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Previous: >>93417559

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: Do you have any weird decks?
Suggest me an uncommon commander for a cheap jank tribal deck
First for big fish bad, bloomburrow weak, and shills in overdrive.
This is now an Eluge thread
>top loser
>isnt even out yet
More copies for me
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Reminder that Earl of Squirrel is getting a horror-themed black border variant in Duskmourn.
Keeps squirrellink (without the keyword) but creature tokens are squirrel horrors instead of squirrels plus their other types.
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Has anyone been able to get their hands on the full art of this card without the text? I searched around for a bit, but I could only find phone pictures of the playmat from the event.

I'm looking to edit up a proxy for Scion of War because I'm a fucking weeb.
It's a shame Eluge does nothing for me mechanically because it's one of my favorite pieces of Magic art in recent memory.
>weird decks
Does pheldigriff with only cards with non-anthro animals in the art count?
Fish looks cool, but it's just bad. It's the way of the road bubs.
Searching the name in Japanese found his twitter - https://x.com/ebisu_1UUU/status/1691627080277275010
I like big creatures
I like the fish
Cool ways for Naya to deal with treasurespam?
Yeah but that's gay.

Season of Gathering is almost perfect since I'm barely running artifacts or enchantments but this shit is looking to be like $15
Idk 4 mana nightmare with upsides seems more than playable
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Viridian Revel, Fangren Marauder, Sardian Avenger, pic related
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Since he can get such a big discount what are the best counter spells here? I'm thinking you can actually include some of the inefficient ones with additional effects such as this
I attempted to build all my mono-color decks in strange directions that fit outside their color pie. W - Card Advantage, U - Creature Storm, B - Group Hug, R - Reanimator, G - Aristocrats.
My playgroup is both annoyed and impressed.

Thanks, I greatly appreciate it.
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Anon, those are the three colors best equipped to deal with artifacts already on the field. What the fuck do you mean "cool ways?"
>6 mana sorcery speed
It'll cost the cost of a pack purely because it's a mythic.
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Can I get some advice? I'm trying to brew a deck for Gev here. Obviously, Lizard tribal is a goal. I also remembered that Mercenaries are Outlaws, and that there are a lot of other Lizards that are Outlaws in Bloomburrow, so I can play Outlaw support.

My problem is that a lot of Lizard cards aren't very powerful in terms of their stats, so they'll lack staying power and the ability to remove threats from the board themselves. I figure that being able to put Lizards from my graveyard back into my hand is a good way to re-feed Gev on top of this, but I'm still not sure how to best go about threat management.
Maybe in 1994.
>how do i get rid of creatures in black and red
Accept no substitutes.
You play Murderous Redcap and a free sac outlet.
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Eluge's place is in the deck piloted by the true king of Flood Counters (and also allows you to play all of the other few cards that use them).
>6 mana
>Smaller than Eluge
>Access to Green's ramp potential so you can flood your board with fetched islands
Are you sure about that?
Man, I really like this dude. I built a deck with it and it was a perfect place to play Temporal Distortion.
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Gay Bolas
mmmm islands
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Were not exactly playing vintage here
You do actually /play/ edh, right?
Ugin and Bolas are brothers as well.

Sweet home Dominaria?
You already got btfo in multiple threads are you really going to do this again?
Nah I just play vintage singleton with weird colour rules and a face monster and a nonsense banlist.
Let me know what you think.
TQ: I used to have a red enchantress deck, but it sadly wasn't very good. Red has a lot of good enchantments but it lacks cards that support them.
NTA, but due to the general power level increase of the game even my most casual friends are running commanders with a lot more board impact and resource generation behind them. I'd love it with the format was slowed down enough that a blue Nightmare with an upside would be considered fine, but it's not 2011 anymore.
Pretty sure the argument is always the same, let me summarize:
>big fish cant combo, big fish bad
>actually big fish good, big fish casts free things
>yes, but once per turn that escalates very slowly, big fish bad
>actually big fish good because big fish get big with lands too
>but that's not really a great strategy, big fish bad
>*autistic screeching about spirit of the format*
Anything new to add?
Tempted to replace all of my 1-mana super efficient removal with 4-mana sorcery speed removal just because things like decimate are way more fun than swords to plowshares and nature's claim.
dude, the fish is bad and anyone who says otherwise is trolling
unless you're playing against precons he isn't even worth discussing
he's good in the 99, and will only get better as more flood counter cards get released
Some of the people here are genuinely retarded enough to believe it's not bad.
I did take some time off since 2020 but even back then i was winning by swinging child of alara at people, so far I havent seen too much of a power increase but Ive only been to like 2 lgs so far
I lent my Yarok deck to a friend to play with, and was on the receiving end of him Oubletteing my commander, Inferno.
I could Bolt Bend the spell, or Chaos Warp the Enchantment, but what else is there that I can do to get out of that sort of situation?
Seems good to me, I guess the proof will be in the pudding.
Been building Child of Alara and I've come up with some wincons that mesh well with board wipes besides Approach and Maze's End.
Probably the same deal as Bahamut/Tiamat in DnD where they were descended from the same deity but like all the other elder dragons are genetically varied enough to effectively not be related.
Who would you partner with pic rel? I tried 4 color with both Kraum and Ishai but I don't enjoy spreading out resources so I want to keep it to 2 or 3 color.
>pod into a 4-man game at the LGS
>we're all starting up
>first player drops ancient tomb, mox diamond
>ask why he's proxying a mox diamond
>"It's commander, it's proxy-friendly"
>ask everyone else if they've got a mox diamond in their deck, proxied or otherwise
>everyone responds in the negatory
>tell him to cut it, replace it with a basic land, and mull
>other players were sheepish on calling him out but when he looks to them for help no one says anything
>grumbles about having to reshuffle
>loses and leaves
Fucking lol
>"S-step-dragon, what are you doing?!"
How? You need to explain.
Wild magic surge would get rid of it, if you have Liquemetal torque in your deck you could use it to turn it into an artifact and use a wider suite of removal against it
I'm thinking of building a skullbriar voltron, but I'm new to the game to I have to ask: in the experience of those who have played voltron decks, is it a viable deck archetype, or will I just get stomped by any deck with any removal?
>anon who cant evaluate cards builds bad deck
Tale as old as time.
I am a whole zero percent sure he means that shredding Eluge and adding it into pudding will be the best way to improve the deck.
>big fish can't combo
Cost reduction always opens up the door to combos lmao. Not to mention he offers up excellent stack control due to his static abilities.
>once per turn
Is still 4 times a turn cycle, more if you have any way to blink him!
>too slow
No it's clearly not lol this is just something you keep repeating and pretending it's true, like the rest of your position.
Anyone pre ordering anything from this set are retarded. You will lose money, since everything is trash.
>Anon shares his fantasies episode 8519573
You can do well in a lot of casual pods, most likely.

Be careful of -1/-1 counters with Skullbriar.
>retard anon is back
Hilarious. Go on retard anon, tell me any combo with big bad fish that wouldnt be better with a generic cost reducer.
Play every free sac outlet in B and R.
Play every Tutor you can jam in the deck.
Play Murderous Redcap and win.
>have cube
>only add cards
>never take out any
>no idea how big cube is
>keep throwing cards in there
>(Its all proxied of fucking course)
game of thrones made incest classy and high iq
What's the point? The benefits have already been stated and dismissed. Im not going to convince you.
How do you guys deal with salty players you play with regularly? Friend-of-a-friend type deal so you can't just not play with them without losing the whole pod. Sore loser, sore winner, thinks everyone but them is the tryhard, spiteful if you ever stop them from popping off, that kind of thing.
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>Is still 4 times a turn cycle, more if you have any way to blink him!
womp womp
that's not how it works. See
Skullbriar is very resilient because of his low converted mana cost. The big things you need to do is
1. get in fast (elvish spirit guide, lotus petal, chrome mox) or have a turn-one play (hardened scales goes crazy)
2. run lots of cheap, fast, or repeatable recursion so he's always back and swinging (unearth, reanimate, cthonian nightmare)
3. be prepared for corner-case gameplan killers like imprisoned in the moon, having your commander turned face-down, or being given -1/-1 counters early which will make him unusable (crop rotation for high market, phyrexian tower, lazotep quarry so you can sacrifice him in response)
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If the benefits have been stated and dismissed that means fish bad, otherwise the benefits wouldnt have been dismissed in the first place.
You must not attend many game stores if this stuff isn't common.
We don't play in the same meta, thank the Lord for that.
What was the dude playing and was it any good?
>How do you guys deal with salty players you play with regularly?
I don't, I'm happy when enough people get together to play a game of commander. Probably because I'm often the reason why said guy is salty, but I just wanna play my jank decks.
Huh? I just build 4 decks and play with myself why would I go to a card shop full of weirdos
It just means you dismissed them, and I disagree.
Wow. Personally I cant wait to cast sigiled starfish for free off of my fishy nightmare.
>dear god, thank you for letting me play with bad players so I can think I'm good
Almost as funny as retard anon.
Codie. I don't know if it was any good because we killed his commander twice and he did fuck all.
I'm sure eluge will be so good in your pauper games!
You can't cast Sigiled Starfish for free off Eluge if that's what you're talking about.
>Spell Swindle
>Commandeer (bonus that it can cost 0)
>Mindbreak Trap (bonus that it can cost 0)
>Gale's Redirection
>Smirking Spelljacker
>Time Stop
>Sublime Epiphany
>Cryptic Command

A lot of these have the added bonus of getting over traditional counterspell hate people might run in response to seeing a monoU deck.
And thats bad. Nothing wrong with liking bad things, but pretending they're good and shitposting about how you btfo'd some anon is retarded.
To the person brewing for Me, the Immortal don't forget that -1/-1 counters will ruin her
Seems pretty bad if it just folds like that to removal.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Retard anon is you and combo is gay
>talking shit about sigiled starfish
Ok now I know you are trolling
Fuck nevermind this card is garbage
I know this card isn't *good* but is it worth it if I'm the type of player that just likes to play dinos every turn? Feels bad if I've got a hull breach or rotting away in my hand because I'm waiting for someone to play a doubling season or something.
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Honest thoughts on this bird?
Probably one of the better ones to get with Gishath. The removal is pretty good.
No, retard anon is the retard who doesnt read the big fish and thinks it's good without an argument as to why. It's been officially decreed. Probably the same rerard that was calling everything scam.
Not as good as baral
To be fair I play a lot of edh in a lot of metas all over the US, perks of traveling for work. The average powerlevel is not very high, certainly not high enough to out and out say fish bad.
I mean shit I lost to an elemental tribal kresh deck the other day. First off sick as shit deck second it was technically "bad" but far from unplayable.
It appears my superiority has led to some controversy
I mean playing this instead of Regisaur Alpha/Temple Altisaur/Wrathful Raptors on Turn 5 is a choice
Also just a bit redundant because it's 1 more mana for Thrashing Brontodon which does the same thing it just doesn't have haste
Have you play tested it in your deck to see if it's consistent?
i rate it 1/2
You can always try using sharpie to write "instant" on sigiled starfish.
Would rather just have Kogla and Yidaro for the benefit of having uncounterable artifact/enchantment removal or a late game beater and creature removal
If you're in a dinosaur tribal deck just throw it in
Hell yeah. I've got a few effects like Gishath's trigger (check/draw the top cards of your library, put a creature onto the battlefield) so there's the potential to be able to dig for him in an emergency too. I've also got one creature tutor.
Five mana for a 3/4, even with haste, hurts my soul though.

I don't have a temple altisaur or wrathful raptors (not running an enrage deck so they're nice to have but only okay) but I do have a thrashing brontodon to do a similar thing.
Truthfully I don't think I've ever sacrificed the bronto to blow up an artifact though.

I also have (well, plan to get) those guys. They seem really useful.

I guess I probably have enough removal on a stick in my deck, just need to focus on drawing it.
Whats the point
Guess Im going back to building vraska the unseen
I let them scoop and laugh in my own head when he has a tantrum for the next 2 hours
incredible, from the ground up this terrible card was lazily put together
not even wotc give a fuck about him
>in addition to it's other types
It would be so much better without this.
If you're in blue and just want to lock other players out from playing the game, there are better ways to do it.
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>I let them scoop

>"You don't fear loss. You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe."
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If I want to make a boros deck, preferably make remake one of the precons into it.
Would it be better start off Family Matters or Animated Army?
Which one would provide more value towards that?
>Her name is Braids because she has braids
Let's not pretend this is new.
I've seen so many Krenko players at my game store it's unreal. And it's always the least competent players in existence, jamming as many goblins into play then losing to a board wipe.
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>opponent salt scoops prematurely to some random spell that blows up their shit
>their next draw would have saved them/got them back in the game
>they start complaining about being unfairly targeted and how epic their revenge would have been if they stayed in the game
>they pull out their best/most annoying deck after this
Seen it a dozen times and I'm sure I'll see it again. It's always funny.
Animated Army staples
-Chaos Warp
-Blasphemous Act
-Sol Ring/Arcane Signet
-Mind Stone
-Thought Vessel
-Reliquary Tower

Niche Cards
-Berserkers' Onslaught
-Gratiutous Violence
-Outpost Siege

Family Matters staples
-Sol Ring/Arcane Signet
-Boros Signet
-Mind Stone
-Helm of the Host
-Battlefield Forge
-Clifftop Retreat
-Path of Ancestry
-Rugged Prairie
-Sunscorched Divide

Niche Cards
-Echoing Assault
-Temple of Triumph

Animated Army is more maindeck value for Boros, Family Matters is more mana base value for Boros
Just depends on what you're missing
But if I were you I would take Animated Army the Boros manabase is pretty cheap to buy off the marketplace, it's like $5 for everything if you shop correctly
>when the elemental fish is named after the elements
>play game with my regular pod
>my deck is creatureless, comboless grixis Mishra
>opponents are Janns Jannson mardu artifacts, colorless eldrazi, and Jeskai energy
>by my t4 the jeskai player is at 67 or so life and has smacked me for 9+
>eldrazi player plays some rock that can also blow up all nonlands if he wants to
>no one has a response except to smack him
>my turn, decide to go balls to wall
>play land, float all my land mana, Mana Seism sacking all my lands for 6, Chimil, move to combat, Warform Chimil, smack Eldrazi player, 1st discover - Sol Ring to hand, 2nd - Zowoya's Justice to remove the bomb
>from there Eldrazi player and Jeskai player start feuding, Eldrazi player exiles half of Jeskai library with nuUlamog then swings an Annihilator 7 at him, Jeskai player kills him
>Jeskai player then starts slightly focusing the Mardu player
>do the double discover twice and hit Wincon Jace and Mirrodin Besieged (3 artifacts in GY)
>I am now the threat despite the comboriffic Mardu deck and get knocked to 4 life, Jeskai player is at 111
>topdeck Fabricate, grab Stasis Coffin, Warform Coffin, gain pro everything, discover Propaganda
>counter Mardu player's piece when he sets up a combo to kill me at instant speed
>Mardu player at 11 life just decides to Teferi's Protection, which phases out his Gerard's Hourglass that was stopping me from taking turns with Ugin's Nexus
>during my turn Warform Nexus, sac both, Jeskai player casts Teferi's Protection
>use two turns to set up and get Mirrodin Besieged lethal
>Mardu player makes a sequencing error and fails to set up lethal
>my turn, Warform Coffin, end step target the Jeskai player with 120ish life and 20ish creatures
>"WHY DO YOU KEEP TARGETING ME?!?" he seethes in confusion, ignoring that I have climbed up to a whopping 6 life with 3 1/1s and 5/4 against his roughly 50 power army that gets bigger every combat
Then Mardu player scooped. Jeskai guy was seething though. Said it was "like an Eldrazi deck!"
Seems like he'd be solid in a merfolk deck, where a lot of your creatures have islandwalk and there's multiple cards like Lord of Atlantis that give all your merfolk islandwalk. Put one counter on an opponent's land and now all your creatures are unblockable against him.
Sure, Harbinger of Tides is better for the job as long as opponents don't only play basics, but it's good to have more than one way to accomplish a goal so you aren't relying on drawing one card out of 99.
you can say I'm missing everything since the last time I played it was Eldtritch Moon and Kaladesh
>a fucking LEAF
Yeah I'm glad I don't play
I go every weekend sometimes twice! This never happened
>one combofag in this thread still seething about eluge
>Wow this elemental embodiment of water has a water themed name what the fuck is this so lazy omg!!!!
>no built in draw power, as soon as it dies you get nothing out of paying the mana for it
>no protection for your lands, mass land destruction will result in 0/0 fishy, dies due to game rules
>mono blue so good luck keeping up with multicolor decks that can outramp it, especially with their 1-2 mana cost removals that will set you back at least 2 turns when you have to pay 6 for the fish on turn 6
>counter reliant for battle power, nothing else like islandwalk or hexproof to protect it from indestructible blockers
Still mad my commander husband's name is just "discover" because he reps the discover mechanic.
more like elose because if you play him you'll lose haha!
So how'd you get around the legend rule for Chimil and Coffin?
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You must be deluge-ional if you think he's weak.
I'm not gonna lie, this post actually made me chuckle
Okay then yeah Animated Army, Blasphemous Act by itself is a must have red card but the total value of like 3 of the cards in that deck outweighs the entirety of Family Matters in terms of Boros cards
I'm guessing you're on a budget because otherwise you'd buy both, but yeah, buy the Raccoon deck and tear it apart to upgrade it into Boros
>Set designed to ruin standard is weaker than set designed to ruin modern
Say it isn't so
Are you a
>buy $30 secret lairs for pretty-looking 10 cent cards

or a
>buy the heavily played, grimiest, ugliest version of an expensive card for a deep discount
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are (you) cool with players playing proxies?
Bargo or Yorion for a blink deck?
dont really care, my first few decks were all proxies
100% the latter. The Magic zoomer fears me. At EDH night, I frequently have to refuse when offered a playmat. People try handing me WotC-approved tokens when I use dice to represent things. All of my reserved list staples like Wheel of Fortune and Earthcraft are dirty and frayed with age.
Yeah, I don't hate proxies, I hate the decks they proxy
If you're proxying the new MH3 Ajani and Ocelot Pride for your Cat Tribal I could care less, but a full proxy Mox set and Gaea's Cradle? Nah. I'm not playing with you unless I also get to proxy a full power deck too.
shieet, I really wanted that Elspeth card...
>I'm guessing you're on a budget because otherwise you'd buy both, but yeah, buy the Raccoon deck and tear it apart to upgrade it into Boros
I tried to avoid frugal ovespending but I'm also blowing my load on the whole booster box so I guess I could get 2 commander decks as well.
so what happened in this rules update
you get to fuck a mouse
I mean yeah Sun Titan and Path to Exile are also Boros staples in the Family Matters but it's kinda insane you don't have, like, ANYTHING, in red and white that's mandatory
In the end it's really up to you since it's your money and I can't force you to buy a deck you don't want but I'm just giving you my opinion on which staples I would prioritize. I doubt the Jeskai deck will sell out faster than the Gruul one unless Pollywog Prodigy just spikes to like $40 or something crazy but again that's just me. Have fun and good luck on your pulls Wojekbro
Apparently Neheb decks got fucked, since Neheb stops giving mana after the first postcombat main phase.
Use tokens anon. It makes the game a better experience for everyone. Don't try to lump tokens in with unnecessarily shiny cards and secondary products not needed
was this update purely for neheb? because I straight up do not give a fuck, if you're doing multiple combats you better just win on the spot
How the fuck do you keep track of your board state without tokens when it's a fucking generic dice it really sounds like you can easily just go "Nuh uh!" and cheat people when they cast a "Destroy all creatures of X type"
you sound insufferable. like a guy bragging about his refusal to use a tooth brush
Of course not. WotC has probably forgotten the character and they make rules changes in detriment to the game.
I draw fresh tokens on index cards, idc if my opponents use dice instead of tokens because if they're gonna be dishonourable then we can simply Not Play with them lol
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damn bro like, you're so different? and i fucking like dat dude like way cool dude. swimming against the (main)stream makes you so fucking hot dude like damn
all i give a shit about
i would play with reserved list cards that literally had nothing but their necessary identifiable rules text and nothing else, no frame no art
>using dice instead of tokens
They aren't offering you those for your sake, it's for theirs. You having some imaginary thing based solely on a die makes it harder to immediately figure out your boardstate from a glance.
the former because I'm not retarded
half the point of the game is collecting art you like
I will admittedly spend $5 on a $1 commander if it has a really pretty showcase art.
For the 99, whatever's cheapest.
100% the point of the game is to play the game thoughever
i would be playing magic if it literally had no flavor no art, just black text on white background with just relevant numbers and rule info
i exclusively play slivers
YEP BBoomer
they speak though
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The only Secret Lair I've ever bought in my entire life was the Phyrexian one (I wanted to buy the first Cat one but I was broke and now it's too expensive)
There's something about playing beat up old cards that makes me go "Yeah it's been through some fierce games but it still gets the job done"
>100% the point of the game is to play the game thoughever
>i would be playing magic if it literally had no flavor no art
you wouldn't, no one would
card games straight up live and die by their art. Just look at artifact, failing because dota characters are ugly as fuck
>i would play with no art
is this a cope? go read a book
>i would be playing the game in x scenario because i just like the mechanics
you are a pedantic retard kys
i barely even look at art in this game, the rules text box is literally the only thing that matters to me 99% of the time
one anon screamed at me and called me a liar or a retard like a month ago because i said id didnt even know the hand on arcane signet was black
the flavor of the game is secondary to my enjoyment and it is so so so far from being close
I use Yorion. Guaranteed value and you can do things like tucking your whole board under the Bird Serpent in response to a wrath. Can also chain Flickerwisp effects to cycle your board every other player turn.

Brago has more combo potential but also needs to connect. If your pods are interaction and blocker light he's got a chance of reaching his ceiling but IMO it's better to just take a sure thing.
not saying what you like is wrong but to claim its 100% of the game's purpose is hyperbolic
so you're just a troll, gotcha, you and everyone else who "totally doesn't care" about art, aesthetic and so on lmfao I bet you're one of the most rabid haters of new magic art too. Mr. I don't care
are you trying to fool us or yourself?
the only reason secret lairs are so profitable is because for the vast majority of players art is a big deal
you're a faggot retard, kill yourself
No you fucking wouldn't because that's just sudoku and no one plays sudoku
aaaaaaaaaaaand a new bait is born
there are lots of games exactly like that
nobody plays them so not sure why you're trying to lie and be cool on the internet
>Play high mana Instant/Sorceries that replace themselves
>Just shit value per turn rotation
>Also big fish
The Ska is Raw.
I was gonna buy the Frank Frazetta secret lair but I forgot. Kinda annoyed about it now, but not too much since they (obviously) didn't use any of the more nude cards
>why yes I've 100% played for years and just never noticed the art on any cards haha!
lmfao this isn't even believable as bait
am the complete opposite of that, i base the whole of my deck building on the falvor of the card, the deck has to aesthetically sinergize or it's not a deck for. the art has to match through and through
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there's also this
Rank the Bloomburrow precons
I was looking at it. Nice mana cost, nice versatility. Only problem I can think of is that I'd probably tap out then discover or cascade into it.
>WotC just nerfed pic related and he can't go infinite anymore
This company is hilariously retarded.
>realize all my decks commanders are from the last 2 years
given I'm newer to mtg and any big baller decks to look into? only older commander i ever see is Krenko
You would not have survived Magic as Richard Garfield intended.
Ur dragon is both popular, old and easy to build
Richard Garfield is a hack. That's why magic "as he intended" never made it past alpha and the other card game he made completely failed
IIRC There is no longer a "postcombat main phase". Cards that reference such are errated to "second main phase", so Neheb can't use extra combats to keep generating additional mana.
see >>93425875
Option 3
>Proxy at deep discount and get art I want because there's no sanctioned EDH events
thank christ, that card is cancer
>all these consoomers defending their secret lair foiled lands
lol thanks but I'll keep using whatever basics I have in my giant box and ordering the worst version of a card off tcgplayer

Thanks for driving down prices with all the pack cracking though pay pigs!
Destiny retconned brothers to be gay lovers because of the headcanon of a schizo faggot. All gay Bolas guy needs to do is get a job with WOTC
>poorfag seethe
Saint 14 and Osiris were never brothers. It's the same way soldiers in war call each other brothers
speaking of destiny wotc did a d&d crossover with them
how long do you think it'll take before that translates into a destiny UB
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Do you use any 3+ mana mana rocks?
Tokens are older than you anon
Cursed mirror and the dragon orbs in Miirym.
Tapped powerstone is underrated.
The tribal anthem rock in bloomburrow is gonna see a lot of use but I like going tall not wide.
Build my boi Urza, he has a lot of deck building space.
This lmao get fucked nehebfags
probably after the marvel UB in 2026
they got some blizzard guy as ceo now so I expect lots of game crossovers to happen
The worst part is that because nobody wants to work at WotC as a writer that's probably not very hard. They pay like dirt and still refuse to give the agreed amount so he probably could just get hired to write it out.
At least the silent hill wikia circumcision guy got fucked.
Yeah, but not many.
I'm fond of that one in particular
they were fags from the start
Neheb wasn't ever anywhere near an issue unless you're the type of player that just durdles all game. The fact they completely changed the card is outstandingly stupid.
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>All my commanders are from 2017 onwards
Powercreep is a bitch
Doesn't go in every deck, but if you're trying to ramp hard and don't have green, it's serviceable
Just like Bolas!
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about damn time
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I keep telling myself it's worth it and I know it's not. Ashnod's Altar is my more serious choice.
What like Hedron Archive and Dreamstone Hedron and Chromatic Orrery and THE THRAN DYNAMO
Not him but Mishra's copy is named Mishra's Warform
Dice are acceptable for keeping track of massive token piles - nobody expects you to have 20 individual treasure tokens on the field after all - but come on, at least one or two for board readability is common courtesy.
>if you don't unnecessarily spend money then you're just a poorfag
Bet you fall for every salesman trick in the book eh?
>Have fun and good luck on your pulls Wojekbro
each coomander deck also gets 2 collector boosters so I will definitely take luck.
I watched video of some faggot unboxing and he got 3 (three) fucking planeswalkers in a single packet
you get to fuck Elspeth mouse
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might put her back in jetmir then
I've recently realized this is me as well and I don't like it. I've sorted a dozen old, really shitty, crept out legends to build around to redeem myself.
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look at this slut
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So apparently they're not actually sure on what to do with Neheb and the like with regards to the wording change. Tabak was mostly talking with regards to cards going forward, not Neheb specifically.
Did Richard Garfield intend for Magic to be played as an one-hundred card singleton multiplayer format, where you need to keep track of multiple board states?
No, retard, it was Adam Staley who invented EDH.
>Zhulodok, the Void Gorger
>zheludok/etc means stomach in bunch of slavic languages
>poorfag tries to cope and pretend he's actually the smart one for being poor
>First and Second Mainphase is easier
>Okay, what do you call any additional Mainphases you might get then?
They 100% printed something they ahouldn't have and are working backwards to fix it.
Well, they've clearly said that any additional main phases are considered the "third/fourth/fifth/etc". The problem is that that wording breaks some interactions with Neheb and a few other cards (not many).
From the company who thought the word "tribal" was offensive.........
Richard Garfield intended for the game to comprise mostly of players getting sacked by rares nobody else had and playing for ante which is exactly the kind of stupidity that led to the YuGiOh anime.
why is this $20
Pre release prices
he's op
As long as the card is still perfectly legible, I don't see a problem.
I thought it was already out kek
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Yes, this is casual lizard tribal, and I'm getting close to the end of hammering out the first version of it. Can I get suggestions on which cards to cut, or similar versions of cards that I can swap cards out for?
>No Murderous Redcap
Literal shit.
Because it's the next based commander
Do you need that much grave retrieval? I can see what it's for, but you might be going hard on it.
What part of casual lizard tribal did you not catch? I don't want to combo a player to death with a loop, because that's boring to me.
link? I don't know half these cards
Put this on mocksfield and then link
mono g squirrels? thoughts?
With who at the helm?
toski probably
Then why are you asking for input? If you aren't buying it to be objectively better, don't ask for suggestions.
What's the cheapest way to get a bunch of EDH staples?
for me, it's an attraction towards shiny, sparkly things.
that being said, mtg probably has the worst foils i've ever seen in a trading card game.
Do you tell every GBx deck to run Witherbloom Apprentice and Chain of Smog?
ebay lots or facebook groups
mpcfill or an office printer
Why did this card become some thread meme, anyway? I don't get it. Was it just one guy sperging it was bad?
Squirrels can do fine in Mono G. I like to play them BG though. One of my dumb decks is Squirrels+Zombie Support, tutoring for Conspiracy so that all Squirrels are now Zombies.
Those aren't universal staples. Redcap directly synergizes with your commander. It's also never bad to have an end the game button. It's ok to not want to run combos, but don't be shitty with people offering suggestions.
>tutoring for
Just tutor for your infinite combo like everyone else.
Cards you should add
>Party Thrasher, Lizard Blades, Gila Courser, Overclocked Electromancer, Thorned Moloch
Cards you should remove
>Scorch Spitter, Riveteers Requisitioner, Viashinos (they ain't lizards)
I won't comment on your mana base or anything else because I assume this is budget and for fun
No, but I'd tell every Kimba Kha deck to run Commander's Plate.
I'm not the guy asking.
It's a three card combo (still requires a free sac outlet), has no other synergy outside that context, and isn't particularly interesting to win with. I'm not opposed to having an I Win button but something like Craterhoof at least has to respect the existing game state.
Also they're very clearly trying to do a janky tribal deck, this isn't cutthroat chasing of win percentage. Otherwise the advice would be "there are better Rakdos decks" or "there are better decks"
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How do you cope with the fact your friend group is simply too shit to function properly?
It feels like the effort and energy I put into building decks is pointless when nobody adapts to their weaknesses in decks or gameplay, and they instead just get pissed off.
That's cool. I didn't recommend the card to him either, he was just being unnecessarily shitty. He should post a link
>Craterhoof at least-
It's literally no different, and it's absolutely not "better" than a combo that is entirely in synch with your Commander. If you aren't playing your wincons to your Commander's strengths, why are you even playing the Commander in the first place?
I build more decks and shitpost here, mostly. I long since accepted that I put more time/money into magic than the rest of my playgroup put together, and so I need to always make sure that the very act of spending that time is rewarding and interesting to me. I play my decks, I usually win, I make decks that are worse out of the scraps I have laying around until I lose, I improve those decks, they buy a new precon, life goes on.
Self-imposed restrictions are fun
You see there's this human concept called "fun"
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>girl joins playgroup
>she has a cat deck
Looks fun. Only remotely interesting commander of the set.
Given what I've heard about girls I'm more surprised it's not a dog deck
If you know, you know
>Murderous Redcap
how do these combo?
Not when your wincon boils down to, "Turn creatures sideways to win " which literally every single deck in existence has the capacity to do. EDH players are so ass backwards over their idea of fun. If your wincons has little to do with the Commanser itself, it begs the question why you even bother with the format when you may as well just play any other format where turning dudes sideways is the main gameplan for most decks.
Maximum passive aggressiveness/rudeness alongside "accidents" that aren't accidents (like spilling things on them)
reading the card explains the card
>no counterspells? I do this loop a million times so I win
is very different from
>I was able to grow and protect my boardstate while preventing the opponents from growing a superior one throughout the game while working towards my win condition
so cool to have your entire deck invalidated by a change no one ever asked for and that serves no real point.
Infinite Persist triggers with a free sac outlet. The Recap does the damage, the Commander resets the Persist -1/-1 counter, and the free sac outlet let's you repeat it infinite times.
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+1/+1 and -1/-1 counters cancel each other out. If you have a sac outlet and Gev in play; Redcap comes in and plunks someone for 2 with the ETB. Sac Redcap. It persists, coming back with a -1/-1 counter. Gev has Redcap enter with a +1/+1 counter because an opponent has lost life this turn, so it enters with no counters on it. Plunk someone for 2 with the ETB. Repeat until the table is dead.
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>nooo what do you mean i have to actually play the fucking game now
okay, with a free sac outlet, i was looking for that
I thought the guy said it was a 2 card combo so i was very confused
No, it really isn't.
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>Chaining combat steps to play a fuckhuge spell isn't playing the game
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>start losing
>get actually sad
Playing the same two tutors for the same two combo pieces every game so you can win regardless of the board state is, in fact, very different.
The fact that people think tutoring for the same combo each game is fun boggles my mind. Aggro has always been the best way to play magic
It'd be weird to care about something and not feel emotions. It's all about making sure you can process them and remember it is ultimately just a game.
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this is why i dont play fighting games i fully admit i'm a salty bitch
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cats are based
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I love my creatures. Board wipes make me upset.
>Playing 4 cards for a combo very few other cards are able to synergize in a similar manner is more fun than playing 4 + of the same card type that all ostensibly function the exact same way
Aggro is quite literally doing one game action for the bulk majority of your cardboard, and looks borderline identical to every other deck that runs the same strategy. Combos at the bare minimum take up less than 6 slots.
Viashino actually are lizards now, because of the type update in MH3.
So in a format where you have 100 cards in a deck, you'd rather have two cards that win you the game every time regardless of what's happening and a dozen tutors to make sure you always have them, than 100 cards that all work together towards a common synergistic goal throughout the course of a game?
>Deck is 99% silly lizard tribal
>Except you have a random out of tribe instant win combo
Actual cancer
Redcap does not synergize with his commander at all lmao. Infinite isn't a synergy
>combat, burn, value engines, hatebears, going tall, going wide, it's all the same
>my two card combo that loops infinitely until everyone but me is dead is completely unique from the other two card combos that loop infinitely until everyone but me is dead
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>opponent t2 pithing needles my commander
>get actually angry for the rest of the night
>end up tactically scooping to fuck him over
Fuck you Jerry
Redcap synergizes with his Commander better than anything else he has in that decklist, and that's completely ignoring the lack of a sac outlet to make it go infinite. I can tell you're new to the game if you sincerely think mechanics aren't synergy.
He does not synergize with the commander even remotely anon
>Admits the combo is only 2 cards
>Thinks the 97 other cards can't possibly be combat, burn, value engines, hatebears, going tall, going wide
So which is it.
Dude wants to play lizard tribal not some combo bullshit, you sound like the same faggot that keeps saying Eluge is bad because it can't combo
Hey buddy can you just post your list so I can help you?
>Aggro has always been the best way to play magic
No. Combat math is tedious and boring, and aggro decks are trying to cheese wins in the early turn with very little removal or interaction. I know you actually mean midrange based on what you're describing and that's even worse; just value piles and generic overtuned cards with no thought required. Hard control isnt much better because it's just card advantage math, but tempo decks and combo decks are where you critically engage with the mechanics of the game in the most stimulating way. When you break it down, every deck is just a tempo deck or a combo deck. Summoning your stupid boys is either a combo that takes multiple turns for a big climactic turn, or a tempo strategy where you try to "stun" your opponent long enough to grind out the game, and I'd much rather play a strong combo deck than a weak or boring one.
wait really, source on that?
infinite combos are gay
Eluge is bad for like 10 reasons and we can tell you're stupid by the generalization and lack of understand as to why.
infinite combos are based
>Admits the combo is only 2 cards
Yes. Being able to pull a win out of your ass because you have two cards that just automatically win you the game no matter how shittily you've been playing is gay. Having an entire strategy built around pulling the instant win cards out of your ass every game is technically a strategy, but it is obscenely gay.

If you're playing an actual deck and just happen to have an infinite in there that you draw into once in a while, that's arguably better, but still really gay if you're losing and just topdeck the automatic win cards.

This is genuinely retarded. There is no interaction with infinite combos. It's only midrange decks that actually engage with the mechanics.
>but tutoring is a mechanic and you need to know which two cards go infinite so that's strategic
You are a retard.
>Uhm, acksually if you blow up all of this deck's lands, they ALSO lose their commander so it's unplayable garbage
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Can't find an article source but here's a gatherer screenshot.

Also Naga got removed and replaced with Snake, and Cephalids are now Octopuses.
If you're doing tournaments or something, do infinite combos. It's boring but effective if you're just trying to get prizes or whatever.
If you're actually playing the game with people, just ask if they want to do things cutthroat or if they want to play the game out properly.
well that is fucked I hope they reprint everything to update it
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Some poor bastards never even got a printing where they were a Viashino, and never will.
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>Redcap deals damage on ETB, which results in life loss
>Gev checks for Life Loss and applies benefits to cards that ETB for it

>Persist means that if the creature would die, it reenters the battlefield with a -1/-1 counter, which means the Murderous Redcap would enter with a +1/+1 counter and cancel out the -1/-1, meaning it could reactivate Persist again, further expanding Gev's counter generation for turn

Literally the largest chunk of text is directly tied to Gev's most impactful ability. You don't even need to go infinite to turn this into an engine. Redcap now because an extremely easy to activate Deadly Dispute target that doesn't actually cost you any resources to sac and furthers your ganeplan for Gev.

You're actually fucking retarded if you don't think Redcap is an autoinclude for the deck that opens a shitload of synergy.
You should probably play a format that doesn't warp it's rules 100% in the favor of combos then.
>midrange fan is assblasted by the truth
You engage with the combo before it's assembled, like exodia. Trying to solve it afterwards is just low skill and dumb.

Yes. Or the fact that you have to swing to get an additional counter and it has no protection. Or that you can never get a greater discount than the number of lands you control. Or that the flood counters do nothing outside of the discount. Really, I could go on, but this has already been proven.
brb writing 'viashino' in sharpie on my zirilan
Literally no synergy whatsoever you don't understand what the word means
>just use more removal, and always have it
If you claim to be playing midrange, then you u ironically should. That's one of the literal pillers of a midrange deck.
Yes, that's how midrange decks, tempo decks, and hard control decks work.
Same with this goy and hideaway. Used to be that you put the cards in any order you like under the Library, but now they decided to be absolute bitches about it and made it random.
I still play it like i constructed it of course
Ah, cybersnap posted a new video. At least he combed his fucking hair this time.
>have one deck I like
>have zero interest in building or playing any other decks
>friends don't like playing against my one deck because it's too finely tuned
Feels bad.
>Really, I could go on, but this has already been proven.

>Make a bunch of dumb arguments and declare victory
He's still playable without hideaway
Read the thread bucko. Or, if you have another opinion, explain it.
of course they do this shit 5 minutes after they printed a "postcombat mainphase" trigger. what the fuck are they doing?
Lol so you ARE the same faggot
of course he is, but there arent many bottom deck manipulations to begin with. the rule change just diminishes the options, so i ignore it. its not like he is ridiculously strong anyways
Since the Gevfag finally gave up, no, I'm the fag that says Eluge is okay but should almost exusively be played as a Land-Go commander that looks to play mid-high cost Instants that cantrip, extra turns, and Islandwalk.
forgot pic related
Not the same one who gave deck advice, I could give a fuck about that, but yes the same one who explained why a poorly designed card is no better than a low powered casual commander.
i mean i assume sorin still works
Still building Eluge
No one said you couldnt, just dont be mad if it's bad.
thats true, but its still super moronic to do this just after a fresh printing of this very rare wording
The fun is in how you get enough dudes turned sideways through other people's dudes, while stopping their dudes from doing enough to you. Interaction, buildup, and politicking are where the gameplay is. Racing who can tutor their I-win combo first is not my idea of fun.
Everything but the last sentence is accurate and it's hilarious that you're so close to the truth but so far away. Apply the same logic to the combo.
How do I build her? Too many garbage activated abilities to sift through.
Most of my decks are pretty wierd. They have to be fun to pilot and play against, otherwise I won't play them. I shy away from popular commanders and goodstuff cards.
>wife has a cat deck
>it's not actually tribal
>girl joins playgroup
>has a dragon deck
>says it's a budget deck so it has a lot of "bad dragons"
>think nothing of it at first but then she uses the term a few more times throughout the night
>notice she smirks every time she says it
At least it's not a real kind of animal.
Every single magic-playing woman I have met who plays edh has a cat deck without fail. Sample size of like 3 but still.
That's how you know she more blown out than a microwaved hotdog.
People sit on their boards until they either get flying or unblockable, then toss a late game Craterhoof. Quit acting like the combat step sees even half the play it should.
I'd argue that's still too much representation. Creatures are the worst part of magic.
That's why you have decks that have to attack to function.
Doesn't work well within the 100-card singleton format because you can't get the kind of consistency you get in 60 card formats. Especially if more than one opponent is playing combo. On top of each player having double normal starting life, giving combo players more time to assemble their pieces.

The traditional EDH way to handle this is politicking, where the players not playing combo all decide to team up on the combo player.
What was her commander?
No, it doesn't work well, because like every other single issue the plagues EDH, 40 starting life is fucking retarded. Tossing a piece of removal to throw off a player for two turns should be enough to end someone if you have a couple midrange creatures on board, but people get to just eat the hits and continue on like nothing happened for absolutely no reason.
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why would you want to play a deck you did no work to build anon
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>mfw I play cats because they're in the MLD color and have a 2drop with infect
>have all the catgirls in my arabo/kaheera deck
Lol, lmao
I just want a boros deck, but I don't want equipments or something similar to a deck I already have, or something crazy oppressive. She seems good, but I've looked through hundreds of cards, and there really don't seem to be many that work well with her. Best ones I found are "you and target opponent draw a card" for like 4 mana.
>wahhhh my midrange creatures arent 20/20's for 2 mana help me maro
The way to stop combo is stax. Or hatebears. Or targeted discard.
>Just play Grief in EDH beacuse your opponent might be playing a 2-card combo
True and honest thoughts on squirrels in Magic?
Yeah, just looked. Most of the good cards for her are super expensive.
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Except they don't work as cEDH demonstrates. It's very easy to go infinite even if your opponents are running stax pieces.

Anons, I tried to update my Saruman deck a bit. Can you guys take a look and give me suggestions?
In my good friend Trump's own words: L tribal.
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>played my theft deck right after that change
>someone cast whelming wave to try and get rid of my board
>it's all clones of cephalid facetaker so I don't touch a thing
>mfw he tries to call me out for lying about the change and the judge tells him it's real
So why the fuck was everybody and their mother in Thunder Junction
Did they not have better things to do on their home planes, I mean some of them make sense, but
Isn't Marchesa an actual queen, why is she mucking about there
Whoops, wrong post
It was a bs do nothing cameo set made by people who do not give a single shit about established lore (ie. everyone working at wotc).
The reason is largely that it's just easy to get there. It's a safe 'first plane' for people going through Omenpaths to get through because Omenpaths leading to and from it are unusually stable and numerous.
There's not many specific reasons as to why most characters are there (Oko's gang was all there because they were hired specifically, sans Kellan who went there to find Oko, and Annie who was there to get away from her old life, Gonti's apparently managed to weasel into having an official Kaladeshi government position and is using that to establish a power-base off of Kaladesh, Olivia's literally just on a vacation, but that's basically it because we didn't get a Legends Of article), but you can infer reasons in the general categories of "power grab", "making connections" and "wanderlust" for most.
First alter. Would you cringe if I put this on the table or is it cool?
Yes but only cause you're an idiot
That all said, I'm still not a fan of the execution, because there was never a really clear central 'reason' for people being there (the Vault was there, but that was only Oko's crew's goal and Akul', nobody else cared), so it just felt like people were there just to be there.
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Forgot pic
Cringe, no. I also probably wouldn't ask to see it either. Keep it up and keep improving, anon.
I'm going to be totally honest anon, I probably wouldn't even notice it across the table unless someone brought attention to it.
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Thanks senpai, I will. Just a low effort first draft to warm up.
I believe in you, anon.
You've just learned that other planes are real, that you're the smallest fish in an incredibly large pond, and that most planes have extremely weird or hostile magic that is leeching out through the omenpaths and will absolutely murder the unprepared. I think I'd also take a vacation if I had the ability to get out of dodge.
That looks awful, dude. Terrible color choices, and you definitely need to get better with a brush.
Lots of improvment needed, but keep at it, you'll get there.
thin your paints my man
going through the skull's eyehole is a cute touch though
Yeah, I can buy the refugee-types coming from recently-ravaged planes that're still recovering from the invasion, that's all acceptable. A lot of the villain types are just there because it's the 'villain set'. Marchesa is really the one that most people are hung up about, but Marchesa making a power grab on a new plane is entirely within reason.
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The mid-design pivot from being a villain set to needing another identity definitely strained the lore and the setting, but it's also not uncommon for characters with access to multiple planes to murderhobo their way around trying to find power for power's sake. I won't pretend it was well-handled, but I certainly liked it more than MKM
What the fuck do niggas think mana grows on trees?
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Do any of you chinks want to buy a foil Jade Leech?
Speaking of Ob Nixilis, why the fuck wasn't he in OTJ? Tezzeret I can forgive being left out because I'm like 90% sure he's gonna make a big return in Death Race, but Ob's just fucking around on New Capenna.
MKM was just a muddled mess of nothing. OTJ was at least doing the wild west stuff cleanly, even if it didn't do much WITH it. MKM didn't know what it wanted to be.
If I had to speculate and give the writers more credit than they're due, he's keeping his head down looking for a way to reclaim his spark again. It's not the first time he's been planar locked and someone who has been around the block as much as him likely stashed a contingency somewhere.

He's also in the top three for "dumb enough to try and temporal reset Tarkir again"
I've said it before and I'll say it again, MKM's setting makes 200% more sense if it's set on New Capenna with the vanguard of the angelic police trying to actually instill order and rule of law again.
I mean, very strong chance that time travel fuckery is Jace and Vraska's whole plan, but things will Go Wrong and then, I dunno, the Fomori take centre stage, or it's a villain versus villain thing, I dunno.
MKM's setting is frankly irrelevant to its execution. It didn't know what kind of murder mystery genre it was doing. It didn't know if it was a great detective mystery story, or a police procedural, or Scooby-Doo, or a classic whodunnit, or what. And it didn't commit hard enough to any of them, so it just had a lot of confusing pulls in different directions. Mystery's not like gothic horror where you can slam all of it together and it'll still all gel well.
Jace/Vraska as a pair are top 5, but I see Sarkhan going for the salty runback and Nahiri doing an insane gambit to save Zendikar as more likely.
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Ehh it's okay in all honesty but I'd go a bit darker green on the shade, swamps should be murky green like sludge since they fuel the undead, demons and spirits
We'll see what the fuck goes down when we do return to Tarkir, but they clearly know that people liked Khans over Dragons (broadly), and they want to push things back somewhat to Khans. It might be time travel nonsense that does that, might be just progression of the present (Silumgar is NOT surviving), etc.
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Only a spoonful!
My moonshot is that Tarkir is somehow Alara's past, and trying to re-establish the clans is what breaks the shards apart
No, that's dumb.
that has stopped the writers zero times
We're more likely to just never learn why exactly Alara was shattered (we know it was some planeswalker that did it), same way we'll likely never learn what else is on Amonkhet, or why it has that undead curse on it (Bolas didn't do that, plane was just like that).
I like them very much. They're silly, but actually playable. Like a number of other things in Magic.
Edgar needs to eat his meat or he doesn't get his pudding.
She's not wearing pants
>want esper deck
>spirit theme
>almost no thematic commanders
>find two
>saruman of many colours
>wernog + hargilde
neither of those fit what i have in mind
does anyone have ideas on how to fix this?
Rakdos lizard tribe

Just play millicent

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