of 40k parts which makes them not suitable for 30k.

Also, I don’t know why or who is responsible for this but the Sons of Horus Forgeworld minis (reavers and command squad) are just comically small. They are smaller than all the other FW resin space marines from that line and even smaller when compared to the new mkVI. They are actually smaller than most IG minis as shown here.
I mean, kinda. But they will make perfectly suitable game pieces still. Maybe just don’t bother painting them and wait until you can buy more of the newer ones? Certainly no reason to throw them out or not use them, but I would t invest much time into them.m either. Personally I would kitbash the old ones onto the new one, those old maces are ten times cooler than the ones in the new kit.
I actually just sorted out some kits to sell.

If new kit comes out, and I can imagine wanting to build and paint it within 5 years, I buy it. Warhammer inflates faster than the USD and mold lines get worse and worse the more a kit gets printed. Always get them fresh off the press.
You need to start operant conditioning yourself. At the end of each painting session, and ONLY if you've had a productive painting session, have a bit of smack.
I see recently that making oil washes out of oil paints overthinned greatly with white spirit are getting popular. And fun and games but isn't it like white spirit damage plastic? Sure, minis are not movable but scale models are and people recommend using it even in that case. So what's the deal?

>for some stupid reason it can reactivate and damage vallejo speedpaints

I remember one anon claiming that new Vallejo formula for Game Colour and their Xpress contain polyurethane. Maybe that's the reason.
I think you're supposed to varnish your mini before applying oil/enamel washes, that will protect the acrylics and plastic from white spirit.
I'm not sure if white spirit wouldn't activate these varnishes as well. I remember that I once applied gouche varnish over model painted with Tamiya "acrylic" paints and when I realised it pooled at one place, I wanted to remove it with cotton and little bit of white spirit and it easily removed varnish along with paint under it, despite trying to be gentle with it. Sure, it was gouche, not acrylic varnish and Tamyia "acrylics" are solvent based but still, it wiped it just as easily as isopropanol wipes water-based acrylics.
I think if you can somehow emulate that contrast and use it to fill in the negative spaces, you can really tighten up the cohesion of the piece as a whole. Really get creative with how you draw the eye with the extra texture and shadows.
Looks decent, even if the double bases whip me into a frenzy. The guy guys came out really well, I think you should touch up the red eyes a bit tho. I would also go with a different mummy skin color to stand out from the wraps desu
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Idk why I keep torturing myself with yellow pants, but these came out well I think. Any suggestions for crystal color?
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Also thanks for the fren who suggestion washing orange with purple, s'cool
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>Any suggestions for crystal color?
Since my ladz are mostly red (Blood Angels), I prefer the nice contrast that green makes (it's the compliment to red), but occasionally do blue ones as well.

Where does this guy have crystal on him? That thing on his belt?
Nah it's on the base as giant knee high shards. I was thinking purple might compliment the pants well while keeping the overall scheme warm
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Looks like Simon from the Lion King.
the pigs name was pumba, come the fuck on anon
>I was thinking purple
As soon as you identified the stuff on the base as the subject of the discussion, that was my first thought as well.
What would you say would look better instead of the yellow?
>Looks like Simon from the Lion King.
Mr. President are you aware that you dropped out of the race yet?
There are cheap Chinese static grass applicators online I've seen some for 20-30 bucks on ebay
I bet you feel like such an asshole right now. An uneducated street dog
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>you need to use a special tool
You can do just fine without an applicator.
Pic related.
Yeh that does look pretty good, what was your technique, did you just sprinkle it on? I have been avoiding static grass because I didn’t want to have to buy another gadget and my few trials without looked like the first pic with them all matted down.
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Okay so I played around with it and ended up with this. Didn't want to overdo it so I didn't apply very much. Need to do some cleanup here and there but wanted to share before I go to sleep. I think this works well, I like it. I did add a brighter yellow to the most exposed parts initially but it ended up looking too colorful as a whole so I toned it down a bit.
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and the back
NTA but once you've placed your grass and shaken the extras angle the base horizontal to your mouth and lightly blow across the base. Keep doing this and rotating it. Once the glue is dry, trim them down flat.
Amazing work, Anon. Truly spectacular execution.
I legit don't know if you're fucking with me lol
It looks better than anything I could ever do man.
I swear to god trovarion spends more time complaining about content creation than either hobbying OR creating content. Just make videos when you feel like it, dude. ffs, you obviously hate it (totally understandable).
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NTA but here's my quick and dirty rendition of the same model. You showed some skill, be proud of that.
It looks really good, retard. Shut up.
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How could I make the wip more interesting ?
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studs for her pleasure.

alternatively, paint on some wrapping around the handle
I was gonna say that's a pretty tall order considering the lack of detail on the original model, but I think >>93428325 is on the right track. It's not even too late to add some green stuff details if you're OK with brush-priming a small area.

Maybe we can discuss it further in our new thread:


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