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Realm Down Unda' Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What faction has the ugliest models in your opinion?
why is he an aussie?

Probably Ogors or CoS because they have old ass models in their rosters still.

Fyreslayers because it's all variants of the same thing: short, ginger, mostly naked, and add an hammer/ax or both.
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Rate my purple sun
I was gonna say idk but the eels grew on me, I fucking hate elves and the cartoony fish though. I guess it's a toss up between khorne, sons, and cities of sigmar.
Because he rides kangaroos and kangaroos are (in the wild at least) only found in Australia
Pros, he's purple
Cons, he's a sun
5/10 needs more purple and less sun
That's fucking retarded
Lumies and CADslayers.
SBGL. The skeleton stuff is aces, but the l end is offensively mediocre. A lot of AOS models are 'bad' but in the 'so bad it's good' way. Some of the vamp stuff is just lame and terrible.
Lumineth by a fucking mile
SBGL Deathrattle (1960 points)


Grand Alliance Death
Soulblight Gravelords
Bacchanal of Blood
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 3

Spell Lore - Lore of Undeath
Manifestation Lore - Morbid Conjuration

General's Regiment
Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night (410)
• General
Regiment 1
Necromancer (140)
Deathrattle Skeletons (100)
Deathrattle Skeletons (100)
Grave Guard (300)
• Reinforced
Regiment 2
Coven Throne (270)
• Amulet of Screams
• Lash of the Sire
Black Knights (320)
• Reinforced
Black Knights (160)
Black Knights (160)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
Exported with App Version: 1.0.1
Data Version: v128

How's this sbgl list? The game plan is to counterpunch while blunting the opponent's charges with redeploy into combat
It is. That's why it's great.
I think it's stupid
are big pigs good as a one off or do you need to go all in on them with a tuskboss and several non hero versions to get the most out of them?
LRL and DoK
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Hands down fyreslayers are the absolute worst. They look terrible individually and somehow look even worse as an army because it's the same one model copy pasted a hundred times
So is the meta just to summon Purple sun, Gravetide and Malevolent Maelstrom turn 1?
Also when a manifestation gets killed can I summon a new one I'm the hero phase?
The spells say if there is no friendly x endless spell on the field then pick a wizard to cast
What is it like to live without taste?

I'd have to say Bonesplitters if we're including legends and sub-factions that are run as micro-armies. Otherwise it'd probably be Lumineth, for every good model they have 3 that are shit.
> is the meta

the games been out for a week. there is no meta yet. ask again in like september-october
Several or spamming them seems like a bit of a trap, but it does feel like it wants you to at least have three.
>Anvilgard takeover
>Idoneth turned their back on the deal they made with sigmar
>Excelsis genocide cults
>Slaaneshi greater demons devoted to racism
>Phoenicum dead
>”no more anvilgards” is an in setting saying
Why is GW hell bent on this narrative? The races working together is like one of the biggest distinguishing traits of AoS
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More recent Fyrelsayer models look great, and the Magmadroth has always been one of the coolest-looking monsters in AOS. If Vulkites didn't have such horrible poses and dead facial expressions they would look fine
It's just vulkites. Hearthguard all look cool af as do the heroes and vulkyns.
the flameseekers changed my mind on fyreslayers, especially after i saw the whole squad kitted out with the 2 handed axes instead of those weird shovel spears

i've been really considering doing an army and just leaving vulkites out and replacing them with flameseekers
The ugliest-looking factions that isn't dragged down by WHFB models is clearly Tzeentch
I hate to admit because I like Tzeentch the most out of them all but yeah the models are absolute trash
tzeentch looks worlds better painted in any other scheme except powder blue and gold. the studio scheme utterly infantilizes those models

I used kairic acolytes as a base for Slaanesh marauders last year and they were awesome to work with. 'Eavy Metal strikes again.
>isn't dragged down by WHFB
Aren't all the ugly demons, like pink horrors and mantas on clear flying stands, wfb holdovers?
its amazing how much worse eavy metal can make a model look
not to be a buzzkill but I like the eavy metal slayers more, everything blends together too much here
They are, and I won't pretend that Pink Horrors and Flamers don't look hellishly bad.

Love the acolytes tough, the masked cultist goons aesthetic is pretty pleasing.
Yes but least they have some new models unlike Ogre and Dark Elves.
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I would say fyreslayers.
The heroes and salamanders look good on their own but together in a army they all just blend together.
The concept of slayers works best in contrast with normal dwarfs where the bright red of the slayers can shine against the metallic grey/silver of the vanilla dwarfs.
Elves came back to save Excelsis.
There is peace now in Har Kuron as the human population has recognised elven supremacy
Witch elves still look good.
Source, painting another unit right now
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I got this wh+ anniversary megaboss off of Dark minis. Ordered it like 3 months ago and it barely shipped a week ago. I live in East asia for what it's worth.

I know this is a retarded question, but is this resin or plastic? My gut tells me that it's plastic but it's pretty detailed.

I'm gonna give him red skin and dark grey/black armor. is it the same base size as the normal megaboss? I've never owned an orruk model before but this base is huge

tzeentch models look cool though...

except for flamers, those just kind of look like shit. and the screamer paint job is way too dark. I don't mind the general light blue scheme though. I can't think of any better color palette that doesn't step on the toes of other gods.
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Because GW is telling an alegorical story about some of the more modern history and elves are a convenient stand in for a violent minority within human society.
>In the context of different species humans are whites, the defualts building all the stuff. The cities are tchnically thier, but they welcome in others, reves is rarely ture (Settlers Gain is COs city with Lumineth, not a Lumineth city with humans)

>dwarfs are asians, the productive seamingly model minority that does show clear favouritism of their own group, especially when dealign with foreign powers (see KO having special better deals for duardin businesses in CoS)
>elves are brownoids, generally disrespectful to their human hosts and influanced by foreign religious cults (like Khaine/Islam), their inner city society thrives mostly on crime.
Trying to destroy the allience of order is alos Chaos's smartest move so far, so Slaanesh working to bolset racism makes sens
Fyreslayers. One guy or one squad of naked ginger dwarves worked fine but a whole army of them looks retarded
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>My gut tells me that it's plastic but it's pretty detailed.
Have you been cryogenically frozen since 2005? There has been tons of advancements in plastic modeling. Plastic models can be pretty fucking detailed these days, been that way for at least a decade.
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This is worse than Fatcasts
>tactical girder
I fucking hate these compared to the old clear stands. I hated working with those but they didn’t look like shit
Don't bother with tastelets, they're just here to shitpost.
It looks like they tried to simplify the armour so people don't think he looks like a Stormcast
Fuck I hate exclusive models. That smiter is sweet.
I prefare the regular one. This guy looks inexperienced
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It's true, fyreslayers need to T pose to display rank and establish dominance
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The poses are just fucking awful man, give them two handed axes and it might look better or just dual tomahawks
the very idea of a slayer only army is fucking retarded, I don't know why they went through with it
i put some plastic cement on it and it's resin. good thing I have super glue...
Retard, WFB already had slayer only armies
You could also say that about half the armies in AoS
No clue. They have been the worst selling army for a while (after boc and bonesplittaz) it's a miracle they haven't been squatted
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>>Thread question:
>What faction has the ugliest models in your opinion?
fyreslayers, unfortunately
the poses of vulkites are ridiculous and these weapon designs even more so

they need as much fixing as fatcasts did, and I'd argue blood warriors do
>change this army I don't and will never play, GW!
>fuck the people who like them!
I actually like the right dude more except for the hawk; but that's because I don't like the "new" trend of adding clutter and as many small detail as possible on every inch of a figure
Because it makes perfect sense within the context of the setting. They're dwarf cultures that exclusively venerate Grimnir. They have a lot of Slayer aesthetics, but they're not actual Slayers in the sense that they all want to die in battle. Say what you will say about the execution, but there's nothing wrong with the concept.
i played a bit of whfb back in 2005ish and dwarf players always talked about building a slayer only army. there was even a slayer hold with a slayer king from what i remember, so this is not a new idea, slayers are probably the most unique thing warhammer did with the dwarf trope that stood out from other tolkien and dnd ripoffs
it doesn't change the OBJECTIVE fact that fyreslayers look like shit. Their entire army is based off one unit. There's only so many things you can do with it and their poses are shit too.

i'm sorry that all 3 die-hard FS fans out there don't want updated sculpts to ruin their perfectly awful kits
Reading is a long lost art, so majority of people have no idea they have extreamly supreficial connection to slayers as a concept and are primarly a weird religious cult
>my opinion is fact!
Just fuck off, retard.
>they need as much fixing as fatcasts did, and I'd argue blood warriors do

flameseekers show they're heading in the right direction. those guys look a lot better
But those look fine
yes, it is. the current vulkites are so caca doodoo doggy dookie crap shit trash that anybody who thinks they're good is wrong

this is what FS should look like.
>primaris fyreslayers with female quota
I'd rather get squated
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So I have the cities of smegmar box. I really don't want to spend a shitton of time painting these guys, the models look very busy from the box examples. Anyone wanna post some, with some color schemes? I'm honestly thinking just black, drybrush metallic, slather them with speed paints, and maybe go over the faces
"Eyes of the Nine" is an actually fairly sick band name
>are you an elder scrolls tribute band?
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the models natural details + a shade will do a lot of the work for you. pick a city or make up your own, apply their color to the shields and tabards, and then let a shade fill in the folds and wood grain and your 80% of the way there.

for metallics, this brand is excellent if you just want a 1 and done coat of metallic that doesnt require extra work to look good. most of their faces have helmets so you could probably get away with a single flesh tone and some earth shade and just leave at that if you only care about getting them up to basic tabletop quality
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and here are all the existing cities color standards if you are interested
why did you get such a detailed army then? just to play?
He loves black women.
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that image is a bit incomplete, heres a more full one with all the tabard colors
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and here's a picture of all the shields with a bit more resolution
Very orky. Looks like it would be rolled by the boys
How did you do the base ?
Cute/10, would banish
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i want to get into playing AoS since I have a Chaos Warriors army but I also live in the middle of fucking nowhere Australia. Tips?
No you don’t. Ben, you haven’t been able to afford new models for over a year.
Go back in time and stop your great-grandpa from comiting crimes. Now you live in London
if your white come to Canada we need more white people.
>live in London
How is that better?
There is more than 0,01 person per squer kilometer in London
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visit WA and we can play

realistically id recommend posting on the closest cities aos fb page asking to find someone to game. My friend did that and i hit him up, that was 4 years ago and we still gaming. Granted u will likely have to drive ages to the city but whatyagonna do
Closest place is Adelaide and it's 4 hours away so it's a pain in the arse really that I could maybe stay in the city for 2 hours tops if I wanted to get home before wagecuckery
Yes, you summon all your shit for free turn 1 and it fights for you.
Give one of the big units to mannfred for honour guard.
How tall is the varghulf?
The premise looks decent. Maybe downgrade the 6 BKs to Direwolves and swap a 10 skeleton for vargheist.
hmm dunno then m7 maybe try to convince someone on the nullarbor to get a spearhead and maybe theyll get into collecting if ur lucky
If you take just use then use the Hakkin Krew.
who cares, make a real new dwarf army and put new slayers in it instead.
play online, get a boyfriend to move in with you and teach him to play.
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This scares the AoS player
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Someone is trying to disguise as a bird
How do you guys find these before they actually get posted to the site
SCE? They use similae capes
GW use Wordpress for their hosting.
They have a standardised hosting for media, if you know the format you can scrape their website for content and get it once they make it public, even if they haven't posted the link to the page yet.
I'm thinking this too, especially since the new dudes have a tight Raven theme.
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I want to read about teclis can somebody tell me the most important books about him and maybe drop a link if they got one?
I dig it. Could be really cool additions... We ever think about deboardgaming aos as a forum project?
Consider William King's Teclis & Tyrion trilogy of novels.
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i tried to shade the crevices more with multiple thin passes of reikland fleshshade. is the whole thing more orange? how's it looking?
and can I pleas get some suggestions for the color on the tentacle? ignore the yellow, I was just testing it.
how much terrain should one have for a game of spearhead on the standard board size?
could be a Chaos warrior of Tzeentch feathers are generally associated with Tzeentch
has anyone got the compiled rumour engine images?
Exactly this much.
2 "large" ruins
2 small ruins
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I think you're trolling since GW is likely skimping on terrain in typical GW kikery and wants you to have 2 sets of these provided by each player respectively.

are the matches fairly balanced (as balanced as you can get for a GW game) or is the game quality improved by adding more terrain to taste?
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Read the spearhead rules if you don't believe him.
It's not resin, you are retarded
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Well, it's not Warcry. It's not anything really.

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>elves were so much cooler back in the day
>5 pictures and a paragraph
Boy we're scraping the barrel here.
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Trust in the eternity king. He's bringing sexy back.
>the eternity king
Since he only received that title through his marriage to Alarielle, I believe he would have lost it by now. Even if their vows didn't have a "'til death do us part" clause, clearly they've been separated for three ages by now. In her case she even took a new (old) consort in Kurnoth.
This would imply Tzeentch warrior is just a regular guy with feathers instead of furr, which would be the most boring design for a god warrior by a long shot.
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>Since he only received that title through his marriage to Alarielle
he's the eternity king by virtue of passing through the flames, not marrying alarielle
Fucking hell my formerly 970pt Darkoath list is now 1190 points *and* illegal unless I use auxilliaries, this is on top of the wilderfiend being nerfed heavily.
Darkoath also have no wizard unless you take Gunnar's posse.

Way to shit on a brand new army James.
Calling this a fillter article is an insult to filler
No, he was only titled Phoenix King after that. He was christened Eternity King by Lileath when he married Alarielle. Because his marriage to the Everqueen marked the reunification of all the elven peoples. So without Alarielle he's not Eternity King.
Elves were never cool
Every army is nerfed nerd, points went up to allow new people to start easier.
>skimming through warscrolls
>hmm that's a pretty lame buff, I think I'll skip that hero
>ooooh this guy is cool and has a neat gimmick, I'll take him
>turns out that the boring unit is actually really good and the awesome unit is dogshit
every fucking time
This. It's the easiest time to start the game that there's ever been. And that's exactly what they want.
A lot of times it comes down to points. Boring but efficient/reliable wins out more often than not in a take all comers list.
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>bonks you with foam hammer
>Moldlines on the hammers
>will never be an influencer
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>has anyone got the compiled rumour engine images?
A1 isn't real, it's been a psyop this entire time
I saw the hammers painted with a molten glow and it makes a world of difference.
It's so over spidersisters
It's not even the oldest RE we had, stop being a crybaby
A very reliable leaker said it was a scrapped incarnate model
No paintjob is fixing those designs and proportions
like what?
The Skaven Arch-Warlock is the exemplar of the former. He's a 1-cast wizard with no unique spell and a buff of making Skryre units not have -1 to hit when using covering fire. Incredibly dull, but invaluable.
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>A very reliable leaker said it was a scrapped incarnate model
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>every army is nerfed and more expensive

I understand that, but my other armies are fine in 4th.
Because of the regiment system, their underworlds warbands being squatted, and higher points cost however Darkoath simply don't seem to work at 1000pts anymore

It used to be I would bring a chieftain on steed, 4 msu units of marauders ,2 units of fellriders, wilderfiend and a chaos sorcerer lord for 970 pts.

This was not a strong army but it had numbers and was fun.

Now I have to drop the wilderfiend (the only real source of damage in the army) or not have a wizard (and lose important utility in an army made of paper), because I'm forced to spend 300+pts on bad darkoath heroes and this army needs bodies
The leak said the box set was scraped, not that they went out of the way to destory the finished design
I mean, they wrote Bonesplitters destroying the other incarnates into the Bonesplitters Squatting Lore, if the model was an incarnate there's no way they'd release it now.
They could always dump it into GSG
Just give me the stupid nurgle vs nighthaunt underworlds box you fucks. I KNOW YOU'RE HIDING IT
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Oh right, because blurb that was never released is set in stone and they can't ever repurpose the alreayd finished centerpiece(?) as literally anything else
Bro, go back and look at the Krondspine again. A glorified giant endless spell is not easily repurposed as something else entirely. I don't know why it's so hard for you to believe that they can just quietly shelf a never released model, it probably happens a lot more than we know.
You could easily make up some dumb lore about Krondyspine being an Ossiarch or even a Nighthaunt thing.
It's just a dragon skeleton animated by some weird magic
>What about the redacted 40k codex being Agents of the Imperium
>Febrary 9th
Other leakers had called that months before February, this guy doesn't really sound trustworthy if he tried to use that as his big piece of proof that he's an insider.
The big piece of proof is actually the Blood Bowl gnomes bit. Absolutely no one could have guessed that those were coming.
Finishing up painting my Fyreslayers and I'm ordering my last hero for them as well - a doomseeker. I want to get a new project started since I still have the drive and energy to paint and hobby, anyone want to recommend their army for me to start as my next project? Already have Ogres and Slayers
But remember ghurr, REMEMBER THE BEASTGRAVE?
I aint got the models but will consider
Might give em to the big bk unit so they can hit on 3s sometime good call
>A glorified giant endless spell is not easily repurposed as something else entirely.
It is if it's directly based off of a specific army's unit.
9a,9b and 10c feel like they will be part of the same model/faction
Why not pick up some underworlds stuff to get a little taste of various factions? That's what I ended up doing (also underworlds has the best models)
How are Sylvaneth these days? Thinking of coming back and starting a new army.
Not in a great state.
So all endless spells are free now? Doesn't that seem a bit scuffed to anyone else?

Better buy malign sorcery!
That's actually a great point. I've been looking at the Warcry bands as well and I do like the look of the Nighthaunt one. Skabbiks is cool, Velmorn are sweet but nowhere to be found, Mollog even. That's a decent shout mate thanks for the suggestion, it'll make a new army happen sort of organically
In an edition where all my shit is more expensive I'd rather the spells be free so I can run all the guys I like in my army
To me there is absolutely no downside to having them in every single army and you better now have a wizard or something to unbind because you know your opponent will bring spells to shit up the board now. Just make sure you buy all the spells and bring them with you to every game a long with the respective faction terrain.
its how it should have always been to be honest. they were rarely good enough to be worth taking. outside of a niche few like mirrors or occasionally purple sun depending on the patch, no one ever took them

the only downside is that they gave kharadron absolutely no way to interact with this free endless spell system, but also didnt seem to discount their units to compensate either, so i guess kharadron can just get fucked

Strike and fade is at the end of your turn, you can't avoid being hit back.
Wildwoods can be charged and killed in melee by enemies, so they can use your wildwoods to gain extra movement
All treelords are heroes now, so you are limited in how many you can bring.

Probably some other stuff that an actual sylvaneth player can give more detail on, but I do hear that Alarielle slaps now so there's that.
Not tying enhancements to battle formations was a moronic decision. It sucks that there are literally zero Skryre-themed traits or relics to give to my Arch-Warlock, and even if they do add more in the full book, it'll probably just be the fucking Vial of the Fulminator again.
they have a lot of play in their warscrolls, but the woods overall are diminished in their effectiveness and have some weird interactions (like strike and fade not working if you kill your target, or allarielle being too big to use the woods)
Lots of doom posting by people attached to 3.0 playstyle, which by the way had a low 40% win rate much of the edition.

New index plays much better than 3.0 tome.
They also did pretty well on 4.0 points changes.
Alternative is sign up for a big event in a couple months. Take the time off to attend. Paint your army to as high a standard as you can so it looks nice.
Go to event and just have a good time. Sign up for another one in a few months. Repeat
It's supposed to be those exact pieces. It's even in the book.
His is the Eternity King because he survived the flames for long enough to get the blessing of Asuryan. The marriage to the Everqueen had nothing to do with it.
Reminder that Malekith was always correct
only thing that bothers me is that kurnoth hunters seem a bit unnecessarily nerfed, particularly the save. i dont see why they should have a 4+ save when they are made out of solid tree just like the treelords. 4+ save should be for the revenant units. kurnoth hunters should have a better save than the flying cavalry thats 2x the speed, does more damage, has better utility, and the same number of wounds per model and costs the same points

like seriously, why would i ever take kurnoth hunters right now? spiteriders are just flat out better in every aspect with no downsides
Lileath was a lying whore who only wanted elves to last a little while longer so her secret sub realm would have a better chance (lmao).
There was only ever one king of the Elves and that's the Phoenix King, Eternity King, whatever you want to call it. It's the elf that received the blessing of Asuryan by stepping into the flames.
> 1k armies
Just play Spearhead until you have 2k
I just got an og version with the colored plastic for 50 bucks so I'm feelin pretty good on it desu.
> low res images for ants

LGS hosts monthly 1k tournaments, So I have a few 1k armies.
I reiterate: Lileath crowned him Eternity King as part of the wedding ceremony she conducted between him and Alarielle, after Ulthuan had sunk into the ocean.
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I had to do some hunting since I both enjoy the hobby aspect but enjoy underworlds.

Best of luck friend! The game is also fun if you can drag a friend along

Good for you anon.
Protip: paint the morbid conjurations first.
Kurnoth hunters have never really been good. They are always the unit people want to be good.
If anything kurnoth bows in current state are the most usable any kurnoth have been yet.
Kurnoth did quite well on new points value, so I wouldn't call it a full out nerf. But they have never and will never be very good.
Are you blind? It's fucking 4249x1296.
Purple sun was the main one I was shooting for desu haha, loved that fucking spell since fantasy rpg.

And I got my verminlord who can cast alongside when my skaventide box shows up a gray seer for casting so should be set :D
> new index plays better
> kurnoth saves dropped
> tree revenant teleport limited to one unit per turn now
> no more overgrown terrain beyond Belthanos once per game ability
> wyldwoods easier to destroy than ever, opponents get to charge them for free movement
> wyldwood ranges for strike and fade, your spells, healing, etc is wholly within 6" and it can't be increased.
> artifacts trash, hope you roll a 3+ or they don't work
> strike and fade neutered, if you do too well in combat (ie kill the target) you can't even move
> prescribed terrain placement means your wyldwoods are very telegraphed as to where they can even be placed
> heavily relies on spell casting (still) still next to no casting bonuses
> spells and abilities often tied to the wyldwoods that are easy to kill and/or hard to summon again
> book heavily pushes you to either monster spam or bug cav spam, kurnoth literally get no faction to help them
> utility heroes had their abilities nerfed and then their costs still went up (arch revenant).
Sylvaneth are in a shit spot. GW needs to, at the VERY least, change strike and fade from 'in combat' to 'made a fight ability this turn' (like in spearhead) and jack the range if the fucking wholly within wyldwoods range to 9" instead of fucking 6".
This is as big as I can see your ant posting
I' glad since I love how they look, poor kharadron. They're such a cool faction but I feel like they get fuckall.
It's not my fault you don't own a fucking computer, retard.
TQ: Maggotkin, but it's intentional. I love them because they helped me get rid of anxiety and actually start painting them. Only priming so far, and the spray clogged and started spliting dots of paint on them. On some it dried with little bubbles. Makes me think they have skin disease now. I can't wait how I will butcher them with my no technique and terrible colour choice. Really happy accidents army of choice for Bob Ross.
I like to imagine your purple sun is just a giant bowling ball that runs over the enemy
Thanks, I followed duncan's guide but just for the water bits
you gotta love to see phonescum get filtered
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Recommend me good AoS podcasts. I want to listen to something game-related when assembling my minis.
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The fact we got to see the continents move is cool, I hope they keep updating the map with each new edition.

Makes me want to have my dudes do something in the region being gouged out by lendu's claw
2+ tough, hes the only person worth listening to. I cant rec vince because hes a bit of a twint sometimes.

Take S2D and make every single model a Chosen.

Now you have Fyreslayers.

Take S2D and pepper in Marauders, Champs, normal Warriors, Chosen, Cav, various others (Ogors, etc) and wow suddenly the "everyone wears spiky black armor" faction seems at least vaguely more diverse and interesting.

This is the problem with FS and has always been the problem with FS. The problem is there's next to no visual distinction between a grunt and a champion. There is next to no visual distinction between a lord and a wizard. Everyone is a shirtless dorf in a loincloth with the same red mohawk with the same (lack of armor) and besides one hander or two hander, the same weapon.

They're more uninspiring than the worst excuse of 1st Ed fatcast and I pray they get squatted so Dwarves can get a real army with actual vague diversity to it. Lmao for even as uniform as High Elves wound up as Lumineth, there's more interesting models and range diversity there and they've been out for a fraction of the time FS has. There's a lot of ways you could go with reimagining the Dwarf line without shoehorning the entire race into a single model type, and while Kharadon has its own problems, they did a better job with that than they did FS.
If you're going to phone post at least make an effort
I take it you haven't played a game yet.
and compared to what then? ignoring that penalty looks good but it amounts a couple of damage over the course of a game.
>they have a lot of play in their warscrolls
No they don't, that's actually the problem with the army not the allegiance abilities. All their units are 15-20% overcosted for their adjusted durability and damage output averages. They still pay as much or in the case of nerfed Kurnoth even more than 3e where they had a strike and fade tax built in.
You take kurnoth scythes and pair them with the 3+ strike first on the branchwych theoretically. The real only way to make the army function though is monster hammer.
Can we get ikkit in a drycha esque mech suit?
B-b-but rocket pods!
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Thank Allah that Mannfred blew all this gay Malekith wank up and we got AoS instead. WTF were they thinking
>There is more than 0,01 person per squer kilometer in London
True, but none of those people are white to be fair, so it's objectively worse.

Dat's fucking cute bruh.

Broken Realms Teclis.

I can't wait to see what they do with Malekith/Malerion in AoS. I wonder if him once being the king of all elves will matter at all in AoS, probably not but it'd be interesting to see him still consider himself boss of all knife-ears.

>Reminder that Malekith was always correct
I know some people don't, but I loved this twist in the End Times. So much death, suffering and ruination was caused by Malekith and the Dark Elves after he was denied the crown and yet... he was right. The throne WAS his and he was entitled to it.
So much could've been different, so much horror avoided, if he simply got what was his by right. Tragic really.
That art is fucking awesome!
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Lots of stuff with the end times wasn't that bad, it was just execution - way too fast paced
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Finally finished my updated skaven clanleader, Skrote the master moulder.

Og version is on the right, was my first time using greenstuff and kitbashing. Left I just finished!
Shit idea because they made Spearhead for that. High points just make regular games small and lame.
if you want a bunch of shit on the table still play nighthaunt or stop running 500 point monsters.
Too bad they'll look nothing like that in AoS
lookin good
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Go for the full elf sexology. I say this, GW never reprints any fucking books so you'll have to go digital.
You're right, that is a retarded question. That's very obviously an injection molded plastic sprue.
>Gav Thorpe
Isn't he on record as hating the portrayal of the elves in Fantasy?
If he did he sure didn't learn from it in his 40K Eldar fluff
idk he wrote most of the newer lore for them in the later wfb editions
>Lots of stuff with the end times wasn't that bad, it was just execution - way too fast paced
I think that's the perfect way to explain it. Good ideas, bad pacing.
is he on record saying he hates elves and likes dwarfs.
he's the reason why elves and eldar novels are miseryporn.
TQ: Ogors or Fyreslayers, take your pick.

Looking at Gotrek and the new Ungrim model for Old World, I know the EXACT problem Fyreslayers have(besides all models looking more identical than the army of literally identical bone constructs).

It’s that old slayers HAD FUCKING PANTS
that model fucking sucks tho
pants aren't the issue, you're latching onto them because it's the first difference you see
pants don't fix the poses, they don't fix the weapon design, they don't fix the silhouette, and the only real difference pants provide is an opportunity to slap onto the model a colour that isn't red, gold, or pink, which you already should be doing by using warpaints and tattoos

the flameseekers aren't better because their legs are covered, they're better because they've got better poses and because the clothes reinforce a solid triangular silhouette, but that can be achieved without that same type of clothing too, even just by shit hanging at the side of the belts or a mantle
Garagrim was running around with his cheeks clapping. It's likely that the most puritan Slayers consider pants a form of armor.
I really REALLY like this model.
and balls
I have it. I cant fucking glue it onto the rock for some reason.
Is he like particularly hated?

I'm more of a C.L Werner and William King guy I guess
He'd be bearable if he didn't get all of the eldar and elf books. He's in love with the idea of the fading empire and this translates to them jobbing big time in all of his books. He followed the "there are as many elves as the plot requires" idea
That said he's finally gone now after cratering the Ynnari so hard they cancelled their book series.
For now.
He's a fairly middling writer.
He's good at making really big descriptive locations and scenes, but his characters and plots are often mediocre at best and his fight scenes are honestly pretty bad.
Outside of that his ideas for Elves and Eldar are that they're 'tragic' in the same way someone repeatedly being hit by cars while crossing a street is tragic.
Oh shit he was the guy who said "as many elves" shit?

Yeah that tracks with that trilogy, I'm fine with the elves having it rough since it's the same for the dwarfs too but I use that line for shitposting all the time.

Woof, desu my favorite books are the thanquol and queek books. I love reading their little cracked out thoughts as they attempt to problem solve.
A few years ago arch's discord found out Thorpe existed and had specified his preferred pronouns in his twitter bio.
>not a single bus in the whole goddamn book
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Major tease soon
I think it's pretty good, I might give him a FS axe and run him as something
What makes you think that would be Malerion in a display of LRL and SBGL?
When is this picture from?
Thats a foam rock
man they've got a flying cavalry unit with 6 attacks at damage 2 on the charge and strikes first that also troll regens flat 3 at the end of every turn with 5 wounds a model

i dont wanna hear it
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Anybody played Maggotkin in spearhead / 4th yet? How they doin?
we need a 10 man unit of these. this guy is sick.
You're an embarassment
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remove the bug and change the head for a spite revenant's
Doesn't matter how it's painted, that models looks like shit.
the stub on the hooves is the equivalent of a chinaman trying to impregnate a rhino, its too large and loose for it.
>elf sexology
Imagine getting two awesome spare heads while other factions are stuck with sidecut women and baldies
Nurglefags cheating
Maybe you're blind.

coach did a sitdown with one of the best maggotkin players in the world yesterday, 2 hour deep dive.

tldr; basically everything but plaguebearers are stonks, rotigus is situational, the 2 maggotlords that arent bloab are great, horticulous is almost auto include, 3/4 of the subfactions are good, the faction disease mechanic is more impactful than it looks, glottkin blightkreig not as good as it was but glottkin is a more threatening combat piece so better overall. still absurd amounts of healing. rotmier creed sounds auto include at least 1 or 2 units.
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If only, then I wouldn't have to be visually assaulted by this shit.
what insults you about a scarred blindfolded face?
is Harbinger still a dead unit?
The ugliness.
he didnt mention it at all so i would assume so. 200pts for a priest without a prayer lore and a kind of crappy once per game debuff with a shit melee profile.

just not a good unit. if he was a wizard it would probably be a different story. one of the lists he drafted had 2 sorcerers in it, guy couldnt stop singing the praises of the spell lore and endless spells so sorcerers seem like a must have and they're very cheap.
always has been which is sad.
Malekith just kinda peering over the rock

>"They don't know it but I'm the rightful phoenix king."
He quite literally can't stand in light so he's permanently seething from the shadows
It's somebody who's died and been revived so much they've lost most of their soul and become detached from their humanity, it's not going to be something pretty.
I'm not up on the lore for AoS, Morathi still hangin with him?
They're on speaking terms but that's about all there is to say about it.
>It's meant to be ugly trash!
Oh that makes it okay then.
It's not even true by the way, I actually read the Skaventide novel and they watch over the autistic retards, but are not autistic retards themselves.
ntg but how the fuck have you missed like every single bit of fluff about the ruination chamber, down to the fucking trailer for the edition?
Lord-Veritant is Ruination Chamber too, anon.
Hrmmm, I wish I was more down to clown with AoS lore but nothings really caught me.

Are those callis and toll books any good? I picked up the box cuz it looked cool for like 30 bucks but got no clue who they are other than a decent set of minis
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>Skill issue
If you can't figure out assembly for something with ports and pegs then you're ngmi. Consider pic related until your motor skills develop to an adult level
Yes, the light thing is just a meme though
I can't wait to have these stormcasts show up in my flgs stray mini case.

After dominion there was dirt cheap stuff floating all over and I feel like I could probably just do a SCE army pretty cheap
Because they're not ruined, they're just there to help tard wrangle.
Like Chaplains in a Death Company, but more superfluous.
Again, I've read the book.
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I like'em. Need to touch up my Knight Arcanum though.
Is Hysh the least nightmarish realm in which to live? Is there a twist, something on the level of Chamon's metallic rain or the ground in Ghur deciding to eat you?
Too bright, like perpetually at that level of going outaide after being in a movie theatre.
I'm going to get you and all you hold dear pregnant.
Non-Aelves are relegated to living 'freely' in Settler's Gain.
Also there is literally no night there. It's always day.
Most of the landscape is just desert and rocks and craters.
The Lumineth brainwash everyone else
>Pro: There is always light
>Con: There is always light

Also, just because you are not in Ghur or Chamon does not mean that you are safe from their realm-fuckery
Potentially Ghurish energies are high enough so that even in Hysh the ground will come alive to eat you, or a strong tempest sent by Sigmar himself blows lead rain directly into your face
>trust me bro I'm actually very smart and cool
You have to live in a elf police state
Have you read the book? Because I have. The book will not make you smart or cool but I know what I'm talking about.
after playing shadowbringers i've decided a realm of perpetual light is probably not a great place to live
Ok throw out some random numbers about them with no context to other similar units, they aren't a strong profile in comparison. They're one of the weaker heavy cavalry options between factions.
Lookin good anon, I'm still workin out my verminlord atm. Just attached his head and am getting ready to do the weird greebles all over.
IIRC the darkest it gets is a bight twilight
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Why not just give the people what they want instead of that trash?
Lack of day night cycle causes mental instability. Everyone would be mildly insane and there would be no consistency to societies daily schedule
>Non-Aelves are relegated to living 'freely' in Settler's Gain.
The whole continent of Xintil is shared with the Sigmarites. There are other settlements there besides Settler's Gain. The other continents are said to be off limits because the Lumineth don't want anyone to accidentally trip over an ancient doomsday device or something.
>I know what I'm talking about trust me bro
>I'm actually very smart and cool
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Isn’t it crazy how the image of in its entirety we got looks like the First?
There is technically a 'night', it just isn't very dark.
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Japs haven't forgotten how to make women appealing.
Haha, anime girl sex hot haha, I love anime girl hot pussy sex haha someone please speak to me I have a personality haha
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Apparently the realm's light slowly pulsates, approximating a day-night cycle. The realm never goes dark, but its light grows dimmer.
>Any women wanna have sex with me now? :)
First 2b, now fire keeper. Can you get any more fucking generic?
Can skaven win the stupid fight so I can see new weapons teams and stormvermin already?
Glad I refreshed the thread before responding, you said what I was going to say. It’s like dusk at the darkest. I’m sure they have curtained off rooms or something to sleep. I get very Middle Eastern vibes from what I imagine the architecture to be like, especially with that image we have of Settler’s Gain.
Yeah, Japan did the thing much better. What of it?

>Can you get any more fucking generic?
What's wrong with generic? It looks good.
yeah they're going to win obv, complaining about it for no reason isn't going to accelerate the event date.
It's like a month difference at best for the "loser" to get their shit revealed who gives a fuck. Find a purpose in life that isn't keeping up to date with warhammer releases
Just print your shitty coomer models.
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I don't want weeb shit in Warhammer, I'm fine with it elsewhere but I'm coming for stupid overdesigned edgy fantasy
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>Yeah, Japan did the thing much better. What of it?
I'd rather GW makes good models so the game doesn't crash and burn.

>I don't want weeb shit in Warhammer
Pretty girls don't need to be limited to weeb shit.

What of it though?
GW could learn a thing or two from the japs unironically.
This. Age of Sigmar is like a shitty western gatcha knock off of Elden Ring.
Such as
link me the good tabletop fantasy game from japan.
The undead curse is far more compelling vision of immortality than Stormcast.
Then why are you posting weeb shit as your primary examples.
Because they're well known and popular examples of cute women in blindfolds.
nta but coming from japan doesn't instantly mean it's weebshit anon
Why do so many people's brains stop developing after playing a fromsoftware game
No not at all, but those two were pretty specifically weebshit.
The mail is really neat for chambers without metallic primary colors
Not as good for metallic stormies sadly
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Even women prefer cute women. Do you think a bald man-faced bitch in foot pads is going to get many fans? No.
If you want to appeal to women, make the women appealing.
They're devoid of any actual personality so they just make something that they like their entire identity. Happens with warhammer a lot too
Because people like to feel superior and they think beating a slightly more difficult """"niche"""" dark fantasy game instantly makes them an interesting person. Even though by the time most people played dark souls on pc it was not even niche anymore. I honestly wish these games stayed console exclusive because the fanbase became absolutely unbearable once it got popular
It's just a fact. GW keep trying to push this "it's achtully a curse doe" angle, despite the fact that it's nothing but a benefit for Stormcast.
I feel like being reforged into alsheimers isn't fantastic.
record of lodoss, sword world, anything by the SNE group really. I have been eyeing the SMT 3 tabletop game as well to see if that would be fun, and I guess you have the ffxiv table top adaptation but thats likely just a cashgrab.

making more efficient use of its workers ; )
Fuck off back to /vg/ or wherever
You know what it's better than though? Just aging and getting Alzheimer's normally.
I can say this with full confidence: i'd take a single saltzpyre over any number of waifus.

And it's not even close.
Dying over and over again with no actual explanation for how their body is being recovered isn't good storytelling it's just a reason to explain respawning in a video game
Why do you think ugly women are better than pretty women?
Yeah :(
It does look like shit tho, and looks like anime, its anime shit, liken most of the stuff the japanese make
>i'd take a single saltzpyre over any number of waifus.
Tough shit, we don't get either. Just this ugly feminist horseshit.
japan doesn't even make good anime anymore.
Yeah it's more of that lazy faux-2d horse shit.
I'm confused are we still talking about the bald fire guy, or is this just general bitching that sigmarine women all have the goofy sidecut and bad face models?
Yeah they should outsource tau robot making to gunpla.
You just have to get past the FOTM stuff, or read the source material instead.
>It does look like shit tho
Looks better than GW's uggos.
Not even just Sigmarines, most of the female minis from GW are intentionally ugly. Look at the Darkoath army set that's still sitting unsold.
Tau aint got shit compared to gunpla. Im happy picking up an armored core kit instead of that shitty looking stormsruge.
Eh that's not too out there though, I wouldn't expect titty barbarians. I'd say the most egregious thing GW did design wise was remove 90% of facial hair from CoS.

Side thing, I feel like the laint jobs they do are just in general shit. I've seen nerds put their hearts and souls into painting those default heads and winding up with some top tier shit.
>brainrotten by nippon
It's only like $70 anon you're not poor are you?
nta but tau look like a fucking gundam parody, I can't even imagine how shit taste you must have to prefer these faggots
>Eh that's not too out there though
It's totally out there because nobody likes it. It's an insane thing to do.
>I wouldn't expect titty barbarians.
Titty barbarians would be much more popular, but you don't even need to go that far look at >>93414950 & >>93415005
Hardly "titty barbarian"
> I feel like the laint jobs they do are just in general shit.
The paint jobs are fine, good even.
>I've seen nerds put their hearts and souls into painting those default heads and winding up with some top tier shit.
Talented people can paint a featureless piece of paper to resemble a beautiful woman, but you wouldn't say that's down to the quality of the paper merchant.
So you're saying you want a swathe of cute girls to be added into age of sigmar just to clarify?
nta but its been sold out in the US since about 5 minutes after it released. going on the secondary market for like $150+
I want all the uggo women replaced with cute women, yes.
Okay just wanted to verify so I can get back to ignoring you because this is stupid.
Anon Tau look like utter shit, they dont have any cool factor or any sense of functionality which ends up appealing to nobody really. Only people who end up collecting Tau are for the dumb coomer shit or typical 40k meta reasons.
How is it stupid?
Men prefer cute women.
Women prefer cute women.
There is no downside to replacing ugly munts with cute ladies.
>but this thing is freaking epic!
nta but i'm more of a boxy mech kind of guy. Whatever you'd call metal gear rex or battletech. Those always seemed so cool to me
I like Tau robots. They do look a bit dumpy, but in an endearing sort of way.
Like this pile of stuff is any better?
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Are we getting raided by /a/ what the fuck is happening
I too love, shapes
People have realised GW are cringier than weebs.
Nah just one faggot that's mad that we don't like his anime garbage
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Taste issue
You're mad that people don't like your gross feminist slop.
I don't care if stormcast has a bunch of ugly dykes, it's still better than anime dogshit
Go back to shtting up /v/, I give 0 shits about any female models. I just want rats.
Is that supposed to be an example of a design made with a sense of functionality in mind?
>it's still better
I understand that it's disorienting and upsetting to awaken from a coma, but you need to understand that it's not 2016 anymore, and calling things "feminist" is gauche.
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Noob painter here - what does it mean when someone says they "tintt" something? Is that just a highlight?
>"feminist" is gauche.
It's necessary to correct course.
I don't hear that word utilized often in regards to miniature painting. By definition, it just means "to color slightly". Anyone who says that isn't speaking with precision.
When you finish a model the last step is to anoint it with your essence. That's what they mean.
>Here's your stormcast
In our hobby it means to apply a thin layer of transparent colour over an underlying colour to change the colour of the surface subtly
Why are you people even bothering replying to the coomer retard? He doesn't actually give a shit about the game, he just wants to jack off to sexy anime women in Warhammer.
>t. Nomodels secondary
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Work continues on captain morgan rat
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Okay but could Broly beat Archaon?
Waiter I didn't order this, can you take this back
Any sort of eastern influence minus the Indian would be cool really, I like the obvious Chinese influence the Lumineth adopted. Even if its grossly over exaggerated with some aspects.
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Magmadroth's kind of suck right? You just spam like 100 naked foot dudes?
They're constantly releasing these trash models.
Only no trash models.
Uh oh nomodels weeb melty
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We've got our own version here
Doesn't fit the setting.
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It's more likely than you think.
Only no trash models.

Then change the setting so it's got good ladies rather than trash ones.
literally the only good looking stormcast. Of course the side game studio was in charge of it.
Would have been nice if she didn't have the hood up and was in a much lamer poser.
You'd know if you OWNED IT
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>I have kino redpilled models that were folded 1000 times
>n-no you can't see them b-baka
>y-you would never appreciate my superior sculpts s-so you don't get to see them
isn't that a glaze?
They botched it by giving her model the hood tho
Okay this is actually funny, I'm proud of this thread for once damn
It's still fun because he's legitimately mad
>>I have kino redpilled models that were folded 1000 times
>>n-no you can't see them b-baka
>y-you would never appreciate my superior sculpts s-so you don't get to see them
I'm build some Skaven right now, do you want to see them?
And how many cute girls are in skaven you sicko?
None! But there are no uggos either.
Do you, uh... know what Skaven females look like?
Yeah, but this hobby is full of people who aren't experienced with fine art terms and just use words they think sound artistic whether they're correct or not
...I think I realized why I picked the army I did.
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So warclans is officially dead correct? I have to just pick one of them now I'm not allowed to mix and match?
>weeb poster is a furry
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I was more bummed at lack of sword, thankfully that was an easy fix.
Yeah, Skaven are cute gross little monsters though.
You are not allowed to mix and match, but they are still called warclans and in one index

Also ironjawz don't get to play spearhead
If you have friends you easily can continue to play with whatever models you'd like. It's only really an issue for the friendless who rely on pickup games
That's shitty. Why bother leaving them together if you can't even run them together. Why is no fun allowed anymore
its dead, killed by fat grogs who hate fun.
I'd rather they do that than exhibit ugly faces. Models look better together when they are uniform in anonymity.
None of this is a problem if you're like me and have an appreciation for helmeted women.
that's a man
No curves. You may as well be gay.
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Word, its best to just leave it to the beholders imagination.
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Gods bless Warcry for that.
Nah the female HoH have their tits covered up and are noticeably smaller than the males
Well, you're half-right.
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>I am forgotten
I bought this kit for hashut chosen bits but I didn't pay attention to how many polearm, things, they have so now I'm just stuck with them
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Calling my Chadukar finished.
I have them in their box untouched and no idea what to do with them
I like the models, but I am disappointed by the lack of variety — or rather, the misplaced variety. I would have preferred if they'd given more optional parts to the armoured dudes instead of pointlessly including two nigh-identical heads and tool tips per shatterer.
Sell em for like 200 bucks?
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I painted mine ages ago and never even used them in game. Got too distracted building out aos faction warbands
GW still sell them even if they're never in stock
I thought GW nixxed production on all old warcry warbands? Maybe I misinterprited the post
Still listed under warcry for now
One runefather on droth still seems like a go-to. Runesons need to be able to join regiments to be worth it and you just take the Runemaster over the Runesmiter
Let's not. There is already enough weed trash out there.
It took me forever to realize that the leader is hiding a third arm behind his cloak. It's not a detail that would ever be spotted during a game, but the player will always know it's there.
I wish they had a pick and mix style box of just all the mascot dudes, since the little dudes never excite me but like - amputee on stilts, birdman, guy with snake scarf, gusty smoke bomb dr strange, and big iron ogre all were my personal favorites.
Getting rid of fun was the entire design direction for 4E.
Nobody really cares about that one they're not going for much
>There is already enough weed trash out there.
And there's more cringe feminist trash.
Get rid of it.
They randomly come back in stock idk what they're doing
Bring back GA armies it's the only point of the GA's
Have you considered jerking off before interacting with your hobby. You know normal people dont need everything to be horny coomer bait?
Those GA books were so fun to flip through. I think they're prolly why I've got a little bit of everything from each GA
Fine... I'll ring up James...
I'm running the cruntch on their index now. The smiter droth rampage is pretty good. The numbers for the runefather look like he does a bucket of damage with the droth-helm. He has like a completely awful wound/save for his cost. Everything in FS seems like it just shits out efficient damage even before you start cycling through all these buffs every round. They're like Ironjawz except if they were actually good, or Nighthaunt if they were slow and fragile and balanced.
And not everything needs to be "progressive"
>the leader is hiding a third arm behind his cloak.
I bet he is uwu.
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Help me pick between the following armies to start /aosg/

Go shit up the 40k thread, or post models faggot.
Maggotkin, you can double the amount of stuff you can work with if you buy some more bases for nurglings and blightkings (you will however need to recast them with blue stuff), but even discounting that they are a joy to paint.
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If you play Maggotkin you can dip into Sylvaneth in order to make some neat yet simple conversions
I need more info about you first, top or bottom?
I'd go for Seraphon. Right now they look pretty starter friendly.
>You know normal people dont need everything to be horny coomer bait?
But normal people prefer pretty girls to uggo munts.

These are lame
I had a whole rpg campaign lined up for an natural necrotic plague like this.

Was a whole conspiracy in a woodelf city with druid cults using roots and wood constructs on corpses.

Big twist was there was a big ol' vampire behind the whole thing who was using the hippie cult to cover the world in trees so he would never see the sun again.
Normal people don't need everything to be something they can jerk off to, you people are just coomer freaks
If the game was becoming more competitive I feel like they fucked up on that by adding so many bullshit 3+ rolls for critical faction shit, as well as some factions just having absolute shit units. Then there's the joke of the under dog system where the benefit ranges from ridiculous enough you may as well minimize first turn scoring, to the bonus being on sensical.

If they were trying to make the game fun or narrative they fucked that up too, so many rules replaced by rolling to maybe do 2-3 mortals as well as many factions feeling too samey.
>go to check fyreslayers spearhead for pic
>it's not on the store
Next tome?
Huh... I'm actually replaying Nier Automata at this moment. What a fucking odd thing to come across on TG.
>bacons your narwhal
Erm, what a totally dotally freakingly random fucking thing
If I'm being real the AoS team probably got handed the same corporate mandate 40K did, to dumb down the game as much as humanly possible so they can try to appeal to new players. They're just less incompetent than the 40K design team so the end result is just mostly shit instead of completely shit.
>Erm, what a totally dotally freakingly random fucking thing
What the actual fuck are you trying to say you inbred, alcoholic retard?
>I'm actually
>What a fucking odd thing to come across
>erm like what the freaking flip
>I'm like literally playing le heckin Nier Automatinos like right hecking now
>Isn't that flipping cool TG hobby senpai?
You have to go back
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Not that odd. It's a popular game. Not a notable observation in the slightest.
Trying way too hard.
After 3 games I'm having way too much fun with 4e.
Am I doing something wrong?
Namefags deserve the rope. Back to Twitter you go. Captcha related
Stay seething redditismo
I don't understand the logic of complaining about annoying phrasing, and then vomiting this up.
You have to go back
Old Ones aren't gods
Total war scum made that
Anon people who play wargames arent normal
People who actually PLAY wargames are generally very normal
Normal people don't want dog ugly "women" shitting up their table tops.
Should I paint my stds as khorne, nurgle or undivided?
its S2D you utter buffoon.
Ugly doesn't mean abnormal
I'm guessing you lot think you're funny? That's pretty delusional.

>Not that odd. It's a popular game. Not a notable observation in the slightest.
I just don't see many people talk about it, and I certainly don't see people bring it up very often on tg.
Fucking hell you lot are strange.
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okay anon. Sure.
undivided, but not black
brown, no one sees brown chaos anymore.
I had some really ugly brown csm a few years ago
>projections of massive proportion
>I'm guessing you lot think you're literally funny? That's pretty fricking delusional.
>take a freaking downvote chud
>flipping hell you guys are hecking weird
You have to go back
How about I project my fucking shitter on your toilet, shit in it, and don't even flush?
>I prefer ugly women to beautiful ones!
They still won't have sex with you. It's because they can sense you're an abnormal freak.
It's the guy who got dogpiled earlier lashing out at random posters out of spite; don't reply to it.
The fact that you think being exposed to ugly women in any way means that you have to or want to fuck them says more about your cumrotted brain than anything else you've posted so far lmao
Not if I shit on it first
>The fact that you think being exposed to ugly women in any way means that you have to or want to fuck them
I don't though. I think defending them for no good reason means you're desperate for the touch of any woman because you're a freakish male feminist "ally."
You'd probably come in your mother given the chance.
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Why couldn't we have gotten some cool freguild from here instead of those atrocious abominations
>with no argument the coomer resorts to even greater projections
You really should go jerk off before interacting with your hobbies
Why do you prefer ugly women? Can you explain it?
Because if you go outside(I know that'd a deal breaker for you but bear with me) you'd see most people walking around the real world are pretty ugly. Having normal looking people in your armies makes it more believable and immersive.
Right you see ugly bald man-faced uggos all the time right? Do you live in hell or something?
Models are supposed to be appealing.
For the sake of the fucking thread, just stop engaging with the cretin. You're actively enabling him.
You two should form a suicide pact
What's cretinous about wanting good models that people enjoy?
Models are supposed to represent individuals in a universe so its believable. Pretending everyone in the world is a super model is retard coomer shit and you should go jerk off
HOLY FUCK you people are still arguing with that reddit coomer, like come the fuck on
>Models are supposed to represent individuals
Incorrect, they represent broad types.
If you want the universe to be believable why is an ugly woman fighting in an army anyway? Fighting is a man's job in a believable universe.
Models should look good to entice people to build, paint collect, and play with them.

Wanting better models does not make me a coomer you brainrotted dicklet.
>Wanting coomer models does not make me a coomer you brainrotted dicklet.
It does and I accept your concession
>Models should look good to entice people to build, paint collect, and play with them
>If I cant CUM to my models then I don't want them
You're a freaky lil nigga huh lmao
Damn, I really want an Arachnarok spider, but I'm terrified that Spiderfang won't last past the edition, and I have zero interest in TOW.
Wrong. Something being beautiful does not mean needing to touch your dick.
You're just attempting to argue absurdities because you know you have no argument.
There is no legitimate reason to make ugly female models.
Yeah okay sorry for trying to dredge up some kind of discussion about the fucking game instead of bickering about female models, jackass.
I accept your concession, you should go jerk off though for real
Didn't give you one. Please try an actual argument.
What are we supposed to do with that besides pointlessly speculate
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I don't know. I've never been able to actually "talk about" these games, because I've no grasp on tactics and flub every prediction about how a unit performs (see >>93412537).
it would be nice if the freaks of humanity stayed in the armies where its known to have abominations. thats all I can say.
>would be nice if the freaks of humanity stayed in the armies
I agree, you should sign up to be conscripted and spare the world of your existence
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Just buy one, they're a fun model to build and paint, and worst case scenario you run some legends which only filter out those without friends.
I like getting high as balls and jacking up Ebay bids.

Fuck you, you're only going to save 30% on that model instead of 60%.
That's a very sad way to waste time while high as balls.

Try it. It's fun. I made some goober pay almost MSRP for a Syll'esske.
Why bother when you could be painting while high. It's the best way to lose track of time and commit to high effort shit you wouldn't bother with normally

I did that with some cavalry I dreaded painting. Haven't done much hobbying considering it's been too hot to prime 22 hours a day and I'd rather not paint and sweat my dick off at the same time. Also Spearhead.
Do you paint on your fucking lawn lmao, just prime late at night, and then paint in your air conditioned home. The heat outside isnt a valid excuse once your shit is primed
Exactly. I see enough ugly people in the real world, no need to see them in media.
Give me cute elves or give me death
>awful wounds/save for cost
That's most monsters this edition; he has a good rampage and once-a-game +1 attack aura. But otherwise all foot may be the way to go.
The only old-world dwarfs selling out at my shop are Hammerers/ Ironbearkers. Models usable in CoS, curious.

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